Bilderberg – Feudalism and Vassal Statehood

May 8, 2017

By Padmini Arhant

Bilderberg – Feudalism and Vassal Statehood

The organization that prides on elitism appropriately narcissism with an eye on global resources and wealth amassment from nations that are referred to as third world countries to maintain self-asserted first world category,

Bilderbergers philosophy is finance control that in return rein authority over politics, military, economy, media, entertainment and the rest fall in place.

Bilderberg members’ hypocrisy on all matter confirms the convenient rule – what is good for the goose is not good for the gander.

The presentation of facts on their adverse actions affecting billions of lives are characterized as rant, whining and hate speech while unabated subversion, perversion and distortion on their part in diverse format crossing the line on civility and decorum non-existent in hegemony culture deemed free speech.

Obsessed with spying, prying and snooping, Bilderbergers activities are conducted discreetly with clandestine meeting among chosen members plotting on world dominance and excavation of earth’s endowments besides exploiting global population for personal enrichment.

Classifying themselves as the ruling class, Bilderbergers parasitic existence predominantly premised on feudalism with nations worldwide targeted for subjugation and vassal statehood. The massive wealth possession largely seized by unscrupulous means and tactics lasting several generations never enough for them with quest to gain access to treasures regarded their exclusive right.

War is considered a profitable venture and accordingly direct countries investments in defense hardware and nuclear proliferation with little or no concern for other living beings on earth.

Bilderberg approval of political candidates to the highest office is necessary for them to continue with business as usual. The vetting process seek candidates’ with shady background and accepted favorable against clean record as that would pose conflict of interest in executing masonic orders.

There is also initiation ritual involved to test the mettle of their chosen candidate on mass killings authorizing cluster bombs, predator drones and missiles not excluding nuclear threats against nations earmarked for invasion and occupation.

Bilderberg policy is anti-sovereignty branding patriotism as nationalism with constitution considered a barrier in implementing goals to benefit them and long desired aspirations in altering geopolitical landscape.

They promote treason, corruption and carte blanche authority in the misuse of power in public office and private sector with guaranteed immunity for those in violations regardless of crimes against electorate and humanity at large.

The incentives are greater upon delivery exceeding expectations in mass murder and genocide. The accolades vary from Nobel Peace Prize to courage awards and lifetime protection against litigation.

Bilderberg strategy is military intervention that has now evolved from conventional warfare to sponsoring terrorism introduced in 2011 onwards denying nations under attack respite from violence and carnage. The developing nations are also used as testing grounds for defense stockpiles and bombs detonated ignoring sovereignty of those nations and impact on native population.

Yet another policy to curb economic freedom and development is sanctions against non-western nations crippling economy and forcing starvation, malnutrition and premature deaths from preventable disease due to lack of essential medicines and lifesaving items.

Bilderberg doctrine encompasses all political factions from conservative to liberal, centrist, left of center, right of center, independent, moderates and progressive with all of them sharing common objective to prolong status quo.

Election is a formality with voters voluntarily renouncing the right to dissent in the event of electoral outcome and social reform.  The zero tolerance to peaceful assembly and constructive criticism of the government and affiliates is demonstrated in handling of protesters in main street and derision via communication media.

At the same time, there are no reservations in authority containing meaningful analysis and exposure of problems within government that are invariably labeled security threat obviously to the forces behind the system.

The rare leaderships and government committed to alleviating people plight are removed from office by coup instigating political unrest to obstruct governance.

Alternatively, media, entertainment and educational institutions inundate audience and students respectively with material lacking in substance and loaded in fabrication.

The members of political establishment in lock step and barrel with globalists are honored and complimented for their compliance in undermining democracy and safeguarding decadence.

Bilderberg dominant with financiers viz. international bankers grip on national treasury tightened with private ownership under the guise of Federal institution.

The corporations’ objection to government regulations on environment, labor laws, consumer rights and fair trade practices are recognized as legitimate with removal or amendments to accommodate corporate demand.

Simultaneously, governance by corporations and super wealthy through campaign financing and lobbying to fix legislations to their advantage is never an issue for political members supposedly representing constituents and the nation.

International Affairs – In the previous century, the World War II with the rise of Germany and aftermath reminisced as tumultuous testing humanity endurance on aggression.  In the present time, the parallel government EU with Germany exerting authority and inclusion of Germany in the P5 +1 at UNSC suggests mutual appreciations with any past grievances disingenuous.

Irony being the hallmark in all their engagements, the current emphasis on European Union and euro remaining intact not necessarily applied to other parts of the world.

EU and allies’ role in fragmentation of the Middle East, meddling in Ukraine and NATO build up in central and eastern Europe, bifurcation of Sudan in 2012,

United States declining unification of Korea in the Korean Peninsula, Latin America suppressed from regional cooperation with western influence, South Asia pitted against each other with arms supply and terror manufacture to name a few amongst many wanton endeavors to disrupt peace and progress worldwide.

Again, the disposition contrast conduct whether it be Islamophobia, xenophobia, misogyny and hierarchy in society. They claim to be against discrimination.

However, the bombing and shelling of Islamic countries and recruiting terror operatives to continue the war on terror confining youths in Muslim countries and in the west to terrorism in addition to creating refugee crisis apparently viewed as noble deeds.

Similarly, the women representing them as world leaders adhere to policies exacerbating human suffering in imposing austerity, issuing nuclear warnings and spreading fear and prejudice within and outside their territory.  The paradoxical contribution from a woman not in their league is subject to ridicule and indignation conforming to misogyny.

Social inequality with people of color, different race and religion refused equal opportunity with superficial modifications and token appointments barely meeting the minimum requirement in addressing poverty and unemployment among minority and disenfranchised in society.

The ideology to dictate and dominate the world using brute force, terror, deception and propaganda evidently a failed and dysfunctional stratagem. Anything in disguise never last long with imminent conclusion as the show cannot go on forever.

Feudalism is primitive with greed sowing the seed for self-destruction and irreversible ramification.

Humanity deserves governance barring influence from secretive and delusional domain insensitive to reality.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission



EU – Organization Displacing Sovereignty and Exacerbating Economic Crisis

May 6, 2017

By Padmini Arhant

European Union came into existence with objectives not necessarily designed to promote growth and development even though touted as such to attract membership.

EU since inception in 1993 headed by representatives identified more with concept of alienation rather than unification evident in the policy implemented to benefit the selective few and privileged reining control over the system.

EU emergence followed by introduction of euro as a common currency largely benefiting the developed and dominant industrialized member than others in the union has been ineffective in addressing the serious economic crisis until today within euro zone and EU respectively.

The hardline approach to contain economic meltdown with austerity as antidote for fiscal responsibility in the absence of stimulus arguably weakened economy and escalated unemployment as well as poverty among vulnerable segments in society.

The measure is analogous to ailing patient administered with strong dosage of medication and treatment without any supplements for revival.

The euro claiming to serve members within euro zone created superficial buffer to exploit trade opportunities for industrialized, fragile and fledgling economies pegging local currency fluctuations to common trading unit.

The results have not been favorable for modest and struggling economies within EU competing with major partners forced into accepting terms and conditions suitable to keep euro afloat in contradiction to reality.

Whenever artificial mechanisms are in place in deviation from practical course, the bubble burst effects are far greater  in economic activities witnessed in recent memory. The euro zone members like Cyprus and Greece succumbed to extreme demands to prevent expulsion and in return surrendered sovereign assets in the deal with financial institutions viz. ECB, IMF and EC run EU.

EU economic platform poised as Europeanism essentially facilitates bankers control on monetary policy directly impeding trade prospects.  The debt bondage lasting generations in the repayment of debts and borrowings not subject to fair and transparent scrutiny with aggressive methods to secure collateral on euro zone and EU members state owned resources is yet another factor stifling economic recovery.

The model in disguise protects the interests of those profiteering from subjugated economies within EU.

Although protectionism is distorted in definition and application synonymous with democracy in politics, the global elites’ goals in preserving their exclusive rights to extraordinary gains regardless of economic pattern and shifting market dynamics not recognized as such in the secluded economic prosperity.

Accordingly, their choices in political representations in Europe and worldwide are those conforming to establishment and elitists personal enrichment over population progress.

In terms of EU status enabling free flow of goods and services including EU citizens’ ability to travel and work in EU region apparently not a big advantage for feeble economies trading on single currency euro with exceeding trade deficits.

The rising inflation and lower productivity in addition to local problems varying from employment conditions to public and private sector regulations requiring adjustments to EU protocol exacerbate economic woes that could be mitigated in normal statehood.

Similarly, the workforce is susceptible to layoffs with business preference to operate in EU territory hiring labor at reduced costs to increase competitiveness in the otherwise expensive European environment.

EU position on immigration and security is paradoxical considering EU coordination with United States in destabilizing sovereign nations whether Ukraine in Eastern Europe or Syria in the Middle East creating ISIS, ISIL and so on with EU decision to lift ban on weapons supply to terror networks in 2011, 2012 and later generated the refugee crisis at EU doorstep not to mention the terror attacks experienced in France and other parts of Western Europe.

EU governance overrides autonomy in the implementation of economic, political and humanitarian policies aimed at enhancing vested interests with little or no concern for adverse impact on citizens in Europe and EU intervention elsewhere.

The notion that EU provides economic and political stability is propagation to corral members in maintaining status quo with economies constricted to limited performance and EU strategy expanding the role and dominance as parallel government displacing EU member states sovereignty remains the fact.

EU overseers are the beneficiaries capitalizing on Eurocentric sentiments leaving the population more divided in the stagnant economy with simultaneous exodus and influx changing geopolitical landscape.

Any nations independence is solemn upon governance committed to defending sovereignty, territorial integrity and freedom of all citizens in the country.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission

World Events – Parallel Powers Perilous Pursuits

April 27, 2017

By Padmini Arhant

The parallel powers UN, EU and International Crime Syndicate (ICS) authorized world events at present are desperation inviting self-devastation.

UN appointment of Saudi Arabia to the Commission on Status of Women (CSW) in secret voting clarifies the members respect or the lack thereof for womanhood.

Saudi Arabia prohibiting women from driving a car and imposition of law that bar women from exercising self-discretion on all matter concerning their education, health and career in addition to women requiring male permission to leave home for essential purpose elected as the guardian of women’s rights reflects misogyny.

Likewise, Saudi Arabia’s death penalty on atheism is reckless mindset without navigation submitted to adverse destination.

UN – the parallel body with UNSC selective embargo continues to remain the major impediment for peace, social justice and economic development.

NORTH KOREAObsession with North Korea is fatal attraction. Then punishing citizens of that country with harsh sanctions and subsequent mockery of DPRK lagging in economic growth is modern day persecution by those claiming to be champion of human rights.

United States provocation with military drills, nuclear armament threatening DPRK and occupation of Korean Peninsula is a serious violation of sovereignty not to mention hypocrisy in own border security with unaffordable and impractical wall heading towards government shut down.

SYRIA – The latest air strike and bombing of Syria’s international airport in Damascus to disrupt Syria’s progress in the war against International Crime Syndicate (ICS) sponsored ISIS, IS and ISIL proves the real terror forces protecting terror factions and manufactured terrorism in the war-torn nation.

The cowardly act targeting nations for economic resources and strategic dominance is a state of despondency relying on despotism despite defeat marking legacy. The wealth amassment from such aggressions for parasitic existence represents eternal larceny leading towards termination of hegemony.

VENEZUELA – The Organization of American States (OAS) based in Washington D.C. specializing in coup to destabilize democratic nations and governments is yet another form of political terrorism to intimidate nations and leaderships for their commitment to serve their country and importantly invest revenue from natural resources in national economy.

The tradition to dismantle and destroy countries for economic and vested interests besides grandstanding bully pulpit is self-vulnerability on display crying foul upon caught in foul play on all affairs. Unwillingness to wind up dysfunctional operations is imminent dissolution against misconception on success in flawed ambitions.

AFGHANISTAN – The illegal invasion under the pretext of democratization and providing security demonstrably in disarray with violence and mayhem dominant to boost defense contracts for arms and ammunition sales to all sides in the region. The hegemonic goals draining United States treasury in the quest for foreign endowments is self-inflicting damage showing no intention to abandon course.

PALESTINEThe illegal settlement activities and settlers’ callousness hosting BBQ to taunt pro freedom peaceful hunger strikers explains the creed bent on deed eventually hurting them in the land grab losing everything due to greed exceeding the need.

FRANCE – The French Presidential election results is a repeat political duplicity experienced in the United States with Hope and Change Presidency delivering to globalists and oligarchy in the introduction of ISIS, IS, ISIL and deceptive legislations protecting campaign financiers’ interests.

The performance laden in secrecy with Benghazi scandal, false claim in the killing of deceased Osama Bin Laden and eliminating NAVY SEAL operatives to close the chapter on that issue and deals brokered amid breach of trust favoring syndicate agenda accordingly led to backlash in consecutive congressional and 2016 Presidential election. The misrepresentation promoted opportunity for successor adopting extreme and  egregious approach to sensitive situations in the eagerness to exacerbate global crisis.

Not surprisingly, the French election is directed towards pre-selected contender pledged allegiance to status quo having been a member of the incumbent administration with key portfolio as economics minister doing more harm than good to improve struggling French economy.

The elections in general are a formality with more of the same unveiled as fresh and new similar to recycled item in fancy gift wrap arousing enthusiasm.

At the same time, the opponent aiming religion, race and ethnocentric sentiments for political gains might draw attention as controversy often ignites reaction although not without consequence and stigma. The ideology driven messages polarizing society impair positive achievements that are realized in collective contributions and fair income distribution benefitting all not just the preferred demography.

The shadow powers rule by proxy and invest in candidacy to maintain absolute control over citizens’ destiny. The political establishment and extraneous apparatus EU enforced austerity on European population under the guise of fiscal responsibility crippled ordinary people lives denying them any prospects while creating generational debt bondage to fund lofty aspirations of those behind the game.

Finally, the saber rattling and confrontational positions against nations permanently regarded adversaries are irrational and invariably produce undesirable outcome for the source.

The world has witnessed the mighty and the unscrupulous using brute force and wickedness succumb to fate.

Better to make peace than proliferate enmity in vain superiority.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission














India – Filmy Duniya (Movie World) – Hindi

April 10, 2017

India – Filmy Duniya (Movie World) – Hindi

By Padmini Arhant

Besides promoting ignorance and prejudice, the entertainment industry serving as propaganda medium to suppress the facts and reality on world events is the topic of discussion. Such investment in the name of entertainment  is a waste of resources and purpose in life.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission


Hegemony – Sanctions to Prolong Unlawful Endeavors is Provocation with Serious Repercussions

By Padmini Arhant

The latest development to punish nations for standing against those sponsoring terrorism will undoubtedly backfire on sources behind illegitimate measures such as sanctions.

As mentioned earlier sanctions are used as a weapon to continue with invasions under false pretexts regardless of civilian casualties and humanitarian crisis. The loss of innocent lives in U.S. air strikes and military assaults without congressional approval as well as international consensus and importantly prior to any investigations on allegations are serious violations in any context that merits accountability.

Furthermore, it represents dangerous elements exerting fire power while causing more pain and suffering for citizens of nations targeted with economic sanctions.

The unilateral dispositions are designed to provoke reactions for unnecessary conflicts that are best avoided and instead initiate peaceful negotiations to end war in Syria and purge terrorism with termination of weapons cache, funding and comprehensive support to terror networks deployed in Syria and across the region.

The unwillingness to prepare for unconditional peaceful talks would indicate sincerity or the lack thereof in protecting lives and allow peaceful existence for local population in the respective domain.

Besides clarity on terror sponsors remaining the existential threat to humanity and the world at large, the status quo is confirmation of entities reining control over political decisions undermining democracy and United States sovereignty that are evidently against United States and global interests considering U.S. interventions world over.

The reason for the urge to repeat Iraq episode in Syria is the absence of checks and balances for horrendous crimes against humanity in Iraq war not to mention the collusion in 9/11 attacks to advance premeditated agenda – the Project for New American Century deceptively designed to hurt America economically and politically compromising ethics and integrity in international affairs.

Moving forward, the policy promoting aggression and non-cooperation at the expense of lives and livelihoods could no longer be the norm and such tradition is contradictory to democratic values and constitutional law.

The irony is the Supreme Court nominations and appointments with conservativism in majority is maintained as the need to interpret United States constitution appropriately in citizens matter although the trend reflects otherwise with grave concerns in recent outcomes denying U.S. citizens’ individual rights.

Simultaneously, the disregard for constitution and democratic principles on issues related to warfare and adherence to international treaty are not recognized as relevant.

The current administration rational approach exercising restraint and due diligence would enable peaceful resolutions bearing in mind that power comes with responsibility and demands maturity to deal with diverse challenges and opportunities to make peace.

In earnest commitments towards peace, the gains are inevitable leading to rapprochement compared to disguised engagement resulting in loss of trust and credibility.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission

Hegemony – Regime Change and Sanctions to Defend Offensive Actions

April 9, 2017

By Padmini Arhant

The latest demand to oust elected government and leadership in Syria pose the following questions.

The United States elections result in 2016 has received protests nationwide with disappointment from various parts of the world.

Does this mean the current administration and Presidency of Donald J Trump be removed and replaced with opposition choice?

In this instance, there is a difference between United States and Syria.  With United States, the disapproval of leadership is by the people within United States and the rest of the world.

Whereas with Syria, the call for such action is made from forces whose position is illegitimate given their involvement as sponsors of terrorism leading to massive casualties not only in Syria but also elsewhere like terror attacks in Moscow, Stockholm and Cairo.

The action to dismiss governments and leadership regarded adversary by hegemony is premised on vested interests and radicalism rather than humanitarian or democratic reason.

In case the latter were to be true then, United States, Britain and others would begin with their members in alliance such as Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Qatar, Jordan, UAE whose human rights violations slight U.N. Security Council resolutions and world reproach.

The international outcry on Israel’s illegal settlement activity and Saudi Arabia’s intolerance towards women driving a car and local population desire for transformation from kingdom rule to democratic system is treated with disdain and remain defiant.

Similarly, Bahrain’s crackdown on peaceful demonstrations for democracy. Turkey’s violent strategy towards Turkish citizens’ stance on their government participation in promoting and proliferation of terror. Jordanians discontent with monarchy rule with name sake parliamentary system. These are few examples that deserves attention.

Why is Syria isolated despite Syrian election amid fighting war against terror sponsored by United States and alliance?

Syria is one of the targets for the architects and catalysts behind the Project for New American Century listing nations to be brought down regardless of repercussions.

Having invaded Iraq under false pretext causing immeasurable damage and irreversible loss of lives that continues until today, these agents of deaths and destruction would not relent to peaceful resolutions.

Any nations expressing concern over undemocratic and violent measures like unilateral air strikes without congressional approval in a democracy and relentless support to terror factions are in return rebuked and categorized as potential threats to hegemony.

In the attempt to defend indefensible and reprehensible developments, the sponsors of terror call for sanctions against nations urging to exercise due diligence and their requests to contain unnecessary tensions are threatened with economic sanctions.

Sanctions for hegemony is a tool to silence rational thoughts and logic for they are considered inconvenient and hindrance to hegemonic goals.

In fact, those advocating sanctions against well-meaning and constructive course ought to be sanctioned for their reckless policy especially due to their engagement in manufacturing terror endangering global peace and security.

Sanction is a primitive measure intended to punish the population of the respective nations more than anyone that eventually hurts the source in the current global economy with economic interdependence and trade activities having ripple effects in overall global markets performance.

Restricting any nation to trade resources based on political disagreements is egregious and counterproductive. The major economies opportunity to benefit from developing and emerging economies requirements and potentials to supplement products and services in the competitive environment is lost from sanctions.

Finally, democracy is relevant upon maintaining governance without external and extraneous influence undermining republic status.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission



Syria – Peace Process with Immediate Withdrawal of Support to Terror Networks

April 9, 2017

By Padmini Arhant

Syrian warfare into seventh year and scores of lives lost with innocent children, women and men as victims of this unnecessary and unprovoked battle, there could be no more reasons to prolong bloodshed in the country.

The sponsors of terrorism must realize that pledging infinite assistance to terror factions proved counterproductive and should have never occurred to begin with especially when the whole operation is disguised as liberation of Syria via terrorism.

As a result, Syrians are forced to accept deaths and devastation with millions having become refugees in their homeland and unwelcome on foreign shores by sponsors of terror.

The idea of democratization of any nation whether it be Iraq earlier on or lately neighboring countries in the region is a deceptive strategy to subjugate nations creating turmoil and carnage as justification for regime change.

The tradition continues despite immense human suffering, humanitarian crisis, environment problems and major economic liability notwithstanding widespread terrorism.

Fueling terror to topple government ignoring ramifications is a reckless policy and reflects ill-conceived ideology with little or no concern for life in general.

Hegemony goals targeting vulnerable nations under false pretext is to be challenged considering the defiant trend in the absence of accountability. No economic or military power could sustain long term occupation and this fact is evidenced in history.

When something that do not belong to others is seized by force or deceit, the ownership never remains permanent with reversal of situation in the foreseeable future.

Syria is unfairly used as pawn by terror sponsors and current developments displaying superpower status and military capability at the expense of Syrian children, women and men of that nation escalates tension that could lead to undesirable scenario.

Amid global consensus on terrorism as primary threat in the modern age, nurturing terror in every aspect from funding and training to providing ammunitions pose serious credibility factor for western powers and their allies involved in the confrontation with Syria.

Terrorism cannot exist without finance and access to weapons that are made available directly and covertly to operatives in Syria.  Terminating life line and money trails along with arms delivery including communication means among terror outfits would paralyze terror.

Unfortunately, this measure is not acceptable to those behind terror sponsorship with their preference for air raids, bombing and shelling of the war ravaged country. Any sympathy from them thereafter is an insult to injury for the Syrian people.

Syrian war must end and purging terror from their homeland would be every nation’s responsibility. Syria cannot be deprived from this commitment.

As for any decisions on Syria’s political future, the same rule that exists for United States and allies should apply and that is no foreign interference.

Just like United States has objection to external influence or intervention in governance and elections prompting investigations on the alleged Russian involvement in 2016 polls that is considered violation of sovereignty and international law,

Similarly, Syria and for that matter any other nation worldwide share same rights in determining the respective political fate without outside meddling in their internal affair.

The concept of democracy is to respect and observe principles that governance by the people, for the people and of the people is the republic domain free from foreign powers’ discretion. The people of every nation are capable of making decisions concerning self and national interests barring foreign engagement and proxy representations that often diminish the prospects of better choice and outcome.

Syria is no different and Syrians ability to exercise political will were demonstrated in the recent elections despite the country combatting war against terror and the powerful forces instigating violence.

Any skepticism on Syrian election would be political and partisan even though they were monitored by UN authorized independent group unlike the elections in the so-called democracy where campaigns are financed by Super Pac funds and unlimited spending without full disclosure on sources to gain access to public office.

The world must come together in recognizing Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity calling for the ongoing sponsoring of terrorism to cease effective immediately and relieve the people of Syria from incessant destruction of lives and infrastructure.

Peace is possible with peaceful resolutions in acknowledgment of life and others’ rights to exist in the world.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission













World – Hegemony Goals and Media Coverage

April 7, 2017

By Padmini Arhant

There is no smoke without fire.

In the past week, President Donald Trump statement confirmed that the administration would pursue terrorists and not Syrian government.  Within a short period of that public comment, the story on the use of chemical weapons in Syria flashes worldwide on April 4th.

Then follows the usual condemnation and judgment calls from those whose trajectory reflects abuse of power, collusion on sanctions amounting to genocide and political tactics to win elections that outweighs the position they maintain in the outside world.

Prior to any investigation on this latest alleged chemical attack by Syrian government, the United States launches air strikes killing innocent children and adult civilians that is praised as an act of bravery apparently by most nations according to hegemony controlled news outlets and media worldwide.

The desperate attempt to defend indefensible aggression against Syrian citizens in the U.S. missile attacks on April 7th, is an irony considering the reason provided for this display was the emotions riding high at the sight of babies, women and men subject to inhumane tragedy.

In my view, loss of life is regrettable regardless of the cause.  That’s not how it is assessed with hegemony and agents as they classify casualties depending on who is involved in the action.

Hegemony and representatives calling out on Syrian government upon this happening while taking enormous pride in their killing of Syrian population with military action in the same breadth is something to wonder about the mindset of those reining control over world affairs.

Upon reviewing this so-called chemical arsenal episode. There are two possibilities leading to current chemical weapons instance. As per hegemony declaration, Syrian government was stripped of chemical and biological weapons by UN agency, Organization for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OCPW) in 2014.

What needs to be noted is the demand to disarm Syrian government of chemical weapons were consistently made and carried out with no similar requirements from terror networks and sponsors in particular despite evidence showing terror outfits fingerprints on several accounts.

The sponsors are United States, Britain, France, Germany, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Jordan, UAE and Qatar with others assuming passive role in aiding and abetting terrorism.

Terror networks with comprehensive support from sponsors had access to manufacture chemical weapons and set up a lab that was targeted by the Syrian government.

Alternatively, the Syrian government and defense forces defending their nation from onslaught in all directions for the past six years since 2011 until now embarked on chemical weapons exposure among terrorists in Idlib province. In return they were reprimanded with terror sponsors military retaliation witnessed in President Donald Trump authorized U.S. air strike resulting in more civilian deaths and carnage.  

Either way, hegemony policy for dominance and supremacy is clear. Having shifted from conventional warfare in Bush-Cheney era with troops on the ground tied to congressional approval which means curbing public protests to war, the strategy was technically modified by Obama-Clinton administration via terrorism bypassing electorate consent through Congress.

Furthermore, the development made possible with EU and middle eastern allies cooperation in transforming Arab Spring to Anti-Sovereignty mission conforming to long espoused agenda – the Project for New American Century (PNAC) undermining democratic values that America is projected to represent not to mention the misuse of American tax dollars and resources in endeavors against U.S. interests.

Hegemony explanation on the necessity to remove people elected Syrian government and leadership citing human rights violations and lack of democratic process while remaining lock step and barrel with regimes in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Turkey, Jordan and UAE declining change in the system is contradictory to professed doctrine on democracy.

These traits are no secrets as they were demonstrated in U.S. and Britain guided crackdown of political dissidents in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia.

United States and Israel logistic assistance to Saudi Arabia in the prolonged war in Yemen deprive the local population from independence and free choice.

The same would apply to Egypt in Tahrir Square in 2011. The downfall of U.S. and Israel ally former President Hosni Mubarak known for brutality and hardline governance was reset with United States and Israel’s intervention denying Egyptians the opportunity to liberty.

Likewise yet another representative – Turkish leadership Recep Tayyip Erdogan altering constitution to suit personal designation are some examples of hegemony orientation to democracy and human rights.

Hegemony at the helm with no tolerance to peace, freedom, individual rights, unity and sovereignty is the sign of precipitous decline.

Is this sustainable?

Conclusion of era is inevitable. Anything that is self-destructive leads to expedited ending.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission













Hegemony – Sanctions to Prolong Unlawful Endeavors is Provocation with Serious Repercussions

April 7, 2017

Hegemony – Sanctions to Prolong Unlawful Endeavors is Provocation with Serious Repercussions

By Padmini Arhant

The latest development to punish nations for standing against those sponsoring terrorism will undoubtedly backfire on sources behind illegitimate measures such as sanctions.

As mentioned earlier sanctions are used as a weapon to continue with invasions under false pretexts regardless of civilian casualties and humanitarian crisis. The loss of innocent lives in U.S. air strikes and military assaults without congressional approval as well as international consensus and importantly prior to any investigations on allegations are serious violations in any context that merits accountability.

Furthermore, it represents dangerous elements exerting fire power while causing more pain and suffering for citizens of nations targeted with economic sanctions.

The unilateral dispositions are designed to provoke reactions for unnecessary conflicts that are best avoided and instead initiate peaceful negotiations to end war in Syria and purge terrorism with termination of weapons cache, funding and comprehensive support to terror networks deployed in Syria and across the region.

The unwillingness to prepare for unconditional peaceful talks would indicate sincerity or the lack thereof in protecting lives and allow peaceful existence for local population in the respective domain.

Besides clarity on terror sponsors remaining the existential threat to humanity and the world at largethe status quo is confirmation of entities reining control over political decisions undermining democracy and United States sovereignty that are evidently against United States and global interests considering U.S. interventions world over.

The reason for the urge to repeat Iraq episode in Syria is the absence of checks and balances for horrendous crimes against humanity in Iraq war not to mention the collusion in 9/11 attacks to advance premeditated agenda – the Project for New American Century deceptively designed to hurt America economically and politically compromising ethics and integrity in international affairs.

Moving forward, the policy promoting aggression and non-cooperation at the expense of lives and livelihoods could no longer be the norm and such tradition is contradictory to democratic values and constitutional law.

The irony is the Supreme Court nominations and appointments with conservativism in majority is maintained as the need to interpret United States constitution appropriately in citizens matter although the trend reflects otherwise with grave concerns in recent outcomes denying U.S. citizens’ individual rights.

Simultaneously, the disregard for constitution and democratic principles on issues related to warfare and adherence to international treaty are not recognized as relevant.

The current administration rational approach exercising restraint and due diligence would enable peaceful resolutions bearing in mind that power comes with responsibility and demands maturity to deal with diverse challenges and opportunities to make peace.

In earnest commitments towards peacethe gains are inevitable leading to rapprochement compared to disguised engagement resulting in loss of trust and credibility.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission

Hegemony – Regime Change and Sanctions to Defend Offensive Actions

By Padmini Arhant

The latest demand to oust elected government and leadership in Syria pose the following questions.

The United States elections result in 2016 has received protests nationwide with disappointment from various parts of the world.

Does this mean the current administration and Presidency of Donald J Trump be removed and replaced with opposition choice?

In this instance, there is a difference between United States and Syria.  With United States, the disapproval of leadership is by the people within United States and the rest of the world.

Whereas with Syria, the call for such action is made from forces whose position is illegitimate given their involvement as sponsors of terrorism leading to massive casualties not only in Syria but also elsewhere like terror attacks in Moscow, Stockholm and Cairo.

The action to dismiss governments and leadership regarded adversary by hegemony is premised on vested interests and radicalism rather than humanitarian or democratic reason.

In case the latter were to be true then, United States, Britain and others would begin with their members in alliance such as Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Qatar, Jordan, UAE whose human rights violations slight U.N. Security Council resolutions and world reproach.

The international outcry on Israel’s illegal settlement activity and Saudi Arabia’s intolerance towards women driving a car and local population desire for transformation from kingdom rule to democratic system is treated with disdain in defiance.

Similarly, Bahrain’s crackdown on peaceful demonstrations for democracy. Turkey’s violent strategy towards Turkish citizens’ stance on their government participation in promoting and proliferation of terror. Jordanians discontent with monarchy rule with name sake parliamentary system. These are few examples that deserves attention.

Why is Syria isolated despite Syrian election amid fighting war against terror sponsored by United States and alliance?

Syria is one of the targets for the architects and catalysts behind the Project for New American Century listing nations to be brought down regardless of repercussions.

Having invaded Iraq under false pretext causing immeasurable damage and irreversible loss of lives that continues until today, these agents of deaths and destruction would not relent to peaceful resolutions.

Any nations expressing concern over undemocratic and violent measures like unilateral air strikes without congressional approval in a democracy and relentless support to terror factions are in return rebuked and categorized as potential threats to hegemony.

In the attempt to defend indefensible and reprehensible developments, the sponsors of terror call for sanctions against nations urging to exercise due diligence and their requests to contain unnecessary tensions are threatened with economic sanctions.

Sanctions for hegemony is a tool to silence rational thoughts and logic for they are considered inconvenient and hindrance to hegemonic goals.

In fact, those advocating sanctions against well-meaning and constructive course ought to be sanctioned for their reckless policy especially due to their engagement in manufacturing terror endangering global peace and security.

Sanction is a primitive measure intended to punish the population of the respective nations more than anyone that eventually hurts the source in the current global economy with economic interdependence and trade activities having ripple effects in overall global markets performance.

Restricting any nation to trade resources based on political disagreements is egregious and counterproductive. The major economies opportunity to benefit from developing and emerging economies requirements and potentials to supplement products and services in the competitive environment is lost from sanctions.

Finally, democracy is relevant upon maintaining governance without external and extraneous influence undermining republic status.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission


Syria – Peace Process with Immediate Withdrawal of Support to Terror Networks

Syrian warfare into seventh year and scores of lives lost with innocent children, women and men as victims of this unnecessary and unprovoked battle, there could be no more reasons to prolong bloodshed in the country.

The sponsors of terrorism must realize that pledging infinite assistance to terror factions proved counterproductive and should have never occurred to begin with especially when the whole operation is disguised as liberation of Syria via terrorism.

As a result, Syrians are forced to accept deaths and devastation with millions having become refugees in their homeland and unwelcome on foreign shores by sponsors of terror.

The idea of democratization of any nation whether it be Iraq earlier on or lately neighboring countries in the region is a deceptive strategy to subjugate nations creating turmoil and carnage as justification for regime change.

The tradition continues despite immense human suffering, humanitarian crisis, environment problems and major economic liability notwithstanding widespread terrorism.

Fueling terror to topple government ignoring ramifications is a reckless policy and reflects ill-conceived ideology with little or no concern for life in general.

Hegemony goals targeting vulnerable nations under false pretext is to be challenged considering the defiant trend in the absence of accountability. No economic or military power could sustain long term occupation and this fact is evidenced in history.

When something that do not belong to others is seized by force or deceit, the ownership never remains permanent with reversal of situation in the foreseeable future.

Syria is unfairly used as pawn by terror sponsors and current developments displaying superpower status and military capability at the expense of Syrian children, women and men of that nation escalates tension that could lead to undesirable scenario.

Amid global consensus on terrorism as primary threat in the modern age, nurturing terror in every aspect from funding and training to providing ammunitions pose serious credibility factor for western powers and their allies involved in the confrontation with Syria.

Terrorism cannot exist without finance and access to weapons that are made available directly and covertly to operatives in Syria.  Terminating life line and money trails along with arms delivery including communication means among terror outfits would paralyze terror.

Unfortunately, this measure is not acceptable to those behind terror sponsorship with their preference for air raids, bombing and shelling of the war ravaged country. Any sympathy from them thereafter is an insult to injury for the Syrian people.

Syrian war must end and purging terror from their homeland would be every nation’s responsibility. Syria cannot be deprived from this commitment.

As for any decisions on Syria’s political future, the same rule that exists for United States and allies should apply and that is no foreign interference.

Just like United States has objection to external influence or intervention in governance and elections prompting investigations on the alleged Russian involvement in 2016 polls that is considered violation of sovereignty and international law,

Similarly, Syria and for that matter any other nation worldwide share same rights in determining the respective political fate without outside meddling in their internal affair.

The concept of democracy is to respect and observe principles that governance by the people, for the people and of the people is the republic domain free from foreign powers’ discretion. The people of every nation are capable of making decisions concerning self and national interests barring foreign engagement and proxy representations that often diminish the prospects of better choice and outcome.

Syria is no different and Syrians ability to exercise political will were demonstrated in the recent elections despite the country combatting war against terror and the powerful forces instigating violence.

Any skepticism on Syrian election would be political and partisan even though they were monitored by UN authorized independent group unlike the elections in the so-called democracy where campaigns are financed by Super Pac funds and unlimited spending without full disclosure on sources to gain access to public office.

The world must come together in recognizing Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity calling for the ongoing sponsoring of terrorism to cease effective immediately and relieve the people of Syria from incessant destruction of lives and infrastructure.

Peace is possible with peaceful resolutions in acknowledgment of life and others’ rights to exist in the world.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission


World – Hegemony Goals and Media Coverage 

By Padmini Arhant

There is no smoke without fire.

In the past week, President Donald Trump statement confirmed that the administration would pursue terrorists and not Syrian government.  Within a short period of that public comment, the story on the use of chemical weapons in Syria flashes worldwide on April 4th.

Then follows the usual condemnation and judgment calls from those whose trajectory reflects abuse of power, collusion on sanctions amounting to genocide and political tactics to win elections that outweighs the position they maintain in the outside world.

Prior to any investigation on this latest alleged chemical attack by Syrian government, the United States launches air strikes killing innocent children and adult civilians that is praised as an act of bravery apparently by most nations according to hegemony controlled news outlets and media worldwide.

The desperate attempt to defend indefensible aggression against Syrian citizens in the U.S. missile attacks on April 7th, is an irony considering the reason provided for this display was the emotions riding high at the sight of babies, women and men subject to inhumane tragedy.

In my view, loss of life is regrettable regardless of the cause.  That’s not how it is assessed with hegemony and agents as they classify casualties depending on who is involved in the action.

Hegemony and representatives calling out on Syrian government upon this happening while taking enormous pride in their killing of Syrian population with military action in the same breadth is something to wonder about the mindset of those reining control over world affairs.

Upon reviewing this so-called chemical arsenal episode. There are two possibilities leading to current chemical weapons instance. As per hegemony declaration, Syrian government was stripped of chemical and biological weapons by UN agency, Organization for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OCPW) in 2014.

What needs to be noted is the demand to disarm Syrian government of chemical weapons were consistently made and carried out with no similar requirements on terror networks and sponsors in particular despite evidence showing terror outfits fingerprints on several accounts.

The sponsors are United States, Britain, France, Germany, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Jordan, UAE and Qatar with others assuming passive role in aiding and abetting terrorism.

Terror networks with comprehensive support from sponsors had access to manufacture chemical weapons and set up a lab that was targeted by the Syrian government.

Alternatively, the Syrian government and defense forces defending their nation from onslaught in all directions for the past six years since 2011 until now embarked on chemical weapons exposure among terrorists in Idlib province. In return they were reprimanded with terror sponsors military retaliation witnessed in President Donald Trump authorized U.S. air strike resulting in more civilian deaths and carnage.  

Either way, hegemony policy for dominance and supremacy is clear. Having shifted from conventional warfare in Bush-Cheney era with troops on the ground tied to congressional approval which means curbing public protests to war, the strategy was technically modified by Obama-Clinton administration via terrorism bypassing electorate consent through Congress.

Furthermore, the development made possible with EU and middle eastern allies cooperation in transforming Arab Spring to Anti-Sovereignty mission conforming to long espoused agenda – the Project for New American Century (PNAC) undermining democratic values that America is projected to represent not to mention the misuse of American tax dollars and resources in endeavors against U.S. interests.

Hegemony explanation on the necessity to remove people elected Syrian government and leadership citing human rights violations and lack of democratic process while remaining lock step and barrel with regimes in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Turkey, Jordan and UAE declining change in the system is contradictory to professed doctrine on democracy.

These traits are no secrets as they were demonstrated in U.S. and Britain guided crackdown of political dissidents in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia.

United States and Israel logistic assistance to Saudi Arabia in the prolonged war in Yemen deprive the local population from independence and free choice.

The same would apply to Egypt in Tahrir Square in 2011. The downfall of U.S. and Israel ally former President Hosni Mubarak known for brutality and hardline governance was reset with United States and Israel’s intervention denying Egyptians the opportunity to liberty.

Likewise yet another representative – Turkish leadership Recep Tayyip Erdogan altering constitution to suit personal designation are some examples of hegemony orientation to democracy and human rights.

Hegemony at the helm with no tolerance to peace, freedom, individual rights, unity and sovereignty is the sign of precipitous decline.

Is this sustainable?

Conclusion of era is inevitable. Anything that is self-destructive leads to expedited ending.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission


Coming up

By Padmini Arhant

United States – Keystone XL Pipeline At Native Population (Real Americans) And Environment Peril

Followed by Nuclear Option to Approve Supreme Court Nominee Neil Gorsuch is nothing more than an act of desperation rather than deliberation on issue concerning entire nation not just the political base.

These are upcoming topics on this site.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission

Syria –U.S. Unilateral Air Strike against Syria

By Padmini Arhant

U.S. Unilateral Air Strike against Syria might be welcome from corners that regards projection of military might as sign of strength especially when own human rights record speaks volume on abuse and atrocities committed whether that is complicity in 9/11 attacks on American soil in 2001, or ramming over people during peaceful assembly in Tiananmen Square in 1989.

Similarly, in 2003 in occupied Palestine, a brave young American citizen Rachel Corrie killed under a bull dozer by close ally Israel who is also U.S. tax dollars aid recipient.

Such violent actions glorified as defiance defines the character of those and the lack of inherent human value in them. These attributes cause the downfall sooner than later.

On the economic standpoint, the U.S. launched Tomahawk missiles costing tax payers $1.59 million a piece with 59 of them fired away and 36 wasted with 23 hitting the Syrian air field could hardly be prudence for Presidency with business background.

That means the actual tax payers in the U.S. economy had to foot the bill for $93.81million to showcase the American Presidency showmanship which is nothing more than capitulation to hawkish elements drumroll to attack causing more civilian casualties as sympathy towards people in Syria.  This move is anything but a smart strategy.

Interestingly, fiscal responsibility is eliminated in such endeavor as they are reserved for critical issues like health care and education reminding American citizens that United States is not a welfare nation but has no problem expending on few missiles to expand defense budget.

Wisdom is a gift that provides guidance on matter requiring diligence while folly commands impulsive reaction.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission


Syria – Chemical Weapons Accusations and Washington’s Military Option

By Padmini Arhant

The news reports on the recent incident in war torn Syria – Khan Sheikhhoun town in Idlib province leaving 70 people including 11 children dead is prompting military actions from the quarters that are denouncing the tragedy while preparing to inflict more deaths and damages against the people in Syria.

Syria has been the target in the regime change game by those never relenting to peace and peaceful resolutions since the onset of western and middle eastern allies sponsored terrorism in 2011 that continues until today with no respite from violence.

United States and allies deployed terror networks with comprehensive support ranging from funding, military training and weapons cache not barring chemical stockpiles by former President Barack Obama administration produced thousands of civilian fatalities in addition to creating refugee crisis with no end in sight.

The current situation calling for Syrian government removal echoing the sentiments of previous administration is indicative of premeditated strategy using the apparent chemical arsenal as the premise to contain Syria from purging terror on their soil.

Facts and figures matter over any predisposed allegations serving hegemony goals in the region.

Syria has been forced to pay a price with life and destiny destroyed by western powers and allies engaged terror outfits that has evolved from al Qaeda into various diverse factions committing heinous crimes against men, women and children of Syria.

The western and middle eastern allies’ unnecessary intervention in Syria expanded into Iraq, Lebanon and Libya transforming these nations as terror base in the so-called war on terror is testimony to Syrian civilian bloodshed and traumatic experience.

Syria could have been spared from terror infestation and military operations had the peace accord in 2012 and subsequent years allowed to prevail without unreasonable demands that clearly violated Syrian sovereignty and territorial integrity cherished by western powers and allies as exclusive rights in the respective domain.

Similar episode earlier with the U.S. and allies unsubstantiated claims against Syrian government in the purported use of chemical agents led to UN agency, Organization for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) destruction of any biological and chemical storage in Syria’s possession in 2014. This activity was formally confirmed in the official declaration by the White House under ex-President Barack Obama, United Nations as well as U.S and international media.

On the contrary, the U.S. and allies sponsored terrorists use of chemical substances from sarin gas to different kinds of nerve agent against Syrian army and civilian residents besides poisoning wells and reservoirs causing casualties never even a subject of discussion let alone inquiry at the U.N. Security council or in the political discourse.

The western leaderships characterization of these events as war crimes could perhaps be credible upon recognition of own legacy in the past and present century comprising use of nuclear weapons in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, napalm in Vietnam and Cambodia, uranium in Falluja in Iraq war, White Phosphorous by Israel against citizens in Gaza, Palestine, chemical war planes in Libya and missiles with nuclear component against Syria in 2012-2013.

With no desire to terminate terror sponsorship in Syria and elsewhere, the hegemony quest for conquest persists with little or no concern for life in general not to mention health risks from environment pollution and contamination of air and water in contradiction to Paris climate treaty.

Initiatives on military action against Syria would further establish real motives to pursue invasion and annihilation as justification without any acknowledgment for being the cause of mayhem and humanitarian disaster.

Any unilateral decision would have serious repercussions due to complexities and conditions that could exacerbate global security and economy.

Those espousing violence and violent means to achieve their aspirations are evidently unwilling to learn from mistakes that has severe impact on the source and catalysts promoting ideas proved counterproductive.

The ill-conceived notion that empathy towards victims in Syria could only be expressed through air strikes and terrorism reflects sincerity or the lack thereof in ending human suffering once and for all not to mention the intellect seeking to douse fire with fire.

Instead the ban on weapons supply to terror forces and money trails to terror groups representing hegemony should be the first step that would guarantee any sign of peace to citizens in Syria and neighboring Iraq, Lebanon and the rest of the middle east.

Simultaneously Syrian government and defense personnel also required to exercise due diligence prior to launching air or ground assaults against terrorists with preemptive measures like evacuation of civilians from sensitive locations to prevent loss of innocent lives even though terror groups deliberately integrate in densely populated areas to increase civilian mortality.

As for any sanctions, the UN Security Council would be a legitimate body upon adopting and implementing same policy beginning with P5 + 1 members on human rights abuse and violations notwithstanding selective authorization of military action and trade embargo that has killed scores of citizens worldwide.

The irony is those who are guilty of crimes against humanity are protected with immunity and some awarded Nobel peace prize for prolonging status quo.

Syrians deserve to exist in peace in their homeland free from perpetual aggression by terror operatives and their sponsors holding Syria hostage in the misguided mission to proliferate terrorism and turmoil.

World bears responsibility to reject dominance and supremacy undermining lives and livelihood with liberty and justice challenged to preserve the self-granted privileges for the few in society.

Syrian citizens have endured enormous pain and equally demonstrated courage resisting unlawful intrusions under the guise of liberation by those fueling terror and hostility. The objectives to replace people elected government with terror offshoots clarifies the intention of those behind such proposal.

United States tax dollars are best expended in rebuilding the struggling economy and improving job growth promised in the election campaign rather than venturing into warfare against Syria that could inevitably be a costly affair not only for United States and allies but also for the entire world.

Syrians having been drawn into unprovoked warfare welcome dawn of peace not delivery of artillery and military might.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission










Refugee Crisis and Western Policy

January 31, 2017

PADMINI ARHANT. Author & Presenter Spousal Partner Divine Mission.
Padmini Arhant.
Author & Presenter Spouse in Divine Mission.

By Padmini Arhant


Light dispels night without being the knight with military might.

Beware Eye wear (Eyeglasses) manufacturers in the new craze for cosmetic spectacle blinding parody agents in search of tentacle to reach the pinnacle in the mindless act in accordance with the pact. 

BOLLYWOOD is the malady exploiting India’s majority seeking to escape tragedy. 

The filthy rich rise at the expense of those in grinding poverty with the former granted immunity on crimes from tax evasion, embezzlement, rape, man slaughter to corruption and links to under world and politics while the latter struggle for survival in the opportunistic environment is the reality delineating superficiality. 

Entertainment serving as the platform for political rhetoric is nothing more than rooster on the roof engaged in personal spoof. 

The chime rhyme with the crime not knowing the act is not worth a dime. 

Fame and fortune is a twilight zone where promiscuity and flattery pave entry to fraternity. 


The Powerful Dilemma

The state of mind as eternal when next moment is fickle.

Those who think they control everything possess nothing except fear and false pride.

Power is meaningless when subjugated to falsehood and fabrication.

Spin on issues in any direction – right, left and center make the spinner dizzy and lose consciousness sinking into coma from frost bite protecting frozen peccadillo.

Free speech tongue tied unable to swallow or spit sour candy sugar coated for palate.

License to powerful is silence for the powerless.

Secrecy and supremacy leaves democracy a fantasy.

Immunity is a privilege in return for sacrilege.

Mute the voice of salient to amplify the noise of subservient.

Bake a cake with fillings and toppings producing the fake in poor taste and quality.

Title an entitlement in the arrangement on derailment.

Dancing to tune promise fame and fortune.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spousal Partner Divine Mission


By Padmini Arhant

Beginning with Vietnam flaring into other parts in South East Asia in the twentieth century,

East Timor during Indonesian President Haji Muhammad Suharto government an ally of western power, the massacre leading to sedition of tiny island nation.

In the twenty first century:

Myanmar – Rohingya community persecuted and declined domicile under western partnered military junta and the so-called democratic leadership Aung San Suu Kyi exemplifying political expedience over humanitarian call.

Sri Lanka President Mahinda Rajapaksa termination of Tamil civilian population in Eelam and Jaffna in 2009 with UN deserting the pleading citizens at the mercy of Sri Lankan army empowered by India’s Congress regime and external weapons supply.

The illegal invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan using inside collusion 9/11 attack as premise for aggression to advance Project for New American Century (PNAC) – the western policy consistently contributes to refugee problems in the world.

The western powers and allies in the Middle East responsible for deaths and destruction in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Lebanon, and Yemen.

Denying Palestinian statehood stalling 70 years old dispute perhaps to reach centenary and beyond remaining unresolved due to alliance rather than compliance from the party in default viz. Israel with endless settlement activity.

The U.S. administration of former President Barack Obama and State Department under former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in coordination with EU intervention in removal of democratically elected government in Ukraine.

The permanent occupation of Afghanistan by United States and NATO under the pretext of security in contradiction to ground reality fomenting poppy cultivation facilitating arming of drug lords trading weapons with Taliban and insurgents to perpetuate violence in that region.

Similarly, the bifurcation of the North African nation and the largest country Sudan in July 2011 into Sudan and South Sudan resulting in scores of casualties and political chaos that is far from over until today.

Likewise, West and East Africa through western especially France recolonization bid through UNSC authorization and UN troops caused mayhem than mitigating crisis.

Latin America, constant interference to promote proxy governments displacing people choice governance in Honduras, Paraguay and Ecuador in 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012.  The persistent efforts to derail Argentina, Venezuela and Bolivia.  In this context previously Haiti in the Caribbean has been the victim of United States organized political unrest exiling popular leader Jean-Bertrand Aristide.

The fast and furious program under the administration of former President Barack Obama and Justice Department then Attorney General Eric Holder triggering Mexican drug cartels killings of Mexican citizens in Mexico opened the floodgates for feared residents in villages and outskirts to flee their once peaceful zone.

The trend continued regardless of administrations leaning left or right, moderate, conservative, liberal and progressive given illegitimate incognito forces reining control over system and world body not without complicity from executive and legislative branch leaderships representing western dais.

The empowerment of dictatorial regimes with arms delivery, maintaining diplomatic relations and providing logistic support to quell pro-democracy initiatives in Bahrain, Yemen, Egypt, Tunisia and Saudi Arabia in recent times deprive population the freedom and fundamental right to exist in their homeland forcing them to seek refuge offshore.

The conclusion –there is an urgent need to review the policy sponsoring human rights violation, terrorism and wars prior to outcry on refugee influx in western domain.

You don’t go there if you don’t want them in your territory.

The cause and effect recognition is the preliminary step towards resolution on any issue.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spousal Partner Divine Mission


United States – U.S. Tax Payers Fund And Foreign Aid

January 25, 2017

PADMINI ARHANT. Author & Presenter Spousal Partner Divine Mission.
Padmini Arhant.
Author & Presenter Spouse in Divine Mission.



By Padmini Arhant

The headlines on the outgoing administration of former President Barack Obama last minute approval to send Palestinians $221 M under review by current administration State Department.

Similarly, the new administration State Department is urged to scrutinize the executive action of ex-President Barack Obama allowing U.S. tax fund $38 billion dollars to Israel’s military aid over ten years beginning in middle of 2016 despite Israel’s contentious settlement activity routinely supported by President Barack Obama and then UN ambassador Samantha Power representing the former administration via veto in UNSC resolutions stalling any progress in the middle east peace process.

The ex-President Barack Obama’s exit strategy doing something that could have been done during the term in office and instead executing in a frenzy prior to departure alludes to image management. Wearing a different mask do not make the wearer any different in character confirming duplicity.

Among a flurry of late and last minute executive orders and positions such as United States abstinence in recent UNSC resolution against Tel Aviv authority’s decision to expand settlements in occupied Palestinian territory unfortunately depicts the departing administration’s focus on scorecard rather than sensitivity on the embattled issue fomented by generous U.S. military and financial aid to Israel – the tradition continued by the outgoing administration of ex-President Barack Obama and intact at present posing conflict on the motto of AMERICA FIRST.

More on this issue to follow in due course.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spousal Partner Divine Mission


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