United States – 2016 and 2020 Presidential Election
October 28, 2021
United States – 2016 and 2020 Presidential Election
Padmini Arhant
Presidential elections 2016 and 2020 comparisons in reactions and actions following the election.
The 2016 Presidential election was considered a done deal with a foregone conclusion of the democrat Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton as the winner even before the election was held in the nation. The democrat Presidential contender Hillary Clinton is by far the most vetted candidate considering a sprawling yet highly controversial political career beginning in Little Rock, Arkansas to the nation’s Capital Washington, D.C.
The democrat Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s reluctance and defiance in accepting the previous 2008 election outcome in democrat primary against her democrat rival then Senator Barack Obama was viewed world wide.
In 2016 the democrats primary election was fraught with internal conflicts within the party. It also involved the murder of then young 24-year-old Seth Rich, a democrat party worker shot dead in broad daylight in Washington D.C. The democrat party worker Seth Rich’s death barely caught media attention. Needless to say it did not bear relevance in the democrat party either. Seth Rich a democrat was the defacto democrat candidate Bernie Sanders supporter. The unlawful activities within democrat party in 2016 primaries prompted the democrat party worker Seth Rich to alert other fellow democrat workers due to serious ethical violations that eventually led to the resignation of then democrat party chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, a democrat Congresswoman from Florida. The former DNC Chair Debbie Schultz was the democrat candidate Hillary Clinton’s strong supporter at that time.
It was clear the democrat party primary election and nomination in 2016 was an internal battle with candidate Hillary Clinton reserved as the Presidential nominee and even going further, the President-elect in the domestic and foreign collaborative efforts to implement agenda in different aspects upon their preferred candidate Hillary Clinton assuming office in January 2017.
Unfortunately for them, the 2016 turned out to be a major disappointment when the 2016 election delivered results against the democrats and foreign alliance anticipated outcome. The most aggravating issue for them was then Republican Presidential contender Donald Trump emerging the winner in 2016.
It would not be an exaggeration to describe the reaction and actions thereafter as all hell breaks loose from the democrat political party and those expecting the pre-ordained victory for their Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.
The election night on November 4th, 2016 onwards up until January 2021, the dismissal of 2016 election result claiming the alleged Russian collusion dominated United States politics and congressional matter. The democrat party die hard supporters from different fields ranging from Hollywood to organizations affiliated to Clinton foundation and factions having invested $$$ in Hillary Clinton campaign were up the ante and launched personal attacks against then Presidential winner Donal Trump and campaign.
There were some from Hollywood threatening to blow up the White House while other so-called comedian actress exhibited her poor taste by holding a severed dummy head of the former President Donald Trump. She did not shy away from her public statement that in the real event there would be no ketchup alluding to violent regurgitation.
Then there followed Robert Muller Committee wasting United States tax payer dollars to investigate the so-called Russian collusion in 2016 election. Even though the alleged Russian collusion well known as a political hatch by the accusers organized within Hillary Clinton campaign, the theatrics continued in Congress disrupting governance at all costs and any means to prove the myth about 2016 election.
It did not end there. The series of investigations against the former President Donald Trump campaign and cabinet members not barring the former national security advisor General Michael Flynn and several others were subject to surveillance and FBI investigations in the extended Russian collusion allegation.
The impeachment proceedings were also conducted against then serving President Donald Trump not once but twice setting precedence in American politics to indict the democratically and duly elected President between 2016 until January 2021.
The saga beginning in November 2016 until January 2021 is not yet over as it continues targeting members and individuals evident in the ongoing developments that are clearly politically motivated than moral or legal grounds behind these pursuits.
Fast forward in 2020 election, the incumbent President Donald Trump securing the media confirmed 74 million votes though the actual figure falling anywhere between 80 – 84 million votes declared unsuccessful.
The real time voting and vote tabulations paused and intercepted in world view on election night in November 2020 arguably created dissatisfaction and mistrust in electoral process among the 84 million voters who voted for their incumbent candidate President Donald Trump in 2020 election.
Furthermore, numerous voting irregularities and violations were noted and publicly substantiated during specific county election hearings viz, the Maricopa county in the state of Arizona that were not easily granted either.
The biggest travesty in the 2020 Presidential election debacle is the United States Supreme Court denying hearing on the matter. The 84 million voters represented as the electorate, United States citizens and taxpayers were declined a hearing at the highest court in land speaks volume on the democratic status or the lack thereof.
Unlike the 2016 Presidential election, the 2020 Presidential election was adequately proved in public on foreign collusions, participation and deep involvement such as the real time vote tabulation in Berlin, Germany server rather than the United States technology resource.
The dissolved company in Spain hired in the voting machine calibrations and the fact dominion voting machine used in the election is reportedly Canadian based and not in the United States as would be required in any free and fair democratic election are incontrovertible.
The direct influence of Beijing, the offshore billionaire George Soros directives known for interference in foreign elections and economies, the so-called social media viz. Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Vimeo…unsocial undemocratic rules preventing and punishing alternative views, voices and concerns constitute meddling in 2020 electoral process.
Above all, the Facebook’s founder Mark Zuckerberg’s unlawful investment in the democrat Presidential political campaign to a tune of half billion dollars in direct violation of election commission’s campaign donation limit not exceeding $2,900 per election for individual contribution was slighted in the 2020 Presidential election.
The episodes in 2020 Presidential election breach is a setback for democracy and constitutional subversion. The foreign intervention starting with Beijing, the U.K. based billionaire George Soros and other foreign entities listed in the National Intelligence report suffice electoral interception.
Internally, the domestic media, press, judiciary as well as state legislative assembly in the seven disputed states were a major let down for the American electorate expressing regrets and frustration over their votes not being counted and rejected in the 2020 Presidential election.
Regardless, the 2016 Presidential election results were challenged throughout the four years term in office of the former President Donald Trump.
In contrast, the 2020 Presidential election with conspicuous violations in the domestic and foreign front qualifying as rigged election maintained as fair and flawless mandate in itself is an irony.
Not to mention the contemporary crack down on discussions related to 2020 Presidential election exemplify zero tolerance to free speech. The constitutional right to present different perspectives in a democracy attracting politically charged repercussions is indicative of hard line policy in semblance with anti-democratic system viz. Beijing, China.
The 2020 Presidential election is a victory for Beijing and anti-democratic elements evading responsibility on the pandemic triggering economic shut down in the United States Presidential election year.
The two Presidential elections conclusively differ in civil democratic applications and compliance revealing the intoxication of power. The vulnerabilities with internal and external saboteurs exacerbate individual rights undermining constitution in the overt subjugation of the republic to legitimize illegitimacy.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Biden-Harris Administration Debacles
March 31, 2021
Biden-Harris Administration Debacles
Padmini Arhant
United States is subject to serious problems in every front with the current administration’s least or lack of attention. The unprecedented border crisis is overwhelming brought upon by President Joe Biden during presidential campaign in 2020 with open invitation to citizens in Central, North and South America to achieve the American dream.
Meanwhile, under Biden-Harris administration – the native-born and legally naturalized young Americans are deprived from their American dream, the legitimate rights which they have earned as law abiding citizens in the country. The case in point is the recent firing of young staffers from the white house for their past marijuana use when the Vice President Kamala Emhoff aka Harris and President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden have admittedly inhaled and used substance they have bragged about in the course of their failed Presidential campaign and career.
The mainstream, alternative and social media, the stalwarts behind installing Beijing in the White House in 2020 are pre-occupied in advancing their cancel culture. There were tremendous hue and cry over anything and everything related to predecessor Donald Trump and the previous administration’s policies and actions, regardless of positive outcome on many issues.
However, with the Biden-Harris administration the gross negligence and unwillingness to address border situation leaving the southern border free walk-in asylum is nothing more than political opportunity. The political demography and dynamics are tied into receiving illegal immigrants replacing legal and native Americans at home. At the same time, the legal Americans are expected to bear the brunt of demographic configuration hurting them economically, financially and health wise in the pandemic environment.
The Biden-Harris administration economic policy is in shambles with the proposal to hike taxes affecting the middle class and lower income category driving corporations back to China and other emerging economies only too eager to have them on board. The millions of dollars donated to South East Asian nations in the Congress passed COVID relief bill in late December 2020 again burdened on the hard working Americans in the domestic economy.
Charity begins at home. Keeping own house in order prior to engagement elsewhere would be wise and demonstrate credibility.
The local businesses and operations shut down due to COVID19 originating from Wuhan, China, which the Biden-Harris administration refusing to call out Beijing and WHO, the duo involvement in preventing transparency in the Wuhan lab generated virus becoming the global pandemic.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
United States – President Joe Biden Meets the Press
March 27, 2021
United States – President Joe Biden Meets the Press
Padmini Arhant
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
United States – Republican Party Future?
March 27, 2021
United States – Republican Party Future?
Padmini Arhant
Presidential candidate Joe Biden confession during 2020 election campaign.
Then Presidential candidate Joe Biden honesty is quite revealing in the admission on voter fraud in the Presidential election 2020.
Senator Joe Biden, Vice President Joe Biden and now President Joe Biden remains consistent in spilling the beans though meticulously defended by MSM and alternative communication outlets as freudian slip euphemism for gaffe machine.
In the long overdue press conference, the democrat President Joe Biden categorically raises the question on the existence of opposition i.e. Republican party future?
It is not clear until satisfactorily clarified whether United States democratic party is adapting China’s one party system having been enabled to power in 2020 with China’s political funding, United States and foreign press and media canvassing besides tech oligarchs viz. Facebook, Twitter and You Tube ban on information related to then Presidential candidate Joe Biden and family corruption scandals linked with China, Ukraine and world over.
The other aspect is RINOES – the Republican members in name only identified by the Republican base based on their characteristics and misplaced loyalty. They might be eventually tagged DEMOCRATS rather than remaining in a party they do not favor yet claim to belong to the faction. The pledge of allegiance evidenced in their votes on major decisions in January 2021 on impeachment of former President Donald Trump and other Republican issues that did not escape Republican electorate attention – the 75 million electorate in particular, who voted for the former President Donald Trump in the Presidential election 2020.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
United States – President Donald Trump Re-election Confirmation
February 9, 2021
United States – President Donald Trump
Re-election Confirmation
Padmini Arhant
Two most relevant and critical events highlight President Donald Trump re-election in 2021.
The incumbent President Donald Trump was in the Oval Office on January 20th, 2021 as expected of any administration until the new Presidency is officially sworn in at the scheduled time i.e. 12.00 noon. The inauguration of declared President Joe Biden sworn in at least 15 minutes i.e. 11.45 a.m.earlier than the scheduled time i.e. 12.00 noon on January 20th, 2021. This is not a miscalculation of time.
This means there were two Presidents inaugurated viz. Donald Trump and Joe Biden on January 20th, 2021 that was certainly not a casual mistake or inaugural event mismanagement. The timing of earlier inauguration also suggest President Donald Trump re-election officiation.
The obvious overlap are interpreted as follows by those having noticed the shift in inaugural time.
The deliberate mixup in swearing in ceremony of President-select Joe Biden on that day attributed to the deep state swamp and democrat party’s symbolic gesture in removal of the sitting President Donald Trump before the official time i.e. 12.oo noon on January 20th, 2021.
The other perception on this issue is the deep state swamp and democrat party rejection of the incumbent President Donald Trump’s re-election to second term in office as duly and legitimately elected President with 75 – 80 million legal ballots in the 2020 Presidential election. The unprecedented time schedule on Joe Biden inauguration causing confusion regarded an act on purpose by those behind the activity. Accordingly, citizens seek explanation to the nation.
The other aspect is the second impeachment charade at taxpayers’ expense. President Donald Trump was projected the losing candidate in the Presidential election 2020. The democrat Joe Biden declared winner. Yet the impeachment trial of the private citizen Donald Trump plays out in the United States Senate. The impeachment continues even though the democrat party, deep state swamp along with media and tech giants designated Donald Trump a private citizen making the entire course unlawful, unconstitutional and undemocratic.
The same members have now altered Donald Trump’s status to Presidency to justify unjustifiable mockery of United States Presidency via second impeachment.
Both actions – inauguration of President Donald Trump on January 20th, 2021 and now impeachment confirm the incumbent President Donald Trump re-election to office.
The political theatrics is carried out wasting American tax dollars while completely ignoring American families, American retail and small businesses’ dire economic conditions denying them the long overdue $1400 stimulus check perhaps now divested in the impeachment saga.
The nation is being taken on a ride without any clue or care about the destination.
The deep state and members are sought valid reasons on strange and contradictory turn of events and latest developments.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
United States – Current Status Quo
Padmini Arhant
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
United States – H.R. 5717 Democrats Controlled Governance Predicament
February 7, 2021
Antifa and Black Lives Matter are democrat and deep state swamp wings to cause disruption and confusion.
The latest threat from Antifa to stage riots in Washington, D.C. is a cover up from the organizers and funders pretending to disassociate from their domestic terror groups misleading public.
The democrat, deep state and foreign elements like George Soros are funding these groups spreading violence and mayhem.
Similar activities are prevalent in India inciting sedition in the country.
The citizens awakening and awareness of truth are critical in these dire situations. The power hungry mobs and desperate criminal clique are ever in the game of misinformation and misrepresentation despite hyenas scavenging traits could no longer be hidden.
Padmini Arhant
United States – H.R. 5717
Democrats Controlled Governance Predicament
Padmini Arhant
Loss of lives under any circumstances and situation is regrettable. Furthermore, deaths caused by violence, criminal indulgence, willful negligence, collusion, complicity, creating and spreading pandemic consuming innocent lives are all condemnable. The diverse ways and means inflicting fatalities are reprehensible.
However, the bill H.R. 5717 introduced by democrat held Congress aimed at second amendment Bill of Rights is a political agenda rather than implied cause in the bill. Not to mention the proposed legislation escalating tensions in the deeply divided nation and disenfranchised electorate.
The democrats explanation on H.R. 5717 to protect lives is paradoxical to the political party legislation decriminalizing substance abuse such as marijuana and other social policies not necessarily in citizens well being or interest.
Any legislation and policy is meaningful and well intended upon the political parties in power maintaining fair and balanced approach barring preference and partisanship.
How does the government reconcile with fairness and social justice on state committed crimes misusing authority against citizens viz. the republic within nation and in foreign land?
How could the government elected to serve and defend citizens across the spectrum justify prejudice and political alienation?
The democrat administration under former President Barack Obama and then attorney general Eric Holder implemented Fast and Furious program supplying high grade weapons and arsenal to drug cartels in Mexico via CIA in 2009 – 2010. The administration’s controversial engagement barely caught attention from democrat held Congress and Senate in 2009 – 2010.
The deadly policy contributed abhorrent violence from dangerous drug cartels armed with ammunitions directly made available to them from then federal government authorized Fast and Furious arms deal. The horrific violence evolved into nightmare for Mexican population. The continuous bloodshed triggered exodus of locals in rural and urban Mexico fleeing homes in village and towns for safety and security. The drug cartels outgunned the Mexican state authorities at the regional and national level due to seamless delivery of lethal weapons and military grade artillery from then United States government to bad elements across the border.
Needless to say, the bloodbath forced Mexican families to run for their lives with thousands thronged to United States territories in desperation. The crisis exacerbated illegal entry and undocumented arrivals exceeding the already overflowing influx into the country. Having ignited the flames, the democrat administration of Barack Obama and Eric Holder expressed no interest or initiative to address the issue. Instead the reckless policy continued despite dire humanitarian and security problem for United States and Mexico.
Similarly, the United States facilitated arms deal in Afghanistan fostering poppy crops i.e. opium traded between tribal groups and Taliban forces remain the primary source of ammunition procurement for the fundamentalist militancy in the war torn nation. The CIA operation in this regard is an open secret with warlords in Afghanistan trading opium for cash and weapons cache. As usual, corruption and criminality overwhelm environment with government in Afghanistan serving local and foreign feudalists leaving the Afghans entirely at the mercy of corrupt dysfunctional governance.
The Biden administration’s foreign policy return to former administrations of Barack Obama – Joe Biden and George W. Bush – Dick Cheney militarization of planet in troop deployment, prolonging warfare in Afghanistan, Syria and the middle east and worldwide contradict with the democrat party disarmament plan under H.R. 5717. The contrasting and conflicting strategies further highlight the democrats’ confused ideology.
In the national front, United States experienced violent riots and unrest from Black Lives matter (BLM) and Antifa – both organizations funded and supported by democrat party hierarchy and certain foreign donors. The nation was gripped with violence and mayhem throughout summer in 2020. The businesses together with public and private properties were set ablaze amid looting and mob frenzy on the streets in major cities of the United States much to citizens’ horror. The incidents upending law and order conformed to domestic terrorism.
On October 3rd, 2013, at the White House perimeter, there was White House approved summary execution of unarmed civilian, an African American young mother Miriam Carey with her then toddler daughter in the back seat. Miriam Carey was gunned down by President Barack Obama’s secret service personnel in Washington D.C. The victim of heinous crime was reportedly shot at least five times sustaining fatal injury from thirty five bullets fired at the unarmed citizen.
There is no doubt that brutality in any form from anyone and anywhere unarguably represent horrific crime.
Nonetheless, George Floyd’s incident was sensationalized and overshadowed by Black Lives matter pushing the nation on the edge. Simultaneously, the orchestrated events in regular destinations like London and neighboring Canada was set in motion.
Juxtaposed Miriam Carey’s death sponsored by White House with then occupants Barack Obama and Michele Obama presence at that time was neither an issue nor matter of any violation for Black Lives Matter, ACLU and other so-called human rights group that are otherwise in the front line on any politically charged affair. The media absence and abstinence is least surprising. Contrarily, the media would have upped the ante with Donald Trump in the White House at that time.
Similarly, then Vice President Joe Biden’s muted response to Miriam Carey’s murder by White House security service while reminding American electorate and media on personal voice to Charlottesville episode and rebuking President Donald Trump for alleged silence to the demonstration is self-explanatory on political hypocrisy.
The democrat party worker, the 24 years old Seth Rich gunned down in broad daylight in Washington D.C. The murder until today not even considered worth any investigation covering up democrat party’s internal politics and violent practice.
Finally, the democrats display on political clout and strength in executing the former President Barack Obama’s listed aspirations such as eliminating second amendment, curbing free and unfettered access to internet that were attempted earlier by Barack Obama and Joe Biden administration unleashing SOPA, PIPA and ACTA…via democrat held Congress and Senate in the first and second term in office is a cliché. These measures were deceptively designed to infringe on First Amendment and obstruct online information. The cyber force as users erupted in world wide protest and promptly rejected the governments’ overarching rules in the United States and world wide.
The democrats and others claim to save lives in H.R. 5717 would be convincing upon political members denouncing Beijing communist leadership, World Health Organization together with private investors role in subjecting humanity across the globe to excruciating health and economic misery from the manufactured virus in Wuhan lab, China.
Unfortunately, the democrat administration i.e. the President and Vice President’s close ties with Beijing authorities linked to personal financial obligations and indebtedness subjugate United States to Beijing’s free will granting latter huge advantage overall. As for WHO, the ally of Beijing, the Biden administration overturning predecessor President Donald Trump’s valid reason to leave World Health Organization is an affirmation to Beijing – Biden relation.
Those whose political status quo on violence, deaths, destruction and pandemic caused irreversible calamity is glaring at them, any haste legislations would only precipitate undesirable outcome.
Haste makes waste is experienced time and time again.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
United States Status Quo
January 24, 2021
United States Status Quo
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Padmini Arhant
United States – Impeachment by House of Congress
January 13, 2021
United States – Impeachment by House of Congress
Padmini Arhant
The ongoing activity in American taxpayers funded Congress – the House in particular headed by Speaker Nancy Pelosi is the last straw leading to decimation of democrat party in the domestic and international arena.
The democrat party hijacked long before in 2009 with the election of Barack Hussein Obama and Joseph Biden now headed towards tailspin at local and foreign intruders behest is self-destructive.
The impeachment theatrics wasting taxpayers money depriving Americans of urgently required assistance through stimulus checks $2000 in the pandemic is a verifiable event on democrat party priorities and concern over average Americans and small business plight.
Needless to say all those engaged in the spectacle to pursue the duly elected President Donald J. Trump are not the representatives of the republic of the United States.
They are indeed the enemy of the republic and humanity at large having lost legitimacy and credibility in every respect .
President Donald J.Trump performance in improving American lives and impressive growth in American economy is testament to the Presidency re-election to second term in office.
President Donald Trump is the legitimate winner and duly elected President in 2020 election to serve second term in office.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
United States – Georgia Runoff Election 2021
January 5, 2021
United States – Georgia Runoff Election 2021
Padmini Arhant
There is an urgent need for checks and balances in government that is controlled by deep state, foreign powers, special interests and political members in defiance of constitution, rule of law and ethics.
The politics is deeply entrenched in corruption besides collusion with foreign powers and domestic saboteurs of democracy. Under these circumstances, the republic is under siege as experienced now with tech oligarchs’ gag order in social media prohibiting free speech post-election 2020.
The situation in the United States is precarious with direct threats to constitution, individual freedom and voting rights witnessed in Presidential election 2020 result. The election corruption facilitating voter fraud, voting irregularities and Dominion voting machine owned by democratic party prominent members viz. the spouses of Senator Dianne Feinstein and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi posing a major conflict of interests is a serious matter. Similarly, Smartmatic software used in Dominion voting machine has ties with democrat running mate Kamala Emhoff through the candidate’s spouse Douglas Emhoff partnered with DLA Piper Global in return having members who are close associates with China’s communist politburo and China’s People Liberation Army. It can’t get any worse than this in challenging election integrity while derailing voter confidence in local and national election.
The democratic party heavily funded by tech giants is a problem that cannot be ignored considering tech companies blatant violation of constitutional guaranteed first amendment. The tech firms such as Google’s YouTube, Facebook and Twitter prohibiting citizens from freedom of expression on election fraud correlate with China communist regime intolerance to liberty and peaceful dissent. The democrat party network with tech giants, Hollywood, foreign and domestic billionaires and China’s communist party as well as China’s PLA has removed the political party from democrat base and mainstream population. The democrat party once touted as the party for struggling average citizens has evolved into elitists club with leading members more conscious of preserving billionaire and multi-millionaire status. The evolution disregard democratic principles and values that are evidently no longer important in the party strategy to win election at any costs and squander taxpayers money in politically motivated pursuits like the kind deployed against incumbent President Donald Trump on alleged Russian collusion prompting Robert Mueller committee. In the absence of negative findings by Mueller committee, the democrat upper echelons embarked on unsuccessful impeachment proceedings to oust sitting President Donald Trump wasting resources and time that could have been invested in improving American lives instead of obstructionist politics.
The democrat party focus on identity politics is yet another deviation from main issues that neglects reality over superficiality. The democrat party’s trend on identity politics is destructive as the policy indulge in profiling based on gender, race and background rather than promoting merit and mass integration without specific tag alienating individuals from general society.
Last but not the least, the democrat party political ambitions contrast relevance and meaning creating confusions among own democrat base and concerns across the aisle on extreme ideology and goals not in favor of United States democratic foundation and republic realm. The democrat candidacies close ties with China’s communist regime and external powers influence in United States governance and affairs is a natural cause for reservations against a major political party appear to have lost voter trust in the apparent undemocratic means to gain power.
Georgian electorate exercising discernment in electing representatives to United States Senate maintaining balance of power is critical to avert drastic engagement from democrat party with a narrow majority in the House of Congress.
In light of latest developments in 2020 Presidential election, Georgia re-election of republican incumbents should require them to curb China communist regime’s anti-American policies essentially protecting election process from foreign and domestic sabotage.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
United States – Presidential Election 2020 now and beyond
January 4, 2021
United States – Presidential Election 2020
Now and beyond
Padmini Arhant
The Presidential election 2020 has been one of a kind in terms of historic fraud and nepotism to grab power. Power corrupts human mind and absolute power corrupts absolutely prompting actions resulting in defeat and self-destruction. History is testament to the fact.
There has been enough discussion on the Presidential race 2020 detailing the elaborate pre-meditated election rigging via calibrated Dominion voting machine with Smartmatic software designed to flip votes from the actual winner Donald Trump to designated candidacy Joe Biden. The scientific evidence was also presented in the public hearing in Arizona and other swing states targeted for voter fraud.
The live witnesses under oath with penalty for perjury exhausted the quest for evidence from the other side. Despite the flurry of sworn affidavits and enormous proof on election fraud, the guilty declining to accept truth and reality is least surprising.
The questions arising from the tainted candidacies Joe Biden and running mate Kamala Emhoff are mountainous scandals involving both of them. The Bidens fiasco linked directly with United States foreign adversaries mainly China CCP financial dealings benefitting Joe Biden and family are incontrovertible. Furthermore, Joe Biden transition team having Peter Neffenger tied to Smartmatic software and Kamala Emhoff’s husband Douglas Emhoff, partner in DLA Piper Global partnered with Smartmatic overwhelm conflict of interests. To top it all, the Dominion voting machine configured to switch votes leads to prominent democrats viz. Dianne Feinstein and Nancy Pelosi with their spouses’ ownership and investment in the company whose equipment was reportedly used in 30 states of United States that in itself delegitimize the democrat candidate Joe Biden and running mate Kamala Emhoff in the race.
The Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Radcliffe assessment in adherence to Executive Order issued on September 12, 2018 irrefutably found foreign interference in the Presidential election 2020 with China CCP instrumental in subversion of election process. Not to mention the subsequent massive cyber attack is confirmation of enemy infiltration with internal collusion.
The deep state is primarily responsible for foreign intrusion in the United States beyond comprehension. The members in government, bureaucracy and judiciary together facilitating election corruption from inactions and refusal to conduct hearings on lawsuits verify foreign and deep state influence at every level. When the people’s court fails people declining hearing on constitutional violation lawsuits slighting Supreme Court’s prime constitutional responsibility to uphold constitution with actual interpretation and practice of constitutional law, the nation is confronted with constitutional crisis.
The legislators in swing states neglecting constitutional procedures substituted with arbitrary election of electors is a deception. Thereafter the battleground states falsely claiming the action as maintaining electorate will is a deliberate motion to discard electorate representation in crucial legislative process.
The electors appointed by swing States without conforming to state constitution in the electoral college votes have not only made constitution irrelevant but importantly ignored electorate participation in the critical undertaking.
In order to rectify the serious anomaly, the states PA, WI, MI, GA, AZ, NV and NM represented by republican electors favoring incumbent candidate Donald Trump qualify to cast electoral college votes on or before January 6th, 2021.
On the issue of corruption scandals – the deep state members are held above law. The Clintons with their fair share of activities and Hillary Clinton as the former Secretary of State running the State Department on a private server notwithstanding spying on all members in politics, United Nations and general society deemed prerogative. Then after losing 2016 election, Hillary Clinton framing then Republican winner Donald Trump on alleged Russian collusion combined with authorization of illegal activities from outgoing President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden against incoming administration high rank officials like General Michael Flynn and others is self-explanatory on deep state authoritative privilege on crime.
In 2020 – Biden family scandals directly implicating Joe Biden, the principal beneficiary in all financial dealings with China CCP and foreign governments in Ukraine, Russia viz. former Moscow Mayor’s spouse donations and more masqueraded during election is betrayal of voter trust and mass deception. The media, democrat party and candidate Joe Biden withholding scandalous information and incriminating quid pro quo transactions between candidate Joe Biden and China military endanger national security. The Biden family’s numerous contracts with China CCP owned companies in billions of dollars severely impact United States position in every respect weakening negotiation power on trade, economic and strategic issues.
In plain honesty, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris team with ties to China and election debacle in the domestic front jeopardize credible representation to lead and govern United States and the republic. Furthermore, majority do not concur with election result and unilaterally declaring Joe Biden as the winner.
The incumbent President Donald J. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence are duly elected administration to govern United States in 2021.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
United States – China Communist Regime Dominance
Padmini Arhant
It is important to focus on China – the immediate and by far the most aggressive adversary having deeply infiltrated United States politics, academia, entertainment, sports and economy with American media included in China’s investments nationwide. When China could install a spy in national intelligence committee long before through Senator Dianne Feinstein’s chauffeur and now recently in democrat congressman Eric Swalwell case, the political parties and leaderships should have been on alert and exercised utmost vigilance in screening and monitoring anyone casual or close with members in intelligence committee, national security and sensitive areas of the government.
How does China trap key members in government, economy, academia and so forth?
Needless to say, with money and power as confessed by the communist party members in the video released and published in public domain and presented below.
Human weakness to fame, fortune and power unfortunately misleads them towards self-compromise. In doing so they take down everyone including the nation they belong to without any regrets on their actions. In politics and judiciary, integrity has long been abstinent and more so post election 2020.
Integrity is rare and not a criteria for positions as witnessed in election and appointments to the lowest to highest office on land. Otherwise, those entrenched in corruption with scandals all around would not be the ideal preference to lead and govern the nation. It is unthinkable and unacceptable to grant power to those struggling to come in terms with ethical deficit throughout their political career.
What does this mean?
The scandalous and those wanting power by any means i.e. by hook or crook noticed in this election 2020 are backed and installed in power.
At what and whose cost?
Undeniably, at national and citizens cost with an open invitation to enemy to undermine everything that is irreplaceable beginning with constitution that guarantees freedom, individual rights, democracy and sovereignty that has no meaning or relevance to adversary rooted in brutal communism immortalizing concentration of power among core circle in the system. Within that power centrifuge there is internal conflict for supreme authority leading to authoritarianism wreaking havoc for citizens in that country and nations near and far. Not to mention corruption serving as the arsenal to remain in power and influence those whom they target for dominance.
Let there be no misconception on undemocratic forces and ideology having little or no respect for basic rights, independence and individuality to work hard and achieve respective dreams and ambitions in life. The narcissism defies rationality and reason on all matter and fails to recognize imminent danger surrounding such attribute heading the nation.
China’s communism is premised on central authority dictating terms and conditions on living and lifestyle to personal and political aspirations largely managed via indoctrination and subjugation.
As for United States, China’s intrusion is well embedded in politics, academia and economy. The political infiltration is across the aisle and conspicuous in delivery from members heading the House of Congress and Senate. The republican majority leader in the Senate Mitch McConnell’s close ties with China CCP and military affecting United States politics is not a secret. The republican Senator Mitch McConnell’s spouse Elaine Chao relation with China’s communist party and military is long established and continued till today. The republican Senator Mitch McConnell rise to power in politics is attributed to China’s communist regime close associate and confidante Elaine Chao through investments in political campaign of then rookie republican Mitch McConnell from the great state of Kentucky.
Georgia runoff election and more will be presented shortly.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter