War and Peace

February 7, 2022

War and Peace

Padmini Arhant 

War games have long known to be the typical means for political and economic gains only benefiting the selective few at the expense of vast majority not only in the war zone but also the rest of the world.

The global ramifications are felt in further inflation due to rising energy costs directly linked to oil and/or natural gas production nations like Russia and Ukraine -the supply facilitator to Europe and neighbors nearby. Ukraine commodity exports in food grains would also contribute to global market turbulence.

The other nations like Poland are also dragged into warfare in that region as United States NATO ally.

The regional instability induced through foreign meddling and especially confrontation between two vastly nuclear powered nations would be catastrophic in every respect – financial markets, currency, energy as well as food crops imports etc. are all at stake in the unwise rhetoric from western media and talking points fueling the situation.

Realistically speaking;

War yielding destruction is easy for the bidders and profiteers in the game.

Do they ever return to those territories they destroyed with their authorization in the bully pulpit?

Is there any interest or concern towards the lives they are responsible for destruction with generational effects and decimation of the nations?

Almost never.

They leave office and focus on super enrichment of personal lives divorced from the idea of contentment. The beach front mansions and ever flowing money fountain keep them preoccupied in the insatiable appetite for more fame, fortune and power they can possibly deal with in this lifetime.

They might at worst glance at the rubbles and ruins in a television news item with a complete disconnect from their deeds whilst in office and simply stare at the scene on the screen as merely unfortunate during the relaxing moments sipping champagne by the sea side home.

War resulting in deaths, devastation and destruction is hardly a matter of deliberation with no willingness to reject destructive course.

To some at the political helm, the war disposition is misconceived as strength and fancy to exhibit military prowess at ordinary taxpayers costs and economic liability burdened on the latter over generations through sovereign debt.

After all, the notion is who cares about what happens to those targeted in the playground, the war fields rained with bullets, bombs not barring nuclear laden missiles piercing the heart of the living breathing lives, homes and infrastructure.

The war is image maintenance and compliance with those serving ill-advise from their ivory tower besides obliging demands from defense contractors in the military industrial complex who in return solely eyeing on mega profits from blood and body bags in the entire gamut.

War to hawkish minds is very attractive and glamorous when dispatching young men and women in harm’s way with no guarantee of their safe return alive back home in the not near rather distant future subject to their survival.

The reason being war posturing invariably leading to permanent military base in those territories occupying the region indefinitely while administrations change in political office continuing the trend is the only certainty in the offing.

Accordingly, peace is inconvenient and not suave in displaying mighty power as tanks and troops on the ground.

Peace is not a cash cow for gold diggers creating mass graveyards and in general the delusion aiming for glory and political advantage expending blood and treasure of ordinary citizens on all sides is concentrated on exclusive profits.

War is also pursued to debilitate economies producing a constant dependency on external sources away from self-sufficient productive independent economic status.

There is also an opportunity for free supply essentially looting resources once a no man’s land and lawlessness is established in the states like Libya, Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan to mention few among several in the last two decades of foreign interventions worldwide.

Peace as the alternative is too boring for the self-appointed game changers adept at destruction and alien to construction in the aftermath of turmoil and carnage they proudly inflict on the victims of warfare dismissed as collateral damages in the press briefing.

What more to expect from such mindset except knowing the inevitable i.e. power corrupts human mind and absolute power corrupts absolutely beyond salvation.

The end justifying the means often impetus mindless engagement ultimately reversing the outcome sooner than later causing embarrassment and massive economic loss with the realization on too late for remedy.

The reconciliation and rapprochement is the priority for Russia and Ukraine as permanent neighbors sharing common cultural, economic and geopolitical reality.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 



Russia – Ukraine Peace Agreement

February 2, 2022

Russia – Ukraine 

Peace Agreement 


Padmini Arhant

This article highlighting the sensibility and sensitivity to address the Ukraine crisis has received positive response and overwhelming majority believe in the peaceful resolution with a permanent peace deal between Russia and Ukraine like elaborated in this publication.

However, a small minority as always on any issue unwilling to acknowledge factual information and reality.

Certain U.S. lawmakers in the Senate along with usual critics in the media and those with guilty conscience resigned to dismissal citing none other than them have the authority or say on any matter emphasizing their power as decision makers is least surprising.

The minority members also hopefully realize that power comes with responsibility.

The decision-making especially related to military or economic warfare via sanctions, the consequences are also on them in terms of humanitarian, regional and global security crises in the aftermath of such authorization.

The comments on Russia’s annexation of Crimea, occupation of Syria and now troops deployment around Ukraine emanate from western and allies intrusions in Ukraine, Syria and worldwide.

This is not about pro-Russian or anti-Russian stance. It’s all about cause and effect reflecting reason and reality in the international affairs.

The western involvement in insurrection against then democratic Ukraine resulted in the Crimean territorial union with the Russian Federation in 2014.

Similarly, the western and middle eastern alliance against Syria led to Russian forces arrival later in Syria. The Syrian situation was already in shambles from western and middle eastern coalition behind the controversial Arab Spring falsely created to finish the unfinished tasks on the pre-meditated Project for New American century.

Again the exclusive views among few members in the United States politics asserting the United States right to meddle not only in Europe but in any part of the world is presumptuous and ill-conceived disposition.

Such positions exemplify carte blanche authority in the United States political ranks having little or no respect for other nations’ sovereignty, those nations’ citizens right to self-determination and independent status of those countries around the world.

Often the lack of respect for other nations and citizens sovereign right promotes such opinions on warfare and aggression including economic sanctions.

Here is the legitimate question.

It is well established and widely proven that Iraq war in 2003 was waged on false premise on the never founded alleged chemical weapons in Iraq.

Are there any Senators and United States members of Congress in the House who voted for Iraq war in 2003 prepared to come forward and accept responsibility for the decimation of a foreign nation leaving millions of Iraqis dead, many displaced and overwhelming population made to flee the deadly war zone besides the middle east region experiencing the quagmire of Iraq war until now?

What about the Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans from the United States defense force returned home with missing body parts, physically, mentally and emotionally traumatized and significant members as homeless left to fend for themselves in American cities nationwide?

Any lawmakers earlier exercising their power as sole decision makers and authorized the illegal invasion and occupation of foreign land prepared to pledge financial support to the victims of warfare?

The power primarily represented as authority and discretion mostly used as privilege is misinterpreted and misused in the absence of discernment.

War is not the answer to any or all political disagreements. The peace and diplomacy pursued sincerely could guarantee success benefitting all.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter




Russia – Ukraine

Peace Agreement

Padmini Arhant

The latest development between Ukraine government and pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine reaching an agreement to preserve ceasefire is a welcoming gesture for all citizens in eastern and western Ukraine as one nation. The ceasefire also provides relief to neighboring Russia as well as eastern Europe.

As for the standoff between Russia and the western counterparts i.e. the European Union and the United States in particular, the NATO expansion near and around Russia is obviously the bone of contention for the Russian federation. No nation in the modern age should either pose any threat or be threatened by any other nation individually or collectively near or far.

Russia’s concerns with NATO presence at the doorstep as a direct security problem is not unreasonable.

The revival of cold war tensions prompting all sides on eternal alert with military readiness not barring nuclear alarm is not the choice in the contemporary era or in the future. There is an urgency to reverse situation to normal. The major nuclear powers i.e. the United States and allies together with Russia’s unanimous acknowledgment to shift from military position to active fruitful diplomacy is the need of the hour from several dimensions viz. the regional and global security standpoint, preventing unnecessary loss of civilian and defense personnel precious lives and averting serious economic liability in the prolonged standoff.

The western maneuver to surround Russia with NATO forces impetus Russian defense mechanism and other military strategy to protect territorial integrity as sovereign right. Simultaneously Russia’s troop deployment and military assets across Ukraine and Russia border including the northern side on Belarus sends a wrong message contradictory to Russia’s public statement on the political decision to de-escalate situation.

Russia’s military troops distribution around Ukraine in the aftermath of Russia and western representatives unsuccessful meeting on NATO withdrawal from Russian boundary and eastern bloc creates undesirable predicament for the citizens in Ukraine and Russia. The civilians and armed forces on both sides are forced into the conflation adding complexity to the otherwise containable crisis. There is a requirement on all sides to pull back from the current military position and engage in peaceful negotiations.

Why Russia’s current military plan is inimical to Russia in many facets?

The western thought on Russia’s earlier invasion and annexation of Crimea from Ukraine’s eastern peninsula in 2014 is the result of NATO further expansion in the region.

However, Russia’s explanation on Crimea is arguably otherwise. Russia citing Russian speaking citizens in Crimea fleeing their home town due to unrest erupting from western authorized violence in maidan square and subsequent government removal in Kiev in 2014 led to the pro-Russian separatists movement that are still prevalent in the eastern Donbas region in Ukraine.

The majority Russian speaking Crimean population then seeking the territory union with Russian Federation in the local referendum at that time led to the annexation.

In fact, “On 11 April 2014, the parliament of Crimea approved a new constitution, with 88 out of 100 lawmakers voting in favor of its adoption. The new constitution confirms the Republic of Crimea as a democratic state within the Russian Federation and declares both territories united and inseparable.”

Regardless, the western stance is Russia’s aggressive takeover of Crimea is unacceptable and accordingly Crimea not recognized as Russia’s territory by the west until now.

The truth lies somewhere in between on both sides of the argument. There is no doubt that NATO buildup in eastern Europe reaching Russia’s nearest territorial border i.e. Ukraine becoming the western target in 2014 and thereafter is the fundamental cause of the present crisis.

The western involved insurrection in 2014 continued with hostile overthrow of democratically elected then incumbent government of President Viktor Yanukovych fleeing for life and sought political refuge in Russia. The anti-democratic event held on global watch in 2014.

The intensive western influence and installation of Ukrainian governments not barring neo-nazi representation post western insurrection launched in Kiev in 2014 fomented internal economic and political strife for Ukrainians paying the price till date.

The ground reality in Ukraine in 2014 paved the way for Russia to seize opportunity to annex Crimea, undeniably the key strategic location for Russian naval base in the Black sea.

The Crimean republic joining the Russian federation might have been a major windfall for Russian defense strategy. Nevertheless, the territorial gain has not been without consequences for Russia. The western perspective on Crimea remains the compelling factor to increase NATO alliance against Russia with Ukraine as the rolling dice to perform to western demand on the other hand proved counterproductive so far.

Additionally, the western NATO extension also largely connected to the past with former nuclear Soviet Union sprawling authority over entire eastern Europe including the Balkan states and central Asia. Not to mention the liberation of east Germany with the removal of Berlin wall that separated the German territory from then west Germany not in a distant memory serve as the reminder in preventing history from repeating itself again.

The exSoviet Union quest for territorial conquest was not limited to central and eastern Europe. The desire to acquire more power and landmass misled the former Soviet Union to invade and occupy Afghanistan having centralized power in that part of the world i.e. Central Asia comprising Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan were annexed as the independent republics under Soviet central command and economy. The Soviet adventure in Afghanistan was catastrophic for the occupied Afghans as well as the occupier Soviet Union i.e. USSR with United States and Afghan mujahideen led battle resulting in Soviet withdrawal from Afghan soil.

Anything too big to control and manage eventually disintegrates with severe impact on the origin and in this instance Russia and Russians suffered significant economic, political and military setbacks that were inevitable. Once Soviet Union was debilitated in Afghan war, the house of cards crumbling on the Soviet empire followed sequentially with no option but to accept the reality i.e. Russia returning to home base to get the house in order that was in disarray in semblance with contemporary situation. There is a serious and important lesson to learn for Russian political leaderships from Russian history in the twentieth and twenty first century.

The equivalent of present dynamics in western and Russian stalemate regarding Ukraine is 1991 Kuwait invasion by then Iraq President Saddam Hussein. The miscalculated error from then Iraqi President Saddam Hussein failed to recognize the Kuwait trail was nothing more than a bait or decoy that trapped the once United States ally Iraqi President Saddam Hussein into  wanton invasion of Kuwait. Little knowing that Iraqi President Saddam Hussein’s grave mistake set the track for the United States neo-conservatives and zionists as hawkish strategists to utilize that Iraqi invasion of Kuwait against Iraq later in 2003. Though the hawkish strategists used chemical weapons against Iraq as the convincing narrative in the United Nations to win general consensus on the illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003.

The United States and NATO attack on Iraq in 2003 implementing the pre-meditated and long anticipated Project for New American Century (PNAC) with Iraq among several crucial middle eastern, north African and central Asian nations such as Afghanistan on the card for the US and NATO brutal aggression witnessed worldwide. The United States and NATO warfare in these regions are yet to cease with direct and indirect weapons supply and logistic support delivered to nations in perpetual conflict such as to Saudi Arabia against Yemen and other factions in Libya, Syria, Lebanon and other groups engaged in perpetual confrontation.

The history is testament in this regard.

All said and done, the irrefutable fact is Russia’s contribution in the world stage in maintaining the balance of power in twentieth century in World War 1 and World War 2 is praiseworthy. Russia is a powerful nation with tremendous experience in glory and upheavals throughout history.

The Russian power is best enhanced in establishing democracy at home alongside peace and unity with neighbors like Ukraine and the rest of eastern Europe as well as central Asia. Russia’s commitment to sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity in the region and outside exemplified in permanent peace deal with Ukraine would preempt solidarity and renew normal ties with the neighbor across the border.

The idea of invasion and conquering nations near and far In the hope of revival of former empire status is obsolete and critically excruciating failure known up until now. The imperial and colonial quest drain the domestic economy with skyrocketing sovereign debt burdened on every man, woman and child including the ones yet to be born in the world.

The United States is classic example in this context. The invasion and occupation of foreign land in Afghanistan, Iraq and other parts of the world costing American taxpayers in trillions and the war veterans ending as homeless dwelling under the bridge and downtown areas in major American cities is heart wrenching sight.

Similarly, the nations under attack and occupied by major powers exhibiting military might and exhausting defense stockpiles are rendered refugees in their homeland. The population in these war torn nations are denied access to basic survival at home and neither accepted as political refugees in the aggressors’ land. The world has seen these events far too many times and still ongoing in many regions predominantly due to the misguided Superpower glamor equipped with nuclear status rejecting the adverse ramifications of such indulgence.

Russia’s current position as publicly clarified by the political leadership President Vladimir Putin  ruling out invasion of Ukraine is welcome. The statement delivered in action by pulling the Russian troops back from Ukrainian boundary all around would be credible. The Russian positive steps in this respect would build reliable trust among citizens in Ukraine and international community.

Instead, the Russian political decision to surround Ukraine militarily as negotiation tool with the west on NATO incursion against Russia is basically aggravating the problem rather than resolving the issue. The actions always verify the intent than words in all matter.

Now the United States, European Union, the European Commission combined as the western front are in requirement to tone down the rhetoric on anti-Russian information fueling the dilemma. The western conditions and rules of engagement with a nuclear Russia seated at the UNSC as a permanent member with veto power deserve careful approach and respectful exchange synonymous to vice versa expectations from the west with Russia. The western policy using NATO to leverage against Russia upon being replicated by the latter through military armament against Ukraine is interestingly not appreciated.

The nation right at the center and primary victim in the entire western power versus Russian disagreement is Ukraine. The western and Russian equation comprising Ukraine as the constant factor would invariably yield negative result to both sides that are obviously beneficial to none especially Ukraine held hostage in the crisis.

The European Commission. public offer on economic package to Ukraine to the tune of 2 billion euros in three installments with a first one in the amount 1.2 billion euro followed by 600 million in the second and 200 million as the third installment payment could be very enticing for any economically struggling nation.

Unfortunately, the economic bargain on sovereignty of a nation in the present time appears to have been reduced to mere two billion or so in price tag. The economic incentive from European Commission upon being extended to Ukraine as unconditional monetary aid i.e. no obligation on Ukraine’s part to join NATO considering that is one of the issue for Russia in the national security concern, the economic deal would be more appropriate.

Alternatively, the European Commission or European Union returning the illegal funds held in tax shelters in Europe, the money transferred from corruption deals in Ukraine among oligarchy and other members within and outside Ukraine depriving Ukraine citizens the economic development in the country would be equitable.

Either way, the EU through EC providing economic assistance without any pressure or coercion on Ukraine to compromise national sovereignty by not having to be a NATO ally or submit to western geopolitical goals would be honorable.

Ukraine spared from traditional divide and conquer strategy familiar in the imperial past and present would be a new chapter in the era. The financial relief to the battered Ukrainian economy primarily due to foreign intrusions and corruption in domestic system is imperative more than anything else.

Russia and Ukraine working together in reconciling differences to mitigate the military interventions from all sides beginning with Russian forces retreat and NATO confinement away from Russian and neighboring territory is the path to peaceful settlement in the current stalemate in eastern Europe.

The peaceful resolution of Ukraine crisis is in the best interest of all parties and above all the regional stability anywhere in the world is tied to global peace and security.

The overzealous and capricious policy on international affairs has been unfavorable and perpetuated the impasse.

Hence all parties are urged to prioritize human lives, economic costs, sovereignty, self-determination of nations and territorial integrity in mutual respect and recognition of individual nations, regional and world peace.

Your attention and interest is much appreciated.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter



Ukraine Crisis – Russia and the West Tensions

February 1, 2022

Ukraine Crisis – Russia and the West Tensions

Padmini Arhant

The comprehensive details on this topic will be presented shortly. 

The Ukraine crisis is not limited to Ukraine, Russia and the west alone. The matter is directly related to global peace and security.

The present and future geopolitical and economic dynamics are related to regional stability and economic progress of nations unnecessarily subject to prolonged turmoil.

The topic is elaborated in the Russia – Ukraine Peace Agreement – February 2nd, 2022.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 



Ukraine – The Playground for Power Game

January 25, 2022

Ukraine – The Playground for Power Game

Padmini Arhant

When there are hegemonic goals in play as witnessed throughout twentieth and twenty first century, the strategic interests are dominant over mythical democratization of nations around the world. 

The twenty first century has already presented far too many sequences in this regard using democracy as pretext to invade and destabilize nations in different parts of the world. 

The real threat to democracy and democratic systems are not the ones defiantly against the idea of democracy and individual liberty for such mindset is adamantly clear about authoritarianism as the open legitimate authority to rule and control the population. 

In fact, the doctrine endangering democracy and undermining democratic principles is the presumptuous concept of western democracy as idealistic and promoting western democracy in non-western regions of the world despite western democracy subjugation to globalists and deep state agenda in the west.

The unequivocal reality is reflected in status quo with western elections like in the United States subject to tech giants arbitrary censorship of public information on candidacy and political scandals.  The western media and press in pace with tech oligarchy spare no opportunity to bar and ban truth and facts from the public domain. 

The tradition installing pro-western governments and regimes in power regardless of adverse ramifications to citizens of any nation and geopolitical dynamics in the region to exclusively benefit western aspirations in every respect has failed and proved counterproductive thus far. 

The western military and political interventions in Ukraine like in many parts of the world were no different in outcome i.e. toppling governments causing chaos and catastrophe leaving the population of those nations in worst political, economic and social crises. 

Case in point – besides the twentieth century intrusions in Korean Peninsula, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia in South East Asia, Latin America, Africa and the Middle East experiencing irreversible deaths and devastations lasting several generations until now.

The twenty first century western invasions – United States and NATO alliance in the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, Iraq in 2001 and 2003. The trend followed in Libya, Syria, Yemen, Sudan, Mali and Ukraine in 2010 – 2016 were major military and political aggressions in foreign land.

The color revolutions such as the undemocratic Orange revolution in Ukraine in November 2004 until January 2005 was just the beginning of western overt foothold in Ukraine politics.

The repeat scenario in Kiev maidan square in Ukraine in February 2014 triggered by EU economic deal fallout with then incumbent Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych government prompting United States’ direct involvements rallying the protestors in foreign soil was a preview of the western authorized militant takeover of the sovereign nation in 2014.

The western interference was further extended into the removal of the sitting Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych visibly in world view at gun point from office capturing global dismay. 

Notwithstanding the participation of fascists in the demonstrations in 2014 and neo-nazi government usurped to power entirely at United States and European Union behest hardly fit the definition of pro-democracy.

The United States bipartisan role in Ukraine in 2014 and thereafter with prominent political figures like the late Senator and former Republican Presidential candidate John McCain alongside the United States State department’s Victoria Nuland representing then democrat administration of President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden inciting the unruly mob on maidan square in Kiev, Ukraine in 2014 forced then ruling government of President Viktor Yanukovych to flee Ukraine seeking refuge in neighboring Russia.

The political corruptions exposing ties between United States highest office holders, their family members and Ukrainian political members as well as oligarchy is an open secret that barley attracted media and United States Congress attention or interest.

Ukraine as a nation along with the people are in the crossfire with democracy having no relevance to forces in confrontation aiming to establish specific strategic and economic influence.

The western democracy campaigned in favor of self-determination to sovereignty and territorial integrity is yet to demonstrate policy in action unlike the events unraveled in Kiev, Ukraine in 2014. 

On the other side, the Russian Federation troops deployment and military incursions around Ukraine is overzealous political decision in requirement of restraints replaced with rational approach.

The Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russia’s focus on peaceful negotiations, diplomacy and dialogue with western trading partners in Europe as consumers of Russia’s natural gas and United States representatives committed to peaceful resolutions averting protracted warfare would be welcome among Ukrainian and Russian citizens held hostage in the unnecessary conflict.

Any nation’s greatness is achieved in resolving and ending rising tensions with those near and far rather than engage in diffusion.

The two vastly nuclear powered Russia and the United States along with European allies working towards de-escalating situation in Ukraine is paramount for Ukraine sovereignty and stability.

The global peace and security is also a matter of great concern with the ongoing developments in Ukraine involving Russia and the United States as well as allies in the region.

Importantly, the pandemic related health and economic calamity having wreaked havoc on humanity, the warfare has no place or the option in the misguided political disagreements.

The military operations are costly and deadly with irrecoverable loss in lives and economic liability.

Ukraine’s sovereignty and independence is legitimate and merit recognition barring external coercion and hostility.

Ukraine commitment to transparency and fighting corruption within and outside with foreign sources would alleviate economic struggles for the citizens having suffered long enough from political instability caused by foreign meddling.

The citizens in western and eastern Ukraine as one nation and citizens in Russia deserve peaceful co-existence maintaining good economic, political and cultural relations benefiting each other and the rest in eastern Europe.

Finally, Ukraine or any other nation in the world could no longer be the playground for power game among political thoughts vying for regional and Super power status.

Wishing peace, progress and prosperity over stalemate bringing relief and recovery for the people in Ukraine and Russia.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter



Switzerland – WHO, WEF, UBS

January 17, 2022

Switzerland – WHO, WEF,UBS

Padmini Arhant

WHO – World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland. The international health body is yet to contain the global pandemic COVID19 extended into COVID22 with no short supply of inter-continental variants and mutants wreaking havoc in human lives thus far.

Meanwhile, profiteers raking fortune from the mandated vaccine and pandemic treatments are laughing all the way to UBS, Switzerland and tax havens in exotic shores feigning unfamiliarity with the idea of contentment. They are breathlessly making a killing from the bio-engineered virus caused breathlessness consuming lives and debilitating healthy lifestyle of mankind.

WEF – World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland unabashedly announced Great Reset absent relevant details to configure global financial system.

The WEF cardinal rule is aimed at the ordinary average citizens in the world  i.e. 99% will own nothing in financial assets is the public statement from the WEF founder Professor Klaus Schwab at the forum in 2019 and 2020. 

The 99% rights such as individual liberty, economic opportunity and financial security are effectively null and void.

Juxtaposed the 1% possession and entitlement to global resources and natural endowments to prolong for eternity.

WEF’s  Great reset was not possible without global economic shut down.

The WHO mismanaged COVID19 evolving into global pandemic conveniently necessitated world wide economic freeze linked to pandemic lockdown and the rest fell in place like a jigsaw puzzle.

UBS – Though publicly stated as not an acronym, the UBS is world renowned swish Swiss bank attracting legal and overwhelmingly illegal money from all corners of the world. The capital flight into the Swiss economy from diverse channels and entities as well as individuals unable to bury the illicit wealth in their domain park the funds at UBS and alike.

The trend depleting national treasury around the world in tax evasions and various unscrupulous nefarious transactions reach the high security nuclear stealth vaults at UBS and similar safe havens world over.

The pervasive corruption culture predominantly behind global poverty, hunger and disease in the otherwise plentiful planet earth thrives in the creation and mobilization of assets largely from developing nations into the developed world.

As a result, the super wealthy status is a matter of  transforming the regions with rich economic resources and human capital freely accessible for exploitation and excoriation. The tradition continued over centuries now exponentially capitalized by 1% representing the exclusive club in the world. 

The super rich competition is maintained within the trillionaire and billionaire circle with the rest of the population categorically informed about owning nothing in their name except debts and taxes remaining the irrevocable obligations in life for the 99% in the world.

Switzerland, the european nation and non– European Union (EU) member and neither a member of European Economic Area (EEA) proudly declared neutral state in warfare has also retained neutrality in fomenting and fostering corruption.

The Swiss financial system is the trend setter in this regard with majority world population deprived of basic to fair share of economic means in the unaccountable transfer of wealth by the rich, famous and powerful from different nations in the world.

The commonality in WHO, WEF and UBS  is besides Switzerland in geographic location, the three powerful organizations and institution representing health, economy and finance respectively – the lifeline and oxygen of human survival are instrumental in exacerbating human suffering with unmitigated crises experienced in the pandemic, economic and financial meltdowns adversely affecting human natural immunity compromised with unnatural events.

The fundamental change in these organizations renouncing corruption and restoring ethical functioning with transparency and accountability is the only way forward for global progress and prosperity.

The WHO assuming autonomy independent of any foreign governments’ influence and incentives is the preliminary step towards earning credibility as the world health body.

The WEF relinquishing control over nearly eight billion population destiny to benefit selective few amongst selves is the precursor for sustainable global economic growth and development.

The 1% economic status is directly tied to 99% stable and affordable living. 

Last but not the least, the UBS and other havens  rejecting unlawful illegitimate funds around the globe and myriad sources ranging in backgrounds not barring corruption, criminality, extortion, trafficking and smuggling etc. would exemplify Switzerland and European commitment in combating systemic corruption, the foremost element denying human population existence with basic needs and healthy social economic environment.

The individuals and companies from developing nations exposed in massive corruption scandals as well as implicated in bankrupting public savings in financial institutions are currently guaranteed safe passage to and refuge in Europe with impunity.

The European Union action in collective responsibility to curb corruption enacting extradition treaty with nations across the globe would detoxify the toxic activity crippling lives all around.

Where there is a will, there is a way!

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter



Russian Affair

November 4, 2017

Russian Affair

Padmini Arhant

The former FBI director Robert Mueller headed special investigation dominates news on the alleged Russian meddling in the United States 2016 Presidential election.

The special committee targeting then Republican Presidential candidate now elected President Donald Trump’s campaign aides and members’ presumed interaction and meetings with key Russian officials has led to recent indictments on this matter.

The U.S. actions besides the ongoing inquiry includes closing consulate general in San Francisco and annexes in Washington and New York.

Russia in turn has responded by reducing diplomatic service staff at U.S. facilities in Moscow as confirmed by Washington based Russia Today (RT) television network.

Russia Today – the state funded network founded by the state owned news agency RIA-NOVOSTI in 2005 is dedicated in promoting Russian government interests to the likes of mainstream media and others in the U.S. and elsewhere safeguarding oligarchy, political and Secret Society agenda.  

Although RT claims the network is independent, any business especially communication media receiving funding that has surged from $30 million in the beginning to current $300 million from the state obviously inclined to be subjective rather than objective.

RT projecting Russian image to counteract U.S. media versions about Russia and Russian policy is a conundrum for viewers having to deal with two extremes from both sides i.e. one for and the other against amidst missing facts from the content regardless.

On propaganda, RT efforts are on par with prevalent media trend in hyperbole and falsehood in presentation of historic events and entities pertaining to the past and present time conforming to syndicate strategy.

RT transmission in three languages viz. English, Spanish and Arabic attracting 120 million viewership in the United States and other parts of the world is a buffer to syndicate’s media presence via CNN, Fox and BBC worldwide.

The syndicate’s media control and influence on entertainment industry to deny public access to truth and factual information could be anything but freedom of press and free speech.

RT like counterparts are not without collusion on not maintaining journalistic standards and ethics that are rare and remains under attack. The journalism with accurate reporting, review and analyses on issues and topics concerning lives and world problems are replaced for political and commercial success ignoring harm to society and the world at large that eventually hurts the source.

As such, the citizens fatigue in fake news and indoctrination is evident in broadcasting networks declined rating prompting desperate attempts to avert further deterioration. The spin zone is yet another means to continue mindless discussions lacking in substance in anything goes talk shows and programs to fill in time in the 24/7 media.

United States and Russia relations might have strained due to latest developments,

However, the similarities in both nations policies on critical issues such as voting against nuclear disarmament in the UN vote past month, resistance to dissolution of UNSC granted veto power to five permanent members viz. United States, Britain, Russia, China and France and strengthening ties with Saudi Arabia clarify common goals.

In terms of disagreements, United States and Russia have difference of opinion on Ukraine, Syrian conflict, NATO buildup through Eastern bloc and incursion in Baltic Sea. The U.S. occupation in Afghanistan extended into Central Asia that was previously under former Soviet Union is causing uneasiness on regional basis.

Last but not the least, U.S. sanctions on Russia is not appreciated in the wake of 2016 electoral outcome distressing those for change in game plan.

On North Korea, United States sanctions against the south east Asian nation is welcome by Russia. The reaction confirmed in UNSC decision with Russia and China’s consensus to impose embargo on North Korea.

As stated repeatedly on this website on standoff between U.S and North Korea, the de-escalation via diplomacy and constructive dialogue should be the focus on both sides retracting from respective positions with United States and ally South Korea ceasing military exercise and provocative naval drills in Korean Peninsula.  North Korea on its part to suspend nuclear enhancement.

Furthermore, the major nuclear powers stance on North Korea’s nuclear status would be credible upon them in possession of enormous nuclear stockpiles never subject to independent international scrutiny lead other nuclear and non-nuclear states in safe disposal of nuclear weapons freeing the world from nuclear threats that are frequently exchanged in U.S. and North Korea confrontation. U.S. has also issued nuclear warnings against Iran preceding Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) treaty.

In the domestic front, Russia Today (RT) as state represented media is criticized for not providing opportunity to political opponents to Kremlin power. The same is applied towards any political dissent deprived from sharing thoughts and grievance on air to local and foreign audience. They are apparently considered detractors and accordingly excluded in participation on media channel.

The contemporary practice to debar alternative political perspectives especially with Russian elections on the horizon in March 2018 may not bode well for Russia in the post-communist era declared as democratic system premised on free and fair elections allowing contenders upon meeting eligibility criteria to run for office.

Then the incident though eleven years ago involving independent journalist, writer and human rights activist Anna Politkovskaya tragic death from gunshot wounds in Moscow in 2006 deter Russian democratic evolution.

The free society would create and nurture environment to question authorities without fear of incarceration, character defamation or danger to their life. The country as vast as Russia with enormous potential in different fields not barring politics would benefit from eclectic representation that could permeate across the spectrum. The transformation is made possible with healthy debates and public forums on all topics relevant to citizens in the province and national level.

Russia’s membership in BRICS, Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in addition to G20 and WTO serve economic prospects. On security to combat terrorism and any foreign intrusion – the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) comprising Russia and former Soviet republics in Central Asia enable neutralization.

Russian economy, political stability and national security are general expectations amongst electorate. Russia’s role in international disputes are also important whether personally that entails skirmishes at Russian border with NATO or tension related to U.S. and North Korea as well as ending Syrian warfare.

The internal challenges like corruption undermining real progress, Chechnya seeking resolution, immigration and social dilemmas are prominent woes requiring effective measures.

Russia is in the threshold of economic growth and constraints on political choices limits the scope for broader vision necessary to sustain expansion.

Finally, vox populithe voice of the people from all walks of life exercising the right to express views or concerns and journalism in particular not confined to state or external orientation would demonstrate vibrant democracy.

I convey my best wishes to citizens in Russia.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission










September 5, 2017



Padmini Arhant


Kensington Palace announces third baby on the way proudly described as ‘heir to spare‘.


Royal View on  Big Families and Over Population. 


In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation.

Prince Philip


German Chancellor Angela Merkel Stance on Refugees 

Padmini Arhant

What makes candidates’ and incumbents dramatic shift in political stance nearing election?

Is it politics that makes political figures flip flop? 


Do political members mould politics for political expediency?

The voters trust is up for a toss during election season usually delivering rhetoric and riding on platform appealing to all especially when targeting minority and immigrant votes.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel is seeking fourth term in office in the coming election in Deutschland.

Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel response to a Palestinian teenager plea for asylum in 2015.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel response to Refugee issue close to national election scheduled in September 2017.


Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission


June 27, 2016

By Padmini Arhant

The referendum in the United Kingdom favoring BREXIT has sparked reaction and sentiments followed by political resignations in Britain.

Understanding the concept, ideology and strategy in addition to trajectory of any organization, union and institution with or without transformation facilitates fair evaluation.

Accordingly, EU role and functionality since inception and relevantly in recent memory is presented for clarity and focus on reality.

European Union with 27 states as members including Britain until now is essentially a parallel government headed by President, Foreign Secretary and key stakeholders appointed to run the alternate body not limited to regional affairs.

EU emergence with bureaucrats and political leaderships in various designations assume power that typically undermines sovereign status of member nation.

EU embarked on consolidating prospects with respect to trade and commerce within Europe not excluding human resources through immigration and multilateral treaty binding members to reciprocate on economic activities for European progress.

Such framework attracts interest and boost position besides diverse aspirations to optimize gains and mitigate losses from the venture.

The model in practice provided temporary results with nations vying for EU membership subject to approval upon satisfying EU requirement.

However, with benefits not commonly distributed the economic downturn produced high unemployment and trade imbalance not to mention exploitation of human capital.

EU as the central authority located in Brussels, Belgium exert control over economic and monetary policy.

Notwithstanding extensive involvement in political governance of weak economies like Greece and alike imposing austerity in the name of fiscal responsibility that continues to exacerbate economic woes creating generational indebtedness.

EU formation and subsequent introduction of euro as the preferred currency unit set the trend for struggling nations in the territory to peg the economy on fledgling euro in the hope of economic recovery.

The outcome thus far evidenced in selective dominance in the union enable financial and economic advantage to them at vast majority expense comprising ordinary citizens, labor force and educated youths in particular.

The transition cost vulnerable states like Cyprus, Greece and similar euro members to succumb to harsh financial terms and conditions not barring unethical means on compliance.

The prominent financial institutions viz. European Central Bank (ECB), the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and international banks influence on the matter with heads of the government as powerful EU representatives obliging bankers demands in debt management is not a populist doctrine.

Furthermore, EU membership is based on meeting criteria that are not necessarily confined to economy but extends beyond pledging allegiance to EU policy.

The global recession in late 2007 with sub-prime mortgage crisis originating from the United States and lack of transparency and accountability in the financial dealings had contagion effect.

Europe economic stagnancy under EU in the absence of necessary growth is yet to demonstrate measures to ease persisting uncertainty and volatility in the market performance. The significant impact on the desperate job situation cannot be ignored either.

EU stance on immigration clarified in member states like France, Germany, Italy and Spain…immigrants plight forced to contend with lower wages and social inequality.

EU ideology and strategy premised on geopolitical expansion in partnership with the United States as NATO ally confirmed in Ukraine leaving the once stable nation in chaos and turmoil.

In the middle east, EU decision to lift arms embargo rather than reinforcing weapons ban to terror networks now proliferated as ISIS and ISIL contributed to refugee problems in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon.

Syrian refugees seeking political asylum are denied entry by EU with greater efforts and plan mobilized to curb citizens’ influx from war torn Syria and Iraq. 

As for Islamophobia, the cartoon depiction and denigration of Islam’s Prophet from EU member state was entertained as freedom of expression as it goes with other religion or spiritual representation.

On the contrary, there is zero tolerance to constructive critique on issues affecting people’s lives and the world at large. 

The celebrity worship with proxies granted immunity on serious violations and crimes define the detrimental tradition.

In the context of BREXIT vote, the discussion on facts over hype spreading clamor and hysteria would exemplify propriety.  The subversion and spin are distractions at best and deception at worst when forming conclusions on public opinion.

Britain having retained the original currency – pound sterling and never subscribed to euro during membership perhaps explain the reservations on euro. 

The decline of Britain’s pound against dollar on BREXIT projected as the strength of EU is a perspective without justification.

Change is an evolutionary process in the experimental and natural event.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant






Greece – Fix It Or GREXIT Dilemma

July 7, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

Greece despite unequivocal NO vote against austerity compromised soon after the outcome with the finance minister Yanis Varoufakis resignation on euro zone officials demand stating the minister was unwelcome in the meeting.

The euro zone and EU gesture speaks volume of the respect or the lack thereof to democracy given the promotion of western democracy worldwide.

Furthermore the disposition reflects on the one world government (NWO) i.e. EU in Brussels direct interference in political governance of the member state and dismissal of sovereignty.

EU and euro zone expect Greece to stay in the Union to share the burden on euro volatility alongside stifling competition on trade and tourism favoring the major players Germany using euro and England opting out of euro.

However, there is no incentive provided to Greece in alleviating economic hardship with financial assistance to restore domestic banking system, emergency liquidity and internal cash flow to stimulate economy.

Greece using euro as the national currency is unable to exercise money circulation and distribution along with controlling inflation otherwise Greece has no control over EU and euro zone implemented monetary, fiscal and trade policy.

In fact this situation applies to PIGS states and Eastern European members economy under Brussels mismanagement.

EU and TROIKA austerity imposed on Greece and other recession hit economies exacerbating financial problems in the private and public sector.

In the absence of economic growth with capitalization at affordable borrowing rates, the cash strapped nations are pushed towards adversity with austerity.

The austerity proponents exempt them from fiscal restraints considering expenditure in Brussels run parallel government appoint delegates in various positions leading to unnecessary bureaucracy.

The costs are transferred to the citizens of the member states especially in the lower economic strata like Greece. Hence EU insistence on Greece for additional hikes in Value added taxes (VAT) to perpetuate Brussels extravagant operation only serving oligarchy and vested interests.

TROIKA involvement in Greece deviating from financial activities to choosing governments with frequent elections and forcing the recent referendum cost the state in contradiction to their prescription on austerity.

The plebiscite outcome with a YES vote anticipated by TROIKA was aimed at removal of Syriza led government from power preparing Greece for yet another polls to install TROIKA approved government at exorbitant expense to the people in Greece.

Again there is no recognition amongst TROIKA imposing will that contributes to more spending in the intentionally caused political tensions for instability.

TROIKA striking down proposals from the current Greece government and extending status quo might satisfy egotistical stance and essentially conflate the problems affecting the creditors and debtor.

Euro future is hanging in balance with disproportionate benefits to members within circuit not to mention the superficial value on the commodity conforming to currency maneuver trend.

Greeks with similar desire to stay in euro zone and EU need to review the experience in the past years up until now.

The dependency on TROIKA and EU for necessary breakthrough has not been forthcoming to relieve the ailing economy and instead the woeful measures are regarded the appropriate remedy saturating public and private debt in the country.

Greece political party Syriza concerns about leaving euro zone upon no positive developments in the negotiations between government and TROIKA would have to be transformed into preparedness with alternatives in returning to drachma that facilitates independent strategy on monetary, fiscal and macroeconomic conditions customizing applications to match targeted growth and output.

As for explanation to the electorate on the issue – any discerning citizen would realize impediments no longer obscure in the false sense of security in euro zone and TROIKA cart blanche authority ignoring reality in the harsh austerity.

The political party shift to a position away from the one adopted on campaign trail would be a broken promise when the decision is to serve the purpose other than republic progress.

In this instance Greece cornered without flexibility to restructure financial operations for economic boost besides debt settlement.

The extreme demands necessitate the viable option to reinstate drachma with sound monetary policy and financial as well as economic reform attracting investments in the economy and capital infusion in the banking sector.

The excessive reliance on bailouts from external sources with the pledge to remain under euro zone confined perimeters and TROIKA doctrine as safe haven when results proved to be counterproductive exemplify confidence and trust deficit in self-emergence and competence.

Nations survive and thrive upon sincere commitment to lead and perform exceeding the expectations demonstrated in hard work and integrity as collective responsibility with transparency and accountability to eliminate corruption and contain failures in all endeavors.

The comprehensive financial and economic plan on Greece recovery will be submitted subject to outcome on EU summit and financial discussion between the incumbent Greece administration and the other side.

Greece could FIX IT in the event of GREXIT with pragmatic solutions and disciplined methods blended in inspiration and optimism for economic resurgence.

Greece crisis will be monitored with relevant input until the matter is resolved.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


Greece – TROIKA Diktat Undermine Democracy

July 6, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

Greece was forced into a plebiscite and the people delivered the message with an emphatic NO vote.

Civilized are those who accept victory with humility and acknowledge defeat gracefully in any event.

TROIKA – the lenders direct intervention in Greece or any other nation’s governance is oligarchy exerting authority to stifle democracy.

The referendum rejecting austerity obviously regarded impediment by TROIKA in prolonging the devious debt slavery.

Greece is the initial target for the unscrupulous operatives in TROIKA to eliminate democracy for similar imposition worldwide.

The long conceptualized NWO – the new world order with EU accompanied by euro zone – the second model following the United Nations aimed at stripping nations of their sovereignty.

The moneylenders wells are drying and they want to fill them with Greece and PIGS states citizens tears despite the doomed fate upon TROIKA.

Human folly is presumptuousness and challenging forces when time is against them especially now the cosmic forces presence denying them any such opportunity forever.

I reiterate nothing is meant to exist for eternity in the creation by divine power.

Europe is on the precipice predominantly due to unbridled greed since time immemorial and became prominent through persisting imperialism.

European history is testimony to the fact the rise of feudal system forcing population into slavery to maintain parasitic culture among the self-proclaimed privileged class for their comfort and luxury had to reckon with popular uprising turning into revolution.

The cowardly practice using taxpayers funded police force notwithstanding trained private militia to quell public dissent cannot protect those in ivory tower any more.

I emphasize on the current cosmic time extending into future beyond the obstructionists’ dwarfed existence.

I am not here at the nefarious elements beckon call that I would exit on their insistence to disappear.

As the representative with divine mandate in the preordained divine mission honoring the Supreme power, the Almighty God’s  commandment and blessings, I remain committed in the mission to protect humanity and planet from thievery and incessant destruction.

Time is already proving the triumph (TRIAMF) of divine mission over the suicide mission.

Good Luck! to victims of exploitative scheme by TROIKA in defending liberty and sovereignty – the inalienable and non-negotiable right.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant












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