Vishwa Kalyan Award 2024

December 17, 2024

Vishwa Kalyan Award 2024

Padmini Arhant

With great delight and prudence, the Vishwa Kalyan Award 2024 is awarded to the citizens of North Korea and Cuba for enduring – the United States and Imperialist Britain renamed Barbados authorized and exerted foreign decades old draconian economic sanctions, social injustice in isolation and relentless abuse.

In the Statehood, Sovereignty and Independence Struggle – The people of Palestine – Gaza, The West Bank and East Jerusalem are honored with Vishwa Kalyan Award 2024 for their incredible suffering, humanitarian plight and gross violation of rights over the past seven decades mercilessly inflicted by the State of Israel with United States and other major western alliance especially in the latest Gaza GENOCIDE – Oct 2023 – Dec 2024 and still active. 

Vishwa Kalyan Award 2024

The Independent State


The Republic of Palestine 

The Republic of Nortb Korea 

The Republic of North Korea

The Republic of Cuba 

The Republic of Palestine, The Republic of North Korea and Cuba have demonstrated admirable resilience, courage and dignity against foreign brutality, ad hominem social incarceration and economic embargo.

The Palestinian population experiencing the worst in human rights violation from denial of Statehood, Individual Rights and Liberty to Israel enforced unilateral economic sanctions against Gaza and military confinement of West Bank and East Jerusalem lasting over seven decades with the latest Gaza Genocide wiping out generations in the twenty first century holocaust.

The Vishwa Kalyan Award duly recognizes the Independent Sovereign State of Palestine and the population of North Korea and Cuba as the honorable recipients of this humanitarian award with Almighty God’s Blessings. 

Congratulations! The Independent State and Imminently Free Republic of Palestine, The Republic of North Korea and The Republic of Cuba! 

Best Wishes

Padmini Arhant 

Vishwa Kalyan Award Chair

Syria – Destabilization via States Sponsored Terrorism

December 8, 2024

Syria – Destabilization via States – United States, Israel and Turkey Sponsored Terrorism 

Padmini Arhant

Update: December 9, 2024.

The political leaderships on the world stage and some with aspirations for recognition as the ultimate be all and end all figure in semblance with Ottaman empire are not necessarily hidden.

In modern day representing the caliphate such as the Muslim Ummah or the region viz. the Middle East and even with desire to lead the entire more than 55 or more Islamic nations in the world invite enormous responsibility including credibility and trustworthiness on all matter, the conflict resolution in particular.

That being the case, the characterization of any other leadership or government within the region i.e. former counterpart in Syria Bashar Al-Assad as tyrant, dictator, authoritarian etc.,

Meanwhile, Turkey sharing the legacy of creation and fostering terror organizations and terror outfits IS, ISIS, Al-Nusra Front…in Syria in 2011 with spill over across the region such as Iraq, Libya until date leading to the latest coup in Syria through terror faction HTS conveniently referred to as rebels by western media and allies are anything but reliability to restore peace, stability on own turf or in the region.

Notwithstanding, Turkish leadership’s violent crackdown on own population in Turkey viz. Ankara, Istanbul and other cities in 2011 – 2016 and later resulting in the deaths of peaceful civilian protesters due to brute force deployed by the national government under Recep Tayyip Erdogan Presidency to quell non-violent dissent in world view are irrefutable.

Furthermore, the Turkish leadership President Erdogan constitutional modifications to remain in power indefinitely from Prime Ministership to Presidency in the last two decades ironically exemplify the qualities and characteristics described of the one removed from power in Syria.

The collusion and complicity facilitating terror outfits to destabilize neighboring states whether Iraq, Libya or Syria across the border has been proven deadly for Turkey as well as others in 2011 and thereafter.

Turkey’s self-inflicting violent endeavor previously experienced in the aftermath of nurturing terror against Syria and Kurdish groups significantly backfired in bomb blasts and terrorism against ordinary Turkish population triggering mass peaceful dissent against Turkish leadership Erdogan to renounce terror sponsoring at that time.

The triangle – Israel, United States pressuring Turkey having hamstrung President Recep Tayyip Erdogan government with plummeting Turkish lira earlier on non-compliance or reluctance does not bode well for neither in the lofty ambition to install terror organization to head Syria.

The latest event in Syria is long espoused determination of the Barack Obama – Biden administration with then secretary of state Hillary Clinton in 2011 and now catapulted in 2024 with Israel in exchange for political backlash in the United States Presidential election 2024.

The conventional wisdom serves that harboring ill-will accompanied by deliberate harmful installations premised on failed state ramifications replicating that of Libya, Afghanistan…with dismissal of dire consequences to diverse population of different denominations and faith in Syria eventually blowback at all those behind the malicious intentional destruction of the cradle of civilization viz. Syria.

What goes around inevitably comes around to the origin and catalysts with severe impact in this lifetime without having to slight the unknown future.

Padmini Arhant 


The replay of the same old movie in the region is least surprising.

Someone’s bitter enemy is another’s close ally. So says political tradition.

Syria was already carved into different sizes of varying proportions like the pizza with assortment toppings sliced for the ravenous to feed on to heart content though contentment is oxymoron to the ever remaining famished for power, land grab, fame and fortune in the dark age.

The latest movie released in Syria by those unable to digest own colossal loss in political defeat resulting in emphatic ouster by the electorate succumb to wanton indulgence seeking removal of power elsewhere / anywhere regarded even Steven in the zero sum game.

Never mind not learning the lesson ever from the same old recycled script prototyped back in 2011 – chaotic cataclysmic the so-called Arab Spring – the hoax experiment conducted in the middle east region essentially resuming the western role especially the United States and NATO to decimate sovereign nations and destabilize political situation in the targeted regions in accordance with ominous sinister the Project for New American Century – the infamous PNAC.

What the predecessor Bush – Cheney administration inaugurated viz. the PNAC in 2001 – 2008 with gung-ho military aggression,

The successor Barack Obama literally sharing the blood line with the former militaristic occupants in the White House exceeded well and beyond through violence deploying drones  earning the erstwhile title – “The Drone King” besides diverse military interventions in the Middle East and world wide between 2009 – 2016 claiming credit on the PNAC mission accomplishment.

The carpet bombing of Libya under the false illegal pretext of No Fly Zone in Tripoli, the Libyan Capital and Benghazi Gate under then Nobel Peace Prize coveted Barack Obama and Biden administration together with enthusiastic allies from then leaderships in Britain – the former PM David Cameron and the ex-President of France – Nicolas Sarkozy executed the aerodynamics in aerial bombing amid No Fly Zone ignoring fleeing civilians plea to cease airstrike.

The U.S and NATO joint airshow in Libya violating UNSC implemented with all three permanent members – the United States, Britain and France enforced No Fly Zone rule in 2011 represent the most defiant violent trajectory in military operation on foreign soil.

The political left as democrat Barack Obama administration in the United States and the political right conservative government in Britain and France alliance exhibiting U.S. and NATO combined air power while imposing No Fly Zone prohibiting self air-defense in Libya in April 2011 are perhaps merely the display of western peaceful resolutions (?) to eliminate those not cowering to western diktat.

Syria has been the target all along and one of the prime strategy for 2009 – 2016 Barack Obama U.S. administration to complete in PNAC goal.

Now the same Barack Obama administration under the proxy Biden – Harris term electorally ushered towards exit had to somehow achieve what was demanded back in 2011 – the termination of Syrian leadership Bashar Al Assad.

What more could be comforting for the egregious revengeful political mindset than revival of brutal legacy wreaking havoc between 2009 – 2016 dominant in toppling governments and causing political upheavals all around including Ukraine in 2014 dragged into prolonged quagmire in February 2022 – till date or for that matter creating political maelstrom in South Asia – such as Pakistan and Bangladesh in 2022 – 2024. Similarly the political turmoil in Maldives on the Indian Ocean.

All those engaged in land grab viz. Israel seizing control of Golan Heights buffer zone and others Turkey cheer leading the latest rebel Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS) Islamic front, the Sunni war faction mobilization ( the rebranding of the former al-Nusra Front designated as terror outfit till date by the west and middle-eastern allies) albeit now funded and fueled by them for personal and political interests not barring strategic advantage.

The participants in Syria are reminiscent of status quo in Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan transformed into the paradigm of lawlessness and radical militancy reverting to primitive medieval feudalism and national sovereignty forced into vassal statehood for arbitrary control and fragmented dominance.

The politics with unbridled interventionist foreign policy to unlawfully invade and occupy territories to create mayhem at the civilian population expense once again rendering them refugees in their homeland typically expedite own expiration as witnessed and experienced since time immemorial.

History until now is testament to the fact.

Syrian development is no exception.

Unfortunately, for the meddlesome and power starved territorial predators – the impulsive characteristics dawn on them leading to inevitable plunge into darkness.

No doubt the military excursions in Lebanon and political decapitation in Syria are diversionary tactics to distract attention from Gaza war failure and United States 2024 Presidential election shellacking for those unable to acknowledge reality with grace and humility.

Amazingly, political power starvation fail to recognize that at the end of the day – no land seizures, castles and power mania bear relevance for the dead with the mere requirement being 8 – 10 feet burial space on earth concluding the chapter of this life journey.

Yet, for those touting themselves wise and invincible –

Old habits die hard and,

For many it is from cradle to graveyard!

Padmini Arhant

Turn The Page Slogan 🙃 – Concession Speech

November 2, 2024

Turn the Page Concession Speech 

    Padmini Arhant  

Update: November 3, 2024.

The article is also published in the sub-domain for wider accessibility.

Please share the article with your family, friends and community at large especially with the nation and the world at the crossroads to bring about positive turning point away from the ongoing dismal gloomy environment in all aspects.

Your co-operation and enthusiasm is much appreciated.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 

DEI – The Obamas Agenda is anything but altruistic.

In giving the benefit of doubt, the Obamas would not have authorized the public summary execution of a young black mother Miriam Carey with Barack Obama’s child by the rape victim witness to the horrific crime.

The toddler strapped in the child seat in the back seat of the car mercilessly targeted by the Obamas authorized tax payer funded security personnel firing squad exhausting the magazine in the firing of the unarmed American citizen, the young black woman Mirian Carey gunned down in public square with twenty five or more bullets in 2014.

Talk about rage. The Obamas explicit anger overwhelmed emotion against own member of black race – a woman, mother and that too unarmed civilian exemplified in the Obamas’ hypocritical gun control campaign.

The incident raise a poignant concern among many normal citizens.

Is this is the reason, the Obamas and Kamala Harris are against United States second amendment bill of rights?

The disarming of the law abiding licensed gun owners in the country via media surrogates like Jon Stewart and other spokespersons in the media alley.

Similarly, the unelected democrat candidate VP Kamala Harris proudly claiming to be armed and loaded with Glock brand semi-automatic weapon in public statement during 60 minutes interview and their surrogate Oprah Winfrey show.

The Obamas ever craving for publicity and limelight would have also accepted Barack Obama’s child from the rape victim Miriam Carey instead of tossing the child in the arms of a white male stranger – the ex-CIA operative alongside screaming Black Lives Matter!

Never mind about the Obamas denial of child support to the child they both are responsible for – in rape of the mother by one partner followed by the brutal murder of the rape victim by the Obamas together.

In June 2023, the Obamas chef Tafri Campbell – the young black father was murdered at the doorstep of the Obamas lake front Martha’s Vineyard Estate.

Again Tafri Campbell’s wife and teenage twins not only deprived of their loved one as husband and father, they were also left to fend for themselves after losing a prime bread winner in the family.

This is the Obamas DEI policy when it comes to their personal life and legacy.

Politically – the Obamas DEI find ways to undercut or simply ram over the hard working, sincere lawful citizens whether students enrollment complying with educational institutions rigorous admission protocol or the Presidential race.

The article below aptly describes about the Obamas Presidential race nefarious practice to dump the democrat voters in the 2024 democrat primary by pushing forward their proxy candidate Kamala Harris for self-interests.

However, today’s article in the San Francisco Chronicle sheds light on the creation and implementation of the policy titled –

“The direct admission.”

Under this policy, according to the article with excerpts provided under.

The high profile colleges and the California State University and campuses funded by California tax payers and perhaps federal funding by American taxpayers are required to seek students with enrollment offer rather than the other way around.

It is not meant for all students of diverse background in direct contradiction to diversity equity inclusion – the Obamas conceptualized DEI.

It is largely race designed again to negate the recent United States Supreme Court decision on the Affirmative Action brought upon by Asian students turned down admission in Ivy league schools viz. Harvard and alike despite their stellar scholastic achievements.

The San Francisco Chronicle on –

The direct admission policy mandating tax payer funded educational institutions such as the California State Universities, Colleges and privately endowed colleges to comply with segregationist enrollment program is based on polarization of society anchored on youth generations to compete with those served with offer on platter from college education to Presidency in the United States.

There is no problem in extending opportunity to any and all. The approach to let certain members forego procedures that are otherwise clearly defined for the rest to observe is politics’ devised discrimination.

The trend is neither helpful to the beneficiaries made habitual of being served everything without any labor on their part.

Simultaneously, nor prospective to the economy and society at large in isolating and refusing equal participation to the majority seeking a future with fairness premised on merit, caliber and productivity.

The DEI to rob from one to provide for another – when the one who is robbed plays by the rule enduring hardships and phenomenal struggles besides meritocracy while the other granted privilege to flout the same rule.

It has become the norm with Presidency in that manner setting precedence under the Obamas DEI and their democrat party manifesto.

It is apparently – the New Way Forward by pushing the eligible, qualified and talented backward in the Obamas campaigned proxy Harris Presidency.

Padmini Arhant 

The San Francisco Chronicle article – November 3, 2024.


The TRUTH Deniers 

To TRUTH deniers walking on thin ice.

The democrat political party, democrat party vast array of media, tech partners and Hollywood – pretty much the Super wealthy rallying using ordinary taxpayer money in Harris campaign are obligatory to explain to American voters merely 48 hours left for 2024 election. 

If the 2020 election was sacrosanct and the presumed winner Joe Biden Presidency was legitimate, then

What made Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Kamala Harris and Nancy Pelosi…the chief protagonists aided by Hollywood’s George Clooney and alike on New York Times podium to aggressively sideline the incumbent President Joe Biden with mob-style ultimatum – the soft approach or the hard line strategy baiting Hunter Biden’s plea bargain in the coup d’é·tat against the democrat political establishment installed 2020 Presidency Joe Biden? 

The democrat political echelons move to prop up unelected candidacy of Kamala Harris predominantly to serve the Obamas agenda.

Otherwise, they could have easily adhered to the democratic primary and held open democratic election of the democrat voters’ choice for collective greater good.

Unlike the status quo premised on race / gender oriented divisive identity politics in their visibly anxious furious campaigning for themselves via the puppet Kamala Harris.

Who is the existential threat to democracy?

The truth deniers incarceration and imprisonment of American citizens seeking validity of their votes via democratic means.


The political authority abusing power via proxy administration in 2020 and now engaged in prolonging the anti-democratic system and illegal Presidency in 2024.


The pro-democratic large swath of American electorate pledged to restoring real democracy under the Republican contender Donald J. Trump? 

Actions invariably speak louder than rhetoric and false propaganda. 

This is for the democrat voters in the blue states – California, New York, and Upper East Coast, Midwest as well as the Swing states voters to understand and reject the current wayward policy of democrat so-called elites blatant rejection of their own democrat base and mass electorate in the Presidential final nomination of the candidacy in 2024 Presidential race.

Padmini Arhant 

MSM Role on Election Night  

American electorate taking the time and effort to reclaim their present and future foremost for better economic conditions remaining alert to secure their ballots is important in this election.

The economic decline in most Americans life impetus electing the Presidency Donald Trump with proven record on prosperity in 2017 – 2020.

The financial status of ordinary Americans that has significantly deteriorated since 2021 – 2024 under Biden – Harris administration run by the Obamas who are admonishing black, Latino and women voters for not obliging their marching orders to vote for their puppet nominee Kamala Harris to extend their illegitimate fourth term in office with indefinite being a possibility for further harrowing experience by overwhelming Americans struggling to get by in their daily life.

The voters need to be wary of one thing based on the trajectory in the election and that is MSM role – the media calling out the state to tip election long before the votes are counted in each county of every state in the country on election night i.e. November 5th, of the year.

This pattern is the ominous strategy to shift election and already a case study available in the previous election cycle notably the 2020 Presidential election where FOX news tipped the scale in Arizona way earlier despite the lead at that time favored then Republican contender Donald Trump in 2020.

The electorate votes in any election anywhere are far more valuable to be neutralized by the Corporate media presumptuously assuming as the ultimate authority to declare winner on either side even before the complete vote counting and tallying have taken place in a legitimate fashion.

The electoral process without any hanky-panky tricks or tactics deployed to scam voters in the election that have been experienced before like trashing ballots or deleting voter registrations, switching voter’s choice however and various underhanded short cuts practiced in desperation.

Accordingly, American voters reminding their respective MSM news media from CNN, CBS, to ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CNBC, FOX, PBS including digital news outlets…not to maintain that tradition rather abandon such illicit custom to enable their pre-determined nominee as the winner – witnessed in 2020 Presidential election is critical to protect the sanctity and validity of every vote cast by American voters from all walks of life transcending identity politics in this and every election – now and moving forward.

Foreign Interference in U.S. Election – The same is applicable to foreign news outlets online and television news networks viz. FOX News proprietor Rupert Murdoch owned and run Sky News Australia.


The Indian politics and foreign alliance set up under the banner WION, First Post, Vantage etc., notoriously featuring propaganda and vested interests politics in direct violation of journalistic ethics and standards…upon such conventions relevant in modern journalism in severe corrosion with departure from intellectual objective presentation of information and news article.

Never let your votes be discarded by media or pollsters gaming the game in collusion with those invested in personal and political interests exclusively to their sole benefit at the expense of the rest of the population.

Padmini Arhant 


One would turn the page from the current to go to the NEXT PAGE.

Intelligence is nonsense without common sense.  

The incumbent VP Kamala Harris is the current, contemporary page.

The unelected democrat Presidential nominee Kamala Harris plea to own audience and voters at the campaign rally to TURN THE PAGE from the present Biden – Harris administration – the United States is suffering from to the NEXT PAGE i.e. of the opponent Donald Trump is quite touching and comes across as the concession speech from the existing VP Kamala Harris.

It is rare for politics to acknowledge own failure and invite the opponent to replace them.

Nonetheless, the unelected democrat nominee Kamala Harris invoking American electorate to TURN THE PAGE from the persisting dismal economic status, negative job growth, crime infested border saga, bleeding wars in lives and American taxpayer treasure in Ukraine, Middle East and other unresolved global turmoil…are indeed burgeoning issues urgently requiring to TURN THE PAGE FROM the painful Present to positive Future bidding FAREWELL to the one and those behind the administration in the White House of which Kamala Harris is at the top of the hierarchy along with other dysfunctional representation in Congress and the Senate in the United States government. 

As for the VP calling for disqualification of the opponent Presidential candidate Donald Trump is yet another enigma and stigma directed at self.

The clarion call considering the democrat political party ditching own primary election in the 2024 Presidential nomination to prop up the incumbent VP Kamala Harris in what has to be – unburdening what has been – the grueling exhausting Biden-Harris governance of the country and their flawed policy on global affairs. 

The status quo is compelling for the American electorate in the blue states, red states and importantly the SWING STATES in this election 2024 to VOTE TRUMP 2024 and TURN THE PAGE from Kamala Harris administration and those behind the gamut with cheerful,

So Long, Farewell!


Padmini Arhant 

Israel – Middle East Conflict Segment -2

October 9, 2024

Israel – Middle East Conflict

Segment -2

Padmini Arhant


The extemporaneous presentation from and by Padmini Arhant.




Zionist Confession and United States Mockery of Humanitarian Aid

March 6, 2024

United States Mockery of Humanitarian Aid 

Padmini Arhant

Update March 8, 2024:

Inflicting more casualties rather than saving lives in the ludicrous air dropping from parachute.

Courtesy – MEE image – Thank you. 

There are questions raised seeking explanation from the United States democrat administration especially the operative behind the proxy in the White House on the latest bizarre air dropping of food from parachutes to desperate Gaza victims forced into starvation by Israel and western coalition since October 7, 2023 air raid, relentless bombing and air strikes targeting children, women and the rest of the population in the embattled Gaza war zone. 

While the United States maintaining silence along with other western coalition partners in Israel’s blockade of humanitarian aid by road evidenced in 800 trucks carrying flour, water, medicines etc., prohibited from entering Gaza in the southern tip at Rafah crossing for the past three or more weeks, 

The coastal Gaza with sea freights of humanitarian cargo could easily be facilitated to reach the Gazan war victims in a safe, hygienic and humane method for easy access and distribution to the survivors.

None of these options apparently even occurred viable to United States administration, who instead settled for air dropping food and that too from parachutes displaying arrogance in dehumanization of the victims they are individually and collectively responsible for in the first place.

Even with air dropping, why weren’t the choppers organized that could have landed on the ground and safely delivered items to Gazan population rather than the way food were dropped from mid-air to the needy making them scatter all around for the essential meal?

Are the parachutes deliberately chosen to mimick the Skydive and parachute landing of their arch nemesis in the obviously abusive deplorable stunt? 

Why is the envious numbskull Dajjal aka AntiChrist satan hell bent on making a mockery of self and all those bowing to satan’s satanic cheap thrills?

Remember – none of these will go unpunished for Dajjal and those complicit in this evil act. 

Warning to Dajjal : Save your shenanigans and refrain from unnecessarily provoking the wrath of none other than Almighty God’s unbearable reckoning that is already upon you and those complicit in the despicable charade. 

Padmini Arhant 

Zionist Confession

Padmini Arhant

Courtesy : Public domain

Middle East Eye – Thank you.


Clarification : GOD neither favor nor aid any form of slavery, discriminatory practice dehumanizing oppressive repressive authoritarianism against anyone.

The alliance in this context is from those who are weak, greedy, corrupt to the core and insecure demonstrated in the coalition with belligerent Israel targeting unarmed innocent children, women, the young, sick and the old in Gaza while remaining cold and callous ignoring billions of voices world over not barring own electoral base voters calling for permanent ceasefire in Gaza and the rest of Palestine.

Those who embarked on such endeavor since world creation succumbed to disappearance into oblivion as GOD’s will.

The Zionist and allies’ disposition is delusional to begin with and the notion is that of the mind enslaved by the satan who always deceitfully abuse GOD’s name in obsession aimed at destruction of innocent lives inevitably resulting in self-termination.

Man proposes and God disposes witnessed and experienced since time immemorial.

Western and non-western electorate deliberation is critical in this horrific time of the present world events especially the Gaza genocide funded by United States taxpayer dollars against their explicit opposition, fueled by western artillery albeit reaping fortune by killing thousands in Gaza like in any warfare including the biowarfare such as COVID pandemic and profiteering from vaccine worldwide.

Furthermore, the unforgivable monstrosity in Gaza against children and babies in incubators defended by western political echelons, media from the dishonest Skynews Australia aka convict colony / down under colonial kiss a** and alike to non-western partner anywhere in the coalition rejecting global dissent to end Gaza GENOCIDE and ethnic cleansing carried out as the Supremacists’ entitlement.

The atrocities against innocent Palestinian population will never break the formidable resolve in the re-establishment of Free Palestine in accordance with GOD’s WILL and blessings from Almighty God.

Free Palestine is not a mere slogan rather an imminent reality.

Padmini Arhan

Venezuela – United States and Europe Intervention to Topple Democratic Maduro Government

January 28, 2019

Venezuela – United States and Europe Intervention to Topple Democratic Maduro Government

Padmini Arhant

The recent developments involving United States democrat lawmakers and White house efforts to unseat Venezuela’s democratically elected government of President Nicolas Maduro is condemnable with serious repercussions for those behind the coup.

United States and EU intrusion in the removal of then Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and the entire cabinet at gun point replacing then democratically elected government with Neo-Nazi regime resulted in tumult and unprecedented chaos that also led to Crimea in Eastern Ukraine become part of the Russian Federation in 2014 besides triggering Russian troops deployment in eastern Ukraine.

Ukraine democracy demolition was steered by both republican members viz. then Senator John McCain to democrats held State Department under former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the likes of Victoria Nuland playing prominent role in the decimation of a sovereign state in 2014.

Similar operation underway in Caracas, Venezuela by United States lawmakers in bipartisanship with democrats in the forefront in instigating protest to oust democratic leadership of President Nicolas Maduro is devious confirming deep state representatives in United States government obliging marching orders to create turmoil in the South American nation.

Furthermore, the foreign interventionists i.e. United States and Europe favored opposition leader Juan Guaido declared the so-called acting President violating the core democratic principles and sovereignty of a nation by U.S. democrats and President Donald Trump pose many legitimate questions on the joint operation that could somehow not meet eye to eye on United States citizens affairs forcing the longest government shut down that ended two days ago.

Again, the government shut down costing United States tax payers in billions and nearly million government workers still deprived of back pay and salary due to them apparently is not a priority for the White House and Congress preoccupied in determining –

Who rules the foreign sovereign nation Venezuela?

These activities clearly indicative of United States political apparatus in lockstep with deep state agenda in destabilizing foreign nations and regions transforming democracy into oligarchy run state targeting Venezuela’s natural resources, the crude oil reserves in particular showing little or no concern for adverse consequences from such wanton engagement.

Creating turmoil and disorder like in Libya, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, South Sudan, Afghanistan, Honduras, Paraguay and Ukraine to name a few these members in United States government are not only committing treason but also squandering U.S. taxpayers’ funds promoting undemocratic political unrest in Venezuela to install puppet regime in that part of the world.

The democrat Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz leading the coup in Venezuela is least surprising. The Florida Congresswoman having caused considerable damage to the party at home in subverting democracy during democrats’ Presidential primary in 2016 to boost then Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s chances in winning nomination suffered setback at personal level in losing democratic party chairwoman status. The scandal also produced unsolved mystery behind the murder of democrat party worker, 26-years-old Seth Rich, the supporter of Bernie Sanders then Hillary Clinton’s democrat rival in the race.

Yet another democrat from Florida, Donna Shalala providing more political ammunition in the coup explains the extent of corruption within United States political establishment.

President Donald Trump mission in Venezuela for regime change following suit from both democrat and republican predecessors in this regard is self-destructive course that would not yield the desired outcome.

Venezuela is a sovereign nation and President Nicolas Maduro is democratically elected legitimate leader of the country. The electorate in Venezuela are the only ones with exclusive rights to decide any change in government through ballot box not via foreign bullets and unscrupulous tactics employed to achieve undemocratic goals predominantly premised on economic interests.

Last but not the least, United States administration and Congress dealings in Venezuela and elsewhere for vested aspirations highlights hypocrisy ad nauseam while crying foul in the false claims on the alleged Russian sabotage of United States Presidential election in 2016 prompting never ending Russia probe since 2016 and conducted up until now at ordinary taxpayers’ expense.

What’s good for the goose isn’t necessarily good for the gander according to these entities hailing Bible teaching in classrooms while disregarding morals and ethics demonstrated in the current Venezuelan coup d’état in the name of democracy.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter


Venezuela – National Constituent Assembly Election and U.S. Sanctions

August 2, 2017

Venezuela – National Constituent Assembly Election and U.S. Sanctions

By Padmini Arhant


Congratulations! To the people of Venezuela on the decisive participation in the National Constituent Assembly election delivering victory to construct meaningful democracy represented by ordinary citizens across the spectrum.

Venezuela’s Attorney General Luisa Ortega’s comment in opposition to the national task  – “A small group attached to the Executive [branch] will get to decide everything.”  is probably mistaken for Washington and allies’ executive position in the so-called democracy.

Venezuela’s National Constituent Assembly election on July 30th, this past weekend has resulted in favor of the United Socialist Party headed by President Nicolas Maduro government.

United Socialist Party founded by the late President Hugo Chavez in the wake of Bolivarian Revolution is the ruling party at present.

Venezuela, the embattled oil rich nation ever remains the target for political transformation via coup d’état during late President Hugo Chavez term in office and more so following the election of successor President Nicolas Maduro in 2013.

The anti-socialist forces within and outside the country promoting socialism for elites while denouncing populist access to national revenue and resources that Venezuela has strived under President Hugo Chavez and incumbent President Nicolas Maduro are having hard time to convince the Bolivarian Revolution loyalists known as Chavistas comprising significant working class, social and political members familiar with Washington unlawful intervention in Venezuelan affairs.

Venezuela has been through tumultuous times with political, security and economic crisis largely due to external influence – Washington in particular, since the late President Hugo Chavez demise. The domestic and foreign threats to Venezuelan sovereignty and constitutional order causing relentless social, economic and political turmoil from 2013 until now has contributed to status quo.

Nonetheless, Venezuelans have once again demonstrated resolve and defiance to elitists carp and devious strategies to topple the present government imposing chaos and unrest like in Ukraine.

President Nicolas Maduro call for Constituent Assembly election without referendum is a major objection for Washington backed opposition besides them ruling the latest electoral process illegal and invalid.

In fact, the Constituent Assembly election is  Constitutional as stated in Article 349 and the electoral process accordingly is legal. The referendum prior to polls perhaps could have subdued noise though not a constitutional requirement. However, post election President Nicolas Maduro has vowed to hold referendum on Constitutional reform.

The Constitutional Assembly representation is truly modified in the election to reflect democratic platform encompassing demography of diverse social and economic background.

The Constituent Assembly with 540 constituent parliamentarians are elected by people conforming to comprehensive representation that are direct, universal, territorial and sectoral.

Among 540 constituent representatives, 346 are elected territorially, eight constituents by indigenous people offering them traditional methods of their choice and the remaining sectoral representation by direct and universal vote.

In the territorial vote, every municipality in the country regardless of size elects their constituent or representative to national assembly based on majority vote in the respective domain.

Sectoral vote – Member of Parliament are elected to a new constitution (ANC). They represent specific sectors and segments – labor force, farming and fishing community, students, people with disability, pensioners, indigenous groups as well as men and women entrepreneurs.

The Commune and Communal Councils constituent representatives are elected regionally with communal leadership in individual state premised on standard majority win in state election.

The voter could cast only one vote to any of the sectoral candidates or political parties of their preference. The one vote per person is preserved to rule out voter fraud or vote rigging in election.

The National Election Council (CNE) in open vetting process is authorized to obtain candidates record from educational ministry, official institutions and organizations, club memberships and associations to be included in the ballot for voter verification.

Unlike the opposition majority represented assembly preceding Constituent Assembly polls, the sweeping electoral reform introduced by President Nicolas Maduro provides fair and equal opportunity to citizens from all walks of life with options to choose constituent representative in the national assembly.

At the same time, the municipality and regions have greater power through voter representation in national assembly.

President Nicolas Maduro Presidential decree in this context aims for stabilizing and strengthening Venezuelan democracy that has been subject to foreign and local disruption making governance next to impossible.

The justice system purged from corruption and evasion with landmark step towards eliminating parliamentarian or political impunity that allowed those in the position of authority to commit crimes and yet not held accountable.

The charges varying from corruption and criminal dealings not barring violence resulting in loss of lives that are otherwise enforced on ordinary citizens in the country.

Addressing racial and social prejudice for tolerance and acceptance in society.

The importance of cooperation among public powers to enable smooth operation at the basic to national level.

The social sectors and communes brought into governance with constitutional status.

Recognition of youth rights.  Here I would emphasize the requirement for women’s rights in Venezuelan new constitution to gain equal attention.

Environment protection promoting biodiversity and ecological culture.

On the economic front – the post oil economy is a serious consideration.

The critics have declared Venezuela a failed state claiming triple digit inflation, rampant crime and food shortages in the backdrop of collapsing oil prices as the cause for the situation.

What needs to be understood in the current climate of mud raking using false propaganda and cavalier approach slamming sanctions against anyone or nations not in compliance with flawed policies engineered by those invested in vested interests than the people or country they deride is capitalizing on problems rather than providing solutions.

Venezuela’s oil reserves have always been the primary objective for foreign intrusion in the political and economic dimension.

United States threatening to cancel Venezuelan oil exports fueling the U.S. economy is anything but prudent as it would hurt United States economic and energy sector with other nations worldwide especially the emerging economies in search of reliable energy source like Venezuela.

Though Venezuela’s inflation and food shortage amid declining oil prices is a national issue, they are not unsolvable.

Remedy for Venezuela Economic and Social Issues.

Venezuela’s economic development geared towards agriculture to contain food shortage is a priority. Venezuela inviting foreign investments in other industries such as manufacturing, service and logistic support to multifaceted trades would boost economic growth. Trade agreements in the region and global markets easing cash crunch and increasing mutual economic benefits guarantee steady income.

Venezuela’s monetary policy review on money supply, interest rates adjustment together with fiscal and trade policy evaluation would lead to appropriate outcome.

Furthermore, the management of market demands with supply on consumer goods and services through effective competition, taxation laws are all necessary in stifling out of control inflation. The market regulations where applicable might also curb monopoly that triggers price hikes in the areas excluded from government or institution oversight.

Corruption invariably contributes to shortage in economies confined to dependency on imports or lower productivity on items escalating prices in the artificial inflation other than creating parallel underground market.

Venezuela’s crime scenes could be contained with employment, vocational skills training and community development engaging youth and members to become responsible citizens and rewarding them upon positive role would be impetus for younger generation and those lost in the changing social dynamics.

Venezuela has consistently risen to the occasion adopting bold measures to defend constitutionality, sovereignty and liberty of citizens in the Bolivarian Revolution setting a unique example in the modern age that is adamantly set in protecting feudalism and elitism depriving overwhelming population progress and prosperity.

President Nicolas Maduro and the rest of the nation has a challenging and promising future ahead despite mounting sanctions and warnings from the usual quarters serving to illegitimate forces committed towards counterproductive goals.

The government having prevailed in the Constituent Assembly election albeit securing 41.5% still a fair margin with foreign usurped opposition refusing to allow the country from moving forward in the continuous violent protests and casualties witnessed until the election.

President Nicolas Maduro and the new assembly honoring human rights along with constructive political dissent in accordance with Venezuelan and international law would further exemplify Venezuela’s democratic values.

I convey my best wishes to citizens in Venezuela for a successful and peaceful beginning in the making of new constitution that is inclusive leaving none behind in the social and economic evolution.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission


Venezuela – Elección de la Asamblea Nacional Constituyente y sanciones de EE.UU.

Por Padmini Arhant

¡Felicitaciones! Para el pueblo de Venezuela sobre la participación decisiva en la elección victoria entregar Asamblea Nacional Constituyente para construir una democracia significativa representada por los ciudadanos comunes de todo el espectro.

El comentario de de Venezuela fiscal general, Luisa Ortega, en oposición a la tarea nacional – “Un pequeño grupo unido al Ejecutivo [rama] se llega a decidir todo.”  Es probablemente confundido con Washington y aliados posición ejecutiva en la llamada democracia.

Elección de la Asamblea Nacional Constituyente de Venezuela el día 30 Julio XX , este fin de semana pasado se ha traducido en favor del Partido Socialista Unido encabezado por el gobierno del presidente Nicolas Maduro.

Partido Unido Socialista fundado por el fallecido presidente Hugo Chavez a raíz de la Revolución Bolivariana es el partido en el poder en la actualidad.

Venezuela, el aceite rico país asediado siempre sigue siendo el objetivo para la transformación política a través de golpe de Estado durante la última etapa del presidente Hugo Chavez en el cargo y más aún después de la elección del sucesor del presidente Nicolas Maduro en 2013.

Las fuerzas antisocialistas dentro y fuera del país que promueven el socialismo para las élites, mientras que denuncian el acceso populista a los ingresos y los recursos nacionales que Venezuela se ha esforzado durante el gobierno de Hugo Chavez y el actual presidente Nicolas Maduro están teniendo dificultades para convencer a los partidarios de la revolución bolivariana conocidas como chavistas que comprenden clase significativa de trabajo, sociales y políticos miembros familiarizados con la intervención ilegal de Washington en los asuntos venezolanos.

Venezuela ha pasado por tiempos tumultuosos con política, seguridad y crisis económica en gran parte debido a la influencia externa – Washington, en particular, desde finales del fallecimiento del presidente Hugo Chavez . Las amenazas nacionales y extranjeros a la soberanía venezolana y el orden constitucional que causan agitación social, económica y política implacable desde el 2013 hasta ahora ha contribuido al status quo.

Sin embargo, los venezolanos han demostrado una vez más la determinación y desafío a los elitistas carpa y estrategias tortuosos para derribar al gobierno actual imponer el caos y los disturbios como en Ucrania.

El presidente Nicolas Maduro convocatoria de elecciones a la Asamblea Constituyente y sin referéndum es una objeción importante para Washington oposición apoyada además de ellos gobernando el último proceso electoral ilegal y no válido.

De hecho, la elección de la Asamblea Constituyente es constitucional como se indica en el artículo 349 y en consecuencia el proceso electoral es legal. El referéndum antes de las encuestas tal vez podría tener un ruido tenue aunque no es un requisito constitucional. Sin embargo, la elección del poste presidente Nicolas Maduro se ha comprometido a realizar el referéndum sobre la reforma constitucional.

La representación en la Asamblea Constituyente es realmente modificada en la elección para reflejar plataforma democrática que abarca demografía de diversa procedencia social y económico.

La Asamblea Constituyente con 540 parlamentarios constituyentes son elegidos por las personas que se ajusten a la representación integral que son directo, universal, territorial y sectorial.

Entre 540 representantes constituyentes, 346 son elegidos territorialmente, ocho constituyentes por los indígenas ofreciéndoles métodos tradicionales de su elección y la representación sectorial que queda por voto directo y universal.

En el voto territorial , todos los municipios del país, independientemente de su tamaño elige a su constituyente o representante a la Asamblea Nacional en base a voto de la mayoría en el dominio respectivo.

Voto sectorial – Miembro del Parlamento son elegidos para una nueva constitución (ANC). Representan sectores específicos y segmentos – mano de obra, la agricultura y la pesca de la comunidad, estudiantes, personas con discapacidad, jubilados, grupos indígenas, así como los hombres y las mujeres empresarias.

Los representantes de los consejos rurales y comunales constituyentes son elegidos regionalmente con el liderazgo comunal en estado individual como premisa victoria mayoría estándar en la elección estatal.

El votante puede emitir un solo voto a cualquiera de los candidatos o partidos políticos sectoriales de su preferencia. El derecho a un voto por persona se conserva para descartar el fraude electoral o manipulación del voto en las elecciones.

El Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE) en el proceso de selección abierto está autorizado a obtener registro de candidatos del ministerio de educación, instituciones oficiales y organizaciones, membresías y asociaciones del club para ser incluido en la papeleta para la verificación de los votantes.

A diferencia de la mayoría de la oposición representada montaje anterior encuestas de la Asamblea Constituyente, la reforma electoral de barrido introducido por el presidente Nicolas Maduro ofrece oportunidad justa y equitativa a los ciudadanos de todos los ámbitos de la vida con opciones para elegir representativo bien en la Asamblea Nacional.

Al mismo tiempo, el municipio y regiones tienen mayor poder a través de la representación de los votantes en la Asamblea Nacional.

El presidente Nicolas Maduro Decreto Presidencial en este contexto se propone para la estabilización y el fortalecimiento de la democracia venezolana que ha sido objeto de interrupción haciendo gobernabilidad local y extranjera casi imposible.

El sistema de justicia purgado de la corrupción y la evasión con el paso histórico hacia la eliminación de parlamentario o impunidad política que permitió a los de la posición de autoridad para cometer crímenes y aún no se hace responsable.

Los cargos que van desde corrupción y penales que prohíben los tratos no violencia que resulta en la pérdida de vidas que se aplican de otra forma en los ciudadanos comunes en el país.

Dirigiéndose a los prejuicios raciales y sociales para la tolerancia y aceptación en la sociedad.

La importancia de la cooperación entre los poderes públicos para permitir el buen funcionamiento a la básica a nivel nacional.

Los sectores sociales y comunas puestos en el gobierno con rango constitucional.

Reconocimiento de derechos de los jóvenes.  Aquí me gustaría destacar la exigencia de los derechos de las mujeres en la nueva constitución de Venezuela para ganar la misma atención.

Protección del medio ambiente promoción de la biodiversidad y la cultura ecológica.

En el frente económico – la economía post petrolera es una consideración seria.

Los críticos han declarado Venezuela en un estado fallido reclamando la inflación de tres dígitos, el crimen rampante y la escasez de alimentos en el contexto de la caída de los precios del petróleo como la causa de la situación.

Lo que necesita ser entendido en el contexto actual de rastrillar el barro utilizando propaganda falsa y el enfoque Cavalier cerrando sanciones contra cualquier persona o naciones que no cumplen con las políticas fallidas de ingeniería por aquellos invertido en los intereses creados de las personas o país en el que se burlan está capitalizando problemas en lugar de el suministro de soluciones.

reservas petroleras de Venezuela han sido siempre el objetivo principal de la intrusión extranjera en la dimensión política y económica.

Estados Unidos amenaza con cancelar las exportaciones de petróleo venezolano que alimentan la economía de Estados Unidos es cualquier cosa menos prudente , ya que dañaría el sector energético y económico de Estados Unidos con otras naciones en todo el mundo especialmente a las economías emergentes en busca de la fuente de energía fiable como Venezuela.

A pesar de Venezuela, la inflación y la escasez de alimentos en medio de la disminución de los precios del petróleo es un problema nacional, que no tienen solución.

Remedio para Asuntos Económicos y Sociales de Venezuela.

El desarrollo económico de Venezuela orientada a la agricultura para contener la escasez de alimentos es una prioridad. Venezuela invitando a las inversiones extranjeras en otras industrias como la manufactura, servicio y apoyo logístico a las operaciones multifacéticos impulsaría el crecimiento económico. Los acuerdos comerciales en la región y los mercados globales de flexibilización crisis de liquidez y el aumento de los beneficios económicos mutuos garantizan ingresos estables.

revisión de la política monetaria de Venezuela sobre la oferta monetaria, el ajuste de las tasas de interés, junto con la evaluación de políticas fiscales y comerciales conduciría al resultado apropiado.

Por otra parte, la gestión de las demandas del mercado con la oferta de los bienes y servicios de consumo a través de una competencia efectiva, las leyes fiscales son necesarios en el sofocante de control de la inflación. Las regulaciones del mercado en su caso también podrían frenar el monopolio que desencadena aumentos de precios en las zonas excluidas de gobierno o institución de supervisión.

La corrupción contribuye a la escasez invariablemente en las economías confinados en dependencia de las importaciones o la disminución de la productividad en artículos de la escalada de precios en la inflación artificial que no sea la creación de mercado negro paralelo.

escenas del crimen de Venezuela podrían estar contenidos con el empleo, la formación profesional y el desarrollo de la comunidad juvenil y elementos que cogen para convertirse en ciudadanos responsables y recompensarlos sobre papel positivo sería un impulso para la generación más joven y los que se perdieron en la dinámica social cambiante.

Venezuela ha aumentado de forma constante a la ocasión de adoptar medidas audaces para defender la constitucionalidad, la soberanía y la libertad de los ciudadanos en la Revolución Bolivariana que fijan un ejemplo único en la era moderna que se estableció firmemente en la protección de feudalismo y el elitismo privar población progreso abrumadora y la prosperidad.

El presidente Nicolas Maduro y el resto de la nación tiene un futuro prometedor por delante un reto ypese a las sanciones de montaje y las advertencias de los cuartos habituales que sirven a las fuerzas ilegítimos cometidos hacia las metas contraproducentes.

El gobierno de haber prevalecido en la elección de la Asamblea Constituyente aunque asegurando el 41,5% todavía un margen justo con la oposición usurpado extranjera negarse a permitir que el país se mueva hacia adelante en las protestas violentas y continuas bajas presenciado hasta la elección.

El presidente Nicolas Maduro y el nuevo conjunto de honor a los derechos humanos, junto con la disidencia política constructiva de acuerdo con la legislación venezolana e internacional sería ejemplificar aún más los valores democráticos de Venezuela.

Transmito mis mejores deseos a los ciudadanos de Venezuela para un comienzo exitoso y pacífico en la elaboración de la nueva constitución que sea inclusiva no dejando nada atrás en la evolución social y económica.

¡Paz a todos!


Padmini Arhant

Autor y presentador

Cónyuge en la misión divina

















Venezuela – Ending Unrest With Economic Policy Review And Reform For Pervasive Progress

March 5, 2014

By Padmini Arhant

The South American nationVenezuela is yet another target for United States instigated anti-government protests with the so-called opposition declining President Nicolas Maduro’s invitation for talks to end unrest in the country. 

Venezuela demonstrations are no different from Ukraine and Thailand where the foreign backed opposition discard constitutional framework and democratic values for the sponsors destabilization goals leaving nations in disarray and dysfunctional like Libya, Iraq, Egypt and many before.

Since the democratically elected government led by President Nicolas Maduro assumed power, Washington has been involved to sabotage political stability deploying usual tactics i.e. hired opposition to impede governance beginning with challenging election results to relentless violence resulting in deaths and destruction of national property.

Washington and Brussels engagement in Ukraine, Syria, Libya, Mali and CAR adopting diverse means fomented chaos for economic and strategic interests in the region. 

The irony is  Washington and Brussels launched opposition criticize the respective ruling governments of corruption, incompetence and failure to address domestic issues while ignoring debacles in their domain.

The anti-government rallies in Thailand, Ukraine and Venezuela are proxies for foreign and internal provocateurs exploiting some gullible segments within society to advance specific agenda at the state detriment.

The victim  nations could dispel propaganda with facts and solutions to contentious issues including steps taken on relevant matter. 

The government civic centers and media outlets could educate mass on milestones reached in certain national affairs and disclosure on plans to overcome immediate and long term economic woes or security concerns would stifle foreign and local instigated turmoil.

Venezuelan government is accused of not dealing with excess crime rate, economic hardships, shortage of essential food supplies and high inflation.

Although crime, economic struggles and inflation are not unique to Venezuela considering gun violence claiming innocent lives in the United States and nearly 50 million dependents on food stamps denied lifeline due to lack of political will, preoccupation and interference in foreign governance.

Notwithstanding unemployment and growing economic disparities in the United States as well as worldwide disqualify Washington promoted anti-government angst to derail popular socialist policy in Venezuela.

In contrast neo-liberalism favor oligarchy socialism laden with bailouts, subsidies and tax exemptions evidently responsible for status quo in economies implementing the defective doctrine meanwhile gifting mainstream population with generational indebtedness.

Obviously balanced and result oriented measures are required sharing responsibility and fair income distribution to revive and sustain economic growth in any model.

Venezuelan President Maduro initiatives to curb crime across the state and achievements in this context deserve citizens’ awareness.  

The crime scenario largely emanates from easy access to weapons and drug cartels or terror networks alliance with foreign arms and ammunitions purveyors for lucrative sum at ordinary citizens expense.

Identifying the source and recipients to terminate operation would substantially contain criminal incidents in the territories susceptible to lawlessness and disorder.

Additionally, the economically disadvantaged demography deprived of proper education and basic necessities attract criminal elements for abuse.

Venezuela utilizing oil revenues towards programs to uplift marginalized and disenfranchised communities expanding prevalent free education for children and youth alongside job creation introducing new potential and improvising indigenous expertise could facilitate a positive change.

The leaders in the religious, economic and social sphere could be instrumental in criminal deterrence through teaching, funding youth concepts especially in the underprivileged and inner cities that often fall prey to recruitment. 

Besides these actions, striving for corruption free police, security and judiciary apparatus together with correctional facilities that focus on renouncing violence and destructive conduct would yield desirable outcome. 

The regular visits from volunteers and former judicial members thoughts on abandoning crime and instead pursuing purposeful life could be pivotal in improving citizens safety. 

The detention centers adapting to non-violence and constructive course could transform offenders into skilled workers enabling them to be self-supportive and productive citizens of society.

In terms of alleviating economic plight the government could provide incentives such as tax credits to businesses and government contracts to private corporations with the requirement to hire domestic workers on decent wages and benefits allowing profitability from top to bottom.

The private and public sector investments in infrastructure, scientific research and development, innovative technology and niche entrepreneurial projects along with expanding manufacturing base for essential and other commodities should provide economic opportunity nationwide. 

As for shortage of food supplies – evaluation of agricultural production, distribution and sales would indicate necessary interjection of funds and land provisions to farmers to grow crops and various produce per general demand.

Additionally community banks lending to small and medium companies for marketing scare items could supplement the existing supply chain.

Last but not the least exploring options to negotiate with neighboring states for exchange of goods and services on mutually beneficial terms could address overall trade boosting interflow simultaneously meeting product deficiency.

With respect to high inflation – the central bank and government monetary policy on prime rate and currency value might require adjustments to reduce inflation.

Despite optimal minimum interest rate for economic stimulus, raising the margin on savings and public shareholdings dividends to long term investors and capital gains reinvestments would generate capital infusion in the financial sector.

Venezuelan current economic strategy introducing cap on profit earnings as stopgap mechanism to contain inflation could be reversed to enhance GDP and national revenue.

Alternatively inducing fair competition in the domestic market with increased output and combination of imported merchandise would stabilize price fluctuations leading to consumer affordability.

The hoarding and underground commercial activities also contribute to inflation.

Hence, government regulations and other interception could be effective in limiting inflation.

United States staged opposition against Venezuelan government delineates them from real representation.

The genuine political opposition would disavow disruptive approach such as prolonging agitation –  arguably counterproductive in political and economic aspect.

The operatives at foreign entities behest slight serious repercussions in proceeding with removal of legitimate government from office. 

Venezuelans discernment in rejecting anti-compatriots motives paramount to protect sovereignty and hard fought freedom.

The citizens in Venezuela are urged to extend cooperation to incumbent government under President Nicolas Maduro retaining the Bolivarian and Chavez revolution intact and preventing foreign invasion via local infiltration.

Venezuelan solidarity is key to preserve independence given United States aspirations for turbulence similar to Ukraine.

On the first anniversary of Venezuela’s beloved patriot and leader – the late President Hugo Chavez, the people and national army pledge to defend nation and government headed by President Nicolas Maduro from foreign usurpation is critical to rekindle spirit for long lasting liberty and progress.

Wishing Venezuela and President Nicolas Maduro headed government peace and success in endeavors that enrich Bolivarian and Chavez heritage of political system exemplified in republic empowerment.

Peace to Venezuela!

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant
































Mexico – PEMEX Privatization Against National Interest

December 17, 2013

By Padmini Arhant 

Mexico Senate approval on oil reform bill inviting United States energy firms (Exxon Mobil and Chevron) to drill for crude has sparked citizens protests with petition bearing one million and six hundred thousand signatures against government action.

The largest oil company Petroleos Mexicanos (PEMEX) under full state ownership up until now opened for private profit sharing after 75 years claiming the position as a requirement to boost production and revenue.

Mexico with substantial untapped reserves ranking second behind the Arctic Circle targeted in foreign monopoly influencing Mexican political system through neo liberal economic policy.

Since previous privatization in the late twentieth century led to exploitation and foreign companies excess control depriving the nation from due economic benefits, the people concern over repeat event in PEMEX deal is legitimate and deserves political diligence prior to proceeding with erroneous decision.

The proposal allowing energy companies to explore and extract oil and gas with investments to maximize capability in crude oil refinery and output to offset current 40% imports for domestic consumption might be the reason behind the ruling and opposition parties consensus on the contentious legislation. 

However, PEMEX supporting the Mexican economy generating one-third national income could seek other possibilities to enhance productivity without compromising proprietary rights and profitability.

The lack of technology and funding being the two major factors attracting offshore partnership, these issues could be addressed with purchase of technology and hiring relevant expertise for training local workforce. 

As for capital infusion, providing incentives to domestic investors and raising public shareholding could be the preliminary step towards protecting national assets and any additional financing supplemented with preference shares subscription offered to prospective international buyers safeguarding equity for continuous growth and development.

Besides government loans, the budget allocation to national enterprise PEMEX towards research and innovation for lucrative returns would deliver anticipated outcome in the economic perspective.

The state corporation compliance with safety ordinance, security measures and environment standards are paramount to sustain long term operation.

Mexico government pledge to climate treaty during COP 16 in Cancun exemplified in action with natural energy options viz. solar, wind and hydropower projects could cover inadequacy contemporarily necessitating overseas supply to meet national demand.

Subsequently adopting clean energy programs would be viable considering volatility in oil prices emanating from diverse unpredictable events.

Despite fuel abundance, Mexico reliance on external sources due to monetary and technological constraints could be overcome with appropriate adaptations while retaining state possession. 

Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto heading the ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) and the opposition National Action Party (PAN) agreement ignoring overwhelming public rejection on this matter might contribute to political setbacks and economic liability following precedence.

The Democratic Revolution Party (PRD) solidarity with civil society against government plan is prudent given Mexico’s past economic losses from foreign acquisitions in the 1980’s and 1990’s proved unfavorable en masse. 

Mexican lawmakers in the lower house exercising caution and careful evaluation of the law involving the last remaining national treasure with majority disapproval could prevent surrender of sovereignty and consequential subjugation in the voluntary liquidation.

Furthermore, Mexican legislators honoring republic will and decline authorization to the controversial PEMEX denationalization  in consideration of pragmatic solutions would be promising for the country.

Hopefully reason and rationale would prevail in recognition of national pride reflective in PEMEX.

Good Luck to Mexican citizenry in defending national cause for prosperous future! 

Wishing Mexico peaceful, progressive and phenomenal New Year and beyond.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant




Bolivia – President Evo Morales Flight Denied Airspace Access in Europe at Washington Behest

July 5, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

President Evo Morales returning from Moscow summit on natural gas producers early this week was strangely and unfairly stranded in Vienna, Austria.

According to the reports, the Bolivian President homeward flight from Moscow via Europe was denied airspace access by France, Spain, Portugal and Italy at Washington’s behest.

As a result of these European states violation of aviation regulations and international law,

The Bolivian President flight was commissioned to force landing in Vienna, Austria endangering the President and other members lives which obviously has not been taken into consideration by those behind the reckless and irresponsible action.

Apparently Washington suspected the NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden on board with Bolivian President Morales and instructed the European allies to intervene with entry refusal to their airspace.

Upon emergency landing in Vienna, Austria, the Austrian authorities with President Morales permission had conducted search for Mr. Snowden and confirmed the whistleblower’s non-existence on the flight.

Once again, Washington has proved NSA’s ineffectiveness and redundancy on national and global surveillance that could not verify the whereabouts of the most wanted whistleblower in town.

The spying indulgence is evidently counterproductive wasting United States taxpayer dollars on delusions in urgent requirement to be abandoned diverting focus on myriad domestic problems that demands political attention.

Meanwhile, the head of the sovereign state President Evo Morales was unnecessarily delayed and inconvenienced for twelve hours or more due to Washington’s egregious decision to disrupt the Bolivian President journey based on rumors and misconceptions that led to placing foreign national leadership as well as other delegates safety and security in grave danger.

Washington intrusion and European partners non-compliance in this context is reprehensible and reflects discriminatory policy along with disrespect for leaders and nations regarded as adversary.

The event reversal would have promptly attracted condemnation from allies and those subservient to imperialists irrespective of the latter declining status in all aspects especially in international protocol and humanitarian affairs.

Again with no apology from Washington on the ill-advised interference in foreign dignitary itinerary, the world in entirety is yet to denounce the offenders presumptuous exertion of authority.

All nations command equal importance and relevance despite imperial powers conspicuous isolation and indifference towards them.

Bolivia as a free nation is entitled to share the sky that does not belong to any specific power regardless of self-proclaimed status.

With deep regrets and dismay for the Bolivian President Evo Morales and other travellers’ unpleasant experience from the flight detour,

Wishing Bolivian citizens and President Evo Morales success in all endeavors benefitting peaceful Bolivia.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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