Syria – UNSC Resolution 2118
September 29, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
The UNSC unanimous resolution 2118 passed on September 27, 2013 on Syria’s chemical weapons based on unsubstantiated allegations against Syrian government and army with evidences implicating western powers and regional allies behind the August 21 chemical attack conclusively delegitimize UNSC as a credible committee to preside over international matter.
UNSC permanent members viz. United States, Britain, France, Russia and China in possession of substantial WMD including nuclear arsenal with western states among them having used these agents during illegal warfare are the obvious threat to humanity at large and the environment.
Again these members maintaining proliferation as their prerogative to enhance defense capability against each other disregard the rules they have set up as the international law confirming the inherently flawed system facilitating abuse of privileged status while dictating terms and conditions to the rest of the world.
The propaganda on averting possible military strike by United States due to U.S. and Russian agreement on Syrian chemical weapons disarmament is dismissal of public dissent and activism that led to lack of majority votes in the U.S. Congress in resonance with worldwide rejection of any military intervention against Syria.
Any decision to stampede republic will on Syria in pursuit of military option without a shadow of doubt cost political leaderships the career and further diminished United States role in world affairs.
In fact the U.S and Russia strategy rescued the administration and alliance from dilemma they had invited upon them in the cavalier approach to destabilize a sovereign nation.
Nonetheless the UNSC resolution essentially scapegoat Syrian government through mandatory requirement on WMD surrender not barring Chapter 7 on non-compliance allowing the opponents of peace to indulge in protraction of the ongoing proxy war into direct confrontation even though the additional clause in this context predicate separate UNSC mandate.
Moreover, the UNSC failure to call for arms embargo accompanied by immediate ceasefire ending bloodshed attributed to western and coalition of the willing sponsorship of terrorism since 2011 and escalated up until now demonstrates apathy to victims suffering from incessant violence.
The diligence in scheduling UNSC meeting to disarm Syria in contrast with the procrastination on long overdue Geneva 2 accord apparently to be held sometime in mid November reveals the priority to advance sponsors agenda in the burgeoning crises.
Syria having come forward in accession to Organization for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) ban treaty, the remaining states such as Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, Jordan along with United States and Russia leading the cause in WMD renunciation with transparency would exemplify veracity of UNSC members concern for civilian protection.
Unless genuine pact enforcing universal standards on all sides especially those constantly engaged in false flag operations with self-detrimental motives to spread terrorism across the region prevalent in neighboring Lebanon, Iraq and Turkey having transformed Libya into terror haven,
The tradition for sources behind terror to commit crimes with impunity would never cease.
Hence, the meaningful and effective solution to Syrian turmoil is to practice fairness, equality and ethics in recognition of Syrian sovereignty and self-determination rights rather than foreign imposition of change designed to subvert democracy and subjugate country extending throughout Middle East and the entire world.
Most importantly terminating violence with elimination of arms supply and funding to mercenaries and western backed insurgency is fundamental to the success of diplomacy and peace process.
Wishing citizens in Syria the dawn of peace that guarantees stability and security to the nation then permeating world over.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Syria – Circumvention of Facts And Military Strike Proposal
September 19, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
Synopsis on Syrian developments thus far – the western maneuver to launch further military operation subsequent to U.S. authorized three Israeli air strikes reportedly laden with nuclear component targeting Syrian Scientific Research Center earlier this year persists despite temporary suspension brought upon by citizens initiatives worldwide in vehement opposition to foreign invasion.
The western led Syrian conflict failure to secure domestic and international support with votes in Parliament and Congress lacking in majority due to respective electorate rejection of war rhetoric in the United States, Britain, France, Turkey, Jordan and across the globe including UN, NATO and EU declining military option created dilemma for western leaderships military aspiration.
Hence, President Barack Obama decision to delay congressional vote with knowledge on the outcome projection similar to British Parliament disapproval among House of Commons members prompted yet another strategy not only aimed at averting debacle but also implicate Syrian leadership and defense force leading to capitulation.
The submission in return allows western insinuations on Syrian chemical stockpiles and the requirement for Chapter 7 otherwise military interference upon non-compliance.
Accordingly, the U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry proposal to Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov on the unilateral surrender of Syria’s chemical stock within a stringent timeframe and stipulations,
While the rest not barring them are in possession of substantial WMD especially nuclear arsenals accompanied with a legacy of illegal warfare and occupation of foreign land conforms to hegemony goals to deter and degrade Syrian military capability in continuation of the trend began with Iraq and Libya leaving nations entirely at aggressors mercy.
Not surprisingly, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, British Foreign Minister William Hague, and French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius responded to Washington – Moscow deal with enthusiasm.
The measure isolating Syria’s inventory for disposal and exempting Israel and other western allies in the region from mandatory destruction of chemical weapons not excluding Israel’s nuclear warheads is anything but fair and balanced predicated in genuine and mutually binding agreement.
The proxy war sponsors euphoria in this context is the perception of preliminary success to the otherwise setbacks suffered by their terror networks against Syrian army.
Throughout the western and Middle Eastern instigated violence in Syria, the United States and coalition of the willing have prevailed in their demands on the victim i.e. the people in Syria starting with enforcing arms embargo on Syria.
Again the one-way process involving even nuclear Russia adherence in abstaining from prepaid consignments delivery consisting S-300 air defense system solely for protection against U.S directed Turkish reconnaissance and Israeli air raids during escalation of violence without equal prohibition of ammunitions inflow reaching al-Qaeda up until today clarifies hegemony control over foreign representation.
Russia accepting western conditions against Syria since crises onset in the absence of synonymous and proportional terms upon them as chief contributors of death toll exceeding 100,000 and millions of refugees embolden Russia’s western partners to prolong the warfare rather than demonstrating sincere commitment to immediate ceasefire to save continuous loss of innocent lives and infrastructure demolition.
The circumvention of facts camouflaging reality could only serve foreign interventionists in a limited fashion regardless of media and cyber space news networks blitz in subversion of events ignoring near and long term consequences of conspicuous bias in the ongoing dispute affecting the sources behind malfeasance.
Meanwhile, the secret talks held in Amman, Jordan on September 10, 2013 between al-Qaeda affiliated al-Nusra front leader Abu Mohammad al-Jolani and western intelligence as well as military officials in preparation for sensitive and strategic hits extended over to Syrian airports and missile bases to facilitate terrorists advantage with emphasis on southern Syria in the more than two and half years turmoil confirms hegemony relentless pursuit for destabilization.
Moreover, the Israeli ambassador to United States Michael Oren statement on September 17, 2013 to Jerusalem post calling on spearheading regime change agenda based on Israel’s preference for ‘bad guys not backed by Iran to the bad guys in alliance with Iran’ reaffirms Israel as progenitor of terrorism going back to King David Hotel bombing in 1946 and the latest historic 9/11 terror onslaught on American soil.
In conclusion, reiterating the necessity to terminate violence consuming lives by the hour in Syria. The result oriented concerted action stifling procedures attributed to arming mercenaries through international protocol would exemplify integrity in the pledge towards peaceful resolution.
The global disarmament on WMD encompassing nuclear weapons with UNSC five permanent security members along with Israel and remaining nuclear nations unconditional renunciation is the absolute means for universal peace and stability.
Wishing Syria freedom from foreign dominance and terror.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Syria – Syrian Presidency and Defense Force Vindicated in the August 21 False Flag Chemical Attack
September 14, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
President Barack Obama nationwide address on September 10, 2013 essentially vindicated President Bashar al-Assad and Syrian defense force in the August 21 chemical attack carried out by United States and allies sponsored al-Qaeda terror operatives in the war torn nation.
The dissection of President Barack Obama’s Speech on September 10, 2013 with corresponding analyses and reality check as follows:
1. President Barack Obama – Peaceful protest against repressive regime of President Bashar al-Assad turned into a brutal civil war.
Reality Check – Peaceful protest was infiltrated by United States, Britain, Israel and France led coalition of the willing comprising Saudi, Qatar, Turkey, UAE and Jordan.
The terrorism through al-Qaeda and splinter network Jabrat al-Nusra front continues until now with no respite to victims and families enduring plight.
2. President Barack Obama – Over 100,000 people have been killed and millions fled their country. In that time America has worked with allies to provide humanitarian support to help the moderate opposition and to shape a political settlement.
Reality Check – The death toll figure exceeding 100,000 thus far and refugee situation is correct and attributed to U.S. Israel and alliance deployment of mercenaries and death squads with some even identified as cannibals in the atrocity against Syrian population and army personnel.
As for America working with allies on humanitarian support – the pledge yet to be fulfilled while United States remain active in promoting violence with overt and covert supply of lethal and logistic aid to terrorists on the ground.
3. President Barack Obama – I have resisted military action for we cannot resolve someone else’s civil war through force.
Reality Check – First of all the reference ‘civil war’ is misleading for the conflict is an international illegal invasion of sovereign nation.
Secondly, the President claim having resisted military action is denial of facts since the U.S. financed several million dollars using American taxpayer funds directly reaching al-Qaeda operatives to prolong the proxy war substituting traditional boots on the ground.
4. President Barack Obama – The situation profoundly changed on August 21, when Assad government gassed to death over a 1000 people including 100’s of children. The images from this massacre are sickening… the overwhelming majority of humanity has declared them off limits, a crime against humanity and a violation of laws of war. Incidents in World War I and World War II were cited.
Reality Check – Prior to this chemical attack on August 21, there was similar event on March 19, 2013 in Khan al-Assal near Aleppo that produced the horror described in President’s statement.
The correlation and distinction between these two chemical attacks are –
Terrorists representing western and regional partners found responsible in both chemical attacks and substantiated with evidence.
Three separate investigations on Khan al-Assal involving UN team, Russian government independent inquiry and Turkish security personnel raid in Southern Turkey’s Hatay province implicated terrorists in the use of nerve agent viz. sarin gas.
United Sates, Israel, Britain and France suppressed the UN protocol on March 19 CW crime report
Whereas the August 21 UN probe at Syrian government request is not completed and United States along with allies jumped to conclusion accusing Syrian leadership and armed personnel with uncorroborated information in the submission to United States Congress for authorization of warfare on September 9, 2013.
In terms of previous chemical weapons and U.S. Senate ratifying international treaty in 1997 prohibiting CW – the President failure to quote United States use of deadly arsenal during Vietnam war and recently with Britain in Iraq and Israel against Gazans as verified in UN report by Justice Richard Goldstone conforms to western standard policy on selective memory.
5. President Barack Obama – Assad regime prepared for this attack and launched rocket missiles in eleven neighborhoods near Damascus.
Reality Check – As mentioned above, the White House concerted efforts to frame Syrian leadership and government with concocted details from Israel was admittedly not irrefutable according to Obama administration chief of staff Denis Mcdonough in the wake of falsified case exposure.
6. President Barack Obama – Compelling reason to ban chemical weapons to prevent dictators and tyrants as well as terrorists from misusing the chemical agent.
Reality Check – Precisely, the statement in this context reflects United States and allies engagement in warfare in twentieth and twenty first century conspicuously in violation of international laws with liberal use of depleted uranium and white phosphorous not barring nuclear bomb inflicting generational suffering in the target nations.
Syria on the other hand victimized through United States and cohorts delivered nerve agent to terror groups to shift the balance of power in the battlefield.
7. President Barack Obama – The limited military strike is necessary to deter and degrade Assad regime WMD capability to protect allies like Israel, Turkey and Jordan.
Reality Check – The repeat of Iraq episode under false pretext and outreach to Israel, Turkey and Jordan when they are culpable for the genocide in Syria from 2011 until today clarifies the lack of veracity on such account.
8. President Barack Obama –
A. The United States military doesn’t do pinpricks and even the limited strike will send a message to Assad that no other nation can deliver. I don’t think we should remove another dictator with force as we have learned from Iraq.
Reality Check – The purported limited strike not necessarily pinprick impact elaborates the magnitude of force contradictory to the description of attempts likely to be brief and proportional.
President Barack Obama –
B. The Assad regime does not have the ability to seriously threaten our military. Any other threat is in line with every other threat that we face everyday.
Reality Check – United States knowledge and understanding of Syrian military not being compatible suffice to abandon violence especially the ongoing terrorism against that nation.
President Barack Obama –
C. Neither Assad nor his allies have any interest in escalation that would lead to his demise.
Reality Check – United States acknowledgment that President Assad and allies have no desire to invite extreme measure upon them with unwanted indulgence conclusively clears unfounded charges against Syrian leadership and national army in the chemical incident on August 21, 2013.
President Barack Obama –
D. Our ally Israel cam defend itself with overwhelming force as well as the unshakeable support of the United States of America.
Reality Check – The rhetoric on Israel’s security in the Middle East ignoring Israel’s nuclear warheads and WMD combined with United States potential confirms the status quo with flagrant rejection of existential threat emanating from them to Syria and the rest of the world.
9. President Barack Obama – It is true that some of Assad’s opponents are extremists. But al-Qaeda will only draw strength in a more chaotic Syria. The majority of Syrian opposition we work with just want to live in peace, dignity and freedom.
Reality Check – The declaration is self-explanatory with adequate reason for the purveyors of terror to end the conflict in order to avert the inevitable self-detrimental outcome.
10. President Barack Obama – I have deeply held preference for peaceful solution. Over the last two years my administration has tried diplomacy and sanctions, warnings and negotiations. But Chemical weapons were still used by the Assad regime. Military will remain on alert to pressure Assad regime on compliance.
Reality Check – Preference for peace cannot be diluted with military and economic warfare via crippling sanctions that has killed more civilians than the chemical attack on August 21, 2013.
Besides the White House dedication and commitment towards terminating terror and violence rather than perpetuation could have prevented the loss of lives over the past two and half years with no guarantee even after Syrian government consent on the chemical weapons proposal.
Finally, the genuine peace deal would realistically call for multilateral WMD disarmament barring exceptions and enforce ceasefire along with lifting economic blockade to facilitate Syrian healing process.
The latest development suspending military option is noteworthy.
However, the aggressors’ adherence to comprehensive withdrawal of terror activity is pre-requisite for positive results in the impending Geneva 2 conference.
Wishing Syria expeditious conclusion of the warfare with a new beginning and a promising future.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Syria – President Barack Obama Case for Military Strike Lack Credibility
September 9, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
As per the link provided below
President Barack Obama case for military strike is not based on intelligence community assessment but rather White House assessment with content provided by the administration.
The Office of the Director for National Intelligence – James Clapper apparently declined to have his name on the report.
Furthermore, the report highlights that any evidence on the allegation is linked with information from Israel conforming to Israeli interests and accordingly not supported by intelligence officials in the United States.
More on this important development will be discussed in the briefing scheduled in 60 mins to your local time.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Syria – President Barack Obama Decision for Military Action is Deflection from Domestic Issues
August 31, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
President Barack Obama decision for military action against Syria based on deception and fabrication despite overwhelming rejection of any U.S. involvement from citizens in the United States and around the world is evasion of real problems confronting U.S.A.
United States economy showing no signs of recovery, the Federal Reserve depletion of national treasury continues with no accountability.
United States lawmakers are indebted to American voters and their commitment to trace the missing $9,000,000,000,000 – $9 trillion and the latest scandal implicating the Federal Reserve with $16 trillion secret loans to foreign banks along with billions of dollars siphoned by corporations like Halliburton during Iraq war would exemplify democratic system.
The White House and hawkish congressional members viz. South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, Arizona Senator John McCain and Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell collusion to serve Israel, Saudi and the likes interests clarifies such representation is the primary threat to peace and progress in the United States and world over.
These members in breach of constitutional oath to serve the nation and the people prioritize foreign land invasion repeating Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan scenario exacerbating human suffering all around.
Not to mention wasting United States tax dollars denying U.S. electorate of jobs, housing, health care, infrastructure and clean environment in serious deterioration.
The dismal status quo predominantly due to relentless warfare and military expeditions aimed at destabilization of nations in the absence of any danger to aggressors with reverse being the reality defies logic and basic intelligence ignoring self-disastrous outcome.
United States citizens bear responsibility in averting another war regardless of methods and magnitude for these atrocities are committed in their name considering those behind war crimes perpetuating violence against innocent victims in Syria and other war torn nations are never brought to justice.
As for congress – the legislators elected to represent the constituents and republic at large on national and international issues have greater burden on them to abandon counterproductive course as demonstrated by their counterparts – the Parliament members in the House of Commons including some lawmakers across the political aisle in Britain.
Any authorization for military strikes against Syria having already contributed to more than 100,000 in death toll and millions of refugees in that land scattered across the region would be reprehensible and invitation for self-imposed catastrophe.
The elected officials primary duty calls for solving domestic problems beginning with economic revival and various challenges facing respective nations whether it be United States, Israel, Britain, France, Germany or Turkey.
Instead the leaderships of these nations are eager to foment crises in Syria with their actions qualifying as treason disregarding public opposition to intervention in Syria.
Furthermore, the President of the United States and likewise the heads of State in France and Turkey are obligatory to the people i.e. their nationals and,
They are also bound by international law that could no longer be selective in application and effectiveness especially when their involvement is anchored on causing more death and destruction with inevitable backlash perhaps resulting in irreversible situation for them.
Upon reviewing the state of affairs in the United States, Israel, France, Germany and Turkey – the leaders and administrations have done nothing thus far to alleviate population plight in their domain.
Their unlawful engagement in Syria is a strategy to distract public attention from burgeoning economic woes starting with soaring unemployment, diminishing consumer and investor confidence hurting business growth and overall contraction in productivity widening the gap between haves and have-nots to the extent of survival made nearly impossible on meager income although many are forced into poverty prompting them to end life through self-immolation witnessed in Tel Aviv.
Anti-war movement in the United States and across the globe expressing strong dissent is the immediate requirement to terminate senseless violence in Syria and other beleaguered parts of the world.
The profiteers from wars care less about human lives except their own and imperialistic quest has no boundaries unleashing terror whenever and wherever possible.
Mass awakening and universal response is necessary to liberate humanity from greed driven policies endangering lives and global security.
United States leaders are urged to refrain from misleading the nation and the rest of the world using false pretexts against Syria preventing the imminent response and aftermath at astronomical price.
United States citizens could play a leading role following British citizenry calling on the political representatives to decline war against Syria.
Hopefully United States lawmakers would resurrect democratic values and principles in honoring the public will and abide by constitutional law that prohibits military strike against sovereign nations posing no threat to United States citizens or territory.
May God Bless Syrian people, army and government leaderships with formidability in overcoming foreign powers sponsored terrorism and escalation of tension as testament to truth and peace.
Peace to Syria!
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Syria – Escalating Violence and Killings With Military Intervention is Catastrophic For the Entire World
August 27, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
The preparation and positioning for military strike against Syria is invitation to world catastrophe especially affecting the aggressors with irreversible impact.
United States investors negative reaction to this counterproductive measure reflected in recent stocks decline and expected to precipitate upon moving ahead with illegal intervention in Syria.
Besides in the absence of United States Congress authorization for war required under constitution,
The unilateral decision preempts the existing congressional law per HR 107 for impeachment proceedings in the event on unlawful engagement involving genocide of innocent civilians in foreign nation repeating Iraq scenario using false pretexts.
Notwithstanding the overwhelming rejection of any U.S.involvement in Syria amongst United States citizens as the electorate, taxpayers and consumers representing the republic producing severe electoral backlash in 2014 mid-term election and beyond.
H. CON. RES. 107
Expressing the sense of Congress that the use of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, section 4 of the Constitution.
MARCH 7, 2012
Mr. JONES submitted the following concurrent resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Expressing the sense of Congress that the use of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, section 4 of the Constitution.
Whereas the cornerstone of the Republic is honoring Congress’s exclusive power to declare war under article I, section 8, and clause 11 of the Constitution: Now, therefore, is it
Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring),
That it is the sense of Congress that, except 3 in response to an actual or imminent attack against the 4 territory of the United States,
The use of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress violates Congress’s exclusive power to declare war under article I, section 8, clause 11 of the Constitution and,
Therefore constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, section 4 of the Constitution.
The leaderships are urged to refrain from reckless and irresponsible activities against the people of Syria currently underway discarding United States, Britain and the rest of the world public opinion.
Such involvement would not only destabilize the region where Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and Jordan are situated but also unleash inconceivable calamity for United States and western allies considering massive presence and interests across Middle East extending over worldwide.
The western and regional alliance sponsored terrorism is directly and unequivocally responsible for all chemical attacks and horrendous crimes against citizens of that sovereign nation enduring tremendous pain and suffering inflicted on them thus far.
Attack on Syria would be self-immolation for organizers, architects, agents, facilitators and operatives behind the preventable cataclysmic and monumental blunder.
White House exercising carte blanche authority could provide political opportunity to lead United States towards economic abyss adversely affecting global economy in return that is best abandoned in national and international interests.
Briefly, ending not escalating the burgeoning Syrian conflict is wise that guarantees existence of all states protecting lives regardless of borders and territories rather than pursuing decimation and annihilation of a country resulting in pervasive disaster with terror and violence sources bearing the losses in epic proportion.
Justice might be delayed however never denied in God’s Kingdom.
Peaceful resolution with immediate ceasefire and withdrawal of terror networks from Syria is the only option to save the world and humanity from status quo.
May God bless Syria with eternal peace protecting sovereignty and inalienable rights of population to live in the world as part of the benevolent creation.
Peace to Syria!
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Syria – Escalating Violence and Killings With Military Intervention is Catastrophic For the Entire World
August 27, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
The preparation and positioning for military strike against Syria is invitation to world catastrophe especially affecting the aggressors with irreversible impact.
United States investors negative reaction to this counterproductive measure reflected in recent stocks decline and expected to precipitate upon moving ahead with illegal intervention in Syria.
Besides in the absence of United States Congress authorization for war required under constitution,
The unilateral decision preempts the existing congressional law per HR 107 for impeachment proceedings in the event on unlawful engagement involving genocide of innocent civilians in foreign nation repeating Iraq scenario using false pretexts.
Notwithstanding the overwhelming rejection of any U.S.involvement in Syria amongst United States citizens as the electorate, taxpayers and consumers representing the republic producing severe electoral backlash in 2014 mid-term election and beyond.
The leaderships are urged to refrain from reckless and irresponsible activities against the people of Syria currently underway discarding United States, Britain and the rest of the world public opinion.
Such involvement would not only destabilize the region where Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and Jordan are situated but also unleash inconceivable calamity for United States and western allies considering massive presence and interests across Middle East extending over worldwide.
The western and regional alliance sponsored terrorism is directly and unequivocally responsible for all chemical attacks and horrendous crimes against citizens of that sovereign nation enduring tremendous pain and suffering inflicted on them thus far.
Attack on Syria would be self-immolation for organizers, architects, agents, facilitators and operatives behind the preventable cataclysmic and monumental blunder.
White House exercising carte blanche authority could provide political opportunity to lead United States towards economic abyss adversely affecting global economy in return that is best abandoned in national and international interests.
Briefly, ending not escalating the burgeoning Syrian conflict is wise that guarantees existence of all states protecting lives regardless of borders and territories rather than pursuing decimation and annihilation of a country resulting in pervasive disaster with terror and violence sources bearing the losses in epic proportion.
Justice might be delayed however never denied in God’s Kingdom.
Peaceful resolution with immediate ceasefire and withdrawal of terror networks from Syria is the only option to save the world and humanity from status quo.
May God bless Syria with eternal peace protecting sovereignty and inalienable rights of population to live in the world as part of the benevolent creation.
Peace to Syria!
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Syria –Western And Regional Coalition Sponsored Terrorism Use Chemical Weapons
August 24, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
Syrian conflict renewed with western false allegation against Syrian government and defense force about chemical attack reportedly resulting in 1,000 or more casualties in terrorists infiltrated suburbs of Ain Tarma, Zamalka and Jobar in Damascus.
However, the latest development confirms these sectors having been western backed terror networks stronghold until now were found with chemical agents in the dug up tunnels that has led to loss of innocent lives from asphyxiation experienced among local residents in the neighborhoods of Syrian capital.
On Saturday August 24, 2013, the Syrian army upon surrounding western sponsored terror enclave in Jobar district has been exposed to chemicals causing suffocation amongst soldiers and subsequently the armed personnel stated to have taken control of the area.
These incidents corresponding with earlier one in Khan al-Assal near Aleppo in March-April 2013 implicate western and regional alliance in chemical weapons supply to their terror groups deployed against Syrian people.
UN investigation and Russian government findings in this context also clarified the facts that foreign mercenaries are consistently engaged in the deadly biological warfare against unarmed civilians in Syria.
Furthermore, the western legacy in biological and nuclear arsenal use in twentieth and twenty first century directly and indirectly continues due to lack of accountability and abuse of power as UNSC members with veto ability in addition to NATO at their disposal.
The western nations and regional partners viz. Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan and Turkey other than UAE and Kuwait evidence based crimes in Syria calls for global action to end the conflict and bring those behind massive death toll of 100,000 and more besides millions of refugees to justice barring exemptions to relieve the world from eternal unrest and quagmire.
Western powers arbitrary killings and genocide in nations through overt and covert operations is the tradition threatening world peace and security.
The architects promoting illegal wars and terrorism accompanied by executive decisions show disregard for life and habitat endangering existence while not taking into consideration the self-detrimental policy hurting them in epic proportion with irreversible impact.
Syrian crises is exploitation of human suffering aimed at geopolitical dominance in the region and worldwide ignoring history in this regard that has delivered colossal failure to those in pursuit of dreams victimizing defenseless inhabitants on earth.
The natural law would prevail conforming to equilibrium in entire creation. The functionality and evolutionary process premised on maintaining ecological balance similarly apply to political and economic developments necessary to offset disproportionality contributing to status quo.
Syria is unfairly targeted for political aspirations among regional states serving western agenda to destabilize sovereign nation extending across the Middle East.
Washington, London, Tel Aviv, Paris, Berlin and Middle Eastern countries intervention with no desire for ceasefire or termination of terrorism exacerbates Syrian plight affecting humanity at large since the intrusion is a deflection from serious economic problems in the respective domain.
The immediate priority is cessation of violence in Syria allowing victims to recover from death and devastation inflicted upon them.
Following restoration of calm and stability, Syria would then have opportunity to rebuild nation in adherence to republic governance that is already in progress.
The contention remains with aggressors anti-democratic stance posed as liberators when ground reality revealing their persistence to thwart re-emergence of independent Syria.
Geneva 2 accord could be the litmus test for western powers to demonstrate sovereignty delineating from hegemonic goals proved counterproductive thus far.
The peace talks in appreciation for Syrian political right to determine national future combined with western and allies pledge exemplified in terror recruits withdrawal and abandonment of military, espionage and logistic support to death squads would assign credibility to their participation.
Any procrastination to quit violence in Syria could unravel events best averted to protect world from catastrophe.
The western leaderships are urged to refrain from contemplation and implementation of strategies hindering peaceful resolution of Syrian turmoil/
Wishing Syria success in overcoming challenges with unity and commitment towards national endeavors.
Peace to Syria!
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
International Political Event – Presidential Election And Inauguration
August 4, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
Pakistan – Presidential Election
Congratulations! To President Mamnoon Hussain elected to represent Pakistan.
Pakistan’s democratic experience is not without trials and tribulations especially post election resulting in political factions dissatisfaction with electoral process.
Pakistan stability is linked with containing violence emanating from terror networks and anti-democratic forces funding Takfiri elements aimed at national and regional destabilization.
The leadership commitment in ending United States drone strikes producing civilian casualties would determine public trust on the incumbent power.
Upon eliminating militancy and extremism premised on fundamentalism, sectarian clashes and cross border terrorism could perhaps be laid to rest.
Pakistan uphill battles comprise combating corruption and recovery of national income held in overseas bank accounts through tax evasion.
Additionally, building economy to improve living conditions is not unique to Pakistan.
However, the political dynamics with foreign interference under the guise of military aid hinder economic revival.
Hopefully the current government headed by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and President Mamnoon Hussain would introduce effective strategies to redress burgeoning violence restoring calmness and peace necessary to reach milestones in national goals.
Wishing Pakistan citizens and President Mamnoon Hussain dawn of peace and tranquility.
Iran – Presidential Inauguration
Iran – Congratulations! To President Hassan Rohani on the Presidential inauguration as 7th President of Iran.
Under the newly elected Presidency, the Iranian electorate choice for reformist candidacy over others is a mandate for moderation.
The voters’ aspirations to evolve and emerge from constraints and convictions are dependent on developments in the near future.
United States and EU unlawful sanctions exacerbates mainstream normal existence with access to medicines and other essentials restricted due to financial blockade disabling payments processing and transaction facility for free flow of trade in international market.
The unilateral western decisions lacking in fairness and legitimacy unnecessarily targets innocent victims across the nation.
Nonetheless, Iranian resolve in enduring arbitrary rule is evident in efforts exploring options to overcome crises.
Inflation and higher unemployment draw attention amongst various challenges in the economic front.
In other areas of governance, the common problems shared worldwide such as corruption and mismanagement in different branches of government pose impediments to real progress.
With hopes and expectations, the nation looks forward to fresh beginning and optimism in domestic and foreign relations minimizing tensions for positive outcome.
Best Wishes to people of Iran and President Hassan Rohani in addressing issues of the nation.
Zimbabwe – Presidential Electoral Dispute
The re-election of ruling party Zanu – PF governed by long serving President Robert Mugabe once again contested by opponent Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai.
The contender declining to concede in the latest national polls could be resolved in independent re-assessment of voting mechanisms with appropriate measures to avoid prolonged disputes now and later.
Despite previous experience in 2008, the top electoral official resignation in disapproval of existing polling method and inconsistency reveals the election commission lack of coordination and preparation.
Had inherent flaws been identified earlier and addressed effectively, the status quo might be different and any disagreements may not be related to voting irregularity.
Nevertheless, leaderships vying for power seeking amicable settlements could save lives with mass support behind peaceful reconciliation.
Zimbabwe leaders rational approach in national interest could deliver viable solution.
Good Luck! To Zimbabwe electorate and leaderships in finalizing political victory via communication and dialogue rather than confrontation.
Peace to all
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Palestine – Addressing Major Issues Central To Peace Negotiation
August 3, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
Israeli cabinet decision to release all Palestinian detainees prior to negotiations is yet to be carried out and peace talks held despite Israel’s inaction confirms lack of concern for Palestinian plight especially with inmates health deterioration due to prolonged hunger strike.
Palestinian victims expectation from Palestinian officials invited to second round of meeting with Israeli authorities is to end unlawful detention in addition to two other contentious problems viz. settlements expansion and Gaza blockade as initial requirement before proceeding further.
Otherwise the process perceived as a formality favoring the occupier without implementation of remedy to core issues in the decades old dispute.
Moreover the earlier interaction details were not revealed except for the ritual described as positive.
In order to receive Palestinian support, transparency and obliging basic criteria outlined above is necessary for authenticity.
Palestinian cause premised on sincere commitment from all sides in addressing citizens suffering critical for viable and sustainable peace.
International al-Quds day observed on August 2, 2013 was not merely symbolic and expressed global solidarity to Palestinian independence struggle.
Israeli leadership serious attention and result oriented involvement is important to win Palestinian trust and global acknowledgment.
Failure to focus on the framework in Palestinian representation would render the exercise futile and mislead in direction exacerbating Palestinian misery.
The immediate priorities such as returning Palestinian prisoners to their families followed by settlement freeze and Israeli forces withdrawal from occupied territories as well as lifting Gaza blockade instrumental for meaningful outcome.
Palestinian leaders participating in dialogue seeking citizens consent on matter encompassing urgent and ongoing challenges posing impediments to Palestinian survival would promote confidence and reliability.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declaration for referendum allowing Israeli citizens to decide on impending developments is equally relevant to Palestinian population deserving similar extension and opportunity through plebiscite.
The methods reflecting fairness and equality are the foundation for constructive discourse.
The major breakthrough in holding these sessions is dependent on Israeli leadership political will delivered in honoring Palestinian self-determination rights and territorial integrity.
Unless there is conformity in this respect, diplomacy cannot guarantee anything beyond protocol adherence to impress upon selective audience.
Israeli and Palestinian leaders efforts would be worthwhile in recognition of basic fact that elimination of abovementioned obstacles is the preliminary step towards progress.
Palestinian leaders are urged to value Palestinian popular aspirations and reservations considering setbacks experienced subsequent to peace accord since onset of crises.
Israeli authorities simultaneously rising to the occasion and fulfilling agreement beginning with detainees freedom from captivity and compliance of international law on settlement freeze and removal of illegal embargo on Gaza pertinent to reach the milestone in arduous peace journey.
In a nutshell, attempts to derive solutions in the absence of reviewing and redressing key components contributing to stalemate could only produce frustration and continuation of status quo.
Wishing success in peaceful resolution on reclaiming Palestinian sovereignty.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant