Palestine – Independence and Statehood Recognition

March 7, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

Since the illegal declaration of the state of Israel in 1948 on Palestine depriving the natives their homeland and rendering them refugees,

Israel returned favor to Palestinians with brutality, oppression, genocide and dehumanization over six decades leaving them in perennial despair.

The atrocities include summary executions in the latest crime against Palestinians in West Bank, Palestine state capital Al-Quds i.e. East Jerusalem and Gaza.

Notwithstanding Israel assassination of Hamas General plus another Military High Command prior to second military aggression on Gaza in December 2012 – a ritual carried out every four years alongside unilateral crippling economic blockade imposed on the residents from 2007 until now.

Israel as Palestine’s colonizer is also responsible for land grab through unlawful settlements all over Palestinian territories with armed settlers imported from Eastern Europe and Russia…forcibly evict indigenous Arab population from these areas to build Zionist colony.

Additionally, Palestine is a beleaguered state with United States financed Israeli military deployment – a tradition maintained by U.S. administrations regardless of political representation i.e. Republican or Democrat demonstrated in the latest move providing financial assistance apparently increased from previous $3 billion to $3.1 billion alongside $70 million military aid to Israel for anti-missile defense program enhancing Israeli aggression against Palestinian people.

Ironically the U.S. generosity to Israel extended at American citizens expense with nearly 50 millions on food stamps, economy in recession, stunted job growth, massive unemployment among African Americans and other demography regularly not projected in the statistics to shield facts from public purview.

Furthermore, the sequestration i.e. automatic spending cuts effective on March 1, 2013 maneuvered to prevent impact on U.S. monetary flow to Israel displaying Washington leaderships appeasement and compliance to Tel Aviv via Zionist lobby especially now with vast majority of Americans subjected to austerity.

The recent news splash on President Barack Obama setting timetable with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for troop withdrawal from West Bank by 2014 preceding the forthcoming trip to Israel while facilitating Tel Aviv militarization of occupied Palestinian land through multi billion dollars charity clarifies usual contradictory dual track methodology exploiting Palestinian cause for other agenda such as Iran.

Besides actions are verifiable whereas statements serve as political rhetoric and,

In this context Obama administration proactive measure with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry consistent efforts reminding Congress to protect Washington cash delivery to Tel Aviv secured amid claiming budget talks concerning U.S. economy failed due to congressional disagreement with White House on the core national issue.

Moreover the same tactics applied in the past three years with public statements on Palestinian Statehood although behind the scenes operation and deal reflected blatant support for Israeli occupation.

Most importantly, United States administration real position on Palestinian liberation revealed in consecutive vetoes at UNSC up until now.

The incumbent U.S. administration vehemently opposed Palestinian Statehood request at UN General Assembly in 2010 and subsequently vetoed settlement expansion freeze in 2011 successfully thwarting UNSC decisive action confirming well founded facts on UN role as unreliable entity in resolving international crises.

Israeli regime terror in the occupied territories has escalated with United States commitment to derail UN resolutions unlike U.S. enthusiastic participation imposing economic sanctions against North Korea, Iran, Syria and Cuba…the nations categorized as western adversaries in the hegemony manipulated system.

The bizarre and convoluted practice abusing UNSC privileged status selectively targets nations leading to population genocide.

Meanwhile, Israel colonization and persecution including killings of Palestinians never subjected to trade embargo contrarily bolstered with ammunition flurry and innovative technology from United States as witnessed in the past week budget allocation.

UN and UNSC is a convenient access for western hypocrisy delegitimizing the so-called international organization function with imperialists dominance as permanent members wielding power even amongst second tier fifteen member council that is increasingly proved counterproductive for world peace.

Zionist ideology professed in evading Palestinian sovereignty and Israeli forces systemic abuse of young children and youth held under administration detention policy denying these victims any rights resulting in a detainee death and many on hunger strike over several months in jail is yet another western complicity to crimes against humanity.

Within Israeli society, the government and political factions treatment of African nationals like the immigrants from Ethiopia, Eritrea and Sudan (Darfur) comparable to apartheid considering the female members of these groups are reportedly interjected with infertility drug to prohibit race proliferation ignoring serious health repercussion already on the rise.

Despite Israel’s appalling track record, the United States led UNSC always in the forefront to punish nations standing up to belligerent west and coalition.

The sovereign nations resistance to destructive doctrine responsible for world status quo is arguably the bone of contention.

UNSC P5 +1 and fifteen member council has been a miserable failure in deterrence to Israel’s defiance on Palestine, Syrian conflict with Israeli air strike on scientific research center producing civilian casualties as well as many injured other than numerous events involving terrorism that leads to Israel.

Zionists provocative expansionism in Palestinian territories and prejudice against Arabs and African migrants in Israel has reached crescendo in terms of gross human rights violation.

Israel refusal to peace treaty for two state solutions premised on pre 1967 borders encompassing all relevant issues justify re-creation of Palestine with deadline on colonizer exit plan.

Palestine independence from Zionist rule solemnized restoring sovereignty for the Arab nation voiding Israel’s demarcation.

Israel survival is entirely dependent upon the acknowledgment of peace offer without preconditions beginning immediately and not in 2014 to save lives and alleviate Palestinian plight languishing in Israeli prison and barricaded Palestinian land.

Any procrastination and avoidance in the re-establishment of Palestinian state would have irreversible consequences for Israel, United States and others facing decline with the dawn of new era imminent per cosmic determination.

Israeli troop removal from West Bank, Al-Quds viz. East Jerusalem not barring settlers and activities over and above lifting illegal sanctions against residents in Gaza starting now in March 2013 allowing the process to complete in the next six months is the only option that could guarantee Israel’s economic and political future.

Again drastic response to challenge the proposal would be an invitation to self-disaster.

Palestinian leaderships viz. Fatah and Hamas in solidarity with respective citizens on both sides preparation for declaration of Palestinian independence from colonialism are necessary to expedite inauguration of Palestine Republic.

Submission to totalitarianism encourage violence and injustice experienced by Palestinians in sixty-five years and the moment to end tyranny has arrived calling for departure from occupied Palestine.

Non Aligned Movement (NAM) proceeding with recognition of Palestinian sovereignty and independent status would exemplify international pledge to global freedom, harmony and security.

Best Wishes to Palestinian citizens and leaderships in the rebirth of Palestine bringing the struggles to termination.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Venezuela – President Hugo Chavez Legacy Immortalized with People Power

March 5, 2013

BY Padmini Arhant

Heartfelt Condolences offered to bereaved family and Venezuelan Republic on the demise of veteran populist leader and patriot President Hugo Chavez now in eternal peace.

President Hugo Chavez will continue to remain the soul of the people in spirit touching many hearts and minds especially the poor and marginalized in society.

The South American leader was the beacon of hope for not only the citizens in his homeland that he cherished and defended against predators ever fixated on Venezuela’s resources but also thwarted several coup d’état and assassination attempts since election to office.

President Hugo Chavez commitment to vast majority improving the lives of many with housing, health care, education and job security is an exemplary model in contemporary politics severely lacking in integrity, initiatives and political will to address public needs and national problems in every frontier.

In the era of self-interest dominance in public and private sphere, President Hugo Chavez was indeed the charismatic pragmatist for believing in republic empowerment through income distribution rather than wealth concentration amongst superficialists in society.

Venezuela has experienced upheavals and President Hugo Chavez led the nation from turmoil towards economic development and progress.

The current leaderships under Vice President Nicolas Maduro and military along with entire population in Venezuela share awesome responsibility in continuing President Hugo Chavez tradition to protect national endowments and security from foreign or local invasion in the world confronted with hostility and turbulence.

Venezuela best tribute to President Hugo Chavez would be to preserve the Bolivarian Revolution pioneered by the leader promoting economic status for vast majority in the country later emulated in other parts of Latin America.

Venezuela has navigated high seas under President Hugo Chavez admirable leadership and the legacy immortalized with people power ever remaining vigilant and unrelenting to any predictable or ambush political destabilization.

Solidarity with common pledge to national interest transcending political, economic and social barriers would safeguard Venezuela regardless of challenges ahead.

With prayers for the departed leader to rest in tranquility while the aura shielding the nation and people from potential harm at present and in the future,

Wishing Venezuela continuous political stability and pervasive economic prosperity commemorating their favorite leader President Hugo Chavez throughout history as the champion of social cause and justice.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Bahrain – Regime Change Ending Emir Al Khalifa Tyranny for Republic Rule

February 23, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

The island nation, Bahrain continues to unleash terror against peaceful protesters that has resulted in the death of twenty year old Mahmoud Issa al-Jaziri on February 14, 2013.

Reportedly there were two more deaths – 16 year old Hussein al-Jaziri on February 14,2013 and 35 year old Aminah al-Sayyed Mahdi died of toxic tear gas inhalation.

These young victims succumbed to al-khalifa tyranny exerted with full coordination and support from Saudi and western regimes for the past two years to suppress uprising in the nation hosting United States Fifth Naval Fleet to maintain regional dominance on Israel’s behalf.

While the western powers viz. the United States, England, France, Germany, Netherlands and Denmark are directly involved in Syrian conflict through Patriot missiles deployment as well as sponsoring proxy wars via terrorism with summary executions of innocent civilians especially children, women and other members demanding regime change of popular government in Syria,

They authorize atrocities and oppression by their allies in Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt, Tunisia, Jordan and Turkey with military aid and ammunition supply used against unarmed citizens in the political struggle.

Bahraini dictatorship has even resorted to gerrymandering marginalizing Shia majority in the nation with huge influx of foreign nationals displaying disdain for native population.

The nation is long overdue for democratic reform with immediate dissolution of dynasty and kingdoms in the twenty first century and has survived thus far due to Britain – the monarchy in particular along with United States and Israel’s hegemonic goal.

These western purveyors of ‘democracy’ having deprived civil rights to citizens in respective domains are in the forefront insisting Syria should accept terrorist opposition as legitimate government and expect people throughout Middle East and elsewhere to recognize puppet regimes in government.

Nonetheless, martyrdoms in Bahrain and nations fighting against criminal hegemony will not be in vain for these invaders wanton belligerence is self-destructive evident in the desperate tactics against defenseless target.

The western powers instigation of violence across the globe is a recipe for disaster to United States, Canada,EU, Israel and non-western allies reflective in the looming economic depression primarily emanating from leaderships’ misplaced priority.

Instead of expending resources and focus on addressing national issues, the western interference to destabilize sovereign states like Syria, Iraq, Pakistan and Mali…having transformed Libya into terror haven for recolonizing Africa and other regions is irrationality overriding intelligence.

Bahraini government like their counterparts in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan, Egypt, Yemen, Tunisia, UAE, Kuwait and Turkey not conforming to civilized society standards lack credibility considering systemic abuse of power and deserves regime change.

The replacement of these governments not barring their western mentors since the entire operation carried out on foreign oversight is imminent and could no longer be stalled in accordance with scientific and natural law i.e. anything reaching optimum inevitably break away from the source.

Bahraini Emir Hamad Bin Isa al-Kalifa and family indulgence in torture and persecution witnessed in violent crack down of citizens denying political freedom and peaceful assembly calls for removal of despotism allowing Republic rule.

Prolonging authoritarianism in delusional belief to prevail when Emir al-khalifa and cohorts are responsible for citizens bloodshed is precipitating perpetrators decline.

Hence, it is incumbent upon Bahrain Emir Hamad Bin Isa al-Kalifa, Saudi kingdom, al-Thani of Qatar, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Jordan King Abdullah and Egypt President Mahmoud Morsi… to step down from power preventing further loss of lives and alleviate individual repercussions ahead.

Sincere condolences offered to victims’ families and survivors of hegemony onslaught throughout Middle East and Africa.

People power and resistance movement will triumph in dismantling hegemony.

Republic democracy dawning on nations confronted with illegal invasion and occupation to be reality in the near future.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Syria – U.S. Zionist, Wahhabi and Salafi Terrorism Expedite Sponsors Extinction

February 21, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

The latest cowardly car bomb explosion orchestrated by United States, Israel, Saudi, Qatar, Turkey and other western powers further exemplify terrorism as modus operandi to prolong conflict.

Such atrocities and barbarism claiming civilian lives with majority being children at least twenty and more killed in the explosion detonated in residential area clarifies the so-called leaderships character in the western and Gulf region.

There is no doubt that these are desperate times seeking desperate killings with civilian massacre involving children in particular reflective of satanic activity.

Nonetheless the martyrdom by the innocents will not be in vain since these souls would return to liberated and free Syria as new spirit like blooming flowers in spring.

Meanwhile the perpetrators and everyone around them will perish securing excruciating experience over many lives until repentance for sins committed in this life.

Syrian leaderships and army are urged to seal borders i.e. land, air and sea for massive clean up operation to flush out terror elements with oversight on aerial and ground attacks experienced in Syrian soil thus far.

Unless access to Syrian territory is denied with stringent military deployment in addition to tighter control over ammunition influx, terrorism would persist for those behind the heinous crime against Syria are possessed with evil aspirations much to their demise.

Again sponsors of terrorism in their delusional belief aiming to prevail causing death and destruction expedite self-extinction.

Instead of diverting focus and dwindling western resources divestments on the respective economy facing collapse not to mention the dire economic status resulting in European citizens’ tragic self-immolation and suicides,

The United States and coalition wanton indulgence to appease hegemony in their diabolical agenda against Syria evidently counterproductive for such ambition is doomed never to come into fruition.

Syrian authority and army promoting civic duty in civilian vigilance and neighborhood watch for timely reporting on nefarious groups infiltration and movements with rewards would be extremely useful in foiling terror plots in Damascus and across the country.

Syria would not succumb to foreign onslaught for the terror masterminds are on the tailspin precipitating individual and collective decline.

Syrian society would overcome these challenges and adversity with participation by every member in driving the invaders from their homeland into oblivion.

Solidarity and unity transcending all differences amongst people and political factions in Syria is critical in defending national sovereignty, territorial integrity and rights to self-determination for a promising future.

Sincere condolences offered to all victims families remembering them and the wounded in thoughts and prayers for speedy recovery from pain and suffering soon to dissipate strengthening Syrian resolve now and beyond.

Wishing Syrian army, leaderships and people triumph in trials and tribulations confronting the resilient nation.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

South America – Ecuador Presidential Election 2013

February 20, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

Congratulations! To President Rafael Correa on re-election to third term and Vice President Jorge Glass to serve South American nation Ecuador.

Ecuador people power once again aptly demonstrated in the electoral outcome.

Despite constant threats underestimating Ecuadorians resilience, the full frontal U.S. coup d’état against President Rafael Correa government successfully thwarted in 2010 with Republic rising to the occasion in defiance of Washington policy towards Latin America perceived as easy targets for political destabilization.

Ecuador is an exemplary model in the region along with Venezuela and Bolivia – the three major contentions for United States and western powers due to these South American nations’ commitment to their people and national interest unlike the latter allegiance to hegemony.

Ecuador has emerged from turbulent past into steady and stable democracy worthy of emulation considering republic governance and strong leadership prioritizing citizens’ requirements reflective in multilateral development across the country.

Whenever political representation of people rather than campaign financiers and special interests i.e. the shadow powers like in the United States assumes responsibility and diligently engage in addressing national issues, progress is imminent with ability to overcome challenges at any time.

Ecuador in this regard exemplify through democratic process and political power determination to serve people alleviating suffering with better living standards alongside strategies to maintain and improve economic conditions for all in the state.

Upon consistency and regular monitoring with appropriate checks and balances on economy including political situation notwithstanding attention to social and environmental demands would guarantee stability and sustainable growth for Ecuador.

As long as people power remains the authority protecting their rights to self-determination, no overt or covert foreign intervention from within or outside could undermine national sovereignty and territorial integrity as admirably displayed in 2010 with intense resistance from mainstream population in Ecuador.

Continuation on constructive path would indeed deliver greater prospects for Ecuador in the new term under President Rafael Correa and Vice President Jorge Glass.

Wishing the people and leaderships in Ecuador lasting peace and prosperity with a promising future.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Egypt – Revolution Non-Violence Political Action For True Liberation

February 1, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

Egypt unrest from continuous foreign intervention in political and military affairs has claimed many civilian lives post Mubarak period and until now.

United States military aid $1.2billion to Egypt to protect strongest ally Israel’s interests in the region at entire Arab population expense through oppression, persecution and poverty is challenged by victims having reached optimal endurance.

The western nominated heads of state and political system under democratization pretext witnessed in Egypt and elsewhere serve U.S., Israel and Gulf repressive regimes alike rather than citizens deprived of life with dignity and liberty over decades due to hegemony intrusion.

Egypt revolution having achieved phenomenal success in removal of hegemony representative former dictatorship President Hosni Mubarak followed by western betrayal pursues true liberation.

The western powers dominance in Middle East for economic pursuits and strategic advantage along with their defiance and vehement opposition to global peace, freedom and security is the fundamental problem confronting Egypt and rest of humanity.

Considering incumbent Presidency and ruling power i.e. Muslim Brotherhood Freedom and Justice party measures on constitution and political representation not reflective of mainstream reality,

The mains street struggle persists seeking positive and desirable change without western or regional influence in the decision making process.

First and foremost, protesters are urged to renounce violence refraining from harming self and others including damages to private and public property.

Secondly, unlike western backed and sponsored current Muslim Brotherhood leadership and opposition viz. IAEA ex-chief Mohammed El Baradei to rein control over Egypt governance,

Solidarity movement from citizens across the spectrum transcending all barriers under genuine leadership of Ayman Abd El Aziz Nour – a political dissident having been imprisoned by previous regime and participated in Tahrir square revolution in the overthrow of predecessor is imperative to demonstrate seriousness in emancipation cause against hegemony.

Subsequently, the decisive, strong and unified opposition constituting Egypt nationals and natives engagement in dialogue with incumbent on peaceful transfer to republic rule comprising new constitution, inclusive political representation barring discrimination and prejudice against minority and marginalized groups across country and,

The economic reforms enumerated below for collective benefits overriding selective gains bridging the widening gap between rich and poor are important for meaningful political achievement.

Reiterating multidimensional actions paramount for political stability and economic recovery.

Accordingly, Egypt national defense as well as political structure on republic oversight under democratically elected executive and legislative branch respectively with appropriate checks and balances for transparency and accountability critical prohibiting foreign interference at regional or global level in sovereign rule.

Addressing widespread corruption would promote efficiency and national progress while keeping foreign involvement at bay.

Economic reforms based on national resources, incentivized capital infusion from domestic, regional and/or overseas sources without extreme conditionality compromising sovereignty avoiding euro zone financial terms leading to dire consequences and,

Instead deals involving mutually beneficial bilateral or international trade agreements targeting job oriented growth in public and private sector is prudent for economic revival.

Given economic adversity experienced among significant population, promoting micro lending to small business and skilled work force unable to find gainful employment due to lack of opportunity emulating successful models in other developing nations would improve living standards alleviating suffering and crimes in society.

Maintaining goodwill and peaceful relations with Gaza residents and other neighbors would be fruitful for economy.

Adherence to calmness and proceeding with rationality on common aspirations is necessary for secular democracy, economic and social equality.

Initiatives focused on discourse, legitimate demands and transformation to democratic republic devoid of external power engineered fundamentalism, radicalism and authoritarianism crucial for the dawn of new era.

Wishing Egypt society triumph in peaceful transition to people power realizing revolution dream shared among martyrs and activists on January 25, 2011.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Syria – Israeli airstrike against Syrian Scientific Research Center is Israel’s Self-Immolation

January 30, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

Israeli regime airstrike against Syria’s scientific research center is Israel’s self-immolation.

According to reports Israeli military intrusion has killed at least two and injured five so far.

The world has tolerated Israel, United States and allies terrorism, atrocities and war crimes for too long due to lack of accountability.

The latest wanton provocation is an imminent disaster to belligerent state showing no respect for life or international law.

History is testimony to the fact that tyranny reaching the height of tolerance expedite perpetrators disastrous fatal ending in the crimes against humanity.

None are invincible and Israel along with United States are no exception in this regard considering brutality committed by them including attacks against their own citizens in American soil on September 11, 2001.

Furthermore, Israel abusing ally position also responsible for United States and EU sinking economy and alarming suicides among United States military personnel fighting Israel’s delusional geopolitical aspirations never to come into fruition.

Israel and any nation regardless of economic and military not barring nuclear status collusion in misadventures would lead to isolation and continuous defiance resulting in losing sovereignty to the point of no return.

Henceforth, Israeli regime and allies war mongering policies and terrorism is best abandoned exercising restraint over catastrophic actions with inevitable ramifications for the state of Israel and other death squad sponsors against Syria.

Israeli raid targeting Syria is yet another desperate times seeking desperate demise that could easily be averted by war architects and so-called think tanks misleading the regime in Tel Aviv and counterparts in Washington.

Neither Israel nor United States and western powers not excluding Saudi, Qatar and Turkey despotic regimes can afford cataclysmic outcome in escalating Syrian conflict.

The consequence of ill-advised terrorist, militancy and mercenaries deployment by them in Syria is already reflected in dying economy and crumbling kingdoms respectively notwithstanding Imperialism imminent collapse relieving the world from tyranny and oppression.

Israeli and United States signaled aggression is counterproductive and proceeding towards unnecessary assault against Syrian interests would be apocalyptic for aggressors underestimating appropriate response.

Syria is a sovereign state and pose threats to none in the region or worldwide unlike Israel, United States and coalition being existential opponents to peace and global security.

Israel survival in Middle East and credibility is largely dependent on terminating violence and repression against Palestinians in the occupied land of Palestine and neighbors viz. Syria, Lebanon, Iran, Iraq, Egypt and Libya.

Most importantly, Israel coming in terms with reality on Palestinian statehood recognition is no longer an option but necessity for own future..

The current military engagement against Syria is reprehensible and more than worthy of condemnation leading to economic, financial, travel and technology sanctions on the state of Israel.

Muslim community across the globe are urged to come together in solidarity and boycott Israel by pledging to Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) program operative against world’s worst violator of peace and diplomacy.

The global society and Muslim population in particular concrete measure against Israel and collaborators would set precedence in categorical denouncement of superpower syndrome denying innocent victims normal life with dignity.

Please remember inaction to injustice is complicity and synonymous events to be experienced by all for ignoring collective responsibility urgently required to stop presumptuous ambition on global dominance.

Wishing people and leadership in Syria phenomenal success in reverting calamity upon those inflicting damage and destruction.

Dawn of brilliant light to dispel darkness in and around beleaguered Syria and Palestine.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Egypt – Political Stability and Economic Reform

January 28, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

Egypt unrest since the dawn of western launched Muslim Brotherhood headed by President Mohamed Morsi has led to internal turmoil.

United States military aid $1.2 billion subjugating Egyptian military and political system rather than investment for economic development while respecting Egypt sovereignty favors oppression.

President Mohamed Morsi undemocratic steps adopted prior to referendum on Egypt constitution and false promises calling for ex-President Mubarak retrial only to be retreated with contradictory release of Mubarak era members accused of torture and human rights violation on bail arouse skepticisms against government.

Furthermore, former head of military judiciary Adel El-Morsi from Mubarak regime even appointed to Shura council, the Upper House of Parliament delegated to regulate forthcoming lower house national election reflect continuation of Mubarak legacy.

Additionally the President guarantee to safeguard revolution activists apparently not translated into action like several other assurances related to political rights, economy and social issues considering Muslim Brotherhood majority in legislative and executive branch, the public concerns are legitimate.

New constitution replacing the recently approved charter meeting national requirements inclusively i.e. political freedom for all, workers rights, union and labor protection including marginalized demography is imperative.

Most relevantly there is no reference in the constitution on Egypt military being national armed forces presumably granted autonomy but only to be controlled by foreign powers with United States military funding aimed at suppressing democracy.

Accordingly, Egypt national defense as well as entire political structure to be directly governed by republic under democratically elected executive and legislative branch respectively with appropriate checks and balances for absolute transparency and accountability barring foreign interference at regional or global level in sovereign rule.

Economic reforms based on national resources, incentivized capital infusion from domestic, regional and/or overseas sources without extreme conditionality compromising sovereignty avoiding euro zone financial terms leading to dire consequences and,

Instead deals involving mutually beneficial bilateral or international trade agreements targeting job oriented growth in public and private sector is prudent for economic revival.

Given economic adversity experienced among significant population, promoting micro lending to small business and skilled work force unable to find gainful employment due to lack of opportunity emulating successful models in other developing nations would improve living standards alleviating suffering and crimes in society.

Maintaining goodwill and peaceful relations with Gaza residents and other neighbors would be fruitful for economy.

With respect to political stability – people choice candidacies as opposed to foreign powers nominees paramount for positive change across the spectrum beginning at the local to national domain.

Yet another major factor posing impediments to political overhauling is widespread corruption.

Again the problem is not characteristic to Egypt alone, it is a worldwide epidemic with variable degree.

Nonetheless addressing the issue that is draining national treasury with effective anti-corruption laws is critical for revenue.

Last but not the least, national assets and income recovery from overseas bank accounts held by previous regime for divestments in economy is equally important in the graft containment if not eradication strategy.

In Egypt the opposition leader Ayman Abd El Aziz Nour imprisoned for political dissidence from 2005 to 2009 by former dictatorship President Hosni Mubarak and hospitalized for sustaining injury during peaceful protest on January 28, 2011 is committed to human rights, constitutional reform limiting Presidential powers and opening Presidential elections to multiple candidates.

People in Egypt would enormously benefit from choosing a local resident leader like Ayman Nour for having demonstrated loyalty to the people through self-sacrifice and continue to pledge support for Egypt liberation.

Moreover there is prominent commonality between leader Ayman Nour and Egyptian main street in many aspects having suffered persecution under Mubarak regime and participated in January 2011 political struggle could possibly relate to mainstream grievances on personal accounts.

Unlike United States, Britain and Israel dispatched President Mohamed Morsi from USA and Muslim Brotherhood members abstinence throughout revolution and opportunism to take control of power per western and Wahabbhist arrangement, leader Ayman Nour fought with people in Tahrir square in January 2011.

Notwithstanding present ruling power abuse in particular reminiscent of predecessor Mubarak repressive governance.

Any other preferences for political leadership like IAEA ex-Chief Mohammed El Baradei with excess western exposure and regional power intimacy would be susceptible to speculations among wary political factions and may not sustain power leading to destabilization within a short period in semblance with incumbency.

Therefore electing young vibrant leaderships such as Ayman Nour – national university law graduate with verifiable service to country would set precedence for future political aspirants considering a vast majority likely to obtain higher education from within the country due to individual situations, financial reasons and unique identity.

Egypt will be strong and stable under democratic setting represented by leadership dedicated to national progress devoid of foreign intervention either western or regional predominantly responsible for political mayhem as witnessed in post Mubarak period until now and similarly repeat events in Iraq.

People in Egypt could realize their political dream through unity and resilience instrumental to prevail against the power hungry external sources backed government.

President Mohamed Morsi decree granting unlimited powers to self and flawed constitution approved despite two thirds majority rejection is nothing but desperate times seeking desperate measures.

The message from Egyptian patriots is clear – President Mohamed Morsi is New Pharaoh to serve hegemony and must step down for any procrastination in departure would exacerbate political crisis having already claimed many lives.

Egyptian citizens should not be disheartened from the delay tactics and political maneuvering – not uncommon for authority unwilling to surrender especially amid their sponsors crumbling empire thereby confirming self-interest over national interest.

The shadow powers decline defeat – the destiny and their denial in this regard is the irony.

The pro-democracy demonstrators determined to succeed against all odds would initially conquer fear regardless in strict adherence to peace and non-violence – a formidable challenge against any force.

Likewise mass movement in Jordan, Bahrain, Yemen, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman and UAE determined to abolish monarchy prolonged in the modern twenty first century would be wise to reject global elitists political appointments to exert authority in domestic affairs for easy access to natural endowments in Middle East via colonization and geopolitical dominance.

Republic empowerment not excluding women, minority and disenfranchised groups is the foundation for meaningful democracy.

Whether it is Jordan, Palestine – besieged Gaza, West Bank and East Jerusalem (Al Quds), Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait and UAE…or Egypt – to rise to political awakening and restore inalienable human rights.

All are born to be free and not permanently confined to globalists agenda.

Any security or armed personnel violence against peaceful dissidents evidently self-detrimental for authorities and restraining use of force is highly recommended.

Similarly looting and vandalism is unacceptable jeopardizing non-violent civilian activism seeking real democracy. Those indulging in criminal offense should be apprehended allowing due process to save lives and prevent damages to private or public property.

People power as authentic caretakers of sovereign nation is the inevitable outcome and accepting reality would enable authority to leave in dignity.

Wishing pervasive tranquility in Egypt and rest of North Africa.

Best Wishes and Good Luck to fellow citizens in Egypt, Bahrain, Libya, Jordan, Yemen, Algeria, Sudan, Saudi Arabia and Palestine…in their triumph over political tribulation.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Syria – Dire Humanitarian Crises from U.S. Imposed Economic Sanctions with Arab League and OIC Complicity

January 24, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

United States, Western Powers and Gulf Alliance imposed economic sanctions exacerbates civilian suffering in Syria confronted with foreign sponsored terrorism.

United States, United Kingdom and Gulf regimes viz. Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, Jordan, Kuwait and Bahrain deployment of Al-Qaeda and al-Nusra front terrorists groups representing western powers in the nearly two year old conflict are directly responsible for grave humanitarian crises.

Due to western as well as Gulf regimes armed and funded terrorism the humanitarian efforts are challenged with widespread escalation of violence.

Humanitarian relief programs are further faced with setbacks from United States and EU trade barriers against victims in Syria where reportedly women are subjected to prostitution while children and elders are forced into begging in the wake of access denial to basic essentials and supplies in the beleaguered state.

Most importantly mazot (oil for cooking and heating in the extreme cold weather) is the primary demand and fuel scarcity driving many away from homes to locations in search of shelter with protection from heavy snowfall.

Not to mention thousands compelled to flee their villages, towns and suburbs now infested with western death squads on killing spree with bombings targeting civilian premises such as schools, hospitals, libraries, child care centers, sports stadiums and previously passenger airliner…among many public facilities and government buildings destroyed so far.

The infrastructure demolition is western and Gulf leaderships’ main interest to paralyze Syria besides crippling financial restrictions demonstrating brazen mentality and callousness against innocent citizens victimized in the brutal economic and military warfare.

United States and coalition convoluted scheme aimed at regime change contradictory to false claim on the aggression intended as liberation is the cause for Syrian plight having produced death toll at staggering 65,000 per UN figure and massive refugee problem for the aggressors like Turkey and Jordan even though significant number have fled to Lebanon and some traveling to North Africa.

The International conference by Russia scheduled in early February is a preliminary step in addressing the refugee status.

However, ending western and Gulf nations illegal occupation of sovereign state beginning with ceasefire, arms embargo on western and Gulf perpetrators aiding militancy combined with complete withdrawal of western backed terror networks on Syrian soil is paramount in saving lives and restoring national security.

Furthermore, UN legitimacy and existence as an international body is largely dependent on bringing Syrian war to conclusion in accordance with Geneva agreement binding on all participants and signatories to this accord.

UN failure in resolving western orchestrated violence in Syria would mean the irrelevance of organization as an international body facilitating alternative multinational consortium Non Aligned Movement (NAM) as the recognized global entity to preside over international matter provided NAM adopts diplomacy, dialogue and peaceful negotiations against military option in dispute settlement.

Additionally, UN pledge to Syrian humanitarian aid around $590 million is well below expectations based on damages inflicted upon Syria by western and Gulf collusion estimated at least $3 billion and more considering the ongoing carnage across the nation.

UN having released mere 50% or less of $590 million with remaining funding forfeited is yet another factor revealing the organization’s lack of commitment and sensitivity to Syrian turmoil.

Arab league and Organization for Islamic Cooperation (OIC) with Saudi regime influence not surprisingly contributed to Syrian calamity in complicity with western directed deliberate destruction of Palestinian refugee camp al-Yarmouk in Syria.

Henceforth, death and devastation could not simply continue and termination of all terror activities effective immediately is critical for humanitarian rescue services to prevent loss of lives and rehabilitate displaced population within and outside the country.

Subsequently, President Bashar Al-Assad and Islamic Republic of Iran enumerated comprehensive peace plan could be implemented with a national reconciliation committee encompassing all aspirations of Syrian people.

Meanwhile, international support is urgently required to alleviate deteriorating conditions affecting millions in war torn Syria.

Please donate affordable or generous amount to care for children, women and men deprived of necessities in the embattled state.

You may please send your donations directly to Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) truly dedicated to various humanitarian measures ranging from individual assistance to coordination with World Food Programs and World Health Organization (WHO) in Syria.

Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC)

Damascus-Abu Rummaneh-Opposite the Cultural Center
P.O. Box Damascus – Harasta 56
Contact Information:
Tel: 00963 11 535 58 73/535 62 91/535 64 62/5356257
Fax: 00963 11 535 7171

Email: or

Best wishes to Syrian citizens and leaderships in overcoming trials and tribulations strengthening national ability in all frontiers.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Syria – United States Western and Gulf Allies War Crimes Against Syrian Civilians

January 22, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

On January 15, 2013, United States, Western and Gulf allies sponsored terrorists fired rockets at Aleppo University in Aleppo, the second largest city and commercial hub of Syria reportedly killing 82 students and wounding scores in the yet another massacre by them thus far.

Subsequently bombings in Daraa reportedly claimed several civilians with no regrets or acknowledgment from the western or Gulf terror masterminds misusing UNSC and UNHCR agencies for propaganda based on misdirected accusation.

Earlier in late November 2012, the criminal elements had stormed into elementary school murdering many innocent young children and teachers during school hours with no condemnation from the United States and alliance perhaps being the sponsor of worst crimes against humanity.

Again having destroyed 2362 schools, educational institutions, hospitals and passenger airliner are common targets for the United States, western and gulf partners operatives in war torn Syria.

These assaults against civilians are reprehensible and reflective of authorizing sources abhorrent conduct and criminality constituting war crimes considering the magnitude of casualties around 65,000 per UN report since foreign intervention nearing two years completion.

Syrian population continue to endure tremendous violence in the United States and coalition funded, armed and trained death squads deployment for annihilation and decimation of a sovereign state that never posed any threat to the aggressors or neighbors in the region.

Unless the leaderships unleashing terror with massive bloodshed are held accountable for their unconscionable act in Syria, the trend already spreading in Africa could soon visit the rest of the world.

The architects including authority in United States and remaining partners in crime are directly responsible for primitive practices especially against children, women and vulnerable population in Syria ignoring ramifications all around.

Not to mention the embarrassment to the nation they represent as the so-called heads of state with self-granted grand impunity in the foreign citizens slaughter.

Syrian conflict unnecessarily perpetuated at the expense of U.S. and western nations scarce tax dollars in the austerity era and,

Most importantly Syrian precious lives lost every hour in the senseless violence evidently backfiring for belligerent forces in the precipitous decline of economy heading towards banana republic status due to political leaderships misplaced priority neglecting respective domestic problems for engagement in wanton terrorism against sovereign state.

United States and EU seeking respite in burgeoning economic crises directly related to adopting peaceful strategy beginning with ceasefire in Syria and abandoning counterproductive course threatening survivability that should be the immediate concern to rational mind.

Contrarily, Syrian leadership and society in general demonstrate admirable courage, civility and integrity despite devastation inflicted upon them in the foreign invasion of their nation.

The martyrdom of every Syrian national would not be in vain and arc of justice indeed bend towards truth and innocence exemplified by Syria.

With sincere and heartfelt condolences to victims families and survivors in the horrific attacks not only in recent times but farther back the onset of western and Gulf regimes organized and implemented genocide against harmless Syria,

Wishing Syrian people, government and peace coordinators expeditious end to the conflict facilitating sovereign right to rebuild nation with glorious future.

Peace to all

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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