Power – Definition and Interpretation

December 7, 2017

Power – Definition and Interpretation

Padmini Arhant


I would like to discuss on the contemporary events with focus on power. The verbal presentation will follow shortly.

Power is enticing prompting actions not favorable to many citizens depriving them the individual rights and freedom to live a normal life.

When power is concentrated among few members reining control over the destiny of more than seven billion lives, there are no considerations for people and issues affected by their decisions.

The policy premised on vested interests slight ordinary citizens plight even though they have power and wealth because of these citizens voting them to office, employees in work force and average consumers enabling business success and profitability. In general, the lives of the powerful and influential are dependent on the hard work of the people who are rarely acknowledged as the back bone of the industry and society at large.

Then there are those asserting as Royals whose existence and extravagant lifestyle over generations is paid for and supported by none other than ordinary people labor and service.

How does one interpret power?

In a democracy, power is expected to be in public domain i.e. government of the people, by the people and for the people. When representation in government is shifted from constituents to campaign donors, lobbyists and external demands, the system is subjugated to political ambitions and vested interests. The pledge of allegiance to campaign financiers and ideologues remaining the priority, the electorate needs often neglected or discounted to benefit the bidders in election campaign and special interests.

As for the disenfranchised, less fortunate and isolated demography there is no hope for they are expected to defend themselves in the polarized world with money purchasing power and fame.

Power is worthless and weak when used for intimidation, harassment and elimination of lives being the norm with no courage to accept responsibility. Those fearing the loss of own life and the powerful in particular traveling in bullet proof motorcade flanked with security personnel uninhibited in authorizing the killing of innocent and unarmed citizens in domestic and foreign shores is the irony.

The preference to harm anyone they do not agree with or find them inconvenient is cowardly and adapting the misuse of power reveals the state of mind and insecurity. At such time, the enemy within overwhelm them prohibiting the sense in identifying self as the primary problem.

United States House of Congress passing the legislation yesterday i.e. December 6th, 2017 on gun laws relaxing gun regulations and granting those with permits to freely carry concealed weapons as well as legally travel with firearms to other states obliging gun lobbyist National Rifle Association again clarifies the care and concern or the lack thereof for security of the population they are supposed to protect in public office.

The bill passed with majority Republican and six democrats votes are extremely thoughtful to say the least given the statistics in gun violence and now United States gun laws promoting mass murder in main street. The voluntary legislation on gun laws is congressional authorization to carry assault weapons threatening the lives of people falling prey to shooting rampage evidenced in American gun violence up until now.

The Congressional measure loosening gun restrictions indicative of arming citizens supposedly to fend for themselves in the otherwise alarming gun ownership.

Does this mean the process is intended to displace law enforcement personnel i.e. the police meant to safeguard citizenry?

Not to mention risking the lives of not only unarmed civilians but also police in serious crime scenes. Those who voted for this bill are expecting every individual to be armed not realizing the effects translated into shooting themselves on their foot with prevalent gun incidents not sparing congress members as well.

When folly reigns human character, wisdom is unheeded much to self-detriment.

This is an example of power exercised to exacerbate issues endangering public safety and legislators seeking prospects to extend term in office.

Whenever the public office is transformed into a platform to exert authority ignoring consequences, the office bearer has no credibility and not suitable to represent the state and the nation anymore.

The latest move declaring Jerusalem as Israel’s capital is abuse of office of the Presidency with little or no regard for other citizens’ rights and blatant violation of ethics denying indigenous Palestinians due legitimacy and sovereign status they are entitled to in the relentless land grab by occupiers.

Anything obtained and achieved through aggression and underhanded tactics are bound to be subject to endless turmoil and never provide satisfaction to those involved due to illegitimate claim leaving them bereft of everything in possession. In the constant motion to gain others share of property and rights, the deterioration in human value among them inevitably defines the ill-fate.

As I have stated earlier, greed, hubris and prejudice consume human soul and anyone affected by these qualities unable to control excess desire and hatred eventually succumb to adverse outcome.

Life is an opportunity to learn and evolve into worthy beings not wither like autumn leaves covered in dust and swept away by the wind.

Finally, I reiterate the previous statement on the unilateral recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital is null and void. Jerusalem is a holy city for inhabitants of other faiths as well and accordingly their consensus on the sensitive matter is relevant. The established fact on East Jerusalem al-Quds as Palestinian capital remains valid. That being said, the arbitrary declaration of entire Jerusalem as Israel’s domain is irresponsible and illegal.

Power is powerful in spreading peace not violence, saving lives not causing destruction and exemplifying fairness and equality not bias and discrimination. 

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission




Unilateral Recognition of Jerusalem is Null and Void

December 5, 2017

Unilateral Recognition of Jerusalem is Null and Void

Padmini Arhant

The declaration and recognition of Jerusalem by embattled President Donald J Trump under investigation on Russia matter is null and void. The gesture further confirms the office of Presidency of the United States subjugated to personal volition and political prospects to appease minority groups rather than maintaining integrity and sovereignty of the nation it is expected to serve besides adherence to international law and agreement of the parties affected in the reckless decision.

The politics of arrogance and vengeance unheeding wisdom and rationality is the ominous sign of the beginning of the end of self-destructive cause and representation. None other than history is testament to the fact.

Anything carried out in deliberate motive to hurt innocent lives and strengthen oppression is an imminent collapse of syndicate desperate to dissolve.

The defiance to accept reality and reason is an invitation to disaster witnessed throughout world events and lately in the demise of Yemen’s ex-President Ali Abdullah Saleh who could have survived and experienced positive developments in his country had he not been complicit in treason, terror sponsoring and massive destruction of lives and his country’s future.

Even otherwise, in denying others rights to live in freedom the burden of guilt while living far outweighs death in the self-inflicted punishment for those presumptuously embarked on misguided mission.

The lessons in history and life are for mankind to learn and prevent catastrophe prior to occurrence and not be the source and catalysts for human suffering as there are consequences to all actions ultimately serving as reminder for those who are responsible.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission


Unilateral Declaration of Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital

Padmini Arhant

U.S. Presidency Unilateral Declaration of Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital is Illegitimate and provocative.

Jerusalem, the city regarded holy for three religions viz. Islam, Christianity and Judaism is sensitive to unnecessary political and arbitrary decisions that could exacerbate the decades old unresolved Middle East peace process.

The incumbent U.S. administration preparation to announce Jerusalem as Israel’s capital is irresponsible and illegitimate. The cavalier approach ignores the native population i.e. Palestinians rights and interest especially with Al-Aqsa mosque situated in the Old City of Jerusalem – i.e. East Jerusalem Al-Quds stated to be Palestinian capital.

The current administration involvement in foreign affairs in Syria, Yemen, Korean Peninsula and now in Palestine is egregious without any concern for others legitimacy notwithstanding regional and global impact. The White house actions on foreign issues appears to deflect public attention from ongoing Russia probe and sexual allegations that were previously acknowledged with an apology are at present denied raising credibility problems at the executive level.

The Palestinian statehood remaining unsolved, any steps related to common territories in Palestine are unwise and unsustainable. 

On the other hand, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu currently under criminal investigation on corruption charges introduced a bill aimed at protecting self against prosecution, public outcry and possible resignation from office. The move has angered citizens leading to massive protest in the latest March of Shame that had tens of thousands of citizens demanding the withdrawal of undemocratic bill with a message for the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to hold himself accountable on graft accusations.

Understandably, the leaderships in Israel and United States confronted with domestic pressure on personal crisis are seeking to divert focus from critical ethical matter that could potentially cost their jobs.

The watershed moments for both administrations in Israel and United States respectively prompting them to target Jerusalem in the hope to evade accountability on individual matter.

Jerusalem is the epicenter for people of different faiths with holy sites representing the specific religions.

President Donald Trump’s impending unilateral declaration of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital against domestic and international will is counterproductive.

The policy lacking in prudence would contribute to imminent violence providing opportunity for ISIS recruitment of disenchanted and frustrated segments in global society.

Instead United States leadership advising Israeli government to heed international law and respect global appeal for recognition of Palestinian statehood based on pre 1967 territorial boundaries with permanent suspension of settlement activities in West Bank and East Jerusalem would demonstrate sincere commitment to peaceful resolution of disputes in the Mideast and worldwide.

Anything to the contrary like the proposal to claim Jerusalem as Israel’s capital would have prolonged and painful ramifications best averted in the interest of all.

Furthermore, Israeli authorities’ seizure of entire Jerusalem in addition to occupied Palestine territories that are already condemned internationally would only isolate Israel and cause serious economic setbacks even without sanctions.  Alternatively, the boycott divestment sanctions (BDS) movement could gain more momentum against Israel upon defiant expansion and occupation.

Israeli leadership addressing domestic issues and accepting responsibility on ongoing events is important to allay citizens anxiety on government corruption and poor performance.

United States expending time and resources in improving American image and position shifting from interventional status to reliable intermediary dedicated to diplomacy and meaningful dialogue resulting in positive outcome for all relevant sides would earn trust and confidence among nations near and afar.

The situation is a clarion call for international approval on Palestinian state in accordance with humanitarian law on right to homeland and individual freedom – the inalienable right of all beings in the world.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission








Russian Affair

November 4, 2017

Russian Affair

Padmini Arhant

The former FBI director Robert Mueller headed special investigation dominates news on the alleged Russian meddling in the United States 2016 Presidential election.

The special committee targeting then Republican Presidential candidate now elected President Donald Trump’s campaign aides and members’ presumed interaction and meetings with key Russian officials has led to recent indictments on this matter.

The U.S. actions besides the ongoing inquiry includes closing consulate general in San Francisco and annexes in Washington and New York.

Russia in turn has responded by reducing diplomatic service staff at U.S. facilities in Moscow as confirmed by Washington based Russia Today (RT) television network.

Russia Today – the state funded network founded by the state owned news agency RIA-NOVOSTI in 2005 is dedicated in promoting Russian government interests to the likes of mainstream media and others in the U.S. and elsewhere safeguarding oligarchy, political and Secret Society agenda.  

Although RT claims the network is independent, any business especially communication media receiving funding that has surged from $30 million in the beginning to current $300 million from the state obviously inclined to be subjective rather than objective.

RT projecting Russian image to counteract U.S. media versions about Russia and Russian policy is a conundrum for viewers having to deal with two extremes from both sides i.e. one for and the other against amidst missing facts from the content regardless.

On propaganda, RT efforts are on par with prevalent media trend in hyperbole and falsehood in presentation of historic events and entities pertaining to the past and present time conforming to syndicate strategy.

RT transmission in three languages viz. English, Spanish and Arabic attracting 120 million viewership in the United States and other parts of the world is a buffer to syndicate’s media presence via CNN, Fox and BBC worldwide.

The syndicate’s media control and influence on entertainment industry to deny public access to truth and factual information could be anything but freedom of press and free speech.

RT like counterparts are not without collusion on not maintaining journalistic standards and ethics that are rare and remains under attack. The journalism with accurate reporting, review and analyses on issues and topics concerning lives and world problems are replaced for political and commercial success ignoring harm to society and the world at large that eventually hurts the source.

As such, the citizens fatigue in fake news and indoctrination is evident in broadcasting networks declined rating prompting desperate attempts to avert further deterioration. The spin zone is yet another means to continue mindless discussions lacking in substance in anything goes talk shows and programs to fill in time in the 24/7 media.

United States and Russia relations might have strained due to latest developments,

However, the similarities in both nations policies on critical issues such as voting against nuclear disarmament in the UN vote past month, resistance to dissolution of UNSC granted veto power to five permanent members viz. United States, Britain, Russia, China and France and strengthening ties with Saudi Arabia clarify common goals.

In terms of disagreements, United States and Russia have difference of opinion on Ukraine, Syrian conflict, NATO buildup through Eastern bloc and incursion in Baltic Sea. The U.S. occupation in Afghanistan extended into Central Asia that was previously under former Soviet Union is causing uneasiness on regional basis.

Last but not the least, U.S. sanctions on Russia is not appreciated in the wake of 2016 electoral outcome distressing those for change in game plan.

On North Korea, United States sanctions against the south east Asian nation is welcome by Russia. The reaction confirmed in UNSC decision with Russia and China’s consensus to impose embargo on North Korea.

As stated repeatedly on this website on standoff between U.S and North Korea, the de-escalation via diplomacy and constructive dialogue should be the focus on both sides retracting from respective positions with United States and ally South Korea ceasing military exercise and provocative naval drills in Korean Peninsula.  North Korea on its part to suspend nuclear enhancement.

Furthermore, the major nuclear powers stance on North Korea’s nuclear status would be credible upon them in possession of enormous nuclear stockpiles never subject to independent international scrutiny lead other nuclear and non-nuclear states in safe disposal of nuclear weapons freeing the world from nuclear threats that are frequently exchanged in U.S. and North Korea confrontation. U.S. has also issued nuclear warnings against Iran preceding Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) treaty.

In the domestic front, Russia Today (RT) as state represented media is criticized for not providing opportunity to political opponents to Kremlin power. The same is applied towards any political dissent deprived from sharing thoughts and grievance on air to local and foreign audience. They are apparently considered detractors and accordingly excluded in participation on media channel.

The contemporary practice to debar alternative political perspectives especially with Russian elections on the horizon in March 2018 may not bode well for Russia in the post-communist era declared as democratic system premised on free and fair elections allowing contenders upon meeting eligibility criteria to run for office.

Then the incident though eleven years ago involving independent journalist, writer and human rights activist Anna Politkovskaya tragic death from gunshot wounds in Moscow in 2006 deter Russian democratic evolution.

The free society would create and nurture environment to question authorities without fear of incarceration, character defamation or danger to their life. The country as vast as Russia with enormous potential in different fields not barring politics would benefit from eclectic representation that could permeate across the spectrum. The transformation is made possible with healthy debates and public forums on all topics relevant to citizens in the province and national level.

Russia’s membership in BRICS, Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in addition to G20 and WTO serve economic prospects. On security to combat terrorism and any foreign intrusion – the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) comprising Russia and former Soviet republics in Central Asia enable neutralization.

Russian economy, political stability and national security are general expectations amongst electorate. Russia’s role in international disputes are also important whether personally that entails skirmishes at Russian border with NATO or tension related to U.S. and North Korea as well as ending Syrian warfare.

The internal challenges like corruption undermining real progress, Chechnya seeking resolution, immigration and social dilemmas are prominent woes requiring effective measures.

Russia is in the threshold of economic growth and constraints on political choices limits the scope for broader vision necessary to sustain expansion.

Finally, vox populithe voice of the people from all walks of life exercising the right to express views or concerns and journalism in particular not confined to state or external orientation would demonstrate vibrant democracy.

I convey my best wishes to citizens in Russia.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission









Iran Nuclear Deal

October 17, 2017

Iran Nuclear Deal

Padmini Arhant

The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) between Iran, P5+1 and EU is regarded firm agreement in the backdrop of Iran declared a nation having never attacked any other country in the world.

Iran’s history extends into Central Asia and Indian subcontinent. Nader Shah from Persia invasion of Delhi, India in 1739 and jewels from the famous peacock throne along with massive treasure plundered at that time is documented episode.

Persia now known as Iran subject to imperialist backed monarchy headed by Shah of Iran Mohammad Reza Pahlavi later overthrown in Iranian revolution in 1979 preceded by Britain, U.S. and oligarchy coup against democratically elected Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh in 1953.

Iran also faced imperialism imposed regional conflict lasting eight years from 1980 until 1988 in the protracted war with Iraq during then President Saddam Hussein.

Iran under theocratic order as the Islamic Republic post 1979 revolution has been challenged with sanctions to conform to western policy. The economic sanctions were tightened in the past decade denying medicines and essentials to citizens of the country. The sanctions related fatalities among children in 2011 and 2012 were constant without any respite.

There were no justifications on economic embargo against Iran and similarly the nations targeted by UNSC arbitrary decision while ignoring the states deserving sanctions for human rights violations and sponsoring terrorism.

The Shiite Iran’s regional competitors Wahhabi Saudi Dynasty and Judeo Israel in an effort to contain the rise of Iranian influence insist on intensifying trade restrictions through key allies Britain and United States in particular.

Iran has maintained that any nuclear programs would be for deterrence not in defiance of non-proliferation to which Iran is a signatory long before JCPOA despite being a non-nuclear state in contrast to regional nuclear state Israel opting out of non-proliferation treaty.

Nonetheless, the western demand on Iran at middle eastern allies Israel and Saudi Arabia’s behest to make Iran’s nuclear facility available for International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspection continued with UN monitoring and updates confirming Iran’s stagnant nuclear plan.

Unlike Israel, an established nuclear state yet to be confirmed and acknowledged as such in international domain in addition to uninhibited use of nuclear components in air strikes against civilian population in Gaza, Syria and Lebanon, Iran’s stranded nuclear capability was used as false pretext for western sanctions to strangle the oil rich Iran’s economy.

Iran’s persistence in the removal of illegal sanctions alongside repeat UN verifications of Iran’s nuclear site led to JCPOA.

The media implying pride playing a role in accepting or rejecting JCPOA is in fact applicable to those involved and especially United States unwillingness to lift inappropriate sanctions against Iran in the process resulting in JCPOA. Since the argument lost cause in the unsubstantiated Iran’s nuclear ambitions, JCPOA invented reason with conditional easing of sanctions against Iran.

The assurance that JCPOA has halted Iran’s nuclear motion is a political statement given the Islamic state commitment to non-nuclear activity evident in IAEA and UN reports.

Any accord would have statutory limits validating the treaty.

In the nuclear conversation, the nuclear disarmament across the spectrum regardless of stockpiles and capability beginning with United States, Russia, China, Britain, France and Israel leading the trend for other nuclear states India, Pakistan and the rest is a necessity to quell nuclear options frivolously used in the threat against anyone deemed an adversary.

The prolific nuclear arms race and testing among nuclear powers with the recent public pledge from the White House to allocate more funds in modernizing nuclear status is impetus to those perceived vulnerable in the wars for profitability.

United States self-contradictory position pose a credibility factor when sharing concerns over Iran or North Korea’s nuclear affairs. The former legacy in using nuclear arsenal on civilians and thereafter deploying nuclear material in warfare against Vietnam, Iraq, Syria and Yemen until now create the requirement to abolish nuclear weapons in possession of all.

The safeguarding of nuclear site and inventory is a high risk task relying on precision, competence and trustworthiness besides eroding nuclear powers national budget depriving urgent needs such as health care, infrastructure and steady job growth.

Likewise, India and Pakistan’s budget allocation to nuclear maintenance leaves overwhelming population in despair due to lack of basic facilities and many struggling to survive amid poverty and disease.

The irony is nuclear weapons are regarded potent for national security. Meanwhile civilians amongst poor and underprivileged backgrounds are dying from premature deaths in the absence of minimum standards and opportunity. The nuclear states misplaced priorities contributing to preventable mortality compared to the odds of nuclear attack and casualties arising from the event is hardly rational.

Obviously, the unnecessary and unwanted skirmishes from territorial disputes, regional and global dominance quest are driving forces behind nuclear armament.

The hype on Iran’s nuclear deal transferred to nuclear powers viz. United States and all nuclear and non-nuclear nations abandoning nuclear proliferation and aspirations is critical responsibility for the world.

The global consensus and preparation for safe disposal of nuclear ammunitions is no longer a choice but a mandatory requirement to guarantee humanity peaceful existence.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission

















September 5, 2017



Padmini Arhant


Kensington Palace announces third baby on the way proudly described as ‘heir to spare‘.


Royal View on  Big Families and Over Population. 


In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation.

Prince Philip


German Chancellor Angela Merkel Stance on Refugees 

Padmini Arhant

What makes candidates’ and incumbents dramatic shift in political stance nearing election?

Is it politics that makes political figures flip flop? 


Do political members mould politics for political expediency?

The voters trust is up for a toss during election season usually delivering rhetoric and riding on platform appealing to all especially when targeting minority and immigrant votes.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel is seeking fourth term in office in the coming election in Deutschland.

Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel response to a Palestinian teenager plea for asylum in 2015.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel response to Refugee issue close to national election scheduled in September 2017.


Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission

North Korea Standoff

September 4, 2017

North Korea Standoff

Padmini Arhant


United States is in no position to advise or lecture anyone on nuclear responsibility having been the only nation to have used nuclear arsenal on civilian population in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

United States, Israel and NATO allies Britain and France as nuclear powers have not hesitated in deploying nuclear laden missiles and air strikes showering uranium in Fallujah, Iraq then Libya and Syria and White phosphorous on Gaza. So much for understanding nuclear responsibility thus far.

Furthermore in the use of chemical agents – Napalm in Vietnam, supplying biological weapons to former ally ex-President Saddam Hussein during eight years war between Iraq and Iran. Then Iraqi President also used the biological weapons from U.S. against Kurds in Iraq.

In 2012 and onwards U.S.and allies represented terror operatives were armed with chemical substance viz. sarin gas that terror factions used against children, women, elderly and men besides defense personnel in Syria.

In light of above mentioned involvements, United States and those responsible for heinous crimes against humanity have no grounds to find faults in others having set precedence with no limits in reckless conduct.

The hawkish elements with scripted speeches at UNSCthe body with no legitimacy conveniently set up to promote belligerence at will against nations regarded a fair target could no longer exercise arbitrary actions ignoring grave consequences in the region and the rest of the world.

The world was misguided earlier to invade Iraq leaving the oil rich nation infested with terrorists and forcing Iraq to combat terror for nearly half a decade now.

United States objection to North Korea’s nuclear capability would be appropriate upon United States leading the front in universal nuclear disarmament beginning with self-denuclearization. Those who preach must practice for credibility.

United States unequivocally remaining existential threat with military bases worldwide along with NATO endanger lives and habitat.

The illegal invasion and occupation of nations for economic interests and strategic dominance continue to claim lives and shatter prospects of normal existence for war victims.

United States media and press the so-called liberal and conservative alike drum roll for war under any pretext clarifies the system under siege. There is no desire or serious commitment to allow diplomacy and dialogue to defuse crisis.

Such disposition is contradictory to reaction to rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. The intolerance to slogans in these protests somehow not shared towards voracious appetite for violence and bloodshed.

The fact of the matter is in the absence of will to abandon wars, military interventions and any form of aggression including terrorism, the sponsors of hostility and offensive engagement care less about loss of lives and irreversible impact evident in the status quo.

United States presence in Korean Peninsula is the cause besides declining to respect sovereignty of nations and regions occupied for vested interests.

Any reasonable minds would recognize these problems and address them with withdrawal of forces, cease military activities and endorse peaceful negotiations as a permanent solution.

The citizens in North and South Korea cannot be deprived of a peaceful resolution to the hyped dispute fueled largely for profits with little or no concern for people in the region.

The de-escalation of tension is possible with peace delegation from South Korea to neighbor and family North Korea for discussion. Both nations perseverance to reach consensus on freezing counterproductive military and nuclear endeavors on all sides would confirm genuine positions and define South Korea’s independent and sovereign statehood as well.

North Korean leadership demonstrating peaceful overtures over nuclear testing would earn international support and bring the standoff to conclusion.

At present, any reason to attack North Korea is experimented and North Korean leadership and military advisers would be wise not to provide fodder to agenda.

Peace has everything to offer upon rational approach whereas confrontations only lead to ruins and rubbles.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission



North Korea Nuclear Testing

September 3, 2017

North Korea Nuclear Testing

Padmini Arhant

North Korea Nuclear Testing – As long as the status quo remains with United States and South Korea military drills in Korean Peninsula and sanctions against people in North Korea providing the reason for North Korea Nuclear armament in self-defense, the tension in the region is bound to escalate.

Just before the latest nuclear testing by North Korea on Sunday, the U.S. sources behind North Korea standoff reiterated their position on reunification of Korea as undesirable. Instead they clearly stated their preference for contemporary North Korea.

Such statement clarifies the state of affairs which means South Korea is expected to eternally depend on United States military base on their soil. The situation has striking resemblance to Afghanistan.

Like the 16 years old war in Afghanistan proved unwinnable having lost scores of lives on all sides and incurred phenomenal economic liability to a tune of $6 trillion at U.S. taxpayers’ expense, the failed policy on troop surge pursued to prolong stagnancy.

With respect to Korea – The skirmishes involving back and forth responses between U.S. and North Korea via military exercise and nuclear testing respectively to continue unabated creating an environment for all nations in the region to beef up defense stockpiles absorbing major share of every nation’s national budget.

The military industrial complex and prominent think tanks hawkish strategy to thrive rain or shine exacerbates any potential for peaceful resolution not only concerning North Korea but anywhere in the world.

Not surprisingly, the defunct UNSC serves illegitimate actions provoking nations to adopt extreme measures in retaliation.

Unless the trend targeting nations for economic interests and strategic dominance cease with recognition of those nations’ sovereignty, the global security is threatened by unnecessary aggression and egregious decisions without reflecting on own interventions behind the conflict.

The nations under military incursion are required to accept hostility as the norm and acquiesce to harsh and unfair conditions imposed through UNSC and unipolar assessments.

South Korea extending an olive branch to North Korea and the latter in return authorizing peaceful negotiations with the former rather than nuclear threats is the only way forward to defuse crisis in the Peninsula.

United States removal of troops and military artillery from Korean Peninsula is critical to avert any disaster.

Unfortunately, profitability is prioritized over citizens’ lives and safety in the war games that are no longer affordable in the nuclear age.

There is an urgency for responsibility and reason to prevail over recklessness and obstinacy.

United States military presence in foreign shores under any pretext is naturally unwelcome and having negative impact on any possible resolutions between North and South Korea.

The citizens in North and South Korea together with the entire population in Asia Pacific deserve to exist in peace and not be subject to lingering hostility promoted by myopic foreign policy.

There should be no reluctance in diplomacy and dialogue with North Korea. Similarly, North Korean leadership direct engagement with South Korean counterpart would exemplify both nations’ commitment to protect people and the nation they represent that otherwise seemingly held hostage to political and military demand.

Power is worthy in resolving disputes without expending lives and taxpayer funds that are best divested in nation building and economic development.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission












Afghanistan – Troop Surge Repeat Failed Strategy

August 22, 2017

Afghanistan – Troop Surge Repeat Failed Strategy

By Padmini Arhant


The latest decision to increase troops in Afghanistan is repeat failed strategy with same expectation. The proposal to defeat terrorism is exactly the same since invasion of the country in 2001. United States military leaderships and White House stating the reason for troop expansion around this time as targeting terrorism shifting focus from nation building is rephrasing strategy.

The main issues – Taliban, al Qaeda, government and Afghan security lacking strength and resources to quell terrorism and last but not the least neighbor Pakistan remaining terror haven are cited as contributing to United States and NATO setbacks thus far.

United States from the beginning had more than 100,000 boots on the ground in addition to NATO contingency until recently to contend with Taliban, al Qaeda and prepare Afghan security forces to combat terrorism and insurgency. Now in the national address, the position is referred to as dealing with terrorism in Afghanistan is the only focus for United States.

Accordingly, the stagnancy poses many questions.

What did United States and NATO exactly do in the past 16 years in Afghanistan?

How come the largest 100,000 troops presence along with NATO alliance could not contain Taliban insurgency comparatively less at that time and al Qaeda redeployed in Libya, Syria and Iraq from 2011 until today?

What is different now that was not possible despite expansive operation in Afghanistan for over decade and a half unanimously acknowledged a failure?

The current situation stated as Taliban insurgence and al Qaeda are major threats has long been identified as such and the status quo further clarifies the losing war besides economic liability having cost U.S. tax payers $6 trillion in Afghanistan pursuit.

Pentagon quoting Taliban and al Qaeda as factors for troop surge. Taliban in return asserting insurgency as resistance to United States occupation. The inverse status is a vicious circle.

Afghanistan has experienced numerous foreign occupation in Afghan history. None could prevail in their aspirations forcing foreign powers exit from the terrain country. There will be no exception in this regard due to aggression and violent means for vested interests never succeed especially in the uniquely complex Afghan nation.

The foreign incursion in Afghanistan is attributed to relentless violence and political instability. Additionally, poppy cultivation funding arms purchase for war lords, terror factions and Taliban not without foreign occupiers sharing profit exacerbates security and conditions for Afghan farmers lured into narcotic trade over agriculture.

Politically, Afghan government installed rather than elected barring assassinations of viable candidates not surprisingly in agreement to foreign agenda highlight corruption – yet another serious problem obstructing reliable and competent governance. Afghanistan election including the Pashtuns tribal assembly – loya Jirga intercepted by foreign influence as witnessed in 2011 to steer representation favoring foreign permanent existence in the country.

American security claimed in the late night bid for troop surge ignores American lives in uniforms lost in the long embroiled battle seeing no end in sight. Not to mention scores of innocent civilian lives in Afghanistan falling prey to all sides more so with cluster bombs and U.S. defense capability tested on Afghan soil during all administrations, predator drones chasing Afghan men, women and children from their humble dwellings in the so-called attempt to drain the swamp rampant with previous administration.

The trajectory clearly confirms the challenges and constant impediments brought upon by foreign occupation whether by troops, private army and contractors, intelligence agents imposing military authority and political clout denying Afghanistan – sovereignty and political freedom.

No matter how the circumstances are maneuvered to extend occupation in Afghanistan, no nation can eternally depend on foreign powers to protect them for that arrangement exposes the host nations’ vulnerability and absence of will to safeguard own citizens and territory.

In outsourcing tasks to foreign military not necessarily accepting for client state defense instead focused on economic endowments such as lithium, plentiful minerals and precious metals in Afghanistan failing that to establish strategic dominance in the region unveils the veneer behind open end policy in Afghanistan.

Evidently, neither the people in Afghanistan nor United States are beneficiaries in the protracted warfare. The population in both nations are expending lives and U.S. taxpayers footing extraordinary bill for timeless military engagement while Afghan citizens deprived of long overdue economic opportunity.

As for neighbor Pakistan, the stigma as terror haven will stick as long as Pakistan’s relevant institutions and political groups neglect responsibility to purge terror wreaking havoc across the borders and rocking every city and province making life impossible for citizens in Pakistan as well as those around in South Asia. Again, arms dealers involved in arming terror networks, defense contractors and brokers are instrumental in bolstering terror anywhere.

United States and NATO complete withdrawal of forces not excluding private entities in any capacity responsible for embattled Afghanistan and not troop buildup that would guarantee Afghanistan peace and stability.

The popular consensus in Afghanistan and United States is for U.S and NATO as well as foreign operatives to return home. United States having reached a crescendo unable to provide credible explanations in prolonging undertaking proved counterproductive and unsustainable.

Afghanistan rising to the occasion and demonstrating commitment to resolve internal conflicts would exemplify Afghanistan’s independent statehood. In eliminating or at best mitigating the two contentious issues –corruption and terrorism would charter course for effective governance and strong national security thwarting terror and insurgence from within and outside the country.

I convey my best wishes to people in Afghanistan for peace, economic progress and independence free of foreign intrusion and domestic tribulations.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission




Syria – Permanent Peace Ending Terrorism and International Coalition

August 15, 2017

Syria – Permanent Peace Ending Terrorism and International Coalition

By Padmini Arhant


Syria, once known as the cradle of civilization along with Iraq confronted with invasion and occupation through terrorism.

Syria, one of the targets in the Project for New American Century (PNAC) premised on hegemonic goals to destabilize nations in the Middle East and elsewhere has been defending itself in all fronts since 2011.

The secular country has been transformed into battle ground through terrorism. United States and allies in the west as well as Middle East sponsored terror groups supplied with funding, weapons cache and combat training including logistic aid from the beginning i.e. 2011 until now has produced massive casualties, millions of refugees, decimation of culture and heritage sites leaving the population at terror sponsors mercy.

Middle East has been exposed to political dominance and struggles throughout history. However, terrorism was introduced in 2011 to undermine citizens’ efforts for democratic process in the respective nations following Tunisian uprising in North Africa.

Syria sharing vulnerabilities with counterparts in the region due to economic resources and strategic location cornered for foreign and regional subjugation.

United States and allies backed so-called political opposition affiliated to terror networks based on moderates vs. extremists added insult to injury to the people in Syria. The peace talks on Syrian crises sabotaged time and time again by those colluding with terror units and their partners’ in destruction of a sovereign nation.

United States, Israel, Britain, France, EU, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, Jordan role besides their de facto in Eastern Europe facilitating arms cargo to terror outfits created ISIL and ISIS evolving from al Qaeda into al Nusra Front deployed to achieve hegemony agenda.

The latest development in territorialized ceasefire reached among United States, Russia, Syria and different sides provides temporary relief for humanitarian aid.

Nonetheless, ending the conflict decisively is necessary for nation building allowing Syrians to live a normal life they have been unjustly deprived via foreign intervention.

Furthermore, the refugee status imposed upon them as a result could be addressed effectively in the safe return of Syrian refugees to homeland.

Syria is obligatory to defend the nation from international intrusion and purge terror from the soil. The lack of political will and credibility to abandon terror organizations surviving on western and middle eastern allies diverse support has led to loss of thousands of innocent lives with many children having become orphans, women and men into widowhood, families torn apart and yet there appears to be no serious commitment to conclude turmoil by the sources and catalysts.

The Superpower status expended in inflicting disasters on nations for strategic control at taxpayers’ expense neglecting myriad issues in the domestic front is a significant problem highlighting priorities for those behind such ambition.

Syrian citizens across the spectrum deserve respite from foreign authorized violence and immense atrocities committed against them thus far. The foreign indulgence regardless of regional or offshore representation is responsible for unspeakable crimes using terror as means to ruin an independent country.

There could be no deliberation or procrastination in respecting sovereignty of other nations and citizens inalienable rights to peacefully exist in their country as these are natural requirements in the world stated as free society.

United States and allies are constantly debating on enforcing restrictions on immigration to the extent of White House proposal to build a great wall to prevent entry by citizens from neighboring country.

Simultaneously U.S. and accomplices insisting on maintaining status quo in occupying foreign land with troops or terror factions like in Syria is the irony.

Syria has been subject to tremendous pain and misery for vested interests though Syria pose no threat whatsoever to United States and allies engaged in the carnage of the country.

These activities exerting aggression against nations regarded a fair game could no longer continue by any major or minor powers especially the nations declared democratic and champions of human rights in contrast to legacy and contemporary trend.

Accordingly, permanent ceasefire with withdrawal of all groups and foreign powers contingency – the illegitimate International Coalition in particular proved terror manifestation is critical for peaceful resolution of the prolonged conflict.

The Syrian defense force, leaderships and citizens concerted labor and participation in contending terror and international coalition offense is commendable and exemplify patriotism to defend the honor of Syria’s statehood.

The liberation of Syria from current skirmishes and terrorism is essential for global peace and security.

I convey my best wishes to Syria in prevailing over terror and hostility.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission







North Korea – Diplomacy And Peaceful Resolution

August 14, 2017

North Korea – Diplomacy And Peaceful Resolution

By Padmini Arhant

The recognition of diplomacy and peaceful resolution to Korean Peninsula standoff is the only way to defuse crises. 

When two sides are engaged in a dispute with the party responsible for the cause refusing to comply in suspending military drills and provocative activities in foreign shores while expecting the other to surrender is anything but diplomatic. 

North Korea ceasing nuclear programs is critical as much as United States and South Korea obliging on their part in halting military operations and base threatening potential for peaceful existence that is long overdue. 

Anytime aggression is exerted expecting the target to agree to terms and conditions that are not necessarily binding on aggressors, such situation exacerbate any diplomacy and dialogue initiatives lacking in credibility.  

United States fragility brought to light in the calibrated terror attack in American soil on September 11, 2001 due to complicity within and so-called allies involvement. The intelligence and then administration inaction further demonstrating the real enemies for U.S. citizens are not offshore but in fact remain in the system held hostage to vested interests. 

Similarly, the tiananmen square massacre with the authorities showing no mercy aptly proved the threat originating from those at the helm rather than perceived foes from outside.

Notwithstanding China’s zero tolerance to political dissent leading to peace activists like Liu Xiaobo death in custody. In addition to these internal and external human rights violations against citizens in the country and occupied land, the leaderships and members representing political and military dias are exempt from accountability. 

From currency adjustment for trade advantage to cyber espionage and attacks, UNSC P5+1 members impunity on crimes that are otherwise condemned against those regarded adversary speaks volume on the council’s premise.  The flawed and fraudulent practice aimed at subjugation of nations for economic resources and strategic dominance is clearly unsustainable. 

Insisting on maintaining failed apparatus i.e. UNSC  results in malfunction hurting operatives behind ill-conceived notion. The experience is evident in unlawful sanctions eliminating prospects for economic progress, global peace and security. Such decision is not viable in the global economy and environment dependent on universal cooperation.

Accordingly, sanctions from those in constant breach of international law is meaningless and invalid. All the more reason for UNSC qualifying as defunct body to preside over international disputes considering the conflict of interest with members being the source of discord.

Sanctions have no place in the domain declared a feee world especially selective imposition to isolate nations declining to bow to unreasonable demands and expectations from forces in contempt of human rights and territorial integrity.

The peaceful settlement on North Korea matter is possible upon all sides accepting responsibility and meeting the commitment to honor sovereign status and protect innocent lives from any unwanted escalation of tension.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission






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