Gaza War – Solutions and Settlement

January 17, 2024

Gaza War

Solutions and Settlement

Padmini Arhant

Update: Jan 18, 2024. 

EU Parliament (?) votes 312 votes in favor, 131 against and 72 abstentions on Gaza war reportedly on the outlined conditions.

European Parliament website:

“MEPs demand that all hostages are immediately and unconditionally released and the terrorist organisation Hamas is dismantled.”

EU – The Origin and Purpose

Synopsis – Gaza war permanent ceasefire and peaceful resolution is possible upon United States ceasing funding and facilitation of war since October 7, 2023 until now.

The United States democrat administration and bipartisan Congress having authorized and transmitted initially $2 billion increased to $14 billion not including U.S. military aid deployed by Israel in the bombardment and decimation of Palestinian population and Gaza enabled and exacerbated the war. 

Who is actually financially footing the extraordinary violent aggression in Gaza?

None other than the ordinary American taxpayer against their will expressed in non-violent dissent and protests since October 7, 2023 till date.

What does this say about politics rejecting the will of the people appointing them and funding their positions to office?

Politics action in this regard and similar situations explicitly demonstrate they do not represent the republic who are also the electorate.

Instead they are set on their violent goals heeding monetary incentives from pro-war and pro-Zionist ideology lobby.

There is no reflection on or resistance to repeating usual impulsive military interventions conflating the involvement in the region currently happening in the Red Sea against Houthis in Yemen.

Now, the United States is drawn into simultaneous 3D warfare in Ukraine, Gaza and Yemen. Again the Democrat administration and bipartisan Congress joint actions are behind prolonging the Ukraine and Gaza war with Yemen in opposition to Palestinian Genocide by Israeli political and military authorities are engaged in the conflict.

Although, the civilian deaths in Gaza in alarming proportion continued with children not even sparing infants in incubators,

Ironically, the false scenario hatched to invade Iraq in 2003 accusing the former President Saddam Hussein of such indulgence is the reality in Gaza right now.

The United States funded Israeli onslaught declining international call to desist annihilation of innocent citizens in Gaza and the rest of whatever is left as Palestinian territory clearly indicative of nothing ever change in the mindset of those resigned to bloodshed and perpetual destruction of people and property in foreign land.

The Gaza war was jumpstarted by the United States administration and Congress foreign policy via funding and weaponization of Israel abandoning Ukraine having created political and economic collapse in that nation through real violent insurrection in 2014 in Kiev on world view toppling then democratically elected government at that time.

When the same forces then reining control in the U.S. administration pursuing war mongering are in-charge of contemporary offshore upheavals, the status quo is not going to be any different from that period other than the conditions worsening for the victims in the war zone besides draining American taxpayer funding the indefinite carnage.

The buck started with United States in front line on Gaza war and,

Accordingly the buck stops with United States to end the condemnable genocide in Gaza.

As for the political members in Israeli Knesset proposal on forceful evacuation / relocation of 90% Palestinians to other parts of the world citing the gesture as “correct, just, moral and humane solution” are offered the following in return.

Why not these members in Israeli politics obviously having problems in peaceful resolutions and permanent dispute settlement with Palestinians for a free independent sovereign Palestine relocate to destinations of their choice in the world upon acceptance from the other side?

That would be ideal to both Israeli and Palestinian citizens held hostage to Zionist doctrine alongside liberating Judaism, Christianity and Islam from persistent abuse in the decades old heresy.

Further details on the topic to follow in presentation.

Padmini Arhant



New Year 2024 Greetings!

January 15, 2024

New Year 2024 Greetings!

Padmini Arhant

COVID19 – Confirmation on Source and Origin Update 2024

COVID 19 Revelation coming into fruition in 2024

Former National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director Dr. Francis Collins admitted to members of Congress last week that the coronavirus lab leak theory was in fact credible, despite his claims in 2021, in which he called it a “distraction.”

Collins made the admission during a closed-door, 7-hour interview on Friday with the House Select Committee on Coronavirus Pandemic, echoing testimony from Dr. Anthony Fauci, who was the public face of the U.S. coronavirus pandemic response.

The subcommittee’s chairman, Rep. Brad Wenstrup, R-Ohio, released the key takeaways from the interview with Collins, saying he served as Fauci’s “boss.”

Human Inhumane Conduct

December 27, 2023

Human Inhumane Conduct

Padmini Arhant

Face the Reality – No matter who is on whomsoever side in warfare, when civilians in the targeted zone and the aggressors’ own defense personnel loss of lives have been mounting in alarming proportion, the deaths and devastation inflicted do not represent victory for those with such objective.

Israel and United States together with other active and passive partners have long lost the war on Gaza.

Having murdered several thousand children in air strikes, missiles and bombs not barring the use of white phosphorous, thousands orphaned, displaced and denied basic survival needs…all of which carried out by the belligerent forces i.e. Israel and United States plus coalition, there is only one absolute certainty i.e. imminent judgment on all of these gross violations with excruciating journey and prolonged suffering awaiting the guilty.

The unforgivable punishable to the fullest extent crime against unarmed innocent civilians and children appropriate to those behind the brutal military intervention lasting over two months since October 7, 2023 is the incontrovertible outcome.

In the cosmic sphere, justice might be delayed however never denied to victims of genocide and evil actions thus far.

The birth of Free and Peaceful Palestine  is inevitable and martyrs sacrifice would not be in vain.

Padmini Arhant 

The root of all evil in London since time immemorial need to understand if there is such capability within, the wickedness, callousness and connivance behind the strategy dumping complete strangers’ and anyone for that matter – their biography, history and identity from anywhere and wherever possible to malign me – has been called out several times and the nuance, innuendos and insinuations proven ludicrous and insane.

The desperate identity swap / theft is hideous hack in the hijacking of indisputable non-transferable DNA unique to every individual even among family of any and all species around since world creation, now and in the future. The irrevocable immutable feature is pertinent to one’s KARMA as well.

The malicious doctrine to indoctrinate against me is futile and plain idiocy. The unprecedented criminality further expose the guilty politics and complicity from those bribed and incentivized expediting collective jeopardy. 

Reminder to criminality bearing standard to excess baggage – your KARMA is entirely and exclusively yours and don’t exacerbate your sins by evading responsibility on all things that are related and associated to you and your life.

Running away from oneself to scapegoat other is open declaration of guilt laden with deceit and self-humiliation.

Human inhumane conduct is human behavioral legacy and inherent trait among those who indulge in such practice.

The long held tradition since human population origin until now ironically worsened in modern era. Unfortunately, social progress is inverse to other developments by mankind.

The ill-treatment of other humans by human race largely emanate from ignorance, poor or lack of understanding linked to zero to minimal emotional intelligence.

The other aspect is superiority complex which is typically inferiority syndrome instilled in deep insecurity, self-hatred and no self-esteem…these characteristics impetus anger and frustration reflected in an array of discrimination against their targets affecting the source with self-inflicted wound and guilt ridden existence sustained beyond life.

Their life is fraught with revenge and vendetta driven violence with no end in sight. The purpose in life with such mindset often leads to self-destruction in the end justifying the means unheeding humane choices and settling for reckless ruthless engagement.

None are absolved of their burden of sins especially the ones committed with hostility and harmful intentions ranging from belittling to dehumanization and diverse severe violations ignoring inevitable serious ramifications without exception.

No immunity can possibly provide exemptions on the imminent judgment against acrimonious abusive track record upon departure from the world.

Living with no regrets for all the wrongdoings and crimes throughout life is inescapable prison confronted with own conscience key witness to unconscionable actions in lifetime.

The defiance to treat others as they expect to be treated by them is clarification on incorrigible disposition much to self and collective degradation within similar social framework contrasting civilized culture.

Not to mention the pejorative attitude and approach amongst those exemplify the absence of human value, the essence of human character evidently irrelevant in the self-detrimental course delivering indignation and incrimination.

The phenomenal failure to be human is the recognizable tragedy in the dilemma to be or not to be HUMANE despite the undeniable reality applicable to entire human species as follows.

Except for karma / ones’ deeds nothing else accompany the soul in birth and death that determine the destination in the solo journey.

Padmini Arhant

Peace to Free Palestine

December 2, 2023

Peace to Free Palestine

Padmini Arhant

No Ceasefire – No taxes for bombs and violence against innocent children and civilian population. Stop funding wars, depopulation and ethnic cleansing.

Is this Israel’s definition of the so-called self-defense backed by the United States against majority American taxpayers and electorate will?

The former ex-minister of justice (?) in Israel elaborating the grand sports arena plan for soccer field in Gaza citing God’s help is gross misconception.

God and humans alike humane in nature vehemently oppose the preposterous illegal land seizure in and around the region, the controversial legacy by Israel since establishment in 1948 on Palestine.

FYI – Western and coalition with Israel – the politics and media in particular feigning naïveté on the developments in Palestine besides Israel and partners joint ongoing graveyard mission in Gaza i.e. Genocide and blatant crimes against Palestinians are the following.

At the onset and thereafter October 7, 2023 setting the stage for United States funded Israel’s onslaught in Gaza,

The series of events on Israel – Palestine issue is fundamentally facilitated by Israel’s apartheid via illegal occupation, colonization and settlements in the continued 75 years of human rights abuse.

The latest Hamas taking Israeli hostages on Oct 7, 2023 made possible by Israeli leadership Benjamin Netanyahu, the IDF and Israeli intelligence ignoring adequate warnings from within and outside Israel.

Juxtaposed, Israel’s abduction and incarceration of over 6000 or more Palestinian minors and youth both men and women locked up without due process barring family and legal contacts for nearly and / or over a decade holding these detainees in inhumane manner in Israel’s Guantanamo bay setting in fact serving as the prototype for United States Guantanamo Bay on Cuban island is perhaps not a subject matter for the western media and politics backing Israel’s apartheid while condemning anyone determined by western politics as rogue regimes in the rest of the world.

Relevantly, in the course of half-hearted measly seven days truce after intense international pressure and global citizens outcry for ceasefire – slighted with Israel’s resumption of Gaza bombing and air strikes at United States approval, 

The exchange of Hamas held hostages and Israel imprisoned Palestinian minors as young as ten-year-old and younger and men and women youth detainees in Israeli prison – the disparity is alarming.

For every Israeli hostage released by Hamas,

Israel’s response to freeing Palestinian youth was outnumbered by Israeli authorities simultaneous apprehension of Palestinian youth an estimate of nearly 3,500 in Jenin and West Bank subsequent to October 7, 2023.

Israel’s Zionist Nazi policy of human rights violations in the Palestinian territory not in Hamas governance rather under Israel’s control including Gaza and East Jerusalem i.e. entire Israel occupied Palestine merit serious global attention and discussion.

The illegal detention of Palestinians in all prisons to be released unconditionally without further deterrence and delay.

Such atrocities have no place in human society lacking moral humanitarian and ethical principles by a state touted as the only democracy in the Middle East.

Notwithstanding the sheer contrast in treatment of Israeli hostage by Hamas accounted by the released Israeli hostages as kind and hospitable providing food, water and essential needs unlike Israel’s abuse of Palestinian detainees in Israel’s prison verifiable in Israel denying food, water, medicines, electric power, internet service much to international denouncement since October 7, 2023 till date is in sync with Israel’s long held siege of Gaza with unilateral blockade and deprivation of basic facilities to the people in Gaza.

Israel’s ban on released Israeli hostages from speaking to own Israeli radio, television and social media on Hamas hospitality to Israeli hostages speak volume on who is who in the human rights violations.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claiming credit for the Israeli hostages release during interim truce absolving self from responsibility conversely blaming IDF top authority entirely aroused internal fireworks in the cause and effects of Oct 7, 2023.

The incident serving as the premise for the Gaza war despite Israel’s ulterior unlawful expansionism openly divulged by Israel’s political members from all sides of political party clarify state of affairs.

Last but not the least, the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated goal on Gaza – elimination of Hamas until now proved as ethnic cleansing of innocent children, women, youth, elderly, the sick and the able…comprising the Palestinian community and forceful displacement of over million Gazan, West Bank and Jenin residents into refugee camps apparently is just the beginning of the broader agenda revealed in the public statements directly from the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu in the above visual content.

Amidst Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the PM appointed war cabinet extensive war plan against Gaza pledged in the video and public discourse by the Israeli leadership with little or no care for any human lives – not only Palestinian civilians,

The extended warfare involves the conscripted young Israeli IDF personnel in the battle ground in Gaza already many of whom fallen victims together with some remaining Israeli hostages in Israeli air strikes and indiscriminate aerial bombing as well as in the ground combat situation.

There are some IDF senior command officers reported by Israeli media as having absconded from the battle field due to hostile conditions in the United States’ financed and militarily bolstered Israel bombardment in Gaza. 

Obviously, the situation is grim and grave in general for all in the collective punishment strategy by Israel and United States as the primary ally along with others complicit in the humanitarian crisis bearing heavily on Israel in the process of punishing Gazan and Palestinian citizens in entirety.

The poignant question to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is –

Where is the Prime Minister’s next of kintwo sons and a daughter missing in action with abstinence from the battle?

With one of them relocated from Israel to the United States to evade libel suit at home.

Meanwhile, the PM Benjamin Netanyahu determined to prolong deadly war on Gaza calling 360,000 reservists since October 7, 2023 deploying conscripted and commissioned IDF personnel – (the family members of Israeli citizens) on the ground and air as inevitable casualties in the senseless military aggression.

That’s politics protecting own life and members of the family with the rest of the society expected to fall in line for wayward political aspirations in the conspicuous self-defense from corruption scandals and political upheaval confronting the Israeli Prime Minister and family.

Above all, the American taxpayer is delegated to foot the bill on the warfare to satisfy the egregious ill-conceived transparent Israel’s objectives in defiance of any and all laws that are otherwise applicable to others in the world.

Padmini Arhant

Gaza – Permanent Ceasefire Critical

November 30, 2023


Permanent Ceasefire Critical

Padmini Arhant

Let there be no more politics on human life.

Any war is brutal, barbaric and downright criminal.

The war in Gaza, Ukraine and anywhere for political, strategic and economic interests are merciless and indiscriminate exercising disproportionate military aggression showing little or no concern for civilians burdened with generational suffering.

The political and military might exerted over reason and rationality strip human status in dehumanizing children and their families forcibly sentenced to victimhood in carpet bombing and continuous air strikes lasting nearly two months now.

Gaza permanent ceasefire is not an option but a necessity heeding emergency situation and massive humanitarian meltdown brought upon the innocent children, women and Palestinians en masse.

The six days extended into seventh day truce enabling exchange of Israeli hostages and Palestinian children i.e. minors in their teens and even younger long held in Israel’s administrative detention center lasting over a decade in many detainees case besides facilitating humanitarian assistance in the decimated Gaza seemingly brought necessary respite to victims all around.

The present truce subjected to intense diplomatic negotiations for extension prolonged into permanent ceasefire is critical to help Gazans heal and recover from the immense pain and suffering through deaths and devastation inflicted via United States funded and provided financial aid $14.5 billion and massive military artillery used by Israel since Oct 7, 2023 until date.

The flow of humanitarian provisions reaching the Palestinian population sheltered in make-shift tents due to forced displacement / Nakba and relentless shelling of their homes nearing two months of Israeli military aggression backed by the United States is the priority to save lives from starvation, dehydration and combative environment.

The diplomatic efforts to continue truce is appreciative and reflect the gravity of the Gaza war in every front.

The loss of lives with children casualties in particular alongside women, youth, elderly – the entire innocent civilians targeted and slaughtered in the air strikes and heavy bombing for nearly two months now.

The Gaza war has also flared into the Red Sea with skirmishes originating from the Houthis in Yemen reminiscing own experience from endless war in their domain and anxious over Palestinians catastrophic situation exacerbated following United States backed Israel’s military bombardment in Gaza.

Without a shadow of doubt, the United States freeze on American taxpayer fund in $$$ billions along with suspension of offensive arsenal to Israel would end this Gaza war instantaneously considering the onslaught started with United States, western i.e. EU and some non-western coalition from day one until now.

The anti-war pro-saving lives citizens need to persistently convey the message to the United States administration and Congress on both sides of the aisle not to expend American taxpayer $$$ on graveyard mission in Gaza by Israel slaying babies and infants reducing hospitals to rubbles and hitting ambulances denying urgent humanitarian requirements from reaching the desperate dying civilians in Gaza.

The sane responsible taxpayer would decline their tax money being used for genocide taking place in Gaza with several thousands civilians killed in the collective punishment citing the so-called self-defense.

The taxpayer funded politics heeding the former as the electorate as well are incumbent to respect life of the Palestinians, their inalienable right to exist in their homeland Gaza and the rest of Palestine and other members sharing the dilemma.

The United States and ally Israel implementing long lasting ceasefire is extremely important taking all matter into account.

Ceasefire continuation in Gaza is the priority to prevent the horrific violence claiming nearly 16,000 civilians of whom 5000 children martyred thus far.

The United States and global citizens relentless campaign to end Gaza war meanwhile maintaining humanitarian supply to restore and rebuild Palestinian lives are paramount ending the siege and warfare against Gaza.

Relevantly, the release of all Palestinian detainees in Israel’s prison held without due process over decades in return for remaining Israeli hostages accompanied by indefinite cessation of warfare by Israel is the viable resolution for further peace and progress in the crisis.

Peace to Palestine.

Free Palestine.

Padmini Arhant 

Message for Children of Palestine

November 17, 2023

Message for Children of Palestine

Padmini Arhant

To: The Dear Children of Palestine,

God never lets down the genuinely faithful trusting the Supreme force to help and permanently heal in the most painful and testing situations especially you – the dear children of Palestine enduring right now.

Your sacrifices will not be in vain. No matter how many tons of bombs and air strikes fall on you, aimed at you the innocent, weak and vulnerable children, old and young women, men, the ill and able…are actually received by God.

The aggressors and those feigning empathy while being directly involved in inflicting deaths and devastation will be individually and collectively held to justice by Almighty God.

Their KARMA will not be erased however they try to manipulate and maneuver their crimes against you as the humanity.

Your tragedy and misery will end with a new beginning for you – the resilient precious children of Palestine.

The message from God evident in your tolerance and persistence to maintain your faith is you are not alone.  Your liberation and independence is certain in accordance with God’s will.

In dying from this unjust unfair gross violence against you, your return to Free Palestine with freedom and individual liberty is definite in the world created and ultimately decided by God on all matter.

God Bless the Children and the population of Palestine with strength, fortitude and eternal peace!

Padmini Arhant 

P.S. Please share the message with the grieving children and families in Palestine – also please rush assistance to them to save lives and aid the wounded in the war zone. 

Thank you – the good souls of humanity at large.

Politics Failure in Ending Wars

November 10, 2023

Politics Failure in Ending Wars

Padmini Arhant

Quit wicked crooked politics and identity misappropriation once and for all. United States and cronies led by India’s wannabes, opportunists, traitors, fraudsters, impostors and desperate sycophants – don’t humiliate yourselves anymore in the identity theft charade in subservience to evil connivance, manipulation and subversion. No matter which side of the mouth you drool from, you are evil’s prima facie in the incontrovertible duplicity.

United States politics is obligatory to the defense personnel – the men and women arbitrarily dispatched in harm’s way and left on the lurch to fend themselves in the event of the so-called ally Israel’s unconscionable betrayal experienced by reconnaissance marine corps in USS Liberty and,

Subsequently executing Zionist and neocon agenda – the Project fior New American Century (PNAC) committing thousands of American troops in fateful catastrophic Iraq, Afghanistan and the rest of the Middle East indefinitely for economic interests and strategic dominance.

The political crimes prolonged on May 2, 2011 in the hoax Abbottabad mission claiming to have assassinated the long deceased Al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden. The political criminality goes beyond in the elimination of the same Navy SEAL team in entirety three months later on August 6, 2011 in the calculated organized event in Afghanistan.

United States politics endless squander of American tax dollars in the false allegation on Russian collusion in 2016 Presidential election with the accuser viz. Hillary Rodham Clinton being the culprit in the bribed Russian dossier within own political campaign and yet continuation of the fake probe at American taxpayer expense is mega political sham and criminal offense.

United States politics and electorate bear responsibility to thoroughly investigate Israel’s well informed voluntary assail on USS Liberty in 1967 inflicting massive casualties on U.S. naval force on board with lifelong debilitation of lives and survivors till date.

The politics discarding the entire event in quid pro quo for political reason is treason against the nation and the defense force, the latter having surrendered their lives for the safety and liberty of the country and the republic.

Similarly, the murder of United States Navy SEAL in August 2011 denying their family request for open independent inquiry into the deaths of the entire crew merit full investigation barring political influence and masquerade of the crime against own servicemen in politics’ abuse of power and complicity.

Padmini Arhant 

Global Media Spin: There is no doubt the media role to suppress voice of the oppressed and war victims are relentless in subservience to those behind the mayhem and devastation.

Nonetheless, the international media such as Aljazeera interjection of cliched nuance (PA) Palestinian authority not representative of Palestinians and implying Palestinians without representation is stirring the cauldron at the time of grave injustice and violence. 

The Qatar based Aljazeera was missing in action at the height of Qatar’s direct involvement in Syria in 2011 – 2016 funding, training and fostering terror outfits IS, ISIS, Al Nusra Front and various offshoots in coalition with western partners – the United States and others committing heinous crime not barring cannibalism against Syrian children, women, youth, elderly and even desecrated the graves in their atrocity.

Could that possibly be representation of Qatari citizens or any civil society?

In 2013, Iraq banned the Qatar government funded Aljazeera along with nine other channels citing sectarian bias, misinformation, exaggeration…in violation of journalistic ethics that apparently has not ceased until date.

Here are the questions for media on leadership vacuum posed for Palestinians that are conspicuous to the following entities.

United States – the incumbent President Joe Biden stating Ukraine war as Iraq war in memory lapse during press interaction. The United States administrations regardless of political factions reliance on their favorite line –

All options viz. including nuclear weapons are on the table – are not representative of 300 million American population position.

More so, the American citizens including Jewish Americans against Gaza war and calling for permanent ceasefire with humanitarian assistance slighted by the administration headed by President Joe Biden is explicit politics disconnect with people.

The same apply to Israeli leaderships ignoring local dissent against annihilation of Palestinians underway.

Britain – the unelected leadership Rishi Sunak joining the political chorus – we standby Israel is unanimously denounced by British protestors in the streets of London and elsewhere demanding ceasefire and criticized the appointee PM Rishi Sunak and the controversial scripted statements from the British Home Secretary Suella Braverman and others in the league.

Surely, these are classic examples of nations without leadership and people representation.

The global media and powers rallying behind Israeli and coalition war crimes against Palestinians are reminded that Palestinians are not alone.

They have incredible support and voice from the international community pledging solidarity for Peace and immediate recognition towards Free and Independent Palestine that can no longer be differed nor deterred deploying media or political spin and especially PA innuendo.

Above all, the Almighty God will to liberate Palestine is indomitable over present belligerent military might and illicit cartography.

Padmini Arhant 
Factoid – Israel per global data lost approximately 13,000 Israeli lives to corona virus with currently about 30,000 as of date categorized as mild to higher infected statistics.

The original figure at the onset of the pandemic in Jan 2020 until early 2023 was around 4.5 million population in Israel. 

Israeli politics and alliance justifying the unjust ongoing slaughter of Gazans and Palestinians in West Bank and East Jerusalem via proxy wars through violent illegal settlers and Israel’s IDF alongside Gaza war since October 7, 2023 until now citing revenge for loss of Israeli lives on October 7, 2023 due to Israel’s dereliction of duty to protect own citizens in Israel occupied, controlled and monitored entire Palestinian territory is an embarrassment for a state taking pride on security matter.

Meanwhile, the staggering number of Israelis succumbed to deadly corona virus around 13 times more than October 7, 2023 victims besides related episodes not excluding vaccination associated fatalities among younger Israelis in 2020 – 2023 with many suffering from serious health issues until now.

None of these monumental issues were neither a problem nor regarded serious assault on Israeli citizens necessitating Israel to wage war against those responsible for unleashing deadly pathogen based on Israel and allies’ legitimizing the illegitimate genocide in Gaza right now.

Instead Israeli leadership and those decimating Gaza profiteered from Corona deaths in Israel and elsewhere sharing the fortune raked by those in the pandemic windfall.

The real agenda behind Israel’s carnage and mass graves in Gaza has nothing to do with Israeli lives in Israel rather directly linked to Zionist aspirations to violently seize Palestine in entirety and,

Individually PM Netanyahu desperate attempts to bury the long lingering corruption scandal and political debacles guaranteed to lead towards serious legal ramifications not barring imprisonment. 

The overwhelming rage and revenge evolving into uncontrolled mania witnessed in aggressor (Israel) and coalition against civilians in Gaza is break failure determined to expedite own end. 

Gaza explosions are Zionism implosions together with evil politics in collusion proclamation of self-termination.

History is testament to ethical and moral bankruptcy prompting the violators’ transformation as the death merchants treading on the path paved by them in the end justifying the means in defiance of reason and sanity.

Perhaps it is time to permanently lay Geneva Convention rule in international warfare to rest in accordance with contemporary practice by the so-called modern civilized nations engaged in prolonged contentious battle in their domain.

The norm flouting international laws and rules such as Geneva Convention subjecting all factions in warfare to comply with global accord on treatment of prisoners of war, exempting civilians from resulting in casualties and prohibiting targeting of civilian facilities such as hospitals, residential area and public premises including civilian access to essential life sources viz. water, food, medicines, fuel and electricity among other necessities critical for survival.

The deterioration in humanitarian standards by politics is significantly alarming and unequivocally a cause of great concern in the abuse of power and arbitrary military engagement.

The trend is ominous and do not bode well for nations behind such precedence predominantly the prevalent practice affecting military discipline and morale among own troops and contingency with tide turning against the violators any time in warfare synonymous to;

What goes around comes around in the least expected time.

Hence, abandonment of repeat transgressions in any and all of these involvements is necessary to maintain civil conduct and ethics in peace and wartime that are no longer regarded important by politics.

Relevantly, ending these wars in Gaza and Ukraine is the urgent requirement and immediate priority saving American tax dollars for investment in American lives and rebuilding the victims’ present and future in war zones like Gaza and Ukraine.

Padmini Arhant

Israel – Aggression Against Palestine

October 26, 2023


Aggression Against Palestine

Padmini Arhant

Israel’s invasion of Gaza to annex territory is clear using October 7, 2023 as the pretext which in itself raise many legitimate questions based on released Israeli hostages accounts squarely holding Israel responsible from the beginning and thereafter until now.

United States administration along with other western and isolated non-western powers open unconditional support with military hardware, logistic assistance and American taxpayer money $10 billion in the latest funding to Israel enabling brutal air strikes and decimation of Gaza intensified using Oct 7, 2023 are collectively responsible in the carpet bombing of Gaza till date.

The deaths and devastation of thousands of Gazan civilians with casualties still piling from under the rubbles caused in Israeli merciless bombing and shelling of the densely populated Gaza enclave has classified –

Israel the existential threat to Palestinians and entire humanity.

Israel spearheading the illegal military intervention despite global citizenry outcry and condemnation is invalidation of Israel as a sovereign state in direct violation  of international law, the Geneva convention and the general standards expected of any civilized sovereign entity in the world.

Israel holding 2.2 million Gazans hostage denying them food, water, fuel and electricity clarify Israeli and those bolstering the aggressor’s atrocity determination to prolong cold-blooded murder rejecting world population outright rejection of Israeli and allies collusion in the carnage.

The escalation and persisting military intervention in Gaza is Israel’s self-elimination experienced by many before treading on such treacherous trail.

The contemporary politics might involve in the cat and mouse game to test Almighty God’s will and global citizenry patience as well as tolerance.

However, Almighty God’s wrath to evil defiance and belligerence has been dealt with severe blow since world creation until now and would be into the future.

As for the global citizens, the boycott divestment sanctions (BDS) at individual level has been proven effective against Israeli violence on Palestinians in the past.

The resumption of BDS effective immediately worldwide as personal decision in exercising individual discretion could neither be banned by Britain or any other political power against citizens anywhere.

Such political interference in people’s choices would be fascist and contradict western touted democracy.

Israel abandoning violent military assaults and the United Nations expediting humanitarian corridor to save lives in Gaza is the utmost priority without further procrastination inflicting horrendous crimes against desperate children, women and the whole population in Palestine.

The international community demand for ceasefire now beginning the establishment of Palestinian statehood is the clarion call for peace in the territory and entire Middle East region.

Notwithstanding the western funded Ukraine – Russia warfare has dented global economy with sky high inflation triggering exponential increase in interest rates besides fuel costs reaching all time record over two years.

The last thing the world deserve is Israel incited repeat Middle East turbulence exacerbating energy supply and distribution alongside Ukraine – Russia war leading the global economy in unprecedented economic inflationary era.

The culmination of western and other allies of Israel unheeding the victims’ plight in Gazan war for strategic dominance hurting own and global economy is not recognized in the deal.

Juxtaposed international solidarity with Palestinians calling the military aggressors for ceasefire, mobilizing  humanitarian passage for the war victims and not United States and western backed Israeli tanks and missiles in Gaza.

Last but not the least delivering Palestinians statehood and independence is no longer a choice rather mandatory despite the matter remain contentious in Israel’s aggression boosted by the United States and other western as well non-western war mongering allies adding fuel to fire in Gaza and all around.

The evil and injustice never prevailed at any time nor will it happen in the present time or moving forward.

Ceasefire now in Gaza.

Free Palestine.

God bless Palestinian children, women and victims in the egregious brute warfare in Gaza and the rest of Palestine.

Padmini Arhant

Western Political Hypocrisy

October 17, 2023

Gaza Warfare

Update 10/19/2023: Gaza Baptist Hospital Bombing. 

Israel and surrogate politics as well as media claim the Baptist hospital bombing was carried out by Hamas.

Simultaneously, Israel government, IDF, Mossad and intelligence apparatus proudly declared the ‘eliminations’ of Hamas leaderships and their important members – the key decision makers in Hamas.

According to Israel public posts IDF and Mossad apparently eliminated Hamas leaderships on October 10, 2023 and Oct 16, 2023.

Then in that instance, the dilemma for Israel is

Which version of Israel is true?

Israel’s assassination of Hamas leaderships or the Hamas alleged bombing of hospital. 

If the Hamas leaderships were systematically eliminated by Israel per own public statement, then

Are the ghosts of these leaderships orchestrating hospital bombing and civilian homes reduced to rubbles? 

Furthermore, Israel’s position on Gaza war is annihilation of Hamas in their own words, then having allegedly achieved that goal, 

What is the purpose behind prolonging the decimation of Gaza killing thousands of children, women, patients in hospital and Gazan civilians en masse? 

To deplete defense stock piles and test new inventory on Gaza population as experimental ground maintaining the western policy on military invasions in non-western world? 


Does Israel accept security lapse, intelligence failure and dysfunctional Israeli system?

All of the above outlined serious dereliction of responsibility from Israel allowing Hamas infiltration on October 7, 2023 on Israeli soil and,

Subsequent events until now including hospital bombing with Israel, United States and the western as well as crony sycophant non-western foreign government together with media monopoly over dissemination of information thus far. 

Anything on precipitous decline hopelessly dependent on propaganda and media management including social media content only end up facing self-embarrassment and exposure on incontrovertible culpability and guilt. 

Padmini Arhant 

Update: Thursday 10/19/2023

Tyrants and evil emergence wreaking havoc has been around since the world creation. 

However, evil extermination due to humongous hubris combined with impotent intelligence undermining reasoning faculty within expedited own peril and self-termination. 

The defeat in warfare is explicit in the beg, borrow and steal military might from anywhere inflicting massive innocent civilian casualties justifying the so-called self-defense in the abominable offense to satisfy personal bruised ego and anguish over fait accompli. 

The world has witnessed and experienced the mighty empires crumbling despite atrocities, oppression, brutal occupation and colonization resulting in the colossal failure and expulsion from the domain. 

Those pursuing the cowardly path relying on deadly arsenals, mighty weapons and indiscriminate attacks on civilian sites not even sparing hospitals invariably dealt with the severe blow and succumbed to the fierce fiery furnace, the reflection of rage and uncontrolled hostility to seek revenge. 

These events burdened the perpetrators and those complicit, in collusion and others for complacency with enormous sins deteriorating from the human status to the lowest form.  Their Soul denied redemption and salvation besides indefinitely condemned for their deliberate willful evil indulgence and coordination.  

It is not going to be different this time with everyone of them from the mastermind to those aiding and abetting monstrosity against innocent lives for power and dominance. 

Padmini Arhant 

The irony – Had this been the response to civil rights movement in the United States, the incumbent administration’s UN envoy to the United Nations Linda Thomas Greenfield would not be addressing the Q&A with that title.

Palestine statehood is the sovereign right of Palestinians and the recognition by international community including the citizens of the United States is a moral and ethical responsibility for a democracy claimed as such by the United States.

Padmini Arhant 


Update : Wednesday 10/18/2023:


ATTENTION: World Leaders, The United Nations, United States Senate funding Israeli aggression in defiance of American Taxpayer will and dissent and the Military Industrial Complex.

How many more children like Nadine would be subject to this deplorable helpless hopelessness merely for your political agenda marred in violence, military interventions and merciless killings of innocent civilians in the Gaza enclave?

Please take a moment from your busy schedule authorizing and financing the warfare with hospitals and civilian homes reduced to rubbles and respond to this child Nadine’s poignant question.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Update;  Wednesday 10/28/2023 :

German political position rejecting Gazan civilian plight and further exacerbating humanitarian crisis for Gazans and Palestinians trapped with continuous bombing and shelling of the territory evidenced in the latest hospital strike then,

Let Germany expend German taxpayers’ Euos rather than continue the carnage at American taxpayer expense replicating Ukraine -Russia warfare.

The latest bombing of the hospital in the war zone Gaza inflicting more civilian casualties and catastrophe amplify the absolute disdain for human lives in such politics complicit with perpetrators of war crimes and their cohorts trumpeting and playing waldzither,

Similar to the Roman emperor Nero playing flute while Rome was burning.

German based Pfizer pharmaceutical company having harvested phenomenal profits from COVID vaccine, Germany could easily afford the indefinite military invasion of Gaza – that Germany is proposing per above Reuters article from Germany government spokesperson.

Notwithstanding, the deadly Corona virus SARS COV2 bio engineering manufactured in Wuhan, China consuming millions of lives including in Europe was western funded Frankenstein experiment enormously benefitting those in the bargain at the devastation and endless health maladies of humanity at large along with tremendous economic collapse in the developing nations’ world.

Besides, Germany relieving American taxpayers from financing Europe’s war fought by Ukraine on Europe’s behalf against Russia while Germany maintaining energy flow from Russia all along until now.

The action would exemplify politics accepting responsibility in the issues that are exclusively relevant to them. 

Padmini Arhant 


Update: 10/18/2023 –  The parties in conflict in Gaza – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Hamas as well as others must ceasefire effective immediately.

The Palestinians in Gaza could no longer be subject to air raid  on the densely populated congested territory with all essential supplies such as food, water and electricity shut off by Israel. 

The ongoing bombardment of Gaza as collective punishment is direct violation of international law and Geneva convention and simultaneously any strikes on Israel must STOP right now to avert excess civilian casualties and humanitarian crisis in Gaza. 

I personally declare my tax dollars are not to be expended to kill innocent civilians in Gaza, Syria, Israel or anywhere. 

I urge the citizens of the United States caring about human lives, fundamental rights of all citizens in the world to seek the incumbent administration to cease military aid used to kill and harm innocent lives anywhere. 

The same would apply to ammunition supply to Israel using American tax dollars that has been the tradition thus far. 

United States, EU and Middle East as well as the entire world are obligatory to come forward and pledge to peace and insist on ceasefire enabling victims on both sides in Gaza and Israel to emerge from the politics’ instigated crisis.

War and violence is not the solution. Neither the onslaught of civilians would deliver the desirable outcome.

It’s time to lay belligerence and bellicose rhetoric to rest. The revenge killing innocent children, women, youth, elderly, the ailing and vulnerable citizens would have serious repercussions for those behind the mindless decision and involvement. 

The politics of violence and military interventions cannot prevail at the expense of innocent lives and immense human suffering. 

The cosmic forces attention is directed on Gaza and any further escalation and any form of military might from anywhere would be detrimental to the sources aiding and abetting the massacre of innocent population in the current warfare.

Israel must end bombing and shelling of Gaza effective immediately without any delay. 

Hamas to handover Israeli citizens held hostage from last weekend infiltration ensuring their safe return back home is mandatory. 

The world assistance to Gazans with humanitarian aid beginning with food, water, medicines and international medical assistance to rescue every Gazan is paramount to save lives from Israeli military aggression as political retaliation. 

More presentations and updates to follow on the matter. 

Padmini Arhant 


Western Political Hypocrisy

Padmini Arhant

Part -1

Padmini Arhant

The comprehensive details


Israeli Palestine Conflict – Part 2


Western Ideology:  Bow to Nazi clan – the self-proclaimed monarchy from the basement stealing land, assets and foreign resources eternally fleecing on the so-called commoners’ charity over generations institutionalizing criminal parasitic culture till date. 

Reminder – the world is created by the Supernatural force not by the goon and gutter politics enforcing the cowardly nuanced attacks and insinuations lacking in courage and integrity. 

The typical response from criminal politics is offense citing self- defense exemplifying zero intelligence and hollow craniium.

The real losers with fait accompli eliminating members in personal life, political party or anywhere as murder is the only art the murder inc. is adept at and established in character and persona. 

Ever relying on violence, killings and assassinations for personal ambitions and political dominance.

Notwithstanding creating, nurturing, funding and fostering terror organizations viz. al Qaeda and the leader Osama Bin Laden – the business partner of the Bush family and classified the value asset by western intelligence and politics.

Thereafter, IS, ISIS and terror outfits evolving into cannibals in 2011, 2012…United States and western alliance belligerent intervention in Syria, Libya, endless war in Yemen and the entire Middle East, North Africa and the rest of the regions in the world were funded and trained by western politics especially the United States, Israel and NATO alliance in bombing of Libya.

The cannibal sponsors – the U.S. Presidency and administration in 2011, 2012….neither qualify nor possess any moral authority to preside over ethical efficacy and civility. 

Padmini Arhant 

The disingenuousness in western foreign policy is laden with hypocrisy.

The obsession with twentieth century European (western) leader Adolf Hitler whose politics, policy and propaganda adopted and practiced in the twenty first century by the west and western groomed dictatorships under the guise of democracy is extension of Hitlerism into twenty first century.

Hitler’s voice is no match for western foreign policy post Hitler era that has substituted vocal cord with bombs, missiles and nuclear arsenal.

Western foreign policy pretentious soft demeanor is witnessed and experienced by non-western world in roaring artillery, thunderous nuclear laden snipers, the cluster bombs, drones, barrage of military stock piles depleting nuclear materials such as uranium, plutonium besides assortment of chemical weapons in the Vietnam war using napalm bomb on innocent civilians are merely the samples of western warfare.

The western military strategy of burying land mines in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Afghanistan, Pakistan and world wide killing thousands of innocent children and civilians is anything but a pretty sight.

The carpet bombing of Libya in 2011.

Sponsoring cannibalism via IS, ISIS and terror outfits in 2011, 2012 and then onwards in Syria, Libya…and the region.

The use of white phosphorus raining on Gaza during every invasion and incursion by Israel including now is whitewashed by western politics and media.

Above all, the western detonation of nuclear hydrogen bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki is all time western world record on the so-called western soft mild pleasant optics thus far.

Who can possibly deny the violence from the west depicted and inflicted on the founder of ChristianityJesus Christ crucified on the cross live with no ounce of mercy against a peaceful messiah.

Western foreign policy advocates and surrogates’ sermons on presentation and speeches citing Hitler again – a western leader only invite attention to western dichotomy on speech substituted with earth shattering violence exploding loudest military might on non-western world.

The western deadly barbaric actions in battle ground never compare with anyone’s speeches delivered during the height of western hypocrisy insisting on their way or no other way at the cost of millions of innocent lives world wide.

Not to mention the brutal economic sanctions only implemented on non-western nations despite western nations’ transgressions and gross human rights violations as well as breach of international laws including western instituted Geneva convention systematically flouted by the west in Iraq war, Afghanistan…and now by Israel at every instance against Palestine and its neighbors in the Middle East.

Speeches don’t make anyone bleed but western bombs and deadly weapons wipe out lives instantaneously with an irreversible outcome leaving generational suffering for the victims’ survivors and their dependents becoming refugees with no hope and endless despair.

The western foreign policy introspection along these fundamental ethics is the beginning to the end of western double standards on human interaction and action.

Padmini Arhant 

Vishwa Kalyan Award 2023 – Economic Sanctions and Isolation

August 14, 2023

Vishwa Kalyan Award


Padmini Arhant

Economic Sanctions. Foreign Intervention, colonization and Isolation is the category. 

The population of the following nations having long suffered targeted brutal economic sanctions, isolation, foreign intervention, colonization, oppression, persecution, marginalization and disenfranchisement etc., are duly recognized for their arduous journey in life.

They are honored for their incredible resolute, strength and commitment to defend their legitimacy in sovereignty, independence and self-determination against those denying and depriving them of the inalienable right to liberty, peace and pursuit of happiness.

1. The indigenous Tamils in Sri Lanka.

2. The Republic of the Union of Myanmar aka Burma.

3. The Republic of North Korea.

4. The Independent Republic of Taiwan.

5. The Independent Republic of Tibet.

6. The pro-democracy electorate in Hong Kong.

7. The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

8. The Republic of Cuba.

9. The Haiti in the Caribbean.

10. The Syrian Arab Republic.

11. The Independent Palestine – West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem.

12. The Islamic Republic of Iran.

13. The Republic of Iraq.

14. The Republic of Yemen.

15. The Republic of Afghanistan established under Taliban Rule as The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.

The people of any nation are permanent factor in politics, economic sector and society in general.

Despite the people remaining constant in the equation, the variables such as government, political leadership and economy under corporate monopoly / oligarchy undermine and subjugate vast majority in political and economic terms while individually and collectively profiteering and benefitting from abuse of power and monopoly in the system.

In observation and review of the economic and political plight in all of these above mentioned nations and groups of people, the politics within and outside together with corporate oligarchy are directly responsible for the immense generational suffering and stagnant or downward spiraling economic conditions prohibiting opportunity for the people to make inroads in economic progress and political freedom.

By and large, the unelected globalists like the World Economic Forum, Secret Society, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, Influential Academia, the so-called think tanks and bureaucracy among the prominent forces with certain political powers besides the trillionaire club incognito are the central driving forces behind global status quo.

Padmini Arhant 

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