Global Affairs – Hard Facts
August 17, 2024
Global Affairs
Hard Facts
Padmini Arhant
Update: August 24, 2024.
State Terror
When politics is in endless warfare under the pretext of self-defense, the obvious being war is a convenient shield for such politics evading accountability on long hovering corruption scandal involving own and the next of kin, conveniently dispatched far away to the safest haven – the monetary, military and technology benefactor USA.
Meanwhile touting patriotism on own behalf at home have no problems drafting the other citizens’ young sons and daughters sent harms’ way in the permanent war zone.
Never mind the killings of several thousands of children, infants and their families…all of whom branded terrorists in blanket conviction.
The callousness not even barring denial of food, water, medicine or ambulance services exacerbating their abhorrent conditions over ten months in extension of nearly 75 years of apartheid and colonization tyranny against Gazans and entire Palestinians till date.
In the midst of prolonging the Genocide of innocent people in Gaza, the aggressor Israel and major ally USA Biden – Harris administration have left own hostages, the premise behind justifying Genocide, the casualties under own barrage of bombing and shelling stalling and stone walling long proposed permanent ceasefire that could have brought hostages home and spared the innocent lives in Gaza.
Politics under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to save own skin on corruption leads the state of Israel into hostility inflicting death and carnage carried out against children and infants as well as their families in Gaza.
Simultaneously, hold own citizens at home hostage unheeding their call in weekly protests on permanent ceasefire for the safe return of those held hostage, who were largely killed from the air raids and heavy artillery firing provided and funded by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris administration run by Barack Obama with pride.
In the United States, when the re-election to second term was abysmal in 2012, the incumbent Barack Obama Presidency then in 2012 engaged in hoax operation in Abbottabad in Pakistan claiming to have assassinated long deceased Osama Bin Laden.
Subsequently within three months of that false event went ahead and eliminated the entire NAVY SEAL recruited in that operation to prevent the facts exposure.
The Abbottabad operation NAVY SEAL team families were denied any rights to open independent investigation behind State terror.
The similar show was exhibited by the New Delhi incumbency during 2019 re-election bid adapting same strategy to mitigate personal doom prospects.
The State terror was full blown in this instance. The State manufactured terror launched attacks on own young citizens serving as the national guards around 40 or more defense personnel were targeted and murdered on own turf in Kashmir.
The gruesome attack then paved way for pseudo political gimmick close to national election weeks away under the guise of retaliation in foreign shore viz. Pakistan. It was phrased the controversial Pulwama attack.
In that same 2019 national election in New Delhi, India, the defense force personnel having served twenty four years or more in the most treacherous conditions of the Himalayan terrain as the border security force member upon becoming a whistle blower on the ongoing internal corruption in depriving decent meals for the members of the defense force guarding the nation and citizens, the politics in particular.
The national defense force personnel Tej Bahadur was bullied, harassed by New Delhi national government and political media leading to his only son committing suicide from the relentless State terror.
When former serviceman Tej Bahadur ran in national election as the formidable challenger against the incumbent embattled Indian Prime Minister, the state machinery pulled together the unscrupulous nefarious tactics and debarred the contender Tej Bahadur citing clerical error in the filing of his election nomination paper that was previously approved and found to be in order for the candidacy to run in national election.
All of the above mentioned State terror in Israel, United States, India…the so-called democracies were carried out in exclusive personal and political interests such as evading haunting corruption scandal and political demise.
The hunger for power is unfortunately ravenous amongst those inept in governance and adept in dishonesty, lies and deceit amid ad nauseam cronyism pulling any shenanigans to unlawfully extend term in office costing taxpayer treasure and blood as witnessed and experienced time and time again.
All the more reason to transfer power back to where it originally belongs and funded as taxpayers, members of workforce in the economy, servicemen and women in uniform as national defense force and several others contributing to the nation and society at large.
Unlike those seizing power and indefinitely fleecing on the republic in exploitative abusive even violent politics.
Padmini Arhant
Update: August 19, 2024.
State Terror is the unparalleled trail blazer in domestic and international terrorism.
Here is the dichotomy – the political mob demands that bullies like them should be respected and even revered amid their beg, borrow and steal legacy continues unabated in the worst trend to fleece on the one they abuse for lifetime. Anything other than that from the target is characterized as whiner again twisted as ‘wine Mom.’
There is an easy solution to this issue – Abusers, opportunists and wannabes – Cease and Desist the deplorable opportunism and exploitation.
The political mob – Mind your affairs not your target’s personal life including the family.
The political authority is only limited to efficient governance with focus on reversing deep economic crisis and accounting for people’s money squandered in killing infants, children and families in foreign land.
Besides, the political mob self-enrichment overnight to billionaire status on the backs of hard working economic contributors is to be laid to rest. This immediate transition would facilitate government to invest the taxpayer dollars in the respective taxpayer life and not misappropriate their tax dollars to political discretion.
The status quo is exacerbating the actual providers – the ordinary taxpayers’ economic condition eventually hurting those responsible completing the full circle in ending from where it began.
Western so-called democracy intolerance leading to destabilization and toppling of governments via draconian economic sanctions, political unrest and / or military coup d’état is the norm maintained till now against non-western people elected democracy.
Terrorism: Perhaps politics could clarify the following:
In the Chicken-and-egg quandary – what came first?
The egg is the obvious to be hatched into chicken.
Similarly, in the State terror and terrorism within or from outside – the State terror as the global authority at the helm followed by the national authority and the remaining level in the political hierarchy reaching to the bottom are the source for any type of terror emulating the ones with political and fire power.
The State terror : Far more aggressive, violent and visceral. The crackdown, censorship, cancel culture, invasion and direct intrusion in civilian lives literally in control of their life misusing technology. The other tactics involve depriving the target from own financial means and legitimate income from lawful engagement in investments and employment.
The State terror espouses and promotes abject cronyism alongside retribution to sustain power.
The State terror hopelessly rely on massive propaganda and smear campaign spinning false narratives 24/7 despite knowing the tradition having brought down many before like Adolf Hitler, Idi Amin and allies proving such efforts futile.
The state terror also specializes in perverse actions with eyes, ears glued to the walls and floors of their target, eavesdropping, snooping, spying, intercepting, raiding, hacking, tagging, trolling, stalking, faking and imposing own will among myriad interventions pretty much tracking target’s life to the minutiae in the obsessive behavior as the prerogative.
The State terror through nuance, innuendoes and insinuations using all available delivery formats in communication outlets and the recruits on payroll let the target aware of the State’s invasion of the target’s life.
It ranges from information on the position one sleeps at night – whether on fetus position, left or right leaning, lying on the back or front etc. They go further with the claim on their incredible knowledge about the target’s items in the shower recess in describing soap to color of the loofah.
Even the death row inmate or worst serial killers (though found amongst the State terror writ large) in federal or state penitentiary would have some privacy and protected under individual and civil rights ambit.
Just a subtle reminder to the target on the State terror’s creepy behavior on the scale of their perversions notwithstanding lewd crude routines exercised with immense pride and prejudice as the elected authority to abuse power at will irrespective of domestic or foreign.
Above all, using the taxpayer dollar against the same taxpayer in the weaponization of taxpayer funded agencies such as the income tax, surveillance to avert any potential external and internal threat supposed to protect citizens and nation is subverted and deployed to shield the state authority and functionaries backend corrupt dealings and often alliance with nation’s adversaries and other unsavory elements during and post term in office.
All of these brazen violations from the State terror is justified in the might is right with the emphasis on the decadent culture as the new paradigm of modern democracy or the largest democracy in the world.
The State terror has power and resources at disposal from ammunitions to taxpayer funded branches of government used against targeted citizens to silence voices sharing concern on status quo.
State terror potent weapon is power granted by the people abused against the people to the core. The trend is common especially against those whom they politically, economically and socially oppress and in many instances religiously as well violating their inalienable individual rights and existence.
The misuse of justice system, law enforcement and other law and order apparatus are rampant against political opponents, non-violent dissenters, peace and environment activists aa well as any voice of reason and rationality are the primary targets for State terror in any political system in disguise or blatant.
The horrendous crime in state terror besides massive corruption, criminality and treason more often is the self-granted license to kill unarmed innocent civilians, the defense force personnel, national guards or navy SEAL…are also a fair game in the hoax operations for political advantage by pulling the trigger and / or via drones and other arsenal not excluding manufactured terror that are within reach for the state / national authority.
The crimes committed are not even recognized as a crime for they are deemed legitimate and the license to kill anyone. The law abiding taxpayers and those perceived politically and personally inconvenient in particular are pursued with no end.
Regardless of the authority’s violations publicly known or not, the violators behind state terror in any and all of the above enunciated details are granted political immunity for life with taxpayer funded privileges and benefits intact.
In the front and backdrop of the State terror, the politics generated political disenfranchisement of any segments and demography based on race, religion social and economic class, isolation and alienation within society denied any rights in sheer discriminatory practice… such factors contribute militancy, radicalism, ideological assertion, supremacy, religious fundamentalism evolved into fanaticism and culmination of these solidified as terrorism.
The State terror is the foundation for other types of fringe and coordinated terror in opposition to State terror.
Needless to say, terrorism in any genre and origin is condemnable and terror manifestation in any form or type has no place in civilized society.
Importantly, western globalists comprising oligarchs from key industries, tech sector and super wealthy incognito from Rothschild to George Soros, Bill Gates…controlled economic and political system on one side.
Simultaneously, media owner Rupert Murdoch and alike in communication along with power hogs in politics operating in tandem as the shadow power orchestrating turbulence and turmoil across the globe not even sparing own turf such as the United States is the new normal.
The conglomerate is essentially against the republic status. The pledge of allegiance to the shadow power is critical for approval to head governments in the more opaque political system shunning scrutiny and accountability.
The evasiveness is explicit in dodging and declining public press conference.
Terrorism and terror outfits are the progeny of State terror unleashed within society or in territories near and far through illegal invasion, occupation, colonization and gross human rights violation lasting over decades exerting hegemony in regional and global dominance.
Nothing happens without cause and effect creating abnormal volatile conditions entirely for political gains, economic interests and strategic domination.
Accordingly, State terror is to be quelled allowing constitutional based democracy to function providing peace, progress and prosperity from merit and skills oriented fair opportunity across the spectrum.
In foreign affairs, recognition of independent statehood, human rights, individual liberty, sovereignty, territorial integrity with free flow of economic activities barring unilateral embargo or selective bias in UNSC decisions are pertinent for pervasive peace and security.
Padmini Arhant
The incumbent VP, the unelected nominee democrat Presidential candidate Kamala Emhoff Harris having funded, fueled and favored Gaza Genocide together with severe humanitarian crisis in Gaza and the rest of Palestine all along until now, portraying a different image as anti-war proponent with ultimatum to Israel etc., a stance and image stolen and never belong to the puppet and proxy candidacy Kamala Emhoff Harris that is now used for political expediency.
Having publicly shared to support the Jewish partner Douglas Emhoff on Israel’s right to self-defense, Kamala Emhoff Harris multi-polar syndrome further expose the unelected and unelectable candidacy duplicity.
To: Kamala Emhoff Harris
Never use the victims and their horrendous misery that you caused them as co-partner i.e. the incumbent VP and active pro-Gaza GENOCIDE cohort in war- mongering and funding arming the Gaza war till date.
It is the worst sin you could commit for pseudo power, fame and fortune.
Not to mention, the election gimmick as anti-war and call for ceasefire having authorized the Genocide of more than 50,00 victims – among whom majority are infants and children together with their families in Gaza,
You, Kamala Emhoff Harris as the incumbent VP and a proud pro-war activist all along till date are directly responsible for leaving nearly 2 million Gazan refugees without food, water and medicine in the brutal war zone that you voted for as the President of the United States Senate that could have been averted with a Nay vote. However, you were hook line and sinker in escalating the Gaza war into protracted regional conflict.
Your administration that you are very much part of and you publicly defended your war mongering and your administration’s several UNSC vetoes on Gaza ceasefire will not go away.
One could try and run away from one’s Karma but can never escape from the karmic effects of one’s crimes in blatant denial.
Chameleon changing color never makes a chameleon anything other than what it is and its true colors.
Despite overwhelming revelations, the Gen Z (18-24)-year-old mocked by the presumptuous unelectable Presidential candidacy Kamala Emhoff Harris.
Regardless of 2024 United States Presidential outcome;
The hard facts on EU and Israel – the United States so-called allies since their creation draining hard working American families tax dollars for respective political agenda under the guise of security against Russia for EU and the entire Middle East region for Israel is no longer economically affordable for ordinary taxpayers via endless money printing by the USA monetary authority.
The flawed monetary policy behind skyrocketed inflation and exorbitant interest rates having brought American middle class and lower income families to grueling economic strife is a grim actuality.
As usual, politics evading responsibility on own egregious decisions and failed policies unintelligently hold food and grocery retailers and wholesalers responsible for inflation.
The response is similar to the incumbent administration earlier claim against retail gas stations nationwide accused of price gouging at the onset of Ukraine war in February 2022 triggering global energy crisis.
Meanwhile, the incumbent Biden – Harris administration together with the United States legislative branch on both sides of the aisle ignore their active involvement in funding and fueling warfare that has been consuming fuel and money in fighting two frontal full blown wars in Ukraine and Gaza since February 2022 until now August 2024.
The current administration VP and the unelected Presidential candidacy propped up by plutocrats and party establishment accusing local businesses in the economy for inflation clarify politics’ out-of-touch with reality on all issues.
United States’ rising inflation and unaffordable interest rates on business borrowing and home owners’ mortgage are primarily due to government spending in warfare and unaccounted budget for political interests.
EU and Israel touted as the advanced western economies can easily afford spending on their security matter without the American taxpayers’ mandatory spending via multi-billion $$$ in aid to Israel as customary practice.
On the other side, United States taxpayers subsidized NATO commitment to affluent EU with Germany alone, ranked the third largest economy in the world, only next to China and the United States, is in a comfortable economic status to pay fair share in protecting own security and that of EU member states in the region.
Taking these factors into account, there is no surprise on the latest EU intervention in the United States Presidential election issuing warnings against candidacy unwilling to maintain status quo on NATO disproportionate funding burdened on American taxpayers on the wealthy EU’s behalf.
The so-called allies EU and Israel can easily pay for their never ending warfare if there is no desire for permanent peace from either and both to end Ukraine war and the war in Gaza conflated into regional conflict.
It always boils down to the ones footing the extraordinary expense on military extravaganzas with the actual stake holders in the contemporary war games EU and Israel absolved of significant economic liability thus far.
Such economic resignation is largely premised on the USA’s toiling ordinary workers and families forced into being benefactors and used as the ATM machines when the corrupt media surrogate like the FOX network oligarch, the anti-democratic Rupert Murdoch owned The Wall Street Journal targeting the one and only nemesis i.e. me with such baseless accusation expressed in the extreme violent outrage and condemnable outpouring misogyny hatred much to own individual and collective peril.
Notwithstanding imminent apocalypse awaiting such reckless diatribe from those enraged for speaking the TRUTH.
All said and done, the indomitable fact is that Israel’s security and stability is rooted in the establishment of independent free Palestine with existing internationally recognized and approved Palestinian statehood barring any illegal invasion, occupation, colonization and any form of control by the State of Israel.
Additionally, the formal acknowledgment of Independent Palestine as one among sovereign states of the global community in the United Nations General Assembly with all privileges that are extended to any other UN members and exercised as the sovereign entity of the international body is imperative for the regional and global peace and security.
The re-construction of Gaza and Palestinian lives destroyed in the last ten-months-old warfare and preceding the conflict in the denial of any individual rights and independence to Palestinians lasting more than seven decades until now is fundamental for peaceful co-existence in the region.
The aggression and violence inflicted in Gaza war against civilian population much to global condemnation has further exacerbated the situation with the protracted warfare as the ongoing alternative rejecting permanent ceasefire.
Ending the wars in Ukraine and Gaza with peaceful settlements are the sane solutions to economic recovery for United States.
EU and Israel’s security also tied to conclusion of warfare with sincere and meaningful peace resolutions.
Padmini Arhant
United States – Democracy in Peril
August 9, 2024
United States
Democracy in Peril
Padmini Arhant
Update: August 11, 2024.
The incumbent VP Kamala Emhoff Harris: While the campaign targets Gen Z votes with false move, groove and anything goes skit in the desperate strategy, the real view of the democrat Presumptive selected rather than elected nominee about Gen Z is not taken out of context as political media and press surrogates claim and propagate to cover up the actual opinion of the current VP on Gen Z directly from the horse’s mouth so to speak.
Update: August 10, 2024.
It is important for the democrat Presidential nominee Kamala Emhoff Harris to come forward clean for once and tell the American electorate, the price tag negotiated with Barry Soetoro alias Barack Obama & Michelle Obama installed democrat nominee in a coup against the democrat incumbent Presidency to perform to the outsourced script and handed down to the nominee by the Obama duo.
It is déjà vu. This has been played out in 2012 with then Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney (the last name rhyming with Padmini) to be eliminated from the field.
The Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney in 2012 complied with the pre-arrangement to show incumbent Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama as the winner even though the Presidency of Barack Obama experienced shellacking in that term 2009 – 2012 with democrats losing the House and Senate in 2010 mid-term Congressional election.
The attitude then and now has not changed with the Republican voters written off in that bargain deal with Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney in 2012.
Fast forward, in 2024 the democrat base wiped out in the latest coup initiated and implemented by Barack Obama and Michelle Obama.
The former speaker Nancy Pelosi, serving as an errand member not surprisingly converted into protagonist by the real two operatives – Barack and Michelle Obama, who by the way owe an explanation behind being firmly rooted in the nation’s Capital, with a residence at the close proximity of the White House since 2016.
Barack and Michelle Obama also bear responsibility to their black community especially the family of the summary execution victim Miriam Carey in 2014 and recently another black victim Tafari Campbell in 2023.
Any distancing from Barack and Michelle Obama in the black rape victim and mother Miriam Carey murder in public square riddled with 25 or more bullets near 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, the White House, the merciless killing by the Obamas’ security personnel in their presence at the White House during the violence only arouse further legitimate questions;
Why did the Obamas amidst touting black lives matter allow their security personnel to get rid of the unarmed black civilian Miriam Carey knowing she had a toddler in the back seat of her car while the violent atrocity was authorized by them?
Why did the Obamas intervene in the rape victim and summarily executed Miriam Carey’s child life?
The Obamas denying Miriam Carey’s family request to let the child attend her late mother’s funeral in addition to handing over Barack’s child to a white male ex-CIA operative who had nothing to do with the fiasco and the tragedy.
The crimes committed by the Obamas would be ordinarily subject to the fullest extent of law not assigned political immunity.
The fake and original are like the night and day. No tricks and shenanigans for any reason can alter one another. The futile effort only expose the besmirched self-image and character. Not to mention desperation and exasperation zoomed on the unsuccessful charade for cheap publicity.
As for Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama, the abuse of power abused against the one granting and enabling such access is deep insecurity and bruised ego exhibited from day 1 in 2008 until now.
The abusers using the office of Presidency to re-enact and relive the past via pseudo candidacy to recreate false euphoria is a grave personality complex.
The teleprompter assisted Presidency of Barack Obama since 2008 until now many embarrassing episodes conveniently forgotten.
The ominous signs were quite telling on the inauguration day in January 2009, with then democrat President Barack Obama faltering and fumbling simply unable to repeat after the Supreme Court Chief Justice, John G. Roberts, Jr. during oath taking ceremony viewed by the domestic crowd and global audience. The event then repeated privately at the White House to be official.
The Presidency of Barack Obama during the official term in office stating the number of states in the United States as 52 unlike 50. The verification could have been possible by glancing at the Star-Spangled banner prior to erring in public to save own face. The crony media as always came to rescue citing Freudian slip which would have been otherwise for anybody else, especially the opponent.
In yet another public interview, Barack Obama admission in being clueless on anything claiming ineptness in even the assembly of a table lamp was serendipity moment.
It never hurts to ensure one is qualified to criticize and constantly target the one from whom the favors availed at the dawn of the unthinkable status extended well and beyond only to be exploited to the core assuming to last lifetime. Upon being denied the parasitic existence, the agitation and hostility transitioned to self and collective destruction not even sparing the office of Presidency with proxy candidacy for personal egotistic consolation is self-indignation.
Accordingly, the accusation against targeted members with unqualified diagnosis ranging from dementia, amnesia to Alzheimer’s…etc. aptly fits own behavior in politics’ selective memory loss and disposition i.e. hypocrisy.
Padmini Arhant
Who is Kamala Emhoff Harris?
The democrat Presidential nominee usurped to various positions since the onset of the political career entirely on identity politics viz. DEI with no element of merit, the fact even publicly concurred to on the lack of merit factor by the current democrat nominee’s own father Mr. Harris upon the candidate then anointed the Vice President despite the democrat base dismissal of Kamala Harris candidacy in 2020 democrat Presidential primary.
The process that has been abandoned as inconvenient and irrelevant in sync with their current party chief from 2009 – 2016 and extended term via proxy Presidency Barack Obama alias Barry Soetoro open invalidation of the United States Constitution as “nothing more than a piece of parchment.”
The trend led by Barack Obama running the gamut via puppet representation is judiciously followed through by the national political party – the democrat party in 2024 setting a bad precedence now and into the foreseeable future.
Who are behind the unelected rather propped up democrat Presidential nominee Kamala Emhoff Harris?
Besides, the identity politics i.e. DEI merchants especially the black politics promoters Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama and partner Michelle Obama ironically having violated, exploited and eliminated black lives in personal and political life for exclusive individual interests and issues,
The assortment money machine such as the Hedge fund banks and investment firms specifically the ones involved in toxic securities, the last in first out (LIFO) venture capitalists, the tech titans entrenched in censorship, cancel culture and gag order on social media…and similar / worse variety that Kamala Emhoff Harris had pledged allegiance to all along and delivered to them in quid pro quo at the ruin and irreversible wreckage of millions of homeowners forced into foreclosures losing their primary residence and hard earned savings in California.
The criminal elements Kamala Emhoff Harris had empathized with and abused the taxpayer funded public office confirmed in her political track record from the days as San Francisco Attorney General, the position secured through political connections and personal defacto relation with the former mayor of San Francisco and democrat representative as well as the former speaker of the California State Assembly Willie Brown.
Subsequently, the elevation of Kamala Emhoff Harris to California District Attorney only causing enormous strife and pain to thousands of victims punished, incarcerated and even unjustified death sentence ignoring adequately evidenced innocence of these death row inmates by then CA D.A. Kamala Harris without regrets or remorse clarify serious human rights violations.
The never miss an opportunity opportunist Kamala Harris close relation with Barry Soetoro alias Barack Obama resulted in the latter choosing then CA D.A. as the keynote speaker in California during 2008 Presidential campaign. The trail soon evolved into Kamala Harris vacating then serving California Senator Barbara Boxer’s seat in national politics without election against convention.
Then CA Senator Kamala Harris term cut short and catapulted to Vice Presidency in 2020 at Barack Obama’s behest slighting democrat voters outright rejection of Kamala Harris 2020 Presidential bid exiting the race as the first casualty.
Recently, the game played out post Presidential debate in June 2024 with democrat key member viz. Barack Obama instigating the Hollywood actor George Clooney with an op-ed in New York Times as the harbinger of imminent coup on incumbent democrat President Joe Biden.
The mutiny within democrat party was silenced deploying hardline coercion and ultimatums with consequences to the defiant democrat incumbent Joe Biden and family.
While fueling the fire via controversial gossip show like the ‘View’ claiming the democrat Presidential nominee other than the emphatically pronounced black woman Kamala Emhoff Harris guaranteed aggressive black voter backlash and outrage synonymous to BLM anarchy in the height of the global pandemic in 2020.
Likewise, the democrat party media cohorts’ cacophony expedited their once touted ideal choice President in 2020 Joe Biden’s ouster faster than the roof top blown away in tornado triggered twister.
The aftermath in democrat party had the Air Force One’s door wide open only for the pre-determined identity politics in dems’ own definition DEI – diversity equity inclusion reserve Kamala Emhoff Harris to slide in with public endorsement on speaker phone conversation from the DEI stake holders Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama and partner Michelle Obama with out-loud message to DEI choice Kamala Emhoff Harris assuring – “Michelle and I will get you into the White House.”
Once again such elicitation discarding the democrat primary election as unnecessary was prominent with the slap on the democrat electorate decision in 2020 Presidential Primary against the party’s selected nominee.
The developments orchestrated and in Kamala Emhoff Harris signature lexicon – galvanized albeit forcibly presenting the irreversibly damaged goods Kamala Emhoff Harris in fancy package as the brand new is weapon of mass deception in the lowest grade.
The incumbent VP Kamala Emhoff Harris is tried and tested throughout only to be proven catastrophic in national as well as international front, alongside emerging a major liability for ordinary and mainstream population from all walks of life at taxpayer expense.
The democrat presumptuous Presidential nominee Kamala Emhoff Harris was and currently remaining the second-in-line as the incumbent Vice President is unequivocally responsible and liable for individual and collective debacles and consistent failures on all matter under Kamala – Joe administration considering the democrat central power brokers’ belated acknowledgment of the incumbent President Joe Biden as too weak, frail and cognitively declined to serve the term in office.
The democrat political machinery together with crony press media conglomerate propaganda campaign and fake news portrayal of their Presidential nominee Kamala Emhoff Harris failed flawed trajectory with cosmetic gimmicks and mimics only describe politics’ comics.
Not to mention, the national and international crises now conflated into burgeoning reality due to lack of initiative and desire from the democrat Presidential nominee Kamala Emhoff Harris as the high-profile public office bearer dereliction of duty and refusal to address and resolve the do or die situation ranging from the southern and Californian borders melt down in the open invitation to influx of foreign illegal entry to grinding grueling economic deterioration leaving the blue, red, purple and A-political alike population poorer and vulnerable to social and economic precipitous decline.
In the international affairs, the incumbent Kamala-Joe administration have sponsored, ignited and funded two frontal full-fledged wars in Ukraine and Gaza notwithstanding ongoing social and political unrest in Europe, Africa and lately in South Asia viz. Bangladesh. The scenario is the repeat of turmoil and tumult throughout the world under Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama administration in 2009 – 2016 resumed in 2021 till date.
The Arab and muslim democrat leaning electorate in Michigan and across the United States including Minnesota cannot possibly erase recent memory on the incumbent Kamala Emhoff Harris role as the ambassador of war crimes defending on camera until now, the globally condemned GAZA GENOCIDE regardless of duality adapted lately on campaign trail in typical political misrepresentation and scripted performance to mislead live captive audience and virtual surfers on the information highway.
Last but not the least, the democrat presumptuous Presidential nominee Kamala Emhoff Harris partner Douglas Emhoff establishment of law firm in Washington D.C. partnered with members from China’s People Liberation Army (PLA) and affiliation whether as active or ex-service personnel in the senior most rankings, the partnership subsequent to VP nomination of Kamala Emhoff Harris in 2020 and later the lawfirm engagement right in the U.S. Capital with the Vice President Kamala Emhoff Harris privilege and privy to the United States sensitive intelligence and national security matter was never a concern to the administration in power or to the democrat party establishment accusing opponents of collusion with foreign adversaries during election and thereafter.
When the allegations clearly fit the democrat party members like the still intact foreign intelligence committee member in the House of Congress, Eric Swalwell exposure on the honey trap with China’s female espionage agent or for that matter the widely known Beijing controlled financing of the incumbent Kamala – Joe administration and family business viz. Douglas Emhoff law firm or Joe-Hunter-Jill Biden’s share in the billions of dollars lending from Beijing.
No particular views or reaction from the democrat party elites and political class about obvious conflict of interest in such dealings with anyone including China deemed adversarial in the Indo-Pacific region.
The complacency from the democrat echelons only raising alarming credibility issue and the violators immunity on all things not barring treason against nation and the republic at large.
Apparently, the Presidential race 2024 is to retain the White House to maintain and prolong cataclysmic status quo with power mongers playing DEI identity politics using proxy and pawns for indefinite extension of term in office and avenge revenge for the loss of election in 2016 though the repeat outcome in 2020 was reversed by undemocratic means and strategy as witnessed and experienced in the latest imposition of democrat Presidential nominee Kamala Emhoff Harris.
The American electorate exercising discernment is critical directing focus on own economic downslide reflecting on pre Kamala-Joe administration compared with post incumbency in power submitted to actual overt and covert forces behind the debilitating political apparatus.
Padmini Arhant
Gaza War – Fake Position
July 26, 2024
Gaza War
Fake Position
Padmini Arhant
Here is the takeaway – the democrat Presidential nominee Kamala Harris projected as Padmini Arhant – the politics’ fixated target for conflicting reasons in semblance with 2008 Presidential election whereby the rider as then Presidential contender with dismal prospects having used and abused the one accused as rider now was legitimately challenged with birth certificate controversy in 2008 Presidential campaign.
However in 2012, the pre-determined pact with then Republican Presidential candidacy Mitt Romney with a monicker (RINO) in the bizarre name rhyming connotation with Padmini (the last name with first name or in any order) trending since my emergence in public domain till date was an outright bought Presidential race negotiated with a hefty price tag leaving the 50% American Republican electorate deceived with invalidation of their ballots.
The 2012 outcome was supposedly egotistical consolation for then democrat incumbent Barack Obama and the political syndicate against the nemesis Padmini Arhant while harvesting phenomenally from the arch rival’s unpaid (not even a dime) hard labor and contributions while depleting my hard earned personal asserts and savings throughout political terms in office and thereafter.
In 2024, the VP Kamala Harris on top of the ticket running as incumbent as it should be saddled with enormous burden of liabilities and dereliction of duty to “unburden what has been” – the VP’s clichè.
Instead the subversion of Kamala Harris candidacy nuanced as Padmini Arhant to scape goat the latter by dumping the inevitable 2024 defeat on the one taken for granted as the lame duck to avenge revenge for 2016 Presidential outcome is typical political crass forging the hack.
Either way the incumbent VP Kamala Harris is unqualified upon running on own abysmal record and profile dodging the democratic primary election process by the so-called democrats in the usurpation to power.
In the other scenario, the innuendo citing the VP Kamala Harris as Padmini Arhant instantly disqualify the incumbent VP Presidential bid due to latter birth certificate verifying foreign born identity. Accordingly, not meeting the native born criteria in the United States Presidential race.
In retaining original resume or maintaining identity theft, the VP Kamala Harris Presidential nomination is premised on identity politics for personal and political vendetta by behind the scenes so-called democrat operatives OBAMAS although now with overt endorsement along with others within insulated political establishment ditching democrat base and electorate to undermine democracy and constitution as irrelevant.
Padmini Arhant
“It is Time for This War to End” says Harris after Meeting Netanyahu.
In fact, it is time for Harris and the actual operatives behind this so-called presumptive nominee to end this charade.
The Vice President Kamala Emhoff Harris – in October 2023 until this hour was and remain active in funding, weaponizing and escalating the abhorrent unforgivable two pronged war in Ukraine and Gaza.
The VP Kamala Emhoff Harris is the chief proponent of Gaza war as the enthusiastic activist on camera justifying misled entirely self-centered Israeli politics in committing the globally condemned GENOCIDE in GAZA besides the catastrophic humanitarian crisis targeting children and women to wipe out generation in the long oppressed Palestine.
The hyenas in sheep’s clothing will never be sheep regardless of stunt and shenanigans in the wry political theatrics.
If at all, the VP and presumptive make-believe pseudo democrat Presidential nominee Kamala Emhoff Harris owns responsibility and culpability as the second-in-line member in the incumbent administration and now more so as the contender under fake persona together with the democrat party as well as all those on the other side of the aisle for orchestrating, authorizing and prolonging Gaza war over ten months continued until now.
The sudden change of heart and about turn position in mimicry is conspicuous duplicity.
When will politics have the courage to step forward and accept responsibility and liability for the incontrovertible criminal legacy and irrefutable embarrassing original profile and disastrous track record?
Somethings apparently never change. If they do, only for the worse diverting to further decadence.
Some might be fooled sometime and even all the time. However, the same does not necessarily and should never presumptuously be applicable to all.
Anything positive, productive, prudent, pragmatic, pleasant and peaceful… that are oxymoron to parasites, nonetheless borrowed and / or stolen are never the ORIGINAL.
To the contrary, only make the fake in this regard delusional and fraudulent.
Importantly, at the end of the day the abusers, opportunists, wannabes and exploiters ought to remember;
Who is using whom and endlessly imposing themselves on whom till date even to prove themselves one way or another?
Who incessantly begged whom?
At present, the repeat free service demand and simultaneous direct intervention to deprive of any income all along 2008 – 2024,
Besides, other criminal behavior such as 24/7 365 days obsessively invading home, space and all things exclusively personal and private, plagiarism, notwithstanding ghost written memoir in 2018 from (2009-2016) FLOTUS even here on LOTUS sari border equivalent to coat tail despite difficulty in pronunciation of Uniter repeatedly uttered Uniner and fumbling on scripted material, teleprompter aided speeches etc., in public are one too many for crony contingency to defend the offensive humiliating trajectory.
Life and lifestyle imitation from day 1 until now not even sparing family members tagged in the choice of academic institution and career.
Above all, spying, snooping, eavesdropping, prying, preying, tagging, trolling and stalking… objectionable perversions, lewd crude indulgence entirely for narcissists’ personal goals upon being rejected reveal true colors.
The gratitude replaced with attitude in narcissism driven ad hominem misogyny and isolated prejudice has been the norm defining the character much to self-destruction and denigration.
Life is too precious to waste time on those beyond the hope and scope of salvation and redemption. The condemnation being appropriate awaits them on judgment day following their imminent departure from the world.
None escape KARMA now or ever.
Padmini Arhant
Gaza War – GENOCIDE Denial Ad Nauseam
June 14, 2024
Gaza War
GENOCIDE Denial Ad Nauseam
Padmini Arhant
Politics and media virulent campaigns against factual ground reality amplify Artificial Intelligence galore making a clear distinction between nature endowed intelligence to all species including humans and the trio viz. politics, tech and media engendered artificial intelligence signifying the latter lacking in intelligence let alone original or artificial.
The wanton propaganda is desperation leading to political denial syndrome on crimes against INNOCENT CIVILIANS IN GAZA and perpetual violation of Gazans and Palestinian rights over seven decades now in spotlight.
The blatant lie in denial of GAZA GENOCIDE, GAZA WAR CRIMES and GAZA DEHUMANIZATION is bare AI politics losing mind if at all in possession overwhelmed by violent rage fraudulently justified as the so-called self-defense.
Such provocation only invokes similar declaration on “holocaust (?)” relentlessly reminded over a century until now while committing the same for nearly a century until lately evidenced in the eight-month-old brutal aggression against INNOCENT PALESTINIAN CHILDREN, babies and their families not even sparing humanitarian workers from anywhere.
That sums up AI oriented and obsessed political and media status quo.
In Spiritual connotation,
You are that you accuse others to be in your vain victimization.
Padmini Arhant
Gaza Permanent Ceasefire Peace Plan Reality
June 1, 2024
Gaza Permanent Ceasefire and Peace Plan Reality
Padmini Arhant
The world leaders coming together extending support and solidarity behind Gaza permanent ceasefire and peace plan is a positive development.
However, the message from Germany’s foreign minister merit clarification.
News Report: The Washington Post June 1st, 2024 on
“World leaders’ response to Gaza Ceasefire.”
Germany’s Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock wrote on social media that the proposal “provides a glimpse of hope and a possible path out of the war’s deadlock” and said it “is now up to Hamas to prove their commitment to ending the conflict.”
Perhaps the German foreign minister is not updated on events accurately or poised to project misinformation as political prerogative maintaining politics’ obsolete nuance, innuendo and insinuations practiced in the past 16 years till date. The unprecedented prejudice, ad hominem misogyny in the pejorative political aimed at misconstrued individual is egregious and self-perilous.
No surprise at such demeanor coming from Jesus crucifiers adept at false narratives and subversion ad nauseam.
As such politics and political propagandist media credibility is all time low and such off the cuff statement from high-profile government official in western democracy is undiplomatic at best and deceptive at worst.
The fact check : The party unwilling to commit to laying the weapons in the eight-month-old Gaza Genocide wreaking immeasurable deaths, devastation and destruction in the western aided and United States politics funded, armed and propelled Gaza warfare in defiance of American taxpayers dissent and protests is none other than the western ally and aggressor Israel.
The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s long standing impractical position entirely for personal and political interest at the expense of Israeli citizens and especially the hostages’ families plight is self-explanatory in the embattled Prime Minister’s official statement cited below.
News Report: The Washington Post on
“World leaders’ response to Gaza Ceasefire.”
On Friday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office said the government was “united in its desire to return the hostages as soon as possible” and its proposal “would also enable Israel to continue the war until all its objectives are achieved, including the destruction of Hamas’s military and governing capabilities.”
But in a follow-up statement Saturday, the prime minister’s office emphasized that Israel would not “agree to a permanent ceasefire” until its goals were achieved and “Gaza no longer poses a threat to Israel,” adding that any suggestions otherwise were “a non-starter.”
The shifting tone cast some doubt on whether Israel was committed to the proposal.
“Netanyahu is trying to have his cake and eat it,” Udi Sommer, a politics professor at Tel Aviv University, said of the conflicting statements. The U.S. decision to “go public” with Israel’s proposal has ramped up pressure on Netanyahu not to renege, he said.”
The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s expressed goal utilized to conflate the war only proven a disaster in all fronts.
Notwithstanding, the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s unpopularity at home unheeding Israeli majority electorate calling for ceasefire and release of all hostages for safe return is witnessed week after week in the demonstration held by Israelis all over.
Again the Israeli government and leadership violent handling of the peaceful protesters in the domestic scene not barring arrests for voicing their opposition on the endless war in Gaza is foolproof on world view. Not to mention Israeli democracy in crisis.
The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu political career and fate prioritized over own citizens and overall positive peaceful prospects in stalling the opportunity to ceasefire and settlement on peace plan adequately specify the actual obstructionist.
The distortion politics eventually unseat the origin and promoters with little or no concern or care about lives all around in the deliberate dereliction of responsibility to end carnage and violations in epic proportion.
The ball is indeed in Israeli Prime Minister’s court requiring sincere cooperation and commitment beginning with complete ceasefire, withdrawal of all troops in the war zone facilitating the uninterrupted flow of desperately needed humanitarian aid to victims in this senseless drawn out warfare.
The longer Israeli government wants to continue bloodshed, the harder it would be for the Israeli hostages in Gaza to survive considering Israel’s relentless shelling and bombing and mobilization of ground forces attacking every moving and immobile targets in the blanket disposition that all are a fair game sparing none especially children, mothers, elderly as well as humanitarian volunteers and non-profit organization workers observed and documented by global audience.
Notwithstanding the denial of humanitarian access to the entire population in the war zone up until now that includes whatever remaining Israeli hostages is a war crime committed with impunity.
Israeli government and leadership resting the war indefinitely and moving forward with the three phase Gaza ceasefire and peace plan is not an option rather a necessity besides the saving grace in all dimensions.
As for Hamas, the Hamas leadership and members earlier and latest statement with readiness and preparedness to implement the peace objectives comprising ceasefire and other systematic compliance elaborated in the peace proposal is noteworthy and impetus expediting the same in conjunction with the other side viz. Israel meeting its end of the bargain.
The adherence to peace roadmap refraining from default on both sides is imperative that would confirm the respective parties on either side genuine commitment to save and protect lives from unacceptable military intervention and unbearable humanitarian conditions.
It’s time for politics to set aside pride and political expediency and instead accept human principle to value life with due respect and acknowledgment of basic rights primarily characterized by individual freedom and peaceful existence.
Padmini Arhant
Gaza Permanent Ceasefire and Peace Plan
May 31, 2024
Gaza Permanent Ceasefire
Peace Plan
Padmini Arhant
The latest three phase proposal on Gaza permanent ceasefire and peace plan is a positive step to prevent further loss of lives and human suffering endured by victims in the eight-month-old war.
The leaderships and all parties concerned navigating the course with sincerity, commitment and compassion is all that required to implement the comprehensive process.
The first phase seeking complete ceasefire and withdrawal of ground troops from the war zone is critical to move forward.
The ceasefire and the remaining particulars in the peace plan with exchange of all hostages and members on both sides, the reconstruction of Gaza, the right of Palestinians to return home etc., are important factors for the population to heal and recover from the prolonged violence resulting in deaths and destruction of lives thus far.
This is an opportunity to end misery and bloodshed providing the victims peaceful environment to live in their respective territory and reconstruct their present and future with their family.
With hope and optimism for a successful outcome, the permanent ceasefire with long lasting peace is the best alternative to status quo to mitigate struggles and tragedy.
It is better late than never for the sake of aching hearts and mourning members yearning for peace and reunion with their loved ones and family.
Padmini Arhant
U.S. Incumbent Administration Ammunition Policy
May 29, 2024
U.S. Incumbent Administration Ammunition Policy
Padmini Arhant
The incumbent Presidency extended from 2009 – 2016 into 2021 till date pursuit in striking the 2nd amendment bill of rights aimed at stripping the right to bear arms aka GUN CONTROL predominantly targeting the right leaning electorate in the United States is no secret.
Juxtaposed, the 2009 – 2016 administration together with allies arming the various terror outfits in Syria, Libya, Iraq…among several others created the IS, ISIS, Al Nusra Front and al Qaeda offshoots variety wreaking havoc in 2010 – 2016 and later.
Similarly the 2009-2016 Presidency together with then DOJ – Attorney General experimented fast and furious program weaponizing the violent drug cartels in Mexico, Central and South America resulted in mass exodus of the locals in rural and urban areas in these regions headed towards the chaos origin – the United States borders, the issue becoming the bone of contention since 2021 until now.
In the present time, the same Presidency then and now via proxy administration maintaining weapons supply to belligerent aggressor Israel and justifying United States complicity in the crime of the 21st Century – the ongoing Gaza war with the latest bombing of the humanitarian zone in Rafah is the last straw in the violent military intervention aided and funded by the United States administration with pride.
The situation is applicable to others in the United States Congress behind Gaza genocide since Oct 7, 2023 – till now.
It goes without saying to those undeserving glory hogging failed Presidential candidacies’ including the current Vice Presidency scripted performance declaring Gaza genocide as an entitlement in the indefensible so-called self-defense to appease the desperate defunct internal and external political apparatus.
At the end of the day, the left voters as the democrat base and the right electorate as Republicans are in a dilemma.
For the left, the democrat base – their so-called democrat administration persistence in the removal of 2nd amendment bill of rights under the guise of GUN CONTROL in the domestic front while the track record in 2009 – 2016 as enunciated above reflect reality.
The description also befit earlier democrat administrations’ hawkish endeavors in the balkanization of Eastern Europe and further back in Vietnam war etc.,
Now fast forward to Ukraine and Gaza war in 2022 and until date respectively speak volume on the democrats’ factual violent foreign policy.
The Republican voters concerned about their 2nd amendment rights being constantly challenged more so intensely in 2009 – 2016 even with false flag events and continued till date in 2022 – 2024 is a direct conflict with the left political party and the administration in particular.
The democrat administration focus on abolition of 2nd amendment bill of rights via Gun control citing protecting lives from gun violence in the domestic turf pose a major credibility factor.
Not to mention hypocrisy in light of the democrat administration war mongering in Ukraine and Gaza with Gaza war having United States administration imprint in killing more than 40,000 civilians in Gaza and now the casualties in Rafah especially comprising children, women and humanitarian workers are the classic cold-blooded slaughter by the self-proclaimed politics assertion as the champion in curbing assault weapons violence.
The current United States administration providing bombs and missiles to the so-called ally – the defiant human rights violator Israel with brutal military intervention in Gaza expanded into Rafah on Egypt border fomenting further killings of civilians in the eight-month-old genocide is the true face of the administration and those behind the scenes coalition in war crimes committed with authority slighting international rule of law, ethical standards and humanitarian concept.
Gun control in the domestic scene and unbridled weapons cache delivery overseas producing mass graves earlier in the politics’ dubbed Arab Spring in 2010 – 2016 and resumed in 2021 – till date in Gaza are contradictory by definition and action.
The United States foreign policy retaining the right to kill innocent children and their families abroad and in domestic policy the democrat administration and Congress expressing deep sense of urgency to seize fire arms from citizens in disagreement with politics’ violation of their 2nd amendment bill of rights is a dichotomy.
Either you care about life in general or none at all.
The selective criteria on certain racial and members’ life matter and the rest regarded dispensable expose individual and political distinct discriminatory practice.
Above all, the arbitrary discretion in elimination and sparing of human life abusing power is the worst character in modern politics explicitly lacking in integrity and compassion.
Not to mention the imminent demise of such politics failing to meet basic human principle to value life barring preference and prejudice is incontrovertible in the otherwise flagrant dismissal of human rights.
Padmini Arhant
Recognition of Independent Palestinian State
May 22, 2024
Recognition of Independent Palestinian State
Padmini Arhant
The long overdue status of Independent Palestinian statehood is the only path towards establishment of peace, fairness and inalienable rights of Palestinians to experience liberty and sovereignty like the many across the globe.
The latest overreach from certain European nations Norway, Ireland and Spain and perhaps others to follow suit in this initiative would restore humanitarian law besides stability, harmony and security in the otherwise unnecessarily embattled Middle East region.
Independent Palestine is the bedrock for human rights to exist in their respective domain and territory with dignity in freedom from illegal occupation, colonization, settlements and incessant violations lasting over seventy five years in modern political history.
Gaza war carried out on global watch with those having green signaled in October 2023 with arms, ammunitions and logistic assistance till date imposing the brutal genocide of population en masse is the blue print of authoritarian democracy in vogue.
Above all, the atrocities committed denying entire Gazan citizens access to drinking water, food, medical treatments and various basic facilities is by far the worst humanitarian violation by the so-called democratic leaderships declining the international stance to end violent military invasion killing more than 40,000 though the unofficial death toll could be much higher considering the debris and rubble inflicted in the demolition of Gaza and now embarked in Rafah having claimed more than half territory in the border with Egypt.
Notwithstanding, the aggression aimed at deliberate impairment of humanitarian services targeting humanitarian workers, medical teams, paramedics, bombing ambulances, non-profit organizations, news media personnel and anyone in any capacity involved to alleviate horrendous human plight in Gaza and rest of whatever remain as Palestinian territory since Israel’s military operation in the last eight months is heinous war crime against humanity at large.
These events given international volunteers falling casualty in the heavy military bombardment and ground troop mobilization again rejecting global dissent condemning unparalleled disproportionate arbitrary killings of children, babies in incubators, women, elderly, the sick and the able…none spared in the violent military onslaught thus far do not measure to any reason, rationality and least of all human civilization.
The military aggressor Israel together with United States administration and members in Congress having bolstered the carnage from the get go until now with self-contradictions on narratives in public regarding the superficial Red-line in Rafah, nevertheless slighted by and chief economic as well as military hardware and technology beneficiary Israel up until now.
The incumbent U.S.administration balancing act to manage fragile political downslide in 2024 Presidential election year via public dissemination on passive approach on Gaza war while maintaining status quo behind the scenes reflect the true nature of incumbency with serious credibility problems in the executive and legislative branch across the aisle.
Not to mention, the United States repeat consistent protocol with veto on UNSC resolutions and UN General Assembly decisions on Gaza genocide in the never ending Israeli military intervention further highlight aversion to genuine permanent ceasefire preventing massive loss of lives and immeasurable human suffering.
Amid the violent eight-month long Israeli military engagement with United States, Britain and allies formidable aiding and abetting carpet bombing transforming the Gaza territory into graveyard,
The United States political class in power and their media at the powerful Israeli lobby behest criticizing the students peaceful protests in the U.S. University campuses urging politics to stop the bloodshed in Gaza now expanded into Rafah with moratorium on weapons supply to the belligerent force viz. Israel as the military power is a stark distinction on the understanding or the lack thereof in the entire matter.
While politics dismiss the varsity campus students as ignorant and isolated western promoted controversial novelist / author monetizing from denigration of religion(s) noted earlier as fugitive and known for obsequious acquiescence to global masters’ hegemony and pejorative foreign policy branding the University students’ rational peaceful anti-war activism in and outside the campus as them favoring fascism and terrorism is human intelligence gone astray.
When it is appropriately the other way around in Gaza war or for that matter on anything where the brute force reining control over population destiny and their civil rights to oppose the wrong justified as the right in the dark age. The systemic subversion and chronic disinformation are the favorite political propaganda in the offensive self-defense.
The presumptuous powerful claiming proprietary rights on all issues, their negative characterization of the campus students walk-outs and silent rejection of war mongering politics and celebrities’ campus commencement speeches pledging support on Gaza war with the former ignoring several thousands premature burials not barring deprivation of the essentials to citizens in the merciless depravation continued alongside relentless reminder on holocaust is evasive and exclusive.
The developments delineate the present youth comprehension of events regardless of censorship and misinformation having become the norm directly affecting many from those presiding over chaos, death and destruction.
As a result, the youth voicing their legitimate concerns as not only the millennial electorate but also the generation burdened with sovereign debt to the hilt moving forward predominantly squandering tax dollars to kill innocent lives in foreign land is cut-and-dry and as clear as day and night.
As for the United States current Oval office reservations on the popular demand for independent Palestinian state citing the administration is not in alignment with unilateral recognition of Palestinian statehood even though the position is that of overwhelming majority across the globe calling for Palestinian liberation from abhorrent apartheid, enforcement of Nakba evidenced in the ongoing Gaza war and systematic seizure of meager Palestinian territory reduced to nothing since 1947 and more so after 1967.
Importantly, the British ruling power then coerced by Zionist agenda and influential affluent Rothschild family clout led by the infamous Balfour declaration were demonstrably unilateral creation of Israel in Palestine in 1948.
There were no mediation or negotiation even considered necessary between then native inhabitants – the Arab Palestinians and other ethnic groups living in Palestine at that time and the transmigrants Jewish diaspora primarily from western, eastern and central Europe.
Unlike the arduous journey until now remaining contentious to reinstate Palestinian statehood. The effort to reach an agreement between the colonizer Israel and the colonized Palestinians over seven decades is successfully stalled and bulwarked albeit protecting western hegemonic interests in the region for economic and strategic dominance.
The egregious policy alongside insisting on Israel’s totalitarian fascist legacy against Palestinians extended across the region as Israel’s defensive might with United States, Britain and other western allegiance not excluding any other non-western so-called democracy joining the band wagon exacerbate the much awaited pending peace prospects.
Where there is a will, there is a way overcoming any challenges and obstacles in the trail towards peace, progress to accept and respect human life and rights as equal no more or less than own individual assertion exemplified in acknowledgment and recognition of freedom and sovereignty of those near and far.
Independent Palestine is the inevitable and imminent remedy to extinguish the fire from air raids, missiles and rockets on all sides.
Peace in Palestine and Middle East is the saving grace leaving behind indefinite volatility and turmoil.
Padmini Arhant
Israel’s Rejection of UNSC Resolution
March 27, 2024
Israel’s Rejection of UNSC Resolution
Padmini Arhant
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s adamant rejection of the latest UNSC resolution on Gaza immediate ceasefire combined with international community call to end Gaza Genocide in the past six months is a grave decision exacerbating hostage crisis and Israel’s present and future security.
The Israeli PM Netanyahu’s stance to discard international law, global citizens solidarity against incessant military intervention in Gaza proven detrimental and led to isolation of Israel by international community.
Furthermore, Israel’s disregard and disrespect for life especially children systematically targeted since October 7, 2023 till date has not helped in any aspect rather revealed Israel’s unacceptable violent conduct in direct contradiction to civilized modern culture.
Israel’s actions have diminished prospects and possibility of rescuing 130 or less Israeli hostages due to Israel and allies aided air raids, bombing, air strikes and critically blocking humanitarian aid to the people in the war zone that included Israeli hostages evidently losing their life from lack of survival needs imposed by Israeli leadership and the politics inflicted devastating human starvation.
Israeli PM Netanyahu justifying Gaza Genocide of over 32,000 innocent civilians among whom more than 15,000 are children martyred in the gruesome merciless bombing and shelling of their homes and public facilities on world watch and,
The key allies coalition in the indiscriminate slaughter of lives in Gaza since October 7 until now to free 130 or less Israeli hostages is by any definition abominable and unforgivable criminal offense including war crime in denying food, water and medicine etc., amid carrying out relentless military aggression.
Israeli leadership and selective members in Likud party designed Nazi concentration camp style forceful displacement of Palestinians in Rafah with plan for further military action against 1.5 million population is neither going to help the hostage situation nor fortify Israel’s security now or in the foreseeable future.
The doomed reality is entirely due to Israeli politics misguided gross miscalculation of aggression, violence and forced starvation among other atrocities carried out so far somehow going to turn the outcome in aggressors favor when the events are exponentially altering the status quo.
Israel and coalition determination to eliminate every child, man, woman, living breathing life in Gaza around 1.5 million population forcefully evacuated towards Rafah with plan for military action against them in the confined designated zone is already having reverse impact within Israel.
The rift between Orthodox Jews conscription declined by Likud party faction of orthodox members and the general civilian conscripts increasingly replaced with not necessarily of Jewish descent or orientation signify the exodus of Israelis avoiding draft and importantly prolonged warfare confronted with retaliation from pro-Palestinian forces in the region.
Israeli PM Netanyahu war strategy from day 1 until now is a colossal failure.
Above all Israel’s belligerence and intense violence in the last six months until now hold own population and defense force hostage to military invasion against Gaza and the rest of Palestine, the setting is well and beyond the scope of far-fetched Israeli political goals.
Besides, prohibiting the imminent release of 130 or few hostages in Hamas custody that is possible upon compliance with the current UNSC resolution commencing immediate lasting ceasefire.
It is easier for individuals such as the head of the state to remain obstinate on the flawed principles and failed policy using foreign taxpayer money relevantly American taxpayers funds against the majority will and dissent together with deploying forces recruited from inside and outside while having dispatched own eligible family members to safe haven overseas like the United States protecting them from harms way.
That says a lot about politics caring about their citizens and the state they tout as being the priority in the obvious misplaced priority refusing peace at the cost of lives at home and the targeted territory.
Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu using own citizens, defense personnel and hostages with Hamas as pawns in the war game only guaranteed to deliver self-expedited exit from power already sought by disillusioned Israeli citizens and the families of hostages in particular tired of being deprived reunion with the release of their family members by ending the Gaza war.
The opportunity knocks on the door once or twice. The same deliberately turned down overwhelmed by folly and hubris only leads to undesirable outcome perhaps even irreversible by choice.
Padmini Arhant
UNSC Resolution – Gaza Immediate Permanent Ceasefire Welcome!
March 25, 2024
UNSC Resolution
Gaza Immediate Permanent Ceasefire
Padmini Arhant
The latest UNSC resolution headed by Japan Presidency presiding over other important ten sovereign member nations adopting the unanimous decision calling for immediate permanent ceasefire, release of all Israeli hostages and unfettered unhindered humanitarian aid to Gazan victims and Israeli hostages held in the six-month-old Gaza war resonate with the Gaza victims enmasse and global citizenry voicing their requests in this regard.
Simultaneously, the unconditional release of all Palestinian hostages from minors to elders held by Israeli authorities in known and undisclosed prisons in Palestine and Israel ensuring their secure union with their Palestinian families is crucial and significant for imminent lasting peace in the otherwise embattled zone.
In addition to these relevant actions, Israel’s complete withdrawal of troops, tanks and forces from Gaza and occupied West Bank as well as East Jerusalem is equally pertinent to allow Palestinian population to recover from the horrendous violence and casualties suffered by them up until now.
The international support and global humanitarian aid is critical to save lives among war victims and survivors in the war zone.
The current UNSC resolution implemented with immediate effect is the duty and responsibility of not only the international body – the United Nations and UNSC,
It is also incumbent upon all parties engaged in this Gaza Genocide to commit to earnest sincere delivery of this decision.
The war having consumed over 30,000 lives and among them children paying the enormous price with their life and many left without a present or future is unsustainable for all sides necessitating the end to the destruction and devastation in Gaza and the rest of Palestine.
The urgency of this matter is directly linked to life and survival of nearly 2 million population in Gaza and the rest of Palestine.
Notwithstanding, the outcome enabling the safe return of all Israeli hostages to their families at home.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant