United States – 2018 Mid Term Elections

January 17, 2018

United States – 2018 Mid Term Elections

Padmini Arhant

The public issues directly affecting ordinary citizens would determine Congressional elections outcome this year.

The issue such as restoring net neutrality wrongfully repealed by FCC currently awaiting Congressional bipartisanship in the bill introduced under The Congressional Review Act (CRA) in the United States Senate is just short of one vote to reach 51 votes in the simple majority process. The bill would then proceed to the House of Congress and finally to the White House.

Those who aspire to Make America Great Again and interested in maintaining majority rule in the House and Senate would place people needs and rights over special interests, political party and personal career. The net neutrality is not partisan matter as it affects citizens across the spectrum with or without political affiliation.The internet freedom is the last bastion in claiming United States a free country with the first amendment protecting free speech enabled via internet in the easy unrestricted and uncensored access to internet in the Information Age.

The DACA legalizing resident status for the Dreamers with the path to citizenship is pragmatic offering a permanent solution. The immigration policy accommodating border security with the Wall appears to be acceptable with bipartisan backing that includes DACA and border security.

The White House shying away from this opportunity to seal the deal is hard to comprehend especially President Donald Trump campaign in 2016 pledging to get things done averting government shut down and gridlock in Congress. Now when the White House is presented the moment to do so, the administration backing away with unconvincing explanations reflect the Washington contagion effect on members to miss the flight allowing the issue to linger on adding to economic liability and social dilemma.

In other matter, the federal proposal to verify Californians citizenship in the 2020 Census survey likely to inhibit significant immigrant population from participation as there are many awaiting citizenship following permanent resident status that do not qualify them until completion of five years residency in total since obtaining green card in the United States. The rule differs from other western nations like Australia with only two years requirement of continuous residency post permanent resident approval.

The White House step would further exclude other legal residents in different immigrant category contributing to the state and federal income tax depriving them from Congressional representation. These unwanted maneuvers adds to the contentious immigration debate stalling the current government funding bill in Washington D.C.

The White House census move possibly contracting representation in the House of Congress combined with substantial financial loss in federal funding for the State of California is an unnecessary quest and pronounce unique gerrymandering in the mid term election year.

California is not only the largest economy in the nation, the golden state with vast immigrant population also ranks within top ten in the global economy. The federal interception to alter political configurations leading to under representation or lower count forcing the state to lose a seat in Congress and billions of dollars in federal funds as a result of this experiment is unwise besides not being prudent in political as well as economic terms.

Similarly, the Department of Justice (DOJ) Attorney General Jeff Sessions targeting actions adopted by California and other states in legalizing medical marijuana to alleviate pain and suffering among young and old patients diagnosed with life threatening illnesses like cancer and other disease undermines state autonomy in evaluating the benefits and costs on such decisions.

In case the argument is to leave the medical marijuana intact and focus on concerns about recreational marijuana use, even then the federal intervention on citizens lifestyle regardless of potential harm in long term use conflict with democratic system and practicality.

One might say alcohol consumption that exists in various proportions causing health hazards for those exceeeding the limit should perhaps be included in the federal law on marijuana. The same topic could be extended to unhealthy junk food prevalent in the daily diet for urban and poorer segments in society. The lifestyle choices should be left to citizens discretion with adequate health warnings and information rather than imposing regulations that would only prompt illegal approach with no real data on sale and consumption.

On Obamacare, as discussed in length on this website regarding this health care law, the legislation failed to hold the key players – the health care industry comprising corporations and medical foundations in health care management along with Big Pharma and the other being the health insurance industry in meeting their end of the bargain to make health care affordable.

The health care costs and life dependent prescription drugs for cancer and terminal disease is alarming due to extraordinary profits aimed and reaped with price gouging on the rise by big pharmaceutical companies prioritizing mega profitability over patient care and survival.

The problem not addressed in the Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare is leaving patients and families to choose between medical expense and essential items like food and basic needs with insurance coverage unable to match the rapidly increasing price tag on these medications. When major companies in the pharmaceutical industry are positioned to exploit the situation against market affordability, consumers dealing with life and death scenario are vulnerable to soaring price enhancing corporate profits at consumers plight that ultimately impact demand.

Accordingly, the Carers Act in the health care law would be appropriate to streamline burgeoning drug and health care costs making health crisis management and wellness programs truly affordable.

In conclusion, America can become great only when representation in government and society is committed towards progress leaving behind none with fairness and equality guaranteed through individual freedom and economic prospects for all.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com








United States – Frankly Speaking on President Donald J. Trump Administration

January 14, 2018

United States – Frankly Speaking on President Donald

J.Trump Administration

Padmini Arhant

Frankly Speaking, the current administration headed by President Donald J. Trump has enormous potential to achieve goals in national and international interest provided the President’s public statements and views are strictly confined to issues and matter relevant to the subject refraining from unnecessary comments that immediately attracts media and world attention.

The achievements in the first year such as tax laws though favoring the wealthy and corporations continued from previous administration extending Bush tax cuts to the wealthiest hopefully have corporations invest the tax incentives in the economy for job creation and sustenance as expected in this bill. Again, any default or failure on the corporations not sharing the public dollars in enhancing job growth and American economy would impact American business and long-term prospects. Accordingly, the companies as beneficiaries of tax breaks distributing the tax dollars among members of work force all the way to the bottom unlike the trend to benefit top 1% would be wise and pervasively productive.

President Trump’s proposal on health care requiring able bodies to earn health insurance coverage with more than 10 or 12 states having come forward to enact this rule is prudent. The recommendation exempting elderly, disabled, pregnant women and children while having healthy members to earn the health plan coverage not only encourage young and not so old participants to avoid being branded as social welfare recipient which would be the case in this instance but also allow them to contribute to community service and the system.

Those who oppose the suggestion claiming that this would prevent these groups from active job search and the other scenario being there are individuals already working in other fields and therefore would not be possible for them to comply with this requirement.  With the former, the job seekers without insurance qualifying under this program could always fulfill the community or service obligation and organize for job interviews on mutual arrangement between them and wherever they are working that should accommodate requests within reasonable timeframe. In doing so, they might be able to assist the job seekers on community and other social service to move into full time employee status in the work force saving the health insurance coverage for others in worse situations. As for the latter, the employers should be incentivized with necessary tax deductions and use them towards insurance plan for the employed members without insurance coverage. Though this is a standard practice with most companies offering minimum health plan for their workers and staff, the ones yet to assimilate in this category should be advised to do so with tax benefit.

The objection raised in expecting healthy citizens to work for insurance plan is partisan politics. There has been similar proposition in place under earlier administrations like the former democratic President Bill Clinton justifying such requirement on college students qualifying for lower interest rates on student loans to return the favor in mandatory community service.

President Donald Trump waiver on Iran sanctions admittedly done with reluctance is a positive step for that is necessary in honoring United States commitment to ease tensions in the Middle East and discourage any nuclear ambitions from Iran agreed to in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in 2015.

President Donald Trump administration on immigration policy in not ending H-1B visas for professionals awaiting permanent status is practical otherwise the measure would have triggered exodus leaving high tech industry and other sectors dependent on highly skilled work force in disarray.

As for the immigrants certified as undocumented and without legal status residing in the United States having arrived at a young age, The Differed Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) that was introduced through executive order by the predecessor President Barack Obama granting temporary work permits due to expire in March this year having been an incomplete process in nature appears to be contentious at this point in time.

President Donald Trump’s willingness to derive permanent solution to this issue granting legal status with path to citizenship and the Democrats agreement in this respect along with consensus on border security gaining bipartisan support is a good opportunity to move forward leaving behind the political gaffe and denials as well as misinterpretations of conversations proved nothing more than distractions serving none in politics.

The combined efforts from all members of Congress in the House and the Senate on all issues and averting government shut down with the approval of funding bill incorporating essential needs and addressing DACA together with formalizing the DREAM Act would confirm government seriousness in serving American electorate to the best of ability and reliability.

Finally, President Donald Trump and administration focus on getting things done as witnessed in the first year transcending impulsive reactions and response only providing fodder to factions eager to debate and exacerbate problems would be in the best interest of American public and international affairs deserving attention and meaningful resolutions.

I convey my best wishes in reaching amicable solutions to issues confronting the United States and global citizenry.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com













United States – U.S.Tax Legislation

December 21, 2017

United States – U.S.Tax Legislation

Padmini Arhant

Congratulations! On the tax legislation regarded a major overhaul by Republican Congress and administration under President Donald Trump.

As stated earlier on this website on the topic shifting tax burden from the wealthiest to middle class and lower income is not a viable option.  Such maneuvers are always unsustainable as proved in previous administration’s health care reform.

The repeal of mandatory health insurance subscription tied to penalty is a fair measure considering there were no equal requirements and obligations on health insurers despite them granted 35 million additional subscribers through Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare.

The health care industry exponential costs and health insurance conpanies consistent declining of non and minimal invasive treatments essential to patients living normal life stated as experimental course ignoring FDA approval are the norm prioritizing profitability over patient care. Such responses are typically evasive on insurers part rejecting  responsibility and market choice.

The recently passed tax law taxing social security benefits, retirement accounts like 401K and IRA, interests on savings deposits affect ordinary citizens dependent on life savings as financial security. Again the legislation targeting overwhelming majority as tax revenue base would impact consumer spending ultimately hurting retail businesses and upward in the economy,

The generous tax breaks to Corporations and 1% wealthy members in society perhaps offered as tax incentives in creating jobs and the latter to detain capital flight. Unfortunately these actions in the past by earlier administrations both Republican and Democrat in extending Bush tax cuts to these two categories have not deterrred companies from moving jobs overseas and the wealthiest  in expanding offshore investments for self and vested interests.

In case there are any changes anticipated which are seriously doubtful given the trajectory conforming to global economy concept, the results will be reflected in the economy especially the gap between haves and have nots either remaining the same or worsening in some demography.

Tax restructuring was necessary and long overdue. However, not to disproportionate benefits of the rich class and against the average population and middle income groups primarily stimulating cash flow and credit opportunities as first home buyers, home improvements, auto loan and student loan applicants in the economy.

The tax breaks to working families allowing full deductions on property tax rather than capping limits up to $10,000 including other state and local taxes leave ordinary citizens with meager net disposable amount and direct effects on their buying power as mainstream consumers in market place.

Anytime major corporations and 1% are favored the most which has been the trend thus far with any administration and political party in control of Congress, the candidacy promise to them as campaign financiers are duly fulfilled without reciprocation from them exacerbating mainstream plight not to mention the increase in national deficit.

Anything otherwise in this context would be significant and a pleasant surprise which would be verified with passage of time and mainstreet reality.

The individuals on single income or for that matter families deserving tax relief are regular taxpayers unlike the top 1% and big corporations finding ways to evade taxes with profits and assets in tax havens due to different standards in society exempting them from fair share of taxes in return for enormous gains they have at ordinary and average citizens’ expense.

The prospects and drawbacks of any legislation lies in alleviating economic and social inequality. The latest tax legislation upon meeting expectations among citizens across the spectrum would then be a national goal.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission 
















United States – FCC Repealing Net Neutrality and GOP TCJA

December 15, 2017

United States – FCC Repealing Net Neutrality and GOP TCJA

Padmini Arhant

FCC handed Christmas gift to telecom giants in repealing net neutrality. Federal Communications Commission, the public funded government agency denied the citizens funding this very organization right to affordable and equal access of the internet favoring major telecom and internet companies in return for campaign financing in 2018 and 2020 election.

In doing so, the republican members who voted against net neutrality at FCC meeting having secured campaign funding for their re-election evidently deserted the republican base and supporters affected in net neutrality elimination. They were least concerned about their action impact across party lines and public interest.

When a political party is only focused in serving corporate donors and special interests at their own base and voters expense, the self and vested interests takes precedence over citizens’ rights and equal opportunity. The trend is unfortunate and does not bode well in treating the party loyalists and voters as nothing more than crowd cheering during election campaign and casting ballots to political members turning their back against those granting them power.

GOP tax bill not surprisingly sympathetic to wealthiest and multi-national corporations in their super generous tax cuts to them considering the members serving in the current administration are admittedly multi-millionaires acknowledged by President Donald Trump claiming they understand the importance of wealth better than others not in the same status.

Juxtaposed, GOP fiscal consciousness surface on relieving families in middle and lower income bracket from economic struggles and expanding Medicare and Medicaid to citizens in the prevalent health care law falling short in this regard. The term social welfare is immediately applied to the required action while exempting the super-rich from fair share of taxes, empowering corporate giants with lion share in the market in net neutrality annulment and allowing dominant corporations lateral integration defeating the purpose of market economy.

The definition and meaning of market economy is no longer relevant. Instead of market determining price with consumer rights and choices protected, the major players wish list is duly acknowledged with monopolists thwarting competition.

The latest reversal of net neutrality and tax favors including corporate takeovers establishing antitrust environment hurting consumers and other viable business competitors is capitalism going wild like unbridled horse leaving behind the carriage i.e. the economy represented and functional due to work force and consumers across the spectrum especially the people in the middle and lower economic strata.

No millionaires and billionaires position is sustainable without the people working at various levels enabling the constant flow of goods and services in the economy, their contributions in ideas, innovations to physical manual labor along with average consumers spending essentially boosting retail sales and corporate profitability. The work force and consumer base are the economic engine for businesses to exist and thrive in a market place.

Likewise, no political party or mantle of power is possible in the absence of electorate validating the post from the highest office in land to the bottom in government. The political members pledge of allegiance to campaign donors and other influential forces prompting egregious decisions against citizens, economic and national interest demonstrated soon after election to office until the end of the term is frustrating electorate with elections having become a mere formality.

However, the changing tide demonstrated in Alabama race is an effective popular dissent to status quo.

The argument from corporate representatives on rules and regulations being detrimental to business success claiming the Feds micromanagement of industry cited by FCC chairman Ajit Pai in rolling back net neutrality is the irony.

The economy lacking in or relaxation of standards leading to housing market debacle, finance industry bailouts, energy companies running amuck slighting environment woes, health care industry with insurance companies dictating patient’s treatment rather than leaving life saving decisions to physicians and patient are the tip of the iceberg.

On the contrary, corporations run the government beginning with bidding on candidacy of all political affiliations on campaign trail moving into drafting legislations through relentless lobbying and investment in swaying legislations to their maximum advantage.

Super Pacs funding elections are the norm with prominent donors viz. the Koch brothers – David and Charles Koch, the casino magnate Sheldon Adelson and alike propping the right and capitalist George Soros buttressing the left are somehow not regarded corporate and special interests meddling in government affair that are supposed to represent the mainstream, disenfranchised and segments without a voice in society.

The micromanagement of government and political system by influential forces proved adversarial widening the gap between haves and have nots with ordinary people deprived of dependable and honest representation in all matter not limited to internet access and tax benefits.

GOP recent move in tax reform titled Tax Cuts Jobs Act (TCJA) with disproportionate concessions to wealthiest members and corporate favorites alongside FCC vote ignoring citizens request to spare public domain such as the internet from corporate control are indicative of voter betrayal that could potentially deliver electoral backlash in 2018 and 2020.

The enormous campaign investments and political tactics in maintaining power could only go so far and ultimately governance rely on people support and approval. The government that prioritize citizens basic needs, rights, privileges and majority population economic security and social wellbeing have better chances of survival moving forward.

Finally, FCC vote on net neutrality has unnecessarily created challenges undermining and underestimating citizens will in matter that affects public performance in daily and professional routine.

The restoration of net neutrality in public court or congress is fundamental to preserve democratic and market economy values benefitting all not the selective few.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission














United States – Alabama Race

December 13, 2017

United States – Alabama Race

Padmini Arhant


Congratulations! To the electorate in Alabama in defeating harassment and abuse of power by those in position of authority and prominence.

Congratulations! To the candidate Doug Jones on the victory.

Anything that reaches the point of no return or salvation necessitates change that cannot be resisted or defied anymore proving the importance of people power prevailing regardless of money and might displayed in election campaigns and thereafter.

Washington D.C. and nationwide change is possible only through electorate at the polls for any actions after election is subject to political parties maneuvering, internal and external forces influence as well as control over system that denies good and corrupt free governance with fair opportunity for all.

The creation of proxies and puppets is desperate position seeking desperate measures for fake representation and falsehood is unsustainable against test of time and integrity.

Welcome to the era of people consciousness and awakening despite propaganda, deception and subversion of events to maintain status quo on the brink of dissolution.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission

Power – Definition and Interpretation

December 7, 2017

Power – Definition and Interpretation

Padmini Arhant


I would like to discuss on the contemporary events with focus on power. The verbal presentation will follow shortly.

Power is enticing prompting actions not favorable to many citizens depriving them the individual rights and freedom to live a normal life.

When power is concentrated among few members reining control over the destiny of more than seven billion lives, there are no considerations for people and issues affected by their decisions.

The policy premised on vested interests slight ordinary citizens plight even though they have power and wealth because of these citizens voting them to office, employees in work force and average consumers enabling business success and profitability. In general, the lives of the powerful and influential are dependent on the hard work of the people who are rarely acknowledged as the back bone of the industry and society at large.

Then there are those asserting as Royals whose existence and extravagant lifestyle over generations is paid for and supported by none other than ordinary people labor and service.

How does one interpret power?

In a democracy, power is expected to be in public domain i.e. government of the people, by the people and for the people. When representation in government is shifted from constituents to campaign donors, lobbyists and external demands, the system is subjugated to political ambitions and vested interests. The pledge of allegiance to campaign financiers and ideologues remaining the priority, the electorate needs often neglected or discounted to benefit the bidders in election campaign and special interests.

As for the disenfranchised, less fortunate and isolated demography there is no hope for they are expected to defend themselves in the polarized world with money purchasing power and fame.

Power is worthless and weak when used for intimidation, harassment and elimination of lives being the norm with no courage to accept responsibility. Those fearing the loss of own life and the powerful in particular traveling in bullet proof motorcade flanked with security personnel uninhibited in authorizing the killing of innocent and unarmed citizens in domestic and foreign shores is the irony.

The preference to harm anyone they do not agree with or find them inconvenient is cowardly and adapting the misuse of power reveals the state of mind and insecurity. At such time, the enemy within overwhelm them prohibiting the sense in identifying self as the primary problem.

United States House of Congress passing the legislation yesterday i.e. December 6th, 2017 on gun laws relaxing gun regulations and granting those with permits to freely carry concealed weapons as well as legally travel with firearms to other states obliging gun lobbyist National Rifle Association again clarifies the care and concern or the lack thereof for security of the population they are supposed to protect in public office.

The bill passed with majority Republican and six democrats votes are extremely thoughtful to say the least given the statistics in gun violence and now United States gun laws promoting mass murder in main street. The voluntary legislation on gun laws is congressional authorization to carry assault weapons threatening the lives of people falling prey to shooting rampage evidenced in American gun violence up until now.

The Congressional measure loosening gun restrictions indicative of arming citizens supposedly to fend for themselves in the otherwise alarming gun ownership.

Does this mean the process is intended to displace law enforcement personnel i.e. the police meant to safeguard citizenry?

Not to mention risking the lives of not only unarmed civilians but also police in serious crime scenes. Those who voted for this bill are expecting every individual to be armed not realizing the effects translated into shooting themselves on their foot with prevalent gun incidents not sparing congress members as well.

When folly reigns human character, wisdom is unheeded much to self-detriment.

This is an example of power exercised to exacerbate issues endangering public safety and legislators seeking prospects to extend term in office.

Whenever the public office is transformed into a platform to exert authority ignoring consequences, the office bearer has no credibility and not suitable to represent the state and the nation anymore.

The latest move declaring Jerusalem as Israel’s capital is abuse of office of the Presidency with little or no regard for other citizens’ rights and blatant violation of ethics denying indigenous Palestinians due legitimacy and sovereign status they are entitled to in the relentless land grab by occupiers.

Anything obtained and achieved through aggression and underhanded tactics are bound to be subject to endless turmoil and never provide satisfaction to those involved due to illegitimate claim leaving them bereft of everything in possession. In the constant motion to gain others share of property and rights, the deterioration in human value among them inevitably defines the ill-fate.

As I have stated earlier, greed, hubris and prejudice consume human soul and anyone affected by these qualities unable to control excess desire and hatred eventually succumb to adverse outcome.

Life is an opportunity to learn and evolve into worthy beings not wither like autumn leaves covered in dust and swept away by the wind.

Finally, I reiterate the previous statement on the unilateral recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital is null and void. Jerusalem is a holy city for inhabitants of other faiths as well and accordingly their consensus on the sensitive matter is relevant. The established fact on East Jerusalem al-Quds as Palestinian capital remains valid. That being said, the arbitrary declaration of entire Jerusalem as Israel’s domain is irresponsible and illegal.

Power is powerful in spreading peace not violence, saving lives not causing destruction and exemplifying fairness and equality not bias and discrimination. 

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission




United States – Exxon Mobil Climate Change Battle

October 27, 2017

  • United States – Exxon Mobil Climate Change Battle

Padmini Arhant

The legal battle between New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman representing the State of New York and world’s second largest energy corporation Exxon Mobil on Climate Change is an interesting development.  Considering the ongoing litigation, the topic will focus on political aspect besides other important names linked to climate change.

The serving Secretary of State Rex Tillerson as former CEO of Exxon Mobil is referenced in the contentious lawsuit.

The energy companies and environment woes are not uncommon resulting from negligence and activities endangering lives and habitat as seen in 2010 British Petroleum (BP) Gulf Coast oil spill disaster and several others by leading energy behemoths in different parts of the world.

As for climate change deniers, the energy companies are not the only ones in this category. Though they are prominent in fielding such opinion for economic interests, there are others viz. Fox News and Fox television Network with paid panelists and commentators actively disseminating climate change as hoax for they don’t accept the facts on man made calamity and environment abuse. The 24/7 news media misrepresentation on climate talks is not without impact.

Similarly, politics joining forces with energy companies are not unusual either. Following the BP refinery structure  collapse contributing to gulf coast catastrophe in 2010, then President Barack Obama administration had no problem approving BP continuation of deep and shallow water drilling in the backdrop of immense damages to environment costing lives, livelihoods and loss of native species both rare and generic.

The transformation pertaining to Secretary of State portfolio and the current political and international matter merits attention.

The Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s position on foreign policy related to South East Asia, North Korea in particular, Middle East regarding United States key allies Israel, Saudi Arabia and UAE on one side and adversary Iran on the other, not barring nuclear non-proliferation visibly at odds with White House stance.

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s approach to resolving or in the least containing potential nuclear confrontation with North Korea is through constructive dialogue and diplomacy which apparently contradictory to White House public statement declaring the move – a waste of time.

Middle East – The Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s concern over White House reaction to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) possibly via more sanctions at Israel and Saudi Arabia’s behest is legitimate given the accord stipulating reversal to pre-treaty situation upon either party default on the agreement.  Iran would resume nuclear program upon United States returning to sanctions and vice versa.

In the absence of any nuclear activity prior to and post JCPOA, there is no justification in imposing sanctions against Iran on nuclear status for that would unnecessarily foment tension in the region.

Syria – Ending the conflict by increasing ceasefire zones in the war torn nation and disarming terror factions in suspending weapons supply would expedite long awaited respite to Syrian population.

Saudi Arabia and UAE – Secretary of State Rex Tillerson suggestion to White House to leverage Saudi Kingdom and UAE using recent arms deal to settle regional dispute between them and Qatar may not be in alignment with White House tactic.

Israel – Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s proposal to recover several million dollars aid (Israel is actually provided 3 billion dollars annual financial aid other than military assistance that was locked in as permanent arrangement by previous administration under ex-President Barack Obama) would not have synced in the current setting with advisors Jared Kushner and Ivanka Kushner representing Israel’s interests in the nepotism oriented appointment in the West Wing operation.

Last but not the least, the hot button issue – Nuclear proliferation. The Secretary of State Rex Tillerson preference in simmering nuclear ambitions is in contrast to White House nuclear acceleration and enhancement despite such aspirations posing credibility factor on nuclear disarmament of North Korea and defusing nuclear goals of Iran.

In light of the prevalent conditions, the insinuations on inevitable change to critical cabinet post Secretary of State handling foreign affairs is perhaps the ground work to substitute the voice of reason and sensibility with belligerence and acquiescence.

The duties and responsibilities consolidated under State Department in earlier administrations is abandoned by the present administration allocating Middle East relations to family member and advisor Jared Kushner and lately the assignment to U.S. ambassador to United Nations Nikki Haley visiting South Sudan and Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) faced with protests necessitating the representative evacuation allude paradigm shift in State Department jurisdiction.

In comparison, the former head of the State Department Hillary Clinton during the first term of ex-President Barack Obama administration had none of the sharing with everything held under Secretary of State control including the Benghazi gate, secret email and private server scandal.

What appears from this stark distinction between Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s soft power and hard line predecessors is the member favoring hawkish agenda regardless of political affiliation as witnessed in former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, a democrat’s involvement in Syria, Libya, Egypt, Ukraine, Africa and Latin America exacerbating terrorism, political instability, chaos and destruction in semblance to former counterparts and others like U.S. ambassador to UN John Bolton, a republican now emulated by the current ambassador Nikki Haley guarantee job security and acknowledgment by those behind US foreign policy.

The compliance to egregious decisions and endeavors proved failures is evidently the course to retain sensitive designation such as the Secretary of State.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission

United States – 9/11 Anniversary

September 11, 2017

United States – 9/11 Anniversary

Padmini Arhant

The September 11, terror attack with collusion and complicity among members in position of power and authority together with allies viz. Israel and Saudi Arabia is a stigma for United States projected as model democracy and Superpower capable of reducing adversary to stone age. The participation in the event rather than thwarting terror on that day and thereafter not only confirms misplaced priority ignoring citizens survival and safety but also reveals the passion in promoting ill-conceived agenda – The Project for New American Century (PNAC).

The calibrated assault on the fateful day and consequent removal of witnesses and evidences to protect those responsible for the event unveil the sources posing threat to citizens in the United States and humanity at large.

The terror display on September 11, 2001 set precedence for many false flag incidents in the United States in particular.  Additionally, 9/11 serving as the premise for illegal invasions and occupation of foreign land resulting in enormous casualties and destruction of lives that continues until today is by far the worst crime against humanity in modern age.

What the patsies in the 9/11 operation did was overshadowed by those behind the meticulous scheme.

The 9/11 commission to investigate the matter in essence added insult to injury for victims’ families in the outcome designed to concur with the masterminds’ position that the incident was carried out by riff raffs representing al Qaeda whose leader Osama Bin Laden, a valuable CIA asset was guaranteed United States government empathy with visits from FBI checking on his health status in Rawalpindi and Dubai.

In fact, Osama Bin Laden proved indispensable during and after life for those keen on maintaining status quo with repeat terror attacks worldwide even though Osama Bin Laden passed away in 2001.

Meanwhile, the 9/11 architects and protagonists could not wait on military intervention in oil rich Iraq for they were too eager to decimate the country while simultaneously shelling Afghanistan that persists until now.

In order to justify unjustifiable intrusion in foreign nations, the infamous Guantanamo Bay became a novel idea to hold so-called terror suspects declining them habeas corpus i.e. legal representation combined with renditions and abduction of youth especially of Islamic faith dispatched to prison camps in Eastern Europe and elsewhere per United States and allies’ agreement.

Every administration regardless of political affiliation have sustained military actions obliging the military industrial complex and neoconservative doctrine. More so ensuing 9/11 attack the administrations showcased air power in cluster bombs, air strikes, predator drones chasing children, women and men from their humble dwellings, launched nuclear laden missiles, showered depleted uranium and,

Last but not the least the previous administration sponsored terrorism in 2011 continued unabated despite tremendous loss of lives and humanitarian disaster creating refugee crisis.

The irony is all that were started in the wake of 9/11 terror – Guantanamo Bay, Afghanistan war, Prison camps in Bagram and several overseas sites holding many suspects without access to any legal course, terrorism in Syria, Iraq and Libya in 2011 and dividing Sudan into two nations in July 2011 causing chaos and political instability in South Sudan…represents every administration’s legacy with no desire and political will to end gross human rights violation and occupation of foreign land.


Then Why not reinvestigate 9/11 by Independent Committee with no political affiliation and pledge of allegiance to Secret Society?

That would determine United States sovereignty and republic status.

Remembering the fallen ones on 9/11 and multitude victims of warfare following 9/11 would be meaningful upon bringing those who are granted impunity to justice without exception.

However, in the cosmic realm justice might be delayed but never denied upholding fairness and equality.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission




United States – July 4th Celebration

July 3, 2017

By Padmini Arhant

United States celebrating independence anniversary on July 4th would be meaningful upon liberty and justice experienced by all transcending race, religion, economic and ethnic background.

Unfortunately, the social racial divide and economic disparity deprives many citizens from claiming equal rights witnessed in judicial outcome and deteriorating living standards among Native Americans, African Americans, Latinos, and immigrant population.

The increasing wealth and monopoly on fame, fortune and power characterized as elitism subjugate the rest with little or no concern for actions and decisions affecting majority. The apathy qualifying as narcissism is not a healthy trend given reliability on the less fortunate to work in harsh conditions making survival a challenge.

A free nation would not impose existing mandatory laws such as health insurance subscription with penalty upon failure to do so favoring profit centric health insurance industry without similar provisions tied to penalty on insurance industry regularly not meeting their end of the bargain.

In a real democracy, there would be no tolerance to private entities and foreign members like European Royals secret meeting behind closed doors barring public and citizens represented press from gaining information on policies regarding global matter and more than seven billion inhabitants fate.  The reference is to Bilderberg conclave held annually with attendees sworn to secrecy in heavily guarded location.

The free country would not selectively profile law abiding citizens under the guise of national security while granting immunity to members in the position of authority on treason, corruption and criminal dealings based on fraternity and mutual advantage.  

Then there is misrepresentation and false propaganda misusing communication resources to mislead the nation and world at large to maintain status quo.

United States could lead in many frontiers provided the nation is liberated from illegitimate incognito forces functioning by proxy to promote self and vested interests exerting supremacy and dominance proved counterproductive thus far.

United States efficiency and energy is a consolidation of efforts and contributions from people of diverse orientation working towards common goal to improve lives for self and others in different domains.

Accordingly, collective rather than exclusive progress in society would define fair income distribution alleviating burden on lower and middle- income class and socially disadvantaged segments bearing imbalance in the economy.

United States strategies in domestic and foreign affairs are premised on benefits to political class their campaign financiers, special interests and influential entities ignoring ramifications at national and international level.

The private ownership of federal reserve in control of monetary policy and money circulation further undermines United States independent status. With legislations directed to profit campaign donors from economic sector and those near and far, the electorate expectations are barely met disappointing voters in the otherwise opaque unaccountable and devious system.

National and state operation is outsourced to private management like the credit bureaus run by three specific private companies with no oversight apply arbitrary rules leaving the victims of home mortgage fraud and credit card exorbitant interest hikes by banks at their mercy.

As long as government remains a mechanism for private organizations, political factions and those forging close relations with insiders to promote agenda threatening unity, peace and economic development,

Freedom for all is a mere dream and available at a dear price.

July 4th arrives and remembered with joy every year. The day equal opportunity and greater accessibility for optimistic future to citizens across the spectrum is no longer a struggle, the celebration would be worthwhile.

Hope for a better tomorrow beginning at present sets the path to reach milestone.

Happy July 4th !

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission


United States – Democracy in Disguise

May 19, 2017

By Padmini Arhant

The new administration in the United States on radar with firing and hiring process underway feeling the heat prior to summer in Washington D.C.

The news outlets and television networks continuous supply of information on the elected administration former appointees as well as campaign members alleged ties with Russia is the contentious topic not without climax to arouse interest and public attention.

Besides Russia’s presumed relations with the present administration, the investigation is initiated to determine Russia’s role in 2016 U.S. Presidential election forgetting the democratic candidate Hillary Clinton’s unsuccessful attempt in 2008 and myriad scandals burdening legitimacy.

Not to mention the democratic party successive losses in Congressional elections since 2010 until 2016 evading responsibility on electorate response to leaderships and political party performance.

The focus narrowed on Russia while there are others as United States allies engaged in adversarial activities including espionage somehow never considered security threat despite their direct involvement in 9/11 attack killing thousands of Americans and scores thereafter in Afghanistan and Iraq followed by many other targets until today.

The episode implicating then Congress member democrat Jane Harman on Homeland Security Intelligence covert pursuits in recorded conversation with two indicted Israeli spies guaranteeing less charges in exchange for her nomination to coveted Chair of House Intelligence committee unfolding in 2009 hardly a matter of concern to media and political apparatus tone-deaf to alarming breach of national security and constitution.

Accordingly, many questions arise on the credibility or the lack thereof in selective investigations with behind the scenes operatives underestimating human intelligence on all issues.

There is no secret that members of congress and administrations regardless of political representation as republican, democrat or independent pledge allegiance to the state of Israel with generous aid in billions of dollars at U.S. taxpayers’ expense expended in expanding Israel’s illegal settlement activity, terrorism and human rights violation. At the same time the fiscally conscious members in Congress deny American families and veterans essential assistance quoted as social welfare.

White House relationship with Saudi Arabia – yet another terror sponsor specializing in mass killings and collusion in installing corrupt and authoritarian regimes in the Middle East and wherever possible clarifies priorities for those in control over world political system.

Saudi Arabia weapons procurement from United States, UK and Germany used in destroying Yemen, Libya, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq genocide is a profitable deal for defense industry. The military base to protect Saudi dynasty against people in the Kingdom is a commercial advantage depriving citizens’ individual rights and freedom.

The probe to confirm Russian involvement in U.S. affairs would be appropriate upon similar engagement against others hurting U.S. economy and trustworthiness in crisis management.

The seriousness and sincerity to safeguard United States interests would be evident in the investigation holding none above the law beginning with members and administration complicit in 9/11 terror attack and U.S. intervention in Afghanistan and Iraq in 2001 and 2003 respectively using deception in the unsubstantiated weapons of mass destruction theory.

The subsequent cover up in the false claim on deceased Osama Bin Laden murder in 2011 and elimination of Navy SEALS to erase living testimony among several other events not barring Benghazi fiasco mock democracy alongside honoring deceit and treason.

Transparency and accountability are inconvenient in the smoke and mirror setting shying away from own reflection that reveals inviolable truth about abhorrent crimes against people in the United States and worldwide.

The administrations headed by former President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney along with successor ex-President Barack Obama, former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and cohorts escapades attract accolades instead of condemnation and impartial inquiry in the blatant obstruction of justice at every opportunity.

Any legal proceedings and inquest pertaining to national security and misuse of power exercised until now would be fair in the treatment of alike rather than exempting others with political immunity.

The firestorm over former FBI director James Comey is nothing but a farce considering the decision to remove the individual was inevitable with either Presidential candidates – the hawkish left and the business oriented cavalier right in obedience to Bilderberg members order.

When the world is run by those ever remaining in the dark with government leaderships in compliance to masonic directives continue to mislead electorate providing more of the same or the worst to maintain status quo, the hope and change is far from reality.

The ownership of mass communication, entertainment industry and so-called social media with captive audience is contemporary means for propaganda and mind invasion imposing rigorous measures to contain critical thinking and reasoning showing little or no tolerance to constructive thoughts and open dialogue.

Awakening in the demand for scrutiny of predecessors and incumbent administration indulgence at masonic behest leading to betrayal of voters’ trust and misappropriation of actual taxpayer funds is pertinent to avert otherwise cataclysmic developments deemed governance.

The definition of public service is reversed with those in the position of power and authority gaining affluence and influence on all things to benefit them, their near and far campaign donors and importantly the global elites leaving those electing them to office bemoaning the choice.

Another interesting factor is advocacy for destructive cause usually hired on quid pro quo with awards such as Presidential Medal of Honor and fake compliments in the self-defeating Zero-sum game.

The wise would learn from experience and repeat failures abandoning course proved counterproductive. The strategy using same formula promising different results is deployed in political field alternating members from political factions designated to function in globalists favor.

How long could this prolong with imminent expiration of anything detrimental without exception in natural law?

The parallel forces viz. masonic and surrogates end is expedited in the fervor to sustain unsustainable damaged system having exhausted techniques in misrepresentation and tactical actions.

Democracy in disguise relying on violence and duplicity endanger justice and liberty ultimately serving the reason for swift exit.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission














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