United States Foreign Policy

January 6, 2020

United States Foreign Policy

Padmini Arhant

I begin with United States foreign policy in the new year 2020.

Who is behind United States foreign policy?

U.S. foreign policy is designed and delivered by organizations viz. Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission and think tanks such as Brookings Institution, The Heritage Foundation, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, CATO and CSIS…to name a few besides influential lobbyists like AIPAC (American Israeli Public Affairs Committee), Ivy league and other university faculty including Washington based agencies serving specific agenda, ideology and doctrine predominantly favoring core corporate and key allies’ economic interests and strategic dominance respectively in different regions worldwide.

These institutions and organizations are categorized as conservative, liberal and other positions in political thought process though invariably leaning towards hard line neo conservative aggressive policy in politics to benefit military industrial complex in the invasion, occupation and colonization of nations and neo liberalism in economic front to facilitate oligarchy market penetration and expansion in global arena.

How do these organizations and institutions implement foreign policy?

Their members are routinely appointed by democrat and republican administrations in key cabinet posts and sensitive roles such as Secretary of State, National Security Advisor, US ambassador to United Nations and defense ministry to enforce hawkish belligerent policy to retain status quo.

These organizations especially Council on Foreign Relations referred to as mothership in promoting U.S. foreign policy by former Presidential Candidate and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was by no means faux pas from someone having close ties with the organization as other prominent members in United States and international politics maintain not barring media hosts and diverse entities sharing common strategy.

Any government and leadership not towing the line to U.S. foreign policy are listed adversary and accordingly targeted with the most favorite western action i.e. economic sanctions stifling economic growth and development to the point of no return alongside the entertainment industry indulging in spoof, a parody of the tragedy experienced by victims – none other than the significant population enduring immense suffering and misery.

The entertainment industry by far is the chief and cheap propagandists for politics displaying callousness as comedy to appease political establishment and nefarious elements behind human plight adding insult to essence of artistic value, the standard entertainment world is expected to represent and conform with decency and ethics ominously missing in the quest for constant fame and publicity.

Alternatively, any nation or people resistance to U.S. foreign policy is met with violence through military intervention or terrorism having become the convenient source of aggression since September 11, 2001 and adopted with full authority in 2011 starting the Syrian warfare generating ISIS, ISIL, Daesh, al nusra and IS as they are referred to now.

United States legacy in international relations – the U.S. central intelligence agency (CIA) together with Britain’s MI6 and regionally Israel’s Mossad involved assassinations of top government heads and toppling people choice democratic leaderships through those nations’ political and military coup d’é·tat in covert operation up until the beginning of the new millennium transformed into direct overt engagement by United States State Department and the White House exercising extra judicial executions arbitrarily exploiting political immunity on all crimes against sovereign nations and humanity at large.

United States and Iran relations – Iran’s democratically elected popular leader Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh overthrown by United States CIA and Britain’s MI6 primarily for Iran’s oil resources led to tumultuous political upheavals holding Iranian population hostage to western diktat is a continuous trend.

From waging proxy war through former western ally Iraq’s then President Saddam Hussain against Iran for eight long years using U.S. supplied chemical weapons to Iraq at that time to prompting Iranian revolution preempting western backed monarchy of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi exit and Islamic cleric and leader Ayatollah Khomeini entry to and from western shores simultaneously is a memorable chapter in Iran’s political history.

The western interventionism unequivocally responsible for Iran’s nuclear program although Iran has demonstrated discipline and self-restrictions in containing nuclear capability verified and acknowledged by western authorized UN inspections and report thus far unlike western and other nuclear states record on nuclear proliferation and enhancement as an entitlement. United States response to nuclear treaty either with Russia or latest withdrawal from Iran’s nuclear deal under Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) are in clear violation of the agreement.

What does the west seek from Iran?

Having imposed draconian economic sanctions against Iranian citizens and subsequently on Iraq designating their once ally ex-President Saddam Hussein as dictator, the bone of contention for hawkish foreign policy stalwarts is inability to rein control over Iran’s political, economic and social structure while establishing permanent military base in Iraq and other parts of Middle East with main focus on Persian Gulf exacerbates situation in the region.

United States and Britain’s policy accommodate undemocratic regimes in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar and their allies in the region providing artillery and logistic support to curb democratic movements until today with Yemen reduced to killing field depriving the poorest in this north African nation any chance of survival and hope in the absence of political stability.

United States together with western and middle east allies have caused tremendous deaths and destruction with the introduction of terrorism as the means to execute western foreign policy major goal viz. regime change wherever and whenever possible.

In the past decade, in the wake of so-called Arab Spring, United States along with coalition funded, trained and militarized al Qaeda forces relocating them from Pakistan, Afghanistan and north Africa to the middle east. The NATO ally Turkey and strategic partners Saudi Arabia along with Qatar, UAE, Kuwait and Jordan…contributed to terror infiltration and manifestation in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Libya, Egypt spilling across middle east.

Iran as a Shia majority in the midst arguably surrounded by volatility and contempt from within and outside the region. Israel as a potent nuclear state with United States, Britain and EU extended defense infrastructure perceive Iran as existential threat is an open secret. The other states Iraq, Syria and Lebanon identified in the Project for New American Century – mission from U.S. foreign policy architects for destabilization and eternal chaos confirmed in the aftermath of brutal Iraq war by former President George W. Bush proudly declaring the mission accomplishment in 2004.

Not surprisingly, nothing has changed in U.S. foreign policy regardless of administrations in power. The unjustifiable economic sanction intensified under then President Barack Obama administration resulting in innocent civilian casualties despite International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and regular UN inspections reporting on Iran’s commitment to nuclear non-proliferation.

The western stance on economic sanctions eased under JCPOA was more a face saver on the western policy under the pretext of binding Iran on nuclear pact. As mentioned above, according to various agencies and organizations monitoring Iran’s nuclear activity, Iran never exceeded threshold in uranium enrichment and always allowed independent and western authorized agencies for inspection of facilities verifying Iran’s non-nuclear status.

Under these circumstances, prolonging illegitimate economic sanctions and trade embargo limiting Iran’s oil trade to neutral trade partners globally was an extreme measure from the United States with little or no regard for any international laws.

Not to mention lack of fairness on ethical and humanitarian ground as these actions inflict pain and agony on average citizens in any country aimed at instigating political uprising against the government for regime change.

Again, as no western nation ever subject to any economic sanction or trade restrictions except for being on the other side imposing such decisions on non-western nations until now, the harsh reality is hard to be recognized for those not affected in the tradition to cripple economy and punish population with starvation, poverty and disease.

Iranian citizens and entire Middle East region deserve peace, political stability and long overdue economic growth and development denied with western policy on economic sanctions, terror sponsorship and persistent influence to configure political landscape against citizens interest and welfare leaving them at the mercy of merciless policy and stagnant environment.

It’s time to relent to peace and foster better relations with all nations barring preferences and prejudice to benefit mankind as collective progress is the premise for sustainable prosperity.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com





United States – Middle East Affairs

January 3, 2020

United States – Middle East Affairs 

Padmini Arhant

United States latest missile strike targeting Iran’s military commander General Qassem Soleimani beckons clarifications from President Donald Trump administration’s idea of peace. 

Is the assassination of a foreign high rank official regardless of diverse perspectives on the deceased profile, a demonstration of destruction of peace?

Could United States claim innocence when indulging in accusations and arbitrary military interventions with routine unilateral decisions on assassination of anyone not barring series of violations on sovereignty and integrity of other nations on earth?

What is the precise agenda behind designating Middle East – a perpetual war zone besides promoting military industrial complex incessant strategy to utilize the region for testing new weapons and technology, exhausting inventory to replenish weapons stock piles at the cost of millions of lives thus far?

Should citizens of nations under constant fire and infiltration via western power and allies sponsored terror as well as military base endure death, starvation and refugee status as their fate?

How long should the population in the Middle East and conflict zones subject to eternal bloodshed, immense suffering from economic sanctions – an experience never ever felt by any western nation in the world while being in the forefront to impose on nations of choice deemed adversary for defending sovereignty and natural resources remain at the mercy of supremacy syndrome?

Who created terror organizations like al Qaeda including the terror chief Osama Bin Laden with whom United States political family and Presidency of George W.Bush maintained trade and cordial relations well after September 11, 2001 attack in the United States?

How about the U.S. administration under former President Barack Obama direct involvement in the past decade generating terror outfit ISIS evolving into ISIL that is now known as IS?

There is a pattern for U.S. administrations – democrat and republican alike and allies to prolong the so-called war on terror despite them being instrumental in creating, fostering and funding terror since terrorism become the premise for exerting strategic dominance and economic interests in the Middle East and rest of the world.

Why is it necessary for hawks and neo con policy to dispense belligerence and bellicose rhetoric against nations at the expense of lives whether civilian or defense personnel to justify unjustifiable intrusions and presence in foreign land?

Warfare in military or terror format have consumed scores of innocent lives leaving significant population stateless and homeless in their homeland only to be rejected upon arrival on western shores, the same forces behind such activities and human rights violations with no accountability.

Not to mention the environment carnage affecting air, water and soil posing existential threat to humanity existence from shelling, bombing using nuclear component laden weapons and other arsenal endangering all species in the present time.

To all those for whom peace is antithetical for exclusive economic and political benefits, the era of violence and aggression is best left behind with a rational approach facilitating peaceful resolutions would be wise to prevent undesirable unsustainable outcome moving forward.

All must depart from this world at a certain time sooner than later that cannot he postponed indefinitely and will be judged accordingly that would determine their soul final destination.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com





Israel – Golan Heights Proclamation is illegal and illegitimate

April 3, 2019

Israel – Golan Heights Proclamation is Illegal and Illegitimate 

Padmini Arhant

United States administration led by President Donald Trump’s yet another gaffe on Israel’s behalf in declaring Syria’s Golan Heights as Israel’s territory is illegal and illegitimate.

Israel having forcefully seized and occupied the Syrian plateau – Golan Heights during the Six-day warfare in 1967 in the Middle East ever remains violation of Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Israel’s provocative incursion in 1967 aimed at unlawful invasion and occupation of foreign land that included the long disputed Palestine depriving Palestinians the right to statehood over seven decades until now isolate Israel’s aggressive policy.

Israel exerting authority on foreign nations’ territories along the borders with the state of Israel has attracted international condemnations thus far.

Israel’s misuse of close relations with United States, delegated as proxy at the defunct UNSC to veto any resolutions on Israel’s never ending territorial annexations whether they are related to globally denounced settlements expansion in Palestine’s West Bank or blockade on Gaza trade and survival means depriving the population the right to exist in their meager land has severely damaged Israel’s credibility as a reliable peace partner in the region.

Israel’s involvement in Syrian warfare as key coalition force along with United States and allies in aiding and abetting terror networks infiltration in Syria is predominantly responsible for immense casualties and humanitarian crisis posing a major challenge for western world in dealing with refugee problems at their shores with no relief for the victims affected in the eight years old United States and allies sponsored terror onslaught against Syria.

United States military aim to withdraw from Syria is similar to that of Afghanistan floated in the past decade with no sign of such event coming into fruition. Though President Donald Trump stated back in December 2018 the administration’s position to withdraw troops from both Syria and Afghanistan by April 2019, the internal and external forces reservations appears to obstruct White House plans in this regard leaving President Donald Trump’s commitment to United States tax payers funding the prolonged military presence in Syria, Afghanistan and elsewhere a mere rhetoric missing in fulfillment.

The military ventures in Syria and Afghanistan not barring Iraq since 2001 and continuing until today has drained United States economy at taxpayers expense that could have been utilized in addressing domestic requirements ranging from infrastructure to healthcare, education, scientific research and innovations besides invigorating job growth that are still well under electorate expectations.

United States tax payers dollars wasted in justifying the unjustifiable armed conflict through terror factions in Syria or for that matter against Pakistan’s ISI backed Taliban and fringe terror outfits in Afghanistan is a profound miscalculation and erroneous decision in the so-called war on terror resulting in deaths and destruction of lives denying these states the sovereign right to political stability and peaceful existence to focus on desperately needed economic development.

As for President Donald Trump’s unilateral agreement with Israel on the recent declaration of Syria’s Golan Heights and earlier the controversial gesture relocating United States embassy from Israel’s State capital Tel Aviv to Jerusalem in concurrence to Israel’s territorial extensions again much to international disapproval is unfortunate for such partisanship on partitions of foreign land is unacceptable and revokes any renewed entitlement in that respect.

Golan Heights is indisputably the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic regardless of constant maneuvering and reconfiguration of geopolitical landscape in that region i.e. Western Asia or the Middle East.

Likewise, reiterating previous stance on the issue of Jerusalem, the Holy City is symbolically and substantively the native domain shared among the entire population of diverse faiths and secular demography comprising not only Jews but also Arabs and muslims of different denominations within Islam as well as Christians and other indigenous, migrants and several groups domiciled in the ancient city.

Jerusalem belongs to all citizens and residents representing Israel, Palestine and other ethnic descent in that society unlike the unique disposition of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu heading the incumbent government facing tough election in the immediate future.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu confronted with multiple corruption charges and massive dissatisfaction amongst Israeli electorate on domestic front adopting strategy to deflect public attention from local economic woes to foreign affairs reveals the leadership’s concern over the nearing electoral outcome.

As for United States, President Donald Trump’s peace doctrine witnessed with North Korea is welcoming and an appropriate measure easing tensions in Korean Peninsula. However, the policy maintained across the spectrum in other parts of the world without wavering and altering to suit allies unreasonable aspirations would provide credence to White House pledge to global peace and security.

The citizens in war torn Syria, Afghanistan and other regions deserve permanent peace and opportunity to rebuild their nations without having to deal with consistent threat and irrational claims on their territory by neighbors near and far.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com







Syria – U.S. Military Forces Complete Withdrawal

December 19, 2018

Syria – U.S. Military Forces Complete Withdrawal

Padmini Arhant

United States latest decision for complete withdrawal of military forces from Syria is welcome and long overdue.

ISIS was a creation through foreign intervention comprising United States, western allies and partners in the Middie East. The wanton crisis generated humungous problems for the sources behind this operation and of course the victims as well in a manner expected with any illegal invasion and occupation of sovereign nations in the world.

American tax dollars were generously wasted as they are in several war zones and aggression experienced in the past and witnessed at present.

The perception whether ISIS was defeated or still needs to be contained will always linger without acknowledgment on the fundamentals of ISIS origin, survival and continuous decimation of a small nation Syria and neighboring Iraq forced to bear the brunt of relentless strikes and use of artillery.

Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Afghanistan…are experimental grounds to test newly manufactured weapons potency under the guise of ISIS, Taliban and al Qaeda along with offshoots and fringe terror networks in these regions. Not to mention draining U.S. national treasury at taxpayers expense.

ISIS or for that matter any terror factions, militants, rebel forces anywhere stand no chance of emergence let alone sustainability in the absence of resources viz. weapons cache, funding and training provided by the same forces positioned as challengers in the bizarre confrontation.

In other words, you create an enemy with your support facilitating all means to them especially arms and ammunitions reaching them at ease besides financial aid to terror operatives combined with western intelligence training them to engage in indefinite warfare.

The humanitarian and economic liability under these conditions are beyond recovery. Needless to say the loss of innocent lives from substantial casualties and infrastructure damages inflicted on the nation, wiping rich civilizations never match the efforts to recuperate from permanent carnage.

Nonetheless, better late than never principle serve wisely in averting further disasters as learning lessons in life is preliminary step in avoiding repeat mistakes with no hope of turning point.

Not only Syria, the adjacent Iraq, Yemen and not too far away Afghanistan awaits similar decision to terminate military assaults and gross violence.

The only way to resolution on any disputes and disagreements is civil engagement premised on peaceful dialogue, diplomacy and mutually conducive environment building trust and integrity for successful outcome.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter Padmini Arhant


Fact Check on Jewish Status

August 5, 2018

Fact Check on Jewish Status

Padmini Arhant

Jack Rosen, an American lobbyist and Chairman of the powerful American Jewish Congress. Apart from being a lobbyist, the 69-year-old CEO of Rosen Partners, Jack Rosen is a board member of Altimo – a British Virgin Island (BVI) company that is the telecom investment arm of Russia’s Alfa Group consortium. It has investment interests in Russia, Central Asia, Middle East and Bangladesh.  

A Wikipedia entry for Mr Jack Rosen says he has advocated for Jewish and Israeli causes stating. “We are living in a post-Holocaust era and the forces that provided for a safe and secure Israel are changing. We have to look at what the future holds and have to use all the skills we’ve learned in America and that are available to us to ensure security for Jews around the world”, says the internet information portal.  

The Israeli and Jewish advocacy in politics, judiciary, economy, academic institutions and entertainment industry alarmed over alleged threats to Israel and Jewish population are unfounded in the contemporary age.

The events in the twentieth century affected many different race, religion and ethnic background. The brutality of human character reflected in ethnic cleansing and colonization continues unabated until today. Accordingly, the atrocities inflicted on one race that was preexisting with others long before in the course of imperialism in different parts of the world cannot be neglected in history as there were tremendous loss of lives from horrific violence and mass subjugation. Jewish plight could be one aspect among massive crimes committed against humanity at that time.

However, in the twenty first century the claims on threat to Jews and Israel especially with Israel being a nuclear state is unsubstantiated and propagated without legitimacy on such allegations.

The reverse impact on those experiencing Israel’s overt and covert operations in many sites across the border and other locations in the Middle East as well as elsewhere is consistent and relentless with no political will to peaceful resolutions. Any peace proposals are stymied allowing Israeli ideologues to intensify human rights violations attracting global condemnation. Israeli authorities sponsoring terrorism is evidenced in the treatment of terrorists in the Syrian conflict and preparing the terror outfits to reposition in the war against Syrian people.

Jewish dominance in every sector beginning with politics in the United States, Britain, France, Russia, Eastern Europe, Middle East, South Asia, Latin America and worldwide cannot be underestimated as a result of  Jewish lobby. 

The technology viz. Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia to name a few have clear access to private details of public proven in the recent Facebook scandal harvesting and monetization of consumer data using these platforms. There are tech giants in disguise whose profile leads to Jewish origin.

Besides, the pervasive position in the economy, the stock market and finance in particular evident in the private entityThe Federal Reserve designed and executed monetary policy of the United States of America. The treasury activities of the United States routinely target selective adversaries for sanctions to maintain status quo.

The private organization Federal Reserve poised as the United States Federal Monetary authority appointed Chairperson (male and female) thus far are invariably of Jewish descent.

The academic institutions like Ivy league in the United States and other private educational establishments pledge allegiance to Jewish cause.

Judiciary is yet another branch with majority Jewish representation.

The think tanks, political foundations, communication media, press such as The New York Times, Bloomberg, Financial Times attend secret society meeting and sworn to secrecy on decisions at this undemocratic conclave.

In terms of intelligence apparatus, Israeli Mossad, US CIA, Britain’s MI5 and MI6 are regarded one in safeguarding Israeli interests globally by any means and mechanisms.

In politics, United States Presidential hopefuls from both left and right addressing the Annual AIPAC summit is the tradition. That goes for Congress members unflinching support to Israeli lobby on all issues whether right or wrong.

The interesting factor is the political contestants’ success is linked with Jewish lineage that guarantees mileage to cross the finish line.

For example, in 2008 the democratic rivals Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama asserted Jewish family relations making them the desirable choice to the Jewish kingmakers in the political race.

Seeing this political edge, Barack Obama’s wife Michelle Obama suddenly remembered about her long-lost uncle being not only a Jew, a Rabbi to top the status.

Furthermore, the republican candidate in 2008, John McCain wooed the Jewish lobby with the slogan – Bomb, Bomb Iran. Noting that the so-called democratic candidates Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama emphasized their stance in their individual style.

Hillary Clinton proclaimed – She would Obliterate Iran with nuclear weapons while Barack Obama opted the standard call for the lack of self-expression, chiming All options are on the table meaning not barring nuclear weapons.

In 2016 – the political rhetoric continued with the democratic contender Hillary Clinton reiterating her daughter Chelsea Clinton’s in-laws being Jewish.

Could the republican candidate Donald Trump then simply let go in his competitor’s favor?

Definitely not.

The Presidential candidate Donald Trump proudly mentioned in political rallies on his daughter Ivanka  (an apostate) having converted to Judaism had given birth to a third Jewish baby.

Now, Ivanka Kushner dubbed Ivanka Trump despite the connotation of her being the mother of three is the regular feature on networks and cyber political sites.

Similarly, in Pakistan the embattled Prime Minister candidate, PTI chief Imran Khan always been the favorite to London based shadow power and more so given Imran Khan’s previous marriage to Jewish billionaire’s daughter Jemima Goldsmith, the first to tweet the congratulatory message on her son’s father’s prospects of becoming Pakistan’s Wazir-e-Azam – the Prime Minister.

Last but not the least, the entertainment industry diversity eclipse due to Hollywood and television medium overshadowed by Jewish ascendancy is common knowledge. The same extended into Mumbai film industry referred to as Bollywood with Jewish owned entertainment firms financing big budget films inducing controversy and internal agitation attributed to movie themes.

The information unequivocally describes the Jewish Israeli stronghold and predominance in every possible field and this is no stretch of imagination. 

The factual presentations to this effect are immediately refuted as antisemitism which in itself is incorrect for semites are the Arab tribes in North Africa and Palestine.

Israel and Jews predisposition to insecurity regardless is misplaced in light of overwhelming clout retained in world affairs and events. Humans and for that matter other species included continue to be subject to abuse, prejudice, isolation, denial of freedom, civil rights, and extreme violence. Palestine serves as the example in this context, with no hope for Palestinian statehood. Instead Israeli forces and authority authorized rapid deterioration of conditions in the occupied Palestinian territory is the norm much to global criticism.  Israel’s perennial investment in combat and territorial annexations witnessed in the settlement activities in West Bank and East Jerusalem, notwithstanding unilateral economic blockade against the people in Gaza lasting a decade are provocative to say the least.

Moreover, United States ordinary tax payers since the wealthy are exempt from fair share of taxes remain the benefactor to the state of Israel with unconditional permanent financial aid even during US severe economic recession alongside military provisions. United States participation in Israel’s chosen warfare in Syria, Yemen, skirmishes in Lebanon, confrontations with Iran, proxy in Egypt, bifurcation of Sudan and political instability wherever possible never had anything to do with US citizens or national security.

Israel and Jewish organizations reconciliation with reality in acknowledgment of peace and liberty for all exemplified in ending occupation in Palestine and territories seized in 1967 six-day warfare could not be rejected any more. The acceptance is imperative for a new chapter in the Middle East facilitating trust, respect and cordial relations with neighbors in the region and world over.

Sowing the seeds of peace and harmony would deliver positive outcome benefitting all in the region and outside. Unlike hostility and acrimony leaving those behind the strategy in eternal trepidation.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com                              






Gaza Casualties and U.S.Embassy Relocation to Jerusalem

May 15, 2018

Gaza Casualties and U.S. Embassy Relocation to Jerusalem 

Padmini Arhant

The international reports on casualties suffered by Gazans from Israel’s firing in yesterday’s protest with at least 58 killed and several injured is regrettable and reprehensible. 

Whenever the heavily armed and militarily well equipped side i.e. Israel in this instance launches lethal force against another side targeting and killing people in wheelchair, such act naturally attracts worldwide condemnation. 

The strength of any authority is not in exercising brute violence causing massive loss of lives when in fact such action only demonstrates weakness and desperation with no care or concern for civilian deaths as it appears to have happened in this incident. 

The protests in Gaza reminding international community of unresolved Palestinian crisis is noted. There is no doubt that Palestinian issue deserves fair and peaceful resolution. The earlier attempts to broker peace has failed predominantly due to United States bias towards Israel evident in blocking every U.N. resolutions on Israel’s violations in settlement activity and occupation of Palestinian territory.

More than seventy years old Israeli- Palestinian conflict could no longer continue letting the situation get worse inflicting generational pain and misery on world watch with no respite to victims of this senseless confrontation.

Accordingly, UN General assembly is called upon to convene an international meeting on Palestinian statehood, ending settlement activity in West Bank, East Jerusalem and removing the Israeli and Egypt imposed unilateral sea and air blockades restricting basic supplies and survival needs on Gazans are imperative.

All nations regardless of UN membership are invited to vote on this matter in an effort to conclude the long overdue Palestinian issue. 

The human rights violations in the name of Israel’s right to self defense bears no justification. Any disputes that should be settled through peaceful and civil discourse has better prospects to all sides while setting precedence for future adaptation. 

As for US relocation of embassy to Jerusalem, the gesture is a sign of US administration and Presidency cowering to foreign authority and Israeli lobbyists will rather than exhibiting fairness that demands courage and discernment. 

Keeping promises made whether right or wrong and moving forward to save personal image at vast majority expense is the confirmation of leadership lacking in vision and commitment towards global peace and security.

Any region in constant turmoil as applicable to Middle East largely related to Israeli occupation of Palestinian land, the events pose major threat to world security. 

President Donald Trump’s decision to remain defiant on this matter only highlights the office of Presidency hamstrung to oblige a phenomenal mistake not without consequences considering Jerusalem is a city that belongs to other faiths as well. The Trump administration’s blindsided approach to boost personal stance fomenting legitimate grievance and disappointment amongst many within Palestine and the rest of the world explains the real authority behind the gamut. 

Again, the international citizenry owes to fellow humans – the Palestinians in restoring their fundamental rights to homeland freeing their territories from prolonged oppression and occupation and individual freedom to exist in their state as free citizens of global society.

Our condolence to grieving families in Gaza and wish a speedy recovery to those hurt in the unnecessary violence. 

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com



Syria – Sovereignty, Territorial Integrity and Syrian Republic Right

January 21, 2018

Syria – Sovereignty, Territorial Integrity and Syrian Republic Right

Padmini Arhant

United States along with western and middle eastern allies invaded Syria in 2011 through terror deployment. Since then the terror sponsors have subject Syria to brutal violence, constant shelling, air strikes, use of chemical and biological weapons via terror networks much to the world’s horror and dismay.  The U.S. and allies’ involvement enabled evolution of various terror factions from al Qaeda becoming al Nusra Front, Daesh, Takfiri to The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and lately termed the Islamic State (IS) responsible for thousands of deaths and millions forced into refugee status.

United States training and funding of terror groups from the beginning in 2011 along with special forces on the grounds in Syria accompanied by repeat demand for Syrian electorate elected President Bashar Al Assad and government ouster by predecessor Barack Obama fueled the conflict disrupting positive outcome in any peace accord. The incumbent President Donald Trump administration’s parallel strategy to maintain U.S. troops in Syria and echoing previous administration’s rhetoric on removal of Syrian President Bashar Al Assad, family and government is the standard U.S. foreign policy dictated by forces barely known to the American public or the global audience.

United States occupation of foreign land in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria or anywhere in the world is the external forces devised foreign policy for global dominance despite repeat failures and phenomenal economic liability endured by U.S. tax payers and the people of target nations thus far. The reckless engagement rejecting reality and creating perpetual chaos in foreign land under false pretexts is proved dangerous, callous and counterproductive and yet the architects and catalysts behind the trend refuse to learn lesson from the experience.

While United States forcing government shut down on citizens during every administration and raising the concern for border security as a priority with the border wall exceeding the Great Wall of China or the past century Berlin Wall to prevent the flow of unarmed undocumented immigrants into U.S. territory,

The U.S. administrations regardless of political affiliation as left or right violating sovereignty and territorial integrity of foreign nations with armed terrorists and U.S. troops witnessed in Syria is the major hypocrisy in U.S. foreign policy.

United States and citizens have never experienced any threats from these occupied nations like Syria whatsoever when the reverse is the case with Syria, Iraq and Libya transformed into terror haven to prolong occupation and armed confrontation ignoring massive casualties and unending suffering for millions in the region.

The new dimension in Syrian crisis is the formation of alternative government in Syrian land with utter disregard for Syrian sovereignty and republic right. The U.S. role in northern Syria crafting a border force comprising Syrian Kurds initially claiming to defeat their own terror faction IS in Raqqa has catapulted the Turkish-Kurdish opposition along the Syrian border with Turkey.

Turkey having been instrumental in Syrian massacre from the start under the leadership of former Prime Minister turned President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the NATO ally crying foul and using the opportunity to infiltrate Syria with Turkish ground troops is all clear in the intent to Balkanize Syria into statelets as they unsuccessfully tried with Iraq in the creation of Kurdistan in northern Iraq that had to be ultimately rescued from ISIL by Iraq national forces in the U.S. and  allies generated quagmire in the Middle East replicated wherever their footprints are evident.

There is also shared interest among U.S. foreign policy designers overwhelmingly favoring allies like Israel and Saudi Arabia wish lists than humanitarian goals in their aggression against Yemen, Syria, Libya, Iraq and the extension of settlement activities in occupied Palestine. Again, it is no secret the systemic targeting of nations in the Middle East is to deter Iran’s influence and impose dominion republic status on these countries and citizens submitting to globalists agenda.

As a result, Syria is today occupied by foreign forces like United States and coalition besides terror outfits representing their western and middle eastern sponsors cause. Furthermore, Syria has been driven into inviting Russian intervention to combat international assault on all sides of this small nonetheless resilient nation leading to Russian operated Syrian Khmeimim Air base in the coastal city Latakia in Hmeimim, Syria in addition to the Russian naval base in Tartus on the Mediterranean coast of Syria.

There appears to be no sense of reasoning and recognition among them to abandon flawed policies and disastrous means aimed at regime change and reconfiguration of geopolitical landscape to suit their desire and insidious ambition in the name of defeating terror they produced, nurtured and directed to kill, terrorize and maim thousands of innocent lives in Syria and across the borders in the region.

These individuals in the position of power and authority are granted impunity on crimes against humanity. Accordingly, they accept no responsibility on direct authorization and complicity in genocide of population in foreign land for they represent the global syndicate rooted in self and vested interests at the expense of vast majority regarded vulnerable and their lives dispensable.

Where are the ideas and strategies flowing from on fragmentation and conversion of sovereign nations into vassal states in the revival of medieval feudalism?

Well, the representation is rather diverse varying from government to institutions, think tanks and prominent academia as well as organizations with personal as well as collective aspirations to maintain status quo in denying ordinary people freedom, basic rights, economic opportunity and social justice although their lectures and speeches are deceptively misleading and misguiding in every format.

Their motto is constant mayhem and discord worldwide boosting arms sales to all factions indiscriminately and promoting eugenics with divisive racial, religion and class warfare in society under the guise of democracy and non-sectarianism when their actions irrefutably confirm otherwise.

Here is the expressed opinion in the article published on December 25th, 2017 titled Opinion:

One way to counter Iran’s aggression? Change the map of the Middle East from the author Michael Makovsky, the President and CEO of the Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA) and a former Pentagon official advocating among many other indulgence, the major proposals are inciting political unrest and partitioning of States into separate entity.

The excerpt of this article premised on offensive strategy is presented here with full length available in the link provided below.


One way to counter Iran’s aggression? Change the map of the Middle East from the author Michael Makovsky, the President and CEO of the Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA) and a former Pentagon official

“Iran has taken advantage of ISIS’ crumbling caliphate to increasingly consolidate control over Syria and Iran, as it dominates their capitals and those of Lebanon and Yemen. It has effectively established a land bridge from Tehran to Beirut.

Reversing this strategic threat requires continued U.S. military presence and military aid to local forces in Syria and Iraq, and greater support for our regional allies, such as Israel and Jordan, who must contain the provocative actions of Iran and its proxies. But this defensive posture will not suffice even to contain Iran let alone transform its hegemonic trajectory.

Instead, we should draw from Ronald Reagan, who eschewed a defensive posture and pursued an offensive strategy to undermine the Soviet Union that included supporting indigenous anti-communist insurgents around the globe. We should pursue the same offensive strategy to roll back Iran’s regional hegemony.

We should recognize that maintaining Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Yemen in their existing forms is unnatural and serves Iran’s interests. There is nothing sacred about these countries’ borders, which seem to have been drawn by a drunk and blindfolded cartographer. Indeed, in totally disregarding these borders, ISIS and Iran both have already demonstrated their anachronism and irrelevance.

These countries are not nation-states as Americans understand them but post-WWI artificial constructs, mostly created out of the ashes of the Ottoman Empire in a colossally failed experiment by international leaders. With their deep ethno-sectarian fissures, these countries have either been held together by a strong authoritarian hand or suffered sectarian carnage.

Indeed, the principal vulnerability of Iran’s regional strategy is its dependence on brutal regimes to rule lands riven by ethno-sectarian fissures. The United States should exploit this vulnerability by supporting those forces in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Yemen that oppose Iran’s domination and seek greater self-determination or independence from the capitals. The result could be transforming these failed states into loose confederations or new countries with more borders that more naturally conform along sectarian lines.”


Not that such attempts have not been experimented before for exerting overt control as they did with Sudan in 2012 bifurcating the oil rich African country into South Sudan plunging the newly formed fragile state into worst political and humanitarian turmoil. As cited above in this blogpost they carved northern Iraq with oil reserves as Kurdistan granting autonomy with self-government obviously bowing to oligarchy and globalists expectations on the economic benefits related to oil revenue.

I leave with the reminder to elements and groups retaining twentieth century mindset in perpetrating persistent violence through terrorism, troops and tensions to achieve unattainable objectives on regional and global hegemony verifiably futile with severe blowback on the sources unable to sustain imprudent doctrine and legacy.

Syria is a sovereign nation with elected government and any changes to Syria’s present and future is entirely and exclusively Syrian citizens right representing the nation as the republic barring any regional and foreign intrusion in the determination of Syrian fate.

The same principle would apply to nations dealing with globalists interventions endorsed and executed by UNSC via economic sanctions crippling the target nations’ economy to stymie effective resistance against hegemonic gains.

I convey my best wishes to Syria in ending the conflict and securing independence from regional and foreign pursuits.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com



Power – Definition and Interpretation

December 7, 2017

Power – Definition and Interpretation

Padmini Arhant


I would like to discuss on the contemporary events with focus on power. The verbal presentation will follow shortly.

Power is enticing prompting actions not favorable to many citizens depriving them the individual rights and freedom to live a normal life.

When power is concentrated among few members reining control over the destiny of more than seven billion lives, there are no considerations for people and issues affected by their decisions.

The policy premised on vested interests slight ordinary citizens plight even though they have power and wealth because of these citizens voting them to office, employees in work force and average consumers enabling business success and profitability. In general, the lives of the powerful and influential are dependent on the hard work of the people who are rarely acknowledged as the back bone of the industry and society at large.

Then there are those asserting as Royals whose existence and extravagant lifestyle over generations is paid for and supported by none other than ordinary people labor and service.

How does one interpret power?

In a democracy, power is expected to be in public domain i.e. government of the people, by the people and for the people. When representation in government is shifted from constituents to campaign donors, lobbyists and external demands, the system is subjugated to political ambitions and vested interests. The pledge of allegiance to campaign financiers and ideologues remaining the priority, the electorate needs often neglected or discounted to benefit the bidders in election campaign and special interests.

As for the disenfranchised, less fortunate and isolated demography there is no hope for they are expected to defend themselves in the polarized world with money purchasing power and fame.

Power is worthless and weak when used for intimidation, harassment and elimination of lives being the norm with no courage to accept responsibility. Those fearing the loss of own life and the powerful in particular traveling in bullet proof motorcade flanked with security personnel uninhibited in authorizing the killing of innocent and unarmed citizens in domestic and foreign shores is the irony.

The preference to harm anyone they do not agree with or find them inconvenient is cowardly and adapting the misuse of power reveals the state of mind and insecurity. At such time, the enemy within overwhelm them prohibiting the sense in identifying self as the primary problem.

United States House of Congress passing the legislation yesterday i.e. December 6th, 2017 on gun laws relaxing gun regulations and granting those with permits to freely carry concealed weapons as well as legally travel with firearms to other states obliging gun lobbyist National Rifle Association again clarifies the care and concern or the lack thereof for security of the population they are supposed to protect in public office.

The bill passed with majority Republican and six democrats votes are extremely thoughtful to say the least given the statistics in gun violence and now United States gun laws promoting mass murder in main street. The voluntary legislation on gun laws is congressional authorization to carry assault weapons threatening the lives of people falling prey to shooting rampage evidenced in American gun violence up until now.

The Congressional measure loosening gun restrictions indicative of arming citizens supposedly to fend for themselves in the otherwise alarming gun ownership.

Does this mean the process is intended to displace law enforcement personnel i.e. the police meant to safeguard citizenry?

Not to mention risking the lives of not only unarmed civilians but also police in serious crime scenes. Those who voted for this bill are expecting every individual to be armed not realizing the effects translated into shooting themselves on their foot with prevalent gun incidents not sparing congress members as well.

When folly reigns human character, wisdom is unheeded much to self-detriment.

This is an example of power exercised to exacerbate issues endangering public safety and legislators seeking prospects to extend term in office.

Whenever the public office is transformed into a platform to exert authority ignoring consequences, the office bearer has no credibility and not suitable to represent the state and the nation anymore.

The latest move declaring Jerusalem as Israel’s capital is abuse of office of the Presidency with little or no regard for other citizens’ rights and blatant violation of ethics denying indigenous Palestinians due legitimacy and sovereign status they are entitled to in the relentless land grab by occupiers.

Anything obtained and achieved through aggression and underhanded tactics are bound to be subject to endless turmoil and never provide satisfaction to those involved due to illegitimate claim leaving them bereft of everything in possession. In the constant motion to gain others share of property and rights, the deterioration in human value among them inevitably defines the ill-fate.

As I have stated earlier, greed, hubris and prejudice consume human soul and anyone affected by these qualities unable to control excess desire and hatred eventually succumb to adverse outcome.

Life is an opportunity to learn and evolve into worthy beings not wither like autumn leaves covered in dust and swept away by the wind.

Finally, I reiterate the previous statement on the unilateral recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital is null and void. Jerusalem is a holy city for inhabitants of other faiths as well and accordingly their consensus on the sensitive matter is relevant. The established fact on East Jerusalem al-Quds as Palestinian capital remains valid. That being said, the arbitrary declaration of entire Jerusalem as Israel’s domain is irresponsible and illegal.

Power is powerful in spreading peace not violence, saving lives not causing destruction and exemplifying fairness and equality not bias and discrimination. 

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission




Unilateral Recognition of Jerusalem is Null and Void

December 5, 2017

Unilateral Recognition of Jerusalem is Null and Void

Padmini Arhant

The declaration and recognition of Jerusalem by embattled President Donald J Trump under investigation on Russia matter is null and void. The gesture further confirms the office of Presidency of the United States subjugated to personal volition and political prospects to appease minority groups rather than maintaining integrity and sovereignty of the nation it is expected to serve besides adherence to international law and agreement of the parties affected in the reckless decision.

The politics of arrogance and vengeance unheeding wisdom and rationality is the ominous sign of the beginning of the end of self-destructive cause and representation. None other than history is testament to the fact.

Anything carried out in deliberate motive to hurt innocent lives and strengthen oppression is an imminent collapse of syndicate desperate to dissolve.

The defiance to accept reality and reason is an invitation to disaster witnessed throughout world events and lately in the demise of Yemen’s ex-President Ali Abdullah Saleh who could have survived and experienced positive developments in his country had he not been complicit in treason, terror sponsoring and massive destruction of lives and his country’s future.

Even otherwise, in denying others rights to live in freedom the burden of guilt while living far outweighs death in the self-inflicted punishment for those presumptuously embarked on misguided mission.

The lessons in history and life are for mankind to learn and prevent catastrophe prior to occurrence and not be the source and catalysts for human suffering as there are consequences to all actions ultimately serving as reminder for those who are responsible.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission


Unilateral Declaration of Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital

Padmini Arhant

U.S. Presidency Unilateral Declaration of Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital is Illegitimate and provocative.

Jerusalem, the city regarded holy for three religions viz. Islam, Christianity and Judaism is sensitive to unnecessary political and arbitrary decisions that could exacerbate the decades old unresolved Middle East peace process.

The incumbent U.S. administration preparation to announce Jerusalem as Israel’s capital is irresponsible and illegitimate. The cavalier approach ignores the native population i.e. Palestinians rights and interest especially with Al-Aqsa mosque situated in the Old City of Jerusalem – i.e. East Jerusalem Al-Quds stated to be Palestinian capital.

The current administration involvement in foreign affairs in Syria, Yemen, Korean Peninsula and now in Palestine is egregious without any concern for others legitimacy notwithstanding regional and global impact. The White house actions on foreign issues appears to deflect public attention from ongoing Russia probe and sexual allegations that were previously acknowledged with an apology are at present denied raising credibility problems at the executive level.

The Palestinian statehood remaining unsolved, any steps related to common territories in Palestine are unwise and unsustainable. 

On the other hand, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu currently under criminal investigation on corruption charges introduced a bill aimed at protecting self against prosecution, public outcry and possible resignation from office. The move has angered citizens leading to massive protest in the latest March of Shame that had tens of thousands of citizens demanding the withdrawal of undemocratic bill with a message for the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to hold himself accountable on graft accusations.

Understandably, the leaderships in Israel and United States confronted with domestic pressure on personal crisis are seeking to divert focus from critical ethical matter that could potentially cost their jobs.

The watershed moments for both administrations in Israel and United States respectively prompting them to target Jerusalem in the hope to evade accountability on individual matter.

Jerusalem is the epicenter for people of different faiths with holy sites representing the specific religions.

President Donald Trump’s impending unilateral declaration of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital against domestic and international will is counterproductive.

The policy lacking in prudence would contribute to imminent violence providing opportunity for ISIS recruitment of disenchanted and frustrated segments in global society.

Instead United States leadership advising Israeli government to heed international law and respect global appeal for recognition of Palestinian statehood based on pre 1967 territorial boundaries with permanent suspension of settlement activities in West Bank and East Jerusalem would demonstrate sincere commitment to peaceful resolution of disputes in the Mideast and worldwide.

Anything to the contrary like the proposal to claim Jerusalem as Israel’s capital would have prolonged and painful ramifications best averted in the interest of all.

Furthermore, Israeli authorities’ seizure of entire Jerusalem in addition to occupied Palestine territories that are already condemned internationally would only isolate Israel and cause serious economic setbacks even without sanctions.  Alternatively, the boycott divestment sanctions (BDS) movement could gain more momentum against Israel upon defiant expansion and occupation.

Israeli leadership addressing domestic issues and accepting responsibility on ongoing events is important to allay citizens anxiety on government corruption and poor performance.

United States expending time and resources in improving American image and position shifting from interventional status to reliable intermediary dedicated to diplomacy and meaningful dialogue resulting in positive outcome for all relevant sides would earn trust and confidence among nations near and afar.

The situation is a clarion call for international approval on Palestinian state in accordance with humanitarian law on right to homeland and individual freedom – the inalienable right of all beings in the world.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission








Iran Nuclear Deal

October 17, 2017

Iran Nuclear Deal

Padmini Arhant

The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) between Iran, P5+1 and EU is regarded firm agreement in the backdrop of Iran declared a nation having never attacked any other country in the world.

Iran’s history extends into Central Asia and Indian subcontinent. Nader Shah from Persia invasion of Delhi, India in 1739 and jewels from the famous peacock throne along with massive treasure plundered at that time is documented episode.

Persia now known as Iran subject to imperialist backed monarchy headed by Shah of Iran Mohammad Reza Pahlavi later overthrown in Iranian revolution in 1979 preceded by Britain, U.S. and oligarchy coup against democratically elected Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh in 1953.

Iran also faced imperialism imposed regional conflict lasting eight years from 1980 until 1988 in the protracted war with Iraq during then President Saddam Hussein.

Iran under theocratic order as the Islamic Republic post 1979 revolution has been challenged with sanctions to conform to western policy. The economic sanctions were tightened in the past decade denying medicines and essentials to citizens of the country. The sanctions related fatalities among children in 2011 and 2012 were constant without any respite.

There were no justifications on economic embargo against Iran and similarly the nations targeted by UNSC arbitrary decision while ignoring the states deserving sanctions for human rights violations and sponsoring terrorism.

The Shiite Iran’s regional competitors Wahhabi Saudi Dynasty and Judeo Israel in an effort to contain the rise of Iranian influence insist on intensifying trade restrictions through key allies Britain and United States in particular.

Iran has maintained that any nuclear programs would be for deterrence not in defiance of non-proliferation to which Iran is a signatory long before JCPOA despite being a non-nuclear state in contrast to regional nuclear state Israel opting out of non-proliferation treaty.

Nonetheless, the western demand on Iran at middle eastern allies Israel and Saudi Arabia’s behest to make Iran’s nuclear facility available for International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspection continued with UN monitoring and updates confirming Iran’s stagnant nuclear plan.

Unlike Israel, an established nuclear state yet to be confirmed and acknowledged as such in international domain in addition to uninhibited use of nuclear components in air strikes against civilian population in Gaza, Syria and Lebanon, Iran’s stranded nuclear capability was used as false pretext for western sanctions to strangle the oil rich Iran’s economy.

Iran’s persistence in the removal of illegal sanctions alongside repeat UN verifications of Iran’s nuclear site led to JCPOA.

The media implying pride playing a role in accepting or rejecting JCPOA is in fact applicable to those involved and especially United States unwillingness to lift inappropriate sanctions against Iran in the process resulting in JCPOA. Since the argument lost cause in the unsubstantiated Iran’s nuclear ambitions, JCPOA invented reason with conditional easing of sanctions against Iran.

The assurance that JCPOA has halted Iran’s nuclear motion is a political statement given the Islamic state commitment to non-nuclear activity evident in IAEA and UN reports.

Any accord would have statutory limits validating the treaty.

In the nuclear conversation, the nuclear disarmament across the spectrum regardless of stockpiles and capability beginning with United States, Russia, China, Britain, France and Israel leading the trend for other nuclear states India, Pakistan and the rest is a necessity to quell nuclear options frivolously used in the threat against anyone deemed an adversary.

The prolific nuclear arms race and testing among nuclear powers with the recent public pledge from the White House to allocate more funds in modernizing nuclear status is impetus to those perceived vulnerable in the wars for profitability.

United States self-contradictory position pose a credibility factor when sharing concerns over Iran or North Korea’s nuclear affairs. The former legacy in using nuclear arsenal on civilians and thereafter deploying nuclear material in warfare against Vietnam, Iraq, Syria and Yemen until now create the requirement to abolish nuclear weapons in possession of all.

The safeguarding of nuclear site and inventory is a high risk task relying on precision, competence and trustworthiness besides eroding nuclear powers national budget depriving urgent needs such as health care, infrastructure and steady job growth.

Likewise, India and Pakistan’s budget allocation to nuclear maintenance leaves overwhelming population in despair due to lack of basic facilities and many struggling to survive amid poverty and disease.

The irony is nuclear weapons are regarded potent for national security. Meanwhile civilians amongst poor and underprivileged backgrounds are dying from premature deaths in the absence of minimum standards and opportunity. The nuclear states misplaced priorities contributing to preventable mortality compared to the odds of nuclear attack and casualties arising from the event is hardly rational.

Obviously, the unnecessary and unwanted skirmishes from territorial disputes, regional and global dominance quest are driving forces behind nuclear armament.

The hype on Iran’s nuclear deal transferred to nuclear powers viz. United States and all nuclear and non-nuclear nations abandoning nuclear proliferation and aspirations is critical responsibility for the world.

The global consensus and preparation for safe disposal of nuclear ammunitions is no longer a choice but a mandatory requirement to guarantee humanity peaceful existence.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission
















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