India – Pakistan PM Imran Khan’s Pre-Nostalgia for Counterpart Narendra Modi

April 11, 2019

India – Pakistan PM Imran Khan’s Pre-Nostalgia for Counterpart Narendra Modi

Padmini Arhant

Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan has expressed desire for Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s re-election in the ongoing polls in 2019.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi during pre-election stated Pakistan would cheer Indian opposition parties success in 2019 election and added there will be celebration upon such event hinting at Pakistan’s expectation for a weak government across their border.

The latest twist from Prime Minister Imran Khan’s statement for his counterpart Narendra Modi brings the hidden secret relation out in the open contradictory to PM Narendra Modi’s juggler act.

Politics leaning on strange bedfellows when reality turned against them is nothing unusual.

When the going gets tough, the tough ain’t get going apparently in this instance.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter


India – Elections 2019 VOTE NOTA

March 22, 2019

India – Elections 2019


Padmini Arhant


India’s overwhelming majority i.e. the average citizens are shackled and enslaved by anti-democratic, communal, dynasty, violent, corrupt, criminal, celebrity politics servile to foreign diktat for narcissistic goals to grab power, fame and fortune.

The unemployed youth in particular are exploited to defend criminal politics on social media with political media investment in propaganda to deflect public attention from real economic issues hurting the population at large.

Indian electorate have no chance of taking dysfunctional political class to task or hold them accountable in the politics controlled judiciary leaving them entirely at ruthless political regimes mercy.

The only opportunity to Indian voters is the polls to reject political establishment in entirety sending a strong message on their disapproval of stagnant status quo depriving ordinary people the right to equal access in all things related to economy, politics and social status.


India’s disillusioned and frustrated voters reject crony, corrupt, criminal, catastrophic cadre redeeming your dignity and respect that has long been seized from you by political regimes alternating to power.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter


India – Introduction to New National Political Party

March 19, 2019

New Zealand Mosque Massacre

Padmini Arhant



India – Introduction to New National Political Party

Padmini Arhant 

With great pleasure and responsibility, I, Padmini Arhant announce India’s New National Political Party – Gantantra Shakti Dal (Republic Power Party). The goal is to transfer power from the political establishment to republic i.e. the ordinary people in the country from Jammu & Kashmir to Kerala not excluding the union territories of India.


As mentioned earlier in my video presentations related to India’s deteriorating political, economic and social conditions predominantly affecting the poor, marginalized and disenfranchised demography which is unfortunately the overwhelming majority in society,

Notwithstanding national security and sovereignty threatened due to Indian politics collusion and complicity with external foreign forces diktat and influence,

A new national political party is introduced in the absence of effective, credible and formidable opposition to ruling parties subversion of democracy and abuse of power witnessed throughout Indian political history since independence and more so in the twenty first century until now.

Regardless of political principles and platform, the regional and national parties share a commonality i.e. corruption and misuse of authority against citizens despite the electoral mandate emanating from them.

The UPA and NDA regimes headed by Sonia Gandhi and Prime Minister Narendra Modi respectively have redefined governance to suit their agenda symbolically and ideologically in terms of political dynasty claiming entitlement to power and communal politics polarizing communities for vote banks that are proved dangerous and counterproductive thus far.

Neither UPA nor NDA rather Congress and RSS backed BJP are desirable to voters presently considering their relevant track record that speaks volume in mismanagement of economy serving only them and their allies in politics, economic sector and loyalists viz. cronies in society.

The farmers, labor force and importantly soldiers in the defense force have been grossly neglected in the quest to remain in power.

It is no secret that India’s economic growth in the last two decades have largely benefitted the wealthy and the industrialists enabling them to defraud India’s weak financial system affected by political interventions and exchange of favors to politically well connected industrialists absconding offshore as fugitives taking advantage of immunity at destination and from Indian government.

India’s poor remaining poorest enduring generational poverty, hunger and disease, the middle class constantly striving with minimum two or more income within a family of four to maintain a reasonable living standard while the rich elevated to filthy rich category is the norm deepening the divide between haves and have nots beyond control. The reason behind this trend over 70 years of India’s freedom is predominantly corruption, capitalist socialism, lack of transparency and accountability.

When the political system is entrenched in carcinogenic corruption, the cancerous growth metastasize becoming an imminent threat to existence. India is unfortunately experiencing do or die dilemma with rigid dichotomy between corporate owned politics and economically struggling local population barely bridging the gap in milestones reached on economic front.

The world’s second most populous nation poised as the largest democracy constitutionally designed to fit into secular patchwork and vivid diversity is torn in the tussle to be or not to be a democracy in the present time particularly under incumbent Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s tenure.

The indisciplined political cadre infiltrating apparatus is responsible for dysfunctional orientation hindering pervasive progress. The strong resistance to anti-corruption laws witnessed during UPA and NDA terms in office is the precursor to prolific corruption in politics having contagion effect nationwide.

The toxic mix of corruption, crony capitalism and celebrity powered politics has systematically eroded democratic ethos to the extent of endangering innocent lives targeted on religious dogma by cow protectionists and zealots chasing minorities and socially ostracized groups in the archaic primitive casteism to retain fundamentalism.

Women’s rights are politically exploited with paradoxical maxims based on religions in the bareknuckled implementation aimed at political mileage.

Ironically, both Prime Minister Narendra Modi and opponent Rahul Gandhi of Congress  party wooing women votes in this national election are far from any respectable accounts related to women in their personal lives given the former i.e. PM Narendra Modi abandoned his spouse without any financial or moral support to her well after his prominence and power in the country.

Rahul Gandhi, sporting to be next Prime Minister was involved in gang rape incident of his own Congress party supporter with her family been loyal to the party for generations were returned favor by forcing them into oblivion using threats and intimidation that are common among political class both ruling and opposition alike in the so-called democracy.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has invested a great deal in media campaign falsely projecting his image through illegal undemocratic opinion poll claiming the environment is in his favor against reality.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has confirmed via media that recent air strike in Balakot, Pakistan was not to send a message to terror networks since no data has been provided until today on number of casualties and their names etc.

The operation to hit the empty godown or camp ground in pretty much no man’s land in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa was done to revive his own declining numbers nationwide linked to his dismal performance in economic development and social issues that has led democracy under siege in his direct leadership and involvement.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has not shied away from unethical and inhumane use of the martyred defense personnel incident in Pulwama, Kashmir that could have been thwarted had PM Narendra Modi’s government intervened promptly on the inevitable terror attack message brought to PM Narendra Modi’s personal attention.

Furthermore, PM Narendra Modi government’s sheer negligence slighting CRPF personnel safety by not organizing safe air passage to their army posts and allowing them to travel by road subject them to vulnerability costing their lives that could have been averted in exercising diligence and care for the defense force.

On freedom, liberty and civil rights – the Congress under Sonia Gandhi unleashed violent crackdown on anti-corruption rallies causing death of a woman participant Rajbala in June 2011. Sonia Gandhi government also  imprisoned then organizers and chief advocates of anti-corruption viz. Anna Hazare and colleagues at that time.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi pursued similar action against environmentalists, human rights activists, academics, writers and journalists perceived as anti-nationals with unsubstantiated allegations against them justifying PM Narendra Modi’s executive order to arrest them without due process. There were also some assassinations of writers and authors at government’s behest in the southern state of Karnataka.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has asserted on corruption free term which in itself pose a credibility factor in the wake of explosive and controversial Rafale defense deal beckoning submission to serious public inquiry like the Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC) for thorough review and assessment of the pros and cons expending Indian taxpayers money to bail out Anil Ambani’s insolvent business.

The proposal is rejected by the ruling party and specifically PM Narendra Modi given his exclusive and individual decision to benefit his campaign donor and corporate ally Anil Ambani at the expense of India’s national security and economy.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi always in the forefront to take credit on anything and everything with positive effects somehow never acknowledges responsibility for his numerous failures since assuming power in 2014 until now. 

The biggest ever debacle of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s policy is DEMONETIZATION voiding 500 and 1000 rupees notes under the pretext of recovering black money which in fact is held in abundance among his cabinet members, political party, opposition, industrialists and celebrities in the entertainment industry. Prime Minister Narendra Modi instead chose to paralyze the economy aiming at the average and middle class citizens in the country ignoring grave consequences including tragic endings of many citizens who committed suicide from unbearable economic losses and irreversible situations affecting their lives and livelihoods that has not been recognized by Prime Minister Narendra Modi avoiding the most sensitive topic till today. 

The other economic fiascos under Prime Minister Narendra Modi are arbitrary application of goods and services tax (GST)  hurting the distressed farmers in the ailing agrarian economy in addition to the small and medium businesses and consumers harming the retail sector. 

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has miserably let down youth voters across the length and breadth of the country turning a blind eye to unemployment conditions that are phenomenally high for government reported $2 Trillion economy touted to achieve $5 Trillion mark by 2025. The severely lagging job market do not correlate with government stated economic prospects that remains a far cry in the current settings. 

The younger generation are lured into running propaganda machinery on social media viz. youtube and other outlets to defend Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s indefensible legacy in every aspect.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has single handedly launched surgical strikes on Indian electorate with demonetization, GST, soaring unemployment among youths escalating crimes in society like rape, murder, mob lynching and social unrest.

Importantly Prime Minister Narendra Modi has brought down these institutions on its knees – Reserve Bank of India (RBI), Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), Election Commission of India (ECI) not even sparing the Supreme Court of India (SCI) crying for help from the public.

As though these were not enough, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s potent weapon against citizens in the biggest state Uttar Pradesh is his personally hand picked Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath to impose Hindutva doctrine in the name of cow reverence and orthodox beliefs splintering the foundation of democracy and communal base.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s trajectory instigating communal violence in Godhra, Gujarat has been the bed rock for terrorists recruitment in the embattled state Jammu & Kashmir and across the border in Pakistan.

Last but not the least, the environment is in shambles choking citizens in the capital New Delhi ranking at rock bottom in the international charts on clean air making residents from children to elderly wear face masks to combat air and noise pollution not to mention the heavily contaminated rivers whether the Holy Ganges in Varanasi or Yamuna in Delhi and all 0ver the country yearning for relief and purification.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s aversion to press conference, public interviews and national debate adequately summarize evasive strategy denying the people of India due explanations on various issues with devastating impact on the nation at large.

It’s time to say farewell to political enterprise covering each other on corruption and catastrophe irrespective of regimes in power.

India deserves a new life and the new national political party Gantantra Shakti Dal (GSD) is precisely up to the task to confront challenges, trials and tribulations as the bastion of democracy, unity, peace and justice.

Jai Bharat!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter






Pakistan – JeM Masood Azhar

March 13, 2019

Pakistan – JeM Masood Azhar

Padmini Arhant

Why is China protecting Pakistan based Jaish-e-Mohammed terror commander Masood Azhar? 

Masood Azhar is a self-admitted terror mastermind with direct links not only to JeM but also al-Qaeda, IS and Taliban.

Masood Azhar is a known terrorist fostered by Pakistan Army and intelligence agency ISI among other terror networks chief such as Hafez Saeed of Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and Taliban operating in neighboring Afghanistan.

China justifying crackdown as terror measure against Uyghur Muslim population holding large number in detention camps that Chinese official refer to as boarding schools in Xinjiang autonomous region in NorthEast China while defending Pakistan resident Masood Azhar’s terror activities estrange China in the war on terror.

Whatever may be China’s formal and informal position on terror, shielding Pakistan’s Masood Azhar from international ban is a dangerous cause with enormous liability for both China and Pakistan.

China and Pakistan providing impunity to terrorist Masood Azhar, Hafez Saeed, al-Qaeda and Taliban clarify the respective states lack of concern for violence through terrorism consuming innocent lives not only across Pakistan borders viz. India, Afghanistan, Iran, Bangladesh but also within Pakistan.

Any nation claiming to be emerging economic power and stakeholder in Asia i.e. China backing terrorists in Pakistan is unfortunate and beckons reasoning confined to ethical and humanitarian values imperative in evaluating strategic ambitions threatening peace and stability in the nuclear age.

China as a mature and ancient civilization rising to the occasion and meeting global expectations in curbing and eliminating terror rather than inverse strategy exemplified in action against Masood Azhar would earn regional and international trust as well as respect.

Furthermore, China’s economic goals especially targeting neighboring India and other partners in trade relations, investments and export market could be facilitated at ease upon China’s cooperation and unequivocal stance against terror and terrorists like Masood Azhar, Hafez Saeed and more harboring terror from Pakistan against nations sharing border with the Islamic state.

Above all, nuclear Pakistan enabling terror sanctuary with armed shelter for terrorists is self-inflicting catastrophe that demands rationale and wisdom to reverse course and engage in dismantling terror infrastructure wreaking havoc in the interior and exterior of economically struggling Pakistan.

China as a major creditor to Pakistan besides Saudi Arabia playing pivotal role in terminating terrorism from Pakistan soil would guarantee positive returns in economic, financial and political exchange.

Meanwhile, the global community enlisting all terror networks without exception and imposing sanctions against them by denying arms, funding and logistic support beginning with terror factions, their founders and operatives in Pakistan and worldwide is fundamental in wiping terror that remains the contentious challenge in the world.

Importantly terror manifestation prevalent in Pakistan and elsewhere already endanger life world over and immunity to terrorists exacerbate conditions for victims and potential vulnerable targets near and far.

The global consensus to act effectively against terrorism would convey a strong message to terror sponsors and recruiters on the noose tightening against them with the only option for them to renounce terror and terror related agenda as well as ideology.

The patience and tolerance have been exhausted among those forced to deal with cross border terrorism from Pakistan in Kashmir and other territory.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter 


Indian Politics Election 2019 (Hindi)

March 9, 2019

Indian Politics Election 2019 (Hindi)

Final Version

Indian politics and social issues are discussed in this final version. The tolerance or the lack thereof defines character and civilization. The modern age quantum leap in technology, science and social conditions represent human adaptation that somehow not reflected in humanitarian issues beckoning empathy and ethical norm.

The economic growth only benefitting top 1% while remaining population struggling to make ends meet could not be claimed as progress and development. The vast majority subjugated in abject poverty, social injustice and generational prejudice due to political ideology, pervasive corruption and dysfunctional system hinder fair opportunity for all across the spectrum.

India’s less fortunate and marginalized demography hope for a better tomorrow is possible upon awakening to political reality.


Part – 1

Padmini Arhant



Indian Politics detailing incumbent administration Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s policies and performance is discussed in this video. India’s political, economic and social issues are analyzed based on governments role during their term in office.

This is Part – 1 of the topic with remaining to follow shortly.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Pakistan – Response to Investigation on JeM Masood Azhar

March 1, 2019

Pakistan – Response to Investigation on

JeM Masood Azhar

Padmini Arhant

Pakistan – The safe return of Indian Air Force (IAF) pilot Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman is appreciated.

However, Pakistan’s foreign minister Shah Mehmood Quereshi response to evidence dossier on Pulwama terror attack causing more than 40 Indian security forces martyrdom inflicted by terror group JeM Masood Azhar housed and cared for in Pakistan bode well for none.

Pakistan foreign minister Shah Mehmood Quereshi during interview with western media a day after receiving dossier from India stating Masood Azhar is unwell and that he is too sick to even move around the house is unfortunately not very convincing. 

Considering Pakistan establishment’s concern for JeM Masood Azhar health status,

A non-partisan, Apolitical international medical team should be allowed by Pakistan to evaluate Masood Azhar’s health condition for necessary steps in investigation process on the heinous terror attack against India’s CRPF security personnel.

Please refer to the video for needful action from Pakistan.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Pakistan – Old Habits Die Hard

February 27, 2019

Pakistan – Old Habits Die Hard

Padmini Arhant

What in the world is Pakistan trying to establish and gain from self-destructive endeavors? 

When such egregious engagement only deliver irreversible outcome and economic liability.

Prime Minister Imran Khan your overture for peace and dialogue while your Pakistan army and ISI parade the courageous Indian Air Force (IAF) pilot in your captivity blindfolded as if he is the prisoner of war when he was actually defending his nation, India in your retaliation effort targeting Indian military assets as your response favoring terror operatives in your soil is disingenuous at best and derogatory at worst to your sovereign status and the concept of democracy.  

Pakistan holding own population hostage to support and foster terror networks wreaking havoc not only against India but world over is condemnable.

Prime Minister Imran Khan – it is a well known fact that Pakistan citizens have been deprived of democracy by your Pakistan Army and ISI since the birth of your country on August 14th, 1947.

You above all have acknowledged when you were exploring political opportunity post your cricket career and subject to incarceration as political dissident. 

Pakistan not destined for peace and stability is the establishment motto and they have maintained belligerence with gusto much to Pakistan’s failed economy and desperate situation in all frontiers.

Pakistan’s aerial attack aimed at India’s military installations foiled successfully on Wednesday morning subsequent to IAF decimation of terror group JeM in Balakot, Pakistan in counter terror act the previous day clearly demonstrates reality.

Pakistan establishment’s commitment not to the people of Pakistan instead the terror outfits nurtured and deployed to destabilize nations sharing border with Pakistan is amplified in such reaction. 

Sadly for ordinary Pakistani citizens bearing the brunt of this bizarre trait among Pakistan establishment declining to renounce terror, violence and wanton aggressions is deeply regrettable.

At the end of the day, Pakistan is paying the price in protecting and providing refuge to terror factions claiming local citizens lives within the state and across the borders.

Pakistan establishment premised on hardline bellicose rhetoric and impulsive strategies proved detrimental  in Pakistan’s history.

The world is witnessing Pakistan establishment’s unconditional loyalty to criminal terror activists and organization dispensing the state’s artillery and resources for offensive purpose. Pakistan establishment’s trend bolstering terrorism only further isolates the Islamic state.

Accordingly, Pakistan declares itself a threat not only to India and its neighbors all around enduring relentless terror attacks and insurgency originating from its soil but also their actions endanger humanity at large.

Under these circumstances, Pakistan continues to descend the path of acrimony rather than harmony and pursuing unnecessary undesirable tensions that are counterproductive.

Pakistan establishment’s terror promotion and sponsoring is abhorrent. The army and intelligence expected to serve the nation and people unlike the contradictory tradition harming own survival regardless of impact on Pakistan is anything but conducive.

Importantly, the establishment detachment from civilian rule in their country allowing democracy to exist would be the saving grace for a nation confronted with contemporary challenges demanding positive evolution.

Pakistan establishment release of the IAF pilot identified as Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman for safe return to India is paramount for any peace initiatives critical in the otherwise escalating hostility to safeguard terror infrastructure in Pakistan.

The military superiority utilized in purging terror within Pakistan not fueling and funding terror against India and neighbors would justify cause against terrorisn – the universal  enemy of humanity and peace.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter 






India – Indian Air Force Targeted Mission on JeM Terror Camp in Pakistan

February 26, 2019

India – Indian Air Force Targeted Mission on JeM Terror Camp in Pakistan

Padmini Arhant

The latest report in public domain from both Pakistan and India confirming the Indian Air Force (IAF) restrained operation against terror network Jaish-e-Mohammed responsible by own admission for the recent terror attack in Pulwama, Kashmir on the convoy resulting in more than 40 Indian security forces martyrdom and,

Further engagement to launch major terror attack against mainland India per verifiable intelligence is IAF’s measured response to terror infiltration from Pakistan based terror outfits like Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM), Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and others thus far.

Indian Air Force precision attack focused exclusively on the terror training camp at Balakot in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan eliminating large number of JeM terrorists, trainers, senior commanders and groups of jihadis reportedly trained for suicide bomber attacks against civilians and security forces in various parts of India in the immediate future is claimed as pre-emptive self-defense security action from India.

Pakistan foreign ministry on the other hand characterizes India’s self-defense rationale as grave aggression and Line of Control (LoC) violation.

Interestingly, Pakistan somehow does not recognize gross violations of Pakistan establishment fostered and funded terror networks’ series of violations wreaking terror against India ranging from attempted terror assault on Indian Parliament, Indian Stock Exchange, Mumbai attack, army bases in Pathankot on Indian border with Pakistan, Uri until Pulwama in Kashmir.

Pakistan Army and ISI waging proxy war against India using these terror factions much to own detriment is not justifiable by any reasonable paradigm inflicting thousands of casualties from spate of terror attacks in direct violation of Indian sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Pakistan army and ISI rather than disavow ties with these terror forces within their state and deny them existence adopted reverse strategy that is arguably shackling Pakistan in every imaginable dimension.

Unfortunately, Pakistan establishment divestment in terror emboldened terror networks to run state affairs invalidating Pakistan citizens elected civilian government proved to be nothing more than public relations manager for Pakistan army and ISI.

Any retaliation from Pakistan establishment to Indian Air Force right to self-defense process against JeM would conclusively highlight Pakistan’s status in favoring, nurturing and bolstering terror operatives for wanton missions against India.

Any kind of wars i.e. proxy as promoted by Pakistan against India through terrorism until now setting the stage in escalating to conventional warfare and beyond is not viable for neither states and require considerable concerted efforts to prevent such possibility.

There could be drum roll for wars among political factions and fundamentalists on either side without taking into consideration the aftermath of wars and military confrontation.

Wars not only consume innocent lives on all sides, the economic liability is unaffordable exacerbating financial conditions that are best averted bearing in mind the desirable course available in acknowledgment of common enemy viz. terrorists and terrorism posing impediments to peace between two nuclear neighbors in the region.

Furthermore, Pakistan’s complacency and complicity in providing terror networks safe haven in their territory to destabilize nations sharing borders with Pakistan is a self-destructive policy increasingly becoming a challenge for Pakistan’s sovereign identity.

Not to mention Pakistan’s desperate economic situation.  

No sovereign nation in the right mind would allow terror forces to dictate and demand resources to launch terror within and outside the country at any civilian population expense. Pakistan army and ISI accommodating terror networks as integral force of aggression defines ill-conceived egregious misguided doctrine to demonstrate feigned formidability.

The civilian governments in Pakistan and India having pledged emergence of new image as Naya Pakistan and New India respectively face relevant frustrations in the economic front though they are relative yet converge in reality among the poor and poorest on either side.

Pakistan’s dire economic state and Indian incumbent administration not reaching basic expectations of average citizens struggling to make ends meet with myriad problems ranging from unemployment, inflation to woes from demonetization would continue to determine the actual performance or the lack thereof that cannot be ignored in the wake of contemporary feud becoming a deflection from domestic environment.

Security is undoubtedly a primary concern for any nation especially when situated near belligerent state actors deploying terror operatives to cause bloodshed and unnecessary tension serving none not even those behind heinous crime against humanity.

Pakistan is at the crossroads to abandon refuge to terror organizations and sincerely involve in peace initiatives to be taken seriously at the national and international level.

There could be no double standards in Pakistan crying foul upon Indian Air Force performing their solemn duty to the nation and citizens they are bound to protect from any harm while the former choosing to remain oblivious to terrorism emanating from their origin despite terror groups like JeM and LeT unabashedly accepting responsibility for terror activities against India.

Pakistan has the unique opportunity to take the positive step towards expunging terror that is strangulating the Islamic state confining citizens within the country to extreme poverty and generational suffering needlessly imposed upon them due to the establishment’s misplaced priority to terrorists over the people of Pakistan.

Indian Air Force dispensation against Jaish-e-Mohammed terror camp is commendable in the absence of civilian casualty as there appears to be none according to international reports.

Peace with a genuine approach and actions against terrorists extraditing perpetrators to affected nations applicably India for judicial proceedings would clarify Pakistan’s commitment translating into delivery.

Again, I reiterate it is never too late to be wise in life.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter








India – Pakistan Acknowledgment of Terror Against India

February 23, 2019

India – Pakistan Acknowledgment of Terror Against India

Padmini Arhant

Social Media Censorship


Pakistan Terrorism – Pakistan Media on

Pulwama Attack in India


Pakistan Terrorism – Pakistan Media Provides Evidence on Pakistan’s Terror Against India.


Pakistan’s admission of terror manufacturing, sponsoring and implementing terror against India is the final conclusion of Pakistan’s acknowledgment as terror state by the establishment run by Pakistan army, ISI and name sake civilian government installed as democratic representative in the country.

India on the other hand with average Indian citizens and security forces in particular targeted by Pakistan terror sponsors have been the sitting ducks enduring series of terror attacks not barring the daring assault on Indian Parliament revealing Indian political class preoccupation in corruption amassing illegal wealth and power accelerated in the twenty first century ignoring public and defense personnel safety thus far.

The competition between national political parties viz. Congress and BJP to appease Pakistan’s establishment despite spate of terror attacks against India confirms typical political mindset caring less about citizens and country they are elected to serve during their term in office. 

Congress member Navjot Singh Sidhu’s bear hug of Pakistan’s Army chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa during Prime Minister Imran Khan’s swearing in ceremony while Prime Minister Narendra Modi attending Pakistan’s former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s family wedding summarize Indian political members’ enthusiasm to offset each other in the race –

Who is better at wooing Pakistan?

Under these circumstances.

Reality Check 

When will India’s corrupt political class, the incumbent and opposition alike quit unleashing sleazy Bollywood charlatans and wantons besides crony contingency with fake you tube channels & other means deployed for false propaganda against me and instead deliver Indian electorate, the armed forces in particular long overdue security and pervasive progress?

PADMINI ARHANT, i.e. I am NOT THE ENEMY as propagated by anti-humanity and anti-peace forces wreaking havoc in the nation and world at large.

On the contrary, you in politics, so-called celebrities, social activists, religious zealots i.e. con-artist Sadguru and wannabe media in obliging evil deep state i.e. doominati’s unscrupulous policy stealing my identity and attributing my hard work plus contributions to others viz. the opportunists collectively pose a threat to humanity considering your corrupt and criminal trajectory deceiving India’s ordinary population at every opportunity.

The political factions’ desperation prompting them to follow foreign diktat’s dishonest, discriminatory practice smothered in misogyny against me demonstrates India’s political reality whether in reference to Nirbaya from Sonia Gandhi led Congress or state honor farewell to corrupt female politician Jayalalitha upon her demise and alcohol related fatality of Bollywood actress Sri Devi by Prime Minister Narendra Modi headed BJP as well as Hindutva RSS clarifies India’s political decadence.

The corrupt and criminal culture must end for India to experience real positive development.

Forget about your grievances and egregious complaints against me. 

Your Karma will indeed be the judge, jury and executioner for all your misdeeds and woeful endeavors in pursuit of undeserving glory, fame, fortune and power.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter






India – Pulwama Terror Attack, Kashmir. Warning to Jaish-e-Mohammed, Pakistan

February 20, 2019

India – Pulwama Terror Attack, Kashmir

Warning to Jaish-e-Mohammed, Pakistan

Padmini Arhant


The recent terror attack in Pulwama, Jammu & Kashmir claiming 40 to 44 lives among Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) is condemned while extending support in prayers to victims families for strength and courage to deal with the loss of their loved ones in the heinous crime against humanity.

The following video has message for Pakistan’s leadership, Army, ISI and the terror faction Jaish-e-mohammed in particular since the network acknowledged responsibility for the suicide bomber attack against security forces in Kashmir last week. 

The video is in Urdu and Hindi for better understanding among viewers in Pakistan and India. 

The external powers providing shelter and immunity to terrorists on crimes against Indian civilians in Kashmir and rest of India, not to mention defending terror networks violence is deeply regrettable. 

Such ill-conceived actions delivers on What goes around will definitely come around.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter



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