Editorial – Politics – Plutocracy displace Democracy

March 8, 2023


Plutocracy displace


Padmini Arhant

Plutocracy (wealthy as the ruling class) displacing democracy is contemporary politics.

The political members claiming humble modest background on campaign trail and at debut achieve multi-millionaire economic status in one term if not more.

The corporate run politics rewarding political members with positions, titles and monetary benefits for their exclusive commitment in mutual gains, the corporate tycoons together with their beneficiaries in politics reaping harvest in management appropriately mismanagement of public money is institutionalized culture.

With corruption ruling politics, the political class assumption on above law on own crimes and unlawful indulgence abusing self-granted political impunity aside, the political witch hunt on opponents and anyone regarded threat to status quo is the proud definition of authority.

Plutocracy is antithesis to democracy with 1% dominance over 99% exerting carte blanche jurisdiction.

United States Health Care Reform – March 2010.

In the United States, the Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare in Health Care Reform passed and made effective in March 2010 with compulsory health insurance subscription linked to severe penalty upon failure to do so is cash cow for health care and health insurance industry.

The Affordable Care Act today is the most unaffordable even prior to health care reform. The federal benefits to taxpayer is reaching the health insurance and health care industry trove rather than helping the insurer with deductible and out-of-pocket expense set at insane level.

The Affordable Care Act has enabled health care and health insurance industry to exploit insurers with no service at phenomenal contributions to health plan enriching the health care, insurance industry and politics facilitating the bonanza for the industry.

The disciplined healthy are targets to make up for insurance and health care industry harvesting via unreasonable pricing and stipulations in the lucrative Affordable Care Act. 

The factual information published in this regard and other issues relatable to individual and public experience on government policy not delivering the desired outcome and contrarily counterproductive is incontrovertible.

Any objection and intolerance to sharing genuine concerns attracting indecent disposition and asinine  display in social domain is unequivocally fascism and further affirm plutocracy displacing democracy.


The public discourse on this issue.

1. “Why do doctors not like Obamacare?
It puts the onus on us to determine which patients have paid premiums.” Valenti said this provision is the main reason two-thirds of doctors don’t accept ACA plans. “No one wants to work and have somebody take back their paycheck,” he said.Aug 1, 2019.”
2. Why did people not like the Affordable Care Act?
They oppose the mandate that all Americans must have health insurance (the individual mandate), and they oppose a government role in health care.”

3. Why do so many Americans oppose the Affordable Care Act? –

Courtesy- National Library of Medicine – An official website of the United States Government. 


Public Opinion – https://www.ctpost.com/opinion/article/Opinion-The-Affordable-Care-Act-forgot-to-be-16947851.php

The Affordable Care Act forgot to be affordable”

Other verified information –

The United States ranks last overall, despite spending far more of its gross domestic product on health care.Aug 4, 2021”


The 1% super wealthy involvement is not limited to minding and controlling politics. In fact the power extended beyond political parameters such as interference in public health witnessed and experienced in COVID pandemic.

The wealthy interjection of surplus wealth in bizarre scientific experiment like gain of function research aimed at profiteering in ramifications not excluding fatalities and serious health complications from the virus.

The monopoly exercised in elixir distribution and preventive methods during the pandemic clarified the extent of global monopolists direct and indirect intervention in ordinary public life.

To make matters worse, the globalists agenda decided in secret collusion in discreet meetings with selective members on invite only barring real press and investigative media to discuss and implement goals concerning humanity at large;

Whether great reset in re-configuration of financial sector in the global economy eliminating cash economy regardless of adverse repercussions to vast developing nations worldwide with overwhelming population surviving on daily wages and minimal income in cash transactions,

Notwithstanding the banking industry under financial sector promoted by government deriving extraordinary income from mandatory bank accounts with minimum balance requirement depleting ordinary people savings and exorbitant interest on borrowings only applicable to 99% and among them the middle class and the rest subject to strict banking rules that are exempt for voluntary violators fleeing country with government aided security as fugitives in exotic locations of their choice in certain countries,


The unleashing of pandemic overlapping with financial great reset tied to global economic freeze attained in global lockdown in the wake of manufactured health disaster evidenced in the virus leak from wuhan virology lab in Hubei province in China.

The systemic abuse of power witnessed in politics is a sample of plutocracy effects on democracy.

The global population generated wealth together with natural endowments in multi-trillions transferred to concentrated segment in global society representing 1% is day light robbery.

The financial markets adjusted and maneuvered to meet and suit expectations of those in control at the apex is yet another plutocratic dimension.

The plutocrats grip on financial markets prohibit market dynamics to function in real terms creating superficial market performance either in volatility or hyperbolic gains designed to maintain superfluous flow to those in control of global treasure.

There is no doubt as stated previously in this website and sub-domain, the fair economic empowerment to middle-class and poor is denied in plutocracy governance.

In plutocracy, elevation, sustenance and viable living standards and conditions through stable growth and progress to middle-income and lower economic strata is persona non grata i.e. unwelcome.

As a result, the middle class and the poor pay enormous price burdened with generational debts serving plutocracy enrichment with the latter driven by gluttonous greed encompassing the principle;

All for me and none for you – dominant in the prevalent ruling class.

In the absence of unbiased independent checks and balance besides transparency and accountability flouted as privilege,

Plutocracy displacing democracy in politics is legitimized in fake rigged elections where votes are bought with notes using illegal unaccounted money.

It does not end there, the so-called elected are freely negotiated and traded to shift sides and factions post-election adopting machiavellian tactics in the end justifying the means.

The trend continue unabated in the unsustainable pseudo system.

The river stream changing course producing floods and tsunami wreaking havoc is reflected in current plutocracy. Anything premised in false and fraudulent foundation is the recipe for precipitous fall sooner than later.

Padmini Arhant 

Editor-in-Chief & Publisher 



India – Political Paradox

March 2, 2023


Political Paradox  

Padmini Arhant

Update 03/03/2023 : 

India’s dominion republic status upon overt colonial rule stepping aside in 1947 celebrated as independence was presented the parting gift – the partition of India into India and Pakistan with Kashmir becoming the negative dividend for Kashmiris in general. 

In 2023, Indian politics drum roll on 75 years of independence jubilation in essence is independence for political class from any checks and balances, transparency and accountability to the people as the republic.

Corruption presiding politics permeating across economy, institutions, organizations and general society, the goon and gutter politics premised on harassment and bribe is the cardinal rule. 

The political establishment having defused constitutional governed democracy, eliminated states and institutional autonomy, the open field is the grooming ground for authoritarianism. 

At the same time, the political class surrender to oligarchy running a muck besides kowtowing to foreign diktat to retain puppet position as the head of the state trickling down political hierarchy i.e. state and below to municipal level is the pattern.

The pyramid with oligarchs and foreign syndicate at the apex exerting authority and the ones below executing apex order is the design. 

The colonial impact on Indian politics in divide and conquer strategy inversely producing divide and destroy unity generated Indian partition in 1947.

In 2023 –  75 years later, the demolition of democracy promoting dictatorial system is the present irony. 

The development is precisely the dream come true for foreign syndicate championing seeding, breeding and nurturing oppressive regime submissive to external agenda emerging from death of democracy with examples worldwide. 

Padmini Arhant


Update 03/002/2023: The central government’s indifference to Adani groups scandal and contrarily New Delhi regime’s latest allegation on Delhi administration deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia in the alleged liquor scam with CBI probe and potential arrest of the accused prior to any presentation of incontrovertible evidence in this issue is open shut government bias and political motive. 

The New Delhi central government chief and head of Adani empire close ties and relations goes back to Gujarat days when the incumbent PM was then Chief Minister of Gujarat aided by Adani business financing political campaign of then Gujarat CM candidacy continued till date at national level. The mutual exchange of economic and political gains on both sides is the trajectory.

Understandably, in the backdrop of New Delhi central government and Adani groups intimate partnership, any effort from the government to investigate Adani groups scandal is a far cry. 

On Adani-gate, the current developments to investigate via Supreme Court committee allowing the panel to hire experts from outside arguably attract public speculations on the implicated party viz. Adani groups’ and their influence on Indian economic sector and central government.

Regardless, the average citizens’ exercising individual discernment and diligence in dealings between Adani groups and their close partner in politics – the New Delhi Chief in national government and draw conclusions would be prudent.

On personal note:

Political Folly and Provocation – The New Delhi regime is reminded on the obsession using proxy in politics, media and general society to target me is lame and ludicrous. The indulgence revealing misplaced priority for the head of the government in deep crises in domestic and international front is conspicuous.

The constant disparaging and personal attacks against me thus far using members in own contingency is crass reflecting deep insecurity. 

As I said earlier, anyone lacking in originality adapting their master’s failed and flawed unscrupulous tactics deploying proxies and pawns from own inventory or domain in indignation of me are categorically in fait accompli. 

There are several incidents to cite from politics and government hired performer instigated into provocative statements and display much to the hirer as the provocateur and deliverer hired in the sham. 

The case in point is BJP member Nupur Sharma contracted by the head of the New Delhi regime airing inflammatory remarks about Islam’s Holy Prophet (PBUH) on BJP networks supposedly in retaliation to an Indian muslim guest’s comment on Hindu worship of God Shiva in the orchestrated show hosted by BJP media.

The raucous did not end with the show. The theatrics subsequently featured Nupur Sharma with victory signs alluding to me considering the sequence of this bizarre episode.

The foolish enactment is not the only isolated incident with politics deliberate provocation in this regard leading to my message in cautioning the power in particular on respect.

Respect is never one way street with a dead end. 

The government chief’s persistence with trolling tagging, invasion of private home and life with contentious illegal spyware pegasus, snooping, eavesdropping and espionage against me is futile and shameful. 

Not to mention the indecent perversion and unlawful intrusion in personal life and space of an individual is a disgrace and deplorable for the head of the so-called democracy. 

Those abusing power and status in serious violations of other’s private space, life and rights are to be aware that while they may think such violation is their entitlement.

They shall not forget they are on the all-knowing and all-seeing divine supreme power’s radar with their deeds to be accounted for in living and upon demise. The fact even more applicable to perpetrators abusing political power and means as well as those with religious connotations stating selves as Saint having emerged from Amarnath cave or wherever.

All issues related to any subject matter presented in this site and sub-domain are confined to relevant policy, actions and decisions of government affecting mankind.

The New Delhi authority exerting control to prohibit free speech is a travesty for a system proclaimed democratic.

Not long ago the NDTV Indian channel, albeit political class representative showcased moderate network was taken over by Adani groups at government behest to indicate a hostile acquisition equivalent to muzzling ordinary people voice against government.

All said and done, the systemic abuse of power invariably proven counterproductive for sources and catalysts with serious repercussions.

Padmini Arhant 



Corruption Mar Election

Tamil Nadu Erode East By-Poll

Padmini Arhant 

The cash for votes norm proliferating in the so-called democracy makes election farcical.

The trend prevalent among all political parties and factions led to BJP government in New Delhi legislation of electoral bonds with Indian political opposition unanimous consent casting votes in favor of the bill in parliament.

The ruling and opposition collusion in introduction of anti-democratic unlawful electoral bonds as lawful in funding political campaigns and candidacy explain the political pact among political establishment at the center and state province.

The legislative assembly poll in Indian southern state Tamil Nadu monetizing electorate with Rs. 1 lakh per family on the basis of Rs. 25,000 per voter in a family of four eligible voters translated into $1,250 per household speaks volume on the unaccounted cash flow in circulation among politics to afford such generosity.

Not to mention a serious blow to democratic electoral process marred by rampant corruption.

The politics played in the state and national level is a true revelation on democracy dissipation with election proven a mere formality to legitimize illegitimacy in governance.

The election commission redundancy is evidenced in national government in New Delhi having written off election commission inconvenient and an obstacle,

The state political rulers in Tamil Nadu – the incumbent DMK inherently a political dynasty with power inherited over three generations right now lead Indian politics in black money hoarding in Swiss bank and other tax havens exploiting political impunity on crimes that are otherwise punishable by law for average citizens in the state and nationwide.

The brazen election violations confirm the illegal money power in direct buy-out of voters in the so-called democratic mandate.

The BJP government in New Delhi – the veteran in dissolving state assembly and opposition political groups nationwide deploy colonial divide and conquer strategy. Additionally horse trading in open bidding and buying elected MPs and MLA’s with black money is exhibited as political prowess aka guru exacerbating corruption.

Although BJP criticizes name-sake political opposition on dynasty politics, BJP government and political party sharing dynasty lineage is irrefutable.

The BJP government’s Home Minister Amit Shah’s son Jay Shah granted extraordinary privileges in abuse of easy money via capital funding using Indian taxpayers dough is a bare fact,

Yet another key cabinet member in BJP government – the defense minister Rajnath Singh’s heir Pankaj Singh is the MLA of Noida in Uttar Pradesh and holds position as BJP’s Vice President in Uttar Pradesh. The cabinet minister’s younger son Neeraj Singh is also an active member of BJP.

Despite BJP members and VVIP”s dynasty background, the PM pot shots on campaign rallies against Congress and DMK on dynasty heritage is democracy long transitioned to hypocrisy with BJP’s head leading the tradition.

BJP in New Delhi devious game plan for Tamil Nadu is enslaving current state opposition political party ADMK using the factions’ key figures OPS – known for subservience and cronyism to BJP serving as BJP political pawn in the phony show and tell theatrics from BJP in New Delhi.

On the other hand, the other political member in ADMK, Tamil Nadu’s former chief minister EPS whom BJP New Delhi humiliated during his visit to the capital recently without taking into account ADMK alliance with BJP that enabled BJP to open account in Tamil Nadu is now considered other viable pawn for BJP’s manipulative politics in Tamil Nadu.

Meanwhile, BJP New Delhi’s blind eye to ruling DMK excess money distribution in vote buying in Erode East state assembly by-polls exceeding local opposition ADMK, supposedly BJP’s strong political ally in Tamil Nadu is duality politics. The BJP New Delhi opted to remain oblivious letting DMK run a muck in this election.

DMK with sliding voter confidence and dissatisfaction in Tamil Nadu seek favorable nod from BJP New Delhi. The two have been coalition partners earlier in national representation when BJP failed to emerge majority government barring assorted alliance to form government at the center or the state.

Amidst political misuse and abuse of power with election rules flouted as the standard among national political parties and state competitors, the real victims as usual are the electorate serving as the dice rolled in the election game.

Realistically, politics’ overt agenda is denying fair economic empowerment through stable reliable economic growth and development to middle class, lower middle class, the poor and marginalized in society.

The economic progress for the most needed in the economy is unequivocally a tall order for politics especially the incumbent dedicated in self and oligarchy enrichment at the vast majority expense.

When politics real aim is eternal power lasting over decades slighting constitution, subverting democratic system and rejecting election laws, the status quo is anti-republic which means anti-citizenry transformed into authoritarian rule.

The writing is on the wall with government conviction on the transition from secular India to Hindu Rashtra in semblance with neighboring Afghanistan’s Taliban rule as the Islamic Republic.

The similarity is reflected in zero tolerance to any genuine concerns expressed in constructive criticism. The freedom of expression in government’s view are persona non grata i.e. unwelcome.

Accordingly, those daring to present alternative thoughts are pursued and branded anti-state and anti-national.

In Indian pseudo democracy, the critics of government policy are declared terrorists allegedly endangering the head of the nation’s position and even life. 

The voters’ transgression – The people accepting bribes in hard cash during election from all political parties must realize they are trading their liberty and economic opportunity with corrupt political campaigners running for public office primarily to line their own pockets than deliver any lofty promises they make on campaign trail.

The bribed voters are also required to pay attention to consequences of bribes yielding dismal performance from the so-called elected officials holding public office.

The voters having accepted illegal money from candidates are in no position to question those abusing public funds and so-called political capital upon being so-called elected to public office.

Then economic problems such as skyrocketing inflation, unemployment, poverty…doom and gloom climate persisting throughout political term would be shared responsibility of bribed electorate. 

Politics preference to leave significant population economically weak and dire contributes to people dependency on the state creating non-conducive conditions for further abuse of power at the helm.

In totalitarian regimes, the population at the bottom are either starved or subject to hand-to-mouth living over several generations.

The resistance from oppressed people in authoritarian system is generally not possible.

However, the carte blanche authority and draconian measures on peaceful non-violent protests were witnessed in Indian main street on many occasions more so in the past nine years by the so-called elected head of the state and politics at state and national level.

The election marred with corruption during and thereafter is merely the tip of the iceberg. The meltdown begins with the so-called elected members starting from the top i.e. the head of the nation as Prime Minister with controversial credentials and tainted credibility on many issues.

Among them, the false promise on Rs. 15 lakhs / Rs. 1.5 million in every citizen’s bank account in the course of demonetization takes the cake in misleading electorate.

The rest in Parliament and state legislative assembly on their part proudly have criminal records not excluding terrorism and bomb blasts violence.

These members are apparently dignified elected people representatives unlike selected according to state media propagates ignoring the political market place facilitating trading of members bought and sold with a negotiable price tag.

Again, these are the so-called elected members touted by Indian politics owned and controlled harem media including in Tamil Nadu bragging about the validity of the so-called elected members cesspool.

The regime in New Delhi political maneuver inherited from colonial era is challenged to prove anti-colonial mindset with measures mentioned below.

1. Scrap governorship – the governors appointed predominantly for PM’s use as pawns in nuanced attacks against political targets and critics. The hired sycophant media at politics’ disposal spin narratives to ramp up propaganda in the so-called democracy.

The governors in Indian political structure – the post created in British Raj continued contemporarily is cosmetic. As such the state governments are no longer autonomous and reduced to appease the regime head in the executive branch.

New Delhi toppling the so-called elected state governments is the regime’s signature paradigm. Though majority of the state governments in India are premised in dynasty rule, the central authority regular intervention in upsetting the apple cart has little to do with dynasty and more to do with central authority flexing muscle as the Supreme power.

In the overall national scene, the political opposition in quid pro quo with the ruling regime share common goals to maintain status quo.

They have each other’s back in strong opposition to any voice against corruption, criminality and shoddy politics.

The regime’s chief only political means to remain in power is bribe and harassment. The latter is executed misusing public funded income tax department, the enforcement directorate (ED), intelligence agency viz. CBI and law enforcement such as police force and judiciary.

The bribery in cash and kind as incentives vary from plum government posts in domestic and foreign destinations as ambassadors and diplomats etc., to upper house (Rajya Sabha) member position.

The cash transactions using public funds and black money are expended on MPs, MLAs, Supreme Court justices, election commission, foreign nations with unaffordable economic deals and,

Ultimately not even sparing Hindu Gods with temples and lavish shrines in the hope of absolving from plethora of crimes and sins to the hilt prompting desperate move and erratic decisions.

2. New Delhi regime’s contrived fatigue on colonial mindset referred to recently could be demonstrated in abolishing the British era Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) in suppression of natives’ human rights continued by Indian governments in succession.

AFSPA identified as the root cause of unrest and incessant violence in Kashmir and North East regions remain the tool for Indian central authority, incumbent and predecessor alike to exert extra judicial execution of power against people in Kashmir valley and North Eastern states.

3. The law enforcement unlawful engagement against politically charged individuals and those apprehended on state and central government instigated accusations are victims of police brutality. The reform in this regard is long overdue. 

Then there are other minor offenders unable to afford bribes demanded by corrupt orderlies and police department hierarchy. In these situations, the extreme use of brute force sometimes leading to deaths in police custody are covered up and buried with victims. The practice prolonged since colonial times is antithetical to civilized society. 

4. The regime in New Delhi posing as larger than life getting rid off anti-democratic electoral bonds introduced and enacted by incumbent would make the electoral process transparent in the least if not entirely credible. 

5. The authority in New Delhi disavowing polarization and communal divide in society would delineate government pledge in respecting civil rights and harmony. 

In a nutshell, the disinheritance of colonial traits and enacting all of the above mentioned critical amendments would shed light on the political establishment will and commitment towards revival of democracy. 

Failure to do so any or all of the aforesaid requirements would verify undeclared emergency and undemocratic rule prevalence. 

India today is under despotic regime heavily invested in false-image event management and self-adulation. The regime acquiescence to specific oligarchs’s monopoly on economy is troublesome for nation’s economic future.

Above all national sovereignty security and territorial integrity compromised in foreign incursion and occupation extended from Himalayan range to North Eastern region by neighboring China.

The embarrassing political debacle in protecting national territory is attributed to the regime and oligarchs’ protracted financial dealings with Beijing. 

Relevantly Beijing controlled companies financing regime’s political campaigns is direct infiltration of foreign power. 

The blatant abuse of power and violations of public trust is the culture ceremoniously and authoritatively established by the regime silencing 1.5 billion population with indoctrination using religion and fantasy projecting stagnant economy to meteoric $5 trillion i.e. $5,000,000,000,000 landmark.  

The red herring is prominent with the regime in power preoccupied in censorship curtailing free flow of factual information reaching en masse on all matter of national interests.

The regime recruits media in the indefensible self-defense for constant dissemination and insinuations against political critic viewed arch nemesis corroborating anti-democratic environment. 

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 



Democracy – To Be Or Not To Be

February 22, 2023

Democracy – To Be


Not To Be?

Padmini Arhant

Any government and political leadership at the helm in particular responding to foreign comment on the undemocratic status of the head of the state in the so-called democratic system would not allow and legislate the following undemocratic process.

The electoral bonds flooding the political campaigns with incumbent at the national level benefitting the most from known and unknown as well as anonymous sources from within the country and offshore including the nation’s adversary like China financing the candidacy while occupying national territory in Northeast and Himalayan range deploy the nation and citizens at foreign aggressor’s mercy.

Notwithstanding treason transpiring in such transactions.

The horse trading applicable to open bidding with cash and kind incentives buying out elected members – the MLA’s and MP’s in state and national level dismiss election purpose. The democratic system is subverted to benefit major political party in the nation.

The trend though previously existent under earlier administrations and national political party i.e. Congress and state political groups in swaying votes on key legislations is further established in political party representation shifting minority to majority and vice versa in contemporary governance at the center.

The political maneuvering albeit with unaccounted black money in plain corruption deals other than controversial electoral bonds facilitate toppling majority governments and political parties in states and union territories nationwide.

Importantly, the present Central government chronic political strategy targeting political factions at the state and national domain debilitate democracy and void electoral outcome regardless.

On national security, the external affairs ministry attributing sole credit to head of the executive branch on deployment of national defense force along the Himalayan range and LAC with China stationed since March 2020 until now fails to acknowledge the unresolved crisis with China costing Indian economy enormous resources and expenditure to sustain troop deployment in the extraordinary Himalayan terrain.

All the more reason for the head of the executive branch in national public administration to meet the nation’s press barring selective admission of government choice questions and address all matter related to national interests.

The protocol followed in most parts of the world as vital democratic duty from the head of the state clearing doubts and alleviating citizens’ concerns is somehow not respected and never adhered to by current Indian leadership since assuming office in 2014 and till date. 

The RSS trajectory on treason pre-independence and post-independence is irrefutable.

The RSS prominent member Vinayak Damodar Savarkar’s plea bargain with colonial ruler – then British Raj for personal release in exchange for RSS trained armed contingency aiding India’s foreign colonial ruler against Indian population en masse exacerbated freedom struggle.

Thereafter post-independence RSS member Nathuram Godse assassinated Mahatma Gandhi. The assassin Godse is hailed a hero by sitting BJP Parliament member and government in New Delhi.

Fast forward to recent events. The executive branch in New Delhi misusing armed forces for political and personal gains is evidenced in Pulwama attack in Kashmir i.e. Jammu-Srinagar national highway on February 14, 2019 with national election scheduled in May 2019.

A convoy of vehicles carrying Indian security personnel on the Jammu–Srinagar National Highway was targeted resulting in 40 Central Reserve Police Force personnel deaths leaving their young dependents and survivors bereft of parent and earning member.

The Pulwama attack was a colossal failure from central government to avert the incident. The inaction from government with intelligence information available beforehand confirm the lack of initiative and interest to protect armed forces lives prioritizing election prospects over defense force by central government.

Subsequently the incumbent Prime Minister candidate in 2019 abusing Pulwama attack in election rally with campaign speech delivered in the backdrop of bill boards featuring armed forces – the politics using national defense force prohibited by election commission for all political parties across the board was slighted and violated by BJP and incumbent PM candidate in 2019.

The series of violations from the head of the nation in 2019 election and political career misusing religion, defense force, communal divide…among myriad anti-democratic display is a severe setback for democracy.

Above all, the chief of executive branch in New Delhi direct engagement in systemic destruction of institutional autonomy and independent status to function with respect to judiciary, monetary authority such as the Reserve Bank of India, the election commission and not even sparing the Indian national defense force is the last straw. 

The national defense force with creation of chief of staff for the combined army, naval and air force command directly reporting to Prime Minister sidelining the traditional constitutional Presidential obligations to preside over the defense force as the commander-in-chief has more to it than meets the eye in terms of job description.

The newly set up joint chief of defense staff post under Prime Minister would be responsible for defense procurement and stockpiles for all three forces which is a phenomenal cash cow for corporate run politics with selective oligarchy such as Adani, Ambani groups enjoying unlimited unfettered access to economic windfall across economic sector. The defense contracts and projects are icing on the cake exclusively benefitting specific oligarchs and their representative as the head of the executive branch.

In successive blow to Indian national defense force organizational structure and sanctity known for the once admired institutional discipline in keeping communal sentiments and corruption at bay,

The incumbent BJP government introduction of the contentious Agnipath defense recruitment policy last year in 2022 transforming conventional long term defense recruitment to four-year-limit contractual hiring to serve government favored corporate agenda revealed true colors of the present leadership, the political party and government.

The revelations on government decisions related to defense force and objectionable abuse of executive power across the spectrum speak volume on the state of affairs.

The head of the government modus operandi exemplified in disrespect for uniformed forces, not preventing their murder in Pulwama attack along with abandoning their survivors were not all.

The government and leadership default in this incident alluded to State sponsored terrorism against defense personnel. The presumption aroused queries regarding Pulwama attack that were evaded and substituted with government’s unsubstantiated narrative.

The prejudice against potential defense force volunteers lately demonstrated in much protested Agnipath defense policy reducing defense force to mere contractual outsource recruitment.

The agonizing trail from the chief executive in New Delhi represent egregious and irreconcilable deeds committed against the nation, the defense force and citizens at large.

To sum it up the latest stunt not surprisingly from the head of the nation is involving retired servicemen in government propaganda on regional politics to settle political scores with people in southern state of Tamil Nadu. 

In a real functioning democracy, the state would not control and operate press and diverse media in overt and covert means by proxy.

There would be no duplicity in criticism of government policies, plans and performance.

Unlike the political leadership monetized criticism to showcase fake democracy, the genuine constructive criticism of government and political actions are struck down in social media like youtube and other format.

Furthermore, extreme measures such as authorizing the murder of female writer, journalist in cold blood in daylight at her residence in Bengaluru and the head of the nation cheering that heinous crime on twitter by swearing the deceased in public pale a defiant authoritarian regime in comparison to pseudo democracy.

The actions against critics such as authors, former members in the national or state government cadre as IPS officer viz. Sanjiv Bhatt for daring to speak the truth on Gujarat pogrom in 2002, human rights activists like Mrs. Sudha Bharadwaj pledging life in representing indigenous tribes Adivasis and farmers land rights against feudal corporate oppression, Mrs. Teesta Setalvad for providing social and humanitarian service to Gujarat Godhra victims of violence and environmentalists for saving scarce territories and habitats from oligarchy proprietorship…all and many of these activities involve imprisonment without due process on false charges.

Though the latter two female members Mrs. Sudha Bharadwaj and Mrs. Teesta Setalvad are released on bail after long hard legal battle, the former IPS officer Sanjiv Bhatt is sentenced for life on political vendetta by government shaming democracy and judiciary ethics in non-compliance of national constitutional law granting equal rights to the accused barring government intervention and influence that is rampant and norm in the present time more than ever.

In other undemocratic unruly interference by incumbent national government –  unlawfully eliminating former defense force personnel Tej Bahadur Yadav from campaign trail for gaining popularity over incumbent Prime Minister candidate in Varanasi in 2019 general election are not merely few and far between governmental intrusions exceeding predecessors in silencing democracy through undeclared emergency. 

The head of the state open instigation in public speech during political rallies to target nation’s minority citizens i.e. muslims based on their clothes and outfits leading to violence in university campus and main street exploiting religion both Sanatan Dharm, Islam, Christianity…are common political practice again superseding former governments and political factions in power.

Against Hindus, the politics maintaining the abhorrent caste system entirely for vote banks besides marginalization and polarization of society is lauded by state media as the real power and model democracy.

Last but not the least, the system touted as world’s largest democracy parading the head of the national administration constitutionally confined to five-year-term limit position as the symbol and icon is contradictory to democracy and idea of republic presiding over sovereignty and constitution via electoral ballots.

The excessive self-adulation and flamboyance being the signature traits of the head of the public national administration buttressed with cronyism ad nauseam from key cabinet members, groveling media as state propagandists…leave candid totalitarian regimes far behind in amassment of power, glory and carte blanche authority.

There is a thin line between democracy deformed into hypocrisy and despotism aided by plutocracy declared paradigm of democracy.

The status quo defining the system and designation misconstrued to suit personal and political dogma incontrovertibly is anything but democratic. 

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 



Geopolitics – Reality Check 2023

January 13, 2023


Reality Check


Padmini Arhant

The power of the powerless v. the so-called powerful in the world.

Afghanistan v. Western Imperialism and earlier Former Soviet Union preceded by British invasion representing the prolonged time line.

Afghanistan – The nation invaded by imperialists for usual reasons – economic interests for its rich mineral resources and rare essential ingredient lithium used in large batteries in electric cars and wide variety of clean energy systems…bid farewell to western imperialists in 2021.

Ukraine – Western destabilization of democratic system in 2014 led to Russian annexation of Crimea followed by aggressive violent invasion in Feb 2022 continued until now.

Syria – Invasion and occupation by western ally Israel and western collusion with middle-east clients’ relentless shelling, bombing and occupation proved futile leading to western sponsored and creation of IS, ISIS and nexus in the region in 2012 and thereafter.

Yemen – the North African nation enduring relentless violence and bombing aided by western weapons viz. United States, Israel  and Britain to energy partner Saudi Arabia and regional alliance proven counterproductive for the major powers backing the corrupt Yemeni government against the local Houthi tribe and their supporters since 2014.

As for Britain’s role in Yemen war –

“The report by the Oxfam charity found that the Saudi-led coalition used weapons supplied solely by the U.K. and the U.S. in hundreds of attacks on civilians in Yemen between January 2021 and the end of February 2022. Britain is the second-biggest supplier of weapons to Saudi Arabia, after the U.S.”

The west also lost their ally in Yemen – the former Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh – assassinated in Dec 2017 resulting in blow back for the west and their Middle-East partner Saudi Arabia – the chief rival reining United States and Britain supplied artillery on the poorest nation Yemen in the Arabian peninsula.

Yet the major western powers and Saudi Arabia unable to wield control experiencing setbacks from the war onset in 2014 until now.

In Asia :

Taiwan – the saber rattling from China against independent democratic Taiwan is formidably challenged by the female led leadership Taiwanese President Tsai-Ing wen along with courageous pro-democracy political dissidents despite tremendous hardships and human rights violations inflicted on them by Beijing.

Africa – the African Union fighting back western colonization revisited by France and EU in Mali recurrence to French invasion in 2014 supposedly to curb Islamic militants movement to north that went wry like other western interventions in foreign soil like Iraq, Syria, Libya etc…

Similarly in Latin America – the smaller poorer nations constantly targeted for political unrest and instability involving western footprints have over a period of time and currently defiant and resilient to defend their sovereignty and economy from predator western foreign policy.

The lesson from these events is never to take anyone or anything for granted. Big is not necessarily mighty for the one who has ultimate control over universe is Almighty presiding over just and unjust cause including activities as well as operations never allowing falsehood and deceit to prevail at any time.

The superiority concept has failed time and time again evidenced in the above sequences entirely due to grit, determination and strong will amongst population defending their sovereignty, independence and civil liberty – the fundamentals of a free country.

Regardless of violent intrusions and extreme oppressive strategy, the victims rise like phoenix from ashes in reclaiming their legitimate status.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter



Syria – Regime Change Target

December 14, 2022


Regime Change Target

Padmini Arhant

It’s time to leave Syria alone.

Syria, a sovereign nation is under persistent attack in the earlier and present decade.

United States administration and ally Israel relentless bombing and shelling of Syria since the so-called Arab Spring in 2010 aimed at regime change is reprehensible.

The provocative indulgence is the foundation for catastrophe facilitating terror havens and undesirable elements making life impossible for the native population in the country and region.

Libya is a classic example with lawlessness and political volatility as the state of affairs for the people left at the mercy of exploiters reaping their harvest.

Although there are many examples in this category, the recent one is Afghanistan with Taliban enabled to power and rule the embattled nation making life miserable for all and impossible for women.

Syrian population are subject to western manufactured terror, sanctions and hostility leaving generational impact on human suffering and misery.

Syrians are driven homeless in their homeland and forced into refugee status only to be denied access on or before arrival on the aggressors shores creating the worst humanitarian crisis since 2010 with no end in sight.

Meanwhile, the aggressors and violators adhering to old obsolete regime change concept reeking chaos and mayhem wherever possible are invariably absolved of responsibility and accountability.

The U.S and ally political aspiration imitating invasion of Iraq under false pretext proved disastrous for invaders i.e. United States and NATO as well as the invaded nation Iraq.

The invasion of Iraq unequivocally led to arrival of al-Qaeda in the middle east that was bereft of terror groups until then. The region ruled by regimes not without western approval or collusion remained in power over several decades upon submitting to western economic terms and conditions regardless of political situation across the region.

United States foreign policy customized to suit interests other than United States or citizens and for that matter the people of the targeted nations till date is timeless recipe for disaster.

The lofty endeavors costing United States taxpayers in billions and trillions thus far only delivered unrest, instability and violent outcome with emergence and manifestation of various terror outfits in the destinations unlike the propaganda on establishing democracy (?) with individual liberty.

United States as well as Israel constant intervention in Syria in 2010 and thereafter attracted other foreign intrusion such as Turkey, Iran, Lebanon, Qatar, UAE, Saudi Arabia forcing Syria to rely on Russia that eventually produced Russian naval base in Syrian sea port city, Tartus.

The event is no different to Russian annexation of Crimea, the eastern Ukraine following then United States administration and EU launched coup in 2014 against Ukraine’s elected democratic government resulting in Ukraine status quo.

United States present administration by proxy engaged in resumption of regime change in Syria as a mission to finish unfinished task from 2010 – 2012 is by far the undemocratic illegal involvement in a foreign nation that would not be tolerated by United States in return.

The idea of meddling in foreign affairs to mess with the population, sovereignty, self-determination and territorial integrity that are regarded exclusive to United States and western states are somehow not recognized nor respected as relevant with others in the rest of the world.

United States democratic values are successively challenged during such foreign interventions with Syria until now not spared from unwanted unnecessary cataclysmic endurance.

The so-called Russian collusion turned out to be hoax in the taxpayers’ squandered investigations and Robert Mueller headed committee in the fact finding of 2016 U.S. Presidential election.

In comparison, the United States administration in 2010 authorized and convened events under the guise of Arab Spring and other format to topple governments in different parts of the world is a reality that apparently resumed in the current development in Syria.

Anything tried and tested yielding turbulence and turmoil is best abandoned providing opportunity for the victims i.e. the people in Syria and alike viz. Yemen etc. to heal and recover from foreign inflicted carnage as destiny.

Furthermore, the authoritarian style of governance is not necessarily unique to overt authoritarianism. The pattern is unfortunately prevalent in worst disguise in widely presented so-called democracy that are conveniently ignored in the western foreign policy.

The modern day democracy legacy is testament to destabilizing and removal of  people choice democratic governments world over with the trend continued as entitlement in the present time.

Finally, regime change and any modification to systems is entirely the sovereign right of the people barring any foreign determination and designation that are anything but democratic.

Syrian people alone possess the inalienable right to exercise election and rejection of government in their domain.

Syria like any other nation deserve peace and stability with long overdue relief from indefinite inhumane western economic sanctions crippling life deprived of normal existence.

In fact, the economic sanctions affect human living conditions with the population anger and frustration expressed towards the policy. The counterproductive strategy have increasingly favored those at the helm that are presumably the target in the misguided decisions.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter



Ukraine War

December 12, 2022

Ukraine War

Padmini Arhant

Update: Whenever war is waged with no political will to end the carnage predominantly for personal and vested reasons among which image consciousness is a dominant factor, the important outcomes such as casualties in human lives extended into tragedies and generational struggles for veterans, families and the country at large besides economic liabilities are completely ignored in the incessant military engagement.

The scenario is standard in most wars and Ukraine is not unique in that respect.

However, there is light at the end of tunnel for all those involved in this warfare.

The saving grace for all parties are as follows:

Russia holding the strings in the military showdown that began in February 2022 is concerned about complete withdrawal though partial retreat and troops pull back witnessed in the past few months attributed to Ukrainian resistance and formidable response to Russian conventional intrusion.

The troops draw down and de-escalation is viewed by Russian leadership especially President Vladimir Putin as political setback in the domestic and international front with impact on Russian role in the region and global sphere.

On the contrary, the take away achievements for Russia and Ukraine are fairly impressive and noteworthy. The major powers on their part such as the United States and EU differences highlighted requiring remedial measures for Europe to assume bulk responsibility in self-defense and security via appropriate monetary and military contribution through investments moving forward.

Russia Attainments:

1. Russian aim was to restrain NATO presence near Russian borders i.e. stave off Ukraine as NATO and EU member against Russia.

The Russian goal is attained in this regard with Ukraine fighting the war on their turf without NATO direct indulgence on the ground albeit weapons and logistics provisions reached Ukraine from the United States and selective NATO allies to contain the war within Ukraine – Russia geographical constraints preventing conflagration beyond Ukraine.

2.Russian achievement in other aspects are  – EU dependency on Russian energy supply even in the critical time of disagreement between them i.e. right in the middle of warfare with Ukraine representing EU against Russia.

Notwithstanding EU objection to other nations in the Indian-sub-continent viz. Pakistan and India chastised for energy procurement from Russia at the onset and ongoing invasion amid own (EU) trade dealings beginning with energy and wheat etc. with Russia throughout and until the present time.

3. NATO precluded from Russian territory whether on NATO volition or Russian intervention in Ukraine regardless. Although the matter could have been addressed by United States and NATO allies heeding Russia’s initial requests and invitation for amicable strategic conflict resolutions.

The Russian outreach until Russian invasion of Ukraine was not paid attention to mitigate relevant strategic problems by the responsible sides leading to further rift in Russia and western relations. Notably NATO dominance in the Baltic and Black sea was definitely unwelcome to Russia.

NATO having assessed regional and global ramifications in the aftermath of Russian invasion of Ukraine, the decision refraining from war with Russia was wise and prudent considering the grave consequences of nuclear powers in the battle.

Ukraine Accomplishments:

1. Ukraine forced into warfare against former trainer Russian army with Ukrainian top military brass having experience from the Red Army aka Russian Krasnaya Armiya from the former Soviet era delivered huge benefits and military advantage to Ukraine.

Accordingly, the message to young and older Ukrainian forces is they can defend themselves without EU and NATO badge against militarily larger and nuclear power near and far.

The Russian military performance not meeting expectations is linked to Kremlin’s unjustified political aspirations and yet another issue is the Russian low morale in the war against neighbor Ukraine with families on both sides subject to unnecessary pain and suffering had drastic influence.

Juxtaposed Ukraine defending homeland, sovereignty and relatively new independent status from former Soviet Union impetus resilience and fortitude to save their motherland from foreign aggression and safeguard newly earned individual liberty and freedom.

2. Ukraine defending their territorial rights and sovereignty in the battle field regaining lost land and enclave is firmly established in the year-long armed conflict.

3. Ukraine emerged strong and hopeful in the military warfare is a precedence in nation building with fortified internal security forces prepared to deal with endangerment and threats from anywhere.

Russia and Ukraine having realized respective objectives thus far, the commonality between two neighbors comprising families on both sides ending the war with permanent ceasefire is in best interests of the population of the two nations.

Not to mention the war yielding irreversible loss of lives and disproportionate damage to infrastructure and institutions is extraordinary with restoration and revival of normal existence – an immediate requirement in Ukraine and affected areas in Russia.

Russia and Ukraine in mutual recognition of strength and endowments as two sovereign nations commitment to forge solid economic trade and cultural exchange together with strategic partnership would guarantee peace, progress, prosperity and security in and around the region.

Peace to Ukraine and Russia! 

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter




Europe is the biggest beneficiary in this nearly year long battle since Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 early this year.

Reiterating earlier determination and summary in this domain on the origin of Ukraine status quo commenced in 2014 with EU and then United States administration in 2014 launched coup against then democratic government in Kiev, Ukraine is the foundation for the events in Ukraine in 2014 and thereafter until now.

Russian invasion of Ukraine allegedly to curb NATO occupation or intrusion at Russian boundary proved devastating and deadly for Russia and Ukraine with EU as NATO representative fighting the proxy war via Ukraine at U.S.taxpayers’ expense while maintaining energy flow and other economic ties with invader Russia.

There is no doubt EU is having the cake and relishing it in this quagmire without having to spill blood and squander own treasure.

Ukraine despite fighting europe’s war against Russia is declined NATO and EU membership. So much for EU gratitude and acknowledgment of Ukraine’s sacrifice in this entire gamut.

United States on the flip side is accused by EU of profiteering from Ukraine war citing high gas prices, weapons sales and trade in the recent statement from EU commission head Ursula Von der Leyen evading self- responsibility as the primary fire starter in 2014 crying foul over then Ukraine’s democratic government and neighbor Russia normal economic deal.

Neither Ukraine – the fighting force on EU’s behalf enduring loss of lives, economic mayhem due to relentless war seeing no end in sight with Russian President Vladimir Putin denial on fait accompli nor United States accused as profiteer from the war by EU are able to impress upon Europe and EU’s gold standard in particular.

Russia in the middle of this conundrum is deeply entrenched draining own economy and exhausting military maneuvers and strategy to the point of no return.

Above all Ukraine war is costing the rest of the world in arbitrary energy crisis and superficial fuel price hikes not without ripple effects on food, transportation and other essentials with oil producers striking on the hot iron.

EU meanwhile enjoys the status as spectator and critic inheriting the best of both worlds from Ukraine expending lives and livelihoods alongside United States monetizing the affair at U.S.taxpayer liability.

Freebies are nice to certain extent and anything exceeding limit produce inverse results for recipients and the provider.

Overall – Ukraine is defending their sovereignty and reclaiming territories lost in the aftermath of western coup in 2014 facilitating Russian invasion and intervention in the eastern region of the country.

Ukraine is adequately demonstrating their goals in protecting territorial integrity violated by both western powers and Russia until now. The tremendous fight from Ukraine against Russian authority aggression since February 2022 is fought by Ukraine without being EU or NATO member.

EU refusal and reluctance to grant Ukraine EU and NATO formal membership is clear to avert direct confrontation with Russia that is being averted right now using Ukraine.

Russia on the other hand declaring war on Ukraine as war on NATO with economic relations remaining intact between Russia and EU – the NATO ally of the United States. The situation essentially funding the war in reality.

United States per EU assessment – the profiteer in Ukraine war is the bone of contention for all parties including the U.S. taxpayer and consumers bearing the brunt of the protracted warfare.

The experience shared among the global population in energy and related inflation challenging normal existence worldwide is a serious repercussion.

All things must end as nothing could continue for eternity inflicting deaths and destruction proven in every warfare in the previous and present century.

Ukraine war is no exception in this context with inevitable conclusion sooner than later.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter



India – Fake Democracy

December 6, 2022


Fake Democracy

Padmini Arhant

पते की बात

चोरी और ऊपर से सीना ज़ोरि बुरा है तो उससे बड़ी अपराध उस चोरी को उचित प्रचार करना अघोर बेईमानी है। ऐसा पाप जन्मों का भोज बने आत्मा पर दण्ड बनता है।उस देश और देश वासियों के लिए गंभीर पीड़ा और कलंक बने युगों तक पाप में लिप्त होता है।

इसमें गर्व की कोई बात नहीं हालांकि व्यक्तिगत और कुल व्यवहार के तौर पर इस प्रकार की हरकतें शर्मिन्दिगी और अपमानित जनक है।

आख़िर में,

बुरी नज़र वालों और कुकर्म दोषियों तुम सब के मुंह काला।

बुरी नज़र वाले तेरा मुंह काला | 

पद्मिनी अरहंत

Politics is usually known for monetized compliments in obsequious culture involving quid pro quo. 

However, the politics that monetize self-organized scripted criticism through hired performers viz. comedians, short skits, satire and the supposedly independent journalism..,on social media such as you tube, the combined theatrics serve as weapons of mass deception (WMD) to discredit constructive relevant non-incentivized criticism for double jeopardy.

Such con job is possible only in fake democracy.

The pseudo criticism which is typically make-believe and paid for is dark clouds masquerading the clear sky i.e. the real critic. Nonetheless, the persistent efforts to mislead is enacted as live democracy.

The other contradictions are – while politics recruited so-called critics are monetarily rewarded, the actual critics challenging status quo on many public issues are murdered in cold blood followed by twitter comment from the head of the state (criminality) – the b**ch deserved to die.

Similarly, the intellect based criticism are punished and sentenced to life imprisonment without bail or shunned to anonymity with fabricated accusations.

Juxtaposed imitation criticism is a sideshow and publicity campaign to counteract reality on little or no tolerance to dissent and disagreement on general and specific state of affairs.

The bi-polar political indulgence is to maintain deceit, disinformation and disingenuous criticism to neutralize the opposite although in vain.

Amidst political struggle to suppress facts with fiction and fraudulence, the fake democracy is exposed reflecting the emperor without clothes in public domain.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 



India – Who is the real enemy?

December 4, 2022

India – Who is the real enemy?

Padmini Arhant

Who is the real enemy of India?

None other than the ones defending status quo and the leadership Narendra Modi presiding epidemic corruption, black money and historic polarization especially having usurped to power on defeating corruption in 2014.

The leadership responsible for India losing territories to hegemonic China and surrendered economy to domestic oligarchs. The oligarchs, corrupt political establishment and bourgeois in society in return depleting Indian economy and stashing illicit wealth overseas empowering foreign economy.

Indian human capital and natural resources are on sale in perpetuity for individual and vested enrichment in continuation of legacy unique to India in transmigration of Indian population for labor  worldwide and colonization of India by foreign power with no end in sight. 

Yet the question is raised if not Narendra Modi then who?

Could anyone be worse than the present leadership in dual simultaneous demolition of India’s territorial integrity handed over to hegemony next door and economic viability under domestic oligarchy monopoly and control?

Indian territories slowly and stealthily seized by neighbor and India’s key economic partner China transformed into trillion $ economy with India typically feeding the ravenous appetite of China.

As for PM Narendra Modi’s leadership attributes regarded amongst specific crony circle as irreplaceable (?) in itself present India in the most awkward and vulnerable situation.

First and foremost, none are indispensable ever since world creation and moving forward well beyond into the future.

Second, any leadership ducking press meet not having held an impromptu or for that matter the routine tele-prompter assisted single press-conference since election to public office in 2014 until today exemplify lack of knowledge and confidence to address public concerns and grievance barring prior arrangement and defensive mechanism from media and various protective contingency.

Importantly, the leadership relentlessly committed in cancel culture with gag order, silencing and censorship of real independent investigative questions daring authorities and power on series of violations, betrayal and treason at best demonstrate liability and at worst culpability.  

Third and last,

The wolf hiding in sheep clothing retain original identity and not the one in disguise.

पते की बात

चोरी और ऊपर से सीना ज़ोरि बुरा है तो उससे बड़ी अपराध उस चोरी को उचित प्रचार करना अघोर बेईमानी है। ऐसा पाप जन्मों का भोज बने आत्मा पर दण्ड बनता है।उस देश और देश वासियों के लिए गंभीर पीड़ा और कलंक बने युगों तक पाप में लिप्त होता है।

इसमें गर्व की कोई बात नहीं हालांकि व्यक्तिगत और कुल व्यवहार के तौर पर इस प्रकार की हरकतें शर्मिन्दिगी और अपमानित जनक है।

आख़िर में,

बुरी नज़र वालों और कुकर्म दोषियों तुम सब के मुंह काला।

बुरी नज़र वाले तेरा मुंह काला | 

पद्मिनी अरहंत

The leadership branded and promoted as the popular one would not fear challenge from general population whether the contestant is ex-serviceman like the former national border security force personnel Tej Bahadur Yadav who by the way held numerous open press meets unlike the incumbent contender Narendra Modi in 2019 or ever.

The real soldier Tej Bahadur Yadav was fraudulently disqualified from electoral process from Varanasi against Narendra Modi in 2019 by Modi and Shah. 


Anyone among 1.4 billion population who apparently have potential to lead multinational companies as CEO’s but not eligible to run government in India?

Go figure!

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 



India – Foreign Trade and Remittance

December 3, 2022

India – Foreign Trade and Remittance

Padmini Arhant

The incumbent administration in New Delhi at the center deploying the civil service cadre might produce statistics to counteract ground reality related to economic situation reflected in India’s global hunger index ranked at 107 among 121 nations besides other crucial economic activities largely placing India as not the beneficiary in contrast to government propaganda.

Factual vs. Fictitious Data

For example :

According to Indian Government instructed Indian civil service data on foreign remittance is as follows.

Juxtaposed to Indian data, the economy of Singapore features GDP and foreign reserves details.

Economy of Singapore – the South East Asia neighbor to South Asia India. 

Economy of Singapore

Singapore Official Foreign Currency Assets per Monetary Authority of Singapore  – mas.gov.sg

As of October 2022 – $399.4 billion 


Population 5,770,040 (2020) – 5.7 million 
GDP $379.071 billion (nominal, 2022 est.)$617.987 billion (PPP, 2022 est.)
GDP growth 3.4% (2018) 0.7% (2019) −3.5% (2020e) 5.5% (2021e)

Regarding Indian Data – Assuming the above data are current and legitimate considering revelations on incumbent Indian government published figures on foreign reserves, unemployment, GDP, inflation and other key economic activities…that are routinely challenged within by government appointed heads of institutions ranging from former RBI governor viz. ex-RBI governor Raghuram Rajan on demonetization debacle to labor department and national statistical commission experts resignation on government demand to collude in reporting fictitious data on unemployment status and the list is fairly extensive raising credibility issue on government’s  economic report with no external independent oversight.

Indian news media reports on unemployment figures controversy.

“Resignation of NSC members exposes government’s unwillingness to tackle unemployment.

Statistical Commission Experts Resign in Protest Over Jobs Data and Govt Attitude.

P.C. Mohanan and J.V. Meenakshi – the only two non-government members of the commission – tendered their resignations because of the body’s ineffectiveness.

New Delhi: The only two non-government members of India’s National Statistical Commission have resigned, leaving just chief statistician Pravin Srivastava and NITI Aayog’s Amitabh Kant at the head of a body that is the apex advisory organisation for all of the country’s core statistical activities.”


Nonetheless, the important factor in India’s foreign remittance $100 billion asserted by Indian government is predominantly if not exclusively from Indian labor in foreign nations sending money back home to families and dependents in foreign currency.

Among the Indian labor force exported overseas, the significant Indian manual / physical labor is concentrated in the Middle East, Africa and South East Asia. The other skilled Indian labor from tech industry is largely employed in western shores such as the United States, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and western europe.

Again the remittances received from the high tech high paying jobs are the second category in Indian labor monetary transactions credited in foreign currency to India’s ex-Chequers foreign reserves account.

This aspect of foreign remittance is showcased by Indian government as unprecedented in Indian economic trend.

Not to mention the Indian labor force working overseas are entirely due to individual and non-governmental efforts and diligence with little or no major government involvement in seeking employment and travel to foreign countries in search of employment and business opportunity.

In other words, not much help or assistance provided by Indian government in terms of foreign currency withdrawal and other relevant resources during travel i.e. export of skilled labor offshore.

The drastic impact of skilled labor exodus from India at highly technical and professional expertise is the well known brain drain from India and the other adverse effect in the domestic front is described in the words of India’s one of prominent long time consumer goods manufacturer Godrej as below.


Help wanted – India’s ‘Make in India’ drive lacks skilled labour

“I always say that there is no unemployment in India. It’s only unemployability,” said Adi Godrej, whose businesses range from consumer goods to …

India has too few skilled labourers thanks to decades of neglect in training and it desperately needs electricians, bricklayers and plumbers.”

It is noteworthy that Indian workers’ foreign remittance from abroad $100 billion is directly absorbed by China in trade surplus with India.

As per the reports on India trade imbalance with China;

The trade gap has particularly widened in the past decade. In 2021, annual two-way trade crossed $100 billion for the first time, reaching $125.6 billion, with India’s imports accounting for $97.5 billion, pegging the imbalance at close to $70 billion.

“China’s trade with India is lopsided and in this period China had a favorable balance of trade that has crossed $1.2 trillion,” said Srikanth Kondapalli,who is Professor in Chinese Studies and Dean of the School of International Studies at Jawarharlal Nehru University. “That is, in pure statistics, Chinese businesses earned that much money [from India].” 

Moreover, Chinese commitments to India to import substantially more Indian goods, particularly pharmaceuticals, have not materialised,

These surpluses are consistent, and not addressed over a period of time this leads to the problem of a current account deficit for India,” he said.”


What this means for common man and woman i.e. the ordinary average citizens in India is the brain drain via professionals and highly skilled immigration from India to overseas.

Notwithstanding this is a major disadvantage for India. The skilled workforce on the other hand as blue collar workers migration to the Middle East and other parts of the world essentially depriving Indian economy the skills and innovation with the current Indian government favoring and urging western nations to expedite visa processing primarily for earnings from Indian workers‘ foreign remittance.

India is bereaved of manufacturing, innovative and skilled economy to China enjoying trade surplus with India.

Meanwhile the expatriation of skilled and professional members to western nations and destinations in the hope of foreign remittance for government which in return is paid to China via massive economic imports into India.

The BJP government at the center in New Delhi headed by current Prime Minister is depleting Indian economy of foreign reserves and foreign remittance in trade deficit and trade imbalance with China, Russia and more.

In conclusion, the Indian prime minister’s Make in India and $5 Trillion Indian economy… as the New Delhi central government’s home minister Amit Shah coined it – are nothing more than Jhumla – political shenanigans.  They otherwise serve well on the campaign trail to lure gullible voters willing to be deceived many times over by such politics.

The other beneficiary is China achieving multi-trillion dollar economy status with India as the leading importer at Indian economy and educated skilled unemployed youth expense.

The end-result China’s middle class exponentially rise in contradiction to India’s overwhelming majority sliding downward to mere bottom in the global hunger index and other international economic census.

Politically, the RSS run BJP government and Modi-Shah’s campaign on Hindu Rashtra and Hindutva agenda would dissolve with Hindus leaving India for better economic prospects.

The status quo would by default return India to secular statehood in accordance with Indian constitution. 

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter 



India – Global Hunger Index

December 2, 2022

India – Global Hunger Index

Padmini Arhant

Amid Vikas (progress and development) touted as the incumbent administration i.e. the Central Government in New Delhi’s campaign slogan, it is important to notice the real indicator of economic progress or the lack thereof critically reflecting  hunger and poverty among overwhelming population in India at the lowest economic strata. 

Not to mention New Delhi Central government monetized political campaign through foreign hired presenter embellish India’s GDP at the alleged 13.5% in contrast to ground reality with dire hunger and poverty situation. 

India – Global Hunger Index

In the 2022 Global Hunger Index, India ranks 107th out of the 121 countries with sufficient data to calculate 2022 GHI scores. With a score of 29.1, India has a level of hunger that is serious.

In comparison, India’s neighbors in the Indian sub-continent surpassed India with considerable lead in this context. 

Nepal ranks 81st out of the 121 countries with sufficient data to calculate 2022 GHI scores. With a score of 19.1, Nepal has a level of hunger that is moderate.

Bangladesh has moved eight notches down to rank 84th among 121 countries in the Global Hunger Index (GHI) 2022, still surpassing neighbouring India (107th), Pakistan (99th) and Afghanistan (109th).

Pakistan – In the 2022 Global Hunger Index, Pakistan ranks 99th out of the 121 countries with sufficient data to calculate 2022 GHI scores.

No matter what paid propaganda persists during elections, the actual economic conditions such as hunger, poverty and survival amongst the vast majority of population speak for national economic circumstances confirming the government failure to address the most pertinent issue. 

In the rank out of 121 countries;

Nepal – 81st

Bangladesh – 84th

Pakistan – 99th 

India – 107th 

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter



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