EU – Interference in U.S. Election not Foreign Collusion?

August 14, 2024


Interference in U.S. Election not Foreign Collusion?

Padmini Arhant

The European Union subordination of Union member nations with own government body and election to legitimize the illegitimate structure that typically undermine the sovereignty and independence of the union member states is a glaring dichotomy in western democracy.

The western democracy having denounced the former Soviet Union for ruling all those nations in Eastern Europe and Central Asia as part of the former Union of the Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR) precisely adapted the former Soviet Union model immediately after contributing to the collapse of the USSR in 1991 and formed what is known as the European Union or EU in 1992.

EU emergence in the backdrop of fall of USSR and becoming the replacement of the former Russian Federation for Eastern European members within EU maintain conflicting positions on many issues ranging from politics, economy to social and security.

EU denied the active NATO ally Turkey with second largest army and two key air bases, the Union membership until date.

The Turkish leadership and government headed by incumbent President Recep Tayyip Erdogan since Turkey’s once democratic system as tolerant, diverse and free society until recent transformation have consistently requested EU acceptance of Turkey as the Union member. The request declined by EU to this date.

EU’s response to that request from earlier on was Turkey not democratic to qualify for EU membership setting stringent criteria for the NATO ally to comply with in all these years until now.

Meanwhile, EU appears to have no problem in the interference of foreign election viz. the United States 2024 Presidential race advising the billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk prior to the interview with the former President and current Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump.

There appears to be no hue and cry from the democrat party having patented the call on foreign collusion especially the Russian collusion in 2016 prolonged till date squandering millions of tax payer dollars on the Russian collusion hoax against their opponent Donald Trump.

Why is EU warning the entrepreneur Elon Musk about the Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump?

Is EU’s direct undemocratic interference in the U.S. election related to the Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump’s appropriate stance on disproportionate NATO funding at American taxpayer expense for Europe’s subsidized NATO alliance?

Sometimes, when the so-called allies overt intervention such as the latest EU warning entirely for personal gains and political interests are made aware preceding the entrepreneur Elon Musk interview with Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump, the former intrusion provide fodder for the otherwise slighted conspiracy theory on foreign involvement citing EU politics in the recent assassination attempt on the Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump.

This is not the first time EU political meddling in foreign affairs has come to light. There has been several occasions where EU politics’ have been controversial and inappropriate at the least.

EU summon of  the Google CEO Sundar Picchai to crackdown on United States citizens’ free speech rights related to anything and everything from the global pandemic cover up by EU in shielding the WHO director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus collusion with Beijing withholding critical information on SARS(COV2) deadly virus human to human transmission leading to delayed actions in international travel restrictions.

As a result, the epidemic in China’s Wuhan province evolved into global pandemic consuming millions of lives all around.

Yet, EU rejected the humanity call on the WHO director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus to step down from the position having violated the fundamental responsibility of the international health body, the World Health Organization to inform governments and global citizens that could have mitigated and averted the health disaster in 2020 prolonged well and beyond 2023 and for many even lasting lifetime.

WHO guidelines and policy are adhered to and implemented worldwide on human health matter.

In this instance, the WHO complete failure under the director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus complicity with Beijing in not coming forward on the pandemic with honesty cost enormously in lives, livelihoods and persistent health toll for the human population across the globe.

No transparency and accountability was endorsed by EU in the global pandemic catastrophe granting immunity to all those at WHO and profiteers in the dealings between political and economic sector specifically the health industry and governments hiding facts on COVID related deaths and Big pharma like the vaccine manufacturers making a fortune from the politics’ enforced vaccine mandate.

It was an open field for profit-making leaving the human race at the mercy of the merchants trading human lives for phenomenal self-enrichment.

EU also played a significant role as the key protagonist along with then United States administration under ex-President Barack Obama in toppling the then democratically elected government in Kiev, Ukraine in 2014 literally at gun point on world view.

The reason behind EU meddlesome in Ukraine was then democratically elected Ukrainian leadership bilateral trade agreement with neighbor Russia, the former head of the Union of the Russian federation to which Ukraine was formally part of until the disintegration of USSR in 1991.

The economic ties between then democratic Ukraine and across the border neighbor Russia was not tolerated by EU and the former United States administration under then Presidency of Barack Obama.  

The direct upset the applecart strategy instigating violent protests and overthrow of democratic Ukrainian government in Kiev in 2014 was vigorously adopted by EU and the U.S. administration headed by then President Barack Obama.

The policy later resumed in 2022 igniting the warfare between Russia and Ukraine on EU’s behalf bleeding Ukrainian and Russian blood with American taxpayer funded treasure. 

EU politics at the onset of Russia – Ukraine war in February 2022 demanding Pakistan and India to refrain from energy import from Russia amid prominent EU members like Germany and nordic partners Finland etc., maintaining energy flow from Russian pipeline in the Nord stream investment deal.

The verified actions and decisions from EU thus far in the above enunciated events and developments till date in August 2024 categorically pose serious credibility factor in any and all of the following;

EU position on democracy, freedom of expression and free and fair election whether in own domain Europe or the sabotage of peaceful co-existence of Ukraine with neighbor and important economic partner Russia given the proximity across the border.

EU’s pivotal role in the guarantee of no harm to the global pandemic COVID19 disinformation about the virus virulence as non-contagious allowing the flow of travelers as vectors that claimed more lives than ever before in the combined twentieth and twenty-first-century.

EU’s anathema to democracy and democratic process now in spotlight in EU’s expressed objection to the Republican Presidential nominee for re-election in 2024.

All the more requirement to prohibit foreign powers EU or anyone, entities, organizations,  domestic and overseas diverse media, and assortment institutions in disguise or blatant such as George Soros and the selective elite club members from holding democracy hostage to undermine national sovereignty and individual rights of the republic at large barring discrimination, targeted prejudice and partisanship.

Respecting others’ rights in the manner expected regarding own rights is the basic characteristic of human nature and value.

Padmini Arhant

Moscow Terror Attack

March 26, 2024

Moscow Terror Attack

Padmini Arhant

The individuals engaged in terrorism do not emerge anywhere without being funded and directed to engage in terrorism.

Often these individuals are exploited by politics to serve as proxy in wars as seen in Syria, Libya, Iraq…in 2011, 2012 and thereafter. They are also deployed in terror attacks and other destructive purpose which is a tragedy for them and importantly terror victims considering innocent people fall prey to such predator politics.

There is no doubt the mayhem created by those in Kyiv in 2014 upending democracy and installing neo-Nazi regime of their choice i.e. the administration in Washington D.C. in 2014  together with EU engaged in violent overthrow of democratic Ukranian government in 2014 is responsible for Ukrain’s status quo then onwards until now in 2024.

The administration in 2014 in Washington D.C. also been behind creation of ISIS, IS and various terror outfits in 2011, 2012 and beyond wreaking havoc in Syria, Libya, Iraq, Lebanon etc., is a case study on terror manufacture.

Poignantly, the October 7 attack in Israel involving victims in a concert replicated in Moscow targeting concert audience generating a copycat pattern is an odd coincidence.

The Gaza Genocide by Israel and coalition in the six-month-old bombing and shelling, and further military aggression planned against population gathered in Rafah by Israel was met with global dissent on military invasion and pressure to end war in Gaza.

Accordingly, the possibility from those desperate to prove anything at whomsoever costs producing a mirror image scenario cannot be ruled out either including the terror attack in Moscow choosing the concert venue.

The masterminds will eventually succumb to their folly and wicked ploy.

Ukraine and Russian war coming to conclusion initiating amicable peace treaty between the two nations resuming normal relations and economic ties is the best outcome.

As mentioned earlier prior to and at the onset of war between Ukraine and Russia in February 2022 and later through video presentations on this website urging both leaderships in Russia and Ukraine not to get entrapped in war that was most likely to get protracted and prolonged through external intervention.

The request was made to both leaderships to prioritize interests of citizens in both nations who also happened to be related as a close and / or extended family in one way or another only yearning for peaceful co-existence.

Unfortunately, the foreign western intrusion repeating episode from 2014 was replayed fueling tension and provocation that led to deaths and devastation suffered by people in Ukraine and Russia.

Meanwhile, those adept at igniting confrontations to jumpstart weapons cache sales to all warring factions regardless of human casualties and immense suffering as usual raked a fortune out of human misery and nations’ decimation.

There were no regard or concern for global consequences in terms of triggering energy crisis from such warfare either.

As result, the fuel price hitting sky high hurting global citizens and consequentially food and other commodities costs also reached beyond ordinary consumer affordability with status quo remaining poor and deteriorating further.

Such inflation could have been averted abandoning the old ways of political interference in foreign destinations that becomes stagnant compromising domestic economy.

Notwithstanding the blowing up of Nordstream gas pipeline admittedly at the behest of the incumbent U.S. administration publicly claimed at the press conference by the U.S. President was anything but helpful.

There are many flagrant violations by those involved in such decisions that are invested in warfare and hostility with little or no effort to defuse and end the progression of violence.

The massive damage on all sides exhausted of means and human drive especially the troops on the ground experiencing war fatigue contribute to aimless extension minimizing opportunity to peace prospects.

The long-drawn-out warfare is a major economic liability due to political mismanagement lacking in reason or rationale as well as exit strategy.

It is never too late to lay the arms and artillery and engage in peaceful respectful dialogue for lasting resolution.

Russia is a mature experienced nation from world war to regional wars fought in different timeline. However, the war with no end in sight serve none not in the least the citizens in civil society nor the military whether national defense force or private army.

Ukraine on the other hand recognizing those who sabotaged Ukraine’s political stability and economic growth in 2014 and misled Ukraine towards the current situation are not the benefactors rather beneficiaries in arms trade with Ukraine and other factions in the embattled war zone.

Ukraine’s direct meeting with Russian leadership for a permanent ceasefire and bi-lateral discourse setting all differences and grievances aside towards a mutually beneficial relation renewing economic and security ties is the viable solution to the Ukraine – Russian crisis.

The people in Ukraine and Russia deserve peaceful normal existence.

Good Luck to Russia and Ukraine! 

Padmini Arhant 

Terror Attack – Moscow, Russia

March 22, 2024

Terror Attack

Moscow, Russia

Padmini Arhant

My sympathy and personal condolences to the victims in Moscow terror attack as the latest violence to distract attention from Gaza genocide.

What else is new?

The terror against Gazans and Palestinians is now shifting world focus to their yet another enemy – the people of Russia already bogged down in western war using Ukraine against Russia.

United States administration and Israel having bombed Gaza and slaughtered more than 50,000 innocent civilians among them nearly 16,000 children falling victims to the gruesome genocide and humanitarian blockade is hardly over.

The U.S. administration in 2010 having created ISIS, IS, AL Nusra front etc. as various al Qaeda offshoots, with United States and Israel together funding, fostering and Israel even providing medical treatments with surgeries etc. to their sponsored terror factions to displace the Syrian President Bashar al Assad under the the pretext of CIA enabled Arab Spring hoax are evidently on the rodeo in Moscow demonstrated in this terror attack.

Terrorism goes back all the way to the bombing of King David hotel in Jerusalem targeting all those they now claim as near and dear to them with the exception of Arabs, the ever principal target in Gaza and the rest of Palestine.

“On July 22, 1946, Zionist terrorists set bombs in the basement of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, killing 91 people and injuring 45, including 25 Britons, 41 Arabs, and 17 Jews.”

Then the Zionist terror plotted, conspired and executed the 9/11 terror attack in American soil on the fateful day of September 11, 2001 killing more than 3000 Americans and front line responders like brave firefighters and humanitarian rescue operatives on that day and thereafter.

The 9/11 event then catapulted the pre-meditated and pre-organized illegal invasion and occupation titled the Project for New American Century (PNAC) aimed at slew of nations viz. Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and the list extended into other pre-determined regions as well.

The 9/11 terror plot was also a leaf plucked out of the earlier Pearl Harbor dynamic and using that event the war mongering factions in the United States at that time did not even refrain from deploying the deadly nuclear arsenal – the Hydrogen bomb against the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan.

The nuclear holocaust reverberates until now with United States as the only nation thus far to use a nuclear bomb on civilians in the history of mankind in modern era.

So much for the western Superpower being the most responsible nuclear nation on the planet?

Needless to say, the Zionists’ PNAC operation had nothing to do with glorifying America.

On the contrary, the Zionists’ PNAC tarnished America in the ruthless barbaric attack on nations in the Middle East and other domains, bled American lives on 9/11/2001 and depleted American treasury that is continued till date via financing the Zionist State of Israel.

United States administrations regardless of left or right, flanked by neo-cons during Bush – Cheney tenure and neo-liberals in the Obama – Biden since 2009 until today taking marching orders from Zionists diktat and the profiteers of warfare – the defense contractors in the military industrial complex ever remain hungry to make a killing from killing innocent lives world over.

The actions and decisions of the Presidency of Bush – Cheney administration and Obama – Biden are primarily responsible, culpable and liable for the massive casualties, bloodshed and unbridled violence against victims in the war zone as witnessed in Gaza today.

Accordingly, the terror group al Qaeda including the late leader Osama Bin Laden regarded the American CIA’s high value asset in living and beyond, Taliban in Afghanistan to ISIS, IS, Al Nusra Front and more in the terror outfits reserve…were created and produced by then democrat National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter administration – the late Zbigniew Brzezinski and alike in the Council of Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, various neo-conservative and neo-liberal think tanks as well as the academia leaning left or right in the United States and western politics.

As for the current Obama – Biden U.S. administrationthe frontline assailant of Gaza victims with American tax payer money to the tune of $17 billion besides the regular annual $3 billion to belligerent Israel share the legacy from 2009 – 2016 as terror and cannibal sponsors wreaking havoc in the Middle East and Libya in 2010 – 2016.

Then resumed the war game from the earlier actual violent insurrection in Ukraine against the democratically elected government in Kiev in 2014, leading to the mayhem reignited in February 2022 leaving Ukraine and Russia as the fiercely embattled zone.

The Presidency of Barack Obama penchant and obsessive passion for drone attacks earned the title the Drone King rejoiced along with yet another companion from the so-called Royal ranks – none other than Harry chasing men, women and children from their humble dwellings in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Colombia and other parts of Latin America.

As if these were not enough for the Barack Obama Presidency, the personal policy of Barack Obama together with then attorney general Eric Holder designed and directed the notorious fast and furious arms policy arming the drug cartels in Mexico and states in Central and South America resulted in the tsunami of population exodus from their native destinations in Latin America and Mexico fleeing drug cartels violence from the United States armed weapons cache.

The systemic violent policy transformed into do-nothing border crisis under the same Obama – Biden administration since 2021 – 2024. 

Above all, the western pioneered, funded and bio-engineered deadly virulent Corona virus manufactured in Wuhan lab, China with the vaccine deal sealed in 2015 under Obama – Biden administration consuming millions of lives besides devastating several million population health, life and livelihoods to the point of no return is unparalleled heinous crime against humanity.

Nothing comes as a surprise as old habits evidently never die especially when it comes to all things terror, apartheid, genocide, colonization and profiteering from conventional warfare, terrorism to biowarfare unleashed on humans across generations and spectrum is the existential threat to humanity at large.

The evil forces as fanatics and fundamentalists orchestrating these terror events and genocide often abuse religion and innocent lives for their hideous ideological delusional pride in the inevitable perilous adventure with history as testament to this effect.

At the end of the day, the innocent citizens desirous of living their normal life anywhere are forced to pay the price.

Whether the terror in Moscow, Gaza or for that matter in the United States murdering the  Indian students from India attending different Universities for higher studies…are all apparently a fair game to the mastermind and catalysts of terror. 

Terror will be eradicated by own downfall when caught in the vortex of deceitful manipulation, connivance and fatefully target any particular religion, entity or for that purpose the Supreme natural force – the Almighty God.

Supreme justice might be delayed never denied to all those innocent victims falling prey to evil predators’ self-termination.

Padmini Arhant

Israel – God’s Chosen People?

March 12, 2024


God’s Chosen People?

Padmini Arhant

The hyped hypothesis on Israel as God’s so-called chosen people with the world witnessing Israel’s horrific crime against innocent children and population of Palestine is not only paradoxical to the myth about being chosen i.e. exclusive to God but also create a bizarre predicament for those engaged in brutal annihilation of innocent lives as an entitlement.

If Israel was chosen by God and Israel is claimed as the natives of Palestine justifying the latest decimation, devastation and carnage imposing forceful evacuation of Palestinians Nakba for the third time from their homeland,

1. Why were the Israelites exiled from the  asserted native land Israel making them the nomads and settlers in different parts of the world especially Western Europe?

2. Was this an act of God against own so-called chosen people of Israel?

3. If God had nothing to do with the expulsion of Israelites from the territory,

What made the Israelites wander from their domain?

4. How come the so-called chosen people were bereft of God’s protection from their domicile?

5. What was the reason for the birth of Christianity vehemently opposed by rabid faithfuls to the Old Testament leading to rejection and crucifixion of Jesus immortalized as Jesus Christ?

6. If the Romans were behind Jesus crucifixion as propagated more so in recent memory then,

What made the Romans embrace Christianity, Catholicism in particular becoming the Christian ecclesiastical epicenter with the establishment of the richest nation Vatican having 1.2 billion Catholics as followers of the Catholic Church?

7. What makes the so-called chosen people of Israel think and treat others lesser than them in every respect despite them condemned by God time and time again for their antagonistic defiance on all matter provoking God’s wrath and reckoning evidenced in ancient to modern events with no lessons learned until now?

7. Did God grant carte blanche authority to the so-called chosen people of Israel to arbitrarily eliminate and ruthlessly commit the ongoing GENOCIDE in Palestine as their prerogative unheeding the rest of the world’s outcry and categorical denunciation of the former heinous crime against children and babies in mother’s womb and incubators?

8. Who is anyone to proclaim genetic superiority in absolute apathy to life other than own and prolong atrocity with military might?

9. Is the wiping of young and old generations along with civilization artifacts, monuments and religious structures – the God given delusional rights of the so-called chosen people of Israel?

10. What is the extent of GENOCIDAL killings regarded the optimal range in the graveyard mission?

11. Can the so-called chosen people of Israel find solace, peace, eternal happiness and prosperity essentially the bliss in the seizure of whatever remaining of the Palestinian land when the state of Israel since emergence in 1948 in Palestine until now fraught with violence and bloodshed precisely due to illegal colonization, occupation, oppression and dehumanization of Palestinians in their territory?

Last but not the least,

12. Why is holocaust in one situation reminded as crime of the century while justifying holocaust of Palestinians in the present moment as the right to self-defense of Israel having far exceeded in the unbridled unfettered slaughter of citizens of all age specifically targeting children and babies in the western aided and fueled Palestinian extermination in the 21st century?

The Palestinian victims and those who care about humanity regardless of geopolitical social religious racial denominations deserve explanations and reason behind unreasonable criminal violations of human rights and existence.

Padmini Arhant 

Politics Failure in Ending Wars

November 10, 2023

Politics Failure in Ending Wars

Padmini Arhant

Quit wicked crooked politics and identity misappropriation once and for all. United States and cronies led by India’s wannabes, opportunists, traitors, fraudsters, impostors and desperate sycophants – don’t humiliate yourselves anymore in the identity theft charade in subservience to evil connivance, manipulation and subversion. No matter which side of the mouth you drool from, you are evil’s prima facie in the incontrovertible duplicity.

United States politics is obligatory to the defense personnel – the men and women arbitrarily dispatched in harm’s way and left on the lurch to fend themselves in the event of the so-called ally Israel’s unconscionable betrayal experienced by reconnaissance marine corps in USS Liberty and,

Subsequently executing Zionist and neocon agenda – the Project fior New American Century (PNAC) committing thousands of American troops in fateful catastrophic Iraq, Afghanistan and the rest of the Middle East indefinitely for economic interests and strategic dominance.

The political crimes prolonged on May 2, 2011 in the hoax Abbottabad mission claiming to have assassinated the long deceased Al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden. The political criminality goes beyond in the elimination of the same Navy SEAL team in entirety three months later on August 6, 2011 in the calculated organized event in Afghanistan.

United States politics endless squander of American tax dollars in the false allegation on Russian collusion in 2016 Presidential election with the accuser viz. Hillary Rodham Clinton being the culprit in the bribed Russian dossier within own political campaign and yet continuation of the fake probe at American taxpayer expense is mega political sham and criminal offense.

United States politics and electorate bear responsibility to thoroughly investigate Israel’s well informed voluntary assail on USS Liberty in 1967 inflicting massive casualties on U.S. naval force on board with lifelong debilitation of lives and survivors till date.

The politics discarding the entire event in quid pro quo for political reason is treason against the nation and the defense force, the latter having surrendered their lives for the safety and liberty of the country and the republic.

Similarly, the murder of United States Navy SEAL in August 2011 denying their family request for open independent inquiry into the deaths of the entire crew merit full investigation barring political influence and masquerade of the crime against own servicemen in politics’ abuse of power and complicity.

Padmini Arhant 

Global Media Spin: There is no doubt the media role to suppress voice of the oppressed and war victims are relentless in subservience to those behind the mayhem and devastation.

Nonetheless, the international media such as Aljazeera interjection of cliched nuance (PA) Palestinian authority not representative of Palestinians and implying Palestinians without representation is stirring the cauldron at the time of grave injustice and violence. 

The Qatar based Aljazeera was missing in action at the height of Qatar’s direct involvement in Syria in 2011 – 2016 funding, training and fostering terror outfits IS, ISIS, Al Nusra Front and various offshoots in coalition with western partners – the United States and others committing heinous crime not barring cannibalism against Syrian children, women, youth, elderly and even desecrated the graves in their atrocity.

Could that possibly be representation of Qatari citizens or any civil society?

In 2013, Iraq banned the Qatar government funded Aljazeera along with nine other channels citing sectarian bias, misinformation, exaggeration…in violation of journalistic ethics that apparently has not ceased until date.

Here are the questions for media on leadership vacuum posed for Palestinians that are conspicuous to the following entities.

United States – the incumbent President Joe Biden stating Ukraine war as Iraq war in memory lapse during press interaction. The United States administrations regardless of political factions reliance on their favorite line –

All options viz. including nuclear weapons are on the table – are not representative of 300 million American population position.

More so, the American citizens including Jewish Americans against Gaza war and calling for permanent ceasefire with humanitarian assistance slighted by the administration headed by President Joe Biden is explicit politics disconnect with people.

The same apply to Israeli leaderships ignoring local dissent against annihilation of Palestinians underway.

Britain – the unelected leadership Rishi Sunak joining the political chorus – we standby Israel is unanimously denounced by British protestors in the streets of London and elsewhere demanding ceasefire and criticized the appointee PM Rishi Sunak and the controversial scripted statements from the British Home Secretary Suella Braverman and others in the league.

Surely, these are classic examples of nations without leadership and people representation.

The global media and powers rallying behind Israeli and coalition war crimes against Palestinians are reminded that Palestinians are not alone.

They have incredible support and voice from the international community pledging solidarity for Peace and immediate recognition towards Free and Independent Palestine that can no longer be differed nor deterred deploying media or political spin and especially PA innuendo.

Above all, the Almighty God will to liberate Palestine is indomitable over present belligerent military might and illicit cartography.

Padmini Arhant 
Factoid – Israel per global data lost approximately 13,000 Israeli lives to corona virus with currently about 30,000 as of date categorized as mild to higher infected statistics.

The original figure at the onset of the pandemic in Jan 2020 until early 2023 was around 4.5 million population in Israel. 

Israeli politics and alliance justifying the unjust ongoing slaughter of Gazans and Palestinians in West Bank and East Jerusalem via proxy wars through violent illegal settlers and Israel’s IDF alongside Gaza war since October 7, 2023 until now citing revenge for loss of Israeli lives on October 7, 2023 due to Israel’s dereliction of duty to protect own citizens in Israel occupied, controlled and monitored entire Palestinian territory is an embarrassment for a state taking pride on security matter.

Meanwhile, the staggering number of Israelis succumbed to deadly corona virus around 13 times more than October 7, 2023 victims besides related episodes not excluding vaccination associated fatalities among younger Israelis in 2020 – 2023 with many suffering from serious health issues until now.

None of these monumental issues were neither a problem nor regarded serious assault on Israeli citizens necessitating Israel to wage war against those responsible for unleashing deadly pathogen based on Israel and allies’ legitimizing the illegitimate genocide in Gaza right now.

Instead Israeli leadership and those decimating Gaza profiteered from Corona deaths in Israel and elsewhere sharing the fortune raked by those in the pandemic windfall.

The real agenda behind Israel’s carnage and mass graves in Gaza has nothing to do with Israeli lives in Israel rather directly linked to Zionist aspirations to violently seize Palestine in entirety and,

Individually PM Netanyahu desperate attempts to bury the long lingering corruption scandal and political debacles guaranteed to lead towards serious legal ramifications not barring imprisonment. 

The overwhelming rage and revenge evolving into uncontrolled mania witnessed in aggressor (Israel) and coalition against civilians in Gaza is break failure determined to expedite own end. 

Gaza explosions are Zionism implosions together with evil politics in collusion proclamation of self-termination.

History is testament to ethical and moral bankruptcy prompting the violators’ transformation as the death merchants treading on the path paved by them in the end justifying the means in defiance of reason and sanity.

Perhaps it is time to permanently lay Geneva Convention rule in international warfare to rest in accordance with contemporary practice by the so-called modern civilized nations engaged in prolonged contentious battle in their domain.

The norm flouting international laws and rules such as Geneva Convention subjecting all factions in warfare to comply with global accord on treatment of prisoners of war, exempting civilians from resulting in casualties and prohibiting targeting of civilian facilities such as hospitals, residential area and public premises including civilian access to essential life sources viz. water, food, medicines, fuel and electricity among other necessities critical for survival.

The deterioration in humanitarian standards by politics is significantly alarming and unequivocally a cause of great concern in the abuse of power and arbitrary military engagement.

The trend is ominous and do not bode well for nations behind such precedence predominantly the prevalent practice affecting military discipline and morale among own troops and contingency with tide turning against the violators any time in warfare synonymous to;

What goes around comes around in the least expected time.

Hence, abandonment of repeat transgressions in any and all of these involvements is necessary to maintain civil conduct and ethics in peace and wartime that are no longer regarded important by politics.

Relevantly, ending these wars in Gaza and Ukraine is the urgent requirement and immediate priority saving American tax dollars for investment in American lives and rebuilding the victims’ present and future in war zones like Gaza and Ukraine.

Padmini Arhant

India – Russian bargain and raw deal

April 29, 2023

India – Russia

bargain and raw deal

Padmini Arhant

Indian government’s defense procurement from Russia disproportionately increased since Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 until now.

The economic trade provides Russia the benefit of the best of both worlds in stymieing any western sanctions and simultaneously funding Russian aggression against Ukraine.

Indian government – New Delhi on the one hand claiming political edge over western policy snubbing sanctions in the import of Russian crude oil at huge concessions is far from reality.

Russian President Vladimir Putin having established the motto – no cheap bargains and definitely no freebies with economic partners in Europe or elsewhere, the Russian crude oil exports to India is pegged with Russian defense stock procurement.

New Delhi political dissemination on heavily discounted Russian fuel deal like all other propaganda serve as campaign material with national election in 2024.

In fact, the Russian energy discount is well and over compensated in Russia’s favor with higher markups on defense sales like Missiles and other artillery purchased by New Delhi following Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Russia is able to overcome economic strife with or without sanctions at New Delhi’s deficit essentially providing Russian President comfort zone to prolong military intervention in Ukraine.

In contrast, New Delhi expending taxpayers money on expansive and expensive defense budget largely at the defense force expense with the launch of controversial Agnipath sizably slashing defense personnel recruitment across three divisions – Army, Navy and Air Force besides denying armed forces retirement and medical benefits abandoned long held defense force conventions.

New Delhi’s mega shopping free boosting foreign economies while depleting Indian reserves and current account with imports far exceeding exports is also the administration incentives viz. bribe to foreign heads to corral international support to the head of the Indian government confronted with turbulence at home in many fronts beginning with Adani economic debacle  to Pulwama and Poonch gate on terrorism.

Meanwhile, none of New Delhi’s extravagant defense procurement evidently has deterred China in invasion and incursion of Indian territories and Himalayan terrains nor contained Pakistan’s terror outfits’ skirmishes along the Kashmir and Punjab border.

New Delhi regime economic divestment offshore worsening Indian financial liability to strengthen personal position in political system that has departed from democracy to autocracy is the red herring with 2024 election bugle sounding off trepidation among power and population disillusionment on national status quo.

Padmini Arhant

Russian Affair

November 4, 2017

Russian Affair

Padmini Arhant

The former FBI director Robert Mueller headed special investigation dominates news on the alleged Russian meddling in the United States 2016 Presidential election.

The special committee targeting then Republican Presidential candidate now elected President Donald Trump’s campaign aides and members’ presumed interaction and meetings with key Russian officials has led to recent indictments on this matter.

The U.S. actions besides the ongoing inquiry includes closing consulate general in San Francisco and annexes in Washington and New York.

Russia in turn has responded by reducing diplomatic service staff at U.S. facilities in Moscow as confirmed by Washington based Russia Today (RT) television network.

Russia Today – the state funded network founded by the state owned news agency RIA-NOVOSTI in 2005 is dedicated in promoting Russian government interests to the likes of mainstream media and others in the U.S. and elsewhere safeguarding oligarchy, political and Secret Society agenda.  

Although RT claims the network is independent, any business especially communication media receiving funding that has surged from $30 million in the beginning to current $300 million from the state obviously inclined to be subjective rather than objective.

RT projecting Russian image to counteract U.S. media versions about Russia and Russian policy is a conundrum for viewers having to deal with two extremes from both sides i.e. one for and the other against amidst missing facts from the content regardless.

On propaganda, RT efforts are on par with prevalent media trend in hyperbole and falsehood in presentation of historic events and entities pertaining to the past and present time conforming to syndicate strategy.

RT transmission in three languages viz. English, Spanish and Arabic attracting 120 million viewership in the United States and other parts of the world is a buffer to syndicate’s media presence via CNN, Fox and BBC worldwide.

The syndicate’s media control and influence on entertainment industry to deny public access to truth and factual information could be anything but freedom of press and free speech.

RT like counterparts are not without collusion on not maintaining journalistic standards and ethics that are rare and remains under attack. The journalism with accurate reporting, review and analyses on issues and topics concerning lives and world problems are replaced for political and commercial success ignoring harm to society and the world at large that eventually hurts the source.

As such, the citizens fatigue in fake news and indoctrination is evident in broadcasting networks declined rating prompting desperate attempts to avert further deterioration. The spin zone is yet another means to continue mindless discussions lacking in substance in anything goes talk shows and programs to fill in time in the 24/7 media.

United States and Russia relations might have strained due to latest developments,

However, the similarities in both nations policies on critical issues such as voting against nuclear disarmament in the UN vote past month, resistance to dissolution of UNSC granted veto power to five permanent members viz. United States, Britain, Russia, China and France and strengthening ties with Saudi Arabia clarify common goals.

In terms of disagreements, United States and Russia have difference of opinion on Ukraine, Syrian conflict, NATO buildup through Eastern bloc and incursion in Baltic Sea. The U.S. occupation in Afghanistan extended into Central Asia that was previously under former Soviet Union is causing uneasiness on regional basis.

Last but not the least, U.S. sanctions on Russia is not appreciated in the wake of 2016 electoral outcome distressing those for change in game plan.

On North Korea, United States sanctions against the south east Asian nation is welcome by Russia. The reaction confirmed in UNSC decision with Russia and China’s consensus to impose embargo on North Korea.

As stated repeatedly on this website on standoff between U.S and North Korea, the de-escalation via diplomacy and constructive dialogue should be the focus on both sides retracting from respective positions with United States and ally South Korea ceasing military exercise and provocative naval drills in Korean Peninsula.  North Korea on its part to suspend nuclear enhancement.

Furthermore, the major nuclear powers stance on North Korea’s nuclear status would be credible upon them in possession of enormous nuclear stockpiles never subject to independent international scrutiny lead other nuclear and non-nuclear states in safe disposal of nuclear weapons freeing the world from nuclear threats that are frequently exchanged in U.S. and North Korea confrontation. U.S. has also issued nuclear warnings against Iran preceding Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) treaty.

In the domestic front, Russia Today (RT) as state represented media is criticized for not providing opportunity to political opponents to Kremlin power. The same is applied towards any political dissent deprived from sharing thoughts and grievance on air to local and foreign audience. They are apparently considered detractors and accordingly excluded in participation on media channel.

The contemporary practice to debar alternative political perspectives especially with Russian elections on the horizon in March 2018 may not bode well for Russia in the post-communist era declared as democratic system premised on free and fair elections allowing contenders upon meeting eligibility criteria to run for office.

Then the incident though eleven years ago involving independent journalist, writer and human rights activist Anna Politkovskaya tragic death from gunshot wounds in Moscow in 2006 deter Russian democratic evolution.

The free society would create and nurture environment to question authorities without fear of incarceration, character defamation or danger to their life. The country as vast as Russia with enormous potential in different fields not barring politics would benefit from eclectic representation that could permeate across the spectrum. The transformation is made possible with healthy debates and public forums on all topics relevant to citizens in the province and national level.

Russia’s membership in BRICS, Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in addition to G20 and WTO serve economic prospects. On security to combat terrorism and any foreign intrusion – the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) comprising Russia and former Soviet republics in Central Asia enable neutralization.

Russian economy, political stability and national security are general expectations amongst electorate. Russia’s role in international disputes are also important whether personally that entails skirmishes at Russian border with NATO or tension related to U.S. and North Korea as well as ending Syrian warfare.

The internal challenges like corruption undermining real progress, Chechnya seeking resolution, immigration and social dilemmas are prominent woes requiring effective measures.

Russia is in the threshold of economic growth and constraints on political choices limits the scope for broader vision necessary to sustain expansion.

Finally, vox populithe voice of the people from all walks of life exercising the right to express views or concerns and journalism in particular not confined to state or external orientation would demonstrate vibrant democracy.

I convey my best wishes to citizens in Russia.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission









Russia – Hegemony Mirror Reflection Confirm Self-Deception

March 20, 2014

By Padmini Arhant 

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall – Please tell the world – Who is the fairest of all?

The mirror responded with a smile – The self-proclaimed monarchy with Kings, Queens and Zars representing Kingdoms and Fiefdoms thriving on opulence at taxpayers’ expense,

The monetary institutions viz. the Federal Reserve in the United States, Bank of England, ECB, EC, EU, the Deutsche Bank, IMF, the World Bank and alike stranglehold on individual and global economy depleting national treasuries attributed to economic bankruptcy, poverty, hunger and disease,

The Trilateral Commission and Council on Foreign Relations comprising oligarchy, plutocrats, political dynasties and imperial remnants dictating foreign policy or, 

The self-created hierarchy such as P5 + 1 – permanent members of the United Nations Security Council holding veto power for territorial annexations and unfettered access to natural resources  – The combined forces leaving behind misery, melancholy and mayhem since time immemorial could not be the fairest in the world when they rank the worst of all parallel to none.

Following the article on Ukraine – One Nation, Independent and Indivisible with Liberty And Justice for all  – published on the website i.e.,

The hegemony contemporary leading actor Russia was prompted to expedite Crimean seizure from Ukraine.

Accordingly, the Russian authorities influenced Crimean officials to appoint new pro-Russian Premier Sergei Aksyonov exerting authority over security, political and economic structure in the region in utter disregard for Ukraine constitution while proudly claiming the action in concurrence with Russian Federation Constitution.

The swift transition of Crimea from original semi-autonomous region nonetheless governed by Ukraine constitutional law to independent state to justify hastened referendum and thereafter declared sovereign state of Russian Federation with a treaty signed by Russian authority incorporating Ukraine’s southeastern territory as part of Russia. 

Ukraine crisis began with legitimate leadership and government headed by President Viktor Yanukovych declining to sign the Association Agreement with EU in lieu of economic ties with Russia.

The Ukrainian President patriotic stance not only cost the leader’s job but also the country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity with hegemony representatives’ pretentious standoff dramatized to convince impressionable minds and captive audience when in reality the complicity amongst them overshadow the scripted performance.

Russia’s initial reaction to Ukraine unrest was the post Soviet Russia not interested in meddling in Ukraine’s internal affairs and nevertheless got involved explaining the move as protecting Russian assets and interests in Crimea.

Prior to Russian troop deployment around 16,000 in Crimea, the Crimean members in Parliament openly extended support to Ukrainian President Yanukovych urging the deposed government as lawful governing body.

Furthermore, the pro-Russian President Yanukovych was never favored by Russia despite the Ukrainian leader’s commitment to forge trade relations with the neighbor. 

Again, the Ukrainian President and family lives being threatened by hegemony organized elements in Kiev, they sought refuge in Russian port city Rostov on don across Crimea.

The Ukrainian leader during the first press conference since violent removal from power expressed that Crimea was governed by Ukraine constitution with Crimean political representation in Ukraine Parliament.

Upon recommendation to reinstate Ukrainian government led by President Viktor Yanukovych to defuse political turmoil in the embattled state, Russian foreign ministry rejected the proposal as not suitable.

The showdown between major powers constituting hegemony is farcical considering preconceived destabilization goals shared among them to split Ukraine to respective participants advantage.

United States and EU installed groups in Kiev to advance economic strategy and Russia in southeastern border taking possession of Crimea reveals coordinated efforts in disintegration process. 

Besides Russia’s consistent cooperation with western partners on international issues enumerated in the preceding article on this website titled – Russia is Hegemony Trump Card to Rescue Imminent Imperialism Decline on March 17, 2014,

Russian economic and EU energy interdependency could not be underestimated and there is recognition on both sides in this context.   Accordingly any tensions between them are suggestive of misguidance spreading confusion.

Russia having cited Kosovo independence from Serbia in 2009 as justification for development in Crimea raise poignant question about Russia’s future plans in the Mediterranean given Russian naval base in Syria’s second largest coastal city Tartous.

Would Russia arguably as hegemony’s prominent nuclear power then quote Crimea in territorial expansion in Tartous, Syria?

Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered televised speech to the nation subsequent to signing treaty in incorporating Crimea.

The excerpts of the speech are presented for relevance and clarification.

“Our Western partners headed by the United States prefer not to be guided by international law in their practical policies, but by the rule of the gun.”

They have come to believe in their exceptionalism and their sense of being the chosen ones.  That they can decide the destinies of the world, that it is only them who can be right,” the Russian President said. 

The subliminal message not directed at the United States but targets the challenger to Hegemony and Imperialism.

Appropriately they are addressed for clarity to dispel myths on the divine humanitarian mission. 

The reference ‘international law’ is euphemism for Hegemony long aspired – New World Order i.e. surrender of republic and sovereignty to One World Government regardless of the premise and policy proved counterproductive not to mention the indoctrination resulting in fait accompli.

Likewise the connotation ‘the rule of the gun’   is aptly applicable to hegemony using violence as means evident in UNSC resolutions with Russia voting for military aggression against weak and vulnerable nations in Africa viz. Mali and Central African Republic in recent memory.

Russia’s eminent contribution Kalashnikov – widely known as AK 47 and atomic bomb invention by Hungarian physicist Leo Szilard in London along with counterparts in 1933 has claimed innocent lives worldwide and continues to endanger lives on earth.

Contrarily the accused otherwise the resistance force dedication to peace and non-violence as the only alternative to warfare and terrorism throughout engagement in humanitarian service would remain the defiant truth now and beyond.

As for insinuations on ‘exceptionalism and sense of being the chosen ones to decide the destinies of the world and that it is only them who can be right’ is perhaps the mirror reflection of the source in denial of self-image and legacy.

Moreover the privilege could not be conferred on anyone except those verifiably as Imperialists and UNSC permanent members i.e. P5 + 1 barring others from membership to exclusive club repeatedly exercise veto and nuclear option in addition to economic sanctions to subjugate nations seeking freedom from oppression or foreign invasion.

Russia’s failure to avert three bombings aimed at public transportation every occasion in October and December 2013 in Volgograd is tragic for the victims and survivors in the safety compromise affecting Russian Bear reputation.

In conclusion, the leopard changing spots would not make the wild specie any different especially with predominant predator instincts surfacing whenever possible to satisfy insatiable appetite.

Hegemony desperate measures expedite feudal system decline conforming to virtues triumph over vices in the establishment of peace and progress.

Wishing the world liberation from destructive rule and empires espousing dominance.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant
































Russia – Hegemony Trump Card To Rescue Imminent Imperialism Decline

March 17, 2014

By Padmini Arhant

(The Article Presented with Addendum in blue highlight).

The Syndicate doctrine is two sides of the coin – heads and tails designed to favor the shadow power. 

The premise prominent in political campaign viz. United States and similar proxy governance worldwide to suit hegemony agenda. 

Hegemony latest tactic involves pseudo opposition to Washington primarily to convince the world as challenger to status quo.

However in reality the cooperation between major powers – Washington and Moscow in this context are locked steps on all major issues invariably leading to anchored goals for strategic dominance.

Since Russian President Vladimir Putin assumed formal position as head of the Russian Federation following election in 2012, the Russian authority decisions on international crises arguably met hegemony satisfaction.

They are enumerated according to global events in recent memory.

1.  North Korea – UNSC Resolution imposed economic sanctions against North Korea. The five permanent members viz. United States, Britain, France, Russia and China unanimously voted to exacerbate North Korean population suffering in the Korean peninsula. 

2. Mali – UNSC Resolution on France invasion of the West African nation, Mali – Again all members along with EU approved military aggression and Moscow providing logistic support in the operation.

3. Central African Republic –  UNSC Resolution on France troop deployment in Central African Republic – Russia and counterparts authorized Resolution 2127 mandating military intervention.

4. SyriaRussia honoring EU, United States and allies arms embargo on Syria withheld prepaid military consignment especially S-300 despite for exclusive defensive purpose.

The measure consequently facilitated more than two Israeli air strikes laden with nuclear component targeting Syrian scientific and research center as well as other interests near and around the capital, Damascus in 2013 notwithstanding many casualties and infrastructure destruction.

5. Syria – Moscow initiated agreement with Washington yielded Israel, United States and Saudi Arabia aspired chemical weapons disarmament from Syria without multilateral enforcement on real perpetrators i.e. the sponsors of terrorism and five chemical attacks in the war torn nation. 

6. Iran – Russia in compliance with Untied States and Israel’s objection indefinitely postponed S-400 delivery to Iran regardless of the latter advance payment on the deal. 

7. Russia –  On 20 December 2013, Russian President Vladimir Putin pardoned oil tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky at EU and Israel’s behest.   The oligarch held on corruption charges visited Israel soon after release from prison to reconnect with business associates from the previously owned oil corporation Yukos for revival.

8. Russia –  Kremlin’s tolerance or the lack thereof to free speech surfaced in disguise with suppression of alternative press in the otherwise predominant state owned or represented broadcast media. 

Synonymously on social trend whether federal response to undocumented immigrants in Moscow or anti-gay rights movement upends democratic prospects in the failure to guarantee pervasive fairness and equality in society.

9. JordanRussian aummition supply to Jordan – one of the key players enabling terror networks operation against Syria not necessarily considered conflict of interest ignoring subsequent provision to mercenaries for easy access.

10.  Egypt – Hegemony instruction to Washington to suspend military aid to interim government in Cairo – engaged in confrontation with pro-Morsi supporters and further accused of violent crack down essentially reestablished by Moscow.

Egypt’s defense minister and potential Presidential candidate Field Marshal Abdel Fattah al-Sisi during Moscow visit signed weapons contract worth $ 2 billion offsetting $1.5 billion United States assistance maintaining Israel and military industrial complex respective policy.  

President Vladimir Putin officially endorsed the visiting dignitary for Egypt Presidency in the anticipated Presidential election.

11.  Russia – The Southern Russian city Volgograd bombings in less than two months duration in October and December 2013 conforming to false flag terror incidents linked Islamic states such as Dagestan and Chechnya…in North Caucasus region seeking autonomy and independence from Russia.

12. PalestineRussia relations with Israel and relevantly the controversial settlement expansion comprising settlers from Russia, Poland and other states in Eastern Europe serving as deterrence in the seven decades old peace process with Moscow refraining from active participation or exerting influence on Russian ally Israel. 

13. CubaRussian President Vladimir Putin strengthened ties with Cuba through debt forgiveness waiving 90 percent of $ 32 billion including $ 20 billion in fees and accrued interest originating from former Soviet Union transaction. 

The quid pro quo typically encompasses the remaining 10% payment i.e. $ 3.2 billion over 10 years from Cuba in addition to accommodating Russia’s military presence in the Caribbean nation.

Such developments are indicative of Russian leadership prevalent ambition to reinstate former Soviet tradition in pro-Russian territories around the world.

The fact of the matter is whenever foreign powers occupy nations – the occupied country surrender republic statehood and transformed into colony.

In this particular accord between Moscow and Havana – Is Cuba sovereignty valued at only $ 28.8 billion rather than being non-negotiable exemplifying liberty as invaluable?

14. Russia Nuclear testing continues unabated in correlation with United States proliferation and likewise conventional arms trade exponentially increased escalating human rights violation in volatile and oppressed conditions world over.

Russia focus on economic opportunity in nuclear power plant technology and equipment viz. reactors to developing nations neglects Fukushima generated environment disaster besides fostering possible nuclear arsenal pursuits in the long run. 

15. Ukraine – Considering Russian intelligence apparatus with former KGB dissolved into covert and overt espionage activity nonetheless sharing information in the areas concerning domestic and regional security among neighboring states apparently overlooked United States and EU infiltration to derail democracy in Ukraine.

Hegemony divide and conquer strategy in the removal of democratically elected government in Kiev allowed on Russia’s watch promoting Crimea disintegration from Ukraine.

Finally, the paradoxical paradigm utilizing Russia and United States in congruence to hegemonic mission evidently the last hope to rescue inevitable and imminent extinction of feudal system espousing imperialism.

Good Luck! To humanity in protecting individual freedom, national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant



















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