Syria – Terrorist Bombing and Assassination Attempt at Prime Minister is Deplorable
April 29, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
The latest terrorist attack in Mazzeh district in the capital Damascus aimed at Syrian Prime Minister Wael al-Halqi convoy producing many innocent deaths with several injured demonstrates sponsors and operatives desperation having been dehumanized and desensitized to committing massacres in Myanmar, Mali, Somalia, Yemen, Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Libya and into third year in Syria.
Such cowardly attacks might satisfy despotism and wanton provocation with utter disregard for life except their own even though that too being sadly wasted in annihilation and decimation of lives, livelihoods and independent nations around the world.
Syrian conflict perpetuated through proxy wars overtly deploying al-Qaeda and affiliate al-nusra front reflect United States, Israel, Britain, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and Jordan flair for terrorism.
Not to mention terrorists groups in Syria sharing foreign nationalities mostly from western nations like Australia, Britain, Germany and France…speaks volume of respective leaderships colossal failure in leading their nations in positive direction.
As for Israel, United States, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Jordan determination to desecrate Syria’s cultural heritage and general society – the collective contribution towards massive deaths and destruction since Syrian war in March 2011 and up until now clearly clarifies the governments misplaced priority and subservience to Zionist ideology at their population expense.
With President Barack Obama, South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham and Arizona Senator John McCain… pledging support to al-Qaeda and al-nusra in Syria diverting funding to a tune of $250 million towards terrorism along with proposal for 20,000 troops in Jordan to escalate violence targeting children, women, religious leaders, university students, security personnel and government officials in that country,
In addition to multi-billion dollars aid to Israel for genocide in Palestine, Syria and across Middle East while maintaining bipartisanship on austerity against American citizens confirms Zionist control over United States political system made possible with representatives weakness and lack of integrity in declining financial incentives to remain in power.
Washington decision on Syria is reckless and irresponsible mildly characterized and treasonous at worst in driving American children below poverty and their families forced to become dependents on charity to provide for terror operations killing children and adults indiscriminately in Syria.
This madness is unsustainable and could no longer continue at hawkish behest in Washington and Tel Aviv with delusional aspirations rejecting citizens plight in national domain and death toll in Syria.
Notwithstanding imminent backlash awaiting protagonists and agents alike involved in accelerating Syrian war with irreversible outcome upon refusal to immediately end the illegal invasion.
Reiterating the fact that Syrian turmoil protraction under any pretexts replicating Iraq blunder would lead to unprecedented consequences epitomizing suicide mission for all those contemplating, plotting and conspiring against legitimately elected governments in Syria and Iraq.
Underestimating the ramifications on further indulgence in Syria would indeed be a costly affair in political, economic and humanitarian terms for the western and gulf alliance.
Hence, terminating Syrian slaughter sparing the young and old in that sovereign state and shifting focus on domestic issues such as dire economic problems confronting United States, Israel, Britain, France, Germany could perhaps guarantee their own survival considering the gulf partners Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Jordan and Turkey regimes fate hanging in balance.
Sincere condolences offered to bereaved families and members in the aftermath of Mazzeh terror assault displaying perpetrators disdain for life.
May God bless Syria with attributes of glorious Sun brightening the sky to renew and energize life on earth.
Peace to Syria!
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Iraq – National Unity Ceasing Violence Critical for Security and Progress
April 25, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
Since United States, Israel, Britain and Saudi Arabia led illegal invasion of Iraq in March 2003 using weapons of mass deception before the war and actual weapons of mass destruction (WMD) through depleted uranium during the war claiming million lives and leaving millions as refugees until today,
The western belligerence persists to achieve diabolical agenda and that being Iraq fragmentation conforming to imperialists divide and conquer strategy.
United States, Israel, EU and Gulf dictatorships together currently wreak havoc on the planet openly funding, arming and training terrorists earlier in Libya and lately in Iraq and Syria.
Not to mention the prevalent policy destroying Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Mali and other parts of Africa.
The terror masterminds i.e. United States, Israel, EU and regional coalition elsewhere focused on destabilization with uniform effort to sabotage stability and progress world over.
Iraq having been subjected to enormous suffering going back to United States ally Saddam Hussein persecution poignantly with U.S. and Britain supplied ammunition plus chemical weapons used against Iraqi and Iranian population in the U.S. instigated Iraq-Iran warfare and,
Subsequently on Kurds and others in the country is not released from hegemony control over the oil rich nation.
The superficial withdrawal of U.S. forces in December 2011 substituted with contemporary proxies viz. private contractors and CIA as well as Mossad operatives fomenting violence besides recent deployment of three thousand and more U.S. troops to create more tension in the war fatigued state.
United States disintegration of Iraq commenced with allocation of oil reserves territory Northern Iraq as Kurdistan in May 2006 granting autonomy represented by President, Vice President and Prime Minister synonymous to Federal Government in Baghdad in political, economic and other affairs.
Although the sedition initially presented as semi-autonomous province of Iraq,
Kurdistan political structure is anything but provincial and from inception leaderships maintaining close ties with hard line regimes in Tel Aviv and Washington until now pose conflict of interest witnessed in direct oil import negotiations between Ankara and Erbil, the Kurdistan capital bypassing Iraqi government in protocol.
Similarly, creating controversy for Ankara on this issue with political opposition in the domestic front for backdoor deals lacking in transparency defying constitution and democratic rule of law.
United States ignited sparks in ongoing sectarianism aimed at delegitimizing U.S. installed government under Shia leadership Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki is a twist of irony considering the turn of events after first Iraqi election until now.
Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki bilateral and trilateral relations with Israel’s arch nemeses Iran and Syria has been the bone of contentions prompting United States overt and Israel’s covert intervention despite their brutal warfare in accordance with neoconservatives and Zionist devised Project for New American Century targeting oil abundant and strategically important nations throughout Middle East and other Islamic states in the world.
Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki stance on developments in Syria appropriately favoring political solution whilst rejecting United States promoted terrorism in that embattled nation and economic trade with Iran has brought undercurrents to surface revealed in western disapproval and attempts to derail existing government in Iraq.
United States prolonged occupation depleting Iraq national treasury and openly looting Iraq’s valuable possessions from antiquities to oil fields other than annihilation and decimation of lives, livelihoods and the entire country is imperialists tradition judiciously followed throughout history.
Iraq like Syria is a secular nation with various compositions within Islamic religion like Shia, Sunni and Kurds as predominant members other than Christians and any ethnic minorities in society.
United States incursion to seize control over Iraqi oil and splitting the nation into three or more smaller statelets is the pre-determination repeating exercise on Sudan that was divided into North and South allowing both nations to battle over Abyei territory delivering chaos and carnage.
Furthermore, nation in perpetual conflict is extremely lucrative to imperial powers given arsenal flurry to diverse factions in utter disregard for massive death and destruction from such callous decision.
Iraq could no longer continue bloodshed that only facilitates foreign intrusion declaring the unrest albeit caused by them is beyond containment blaming the lack of security as reason for reoccupation.
Iraqi citizens reconciliation transcending differences and barriers in recognition of each other as Iraqi is imperative for national security and progress.
Iraq belongs to natives and residents across the spectrum and national identity is significant than religious, social or economic denomination.
Kurdish sentiments about Kurdistan is understandable from the past experience in Iraq and relevant plight in Turkey and other parts of the Middle East.
However, western aspiration for Kurds is not necessarily aligned with Kurdish rights to self-determination and the former assertion in this context is disingenuous in addition to hypocritical position based on western powers involvement disrupting the specific cause in Syria, Palestine, Libya, Egypt, Bahrain and other nations across the globe.
The west has reserved Kurdistan for easy access and political maneuver that is not in Kurdish benefit.
Kurds solidarity with rest of Iraq sharing fair political representation and economic prospects made available to every Iraqi citizen is immediate priority terminating conflict and relentless turmoil for peaceful co-existence.
As for remaining groups in Iraq engaged in senseless killings with bombings and explosions nationwide, individual goal at national expense compromising citizens’ safety and independence evidently detrimental to present and future generation.
Iraq’s security is under siege and demonstrated just ahead of provincial election when the candidates were consistently pursued and shot dead by elements against peace and democracy.
The election held in twelve out of eighteen provinces past week with two indefinitely postponed and residual four opting out for security reasons per reports is rather unfortunate denying the electorates legitimate local governance.
The six provinces that have differed or avoided polls generate impression of fear and respective authorities inabilities to deal with untoward events enabling terrorism prevail in these areas of the country.
Iraq eliminating terror with broader restrictions on arms influx into the country and cooperation from regional and national security personnel, governments and citizens alike barring corruption are essential to combat internal and external sources behind mayhem.
Reclaiming sovereign rights on oil refineries, securing remotely operated electric power grid by removing deceptively installed software in power plants in 2007, retrieving stolen national assets with class action lawsuit are collective tasks for the nation at large.
In conclusion, Iraq has phenomenal strength and potential to resolve crises and every Iraqi bears responsibility to defend sovereignty and personal liberty systematically undermined with foreign influence and presence in the country.
Unified nation can overcome challenges and the burden lies with Iraq inhabitants displaying patriotism and honest commitment to rebuild the country.
Best Wishes to citizens and leaderships in government, religious and civic institutions in Iraq for everlasting peace and prosperity.
May God bless Iraq to rise like phoenix with resilience in safeguarding territorial integrity, national pride and dignity.
Peace to Iraq!
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant – President Nicolas Maduro To Lead Bolivarian Republic
April 19, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
Heartfelt Congratulations! To President Nicolas Maduro upon being sworn into office to lead the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
Venezuela citizens and the newly elected President Nicolas Maduro having been through difficult times in dealing with premature demise of their beloved President Hugo Chavez are prepared to move forward in upholding Bolivarian-Chavez pragmatism in every respect.
Venezuela with popular support and President Nicolas Maduro commitment to maintain predecessor President Chavez comprehensive plans on political, economic and social issues would triumph in honoring their great leader Chavez aspirations for his nation and the people.
Best Wishes to President Nicolas Maduro and Venezuelans across the society for tremendous progress and success in every frontier.
Long Live Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and Bolivarian-Chavez doctrine of fairness and equality.
Peace to Venezuela!
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Syria – Independence Day 67th Anniversary Celebration
April 17, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
Heartfelt Congratulations! To Syrian citizens, President Bashar al-Assad, Prime Minister Dr. Wael al-Halqi and leaderships in government as well as members across the spectrum on this important day commemorating the hard fought freedom on April 17, 1946 from former colonial power France.
Every nation independence struggle involves true patriots and freedom fighters immense sacrifice to free the country from illegal invasion and occupation.
Throughout civilizations invaders motivated by greed for foreign resources and territorial annexations entered using military aggression or under false pretexts as traders soon turning into traitors with access made possible from treason among those betraying fellow citizens and their country prioritizing personal gains over national interest.
Nowadays various tactics applied ranging from democratization to humanitarian assistance consistently proved to be flagrant deception conforming to earlier practice besides divide and conquer strategy for permanent rule.
Most importantly, the occupiers always eliminated facilitators prior to persecuting remaining population in the country.
The aggressors then justified actions to remove those aiding and abetting in their homeland conquest asserting the individual or collective treasonous act would be repeated against them in the foreseeable time given the agents disloyalty to the country of origin.
Likewise, the contemporary trend waging proxy wars blatantly hiring terror networks al-Qaeda and affiliate al-nusra to slaughter innocent civilians, national defense personnel including government officials of sovereign nation viz. Syria and Iraq portend catastrophe for the operatives and sponsors of violence.
The military interventions in Libya, Mali and threats against Syria,
Notwithstanding Korean Peninsula nuclear standoff along with incursion extension in Afghanistan, drone strikes in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia,
Declining to release hostages on hunger strikes in Guantanamo Bay and,
Poignantly funding Israeli regime to terrorize Palestinians and neighbors in and around Middle East adds to disaster culmination equivalent to ‘hell breaks loose’ for the presumptuous forces underestimating long overdue and imminent ramifications upon further involvement in death and destruction of lives carried out with grand impunity thus far.
Syria confronted with yet another battle from western powers and gulf coalition must come together in solidarity to defend national sovereignty, territorial integrity undermined in Israel’s seizure of Golan Heights and every Syrian’s right to self-determination currently denied in foreign intervention.
Syria’s real opposition and rivals are those against Syria’s existence on the world map.
They are vowed to plunge the otherwise peaceful and secular state into Death Valley and terror haven taking entire region down to an apocalyptic end.
The Gulf States Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan and Turkey complicity in perpetuating Syrian conflict has far greater consequences for them respectively and together when igniting flames in adjacent Syria ignoring contagion effect on the source and representatives with irreversible outcome.
Setting anything on fire assuming the element to be discriminative in sparing inflammable objects nearby is delusional and reckless given the significance on regional impact.
Not to mention the indulgence endangering self and others lives with the lost opportunity to reverse course and that being ceasefire and renouncing terrorism.
In particular, the western and gulf dictatorships arms supply to dangerous death squads in Libya, Iraq and Syria already backfiring at the providers misleading them in the preventable crimes against humanity.
Syrian unity with consolidated national resistance terminating foreign powers authorized and funded atrocities would expedite end to external intrusion.
The key factor for Syrian compatriots to understand is the immediate priority to preserve non-negotiable independent status.
As a sovereign nation and the only Arab country unwilling to compromise on western intentions to destabilize Syria – the belligerence having claimed 70,000 lives and a million refugees scattered around different borders in hostile conditions,
The urgent requirement for Syria is unanimous dissent on western and gulf orchestrated terrorism and warfare.
The mass movement would enable the people, government and all factions in Syria to rebuild nation with viable solutions to issues in every frontier.
Syrian martyrdom on April 17, 1946 liberated Syria from foreign colonization with history repeating itself in the twenty first century imperialistic quest for geopolitical dominance,
Syria would once again emerge from hegemony onslaught displaying renewed spirit towards a promising and bright future.
Happy Independence Day Syria! With more celebrations rejoicing the inalienable right to be free forever in the republic state.
Wishing Syria everlasting peace, progress and prosperity.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Venezuela – United States Instigate Violence Post Presidential Election 2013
April 16, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
Despite Venezuelan election council certification on electoral victory to President-elect Nicolas Maduro,
The contender Henrique Capriles Rodinsky actions promoting violence in Venezuela streets has resulted in seven civilian deaths and several injured in the unnecessary demonstration to disrupt newly elected government plans to move forward with national governance.
Since late President Hugo Chavez demise, United States preoccupation in Venezuelan sovereign internal matter foiled when U.S. embassy staff in Caracas was implicated and expelled for planning military coup against Venezuelan administration.
United Sates intrusion primarily to destabilize people powered democratic states is a tradition continued for free access to natural resources and geopolitical dominance even though such interference invariably produce casualties and unrest – perhaps precise intent behind meddling in overseas political and economic system.
Venezuelans are urged not to allow external forces viz. United States and western allies manufactured problems through proxies within society to undermine hard earned political freedom and economic progress.
Venezuela solidarity transcending foreign influenced barriers with unequivocal commitment to safeguard national interests and assets exemplified in late President Hugo Chavez sacrifice throughout the leader’s political career could not be compromised in the critical moment demanding cooperation and unity amongst people across the spectrum.
Unfortunately, Governor Henrique Capriles Rodinsky prioritizing personal ambitions over Venezuela stability convey clear message to people of Venezuela and international community at large that political battle takes precedence risking public and national security.
The latest maneuver is detrimental to the source and operatives needlessly engaged in disputing the President-elect Nicolas Maduro decisive victory.
Governor Henrique Capriles Rodinsky supporters bear equal responsibility i.e. share the burden in protecting Venezuela’s national sovereignty constantly threatened by foreign powers determined to subjugate entire population for their own agenda.
Hence, the misguided protesters acknowledgment of democratic process with President-elect Nicolas Maduro declared winner is prudent and enable all to work together towards individual and national growth.
Venezuela adopting peaceful strategy now and in the long run is best suited for Bolivarian republic prosperity.
Good Wishes to citizens and President-elect Nicolas Maduro for successful term and promising future.
Peace to Venezuela!
Peace to all!
Thank you. Padmini Arhant
Venezuela – Moving Forward with President-elect Nicolas Maduro
April 15, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
Congratulations! To President-elect Nicolas Maduro on recent electoral victory.
Venezuelan electorate demonstrated their resolve in moving forward as a Bolivarian Republic committed to their beloved late President Hugo Chavez doctrine on political, economic and social progress with resources and income invested in national interest.
President-elect Nicolas Maduro face impediments from foreign powers constant intrusion in Venezuelan affairs synonymous to their involvement in other parts of the world.
Nonetheless, President-elect Maduro pledge to Bolivarian-Chavez pragmatism combined with people power guarantee promising future despite challenges ahead.
Venezuelans being political savvy and having participated in thwarting external interventions are aware of foreign instigated crises not only in their domain but also across Latin America and throughout the world.
Venezuela support behind the newly elected government and President-elect Nicolas Maduro fulfillment of former President Hugo Chavez dreams for South American nation and the continent in maintaining and harnessing prevalent growth in all areas would further strengthen Venezuela’s political and economic stability.
Best Wishes to President-elect Nicolas Maduro and people of Venezuela for continued success and achievements in all frontier.
Peace to Venezuela!
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Palestine – Ending Israeli Occupation and Gaza Blockade Immediate Priority
April 12, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
Life offers choices and opportunity to mankind. Human development is entirely dependent on utilizing potential constructively benefitting all that in return generates inner power for pervasive distribution promoting self-sufficiency.
Contrarily using endownments and capability towards destruction inevitably precipitate decline and ultimately to extinction.
Whenever human conduct is dictated by greed adopting violence to achieve aspirations beyond reason ignoring dire consequences, the impact is severe and irreversible on the source.
The art of living is in learning from past mistakes and disavow negativity changing course towards self-emancipation and betterment.
Again repeating the same errors and continuation on detrimental pursuits is defying rationality endangering own survival.
Applying the conditionality on Israel, the regime governed by Zionist doctrine relentlessly targets the base upon which the state exists intensifying brutality against victims i.e. Palestinians with hostility having reached a crescendo dehumanized Israeli authorities and coalition.
Israel upholding the trend in self-righteous egregious actions since inception in 1948 as justification for geopolitical dominance has delegitimized presence in the Middle East through 1967 invasion of Arab land starting with Palestine, Syria, Jordan and Egypt.
Not to mention the deceit and betrayal of benefactor until today – the United States under Israeli attack on USS liberty forced to sacrifice marines denying them due honorable service and subsequently the direct involvement in heinous 9/11 onslaught on American soil.
The massive cover up to protect the war ravenous so-called ally that persistently remains the major liability to American tax payers extracting multi billion dollars – $123 billions a year with only $3 billion in public disclosure while leaving vast majority U.S. citizens in poverty and critical economic condition is a relation flagrantly abusive.
Additionally, the burden on American generation exponentially increased with Israel’s belligerence expended at United States military aid and warfare for regime change shifting the costs in trillions to none other than average American families depriving them of decent life.
Israel’s wanton provocation and ambitions never to come into fruition has peaked with Washington collusion committing treason against United States – the nation they are elected to serve instead depleting national treasury to fight Israel’s wars in the Middle East.
United States sovereignty long undermined and American population conveniently reserved for shedding blood and sweat in the combat zone and failing economy respectively to satisfy hegemony perpetual desire to invade and occupy foreign shores seizing natural resources and exploiting human capital in the domain.
Israeli atrocities against Palestinians from illegal occupation, annihilation and decimation of lives and livelihoods to aggression resulting in several deaths of detainees held under unlawful administrative detention with colonization viz. settlement expansion tops notoriety in human rights violation.
Meanwhile in the beleaguered enclave Gaza, Israeli shelling is ongoing practice invariably aimed at children, women and vulnerable natives in the occupied territory.
Although gruesome oppression involves assaults on Gaza frequently testing United States funded iron dome efficiency despite Palestinian casualty,
The worst trait demonstrated in unilateral illegal Israeli blockade imposed since June 2007 and lately tightened barring humanitarian goods, food supplies and all economic requirements threatening citizens existence.
Gaza residents suffering further exacerbated with Egypt authority demolition of 250 tunnels that was lifeline for the trapped citizens to receive essentials due to Israeli restrictions on fishing, farming and industrial growth affecting unemployment rate in Gaza to 33% – the highest in any standard.
Egypt decision is linked with Israel instigated unrest in Gaza-Egypt border – the Rafah crossing prompting Egypt to flood tunnels preventing Gazans access to bare minimum disregarding their plight.
The problems for citizens in Gaza culminated with United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) assistance withdrawal and closing food distribution depots in the past week.
The killing of Palestinians on daily basis in Gaza, West Bank and al-Quds, East Jerusalem, the capital of Palestinian State exceed much discussed twentieth century holocaust with history repeating itself in Israel crimes against humanity.
Notwithstanding western and gulf regimes complicity in Israeli persecution of Palestinians allows Tel Aviv cart blanche in human degradation policy.
The peace movement and Boycott Divestment Sanctions to raise awareness are praiseworthy,
However, the effective strategy would be to denounce and reject facilitators extending boycott to partners in crime – United States, Britain, CANADA, France, Germany, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Egypt, Jordan, Turkey and others kowtowing Zionist ideology.
Having exhausted diplomacy and peaceful coercion unsuccessfully on Israel, the leadership and those behind extemporaneous concepts implemented as laws against Palestinians including others in the region,
The state of Israel is forewarned unequivocally on impending stakes ahead in travelling down egocentric hyperbolic lane epitomized in dismissal of universal norms and principles applicable to all without exception consistently declined in adherence.
Israel determination to perpetuate violations not only towards Palestine but also against neighbors in Syria, Lebanon, Iran, Iraq and Egypt for establishment of greater Israel with gulf dictatorships subservience is a suicide mission for Israel and allies conforming to end justifying the means in the imminent non-existence status.
Hence, the only option to avert looming apocalypse for Israel and alliance is to arrest imperialistic quest and abandon ill-fated delusional hegemonic goals for individual and collective salvation.
Israel procrastination and refusal to terminate occupation of Palestine, Golan Heights in Syria and lifting Gaza sanctions together with unconditional release of all Palestinian hostages in captivity would expedite myriad challenges in epic proportion.
World solidarity in liberating Palestine and thwarting prevalent anti-humanity agenda is critical to sustain life, global peace and security.
Tolerance to injustice in Palestine over decades has contributed to widespread overt and covert subjugation across the globe.
International community complacency to Palestinian ordeal could deliver similar experience for them in a matter of time.
Palestinian resistance and peace activists around the world are urged to consolidate efforts leading to Palestinian statehood recognition as a sovereign nation with citizens rights to self-determination and territorial integrity.
Heartfelt condolences to survivors and dependents of detainees died in Israel’s prisons –
The martyrs – Arafat Jaradat, Maisarah Abu Hamdiah and the latest death in Israel’s Nafha prison with name yet to be published per local and overseas report.
Wishing Palestinians freedom from struggles with Almighty God’s grace and blessing for a new beginning and promising future.
Peace to people in Palestine!
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant Events : Humanitarian and Political Developments
April 10, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
IRAN – Bushehr province earthquake.
Heartfelt condolences to victims’ families on the recent tragedy from earthquake reportedly in Kaki town near provincial capital Bushehr in Iran.
The incident stated to have caused 37 deaths and 850 injured with more aftershocks that accompany major seismic activity.
The local authorities swift response with emergency relief efforts and rescue programs is noteworthy when time is the essence in saving lives during disaster.
Prayers offered for citizens speedy recovery and healing process to resume normal life.
May God bless the people experiencing pain and ordeal in Bushehr province and Islamic Republic of Iran.
KENYA – President Uhuru Kenyatta Assumes Office
Congratulations! To President Uhuru Kenyatta upon being sworn to office on April 9, 2013.
Considering disputes in the electoral outcome and reportedly clashes between respective factions resulted in two deaths, the subsequent clarification from Kenya’s Supreme Court apparently resolved the matter.
President Kenyatta pledge to serve Kenyan republic across the nation is critical to lead Kenya towards progress and prosperity benefitting entire population.
Despite challenges ahead from domestic and foreign origin, Kenyan leadership commitments on political, economic and social reforms addressing corruption and inequality with fair opportunity to all would guarantee greater national development.
Best Wishes to citizens and President Uhuru Kenyatta for a peaceful and successful future.
BAHRAIN – Formula One Grand Prix Event Boycott
Bahraini al-Khalifa Kingdom atrocities against oppressed citizens continue with western powers especially United States and Britain other than gulf ally Saudi Arabia provided artillery and resources for suppression.
Bahrain regime hosting United States fifth naval fleet has been abusing power with brutal reaction including physical and mental torture such as electrocution of medical professionals and humanitarian workers attending to unarmed protesters wounded from state sponsored violence.
Moving forward with scheduled Formula One Grand Prix suggest organizers focus on revenue ignoring oppressors killings and unlawful detention of innocent civilians as well as peace activists since 2011 escalating harsh treatment by the hour.
The Formula One Grand Prix entertainment alongside gross human rights violation in Bahrain on international watch is a serious decline of civilization.
In fact, Formula One Grand Prix participants boycotting the event would impact the authority and draw world attention denied to Bahraini citizens struggling for political freedom over decades going back to Britain installed puppet monarchy.
Bahraini authority with Saudi Arabia, United States and Britain aided ammunitions and personnel enhancing violent crackdown of peaceful dissenters is honored rather than denounced in a bizarre gesture when Britain’s Sandhurst Military School considered equivalent to United States West Point military institution was recently named after Bahraini dictatorship Hamad Bin Isa al-Khalifa in appreciation of $3 million donation to the Royal academy.
The western misplaced priorities contribute to enormous human suffering in their domain and around the world with no consideration for life except individual and hegemony interest.
Bahrain political leadership tactics and extreme measures against non-violent demonstrations seeking long overdue changes not barring dynasty abolition conforming to democratic system deserves effective global action demanding the rulers transfer power to the people instead of lethal force against them.
Bahraini citizens sacrifice would not be in vain. The admirable resolve enduring horrific crimes against them do not deter resistance and contrarily al-Khalifa Kingdom along with coalition collapse is imminent.
Global support expediting removal of authoritarianism inflicting injustice in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, UAE, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Tunisia, Turkey… and last but not the least Israel is paramount for peaceful existence and security.
Wishing citizens in Bahrain end to tyranny for republic state with political independence.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Syria – Terror Sponsors Defiance is Self-Destructive
April 8, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
The latest reports on terrorist bombing in downtown Damascus identified as al-Shahbander and Sabe’a Bahrat Square claiming 14 martyrs and 146 injured so far is yet another failure from the west and gulf allies to respect life.
They continue to target innocent children and women considering the explosion in booby trap were near Salim Bukhari School, Buaeir Mosque and residential building as per local agency report.
United States, Britain, Israel, France, Saudi, Qatar, Turkey and Jordan regimes sponsored atrocities against defenseless civilians in Syria confirm sponsors desperation in the invitation for self-disaster.
Not to mention the leaderships and operatives behind heinous crimes against humanity in Syria are completely devoid of human elements conspicuous in their relentless terrorism against a sovereign nation.
The western and gulf defiance to ceasefire denying Syrian population respite from perpetual violence signify terror organizers confused origin as democratic nations and civilized society.
Although Saudi, Qatar and Jordan are overt dynasties suppressing domestic uprising on political freedom in their domain,
The remaining members in the group viz. U.S. Britain, Israel, France and Turkey violent conduct exemplify deception committing treason against respective nations they falsely represent with allegiance pledged to war hungry hegemony specializing in annihilation and decimation of states posing no threat to them or the people in the west and Middle East.
Evidently, the holocaust of nearly 80,000 lives including the use of chemical weapons on March 19, 2013 besides over a million refugees scattered across Syrian borders in inhumane conditions is the reality due to foreign intervention.
Again causing more deaths and devastation in Syria only isolate those funding, arming and training terrorists with consequences increasingly becoming costlier and irreversible both individually and collectively for them.
The murder of unarmed citizens through terrorists in western and gulf backed proxy wars face inevitable backlash in alarming proportion against the source.
The underestimation and slight of imminent catastrophe to them is indicative of deliberate ignorance in pursuit of delusional aspirations at western taxpayers and Syrian victims expense.
In other developments rather deterioration in western mismanagement of events,
The Syrian government request to UN for independent investigation on western authorized WMD in Khan al-Asal village near northwestern Aleppo resulting in at least 25 casualties with death toll majority being children and women alongside several sustaining severe injuries manipulated by the west and servile gulf coalition misleading the inquiry against victims i.e. the people of Syria.
Western nations notoriety on WMD is established throughout history.
Iraq war 2003 until now – United States and Britain use of depleted uranium produce generational impact in children born with deformities and women experiencing acute reproductive problems in the course of pregnancy and after childbirth.
Israel performing ritualistic aggression against Gaza in December 2008 – the relentless shelling with white phosphorous verified in UN appointed Richard Goldstone report has endless health issues affecting children, women, youth and elderly from the attack.
Additionally, the patients’ illnesses exacerbated with illegal unilateral Israeli blockade denying Gaza residents medicines and humanitarian goods for the past six years beginning in 2007 and more restrictions imposed making life literally impossible in the beleaguered enclave.
As for United States record in twentieth century – the trajectory involves nuclear weapon on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, WMD in Korean war, napalm in Vietnam and subsequently supply of biological weapons to then U.S. ally, former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein in the eight years war with Iran and Iraqi citizens as well.
Needless to elaborate on Britain’s liberal chemical warfare in the colonial past and present committing genocide at free will with impunity – the tradition maintained well into the new millennium in the so-called modern age.
The hegemony set up United Nations as an organization supposedly an international body has repeatedly served against humanity interest proving lack of credibility and legitimacy to conduct probe on adequately substantiated crime by western and gulf deployed terrorists against Syrians in Aleppo on March 19, 2013.
UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon cowering to western pressure with invented version synonymous to Iraq in an effort to divert findings in Aleppo invariably leading to Britain, France and the rest void UN status as a reliable entity.
This is a major embarrassment for UN especially in a serious matter concerning loss of civilian lives notwithstanding foreign terrorists gruesome tactics in Syria since conflict onset.
UN Chief reluctance to abide by international standard in the determination of specific violation in Aleppo on March 19, 2013 barring western and gulf influence means complicity in western subversion of truth and,
The erroneous decision endangers global peace and security rendering UN dysfunctional.
Hence, the effective measure for UN is to task non-discriminatory and politically unaffiliated ethical committee to review Syrian government provided facts on foreign terrorists massacre using poisonous gas in rockets against Syrian citizens in Khan al-Asal, Aleppo on March 19, 2013 that attracted worldwide condemnation.
UN procrastination or detour in this critical matter could contribute to UN disintegration and ultimate collapse.
Accordingly, the UN authority is urged to pursue the process with integrity and transparency conforming to humanitarian law and UN Charter.
Meanwhile, Syrian community participation with government, national defense and security personnel on 24/7 vigilance promptly reporting suspicious activity, abandoned vehicles and other items would enhance operations in foiling terror plots nationwide.
The extensive search of people and belongings in crowded areas and public sites also important in terror deterrence.
Security check points all over the country – cities, towns, villages is essential to prevent and eliminate foreign terror from Syrian soil.
Heartfelt condolences to bereaved families and prayers for survivors speedy recovery welcoming peace on the horizon.
May God Bless Syria’s citizens and leaderships relieving them from hardships and pain endured with admirable courage and patience.
Wishing Syria everlasting peace, progress and prosperity in abundance.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant – United States Air Strikes Targets Innocent Children and Other Civilians
April 7, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
The latest crime against humanity is the continuous barrage of attacks in Afghanistan deliberately targeting civilian population.
United States military and political leaderships competence or the lack thereof explicitly revealed in the determination to kill defenseless citizens with military might showing no inhibitions in violence committed via funding, arming terrorism and military aggression around the world.
The recent U.S. air strike in Shigal district of eastern Kunal province in Afghanistan on Sunday killing eleven children from the age group of one to eight years old is a cowardly act and clearly displays severe deterioration of human elements among those in position of authority abusing power to self and national destruction.
There is absolutely no justification whatsoever in exhausting defense inventory purely for profiteering and power mongering at the expense of innocent lives overseas while American taxpayers burdened with debt funding illegal warfare to satisfy war machine insatiable appetite.
Not to mention the austerity imposed on American families is a slow death sentence on them with White House declaration to slash Medicare and Social Security – the only remaining lifeline for the vast majority in the United States.
Prolonging the trend borrowed from Europe across the Atlantic, the stranglehold on ordinary Americans is worse than instant massacre offshore by western powers via proxy wars, use of chemical weapons and aviation technology.
The misplaced priority in flying B-52 and B-2 nuclear capable stealth bombers from Air Force base in Missouri to Korean Peninsula costing American taxpayers $5.6 million on that flight alone and,
Funding $62 million directly to al-Qaeda and splinter terror network al-nusra towards slaughter of Syrians clarify utter disregard for life whether in United States or overseas exacerbating human suffering wherever possible.
The U.S. tax dollars expended on drone strikes along with air raids on daily basis again draining $ billions only to produce massive civilian casualties offshore by those claiming to be proud parents and leaders of political, military, economic and academic institutions are misleading the nation they pretend to represent despite treason reflected in unconstitutional, undemocratic and unlawful indulgence.
The circumvention refuting the irrefutable charges against all those responsible for perpetuating violence through terrorism and militarism unfortunately carried out with impunity largely due to complacency within society except some peace activists and humanitarians voicing concern on these issues given the serious human rights violation.
Any society’s silence equivalent to inaction i.e. tolerance to injustice against fellow humans anywhere could not possibly qualify as humane society especially when their nations are the source of terror causing death and destruction world over.
United States, Britain and allies so-called war on terror in Afghanistan lasting over a decade is a playground for military industrial complex and political leaderships unabashedly engaged in experimenting defense stockpiles and military hardware innovation aimed at inhabitants considered dispensable.
United States immediate termination of drone and air strikes in Afghanistan and neighboring Pakistan followed by complete troop withdrawal is mandatory to avert looming calamities affecting contributors as masterminds, architects, willful agents, representatives and operatives behind human plight.
The defiance in this regard would expedite inevitable consequence that is best abandoned to individual and hegemony benefit.
With sincere condolences to victims families grieving the loss of children in the merciless assault,
Prayers offered for the precious souls to rest in peace and survivors with strength and courage to endure ordeal healing over passage of time and imminent peace in Afghanistan.
Wishing the people of Afghanistan permanent peace, political stability and progress in every frontier.
May God bless the citizens of Afghanistan relieving them of all suffering.
Peace to all!
Thank you. Padmini Arhant