Indian Politics and Society – Could this be a Democracy?
September 6, 2018
Indian Politics and Society – Could this be a Democracy?
Padmini Arhant
Indian political class is representative of only three segments – the corrupt political establishment which is the incumbent and opposition alike, the industrialists and celebrities amassing illegitimate power, wealth and fame.
The so-called world’s largest democracy is hostage to corrupt, criminal and crony celebrity worship where political parties desperately depend on celebrities from entertainment industry during election campaign to mislead voters with big and small screen fictional heroes and fake heroines to sell fairy tales. They are also the preferred candidates for members in both the lower and upper house of the Indian parliament. Both BJP and Congress governments never fail to confer civil awards to Bollywood actors and actresses regardless of many among them being undeserving and unworthy of such honor. This is nothing more than bribery to retain relations between politics and entertainment industry.
There is a pact to have each other’s back and accordingly they exchange favors to benefit one another. The Bollywood actor and actress engaged in hit and run manslaughter from drunken driving and excess speed respectively resulting in loss of lives of innocent mainstream citizens are exempt from law that is otherwise applicable to average citizen in society. Prime Minister Modi government had gone out of their way and intercepted the criminal charge brought on the actor and actress with the latter being BJP’s lower house MP and the former recruited for 2019 election campaign.
Furthermore, in February 2018 a Bollywood actress passed away from alcoholism, the BJP government in the State of Maharashtra with Central authorities’ approval bid farewell to her with a state honor and national flag wrapped around the coffin falsely suggesting martyrdom. Notwithstanding denigration of the national flag and importantly those genuine martyrs, the true patriots responsible for the flag and national independence.
Ironically, the current BJP government headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi fictitious claims on random citizens quoting disrespect to national flag subsequent to the above-mentioned fanfare to Bollywood actress despite the circumstances of her demise and the misuse of national flag is hardly a matter of insolence to the flag or freedom fighters per government definition of patriotism and behavior pattern.
In comparison, the seventeen-year-old high school girl student in Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu falls victim to targeted sniper attack in the peaceful protest for environment protection, her family is denied possession of slain body to perform last rites making them plead for nearly two days since fatal shooting.
Likewise, the ordinary female citizen in Delhi is a gang rape victim and Congress President Sonia Gandhi intervenes between the doctor and patient forcing the critically ill patient transportation overseas against physician advise causing patient’s death. To add insult to injury to her traumatized parents and other family members, the state together with political opposition at foreign authorities’ behest withheld her name again in violation of both the patient and her parents’ will.
Contrarily, the politics fueled social issues based on caste and religion aimed at marginalized demography and violence experienced by citizens in different states from deployment of troops or public funded law enforcement routinely produce casualties sparking reaction amongst members in civil society.
Those who dare to raise voices and express concern over these flagrant incidents are framed anti-nationals with arrest warrants issued witnessed in Prime Minister Narendra Modi government’s latest action. Indian governments in power at any time displaying zero tolerance to constructive criticism and fair analysis is a serious blow to the idea of democracy. The heads of state at the national and regional level assume position of authority to the extreme undermining civil rights to question abuse of power in the absence of transparency and accountability.
Yet another political maneuver is using caste, minorities and disenfranchised segments as vote banks for political mileage. Both BJP and Congress along with their coalitions in different states continue to exploit these groups for political advantage ignoring the social and economic repercussions lasting generations among these population. The caste classifications as scheduled caste and scheduled tribe not excluding Dalits are maintained under the pretext of reservations or quota and preference only to polarize society. In return, drawing attention to such manipulation is rebutted as seditious accusing the fact presenter.
The trend has been exhausted and reached saturation with clashes erupting from other castes for not having equal opportunity to compete on meritocracy though the policy is deceptively dubbed inclusive. In fact, the contrast is evident with the Home Minister Raj Nath Singh in his latest press conference confirming caste census for citizens to specify their caste made mandatory and expected to be implemented by PM Modi government rather than moving towards abolishing caste system and placing all citizens and territories for due economic development increasing prospects for financial and social progress.
Indian electorate rejecting celebrity-oriented election rallies and candidacies together with objection to massive campaign funding from all sources without limits enabling political parties to buy votes from economically vulnerable voters are preliminary steps towards freeing the society from affluent dominance. Additionally, demanding political parties to adhere to democratic process holding primary election allowing people to choose Prime Minister candidates instead of imposing incumbent and opponent from either party as the only choice leaving the electorate at the national parties mercy is fundamental to free and fair election.
In terms of privileges and immunity on crimes, the celebrities, politicians and industrialists are entitled to tax evasions, embezzlement and various nefarious unscrupulous dealings not barring illegal arms trade, drug trafficking including elimination of anyone regarded an obstacle through contractual killings are not uncommon.
The politics owned media, press and communication outlets are inundated with propaganda to muzzle objective evaluation of the government policies and programs having negative impact on overwhelming majority in the country. The freedom of speech is curtailed to a large extent with hardline approach exercised by all political parties to remain in power. The broadband access is also stifled to contain free flow of information even during state or national crisis related to government crackdown on citizens seeking solutions to problems arising from dereliction of public servants duty.
In the course of corruption scandals or major investigations involving government entities and their relatives in sensitive issues like drug and flesh trade as well as other matter, the investigating officials with incriminating evidence leading towards indictment are invariably transferred at the nick of time and alternatively they are compelled to quit job ending the probe there and then to shield members in politics, entertainment and other industry.
The political situation is toxic and deteriorating with Prime Minister Modi and administration exerting extra judicial power considering the blanket order on dissent and activism on human rights violations coded anti-nationalism. The other being embankment defending prevalent silent emergency rule to mute credible and legitimate opposition. The predecessor Congress were no different in their effort to quell opinion and smudge data on mountainous scandals that ousted them from power.
Not surprisingly, the independent organization Transparency International in Europe has categorized India nearly close to Somalia in corruption among the worst corrupt nations in the world.
These actions without a shadow of doubt endanger democracy and set precedence for mass subjugation. The tradition misinterpreting people’s mandate for governance to address relevant and significant issues confronting them and national interests diverted to empowerment of selective class in society would definitively lead to undesirable outcome.
Change must begin at the top to trickle down to bottom. Indian electorate have the right and power to enforce the long overdue evolution through ballot, the non-violent and peaceful means to bring about positive effect.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
India – The New World Order Experiment
September 4, 2018
Hypocrisy Ad Nauseam – Author & Presenter Padmini Arhant
India – The New World Order Experiment
Padmini Arhant
The current situation in India is troubling reminiscent of time when emergency rule was introduced under former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.
MISA – Maintenance of Internal Security Act in 1971.
Such law prohibits citizens constitutional rights and movement as well.
MISA – Indian law enforcement agencies super powers – indefinite preventive detention of individuals, search and seizure of property without warrants were key features of this particular act.
MISA was imposed to silence opposition and any form of criticism against government. The Central authorities on taxpayers’ payroll use public funded police force to harass and intimidate citizens under the pretext of national security and alleged threat to high profile political entities in the government when often the reverse is experienced by ordinary citizens nationwide.
There is no doubt these measures by government strangle democracy to curb dissent. The confirmation to this effect was identified in BJP’s Rajya Sabha MP Subramaniam Swamy heralding the BJP move through his representation in the Supreme Court on the purported Hate Speech. Again, this is extrapolated to mute credible and legitimate opposition denying citizens the freedom of expression.
Interestingly, the government representatives in discussion panels hosted by Indian media attack isolated members whom they regard as threat to their power. The insinuations are slated as Free Speech on their part juxtaposed any response to their comments labeled as hate speech.
These are precisely the format laid on the New World Order (NWO) template. India is being tested with political authorities’ eagerness and agreement to implement the globally dreaded controversial NWO agenda. The new world order prescribes the use of police force with harsh techniques to disperse crowd and severe action against human rights activists projecting them in bad light framing them as anti-nationals and terrorists though the dark forces behind NWO scheme are terror sponsors besides embarked on destabilizing nations world over.
The Congress under Sonia Gandhi employed similar strategy especially members like P. Chidambaram, the former finance and Home Minister together with Kapil Sibal, both Harvard Alumni in business and law respectively, are exponents in abuse of power shielding and defending Congress party’s scandalous tenure while cracking down on ordinary citizens with brute force during anti-corruption rally in 2011 resulting in the death of a woman participant Rajbala with no inquiry or investigation on the crime.
P. Chidambaram facing numerous corruption charges along with his son Karti Chidambaram has successfully evaded law and zealously pursued human rights activists labeling them as left-wing revolutionaries despite being personally weighted down on political baggage from corruption and misuse of authority.
The political parties at national and regional states enthusiastically and obediently follow foreign diktat reflected in the maintenance of two laws enacted in the colonial era to subjugate population.
They are zero tolerance to fair and rational thoughts on government policies and rules affecting citizens across the spectrum – the marginalized and disenfranchised demography in particular.
The concerns over the plight and injustice endured by residents deemed outcasts and minorities in these regions are condemned as sedition efforts though political parties at the Central and State governments have systematically split India into various statelets arriving at 29 States from 22 earlier on, other than 7 Union territories in the current Indian territorial configuration. Such maneuver by political parties unequivocally attributed to gerrymandering to favor them in election.
The other colonial remnant retained among political parties viz. Congress and BJP alike is Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) that provides immunity against prosecution on crimes committed in uniform in territories with troops deployment at Central government’s authorization.
The negative connotations on AFSPA are predominantly related to alarming rise in civilian casualties in the deployed territories with the Central government previously Congress and now BJP choosing to remain oblivious to ground reality. Conversely, the fatalities suffered by army and police force not excluding recent abductions of law enforcement personnel’s relatives in Kashmir are deeply regrettable and once again lead to relevant political authorities’ complacency to the problems.
The contentious act had drawn Supreme Court attention with the petition on allegations of 1582 cases including a minor, the 12-year-old boy in the north eastern state of Manipur alone citing extra judicial killings from 2000 -2012.
The victims in other states in the north east and Jammu & Kashmir with troop commissioned under Disturbed Areas Act continue to plea on the veracity of prolonged army presence in these regions with no sincere commitment from political powers in the state and Central government to resolve the longstanding issues contributing to status quo. Not to mention the unresolved disputes for decades fomenting frustration evolving into militancy and rebel factions converting the otherwise solvable situation into an armed conflict due to lack of political will and economic opportunity.
Meanwhile, the locals caught in the crossfire between militants referred to as Maoists / Naxalites and Indian army, seek human rights activists’ assistance to access facilities and services that are critically affected depriving them of basic existence. There are many humanitarians who engage in providing help to civilians in these troubled spots or remote and rural areas that are neglected by political cadre.
Now in the wake of Prime Minister Narendra Modi government’s newly invented accusations against human rights activists, the aid to civilians is deceptively phrased as logistics and intellectual support to rebels contrary to actual state of affairs. Among those accused, the United States native Sudha Bharadwaj, Professor of Law, civil rights activist and advocate for Adivasis (the indigenous tribe) in India against land acquisition held in House Arrest pending hearing in the Indian Supreme Court on September 6 is branded anti-national and accused of alleged links with the government banned organization coining the phrase Urban Naxalite.
Instead of reviewing the conditions and deriving solutions in these parts of the nation, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government targeting human rights activists in good standing and high reputation in civil society for political reasons is a travesty.
The earlier incidents last year targeted intellectuals, academics, poets and writers viewed as government critics with at least four individuals gunned down much to national dismay. These actions categorically threaten democracy with state intolerance and prejudice and are in accordance with NWO prescribing civil rights suppression exerting extra judicial power at the executive branch.
There is no doubt the political witch hunt prompting incarceration and potential imprisonment of respectable members in civil society made scapegoat in the self-inflicting damage to political authority and those behind the devious strategy.
The question arises on the vitriolic innuendoes referring to treason, sedition and subversion that are aptly epitomized by political parties in India alternating terms in office. The political parties’ subservience to foreign elements as the colonial imperial power demonstrated in their acquiescence to neoliberal globalization and subversion of democracy to appease global masters whom they serve for individual political aspirations and vested interests.
The proof of the pudding is indeed in the eating were clearly proved in two instances – once in December 2012 by Sonia Gandhi in the lethal intervention of the rape victim’s medical treatment tantamount to state murder of an Indian citizen and declining to reveal her given name from birth. BJP on the same trail withholding her name with political members and Bollywood charlatans rhyming the state imposed pseudo name for the victim in media appearance was classic narcissism.
The other being Prime Minister Narendra Modi government in Delhi and State of Maharashtra sacrilege of the national flag and significantly the bona fide patriots and martyrs of Indian independence that is now in shackles displayed in Bollywood actress demise from alcoholism in February 2018. The self-caricature and desperate tactic only established corrupt mindset in Indian politics.
Last but not the least, the insinuation on my house arrest is an ill-conceived fantasy for political class and sycophants as I am a free spirit and ever remain so believing and committed towards individual and collective freedom of all species on earth.
Whereas Prime Minister Narendra Modi implicated on communal violence in Godhra, Gujarat and accordingly rejection of travel visa to United States is something to introspect when aiming at others on unsubstantiated charges.
The human rights activists facing complaints share the fundamental rights like those in politics and they are innocent until proven guilty barring manipulation and manufacturing of false evidence.
Perhaps draining the political swamp considering the overwhelming majority in politics on either side of political aisle have associations and connections to fugitives like Lalit Modi, Nirav Modi, Vijay Mallya to name a few and in the domestic front Ambani, Adani, Reddy Brothers and the likes bankrupting Indian economy would provide credence to the prospects of New India.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Indian Election 2019 – Dilemma and Dynamics
August 31, 2018
Indian Election 2019 – Dilemma and Dynamics
Padmini Arhant
The two major political parties – one projected as secular, plural and tolerant proved in name only i.e. Congress party headed by Rahul Gandhi and his mother Sonia Gandhi representing dynasty politics besides scandalous legacy is dé·jà vu for the base and the rest of the nation.
Interestingly, the neighbor Pakistan’s prominent press cheering for Congress return to power in India while celebrating the ejection of political dynasties submerged in corruption investigations in their domain viz. the Nawaz and Zardari family explains the former selective fascination and rejection respectively.
The other – BJP with RSS as the guiding force widely known and perceived as fundamentalists in the misuse of religion with Hinduism as casualty brandish the sword against dissent. The latest action against human rights activists as well as several controversial communal incidents traced to RSS influence cannot be ignored as political barb from the opposition and critics.
Indian politics being run by families as personal family affair at national and state level, they are noted as such and referred to as Parivar meaning family.
For example – Gandhi Parivar is in reference to Sonia Gandhi family with her son Rahul Gandhi elevated as party President and ever remaining the Prime Minister candidate.
Similarly, BJP is identified as Sang Parivar associated with RSS organization.
At the regional and provincial level, the Parivar (family) factor is prevalent and the political parties are set up following the common tradition – inheritance of power like the DMK in Tamil Nadu, RJD in Bihar, SP in Uttar Pradesh (UP), NC and PDP in Jammu & Kashmir (J&K) and the trend continues nationwide in the so-called world’s largest democracy.
Though there are many political factions representing different states in India, the ultimate choice is usually narrowed between BJP and Congress with both of them requiring coalition in Lok Sabha, the lower house of Parliament.
BJP political alliance with parties conforming to same strategy cane to power as NDA – National Democratic Alliance in 2014.
Congress on the other hand teamed up with whoever willing in the political assortment and came to power as UPA – United Progressive Alliance in 2008 and earlier.
Congress and coalition were ousted in 2014 predominantly due to an avalanche of corruption scandals that brought BJP as NDA to office.
BJP under RSS direction is currently dealing with self-inflicted wounds and branded as Hindutva, the title conferred to misinterpret Hinduism.
The term Hindutva is invented to malign Hinduism largely emanating from ignorance and indoctrination.
Hindu philosophy on peace, gender and social equality aptly depicted in Hindu Goddesses epitome of different faculty from energy to wisdom and prosperity. Furthermore, Hinduism is the progenitor to other religions like Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism and so on.
The assault on religions whether Hinduism, Islam or Christianity and Buddhism…is premised on provocation for political and vested interests. Notwithstanding the intent to stir reaction on sensitive issue.
The political options for Indian electorate are not unfamiliar as the two national parties BJP and Congress along with the remaining political groups prepare for the upcoming election in May 2019.
BJP tied to RSS have to contend with dissatisfaction and disappointment in the wake of many social and economic problems not barring freedom of speech and intolerance to peaceful protest or activism experienced among mainstream ordinary citizens in society.
Likewise, Congress maintaining dynasty and tarnished trajectory on corruption scandals hardly appealing to the public. The voters are burdened with the responsibility to choose the government in the forthcoming election.
Considering the tough situation, the question to both parties and their response most likely through surrogates and talking heads would clarify the status quo on India’s democracy as well as the quest for power over republic progress.
Given the latest hype, nod and frenzy to add confusion to dramatic disposition of Punjab’s State Minister – the cricketer turned politician Navjot Singh Sidhu and his apparent good will trip to Pakistan to attend the oath ceremony of the newly elected Prime Minister Imran Khan, also a former cricketer, raise the obvious question.
Since Congress President Rahul Gandhi recently claimed that he has no ambition to contest the Prime Minister post,
Would he then nominate the Congress member and Punjab State Minister Navjot Singh Sidhu to run for office of Prime Minister of India?
Navjot Singh Sidhu having been approved by both sides of the political aisle to represent India in Pakistan at the formal event might reflect well on Congress party in choosing the young State Minister to lead the youthful Congress in the national election.
With BJP – the candidacy offered to other potential contenders within party or outside other than the incumbent Prime Minister Narendra Modi in addition to disavowing RSS would provide better choices for the electorate in 2019.
In a genuine democracy, the people electing the Prime Minister candidate from across the political spectrum and the race between two final contenders at the general election would justify as a true democratic process. Unlike the existing system with party nominated Prime Minister candidates vying for the coveted position in politics.
Regardless, the above proposal for Congress to back Punjab State Minister Navjot Singh Sidhu and BJP to field new challenger instead of the current Prime Minister Narendra Modi would determine the political parties’ democratic values in addition to infusing new dynamics in the race in 2019.
Are Congress and BJP ready for such political illustration?
Also, Dalit obsession among Indian, Pakistani press and alike including the female rank and file member of Pakistan’s PPP party touting Tanzanian ancestry citing Hindu Dalit woman in interview, or for that matter any member from that community specifying them as Dalit that is not applicable to a brahmin, Kshatriya or Vaisya castes from India and various denominations in other religions or culture speaks volume of the individual trait and background arguably beneath human nature.
Do they act and behave as such in obedience and servitude to foreign diktat? These are the kind who bow to liability called royalty despite the latter existence dependent on the so-called commoners’ charity.
Whatever the reason behind crass demeanor, it only highlights their impropriety.
Again, it verifies their lack of credibility to serve or represent any segment let alone marginalized demography in Sindh, Pakistan or anywhere and for those in the press in India, Pakistan and elsewhere never cease to mention Dalit in their articles and public discourse reveal their inferior mindset, contempt and prejudice. Ironically, they discuss social and economic disparity when they contribute to inequality.
Yet another favorite expression in the Indian and Pakistani print press, media as well as for those whom they quote in articles is Hindu majoritarianism.
By the same token,
Isn’t Muslim majoritarianism in Srinagar the bone of contention on the entire State of Jammu and Kashmir?
Only small minds could be the author of The God of Small Things and notably the preferred designate to parody anyone beyond their scope of realism.
Unfortunately, the myopic view of these folks cloud judgment prompting ill-conceived classifications causing unwanted social rift and tension in the environment.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
The deal making in the rise and fall of dictators
August 4, 2018
The deal making in the rise and fall of dictators
Padmini Arhant
The news buzz on deal making between odd couples as one might think turn out to be among not strange but familiar bed fellows exchanging thoughts on reining control i.e. clinging to power.
Though hardly surprising considering the trend in the rise and fall of dictators created and fostered by shadow operatives’ obsession with dominance.
The video in circulation on Pakistan’s former President General Pervez Musharraf negotiation for power arousing interests in public domain.
As per the news article;
The footage with Musharraf listening to a question by a member of the gathering. The questioner asked the former Pakistani president and military dictator, “what do we have to change so that our money is used in a positive way to protect Americans from terrorism, from radical Islam [and] from Al-Qaeda. What’s gonna do that for us.”
Musharraf in his prompt and to the point reply said: “All I’m saying is, I have certain credentials from the past. I need to come [to power] again and I need to be supported not overtly but in a covert manner so that we win again.”
The news articles related to this story also cites the organizers of this secret meeting.
Jack Rosen, an American lobbyist and Chairman of the powerful American Jewish Congress, purportedly organized the gathering. The clip shows that Dr. Nasim Ashraf, the former chairman of Pakistan Cricket Board and head of the National Commission for Human Development (NCHD) also accompanied the former president.
A Wikipedia entry for Mr Rosen says he has advocated for Jewish and Israeli causes stating. “We are living in a post-Holocaust era and the forces that provided for a safe and secure Israel are changing. We have to look at what the future holds and have to use all the skills we’ve learned in America and that are available to us to ensure security for Jews around the world”, says the internet information portal.
Apart from being a lobbyist, the 69-year-old CEO of Rosen Partners, Jack Rosen is a board member of Altimo – a British Virgin Island (BVI) company that is the telecom investment arm of Russia’s Alfa Group consortium. It has investment interests in Russia, Central Asia, Middle East and Bangladesh.
JackRosen, who, in his article in Jerusalem Post, believed “A Pakistan without Musharraf could be a much more dangerous place.”
The stated article ended there.
Pakistan’s General and former President Pervez Musharraf striking deals to reappear on the throne as Wazir-e-Azam (Head of the State) of Pakistan is common practice among those seeking the glamor of power. In reference to the secret meeting, one cannot imagine open rendezvous involving matter of this nature.
The current political situation in Pakistan following controversial general election in 2018 has the recommendation of members like General Pervez Musharraf behind foreign sources touted PTI Chairman, Imran Khan. General Pervez Musharraf has made the rounds on Pakistan, Indian and US media extending support to PTI chief Imran Khan.
As for the Jewish lobby – the powerful American Jewish Congress has been cited earlier in the involvement of local uprising in Iran, Israel’s primary rival in the Middle East.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Pakistan – Struggles and Strategies
July 28, 2018
Pakistan – Struggles and Strategies
Padmini Arhant
Pakistan – The Islamist nation in the Indian sub-continent having sought independence on August 14th, 1947, the day before the parent, India on August 15th, 1947 as a result of colonial power devised partition with a parting gift Kashmir remaining the contentious issue for the progeny Pakistan.
Pakistan is yet to establish democracy as the free civilian authority serving the electorate mandate rather than the diktat of sources within and offshore.
Though independence and real freedom in a democracy and other political systems is far from reality due to shadow global government reining control over political events, economy and social evolution via proxies in governance and institutions, the experience of democracy is relative worldwide.
The official decree Indian Independence Act 1947 passed by British Parliament on July 5th, 1947 upon the colonial departure in 1947 referring to India and Pakistan as Dominions confining the autonomy to ninety nine years of which seventy one years gone by meaning the act nearing expiry in twenty eight years explains the imperialist motives to retain dominance.
In this respect, when reminded on this site with elaborate details on the Dominion reference in the Indian Independence Act 1947 and future implications from such inference,
Unlike Indian government and Parliament, Pakistan national assembly overwhelmingly acted passing legislation in 2010 essentially removing the term Dominion in the Statute of Independence declaration clarifying the independent status for Pakistan from 1947 onwards.
Dominion alludes to British Commonwealth that is maintained until today with British Monarchy and heir presiding over Commonwealth governments meeting in the so-called independence era.
As for Pakistan in the past seventy one years and up until now, the state has been subjugated by national forces viz. the Pakistan Army and the Intelligence Services Agency (ISI) asserting authority over legislative, administration and judiciary.
In fact, the military rule in Pakistan never ended even after the dismissal of former President, General Pervez Musharraf with the top brass in the army and ISI wielding power over civilian government evident in the latest developments and recent national election.
Pakistan military and ISI intervention in civilian rule is stated as necessary citing inherent corruption and incompetence of the administrations elected to power in the past three terms and earlier during the late Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto term in office. The former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto was assassinated in December 2007 during General Pervez Musharraf government in power.
Interestingly, Pakistan military and ISI in particular fail to recognize the worst legacy considering the army rule in Pakistan’s political history spanning over longer period than short lived civilian governments predominantly attributed to the former intrusion.
Going back to last Governor General and first President of Pakistan Iskander Mirza suspending the constitution much to own detriment enabling his then appointee General Ayub Khan to depose him set precedence thereafter with military successors General Yahya Khan and General Zia-ul Haq following suit in public execution of elected heads of state.
General Yahya Khan unsuccessful engagement in war with India over East Pakistan led to the liberation and formation of what is now known as Bangladesh.
Subsequently, General Pervez Musharraf daring nuclear India for potential nuclear confrontation in 1999 in Kargil war delivered outcome in favor of India.
Domestically, General Pervez Musharraf adopting army predecessors’ hard line policy, imposed emergency rule and massive crackdown on public institutions including the Supreme Court of Pakistan that ultimately forced him into exile until today.
The western backed General Pervez Musharraf was paid billions of dollars per then United States administrations account and U.S. State department expressing disappointment with Musharraf government failure to curb terror networks like Haqqani and radicalism in Saudi Arabia funded madrassas becoming recruits for al Qaeda.
On General Pervez Musharraf watch, Pakistani youth representing majority of population in the country were regularly abducted from urban and rural areas to undisclosed foreign locations under U.S. administration authorized renditions exercising unlawful extra judicial power.
The trajectory clearly demonstrates Pakistan army rulers’ priority and agenda for military confrontations with India and grossly neglected Pakistan population dire needs exacerbating people suffering and endangering lives not only in Pakistan but also in the entire South Asia.
The quest for power driving aspirants to attain by any means is the common trend not just in Pakistan but world over perhaps with distinctions in mechanisms and individual traits.
Pakistan’s ISI involvement in fomenting terror, aiding and abetting terror plots within the country especially sensitive territories like Sindh and Baluchistan as lately in Quetta with a bomb blast killing more than thirty civilians near the poll station are by no means few and far between incidents.
The violence in every part of the country with bomb blasts and terrorism wreaking havoc constantly witnessed by the world.
As for cross border terrorism with India, the terror infiltration has been the routine affair initiating Kargil war in 1999 and consequentially prompting troops deployment on either sides of the border in return making lives in Indian State of Jammu & Kashmir nearly impossible.
The terror activities across the border are experienced by other neighbors of Pakistan as well viz. Afghanistan and Iran having brought the matter to Pakistan’s army and intelligence authorities attention urging them to address the security threats to neighbors in the region.
In terms of protecting Pakistani citizens and defense personnel, the NATO air strike on Pakistan check post stationed as NATO allies in 2011 killing 24 Pakistani soldiers with no apology from the U.S. administration of then President Barack Obama or NATO command further defined the vulnerability to western inflicted catastrophe that continues unabated in Afghanistan and along the border with Pakistan.
Pakistan ISI knowledge in weapons supply to terror outfits like Lashkare e Taiba (LeT) and Jaish e Mohammad, the chief architects and operatives of terror attacks in India and similarly Taliban in Swat Valley are neither acknowledged nor denied leading to complicity in the terror outfits endeavors.
Last but not the least, the underworld criminal elements viz. Dawood Ibrahim facing extradition charges has found safe haven and settled in Pakistan’s metropolis and commercial capital Karachi frequenting to Dubai and Abu Dhabi, UAE in the Middle East and continuing the organized criminal operation in Mumbai, India from Pakistan.
In light of such track record,
Could Pakistan army and intelligence agency ISI blame the civilian governments in Pakistan solely responsible for lack of economic and social development?
The corruption investigation against political families are not disputed, however the policy targeting only some and not applied across the spectrum including the army, intelligence and others in society evading taxes, taking bribes, hoarding money overseas and money laundering makes the process selective raising credibility factor.
Meanwhile, Pakistan public hope for civil governance and elections devoid of army and ISI meddling seen in the latest polls appears to be a fantasy unless introspection amongst those contributing to impediments in Pakistan’s trail for political stability and economic growth that are desperately required reverse actions and refrain from counterproductive measures.
The corruption scandals among political class ejecting governments having become the norm, the pursuit to drain the swamp has to be impartial and consistent in the application of law on all barring preferences and exemptions based on political, economic, social or religious background.
Meanwhile, the new government ushered in with army and ISI paving the way for victory is burdened with the balancing act of accountable governance and civilian administration functioning independently away from the shadow of the forces in national and foreign domain.
Pakistan cannot afford wars with India or any other nation in the region. The escalation of tension between India and Pakistan only promotes adversarial relations that benefits none. Instead, Pakistan investing resources in purging terror and terror affiliates within the country besides intelligence sharing with India and other neighbors on any possible terror assault in their soil would improve situation and restore trust, the main aspect for normal ties with nations near and far.
Importantly, the terror masterminds and agents behind terrorism in Pakistan, India and anywhere residing in Pakistan brought to justice would indeed highlight the commitment towards the slogan Naya (New) Pakistan.
The military and intelligence renewal of contacts and cordial approach with counterparts in India would enhance understanding assuming better positions that could guarantee peace and harmony anticipated among population on both sides affected in the status quo.
The topic on Pakistan will resume with the focus on economy, social status, human rights and environment.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Pakistan – BBC Projection on General Election
July 27, 2018
Pakistan – BBC Projection on General Election
Padmini Arhant
BBC – The public funded network with British Monarchy as the trustee and representing the Shadow Global Government is the dichotomy profile. Furthermore, BBC demonstration in this respect is evident in broadcasting global events not just Pakistan’s General Election. The network videos are presented below. In the first video, the host is demanding evidence from the guest on Pakistan Intelligence Services (ISI) meddling and in the next video BBC in local Indian language (Hindi) precisely confirming the guest’s claim on the latest national election.
Isn’t it incumbent on those questioning others’ knowledge, professionalism and integrity to make sure they qualify to do so by exemplifying in action?
Pakistan General Election – BBC News Hindi
Pakistan General Election and latest developments will be discussed on this site following full and final electoral outcome.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Independence Day – Singapore, Pakistan and India
August 13, 2017
Independence Day Celebration – Singapore, Pakistan and India
By Padmini Arhant
The three nations sharing Independence Day around the same time has potential to address issues posing impediments to pervasive progress.
Political freedom and economic growth along with social equality are key to national achievements.
Corruption, terrorism together with lack of transparency and accountability of those at the helm are fundamental problems depriving meaningful and effective development.
Laws made applicable to all regardless of socio economic and political status on crimes that are ordinarily enforced on population would exemplify real freedom.
Unlike the present system providing impunity to many despite their actions and involvements that are otherwise punishable by law.
Independent nations would live up to liberty and justice for all not just the selective few that are witnessed worldwide.
The racial, social and political divide denying fair opportunity to significant segments not recognized as fellow citizens polarize society.
Those in position of power and authority and influential entities undue advantage due to privileges exacerbate conditions for majority struggling to make ends meet and increase economic disparity.
Notably the difference between haves and have nots largely matter as votebanks only during election.
India and Pakistan – The basic needs such as electricity without load shedding, clean drinking water throughout the day and health facilities accessibility to citizens nationwide as political priority would be significant.
The rural and remote areas targeted in political race deserve attention beyond election.
Unfortunately, defense spending to curb incursions from across the borders and combating terrorism absorb bulk of the national budget,
Notwithstanding corruption and tax evasion amongst those in politics and other fields equally drain economy depleting national revenue.
The resolutions transformed into reality would demonstrate sincerity to lead the nation in a positive direction.
Any steps in alleviating social and economic difficulties to benefit the middle, lower and poorer class are always welcome.
Leaving behind casteism, sectarianism and prejudice identifying all citizens by the country of origin rather than sect, class and creed would be hallmark of true independence. Furthermore, renouncing discriminatory practice would clarify disinheritance of colonial trait in addition to emergence away from the dark shadow.
Happy Indeorndence Day!
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Spouse in Divine Mission
Bhutan – Doklam Plateau, Doka La Dispute with China
July 30, 2017
Bhutan – Doklam Plateau, Doka La Dispute with China
By Padmini Arhant
The Himalayan Kingdom Bhutan confronted with China, the neighbor up north on boundary demarcation drawing another neighbor India on the East due to trijunction – the meeting of three countries – Bhutan, India and China border near Bhutan’s Doklam plateau that is claimed as Donglang by China.
Bhutan, a small nation having no diplomatic or military ties with China while maintaining strategic, military, consular and cultural exchange with India forced into the triangular situation.
China’s decision to deepen border down South into Bhutan in Doklam, authorizing road construction and mobilizing building equipment and materials stretching into Bhutan’s geographical territory raised alarm for Bhutan prompting the Buddhist nation to seek assistance from India.
India already faced with China’s incursion in Northeastern state of Arunachal Pradesh now required to intervene at Bhutan’s behest on defense obligation towards Bhutan. Furthermore, from India’s security standpoint China’s road project could potentially isolate Indian Northeastern states from New Delhi, a possibility not affordable at any cost.
As a result, Indian troops are stationed at the trijunction with a standoff against China’s troops amid media rhetoric on both sides weighing in more than serious talks at ministerial level.
India’s National Security Adviser Ajit Doval’s visit to Beijing to attend BRICS NSA meeting over the weekend and direct talks with counterpart on this sensitive matter apparently was unsuccessful.
China’s officials in the political bureau and military stance insisting on Doklam as Chinese soil is reminiscent to occupation in neighboring Buddhist nation Tibet.
As cited in China’s military and civilian statements, the rise in economic power stimulates quest for expansion aptly applicable to China’s contemporary status with neighbors sharing borders with China. Though China’s territorial extension goes prior to economic growth invading Tibet and denying Taiwan sovereign identity that remains unsettled until today.
Subsequently, clamp down on Hong Kong’s democratic protest, the rise of Maoist groups in Nepal in the Himalayan foothills and similar activities in India’s Eastern states are visibly noted as China’s influence.
China’s ongoing problems with landlocked Bhutan and maritime skirmishes on islets against Japan, Vietnam and Philippines in South and East China Sea, Sri Lanka defining non-military engagement on recently acquired Hambantota deep seaport by China alongside border tensions in Central Asia are enormous in the multifaceted dispute.
Above all, the biggest and significant issue for China is United States successful testing of THAAD MISSILE in the latest response to North Korean IRBM launch in the Korean Peninsula. United States frustration over China’s passivity in simmering friction is no secret with the message from President Donald Trump on twitter expressing disappointment.
Obviously, there are substantial challenges surrounding China more than India given China’s sprawling territorial discord with far too many in Asia not to mention investments in economies demanding attention over unnecessary undertaking in Doklam straining relations among neighbors.
Accordingly, the priority on Doklam impasse is for withdrawal of troops from both China and India in conjunction with China terminating road construction encroaching Doklam to defuse crisis.
As for Doklam territory, the proximity and geographical landscape indicative of the disputed area clearly located in Bhutan legitimizing Bhutan’s claim on the plateau.
China’s economic power expended in building prosperity with all nations within and outside the region would be unique role setting precedence in the modern era rather than territorial annexations that are no longer viable in the nuclear age.
Both China and India together with Bhutan resolving the matter in absolute respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity of all concerned would demonstrate maturity and political will for peaceful resolutions. The commitment would avert acceleration to the point of no return.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Spouse in Divine Mission
Pakistan – Supreme Court Verdict on Panamagate
July 28, 2017
Pakistan – Supreme Court Verdict on Panamagate
By Padmini Arhant
The Supreme Court in Pakistan delivered decision on long awaited Panamagate involving ex-Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and family.
The case related to former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and family inheritance has drawn lot of attention. The political family’s disproportionate assets held offshore via foreign companies brought to light in the International Investigative Journalism report on elites’ holdings worldwide.
The nationwide speculations and convictions on this matter finally brought to end by Pakistan’s Supreme Court with the expected outcome. The Panamagate overshadowing spate of terror attacks within and outside Pakistan verifiable in national media attention divested not only in Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s fate but also the fragile democracy in Pakistan.
The removal of the head of State during term in office is not new in Pakistan politics as similar event happened with predecessor ex-Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gillani. Pakistan’s Supreme Court disqualified then leadership on corruption scandal reminiscent to latest decision against outgoing Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.
Pakistan politics traditionally governed by military has been through government successions following assassinations under army’s top brass command seizing power that continued until the Presidency of General Pervez Musharraf, a close western ally self-exiled in London in the wake of political storm from abuse of power returning home not long ago.
General Musharraf’s series of actions beginning with declaring emergency, imprisonment of political opposition, barring press and media factual reporting, clamp down on Supreme Court justices leading to closure of the highest court to cite a few violations are regarded a past relic understandably due to support from army and western foreign powers and allies in the Islamic coalition.
The rivalry between Pakistan and India reached the ultimate during General Pervez Musharaff rule bringing the two nuclear nations in the Kargil conflict in 1999 on the brink of nuclear confrontation.
General Pervez Musharraf was implicated in corruption and implicit connection for ignoring requests to security threats leading to assassination of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto.
Late Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto also a western backed choice in Pakistan politics as member of political dynasty sharing spotlight on corruption legacy until the slain Prime Minister belated quest for democratic Pakistan perceived by the internal and external forces to upset the applecart.
Subsequently, Bhutto family Pakistan People’s Party induction to power on sympathy vote is conventional practice in South Asian politics witnessed in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh to name a few in the region.
The other political party emergence poised as opposition is Tehreek e Insaf of Pakistan (PTI) headed by former cricket captain Imran Khan not without western shadow in the changing political dynamics and lingering imperial influence.
Pakistan’s desire for political stability amid terrorism rocking the state from within and periphery hurting potential meaningful bilateral relations with neighbors all around is a major challenge for the young nation represented by youthful euphemism on functioning democracy.
Furthermore, Pakistan’s internal troubles in Baluchistan and Sindh provinces seeking secession from the union exacerbates normal conditions hindering progress in the consistently challenged political environment.
Yet Pakistan’s political factions and other elements interest remains contentious on Kashmir at foreign behest rather than addressing issues in the domestic front.
The intriguing situation in Pakistan emulating political culture in the region and worldwide is electing candidates and political parties with established record on corruption, criminal dealings and activities marring credibility besides affiliations to international powers vested interests.
In this instance, the corruption exposure against former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is not a revelation given the political trajectory.
Pakistan’s close alliance with Saudi Kingdom though diminishing in the recent years and ex-Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s special ties with Saudi Arabia throughout political career is an acknowledged fact. Then the contemporary link to other Gulf state, Qatar apparently useful on financial rather than political gains in the turbulent atmosphere.
Nonetheless, the precedence on zero tolerance to corruption resulting in the removal of governments in Pakistan applied across the spectrum would demonstrate commitment to purge the nation from graft and importantly terrorism.
Pakistan is still a safe haven for terror networks and underworld crime syndicates that deserves intervention and expulsions from the domain freeing the beleaguered population in the country and Indian sub-continent from the menace of violence and persistent terror.
Corruption is global epidemic stifling growth and opportunity for citizens world over. The political body anywhere entrenched in corruption is the flagship imposing generational poverty and income inequality in society.
As such politics is a gold mine for many to make fortune and attain celebrity status in short period of time and upon term in office at the expense of those electing them to power leaving the electorate at the authorities’ mercy.
Politics is no longer the public service in the competitive power contest. The motto shifted from resolving nation and citizen’s problems to acquiring personal benefits and prominence worsened with international clique dominance undermining sovereignty and republic rights.
Pakistan’s course to root corruption extended on terrorism binding on all would guarantee a new beginning for the people paying price with life, livelihoods and future denied in the bargain for self-promotion and extraordinary prosperity.
The citizens of Pakistan hope for stable democracy devoid of failures in smooth governance maintaining transparency and accountability exempting none regardless of stature and influential profile would reset the nation towards optimism and success.
Wishing the citizens of Pakistan peaceful transition and co-existence forging security and economic development with all within and outside the country.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Spouse in Divine Mission
India – Caste Stereotype
July 12, 2017
India – Caste Stereotype
By Padmini Arhant
I, Padmini Arhant formally submit my application to the government of India for compensation on concession, quotas and financial aid not availed by me that are provided to Dalits – the segment regarded outcast in Indian society.
Since I wasn’t Dalit then when I was growing up in India making me ineligible for any minority benefits, the political decision designating me as Dalit by Indian political establishment at their international masters’ behest is acrimony similar to attributing the Delhi rape victim tragedy to me as Nirbhaya (meaning fearless) by declining to disclose the victim’s real name despite the victim’s parents request to refer to their daughter by her given name The episode sequence presented by Britain’s BBC funded and produced documentary titled India’s daughter depict the rape victim at fault in the apparently female directed film.
I regard the insensitive treatment of me appropriately fitting the demand for fairness and equality in reference and acknowledgment of my inalienable individual right.
The modification in conduct or otherwise would confirm India’s democracy. In a real democracy, all are equal unlike the archaic caste segregation exploited by political class in the fierce power grab contest defining India’s political system to be anything but democratic altering the sovereign status into vassal statehood.
On the educational front, degrees and scholastic achievements perhaps enhance career prospects and boost membership opportunity in elite clubs. However, the invaluable asset in life is unyielding virtue and selflessness developed and sustained with or without major qualifications.
Is it possible for behavioral change in society with rise to fame, fortune and power dependent on opportunism?
As long as limits and reservations exist denying anyone classified as inferior and alternatively favoring those for reasons not serving the actual purpose the essence of meritocracy is null and void.
India abandoning caste structure that remains a stigma on diverse culture beginning with elimination in political discourse, communication media and social interaction would reflect any overall progress.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Spouse in Divine Mission