Pakistan – Response to Investigation on JeM Masood Azhar

March 1, 2019

Pakistan – Response to Investigation on

JeM Masood Azhar

Padmini Arhant

Pakistan – The safe return of Indian Air Force (IAF) pilot Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman is appreciated.

However, Pakistan’s foreign minister Shah Mehmood Quereshi response to evidence dossier on Pulwama terror attack causing more than 40 Indian security forces martyrdom inflicted by terror group JeM Masood Azhar housed and cared for in Pakistan bode well for none.

Pakistan foreign minister Shah Mehmood Quereshi during interview with western media a day after receiving dossier from India stating Masood Azhar is unwell and that he is too sick to even move around the house is unfortunately not very convincing. 

Considering Pakistan establishment’s concern for JeM Masood Azhar health status,

A non-partisan, Apolitical international medical team should be allowed by Pakistan to evaluate Masood Azhar’s health condition for necessary steps in investigation process on the heinous terror attack against India’s CRPF security personnel.

Please refer to the video for needful action from Pakistan.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Pakistan – Old Habits Die Hard

February 27, 2019

Pakistan – Old Habits Die Hard

Padmini Arhant

What in the world is Pakistan trying to establish and gain from self-destructive endeavors? 

When such egregious engagement only deliver irreversible outcome and economic liability.

Prime Minister Imran Khan your overture for peace and dialogue while your Pakistan army and ISI parade the courageous Indian Air Force (IAF) pilot in your captivity blindfolded as if he is the prisoner of war when he was actually defending his nation, India in your retaliation effort targeting Indian military assets as your response favoring terror operatives in your soil is disingenuous at best and derogatory at worst to your sovereign status and the concept of democracy.  

Pakistan holding own population hostage to support and foster terror networks wreaking havoc not only against India but world over is condemnable.

Prime Minister Imran Khan – it is a well known fact that Pakistan citizens have been deprived of democracy by your Pakistan Army and ISI since the birth of your country on August 14th, 1947.

You above all have acknowledged when you were exploring political opportunity post your cricket career and subject to incarceration as political dissident. 

Pakistan not destined for peace and stability is the establishment motto and they have maintained belligerence with gusto much to Pakistan’s failed economy and desperate situation in all frontiers.

Pakistan’s aerial attack aimed at India’s military installations foiled successfully on Wednesday morning subsequent to IAF decimation of terror group JeM in Balakot, Pakistan in counter terror act the previous day clearly demonstrates reality.

Pakistan establishment’s commitment not to the people of Pakistan instead the terror outfits nurtured and deployed to destabilize nations sharing border with Pakistan is amplified in such reaction. 

Sadly for ordinary Pakistani citizens bearing the brunt of this bizarre trait among Pakistan establishment declining to renounce terror, violence and wanton aggressions is deeply regrettable.

At the end of the day, Pakistan is paying the price in protecting and providing refuge to terror factions claiming local citizens lives within the state and across the borders.

Pakistan establishment premised on hardline bellicose rhetoric and impulsive strategies proved detrimental  in Pakistan’s history.

The world is witnessing Pakistan establishment’s unconditional loyalty to criminal terror activists and organization dispensing the state’s artillery and resources for offensive purpose. Pakistan establishment’s trend bolstering terrorism only further isolates the Islamic state.

Accordingly, Pakistan declares itself a threat not only to India and its neighbors all around enduring relentless terror attacks and insurgency originating from its soil but also their actions endanger humanity at large.

Under these circumstances, Pakistan continues to descend the path of acrimony rather than harmony and pursuing unnecessary undesirable tensions that are counterproductive.

Pakistan establishment’s terror promotion and sponsoring is abhorrent. The army and intelligence expected to serve the nation and people unlike the contradictory tradition harming own survival regardless of impact on Pakistan is anything but conducive.

Importantly, the establishment detachment from civilian rule in their country allowing democracy to exist would be the saving grace for a nation confronted with contemporary challenges demanding positive evolution.

Pakistan establishment release of the IAF pilot identified as Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman for safe return to India is paramount for any peace initiatives critical in the otherwise escalating hostility to safeguard terror infrastructure in Pakistan.

The military superiority utilized in purging terror within Pakistan not fueling and funding terror against India and neighbors would justify cause against terrorisn – the universal  enemy of humanity and peace.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter 






India – Indian Air Force Targeted Mission on JeM Terror Camp in Pakistan

February 26, 2019

India – Indian Air Force Targeted Mission on JeM Terror Camp in Pakistan

Padmini Arhant

The latest report in public domain from both Pakistan and India confirming the Indian Air Force (IAF) restrained operation against terror network Jaish-e-Mohammed responsible by own admission for the recent terror attack in Pulwama, Kashmir on the convoy resulting in more than 40 Indian security forces martyrdom and,

Further engagement to launch major terror attack against mainland India per verifiable intelligence is IAF’s measured response to terror infiltration from Pakistan based terror outfits like Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM), Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and others thus far.

Indian Air Force precision attack focused exclusively on the terror training camp at Balakot in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan eliminating large number of JeM terrorists, trainers, senior commanders and groups of jihadis reportedly trained for suicide bomber attacks against civilians and security forces in various parts of India in the immediate future is claimed as pre-emptive self-defense security action from India.

Pakistan foreign ministry on the other hand characterizes India’s self-defense rationale as grave aggression and Line of Control (LoC) violation.

Interestingly, Pakistan somehow does not recognize gross violations of Pakistan establishment fostered and funded terror networks’ series of violations wreaking terror against India ranging from attempted terror assault on Indian Parliament, Indian Stock Exchange, Mumbai attack, army bases in Pathankot on Indian border with Pakistan, Uri until Pulwama in Kashmir.

Pakistan Army and ISI waging proxy war against India using these terror factions much to own detriment is not justifiable by any reasonable paradigm inflicting thousands of casualties from spate of terror attacks in direct violation of Indian sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Pakistan army and ISI rather than disavow ties with these terror forces within their state and deny them existence adopted reverse strategy that is arguably shackling Pakistan in every imaginable dimension.

Unfortunately, Pakistan establishment divestment in terror emboldened terror networks to run state affairs invalidating Pakistan citizens elected civilian government proved to be nothing more than public relations manager for Pakistan army and ISI.

Any retaliation from Pakistan establishment to Indian Air Force right to self-defense process against JeM would conclusively highlight Pakistan’s status in favoring, nurturing and bolstering terror operatives for wanton missions against India.

Any kind of wars i.e. proxy as promoted by Pakistan against India through terrorism until now setting the stage in escalating to conventional warfare and beyond is not viable for neither states and require considerable concerted efforts to prevent such possibility.

There could be drum roll for wars among political factions and fundamentalists on either side without taking into consideration the aftermath of wars and military confrontation.

Wars not only consume innocent lives on all sides, the economic liability is unaffordable exacerbating financial conditions that are best averted bearing in mind the desirable course available in acknowledgment of common enemy viz. terrorists and terrorism posing impediments to peace between two nuclear neighbors in the region.

Furthermore, Pakistan’s complacency and complicity in providing terror networks safe haven in their territory to destabilize nations sharing borders with Pakistan is a self-destructive policy increasingly becoming a challenge for Pakistan’s sovereign identity.

Not to mention Pakistan’s desperate economic situation.  

No sovereign nation in the right mind would allow terror forces to dictate and demand resources to launch terror within and outside the country at any civilian population expense. Pakistan army and ISI accommodating terror networks as integral force of aggression defines ill-conceived egregious misguided doctrine to demonstrate feigned formidability.

The civilian governments in Pakistan and India having pledged emergence of new image as Naya Pakistan and New India respectively face relevant frustrations in the economic front though they are relative yet converge in reality among the poor and poorest on either side.

Pakistan’s dire economic state and Indian incumbent administration not reaching basic expectations of average citizens struggling to make ends meet with myriad problems ranging from unemployment, inflation to woes from demonetization would continue to determine the actual performance or the lack thereof that cannot be ignored in the wake of contemporary feud becoming a deflection from domestic environment.

Security is undoubtedly a primary concern for any nation especially when situated near belligerent state actors deploying terror operatives to cause bloodshed and unnecessary tension serving none not even those behind heinous crime against humanity.

Pakistan is at the crossroads to abandon refuge to terror organizations and sincerely involve in peace initiatives to be taken seriously at the national and international level.

There could be no double standards in Pakistan crying foul upon Indian Air Force performing their solemn duty to the nation and citizens they are bound to protect from any harm while the former choosing to remain oblivious to terrorism emanating from their origin despite terror groups like JeM and LeT unabashedly accepting responsibility for terror activities against India.

Pakistan has the unique opportunity to take the positive step towards expunging terror that is strangulating the Islamic state confining citizens within the country to extreme poverty and generational suffering needlessly imposed upon them due to the establishment’s misplaced priority to terrorists over the people of Pakistan.

Indian Air Force dispensation against Jaish-e-Mohammed terror camp is commendable in the absence of civilian casualty as there appears to be none according to international reports.

Peace with a genuine approach and actions against terrorists extraditing perpetrators to affected nations applicably India for judicial proceedings would clarify Pakistan’s commitment translating into delivery.

Again, I reiterate it is never too late to be wise in life.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter








India – Pakistan Acknowledgment of Terror Against India

February 23, 2019

India – Pakistan Acknowledgment of Terror Against India

Padmini Arhant

Social Media Censorship


Pakistan Terrorism – Pakistan Media on

Pulwama Attack in India


Pakistan Terrorism – Pakistan Media Provides Evidence on Pakistan’s Terror Against India.


Pakistan’s admission of terror manufacturing, sponsoring and implementing terror against India is the final conclusion of Pakistan’s acknowledgment as terror state by the establishment run by Pakistan army, ISI and name sake civilian government installed as democratic representative in the country.

India on the other hand with average Indian citizens and security forces in particular targeted by Pakistan terror sponsors have been the sitting ducks enduring series of terror attacks not barring the daring assault on Indian Parliament revealing Indian political class preoccupation in corruption amassing illegal wealth and power accelerated in the twenty first century ignoring public and defense personnel safety thus far.

The competition between national political parties viz. Congress and BJP to appease Pakistan’s establishment despite spate of terror attacks against India confirms typical political mindset caring less about citizens and country they are elected to serve during their term in office. 

Congress member Navjot Singh Sidhu’s bear hug of Pakistan’s Army chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa during Prime Minister Imran Khan’s swearing in ceremony while Prime Minister Narendra Modi attending Pakistan’s former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s family wedding summarize Indian political members’ enthusiasm to offset each other in the race –

Who is better at wooing Pakistan?

Under these circumstances.

Reality Check 

When will India’s corrupt political class, the incumbent and opposition alike quit unleashing sleazy Bollywood charlatans and wantons besides crony contingency with fake you tube channels & other means deployed for false propaganda against me and instead deliver Indian electorate, the armed forces in particular long overdue security and pervasive progress?

PADMINI ARHANT, i.e. I am NOT THE ENEMY as propagated by anti-humanity and anti-peace forces wreaking havoc in the nation and world at large.

On the contrary, you in politics, so-called celebrities, social activists, religious zealots i.e. con-artist Sadguru and wannabe media in obliging evil deep state i.e. doominati’s unscrupulous policy stealing my identity and attributing my hard work plus contributions to others viz. the opportunists collectively pose a threat to humanity considering your corrupt and criminal trajectory deceiving India’s ordinary population at every opportunity.

The political factions’ desperation prompting them to follow foreign diktat’s dishonest, discriminatory practice smothered in misogyny against me demonstrates India’s political reality whether in reference to Nirbaya from Sonia Gandhi led Congress or state honor farewell to corrupt female politician Jayalalitha upon her demise and alcohol related fatality of Bollywood actress Sri Devi by Prime Minister Narendra Modi headed BJP as well as Hindutva RSS clarifies India’s political decadence.

The corrupt and criminal culture must end for India to experience real positive development.

Forget about your grievances and egregious complaints against me. 

Your Karma will indeed be the judge, jury and executioner for all your misdeeds and woeful endeavors in pursuit of undeserving glory, fame, fortune and power.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter






India – Pulwama Terror Attack, Kashmir. Warning to Jaish-e-Mohammed, Pakistan

February 20, 2019

India – Pulwama Terror Attack, Kashmir

Warning to Jaish-e-Mohammed, Pakistan

Padmini Arhant


The recent terror attack in Pulwama, Jammu & Kashmir claiming 40 to 44 lives among Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) is condemned while extending support in prayers to victims families for strength and courage to deal with the loss of their loved ones in the heinous crime against humanity.

The following video has message for Pakistan’s leadership, Army, ISI and the terror faction Jaish-e-mohammed in particular since the network acknowledged responsibility for the suicide bomber attack against security forces in Kashmir last week. 

The video is in Urdu and Hindi for better understanding among viewers in Pakistan and India. 

The external powers providing shelter and immunity to terrorists on crimes against Indian civilians in Kashmir and rest of India, not to mention defending terror networks violence is deeply regrettable. 

Such ill-conceived actions delivers on What goes around will definitely come around.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter



India – Terror Attack Against Border Security Force in Kashmir

February 15, 2019

India – Terror Attack Against Border Security Force in Kashmir 

Padmini Arhant

The latest terror attack against Central Reserve Police Force ( CRPF) personnel claiming 40 precious lives in gruesome suicide terror attack in Pulwama, Kashmir is condemnable and deserves serious attention as well as permanent resolution to the long embattled situation in the state of Jammu & Kashmir.

The terror networks targeting security forces and innocent civilians in their attacks demonstrate cowardice and self-destructive strategy that ultimately consumes them and those behind such operations.

I pay my homage to the martyred souls and express my sincere condolescence to victims’ families and their dear ones mourning over the loss of not only family members, the brave hearts sacrificing themselves for the nation.

There will be a presentation on this topic and political party details as stated in the last publication on this esteemed site.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter 

India – Indictment of Politics in Corruption Scandals

February 9, 2019

India – Indictment of Politics in Corruption Scandals

Padmini Arhant

There is hardly ever a corruption scandal in India that does not involve or implicate high level political authorities at the helm such as the Prime Minister and/or leader of national or state political party.

The corruption culture is so pervasive that has conditioned the nation to accept status quo as fact of life with corruption ruling the political as well as economic system. The irony is the high- profile entities entrenched in corrupt dealings directly or indirectly are invariably beneficiaries either politically or monetarily by association or relationship respectively to those under investigation and public probe.

Though, the political factions are at loggerheads in accusations against each other on corruption charges, they somehow overlook the similarity in this regard i.e. they are formidable competitors in emerging as equally if not extremely corrupt raking fortune using political status and privileged members of a political family or dynasty.

In the current election season, the media and press cheering for incumbent Narendra Modi representing BJP on one side and the familiar campaigner turned contestant for Congress Priyanka Vadra on the other side with both of them sharing fair political baggage on corruption arguably premised on convincing electorate to choose between the rock and the hard place denying voters discernment regardless of hype and hysteria on campaign ground.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi empathy for friend, ally and campaign donor Anil Ambani heading the sinking business empire obviously led to controversial defense deals viz. Rafale and yet another fiasco in Indian Naval contracts as revealed in the featured videos below.

While Prime Minister Narendra Modi exhibiting apparent patriotism and flair for different costumes especially ostentatious head gears and garb reminding audience of his penchant for fancy dress during visit to states nationwide, PM Narendra Modi’s actions in Rafale, demonetization, GST, slighting unemployed youth with the suggestion to fry pakoras (Indian savory or snack), chasing distressed farmers using brute force and water cannons and other disappointing details are anything but patriotic.

Congress at the other end of the stick in electoral choice with plans to join all opposition coalition against Narendra Modi are touting siblings Rahul and Priyanka to unseat RSS backed BJP government. Again, Rahul Gandhi along with his mother Sonia Gandhi out on bail on National Herald case in the forefront demanding probe against his rival Narendra Modi on Rafale deal is rather audacity on display.

In launching Priyanka Vadra – Rahul’s sister and spouse of Robert Vadra battling widely known land acquisitions inquiries, the electorate is expected to accept Priyanka as novelty besides misrepresentation as Holier than thou which in any sense is massive deception and duplicity. 

Unfortunately, the trend conforming to deep state orchestrated ominous tactic producing proxies as legitimate entity combined with unauthorized illegal projections is gross violation of public trust not to mention adverse repercussions following such pursuits already experienced by some on that trail.

Priyanka Vadra’s defiance to recent developments on Enforcement Directorate interrogation of her spouse Robert Vadra as politically motivated election drama is an anticipated response.

Nonetheless, Priyanka Vadra confirming her strong support to her other half also revealed the reality as equal partner in crimes committed by Vadras since the phenomenal gains from diverse land and real estate endeavors of Robert Vadra shared among Vadra household members with Priyanka Vadra as next of kin to benefit the most could neither be denied nor omitted from her personal profile.

Indian electorate awareness on political affairs and daily explosive corruption eruption having impact on economic progress necessitate due diligence in casting vote to any contenders and political party anywhere in the country. As such, the contestants with criminal records vying for state and national legislative positions including government bureaucrats responsible for internal turmoil in institutions like RBI, CBI and ECI at top cadre behest witnessed in Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s administration explains political establishment nature.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter


The videos elaborating on corruption within Indian government and political system deserve attention and accordingly selected from the public domain. The opinions and perspectives in these videos are entirely the participant and broadcaster’s views in context with numerous corruption scandals undermining democracy and credible governance.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


Amit Shah Son Jay Shah Money Laundering Scam

            Why is Anil Ambani at the end of the road?

Why Ambani was favoured despite being bankrupt?

National Herald Case Involving Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi

Who protected Robert Vadra since 2014?

India – Democracy Under Siege

February 4, 2019

India – Democracy Under Siege

Padmini Arhant

India referred to as the world’s largest democracy is a myth with political system regardless of political parties coming to power have systematically exploited ordinary citizens in different segments using caste, religion and social economic background to assume and resume authority. In the course, they have depleted national treasury, scuttled social fabric that is representative of India as secular, plural and tolerant society. They continue to undermine basic rights with extreme measures using brute force to curb peaceful protests on anti-corruption, environment pollution, human rights violations against Indian citizens categorized as Dalits or backward caste, scheduled caste and tribes, Muslims and other marginalized demography in different states of the country.

The latest political fiasco involving CBI and West Bengal’s Kolkata police chief on chit fund scheme called Saradha scam leading to West Bengal’s Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee’s dharna i.e. protest evolving into Mamata vs. Modi drama is election stunt on either side to demonstrate each other’s vows to constitution and anti-corruption respectively.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has lot of explaining to do to the nation on various issues beginning with demonetization debacle that claimed many ordinary lives, farmers distress that exacerbated agrarian crisis resulting in more farmers suicide than earlier, the controversial Rafale deal favoring PM Narendra Modi’s key campaign donor Anil Ambani and his failed business, crackdown on different institutions from RBI, CBI to SCI  i.e. the Supreme Court of India hamstrung on issues such as Rafale and earlier vindication on widely known Godhra violence to name a few.

Those in power in New Delhi abusing CBI to protect their own members, political donors and business partners are routine regardless of whoever is in control in New Delhi. Similarly, them using CBI to settle political scores in the name of corruption investigation is also the tradition.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi expulsion of former CBI director Alok Verma to shield PM Modi’s critical ally and business interests that were on CBI radar cannot be ruled out in desperate actions from the incumbent administration.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s hardline policy and intolerance were demonstrated during undemocratic arrests of environmentalists and human rights activists on false allegations denying them due process while defending and ensuring acquittal of RSS / BJP members actually behind and implicated in Bhima Koregaon violence in Pune besides mob lynching under the guise of Gai Raksha or cow protection wreaks communal divide and unnecessary tension in society.

Despite explosive tenure of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his close coordinator and confidante Amit Shah in the past five years, PM Narendra Modi persona portrayed to the contrary to mislead and misguide electorate is an insult to human intelligence.

Democracy may be subjugated but cannot be permanently suppressed as the strategy inevitably implodes within political faction. The reaction is evident in the present political environment and severely damaged system with those responsible for law and order as lawmakers exemplifying lawlessness in the worst form and demeanor endanger democracy and sanctity of the constitution.

All the more reason to introduce a capable and reliable national political party to address myriad complexities that persists in India. The details in that regard to be presented in due course. The step by step instructions for disenchanted and violated Indian electorate willing to come forward pledging support with active participation to challenge status quo will be provided to lead the nation towards sensible and viable direction.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter




India – Indian Election 2019

February 3, 2019

Indian Election 2019

Padmini Arhant


Politics governed by corruption, cronyism and
criminality is unsustainable. Change comes
only upon determination among those affected
rise to the occasion to be part of the process
initiating alternative. Indian politics controlled
by internal and external diktat and ideology has
long subjugated the overwhelming majority
struggling to make ends meet under the guise
of independence.
The entertainment industry deployed to distract
public attention from problems and real issues
play a pivotal role in exacerbating citizens
suffering in society while making a fortune
on such complicity.
Mass consciousness on this devious failed
agenda aimed at mind control using celluloid
fallacious presentations is critical to free the
nation from corruption, nepotism and
perennial duplicity.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter

Venezuela – United States and Europe Intervention to Topple Democratic Maduro Government

January 28, 2019

Venezuela – United States and Europe Intervention to Topple Democratic Maduro Government

Padmini Arhant

The recent developments involving United States democrat lawmakers and White house efforts to unseat Venezuela’s democratically elected government of President Nicolas Maduro is condemnable with serious repercussions for those behind the coup.

United States and EU intrusion in the removal of then Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and the entire cabinet at gun point replacing then democratically elected government with Neo-Nazi regime resulted in tumult and unprecedented chaos that also led to Crimea in Eastern Ukraine become part of the Russian Federation in 2014 besides triggering Russian troops deployment in eastern Ukraine.

Ukraine democracy demolition was steered by both republican members viz. then Senator John McCain to democrats held State Department under former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the likes of Victoria Nuland playing prominent role in the decimation of a sovereign state in 2014.

Similar operation underway in Caracas, Venezuela by United States lawmakers in bipartisanship with democrats in the forefront in instigating protest to oust democratic leadership of President Nicolas Maduro is devious confirming deep state representatives in United States government obliging marching orders to create turmoil in the South American nation.

Furthermore, the foreign interventionists i.e. United States and Europe favored opposition leader Juan Guaido declared the so-called acting President violating the core democratic principles and sovereignty of a nation by U.S. democrats and President Donald Trump pose many legitimate questions on the joint operation that could somehow not meet eye to eye on United States citizens affairs forcing the longest government shut down that ended two days ago.

Again, the government shut down costing United States tax payers in billions and nearly million government workers still deprived of back pay and salary due to them apparently is not a priority for the White House and Congress preoccupied in determining –

Who rules the foreign sovereign nation Venezuela?

These activities clearly indicative of United States political apparatus in lockstep with deep state agenda in destabilizing foreign nations and regions transforming democracy into oligarchy run state targeting Venezuela’s natural resources, the crude oil reserves in particular showing little or no concern for adverse consequences from such wanton engagement.

Creating turmoil and disorder like in Libya, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, South Sudan, Afghanistan, Honduras, Paraguay and Ukraine to name a few these members in United States government are not only committing treason but also squandering U.S. taxpayers’ funds promoting undemocratic political unrest in Venezuela to install puppet regime in that part of the world.

The democrat Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz leading the coup in Venezuela is least surprising. The Florida Congresswoman having caused considerable damage to the party at home in subverting democracy during democrats’ Presidential primary in 2016 to boost then Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s chances in winning nomination suffered setback at personal level in losing democratic party chairwoman status. The scandal also produced unsolved mystery behind the murder of democrat party worker, 26-years-old Seth Rich, the supporter of Bernie Sanders then Hillary Clinton’s democrat rival in the race.

Yet another democrat from Florida, Donna Shalala providing more political ammunition in the coup explains the extent of corruption within United States political establishment.

President Donald Trump mission in Venezuela for regime change following suit from both democrat and republican predecessors in this regard is self-destructive course that would not yield the desired outcome.

Venezuela is a sovereign nation and President Nicolas Maduro is democratically elected legitimate leader of the country. The electorate in Venezuela are the only ones with exclusive rights to decide any change in government through ballot box not via foreign bullets and unscrupulous tactics employed to achieve undemocratic goals predominantly premised on economic interests.

Last but not the least, United States administration and Congress dealings in Venezuela and elsewhere for vested aspirations highlights hypocrisy ad nauseam while crying foul in the false claims on the alleged Russian sabotage of United States Presidential election in 2016 prompting never ending Russia probe since 2016 and conducted up until now at ordinary taxpayers’ expense.

What’s good for the goose isn’t necessarily good for the gander according to these entities hailing Bible teaching in classrooms while disregarding morals and ethics demonstrated in the current Venezuelan coup d’état in the name of democracy.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter


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