Israeli – Palestine Conflict

October 12, 2023


Palestine  Conflict

Padmini Arhant

Update 10/13/2023: The air raids and white phosphorus rain on nearly 2 million civiiians in the densely populated Gaza enclave in the past few days is war crime.

The revenge game makes earlier claims on the onset pale as eye for an eye only results in the avengers’ imminent and inevitable disaster.

Palestinian statehood is long overdue and is the only solution ending Israeli occupation and colonization of Gaza, West Bank and East Jerusalem.

Padmini Arhant 


The latest warfare between Israel and Palestine in the most volatile region entirely at the cost of precious innocent civilian lives on both sides is extremely regrettable and deeply reprehensible. 

The topic will focus on the embattled long embroiled yet preventable crisis in modern history. 

Meanwhile, the political actors, facilitators and assortment of elements behind this bloodshed,  brutality, carnage and chaos inflicted on both sides with massive human casualties could no longer prolong the fire power and terrorism of any kind holding unarmed civilians hostage in this mayhem.

The ceasefire is not an option but a requirement to settle the long standing dispute once and for all.

No bombardments and / or missile launches from either direction is the solution to the ongoing military and militant aggression on either side. 

I convey my sincere heartfelt condolences to victims and families in Israel and Gaza Strip unnecessarily subject to protracted barrage of artillery and especially the repeat use of white phosphorus and other heinous crimes against population enduring historic pain and suffering exacerbated in the recent exchange. 

Further details to follow in presentation in due course.

Padmini Arhant 

Israel – Democracy in Crisis

July 24, 2023

Israel – Democracy in Crisis

Padmini Arhant

No government whether Presidential or Parliamentary touted as proud democracy or otherwise is above law.

The day government declares and demonstrates as such undermining judicial autonomy and limiting the constitution granted power to the highest court on land, the last bastion for citizens in a democratic system, that government is no longer democratic.

The political leadership and party facing corruption charges evading accountability targeting judiciary to remain in power is a serious blow to democracy and fundamental rights of the people.

Notwithstanding government in power blatant rejection of checks and balances to be represented by effective political opposition in the legislative body and the other being judiciary interpreting and applying constitutional law that are lately considered inconvenient obstacle by the executive branch.

The anti-democratic wave in democratic system is antithesis to government of the people, by the people and for the people.

The governments of different political party and factions in coalition and / or as rare majority are guests hosted by the permanent members – the citizens as the electorate in a democracy.

Any effort and actions implementing laws to suit government or political leadership and party discretionary will against that of citizens is violation of voters’ trust and mandate.

Israel is being led into undemocratic environment despite citizens’ protest nationwide, a national scene only witnessed until earlier in states established under one party rule and leadership positioned as the ultimate authority.

These developments are unhealthy for democracy dragged into unnecessary turmoil.

No political party, leadership, government, individual or entity is ever greater and more important than a nation and its people, the only true representation of sovereignty and republic.

The governments are elected  in or out of power whereas the people continue to carry the nation through generations in the present and future.

It’s time for governments, bureaucracy, the legislative members and above all the executive leadership to respect and uphold the laws they pass and legislate for the states and rest of the country and exemplify in compliance of the rules and regulations especially on corruption scandals and other ethical moral issues confronting them during and post term in office.

The failure in this regard prove government’s lack of credibility and aversion for the rule of law they pass for the general society to abide by which majority of population do world over.

Unlike the government as authority flouting the same when it is incumbent upon them which is unfortunately the common trend in the abuse of power regardless of democracy or authoritarian style of governance.

Anything exceeding the norm is never sustainable and stymieing ethical standards conforming to treason is far from exception and unacceptable transformation.

Padmini Arhant 

Politics’ True Colors and Anti-Semitism

July 22, 2023

Politics’ True Colors and


Padmini Arhant

Update: July 24, 2023 Acknowledgment of own crime and sins in the present time with repentance rather than outreach to events in the past century for political reason define human character.

Politics’ penchant for monument is universal. However, evading responsibility and submission to common law on personal monumental crimes such as the ones listed below is second nature.

Politics’ committing crimes against own folks and families seizing the victims’ rights to live via gruesome killing and their offsprings related to political power denied parental and family support in non-acceptance lay bare facts on reality.

All said and done, charity begins at home and getting one’s own house in order prior to minding others is the place to start for credibility.

Padmini Arhant 


Politics known for race, religion and contemporarily human anatomy baiting in identity distortion to masquerade corruption scandals, criminality and utter failure in governance embarked on political theatrics is least surprising.

Anti-semitism branding is the rancor among those who care less about Semitic or any other human classification in the politics manufactured social divide, sectarianism and communal polarization.

Interestingly, the politics crying foul on the so-called anti-semitism is yet to come clean on these horrific crimes committed by politics with political impunity.

The politics abusing power and authority at the helm authorized cold-blooded murder of innocent civilians is the existential threat to ordinary citizens falling prey to predator instincts.

The former first black Presidency Barack Hussein Obama of the democrat party is accountable for the brutal slaying of African American young mother Miriam Carey gunned down by security personnel of African American Presidency and family in public square in 2013 abusing ordinary citizens as electorate granted power against people.

Similarly, the democrat political party is incumbent in opening the case subject to public hearing on the murder of democrat political party aide – the merely 24-year-old young Jewish male – Seth Rich shot dead in broad daylight in Washington D.C. following the internal controversial email leak pertaining to scandalous 2016 Presidential election involving then contentious democrat nomination of Presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton sidelining then Jewish Senator from Vermont Bernie Sanders in the democrat Presidential primary.

The murder of democrat political aide, the Jewish Seth Rich associated with democrat party internal turmoil under then Chair of the Democrat National Committee, Jewish Deborah Wasserman Schultz, during tumultuous 2016 democrat Presidential primary is apparently not relevant and never considered worthy of investigation let alone be anti-Semitic that otherwise loosely attributed as such against politics’ target.

As for Israel’s politics and representation in the United States politics in absolute entirety pledging allegiance to the State of Israel than the United States Stars and Stripes as well as constitution, the United States politics’ tradition speaks volume on loyalty and commitment translated in eternal multi-billion dollar financial, military and technological aid to economically affluent Israel.

Contrarily, the status of economic and financial dependency of the newly born once poorest nation Bangladesh in South Asia was denounced by Jewish patriarch, the former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger quoting the South Asian nation Bangladesh as a “basket case”  – referred to as the state on western aid for survival.

Bangladesh since then has evolved into a nation of self-reliance with impressive economic growth and development competing effectively with regional economies in the twenty first century.

With Israel, United States politics unanimous consent and servility to endlessly serve Israeli interests at United States taxpayers expense allude to renaming United States of America as the Jewish State of Israel.

The United States political trait on Israel surpass those in Israeli Kenesseth comprising local political factions forging alliance in Israeli politics on the path of displacing democracy undermining judicial autonomy in the centralization of power at the executive branch.

Welcome to the era of democracy in serious crisis in systems proudly touted democratic with events unraveling democracy in distress.

The latest political synchrony is in compliance with the current anti-democratic trend in politics premised on dismissal of checks and balances evading responsibility and accountability on corruption charges and crimes at the apex misusing public office and violating electorate trust.

Anti-semitism – The sensitivity to Jewish life and sentiments in public or private statements however  not barring invasion of privacy and intrusion via policing, spying and eavesdropping…prevalent as political prerogative invariably attract censure and censorship.

Juxtaposed, politics engagement authorizing killing of unarmed innocent victims whether black or white in racial composition and Christian / Judaism or any other faith such as the African American Miriam Carey or the white Jewish democrat political aide Seth Rich and,

In Israel – the heinous murder of American Jewish human rights activist Rachel Corrie, then 23-year-old squashed to death in March 2003 by Israeli forces run bulldozer for her plea to stop the demolition of thousands of Palestinian homes in the Israeli forces controlled Gaza Strip.

The question now arise on Jewish life and anti-semitism that did not seem to matter to Israeli authorities in the State of Israel authorizing the violent killing of a young woman Rachel Corrie of Jewish origin by those claiming to be faithful to Judaism and Jewish lineage.

The Israeli authorities decision to bulldoze a young woman alive did not take into account the bleeding hearts of her Jewish parents in the United States hopelessly forced into accepting the violent death of their daughter in the hands of Israeli politics setting precedence in indiscriminate violation of human lives and rights.

The parallel in this crime and that of Nazi activities in the previous century reflect commonality in unhinged political atrocity.

The politics deployment of violence against innocent lives in the United States, Israel or wherever witnessed against African American Miriam Carey, Jewish Seth Rich and Rachel Corrie besides several unreported crimes callously ignore human element to value life.

Instead pretend to highlight importance on color, creed and religion etc. all for personal and political gains in the increasingly hostile political environment endangering citizens’ lives in the misconstrued political power.

These actions reverberate louder than any political rhetoric on campaign trail or monetized advertisements to mislead voters at the onset of election and especially American Jewish lobby for Israel transforming American politics and U.S. taxpayers – the sole benefactor of the state.

The latter reluctant to set itself free in economic independence and refrain from political dominance over the former.

Meanwhile, ordinary citizens continue to pay the price as casualties exposing politics’ true colors and the much propagated anti-semitism.

Padmini Arhant

Israel – Political Crisis and Al-Aqsa Raid

April 15, 2023

Israel – Political Crisis and Al-Aqsa Raid

Padmini Arhant

The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government authorized and conducted violent aggressive raid against peaceful unarmed Palestinian worshippers in Islam’s third holiest Al-Aqsa mosque in the past week is symptomatic of the Israeli leadership trepidation and frustration over latest domestic debacle related to Israel’s judiciary overhaul.

The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s brazen attempt to weaken and undermine Israel’s Supreme Court through government policy to overhaul judiciary was met with nationwide protests including Israeli conscripts in Israel’s Defense Force (IDF) joining the nation against Israeli PM’s overt executive empowerment action.

Israeli population en masse protests against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s controversial unconstitutional undemocratic intervention citing transfer of power from judiciary to legislative and executive branch in Israeli political system was perhaps unexpected in terms of citizens’ solidarity to defend democracy.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s dismissal of  own cabinet defense minister Yoav Gallant was a sample of executive extra judicial power lately reversed in the aftermath of withdrawal of contentious judiciary amendment.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s desperate measures and outreach against judiciary is directly linked to lingering corruption charges stigmatizing and constricting the seasoned politician’s maneuvering polity.

The resistance tsunami in response to Israeli PM’s defiance led to reining in on knee-jerk reaction from the head of the state.

In order to turn the political tide and setback experienced in judiciary overhaul matter, the Israeli leadership approved armed raid in Al-Aqsa mosque is in fact repeat event in Prime Minister Netanyahu’s tenure.

In May 2021, in the height of political crisis with coalition falling apart under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s headed government, similar and more violent raid was authorized in Al-Aqsa mosque producing fatalities and settler incursions against native Palestinians in East Jerusalem, West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Unfortunately for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the Al-Aqsa raid and Palestinian worshippers’ deaths then in 2021 could not avert PM Netanyahu government fall.

Instead the radical move enabled self-displacement with Prime Minister Naftali Bennett sworn in as successor in Israel’s politics in June 2021.

The movie replayed all over again in 2023 in the last week Al-Aqsa mosque attack is a typical political tactic in politics to win back public trust in leadership utterly failed in trustworthiness and credibility.

The political mistake to turn internal tide offshore against citizens and nations near and far when the incumbent leadership and government feet are held on fire in domestic politics is standard political tradition.

The difference this time around is currently the practice prolific in different parts of the world beginning with the United States, India, Israel, Russia, China…the so-called behemoths’ reliance on foreign policy and military confrontation to deflect public attention from dismal domestic performance.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s same experimental methods in the hope of delivering different results is scientifically and politically debunked time and time again.

The intoxication of power overwhelming reasoning faculty debilitating ability to abandon woeful means is the only vivid outcome in the political gamble.

Lessons never learned in life is the biggest irony amongst those unwilling to accept reality.

Padmini Arhant

World – Power is Intoxicating

March 28, 2023

World – Power is Intoxicating

Padmini Arhant  

Israel – The Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu saddled with corruption charges upon return to office attempts on judiciary overhaul tied to personal interests halted as of now.

The quest for power overrides national interests triggering nationwide protests to save democracy.

What is about to ensue in the aftermath of judicial reform rested on its track?

Is the Prime Minister’s withdrawal an abandonment of the controversial executive action?


Is the retreat a temporary pause to calm the rising tidal wave across the spectrum in Israel only to surreptitiously surface sooner than later?

The interlude delaying the judicial reform as opposed to departure from empowerment of executive position would be a major political risk for any leadership not excluding a seasoned political figure like Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with enormous ambitions for power.

Overarching power to silence democracy and undermine the nation’s highest judicial authority i.e. the Supreme Court arise when the powerful not content with people granted power through electoral mandate subject to checks and balances to avert current situation and unnecessary turmoil.

The urgent need to overhaul judiciary to protect own position is an explicit expression of guilt felt and experienced from underlying corruption charges leading to extra judicial execution of power in Israel right now.

The overt assumption of office bearer of the highest office as the absolute power in direct violation of democratic system primarily endanger the soul of democracy and constitutionality governing legislative,  executive and judiciary in the independent and combined political edifice.

Anytime action exceed norms to gain more power quelling dissent demonstrated in the arbitrary dismissal of own cabinet defense minister Yoav Gallant for sharing concerns and calling for rationale, the inner turmoil within is prominent and impetus impulsive reaction.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu priority prior to suspension of the bill to overhaul judicial power misconceived false safety zone to circumvent legal proceedings on corruption charges while remaining the cause for cavalier approach arousing national opposition against the embattled decision.

However, the guilt for doers never dissipate rather exacerbate in living and beyond.

Accordingly, overhauling of judiciary and extreme measures cannot possibly absolve the source from responsibility to face due process in observation and respect for none are above law in a democracy.

Neither denial of guilt nor extraordinary measures to curb democratic means would deliver desired outcome. The might is right strategy has invariably backfired for anyone set in the treacherous trail.

Padmini Arhant

P.S. The topic will resume with focus on other major world events.


Syria – Regime Change Target

December 14, 2022


Regime Change Target

Padmini Arhant

It’s time to leave Syria alone.

Syria, a sovereign nation is under persistent attack in the earlier and present decade.

United States administration and ally Israel relentless bombing and shelling of Syria since the so-called Arab Spring in 2010 aimed at regime change is reprehensible.

The provocative indulgence is the foundation for catastrophe facilitating terror havens and undesirable elements making life impossible for the native population in the country and region.

Libya is a classic example with lawlessness and political volatility as the state of affairs for the people left at the mercy of exploiters reaping their harvest.

Although there are many examples in this category, the recent one is Afghanistan with Taliban enabled to power and rule the embattled nation making life miserable for all and impossible for women.

Syrian population are subject to western manufactured terror, sanctions and hostility leaving generational impact on human suffering and misery.

Syrians are driven homeless in their homeland and forced into refugee status only to be denied access on or before arrival on the aggressors shores creating the worst humanitarian crisis since 2010 with no end in sight.

Meanwhile, the aggressors and violators adhering to old obsolete regime change concept reeking chaos and mayhem wherever possible are invariably absolved of responsibility and accountability.

The U.S and ally political aspiration imitating invasion of Iraq under false pretext proved disastrous for invaders i.e. United States and NATO as well as the invaded nation Iraq.

The invasion of Iraq unequivocally led to arrival of al-Qaeda in the middle east that was bereft of terror groups until then. The region ruled by regimes not without western approval or collusion remained in power over several decades upon submitting to western economic terms and conditions regardless of political situation across the region.

United States foreign policy customized to suit interests other than United States or citizens and for that matter the people of the targeted nations till date is timeless recipe for disaster.

The lofty endeavors costing United States taxpayers in billions and trillions thus far only delivered unrest, instability and violent outcome with emergence and manifestation of various terror outfits in the destinations unlike the propaganda on establishing democracy (?) with individual liberty.

United States as well as Israel constant intervention in Syria in 2010 and thereafter attracted other foreign intrusion such as Turkey, Iran, Lebanon, Qatar, UAE, Saudi Arabia forcing Syria to rely on Russia that eventually produced Russian naval base in Syrian sea port city, Tartus.

The event is no different to Russian annexation of Crimea, the eastern Ukraine following then United States administration and EU launched coup in 2014 against Ukraine’s elected democratic government resulting in Ukraine status quo.

United States present administration by proxy engaged in resumption of regime change in Syria as a mission to finish unfinished task from 2010 – 2012 is by far the undemocratic illegal involvement in a foreign nation that would not be tolerated by United States in return.

The idea of meddling in foreign affairs to mess with the population, sovereignty, self-determination and territorial integrity that are regarded exclusive to United States and western states are somehow not recognized nor respected as relevant with others in the rest of the world.

United States democratic values are successively challenged during such foreign interventions with Syria until now not spared from unwanted unnecessary cataclysmic endurance.

The so-called Russian collusion turned out to be hoax in the taxpayers’ squandered investigations and Robert Mueller headed committee in the fact finding of 2016 U.S. Presidential election.

In comparison, the United States administration in 2010 authorized and convened events under the guise of Arab Spring and other format to topple governments in different parts of the world is a reality that apparently resumed in the current development in Syria.

Anything tried and tested yielding turbulence and turmoil is best abandoned providing opportunity for the victims i.e. the people in Syria and alike viz. Yemen etc. to heal and recover from foreign inflicted carnage as destiny.

Furthermore, the authoritarian style of governance is not necessarily unique to overt authoritarianism. The pattern is unfortunately prevalent in worst disguise in widely presented so-called democracy that are conveniently ignored in the western foreign policy.

The modern day democracy legacy is testament to destabilizing and removal of  people choice democratic governments world over with the trend continued as entitlement in the present time.

Finally, regime change and any modification to systems is entirely the sovereign right of the people barring any foreign determination and designation that are anything but democratic.

Syrian people alone possess the inalienable right to exercise election and rejection of government in their domain.

Syria like any other nation deserve peace and stability with long overdue relief from indefinite inhumane western economic sanctions crippling life deprived of normal existence.

In fact, the economic sanctions affect human living conditions with the population anger and frustration expressed towards the policy. The counterproductive strategy have increasingly favored those at the helm that are presumably the target in the misguided decisions.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Israel – War and Aggression over Peace

September 17, 2022

Israel – War and Aggression over Peace

Padmini Arhant

Israel latest bombing of Syria and ongoing occupation with oppression and persecution of Palestinians is proved counterproductive.

The nuclear Israel claimed the only democratic state in the Middle East hopelessly relying on aggression and violence to exert political stance delivered nothing but tensions and hostility.

Citing historic events going back several thousands of years in relentless propaganda in justification of the present Israeli acrimony is futile. Furthermore no nation or society based on race, religion and any convenient denominations could impose malevolence over current population who are not responsible for the past humanitarian crimes against any particular sect or demography.

Unfortunately, the trend not unique to Israel alone.

As a matter of fact the position prevalent in the so-called world’s largest democracy Indian ruling government preaching peace but not practicing in reality is the irony. The grudge against specific segment i.e. muslims in India over centuries old Mughal invasion and aftermath serve ideological discriminatory agenda driven towards a majoritarian statehood.

Similarly Indian government foreign policy monetizing Russian invasion from cheap oil imports essentially boosting Russian carnage of Ukraine with thousands of lives violated while sporting peace badge is an insult to injury for the victims in the prolonged warfare.

Again the western Europe viz. Germany, Austria, Finland…prominently and eastern Europe EU member Hungary defiance in energy dependence on Russia economically finance Russia’s war on Ukraine.

The western Europe strategy ignore own security stake in the complex trade and military engagement with and against Russia at Ukraine’s expense. Notwithstanding the security volatility for the rest of  Europe.

The political catharsis expose self and vested interests in the make- believe public disposition.

Likewise Israel favoring Russian invasion of Ukraine rejecting Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky’s televised plea to Israeli Kenesseth mocked upon the reference the final solution the Nazis sought to enforce on the Jews paralleled to Russia’s ambitions for Ukraine.

Israel’s defense contrarily the offense foreign policy as major weapons supplier to war zones arming brutal regimes earlier in Sri Lanka in 2009 against unarmed Tamil civilians or the indefinite bloodshed in Yemen with United States and Israel as key military arsenal providers to Saudi Arabia and coalition extending the never ending Yemen turmoil are not mere defense trade involvement.

Israel funding, weaponizing and facilitating medical treatment to terror outfits with synonymous accusations on Iran and Turkey in the onslaught on Syria is anything but peace seeking democratic norm.

Syrians and the population in the middle east including Israelis in Israel are forced to endure militarized environment in the continuous bombing and shelling of the region.

Israel’s non-military yet direct human rights violation also brought to light in the sale and distribution of the controversial spyware Pegasus and alike to governments and desperate despots anywhere.

The cyber weapons procurement under the guise of espionage activities against terror groups widely deployed targeting civilians like journalists, authors and political critics bear evidence in the anti-humanitarian and anti-democratic values of the state of Israel and the so-called democratic patrons.

In the strange political dynamics, Israeli politics forging alliance with Arab political factions to gain political majority in Kenesseth somehow not pursued in Israeli – Palestinian peace process. The political will to mend ties and form coalition for position of power and authority not necessarily desired in the art of peace and freedom for all as basic human right.

The pragmatic approach to live and let others live in peace for collective progress and prosperity in the meager lifetime of all human beings is ominously missing in politics and policy-making fueling death and destruction as the only means of survival and dominance.

Such principle against conventional wisdom eye for an eye turning the world blind apparently not even a concern amongst those confusing mirage for oasis in the desert.

Reiterating earlier statement elaborated in Israel-Palestine Peace Treaty on this website, Israel’s peace, security and stability lies on recognition of Palestinian statehood with sovereignty and independence to Palestinians in the over seven decades of occupation and repression denying civil rights and dignified existence.

Upon peace-making with independent Palestine, Israel’s relation with neighbors especially Syria, Lebanon, Iran, Iraq and others would normalize on the horizon.

Never too late to choose the path of peace and solidarity renouncing endless enmity and antipathy.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 

International Affairs

May 17, 2021

International Affairs

Padmini Arhant

China – Beijing’s lack of transparency and importance to international rules primarily responsible for the ravaging global pandemic. 

On the political front, Beijing’s violent crackdown on Hong Kong residents – the pro-democracy peaceful dissent represented by young citizens – Hong Kong students now in Beijing’s custody in unknown locations are serious human rights violation. 

Beijing’s persecution of Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang province is yet another human rights violation intensified over a period of time in the absence of international actions in this regard. 

Similarly, the oppression of Tibetan population and systemic elimination of rich Tibetan culture, civilization and heritage since invasion and occupation of sovereign Tibet spanning over seven decades on world watch is a grave authoritarian stigma. 

Beijing’s aggression against independent Taiwan is a routine operation to remind the rest of the world on Beijing’s political and economic clout over nations near and far. 

Amid these engagements, Beijing’s offer to mediate peace between Israel and Palestine is paradoxical. 

Beijing in recognition of individual rights, freedom and sovereignty towards Hong Kong’s pro-democracy groups, Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang province , Tibet and Taiwan respectively ceasing hardline policy and initiating peaceful discourse with all these affected victims would be a welcoming change in crises management.

Israel – Palestine Conflict: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s inability to prove legitimacy and prolong governance having repeatedly failed in Israel’s three elections in the past two years has exhausted means to justify political authority in the domestic front. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s strategy to buy time evading accountability on corruption scandal directly affecting personal candidacy and leadership role is evident in electoral outcome.

The setbacks in consecutive Israeli elections unable to secure expected electoral mandate to form government for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is a clear message from Israeli electorate expressing dissatisfaction on domestic issues. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu availing COVID situation to extend power despite disappointment and disapproval from political and civilian voices in Israel is conspicuous deserving adherence of state and constitutional rule of law. Something that has been flagrantly ignored and circumvented by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and perhaps few party loyalists prioritizing personal and political interests over citizens’ plight.

In addressing the pandemic, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s overstretch beginning with lock down to vaccination, the Israeli citizens experience was anything but democratic as shared by Israeli political factions, activists and civil society. These developments inarguably related to exerting political prowess in the context of demonstrating strength and leadership maneuverability for the embattled Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. 

Having declared premature victory over COVID dilemma, the political leadership and governance run its course. The alternative for incumbent government to deflect public angst and frustration in range of domestic issues beginning with government’s rough and tough tactics to combat COVID within Israel besides economic and political instability was to revive Palestinian conflict. 

The Israeli raid on Al- Aqsa mosque during the holy month and prayers of Ramadan was unnecessary provocation leading to status quo. The real victims are civilians on both sides caught in persisting conflict predominantly for political cause. 

“Israeli forces in recent days have attacked Palestinians protesting in solidarity with residents of the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in East Jerusalem, who were evicted by an Israeli court. The occupying forces also raided the AlAqsa Mosque during special night prayers during Ramadan.”

The topic will resume to shed light on all sides exacerbating human suffering with no desire to contain hunger for power and territorial dominance. 

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 

Turkey in Libya and Syria

February 13, 2020

Turkey in




Padmini Arhant

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s ambitions in Syria and Libya is interventional with Turkish leadership having been directly responsible for Syrian refugees status quo through participation in providing refuge to terror outfits like al-nusra front in 2011, 2012 onwards that cost not only innocent Syrian lives but also claimed many Turkish citizens lives from terror blowback against Turkey.

Furthermore, Turkey exploring occupation of Libya would be illegal invasion of foreign land that would not be appreciated by Turkish leadership and citizens upon similar attempts from any regional states against Turkey.

Syria has been the bedrock of violence due to international powers sponsorship of terror evolving into various terror groups such as IS, ISIL and ISIS as the latest one. Turkey’s role was instrumental in aiding and abetting terror factions attracting Turkish population dissent and protests across Turkey in recent memory.

The non-violent peace march in Turkey at that time in 2012 was quelled with brute force by Turkish leadership Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, then serving as Prime Minister of once secular democratic nation regrettably transitioned into conservative hardline governance denying citizens political and civil rights. Turkey was once regarded the model democracy for muslim nations in the region and outside.

Unfortunately, the Turkish leadership’s quest for power along with external forces harmful and destructive backing allowing then Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to amend constitution transforming the political system from Parliamentary to Presidential form of government nascent in the existing trend.

The political maneuvering slighting opposition in Turkish Parliament by then PM Recep Tayyip Erdoğan having exhausted term limit led Turkey into the  current situation.

Any aspirations to revive earlier centuries empire status viz. Ottoman empire would be egregious and importantly impact the country of origin planning such move now or in the near future.  The erroneous calculations proved pessimistic time and time again for imperialism. The twentieth and twenty first century imperialistic goals invariably affecting the source in terms of economic liabilities in sending troops to foreign soil and humanitarian costs that are irreversible would be the occupier’s concern prompting abandonment of such flawed decision and counterproductive strategy.

Syria and Libya having been utilized as the battle ground for international forces launching terror attacks essentially behind massive humanitarian crises in the form of refugees turning Syrian and Libyan population stateless in their homeland.

Besides, the continuous warfare depriving Syrian and Libyan people the urgent economic revival endangering ordinary lives survival further exacerbated with western imposed economic sanctions. In promoting terror through recruitment, training and funding of terror groups, these two nations remain the target for relentless hegemonic pursuits within and outside the region.

Turkish leadership and political members exercising diligence and renouncing any incursions against Syria and Libya would demonstrate wisdom and maturity in dealing with border related issues and other factors that are best resolved through civil non-violent and constructive democratic course rather than unnecessary present confrontation.

Syria and Libya are sovereign nations with citizens entitled to self-determination rights that are not to be taken for granted or ignored by foreign powers espousing unwanted annexation desires that could only prolong the difficult moments into eternal conflict which is needless to say not a viable option for any nation or the Middle East for that matter.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter




Middle East Peace Plan 2020

February 7, 2020

Middle East Peace Plan 2020 

Padmini Arhant

Middle East Peace Plan – Israel and United States presented the latest proposal as

Deal of the Century.

Review and Solutions.

The Middle East peace plan key points deviates from the path of peace and instead legitimize illegitimate occupation of Palestine and annexation of other territories by Israel following Israel’s six days aggression in 1967 and unlawful settlements in West Bank, Palestine until now.

Nonetheless, the peace plan with appropriate recommendations and solutions furnished for mutually reasonable and acceptable peace treaty.

Deal of the Century (DC) bullet points:

DC: Borders Israel will retain 20% of the West Bank and will lose a small amount of land in the Negev near the Gaza-Egypt border. The Palestinians will have a pathway to a state in the vast majority of territory in the West Bank, while Israel will maintain control of all borders.

Correction and Solution: West Bank is Palestinian territory with unlawful settlements against international laws attracting global dissent. Accordingly, the area to remain part of Palestine under Palestinian jurisdiction and authority. The settlers are to be provided an option to either return to destinations of their origin/choice or seek legal resident status subject to Palestinian authorities approval. Palestinians would have free access to their state in West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem. The Palestinians elected government would deploy their own security forces and personnel on their borders while Israel would maintain only Israel’s borders in recognition of Palestinian and neighbors sovereignty and territorial rights respectively.

DC: Jerusalem: The Palestinians will have a capital in east Jerusalem based on northern and eastern neighborhoods that are outside the Israeli security barrier – Kafr Akab, Abu Dis and half of Shuafat. Otherwise, United States President Donald Trump said Jerusalem will remain undivided as Israel’s capital.

Correction and Solution: Palestinians capital in East Jerusalem entailing all Palestinian neighborhoods and specifically Al aqsa mosque would be Palestinian territory. Any other suggestion on Jerusalem as undivided Israel’s capital is contentious for following reasons.

Israel’s claim on undivided Jerusalem regardless of the holy city’s relevance to other faiths Islam and  Christianity besides Judaism not excluding non-believers and other segments from across the region is over ambitious notwithstanding Israel’s militarization of Islam’s Al aqsa mosque, the second most revered place of worship and demolition of Palestinian homes in East Jerusalem proved counterproductive thus far.

DC: Settlements: Israel will retain the Jordan Valley and all Israeli settlements in the West Bank in the broadest definition possible, meaning not the municipal borders of each settlement but their security perimeters. This also includes 15 isolated settlements, which will be enclaves within an eventual Palestinian state. Within those settlements Israel will not be able to build for the next four years. The IDF will have access to the isolated settlements. For the settlement part of the plan to go into effect, Israel will have to take action to apply sovereignty to the settlements, which Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he plans to do at the upcoming cabinet meeting on Sunday.

Correction and Solution: Jordan Valley and the northern Dead Sea representing more than 30% of West Bank with majority approximately 65,000 Palestinians compared to 11,000 Jewish settlers living there. Furthermore, the valley long been the significant land reserve for Palestinians would constitute Palestinian territory. All settlements within West Bank and in the region would be Palestinian state territory. Palestine would be governed by Palestinian elected government with the territories monitored and defended by Palestinian security personnel. All settlement activities before, now or in the near future in West Bank and other Palestinian territories qualified as encroachment would fall under Palestinian jurisdiction related to property and real estate laws in Palestinian land. The withdrawal of Israel Defense Force (IDF) from Palestinian Territories beginning with West Bank, East Jerusalem and near Gaza i.e. inside Palestine is critical for any peace process to be sincere, serious and above all genuine. The foreign government viz. Israeli authorities action on sovereignty on illegal settlements would be null and void.

DC: Security: Israel will be in control of security from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. The IDF will not have to leave the West Bank. No change to Israel’s approach to Judea and Samaria would be needed.

Correction and Solution: Reiterating above mentioned facts on recognition of sovereignty, territorial integrity and rights that are in adherence as international law in most parts of the world, similar situation would apply to Palestinian state and the state of Israel confined to own respective boundaries and borders which means Palestinian security forces would be responsible and in control of the West Bank and Palestinian territory and vice versa.

With respect to Judea and Samaria – Since the reference Judea and Samaria is Israeli government’s term for administrative control over occupied West Bank, the termination of foreign rule and influence on sovereign state i.e. Palestine would be natural and inherent part of the deal.

DC: Palestinian state: The plan does not include immediate recognition of a Palestinian state; rather, it expects a willingness on Israel’s part to create a pathway toward Palestinian statehood based on specific territory, which is about 70% of Judea and Samaria, including areas A and B and parts of Area C. The state will only come into existence in four years if the Palestinians accept the plan, if the Palestinian Authority stops paying terrorists and inciting terrorism and if Hamas and Islamic Jihad put down their weapons. In addition, the American plan calls on the Palestinians to give up corruption, respect human rights, freedom of religion and a free press, so that they don’t have a failed state. If those conditions are met, the US will recognize a Palestinian state and implement a massive economic plan to assist it.

Correction and Solution: The recognition of an independent Palestinian State barring foreign nations viz. Israel or any other state intrusion, interference in administrative governance, security and all other matter deemed internal and related to Palestinian population affairs and welfare would be instantaneously effective. The establishment of Palestinian statehood and self-determination rights with requirement on withdrawal of foreign viz. Israel’s occupation and deployment of troops as well as administrative authority in West Bank and other Palestinian Territories such as Gaza and East Jerusalem to commence immediately preventing any unnecessary delay and procrastination in this regard.

Once again, Palestinian territory elaborated with respect to all areas pertaining to West Bank i.e. Israeli government reference Judea and Samaria, East Jerusalem and Gaza would be returned in entirety conforming to meaningful and authentic peace accord.

Violence and terrorism to cease on all sides enabling youth and citizens in Palestine and Israel to co-exist in peace. Additionally, the peaceful outcome aimed at long overdue economic progress and development among Palestinians would promote unity and harmony between the two states otherwise wasting time and resources in politically motivated tensions and confrontation.

As for the American plan calling on the Palestinians to give up corruption, respect human rights, freedom of religion and a free press, so that they don’t have a failed state – this is a universal problem in varying proportions and prevalent more so in governments espousing fundamental values with utter disregard for constitution and democratic principles affecting the idea of democracy, individual freedom on religion, free speech and free press endangering normal existence that could lead to any nation’s failure. Not to mention corruption, a global epidemic in politics with widespread impact on integral systems in society.

The political consciousness and remedy to eliminate corruption is applicable without exception to all nations and governments in power as well as opposition for a corruption free system prioritizing transparency and accountability exempting none above law.

DC: Refugees: A limited number of Palestinian refugees and their descendants will be allowed into the Palestinian state. None will enter Israel.

Correction and Solution: This is a matter concerning Palestinian people and their independent nation granting them exclusive discretionary power to approach the humanitarian issue best suited to their economic and social conditions. Though Palestinian refugees and descendants having been forced to leave their native land exercising the right to return to Palestinian state would not be uncommon in semblance to Israel’s policy inviting Jewish citizens from anywhere to Israel.

DC: Triangle: The plan leaves open the possibility that Israel will swap the area known as the “Triangle” – consisting of Kafr Kara, Arara, Baka al-Gharbiya, Umm el-Fahm and more – into the future Palestinian state. According to the plan, “the Vision contemplates the possibility, subject to agreement of the parties, that the borders of Israel will be redrawn such that the Triangle Communities become part of the State of Palestine.”

Correction and Solution: Israel’s preparedness to swap areas known as the “Triangle” is welcome. The plan transforming the possibility to eventuality in the above enunciated manner is paramount. Once again the peace plan in the corrected format with eligible solutions is a great opportunity towards sustainable peace and security to both Israel and Palestine. Not only the citizens in Palestine and Israel deserve peace and stability, the regional experience is pertinent for global peace and security.

The political will on this historic peaceful resolution ending the prolonged Middle East conflict is the responsibility of political leaderships and society in Israel and Palestine demonstrating commitment to an independent sovereign Palestinian state alongside sovereign state of Israel forging normal relations benefitting in trade, cultural, education, technology, environment and more enhancing comprehensive gains.

Hopefully, rationality and wisdom would prevail in accepting the accord for long lasting peace, economic growth and prosperity desired by the citizens in Palestine and Israel.

The amended peace plan fruition could further benefit Israel in bringing the ongoing domestic political stalemate to conclusion.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter















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