Western Imperialism – Promotes Violence in Islamic Nations Part 4

July 16, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

Saudi Arabia – Western Imperialism Dispensable Ally To Subvert Islam

The British Colonial power established dynasties in the Middle East for political maneuver having abolished kingdoms in other colonies prominently in India.

Saudi monarchy with fiefdoms is a classic example of vassal state pledged allegiance to western feudalism.

The de facto relation with west reciprocated through Saudi oil for western weapons enable petro dollar to support fraudulent monetary cartel behind world economic misery and represents hegemony coined phrase – the axis of evil.

Saud Kingdom is the fulcrum in sacrilege of Holy Islam and western imperialism promoted violence in Islamic nations worldwide.

Muslims suffering as Arabs and various other denominations throughout Middle East, North Africa and across the globe attributed to Saudi instigated and funded radicalism as well as extremism.

Saudi terror cultivation facilitates western imperialists so-called war on terror.

Saudi financing fundamentalism provides western imperialism reason to invade and occupy Islamic nations benefitting finance and arms industry to cash in on calamity and simultaneously energy corporations gaining unlimited access to oil and natural gas reserves in the region as witnessed in Libya.

Beginning with Afghanistan, Saudi funding transformed then mujahidin into contemporary Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Similarly, Saudi investments in Pakistan madrassas – the religious schools is a deviation from spiritual aspects of Islam and Holy Quran that espouses human values and virtues in leading a peaceful life unlike the former fomenting sectarianism and violence as the essence of existence.

The incessant bombings and explosions in Pakistan emanating from different terror networks operating with Saudi financial aid also extended to intelligence plus military as bribes on United States and western powers behalf again to drone and weapons manufacturers profitability.

Meanwhile, Washington pretext to wipe militancy with drone strikes from Pakistani soil disproportionately prey on innocent civilians considering the increase in predator drones in defiance of international condemnation.

Saudi money spreading fundamentalism in Central Asia combined with United States military bases makes democracy a mere fantasy for the people in this part of the world.

From Middle East expanding to South Asia – Saudi influenced unrest cause death and destruction in Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt, Pakistan and Malaysia.

Saudi masterminded Takfiris are existential threat to Islam and Muslim population world over.

Saudi leaderships are in the forefront organizing terrorists to fight against popular government in Syria.

The self-defeating Saudi strategy releasing death row convicts as a tradeoff to kill thousands of Syrians in the past two and half years conflict proved counterproductive.

Saudi rulers are demonstrably the most repressive regime in the Middle East with oppression and persecution remaining the hallmark of dictatorship.

The western powers staunch ally – Saudi dynasty is also known for innovative torture techniques, decapitation and primitive practices showcased in Syria and in other war zones.

Women are not considered part of human race let alone attempt to seek gender equality in the state.

Women are forbidden from driving and entering musical instruments store among many common activities that are normal in the rest of the world.

Those caught in violation of these bizarre rules face jail term and in some instances public flogging per recent reports on Saudi regime human rights violation.

Saudi arms are behind bloodshed in Bahrain, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Pakistan, Yemen, Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco to name a few not to mention the ousted leaders from Tunisia, Yemen and alike granted sanctuary in the Kingdom.

Saudi government complicity in 9/11 false flag event was a significant role that set precedence in the western powers onslaught on Islam and followers of Islamic faith opening the floodgates to abuse Muslims as terror suspects that continues in Guantanamo Bay, Bagram in Afghanistan and many secret prisons in U.S. designated territories across the globe.

Having instructed and guided terrorists to desecrate mosques and religious centers in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Pakistan targeting Shia visitors and pilgrims,

Saudi political decision to demolish historic monuments and tombs in Islam’s holiest site Mecca is the last straw in the anti-Islamic action.

The synopsis confirms Saudi family crimes against Muslims and other members of global society that deserves resistance to outlaw despotism subservient to Zionism aspired neo-globalism.

Besides, the greed driven western imperialists agenda has no desire to spare nations with oil resources ignoring the depletion factor and Saudi Kingdom is an inevitable target.

The internal feud in Saudi dynasty with power struggle, mistrust, treason and violent motives dominant, the dysfunctional rule aboard declining western imperialism expedite dissipation.

Wishing the citizens in Saudi Arabia vigor and vision to rise to the occasion in attaining freedom on the horizon.

Peace to all

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Western Imperialism – Promotes Violence in Islamic Nations Part 3

July 13, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

Bahrain – Western Imperialism Facilitate Violent Crackdown on Pro-Democracy Uprising

Bahrain citizens uprising against western and Saudi backed Hamad bin isa Al Khalifa dictatorship valiantly persist in the inevitable ouster of authoritarian rule.

United States, Britain and Saudi aided violent crackdown on peaceful pro-democracy movement escapes world attention with western misled preoccupation in Syria.

Bahrain authorities unleashing terror and persecution of citizens seeking removal of Kingdoms to usher in people governed democratic rule apparently not an issue of human rights violation for western powers preaching democratization via terrorism in Syria.

United States fifth naval fleet and Britain monarchy directed administration along with Saudi passion for anti-Shia sectarianism plays dominant role in brutality against Bahrain civilians that has resulted in thousands of casualties thus far.

Notwithstanding torture ranging from electrocution, sexual assaults, solitary confinement of political prisoners to wounded and dying denied medical treatment exacerbated by imprisonment of medical professionals for rescue attempts and much more rampant in the western vassal state.

The shaky Sheikhdoms throughout Middle East together with fallacious western empire crimes against humanity having reached a crescendo doomed for imminent collapse.

Wishing citizens in Bahrain triumph over totalitarianism delivering republic governed democracy.


Turkey – Western Ploy To Subvert Democracy For Destabilization

Stable and viable democracy is certainly not hegemony’ preference anywhere let alone Turkey.

Turkey progressive measures in all aspects posed impediments to anti-republic conglomerate comprising plutocracy, fundamentalism discrediting religions and neo colonialism premised on economic and military warfare vying for global dominance.

The Prime Minister of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan supposedly heading Justice and Development Party (AKP) disingenuously enticed with EU membership paving way for western powers abuse of Turkey as the front line facilitator in the war against neighbor Syria and simultaneously invading Turkey with western troops under the guise of Patriot missile deployment.

Western expectations were met with Turkish ruling power collusion ignoring Turkish dissent on interference in Syria that returned to Turkish base when terror rocked Reyhanli town in Hatay province conflating provincial opposition into national protest.

The brewing storm on AKP national and foreign policies surfaced across the country emanating from Gezi park demolition to Turkish leadership servile complaisance to western manufactured crises.

Turkish demonstrations still ongoing while German Chancellor Angela Merkel brazenly dismissed Turkey Prime Minister Erdogan’s aspiration for EU membership quoting Turkish government reaction to internal unrest as unacceptable although Germany in the same breath defended weapons sales to flagrant human rights abusers – Saudi Arabia and gifted Israel with nuclear capable Dolphin submarine.

Turkey popular demand for Prime Minister Erdogan and AKP to step down from power increasingly confronted with state authorized excess force and mechanisms legitimizing public frustration and disappointment.

Whenever leaderships and elected representatives fail to resolve electorate problems and make proposals contradictory to national benefits not excluding indulgence in unprovoked warfare compromising citizens safety,

The erroneous decisions arising from misplaced loyalty conclusively expedite those entities and political factions exit from power.

Turkish liberty has to begin with changing course regarding Syria i.e. pledging peace not war and terrorism against Syrians terminating senseless violence.

Reconciliation and recognition of natives, Kurdish and other minorities rights extending mainstream status to all in Turkey would be constructive rather than shifting burden on Iraq and Syria in adherence to western ill-conceived strategy constantly creating regional tension.

Last but not the least, redress actions in the domestic front starting with relinquishing NATO membership and vacating foreign military personnel plus hardware viz. Patriot missiles and other artillery installed for provocation against western adversary.

These commitments translated into concrete outcome would be prudent in safeguarding national sovereignty and regional security.

Wishing citizens in Turkey political victory in restoring people choice governance dedicated to national growth and development.

Peace to Turkey!


Western imperialism and globalism striving to resurrect feudalism is evidently counterproductive.

Global awareness and unanimity in thwarting hegemonic delusions prevalent in widespread violence is key to individual liberty and pursuit of happiness.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Western Imperialism – Promotes Violence in Islamic Nations Part 2

July 13, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

Palestine – Israel Colonization Commits Atrocities with Impunity

Zionism prominence through controversial declaration of the state of Israel in 1948 attributed to mankind misery.

Zionist ideology espousing violence, greed and prejudice endanger lives in the Middle East and worldwide.

Zionism pioneered terrorism in alliance with Takfiris manufactured by Saudi, Qatar and regional Sheikhdoms target nations near and far including Israel’s benefactor in treasure and blood – the United States of America. on September 11, 2001 and false flag events before and after.

The anti-democratic regimes subservience to Zionism goals is responsible for suffering throughout Middle East and elsewhere.

Since illegitimate inception, Israeli atrocities against Palestinians committed with impunity not barring United States threats warning Palestinian authorities against filing complaints at ICC even though the international criminal court is also under hegemony control.

Besides excruciating daily existence for Palestinians, Israeli Defense Forces arbitrary arrests of minors not even spare children as young as five years old held for stone throwing compared with United States and western powers like Germany supplied ammunitions liberally used against unarmed civilians in the occupied territory.

All things end in accordance with natural law. The process is applicable without exception especially tyranny and apartheid termination upon exhausting tactics absorbing the source behind injustice.

Wishing Palestinian victims freedom in every respect leading to rebirth of Palestine.


Syria – Western and Middle Eastern States Sponsor Self-Defeating Terrorism

United States, Israel, Britain, France, Germany, Saudi, Qatar, Turkey, Jordan, Kuwait, UAE along with other western and non-western states sponsor terrorism using chemical weapons, air strike with nuclear component and commit unspeakable crimes against citizens of a sovereign state, Syria.

The conflict into third year now is principally used as pawn to alter West Asian i.e. Middle Eastern geopolitical landscape never to come into fruition and instead bound to affecti every one of them involved in destruction of a free nation with rich culture, civilization and patriotism to defend territorial integrity.

Syria exposed to full frontal international aggression exemplifies courage and determination to protect lives and sovereignty as well as maintaining national spirit in good governance.

Syrian citizens and leaderships ability to transform grief into goodwill is admirably demonstrated in national service.

Meanwhile the western and Middle East coalition instigated killings now backfiring at them clarifying violence as degeneration dehumanizing the origin.

Wishing Syrian society and leaderships across the spectrum success in ending conflict moving forward with rebuilding nation collectively weaving the dreams for common realization.

Peace to Syria!


Libya – Invasion Under False Pretexts For Monopoly Over Economy

The North African nation decentralized with western proxy government in the capital Tripoli leaving the country in chaos and carnage under false pretext of humanitarian mission.

As a result lawlessness is the law of the land turning Libya into Saudi, Qatari and Western ammunition warehouse for supply to hegemony designated war zones across Africa and Middle East.

Again in consistent with adage – ‘What goes around comes around’ experienced by leading force of terror – the United States leaderships in Libyan eastern city Benghazi.

The incident that claimed former U.S. ambassador to Libya – Christopher Stevens and other embassy staff lives is reflective of U.S. political, military and intelligence concerted involvement in dispensing elements considered threat to pre-meditated agenda in the region following decimation of Libya.

These practices by United States represents a pattern given the earlier engagement in Abbottabad, Pakistan asserting the assassination of deceased Osama Bin Laden conveniently eliminating evidences and any possible testimony from Navy SEAL operatives also sacrificed aboard ill-fated Vietnam era Chinook Chopper CH-47D shot down by Taliban with allegedly U.S. leaked details to assassins in Afghanistan.

Even otherwise allowing the benefit of doubt to U.S. leaderships unjustifiable position, the fatality occurrence in U.S. and NATO presence in Afghan soil and failure to avert Taliban calculated and precision attack divulge necessary information on United States complicity.

Reverting to Libyan conundrum, the United States and western interference in any foreign country is ominously for destabilization and depletion of natural resources in continuation of imperialists signature trait and legacy.

Libya’s immediate priority is to oust foreign central bank being the imperial and globalists foundation to monopolize power over economy and subjugate population in semblance with United States, Britain and European status quo underway across the globe.

The establishment of National Bank with people initiated and elected committee as monetary affairs oversight barring foreign interception is the preliminary step towards financial freedom and country assets preservation.

Libya has potential like those colonized by imperial powers to reject external intrusion and start afresh in solidarity implementing Jamahiriya viz. people assembly in tribal, rural and parts of Libya accustomed to traditional political setting with national funding and provisions on security, emergency relief and vital services contributing to Libya’s stability and progress.

The urban Libya conforming to Jamahiriya style in all inclusive democracy accommodating concerns from cross-sections of society and elect government to address matter in citizens and national interest would guarantee pervasive peace and prosperity unlike the contemporary trend sworn allegiance to hegemony committing treason without inhibition based on grand immunity.

Wishing Libya unity for new beginning with promising future.

Peace to Libya!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

http://youtu.be/JaT7_i7JP04 http://youtu.be/ExFSxKRXOVM

Iran – Presidential Election 2013

June 21, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

Congratulations! To President-elect Hassan Rohani for recent victory in the 11th Presidential election and citizens of Iran contributing to peaceful electoral process.

Islamic Republic of Iran since Islamic Revolution in 1979 has been confronted with western imposed economic constraints and Israel’s hardline stratagem prevalent until today.

The people of this nation unfairly targeted similar to Iraq, Syria, North Korea and Cuba or any other country falling prey to western prejudicial sanctions with no valid reasons except for political determination to isolate states regarded as adversary.

Iranian citizens have demonstrated tremendous patience and resilience growing leaps and bounds despite United States and EU imposed economic, financial and media ban to stall growth.

Iran has various challenges in the economic front predominantly due to western authorized restrictions barring other nations from oil imports using regular trade channels and payments processing methods constricting flow of goods and services in the bilateral and multilateral level affecting regional and global economy.

The discriminatory and imprudent policy hurt energy dependent EU and U.S. economies in the course of debilitating Iran accused of involvement in non-civilian nuclear program which has been proved otherwise in the numerous investigations conducted by western agencies like IAEA and UN inspection.

Contrarily, those accusing Iran in this regard viz. Israel, United States and EU do not qualify to make allegations against the Islamic nation considering western powers alarming nuclear status and legacy in the use of WMD and nuclear arsenal.

Notwithstanding western fascination for unprovoked relentless wars in the Middle East and around the world continue to consume innocent lives and harm environment endangering planet in ecological balance.

United States and Israel covert nuclear activities as non-members of Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and non-signatory to IAEA in the absence of any verifications and audit on nuclear warheads in possession including stockpiles held among NATO allies on their behalf combined with standard practice derailing nuclear disarmament talks pose imminent threat to humanity.

The false pretexts used by United States, Israel and EU to extend embargo ignoring grave humanitarian conditions in prohibiting life saving drugs and medical supplies into Iran has resulted in deaths of minors with children, pregnant mothers or anyone suffering from rare diseases denied access to these essential treatments not to mention the reckless actions depriving health care industry and affiliates from huge revenue potential that could benefit dire western economy.

Multiple EU sessions with Iran on nuclear issues and United States prolonging arbitrary sanctions to appease Israel is hypocritical and constitutes war crimes given the economic warfare waged by western alliance in utter disregard for international and humanitarian rule of law.

On the domestic political aspects – Iran’s governance premised on Islamic establishment and Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei of Supreme National Council oversight conforms to strong principles that are important in inspiring and energizing national spirit with emphasis on unity constantly threatened by external forces infiltration.

However, Iran’s democracy adapting to flexible system offering choices delineating statehood from religion would promote individual freedom to both majority and minority groups in society.

Secularism sharing humanitarian values with mutual respect for all would lead to better understanding and harmony.

Religions are avenues to explore simple to philosophical facts pertaining to life purpose. In addition, many seek solace and guidance in dealing with crises that are often resolved through spiritualism imparted wisdom and virtuosity.

Unfortunately, religion is instead used as an instrument in politics for ideological aspirations.

For instance, Zionism espousing greed and violence spares no religion in pursuit of global dominance.

Iran’s civilization in enriched with customs and traditions long cherished in the Persian land.

Progressiveness retaining cultural heritage while accommodating ideas for pervasive progress would sustain positive trend.

Pragmatism is best suited to blend ancient knowledge with modern concepts in appreciation for changing dynamics as part of the evolution again without compromising national identity.

Iran’s capability and dexterity for reforms revealed with the choice of reformist leader Dr. Hassan Rohani as the winner in the impressive voter turnout at 72.7 per cent in the latest election.

The incumbent administration under President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad exemplified in protecting national interests against foreign predator instincts with courage and perseverance.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad leadership would be recognized for transforming obstacles into opportunity making the nation self-sufficient and productive in defiance of foreign incursion in the Persian Gulf besides United States and EU illegal claims to justify unjustifiable economic penalties against Iran.

Iran has prevailed in trials and tribulations in the past and on the path to more accomplishments in the present and future.

Islamic Revolution led by late leader Ayatollah Khomeini evidently laid foundation for national defense from foreign invasion and current leadership Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei emulation of predecessor stimulates patriotism and confidence in nation building.

Wishing Islamic Republic of Iran citizens, the leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, the outgoing President Mahmud Ahmadinejad and the President-elect Hassan Rohani ever lasting peace and success in all endeavors favoring mankind.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Iran – Presidential Election 2013

June 15, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

Congratulations! To President-elect Hassan Rohani for recent victory in the 11th Presidential election and citizens of Iran with impressive voter turnout contributing to peaceful electoral process.

More on this topic will be presented in due course.

Peace to Islamic Republic of Iran!

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arahnt

Syria – U.S. And Allies War Crimes and Genocide Warrants Indictments Barring Exemptions

June 15, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

United States armed and financed Jabhat al-Nusra committed yet another massacre of children and women mostly Shia belonging to Hatla village in Deir Ezzor on June 12, 2013.

Meanwhile western partner Salafi Sheikh Shafi-al-Ajami from Kuwait funded terrorists plundered villages and towns in addition to desecrating holy sites and demolition of infrastructure.

Sponsoring terrorism by arming and financing to slaughter innocent children, women, elderly and the rest across the nation is choosing to be a terrorist via proxy.

The western leaderships especially the United States espousing Zionist and Takfiri self-destructive doctrine already resulting in economic and political decline with the office of United States Presidency misused for egotistical desires ignore ill-fated consequences in continuing war crimes and genocide in Syria.

Reiterating the fact that decimation of Syria means promoting regional catastrophe with Israel being the first one to plunge in self-inflicted disaster accompanied by Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, Jordan, UAE, Kuwait, Egypt, Tunisia… and eventually affecting the entire world with nuclear arsenals in possession of those unrelenting to peace.

The office of U.S. Presidency deviation from democratic system to unilateralism discarding public opinion on warfare when almost 62 – 66% of American citizens oppose any interference in Syria is abuse of power revealing the executive and legislative branch surrender of sovereignty to criminality.

The political establishment hired surrogates, spokespersons, authors and doctored you tube videos attributing executive decisions in escalating violence and killings of civilian population in Syria to arms industry and Israeli lobbyists while absolving the Presidency and legislators from any responsibility is admission of American electorate casting ballots not for candidacy projected as the so-called leadership or representatives of the people but instead the dark forces reining control over United States politics and economy.

Accordingly, the elected officials in the highest office on land and Congress are committing treason through misrepresentation and defiance to citizens dissent on wars with unwavering loyalty to those misleading the nation and global society to abyss.

Such complicity whether due to lack of political will, courage and integrity to stand up to undemocratic elements or alternatively sharing common values with those allegedly prodding elected members to squander American taxpayer dollars for illegal warfare and terrorists activities proves massive collusion against national interest.

President Barack Obama declaration to directly arm foreign terrorists via CIA is acknowledgment of United States engagement long before and throughout Syrian conflict given the United States intelligence agency involvement in mobilizing ammunitions to U.S. recruited mercenaries and cannibals in Syria.

The nefarious dealings transporting lethal weapons since Syrian crises onset and President Barack Obama seeking no fly zone targeting Syrian population with Britain and France having callously used chemical weapons on them and ascribing blame on the popular government of Syria in this regard is repeat of weapons of mass deception tactic used against Iraq.

Unlike United States and western powers cooperation in terror attacks on respective soil against their citizens,

Syrian leaderships and national army relentlessly defending national territory and citizenry from United States led widespread terrorism and massacre.

United States, Israel, Britain, France, Germany with EU lifting arms embargo along with coalition of the willing are responsible for Syrian holocaust up until now.

Notwithstanding the war crimes and summary executions of unarmed civilians warrants indictments of every one of them barring exemption from privileged status.

According to UNHCR latest report – the death toll in Syria thus far is 93,000 with approximately 6,700 are minors and among them nearly 1800 reportedly children under the age of ten died in the ongoing annihilation not to mention the growing refugee situation exacerbating suffering for all and 6.8 million citizens in particular stranded within and outside the country.

United States cavalier approach coordinated with Britain, France and EU unscrupulous strategies to serve Israel’s delusions is worthy of condemnation and merit international intervention to prohibit further onslaught on Syria bringing the western powers and partners to justice for heinous crimes against humanity.

United States outrageous disposition to use Turkey and Jordan for weapons delivery to terror networks in Syria is an assertion of supremacy rejecting Turkish and Jordanian citizens protest to western infiltration undermining national independence of those nations in the region.

Hence Turkish and Jordanian society must rise to the occasion and restrict arms flow into their country by western or disguised supplier i.e. rerouted from Eastern Europe like Croatia with Turkey having suffered terror attacks in Reyhanli and southwestern Hatay province along Syrian border.

Middle East solidarity regardless of religious, social, political and sectarian belief is critical to thwart hegemony goals prolonging illegal invasion and occupation for strategic and economic gains at the expense of vast majority.

The global participation specifically the western civil society bear the burden to terminate Syrian bloodshed for these atrocities are carried out in their name with taxpayer funds ostensibly wasted in denying children, women and men in Syria the right to existence and simultaneously depriving U.S. families survival in the dire economy.

The hegemony depopulation agenda encompassed in geopolitical dominance is sought with war machinery plus economic sanctions in Syria and elsewhere concurrently subjecting western citizens to severe austerity leaving the people on either sides victims of violence and monumental fraud.

In conclusion, United States and western indulgence perpetuating abhorrent crimes in Syria is suicidal mission expediting imminent collapse of imperialism and plutocracy.

Wishing Syrian citizens, national defense force and leaderships extraordinary triumph over trials and tribulations endured by them.

May God bless Syria with fortitude and virtues to prevail in expunging evil and terror.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Palestine – Rebirth of Arab Nation Restoring 1948 Sovereignty

June 8, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

The illegal establishment of Israel on Palestinian land in 1948 is the fundamental reason behind Palestinian misery and humanity suffering worldwide.

Since creation of Israel through deception implementing Balfour declaration, terrorism was introduced then and continued by the same entities denying innocent citizens peaceful existence in their country or anywhere for that matter.

Middle East peace talks for over six decades subverted facilitating Israel complete occupation of meager land left for native Palestinians following Israeli aggression in 1967 that legitimize neo-colonialism in the absence of standard practices against Israel such as indictments for war crimes and continuous oppression, persecution of Palestinians and Syrians in the occupied Golan Heights by Israel.

Palestinian plight for generations with mere condemnations on Israeli crimes and atrocities is lip service allowing Israel to perpetuate tyranny due to lack of accountability.

The formation of UN as an international organization but essentially serving the key powers vested interests leaving the rest of the world at their mercy interestingly coincides with invasion of Palestinian land almost in a manner pre-arranged to set up Israel among Arab nations in the Middle East.

In the twenty first century similar plan under Project for New American Century (PNAC) launched with terror attack on American soil to sway public opinion on pre-meditated warfare against Islamic nations aimed at strategic and economic gains while using NATO members like Turkey to invade neighbor Syria.

The primary goal promoting Israel’s aspirations for regional usurpation and spreading beyond pursued at all costs using American treasure and victim nations blood in a cold and calculated predisposition with consequences never being part of the equation in the delusion.

Palestinians enduring horrendous crimes under Israeli authoritarianism with western powers complicity thus far expected to accept status quo as their destiny.

Israel’s dehumanization of Palestinians and Syrians in Golan Heights is the norm forbidding rationality to intervene in the systemic abuse of power.

The gross human rights violations on international watch stigmatize human race for tolerance to flagrant injustice in the modern age.

On the occasion of Global March to al-Quds, the rebirth of Palestine restoring 1948 sovereignty is a viable solution to more than sixty years old distortion that claimed Arab land with no justification.

In response to predictable reaction – the objection to the invocation has no merit considering unlawful settlements in West Bank and al-Quds,

Gaza blockade, demolition of homes and livelihoods restricting Gaza fishing community from fishing in tiny portion of international waters.

Crushing olive and almond trees prohibiting Palestinian farmers from growing crops and produce to build settlers colony.

Contamination of wells and limiting water supply to Palestinian residents in West Bank, al-Quds and Gaza causing health hazards amid economic sanctions cutting off medical provisions and life saving drugs from arrival into Palestinian territory.

Poisonous gas delivery to Gaza hospitals resulting in death of at least four Palestinian patients in the Israeli controlled coastal enclave.

The indefinite detention of Palestinian youth as young as eleven years old children in Israeli gulag extending the concept to United States run GITMO, Britain and Australian concentration camps in Afghanistan…and.

Last but not the least daily killings including terrorizing of children, women and elderly by raiding and ransacking their homes is regarded as prerogative flaunting supremacy on the weak and vulnerable population.

As for the settlers and occupiers on Palestinian land, repatriation to Europe would be conducive – England and Germany in particular bear responsibility given the former role as an imperialist adopting divide and conquer strategy until today for fragmentation of sovereign states and destruction of societies relevant to Palestinian calamity.

Israel emulating the latter viz. Germany in neo-Nazi rule from inception to this moment with no inclination to change course evident in the intensified brutality against Palestinians and neighbors in the region.

Furthermore, Britain and allies expressing deep concern for nuclear-armed Israel’s security could perhaps afford better care by receiving colonizers from Palestinian land to retlocate to Europe – their original domain.

The transmigration would not only be constructive in terms of Israeli resettlement in Britain, Germany and other parts of Europe but also eliminate hostility and volatility in the Middle East.

Palestinians as natives are entitled to reclaim sovereignty and restore life with dignity seized from them in the western intrusion and systematic polarization of civilizations around the world.

Most importantly, upon revival of independent Palestinian state denuclearization and demilitarization of Middle East would bring instantaneous peace and serenity to the zone stifled in Israel’s overwhelming military and discreet nuclear policy.

The issues related to Palestinians refugees right of return to their homeland and diverse arguments raised by Israel would be Palestinian internal affairs and resolved accordingly to benefit unified Palestinian cause.

Likewise, Syrian Golan Heights liberation from Israeli and UN peacekeeping beleaguerment with repossession of territory by Syria conforms to natural process.

All are born to be free and none are exempt from judgment based on deeds that defines the real direction during and after life.

Palestine rebirth adapting to 1948 territory is the effective recognition and acknowledgment of Palestinian republic pledged to peace, freedom and equality.

Wishing Palestinian and Syrian citizens enormous success with renewed hope turning into reality for a new beginning devoid of subjugation, violence and dominance.

Peace to Palestine and Syria!

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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