Israel And Coalition Genocide of Civilians in Gaza

November 6, 2023

Israel And Coalition Genocide of Civilians in Gaza

Padmini Arhant 

UNGA Vote on October 27, 2023 on Gaza ceasefire calling for Humanitarian truce i.e. ceasefire and humanitarian assistance: 

120 countries YES,

13 nations – NO – led by the United States, Austria (Adolf Hitler’s birth place) and the rest from South Pacific Islands – obviously coalesced with such decision given their minority status.

The worst of all 45 abstentions – Germany and remaining EU members, Britain, Canada, Australia, Japan, India…exhibiting impotence in political will to save children, women and innocent civilians besides help to heal the wounded and rescue the dying in Gaza.

What good is any power that cannot refrain from violence, military aggression producing mass graves and Death Valley?

Abstention is political expediency exposing cowardice lacking integrity to take a stance one way or another. Such positions are the worst in betrayal of trust against either side.

Padmini Arhant 

Man opposes and Almighty God disposes. 

Almighty God will always prevail over evil. 

The video below is now made available on this site.

Padmini Arhant

: The supposedly social media and publicly owned Google Alphabet Company showing true colors of western hypocrisy.

FYIYouTube – The divine mission never use ads on the site or in the video content.

The non-commercialized humanitarian service unlike yours is divinely committed to humanity service in the battle against evil. 


Padmini Arhant 


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Fascists under the guise of democracy

The restriction and prohibition of free flow of factual information to the public in fear of exposure of ground reality is classic FASCISM.

Fascism hopelessly rely on authoritative control over information deploying unscrupulous tactics and unethical practice of prejudice depriving public access to diverse sources and content. 

The undemocratic unlawful censorship and cancel culture is the epitome of FASCISM going wild inviting tumult and peril upon selves and all those in collusion and complicity in the blatant assault on FREE SPEECH – the first amendment constitutional right defining democracy. 

The collaborators’ paranoia is the harbinger of FASCISM demise having reached the ultimate abuse of power and draconian policy leading the collective league towards decadence and decline. 

All FASCISTS meet similar fate of downfall and imminent extinction without exception. 

Padmini Arhant 

The video presentation on the content to follow momentarily.

The video will be made available on this site besides youtube shortly. Padmini Arhant

Padmini Arhant




Israel – Aggression Against Palestine

October 26, 2023


Aggression Against Palestine

Padmini Arhant

Israel’s invasion of Gaza to annex territory is clear using October 7, 2023 as the pretext which in itself raise many legitimate questions based on released Israeli hostages accounts squarely holding Israel responsible from the beginning and thereafter until now.

United States administration along with other western and isolated non-western powers open unconditional support with military hardware, logistic assistance and American taxpayer money $10 billion in the latest funding to Israel enabling brutal air strikes and decimation of Gaza intensified using Oct 7, 2023 are collectively responsible in the carpet bombing of Gaza till date.

The deaths and devastation of thousands of Gazan civilians with casualties still piling from under the rubbles caused in Israeli merciless bombing and shelling of the densely populated Gaza enclave has classified –

Israel the existential threat to Palestinians and entire humanity.

Israel spearheading the illegal military intervention despite global citizenry outcry and condemnation is invalidation of Israel as a sovereign state in direct violation  of international law, the Geneva convention and the general standards expected of any civilized sovereign entity in the world.

Israel holding 2.2 million Gazans hostage denying them food, water, fuel and electricity clarify Israeli and those bolstering the aggressor’s atrocity determination to prolong cold-blooded murder rejecting world population outright rejection of Israeli and allies collusion in the carnage.

The escalation and persisting military intervention in Gaza is Israel’s self-elimination experienced by many before treading on such treacherous trail.

The contemporary politics might involve in the cat and mouse game to test Almighty God’s will and global citizenry patience as well as tolerance.

However, Almighty God’s wrath to evil defiance and belligerence has been dealt with severe blow since world creation until now and would be into the future.

As for the global citizens, the boycott divestment sanctions (BDS) at individual level has been proven effective against Israeli violence on Palestinians in the past.

The resumption of BDS effective immediately worldwide as personal decision in exercising individual discretion could neither be banned by Britain or any other political power against citizens anywhere.

Such political interference in people’s choices would be fascist and contradict western touted democracy.

Israel abandoning violent military assaults and the United Nations expediting humanitarian corridor to save lives in Gaza is the utmost priority without further procrastination inflicting horrendous crimes against desperate children, women and the whole population in Palestine.

The international community demand for ceasefire now beginning the establishment of Palestinian statehood is the clarion call for peace in the territory and entire Middle East region.

Notwithstanding the western funded Ukraine – Russia warfare has dented global economy with sky high inflation triggering exponential increase in interest rates besides fuel costs reaching all time record over two years.

The last thing the world deserve is Israel incited repeat Middle East turbulence exacerbating energy supply and distribution alongside Ukraine – Russia war leading the global economy in unprecedented economic inflationary era.

The culmination of western and other allies of Israel unheeding the victims’ plight in Gazan war for strategic dominance hurting own and global economy is not recognized in the deal.

Juxtaposed international solidarity with Palestinians calling the military aggressors for ceasefire, mobilizing  humanitarian passage for the war victims and not United States and western backed Israeli tanks and missiles in Gaza.

Last but not the least delivering Palestinians statehood and independence is no longer a choice rather mandatory despite the matter remain contentious in Israel’s aggression boosted by the United States and other western as well non-western war mongering allies adding fuel to fire in Gaza and all around.

The evil and injustice never prevailed at any time nor will it happen in the present time or moving forward.

Ceasefire now in Gaza.

Free Palestine.

God bless Palestinian children, women and victims in the egregious brute warfare in Gaza and the rest of Palestine.

Padmini Arhant

Israel – Ceasefire in Gaza

October 24, 2023


Ceasefire in Gaza

Padmini Arhant

The enemy of humanity Zionism and allies having exceeded the ultimate evil wickedness and savagery on innocent lives world over beginning with the terror attack in the United States on September 11, 2001 as the premise for carnage in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Yemen, Tunisia and the rest of the Middle East as well as North, West and Central Africa…to name a few among other global interventions are confronted with excruciating formidable and indomitable response from the invincible Supreme Almighty God.

The monumental blunder of Zionism and alliance using the self-designed victim hood ignoring own flagrant violations, transgressions in human ethical, moral humanitarian values and,

The international law promoted and implemented by them only on the ones in compliance with while exempting them from any such obligations must realize their systemic abuse of political supremacy guided hypocrisy has run its course.

No ceasefire with immediate effect in Gaza and the rest of Palestine is declaration of self-termination by war mongers and all those complicit in any format in the military invasion of Gaza by Israel, the west and others instigating genocide in the occupied territory. 

The murder Inc. with western powers led by the United States, Britain, the Hindutva fundamentalist regime in New Delhi, India and any others aiding, abetting and committing genocide through,

The violent belligerent state of Israel under Benjamin Netanyahu leaving Hitler and all other tyrants combined in world history far behind in the holocaust of Gazan civilian population with thousands of innocent citizens majority children and women in Gaza murdered and butchered in the name of self-defense is repugnant and reprehensible leading Israel on the path of dissipation and destruction.

The murder inc. collaboration and complicity in Israel’s unleashing of violence exhausting western artillery and air raids on Gazan civilians is the beginning of the end of ruthless brutal regimes starting with Israel and all those behind the murderous clan.

The world has witnessed and experienced the termination and crumbling of empires and tyranny wreaking havoc against innocent civilians anywhere invariably succumb to own disaster.

Israel is trailing on devastation and self-decimation in the creation of mass graves in Gaza and the rest of Palestine.

The unjustified unconscionable indiscriminate killings of desperate citizens in Gaza and barbarism with essential supplies like food, water, electricity and fuel turned off by Israel at the United States and the rest of the murder inc. behest is collective war crimes with serious ramifications on all of them participating in the collective punishment of Palestinians in the so-called self-defense.

Israel’s decadence is on display and all those orchestrating and contributing to this abhorrent onslaught on Gazan children and the remaining civilians held hostage to western and accomplices heinous crimes against Palestinians is declaration of death to democracy in their domain.

The death of democracy in the so-called democratic systems is full blown reality now with their callous calculated nod to Israel in the mass murder and elimination of Palestinian population under the pretext of Israel’s so-called self-defense in the backdrop of –

Israel’s 75 years of apartheid, genocide, dispossession and dehumanization of Palestinians funded and facilitated by pretentious democracies with own gross human rights violations against their targeted citizens in their domestic soil.

The czars, despots and tyrants exhibiting rage and monstrosity on helpless vulnerable civilian population earlier and such as in Gaza in the present time unequivocally paid a fortune. No exception this time around.

Notwithstanding condemnation by Almighty God accompanied by wrath of the Supernatural force is inevitable on them and their legions they represent denying them redemption and salvation in living and upon their demise.

Every innocent Palestinian child’s cry is a curse on the perpetrators and their progeny everlasting as a reminder of their atrocities against innocent victims of prejudice and political dominance in collapse.

In the battle between good and evil in Almighty God created and monitored Universe, the hell raisers on earth never prevail.

They are undeniably dispatched to their permanent abode of hell with human status renounced by them at their will deteriorating to the lowest form in their actions and decisions against innocent beings such as Palestinians in Gaza and the occupied territory.

Almighty God is never silent.

The judgment on evil is never an omission and delivered sooner than later.

The evil consolidated performance as the murder inc. in Gaza and occupied Palestine are on notice reminiscent of the events ensued subsequent to Jesus Christ crucifixion and,

Several other earth shattering violence like the one in Gaza presently infiltrated on Gazans and Palestinians in defiance of global citizenry outcry for ceasefire in Gaza.

Ceasefire in Gaza is the need of the hour by en masse population across the globe with urgent humanitarian assistance to the dying, wounded and devastated Gazans and Palestinians under western and cohorts’ aided military bombardment on Gaza.

God condemns Israel and war mongers in action. 

Ceasefire in Gaza with immediate effect.

End occupation and colonization of Palestine.

Free Palestine.

Peace in Gaza and the rest of Palestine.

God Bless Palestinian children, women, youth and innocent civilians enduring the abominable deaths and catastrophe funded and authorized by the west and global diktat in the deceitful self-defense proclaim.

Padmini Arhant

Israel – Palestine Conflict Part -1 & 2

October 15, 2023


Palestine Conflict

Part -1

Padmini Arhant

The comprehensive details


Israeli Palestine Conflict – Part 2


The video presentation on the topic with more to follow shortly.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter

Political Narcissists

October 14, 2023

Political Narcissists

Padmini Arhant

Quit your narcissism once and for all for your own sake as the world was not created by you.

Neither any of you, your proxies, pawns, puppets and sleazy crony contingency from wherever possible have any right to exert your narcissism against those whom you obviously envy and despise exhibiting your deep insecurity and inadequacy in every respect.

None of your manipulative, conniving, misogynist hypocrisy would ever serve your narcissistic goals as you collectively in this league should be able to realize regardless of your flamboyance in the so-called original brain and intelligence (?) of yours which you as the combined weaklings proved otherwise reflected in status quo on global matter.

If at all any of you had an iota of reasonable thinking enabling you all to exercise your reasoning faculty if  you possess(?), you would shed your hubris, egotistical megalomaniacal idiocy and reconcile terms with reality.

The above outlined characteristics of yours adequately describe your declining decadent era and your consolidated treacherous dominance never to return ever again.

The birth of Palestinian statehood is the reality much to your draconian colonial mentality. 

Padmini Arhant

Israeli – Palestine Conflict

October 12, 2023


Palestine  Conflict

Padmini Arhant

Update 10/13/2023: The air raids and white phosphorus rain on nearly 2 million civiiians in the densely populated Gaza enclave in the past few days is war crime.

The revenge game makes earlier claims on the onset pale as eye for an eye only results in the avengers’ imminent and inevitable disaster.

Palestinian statehood is long overdue and is the only solution ending Israeli occupation and colonization of Gaza, West Bank and East Jerusalem.

Padmini Arhant 


The latest warfare between Israel and Palestine in the most volatile region entirely at the cost of precious innocent civilian lives on both sides is extremely regrettable and deeply reprehensible. 

The topic will focus on the embattled long embroiled yet preventable crisis in modern history. 

Meanwhile, the political actors, facilitators and assortment of elements behind this bloodshed,  brutality, carnage and chaos inflicted on both sides with massive human casualties could no longer prolong the fire power and terrorism of any kind holding unarmed civilians hostage in this mayhem.

The ceasefire is not an option but a requirement to settle the long standing dispute once and for all.

No bombardments and / or missile launches from either direction is the solution to the ongoing military and militant aggression on either side. 

I convey my sincere heartfelt condolences to victims and families in Israel and Gaza Strip unnecessarily subject to protracted barrage of artillery and especially the repeat use of white phosphorus and other heinous crimes against population enduring historic pain and suffering exacerbated in the recent exchange. 

Further details to follow in presentation in due course.

Padmini Arhant 

Israel – Democracy in Crisis

July 24, 2023

Israel – Democracy in Crisis

Padmini Arhant

No government whether Presidential or Parliamentary touted as proud democracy or otherwise is above law.

The day government declares and demonstrates as such undermining judicial autonomy and limiting the constitution granted power to the highest court on land, the last bastion for citizens in a democratic system, that government is no longer democratic.

The political leadership and party facing corruption charges evading accountability targeting judiciary to remain in power is a serious blow to democracy and fundamental rights of the people.

Notwithstanding government in power blatant rejection of checks and balances to be represented by effective political opposition in the legislative body and the other being judiciary interpreting and applying constitutional law that are lately considered inconvenient obstacle by the executive branch.

The anti-democratic wave in democratic system is antithesis to government of the people, by the people and for the people.

The governments of different political party and factions in coalition and / or as rare majority are guests hosted by the permanent members – the citizens as the electorate in a democracy.

Any effort and actions implementing laws to suit government or political leadership and party discretionary will against that of citizens is violation of voters’ trust and mandate.

Israel is being led into undemocratic environment despite citizens’ protest nationwide, a national scene only witnessed until earlier in states established under one party rule and leadership positioned as the ultimate authority.

These developments are unhealthy for democracy dragged into unnecessary turmoil.

No political party, leadership, government, individual or entity is ever greater and more important than a nation and its people, the only true representation of sovereignty and republic.

The governments are elected  in or out of power whereas the people continue to carry the nation through generations in the present and future.

It’s time for governments, bureaucracy, the legislative members and above all the executive leadership to respect and uphold the laws they pass and legislate for the states and rest of the country and exemplify in compliance of the rules and regulations especially on corruption scandals and other ethical moral issues confronting them during and post term in office.

The failure in this regard prove government’s lack of credibility and aversion for the rule of law they pass for the general society to abide by which majority of population do world over.

Unlike the government as authority flouting the same when it is incumbent upon them which is unfortunately the common trend in the abuse of power regardless of democracy or authoritarian style of governance.

Anything exceeding the norm is never sustainable and stymieing ethical standards conforming to treason is far from exception and unacceptable transformation.

Padmini Arhant 

Politics’ True Colors and Anti-Semitism

July 22, 2023

Politics’ True Colors and


Padmini Arhant

Update: July 24, 2023 Acknowledgment of own crime and sins in the present time with repentance rather than outreach to events in the past century for political reason define human character.

Politics’ penchant for monument is universal. However, evading responsibility and submission to common law on personal monumental crimes such as the ones listed below is second nature.

Politics’ committing crimes against own folks and families seizing the victims’ rights to live via gruesome killing and their offsprings related to political power denied parental and family support in non-acceptance lay bare facts on reality.

All said and done, charity begins at home and getting one’s own house in order prior to minding others is the place to start for credibility.

Padmini Arhant 


Politics known for race, religion and contemporarily human anatomy baiting in identity distortion to masquerade corruption scandals, criminality and utter failure in governance embarked on political theatrics is least surprising.

Anti-semitism branding is the rancor among those who care less about Semitic or any other human classification in the politics manufactured social divide, sectarianism and communal polarization.

Interestingly, the politics crying foul on the so-called anti-semitism is yet to come clean on these horrific crimes committed by politics with political impunity.

The politics abusing power and authority at the helm authorized cold-blooded murder of innocent civilians is the existential threat to ordinary citizens falling prey to predator instincts.

The former first black Presidency Barack Hussein Obama of the democrat party is accountable for the brutal slaying of African American young mother Miriam Carey gunned down by security personnel of African American Presidency and family in public square in 2013 abusing ordinary citizens as electorate granted power against people.

Similarly, the democrat political party is incumbent in opening the case subject to public hearing on the murder of democrat political party aide – the merely 24-year-old young Jewish male – Seth Rich shot dead in broad daylight in Washington D.C. following the internal controversial email leak pertaining to scandalous 2016 Presidential election involving then contentious democrat nomination of Presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton sidelining then Jewish Senator from Vermont Bernie Sanders in the democrat Presidential primary.

The murder of democrat political aide, the Jewish Seth Rich associated with democrat party internal turmoil under then Chair of the Democrat National Committee, Jewish Deborah Wasserman Schultz, during tumultuous 2016 democrat Presidential primary is apparently not relevant and never considered worthy of investigation let alone be anti-Semitic that otherwise loosely attributed as such against politics’ target.

As for Israel’s politics and representation in the United States politics in absolute entirety pledging allegiance to the State of Israel than the United States Stars and Stripes as well as constitution, the United States politics’ tradition speaks volume on loyalty and commitment translated in eternal multi-billion dollar financial, military and technological aid to economically affluent Israel.

Contrarily, the status of economic and financial dependency of the newly born once poorest nation Bangladesh in South Asia was denounced by Jewish patriarch, the former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger quoting the South Asian nation Bangladesh as a “basket case”  – referred to as the state on western aid for survival.

Bangladesh since then has evolved into a nation of self-reliance with impressive economic growth and development competing effectively with regional economies in the twenty first century.

With Israel, United States politics unanimous consent and servility to endlessly serve Israeli interests at United States taxpayers expense allude to renaming United States of America as the Jewish State of Israel.

The United States political trait on Israel surpass those in Israeli Kenesseth comprising local political factions forging alliance in Israeli politics on the path of displacing democracy undermining judicial autonomy in the centralization of power at the executive branch.

Welcome to the era of democracy in serious crisis in systems proudly touted democratic with events unraveling democracy in distress.

The latest political synchrony is in compliance with the current anti-democratic trend in politics premised on dismissal of checks and balances evading responsibility and accountability on corruption charges and crimes at the apex misusing public office and violating electorate trust.

Anti-semitism – The sensitivity to Jewish life and sentiments in public or private statements however  not barring invasion of privacy and intrusion via policing, spying and eavesdropping…prevalent as political prerogative invariably attract censure and censorship.

Juxtaposed, politics engagement authorizing killing of unarmed innocent victims whether black or white in racial composition and Christian / Judaism or any other faith such as the African American Miriam Carey or the white Jewish democrat political aide Seth Rich and,

In Israel – the heinous murder of American Jewish human rights activist Rachel Corrie, then 23-year-old squashed to death in March 2003 by Israeli forces run bulldozer for her plea to stop the demolition of thousands of Palestinian homes in the Israeli forces controlled Gaza Strip.

The question now arise on Jewish life and anti-semitism that did not seem to matter to Israeli authorities in the State of Israel authorizing the violent killing of a young woman Rachel Corrie of Jewish origin by those claiming to be faithful to Judaism and Jewish lineage.

The Israeli authorities decision to bulldoze a young woman alive did not take into account the bleeding hearts of her Jewish parents in the United States hopelessly forced into accepting the violent death of their daughter in the hands of Israeli politics setting precedence in indiscriminate violation of human lives and rights.

The parallel in this crime and that of Nazi activities in the previous century reflect commonality in unhinged political atrocity.

The politics deployment of violence against innocent lives in the United States, Israel or wherever witnessed against African American Miriam Carey, Jewish Seth Rich and Rachel Corrie besides several unreported crimes callously ignore human element to value life.

Instead pretend to highlight importance on color, creed and religion etc. all for personal and political gains in the increasingly hostile political environment endangering citizens’ lives in the misconstrued political power.

These actions reverberate louder than any political rhetoric on campaign trail or monetized advertisements to mislead voters at the onset of election and especially American Jewish lobby for Israel transforming American politics and U.S. taxpayers – the sole benefactor of the state.

The latter reluctant to set itself free in economic independence and refrain from political dominance over the former.

Meanwhile, ordinary citizens continue to pay the price as casualties exposing politics’ true colors and the much propagated anti-semitism.

Padmini Arhant

Israel – Political Crisis and Al-Aqsa Raid

April 15, 2023

Israel – Political Crisis and Al-Aqsa Raid

Padmini Arhant

The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government authorized and conducted violent aggressive raid against peaceful unarmed Palestinian worshippers in Islam’s third holiest Al-Aqsa mosque in the past week is symptomatic of the Israeli leadership trepidation and frustration over latest domestic debacle related to Israel’s judiciary overhaul.

The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s brazen attempt to weaken and undermine Israel’s Supreme Court through government policy to overhaul judiciary was met with nationwide protests including Israeli conscripts in Israel’s Defense Force (IDF) joining the nation against Israeli PM’s overt executive empowerment action.

Israeli population en masse protests against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s controversial unconstitutional undemocratic intervention citing transfer of power from judiciary to legislative and executive branch in Israeli political system was perhaps unexpected in terms of citizens’ solidarity to defend democracy.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s dismissal of  own cabinet defense minister Yoav Gallant was a sample of executive extra judicial power lately reversed in the aftermath of withdrawal of contentious judiciary amendment.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s desperate measures and outreach against judiciary is directly linked to lingering corruption charges stigmatizing and constricting the seasoned politician’s maneuvering polity.

The resistance tsunami in response to Israeli PM’s defiance led to reining in on knee-jerk reaction from the head of the state.

In order to turn the political tide and setback experienced in judiciary overhaul matter, the Israeli leadership approved armed raid in Al-Aqsa mosque is in fact repeat event in Prime Minister Netanyahu’s tenure.

In May 2021, in the height of political crisis with coalition falling apart under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s headed government, similar and more violent raid was authorized in Al-Aqsa mosque producing fatalities and settler incursions against native Palestinians in East Jerusalem, West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Unfortunately for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the Al-Aqsa raid and Palestinian worshippers’ deaths then in 2021 could not avert PM Netanyahu government fall.

Instead the radical move enabled self-displacement with Prime Minister Naftali Bennett sworn in as successor in Israel’s politics in June 2021.

The movie replayed all over again in 2023 in the last week Al-Aqsa mosque attack is a typical political tactic in politics to win back public trust in leadership utterly failed in trustworthiness and credibility.

The political mistake to turn internal tide offshore against citizens and nations near and far when the incumbent leadership and government feet are held on fire in domestic politics is standard political tradition.

The difference this time around is currently the practice prolific in different parts of the world beginning with the United States, India, Israel, Russia, China…the so-called behemoths’ reliance on foreign policy and military confrontation to deflect public attention from dismal domestic performance.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s same experimental methods in the hope of delivering different results is scientifically and politically debunked time and time again.

The intoxication of power overwhelming reasoning faculty debilitating ability to abandon woeful means is the only vivid outcome in the political gamble.

Lessons never learned in life is the biggest irony amongst those unwilling to accept reality.

Padmini Arhant

World – Power is Intoxicating

March 28, 2023

World – Power is Intoxicating

Padmini Arhant  

Israel – The Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu saddled with corruption charges upon return to office attempts on judiciary overhaul tied to personal interests halted as of now.

The quest for power overrides national interests triggering nationwide protests to save democracy.

What is about to ensue in the aftermath of judicial reform rested on its track?

Is the Prime Minister’s withdrawal an abandonment of the controversial executive action?


Is the retreat a temporary pause to calm the rising tidal wave across the spectrum in Israel only to surreptitiously surface sooner than later?

The interlude delaying the judicial reform as opposed to departure from empowerment of executive position would be a major political risk for any leadership not excluding a seasoned political figure like Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with enormous ambitions for power.

Overarching power to silence democracy and undermine the nation’s highest judicial authority i.e. the Supreme Court arise when the powerful not content with people granted power through electoral mandate subject to checks and balances to avert current situation and unnecessary turmoil.

The urgent need to overhaul judiciary to protect own position is an explicit expression of guilt felt and experienced from underlying corruption charges leading to extra judicial execution of power in Israel right now.

The overt assumption of office bearer of the highest office as the absolute power in direct violation of democratic system primarily endanger the soul of democracy and constitutionality governing legislative,  executive and judiciary in the independent and combined political edifice.

Anytime action exceed norms to gain more power quelling dissent demonstrated in the arbitrary dismissal of own cabinet defense minister Yoav Gallant for sharing concerns and calling for rationale, the inner turmoil within is prominent and impetus impulsive reaction.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu priority prior to suspension of the bill to overhaul judicial power misconceived false safety zone to circumvent legal proceedings on corruption charges while remaining the cause for cavalier approach arousing national opposition against the embattled decision.

However, the guilt for doers never dissipate rather exacerbate in living and beyond.

Accordingly, overhauling of judiciary and extreme measures cannot possibly absolve the source from responsibility to face due process in observation and respect for none are above law in a democracy.

Neither denial of guilt nor extraordinary measures to curb democratic means would deliver desired outcome. The might is right strategy has invariably backfired for anyone set in the treacherous trail.

Padmini Arhant

P.S. The topic will resume with focus on other major world events.


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