Western Democracy – Paradoxical Paradigm

September 10, 2022

Western Democracy


Paradoxical Paradigm 

Padmini Arhant

Western so-called democracy is the world’s biggest irony ever. The monarchy and imperialism fleecing on the so-called commoners, the parasitic tradition continues with pompous pageantry in coronation of the so-called King having contributed nothing positive and productive in substance, values or otherwise is the comedy and tragedy for democracy.

Notwithstanding the self-proclaimed Royalty proved a major liability as colonial power is incontrovertible.

Not surprisingly there is no tolerance to real functioning democracy in any non-western world. They are toppled through western intervention reviving imperialistic dominance either directly or via proxy until today.

Is western democracy even democratic as constitutional monarchy reining authority and prominence in government?

The western democracy head of the executive branch is subject to monarch’s approval despite election to the public office.

“Today constitutional monarchies are mostly associated with Western European countries such as the United Kingdom, Netherlands, Belgium, Norway, Denmark, Spain, Luxembourg, Monaco, Liechtenstein and Sweden.”

In other regions like Asia –  the two most populous constitutional monarchies are Japan and Thailand.

The western status quo imposing western democracy on other nations as the perfect model is the contrarian dynamic.

The monarchy, crown and throne in western or any democracy is a declaration of the dominion and not free republic i.e. allegiance to the crown unlike the flag of the nation representing the country and citizens nationwide.

The Royal governance undermine democracy and republic with election legitimizing illegitimacy.

The Western European democracy with Royal influence besides a parallel government European Union in Brussels prevalent in government affairs further pose questions on western democracy.

Yet another western state and the most favored western ally Israel touted the only democracy in the middle east never shy away from  lewd crude espionage through controversial spyware viz. Pegasus and variety sold arbitrarily to governments regardless of the system ranging from authoritarianism to rogue regimes disguised as democracy violating individual and human rights, life and space without any care or concern for ethics and democratic principles or values they claim to champion  in the world stage.

Any valid comments against Israel and western position including these violations is persona non grata (unwelcome) and slated the forbidden TRUTH  even though the other way around plethora of nuanced false narratives, fabrications and insinuations using proxies, pawns and puppets from own inventory against their specific target i.e. myself  – the SHE – bashing, caricature, the supposedly artificial intelligence as opposed to their self-proclaimed organic ones, character defamation, the so-called gang rape victim and endless eulogizing since my emergence is deemed the prerogative.

Of course the ones initiating and perpetuating misogyny, hatred and hostility conveniently forget their own actions necessitating reaction.

Personally my message to them and their operatives is when you engage in relentless self-destructive strategy aimed at destruction of me or anyone, expect the boomerang heading your way in adherence to the adage;

What goes around comes around. 

Under these settings, western democracy is a paradoxical paradigm for the rest worldwide.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter



Switzerland – WHO, WEF, UBS

January 17, 2022

Switzerland – WHO, WEF,UBS

Padmini Arhant

WHO – World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland. The international health body is yet to contain the global pandemic COVID19 extended into COVID22 with no short supply of inter-continental variants and mutants wreaking havoc in human lives thus far.

Meanwhile, profiteers raking fortune from the mandated vaccine and pandemic treatments are laughing all the way to UBS, Switzerland and tax havens in exotic shores feigning unfamiliarity with the idea of contentment. They are breathlessly making a killing from the bio-engineered virus caused breathlessness consuming lives and debilitating healthy lifestyle of mankind.

WEF – World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland unabashedly announced Great Reset absent relevant details to configure global financial system.

The WEF cardinal rule is aimed at the ordinary average citizens in the world  i.e. 99% will own nothing in financial assets is the public statement from the WEF founder Professor Klaus Schwab at the forum in 2019 and 2020. 

The 99% rights such as individual liberty, economic opportunity and financial security are effectively null and void.

Juxtaposed the 1% possession and entitlement to global resources and natural endowments to prolong for eternity.

WEF’s  Great reset was not possible without global economic shut down.

The WHO mismanaged COVID19 evolving into global pandemic conveniently necessitated world wide economic freeze linked to pandemic lockdown and the rest fell in place like a jigsaw puzzle.

UBS – Though publicly stated as not an acronym, the UBS is world renowned swish Swiss bank attracting legal and overwhelmingly illegal money from all corners of the world. The capital flight into the Swiss economy from diverse channels and entities as well as individuals unable to bury the illicit wealth in their domain park the funds at UBS and alike.

The trend depleting national treasury around the world in tax evasions and various unscrupulous nefarious transactions reach the high security nuclear stealth vaults at UBS and similar safe havens world over.

The pervasive corruption culture predominantly behind global poverty, hunger and disease in the otherwise plentiful planet earth thrives in the creation and mobilization of assets largely from developing nations into the developed world.

As a result, the super wealthy status is a matter of  transforming the regions with rich economic resources and human capital freely accessible for exploitation and excoriation. The tradition continued over centuries now exponentially capitalized by 1% representing the exclusive club in the world. 

The super rich competition is maintained within the trillionaire and billionaire circle with the rest of the population categorically informed about owning nothing in their name except debts and taxes remaining the irrevocable obligations in life for the 99% in the world.

Switzerland, the european nation and non– European Union (EU) member and neither a member of European Economic Area (EEA) proudly declared neutral state in warfare has also retained neutrality in fomenting and fostering corruption.

The Swiss financial system is the trend setter in this regard with majority world population deprived of basic to fair share of economic means in the unaccountable transfer of wealth by the rich, famous and powerful from different nations in the world.

The commonality in WHO, WEF and UBS  is besides Switzerland in geographic location, the three powerful organizations and institution representing health, economy and finance respectively – the lifeline and oxygen of human survival are instrumental in exacerbating human suffering with unmitigated crises experienced in the pandemic, economic and financial meltdowns adversely affecting human natural immunity compromised with unnatural events.

The fundamental change in these organizations renouncing corruption and restoring ethical functioning with transparency and accountability is the only way forward for global progress and prosperity.

The WHO assuming autonomy independent of any foreign governments’ influence and incentives is the preliminary step towards earning credibility as the world health body.

The WEF relinquishing control over nearly eight billion population destiny to benefit selective few amongst selves is the precursor for sustainable global economic growth and development.

The 1% economic status is directly tied to 99% stable and affordable living. 

Last but not the least, the UBS and other havens  rejecting unlawful illegitimate funds around the globe and myriad sources ranging in backgrounds not barring corruption, criminality, extortion, trafficking and smuggling etc. would exemplify Switzerland and European commitment in combating systemic corruption, the foremost element denying human population existence with basic needs and healthy social economic environment.

The individuals and companies from developing nations exposed in massive corruption scandals as well as implicated in bankrupting public savings in financial institutions are currently guaranteed safe passage to and refuge in Europe with impunity.

The European Union action in collective responsibility to curb corruption enacting extradition treaty with nations across the globe would detoxify the toxic activity crippling lives all around.

Where there is a will, there is a way!

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter




September 5, 2017



Padmini Arhant


Kensington Palace announces third baby on the way proudly described as ‘heir to spare‘.


Royal View on  Big Families and Over Population. 


In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation.

Prince Philip


German Chancellor Angela Merkel Stance on Refugees 

Padmini Arhant

What makes candidates’ and incumbents dramatic shift in political stance nearing election?

Is it politics that makes political figures flip flop? 


Do political members mould politics for political expediency?

The voters trust is up for a toss during election season usually delivering rhetoric and riding on platform appealing to all especially when targeting minority and immigrant votes.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel is seeking fourth term in office in the coming election in Deutschland.

Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel response to a Palestinian teenager plea for asylum in 2015.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel response to Refugee issue close to national election scheduled in September 2017.


Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission


June 27, 2016

By Padmini Arhant

The referendum in the United Kingdom favoring BREXIT has sparked reaction and sentiments followed by political resignations in Britain.

Understanding the concept, ideology and strategy in addition to trajectory of any organization, union and institution with or without transformation facilitates fair evaluation.

Accordingly, EU role and functionality since inception and relevantly in recent memory is presented for clarity and focus on reality.

European Union with 27 states as members including Britain until now is essentially a parallel government headed by President, Foreign Secretary and key stakeholders appointed to run the alternate body not limited to regional affairs.

EU emergence with bureaucrats and political leaderships in various designations assume power that typically undermines sovereign status of member nation.

EU embarked on consolidating prospects with respect to trade and commerce within Europe not excluding human resources through immigration and multilateral treaty binding members to reciprocate on economic activities for European progress.

Such framework attracts interest and boost position besides diverse aspirations to optimize gains and mitigate losses from the venture.

The model in practice provided temporary results with nations vying for EU membership subject to approval upon satisfying EU requirement.

However, with benefits not commonly distributed the economic downturn produced high unemployment and trade imbalance not to mention exploitation of human capital.

EU as the central authority located in Brussels, Belgium exert control over economic and monetary policy.

Notwithstanding extensive involvement in political governance of weak economies like Greece and alike imposing austerity in the name of fiscal responsibility that continues to exacerbate economic woes creating generational indebtedness.

EU formation and subsequent introduction of euro as the preferred currency unit set the trend for struggling nations in the territory to peg the economy on fledgling euro in the hope of economic recovery.

The outcome thus far evidenced in selective dominance in the union enable financial and economic advantage to them at vast majority expense comprising ordinary citizens, labor force and educated youths in particular.

The transition cost vulnerable states like Cyprus, Greece and similar euro members to succumb to harsh financial terms and conditions not barring unethical means on compliance.

The prominent financial institutions viz. European Central Bank (ECB), the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and international banks influence on the matter with heads of the government as powerful EU representatives obliging bankers demands in debt management is not a populist doctrine.

Furthermore, EU membership is based on meeting criteria that are not necessarily confined to economy but extends beyond pledging allegiance to EU policy.

The global recession in late 2007 with sub-prime mortgage crisis originating from the United States and lack of transparency and accountability in the financial dealings had contagion effect.

Europe economic stagnancy under EU in the absence of necessary growth is yet to demonstrate measures to ease persisting uncertainty and volatility in the market performance. The significant impact on the desperate job situation cannot be ignored either.

EU stance on immigration clarified in member states like France, Germany, Italy and Spain…immigrants plight forced to contend with lower wages and social inequality.

EU ideology and strategy premised on geopolitical expansion in partnership with the United States as NATO ally confirmed in Ukraine leaving the once stable nation in chaos and turmoil.

In the middle east, EU decision to lift arms embargo rather than reinforcing weapons ban to terror networks now proliferated as ISIS and ISIL contributed to refugee problems in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon.

Syrian refugees seeking political asylum are denied entry by EU with greater efforts and plan mobilized to curb citizens’ influx from war torn Syria and Iraq. 

As for Islamophobia, the cartoon depiction and denigration of Islam’s Prophet from EU member state was entertained as freedom of expression as it goes with other religion or spiritual representation.

On the contrary, there is zero tolerance to constructive critique on issues affecting people’s lives and the world at large. 

The celebrity worship with proxies granted immunity on serious violations and crimes define the detrimental tradition.

In the context of BREXIT vote, the discussion on facts over hype spreading clamor and hysteria would exemplify propriety.  The subversion and spin are distractions at best and deception at worst when forming conclusions on public opinion.

Britain having retained the original currency – pound sterling and never subscribed to euro during membership perhaps explain the reservations on euro. 

The decline of Britain’s pound against dollar on BREXIT projected as the strength of EU is a perspective without justification.

Change is an evolutionary process in the experimental and natural event.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant






Greece – Fix It Or GREXIT Dilemma

July 7, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

Greece despite unequivocal NO vote against austerity compromised soon after the outcome with the finance minister Yanis Varoufakis resignation on euro zone officials demand stating the minister was unwelcome in the meeting.

The euro zone and EU gesture speaks volume of the respect or the lack thereof to democracy given the promotion of western democracy worldwide.

Furthermore the disposition reflects on the one world government (NWO) i.e. EU in Brussels direct interference in political governance of the member state and dismissal of sovereignty.

EU and euro zone expect Greece to stay in the Union to share the burden on euro volatility alongside stifling competition on trade and tourism favoring the major players Germany using euro and England opting out of euro.

However, there is no incentive provided to Greece in alleviating economic hardship with financial assistance to restore domestic banking system, emergency liquidity and internal cash flow to stimulate economy.

Greece using euro as the national currency is unable to exercise money circulation and distribution along with controlling inflation otherwise Greece has no control over EU and euro zone implemented monetary, fiscal and trade policy.

In fact this situation applies to PIGS states and Eastern European members economy under Brussels mismanagement.

EU and TROIKA austerity imposed on Greece and other recession hit economies exacerbating financial problems in the private and public sector.

In the absence of economic growth with capitalization at affordable borrowing rates, the cash strapped nations are pushed towards adversity with austerity.

The austerity proponents exempt them from fiscal restraints considering expenditure in Brussels run parallel government appoint delegates in various positions leading to unnecessary bureaucracy.

The costs are transferred to the citizens of the member states especially in the lower economic strata like Greece. Hence EU insistence on Greece for additional hikes in Value added taxes (VAT) to perpetuate Brussels extravagant operation only serving oligarchy and vested interests.

TROIKA involvement in Greece deviating from financial activities to choosing governments with frequent elections and forcing the recent referendum cost the state in contradiction to their prescription on austerity.

The plebiscite outcome with a YES vote anticipated by TROIKA was aimed at removal of Syriza led government from power preparing Greece for yet another polls to install TROIKA approved government at exorbitant expense to the people in Greece.

Again there is no recognition amongst TROIKA imposing will that contributes to more spending in the intentionally caused political tensions for instability.

TROIKA striking down proposals from the current Greece government and extending status quo might satisfy egotistical stance and essentially conflate the problems affecting the creditors and debtor.

Euro future is hanging in balance with disproportionate benefits to members within circuit not to mention the superficial value on the commodity conforming to currency maneuver trend.

Greeks with similar desire to stay in euro zone and EU need to review the experience in the past years up until now.

The dependency on TROIKA and EU for necessary breakthrough has not been forthcoming to relieve the ailing economy and instead the woeful measures are regarded the appropriate remedy saturating public and private debt in the country.

Greece political party Syriza concerns about leaving euro zone upon no positive developments in the negotiations between government and TROIKA would have to be transformed into preparedness with alternatives in returning to drachma that facilitates independent strategy on monetary, fiscal and macroeconomic conditions customizing applications to match targeted growth and output.

As for explanation to the electorate on the issue – any discerning citizen would realize impediments no longer obscure in the false sense of security in euro zone and TROIKA cart blanche authority ignoring reality in the harsh austerity.

The political party shift to a position away from the one adopted on campaign trail would be a broken promise when the decision is to serve the purpose other than republic progress.

In this instance Greece cornered without flexibility to restructure financial operations for economic boost besides debt settlement.

The extreme demands necessitate the viable option to reinstate drachma with sound monetary policy and financial as well as economic reform attracting investments in the economy and capital infusion in the banking sector.

The excessive reliance on bailouts from external sources with the pledge to remain under euro zone confined perimeters and TROIKA doctrine as safe haven when results proved to be counterproductive exemplify confidence and trust deficit in self-emergence and competence.

Nations survive and thrive upon sincere commitment to lead and perform exceeding the expectations demonstrated in hard work and integrity as collective responsibility with transparency and accountability to eliminate corruption and contain failures in all endeavors.

The comprehensive financial and economic plan on Greece recovery will be submitted subject to outcome on EU summit and financial discussion between the incumbent Greece administration and the other side.

Greece could FIX IT in the event of GREXIT with pragmatic solutions and disciplined methods blended in inspiration and optimism for economic resurgence.

Greece crisis will be monitored with relevant input until the matter is resolved.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


Greece – TROIKA Diktat Undermine Democracy

July 6, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

Greece was forced into a plebiscite and the people delivered the message with an emphatic NO vote.

Civilized are those who accept victory with humility and acknowledge defeat gracefully in any event.

TROIKA – the lenders direct intervention in Greece or any other nation’s governance is oligarchy exerting authority to stifle democracy.

The referendum rejecting austerity obviously regarded impediment by TROIKA in prolonging the devious debt slavery.

Greece is the initial target for the unscrupulous operatives in TROIKA to eliminate democracy for similar imposition worldwide.

The long conceptualized NWO – the new world order with EU accompanied by euro zone – the second model following the United Nations aimed at stripping nations of their sovereignty.

The moneylenders wells are drying and they want to fill them with Greece and PIGS states citizens tears despite the doomed fate upon TROIKA.

Human folly is presumptuousness and challenging forces when time is against them especially now the cosmic forces presence denying them any such opportunity forever.

I reiterate nothing is meant to exist for eternity in the creation by divine power.

Europe is on the precipice predominantly due to unbridled greed since time immemorial and became prominent through persisting imperialism.

European history is testimony to the fact the rise of feudal system forcing population into slavery to maintain parasitic culture among the self-proclaimed privileged class for their comfort and luxury had to reckon with popular uprising turning into revolution.

The cowardly practice using taxpayers funded police force notwithstanding trained private militia to quell public dissent cannot protect those in ivory tower any more.

I emphasize on the current cosmic time extending into future beyond the obstructionists’ dwarfed existence.

I am not here at the nefarious elements beckon call that I would exit on their insistence to disappear.

As the representative with divine mandate in the preordained divine mission honoring the Supreme power, the Almighty God’s  commandment and blessings, I remain committed in the mission to protect humanity and planet from thievery and incessant destruction.

Time is already proving the triumph (TRIAMF) of divine mission over the suicide mission.

Good Luck! to victims of exploitative scheme by TROIKA in defending liberty and sovereignty – the inalienable and non-negotiable right.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant












Greece – Plebiscite No Vote Victory

July 5, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

Hello Everyone!

Today has been a remarkable day for Greece. 

Greece had a plebiscite on austerity.  The people delivered the message with NO vote.

I would like to convey my heartfelt Congratulations to the citizens in Greece and the government headed by Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis of the political party Syriza along with independent party in coalition representing the people of Greece.

You have truly spoken in the referendum with your NO vote. Your rejection of austerity.

I consider this a victory to Democracy.

Democracy is in action for the fist time in the world standing up against counterproductive policy.

Greece introduced democracy to the world. Once again Greece restored democracy to make people choice relevant.

Citizens in Greece, you have taken a bold decision that required courage and enormous will. You have demonstrated your pledge of allegiance to your country.

Every one of you must be proud of yourself for this incredible action.

The immediate future might be turbulent for you.

You have been through so much in the past 8 years.

You are in a position to weather the storm. This will not be anything as compared with what you have endured up until now.

There is lot of speculation and commentary about what might happen to Greece?

This is directly related to your present and future. All that you need to remember is Greece has been around for a long time well before and during the crisis.

Greece will be able to deal with any problems now on.

You had to go through extremely difficult time. The world witnessed your pain.

Life experience serves as the strength to face any challenges in the long term.

When you reflect on the past you realize that you were able to survive the worst time in your life and now have the resolve not to succumb to any crisis.

The time might appear uncertain with no guaranteed outcome. However, you should not let this become a permanent situation.

Mistakes made in the past are not to be repeated again.

Strong commitment is required to face the upcoming changes and with due diligence, wisdom and perseverance you could transform the economic status from recession to recovery.

You have stood behind the government headed by Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and the political party Syriza as well as the coalition.

The government will have to move ahead to lead the country in the path of progress.

The first step would be to find financial solutions to the cash strapped economy and emerging out of capital deficiency. Furthermore implementing critical fiscal and monetary policy besides improving macroeconomic conditions and adopting result-oriented strategy are the keys to success.

You will not be alone in this journey.

I will be providing you with a comprehensive guidance and restructuring of the economy for your reference and application.

Unity and collective responsibility would make the task less burdensome.

Greece has taken a new birth with hope that will turn into reality through efficiency and determination to prevail.

Good Luck to citizens in Greece and the government under leadership Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and others or speedy economic revival.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant










GREECE – Plebiscite on TROIKA Austerity

July 4, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

Greece forced into referendum on austerity by IMF, ECB and EU is greed driven strategy.

Greed is a terrible disease and those affected by this illness could contain symptoms with self-restriction. When they are overwhelmed with greed they succumb to fate. Greed consumes them.

Greed is the cause for them to become international predators than creditors.

Even Jesus Christ could not reason with moneylenders and compelled to use violence. Jesus Christ whipped them and condemned their unreasonable conduct.

TROIKA could address this matter through proper engagement with the present government and accommodate reality into equation.

Austerity has been devastating for nations and the people in Greece are simply threatened to submit to TROIKA’s extortion.

TROIKA and forces galvanizing YES vote in the plebiscite do not necessarily win with fraudulent means to show victory.

The YES vote to TROIKA would give legitimacy on debt slavery. The YES voters are in kamikaze operation for they are not only doomed, their careless action would make the remaining citizens to share similar destiny.

TROIKA’s bailout requirements is a direct claim and control over Greece economy and human capital i.e. the citizens to bear debt burden lasting over generations when the survival of the present population is made nearly impossible with their austerity policy.

Austerity on Greece is prosperity for TROIKA. Again not everlasting as anything founded on deceit and exploitation would expedite the source conclusion.

TROIKA is clueless about austerity considering the life of opulence they maintain as entitlement at Greece and other nations expense.

In the Dark Age, human mind is able to relate to pain only through personal experience. That’s why there is apathy to human suffering among those prioritizing personal well-being and pleasure.

The financial institutions behind GREECE meltdown were handsomely rewarded for the reckless and unlawful indulgence as investment bankers trading hedge funds with toxic securities in the global market.

These firms were treated with special attention using United States taxpayer funds in the bailout.

Now United States as the chief controller of IMF together with EU and ECB lack credibility in their demand on GREECE and people of other recession hit economies to oblige.

The people are enduring the sins committed by financial brokers and major players in the windfall adopting unscrupulous practice.

The compare and contrast between Germany and Greece do not reflect the facts and as usual missing in substance.

Greece contribution to the world with philosophers like Aristotle, Socrates, Thales and Epicures to name a few amongst several renowned in this field, astronomers – Aristarchus and Eudoxus, physicists viz. Archimedes, mathematician Pythagoras and political scientists are slighted in the biased comparisons presented as analysis by TROIKA hired communication media.

Germany success as euro zone member and leading state in EU is because of exceptional advantage to Germany over the rest in the 28 members bloc.

Germany – the predominantly export oriented nation specializing in heavy metals and high end manufacturing goods related to automobile, aviation and other transportation industry use euro in leveraging against Greece and counterparts from eastern Europe in trade.

German deutsche mark was not feasible in the export trade especially with Europe in deep recession and vagaries in the global economy.

On the other hand euro facilitates Germany to neutralize volatility via distribution amongst members in EU.

The debt saddled states like Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Ireland (PIGS) and eastern European countries are essentially providing for Germany in the balancing act with investors raking profits in Greek bonds compared with low yielding German security in the lending exchange amongst TROIKA.

The banks capitalization exclusively focused on lending for debt repayment to TROIKA ignores economic development in Greece and PIGS states.

Greece returning to original currency drachma would enable export to developing nations and emerging economies besides tourism generating revenue with global visitors from far and wide.

Germany described as nation not paying high wages as Greece is a misnomer.

In fact Germany social security payments and unemployment benefits are far greater in the industrialized world and adapted by Australia in the hand out to those choosing to remain unemployed leaving the immigrants to drive the economy.

Australian dole checks largely drawn by white majority in the country is the influence of Germany policy.

Germany industrial output is from East Germany more than the west given the hard labor tradition under Soviet rule. Germany productivity also attributed to immigrants in Germany despite reservations towards immigrants in deutsche land.

Greece need to allocate budget to expand broadband access and invest in technology based government services that would cut down bureaucracy and shift the labor force in technology oriented jobs for efficiency and transparency.

Greece could also mobilize the nation towards renewable energy like solar and hydropower minimizing energy dependency and costs in the public and private sector.

Greece anti-corruption measures beginning with government from top to bottom would build trust and seriousness in the treatment of the epidemic.

Further on the economic front – Greece needs to use the natural resources such as marble, clay, nickel, coal, bauxite, ore and chromate notwithstanding lignite, petroleum, iron ore, zinc, lead, magnetite, salt and hydropower potential to the maximum.

Greece could promote local production and business in these areas with incentives to small, medium and large companies inviting subscribers to government projects and spearhead domestic campaign to bring offshore holdings to jumpstart economy.

Agriculture land to grow crops and produces for the country and overseas markets would be another economic boost alleviating poverty and unemployment.

Tourism showcasing the Greek islands and Parthenon’s and other attractions would be lucrative with drachma as the currency rather than euro to stifle competition from neighbors on euro currency that makes travel expensive for foreign tourists visiting Europe.

These are preliminary steps to rebuild Greece economy and improve financial situation.

Greece should recognize that existence in tandem with EU and TROIKA financing would only deplete the treasury. The money borrowed from them on austerity basis proved destructive thus far.

Calling for direct investments and job-oriented programs are the meaningful ways to revive economy.

The resistance from TROIKA in this context exemplifies profiteering from citizens’ economic misery that cannot be extended any longer.

Lending for exacerbating economic woes via austerity is TROIKA doctrine. The scenario is imposed with no flexibility for reconciliation.

TROIKA trend is unsustainable for them and the victims of austerity.

The prevalent austerity to intensify citizens plight best renounced and instead the practical approach to resurrect economy is the viable solution to Greece problem.

Greece is at the crossroads and citizens exercising discernment with NO vote in the referendum paramount to SAVE GREECE from foreign seize of assets along with economic and political freedom.

Nation prevails with people pledging allegiance to sovereignty.

May wisdom and rationale provide guidance in the Greece referendum!

Good Luck! to citizens and the government in Greece in the solidarity against austerity.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


























Greece – Economic Crisis And Troika Deal or Extortion?

July 2, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

The ongoing economic crisis in the Mediterranean country Greece originated from the sub prime mortgage debacle in the United States in December 2007.

The hedge fund and international securities traded by investment firms nowadays as equity management companies viz. Goldman Sachs then engaged in Greece is initially responsible for Greece economic recession due to bad decisions and directives including misrepresentation to creditors at that time.

Goldman Sachs along with many financial institutions behind gross mishandling and mismanagement triggering economic bleeding in early 2008 experienced earlier in Iceland and endured until today in Greece, Portugal, Spain, Ireland and Italy viz. PIGS…in Western and Northern Europe were bailed out with no stipulations and granted taxpayers funds exceeding trillion in the United States treating the cash payout to bankers as their privilege.

Subsequently the global economic meltdown with severity in Europe weighted down Greek economy tied with euro zone.

The euro as the national currency in Greece and throughout EU excluding England with over optimism on the common unit has failed to deliver the value pegged to the unstable and superficial commodity.

European Union policy of austerity on Greece strangling the country with demands on economic reforms primarily favoring the international creditors viz. International Monetary Fund (IMF), European Central Bank (ECB) and European Commission (EC) or EU presided financial package essentially behind Greece default.

The troika imposed austerity to streamline spending in the absence of economic growth stimulants in Greece evidently debilitated the cash strapped nation.

The two bailouts to Greece in 2010 and 2012 €240 billion ($272 billion) substantially expended in servicing the debt to international lenders viz. the troika – IMF, ECB and EC as well as the financial institutions with stake in Greece rather than direct investments in the economy promoting employment and business prospects for the citizens across the country.

The massive layoffs, salary cuts and pension reductions in compliance with EU bailout requirement further exacerbated the economic situation.

Following the adverse effects of austerity, the Greek electorate elected the anti-austerity political party – Syriza headed by Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras forming the coalition government with the independent party in Greece.

The ruling party in Greece consistently maintained negotiations with international lenders since election on January 25, 2015 alongside systematic improvement in reform focused on alleviating poverty and adopting strategy to satisfy obligations on the bailout program.

The troika conditions to incumbent government request on the six months extension to bailout deal deserve attention.

Greece approached the international lenders aka Troika to grant from the profits on ECB held Greek bonds to meet the immediate financial needs. The fund €12 billion ($13.4 billion) was scheduled as the offer.

In that amount €1.6 billion ($1.79 billion) payment to the IMF on June 30, 2015 was the priority and now that date has expired. Another €6.7 billion is to be settled with ECB in July and August.

Greece was offered a possible bailout not intended to relieve the economy from deterioration instead to enable Greece to pass that amount €1.6 billion ($1.79 billion) to IMF as loan payment at exorbitant interest rates and prepare for payments to ECB within weeks of receiving the third bailout amount.

Greece essentially used by lenders to profit from lending through money circulation amongst them under the pretext of rescue scheme with Greek citizens forced to bear the lending costs and high interest.

  1. Reducing pension payments that would only affect consumer spending with impact on retail business and ripple effects on the wholesale and manufacturing on domestic products while restricting import from EU and abroad.
  1. Increase Value Added Taxes (VAT) – in the dire economic environment, the average consumers forced to pay more taxes in addition to hikes up until now to payback lenders is an extreme measure contributing to consumer woes and limiting business activity in return.
  1. Military Expenditure cuts – perhaps setting the stage for complete NATO control over the nation.
  1. Privatization of country’s airports – the proposition from EU and lenders is a deviation from relevant options and subscribe to ulterior goals.

In response to international lenders harsh austerity imposition;

Greece Government reforms comprised – efficient tax collection methods, social security system and streamlining government bureaucracy. The additional steps included anti-corruption and promoting business as well as backing privatization in the economic sector.

As a result of Greece government and Troika failure on the agreement, the referendum on July 5 is expected to reject or accept EU, ECB and IMF rigorous austerity.

Despite Greece administration’s numerous concessions and adjustments to accommodate EU and lenders chronic treatment evidently a flawed recommendation,

The lenders declined the roadmap that had 70 percent of Troika trails and 30 percent Greece government shelter to save the economically deprived population from abject poverty.

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has called the nation for NO vote on EU austerity in the upcoming referendum.

The last minute overtures from the Greek leadership to EU and creditors has been in vain.

Greece citizens need to understand the entire scenario and act accordingly to relieve them from the persisting economic calamity and potential power vacuum paving way for EU and partners to install the government of their choice like in Ukraine.

The present Greece government is poised to resign upon YES referendum to EU and international creditors ultimatum.

EU and creditors stringent austerity on economically struggling nations has been counterproductive. Yet there is no acknowledgment from them and the hard line approach towards Greece is similar to the neighbor Cyprus account.

Cyprus bailout was tied to closure of the nation’s second largest bank, Laiki Bank and a 47.5 percent cut on deposits over 100,000 euros at the Bank of Cyprus for recapitalization.

The same formula was applied to Iceland problem and led to brink of economic collapse.

Cyprus capital Nicosia was hamstrung like Greece now and Cypriot parliament pushed into first post-bailout budget prior to receiving €83 million as installment payment from Troika in late 2013 and early 2014,

The austerity on Cyprus was identical to instructions to Greece – pensions and salaries were targeted with the outcome being dramatic escalation in poverty and unemployment in the country.

Interestingly Troika projection on Cyprus economic status after EU and euro zone austerity was the gross domestic product contraction to 7.7 percent in 2013.

IMF, ECB and EC/EU prolonged austerity only tightens the noose around citizens to submit to unreasonable unaffordable trend.

IMF and World Bank legacy in transforming developing nations to banana republic as it happened in Argentina, Panama, Chile, Indonesia and Mexico…are few of many countries drawn into the debt dragnet.

The developments against Cyprus and Greece serve as strong reminder for the people to protect their sovereignty.

The international creditors regrettable actions thus far confirm the reputation as predators ignoring the fact that austerity alone without revenue not viable for economic recovery.

Greece is confronted with EU and euro zone pursuit to topple present government for the stance against austerity based on reality.

If the referendum on July 5 anything like the event on Scotland independence with fraudulent means generating the predetermined outcome, Greece future would be bleak.

EU attempt to expel Greece government with Prime Minister Alexis Tspras is tactfully deployed creating circumstances for the government to seek people consent on EU austerity in the background of Syriza party elected to power to spare the citizens from economic plight inflicted via austerity.

In a way EU’s tactical move is to turn people against the government with Troika officials not entertaining Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras modified reforms to satisfy lender’s extraordinary gains from human misery.

Greece would survive the economic and political storm on its shores in returning to original currency – drachma for euro survival is not possible considering the lenders’ and EU irrational economic growth resistant strategy crippling economies to the point of no return.

Greece was the first nation to introduce democracy to the world and when democracy is threatened by forces to unseat the caring government that prioritize people over self-interest, the citizens must rise to the occasion and safeguard liberty that would then guarantee economic progress.

Greece voting NO to austerity on July 5 and retaining their honor by rallying with the current government opposed to EU plan that denies decent wages, pensions and business opportunity for jobs would demonstrate fairness prevailing over darkness.

Troika deal is nothing more than extortion exploiting the critical moment in Greece.

Greece defiance to EU and international banks austerity is the saving grace.

Greece unity to proudly defend the country from overt control under the guise of monetary aid would prevent Greece economy from free fall.

The clarion call to Greece is to back your government under the leadership of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and alliance to overcome the external challenge.

The major stumbling block is EU and euro zone membership with inherent complexity such as any submission on economic matter is subject to review, debate and approval by every other member state parliament and political consensus within.

The irony – EU preaching austerity hardly observes the tradition with EU officials and delegations appointments and salaries being an extravagant affair.  Even to hire the EU appointee, the amount spent in the recruitment process is not less than million euro. 

EU insistence on fiscal discipline exempt them from the protocol. 

Good Luck and best wishes to Greece and the government of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras in the speedy economic revival as an independent nation.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant




Europe – Padmini Arhant on Immigration Issue

June 15, 2015


Planet in Peril – Melting Glaciers. Padmini Arhant

By Padmini Arhant,

Dear Citizens,

I present my thoughts on Europe’s immigration issue.  Please click on the audio link for the content.

Thank you for your interest.

Padmini Arhant

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