Supremacy Hypocrisy

June 8, 2023

Supremacy Hypocrisy

Padmini Arhant

Supremacy definition. – fallacy, idiocy, lunacy, secrecy, invasion of privacy, fantasy and above all hypocrisy.

Supremacy rule of law – hold self above law while subvert law to criminalize supremacy’s target.

Supremacy’s premise – demonize, patronize, trivialize, miniaturize and obsessively eulogize target.

Resurrection to life umpteen times in the process – WOW!

What else?

Supremacy reserves the right to ridicule, slander and incessantly indulge in identity appropriation of the target as entitlement. The race baiting and religion connotation besides gender, appearance especially fixation on baldness, sexual orientation etc., are the favorites among identity politics absurdity.

The attitude is not limited to verbal engagement rather visualized and distributed in social media, print and television network as AGT, BGT and any other GT’s out there serving as nothing more than satans’ smoke screen (SSS) to facilitate Frankenstein prank yet again such as COVID 19 on the people presumed sheeple with more in the offing of similar or even more devastating in the making.

Accordingly, the insanity on race and identity appropriation clarify supremacy and slavish contingency preoccupation in shunning own identity.

When you shove and impose your race, identity and whatever that is exclusively yours on someone not even remotely associated, linked or tied to you in any respect, and importantly someone whom you despise the most exhibited in your routine behavior, the pattern is indicative of your embarrassment about your race, origin and profile.

Ironically, self-disgust and lack of self-respect is prompting such ludicrous indulgence to dump oneself on someone you hate so much.

Relevantly no matter whom you pile on me as me in your hostility and animosity towards me, none can change or modify my biological data and origin codified in DNA specific to every individual species in existence and fossil remains since creation and moving forward into the future.

Perhaps the image below summarize the reality.

Identity Correction 

Padmini Arhant

Ms. Piggy 1994

November 3, 2022

Panama Gate Exclusive

Padmini Arhant

Beauty is skin deep