India – Political Circus Beckon Electorate Disillusionment
December 16, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
Indian politics – the embodiment of corruption spare no opportunity in the art of deception.
Since anti-corruption fervor in the country in 2011 leading up until now, the political establishments under foreign entities control have denied the vast majority life with dignity.
The nation with overwhelming population forced into abject poverty, hunger, disease and social inequality is suffocated with partisanship, false pride and traditional prejudice.
Human suffering exploited making mockery of victims in the so-called world’s largest democracy serving as the biggest hypocrisy in contemporary system.
India’s political class hypersensitivity to truth exposure surface upon inability to defend indefensible position deflecting public attention from real issues confronting the nation at large such as rampant corruption, high inflation, violence against women and inherent discriminatory practice creating hierarchical and parochial society.
The dynastic predisposition survives on cronyism with nepotism overriding meritocracy as the salient feature in the decadence culture.
Human lives and values regarded insignificant in the quest for power and affluence adopting any means to maintain status quo.
The political circus involving various performers at stakeholders behest defies intellect and integrity in mass betrayal.
Unfortunately for the participants sharing negative Karma as facilitators, the guilt burden on the soul and ill consequences would be proportional with sources behind myth to alleviate humanitarian plight in the country.
In the Who is Who Contest, recognition in this context is imperative to avert undesirable and disastrous outcome.
The latest developments in New Delhi, India on the anti-graft legislation and state assembly rule arguably reveal two sides of the coin are not necessarily different and designed to favor the declining empire.
Indian electorate especially the demography in the lower economic strata and middle income groups imposed with generational marginalization rising to the occasion and forming genuine political party viz. Jan Kalyan Party, Lok Kalyan Party, and Desh Pragati Party transcending gender and social bias in the title as well as mascot could initiate paradigm shift in political consciousness.
The abovementioned authentic mainstream party upon formation with selfless unsung contributors pledged to eliminate corruption and disparity for fair representation in every sector is the only alternative to prevalent despair and disenfranchisement nationwide.
Notwithstanding transparency and accountability from inception and beyond.
May the wheels of Karma and Dharma lead Bharat towards disillusionment for Mukti i.e. liberation.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
India – New Delhi State Assembly Polls And Political Establishments Opportunism
December 13, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
The recent state assembly elections in New Delhi, India produced unprecedented outcome for ordinary citizens in political history.
Indian political system not without foreign control is stagnant with duopoly – the two major political parties viz. Congress from British India led UPA and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) along with various coalitions thus far failed to win absolute majority to govern most states and the nation at large.
Both parties and their alliances attracting rich celebrities from the entertainment and economic sector to represent a nation with significant population in abject poverty enduring social inequality yet to demonstrate capability and integrity considering plethora of scandals costing taxpayers horrendously due to massive corruption and dysfunctionality.
Congress Party headed by Mrs. Sonia Gandhi and son Rahul Gandhi with Ministers P. Chidambaram and counterparts evading accountability on numerous corruption charges suffered severe setbacks in the latest provincial elections across the country.
Similarly BJP identified as fundamentalists behind communal riots proportionately share corruption related political losses predominantly in the southern region.
In Delhi polls, the emergence of common man party known as Aam Admi Party (AAP) – the offshoot from anti-graft movement launched in 2011 under activist leader Anna Hazare defeated the ruling congress party ousting the Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit criticized for 2010 New Delhi Common Wealth Games corruption and funds mismanagement.
The AAP founder Arvind Kejriwal and associates performance bewildered BJP and Congress party sowing the seeds for possible political transformation at the local and national level.
Delhi State Assembly with 70 seats currently split among BJP 32, AAP 28, Congress 8 and 2 Independent likely to join BJP in the post election.
In the absence of clear winner to govern the state, New Delhi is faced with possibility of President rule or undesirable partnerships between the leading parties and runner up Congress and alternatively holding re-election for decisive victory.
Although BJP maintains marginal lead over newcomer AAP, the former resigning to opposition position is a political maneuver and AAP teaming up with Congress would be reversal of hard earned achievement for the common man party.
Congress and BJP as the political establishments essentially favor one another and poised to maintain status quo.
BJP political posturing to address corruption and failure to deliver in action while leaving the matter to ruling Congress confronted with public anger and frustration over various issues primarily anti-corruption law i.e. Jan Lokpal bill, inflation and rising violence against women confirm the lack of commitment to national interest.
Besides, BJP refusal to participate in no confidence vote against UPA Congress further proves the dual party agreement to defend each other during crises at national expense denying electorate fair political representation.
BJP success largely attributed to Congress dismal trajectory and hence remains the default option.
The dilemma for Indian voters to choose between the two unpopular parties tainted with evidence based allegations could be overcome in forming and promoting mainstream political party – Jan Kalyan Party (JKP)/ Lok Kalyan Party (LKP), Desh Pragati Party (DPP) or National Progress Party (NPP) nationwide through citizens financing candidacies possessing verifiable record dedicated to national and humanitarian service.
Among them, unlike conventional practice seeking fame and fortune and subsequently entering politics for power and prestige, the people party representation with selfless unsung heroes and geniuses would delineate them from political class in modern age.
Social activism alone might be effective when elected representatives abide by constitutional oath to serve constituents and nation resisting domestic and foreign incentives and pressure to commit treason and betray citizens’ trust.
Since traditional politics prioritize personal benefits over national future, the youth drive energizing the rest of the nation via Jan Kalyan Party / Lok Kalyan Party, Desh Pragati Party (DPP) or National Progress Party could be the beacon of hope to dispel the myth on contemporary choices showcased with fancy packaging containing obsolete product.
Mahatma Gandhi’s Satyagraha and followers political involvement together enabled India’s independence from foreign rule.
The rift in national group i.e. Shri Anna Hazare loyalists and AAP members pledged to contain corruption and other problems serve none except facilitate exploitation for declining powers seeking opportunity.
Indian mass preparedness and engagement for revolutionary change in politics transcending dynasty, nepotism and affluence dominance is the preliminary step towards egalitarianism with political and economic freedom.
Wishing people power in India vigor and vitality for republic governance upholding democratic values and righteousness as the foundation in nation building illumining lives with knowledge and exemplary talent.
Jai Bharat!
Peace to India!
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Ukraine – Public Discernment Critical to Protect Sovereignty And National Interest
December 10, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
Ukraine like Thailand experiencing foreign powers staged protests against the incumbent government decisions to decline EU Association Agreement on trade and NATO membership.
The ongoing clashes prove that sovereignty is threatened upon prioritizing national interests over shadow organizations agenda.
Similar scenario is prevalent in Afghanistan regarding the bilateral security agreement (BSA) seeking continuation of status quo involving killing innocent children, women and men during night raids and drone attacks with immunity.
Ukraine signing the treaty with EU would be allowing International Monetary Fund (IMF) to impose demands invariably resulting in economic setbacks rather than recovery evident in IMF loans to developing nations across the globe.
The international financial institutions such as the World Bank, IMF, ECB, Bank of England and the Federal Reserve in the United States trajectory preserves bankers holdings while creating fictitious debts on the respective economies depriving growth with national revenue appropriated mostly towards interest payments and deficit control implementing severe austerity.
EU pressure on Ukraine inciting violence and political chaos using opposition groups and fake demonstrations confirms the desperation to destabilize the independent state for subjugation.
Ukraine being export oriented economy weighing the pros and cons prior to engagement with EU that is yet to address deep economic recession within the bloc arguably necessitates prudence in choosing trade partners capable to meet expectations and returns leading to mutually beneficial commerce.
Accordingly, Ukraine preference for Russia or any other nation in this instance is sovereign right and could not be forced to deal with EU considering the consequences witnessed in the financial crisis inflicted on Mediterranean countries viz. Greece and Cyprus depleting national treasury including citizens deposit savings to accommodate unreasonable bailout conditions favoring entities at ECB, IMF and World Bank.
The arrangement with requirements for unilateral commitment denying fair opportunity is not viable and produce undesirable outcome.
Instead EU focus on existing problems amongst members with effective strategies could promote trust and reliance for meaningful relations in the region.
The weak and volatile euro zone premised on boosting monetary gains for banking industry and undue advantage to developed nations with market accessibility restricting equal access to the rest cause hindrance in pervasive economic development.
On the political issue, EU interference in Ukraine’s internal affairs not limited to the former President Yulia Tymoshenko health status.
Again EU concern in this regard would be genuine in exemplifying synonymous response to Syrian conflict extending and not lifting arms embargo despite the measure exacerbating humanitarian plight.
Likewise EU influence on United States to close Guantanamo Bay and release detainees on indefinite hunger strike and honoring P5+1 and Iran nuclear pact with sanctions removal are few examples that would prove EU sincerity in alleviating human suffering.
Ukraine position not to join NATO is appropriate given the latter track record in foreign invasion and human rights violations notwithstanding the misuse of allies viz. Turkey drawn into Syrian war and Patriot missiles installation along with troops deployment under false pretext in that state essentially constitutes surrender of power.
President Viktor Yanukovych and Prime Minister Mykola Azarov exercising diligence on these issues is responsible and pragmatic for these steps could avert potential economic disaster currently shared among EU member states i.e. Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain (PIGS).
Additionally, NATO alliance disapproval would prevent the possibility to undermine statehood.
Public discernment is critical in rejecting external authorities plan to stir tensions in the country and standing behind the present government leaderships would guarantee freedom.
The pseudo governance exerting authority on sovereign nations is the trend in an attempt to appoint proxy rule to national detriment.
Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovych administration practical course could deliver economic progress and hence en masse support is important to defend the nation from turmoil.
Ukraine political stability and economic benefits would be compromised in proceeding with foreign elements organized unrest. The citizens bear responsibility to rescue the nation from unnecessary standoff at global forces behest.
Ukraine solidarity with current government in confronting challenges would ease the situation and facilitate economic prospects in entirety.
Ukraine citizens are urged to refrain from participation in anti-republic and anti-democratic demonstrations aimed at sabotage of able government.
Wishing Ukraine population and leaderships – President Viktor Yanukovych and Prime Minister Mykola Azarov as well as all political factions peaceful resolution on national matter to maintain security and liberty barring foreign infiltration.
Peace to Ukraine!
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
South Africa – Tribute to Leader Nelson Mandela
December 6, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
Heartfelt Condolences to the family and citizens in South Africa on the passing away of South African leader and former President Nelson Mandela.
South Africa like the rest of the nations in the continent and the world under colonialism experienced slavery and discrimination denying the population life with dignity.
During the foreign rule in the mineral especially diamond rich nation, the occupiers treated natives with bias depriving them the right to exist let alone have fair opportunity in their homeland.
South Africa then became the epitome of apartheid with segregation and subjugation policy.
Whenever atrocities and crimes against innocent citizens reach optimum the end result leads to aggressors’ exit or authoritarianism expiration.
The foreign rulers human rights violation and violence creating hostile environment for locals stoke national sentiments to protect individual and society from further abuse.
Synonymous to most colonized nations, South Africa needed strong leadership and a patriot to inspire compatriots to rise to the occasion and free the nation from status quo.
These qualities along with deep concern for social equality and justice were the fine attributes of the leader Nelson Mandela remaining steadfast in the freedom struggle including imprisonment lasting nearly three decades not without hardships and extreme conditions exemplified dedication to just cause.
The influence of Mahatma Gandhi – the non-violence and civil disobedience pioneer eloquently protesting apartheid in South Africa promoted peaceful movement against injustice and with South Africa’s leader Nelson Mandela adopting peace in the relentless pursuit for independence led to foreign occupation conclusion.
South African leader and the first democratically elected President Nelson Mandela will be remembered for extraordinary contributions in the liberation of the country and people challenged with prejudice and disenfranchisement under foreign authority.
The former President Nelson Mandela as the leader continues to be the indomitable spirit in reviving hope to the oppressed and marginalized being the vast majority across the globe.
May God Bless the departed leader’s soul to rest in peace.
Peace to South Africa!
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Thailand – Democracy Challenged Through External Powers Promoted Destabilization
December 4, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
The democratically elected government led by Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra experiencing foreign powers instigated political uprising.
The opposition facing corruption charges lost 2011 national election following violent crackdown that resulted in many civilian casualties with then ruling authority maintaining unpopular policies to benefit self and selective groups in the political establishment.
Thailand politics premised on constitutional monarchy beneath military wing maneuvered to suit foreign sources agenda at national detriment.
The military coup and royal engagement in governance along with foreign interceptions has denied the people in Thailand political stability.
When global forces use political system as pawn aimed at destabilization of country and region, the citizens’ discernment is critical to avert such outcome.
The political factions aiding foreign intrusion commit treason in order to remain in power witnessed in Thailand opposition role fomenting anti-government protests and civic buildings occupation declared victory disregarding economic liability from the inappropriate conduct.
The problem is the members behind the ongoing political crises in Thailand seeking to topple government for proposals to alleviate poverty and improve economic conditions among vast majority care less about the nation considering the performance during their term and preference to stir tensions rather than peaceful resolution with incumbent administration proves the lack of commitment and ingenuity in national service.
Thailand Premier Yingluck Shinawatra accused of allowing sibling, the self-exiled former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra to advise on political affairs while the accusers are carrying out foreign elements instructions to disrupt government activities is the irony with the organizers of anti-government rally.
The current trend among conglomerate opposed to democracy, peace and national interests is to cause political turmoil against governments attempting to address economic and social issues confronting the nation.
Thailand until recently under predecessor Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva ignored the mainstream plight due to preoccupation with holding the highest office and likewise the supporters concerned about respective power struggle within party and various posts facilitated dysfunctionality leading to continuous mass demonstration in 2010 and 2011.
Moreover having conceded to Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra post election 2011, the opposition leader Abhisit Vejjajiva unsuccessful action to delegitimize incumbent in the no confidence vote past week once again confirms personal ambitions prioritized over national needs.
Thailand sharing economic woes with rest of the world deserves political viability and not obstructions misleading people towards chaos and confusion.
Besides. the negative approach against government demanding Premier Yingluck Shinawatra resignation despite comfortable win in the latest no confidence motion is yet another anti-democratic and unconstitutional practice orchestrated from outside.
The desperate entities constantly striving for geopolitical dominance are applying any tactics to deprive Thailand from political, economic and social progress.
In fact the subversion reflective in misusing people power in Thailand is to discredit genuine peace movements against proxy representation elsewhere.
Thailand electorate exercising diligence in rejecting local political complicity with anti-republic foreign influence is important in preserving national sovereignty.
Additionally, Thailand adopting true democratic setting free of regal and army imposition of rules would guarantee meaningful democracy.
The ex-Premier Thaksin Shinawatra alleged assistance providing guidance on national matter to present leadership and other contentions related to government consideration for amnesty to the former leader later withdrawn in recognition of dissent in political circle,
Notwithstanding current government measures on rice subsidy offering farmers fixed prices exceeding market rates on the crops do not justify riots and upheaval.
Any allegations on previous head of state Thaksin Shinawatra accompanied with opportunity to prove innocence in the national court of law would conform to democratic values and constitutional requirement on civil rights.
Instead politicizing these events to score mileage reveals inherent flaws in the strategy to return to power.
The status quo extension serves none and unnecessarily exacerbates population suffering wasting taxpayer resources in political hostility.
Since Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra won Parliament approval to lead the country in the latest voting process, opposition efforts to thwart peace hurt the nation at large with saboteurs eventually paying political price.
Thailand citizens are urged to show solidarity in preventing foreign backed egregious decisions contributing to political unrest in the state.
Wishing Thailand steady and stable governance dedicated to economic growth, social development and fair political representation leaving none behind in prosperity.
Peace to Thailand
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Afghanistan – Sovereignty on Sale in BSA with United States
December 1, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
The Loya Jirga approval of bilateral security agreement with United States including provisions granting immunity to foreign personnel on crimes against Afghan citizens is essentially sovereignty sale for a price paid towards members support prolonging occupation in Afghanistan.
Furthermore, invitation to those individuals favoring BSA and barring the rest opposed to the treaty in Loya Jirga voting process is anything but democratic defining the principles and direction the country will be led under foreign subjugation.
United States pressure on Afghan leaderships to seal the deal despite overwhelming public protests to foreign troops presence in Afghan soil and continuous drone attacks preying on children, women and men verify status quo extension upon Afghan Parliament consensus on the controversial pact.
The illegal invasion of Afghanistan has fomented violence, proliferated narcotic production and legitimized widespread corruption denying the war torn nation stability and consequently economic and social development.
When external powers rule sovereign country imposing laws in direct violation of human rights and national constitution, the identity is lost with no recognition for native population self-determination prerogatives and territorial integrity.
The thirteen years military aggression in Afghanistan produce massive casualties on all sides, economic liabilities for both aggressors and victim nation and persistent insurgency in resistance to foreign intervention.
Afghanistan security cannot be established through imperial dominance responsible for turmoil with no desire to promote peace.
The real beneficiaries in the thirteen years quagmire are those dependent on arms and drugs profits at the local and global citizens expense knowing well that these activities claim innocent lives and target vulnerable segments depriving them of existence and life with dignity.
Afghanistan proceeding with BSA is surrender of national independence allowing occupiers to deplete natural resources and wealth shared among the self-proclaimed privileged members showing no remorse for death and destruction since military operation onset.
Besides, any nation’s authorities ignoring republic will at imperial powers behest could not be representative of the people and swearing allegiance to foreign usurpation confirm treasonous act committed with impunity.
The irony in this issue is Afghans fleeing their homeland due to foreign forces atrocities ranging from shooting rampage to rape, torture and unlawful detentions during night raids and relentless drone assaults are declined even temporary refuge on arrival in any of the invaders shores witnessed in Australian policy towards oppressed asylum seekers while the foreign powers and coalition assert authoritarianism insisting on militarization of the embattled state.
Afghanistan has choices to reject prevalent conditions and free the nation from colonization. Afghan youth and remaining society could come forward and assume control over their destiny rather than leaving the decisions to entities least concerned about Afghan lives and livelihood compromised in the contentious accord.
National freedom and personal liberty are non-negotiable and more than decade old warfare has undermined Afghan sovereignty with drones, warrantless searches of Afghan homes, prison camps without legal recourse and last but not the least declaring Afghanistan as a failed state incapable of self-governance.
Afghanistan has unique opportunity to demonstrate resilience and potential required for nation building possible with patriotism and solidarity.
Afghan history is testimony to the fact that imperialism unrealistic goals and pursuits evidently counterproductive resulting in empires collapse.
The true benefactor would exit Afghanistan in 2014 heeding to domestic call for complete withdrawal and pledge to repair and restoration costs incurred in the aftermath of foreign interference that could lead to long overdue economic progress.
Best Wishes to Afghan citizens in the achievement of peace and fair political representation dedicated to national defense, equality and prosperity.
Peace to Afghanistan!
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Iran – Nuclear Deal With P5 + 1 in Geneva
November 24, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
The nuclear deal between P5 + 1 viz. United States, Britain, France, Russia, China and Germany and Iran recognizing Iran’s nuclear enrichment rights with no new sanctions regarded as the preliminary step towards nuclear standoff resolution.
Although P5 + 1 initial measure could ease unnecessary tensions and unwanted provocations,
The fact of the matter is IAEA and UN reports along with United States and Israel’s military as well as intelligence authorities have found no evidence in the alleged Iran’s advanced nuclear activity.
Iran as signatory to Non Proliferation Treaty maintains the nuclear program is for peaceful purposes and accordingly reserves such opportunity.
Nonetheless the existing economic embargo and financial restrictions on Iran based on unsubstantiated claims hurt P5 + 1 credibility with intentions to sustain pressure limiting nuclear enhancement.
The truth is the individual and collective P5 + 1 nuclear status in the absence of similar inspections and verifications on their stockpiles endanger global stability and security.
Unless there is acknowledgment among P5 + 1 to this effect, the discriminatory policy targeting nations like Iran and North Korea with crippling sanctions only promotes exceptionalism allowing major nuclear powers to accelerate accumulation barring accountability.
United States, Britain and Israel use of nuclear weapons and components arguably catastrophic and yet P5 + 1 non-compliance considering legacy and prevalent geopolitical dominance prolonging illegal invasion and occupation of foreign land remains existential threat to humanity at large.
Hence, P5 +1 leading the rest of the world in nuclear disarmament would deliver meaningful outcome on nuclear talks rather than intense negotiations with Iran – the non-nuclear member of NPT pledged to peaceful cause.
Besides imperial powers aggression not excluding potential nuclear warfare in the all options are on the table rhetoric cannot be ignored with preference for volatility rejecting peace and democracy anywhere.
Additionally, Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear accidents, United States nuclear sites leakage and radioactive waste contamination of rivers along with Russia’s experience in series of fire incidents involving atomic submarines are some of many environment disasters harming life.
The Russian atomic powered submarine Tomsk fitted with two nuclear reactors caught on fire near Vladivostok in September 2013 and previously in December 2011Yekaterinburg carrying nuclear missiles on board engulfed in flames in northwestern Russia preceded by the Kursk nuclear submarine explosion on sea claiming 118 seamen lives in August 2000 serve as reminders on nuclear hazards in the contemporary setting.
Further, the nuclear states ICBM and diverse capability testing in the ocean increases vulnerability to ecological damage leading to planet deterioration.
The unanimous decision to renounce nuclear ambitions and proliferation with enactment of international laws enforced without exceptions is the immediate priority to alleviate constant risks from nuclear related ramifications.
Failure to change course from nuclearization to nuclear free zone could precipitate irreversible consequences with pervasive impact.
Earth protection is directly linked with removal of nuclear arsenal and other weapons of mass destruction. The P5 + 1 submission to nuclear and WMD renunciation given the substantial inventory in possession would eliminate nuclear pursuits in the foreseeable future.
Hopefully reason and reality would guide choices resulting in universal safety and survivability.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Syria – Political Dimension behind Chemical Weapons Disarmament
November 22, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
The western and regional coalition deployed terror networks use of chemical weapons in Syria targeted civilians and Syrian defense force since crises onset.
Although the facts based evidences implicate Saudi Arabia as the provider with United States and western partners knowledge and consent in the chemical weapons attack,
Washington and Moscow deal on this issue commissioned Syrian government for disarmament and not Saudi Arabia, Israel, United States or the terror operatives in possession of the arsenal until now.
Turkish authorities apprehended al-Nusra Front terrorists found with sarin nerve gas generously used against innocent people in Syria. The earlier and latest UN team reports along with Russian independent inquiry confirmed terror groups’ engagement in WMD resulting in Syrian massacre on each occasion.
Yet, Washington and Moscow pact on Syrian CW expedited the Organization for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and UN agency inspection and disposal of Syria’s stockpiles again ignoring western and regional sponsors WMD status despite their direct involvement in the genocide.
Washington threats with military intervention against Syria under WMD pretext had no credibility and accordingly confronted domestic and international dissent considering Iraq experience on world watch persists in terms of continuous unrest and bombings producing casualties on all sides notwithstanding economic liability for United States and western alliance.
Furthermore, Washington military option would have led to political upheaval for the administration and congress given public dissatisfaction and disapproval of overall performance.
Meanwhile Israel’s wish list comprising dismantling Syria’s biological inventory diligently complied with Washington and Moscow diplomatic maneuver optimizing Russia and Syria relations for swift and smooth removal of chemical agents from Syria leaving Israel, Saudi Arabia and other aggressors WMD intact regardless of legacy.
With no preconditions on Syria WMD surrender, Washington and Moscow bilateral enforcement on Syria is a decisive victory for Israel having been exempted from such requirement irrespective of proven track record on WMD abuse.
Not surprisingly, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during recent visit to Moscow commending the success in disarming Syria’s chemical storage urged Russian President Vladimir Putin to apply similar strategy with Iran’s nuclear program.
In the absence of immediate ceasefire preventing loss of lives and infrastructure destruction including lifting economic sanctions in reciprocation to Syria’s CW renunciation,
The prevalent situation with procrastination on Geneva 2 conference exacerbates Syrian population suffering along side facilitating contagion effect on Lebanon, Iraq and Egypt…aimed at regional destabilization.
International rules set up for selective imposition on law abiding states while granting impunity to nations renowned for violations on general standards promotes inequality and injustice endangering global peace and security.
The contradictory practice lacking in fairness legitimizes illegality misleading the world with discriminatory policy and exceptionalism.
Life sustenance possible only upon universal implementation and adherence in WMD matter currently on the reverse trend with proliferation among nuclear powers excluded from any verification and accountability.
Finally, terminating terrorism with funding prohibition and arms embargo would exemplify sincere commitment towards peaceful resolution of Syrian turmoil.
Failure to proceed with Geneva 2 accord would clarify otherwise.
Wishing Syria triumph in purging terror.
Peace to Syria!
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Afghanistan – Bilateral Security Agreement with United States is Renouncing Sovereignty
November 20, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
United States troops withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2014 is negotiated through bilateral security agreement (BSA) for extension beyond scheduled date.
The pact includes controversial provisions such as grand immunity to foreign forces on crimes against Afghan citizens and nightly raids of Afghan homes without warning and warrants involving rape, killings and unprecedented violence towards Afghan people.
United States, NATO and foreign alliance illegal invasion and occupation of Afghanistan using 9/11 as pretext while sparing Israel and Saudi Arabia behind September 11 attack with then U.S. administration and intelligence committee complicity evidently a major political and military debacle having learned nothing from previous experience.
Afghanistan war into thirteenth year since military intervention in October 2001 claimed thousands of innocent lives in that country and neighboring Pakistan as well as armed personnel especially United States and Britain sustaining heavy losses and yet all casualties dismissed as collateral damages in the imperialistic quest unheeding ground reality.
The so-called war on terror evolving into terrorizing Afghan children, women and men regardless of age with drone attacks, intrusion conducting searches in Afghan houses at odd hours, detention of young Afghans in Bagram prison and centers run by western allies – Britain, Germany and Australia has reached a crescendo in foreign aggression prompting Taliban retaliation both ignoring civilian deaths in the war ravaged nation.
United States, Britain and coalition defense force misconduct ranging from shooting spree of Afghan population, burning holy Quran to desecration of deceased Afghans not regarded as crimes in the security arrangement despite the incidents constituting violation of national and international laws not barring human rights abuse in the typical civilized world.
On the economic front, the imperial powers tradition to destroy culture and social fabric maintained with poppy cultivation leaving nearly 1.5 million citizens addicted to drugs and those promoting narcotic trade profiteering from Afghan and rest of the world destruction due to contraband distribution in open and black markets ruining more lives to benefit self-proclaimed privileged members parasitic existence.
Afghanistan denied of economic growth also corrupted with foreign occupiers bribery to stifle nation building and accordingly declared a failed state lacking potential for self-governance justifying subjugation under colonial entity.
Reiterating the fact on corruption causing human suffering worldwide, the foreign political apparatus subservient to oligarchy and imperial era remnants care less about citizens anywhere whether domestic or abroad enforcing agenda prolonging status quo.
Afghan Loya Jirga representing tribal and rural community along with Parliamentary members entrusted with responsibility to cast votes on citizens behalf in accepting or rejecting deal with United States have unique opportunity to demonstrate national loyalty in declining monetary incentives from foreign and local authorities engaged in swaying decisions to Afghanistan detriment.
The elders from Loya Jirga and people representatives in Parliament are at crossroads to make political history honoring public opinion on BSA i.e. overwhelmingly in opposition to foreign presence on Afghan soil.
They bear collective responsibility in arriving at consensus that could liberate Afghanistan from imperial dominance and end foreign extension bringing relief to Afghans in the endurance of unlawful drone assaults and nightmare attributed to midnight ransacking of Afghan humble dwellings carried out with no regrets or remorse.
As for Taliban containment, United States and NATO sponsored terrorism in Libya, Iraq, Mali and now Syria hiring al-Qaeda and affiliates not excluding Taliban as allies ironically are adversaries in Afghanistan to perpetuate militarization of the nation.
Imperialism ascension and expansion in Afghanistan resulted in empires collapse providing valuable lessons on greed motivated violence with inevitable impact on the source.
Besides, wasting tax dollars in trillions on Afghanistan and Iraq wars arguably counterproductive considering ill consequences on the western and global economy.
The only beneficiaries could perhaps be drone manufacturers and investors seeking perennial harvest from heroin production discarding self-deterioration in the illusive pursuit for geopolitical monopoly.
Afghanistan government and heads of tribal groups rising to the occasion in recognition of Afghan will on BSA calling for unconditional and complete removal of all foreign deployment is the only alternative to reclaim Afghanistan freedom.
The concessions in this regard consenting to imperialistic aspirations would mean surrender of sovereignty and sacrificing Afghan future with irreversible outcome.
Hence, Afghan youths and others in civil society persistence to free Afghanistan could be exemplified in reminding Loya Jirga leaders and Parliament members not to compromise on Afghanistan territorial integrity and national identity in the critical decision making process.
Nations have choices for resistance or retention of vassal statehood subscribing to foreign feudalism.
Choosing former option would be restoring personal and national independence.
Contrarily, the latter is submission of destiny to authoritarianism.
Hopefully wisdom and patriotism would guide Afghanistan in the establishment of peace, stability and justice necessary for pervasive prosperity.
Best Wishes to Afghan citizens in republic empowerment.
Peace to Afghanistan!
Peace to all!
Thank you
Padmini Arhant
Syria – Geneva 2 Peace Conference 2013
November 8, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
The Syrian crises into third year continues to consume innocent lives with unabated destruction from western powers and local allies sponsored terrorism aimed at national and regional destabilization.
Syria compliance with chemical weapons disarmament per Washington and Moscow agreement provides basis to expedite Geneva 2 Conference without procrastination or false pretexts to protect citizens from foreign terror.
The western powers especially the United States and allies viz. Israel and Saudi Arabia reliance on unsubstantiated claims to deter political solution on Syria confirms the lack of respect for life and humanitarian plight inflicted on Syrian people.
Neither Saudi Arabia nor Israel and United States including other western forces have any legitimacy to initiate demands given the direct involvement as sponsors, facilitators and financiers of terror networks in Syria and throughout Middle East as well as the rest of the world.
Syria’s cooperation with UN and Organization for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) evidently sets precedence for major WMD stockpile holders such as United States, Israel, Britain, France, Germany, Russia and China…to follow suit that would then authenticate effort to save humanity from mass destruction considering the nations legacy on invasion of foreign land notwithstanding nuclear status never brought to independent verification and inspection.
The preconditions from Saudi Arabia and western nominee Syrian National Coalition representing al-Qaeda and al-Nusra Front in Syria calling for weapons supply and Syrian government removal from office clarify serious intentions to proceed with carnage much to self-detriment.
Geneva 2 peace talks is the way forward to end foreign funded and armed conflict in Syria now affecting neighboring states like Lebanon, Iraq, Turkey, Egypt and Jordan.
Any delay in scheduling the event would exacerbate Syrian population suffering with alarming UNHCR reports on citizens displacement reaching approximately 9 million and the nearly three year old proxy war costing Syrian economy more than $100 billion due to deliberate damages to key infrastructure not sparing schools, university campuses, day care centers, hospitals, religious holy sites and several public premises since conflict onset.
Accordingly terminating violence with ceasefire is the immediate priority that would demonstrate western powers sincerity and commitment towards democracy, human rights and peaceful resolution.
Organizing Geneva 2 summit similar to initiatives over Syria’s biological inventory even though the accusers were proved to be behind every chemical attack in Syria is necessary to avert turmoil expansion already experienced in the Middle East.
The participants unconditional pledge to peace plan in recognition of Syrian sovereignty and self-determination rights during Geneva 2 accord alongside lifting economic sanctions against innocent citizens in Syria – the real victims in the foreign imposed warfare are fundamental requirements in promoting viable strategy that guarantees political stability.
Failure to implement peace proposal beginning with arms embargo and withdrawal of aggression only escalates tension and casualties leading to pervasive misery.
The global solidarity urging the nations leaderships responsible for Syrian unrest to bring terror operations to conclusion is critical in addition to holding the perpetrators behind crimes against humanity accountable.
Wishing Syria success in nation building with a promising future.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant