Happy New Year 2025!

December 31, 2024

Happy New Year 2025!

Padmini Arhant




Farewell  2024. 

Welcome 2025.

Happy New Year!

Padmini Arhant 

Ramadan Greetings – Gaza War Message

March 23, 2024

Ramadan Greetings

Gaza War Message

Padmini Arhant

Ramadan Greetings and Gaza war message – to Children of Palestine – from Padmini Arhant in Arabic and English

Ramadan Greetings & Gaza War Message in English – To Children in Palestine – Padmini Arhant

Padmini Arhant



Evil Funeral

March 1, 2024

Evil Funeral

Padmini Arhant

Scoundrel Kavodhi Funeral

(Video Presentation in Hindi Language)

The subject in the video – name – Kavodhi

Place of Birth – Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India

Date of Birth – September 17, 1950

Father’s Name – Unknown

Marital Status – Polygamist

Offspring – None due to ED

Language – Teleprompter

Occupation – Corruption, Criminality, Massacre, Communal Violence, Provocation, Perversion, Radical Fundamentalist, Authoritarian abuse of power.

Expiry Date – September 17, 2003

The following message is also applicable to every autocratic lunatic abusing politics and political power holding democracy under siege and leaving the republic in such democracy, the oppressed prisoners of 21st century Fascism.

Is it surprising that the one having mastered the art of homicide in practice throughout his life to get where he wants and comfortably evolved into cannibal and terror sponsor. Then sooner degraded to behind the scene chief operative in genocide rushing to rescue his alter ego ditto in character and sins upon the latter convicted of communal violence related pogrom in political tenure?

The evil duopoly play the race and religion card for survival in evil swamp.

While the one obsessed with skin pigmentation specifically the melanin though having murdered many among own race, the other exploit religion of the majority in his domain despite him not belonging to that religion prompted by vindictiveness are the mirror reflection of each other confronted with appropriate karmic effects of their sinful violent embarrassing legacy in living and thereafter.

The evil duopoly together corral behind similar types in political circumference.

Attention: Fascist  Genocider

You neither have any right nor the authority over individual or content published in locations outside of your jurisdiction as this is not the first time you have violated free speech rights of foreign citizen. 

Your wanton provocation, sleazy intervention and intrusion in personal life of others and that of sovereign nations as your megalomaniacal privilege is your delusion that needs to be abandoned in your limited life span’s interest.

This ain’t your Gujarat back alley for you to flex your rogue hooligan hoodlum tactics.

Your time was up long ago and your bruised ego is evidently expediting your long overdue exit.

You better not indulge in such intrusive indecent impropriety for the sake of the country India, you claim to represent with 1.5 billion citizenry held hostage to your authoritarian diktat and brute mobocracy fraudulently declared the world’s largest democracy.

Padmini Arhant 



Prophetic Scene – Bully Pulpit

February 28, 2024

Bully Pulpit

Padmini Arhant

The video below is a real occurrence captured from behind the scene by my son at their residence porch and shared with me yesterday which is quite prophetic in many aspects.

What is shown in the video is actually experienced, tolerated and endured for over sixteen years now with the bully bullying me and my family using the bully pulpit not barring many abusive tactics including endangerment to our lives inevitably backfiring at the bully and cohorts in the act.

Caution to Bully abusing Bully Pulpit:

The one protected by the force have none to fear.

Even otherwise game for any challenge to tame the bully as ordained by Almighty God.

Padmini Arhant 


Gaza War – Rafah Air Strike Feb 2024

February 12, 2024

Gaza War

Rafah Air Strike Feb 2024

Padmini Arhant

Evil Imminent End

January 26, 2024

Evil Imminent End

Padmini Arhant

Emphatic TRUTH:

Those assuming and defiantly remaining in power on the delusion they are indispensable and that the nation and the world would collapse upon their exit or removal from power are enlightened with emphatic truth. 

Any leadership as the head of the state claim and believe they are irreplaceable and hence lifetime position is justifiable admittedly declare their individual incompetence and colossal failure to generate talent, leadership qualities, thinkers, visionaries and diverse contributions towards collective progress, development and prosperity.

The status quo is synonymous to a teacher with students failing to meet standard requirements to survive and succeed in life in the former objective to retain the job for lifetime. The paradoxical scenario obstructs new enrollment by detaining / failing entire class for personal interest.

The condition then attributed to the one heading the class as the only one capable and suitable for the position despite results revealing otherwise. 

Padmini Arhant 


1. Who should be helped anytime in life?

A. Dog in difficulty. ☑️

B. Sleazy uncouth ungrateful exploitative politics seeking power only turn around and show true colors black or white regardless.👎

2. What is the indicator of poor economic growth?

A. Export domestic labor force overseas with unemployment at 8 – 10% or more in national economy.

B. Imports at all time high. Inflation, Interest and Income tax at peak.

C. Per capita income is all time low.

D. Significantly behind in the global poverty index than other developing nations in the region.

E. All of the above. ☑️

3. What is fake glory?

A. The quid pro quo bribe with economic and monetary transactions for glorification in public. ☑️

B. Performance exemplified with modesty.

4. What kind of politics endanger national interests?

A. Coup d’é·tat, corruption, criminality, lack of transparency and accountability, extension of power by any means and at all costs jeopardizing republic status and democracy.☑️

B. Acknowledge own failure and aid able and reliable replacement.

5. What is true leadership?

A. Create leaders among general population on merit barring cronyism.☑️

B. Respect term limits in office and facilitate peaceful efficient succession of power.☑️

C. Deny opportunity to talented and potential prospects.

D. Promote violence, exploit social and religious aspects, polarization of society for political gains.

E. Never seize or claim anything that does not belong or apply to self i.e. hijack identity.☑️

F. Servile to oligarchy, special interests and obedient to evil diktat.

G. Tolerance to free speech and basic constitutional rights. ☑️

H. Accept constructive criticism gracefully without acrimony and political vendetta.☑️

Padmini Arhant 

Gaza War Speech

January 22, 2024

Gaza War Speech
Jan 2024

Padmini Arhant

New Year 2024 Greetings!

January 15, 2024

New Year 2024 Greetings!

Padmini Arhant

COVID19 – Confirmation on Source and Origin Update 2024

COVID 19 Revelation coming into fruition in 2024

Former National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director Dr. Francis Collins admitted to members of Congress last week that the coronavirus lab leak theory was in fact credible, despite his claims in 2021, in which he called it a “distraction.”

Collins made the admission during a closed-door, 7-hour interview on Friday with the House Select Committee on Coronavirus Pandemic, echoing testimony from Dr. Anthony Fauci, who was the public face of the U.S. coronavirus pandemic response.

The subcommittee’s chairman, Rep. Brad Wenstrup, R-Ohio, released the key takeaways from the interview with Collins, saying he served as Fauci’s “boss.”

Peace to Free Palestine

December 2, 2023

Peace to Free Palestine

Padmini Arhant

No Ceasefire – No taxes for bombs and violence against innocent children and civilian population. Stop funding wars, depopulation and ethnic cleansing.

Is this Israel’s definition of the so-called self-defense backed by the United States against majority American taxpayers and electorate will?

The former ex-minister of justice (?) in Israel elaborating the grand sports arena plan for soccer field in Gaza citing God’s help is gross misconception.

God and humans alike humane in nature vehemently oppose the preposterous illegal land seizure in and around the region, the controversial legacy by Israel since establishment in 1948 on Palestine.

FYI – Western and coalition with Israel – the politics and media in particular feigning naïveté on the developments in Palestine besides Israel and partners joint ongoing graveyard mission in Gaza i.e. Genocide and blatant crimes against Palestinians are the following.

At the onset and thereafter October 7, 2023 setting the stage for United States funded Israel’s onslaught in Gaza,

The series of events on Israel – Palestine issue is fundamentally facilitated by Israel’s apartheid via illegal occupation, colonization and settlements in the continued 75 years of human rights abuse.

The latest Hamas taking Israeli hostages on Oct 7, 2023 made possible by Israeli leadership Benjamin Netanyahu, the IDF and Israeli intelligence ignoring adequate warnings from within and outside Israel.

Juxtaposed, Israel’s abduction and incarceration of over 6000 or more Palestinian minors and youth both men and women locked up without due process barring family and legal contacts for nearly and / or over a decade holding these detainees in inhumane manner in Israel’s Guantanamo bay setting in fact serving as the prototype for United States Guantanamo Bay on Cuban island is perhaps not a subject matter for the western media and politics backing Israel’s apartheid while condemning anyone determined by western politics as rogue regimes in the rest of the world.

Relevantly, in the course of half-hearted measly seven days truce after intense international pressure and global citizens outcry for ceasefire – slighted with Israel’s resumption of Gaza bombing and air strikes at United States approval, 

The exchange of Hamas held hostages and Israel imprisoned Palestinian minors as young as ten-year-old and younger and men and women youth detainees in Israeli prison – the disparity is alarming.

For every Israeli hostage released by Hamas,

Israel’s response to freeing Palestinian youth was outnumbered by Israeli authorities simultaneous apprehension of Palestinian youth an estimate of nearly 3,500 in Jenin and West Bank subsequent to October 7, 2023.

Israel’s Zionist Nazi policy of human rights violations in the Palestinian territory not in Hamas governance rather under Israel’s control including Gaza and East Jerusalem i.e. entire Israel occupied Palestine merit serious global attention and discussion.

The illegal detention of Palestinians in all prisons to be released unconditionally without further deterrence and delay.

Such atrocities have no place in human society lacking moral humanitarian and ethical principles by a state touted as the only democracy in the Middle East.

Notwithstanding the sheer contrast in treatment of Israeli hostage by Hamas accounted by the released Israeli hostages as kind and hospitable providing food, water and essential needs unlike Israel’s abuse of Palestinian detainees in Israel’s prison verifiable in Israel denying food, water, medicines, electric power, internet service much to international denouncement since October 7, 2023 till date is in sync with Israel’s long held siege of Gaza with unilateral blockade and deprivation of basic facilities to the people in Gaza.

Israel’s ban on released Israeli hostages from speaking to own Israeli radio, television and social media on Hamas hospitality to Israeli hostages speak volume on who is who in the human rights violations.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claiming credit for the Israeli hostages release during interim truce absolving self from responsibility conversely blaming IDF top authority entirely aroused internal fireworks in the cause and effects of Oct 7, 2023.

The incident serving as the premise for the Gaza war despite Israel’s ulterior unlawful expansionism openly divulged by Israel’s political members from all sides of political party clarify state of affairs.

Last but not the least, the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated goal on Gaza – elimination of Hamas until now proved as ethnic cleansing of innocent children, women, youth, elderly, the sick and the able…comprising the Palestinian community and forceful displacement of over million Gazan, West Bank and Jenin residents into refugee camps apparently is just the beginning of the broader agenda revealed in the public statements directly from the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu in the above visual content.

Amidst Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the PM appointed war cabinet extensive war plan against Gaza pledged in the video and public discourse by the Israeli leadership with little or no care for any human lives – not only Palestinian civilians,

The extended warfare involves the conscripted young Israeli IDF personnel in the battle ground in Gaza already many of whom fallen victims together with some remaining Israeli hostages in Israeli air strikes and indiscriminate aerial bombing as well as in the ground combat situation.

There are some IDF senior command officers reported by Israeli media as having absconded from the battle field due to hostile conditions in the United States’ financed and militarily bolstered Israel bombardment in Gaza. 

Obviously, the situation is grim and grave in general for all in the collective punishment strategy by Israel and United States as the primary ally along with others complicit in the humanitarian crisis bearing heavily on Israel in the process of punishing Gazan and Palestinian citizens in entirety.

The poignant question to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is –

Where is the Prime Minister’s next of kintwo sons and a daughter missing in action with abstinence from the battle?

With one of them relocated from Israel to the United States to evade libel suit at home.

Meanwhile, the PM Benjamin Netanyahu determined to prolong deadly war on Gaza calling 360,000 reservists since October 7, 2023 deploying conscripted and commissioned IDF personnel – (the family members of Israeli citizens) on the ground and air as inevitable casualties in the senseless military aggression.

That’s politics protecting own life and members of the family with the rest of the society expected to fall in line for wayward political aspirations in the conspicuous self-defense from corruption scandals and political upheaval confronting the Israeli Prime Minister and family.

Above all, the American taxpayer is delegated to foot the bill on the warfare to satisfy the egregious ill-conceived transparent Israel’s objectives in defiance of any and all laws that are otherwise applicable to others in the world.

Padmini Arhant 



Pictures are worth thousand words

November 16, 2023

Pictures are worth thousand words

Padmini Arhant

The surrogates of recalcitrant minds set on the path of destruction query on –

Where is God with casualties in Gaza piling?

The questions that arise prior to such skepticism about God’s role is ;

Where was the leadership in Israel and the entire security system and apparatus conspicuously in comatose on the fateful day October 7, 2023?

What prompted Israel and belligerent coalition to ransack Gaza with air strikes, bombs, India’s Brahmos (proudly stated by Indian media), the missiles and ground invasion against children and infants of Gaza?

God’s response resonated among thousands across the globe defying the aggressor allies ban on pro-Palestinian peaceful non-violent march in nations viz. France, Germany, Britain, United States in selective cities and India among the coalition arresting and violently dispersing the peaceful dissenters in their domain.

God’s actions are realized among those urging and committed towards liberating Palestine in the global movement to Free Palestine unlike the coalition political actors’ flamboyance taking pride in the genocide of children and Palestinian population with military aid, logistics support and financial assistance $14.5 billion to continue onslaught attracting  international outcry and condemnation.

Besides, declining global position on permanent ceasefire.

God’s intervention is prevalent in uniting goodness in humanity against rebellious power abusing means of aggression via violence and military dispensation.

Critically, God’s indomitable decision condemning  the aggressor and coalition is evident in the warfare extended into 41 days despite casualties and violators confronted with quagmire in the self-generated escalation.

God’s will eventually prevail over violent aggressors in the self-inflicted catastrophe caught in the war zone due to political and security failures to protect own citizens lives in Israel on October 7, 2023.

Padmini Arhant 

Israel and Coalition war against the children of Gaza and Palestine.

The misguided notion currently executed in ethnic cleansing of innocent civilians in Gaza and around Palestine is egregious and exemplify the following.

The seething rage, hatred and violence exhibited in the aggressors’ relentless disproportionate air strikes, bombing and ground invasion with declared intention to expel Palestinians in entirety from Gaza is ominous harbinger of kamakaze operation.

The elimination of Palestine is inadvertent removal of Israel for Israel was established in Palestine.

Israel is a subset of Palestine and bear severe consequences on Israel upon prolonging the slaughter of Palestinian children and their families for an indefinite period.

Israel is surrounded by Palestine with Palestinian refugees and sympathizers near and far especially now with global solidarity to end Israel’s bombing rampage with permanent ceasefire is unheeded exacerbating aggressors stance and the so-called justification in self-defense.

The unbridled abuse of military might against Gaza having inflicted nearly 11,000 or above civilian casualties also likely to include Israelis among them from their state’s missiles, bombs and bullets unleashed in fury.

Israeli authorities and coalition are culpable and responsible for Gazans genocide that would not be without ramifications in the callous deliberate collective punishment on Gazan children and their innocent relatives with deaths and devastation made irrelevant in the irrational aggression.

The global citizens moving forward with boycott divestment sanctions (BDS) against Israel and alliance with immediate effect is no longer a choice unfortunately made into a necessity due to obsessive compulsive disorder to exterminate Palestinians from their homeland that could very well be the aggressors own fate in history repeating itself once again by own doing and volition.

Setting the house on fire and refusing to extinguish the same would leave nothing but ashes in the endeavor surrendered to folly and fanaticism. 

Padmini Arhant 

The venerable Goddess Durga on a White Tiger 

Goddess Durga with a Trishul / Trident

Not a Pitch Fork 

Padmini Arhant 


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