India – Freedom Struggle and Journey to Independence

August 21, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

Swatantrata Diwas Ki Shubh Kamnaye! (Happy Independence Day!) To people in Bharat.

India’s independence Day is observed on August 15 marking the annual event as Remembrance Day in patriots and great leaders honor for their sacrifices to liberate the nation from almost three and a half centuries old colonialism.

East India Company consisting European traders arrived in India in 1606 and subsequent colonization of Indian sub-continent resulted in slavery, illiteracy, poverty and disease due to worst economic and social conditions with colonizers appointment of personnel imported from their country of origin to replace local work force and allocating tasks that were considered menial or less important by them to domestic labor market.

British imperialism deploying divide and conquer strategy prevalent until today targeted cultural heritage and communal harmony in asserting supremacy on the land of mysticism where religion originated with Hinduism from which emanated other faiths viz. Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism constituting secularism alongside accepting different religious denominations such as Islam, Christianity and Judaism spread through proselytism and the remaining like Zoroastrianism via migration.

The freedom struggle was the test of time with colonial power unrelenting to peaceful resistance and non-violence movement led by pioneer of peace Mahatma Gandhi along with many notable statesmen and women.

Most importantly ordinary citizens from all walks of life rising to the occasion to free the country long enslaved and deprived of dignity ended authoritarianism.

However, British Raj having depleted India of its resources and invaluable possessions upon departure embarked on balkanization leaving millions dead and scores rendered refugees with creation of Pakistan.

With partition as parting gift, the British empire diligently sowed the seeds of rivalry between the two neighbors that continues to be exploited in the present for hegemonic goals exacerbating people suffering on both sides in the instigated violence.

British monarchy declared India as dominion republic under British Commonwealth of governments essentially denying recognition of sovereign status.

The imperialist tradition with respect to territorial disputes, illegal invasion and occupation of foreign land under false pretexts currently maintained prolonging status quo from past century.

Despite imperialism horrific legacy, the contemporary situation involving direct intrusion in foreign nations internal affairs attributed to complicity from within for individual and vested interests.

Colonial rule made possible with treason committed in collusion with forces undermining national identity.

India is yet to experience sovereignty when foreign usurpation persists promoting economic and social disparity not to mention demographic marginalization hindering pervasive national progress.

As for Indian political system – the projection as world’s largest democracy functionally adapting to British concept of classism represents affluence with industrialists, ex-Royalty and celebrities from entertainment field domineering politics contradictory to mainstream composition where vast majority belonging to middle and lower income in addition to substantial population in abject poverty lack fair representation.

India in recent decades having made significant economic strides severely lagging behind in equitable income distribution combined with political establishment exclusivity is overcast on prospective future.

Poignantly, hegemony influence on India aimed at sabotage and derailing growth and development notwithstanding cultural values erosion necessitates national awakening in reclaiming Bharat founded on democratic principles exemplified in non-violence and peaceful means towards independence.

The contentious problem facing India even though shared worldwide is graft legislation introducing transparency and accountability beginning with political class and abuse of power misusing intelligence bureau as well as income tax department to quell dissent and objectivity on government performance.

Furthermore, foreign dominance on nuclear nations predominantly facilitated by corruption with mutual favors returned on tax evasions and embezzlements allowing funds transfer to overseas tax havens and Swiss Bank account not excluding absolving loyalists and appeasers from crimes committed during and after the term in office.

In fact, corruption is more potent than nuclear arsenal for hegemony control over nations regardless of nuclear capability.

India like most emerging economies has rising youth power and the younger generation especially the segments with no equal opportunity exercising voting right could choose leadership among them to address their plight rather than casting ballots to major political parties and coalitions evidently using public office for personal benefit.

Hegemony applies same formula on India akin to United States alternating between two political factions and alliances for their pandering to external sources in national detriment.

India’s foreign policy not entirely Indian cowering to western demands stalling bilateral relations with Pakistan and multilateral ties in Asia with White House pivot Asia stance poised at displaying United States military might and superiority in Asia Pacific.

India’s experience with imperial motives should provide guidance in discernment on foreign tactics such as polarization and fragmentation.

Hegemony infiltration in India’s decision-making process on national defense and cabinet appointments invalidates brave souls martyrdom that enabled August 15, 1947.

Indian troops presence in Kashmir and northeastern states deserves review and withdrawal directing focus on viable solutions that guarantee security and stability.

Pakistan’s Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif initiative to release Indian fishermen held prisoners for inadvertent maritime infraction is a positive step in improving peaceful interaction and likewise India’s reciprocation in returning Pakistani civilians on these grounds would highlight genuine appreciation for goodwill.

Similarly, Pakistan joining India in combating cross border terrorism and militancy forming the basis for army patrol in Azad Kashmir and Srinagar respectively could perhaps yield conducive environment moving away from unwanted skirmishes and internal disturbance.

India’s investment in infrastructure, climate change, clean energy and constructive measures in bridging the gap between haves and have-nots are immediate priorities in rebuilding nation.

Additionally, citizens’ safety is the primary responsibility of authorities at municipal to national level.

The proactive methods comprising education through bill boards, television commercials and national dialogue to refrain from criminal activity and rewarding those for rescue attempts to help fellow citizens would shift the trend in the virtuous course.

India is the seat of enlightenment intended to illumine minds elevating spirit for self-realization i.e. oneness with creator conforming to exemplary postulate on monism established in Hindu religion and philosophy.

Best Wishes to compatriots in India in the accomplishments feat emulating the essence and brilliance of five natural elements – air, water, sky, earth and fire.

Peace to India!

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Pakistan – Azadi Mubarak! (Happy Independence Day!)

August 14, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

Azadi Mubarak! To citizens of Pakistan commemorating 66th anniversary of independence day.

Pakistan celebrates Independence Day on August 14 every year and the event rejoiced with political and social customs.

Although liberation is a cause for celebration, the national day also a reminder to review status quo and address issues confronting the nation.

Pakistan deprived of civilian rule until recently yet to experience coherence essential for political stability.

The uphill battle for Pakistan is curbing violence and terrorism claiming innocent lives within the country spreading across Afghanistan and India.

Pakistan army, police force and government together could gain considerably in eliminating foreign sources funded and promoted terror infrastructure including ammunitions influx into the country.

Another factor not unique to Pakistan, however affecting national sovereignty is external powers influence over military and intelligence apparatus notwithstanding corruption in political system having pervasive impact on society.

After sixty-six years since creation of Pakistan, the nation struggles to decline hegemony infiltration representing imperialism and extremism reining control over the nuclear state.

Pakistan has tremendous potential to move the nation forward upon restoring security currently sabotaged in the absence of unequivocal rejection of CIA paramilitary and private contractors presence exacerbated with Saudi financing of religious schools such as madrassas aimed at exploitation of the poor faciltiating radicalism and Takfiri elements behind unrest in the Indian sub-continent.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif administration and political opposition face challenges in many frontiers and the priority besides economy is safety and normalcy for citizens in Pakistan and neighbors in the region.

Political will combined with commitment reflected in policies would guarantee positive outcome on national and international goals.

Pakistan efforts to improve bilateral and trilateral relations with India and Afghanistan would benefit the population of all three nations considering the pursuits not necessarily welcome among powers aspiring dominance through polarization evident in cross border activities involving killing of soldiers along Pakistan and India Line of Control (LOC) and bombing of Indian consulate in Kabul.

Nonetheless, Pakistan leaderships across the spectrum and civil society perseverance transcending religions and communal barriers could begin a new chapter in history in recognition of one another as allies rather than adversaries easing tensions instigated by foreign nations through false propaganda and bias reporting for respective vested interests capitalizing on human plight.

Pakistan leaderships initiatives in this regard is noteworthy and further expansion in trade, cultural exchange, education, environment and humanitarian affairs would strengthen peace required for individual as well as regional growth and development.

Wishing people in Pakistan peaceful co-existence with a promising future for all.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

International Political Event – Presidential Election And Inauguration

August 4, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

Pakistan – Presidential Election

Congratulations! To President Mamnoon Hussain elected to represent Pakistan.

Pakistan’s democratic experience is not without trials and tribulations especially post election resulting in political factions dissatisfaction with electoral process.

Pakistan stability is linked with containing violence emanating from terror networks and anti-democratic forces funding Takfiri elements aimed at national and regional destabilization.

The leadership commitment in ending United States drone strikes producing civilian casualties would determine public trust on the incumbent power.

Upon eliminating militancy and extremism premised on fundamentalism, sectarian clashes and cross border terrorism could perhaps be laid to rest.

Pakistan uphill battles comprise combating corruption and recovery of national income held in overseas bank accounts through tax evasion.

Additionally, building economy to improve living conditions is not unique to Pakistan.

However, the political dynamics with foreign interference under the guise of military aid hinder economic revival.

Hopefully the current government headed by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and President Mamnoon Hussain would introduce effective strategies to redress burgeoning violence restoring calmness and peace necessary to reach milestones in national goals.

Wishing Pakistan citizens and President Mamnoon Hussain dawn of peace and tranquility.


Iran – Presidential Inauguration

Iran – Congratulations! To President Hassan Rohani on the Presidential inauguration as 7th President of Iran.

Under the newly elected Presidency, the Iranian electorate choice for reformist candidacy over others is a mandate for moderation.

The voters’ aspirations to evolve and emerge from constraints and convictions are dependent on developments in the near future.

United States and EU unlawful sanctions exacerbates mainstream normal existence with access to medicines and other essentials restricted due to financial blockade disabling payments processing and transaction facility for free flow of trade in international market.

The unilateral western decisions lacking in fairness and legitimacy unnecessarily targets innocent victims across the nation.

Nonetheless, Iranian resolve in enduring arbitrary rule is evident in efforts exploring options to overcome crises.

Inflation and higher unemployment draw attention amongst various challenges in the economic front.

In other areas of governance, the common problems shared worldwide such as corruption and mismanagement in different branches of government pose impediments to real progress.

With hopes and expectations, the nation looks forward to fresh beginning and optimism in domestic and foreign relations minimizing tensions for positive outcome.

Best Wishes to people of Iran and President Hassan Rohani in addressing issues of the nation.


Zimbabwe – Presidential Electoral Dispute

The re-election of ruling party Zanu – PF governed by long serving President Robert Mugabe once again contested by opponent Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai.

The contender declining to concede in the latest national polls could be resolved in independent re-assessment of voting mechanisms with appropriate measures to avoid prolonged disputes now and later.

Despite previous experience in 2008, the top electoral official resignation in disapproval of existing polling method and inconsistency reveals the election commission lack of coordination and preparation.

Had inherent flaws been identified earlier and addressed effectively, the status quo might be different and any disagreements may not be related to voting irregularity.

Nevertheless, leaderships vying for power seeking amicable settlements could save lives with mass support behind peaceful reconciliation.

Zimbabwe leaders rational approach in national interest could deliver viable solution.

Good Luck! To Zimbabwe electorate and leaderships in finalizing political victory via communication and dialogue rather than confrontation.

Peace to all

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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