United States – Policy and Partisanship

May 10, 2023

United States




Padmini Arhant

Subsequent to recent parasitic culture topic, further  questions posed that beckon focus.

United States always leading in political drama,  action, violence, sexual allegations, identity politics viz. Black Lives Matter riots nationwide and alike  anchored on trans mania and much more…has drawn  attention on two latest news reports.

From California: The State authorized and apparently democrat political party created Reparations Task Force submit recommendations among many, the individual monetary compensation in cash ranging from $148,099 to $1.2million to Black Californians claiming victimhood on categorized historical discrimination from 1930 till date per news reports.

The question raised here, would such individual compensation qualify as parasitic culture nurtured by politics?

Response: The discrimination of all kind routinely practiced by mankind towards some or other worldwide is a reality since time immemorial prevalent till date.

The discriminatory legacy from the past and present is a dark history in any nation’s chronicle.

Unfortunately every nation around the world share either less, equal or more on their part on prejudice and human rights violations record.

However, seeking reparation costs for the events in the earlier century linked to those inhabitants at that time to be settled by the present generation largely comprising immigrants from all over the world in a state like California,

Among whom many on their part have something similar if not severe experienced in their or previous generation lifetime is neither practical nor economically possible.

The pandemic having consumed lives and livelihood, Californians are still struggling to recover from the pandemic caused economic downturns with many retail and local businesses shut down permanently with no hope of revival.

Above all, California ranked 4th in the 10 states listed in the United States with highest taxes is fairly excruciating for small medium business and ordinary citizens with average to moderate income.

Under these persisting tough economic conditions, legislating a bill in California State assembly enforcing tax increase and liabilities on current and near future taxpayers to afford the unaffordable reparation amounts on individual basis would trigger economic chaos for the State of California.

Notwithstanding Capital flight and taxpayer mass exodus to other parts of the country with less tax burden is inevitable. 

As such California and United States have come a long way in politics, economics and other areas in addressing African American cause compared to other race having suffered enormously in United States waged wars in their respective nations continued until today.

Likewise indigenous settlers  the Native Americans as original inhabitants of America are barely noticed having been displaced even prior to confederation and the currently discussed historic discrimination against people from Africa.

As a result, the children from the indigenous demography paying enormous price in their strife to preserve distinctive Native American heritage while attempting integration with contemporary America despite little or no resources and inadequate economic opportunities to them.

The State of California and federal programs that are already in place in improving the lives of African Americans in California and elsewhere is a milestone in modern history.

The deficiency might be in directing funds appropriation with transparent oversight that is fundamental in monitoring with necessary adjustments towards complete economic freedom for those at the bottom to all the way reaching middle income family.

Such management alleviating critical problems faced by African American families especially children abandoned by father whether born in or out of wedlock, better schools in black neighborhoods, crime mitigation in inner cities is the priority for collective communal progress unlike handing out tax dollars to individual members of African American identity deepening economic disparity within.

On the other issue – the litigation on alleged sexual harassment and abuse etc. with the jury verdict awarding the plaintiff $5 million according to widely televised and broadcast information on the case is asked whether the development is in semblance with parasitic culture.


Sexual harassment, abuse, assaults, defamation, caricature and diverse insults, injury and incarcerations against women is nothing new.

The difference is the crime institutionalized in the past 15 years speaking from personal experience including the nuanced narratives in this trial that those running the gamut possess authority to influence arbitrary decision. The judicial process determined by politics delivers accordingly.

Nonetheless, the irony is in other situations sexual harassment, inappropriate conduct, verbal and / or physical violence not barring public execution of the victim gunned down with 25 or more bullets with several rounds of ammunition deploying political might with impunity in the White House periphery in 2013 not even regarded a crime.

The victim in this political crime was not only murdered in public square but was also posthumously accused as someone having suffered from postpartum depression with no medical evidence or drug prescription to treat the ailment.

Again the sexual abuse reported during Presidential election by a victim against then democrat Presidential candidate in 2020 currently serving as the incumbent was subject to media biased trial dismissing the victim as opportunist, delusional and not mentally sound to protect the accused in this incident.

Never mind thereafter then accused as the central public figure, whose public behavior alluding to sexual innuendo and inappropriate touching witnessed worldwide regardless of age not even sparing minors only serving as material for social media and television networks’ absorption or distortion based on political agenda.

Meanwhile, the publicly verifiable misconduct added credibility to the earlier victim’s accusation legitimizing the victim’s account as a staff member in the Senate years of the accused that went tone deaf earlier and later in 2020.

The crime discarded as inconvenient and obstructive to then political goals to declare the candidate winner in the Presidential race in 2020.

These incidents though treated completely differently from one another with overdose of discrimination and misogyny share a commonality and that being women and women’s plight ever remain a fair game for political gains suggesting gross abuse of power at the travesty of Justice.

Not to mention politics laden with partisanship continue to use women as nothing more than servile instruments in the patriarchal orchestra.

The plaintiff in the recent trial awarded $5 million making public statement that the legal outcome is a personal and combined victory of all those women victims in sexual abuse prompt clarification.

Is the plaintiff public affirmation on sharing litigation victory with victims in comparable circumstances limited to abstract empathy or extended monetarily as well?

The sentiment is euphoric in such high profile sensationalized legal battle.

Needless to say, prejudice, misogyny, discrimination and abusive activities against anyone by anybody remaining objective not subjective is ominously abstained in present politics directed judicial exercise.

P.S. The incognito power as faceless operative behind the scenes engaging sycophant corrupt media and crony contingency crying foul using the usual lexicon conspiracy theory etc. are culpable either way.

If any of the publicly witnessed and digitally  documented incidents are conspiracy theory then,

Why are you funneling and squandering tax payer money in judicial theatrics and real crimes such as summary execution of a rape victim Miriam Carey brutally murdered in public square in 2013? 

The patriarchal orchestra owe the audience credible explanation behind abusing women and womanhood as servile instruments in the prolonged charade.

Padmini Arhant



India – Russian bargain and raw deal

April 29, 2023

India – Russia

bargain and raw deal

Padmini Arhant

Indian government’s defense procurement from Russia disproportionately increased since Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 until now.

The economic trade provides Russia the benefit of the best of both worlds in stymieing any western sanctions and simultaneously funding Russian aggression against Ukraine.

Indian government – New Delhi on the one hand claiming political edge over western policy snubbing sanctions in the import of Russian crude oil at huge concessions is far from reality.

Russian President Vladimir Putin having established the motto – no cheap bargains and definitely no freebies with economic partners in Europe or elsewhere, the Russian crude oil exports to India is pegged with Russian defense stock procurement.

New Delhi political dissemination on heavily discounted Russian fuel deal like all other propaganda serve as campaign material with national election in 2024.

In fact, the Russian energy discount is well and over compensated in Russia’s favor with higher markups on defense sales like Missiles and other artillery purchased by New Delhi following Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Russia is able to overcome economic strife with or without sanctions at New Delhi’s deficit essentially providing Russian President comfort zone to prolong military intervention in Ukraine.

In contrast, New Delhi expending taxpayers money on expansive and expensive defense budget largely at the defense force expense with the launch of controversial Agnipath sizably slashing defense personnel recruitment across three divisions – Army, Navy and Air Force besides denying armed forces retirement and medical benefits abandoned long held defense force conventions.

New Delhi’s mega shopping free boosting foreign economies while depleting Indian reserves and current account with imports far exceeding exports is also the administration incentives viz. bribe to foreign heads to corral international support to the head of the Indian government confronted with turbulence at home in many fronts beginning with Adani economic debacle  to Pulwama and Poonch gate on terrorism.

Meanwhile, none of New Delhi’s extravagant defense procurement evidently has deterred China in invasion and incursion of Indian territories and Himalayan terrains nor contained Pakistan’s terror outfits’ skirmishes along the Kashmir and Punjab border.

New Delhi regime economic divestment offshore worsening Indian financial liability to strengthen personal position in political system that has departed from democracy to autocracy is the red herring with 2024 election bugle sounding off trepidation among power and population disillusionment on national status quo.

Padmini Arhant 



Singapore – Capital Punishment

April 27, 2023


Capital Punishment

Padmini Arhant

The island nation in South East Asia Singapore’s laws are well known domestically and in most parts of the world.

Singapore government’s rule of law on narcotics and any substance abuse subject to capital punishment is prevalent till date.

Those apprehended such as the defenseless citizens as minority and underprivileged social economic background with little or no opportunity to prove innocence is inarguably a tough uphill battle.

The citizen with above outlined profile facing the government as the judge, jury and executioner such as the government legislative body enacting the law, law enforcement and judiciary all combined under governmental authority as appointer and appointees obliging one another either out of fear and / or appeasement leave the accused and defendants entirely at the mercy of the process.

The domestic rules in crimes vary arbitrarily despite the rules such as capital punishment lacking more than adequate reasons beyond doubt prior to executions in violation of international humanitarian laws in the modern age.

Singapore government’s position defending capital punishment in drug offenses citing general welfare and safety of the entire population is a single dimension perspective in the otherwise multi-dimensional dynamics in the drug war.

In all of the problems, the apex i.e. the one at the top most in the pyramid structure directing the rest below reaching the bottom often remain unscathed prolonging status quo in the cat and mouse game.

The narcotics ring attracts those in politics, intelligence agencies, drug lords in Afghanistan, Asia to the Americas and world over, economic sector, entertainment industry, religion and relevantly those facilitating the sales, marketing and distribution as purveyors…all of them remain off the hook letting those falling easy prey to victimization bear the cross so to speak in absorbing the sins of all of the above mentioned culpable sources in society.

Singapore government justifying capital punishment in drug offense to protect citizens in country simultaneously extending the law curbing the origin through inter-governmental agreements would nip the umbilical cord in the first place.

Importantly, Singapore authority shutting down own corridor known as Singapore Hawala involving informal transfer of illicit money not barring narcotics transactions boosting Singapore foreign currency reserves in $$$billions would be rather meaningful and effective in the government measures to safeguard citizens’ interests at home as well as foreign destinations depleting those citizens’ economic status.

Any government’s extreme reactions in capital punishment against the vulnerable and the weakest in society and laxities to corruption criminality within political establishment raise credibility factor.

The government policies being oblivious to corruption such as gross mishandling of citizens’ retirement savings viz. Central Provident Fund (CPF) the law requirement on citizens’ mandatory contributions to fund own retirement, health, education and housing needs…essentially the most critical fund with citizens’ lives dependent on it literally gambled in casino with no recourse and,

Temasek Holdings scandal with extraordinary remunerations to CEO, Mrs. Ho Ching, the next of kin to the ruling power and many other secret yet explosive matter evading transparency and accountability are anything but beneficial to the citizens in the country.

Unfortunately, politics abandoning democracy, free speech, right to life, liberty, equal opportunity, fairness and Justice in the present time is at the precipice of unbridled lawlessness with no checks and balances to question authority on flagrant violations of ethics, corruptions and human rights violations committed as the privilege of power with political impunity.

As always anything abnormal is unsustainable and lead to imminent conclusion of such system.

Padmini Arhant 



India – Power is Responsibility

April 25, 2023





Padmini Arhant

The Pulwama gate in Jammu & Kashmir in 2019 involving 40 or more murder of young personnel of CRPF directly under Indian Central Government, New Delhi intelligence, Defense Ministry, Home Ministry and National Security purview revived by none other than the New Delhi regime in collusion with so-called independent journalism in disguise.

Governorship is a post in Indian politics continued from the colonial era of British Raj.  However, contemporarily the post serve as nothing more than political pawn and weapon for corrupt authoritarian regime in New Delhi to launch cowardly nuanced attack against me (in adaptation of global masters’ strategy) – using various monicker from Tamil Nadu to Jammu & Kashmir and wherever applicable.

What is Governorship in Indian political system?

Under British Raj  in the absence of State autonomy and political representation via legislative assembly brought into political structure post Indian independence, the governor post was created to report to the colonial hierarchy at that time.

Indian politics retained the governor post though appointed by ruling government, originally under  President administration ambit in political system.

The President of India – the appointee through Parliament vote by members from the lower and upper house and states of the Indian Union.

The President prior to the incumbent regime rule was the head and commander-in-Chief of the combined defense force – Army,  Navy and Air Force besides being the head of Governors in the Union Federation .

The President also presided the upper house  – Rajya Sabha governance. The President position in Indian politics was not merely ceremonial like cutting ribbons on events nationwide.

President’s rule is one of governmental functions which is often enforced in Indian states upon state legislative assembly dissolution for reasons varying from ruling power losing majority to any serious political crisis in the state or Union territory of India.

Now the Presidential position and Governorship under the current regime in New Delhi like everything else made redundant. The entire functionaries and institutions from Chief of combined Defense Forces to basically all and everything…brought directly under Prime Minister’s control and absolute authority.

In the above detailed background;

Just a week ago, BJP appointed former governor of Jammu & Kashmir Satyapal Malik suddenly emerges in an interview on devious media channel sharing the Pulwama attack in February 2019 then barely before national election in May 2019 and several political usual corruption details leaving an impression of vague and ambivalent characteristics of the interview providing intended fodder for state channel networks and state recruited social media to raise scripted questions like –

Why is the Governor Satyapal Malik talking about 2019 Pulwama incident now in 2023?

Why did the Governor not resign after Pulwama attack and instead continued obliging ruling regime’s designated governor posts in other regions of the country?

What is the real motive behind the Governor spilling beans against Prime Minister with national election in 2024?

The usual political connivance played by the regime deploying own member of the governance – the governor to smear and discredit none other than the real adversary and staunch political critic – myself incessantly and obsessively pursued by politics for challenging status quo. The convoluted political tactics against me is baseless and debunked effectively on every occasion.

For the recordI’m not and have never been a member of any political party, faction, organization and infrastructure anywhere. My representation is solely and exclusively with the divine mission. The public statement in this regard is an established fact.

Soon after the Governor Satyapal Malik’s interview,  the channel wire presents a male guest apparently American Indian touted actor, activist and issues with New Delhi regime and local Karnataka politics.

The guest scenario in semblance with my profile on origin and nationality etc. except GENDER my female identity in the typical misogynist criminal indulgence replaced with male with occupation as actor in direct contradiction with my genetic and professional details. The other being the regional state of Tamil Nadu substituted with another southern state Karnataka.

The interview focus is the American Indian’s overseas citizen of India (OCI) status revocation. This is a permanent visa granted by Indian government to expatriates of Indian origin. The immigration status lobbied by overseas Indians was actually passed and made effective under former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s tenure.

The same now weaponized by current New Delhi regime against individuals of Indian origin abroad targeted as not anti-India or anti-government rather anti-Narendra Modi.

The regime has set few examples cancelling visa against voices expressing concern on Indian democracy transition to autocracy – precisely legitimizing the voices’ claim through the regime’s undemocratic and political intervention in immigration action.

In that interview the Kannada male actor is specifically asked by the interviewer Karan Thapar to comment about the chief of New Delhi regime – Indian Prime Minister.

The actor responds to that question by certifying the PM as not corrupt and further elaborates on the PM so-called sacrifice of marital and homely material life (?)threading the comment in positive affirmation regardless of the guest purportedly ongoing immigration problem not barring several arrests etc. with the regime according to the interview.

Subsequent to Wire interview of former Governor Satyapal Malik’s leaks on Indian Prime Minister’s advise to Governor Malik to remain silent on the Pulwama murder per the Governor’s disclosure during the interview,

The political maelstrom was expected which was again tactfully contained by the regime with full cooperation and coordination from state managed press and media.

Arguably the heat on Pulwama still on under simmering fire demanding the Prime Minister to offer explanation on dereliction of duty in Pulwama  gate.

The reasonable demand made considering the former State of Jammu & Kashmir demoted to Union Territory for the purpose of New Delhi regime direct authority on all Kashmir affairs – the security in particular under Prime Minister.

In the aftermath of consecutive failures in security only having escalated since Kashmir’s 370 Abrogation transformed into Union Territory under New Delhi regime’s administration,

The Pulwama is just one of many incidents with the latest being in the valley with Indian security forces reported casualties five personnel – four are reportedly from Punjab in the government stated terror attack in Jammu & Kashmir’s Poonch described as dastardly and horrific.

In this context, the channel wire features the guest this time is Amarjit Singh Dulat, the former Chief of Research & Analysis Wing with no specifics on which sector and industry so on…?

The guest Amarjit Singh and the interviewer Karan Thapar in this wire interview squarely blame the Indian military in Jammu & Kashmir as revealed in the image title and briefed as follows:

Kashmir Poonch Terror Attack April 2023 

“The Army dropped its guard” –  implying the Indian military allowed the loss of its own personnel in Poonch terror incident.

The assertions in this interview by both the interviewer and interviewee strongly suggest the military responsible for the lapse while confirming in the interview that military sanitized the passage prior to the terror assault.

There is no mention of the New Delhi regime responsibility in the interview given the Prime Minister’s overreaching consolidation of governance and ministerial portfolios in the One-Man executive role in the so-called world’s largest democracy.

Not to mention the references of acronym PAFF aided by the interviewer Karan Thapar in the expansion as – People for anti-Fascism Front allegedly associated with Pakistan’s terror group Jaish-e-Mohammed in the interview.

Interestingly one of my blog posts titled ‘Silencing Free Speech and Facts is Fascism’ attracted public comment positively in agreement with importance of free speech and facts to protect democracy.

The New Delhi regime’s insane obsessiveness and political sensitivity to articles published on this site and sub-domain not without unruly and undemocratic interceptions in publication to control free speech and freedom of expression is prompting relentless efforts to demonize and discredit factual presentations on issues related to India and humanity at large.

Notwithstanding the channel wire and the interviewer Karan Thapar collaboration with the regime clarifying the journalism in disguise as independent and investigative proved not necessarily as such in the above three interviews featured in the past weeks until now.

The charade is yet another innuendo on my independent position to raise doubts on the well substantiated content of the publications on Indian regime and all matter.

When in fact the New Delhi regime and the media viz. wire seeking public donations for the channel operation are incumbent to comply on checks and balances with integrity refraining from complicity and collusion to jeopardize real independent journalistic reporting and incontrovertible factual data on this site and sub-domain.

Wire and Karan Thapar – Whom are you actually working for?


Whom do you represent in these deliberate misrepresentations? 

No matter how the situations are circumvented on wire and assortment media platform, the ruling government in power is responsible to address public demand for explanation on Pulwama to Poonch terror on the regime’s watch as ultimate authority.

All said and done, the buck stops at the highest office on land occupying the position of power as authority with formal title and fanfare. 

Power is responsibility and not privileges and political impunity alone prevalent in the present setting. 

Padmini Arhant



The Rise and Demise of Politics

April 20, 2023

The Rise and Demise of Politics

Cashing on Deaths



Padmini Arhant

The dying politics with death hovering over it traditionally and contemporarily resign to unscrupulous nefarious dealings not limited to usual corruption scandals, in fact comprising killings and corpses in the paradoxical display of cowardice as courage. 

The engagement resurrecting the dead like the Abbottabad mission on May 2, 2011 propagated as assassination of long deceased Osama Bin Laden is a classic example.

Osama Bin Laden passed away in December 2001 from renal failure. The information categorically confirmed by two former heads of state of Pakistan – President and General Pervez Musharraf and (late) Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto.

The dying politics hatching the situation launch Abbottabad mission and deploy young NAVY SEALS age barely 19 – 21 years who in return are not spared either.

The NAVY SEAL entire crew deployed in the Abbottabad fudged mission on May 2, 2011 is callously and villainously disposed in the bizarre chopper incident in the heavily militarized U.S. and NATO occupation in Afghanistan on August 6, 2011.

The killing of the already dead Osama Bin Laden could perhaps only possible by politics with dismal prospects in Presidential election in the United States around the corner in 2012.

Alternatively, in the other so-called world’s largest democracy in the typical habitual copy paste persistence pulls off similar incident involving the nation’s Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) facilitating terror attack on the convoy returning to their designated stations in Pulwama, Kashmir, India.

The slaying of 40 CRPF young personnel via central government aided terrorism in February 2019 barely three months ahead of national election in May 2019 with incumbency viz. Prime Ministership re-election hanging in balance synonymous to the Presidency in the United States in 2012 is emulation of abuse of power.

In Indian episode, the central defense personnel CRPF 40 or more age 19 – 28 years treated as the cattle in abattoir (the slaughter house of livestock) and dispatched to Death Valley for political gains.

Again no difference between U.S. and Indian political game.

The entire young NAVY SEAL in Abbottabad operation disposed in calculated event in Afghanistan on August 6, 2011 three months after Abbottabad theatrics on May 2, 2011 ahead of 2012 Presidential race.

Similarly, Indian 40 or more CRPF in Pulwama  Kashmir conveniently baited with their lives to deceive gullible Indian electorate in May 2019 general election.

The politics owned media on both occasions hailed the action – Heroic and Master Stroke.

The link between incumbent Presidency in the United States 2009 – 2016 and beyond in 2021 onwards until now and Indian counterpart is the so-called democrat U.S. incumbent Presidency outreach exercising unconstitutional undemocratic norm bailing out the accused and implicated right-wing radical fundamentalist foreign Indian leadership in 2014 from arrest warrant in New York for human rights violation in world known Godhra violence in Gujarat in 2002.

The comradery conclusively define politics of the same stock flock together transforming to alter ego regardless of feigned left or right political positions.

The takeaway from these events is dying politics usually with criminal background never miss opportunity to cash in and capitalize on deaths of innocent lives ranging from civilians to defense force such as army NAVY personnel alongside reliance on terror notoriety to prolong power however.

In the process, the dying politics fail to recognize own death prompting underhanded criminal strategy to survive in politics.

Needless to say, the anyhow survival of dead politics in these circumstances endanger sane normal peaceful environment and remain existential threat haunting the nation and political system.

The ghost rising from the grave for the sake of death obsessed politics trying anything and everything to remain in power unequivocally lead such politics to burial ground.

The rise and demise of politics tracing the origin – the graveyard is definitive having authorized and presided over mass graves and public executions fanfare with pride and political impunity. 

Padmini Arhant

Israel – Political Crisis and Al-Aqsa Raid

April 15, 2023

Israel – Political Crisis and Al-Aqsa Raid

Padmini Arhant

The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government authorized and conducted violent aggressive raid against peaceful unarmed Palestinian worshippers in Islam’s third holiest Al-Aqsa mosque in the past week is symptomatic of the Israeli leadership trepidation and frustration over latest domestic debacle related to Israel’s judiciary overhaul.

The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s brazen attempt to weaken and undermine Israel’s Supreme Court through government policy to overhaul judiciary was met with nationwide protests including Israeli conscripts in Israel’s Defense Force (IDF) joining the nation against Israeli PM’s overt executive empowerment action.

Israeli population en masse protests against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s controversial unconstitutional undemocratic intervention citing transfer of power from judiciary to legislative and executive branch in Israeli political system was perhaps unexpected in terms of citizens’ solidarity to defend democracy.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s dismissal of  own cabinet defense minister Yoav Gallant was a sample of executive extra judicial power lately reversed in the aftermath of withdrawal of contentious judiciary amendment.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s desperate measures and outreach against judiciary is directly linked to lingering corruption charges stigmatizing and constricting the seasoned politician’s maneuvering polity.

The resistance tsunami in response to Israeli PM’s defiance led to reining in on knee-jerk reaction from the head of the state.

In order to turn the political tide and setback experienced in judiciary overhaul matter, the Israeli leadership approved armed raid in Al-Aqsa mosque is in fact repeat event in Prime Minister Netanyahu’s tenure.

In May 2021, in the height of political crisis with coalition falling apart under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s headed government, similar and more violent raid was authorized in Al-Aqsa mosque producing fatalities and settler incursions against native Palestinians in East Jerusalem, West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Unfortunately for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the Al-Aqsa raid and Palestinian worshippers’ deaths then in 2021 could not avert PM Netanyahu government fall.

Instead the radical move enabled self-displacement with Prime Minister Naftali Bennett sworn in as successor in Israel’s politics in June 2021.

The movie replayed all over again in 2023 in the last week Al-Aqsa mosque attack is a typical political tactic in politics to win back public trust in leadership utterly failed in trustworthiness and credibility.

The political mistake to turn internal tide offshore against citizens and nations near and far when the incumbent leadership and government feet are held on fire in domestic politics is standard political tradition.

The difference this time around is currently the practice prolific in different parts of the world beginning with the United States, India, Israel, Russia, China…the so-called behemoths’ reliance on foreign policy and military confrontation to deflect public attention from dismal domestic performance.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s same experimental methods in the hope of delivering different results is scientifically and politically debunked time and time again.

The intoxication of power overwhelming reasoning faculty debilitating ability to abandon woeful means is the only vivid outcome in the political gamble.

Lessons never learned in life is the biggest irony amongst those unwilling to accept reality.

Padmini Arhant

World – Power is Intoxicating

March 28, 2023

World – Power is Intoxicating

Padmini Arhant  

Israel – The Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu saddled with corruption charges upon return to office attempts on judiciary overhaul tied to personal interests halted as of now.

The quest for power overrides national interests triggering nationwide protests to save democracy.

What is about to ensue in the aftermath of judicial reform rested on its track?

Is the Prime Minister’s withdrawal an abandonment of the controversial executive action?


Is the retreat a temporary pause to calm the rising tidal wave across the spectrum in Israel only to surreptitiously surface sooner than later?

The interlude delaying the judicial reform as opposed to departure from empowerment of executive position would be a major political risk for any leadership not excluding a seasoned political figure like Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with enormous ambitions for power.

Overarching power to silence democracy and undermine the nation’s highest judicial authority i.e. the Supreme Court arise when the powerful not content with people granted power through electoral mandate subject to checks and balances to avert current situation and unnecessary turmoil.

The urgent need to overhaul judiciary to protect own position is an explicit expression of guilt felt and experienced from underlying corruption charges leading to extra judicial execution of power in Israel right now.

The overt assumption of office bearer of the highest office as the absolute power in direct violation of democratic system primarily endanger the soul of democracy and constitutionality governing legislative,  executive and judiciary in the independent and combined political edifice.

Anytime action exceed norms to gain more power quelling dissent demonstrated in the arbitrary dismissal of own cabinet defense minister Yoav Gallant for sharing concerns and calling for rationale, the inner turmoil within is prominent and impetus impulsive reaction.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu priority prior to suspension of the bill to overhaul judicial power misconceived false safety zone to circumvent legal proceedings on corruption charges while remaining the cause for cavalier approach arousing national opposition against the embattled decision.

However, the guilt for doers never dissipate rather exacerbate in living and beyond.

Accordingly, overhauling of judiciary and extreme measures cannot possibly absolve the source from responsibility to face due process in observation and respect for none are above law in a democracy.

Neither denial of guilt nor extraordinary measures to curb democratic means would deliver desired outcome. The might is right strategy has invariably backfired for anyone set in the treacherous trail.

Padmini Arhant

P.S. The topic will resume with focus on other major world events.


United States – Extortions and Hypocrisy

March 21, 2023

United States – Politics Witch-hunt

Extortions and Hypocrisy 

Padmini Arhant

The interesting details on events corresponding to Presidential terms 2009 – 2016 and 2021 – 2023 till date in office is noteworthy.

The major United States and international banks on the target during Barack Obama Presidency then and now.

BNP Paribas – The French International Bank headquartered in Paris with presence in 65 countries settled on June 30, 2014 nearly $9 billion with then U.S. Department of Justice headed by former Attorney General Eric Holder on charges as criminal plea for facilitating bank transactions for nations under U.S. economic sanctions. The nations quoted are Sudan, Iran, Cuba.

NB: The Barack Obama Presidency a year later in July 2015, released US $100 billion to Iran citing contingent to nuclear deal much to neighbor and arch nemesis Israel’s fury and frustration.

Wells Fargo – United States’ one of the largest banks headquartered in San Francisco, California was another target in 2013, 2016 under Barack Obama Presidency extended into 2021 until now.

Wells Fargo was initially reported in 2013 – during Barack Obama term in office on the bank’s “widespread illegal practice of secretly opening unauthorized accounts.” and fined by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (a federal government arsenal on political witch hunt than serving consumer real issues) fined the bank $100 million in September 2016.

Fast forward in December 2022 – the Wells Fargo Bank in the Bay Area California was pursued again upon return of Barack Obama defacto Presidency displacing Biden administration.

This time the financial institution was charged $3.7 billion in settlement on charges of wrongful banking practice in auto loans, mortgage and variety.

On personal account – my experience in this regard due to unlawful political intervention from the White House at that time in 2011 – 2013  resulted in loss of investment assets in real estate that were verified and confirmed in independent inquiry on the dealings. The bank was not Wells Fargo.

In 2023 – Upon Barack Obama return to power, the Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) in Silicon Valley, California again one of the largest banks serving the Silicon Valley tech industry collapse in the manufactured crisis.

The SVB event propagated as a major fiasco and wildly spread in recent dissemination reverberating in the Presidency surrogate podcast and Indian social domain by design with New Delhi counterpart as alter ego coordination. 

The multi billion dollars from international banks specifically BNP and United States financial institution Wells Fargo cited in the above mentioned events during Barack Obama Presidency

The settlements in billions of dollars BNP – approximately $9 billion and Wells Fargo $100 million in September 2016 and $3.7 billion in December 2022 received by then Department of Justice (DOJ) under then Attorney General Eric Holder directly serving under Barack Obama administration and later transaction in 2022 merit accountability and audit to ascertain the funds return to U.S.Treasury. 

Here are the interesting connections between me – Padmini Arhant and the banks sought after during Barack Obama Presidency then and now which is conspicuously more than a mere coincidence. 

In the early years of my professional career – I briefly worked for BNP Paribas in the late 1980’s in Melbourne Australia. Subsequently I continued my career in banking industry in Wells Fargo, San Francisco, California in 1990. 

Now the Silicon Valley Bank is tied to my Silicon Valley base though I have no affiliation or link to the bank.

I wonder if I happen to live on the moon, would there be a Bank created on the moon and intentionally designed to crumble?

Regardless of the selectively targeted above financial institutions’ activities and charges against them to which I have no connection or relation only highlights inappropriate political motive in the Presidential pursuits.

It is clear to me the political bullying and harassment associating my personal and professional career background with institutions notwithstanding extortions under the pretext revived reminiscent of unethical indulgence in 2009 – 2016. 

The practice conveniently evading transparency on funds receipt by government in power and deposit or the lack thereof to relevant department between 2009 – 2016 and 2021 – 2023 till now. 

What is next for Barack Obama expired Presidency 2009 -2016?

In my professional career – I also worked for international banks – Bank of Singapore and National Australia Bank in late 198o’s in Australia. 

Are they going to be pursued now by defacto Barack Obama Presidency having resumed action against Wells Fargo Bank in 2022 in continuation of the past action against the institution in 2016. The latest being Silicon Valley Bank in 2023. 

FYI – Barack Obama Presidency 

My late father was a Chief Executive for international airline British Airways – with whom he had life time career.

Is that going to be in the line of target as well in slew of politically charged unscrupulous actions misusing the office of Presidency and public funded federal agencies for reasons other than intended purpose?

The latest statement from the democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren emphasizing on none are above law and necessary indictments are appropriate against the former President Donald Trump in the continuous saga between democrat political party and former Presidency of Donald Trump.

In that context, the legitimate question arise concerning a citizen of the United States and the members in the highest office.

When is the open public investigation with indictments scheduled against the Obamas – Michelle and Barack Obama in the incident involving the unarmed civilian African American Miriam Carey – the young mother mercilessly gunned down with 25 or more round of bullets by White House secret service personnel per authorization from the Oval Office?  The D.C. police joining the shooting spree.

Justice maneuvered to suit political bias is serious assault on constitutional based democracy unfortunately under siege right now. 

Padmini Arhant

India – Election Fraud

March 17, 2023

India – West Bengal 2021 Bypoll 

Padmini Arhant

West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee projected as rival and so-called opposition to national political party BJP and incumbent in New Delhi, the former role in the state’s bypoll in 2021 is noteworthy for two reasons.

1. For voter awareness and awakening in the Chief Minister’s own state – West Bengal.

2. Another scene play with script and performance at national level is ready to roll in general election in 2024.

The 2021 bypoll in West Bengal – the ruling party Trinamool Congress (TMC) wins comfortably against national political party BJP with a large majority in the State Assembly headed by the Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee.

Now individually, the TMC candidate Mamata Banerjee contested from two constituencies rather than just one – breaking the tradition held from 2011 – 2021.

In that bypoll – the West Bengal State assembly candidate Mamata Banerjee contested from her original home turf Bhavanipur against BJP’s female candidate interestingly bearing the name Priyanka Tibrewal.

Mamata Banerjee is reported to have won a major victory against BJP’s Priyanka Tibrewal with a margin of 58,832 votes in Bhavanipur constituency.

Source: The Hindu News – thehindu.com

October 3, 2021.

“Mamata Banerjee back in Bengal Assembly with Bhabanipur win

Bengal Chief Minister registers record margin of 58,835 votes over BJP’s Priyanka Tibrewal.”

In the same bypoll in 2021, the candidate Mamata Banerjee contesting in a different constituency Nandigram where she did not have a firm footing or popularity given voter grievances against the TMC chief is challenged by BJP’s male candidate Suvendu Adhikari who reportedly defeated Mamata Banerjee by 1956 votes. Though not a substantial margin, the defeat of Mamata Banerjee by BJP’s male candidate is registered important.

The difference in margin of votes in victory and defeat of Mamata Banerjee in two different constituencies deserve attention from voters in West Bengal and Indian electorate en masse for present and future reference.

The Bhavanipur constituency delivering victory to Mamata Banerjee is a wide margin 58,832 votes giving Mamata fancy wings to fly with BJP in national contest as defacto. In a way flattery and adulation in politics is never enough.

Contrarily, in Nandigram constituency, the low key 1956 votes a mere digit higher than Mamata Didi’s birth year is assigned to the loss to safeguard Mamata Didi’s image in West Bengal and national politics that is tarnished and damaged in controversial Sarada financial scam used by BJP against Mamata Didi.

The typical arsenal for sitting Indian Prime Minister and Home minister against members within and outside  political establishment, institutions and organizations they target for nefarious goals. 

These two glaring distinctions in the so-called electoral outcome in this bypoll in West Bengal is litmus test on electoral process legitimacy dismally  failing as it is clearly indicative of refined calibration of results to suit political manipulators strategy. 

That’s unfortunately the sad fate of Indian democracy and election credibility having become nothing more than a number for easy political maneuver however possible.

TMC Chief Mamata Nanerjee winning by significant margin against BJP’s Priyanka Tibrewal is attributed to Mamata Banerjee as the candidate. The rival BJP’s Priyanka Tibrewal on the other hand is the proxy nominated as Padmini Arhant by BJP losing miserably in the make-believe contest.

Simultaneously, BJP’s male candidate Suvendu Adhikari winning against the candidate Mamata Banerjee now this time is apparently Padmini Arhant.

The deeply insecure incumbent Prime Minister of India is using political factions and proxies to gain satisfaction from bizarre ridiculous imaginary swaps again borrowed from the masters to witness and rejoice my loss in elections that I am no part of  to begin with.

The same scenario is ready to be rolled out with none other than TMC Chief Mamata Banerjee cast as me i.e. Padmini Arhant with incumbent BJP Prime Minister candidate defeating Mamata Banerjee as Padmini Arhant with a landslide margin in 2024 national election.

That’s the reason TMC Chief Mamata Banerjee is advised to remain aloof from the rest of the opposition and announced the solo bid in 2024 general election to aid Indian PM’s devious agenda.

Indian incumbent Prime Minister, Home Minister and so-called political opposition in India kow-towing to international clique, their masters in global arena are reminded once and for all on status quo between you and me and that is explicitly fait accompli.

Accordingly politics squandering public taxpayers money in pseudo elections against me to serve egotistical megalomaniacal political aspirations is lunacy reflecting desperate times seeking desperate downfall – the current stark reality. 

What the TMC Chief Mamata Banerjee as the state’s Chief Minister must explain to voters in West Bengal and Indian electorate at large is the quid pro quo between West Bengal CM and Indian PM.

What exactly transpired between the two members prompting Mamata Banerjee to engage in 2024 national election as a single candidate?

What kinda of rewards promised and agreed to for this performance earlier in 2021 West Bengal bypoll and the one organized in 2024?

Indian democracy as such long been subverted and laid to rest. The political theatrics by the ruling and so-called opposition only deceive voters in West Bengal or any state and national electorate.

Indian politics is in serious crises with corruption, power struggle and plutocracy in governance.

Finally, reiterating earlier statement that I’m Padmini Arhant. My name is Padmini Arhant and not whoever wherever whatever name they choose for me that would be my identity. Such charade only confirm politics in fools paradise.

I say to Indian and international polity – the incognito in particular presiding over the ignoramus identity swap imposed on me as their prerogative.

I need no more namkarans – christening with any names of your choice or random naming which is.a serious violation of my individual right in identity theft mania ultimately hurting all those involved without exception in severe karmic effects.

Padmini Arhant 

India – Declassify Information

March 14, 2023

India – Declassify Information

Padmini Arhant

While fake news and incessant propaganda continues unabated on alleged threat to incumbent Prime Minister’s position and life,

When the contrary is true in abuse of power committing crimes with impunity throughout political career till date.

Indian politics – the ruling and so-called opposition collusion and complicity on many national issues is the norm. Among them, the electoral bonds inviting flurry of unlimited funds and illicit financing from anywhere nationwide and across the globe auctioning democracy and election is a leaf plucked out of yet another so-called democracy branch.

The United States’ Supreme Court ruling on unlimited corporate and special interests’ cache cashing in on political candidacy from top to bottom i.e. Presidential race to municipal, city and mayoral election is political establishment cash trove.

Indian incumbency raucous on sedition charges with slogan coined as Tukde Tukde gang translated as disintegration mob referring to one of Delhi Universities’  Jawaharlal Nehru Unuversity (JNU) students isolated and profiled on unsubstantiated sedition allegations.

In the backdrop of Indian politics unanimity in many critical national issues whether flouting democratic rules and principles in electoral process via controversial electoral bonds or evading surrender of illegal wealth stashed in offshore tax havens and exotic island nations by political class across the spectrum setting precedence for the rest to follow in economic, entertainment and religious cult,

Indian political unity at the state and national level in the non-disclosure of pertinent facts in the following matter concerning India and Indian republic especially in 75th anniversary of Indian independence celebration raise these questions.

The subject is related to none other than India’s nationally and internationally renowned patriots and iconic legends in their own rights who significantly stood up to colonial rule to free India from colonization.

India’s freedom movement leader Mahatma Gandhi – assassinated by RSS associated Nathuram Godse.

RSS – the fundamentalist organization never shying away from deal making with then imperialists for individual and Hindutva ideological interests had a member Nathuram Godse pulling the trigger on the leader Mohandas Karamchand Gandhithe pioneer of non-violence independence struggle energizing the freedom March pre-1947.

India’s other proud son – the brave and tenacious Subash Chandra Bose having challenged British Raj oppression until his mysterious disappearance albeit known to Indian polity regardless of party affiliations such as Congress and BJP as two major national political parties seated in power since independence as dominion republic and until now.

Last nonetheless relevantly India’s exemplary political leader and office bearer – Prime Minister Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri who practiced righteousness and anti-corruption valuesoxymoron in politics share similar classified information tag.

Then Prime Minister Shastri hailing the soldier and farmer in the famous slogan – Jai Jawan Jai Kisaan was genuinely a populous leader at that time. Subsequent to ending India – Pakistan war in 1965 with ceasefire and signing peace agreement to that effect in January 1966 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, the Indian PM is declared no more the day later.

Indian politics together with international ally summed up the contentious issue as heart attack behind Indian PM Lal Bahadur Shastri sudden passing away in Tashkent, Uzbekistan – then under former Soviet Union in 1966.

In 2023,

Are the Indian political leadership in New Delhi and political party BJP along with so-called opposition in Parliament and state assembly prepared to come forward and declassify information on unnatural cause of deaths of all three leaders?

Their sacrifice for the nation they endeared were exemplified with utmost commitment towards liberty and sovereignty?

1. What is the compelling factor for Indian politics to have accepted foreign and internal forces versions on all three leaders’ deceased status that remain highly speculative till date?

2. To whom are the Indian political class obligatory and pledged secrecy under oath in maintaining paradoxical data on India’s proud sons as veteran leaders and soul of Indian freedom?

Nottwithstanding Indian politics’ dismissal of Indian republic awareness on their leaders popularly known as Father of the Nation,

The leader Subash Chandra Bose creating Indian National Army defending self-determination of his nation and citizens against foreign subjugation and,

India’s truly honorable Prime Minister Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri whose words to the nation were translated into action and whose actions reflected unity and progress for entire country.

The late Prime Minister Shastri also a visionary who acknowledged farmers and soldiers as two guardian angels for a nation unlike the contradictory treatment of both defense personnel and farmers today under current national leadership and administration.

3. Finally, What is going to take besides courage and integrity for Indian politics at the national and state level to declassify real factual information behind unnatural deaths including one known assassination of these three leaders?

Padmini Arhant

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