Vishwa Kalyan Award 2024

December 17, 2024

Vishwa Kalyan Award 2024

Padmini Arhant

With great delight and prudence, the Vishwa Kalyan Award 2024 is awarded to the citizens of North Korea and Cuba for enduring – the United States and Imperialist Britain renamed Barbados authorized and exerted foreign decades old draconian economic sanctions, social injustice in isolation and relentless abuse.

In the Statehood, Sovereignty and Independence Struggle – The people of Palestine – Gaza, The West Bank and East Jerusalem are honored with Vishwa Kalyan Award 2024 for their incredible suffering, humanitarian plight and gross violation of rights over the past seven decades mercilessly inflicted by the State of Israel with United States and other major western alliance especially in the latest Gaza GENOCIDE – Oct 2023 – Dec 2024 and still active. 

Vishwa Kalyan Award 2024

The Independent State


The Republic of Palestine 

The Republic of Nortb Korea 

The Republic of North Korea

The Republic of Cuba 

The Republic of Palestine, The Republic of North Korea and Cuba have demonstrated admirable resilience, courage and dignity against foreign brutality, ad hominem social incarceration and economic embargo.

The Palestinian population experiencing the worst in human rights violation from denial of Statehood, Individual Rights and Liberty to Israel enforced unilateral economic sanctions against Gaza and military confinement of West Bank and East Jerusalem lasting over seven decades with the latest Gaza Genocide wiping out generations in the twenty first century holocaust.

The Vishwa Kalyan Award duly recognizes the Independent Sovereign State of Palestine and the population of North Korea and Cuba as the honorable recipients of this humanitarian award with Almighty God’s Blessings. 

Congratulations! The Independent State and Imminently Free Republic of Palestine, The Republic of North Korea and The Republic of Cuba! 

Best Wishes

Padmini Arhant 

Vishwa Kalyan Award Chair

Western Political Ideology

October 3, 2024

Western Political Ideology

Padmini Arhant

Western political ideology is self-contradictory.

West is actually anti-democracy. However, the status maintained as ideal democracy. The despotism, fundamentalism, dictatorships, authoritarianism, totalitarian leaderships and governments were invariably launched, installed and supported around the world by the western political ideology.

Although, there are several examples in this regard from around the world where governments are toppled till date by the west either aiding military coup, political unrest, economic sanctions and / or political assassinations.

The west asserts such indulgence as ideal democracy to masquerade anti-democracy even on own soil as lately experienced in the United States democrat coup against own incumbent Joe Biden in 2024 Presidential race.

The foreign cases in point are Iran, Lebanon Palestine, Thailand and Ukraine.

Iranthe first and only leadership Dr. Mohammad Mosaddegh to have been democratically elected in the once referred to as Persia.

Iran’s first and last democratically elected people’s choice leader Dr. Mohammad Mosaddegh was violently overthrown out of power by United States CIA and European oil corporations to capitalize on Iran’s oil resources.

The western blatant coup replaced Dr. Mosaddegh with Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the Former Shah of Iran rejected by the people of Iran as the repressive dynasty rule.

The status then triggered Iranian revolution by none other than the late Iran’s revolutionary leader, titled Iran’s Supreme leader Ayatollah Khomeini, who was in exile in the western nation France. The west provided safe haven facilitating the return of then Supreme leader Khomeini.

While the west criticize own proxy leadership of Shah of Iran as opulent lifestyle despite admiring and adoring even more opulence and extravagance of the colonial imperialist British Monarchy. The latter ever surviving over generations on the so-called commoners’ wealth and reining control on Britain’s politics as the constitutional head, the pledge of allegiance to the crown rather than the national constitution and the republic till date.

The west simultaneously mock Iran’s theocracy rule as medieval having paved the way in the ejection of democratic leadership and populous leader Dr. Mohammad Mosaddegh.

These two for that matter are uncanny in western choices via intrusion and subsequently branded as repressive, extremists, militancy and radicalism without acknowledgment of them being the western favored and seated in power.

Either way the west was responsible for Iran’s democracy to transition to dynasty and then theocracy rule prevalent in Iran up until now.

Lebanonthe democratically elected head of the government Prime Minister Rafic Hariri was assassinated in Beirut, Lebanon in 2005 under the former U.S. Bush and Cheney administration causing tremendous sectarian violence and rift in the Middle East.

Palestinethe moderate Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) confronted enormous resistance from Israeli politics and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in particular together with western ally United States and others in Europe.

Prime Minister Netanyahu then replaced PLO with Hamas as opponent to PLO. The PLO leader Yasser Arafat was assassinated by Israel in Paris.

Israel’s assassination tradition continues against Israel’s appointed Hamas or Israel’s colonization and illegal occupation in Palestine impetus Hezbollah leaders systematically targeted and eliminated by Israel as the so-called axis of evil.

ThailandThe South East nation’s first female Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra on popular wave was democratically elected in 2011.

Only to be brutally removed from office in 2014 during Barack Obama Presidency.

The Thailand’s people elected leadership was overthrown by disconnecting electric power and utilities to PM’s office in the United States and western backed military junta in Thailand.

The former PM Yingluck Shinawatra was accused of corruption charges by then western promoted military junta.

PM Shinawatra was acquitted of all charges in the latest decision by Thailand’s highest court.

UkraineThe latest being Ukraine – The democratically elected government in Kiev then headed by President Viktor Yanukovych was removed from office at gun point in world view together with entire cabinet in 2014 by then U.S. administration of Barack Obama and EU in the coup promoting violent insurrection against foreign government.

The democratic government was displaced with United States and EU installed neo-nazi rule in Kiev leading to status quo in Ukraine.

Owing to western trajectory in the twentieth and twenty first century, the west is not an epitome of viable vibrant democracy as claimed much to the contrary.

Padmini Arhant 

Indian Fad in Politics

July 22, 2024

Indian Fad in Politics

Padmini Arhant

Hello Politics: Do not mislead and deceive yourself as well as the electorate in words and action.

The following imitation is an instant connotation on fake fraudulent representation. Cease and desist from such postures.



Democrat Party: Presidential race deserves merit based constitutional democratic process. Not to be treated like the Vaccine Mandate – No Jab No Job endured in 2021 – 2023. 

Politics is not merely the end bargain among millionaires and billionaires to arrive at critical decisions.

The voters as the electorate and ultimate providers as taxpayers fund the government from top to bottom.

Declining their legitimate rights to fair and appropriate representation is upending democracy. The slogan your party uses against your opponent as a threat to democracy.

The action of the accuser symmetrical to that of the accused is called hypocrisy. 

What’s up with Indian fad in American politics and for that matter in the economic sector including entertainment?

The Indian representation in politics, economic sector and entertainment in the past sixteen years is a reminder on;

“Make hay when the sun shines.”

Although, Indian immigration and travel to the United States is dated back to the 60’s and some even much earlier.

My late father visited New York and other places in the United States in the late 50’s and subsequently on business travel during his service with British international airline.

There were many Indians from India or of Indian origin rising to prominence in an array of fields ranging from science, engineering, computer world and academia to classical music and other cultural domains since 60’s and into 80’s – 90’s that were noticeably dormant in attracting politics, economic sector and entertainment industry attention to head organizations as CEO’s and considered for any position in politics or for that matter the Gala academy awards from Hollywood until the sudden hype and surge in the last sixteen years.

The insomnia and mania over Indian association to the extent of subverting geography in projecting the Asian continent with South, South East Asia and Indian sub-continent in northern hemisphere as South Africa on the southern hemisphere is an extraordinary stretch viewing the globe upside down.

The flagrant misrepresentation is at least genuine in revealing zero knowledge in geography in addition to spinning narratives comparable to cyclone, hurricane twisters.

Wokism propagated in a bizarre waywardly indulgence especially in the past three years by behind the scene operative using proxy administration now desperately seeking to extend status quo in the replacement of current proxy with yet another maneuverable exploitative pawn pitched as the suitable suitor to the knight with the shining armor on the black horse letting the ludicrous imagination run wild.

Why not use the one amongst within i.e. own partner?

The partner partaking the mega profits and benefits in the handed down glory, power and fortune at the heels and back of the one whose 16 years of free service and sacrifice was shamelessly availed and exploited with incessant targeting literally with unprovoked vitriolic bullets, demonization and ad hominem misogyny continued till date as entitlement against the benefactor never benefitting or sharing in the name of power, fame and fortune rather been the contrary.

Notwithstanding, touting race, gender and identity politics rampant in the last three years having displaced and dislodged female leaderships in non-African nations in the world between 2009 – 2016 Presidential terms in office is irrefutable in the hopeless reliance on lies, duplicity and mendacity.

The Presidential nomination barring Indian flagship and descent in any grade or ratio from India not Native Americans mistaken as Indians from the Christopher Columbus era continued in the casting of anyone as such in the past 16 years and specifically excluding the obsessed nuanced target i.e. me would exemplify opponents’ sincerity to lead the nation unlike the avenged vengeful self-defeated endeavor.

Instead, fielding African race such as the partner in crime and concoctions having basked in free political stardom, media bolstered fake populism and plagiarized authorship on book publications to prove authenticity and legitimacy only to be debunked would be a fair game.

NB: The former make-believe Republican (RINO) Presidential contender sudden emergence from nowhere as the self-asserted billionaire requesting ordinary citizens for small donations to the unsuccessful Presidential bid – none other than Indian origin – Vivek Ramaswamy, the machine propagandist installed by democrat power monger and machinery in Republican campaign as a spoiler.

The status unveiled in the failed Republican candidacy Vivek Ramaswamy’s miserable performance in the 2024 Presidential race. The democrat power wheeler behind Vivek Ramaswamy is a flamboyant shot to denigrate me and the Indian identity with a losing candidate as a Republican.

Vivek Ramaswamy was not favored by Republican base falling less than 10% in polling. However, the Indian descent Vivek Ramaswamy had the democrat party stake holder support for the former role as the representative in disguise.

In quid pro quo, Vivek Ramaswamy pitching for the democrat party former President Barack Obama’s partner as viable candidate is clarification on the Presidential race and voters’ choice as well as concerns taken for granted amongst those in the pact.

The ex-President Barack Obama’s partner difficulty to pronounce Uniter repeatedly mentioned as Uniner – witnessed and heard in 2008 Presidential campaign verified the viability of such candidacy to be a Uniter as bleak and out of question.

The infamous public statement from the former President Barack Obama partner in 2008 – “For the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country.”

The remark after being handed the nomination by riding on other’s back also garnered criticism for selective pride tied to personal interest. 

The one eager to prolong illegitimate Presidential term in office having gotten away in 2021 – till date should perhaps field own member of family viz. the spouse not on stolen identity but in fact using own DNA with transparency on criminal record such as the joint public execution of the rape victim – the black young mother Miriam Carey and the abandonment of the black child from the violent assault with the rape victim evidently opting pro-life over abortion.

Yet another victim, the black male and father of twin teenagers, the murder of personal chef Tafari Campbell masqueraded as drowning accident in the shallow lake front of the Obamas’ lavish Martha’s Vineyard Estate doorstep.

The shallow lake with depth lower than kiddie pool by any measure was not deep enough for the victim well over 6’ in physical height with the public footage on the victim as a confident swimmer in a 8 – 10 feet deep swimming pool negating the narcissistic confabulation on drowning.

There is obviously more to it than meets the eye.

As for the black lives matter, the slogan ominously served politics’ funded and organized riots and violence gutting down private and public property amid national and global lockdown in the pandemic year 2020.

Not surprisingly, none held accountable in the violent torching and decimation inflicting damages to life, livelihoods and tangible assets of businesses and the public at large on world view in the West coast and other parts of the country.

A valid explanation behind such orchestration and participation is mandatory holding none above law even though that is a misnomer.

Regardless, the reason for the heinous crimes is due from the Presidential contender unlawfully vying for lifetime tenure via chosen puppet.

It would be a service to the nation for a change having wreaked havoc throughout life and reaped harvest in the enormous personal and political gain exclusively at others’ expense.

Similarly, all those in the category having never had any recollection on epiphany as the messiah and holier than thou persona considering their presence in the public domain in politics, economic sector and entertainment…as well as others in diverse activities long before my appearance, all of whom claiming otherwise in the last 16 years until this hour is an incontrovertible concerted hatch from the delusional incognito syndicate.

The rookie Senator Barack Obama from Illinois, the dark dorky devious origin in Hawaii, Indonesia, exacerbated in Chicago and Washington D.C. steadfast in reversal again not without using my profile, identity and all things politically favorable is paradoxical from the start to finish in the futile rat race.

The rookie Senator Barack Obama political career in 2008 Presidential campaign nosediving to the contender Hillary Clinton in Pennsylvania democratic primary election prompting the opportunist Barack Obama campaign with the following request having used and monetarily extracted to the last dime categorically and prematurely dismissed the exploited only to approach the latter with SOS to salvage the make-shift boat from sinking into oblivion.

No matter how loud and raucous the rants are in denial of own flawed criminal corrupt murderous abusive personal and political legacy, the time cannot be flipped over or identity swapped, hijacked and distorted in vain declaration of sunken dilapidated boat not even a ship as anything in the face of fait accompli.

Here is the challenge.

The ones desperately involved to prove oneself positive, credible, peaceful and other virtues irretrievably proven to be otherwise and indisputably oxymoron evidenced in the impetus to further submerge in the swamp is confirmation of well- known and established deceitful status quo.

Not being satisfied with verbal ammunition attacks using politics, ironically the target enabled unthinkable position of power misused and abused to the core against the target i.e. me.

Besides, various criminal abusive tactics deployed till date in direct violation of my personal rights, identity and all things fundamental to my individual inalienable right is testament to offenders’ decadence.

Not to mention the recruitment of biased, prejudiced, crony groveling media, press and tech titans together with political contingency on either side as quad and squad aiding and abetting the decadent culture much to individual and collective peril is unprecedented uncivilized acrimony and hostility ad nauseam.

Reiterating what has been mentioned many times over by me,

I, Padmini Arhant solemnly and emphatically condemn the identity misappropriation, theft and opportunism using my life and tireless contributions free of charge or any monetization whatsoever in the last sixteen years until this minute by the wannabes, opportunists, power mongers, publicity starved riffraffs, ragtags as cheap recruits on the sideline and,

Above all irreversibly corrupt criminal desperate politics’ vendetta exercised and executed by consolidated collaborative EVIL exemplify self-immolation upon their feet held on fire.

I, Padmini Arhant for the umpteenth time clarify once and for all that I am not anyone except being me born into the world with my specific DNA like any and all other species in the creation.

Accordingly, I have no connection, affiliation or relation and do not closely or remotely have anything to do with those that I’m projected, portrayed and fraudulently nuanced by hostile politics or any others in the repeat failed attempts to patronize, humiliate, condescending caricature of me…for sadistic satisfaction.

Anyone availing such opportunity taking advantage of this gross mistreatment of me to their personal enrichment in any respect proven a curse and not a blessing for them. They are paying the price in this lifetime in accordance with karmic effects.

The rest not having learnt the lesson from observation of other’s experience in this context will be subject to the same plight if not severe for their voluntary enthusiastic violations ignoring several warnings in this regard.

Those who engage in others’ destruction are self-destructive and invite unnecessary misery in life.

In fielding rejected Presidential democrat candidacy with a dismal record aimed at exhibiting that as mine, the ever remaining target for EVIL simply for my phenomenal seamless beneficial national, international and humanitarian service thus far, never mind none of that acknowledged nor recognized by beneficiaries is one aspect.

The other being the democrat Vice Presidency selection playing identity politics laden with insolence providing fodder for pejorative vilification all around with Indian lineage and the interpretation of my name Padmini taken out of context predominantly to mock the indomitable divine mission representation was supposedly the gratitude exchanged for the deeply regrettable and reluctant 2008 Presidential campaign ordeal.

The EVIL diabolical strategy until today played out in the following manner.

You will continue to be our slave and we will reward someone within our inventory for your hard labor.

The demonic trait in semblance with feed the fat pigs and porcupines for self-profiteering and narcissistic goals while taunt and torment the one refusing to comply with EVIL diktat.

Fast forward to 2024, the retribution against me, the fixated target resurface in Presidential bid using identity politics premised pawns such as Nikki Haley from the presumed right, and the incumbent Vice Presidency on the left.

The current VP as the presumptive Presidential nominee rather demoted than promoted with complete knowledge about abysmal poll rating trending even worse than the ousted incumbent Presidency Joe Biden on re-election to cast me as the defeated one without me even being the contender is demented obsessive disorder.

Let me make it abundantly clear.

Parasites are doomed with no purpose except fleecing on others like the ticks and lice spreading disease.

Never claim anything that never belong to you. The defiance would haunt claimant sooner than later.

The poison politics’ charade relentlessly pursuing me basically for unwilling to kowtow to EVIL is at best individually suicidal for the mastermind and catalysts and at worst kamikaze in the political level.

Have a direct dialogue with me in public rather than hiding behind women and abusing womanhood to disparage a woman with a real name and original identity formidable in dealing with challenges and crisis let alone responding to lunatics and fanatics craving for undeserving focus.

Choosing enemy wisely would avert imminent collapse with writing on the wall emphasizing the inevitable.

Padmini Arhant

UNSC Resolution – Gaza Immediate Permanent Ceasefire Welcome!

March 25, 2024

UNSC Resolution

Gaza Immediate Permanent Ceasefire


Padmini Arhant

The latest UNSC resolution headed by Japan Presidency presiding over other important ten sovereign member nations adopting the unanimous decision calling for immediate permanent ceasefire, release of all Israeli hostages and unfettered unhindered humanitarian aid to Gazan victims and Israeli hostages held in the six-month-old Gaza war resonate with the Gaza victims enmasse and global citizenry voicing their requests in this regard.

Simultaneously, the unconditional release of all Palestinian hostages from minors to elders held by Israeli authorities in known and undisclosed prisons in Palestine and Israel ensuring their secure union with their Palestinian families is crucial and significant for imminent lasting peace in the otherwise embattled zone.

In addition to these relevant actions, Israel’s complete withdrawal of troops, tanks and forces from Gaza and occupied West Bank as well as East Jerusalem is equally pertinent to allow Palestinian population to recover from the horrendous violence and casualties suffered by them up until now.

The international support and global humanitarian aid is critical to save lives among war victims and survivors in the war zone. 

The current UNSC resolution implemented with immediate effect is the duty and responsibility of not only the international body – the United Nations and UNSC,

It is also incumbent upon all parties engaged in this Gaza Genocide to commit to earnest sincere delivery of this decision.

The war having consumed over 30,000 lives and among them children paying the enormous price with their life and many left without a present or future is unsustainable for all sides necessitating the end to the destruction and devastation in Gaza and the rest of Palestine. 

The urgency of this matter is directly linked to life and survival of nearly 2 million population in Gaza and the rest of Palestine. 

Notwithstanding, the outcome enabling the safe return of all Israeli hostages to their families at home. 

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 

Singapore – Capital Punishment

April 27, 2023


Capital Punishment

Padmini Arhant

The island nation in South East Asia Singapore’s laws are well known domestically and in most parts of the world.

Singapore government’s rule of law on narcotics and any substance abuse subject to capital punishment is prevalent till date.

Those apprehended such as the defenseless citizens as minority and underprivileged social economic background with little or no opportunity to prove innocence is inarguably a tough uphill battle.

The citizen with above outlined profile facing the government as the judge, jury and executioner such as the government legislative body enacting the law, law enforcement and judiciary all combined under governmental authority as appointer and appointees obliging one another either out of fear and / or appeasement leave the accused and defendants entirely at the mercy of the process.

The domestic rules in crimes vary arbitrarily despite the rules such as capital punishment lacking more than adequate reasons beyond doubt prior to executions in violation of international humanitarian laws in the modern age.

Singapore government’s position defending capital punishment in drug offenses citing general welfare and safety of the entire population is a single dimension perspective in the otherwise multi-dimensional dynamics in the drug war.

In all of the problems, the apex i.e. the one at the top most in the pyramid structure directing the rest below reaching the bottom often remain unscathed prolonging status quo in the cat and mouse game.

The narcotics ring attracts those in politics, intelligence agencies, drug lords in Afghanistan, Asia to the Americas and world over, economic sector, entertainment industry, religion and relevantly those facilitating the sales, marketing and distribution as purveyors…all of them remain off the hook letting those falling easy prey to victimization bear the cross so to speak in absorbing the sins of all of the above mentioned culpable sources in society.

Singapore government justifying capital punishment in drug offense to protect citizens in country simultaneously extending the law curbing the origin through inter-governmental agreements would nip the umbilical cord in the first place.

Importantly, Singapore authority shutting down own corridor known as Singapore Hawala involving informal transfer of illicit money not barring narcotics transactions boosting Singapore foreign currency reserves in $$$billions would be rather meaningful and effective in the government measures to safeguard citizens’ interests at home as well as foreign destinations depleting those citizens’ economic status.

Any government’s extreme reactions in capital punishment against the vulnerable and the weakest in society and laxities to corruption criminality within political establishment raise credibility factor.

The government policies being oblivious to corruption such as gross mishandling of citizens’ retirement savings viz. Central Provident Fund (CPF) the law requirement on citizens’ mandatory contributions to fund own retirement, health, education and housing needs…essentially the most critical fund with citizens’ lives dependent on it literally gambled in casino with no recourse and,

Temasek Holdings scandal with extraordinary remunerations to CEO, Mrs. Ho Ching, the next of kin to the ruling power and many other secret yet explosive matter evading transparency and accountability are anything but beneficial to the citizens in the country.

Unfortunately, politics abandoning democracy, free speech, right to life, liberty, equal opportunity, fairness and Justice in the present time is at the precipice of unbridled lawlessness with no checks and balances to question authority on flagrant violations of ethics, corruptions and human rights violations committed as the privilege of power with political impunity.

As always anything abnormal is unsustainable and lead to imminent conclusion of such system.

Padmini Arhant 

Korea – National Liberation Day / Independence Day

August 14, 2022

Korea – National Liberation Day / Independence Day

Padmini Arhant

North Korea Flag 

South Korea Flag




Korea – Greetings and felicitations to Korea on National Liberation Day or Independence Day celebrations from colonial rule!

North and South Korea sharing the joyous jubilation in ending colonial occupation and rule in 1945 though actual independence gained and established on August 15, 1948 is a great sense of joy and pride.

The topic will resume with further coverage.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter



Japan – Ex- Prime Minister Shinzo Abe Assassination

July 8, 2022

Japan – Ex- Prime Minister Shinzo Abe Assassination

Padmini Arhant

The former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s assassination in Japan is tragic and not conforming to peace and democracy maintained by Japan post world war 2.

There is no place for violence against anyone in any society. The individual or collective decision to take life of another depriving the victim due survival until natural death reflect the indulged disturbed mind with hatred in heart.  Such action only burden the soul of those committing the crime besides enduring guilt in living and after their death.

I convey my sincere condolences to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s family and the people of Japan in the hour of grief and mourning with prayers for peace and stability in Japan and the region.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter

North Korea – Firing Possible Ballistic Missile

March 4, 2022

North Korea – Firing Possible Ballistic Missile

Padmini Arhant

North Korea firing possibly long range ballistic missile landing in the Sea of Japan on Mar 5, 2022 i.e. Saturday local time is confirmed by Japan’s coastal guards and defense ministry.  South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff has also verified the information to this effect reported by international news agency. 

The latest ballistic missile is stated to be ninth since the beginning of the year 2022.

At whomsoever behest, North Korea has resumed missile launching this year, the ill-advise is best not adhered to in North Korea and the neighbors’ safety and security interests. 

North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un maintaining the peace agreement with partner South Korea and delivering further in sincere efforts to abandon old ways that has brought tremendous pain and suffering to the peace loving citizens in North Korea is critical for the sovereign nation North Korea.

Similar expectations from across the DMZ line in South Korea and near by Japan facing constant threats are to be met by North Korea demonstrating trustworthiness in honoring the peace deal.

The violations from North Korea are unnecessary provocation that are neither helpful nor constructive in negotiations on sanctions relief. 

The ballistic missiles of any kind whether short or long range with nuclear capability are not to be experimented now or in the future by any nuclear states or nuclear aspirants in the world.

The issues are far too many and humanity confronted with enough challenges like the lingering global pandemic and Ukraine crisis among several developments. 

North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un exercising restraint and adopting peaceful approach would exemplify North Korean leadership’s commitment to peace and denuclearization. 

It is never too late to pursue and persevere peace over unnecessary and unwanted confrontation.

The Korean peninsula and South East Asian region deserve tension free environment that has caused enormous barriers in economic trade and activities until recently depriving North Korea long overdue economic growth and development.

The choice is clear between peace leading to progress and prosperity and conflict yielding decline and failure. 

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter


Korean Peace Agreement

December 14, 2021

Korean Peace Agreement

Padmini Arhant

The leaderships in North Korea Kim Jong-Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in agreement on declaration to end Korean war between North and South on December 13, 2021 is a welcoming beginning in the dawn of peace in Korean Peninsula. 

The formal agreement between the two nations i.e. North and South Korea to bring the prolonged conflict that was paused on armistice until now transitioning into conclusion of warfare is fair and appropriate.

Now moving forward the long overdue permanent peace treaty would transform the hope of Korean families on both sides in North and South into reality.

The leaderships in Pyongyang and Seoul decision to move away from warfare and proceed towards peace merit recognition and appreciation.

Though the accord weighing in on numerous factors understandably reached in principle in the present time, the leadership from North Korea – Kim Jong-un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in accelerating the process into practicality would be direct acknowledgment of Korean citizens essentially the families on both sides of the great nation of Korea. 

There is no doubt the people in Korea especially the citizens with relations on both sides of the country have suffered enormously and the people in North Korea in particular have endured tremendous challenges up until now. The economic plight of North Korean population could be alleviated in improving and fostering better ties with South Korea in every respect.

Similarly South Korean citizens could experience peace and tranquility without the dark clouds of warfare and uncertainty hovering over the peninsula. 

The news is also cordial for the neighbors like Japan and the entire South East Asian region deserving normal environment for economic activities and overall peaceful engagement all around. 

The responsibility and maturity is reflected in the much anticipated approach with expectation among citizens for consistency and continued efforts in perseverance eventually leading to successful reunification of Korea. 

Once again, the leaderships in North Korea Kim Jong-un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in maintaining peaceful discourse in the development of strong partnerships in all fronts would benefit the people in Korea in unison. The peace initiatives and involvements on both sides would eventually deliver the desirable outcome – Korea as one nation sharing the strengths and prosperity. 

Best Wishes on the Peaceful Reunification of Korea!

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter 

International Affairs

May 17, 2021

International Affairs

Padmini Arhant

China – Beijing’s lack of transparency and importance to international rules primarily responsible for the ravaging global pandemic. 

On the political front, Beijing’s violent crackdown on Hong Kong residents – the pro-democracy peaceful dissent represented by young citizens – Hong Kong students now in Beijing’s custody in unknown locations are serious human rights violation. 

Beijing’s persecution of Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang province is yet another human rights violation intensified over a period of time in the absence of international actions in this regard. 

Similarly, the oppression of Tibetan population and systemic elimination of rich Tibetan culture, civilization and heritage since invasion and occupation of sovereign Tibet spanning over seven decades on world watch is a grave authoritarian stigma. 

Beijing’s aggression against independent Taiwan is a routine operation to remind the rest of the world on Beijing’s political and economic clout over nations near and far. 

Amid these engagements, Beijing’s offer to mediate peace between Israel and Palestine is paradoxical. 

Beijing in recognition of individual rights, freedom and sovereignty towards Hong Kong’s pro-democracy groups, Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang province , Tibet and Taiwan respectively ceasing hardline policy and initiating peaceful discourse with all these affected victims would be a welcoming change in crises management.

Israel – Palestine Conflict: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s inability to prove legitimacy and prolong governance having repeatedly failed in Israel’s three elections in the past two years has exhausted means to justify political authority in the domestic front. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s strategy to buy time evading accountability on corruption scandal directly affecting personal candidacy and leadership role is evident in electoral outcome.

The setbacks in consecutive Israeli elections unable to secure expected electoral mandate to form government for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is a clear message from Israeli electorate expressing dissatisfaction on domestic issues. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu availing COVID situation to extend power despite disappointment and disapproval from political and civilian voices in Israel is conspicuous deserving adherence of state and constitutional rule of law. Something that has been flagrantly ignored and circumvented by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and perhaps few party loyalists prioritizing personal and political interests over citizens’ plight.

In addressing the pandemic, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s overstretch beginning with lock down to vaccination, the Israeli citizens experience was anything but democratic as shared by Israeli political factions, activists and civil society. These developments inarguably related to exerting political prowess in the context of demonstrating strength and leadership maneuverability for the embattled Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. 

Having declared premature victory over COVID dilemma, the political leadership and governance run its course. The alternative for incumbent government to deflect public angst and frustration in range of domestic issues beginning with government’s rough and tough tactics to combat COVID within Israel besides economic and political instability was to revive Palestinian conflict. 

The Israeli raid on Al- Aqsa mosque during the holy month and prayers of Ramadan was unnecessary provocation leading to status quo. The real victims are civilians on both sides caught in persisting conflict predominantly for political cause. 

“Israeli forces in recent days have attacked Palestinians protesting in solidarity with residents of the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in East Jerusalem, who were evicted by an Israeli court. The occupying forces also raided the AlAqsa Mosque during special night prayers during Ramadan.”

The topic will resume to shed light on all sides exacerbating human suffering with no desire to contain hunger for power and territorial dominance. 

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 

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