AI Propaganda – Desperation Beyond Salvation

August 14, 2024

AI Propaganda

Desperation Beyond Salvation

Padmini Arhant

The return of Daily Show host Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz alias Jon Stewart prior and ongoing surrogacy to elites, the classic narcissists responsible for ruining, maiming, violating, annihilating…millions of lives in the abuse of power in public office and duplicity explain two things about the defended and defenders for monetary exchange – intelligence and character.

Not to mention the die hard cronyism with a price tag numbing the brain cells and blurring the vision fail to see the bare facts and acknowledge events unravelling in the irrefutable status.

The intelligence or the lack thereof evidently the false propaganda on Artificial Intelligence about the nemesis place the propagandists in spotlight.

The artificial superficial democrat Presidential nominee on borrowed materials, stolen positive identity as well as image launched by the corrupt league upending democracy in the Presidential race 2024 is déjà vu.

The 2024 Presidential race is the repeat of 2008 Presidential scam with Nobel Peace Prize handed in advance.

The recipient in return exacerbating war mongering, violence at home and abroad, toppling democracy (like experienced now in 2024) then for neo-Nazi and military junta governments worldwide, terror and cannibalism sponsoring…adequately highlight the 2009 – 2016 disastrous legacy.

Not surprisingly, the trend vehemently defended and promoted via Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz aka Jon Stewart and alike in plain sight.

Never mind the apathy towards millions of victims’ plight when cheering and rooting for compulsive violators on display.

In character, Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz aka Jon Stewart embarrassing moment brought to light not long ago in the real estate evaluation similar to determination of others’ intelligence as Artificial while presumptuously declaring own Authentic.

Jon Stewart benefited by 829% ‘overvalue’ of his NYC home sale even as he labels Trump’s civil case ‘not victimless’

By the way,

Why on earth the so-called genius prodigies charismatic the messiah…😂 endlessly remain the wannabe, opportunists, impostors and copy, imitate, troll, tag, stalk, haunt and taunt the after all Artificial intelligence despite the warning to cease and desist? 

When you think you are exceptional ?🤣  

Why is there hostility and antagonism for non- involvement alongside stealing profile of the one you devalue as worthless with Artificial intelligence to attain the pinnacle of success?

What does that say about the intelligence behind such animation?

Go figure if you can?

Padmini Arhant

Indian Fad in Politics

July 22, 2024

Indian Fad in Politics

Padmini Arhant

Hello Politics: Do not mislead and deceive yourself as well as the electorate in words and action.

The following imitation is an instant connotation on fake fraudulent representation. Cease and desist from such postures.



Democrat Party: Presidential race deserves merit based constitutional democratic process. Not to be treated like the Vaccine Mandate – No Jab No Job endured in 2021 – 2023. 

Politics is not merely the end bargain among millionaires and billionaires to arrive at critical decisions.

The voters as the electorate and ultimate providers as taxpayers fund the government from top to bottom.

Declining their legitimate rights to fair and appropriate representation is upending democracy. The slogan your party uses against your opponent as a threat to democracy.

The action of the accuser symmetrical to that of the accused is called hypocrisy. 

What’s up with Indian fad in American politics and for that matter in the economic sector including entertainment?

The Indian representation in politics, economic sector and entertainment in the past sixteen years is a reminder on;

“Make hay when the sun shines.”

Although, Indian immigration and travel to the United States is dated back to the 60’s and some even much earlier.

My late father visited New York and other places in the United States in the late 50’s and subsequently on business travel during his service with British international airline.

There were many Indians from India or of Indian origin rising to prominence in an array of fields ranging from science, engineering, computer world and academia to classical music and other cultural domains since 60’s and into 80’s – 90’s that were noticeably dormant in attracting politics, economic sector and entertainment industry attention to head organizations as CEO’s and considered for any position in politics or for that matter the Gala academy awards from Hollywood until the sudden hype and surge in the last sixteen years.

The insomnia and mania over Indian association to the extent of subverting geography in projecting the Asian continent with South, South East Asia and Indian sub-continent in northern hemisphere as South Africa on the southern hemisphere is an extraordinary stretch viewing the globe upside down.

The flagrant misrepresentation is at least genuine in revealing zero knowledge in geography in addition to spinning narratives comparable to cyclone, hurricane twisters.

Wokism propagated in a bizarre waywardly indulgence especially in the past three years by behind the scene operative using proxy administration now desperately seeking to extend status quo in the replacement of current proxy with yet another maneuverable exploitative pawn pitched as the suitable suitor to the knight with the shining armor on the black horse letting the ludicrous imagination run wild.

Why not use the one amongst within i.e. own partner?

The partner partaking the mega profits and benefits in the handed down glory, power and fortune at the heels and back of the one whose 16 years of free service and sacrifice was shamelessly availed and exploited with incessant targeting literally with unprovoked vitriolic bullets, demonization and ad hominem misogyny continued till date as entitlement against the benefactor never benefitting or sharing in the name of power, fame and fortune rather been the contrary.

Notwithstanding, touting race, gender and identity politics rampant in the last three years having displaced and dislodged female leaderships in non-African nations in the world between 2009 – 2016 Presidential terms in office is irrefutable in the hopeless reliance on lies, duplicity and mendacity.

The Presidential nomination barring Indian flagship and descent in any grade or ratio from India not Native Americans mistaken as Indians from the Christopher Columbus era continued in the casting of anyone as such in the past 16 years and specifically excluding the obsessed nuanced target i.e. me would exemplify opponents’ sincerity to lead the nation unlike the avenged vengeful self-defeated endeavor.

Instead, fielding African race such as the partner in crime and concoctions having basked in free political stardom, media bolstered fake populism and plagiarized authorship on book publications to prove authenticity and legitimacy only to be debunked would be a fair game.

NB: The former make-believe Republican (RINO) Presidential contender sudden emergence from nowhere as the self-asserted billionaire requesting ordinary citizens for small donations to the unsuccessful Presidential bid – none other than Indian origin – Vivek Ramaswamy, the machine propagandist installed by democrat power monger and machinery in Republican campaign as a spoiler.

The status unveiled in the failed Republican candidacy Vivek Ramaswamy’s miserable performance in the 2024 Presidential race. The democrat power wheeler behind Vivek Ramaswamy is a flamboyant shot to denigrate me and the Indian identity with a losing candidate as a Republican.

Vivek Ramaswamy was not favored by Republican base falling less than 10% in polling. However, the Indian descent Vivek Ramaswamy had the democrat party stake holder support for the former role as the representative in disguise.

In quid pro quo, Vivek Ramaswamy pitching for the democrat party former President Barack Obama’s partner as viable candidate is clarification on the Presidential race and voters’ choice as well as concerns taken for granted amongst those in the pact.

The ex-President Barack Obama’s partner difficulty to pronounce Uniter repeatedly mentioned as Uniner – witnessed and heard in 2008 Presidential campaign verified the viability of such candidacy to be a Uniter as bleak and out of question.

The infamous public statement from the former President Barack Obama partner in 2008 – “For the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country.”

The remark after being handed the nomination by riding on other’s back also garnered criticism for selective pride tied to personal interest. 

The one eager to prolong illegitimate Presidential term in office having gotten away in 2021 – till date should perhaps field own member of family viz. the spouse not on stolen identity but in fact using own DNA with transparency on criminal record such as the joint public execution of the rape victim – the black young mother Miriam Carey and the abandonment of the black child from the violent assault with the rape victim evidently opting pro-life over abortion.

Yet another victim, the black male and father of twin teenagers, the murder of personal chef Tafari Campbell masqueraded as drowning accident in the shallow lake front of the Obamas’ lavish Martha’s Vineyard Estate doorstep.

The shallow lake with depth lower than kiddie pool by any measure was not deep enough for the victim well over 6’ in physical height with the public footage on the victim as a confident swimmer in a 8 – 10 feet deep swimming pool negating the narcissistic confabulation on drowning.

There is obviously more to it than meets the eye.

As for the black lives matter, the slogan ominously served politics’ funded and organized riots and violence gutting down private and public property amid national and global lockdown in the pandemic year 2020.

Not surprisingly, none held accountable in the violent torching and decimation inflicting damages to life, livelihoods and tangible assets of businesses and the public at large on world view in the West coast and other parts of the country.

A valid explanation behind such orchestration and participation is mandatory holding none above law even though that is a misnomer.

Regardless, the reason for the heinous crimes is due from the Presidential contender unlawfully vying for lifetime tenure via chosen puppet.

It would be a service to the nation for a change having wreaked havoc throughout life and reaped harvest in the enormous personal and political gain exclusively at others’ expense.

Similarly, all those in the category having never had any recollection on epiphany as the messiah and holier than thou persona considering their presence in the public domain in politics, economic sector and entertainment…as well as others in diverse activities long before my appearance, all of whom claiming otherwise in the last 16 years until this hour is an incontrovertible concerted hatch from the delusional incognito syndicate.

The rookie Senator Barack Obama from Illinois, the dark dorky devious origin in Hawaii, Indonesia, exacerbated in Chicago and Washington D.C. steadfast in reversal again not without using my profile, identity and all things politically favorable is paradoxical from the start to finish in the futile rat race.

The rookie Senator Barack Obama political career in 2008 Presidential campaign nosediving to the contender Hillary Clinton in Pennsylvania democratic primary election prompting the opportunist Barack Obama campaign with the following request having used and monetarily extracted to the last dime categorically and prematurely dismissed the exploited only to approach the latter with SOS to salvage the make-shift boat from sinking into oblivion.

No matter how loud and raucous the rants are in denial of own flawed criminal corrupt murderous abusive personal and political legacy, the time cannot be flipped over or identity swapped, hijacked and distorted in vain declaration of sunken dilapidated boat not even a ship as anything in the face of fait accompli.

Here is the challenge.

The ones desperately involved to prove oneself positive, credible, peaceful and other virtues irretrievably proven to be otherwise and indisputably oxymoron evidenced in the impetus to further submerge in the swamp is confirmation of well- known and established deceitful status quo.

Not being satisfied with verbal ammunition attacks using politics, ironically the target enabled unthinkable position of power misused and abused to the core against the target i.e. me.

Besides, various criminal abusive tactics deployed till date in direct violation of my personal rights, identity and all things fundamental to my individual inalienable right is testament to offenders’ decadence.

Not to mention the recruitment of biased, prejudiced, crony groveling media, press and tech titans together with political contingency on either side as quad and squad aiding and abetting the decadent culture much to individual and collective peril is unprecedented uncivilized acrimony and hostility ad nauseam.

Reiterating what has been mentioned many times over by me,

I, Padmini Arhant solemnly and emphatically condemn the identity misappropriation, theft and opportunism using my life and tireless contributions free of charge or any monetization whatsoever in the last sixteen years until this minute by the wannabes, opportunists, power mongers, publicity starved riffraffs, ragtags as cheap recruits on the sideline and,

Above all irreversibly corrupt criminal desperate politics’ vendetta exercised and executed by consolidated collaborative EVIL exemplify self-immolation upon their feet held on fire.

I, Padmini Arhant for the umpteenth time clarify once and for all that I am not anyone except being me born into the world with my specific DNA like any and all other species in the creation.

Accordingly, I have no connection, affiliation or relation and do not closely or remotely have anything to do with those that I’m projected, portrayed and fraudulently nuanced by hostile politics or any others in the repeat failed attempts to patronize, humiliate, condescending caricature of me…for sadistic satisfaction.

Anyone availing such opportunity taking advantage of this gross mistreatment of me to their personal enrichment in any respect proven a curse and not a blessing for them. They are paying the price in this lifetime in accordance with karmic effects.

The rest not having learnt the lesson from observation of other’s experience in this context will be subject to the same plight if not severe for their voluntary enthusiastic violations ignoring several warnings in this regard.

Those who engage in others’ destruction are self-destructive and invite unnecessary misery in life.

In fielding rejected Presidential democrat candidacy with a dismal record aimed at exhibiting that as mine, the ever remaining target for EVIL simply for my phenomenal seamless beneficial national, international and humanitarian service thus far, never mind none of that acknowledged nor recognized by beneficiaries is one aspect.

The other being the democrat Vice Presidency selection playing identity politics laden with insolence providing fodder for pejorative vilification all around with Indian lineage and the interpretation of my name Padmini taken out of context predominantly to mock the indomitable divine mission representation was supposedly the gratitude exchanged for the deeply regrettable and reluctant 2008 Presidential campaign ordeal.

The EVIL diabolical strategy until today played out in the following manner.

You will continue to be our slave and we will reward someone within our inventory for your hard labor.

The demonic trait in semblance with feed the fat pigs and porcupines for self-profiteering and narcissistic goals while taunt and torment the one refusing to comply with EVIL diktat.

Fast forward to 2024, the retribution against me, the fixated target resurface in Presidential bid using identity politics premised pawns such as Nikki Haley from the presumed right, and the incumbent Vice Presidency on the left.

The current VP as the presumptive Presidential nominee rather demoted than promoted with complete knowledge about abysmal poll rating trending even worse than the ousted incumbent Presidency Joe Biden on re-election to cast me as the defeated one without me even being the contender is demented obsessive disorder.

Let me make it abundantly clear.

Parasites are doomed with no purpose except fleecing on others like the ticks and lice spreading disease.

Never claim anything that never belong to you. The defiance would haunt claimant sooner than later.

The poison politics’ charade relentlessly pursuing me basically for unwilling to kowtow to EVIL is at best individually suicidal for the mastermind and catalysts and at worst kamikaze in the political level.

Have a direct dialogue with me in public rather than hiding behind women and abusing womanhood to disparage a woman with a real name and original identity formidable in dealing with challenges and crisis let alone responding to lunatics and fanatics craving for undeserving focus.

Choosing enemy wisely would avert imminent collapse with writing on the wall emphasizing the inevitable.

Padmini Arhant

United States and Pakistan Political Parity

March 5, 2024

United States


Pakistan Political Parity 

Padmini Arhant

The political developments in United States and Pakistan with two leaderships facing similar challenges merit attention.

United States – the Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump is elected to power in 2016. That moment onwards, the Republican President Donald Trump was subject to endless probe, scrutiny and litigations that continue till date.

The January 6, 2021, Capitol incident has been debated, discussed and decided as the last straw among several other allegations and accusations leveled against the Republican President Donald Trump.

Interestingly, as cited many times over in this site and sub-domain, the actual violent insurrection against democratically elected government Ukraine in Kiev in 2014, literally overthrowing the democrat system, the leadership removed at gun point and replaced with neo-Nazi government by then democrat administration in the United States in 2014 is hardly considered relevant.

Notwithstanding, Ukraine in 2014 and thereafter destroyed leading to quagmire in status quo.

Apparently, the United States democrat administration have complete immunity to such violent insurrection in foreign land despite inflicting tremendous deaths and devastation since then revived in 2021 and crashing Ukraine to the point of no return.

Why are there such double standards?

The so-called insurrection in the United States on January 6, 2021 is a crime with many locked up and others facing charges until now.

Whereas the real insurrection on world view in 2014 in Ukraine by United States democrat administration and some bi-partisanship in the act completely absolved of any accountability till date.

All efforts are persistently made with impeachment proceedings to insidious lawsuits albeit politically motivated against then sitting Republican President Donald Trump since 2016 until now continued draining tax payer dollars in the political vendetta for 2016 Presidential election outcome.

The Republican President Donald Trump was forced to contend with political acrimony for winning the election in 2016 against a pre-organized Democrat candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton.

In 2020, the Presidential election year, the pre-meditated bio-engineered lab manufactured corona virus pandemic is unleashed having finalized the vaccine deal etc., in 2015 in preparation for the pandemic pandemonium in 2020.

In 2024, the Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump is kept engaged in legal battles brought upon from the past going back nearly four decades ago and whatever could be found to implicate and incriminate the viable Republican Presidential nominee.

The Democrat and RINO strategy designed to prohibit the Republican contender Donald Trump sparing anytime to campaign for re-election to office.

Even going further by promoting the RINO Presidential contender Nikki Haley to prolong self-embarrassment though the gimmick is nuanced at the real target i.e. me ( to conform to ad hominem She-bashing tradition lasting over sixteen years now) who is not even in the political race.

Yet the hideous roadshow casting Nikki Haley is nothing more than a pathetic political gig laughing at those behind the attempt to make their intended target ( i.e. me) the laughing stock.

Nonetheless, the ill-conceived notions and shenanigans are backfiring at the source and the catalyst in accordance with what goes around comes around.

Pakistan – the former Cricket sport Captain turned political leader Imran Khan founded political party PTI – Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf was installed in power in 2018 by Pakistan’s establishment represented by Pakistan Army and Pakistan Intelligence Agency – the ISI.

Previously, the present government seated in power PML-N and coalition PPP in Pakistan were displaced with PTI declaring the Chairman Imran Khan, the Prime Minister in 2018 by the establishment.

In April 2022, the PTI government headed by then Prime Minister Imran Khan was removed from power through no-confidence vote similar to the scenario in Britain unseating two female Prime Ministers – Theresa May in 2019 and Liz Truss in 2022.

The United States democrat administration direct involvement along with Pakistan’s establishment besides the Indian incumbent leadership in New Delhithe combined intrusion led to the ouster of PTI leadership Imran Khan in 2022 is irrefutable.

It was proved by the ex-Prime Minister Imran Khan publicly sharing the document from Washington to Islamabad when asked for proof by Pakistan and western media on the former PM Imran Khan’s statement in this context.

The Indian incumbent leadership had problem with PTI leadership Imran Khan’s governance producing positive impact in economic front and better COVID management compared to India in the latter issue.

In India during the pandemic, the factory and construction jobs workers from northern and central states like Bihar and Madhya Pradesh were left to die including their families i.e. many children and women in the ill-prepared lock down, all of whom succumbed to Indian summer sweltering heat.

The workers’ desperate decision to return to their villages and towns back home in the absence of New Delhi central government’s assistance such as safe transportation and access to food etc., caused many preventable deaths in India other than millions dying from the virus.

The United States, India and Pakistan establishment collaboration in removal of PTI leadership, generated political unrest and chaos in Pakistan in 2022 and remain contentious till date.

Pakistan experienced massive rallies and demonstrations against such undemocratic dismissal of ruling PTI government with their leader Imran Khan surviving two assassination attempts and one of them resulting in serious injury with the bullet hitting the foot of the victim requiring hospitalization.

The PTI chairman and former Prime Minister Imran Khan was arrested in May 2022 citing insurrection charges like the Republican President Donald Trump alleged association with Jan 6, 2021 Capitol riot termed insurrection.

The nationally acclaimed PTI political party was dismantled and the party symbol – the cricket bat uniquely identifying the PTI leadership and former Cricketer Imran Khan was delisted in the ballot paper.

The PTI candidates, workers and their leader were all imprisoned on mostly politically determined allegations and charges with no due legal course or representation.

The National election in Pakistan was held on February 8, 2024 with PTI unconstitutionally and undemocratically denied fair participation in the national election and the party name, symbol and candidacies deprived from being identified in the ballot paper. They were essentially debarred from the electoral process.

The electoral mandate on February 8, 2024 handed PTI majority seats in the National Assembly amid obvious vote rigging and manipulation reported other than PTI candidates disallowed from party representation and electoral participation.

The PTI candidates ran as independents and became Pakistan electorate’s preferred choice to govern the politically beleaguered state.

It so happens, Washington, New Delhi and Pakistan establishment reject Pakistan’s overwhelming electoral mandate to PTI regardless of unfair restrictions and unlawful impositions on PTI candidates and the political party including the chairman Imran Khan who is still in prison despite winning national election in the most constricted situation.

Meanwhile, the PTI leader’s spouse from marriage in 2018 also subject to solitary confinement with statement from the spouse on food adulteration producing severe health issues with request for medical treatment not approved by the relevant authority are some disturbing details presented thus far.

Like the Republican President Donald Trump’s legal entanglement, the PTI chairman Imran Khan was slammed with more than 200 lawsuits largely lacking in legal and ethical efficacy as confirmed by PTI leader and the legal experts representing the defendant.

The same conditions and in many cases extreme actions against PTI workers, party representatives, human rights, social activists as well as their families are reported from Pakistan.

The current government and leadership appointed in Islamabad is internal and external interventional policy based appointment much to the frustration and disappointment of the Pakistan electorate who took the time, efforts and many risked their lives to legitimize election and democracy by casting their vote to PTI.

Upon careful evaluation of political events in the United States and Pakistan though it might be argued as not necessarily identical in terms of democratic settings, the constitutional based democracy in the United States had been upended a while ago with reference to “Constitution as a mere piece of parchment.” by the one running the incumbent administration in the White House via proxy.

Nonetheless, the political impediments faced and endured by the opponent Donald Trump in the United States and,

Likewise the power seizure from Pakistan’s PTI in contradiction to Pakistan electorate explicit mandate to PTI are significant violations of a democratic system.

Not to mention the role of democrat administration with behind the scene operative exerting authority in the United States and overseas viz. Pakistan initially ejecting the ruling PTI government and Prime Minister Imran Khan in April 2022 and then purging Pakistan’s electoral mandate to PTI with unelected and electorally defeated members and political factions are egregious and fraudulent.

The unlawful extension of power by any means especially resuming office via running mate from earlier terms and conducting affairs to suit personal agenda not excluding Gaza genocide impulsively motivated to deter leaderships in the United States and Pakistan struggling to restore and revive democracy.

The power mongers in the United States and India indulgence in Pakistan is testament to their opposition to strong popular leadership to lead the respective nation towards the path of economic growth, development and national peace, unity and security.

The spoiler tactics in the United States and Pakistan are regarded potent sabotage against effective leadership and efficient governance that are conspicuously persona non grata i.e. unwelcome.

The ambition on lifetime occupation in office prevalent among power mongers, the derailing of democratically elected leaderships or prospects securing clear electoral mandate are maintained to protect personal and vested interests ignoring the ramifications on citizens and the nation at large in the bargain.

The United States Republican President Donald Trump and Pakistan’s PTI leader and majority vote winner in February 8, 2024 national election Inran Khan inarguably are inconvenient to incumbencies in the United States incognito behind the administration and India’s hardline fundamentalist abusive leadership and abysmal governance.

Padmini Arhant

Evil Funeral

March 1, 2024

Evil Funeral

Padmini Arhant

Scoundrel Kavodhi Funeral

(Video Presentation in Hindi Language)

The subject in the video – name – Kavodhi

Place of Birth – Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India

Date of Birth – September 17, 1950

Father’s Name – Unknown

Marital Status – Polygamist

Offspring – None due to ED

Language – Teleprompter

Occupation – Corruption, Criminality, Massacre, Communal Violence, Provocation, Perversion, Radical Fundamentalist, Authoritarian abuse of power.

Expiry Date – September 17, 2003

The following message is also applicable to every autocratic lunatic abusing politics and political power holding democracy under siege and leaving the republic in such democracy, the oppressed prisoners of 21st century Fascism.

Is it surprising that the one having mastered the art of homicide in practice throughout his life to get where he wants and comfortably evolved into cannibal and terror sponsor. Then sooner degraded to behind the scene chief operative in genocide rushing to rescue his alter ego ditto in character and sins upon the latter convicted of communal violence related pogrom in political tenure?

The evil duopoly play the race and religion card for survival in evil swamp.

While the one obsessed with skin pigmentation specifically the melanin though having murdered many among own race, the other exploit religion of the majority in his domain despite him not belonging to that religion prompted by vindictiveness are the mirror reflection of each other confronted with appropriate karmic effects of their sinful violent embarrassing legacy in living and thereafter.

The evil duopoly together corral behind similar types in political circumference.

Attention: Fascist  Genocider

You neither have any right nor the authority over individual or content published in locations outside of your jurisdiction as this is not the first time you have violated free speech rights of foreign citizen. 

Your wanton provocation, sleazy intervention and intrusion in personal life of others and that of sovereign nations as your megalomaniacal privilege is your delusion that needs to be abandoned in your limited life span’s interest.

This ain’t your Gujarat back alley for you to flex your rogue hooligan hoodlum tactics.

Your time was up long ago and your bruised ego is evidently expediting your long overdue exit.

You better not indulge in such intrusive indecent impropriety for the sake of the country India, you claim to represent with 1.5 billion citizenry held hostage to your authoritarian diktat and brute mobocracy fraudulently declared the world’s largest democracy.

Padmini Arhant 



Pakistan – Election 2024

February 21, 2024

Pakistan – Election 2024

Padmini Arhant

Presentation in Urdu – Padmini Arhant

Pakistan Election 2024 

پاکستان الیکشن 2024

Pakistan Army & ISI Political Intervention

(Presentation in Urdu)

 Padmini Arhant


काला अक्षर बैंस बराबर और उसके पीछे दुम हिलानेवाले टोली को शिक्षा :

जो ईश्वर के दिव्य कार्य उद्देश्य में नियमित उनके ही साथी संगिनी जनम जनम की अर्धांगिनी अनाथ नहीं होती।

अनाथ वो हैं जो १५० करोड़ आबादी को छोड़, भ्रष्ट दुष्ट पूँजी पति उद्योगपतियों की पूँछ बनकर देश और देश वासियों को चूना लगाकर, करोड़ों आबादी के जीवन के साथ खिलवाड़ करते हैं।

सबसे घटिया घिनावना,

वो अनाथ हैं जो अधर्मी होते हुए धर्म को क़ैद करके ढोंगी बनकर अपने अपमान और मूर्खता का उदाहरण बनते हैं।


Update: Feb 26, 2024

Pakistan Sovereignty Violation

Embed Video

Update: Feb 24, 2024

Pakistan Politics 2024 Addendum 

Presentation in Urdu language – Padmini Arhant


Coalition behind Gaza Genocide

February 19, 2024

Coalition behind Gaza Genocide 

Padmini Arhant

The prominent coalition behind Gaza genocide – the graveyard operation with massacre of children and babies in incubators remain primary target.

The United States in particular the Democrat administration and bipartisan Congress together with Britain in front line funding and fueling Gaza war since October 7, 2023 until now.

There are others as well responsible in the heinous crime against humanity in Gaza and rest of Palestine.

Padmini Arhant 

The Terrorcrat du0

The Terrorocrat duo

The so-called democrats against democracy ON and OFFSHORE. Toppled many democrat governments between 2009 – 2016 around the world. Among them, the direct violent insurrection in Ukraine in 2014 and lately via political intervention in Pakistan in April 2022.

The Arab Spring festival was ceremoniously conducted and rejoiced in 2011 – 2016 sponsoring violence by creating terror outfits IS, ISIS, AL Nusra Front and assortment of terror factions in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Libya in particular. The major destructive course involved sponsoring cannibalism in Syria and Libya. The rape, murder and genocide were the norm as it is ongoing in the Gaza war in 2024.

Hillary infamous line“We came, we saw and He died”– the out loud laughter at the public lynching of the former North African Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi – authorized by the United States, Britain and NATO in 2011.

Israeli Zionists AIPAC funded stooges;

The Nobel Peace Laureate terrorocrat Genocider BARRY – HILLARY duo and alike accountability will be held in the Supreme Kingdom of Alimighty God delivering the appropriate judgment and condemned while living in no uncertain terms for abhorrent crimes against humanity in personal and political career.

Coalition Behind Gaza Genocide




Pakistan – General Election 2024

February 9, 2024


General Election 2024

Padmini Arhant

When democracy is shackled with ban, state authorized arrests of party workers, peace activists including women denied bail in direct violation of Pakistan’s explicit constitutional right granted to women held on any charges, journalists, prohibition of candidates to contest election in a free and fair manner as elections are meant to be in a real functional democracy,

These developments blatantly subvert democracy.

Simultaneously, the political party PTI with popular support and great anticipation is denied equal opportunity with the founder and party leader, the former Prime Minister Imran Khan imprisoned with seemingly politically motivated assortments of disproportionate charges.

The culmination of state crackdown on PTI and nationwide ban on the party in contesting the national and provincial election in 2024 has led to the electorate verdict that appears in favor of the political party PTI of Pakistan.

The latest poll results according to Pakistan and international news reports show the former Prime Minister Imran Khan’s PTI represented by the independent candidates in the lead with 99 seats right now leaving other two major contenders – PML- N and PPP fairly behind by a margin of 30 and 46 seats respectively thus far.

The PTI representation through independent candidates is a situation arising from undemocratic unconstitutional elimination of a largest national party such as PTI from the polls including removal of PTI party symbol, the cricket bat from the ballot paper blocking viable choices to the vast electorate considering Pakistan’s significant rural voters and urban disadvantaged lacking in higher literacy exercise their voting right by recognizing and associating the party symbol with the candidate.

The PTI is relevantly represented by the majority electorate in the current polls 2024 and as a result, the political leader Imran Khan return to power honoring electoral mandate would be the legitimate process to restore democracy in Pakistan.

More on this subject and other issues related to Pakistan mentioned earlier in the previous topic will be presented in due course.

Padmini Arhant 

Western Foreign Policy

February 8, 2024

Western Foreign Policy

Padmini Arhant

The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and government’s radical obstinacy funded and militarized by United States politics viz. the Democrat administration and bi-partisan Congress to proceed with globally condemned genocide of Palestinians in Gaza and the rest of Palestine clarify United States position.

The United States administrations trajectory whether democrat or republican, the Democrat in particular considering the bipolarity on foreign policy to convince Democrat base to win election and remain in power directly conflict with previous and present Democrat administrations although it is the extension of terms since 2009 – 2024 actions are self-explanatory in the first quarter of the twenty first century under the guise of hope and change.

The Democrat administration legacy from Arab Spring in 2011 onwards to violent insurrection in Ukraine in 2014 and Democrat White House intervention in 2022 in Pakistan…all of them related to toppling governments, displacement of democracy and causing upheavals thus far leave their track record unparalleled to Republican predecessors’ indulgence in illegal foreign invasion, decimation and carnage.

The Democrat administration sponsoring cannibals and various terror outfits in 2011 and thereafter to fight their proxy wars against foreign governments in an effort to install terror groups as their puppet government in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Lebanon among others having successfully appointed Nazi government in Kiev, Ukraine in 2014 are testament to their violent anti-democratic anti-republic, anti-humanity and anti-environment in the relentless bombing and shelling continued till date in Gaza war and financing as well as weaponizing military intervention between Ukraine and Russia.

Regardless, the western foreign policy from the United States, Britain, EU prominent members and other western and non-western allies having green signaled the Gaza war on October 7, 2023 under the proprietary right to self-defense that are flagrantly denied to the Palestinian victims of over 75 years of Israeli oppression, brutality and apartheid share responsibility with main perpetrator Israel in the ongoing genocide and unspeakable war crimes committed with political impunity.

Democrat administration belligerence and violence prolonging two frontal wars in Ukraine and Gaza while engaged in criminalization with numerous politically motivated impeachment proceedings, taxpayer funds squandered Robert Mueller Committee besides endless litigations against political opponent in the United States and simultaneously in Pakistan not barring imprisonment of the formidable political contender, the former Prime Minister Imran Khan are contemporary desperate politics futile operations to exert indefinite criminal authority.

When United States foreign policy effortlessly remove democratically elected governments however and wherever possible around the globe, the signature trait of the incognito and public representatives throughout twentieth and twenty first century,

What is holding the policy makers together with overt and covert operatives’ of western foreign policy including the media cartel to rein in on Israeli leadership and government’s ruthless merciless onslaught in Gaza and the rest of Palestine?

As for Israeli leadership Netanyahu and Likud party radical members’ objective for victory in Gaza war into fifth month of consolidated western powers inflicted deaths and devastation targeting children and infants in the cowardly so-called self-defense brutality against innocent civilians in Gaza elaborate the situation in semblance with assuming a mirage an oasis in the Negev desert.

Israel having killed own 31 Israeli hostages, pronounced dead in the recent official confirmation by IDF and Israeli government since October 7, 2023 air strikes laden with white phosphorus, bombs and United States and western manufactured artillery against unarmed civilians in Gaza Strip is the sequel to the event preceding October 7, 2023.

The prior Israeli casualties resulted from Israeli government authorized ultra-right wing elements indiscriminate violence in Israeli Kibbutz as accounted by Israeli victims and survivors during Hamas infiltration in October 2023.

The death toll provided by Israel and western partners in Hamas attack also involve Israel’s IDF and government recruited proxy faction killing of Israeli citizens in that event.

Accordingly, the Israeli PM Netanyahu typically following United States and other western allies stance including EU 321 votes on Gaza war seeking unconditional surrender of Hamas, release of all Israeli hostages again subject to their survival in entirety amid continuation of Gazan genocide, forceful evacuation viz. Nakba under heavy shelling of deadly weapons are unrealistic premises wasting precious time and lives on all sides in the disproportionate western military, financing and decision-making process.

The carte blanche authority prove nothing ever change in western foreign policy blindsided by egregious decisions and utter disregard for human lives invariably treated as “collateral damages” applicable to even own citizens and defense personnel as well throughout western warfare ideology.

The Hamas resistance force and combined Al-Quds, Al-Qassam brigades not excluding other players participation in defending Gazan territory and release of all Palestinian hostages in Israel controlled disclosed and undisclosed inhumane prisons not even sparing minors evident in the hostage exchange that transpired in the brief window of ceasefire in November 2023 lasting merely seven days merit unbiased consideration and fairness in mitigating humanitarian plight and gross injustice endured by Palestinians in Gaza, the remaining Palestinian Territories and refugee camps that have also been relentlessly targeted by Israeli exhaustive offensive inventory.

The presentation on Hamas TRUCE proposal, the position and policy maintained by Israel and United States together with other western collusion in Gaza war to follow in due course.

The topic will also touch base in detail on Pakistan’s political, economic, humanitarian and security crises endangering not only regional peace and security in the Indian sub-continent but also remain existential threat to global security in the open western discretion and influence upholding undemocratic domestic status quo in the South Asian predominantly Islamic Nuclear state Pakistan.

Padmini Arhant 


Politics – War Against Truth aka Holy War

January 31, 2024


War Against Truth aka

Holy War

Padmini Arhant

Update 01/31/2024:

Word of Caution: Do not plagiarize even color code from your arch nemesis for your misogynist attack. It only demonstrates utter stupidity and desperation.

Importantly, it is about time politics stop weaponizing taxpayer funded agencies like the Income Tax, State Franchise Tax Board (FTB) and alike to bully and flex fractured muscles of the corrupt politics only to be disappointed with failure in such harassment strategy.

Unlike the crooked wicked politics that evades due taxes and defraud the ones they prey on for their survival to success in their otherwise dismal political career, their shenanigans in this regard is self-defeating for the source and crony catalysts. Not to mention major embarrassment confirming goon gutter politics.

Relevantly, their scandalous corrupt shady dealings misusing $$$ billions of taxpayers funds to hamstring domestic and offshore corrupt wheeler dealers to advance personal and family fortune are the types bankrupting ordinary lives and depriving national treasury from legitimate revenue.

Politics need to realize they are hired by the people on public tax funded positions from top to bottom. The politics misusing power deploying scare tactics and aggressive ambush behind the scenes lead to own inevitable ejection and expedited exit from office.

Politics is also obligatory to respect other’s will upon latter rejecting indefinite abuse and exploitation in the increasingly oppressive fascist environment.

The life mantra now and forever – wisdom is the appropriate guide when choosing one’s enemy.

Padmini Arhant 


What is contemporary politics paranoid of and vitriolic to in the Information Age?

Truth, factual presentation and incontrovertible data on politics’ flagrant violations, corruption, criminality and absolute abuse of power, treason…among other serious repulsive indulgence making a mockery of democracy, rejecting constitutional basic civil rights in curbing free speech, imposing gag order, arbitrary censorship and above all incessant targeting with personal identity theft and distortion not barring designating target to anonymity in nuanced attacks as political entitlement.

Those in control of politics – albeit the unelected oligarchy, special interests and variety of incognito influencers pumping money for destructive politics through diverse channels – none of the sources and means made public and carried out discreetly entirely for personal and vested interests as the norm.

Meanwhile, the innocent civilians and ordinary lives are subject to slaughter, economic bankruptcy, social subjugation, discrimination and dehumanization in politics’ secretive behind the scenes operatives driven blood and treasure squandering for ruinous catastrophic purpose.

Notwithstanding, those pledged to the  so-called “Holy War” innuendo against their one and only female target are the kind hell bent in protecting and prolonging the deep state status quo.

The philandering and criminal involvements with license to kill civilians and defense personnel at home and abroad are signature traits for the prominent ones in the egocentric undeserving glory hogging megalomaniacal persona.

The tradition includes politics defiantly committing crimes at every opportunity in colluding with enemies of humanity at large with their surrender in repugnant secret society meetings that prohibits public presence and knowledge on global affairs evidently harming human lives and existence.

The anti-humanity annual meeting in secret locations invariably plot, conspire and engage in devious activities proven malicious and life devouring whether unleashing deadly corona virus on human population or waging terrorism and relentless wars in the game plan on depopulation agenda.

Such politics upending democracy world over, installing propping rogue subservient regimes promoting corruption culture intensely via banking institutions in the Swiss Alps or exotic oceanic tax havens receiving unholy unscrupulous nefarious financial and economic transactions depleting ordinary lives’ hard earned lifelong savings and retirement benefits…are merely the tip of the iceberg.

All of it unequivocally held in political members’ personal wealth accumulation and additionally gambled away by politics in funding and fueling wars in the most oppressed and occupied territories offshore killing babies in incubators and entire unarmed innocent civilian population in the bloodthirsty carnage continued with no end in sight.

The politics notorious for secrecy, complicity and duplicity on all public and political matter that are supposed to be transparent with utmost accountability holding none above law barring selective incarceration and criminalization through interventions in foreign land witnessed and experienced until now are renowned for paradoxical paradigm.

The pathological impulsive politics unabashedly and shamelessly invade others’ life, home, space, privacy even claiming to peak under one’s sheets, rest room and shower etc., in sleazy intimidation harassment tactics declare themselves the ultimate perverts abusing taxpayer money against taxpayer that are continued with criminal pride and uber hubris.

Notwithstanding race, religion misappropriation along with obsessive narcissistic nastiness against female in the constant she-bashing having benefited and continue to harvest from the target’s free unpaid productive service in achieving unthinkable power, fame and fortune are gross political and otherwise parasitic trend.

The prevalent misogyny is further exemplified in intelligence and propriety attributed to male orientation casting the female as robotic artificial intelligence genre in the prejudiced gender profiling that are exclusive in crass chauvinistic politics.

If at all anyone has to apologize, compensate to the abused and renounce once and for all, all of the above enunciated disdainful practice,

It is none other than politics and crony contingency exposed and established as incompetent, unfit, carcinogenic besides intrusively offensive abusive and exploitative in nature and by design.

The bi-partisan rhetoric to ban TRUTH in the country is the epitome of underworld mob rule politics perturbed agitated in the unveiling of self-indignant abuse of authority.

In the process, the politics presumptuously taking the Supreme entity for granted assuming the phenomenal force to remain a silent spectator, in the foolishly referenced “Pitch Fork”description of the divine entity while elevating the incorrigibly corrupt criminal self as indomitable is incurable delusion.

Such decadent politics is the existential threat to humanity, environment, peace and meaningful progress and accordingly facing imminent peril and termination.

Who can and will banish whom from where or for that matter the planet is not even debatable.

The Supreme power as the creator, protector and upon necessary destroyer of anything instrumental behind cataclysmic outcome regarded dispensable demanding exile in itself is an invitation to individual and those in collusion collective apocalyptic end.

Hence, wanton provocation is best abandoned and avert undesirable ramifications.

Padmini Arhant 

Zionism and Hindutva Fundamentalism

December 12, 2023



Hindutva Fundamentalism 

Padmini Arhant

Zionism declares itself a Jewish State of Israel in the dichotomy as the only democracy(?) in the Middle East.

Hindutva Fundamentalism actively engaged in transformation of a secular nation viz. India to Hindu state already in progress with renaming the nation as Bharat from India.

Zionism oppress, suppress, repress the targets with authoritarian rule.

Hindutva Fundamentalism silence targets with bullets  and / or invalidate ballots.

Zionism is entrenched in propaganda and indoctrination abusing religion as the premise to promote Zionist doctrine.

Hindutva Fundamentalism thrives on publicity campaign and 24/7 dissemination exploiting religion for political ideology. 

Zionism and Hindutva Fundamentalism are two sides of the counterfeit currency in politics.

Padmini Arhant 

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