United States – Identity Politics

November 19, 2020

United States – Identity Politics

Padmini Arhant

Identity politics has long served political factions ideology in a democracy. When political parties and candidates running for public office as debutant or incumbent have none or dismal record, the campaign heavily relies on divisive polarizing strategy premised on identity politics categorizing voters on race, ethnicity, class, creed, religion, gender, social and economic background. The other popular means in politics to win election in the absence of verifiable positive actions and policies benefiting citizens and nation at large besides corruption in political career is negative campaign against opponent especially if the contender is hard to compete with and pose challenge to the other side on real issues and reality.

Above all, fake news via press, mainstream media, social media and diverse outlets representing deep state and their proxies continue to mislead and misinform public with false reports and concocted events until the deep state approved candidacy is installed in power.

That’s when and where the SuperPAC, HybridPAC, special interests, foreign governments and billionaires flushed millions of dollars adding to billions aid the lack luster lackey candidacy serving the intended purpose of donors not without them deriving more value for money they invest in such candidacy and political party.

Identity Politics – United States has witnessed and experienced violence, looting and mob attacks at frequent intervals and with great intensity since 2016 until now under the guise of protesting discrimination against blacks, police brutality and injustice to African Americans. Not long ago such protest snowballed wreaking havoc on streets with communal unrest nationwide on African American George Floyd death related to police torture in Minneapolis, Minnesota only resulting in more deaths from large gatherings in the middle of COVID19 crisis.

The organizations poised as civil rights groups seeking fairness and justice are in fact misused as political wing and deployed to spread violence and other crimes in the course of demonstrations.

The examples are Black Lives Matter and Antifa (Anti Fascism) though neither address the cause they claim to represent for they are invented and instigated by those behind social injustice and authoritarianism.

The public profile of this organization.


“Black Lives Matter is a decentralized political and social movement advocating for non-violent civil disobedience in protest against incidents of police brutality and all racially motivated violence against black people. Wikipedia
FoundedJuly 13, 2013
PurposeAdvocacy and protests against racial discrimination
LocationInternational, largely in the United States
FormationJuly 13, 2013; 7 years ago

Contrary to the belief and public statement, unfortunately Black Lives Matter in the United States and other locations such as Britain and Canada, the involvement via protests has been anything but civil and non-violent. The other stigma on Black Lives Matter is the organization having become the political tool and arsonists for those actually responsible for exacerbating black lives tragedies and extraordinary plight.

Interestingly, there was no such movement or even voices of concern to the following incidents that was actually related to black lives mercilessly purged misusing authority granted by the people including the victims in a democracy during the much touted BLACK Presidency in the history of the United States.

1. Miriam CareyAfrican American Dental Hygienist. Public execution by White House Secret Service personnel at the White House periphery during the Black Presidency Barry Soterro aka Barack Hussein Obama and African American Spouse Michelle Obama presence at the time in the White House. The Vice President Joe Biden also present at that time.

Miriam Carey was gunned down with some thirty five bullets not five bullets as falsely covered up by CNN.com. Miriam Carey was shot dead on October 3, 2013 with her then toddler daughter witness to the heinous murder of an unarmed civilian and a young  mother in a democracy.

Where was the Black Lives Matter when this happened considering the organization founded and became active on July 13, 2013?

2. Troy Anthony Davis – African American falsely convicted and executed with lethal injection on September 21, 2011 by the state of Georgia for a crime he did not commit and yet the flawed criminal justice process ignored the facts based evidence clearly vindicating Troy Davis since apprehension. The worst was the incident attracting media attention and sensationalism in the United States and across the globe but not sensitivity from the White House with then first Black President and Black family unheeding requests submitted on this website per topics and voices from other corners of the country and across the globe.

United States – Troy Davis Clemency Plea – Published September 21, 2011.


United States Judicial Ethics – Troy Davis Execution – Published on September 22, 2011.


Troy Anthony Davis – the innocent African American’s life could have been saved with clemency from then sitting Black President Barrry Soterro aka Barack Hussein Obama which was not considered necessary and slighted at that time along with same crony so-called liberal media mocking anyone including my stance to prevent the state murder of an innocent life in the southern state of Georgia in 2011.

Fast forward in 2019 – the article on Troy Davis in Klau Center for Civil and Human Rights site.

“Troy Davis story highlights risks of wrongful conviction and execution

Jason Ewart, of Arnold & Jones, Washington DC, spoke at Notre Dame Law School on November 21, 2019. Ewart was the lead defense attorney for Troy Davis, a man executed in 2011 following a criminal justice process that many, in the US and around the globe, found deeply flawed.”

Many in the United States including myself and around the globe could see the glaring willful injustice to a man being punished for the crime he was not responsible for and made a scapegoat. Somehow, then administration led by Black Presidency and democrat Vice Presidency Joe Biden could not recognize the state of Georgia’s fatal error.

3.From the same Southern State of Georgia another embarrassing and unfair decision was taken by then first black President Barry Soterro aka Barack Hussein Obama and Vice President Joe Biden, when the supposedly democrat administration on July 19, 2010 fired Shirley Sherrod, a black woman with respectable record in her career from her appointed position as Georgia State Director of Rural Development for the United States Department of Agriculture.

The reason behind firing Shirley Sherrod was the White House under then first black President Barry Soterro aka Barack Obama and democrat Vice President Joe Biden fell for the conservative talk show host on FOX NEWS – Glenn Beck’s fabricated distortion about Shirley Sherrod’s public speech that was not presented in entire and factual context.

The trend in haste reporting and disinformation by political establishment and deep state run media, press and communication outlets online and offline are well known and highlighted in this incident.

Where was the Black Lives Matter on injustice to a Black Man – Troy Davis and Black woman Shirley Sherrod under Black Presidency?

Given these deep wounds on black people during black Presidency with democrat Vice President Joe Biden on the side, the violence and injustice inflicted directly and indirectly speak volume on vote fraud in Georgia in 2020 that could not have favored the candidacy former Vice President Joe Biden then oblivious to black ordeal during two terms in office.

Ironically, the rise and prominence to violent activities linked to Black Lives Matter, Antifa and other disruptive groups created and fostered in conjunction with IS and ISIS emergence in 2011, 2012, 2013…under then administration of President Barry Soterro aka Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden.

These events are impetus to judge anyone on the content of character regardless of skin color i.e. racial social and economic status.

Identity politics is discriminatory reeking in prejudice with political motives to segregate and classify those targeted for devious political agenda. Furthermore, the profiling subvert progressiveness promoting caricature of human intellect and individual merit not necessarily relevant in selection criteria for key positions in deep state and establishment run politics.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter










China – CCP Spread COvID19 Pandemic

November 17, 2020

China – CCP Spread COVID19 Pandemic

Padmini Arhant

Latest Update : United States – SuperPAC, HybridPAC, Big Techs, Foreign Interests Driven 2020 Presidential Election Campaign.


China’s communist leadership CCP infiltration in foreign soil via politics and political funding in election campaigns besides lucrative deals to political family members and corporate beneficiaries is the existential threat to any democracy.

While the young brave hearts in uniform guarding the frontiers lay their lives and sacrifice physical body parts losing their arms, limbs, sight and much more to protect the country and citizens including those committing treason in politics,

The enemy’s easy entry and control over the nation’s economy, politics and freedom facilitated by those in politics and economic sector prioritizing self and vested interests is deeply regrettable and reprehensible.

China’s CCP leadership and representatives open bidding on political factions and candidacy wherever possible which is unfortunately worldwide to exert influence and dominance despite being responsible for the global pandemic wreaking havoc on health and economy world over reflect CCP’s prominence in deep state.

In the United States COVID19 deaths and hospitalizations of corona virus patients are sadly misused as the political platform amid conforming to CCP’s desired outcome i.e. Beijing’s victory falsely misled as the electoral mandate in the 2020 Presidential election.

The corporate media and tech giants together with democratic ex-President’s persistent efforts in compliance with Beijing’s aspirations to install power in Washington submissive and complicit to CCP agenda deserve attention.

The rancor on the current situation in the United States politics following the 2020 election stating the position as dangerous, detrimental and delegitimization of Beijing choice is the irony.

When in fact Beijing’s cards played in the United States election to settle scores on various actions by incumbent administration merit focus.

1. Huawei denied access protecting United States intelligence, military and national security from Beijing’s radar.

Notwithstanding Huawei 5G broadband derailing economic progress affecting the same tech behemoths in the United states rallying behind Beijing catapulted power experiencing the worst in CCP’s aggressive political and economic gains against United States underestimate China’s voracious ambition.

2. United States President Donald Trump issued executive order banning China CCP controlled military companies trading in United States securities did not bode well for Beijing. The CCP engaged in misrepresentation to own people and the rest of the world on myriad matter with COVID19 unleashed on humanity beckon interception on Beijing’s intrusion in political, military and economic activities in the United States and other parts of the world.

3. United States State Department under Secretary of State Mike Pompeo voicing support to Hong Kong autonomy and accordingly effective measures such as sanctions against certain entities and groups is predictably persona non grata for Beijing.

The CCP determined to prevent second term Presidency for Donald Trump replacing the present administration with members and faction bound by CCP’s quid pro quo is least surprising and calls for further investigations in this regard on the past ventures and exchange of economic benefits to political family misusing privilege in a democracy.

Above all, President Donald Trump’s trade and cold war with Beijing seeking transparency on economic dealings in the long standing Beijing’s controversial currency manipulation hedging China’s yuan against US dollar for advantage on exports evading tariffs remain contentious with the current administration.

Beijing having enjoyed most favored nation (MFN) status among predecessors until 2016, the  CCP economic policy to hurt United States never challenged vigorously by previous administrations choosing complacency as the political comfort zone. Not barring China CCP managed investments in political campaigns and process.

President Donald Trump’s commitment towards domestic economy and national security curbing China’s cyber attacks rampant in the previous administrations inarguably found inconvenient by Beijing desperately involved in restoring power surrendered to CCP’s economic and hegemonic goals.

In view of these developments, granting Beijing victory is dangerous, detrimental and delegitimize American sovereignty.

Last but not the least, the voting irregularities and illegal ballots attributed to lack of independent neutral oversight in the ballot counting locations and centers is a serious problem that cannot be discarded at any time.

The electronic voting machine using the dubious software to switch votes is the systemic fraud endured by electorate in any election anywhere demanding scrutiny.

Considering the malpractice in this regard with political factions and candidates arbitrarily declared winners, the mechanism to prohibit such malfeasance is critical to save democracy.

Finally, no individual, political party or entity could ever be more important than a nation and hard fought independence defiantly subject to deep state and foreign government’s preference viz. Beijing to enhance personal and selective prosperity ignoring peril inflicted through Wuhan, China originated COVID19 global health disaster.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter








China Communist Military Activities

November 12, 2020

China Communist Military Activities

Padmini Arhant

United States President Donald Trump’s executive order banning China Communist Military companies trading in United States securities is a tremendous step in the right direction.

Similarly, the US State Department headed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s persistent defense of Hong Kong’s autonomy stripped by Beijing on international watch and accordingly relevant actions are noteworthy. 

China’s communist leadership military, intelligence and extravagant ventures exploiting vulnerabilities of developing nations not without critical support and collusion from those with exclusive vested interests in particular in the United States and Europe facilitated China’s direct infiltration and incursion against neighbors near and far. The ambitions largely aimed at United States in the past two decades is not a mere perception. 

Setting aside the raucous on the 2020 election, the important factor is the 2020 Presidential election campaign funded by China’s affiliates and Chinese major investors to replace the incumbent administration of President Donald Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is well founded in the political standpoint. 

Notwithstanding the absence of transparency in election funding and the Presidential race attracting bidders from all corners with deep pockets as well as specific agenda calls for Presidential campaigns to come clean and present the direct and indirect funding source.

The Presidential race fought on the issue of COVID19 originating from Wuhan, China financed by Beijing controlled investments in United States election to gain desirable outcome in China’s Communist Politburo favor award Beijing victory deceptively touted as American electorate mandate.

Reiterating earlier position stated on this website, there is an urgent requirement to probe China communist military and intelligence including corporate proxies indulgence in the 2020 Presidential race considering the previous 2016 Presidential election was declared Russiagate with the entire four years 2016-2019 expended in fact finding through Robert Mueller committee and other branches such as FBI and Department of Justice involvement to get to the bottom.

In the Presidential election 2020, the unleashing of deadly infectious corona virus in late 2019 and information withheld from international community by Beijing and WHO director general Ghebreyesus until March 2019 on the ravaging viral transmission via human contact and primarily international travel with catastrophic impact on health and economy worldwide is no ordinary event.

Anyone expressing disdain on COVID19 ramifications attributing to mishandling and mismanagement of the pandemic would seek investigation on China’s role in the United States 2020 election benefitting those taking advantage of the best of both situations viz. COVID19 and the pandemic origin China’s finance to their political campaign.

Otherwise, criticizing COVID19 casualties as the incumbent’s fault while accepting China Communist Party representatives cash flow in the United States 2020 election to install the administration pledged to complicity with CCP rather than subjecting Beijing to accountability would clarify duplicity.

Presidential race 2020 associated with China Communist Party and military as well as Beijing’s espionage activities unraveling just prior to election month debunk any assertion to these incidents as conspiracy theory. 

As such the corona virus experiments carried out in Wuhan Virology Institute, China back in 2009 and onwards projecting the potential threat to humanity from the deadly virus anytime and that virus release coinciding with the United States Presidential election 2020 reveals there is more than it meets the eye. 

All the more reasons to pay attention to China Communist leadership, the military and intelligence aspirations in foreign shores.

In the United States, the Presidential election campaign money running up to officially $14 billion and unofficially far greater budget equally merit inquiry.

Those having nothing to hide would submit to campaign scrutiny with Beijing’s overwhelming expansionism in the contemporary era. 

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter







Washington D.C. Politics

November 6, 2020

Washington D.C. Politics 

Padmini Arhant

Who controls Washington D.C. Politics?

The European origin Secret Society – the Bilderberg secret meetings representing the society with oligarchy, royalty, special interests, foreign governments, prominent news media and press as well as influential members with excessive disposable wealth are instrumental in controlling political fate in different parts of the world beginning with United States is well known as deep state dominance.

Why Washington D.C. has zero tolerance to outsiders  – i.e. anyone not within political establishment and circle?

The intolerance to outsiders is predominantly due to unwillingness to obey deep state reining control over politics, money and mind in the ruthless obsession and addiction to power.

Washington D.C. is not only the capital of the United States boasting the Capitol Hill, White House and Supreme Court, the city is the citadel for power brokers and dealers, the so-called think tanks, institutions and organizations specializing in toppling foreign governments, instigating political unrest offshore, launching coup d’é·tat in foreign soil via targeted nations’ military and political factions creating internal turmoil, economic collapse and social chaos resulting in the breakdown of law and order especially in the developing nations worldwide.

The events witnessed in destabilization of Ukraine in 2011-2012 orchestrating the so-called Ukraine Revolution reminiscent of 2004-2005 Orange Revolution is an example among several that followed in 2011 and 2012 such as the supposedly Arab Spring destroying nations in the Middle East and North Africa with Libya and Syria permanently paying the price until today.

Again foreign invasion and occupation aimed at political instability is a tradition in Washington politics duly complied by administrations regardless of political party.

In the domestic front since 2009 manufacturing fake protests, rallies often designed to go wild and unruly observed time and time again jeopardizing the demonstrations cause is the neoliberal strategy.

How the deep state and representatives in Washington political establishment together with media and news organizations tirelessly labored in unseating the democratically elected Republican President Donald Trump right from November 3rd 2016 until now?

The chronicle of events begins on the eve of election results in 2016. There were massive demonstrations staged in Washington, D.C. demanding then President elect Donald Trump to quit power and return to Trump Tower.

The pursuit followed with Robert Mueller committee wasting taxpayers money from 2016 – 2019 to indict the sitting President Donald Trump accused of  alliance with Russian meddling in 2016 Presidential election. The rigorous investigations turned out to be nothing more than a political witch hunt much to the embarrassment and disappointment of all those behind the wild goose chase.

The allegations and mockery of President Trump in late night shows and media outlets continued in the entire four years in office and unlikely to desist for sometime.

The bizarre one being the diagnosis of President Donald Trump’s mental health by presumptuous Ivy league psychiatrist hired to certify President Trump as mentally unfit to perform the duty as President of the United States and accordingly demanding President Trump to leave office was the degraded political humor from those engaged in ludicrous act. The political theatrics in this regard was not even worthy as material for Hollywood script or roadside show.

When all things failed, the deep state together with representatives in Washington embarked on impeachment proceedings to oust the serving President Trump that once again ended up in vindication  frustrating the accusers and everyone of them participating in the worst political coup venting their anger and revenge for 2016 loss in the Presidential race.

So much for their calm and collect composure currently touted by deep state media vilifying President Donald Trump’s response to election process.

The deep state authorized reference of President Trump as opposed to Donald Trump  while being accused of myriad unsubstantiated charges and false wrongdoings, the same duly complied by deep state media and press indicative of bipolar syndrome highlight their serious disorders.

One would wonder why President Trump isolated by deep state?

President Trump called for draining the swamp referring to the deep state running amuck that obviously did not go well in the domain rife with corruption and scandals in epic proportions that predecessors apparently had no problems with and diligently executed  deep state orders sharing profitability and acceptance in the league.

The other contentious and audacious commitment from President Donald Trump was prioritizing United States and economy in his Make America Great Again” aspiration.

President Trump’s sincere ambitions in this respect was never welcome among globalists having conditioned governments and economies across the globe on globalization shunning and removing any heads of the state or government daring to promote domestic economic interests viewed as protectionism. The policy never appreciated nor accommodated by globalists behind empowering communist leadership in China, the chief beneficiary of globalization doctrine.

What does the status quo signify about deep state controlled Washington D.C.?

Hostility, antagonism, vengeance and reprisal…are the forte.

Although Las Vegas designated Sin City, attributing the title to political capital Washington D.C. would be appropriate considering the indulgence and actions among those regarding themselves powerful despite their weakness and surrender to deep state.

Little knowing that inescapable Karma is the all powerful with incredible memory and indelible in teaching lessons like never before.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 





United States 2020 Election

November 5, 2020

United States 2020 Election 

Padmini Arhant

The battle for power dependent on battleground states in the 2020 general election is déjà vu in many respects with reverse factions being the difference. The current developments reminiscent of timeline 2000, 2004 and 2008 in particular.

In 2008 Presidential election, then republican Presidential contender John McCain was viewed not electable predominantly on the age factor among many other assumptions by the opposite side. Simultaneously, the former Vice President at that time – then Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin was mocked as inexperienced rookie contestant fielded to fill in the place of serious highly responsible post waiting second in line to then elderly Senior Presidential candidate John McCain.

Interestingly, these norms are discarded to their own camp on the democratic aisle in the 2020 election although the uncanny resemblance repeating 2008 Republican party scenario in the democrat Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates hardly escape attention.

As such the deep attachment to power prominent among septuagenarians and octogenarians in politics seeking re-elections over several terms in office leaves no hope or opportunity for younger generation in leadership role to shape their future and change the stagnant political landscape. 

Now on the contemporary Presidential race 2020, the conflicting actions such as calling states regardless of the narrow lead with at least 15- 25% vote counts remaining indicative of bias and special favors to preferred candidate in the Presidential race.

At the same time, the significant margin despite near complete vote count unnecessarily withheld in the hope of altering the outcome is anything but fair.

The practice justified in the name of maintaining voter integrity flagrantly default in applying across the board again creating disparity in electorate rights on their choices in the democratic process.

Setting aside candidacies claims being personable or not in the tunnel vision, the reasonable mind would be impersonal in following the empirical methods unlike the present wavering standards causing speculations and doubts in accepting the decision.

The other aspect is the financial cost of running for the highest office escalating each term with no limit is no surprise. The approximate figure $14 billion between two candidacies alone is an extraordinary investment. The legitimate question being the funding source behind the political campaigns considering the investors stake and interests overriding ordinary voter rights in a democracy.

In the absence of transparency and accountability, the billionaires from either side investing in political candidacy for vested interests cannot be ruled out though the cash inflow metamorphosing into targeted economic deals and seismic shift in trade policy with foreign counterparts is consistent and paradoxical in comparison.

The news reports in public domain on Silicon Valley billionaires financing democratic party Presidential candidate aimed at profitable ventures in China, the long established manufacturing base and global warehouse amid 2020 election fought highlighting COVID19 pandemic mismanagement and loss of lives in the United States is self-contradictory and violation of electorate trust especially the position ignoring COVID19 origin viz. Wuhan, China – the epicenter unleashing contentious and contagious virus including insurmountable economic impact in the United States and worldwide.

Does this mean the 2020 election is directly or indirectly influenced by major foreign power – not Russia or Iran instead China via local stakeholders in the tech and other economic sectors protecting corporate relations with China regardless of the political campaign rhetoric on COVID19 mishandling consuming lives and paralyzing economy?

The essence of this was evident in the recent congressional hearing on anti-trust investigation against major tech giants such as Google, Facebook, Amazon and more… conspicuously evading specific response to congressional query on their economic ties with China in the open alarming COVID 19 environment. 

On the issue of at least 15 states in the union passing resolution removing electoral votes paving way for national popular votes to decide on the Presidential race winner is welcome.

However, similar requirement in the democratic party primary election granting the so-called Super delegates comprising elite members invalidating the democratic base choices within party leading to Presidential candidate nominee who in turn choosing the running mate exercising personal preference rather than ballot cast voters’ election of Vice Presidential nominee expected to assume critical role in the office of Presidency upon any unpredictable situation is fundamental in democratizing the system.

Finally. meritocracy and performance in political career determining election of members to public office would truly reflect people mandate to form the government of the people, by the people and for the people in a real democracy. 

Thank you. 

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter 















United States – Reopening Government

January 25, 2019

United States – Reopening Government 

Padmini Arhant

I welcome the good news on the decision to reopen government that would provide much required relief to more than 800,000 workers affected from the longest shut down notwithstanding the resumption of critical services at the airports and federal facilities nationwide.

President Donald Trump accepting the short term deal with no wall funding is a good gesture as talks are expected to continue over border security issue. The Presidential order authorizing immediate back pay and salary due to employees is indeed a necessary step in the process. 

Meanwhile, the leaderships in Congress i.e. the Senate and House consensus is equally appreciative. 

Hopefully the administration and Congress will resolve their differences in arriving at decision on border discussions, DACA related to immigrants and other crucial matter concerning the citizens and nation. 

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com


United States – Government Shutdown

January 24, 2019

The ongoing impasse on reopening of government taking toll on airport security and aviation safety with passengers stranded in airports in the northeast and other parts of the country are extreme conditions. These effects will be a culminating factor for inevitable voter backlash in 2020. The responsible authorities in the current deliberations heeding to national urgency and resuming government functions would signify commitment to electorate and the nation at large.


United States – Government Shutdown 

Padmini Arhant

United States heads of government in the executive and legislative branch perhaps forgot the holidays were over a while ago for citizens in the country and world wide.

The extended holiday season under the guise of government shut down by leading public officials is actually hurting ordinary folks who survive paycheck to paycheck.

I can completely relate to this no pay or salary situation considering my status working without any pay in the past ten years and up until now and yet meet all financial obligations tied to basic existence.

Those who are behind this prolonged shut down obviously care less for it does not affect them monetarily given the wealth at their disposal.

Furthermore, in every government shutdown which is a routine for most administrations, Congress always protect their interests in terms of income or paycheck to self in the House and Senate. In other words, the government shutdown translates into paid vacation for Congress and the administration.

However, that is not the case for nearly a million government workers enduring severe impact of this gridlock between Congress and Whitehouse.

Whatever political differences there are between warring factions over border wall and various issues, there is no justification in holding ordinary citizens i.e. employees and other critical government services indefinitely hostage without any desire to resolve the problem amicably in national interest.

In fact, the economic costs from this shut down only increase liability adding to United States deficit and national debt at taxpayers expense. Any gains expected from trilateral treaty signed and yet to be ratified i.e. United States, Mexico and Canada Agreement and similar deals would have to salvage the revenue loss for government due to the current irrational stalemate involving the Whitehouse and House of Congress.

Government closure due to unwillingness to reconcile differences failing to prioritize the need for functionality and importantly thousands of employees deprived of life dependent income is meaningless as these negotiations could be done without hindering government operation.

The administration obstinacy over border wall citing security ignores immediate crisis from the suspension of government apparatus providing diverse services that are connected with generating revenue for the nation.

Again the members as staff and workers forced into unemployment in the absence of paycheck including taxes to government deserve attention in this unnecessary showdown.

United States leaderships demonstrating maturity and sensitivity to government workers and their families plight besides focus on utilizing taxpayers hard earned money in addressing issues through constructive political discourse would be much appreciated.

I urge President Donald Trump, House Majority leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority leader Senator Mitch McConnell to end the government shut down and engage in positive dialogue on all matter.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & President PadminiArhant.com










U.S. 2016 Election and Spin Zone

July 19, 2018

U.S. 2016 Election and Spin Zone

Padmini Arhant

The conviction on Russian meddling in 2016 election do not serve the shadow global government agenda regardless of the diverse forecasts, dissemination and obsession despite the election a foregone event. 

The circumvention on 2016  U.S. election only leads to the following conclusion;

The utter failure of then administration of former President Barack Obama, the national security team and importantly the U.S.intelligence agencies for not preventing the alleged Russian intervention. 

The claim categorically admits the predecessor’s dereliction of duty and responsibility in intercepting any such foreign interference. 

Let this not be forgotten that the nomination of the democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton was rigged angering the base and supporters of the contender Bernie Sanders within the Democratic Party. 

The scandal resulted in then DNC Chief Debbie Wasserman Schultz ouster. The vote rigging was further confirmed by then interim DNC chair Donna Brazile.

The crime did not end there and continued with the murder of DNC whistleblower, the 27 years old Seth Rich shot dead in broad daylight denying the democratic base and the country the open and fair investigation on the incident related to the Presidential contestant Hillary Clinton.

Why no special counsel headed investigation of these crimes not even considered relevant while citing the sanctity of democracy and electoral process having been violated in the so-called Russian meddling in 2016?

Is it because the probe such as the current one squandering ordinary citizens tax dollars only useful in maintaining status quo rather than draining the swamp with internal corruption and unlawful engagement leading to clinching the Democratic Party nomination in 2016?

Whatever tactics and shenanigans are deployed in discrediting the reality of 2016 U.S.elections and the factual contributions towards the outcome,

The take away message from the ongoing insistence and summation of supposedly Russian military officials hacking into DNC servers and alleged sabotage of U.S. 2016 election is a debacle due to security lapse in DNC cyber protection. 

Not to mention the entire episode having become a major embarrassment to the previous administration i.e. the predecessor Barack Obama together with the national security adviser Susan Rice and the intelligence agency under John Brennan, FBI director James Comey Jr. and others for remaining oblivious to the known prelude.

Unless the decision to do nothing by the previous administration was premised on the miscalculated win in the election per shadow global government expectation.

The unequivocal truth –  Man proposes and God disposes more so in the contemporary cosmic tutelage.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminjArhant.com


United States – July 4th Celebrating Freedom

July 4, 2018

United States – July 4th Celebrating Freedom 

Padmini Arhant

United States commemorates freedom on Fourth of July with fireworks and social gathering.

Freedom is priceless and meaningful when experienced by all. Those who strive to safeguard freedom i.e.the brave men and women in uniform, humanitarians and ordinary citizens from all walks of life engaged to maintain freedom and democracy despite overt and covert suppression of liberty in various format are to be recognized not just on the Independence Day but every day. 

Freedom is inalienable right that unfortunately considered a privilege rather than fundamental for survival in any civil society. Any nation declared free and independent respecting other nations’ sovereignty and territorial integrity would demonstrate respect and regard for self-determination and autonomy. 

The position of power and authority exerted over certain demography in a society under the guise of national security subjecting the victims in these situations to extreme suffering and isolation cast a shadow on the ethos of the nation. Not to mention human rights violation in denying natives legitimacy and legality to exist with their nucleus family. 

Similarly, those held indefinitely in prison such as the Guantanamo Bay inmates without any legal access or representation as well as many in rendition overseas do not reflect well for the nation proudly acclaimed the beacon of democracy and bastion of liberty. 

Interestingly, the term Free world is loosely used though the world is not entirely free with significant population in subjugation besides discrimination and gender bias are common. Furthermore, territories are occupied over decades without any hope for statehood and emancipation. 

Accordingly, under these circumstances no head of the state regardless of presumed status could possibly be the so-called leader of the free world due to misinterpretation of power and dominance over nations deemed weak and vulnerable. 

The truly free nation would not curb free speech against those in power. The free state would promote tolerance, fairness, equality and opportunity to all unlike the tradition of  prejudice and predisposition towards targeted segments, individuals and community. 

The election in a free country would be transparent prohibiting funding from sources viz. corporate and diverse special interests as strong bidders and stake holders of the political system representing them instead of the people in a democracy.

Consumer rights and data are exploited to benefit corporate entities with politics granting oligarchy carte blanche authority in dismantling regulations meant to protect consumer interests that are under assault in the present  economy. 

Major corporations merger and acquisitions having become the norm ultimately shifting the economic burden on the end consumer, the average citizen apparently not a concern to those elected to serve the people affected in the deal. 

The big corporations monopoly not just limited to gaining lion market share in respective economic goals, their active participation and cooperation with NSA in illegal dragnet surveillance on citizens of the country is a routine affair. 

The outlined activities clearly define the kind of freedom in the country and rest of the world. 

Freedom chained to political dictum and narcissism pose a challenge to the idea of free spirit and a free world.

Happy Fourth of July!

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com


United States – Washington D.C. Noise Pollution

February 5, 2018

United States – Washington D.C. Noise Pollution

Padmini Arhant

Fellow Americans,

I would like to clear the air once and for all.

There is noise pollution in Washington D.C.

There has been news articles and press interviews throughout the day accusing the release of memo from the House Intelligence Committee’s Chairman Devin Nunes as abuse of power. Since I am forced to deal with innuendoes rather than direct talks and reference, I respond to the allegation.

I find this accusation of abuse of power impulsive and interesting considering those who are making such claims are parallel to none in this art of abusing power verifiable in the tenure as CIA director introducing the inhumane and internationally condemned torture techniques as well as mistreatments of those held in custody without trial or right to legal defense to prove their innocence.

Notwithstanding the intelligence agencies missing in action in preventing the worst terror attack against the nation on September 11, 2001.

This is not the first time that an administration or office of Presidency has had difference of opinion and problems with the highest office bearers in intelligence agency.

The FBI founder and first director Edgar J. Hoover’s relationship with former President John F. Kennedy and subversion subsequent to the latter’s assassination is a classified yet publicly known secret.

The entire controversy surrounding Russia investigation headed by former FBI director Robert Mueller III and the recent intelligence memo is all related to alleged Russia meddling in 2016 Presidential election and the outcome against the democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Having visited this topic numerous times on this website, anything said or written no matter how well articulated and presented on this subject, the cliché is unavoidable.

Nevertheless, there is a demand to agree with the fast track Russia investigation aimed at indictment of the sitting President Donald Trump regardless of the methods and unusual approach from intelligence apparatus, DOJ, the Clinton campaign and DNC to prove their case.

It is important to refresh memory on Presidential quest by the democrat candidate Hilary Rodham Clinton.

The democrat candidate Hillary Clinton Presidential bid in 2008 against then democrat contender Barack Obama in the primary was unsuccessful. There was a high drama in having the contender Hillary Clinton concede to then candidate Barack Obama following the democrat primary election in 2008.

Fast forward to 2016, the democrat primary election and the lead up to Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton nomination was again anything but peaceful. The political storm between the Clinton campaign and the other contender Senator Bernie Sanders’ campaign was fierce and contentious. The tensions within DNC and infighting due to admittedly rigged nomination of the establishment candidate Hillary Clinton resulted in the expulsion of then DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the murder of democrat staffer Seth Rich, the supporter of candidate Bernie Sanders in the primary election.

Having wrestled and rammed over the Sanders’ campaign, the Clinton campaign along with the political class and media presumptuously decided on Clinton victory.

The democrat candidate Hillary Clinton, a seasoned politician and tenacious contestant having held the key post as Secretary of State had never resisted the concept of end justifying the means witnessed in 2008 and 2016 primary election campaigns.

The final election between the democrat candidate Hillary Clinton and the republican challenger Donald Trump was written off under the assumption of the democrat winning the election.

Meanwhile, there has been measures from the Clinton campaign as widely reported and acknowledged on the service acquired from the former British Intelligence operative, Christopher Steele, a foreign national with openly stated resolve to see the republican candidate Donald Trump fail in the Presidential race. As per the reports thus far which has not been refuted by the relevant parties, the Clinton campaign along with DNC paid $12 million to Christopher Steele for the dossier on the republican candidate Donald Trump and the campaign advisers alleged ties with Kremlin.

The Steele dossier obviously not meeting the objectivity given the author’s predisposition and overt resentment towards the subject i.e. the Presidential candidate Donald Trump has been used by FBI and DOJ in the submission for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant against one of the Trump campaign advisers Carter Page in 2016.

The FBI and DOJ were aware of the background on the dossier as having been paid for by the Clinton campaign and DNC. The recent exchanges since the release of the intelligence committee memo cited the FBI and DOJ mentioned about the dossier being politically motivated to FISA court at the time of seeking warrant. However, there is no indication on corroboration of the dossier that was presented to FISA court.

Now, the statements from the democrats favored sources suggesting that the dossier had no role in obtaining the warrant and that the intel memo cherry picked information from the dossier ignoring many crucial elements and therefore the memo is lacking in accuracy.

Clearly, the democrats and allies altered position in the wake of intel memo release is self-contradictory. On the one hand the dossier is stated irrelevant in gaining surveillance warrant from FISA court and in the same breadth the dossier is quoted to have critical information about the targets viz. the candidate Donald Trump and the Trump campaign advisers that are supposedly omitted by Chairman Nunes in the intel memo.

These are the questions the FBI and DOJ should address for proper clarifications to the American public.

Did the FBI and DOJ specify to FISA court that the dossier author Christopher Steele is a foreign national, a former British intelligence operative hired and paid by the Clinton campaign and DNC for the specific purpose of finding possible links between the opponent Donald Trump and Russia?

Did FBI and DOJ advise the FISA court whether the dossier was properly verified and found to be incontrovertible?

What other contents were provided to FISA court in addition to the unverified dossier as asserted lately in the reaction to intel memo?

The deputy AG Rosenstein apparent knowledge about FBI intelligence officials handling of Steele dossier, the FISA warrant and the surveillance activity together with the dismissal order given in writing to fire the former FBI director James Comey to incumbent President Donald Trump severely pose conflict of interest in the supervision role on Russia investigation.

As explained earlier on the topic on this website, the objection over alleged Russia intervention in 2016 election that has not been established with more than eight months passed in the appointment of special counsel Robert Mueller III is meaningless and hypocritical in the backdrop of Clinton campaign invited and paid anti-Trump foreign agent Christopher Steele prepared dossier to derail then Presidential candidate Donald Trump election prospects.

Now the questions to those members rallying behind Russia investigation by former FBI director Robert Mueller on deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein oversight.

Do Russia investigation backers also favor inquiry against Clinton campaign for allowing foreign intrusion in the paid service from Christopher Steele?

Where is the evidence on alleged impeding by Russia in 2016 Presidential election?

How come the previous administration of ex-President Barack Obama and the intelligence agency FBI as well as  DOJ did nothing to avert the alleged Russia interference despite maintaining they had credible information in this respect?

How is it that when the democrat candidate Hillary Clinton lost in 2008 to then democrat contender Barack Obama there was no Russia intrusion detected unlike the alleged dramatic Russian spell in 2016 against the Republican candidate Donald Trump?

Should accountability be enforced only on certain member or selective few in politics and grant impunity to others in direct violation of constitution and abuse of power in office?

The three to four page intel memo is rejected as concise data insisting the fifty page document is the detailed version even though the volume conforms to concentric circles with a common center being the unsubstantiated Steele dossier, alleged Russia links and concerted efforts until now to shun transparency.

There is no doubt the political fervor to disrupt governance, the stock market upbeat performance and voter trust in the mid-term election year prompting the misguided and misrepresented Russia probe.

The reality is those calling for Russia investigation with impeachment as the ultimate goal should be investigated and subject to the fullest extent of law that would essentially set precedence on fairness and application of rule on the basis none are above the law.

Finally, the House intelligence committee plan on Phase II to find the State Department involvement in the misuse of position and authority is a valid proposal and emphasize congressional responsibility to end inappropriate and unethical practice at the helm freeing the political system from deep state and secret society collusion.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com





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