United States – Weapons Trade to Israel

February 8, 2025

United States

Weapons Trade to Israel

Padmini Arhant

A message for the President of the United States, Donald Trump with own loving snd caring family comprising children and grand children mostly residing close to each other in their home state.

This little Angel from Gaza having survived the ravaging Gaza war has a message hoping it would reach the President of the United States Donald Trump. 

Courtesy: Middle East Eye


The current administration under President Donald Trump’s business strategy to trade weapons worth $7B to Israel is effectively a free offer of U.S. military armament.

The economically affluent Israel remains the sole recipient of at least $3B in U.S. taxpayers’ funded annual financial aid since the state of Israel’s establishment to date.

U.S. taxpayers’ $3B and more annual funding to Israel is claimed as an entitlement by the latter thus far. The trajectory, not sparing ordinary Americans struggling to make ends meet at any and entire period of worst financial and economic crisis. 

Unless the tradition of annual financial aid $3B and more to Israel is ended effective immediately with the new policy to treat allies Israel including Europe and others alike in sharing the economic responsibility, the anomaly would continue to hurt ordinary Americans over generations.

The measure similar to Trump administration prudent proposal to EU and neighbors in North America viz. Canada and Mexico to pay fair share on security that has been burdened on U.S. taxpayers until now.

Furthermore, the free financial aid over 75 years to date to economically strong Israel is an exclusive status that is not even experienced by any of the 50 states within United States Union federation. 

No more free lunch to economically advantaged allies or whoever, relieving American taxpayers from foreign liabilities is imperative in the Make America Great Again pledge.

The pivot from charitable to the most self-affordable allowing Americans to improve their economic and financial growth rather than being eternal providers to foreign nations’ especially economically prosperous Israel snd Europe combined is a necessity.

The policy draining ordinary citizens hard earned livelihood savings and earnings distributed in foreign aid together with substantial subsidies to wealthy allies until now has been maintained as foregone conclusion. The trend customarily retained as irreversible.

MAGA is possible only upon the population in the domestic front are able to survive and thrive without being subject to politics’ arbitrary convention to distribute taxpayers’ tax dollars to nations that are economically solid and even competitive in many ways to the United States. 

As for U.S. takeover of Gaza even with the commitment to turn the limited Gaza strip into a well developed Riviera attracting business investments and employment opportunities while expatriating the native Gazans and other Palestinians from their homeland is a contradictory position for the United States. 

China treading on similar path with investments in infrastructure in developing nations realistically displacing local population with those from mainland China as investors in South, South East Asia and even West Asia besides other regions of the world has arguably placed China as the 21st century hegemonic power via economic expansion substituted for boots on the ground in these territories by Beijing. 

United States in the proposed Gaza ownership under President Donald Trump is visibly and technically adapting China’s paradigm.

The development typically makes both competing economic powers i.e. United States and China no different from one another in the new world economic reconfiguration with little or no regard for foreign sovereignty. 

Besides, the native population in this instance the Gazans, and the rest of Palestinians stripped of their otherwise inalienable self-determination rights. 

Notwithstanding, United States following China’s footsteps in such economic undertakings with complete authority on territories deny United States any reason or legitimacy to criticize China regarding Taiwan and other contentious issues involving China with neighbors in South China Sea and Asia Pacific. 

Above all, U.S. invasion and occupation of Gaza citing economic investments and / or regional security is a lesson to learn from United States legacy in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria not barring Ukraine. 

All of the above mentioned ambitious ventures proved major debacles for the United States losing trust and credibility as a reliable peace partner in the world. 

Accordingly, the present administration of President Donald Trump economic divestment at home as promised in 2024 Presidential election to create and proliferate employment opportunities for all Americans leaving none behind over the distraction of hegemonic goals in Gaza and elsewhere would exemplify MAGA traction. 

As such, Gaza proposal has not surprisingly struck a nerve in the global affairs that awaits the long overdue expeditious recognition of Palestinian statehood with Palestinians legal and birth rights to rebuild their lives that were devastated by United States and western allies supplied military, financial and logistics provisions in the Gaza Genocide. 

Needless to say, United States and other western participants’ compensation to Gazans and the rest of Palestine is due in restoring the militarily decimated Gaza to human habitation and appropriate economic conditions without compromising Gazans and Palestinians’ nativity and original permanent residency. 

Peace to Gaza, the rest of Palestine and the entire Middle East.

Padmini Arhant 

North Korea – U.S. Peace Summit

May 16, 2018

North Korea – U.S. Peace Summit

Padmini Arhant

The reports on North Korea’s possible withdrawal from the upcoming peace summit tentatively scheduled on June 12th, 2018 in Singapore citing the ongoing military exercise between United States and South Korea and the U.S. officials demand for complete denuclearization obviously deserves fair assessment.

As mentioned on many occasions to resolve any crisis, the cause must be identified and addressed effectively making way for any appropriate solutions. On North Korea issue, the United States military drills with South Korea in Korean Peninsula has been the bone of contention prompting North Korea to seek nuclear option in self-defense and deterrence in the first place.

After long skirmishes and threats from both sides i.e. United States and North Korea, the olive branch exchanged between North and South Korea in the wake of Winter Olympics in PyeongChang, South Korea in February this year set the pace for peace talks between the two neighbors with hopes and expectations on all sides to diffuse long standing tensions ushering in the era of peace and normal relations in Korean Peninsula.

The earlier interaction between the two leaders of Korea, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in was indicative of some progress in reaching the milestone bringing the two leaderships to reconcile many differences and among them the three key proposals were to transform the current armistice to permanent peace treaty, North Korea terminating nuclear testing and economic ties along with family reunion among Korean members were to be formalized on Wednesday, May 16th, 2018.

North Korea released the three Americans held hostage on espionage charges and also made a public announcement via state media that North Korea is scheduled to shut down the nuclear testing site and facility followed by an official ceremony on May 23rd – May 25th this year.

Now the U.S. military training of South Korean forces claiming to be in preparation of defense strategy for ally South Korea in the middle of peace process impairs faith and credibility necessary on all sides to rescind activities that has been contributing to the escalation of conflict.

Anytime when one side makes demands on the other despite the former having been the source of the problem from the beginning with relentless military maneuvers and display of artillery power including nuclear submarines at the doorstep of another in a manner that is intimidating and provocative,

The element of trust that is essential in all negotiations is jeopardized due to lack of commitment to meet their end of the deal.

United States military presence in Korean Peninsula is similar to their engagement worldwide much to the angst and frustration of nations they deem adversary. These states are expected to accept the situation as permanent setting regardless of such disposition undermining sovereignty and security.

United States military has been training South Korean forces since the emergence of that state without any determination of making South Korea self-reliant and there appears to be no end to the military base in Korea like the operation in Afghanistan.

How long does it take for the military such as the United States projected as the formidable and superior defense force in several aspects with capabilities to provide training and guidance enabling the trainees to qualify in self-defense mechanism?

Certainly, the course could not run into decades which means there are inherent deficiencies in the method or the objectives are not necessarily confined to the stated position with protracted goals to establish indefinite stay evident not only in Korea but also in Afghanistan, Middle East, the Baltics and the rest of the world.

South Korea on their part need to clarify the status to own citizens and their extended family members across the border in North for a truly democratic nation would not eternally allow or submit to foreign troops deployment under the guise of strengthening military prowess.

Needless to say, concessions are required from all sides based on their involvement that led to constant clashes with clear and transparent participation in the summit.

Again, reiterating earlier statement on this matter, denuclearization is incumbent not only on North Korea but in fact all nuclear states with United States and other major nuclear powers viz. Britain, France, Russia, China leading Israel, India and Pakistan along with NATO de facto in possession of nuclear arsenal are to be disarmed without exceptions to establish a nuclear free zone that would guarantee global peace and security and not otherwise.

The concept of responsible vs. reckless in nuclear status has been visited several times and adequately ascertained that all nuclear states pose a threat to humanity.

Accordingly the originators in this game i.e. United States and other dominant nuclear forces mentioned above bear responsibility to begin nuclear disarmament given their imperial legacy and ongoing illegal invasion and occupation of foreign land as well as territorial annexations necessitating nuclear option for those states as viable even though the maintenance and monitoring of nuclear sites proved an enormous liability for taxpayers and nations struggling with the costs of nuclear affordability and investments in the economy.

South Korea has to demonstrate independence in decision making without being influenced by foreign military power i.e. United States in ending military routines once and for all. South Korea population are entitled to forge normal ties with their families in North and begin a new chapter renewing economic partnerships, cultural and relevantly converting the armistice into irreversible peace accord. All of these are achievable upon demilitarization of the Korean peninsula paving the path for peaceful coexistence that has been prevented with United States exerting authority on Korean affairs.

The leadership qualities are tested in these times demanding courage and sincerity to embark on a peace mission abandoning aggression visible in military undertakings attributed to current impediments depriving the people in Korea on either side to stabilize and normalize the environment.

There are always implicit and explicit hawkish overtones attempting to stymie successful peace agreements as they are regarded unfavorable to personal and vested interests not to mention other extraordinary plans ignoring the consequences of such motives exacerbating human suffering and interjecting undesirable conditions.

South Korea should prioritize peace, stability and economic prosperity for all in Korea and move forward as a free sovereign state in holding direct talks with North Korean leadership and officials that would confirm the initiatives trustworthy and reliable for that is key to any endeavors more so of this pact having the prospects to turn history towards positive and peaceful direction.

I urge the South Korean President Moon Jae-in and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un to come together and ratify the alteration of armistice into peace treaty in addition to facilitating free flow of economic goods and services in Kaesong industrial complex in North Korea and consolidating Korean cultural values that are significant to present and future generations in their respective country.

United States role exemplified in demilitarization and lifting economic sanctions against North Korean citizens is vital as these actions would authenticate United States integrity in changing history from acrimony to harmony.

North Korea ceasing nuclear testing and closing nuclear site is prudent and proceed to do so that would further affirm international support recognizing the seriousness of such pledge.

I convey my best wishes to the people in North and South Korea as well as the leaderships and officials on all sides including United States striving hard to accomplish ever lasting peace that is long overdue in Korean Peninsula and Asia Pacific region.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com


North Korea Standoff

September 4, 2017

North Korea Standoff

Padmini Arhant


United States is in no position to advise or lecture anyone on nuclear responsibility having been the only nation to have used nuclear arsenal on civilian population in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

United States, Israel and NATO allies Britain and France as nuclear powers have not hesitated in deploying nuclear laden missiles and air strikes showering uranium in Fallujah, Iraq then Libya and Syria and White phosphorous on Gaza. So much for understanding nuclear responsibility thus far.

Furthermore in the use of chemical agents – Napalm in Vietnam, supplying biological weapons to former ally ex-President Saddam Hussein during eight years war between Iraq and Iran. Then Iraqi President also used the biological weapons from U.S. against Kurds in Iraq.

In 2012 and onwards U.S.and allies represented terror operatives were armed with chemical substance viz. sarin gas that terror factions used against children, women, elderly and men besides defense personnel in Syria.

In light of above mentioned involvements, United States and those responsible for heinous crimes against humanity have no grounds to find faults in others having set precedence with no limits in reckless conduct.

The hawkish elements with scripted speeches at UNSCthe body with no legitimacy conveniently set up to promote belligerence at will against nations regarded a fair target could no longer exercise arbitrary actions ignoring grave consequences in the region and the rest of the world.

The world was misguided earlier to invade Iraq leaving the oil rich nation infested with terrorists and forcing Iraq to combat terror for nearly half a decade now.

United States objection to North Korea’s nuclear capability would be appropriate upon United States leading the front in universal nuclear disarmament beginning with self-denuclearization. Those who preach must practice for credibility.

United States unequivocally remaining existential threat with military bases worldwide along with NATO endanger lives and habitat.

The illegal invasion and occupation of nations for economic interests and strategic dominance continue to claim lives and shatter prospects of normal existence for war victims.

United States media and press the so-called liberal and conservative alike drum roll for war under any pretext clarifies the system under siege. There is no desire or serious commitment to allow diplomacy and dialogue to defuse crisis.

Such disposition is contradictory to reaction to rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. The intolerance to slogans in these protests somehow not shared towards voracious appetite for violence and bloodshed.

The fact of the matter is in the absence of will to abandon wars, military interventions and any form of aggression including terrorism, the sponsors of hostility and offensive engagement care less about loss of lives and irreversible impact evident in the status quo.

United States presence in Korean Peninsula is the cause besides declining to respect sovereignty of nations and regions occupied for vested interests.

Any reasonable minds would recognize these problems and address them with withdrawal of forces, cease military activities and endorse peaceful negotiations as a permanent solution.

The citizens in North and South Korea cannot be deprived of a peaceful resolution to the hyped dispute fueled largely for profits with little or no concern for people in the region.

The de-escalation of tension is possible with peace delegation from South Korea to neighbor and family North Korea for discussion. Both nations perseverance to reach consensus on freezing counterproductive military and nuclear endeavors on all sides would confirm genuine positions and define South Korea’s independent and sovereign statehood as well.

North Korean leadership demonstrating peaceful overtures over nuclear testing would earn international support and bring the standoff to conclusion.

At present, any reason to attack North Korea is experimented and North Korean leadership and military advisers would be wise not to provide fodder to agenda.

Peace has everything to offer upon rational approach whereas confrontations only lead to ruins and rubbles.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission



China – Interview with China’s President Xi Jinping  

May 12, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

The audio version is available in the above link. The interview is conducted in Mandarin (Chinese language) with simultaneous English translation. Please click on the audio feature above.

President of the People’s Republic of China, The General Secretary of the Communist Party of China and the Chairman of the Central Military Commission.

Hello! Mr. President.

Welcome to the public domain. Padminiarhant.com

Thank you for inviting me.

Let me begin with China’s Title.

1. Q. Is China the People’s Republic?

Ans. China is stated as the People’s Republic.  However, China is governed by Communist Political bureau.

2. Q. How is China positioned in the 21st Century?

Ans. China is the emerging economic power and a major creditor to the United States and EU. China is also a global exporter with trade relations in every region. As permanent member of UN Security Council, China is equal partner in the P5+1 exclusive club.

All things considered, China also represents hegemony in undermining peace and stability.

3. Q. Where does China stand on territorial disputes with neighbors, the issues remaining contentious and escalating tension in the region?

Ans. Although, China is not in direct confrontation with any specific nation, there are skirmishes on the borders and international waters – South China Sea in particular attracting world attention.

4, Q What is the reason behind disagreements in this matter?

Ans. China is an integral part of hegemony sharing similar goals in maintaining economic and strategic dominance.

5. Q. Isn’t China’s policy forcing developing nations in the region to increase defense budget and facilitating United States permanent military base?

Ans. China and United States positions are favorable to the military industrial complex. The incursions are intended to proliferate arms deals including nuclear capability.

6. Q. China’s invasion and occupation of Tibet, China declining recognition of Taiwan as independent nation, the political unrest in Hong Kong, China’s claim on Indian States of Arunachal Pradesh, Ladakh and Aksai Chin in Kashmir, Maoists infiltration in India and Nepal clarify China’s imperial traits to control region.

What makes any nation think they can rule other states when providing for their own people is a major challenge?

Ans. Invasion and occupation of land is signature act of imperialism. Japan and China are historically imperial powers in the region. China’s territorial expansion is the continuation of trend in modern age. China’s hegemonic ambitions conform to UNSC P5+1 legacy.

7. Q. China’s relation with the United States is based on economic inter-dependency with China’s investment in U.S. Treasury Securities and United States granting MFN status to China.

However, there are other issues like currency adjustments contributing to trade imbalance, intellectual property rights violations by China and United States engagement in cyber attacks and standoff in Korean Peninsula as well as East and South China sea are few among several feuds that cannot be ignored now or later.

What is China’s proposal to the existing undercurrent in the relationship with United States and should the world believe the rivalry as a matter of concern?

Ans. China’s economic and military strength is formidable. Nonetheless both China and United States are partners and represent hegemony. The lingering mistrust is a result of two dragons vying for prominence.

8. Q. North Korea ties with China evident in China’s assistance in enabling North Korea – the nuclear state. Yet, China voted for sanctions against North Korea recently despite economic sanctions adverse impact on the people.

Similarly China’s arms supply to various factions in Africa in exchange for oil foment civil wars paving way for former colonizers to recolonize the continent. Such activities suggestive of hegemony pact for free access to African resources at the population expense.

Is China a reliable ally?

Ans. China is no different from other imperialists as we are poised to benefit ourselves in legitimizing illegitimate policy worldwide.

Whether China is a reliable ally or not – history is testimony to the fact.

9. Q. China led bank Asian Investment Infrastructure Bank (AIIB) conspicuously a spin off from Asian Development Bank luring United States allies confirm the concept cloning World Bank, IMF, ECB etc.

Why are the nations in North Africa and Middle East pledging support to improve Asian infrastructure rather than Africa?

Ans. Hegemony has many manifestations and China is one of them. World Bank, IMF, ECB, ADB and alike ill reputation are the reason behind AIIB emergence to prolong business as usual.

10. Q. China ‘s human rights record witnessed in Tiananmen Square and arrests of political dissidents besides crackdown on Uighurs in Xinjiang province, persecution of Tibetan monks and desecration of Tibetan heritage are common events.

As head of the state and Communist party chief, do you contemplate on reversing decadence to providence?

Ans. China’s human rights matter is in political interest. The communist doctrine is in semblance with hegemony ideology – i.e. to preserve concentration of power within core structure.

Furthermore, communism is an invention then to promote prevalent feudal system under the guise of republic.

China’s President Xi Jinping – Thank you.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant






















Cambodia – Garment Workers Strike Receives Government Violent Response

January 17, 2014

By Padmini Arhant 

The Cambodian garment and shoe factory workers strike for minimum wage increase met with government violent crackdown resulting in peaceful protesters deaths and charges against political opposition in the country. 

The Cambodian Labor Ministry offer to raise minimum wage from $80 to $100 per month while the labor force seeking $160 monthly payment in the $5 billion industry confirms exploitation – the common practice worldwide.

Corporations and government obviously do not share profits among employees especially those at the bottom of income hierarchy.  The global poverty and economic inequality largely attributed to poor employment conditions and below normal earnings with disproportionate allocation to powerful entities in political and business enterprise.

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen led government hardline approach against national work force demonstrators on this issue is counterproductive. 

The authorities could instead address high inflation along side improving job situation with fair and reasonable remuneration, health care provisions and other benefits for workers behind profitable trade boosting national revenue.

Major multinational companies and designer outlets using Cambodia and many developing nations as manufacturing base also bear responsibility in adopting policies with decent wages for factory workers and members in the service sector.

The government response to curb public rally in addition to political indictment of leaders in National Rescue Party contributes to unrest flaring instability. 

Moreover such disposition reveals government lack of commitment to economic growth evident in denying citizens request for affordable living despite enormous returns from apparel and accessories exports abroad.

International consumers effort and direct support to workers in Cambodia and elsewhere with similar experience could deliver positive outcome. 

In globalized economy, collective action urging private and public sector to comply with labor and environment laws critical to change status quo alleviating ordinary citizens plight.

Cambodian leaderships peaceful negotiations with protesters, unions and activists including political rivals could perhaps lead to resolutions conforming to better salary and income disbursements essential to narrow the gap between haves and have-nots in society. 

Wishing Cambodian citizens success in equitable system establishment facilitating mainstream access to prosperity.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant



Thailand – Democracy Challenged Through External Powers Promoted Destabilization

December 4, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

The democratically elected government led by Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra experiencing foreign powers instigated political uprising.

The opposition facing corruption charges lost 2011 national election following violent crackdown that resulted in many civilian casualties with then ruling authority maintaining unpopular policies to benefit self and selective groups in the political establishment.

Thailand politics premised on constitutional monarchy beneath military wing maneuvered to suit foreign sources agenda at national detriment.

The military coup and royal engagement in governance along with foreign interceptions has denied the people in Thailand political stability. 

When global forces use political system as pawn aimed at destabilization of country and region, the citizens’ discernment is critical to avert such outcome.

The political factions aiding foreign intrusion commit treason in order to remain in power witnessed in Thailand opposition role fomenting anti-government protests and civic buildings occupation declared victory disregarding economic liability from the inappropriate  conduct. 

The problem is the members behind the ongoing political crises in Thailand seeking to topple government for proposals to alleviate poverty and improve economic conditions among vast majority care less about the nation considering the performance during their term and preference to stir tensions rather than peaceful resolution with incumbent administration proves the lack of commitment and ingenuity in national service.

Thailand Premier Yingluck Shinawatra accused of allowing sibling, the self-exiled former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra to advise on political affairs while the accusers are carrying out foreign elements instructions to disrupt government activities is the irony with the organizers of anti-government rally.

The current trend among conglomerate opposed to democracy, peace and national interests is to cause political turmoil against governments attempting to address economic and social issues confronting the nation.

Thailand until recently under predecessor Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva ignored the mainstream plight due to preoccupation with holding the highest office and likewise the supporters concerned about respective power struggle within party and various posts facilitated dysfunctionality leading to continuous mass demonstration in 2010 and 2011.

Moreover having conceded to Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra post election 2011, the opposition leader Abhisit Vejjajiva unsuccessful action to delegitimize incumbent in the no confidence vote past week once again confirms personal ambitions prioritized over national needs.

Thailand sharing economic woes with rest of the world deserves political viability and not obstructions misleading people towards chaos and confusion.

Besides. the negative approach against government demanding Premier Yingluck Shinawatra resignation despite comfortable win in the latest no confidence motion is yet another anti-democratic and unconstitutional practice orchestrated from outside.

The desperate entities constantly striving for geopolitical dominance are applying any tactics to deprive Thailand from political, economic and social progress.

In fact the subversion reflective in misusing people power in Thailand is to discredit genuine peace movements against proxy representation elsewhere.

Thailand electorate exercising diligence in rejecting local political complicity with anti-republic foreign influence is important in preserving national sovereignty.

Additionally, Thailand adopting true democratic setting free of regal and army imposition of rules would guarantee meaningful democracy.

The ex-Premier Thaksin Shinawatra alleged assistance providing guidance on national matter to present leadership and other contentions related to government consideration for amnesty to the former leader later withdrawn in recognition of dissent in political circle,

Notwithstanding current government measures on rice subsidy offering farmers fixed prices exceeding market rates on the crops do not justify riots and upheaval.

Any allegations on previous head of state Thaksin Shinawatra accompanied with opportunity to prove innocence in the national court of law would conform to democratic values and constitutional requirement on civil rights.

Instead politicizing these events to score mileage reveals inherent flaws in the strategy to return to power.

The status quo extension serves none and unnecessarily exacerbates population suffering wasting taxpayer resources in political hostility.

Since Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra won Parliament approval to lead the country in the latest voting process, opposition efforts to thwart peace hurt the nation at large with saboteurs eventually paying political price.

Thailand citizens are urged to show solidarity in preventing foreign backed egregious decisions contributing to political unrest in the state.

Wishing Thailand steady and stable governance dedicated to economic growth, social development and fair political representation leaving none behind in prosperity.

Peace to Thailand

Peace to all! 

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant















