United States – Post Election 2016 Sentiments

November 12, 2016


PADMINI ARHANT. Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com. Spousal Partner Divine Mission.
PADMINI ARHANT. Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com. Spousal Partner Divine Mission.

United States – Post Election 2016 Sentiments

By Padmini Arhant

Any contest has a winner and a loser. In a civilized setting the victor expresses gratitude and credit those enabling victory rather than owning success to self that demonstrates humility especially in a contentious political campaign.

On the other hand, the loser would acknowledge own shortcomings and trajectory contributing to failure and concede gracefully without any scapegoat to lay the blame.

Moreover, the unsuccessful outcome is also largely related to dissatisfaction with incumbency and often confirmed in electoral backlash as a message to the leadership and political party in power at that time. 

For instance, the 2008 Presidential election was guaranteed to go against then President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney administration and republican party considering avalanche of problems and grave mistakes transformed into serious crisis.

The post-election protests this year with the slogan – Not Our President should have been there in the previous term and earlier on to justify democracy. The elected or selected choices to the White House and members of congress are yet to be the President and representative of the electorate and constituents facilitating their entry and re-election in politics that is sworn allegiance to campaign donors, special interests and syndicate reining control over the political system.

The norm thus far is voters and those considered useful to climb the ladder are solicited during election and as happened in 2008 post democratic primary, the nominee’s spouse demand to go door to door and beg voters to vote for them in condescendence defined individual character and cultural distinction.

Upon reaching the top, the ladder is kicked off from behind only to realize later that the same ladder is required to remain where they are and for those aiming higher altitude.

Politics not regarded as public service instead become a country club with privileged membership. The chosen members elevated to celebrity status with political impunity regardless of crimes that are not even recognized as such in the exclusive society.

In a way, the human nature eclipsed in self-centeredness, ego and presumptuousness forced to learn a lesson or two in life.  Some learn from such experience and others don’t repeating the trend much to self-detriment.

Whenever anybody use others and be user friendly for self-interest, they are unable to deal with self-inflicted injury and setbacks in any endeavor.

Politics premised on disguise and deception is no longer able to mislead all at the same time.  The actions speak louder than teleprompter messages with business as usual maintained misinterpreting electoral mandate as political capital to appease anti-humanity forces squandering tax payer funds in sponsoring terrorism and foreign aid to governments engaged in oppression and persecution of innocent population, human rights violation besides fomenting violence in the region.

In the domestic front, the tax exemption to wealthiest and mandatory health insurance subscription on lower income category and demography struggling to make ends meet in a sluggish economy verifies the outgoing administration misplaced priority. These are few among many other issues that clarifies who they represent upon assuming term in office.

So the protests with Not Our President and should also read Not Our Congress slogans aptly apply to such tradition in the oval office and Capitol Hill.

The contemporary practice to claim someone else’s  positive features and fruits of labor as own typically IDENTITY THEFT  and distortion of the same person’s profile, background and real life is desperate attempt seeking desperate tactics to vent frustration on debacle.

Not surprisingly politics is far from renouncing anything counterproductive despite ominous warnings and consistent disappointments on beaten track.

It might take a village to raise a child and evidently in politics many and money required to pull anything from rabbit ears to trick electorate ultimately tricking the tricksters in the game.

The combined influence using media and press coverage via glorified and exaggerated editorials together with political establishment and secret society backed candidacy not prevailing in the election 2016 substantiates not to count chickens before they are hatched without certainty on hen and chickens’ survival.

Notwithstanding declining clout amongst powerful disconnected from truth and reality.

The sentiments subsequent to election 2016 results are reactions displayed in the absence of reflection on political actuality refusing awakening.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant








United States – Election Outcome 2016

November 9, 2016


Padmini Arhant. Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com. Spousal Partner Divine Mission.
Padmini Arhant. Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com. Spousal Partner Divine Mission.



United States – Election Outcome 2016

By Padmini Arhant


Congratulations! America. You made it through the arduous and grueling election season sensationalized and trivialized to invalidate electorate expectations with customized outcome.

Congratulations! To Republican candidate Donald Trump on the victory that was almost written off against the contender by pollsters and several speculators across the spectrum.

Congratulations! To all winners tonight in the Senate, House and Gubernatorial race representing Congress and State assembly of respective states nationwide.

The anxiety and concerns over unexpected turn of events in the Presidential race is not surprising considering anticipation for a different result.  

The global markets reaction to United States electoral outcome is misplaced as economic stability and prosperity not only in the United States but globally would remain the priority with fair and balanced trade rather than disproportionate dealings serving as an advantage for some over others in the global economy.

Furthermore, the citizens in the United States deserve a change that guarantees economic opportunity, political functionality with transparency and accountability exempting none above law. National and global security is paramount and possible in pursuing peaceful resolutions to conflicts rather than contemporary means proved counterproductive.

The concept of terror and terrorism needs to be addressed effectively beginning with identifying the cause and source that leads to weapons supply to terror networks besides funding, arming and training various terror factions for hegemonic goals that were never viable.

The American electorate cast their ballots to initiate new political system that represents the people and issues related to economy, safety, security, clean environment and equal rights barring divisiveness and prejudice.

United States is a melting pot with immigrants from around the world contributing to national wealth and economic progress. The people regardless of race, religion, gender and lifestyle orientation are all Americans and accordingly to be treated with respect, fairness and equality that would promote unity in society.

Politics refraining from political bargains and politicizing events for individual and vested interests is critical to move forward. Any kind of hidden strategies to disrupt governance or passing legislations against electorate benefit conforming to traditions maintained until now would unnecessarily create discord wasting taxpayer dollars that otherwise is to be invested in the economy, education, healthcare, infrastructure and clean environment.

In foreign policy, United States interventions spreading violence, turmoil and political instability is best abandoned with diplomacy and dialogue leading the way in dispute settlements and international affairs.

On the economic front, tax reforms to facilitate job growth in the manufacturing, service and diverse sectors boosting investments in economy is critical. Similarly, small and medium businesses also require necessary breaks and capital liquidity to successfully run operations in the United States.

The broad based economic policy will be discussed in due course.  The global matter will be included in the forthcoming presentation.

All citizens are to be treated fairly regardless of their status whether legal or undocumented with families born and settled in the United States.

The environmental cause cannot be ignored as planet protection is pivotal for life existence.

The incumbents and new members joining congress to form government pledging allegiance to serve the people and the nation with liberty and justice for all is the electoral mandate not to be misinterpreted as political capital and continue with business as usual.

Wishing United States electorate and the country as well as the world at large positive development and better future.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

United States – Politics in Disguise prolonging Establishment Rule

November 5, 2016

By Padmini Arhant

United States political system allowing only two political parties with any third party remaining the fringe factions to technically aid the pre-determined choice is the contemporary practice.

The trend adapted following 1992 Presidential race with then third party candidate the self-made billionaire Ross Perot securing 17% votes in national election cost the incumbent President George Herbert Walker Bush (Sr.) losing to then Presidential candidate Bill Clinton.

The democratic Presidency did not necessarily resist wars with NATO dissemination of Baltic region under the pretext of eliminating authoritarian rule and overthrow of people choice leaderships and governments not in compliance with neo-liberalization policy for corporate ventures in poor and developing countries like Haiti in western hemisphere and Latin America.

Again the democratic Presidency was poised to privatize social security towards the end of second term in 1999 only distracted with Lewinsky sex scandal that led to impeachment. In a way this was divine intervention to halt the egregious decision hurting millions of Americans, the retired and baby boomers alike upon the notion coming into fruition.

When behind the scenes operatives controlling the office of Presidency felt the urgent need to initiate and launch the pre-meditated plan the Project for New American Century (PNAC), their choice of candidacy was someone willing to go more than a mile in the devious course to invade and occupy foreign nations for economic and strategic interests. In other words, they sought proxy Presidential candidate George W. Bush (Jr.) accompanied by actual Presidential candidate Dick Cheney as Vice President.

The Presidential election in 2000 had a third party candidate supposedly the anti-corporate and Wall Street critic Ralph Nader as independent contender essentially assisting the Republican nominee George W. Bush(Jr.) against the Democratic nominee Al Gore. 

The third party in political structure surfacing only during election has been enabling the pre-selected nominee’s position representing the major political party. They are facilitators representing the same forces that reins control over the two party and periphery in politics.

In 2004, the Presidential race was designed to favor then incumbent the Republican President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney to continue with the momentum of wars and economic blunders.

Again in terms of Congress, the democrats gained majority in mid-term election with events unfolding against the Republican Presidency at the White House.  The foreign and domestic policy were maintained much to citizens’ plight at home and abroad.

In 2008, the democratic candidacy had an advantage over the republican contender due to predecessor’s track record.

The question arises – Did the democratic Presidency refrain from unwanted and unnecessary involvement in foreign land?

The two term democratic Presidency expedited foreign invasion exceeding the strategists’expectations through terror sponsoring, funding and training the so-called moderate terror groups nonetheless are terror networks to topple governments overseas conforming to PNAC agenda.

In the domestic front, the democratic Presidency in 2008 came to power with democrats in majority at the House and Senate.  Yet somehow, the health care reform for Universal health care without exacerbating average citizens’ economic woes experienced now was not desirable and instead passed the health insurance and health care industry recommended legislation with results seen in the present time that has health insurance premiums rising by 25% and health care costs on the increase as well.

To add insult to injury in the health care legislation, the blue dog democrats positioned as conservative democrats opposed the funding for women’s reproductive concerns and treatment with the White House making concessions in that regard to accommodate the democratic segments demand.

As for the democratic Presidency in the past two terms along with democrats in the house and Senate claiming to be opposed to tax cuts for wealthy is a misnomer. They did exactly the opposite i.e. rather than letting Bush tax cuts to wealthy expire in 2010, they extended the policy perhaps to protect self-political aspirations for re-election.

On immigration issuethe current administration deportation of 2 million undocumented immigrants soon after resuming power in second term may not be the headlines or topic of discussion, however the facts cannot be dismissed to suit political preference.

In 2012, the Presidential race debated less on failure to deliver the hope and change promised in 2008 with more on the opponent’s Mormon religion making the entire election process nothing but a ritual to satisfy public. The reason being the secret society decision always upheld to maintain status quo regardless of party lines whether democrat or republican.

Fast forward in 2016, the race snowed down with sex scandals against the other candidate while the chosen candidate granted a free pass in the face of flagrant violations and abuse of power and status throughout political career.

The unprecedented setting this time around is the controversial media  FOX news, networks and press across the spectrum editorializing the event as a done deal to coronate the pre-selected candidate ignoring every scandals implicating the democratic candidacy clarifies the collusion to upend electorate.

Furthermore, in the wake of more revelations against democratic candidacy linked to private email server besides several involvements causing loss of American and foreign citizens lives simply laughed at during press interview and congressional hearing describes the empathy or the lack thereof in a candidate poised to be leader of the free world.

The democratic candidate’s spouse ad hoc meeting with head of Justice Department i.e. the serving Attorney General on the airport tarmac preventing disclosure to electorate while campaign slogan declaring the candidacy to be believed as strong and trustworthy leadership undermines electorate discretion.

What voters need to understand is permanent power maneuvered dysfunctional system using two party mechanism alongside third party cooperation to sabotage potential disruption in the pre-calculated outcome.

The present republican nominee Donald Trump’s stance on immigration obviously does not correlate with reality considering the contestant’s professional undertaking in real estate industry expanding into hospitality sector that predominantly employs Latino population has created job opportunities and in return benefitted the nominee as well.

The election hype in an effort to pandering to the base or certain groups does not change the background.  Latino voters fear of being deported that actually materialized recently under democratic administration in the second term also explains the political shades changing colors for expediency.

The fact of the matter is both red and blue in politics governed by self and vested interests pledge allegiance to campaign investors, incognito power and political party with little or no respect for electorate will.

Unless the veil of secrecy and privileged status is lifted, the political apparatus would be run amuck in the absence of transparency and accountability.

Politics denied a break from dynasty and establishment rule declining the nation republic governance.

The no choice is offered as the only choice in election that need not be accepted for the sake of exercising the democratic right.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant








United States – Quid Pro Quo in Politics and Presidential Race 2016

November 5, 2016

By Padmini Arhant

The White House is the Country Club with memberships exclusive to those from dynasty, super rich and others willing to oblige political campaign investors besides incognito permanent power holders representing secret society.

The election season nearing end, the electorate once again expected to cast ballots and fulfill the formality as their approval of the secret society pre-determined choice.

There is no longer the question of electability, propriety and integrity in politics with the political class held above law and accountability.

In the so-called democracy, the political family i.e. dynasty rein control over establishment and political apparatus undermining laws, rules and regulations that is otherwise enforced on citizens outside of political circle.

Politics premised on quid pro quo with back end deals and mutually benefitting agreements at electorate expense use electoral process to legitimize illegitimacy. The overwhelming majority running for public office become private and special interests’ envoy upon elected to power diligently carrying out campaign financiers and behind the scenes policy makers and strategists’ instructions in the political game.

The interesting factor in election is mainstream population – the ordinary people vote and the rich fund the campaign. While Super Pac and wealthy campaign investors’ every dollar translates into power for them, that is not the case for average voter.  His and her vote merely remains an expression of preference without importance.

In a way the public voting enables campaign funders and elected officials to declare political mandate as political capital to suit individual and selective entities goals.

The typical democracy would have election barring Super Pac and special interests influence as the highest bidders alongside providing opportunity for contenders without excess baggage and litany of charges related to abuse of authority and breach of public trust amounting to treason.

Apparently in contemporary politics, sex scandals and criminal involvements are measured differently with the former leading to indignation and expulsion whereas the latter granted immunity and favored to assume power.

As bizarre as it might be, the evidence based criminal engagements barely attracts flak and instead promoted as strong candidacy. This position in politics could perhaps explain shadow governance set up criteria – the more corrupt the better to advance cause woefully against country and citizens progress.

The candidacy with tarnished track record not barring blatant nuclear threat endangering life and planet survival in addition to having been in the center stage sponsoring and fostering violence through terror networks is hardly a matter of concern.

The notion that one political party’s hawkish stance is belligerence and the other party’s aggression and illegal warfare propagated as necessary involvement despite massive civilian casualties, refugee crisis, humanitarian, health and environment disaster verifies the state of affairs.

On the other side of the political aisle, contender’s next of kin as well as surrogates scripted role misleading voters during public speech is anything but honorable not to mention the intentional distortion accounts for desperate attempt to appease unscrupulous elements and destructive course.

Such performance is not useful serving neither the operative nor the source. On the contrary the contrived overture only confirms dysfunctional operation and complicity in mass deception let alone lend a voice to women and children – the easy targets in political pandering and duplicity.

Those who seek power on the political platform essentially trade electorate goodwill for personal and political gains in quid pro quo politics.

Time to wise up and recognize the situation where relevance to nonsense and no significance to substance persists to deflect citizens’ attention from real issues and global problems.

The day election offers worthy and deserving options, that would mark the dawn of democracy.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant












Political Game Debunked

October 23, 2016

Divine Power.
Divine Power.
God Shiva - The Divine Power with
Padmini Arhant. Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com. Divine Mission.

Ladies and Gentlemen – It has been a while since an interview with prominent figures on this site. Today I present the prospect for all to be informed, entertained and enlightened in the interaction between Mr. Wise Au Fait and Mrs. Prudent Au Fait (pronounced Oh Fe French).

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have the pleasure and honor to introduce the venerable, luminary, significant, phenomenal yet humble and the one and only Supreme entity Mr. Wise Au Fait.

Mrs. Au Fait – Mr. Wise Au Fait – Welcome to the domain padminiarhant.com.

Mr. Au Fait –My pleasure. Thank you for having me to interact with you and the rest of the world.

Mrs. Au Fait – How are you?

Mr. Au Fait  – I am fine. Thank you and How are you?

Mrs. Au Fait – I am well. Thank you.

The topic we are going to discuss in this program is Political Game.

Mrs. Au Fait What is really going on? United States is caught in election mania with one candidate having been affected by pneumonia that has not been entirely contained while the other subdued by sexophrenia.

Mr. Au Fait – Let me help your audience orient with the picture comprising artistes and contributors in diverse format.

As you appropriately titled the topic – Political Game, the plan and objectives ought to be understood by all – the people in particular as they are pawns in this Grand Chess Game.

Mrs. Au Fait  – you mentioned Chess. Do you care to clarify the origin of Chess considering speculations in this regard?

Mr. Au Fait  – Gladly. Chess originated from India going back to the time of epic Mahabharata when Lord Krishna as Lord Vishnu’s (the protector of universe) incarnate presented the preview of Kaliyuga or Kaliyug depicting the events now taking place in the dark age. Chess otherwise known at that time as chaturang (meaning adeptness and cleverness) and later interpreted as Shathranj. In Mahabharata chess game was critical behind events and the ultimate outcome.

Mrs. Au Fait – Thank you for that.

Mr. Au Fait – You are welcome.

Mr. Au Fait – What is really happening now is the people as electorate are audience and participants in the picture produced and directed by stakeholders of dysfunctional system in place.

What do you have in United States Politics?

Mrs. Au Fait – Well the two party system. The democrats and republicans claiming to have respective ideology and party platform.

Mr. Au Fait – Correct. There is citizenry as the system described as democratic even though democracy is a convenient access to modify thought process. People for various causes although some for self-interest and others towards common benefits are all considered a major hurdle by stakeholders i.e. investors in political campaigns reserving the rights on candidacy for profitable returns to sole advantage not barring incognito power – the permanent forces behind the system.

Accordingly, the stakeholders as you aptly refer to them as conglomerate and hegemony have devised the grand strategy to repeal democracy, election, faith i.e. religion in society, environment protection, peace and progress. The prime target is truth and facts based exposé.

What do you know. The plot thickens with the urgency to impose the undesirable as the perfect choice.

Mrs. Au Fait – How so? Could you please elaborate?

Mr. Au Fait  – Certainly.

In this game what needs to be recognized is relentless efforts are made to prove right as wrong, fictitious as factual and relevant made irrelevant.

After discounting everyone who came on board to play the scripted role in this election, the race came down to three people. 

The Republican contender Donald Trump and close friend of Clintons presumed to be representing the right wing, the Democrat contestant Hillary Clinton supposedly the left wing and even characterized as liberal and the third challenger Bernie Sanders positioned to be Independent but caucus with democrat so ran on democrat ticket.

The republican candidate slogan embarked on – Make America Great Again.

The democrat candidate launched her campaign on – Stronger Together along with latest catchphrase – ‘When They Go Low We Go High.’ – per advice from her friend Michelle Obama at the White House.

The other democrat candidate Bernie Sanders slogan was – A Future to believe in Not me, Us. Feel the Bern.

I guess in this context, Bernie did warn his fans not to believe in him given his limited role to quit the domain for the main character – hegemony and conglomerate envoy Hillary Clinton. Mind you this was meant to be a political revolution from Bernie Sanders. The followers were noted as Berners.

Mrs. Au Fait – So what happened?

Well the media and press stated – Trump runs and Hillary fires back when the result was the Berners sadly and predictably got burned out in the firing. Maybe Hillary Clinton firing aimed at any moving target not necessarily Trump alone conforming with her foreign policy.

Mrs.Au Fait – From what you are saying – Hillary is not only hilarious but also merciless.

Mr. Au Fait – hilarious is an understatement that is exemplified in her signature laughter. However, merciless linked to obsession with power.

Mrs. Au Fait  – What else?

Mr. Au Fait – Along the sidelines the stakeholders lined up lemonade stalls as they had to cover the base you see.

Mrs. Au Fait – Yes I see. You mean the token third party candidates on their payroll as well.

Mr. Au Fait  – Yes. Spot on.

The one assigned to be Libertarian Gary Johnson has Aleppo moments many times over to cliché prevalent ignorance in foreign affairs regarded United States personal matter.

The other candidate apparently representing Green Party Dr. Jill Stein with a medical degree is a regular feature to grab 1% vote and sabotage election to close the gap between two major contenders leaving the margin of error insignificant in the predetermined verdict. The interesting factor with this candidate is despite medical background in technology guided medicine, she makes comments like – Wi-Fi fries children brains prompting the remark – progressive is anti-science loon.

There you have it – the cast in the political drama to beguile voters –  the audience and partakers in the election.

Mrs. Au Fait – How exactly stakeholders aka the masterminds behind this not so genius political drama plan on achieving their goal?

Mr. Au Fait  –As I mentioned earlier the intention is to null and void election through pre-selected candidacy pledged allegiance to stakeholders’ scheme.

The electoral college system influenced to promote pre-selected candidate and dismiss popular vote validating invalidate electoral process in the name of democracy. Remember 2000 Presidential election – Gore v. Bush.

When you come to think of it, the candidates in the Presidential election from the beginning until now performed according to script and departed when required from the scene to let the electorate know the following;

The idea of Progressiveness is anything but viable and intelligent. 

Secondly, showcasing stakeholders’ candidacy democrat  in disguise Super Pac and establishment member Hillary Clinton as ideal regardless of disastrous track record.

The office of Presidency is auctioned every four years with highest bidders claiming greater stake and profitability. Similarly Congress every two years is subject to bidding with special interests, Super Pac and donors near and far throw their weight around candidacy for investment dividends.

Furthermore, in 2008 they switched gears to democrat candidate and managed to betray public trust advancing mission initiated in 2000 and 2004.

Since 2008 until now they pushed anti-republic domestic and foreign policy with the so-called democratic Presidency retaining members responsible for sub-prime mortgage crisis represented in Treasury department. The defense department spearheaded aggressive interventions through democratic administration.

The trajectory in the past eight years proves the camouflaged democrat is the preferred choice for stakeholders and hegemony to cancel election and concept of democracy.

The aim is to eliminate election and prolong own operatives and representatives appointment to the office of Presidency abrogating voters and mandate.

What you can see is unusual bipartisanship from Republicans willing to acknowledge pre-selected electoral consequence to the extent of many abandoning republican base in the lead up to colluding with stakeholders on their choice for democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

The fact of the matter is those poised as democrats in Presidential race have become the favorite for stakeholders and hegemony due to convenience and ability to deceive electorate under the pretext as liberal and moderate to lure democratic and independent voters respectively besides disenchanted republican voters in the bully pulpit.

The truth is electorate from all sides are taken for ride and defrauded by the political coalition as republican and democrat alike including fringe parties, the third party.

The reality is there are no political parties anymore. There is only one faction committed to disenfranchisement with conglomerate and foreign entities run and controlled system for vested interests.

Politics has actors with scripted performance rewarded for treason and crimes against humanity with peace prize and immunity for life.

The establishment forbids opportunity to mainstream population in the fervor to continue undemocratic and unconstitutional trend upholding dynasty rule and privileged society diktat.

However, anything that violates suitable norm and tramples on millions of voters’ legitimacy is deemed defunct expediting archaic tradition termination.

People need to wake up and reject such custom and convention to restore republic rule.

Mrs. Au FaitMr. Wise Au Fait, I appreciate your invaluable insight and enlightenment.  I request your esteemed involvement in shedding light on womanhood currently exploited using unsuitable women folks in politics to disgrace gender sanctity for individual and secret society aspirations.

Mr. Au Fait – I look forward to that discussion with you – Mrs. Prudent Au Fait.

Mrs. Au Fait  – Thank you Mr. Wise Au Fait.

Mr. Au Fait – Thank you for having me to engage in this interesting conversation with you, Mrs. Prudent Au Fait and many around the world.


Now this brings the first segment on Political Game to end. The next topic on Political Game would focus on womanhood and designated role in women leadership poised to endanger life and global security through nuclear weapons and mass destruction.

Thank you all for your concentration and time.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


Politics Preference – Dynasty and Establishment Rule

October 18, 2016

PADMINI ARHANT. Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com. Spousal Partner Divine Mission.
PADMINI ARHANT. Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com. Spousal Partner Divine Mission.

Politics Preference – Dynasty and Establishment Rule

By Padmini Arhant

Synopsis on track record depicting reality and potential threat to peace, global security and humanitarian cause.

The topic highlights Presidential candidacy currently exempt from scrutiny.

Those in position of power and authority especially the members of political establishment are granted immunity on crimes against citizens at home and abroad.

Whether 9/11 commission or Benghazi committee and congressional hearings related to national interests and loss of lives, the evidences, countless witnesses and testimonials are discarded and those directly involved and responsible for casualties are exonerated inflicting more pain on victims’ families wound. 

The congressional inquiry and the so-called fact finding investigations are set up to vindicate the guilty with no respect for those having lost their lives in senseless violence and terror that could have been averted had the ones heading the department and administration exercised necessary discretion to save lives as priority.

Similarly, the peace efforts to stop bloodshed in wanton wars deploying terror networks resulting in deaths of innocent civilians in several thousands and millions as refugees are enthusiastically thwarted and proudly claimed as diplomatic victory by supposedly a democrat.

Toppling democratically elected governments in poorer nations subjugating population to corrupt and authoritarian regimes for direct economic and political control was carried out with passion and regarded astute foreign policy.

The democrat Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has been in politics for decades with trajectory conforming to above outlined strategy.

Throughout her political career, beginning with balkanization of former Yugoslavia and Eastern bloc and later favoring military invasions for hegemonic goals in Iraq and Afghanistan has been the trend.

The former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton actively promoted aggressive interventions not barring removal of governments in Latin America, Middle East, Eastern Europe, Central and South East Asia.

As head of the state department, the activities involved deposing people choice governments overseas, playing prominent role in endorsement of rigged elections in Afghanistan enabling proxy government identified for corruption and criminality.

The former secretary of state Hillary Clinton asserted close ties with Saudi dynasty implicated in 9/11 terrorism. The coalition fostered and fomented insurgency at Saudi government behest in Iraq, Syria, Libya and Yemen.  Additionally, aiding and abetting weapons supply to dictatorial powers like Bahrain’s Al Khalifa regime to quell pro-democracy activism extended in Egypt as well.

Similarly, the democrat Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton opposed peaceful resolutions in Middle East conflicts such as Palestinian statehood and Syrian ceasefire in compliance with extraneous forces agenda for economic and strategic benefits.

As former secretary of state, Hillary Clinton’s relentless pursuits to sabotage peace accord on Syria, stabilization of Libya, Iraq, Egypt and Yemen…are just few among numerous undertakings as a democrat in disguise.

In the United States, the Presidential contender Hillary Clinton’s contradictions with respect to working class, minority, gay rights and immigrants along with rejecting proposal on issuing driver license to undocumented workers that could have generated revenue for California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas – the states adjoining Mexico exemplify inconsistency and lack of integrity.

The registration of undocumented drivers could ease the burden on taxpayers and lawful motorists on road accidents that otherwise is a liability to legal residents in these incidents.

On women’s rights, the misguided notion about democrat Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton needs to be clarified considering adverse impact on women in the United States and overseas due to actions and decisions exacerbating women’s plight viz. Afghanistan, South Asia, Latin America and war torn Africa.

Sexual harassment being dominant in the current Presidential race, the partisanship accepting allegations against the Republican nominee Donald Trump as irrefutable while dismissal of women in the long known sex scandals of former President Bill Clinton as hoax reveals discrimination of victims in sexual assault with little or no concern for womanhood in general.

The abuse of power from the spouse Hillary Clinton in this instance towards sexually harassed members ranging from intimidation to leave town to warnings upon disclosure of their experience apparently suitable in the call for civility and empathy for women in the paradoxical paradigm.

Regardless, the hypocrisy in the treatment of women affected in political class misuse of authority is pejorative.

Furthermore, the democrat Presidential contestant Hillary Clinton background and personality projected as advanced, progressive modern woman raise the legitimate question.

Why didn’t Hillary Clinton distance herself and seek divorce from a marriage snowed with sex scandals and indignation?

Whatever the reasons are, the status clarifies political convenience and superficial image.

On the campaign trail, the Super Pac and special interests financed elections, the wall street funding and energy giants backing of nominees with the democrat Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton established record as chief beneficiary pose credibility factor on economic and environment matter.

The tax return release without complete disclosure on campaign finance from diverse sources as bidders on candidacy undermines voter expectations with disillusionment upon assuming term in office.

Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton profile submerged in controversy, secrecy and complicity on violations of lives and human rights notwithstanding Clinton foundation associations and dealings defiantly upheld as political cadre prerogative.

Above all, the democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s convictions on national and international affairs premised on deception, violence and dangerous means not barring willingness to use nuclear weapons remains existential risk to global security and humanity at large.

The former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton might have travelled to 120 countries and more during her official tenure, however her understanding of foreign cultures and civilizations failed to meet basic standards to appreciate life and liberty for all not the selective few she represents in the power struggle.

Apart from that targeting divine power, statesman Mahatma Gandhi and civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. and alike are a fair game to ex-foreign secretary Hillary Clinton and political apparatus.

Election transformed into figurative postulate, democracy is challenged under these conditions to capitulate or retaliate.

United States electoral outcome in recent memory has been marred with disputes and irregularities citing deliberate calibration of vote diversion, disenfranchisement and importantly electoral college system overriding popular vote.

Yet, the will of the people and discernment could prevail preventing  political preference to retain dynasty rule and conglomerate representation.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


Political Setbacks on Social Issues

March 22, 2016

By Padmini Arhant

Political twists and maneuvers to prolong status quo is nothing more than a desperate strategy.

The pre-selected candidacies perform the scripted role to satisfy requirement aimed at rejecting pre-ordained purpose behind humanitarian tasks and planet survival.

United States Presidential race in 2008 ignored candidates’ gaffes, excess baggage and their respective affiliations with church, controversial figures and speeches as faux pas while condescending remarks notwithstanding devious insinuations viz. witchcraft, sorcery against divine mission dominated election.

In 2012, the focus was religious denomination – Mormonism in particular nuanced confirming the establishment and members’ identity.

Additionally, there was a mockery of this website for recommendations on legitimate governance with effective and meaningful economic plan and taxation laws leading to fair income distribution. The willful participants posing as progressives and populists engaged in denigrating ideas and solutions to problems created by supremacy oriented agenda.

Under the guise of entertainment, the satire promoted in this context highlight impropriety and distortion besides active plagiarism and copyright infringement on material, style and theme.

Not surprisingly, the 2016 election embarked on caricature and flagrant disposition on race, religion, gender and life orientation reflect the ruling cadre mindset and prejudice.

Obsession with power, fame and fortune corrupts individuals and political class deteriorating in civility and disregard for ethical standard that are not without repercussions as the wheels inevitably turn against those indulging in covetousness.

The discriminatory practice, segregation and isolation is the hallmark of colonialism judiciously adhered by loyalists today in the so-called democracy with little or no semblance to democratic principle.

Politics conforming to deception and false dissemination resist genuine concepts due to delusional aspirations and dismissal of repeat failures experienced thus far.  Social issues are exploited to the maximum for political gains and goals to benefit self and vested interests in the diminishing era of dominance.

Elsewhere, the policy retaining reservations and quotas patronize segments with caste connotations in the pledge of allegiance to feudalism denying society equality and disavow hierarchy system.

The common plight between marginalized demography and the rest among mainstream are poverty, unemployment and economic disparity. 

The sensible and rational approach in elevating economic and social conditions would be to eliminate plutocracy premised on nepotism and cronyism with impunity on corruption and criminal involvement.

Unless the nation recognizes all citizens with equal rights and opportunity implementing measures that abandon obsolete archaic traditions posing impediments, progress will remain a political rhetoric.

Social and economic justice is made possible in sowing the seeds of prospects and productivity barring undue preference and privileges to compete in a level playing field and showcase skills and ingenuity.

The regression on social evolution is a major setback despite society taking pride in modern aspects as cultural revolution.

Political decisions are primarily responsible in preventing positive changes in societal behavior.  The affluent groups and influential sources like entertainment and communication media are also used in protecting duality and duplicity.

The concerted efforts in undermining peace and harmony justified as political expediency is best declined along with manufactured events providing fodder for forces capitalizing on polarization and acrimony.

Fabrication and fiction as unscrupulous means do not necessarily become the fact regardless of publicity delineating reality from make-believe enactment.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant














United States – Project for New American Century (PNAC) Expose

January 29, 2016

By Padmini Arhant

Project for New American CenturyPNAC related facts and events deserves attention to prevent perpetual deception and deceitful governance with behind the scenes operatives reining absolute control over ordinary lives under the guise of democracy and other convenient system to masquerade plutocracy.

The Project for New American Century designed and implemented to demolish freedom, peace and functional democracy not to mention cataclysmic impact on environment and planet sustenance with relentless bombing, shelling, killings using predator drones and nuclear proliferation.

PNAC architects, protagonists and catalysts diabolical agenda premised on launching American Century is a monumental fraud considering devastation befell on United States of America with PNAC proponents and agents directed terror attack on September 11, 2001 and subsequent terrorism unleashed on global citizens until now.

The terror onslaught citing repeat of catastrophe synonymous to Pear Harbor in PNAC dossier is blatant assault on human trust and liberty.

Since then terrorism deployed as the means to achieve fanatical aspirations such as global dominance.

The benefactor – United States of America maintaining the state of Israel and Saudi Wahhabism through monetary and military aid to the former while facilitating petro dollar afloat turning a blind eye to Saudi dynasty atrocities and footprints on carnage throughout Middle East and other Islamic nations worldwide evidently promotes treason amongst insiders and the rest complicit in betrayal en masse.

PNAC doctrine presumably to establish American empire contributed to the contrary with United States economy crumbling with 9/11 onset having ramifications at global level.

The 9/11 event catapulted PNAC mission persisting till today despite colossal failure and massive loss of lives, millions rendered refugees, children orphaned, women widowed and families torn apart in every target nation.

United States and allies involved in PNAC execution care less about citizens’ woes not only in economic terms but also militarily the young men and women sent harms way under false pretext of waging war on terror beguiled with war veterans from Afghanistan and Iraq war returning home to a life of homelessness and dependency on charity.

PNAC enabled construction of prison camp – Guantanamo Bay off Cuba in conjunction with renditions to several secret prisons in Eastern Europe, South East Asia, Middle East and Latin America.

PNAC authorized gross human rights violations viz. torture, water boarding, electric shocks treatment, sleep deprivation and seeking confessions from prisoners under duress and coercion became the standard practice.

Notwithstanding embarrassment related to Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, Bagram in Afghanistan and analogous operation tarnishing United States image.

United States regarded beacon of democracy, the home of the brave and land of the free instantaneously reversed with PNAC’s institutionalized racial profiling, prejudice, intrusive dragnet surveillance and fear mongering in the name of homeland security.

Freedom no longer the inalienable right with criminality upheld as the just and preferred method to curb public dissent. The intolerance was displayed against peaceful assembly representing Occupy Wall Street, anti-NATO summit and alike.

Police brutality towards unarmed civilians the black youths in particular is affirmed with series of acquittals revealing the travesty of justice in the nation once perceived as the bastion of justice.

In financial aspect, the privately run Federal Reserve defy accountability on money mismanagement whether on missing US $20 Trillion then in 2009 or more unaccounted incidents continued thereafter.

Similarly repeat offense from major players in the financial sector witnessed in subprime mortgage debacle at average citizens expense.

Wars known to be a racket is a lucrative affair.  None other than profiteers viz. Haliburton, Kellogg Corporation, the private army then identified as Black Water and others benefitted from innocent lives turned into mass graves without legal or moral consequences for heinous crime against humanity.

Henceforth the paradigm shift from conventional warfare with troops that require congressional approval translated into public protests to contemporary strategy sponsoring terrorism viewed expedient in bypassing political barriers and citizens opposition to detrimental policy.

Not content with phenomenal damages compromising independence, constitution and civil rights besides economic disaster and dysfunctional governance,

PNAC masterminds and colluding members in academia, economic, political and military establishment together with hegemony controlled press, communication media and entertainment industry remain committed towards prolonging status quo.

The organizations such as Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Trilateral commission in coordination with think tanks and self-proclaimed royal class in Europe and elsewhere favor chaos and crises ridden world as the situation suppress the vast majority from fair economic and political opportunity leaving the existing disparity between rich and poor intact.

Religion is the pawn and prominent religious figures participation is a convenient set up conforming to quid pro quo in the ominous activity.

The electoral process generally rigged and financed with unlimited donations from within and foreign sources claiming priority on individual and vested interests in direct violation of voters’ expectations on campaign promise.

The so-called free and fair election is a myth and nothing more than a nice catch phrase to convince electorate in legitimizing illegitimate rule and unsavory elements emergence to power.

In a nutshell, PNAC is a double edge sword aimed at destroying human values and democratic principles paramount for nation and humanity to deal with challenges and overcome predictable or unforeseen adversity.

Should the world remain silent and allow victimization in the ruthless game for supremacy?

I am Padmini Arhant, author and representative divine mission will be back on related topics for further awareness and necessary action.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant
















United States – NDAA Veto and GITMO Closure

October 22, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

The White House decision on National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) introduced, enacted and implemented in December 2010 now vetoed in the wake of disagreement between legislative and executive branch on defense spending bill to a tune of $612 billion deserves attention.  

NDAA was unconstitutional with serious infringement on civil liberty.  The legislation on NDAA defined political reality.  Similarly procrastination in shutting down Guantanamo Bay prison holding inmates without due process clarifies democracy in subjugation.

Revoking NDAA and GITMO closure would reinstate democracy and restore human values in rapid deterioration since 9/11.

Besides GITMO, United States and NATO run detention centers in Afghanistan, Middle East, South East Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America facilitating renditions and gross human rights violations under the pretext of war on terror exacerbate terror manufacturing and activities to prolong conflicts in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and throughout Africa. 

Regardless of motives behind undemocratic rule and practices such as NDAA and GITMO camp, anything counterproductive is unsustainable with inevitable adverse effects on the source and catalysts.

Notwithstanding economic liability in maintaining prison complexes worldwide. 

Sponsoring terrorism by funding, training and arming terror networks to destabilize nations is the current trend leaving scores dead and millions in refugee status ultimately affecting the origin of the problem witnessed in refugee influx on EU shores and inhumane response to humanitarian crises.

Likewise, military interventions with aerial bombing and air strikes claimed as expunging terror in Syria and elsewhere are more favorable to boost defense expenditure ignoring massive infrastructure destruction in war zone considering hegemony deployed terror factions across the country.

The repeat proposals from this website to ban weapons supply to terror groups in addition to disarming militants and rebels across the globe is not appealing for those attracted to failure and mayhem. 

Simultaneously arms and ammunitions distribution to terrorists, dictatorial regimes, nefarious elements, drug cartels, organized and underground crime syndicate benefit stake holders in defense (more appropriately offensive) stocks to continue status quo.

Nuclear states with military might inability to contain terror and militancy in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Middle East in particular pose credibility factor revealing the background and complicity within as well as outside the domain. 

Hegemony aspirations for global dominance producing enormous casualties, human tragedies with generational impact along with economic burden and environment degradation is a lost cause in otherwise fait accompli. 

Repealing NDAA and departure from torture techniques cited at GITMO would confirm recognition of erroneous actions and sincerity in reviving democratic principles and fairness in justice.

United States could be the land of the free and the home of the brave upon respecting life in general –  own citizens and foreign nationals alike.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 






United States – 9/11 Anniversary 2015

September 11, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

The terror attack in the United States on September 11, 2001 is an unforgettable event that claimed many lives and subsequently used as the premise to invade and occupy nations until now.

The premeditated plan Project for New American Century (PNAC) implemented with assault on United States to move forward on agenda targeting nations for economic and strategic interests besides global dominance is a heinous crime notwithstanding treason in collusion.

United States citizens and foreign nationals were victims of calibrated strikes on that fateful day and since then U.S. taxpayers are funding never ending wars until today.

The catastrophe on 9/11/2001 inflicted tremendous damage with heavy death toll on innocent population in the United States and nations that were earmarked for prolonged occupation.

Afghanistan and Iraq are still paying the price and transformed into terror havens to justify U.S. and NATO permanent military base.

Libya and Syria were pursued in 2011 with no end in sight on the conflict.  United States and western allies together with Middle East coalition continue aggression in Syria.

The western air raids in 2011 facilitated weapons warehouse in Libya. The prevalent strategy prevents Libya from containing violence for unfettered access to oil and other resources in North African nation.

Similarly, in Syria – United States, Britain and France terror sponsorship with Mideast partners Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, Jordan, UAE and Kuwait created al Qaeda splinter groups – al Nusra Front, ISIl and now ISIS enlarged into global terror operation.

ISIL evolved into ISIS is funded, trained and strengthened with United States and allies direct support including arms supply to them.

Yet another war in North Africa with United States and Israel providing required ammunitions to aggressor Saudi Arabia against Yemen. 

United States distribution of cluster munitions with explosives substitutes banned land mines and as a result many children, women and elderly citizens have been killed considering Saudi shelling in densely populated areas and public premise.

In the past few years i.e. from 2009 until now – United States predator drones in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen and West Africa has consumed thousands of lives predominantly children, youth and women.

In terms of personal cost – United States and NATO suffered many casualties among defense personnel deployed in Afghanistan and Iraq from 2001 and until now.

The young men and women in the army having served in Afghanistan and Iraq war zones experience physical, mental, emotional and economic hardships with many become homeless in the United States.

The human tragedy originating from 9/11 terrorism spreading across the world is substantial alongside economic liabilities leading to severe recession far from recovery.

Above all, the real perpetrators of 9/11 established as internal complicity with PNAC protagonists, catalysts and beneficiaries including then administration headed by former Vice President Dick Cheney and former President George W. Bush in the United States and counterpart Britain’s ex-Prime Minister Tony Blair together share responsibility for war crimes against humanity.

These entities evade justice due to impunity.  However, the final judgment with consequences is indisputable.

Terrorism having replaced conventional warfare, the repercussions in blowback ignored by those behind terror operation. 

Global dissent on terrorism and terror incidents is critical although sponsors are instrumental in terror manufacture, recruitment, training and funding.

United States ending Syrian conflict and ceasing arms delivery to Saudi Arabia terminating destruction of Yemen would prove sincere commitment to peaceful resolution.

Citizens affected from terrorism in thoughts and prayers,

May 9/11 anniversary be a reminder to free the world from terror.

The world deserves peace only possible upon collective response against terrorism and the source.  Always addressing the cause would resolve the matter in entirety.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant






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