Korean Peace Agreement
December 14, 2021
Korean Peace Agreement
Padmini Arhant
The leaderships in North Korea Kim Jong-Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in agreement on declaration to end Korean war between North and South on December 13, 2021 is a welcoming beginning in the dawn of peace in Korean Peninsula.
The formal agreement between the two nations i.e. North and South Korea to bring the prolonged conflict that was paused on armistice until now transitioning into conclusion of warfare is fair and appropriate.
Now moving forward the long overdue permanent peace treaty would transform the hope of Korean families on both sides in North and South into reality.
The leaderships in Pyongyang and Seoul decision to move away from warfare and proceed towards peace merit recognition and appreciation.
Though the accord weighing in on numerous factors understandably reached in principle in the present time, the leadership from North Korea – Kim Jong-un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in accelerating the process into practicality would be direct acknowledgment of Korean citizens essentially the families on both sides of the great nation of Korea.
There is no doubt the people in Korea especially the citizens with relations on both sides of the country have suffered enormously and the people in North Korea in particular have endured tremendous challenges up until now. The economic plight of North Korean population could be alleviated in improving and fostering better ties with South Korea in every respect.
Similarly South Korean citizens could experience peace and tranquility without the dark clouds of warfare and uncertainty hovering over the peninsula.
The news is also cordial for the neighbors like Japan and the entire South East Asian region deserving normal environment for economic activities and overall peaceful engagement all around.
The responsibility and maturity is reflected in the much anticipated approach with expectation among citizens for consistency and continued efforts in perseverance eventually leading to successful reunification of Korea.
Once again, the leaderships in North Korea Kim Jong-un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in maintaining peaceful discourse in the development of strong partnerships in all fronts would benefit the people in Korea in unison. The peace initiatives and involvements on both sides would eventually deliver the desirable outcome – Korea as one nation sharing the strengths and prosperity.
Best Wishes on the Peaceful Reunification of Korea!
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
International Affairs
May 17, 2021
International Affairs
Padmini Arhant
China – Beijing’s lack of transparency and importance to international rules primarily responsible for the ravaging global pandemic.
On the political front, Beijing’s violent crackdown on Hong Kong residents – the pro-democracy peaceful dissent represented by young citizens – Hong Kong students now in Beijing’s custody in unknown locations are serious human rights violation.
Beijing’s persecution of Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang province is yet another human rights violation intensified over a period of time in the absence of international actions in this regard.
Similarly, the oppression of Tibetan population and systemic elimination of rich Tibetan culture, civilization and heritage since invasion and occupation of sovereign Tibet spanning over seven decades on world watch is a grave authoritarian stigma.
Beijing’s aggression against independent Taiwan is a routine operation to remind the rest of the world on Beijing’s political and economic clout over nations near and far.
Amid these engagements, Beijing’s offer to mediate peace between Israel and Palestine is paradoxical.
Beijing in recognition of individual rights, freedom and sovereignty towards Hong Kong’s pro-democracy groups, Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang province , Tibet and Taiwan respectively ceasing hardline policy and initiating peaceful discourse with all these affected victims would be a welcoming change in crises management.
Israel – Palestine Conflict: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s inability to prove legitimacy and prolong governance having repeatedly failed in Israel’s three elections in the past two years has exhausted means to justify political authority in the domestic front. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s strategy to buy time evading accountability on corruption scandal directly affecting personal candidacy and leadership role is evident in electoral outcome.
The setbacks in consecutive Israeli elections unable to secure expected electoral mandate to form government for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is a clear message from Israeli electorate expressing dissatisfaction on domestic issues. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu availing COVID situation to extend power despite disappointment and disapproval from political and civilian voices in Israel is conspicuous deserving adherence of state and constitutional rule of law. Something that has been flagrantly ignored and circumvented by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and perhaps few party loyalists prioritizing personal and political interests over citizens’ plight.
In addressing the pandemic, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s overstretch beginning with lock down to vaccination, the Israeli citizens experience was anything but democratic as shared by Israeli political factions, activists and civil society. These developments inarguably related to exerting political prowess in the context of demonstrating strength and leadership maneuverability for the embattled Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Having declared premature victory over COVID dilemma, the political leadership and governance run its course. The alternative for incumbent government to deflect public angst and frustration in range of domestic issues beginning with government’s rough and tough tactics to combat COVID within Israel besides economic and political instability was to revive Palestinian conflict.
The Israeli raid on Al- Aqsa mosque during the holy month and prayers of Ramadan was unnecessary provocation leading to status quo. The real victims are civilians on both sides caught in persisting conflict predominantly for political cause.
“Israeli forces in recent days have attacked Palestinians protesting in solidarity with residents of the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in East Jerusalem, who were evicted by an Israeli court. The occupying forces also raided the Al–Aqsa Mosque during special night prayers during Ramadan.”
The topic will resume to shed light on all sides exacerbating human suffering with no desire to contain hunger for power and territorial dominance.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Hong Kong – National Security Law
July 8, 2020
Hong Kong – National Security Law
Padmini Arhant
China Communist Party ( CCP) implementation of National Security law in Hong Kong is counterproductive and detrimental to China though Beijing defends the action as an important measure towards protection and stability in the once autonomous peaceful Hong Kong.
The foreign media projects National Security law in Hong Kong as the end of Hong Kong.
Whereas the reality is Beijing’s hard line policy aimed at severe crack down on pro-democracy movement forcing them to abandon freedom and democracy aspirations with participants expected to face life imprisonment in the infamous black jail in mainland China or disappearance into oblivion actually hurt China more than Hong Kong’s democracy campaign.
The real question should be;
Is it the beginning of the end of China’s rise to economic power with the execution of National Security Law in Hong Kong?
That is precisely where Beijing is heading in turning the tide towards itself upsetting the applecart reflected in Beijing’s broken promise on respecting and honoring Hong Kong’s autonomy in One country two systems pledge on June 30th, 1997 assuring Hong Kong citizens and international community with Beijing’s pledge to leave Hong Kong’s political, economic and judicial independence intact.
However, Beijing miscalculating ramifications in many fronts starting with economy, political and critically international relations is the imminent setback despite fifty three nations, the majority of whom are financially indebted to China in the Belt and Road initiative and One Silk Road infrastructure and economic deals binding them to Beijing’s any proposal.
At the same time, Beijing also need to recognize that remaining nearly 150 countries in the world either not in agreement or necessarily approve the latest development in Hong Kong. The response is confirmed in their abstinence and absence from the list of 53 states support to Beijing on National Security law in Hong Kong.
When two thirds world population represented by their governments are standing by Hong Kong’s youth and other age group in their struggle for democracy, civil rights, individual freedom and complete independence,
China is isolating itself from the world in imposing laws that are against human rights and democratic principles obviously never holding any value as far as Beijing’s territorial annexations and exerting authority on sovereign states and autonomous regions are concerned with China much to loose than gain in tightening the grip on Hong Kong and encroachment on neighbors’ border and territory.
Instead Beijing prioritizing economic revival and containing internal problems within communist politburo as well as nationwide in China is the only option to crises management unlike multi-faceted military activities pursuing hegemonic goals in South and South East Asia including political control over Hong Kong exacerbating China’s status quo.
Hong Kong’s younger generation pro-democracy quest is legitimate inalienable right that could no longer be denied or suppressed by local or external authority in and outside the island state.
The citizens’ individual rights and civil liberty are non-negotiable. The decision to seize Hong Kong’s autonomy by force and armed intervention endanger position of those authorizing such violence and undemocratic means to extend unlawful carte blanche assertion.
The road to peace and emancipation may be treacherous but those determined to reach destination never fail in their resolve especially when Hong Kong’s pro-democracy non-violent civil disobedience is a positive freedom loving endeavor preparing to sacrifice their life for present and future dignified existence in society.
Hong Kong pro-democracy rights deserve acknowledgment and affirmation with global solidarity behind brave young hearts and minds wanting to be free and independent in their domain without having to fear authorities exercising unbridled exertion of rule such as the controversial national security law.
Beijing’s withdrawal and repeal of recent maneuvers in diverse frontiers would demonstrate China’s sincerity towards peace and security that in return deliver progress and prosperity.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
North Korea and United States Historic Summit
June 11, 2018
North Korea and United States Historic Summit
Padmini Arhant
Congratulations! To North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un, President Donald Trump and South Korean President Moon-Jae-in on the historic summit and a peaceful beginning that has been long overdue.
North Korea having taken the necessary step in demolition of the nuclear site and subsequent peace developments between North and South Korean leaderships paved the way for the summit in Singapore. President Donald Trump has taken the courageous and pragmatic approach that has been avoided by earlier administrations and gone further in recognizing the real problem i.e. United States military exercises and 32,000 troops deployment which is indeed provocative.
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is demonstrating willingness and commitment on denuclearization together with earlier gesture in releasing three American hostages held on espionage. These steps are significant and accordingly merits removing economic sanctions against the people in North Korea allowing the economic opportunities that would not only benefit North and South Korea along with the entire Asian region but also provide trade prospects between United States and North Korea.
The initial measure is the cornerstone for success of the historic summit.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com
North Korea and United States Peace Summit
Padmini Arhant
The first meeting between the leaderships in North Korea and United States is in progress in Singapore. The engagement in direct dialogue at high levels is the beginning for any positive outcome in relations that has been challenged over decades with unnecessary tensions and confrontational interactions causing anxiety and grave concerns regarding the situation in Korean Peninsula.
North Korea’s initiative for a personal meeting with United States administration that had been requested over a long time is now taking place in Singapore. United States response to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is a welcoming gesture that could lead to a possible breakthrough in relations undermined with aggressions and economic sanctions until now. The population in Korea having endured tremendous suffering especially the people in North Korea due to sanctions and military activities in the territory deserve peaceful resolution ending the long standing disagreements and transforming the armistice to irreversible peace accord.
The world’s attention is on the ongoing talks that could not be expected to settle all issues in the initial communication. Peace requires patience, perseverance and sincere commitment from all sides that would mean pursuing continuous peaceful involvement.
I look forward to the momentum in maintaining mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity besides equal understanding from all sides that is fundamental to any peaceful agreement.
I convey my best wishes to the citizens in North and South Korea as well as others in the region for permanent peace and harmony that would guarantee economic progress and development benefitting all.
P.S. I don’t play basketball though I have nothing against the sport.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com
Korean Peace Efforts
May 26, 2018
Korean Peace Efforts
Padmini Arhant
The latest developments on Korean affairs with North Korea demolition of Punggye-ri nuclear test site reportedly in the presence of international journalists with subsequent graphics from various news outlets confirming North Korea’s destruction of the sites clarify DPRK’s pledge to maintain nuclear non-proliferation. Additionally, the meeting held today between DPRK leader Kim Jong Un and South Korea’s President Moon Jae-in following Panmunjom Declaration with both nations agreement to end wars and hostilities besides fostering momentum on peace efforts is a welcoming change.
Furthermore, North Korea willingness to hold direct talks with United States per scheduled meeting between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and United States President Donald Trump on June 12th, 2018 in Singapore is yet another positive sign despite United States wavering positions from on to off and on stance. The much anticipated North Korea and United States high level meeting could be the precursor in ending tensions in Korean Peninsula.
Meanwhile, North and South Korea involvement in reconciling differences by diplomatic means thus far is very encouraging and obviously expected by citizens from both sides as any fall out in relations and setbacks in peace talks have direct impact on the people in Korea. The continuous pursuits and engagement by leaderships and members at various levels in North and South Korea is critical to achieve the common goal on permanent peace that would guarantee progress, growth and prosperity.
North Korea and United States delegation and diplomatic sources preparation for forthcoming summit on June 12th, 2018 in Singapore would lead to successful arrangement without any skepticism on eventuality of the meeting.
Congratulations! To the people and leaderships as well as officials in North and South Korea in demonstrating eagerness and positive overtures in peace making deal.
I convey my best wishes to all sides in providing peace an opportunity and prevail in crisis resolution in Korean Peninsula.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com
U.S. Cancellation of Korean Peace Summit
May 24, 2018
U.S. Cancellation of Korean Peace Summit
Padmini Arhant
President Donald Trump cancelling the peace summit between United States and North Korea scheduled on June 12th, 2018 in Singapore demonstrates lack of self confidence in peace making as stated previously on this site, a process much harder than going to war.
United States demands and expectations prior to direct dialogue was premature and indicative of U.S. intent to gain everything in return for nothing. United States presence in Korean Peninsula accompanied by continuous threats until this moment remains the cause for North Korea’s nuclear status.
The U.S. policy makers and strategists behind stymieing the peace meeting are required to realize that aggression, belligerence and unreasonable terms and conditions never constitute greatness or supremacy.
United States exempting self from any compliance on international law in respecting other nations sovereignty and territorial integrity seriously impairs credibility and trustworthiness, the core elements in any negotiations.
United States foreign policy is well known and not appreciated by overwhelming majority in the world. The military bases worldwide including the Korean Peninsula depriving global population peaceful normal existence is the predominant factor in nuclear proliferation with United States and allies being the originators and proliferators of such concept and trend.
The aggressor cannot expect the target to simply submit to extraordinary positions particularly with U.S. legacy on defaults in meeting the obligations witnessed time and time again. On North Korean issue U.S. demilitarization and lifting illegal sanctions are necessary considering the illegitimate grounds for such actions.
No nation can be dictated by another especially when the latter is positioned as provocateurs and deny that nation’s citizens self-defense and deterrence to military maneuvers including nuclear capabilities in their territory.
Reiterating the fact, nuclear disarmament is no longer an option but a mandatory requirement on all without exception. United States and all other major nuclear powers along with the rest have to begin denuclearization. The measure is incumbent upon United States to lead the world starting with self disarmament so others could follow suit simultaneously across the spectrum.
As for the critics claim on North Korea’s gesture in shutting down nuclear site as the site rendered unusable and damages to local environment fail to recognize the key factor that ceasing nuclear testing is the roadmap to nuclear non-proliferation and denuclearization. Something the major nuclear states and others in the nuclear club have not committed to with their relentless overland and subterranean nuclear testing carried out in either own or others backyard contrasting the rules imposed on North Korea, Iran and anyone deemed adversary.
North Korea has come a long way in releasing the U.S. espionage agents to which there has been no reciprocation from the United States that should have been delivered in removing the sanctions. North Korea has closed the nuclear site and United States reaction is cancellation of peace summit.
Clearly among the sides refusing to even meet half way let alone making any concessions is the United States. The current U.S. administration cowering to pressure from specific sources entirely for vested interests confirms the status quo.
The forces in control of U.S.foreign policy with no desire for peace and preference for profitability from warfare care less about loss of innocent lives and destruction resulting in such pursuits.
The wars in Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Libya and Yemen to name a few apparently not enough to convince the anti-peace factions to strive for peaceful and constructive means such as the high level peace meeting to resolve Korean crisis.
United States has unique opportunity to change the image from provocation and military intervention to promoting peace and positive development.
Peace making requires courage and commitment that is possible upon the participants assuming the leadership role unlike the standard decisions clarifying the status as political and submissive to influential directives against historic achievement.
United States moving forward with North Korea to hold the peace summit per earlier schedule on June 12th, 2018 in Singapore is imperative to prove U.S. genuine will to end stalemate in Korean affair.
Hopefully rationality and peaceful overture would prevail in concluding skirmishes and tensions in Korean Peninsula.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com
Prakrithi. PadminiArhant.com
Korean Peace Summit
May 22, 2018
- Korean Peace Summit
Padmini Arhant
Peace and Success are hard to achieve without hard work, perseverance and commitment.
War is easy with just a handful’s drumroll and pandemonium creating the environment of fear, skepticism and failures that are inevitable upon anyone pursuing the course with the intent to undermine positive outcome.
Peace process on Korean affair requires preparedness to listen, understand and accommodate each others genuine concerns and reasonable requests for a fair exchange. Anytime the side exerting military and economic pressure on the other side through provocative drills and excruciating sanctions place preemptive demands in the absence of any concessions on their part, such negotiations are not going to succeed considering the imbalance and excessive expectations for political and strategic gains.
United States has a tough role in building trust given recent and past defaults on peace accord and promises that are never kept or slighted to appease certain influential forces agenda. As a result, trusting United States with a legacy violating US end of the bargain is challenging for all involved to make peace.
That doesn’t mean Untied States is not capable to resolve crisis. As a matter of fact barring political speculations and expediency as well as vested interests that often dominate high level meetings and discourse, the focus on common goals benefiting all sides would be the gateway to peace deal.
At this point in time, transformation of existing Korean armistice to irrevocable peace treaty is paramount. The simultaneous termination of North Korean nuclear testing and United States military exercise are critical to enforce the peace accord. One cannot insist the other side quit engagement without another ceasing the activity as they are interlinked with North Korea reacting to United States and South Korea’s military rehearsal at DPRK’s border. Again without a shadow of doubt, United States military training over decades deploying latest military hardware, technology and nuclear capabilities including over 30,000 troops in Korean Peninsula are legitimate reasons behind security threat to DPRK that prompted North Korea ‘s nuclear status.
The situation has to change in a transparent manner with US demilitarization and North Korea abandoning nuclear testing allowing both North and South Korea to normalize relations in a peaceful approach using diplomacy and constructive dialogue at all levels of interaction.
The other factor worth remembering is the U.S. and North Korea peace summit has great potential for economic partnerships between the two nations that is otherwise wasted in indefinite stalemate.
There are two main options in the United States, South and North Korea present state.
One is to retain status quo which means escalation of tension and regional instability contributing to global volatility that should be prevented via rapprochement.
The other being demonstrating leadership and courage in ending hostility and begin a new chapter in peaceful settlement of all issues with honesty and integrity. In doing so, the population on both sides of Korea as well as the people in Asia Pacific would have the opportunity to coexist peacefully and experience economic growth and development especially in North Korea that has been denied due to hegemonic ambitions until now.
War offers deaths, destruction and mutual annihilation whereas progress and prosperity accompanies peace.
Making peace is the practical and prudent measure that guarantees better prospects now and in the future. Notwithstanding regional and global peace and security.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author PadminiArhant.com
Prakrithi. PadminiArhant.com
Korea – Peace Talks and Winter Olympics
January 9, 2018
Korea – Peace Talks and Winter Olympics
Padmini Arhant
The latest official gesture on Tuesday between North and South Korean officials to thaw relations is a positive sign welcoming peace in the Korean peninsula. The initiatives on both sides impetus the Korean population interest and security having been subject to unnecessary skirmishes and nuclear threats so far.
North and South Korean leaderships focus on persistent diplomacy and peaceful dialogue distancing from any advice or notions for overt or covert military intrusion to disrupt peace activity would demonstrate both nations resolve to rise above violent means and adopt direct communications and meaningful negotiations between two states sharing strong family ties and mutual economic development.
Meanwhile, the U.S. officials in Washington as behind the scenes actors and warfare proponents largely responsible for mayhem and chaos wherever possible whether Middle East, Ukraine or North Korea abandoning the repeat failed and flawed strategy to ignite hostility is not only beneficial to target nations but also help United States in moving away from destructive course.
These individuals, unknown to American public yet instrumental in ruining United States image and ability to allow peaceful resolutions of conflicts are the biggest threat to national and international peace and security. The current proposal from these officials to strike North Korean facility coining the term bloody nose strategy to provoke response from North Korea expecting such attempt would not erupt into full blown confrontation not barring nuclear option is at best delusional and at worst provocative.
The intent among these officials to disrupt and deviate the peace talks to combat mode describes their fixation on violence, deaths and destruction for which they are fully responsible and never ever held accountable so the trend continues with no respect for lives in general.
Accordingly, nations bearing the brunt of such reckless policy relevantly South and North Korea averting the possibility of any foreign military intervention to sabotage peace efforts between them would be wise and further exemplify the respective leaderships determination to defend sovereignty and commitment to protect Korean lives on either side.
North Korean athletes and cheering squad participation in the upcoming Winter Olympics without heeding to any foreign distractions alongside pursuing continuous peaceful dialogue with counterparts in South Korea would enable important issues like Korean family reunion and revival of Kaesong industrial complex that are essential for Korean citizens social and economic progress.
As for those touting wars and aggressions ignoring consequences despite trajectory on devastations inflicted on humanity with thousands of lives killed and millions forced into refugee status and their fate shattered is no laughing matter.
Those floating such ideas like bloody nose engagement with North Korea amid peaceful exchanges between North and South Korea evidently have vested interests at the Korean and the entire Asian regions expense. The lack of maturity among such groups permanently serving every U.S. administration is a travesty of intellect and rationality in treating military actions as nothing more than virtual game or simulation effects slighting serious ramifications.
The world is tired of turmoil and constant tensions with innocent lives targeted for regime change and other political, economic and strategic goals that were never viable and nonetheless maintained to exert dominance. The sane approach would be to refrain from harming peaceful process and instead appreciate the prospects of nations moving towards reconciliation rather than retaliation.
I convey my best wishes to North and South Korean leaderships and officials involved in transforming polarization in Korean relations to amicable partnerships prioritizing Korean citizens unity, economic needs and security.
I also wish success in hosting Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com
Spouse in Divine Mission
Korea – Positive Overtures and Dialogue Serve Korean Population Interest
January 4, 2018
Korea – Positive Overtures and Dialogue Serve Korean Population Interest
Padmini Arhant
The latest development in North and South Korean relations is a refreshing change. The North Korean leader Kim Jong Un overture to send North Korean athletes with cheering squad to participate in upcoming Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea and South Korean President Moon Jae-in and other ministers’ favorable response to set the bilateral talks in motion serve Korean population interest.
Both nations sharing strong family ties subject to unnecessary tensions proved counterproductive. The unwanted engagements on both sides having been the cause of constant skirmishes in Korean Peninsula substituted with peaceful interaction and meaningful negotiations guarantee results benefitting all especially the Korean citizens deserving permanent peace and conducive conditions for normal coexistence.
When nations deploy diplomacy and pursue peaceful outcome through dialogue, the efforts leading to desirable effects are always welcome for such involvement not only demonstrates maturity but also pave ways to rapprochement anticipated by people on either side of Korea.
The peace initiatives from both nations evolving into fruitful bilateral ties and trade development are mutually beneficial. In abandoning unviable strategies and means threatening each other with military and nuclear options displayed thus far, the leaderships representing North and South Korea could offer better economic prospects to their citizens and ensure national as well as regional security with the current position.
Any nation striving to improve dealings in the region and beyond adopting constructive measures that are non-violent and respectful of sovereign and territorial integrity of other nations would earn multilateral support and cooperation.
Korea with rich cultural heritage and traditions have common goals in terms of reviving Kaesong Industrial complex, facilitating visits from families on both sides without restrictions, allowing citizens participation in social and other events that outweighs the policy of isolation and confrontations experienced until now.
Nations and leaderships real strength and power lies not in firepower and nuclear status for they only reveal dependency on mass destruction much to self-detriment in addition to confirming weakness and inability to achieve anything peacefully without the use of force and deadly arsenal.
Again, the world subjugated to military interventions and nuclear threats suppress genuine progress. The territorial disputes and annexations for economic resources, regional and global dominance are the norm with time and financial investments expended in protracted warfare and conflicts neglect domestic woes and commitments contributing to internal turmoil.
Korea has been drawn into preventable crisis with North Korean citizens unfairly enduring economic sanctions and harsh embargo due to UNSC arbitrary and egregious impositions exacerbating humanity plight rather than alleviating economic situation and unreasonable conditions challenging basic survival.
All the more reason for UNSC dissolution based on trajectory failing to acknowledge repeat errors and debacles in the targeted actions while ignoring the importance of applying and maintaining standards across the spectrum barring prejudice and preference in decision making process.
Furthermore, UNSC creation and functionality impairs the formation of United Nations as an international body. The international consortium would be legitimate and effective upon elimination of any subset and entity such as UNSC with self granted veto powers among nations premised on twentieth century determinations to rein control over global matter having no semblance to contemporary geopolitical and economic paradigms and dimensions.
The changing dynamics in recognition of peaceful meetings between North and South Korea with an understanding and focus to move forward in diffusing conflict in Korean border is a step in the right direction besides exploring the possibility to elevate present armistice to definitive peace treaty.
Where there is a will, there is a way to find solutions averting irreversible loss of lives and devastation that could never be justified in the aftermath of any military and nuclear combat. There are no winners in such eventuality and nothing to be proud of in spreading mayhem and catastrophe.
I convey my best wishes to citizens and leaderships in North and South Korea in reaching an amicable approach and agreement bringing an end to Korean crisis as a new year pledge to their respective nations and citizenry.
Good Luck to citizens in Korea for a peaceful resolution!
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com
Spouse in Divine Mission
North Korea Nuclear Testing
September 3, 2017
North Korea Nuclear Testing
Padmini Arhant
North Korea Nuclear Testing – As long as the status quo remains with United States and South Korea military drills in Korean Peninsula and sanctions against people in North Korea providing the reason for North Korea Nuclear armament in self-defense, the tension in the region is bound to escalate.
Just before the latest nuclear testing by North Korea on Sunday, the U.S. sources behind North Korea standoff reiterated their position on reunification of Korea as undesirable. Instead they clearly stated their preference for contemporary North Korea.
Such statement clarifies the state of affairs which means South Korea is expected to eternally depend on United States military base on their soil. The situation has striking resemblance to Afghanistan.
Like the 16 years old war in Afghanistan proved unwinnable having lost scores of lives on all sides and incurred phenomenal economic liability to a tune of $6 trillion at U.S. taxpayers’ expense, the failed policy on troop surge pursued to prolong stagnancy.
With respect to Korea – The skirmishes involving back and forth responses between U.S. and North Korea via military exercise and nuclear testing respectively to continue unabated creating an environment for all nations in the region to beef up defense stockpiles absorbing major share of every nation’s national budget.
The military industrial complex and prominent think tanks hawkish strategy to thrive rain or shine exacerbates any potential for peaceful resolution not only concerning North Korea but anywhere in the world.
Not surprisingly, the defunct UNSC serves illegitimate actions provoking nations to adopt extreme measures in retaliation.
Unless the trend targeting nations for economic interests and strategic dominance cease with recognition of those nations’ sovereignty, the global security is threatened by unnecessary aggression and egregious decisions without reflecting on own interventions behind the conflict.
The nations under military incursion are required to accept hostility as the norm and acquiesce to harsh and unfair conditions imposed through UNSC and unipolar assessments.
South Korea extending an olive branch to North Korea and the latter in return authorizing peaceful negotiations with the former rather than nuclear threats is the only way forward to defuse crisis in the Peninsula.
United States removal of troops and military artillery from Korean Peninsula is critical to avert any disaster.
Unfortunately, profitability is prioritized over citizens’ lives and safety in the war games that are no longer affordable in the nuclear age.
There is an urgency for responsibility and reason to prevail over recklessness and obstinacy.
United States military presence in foreign shores under any pretext is naturally unwelcome and having negative impact on any possible resolutions between North and South Korea.
The citizens in North and South Korea together with the entire population in Asia Pacific deserve to exist in peace and not be subject to lingering hostility promoted by myopic foreign policy.
There should be no reluctance in diplomacy and dialogue with North Korea. Similarly, North Korean leadership direct engagement with South Korean counterpart would exemplify both nations’ commitment to protect people and the nation they represent that otherwise seemingly held hostage to political and military demand.
Power is worthy in resolving disputes without expending lives and taxpayer funds that are best divested in nation building and economic development.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com
Spouse in Divine Mission