United States – White House Conflicting Positions on Iran and Syria Jeopardize Credibility

August 11, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

Iran nuclear deal maintained as preventing possible military confrontation with Iran on Israel’s behalf in the ongoing discussion. 

However White House conflicting positions avoiding military option with Iran and aggression against Syria evident in the agreement between Washington and Ankara authorizing air strikes and training militants to destabilize Syria pose credibility factor.

Washington and Ankara involvement escalating tensions with more deaths and destruction in Syria is direct violation of Syrian sovereignty, international law and United States constitution prohibiting intrusion reminiscent of Iraq invasion in 2003.

The policy of enmity towards specific nations and amity with another in the same region creates mistrust especially when definitive goal is continuous warfare through terrorism against Syria, Iraq, and Libya alongside military intervention in Yemen.

Not to mention violent occupation of Palestine resulting in toddler and parent deaths adding to loss of innocent lives more than ever.

The bloodshed in Palestine could stop with United States cooperation in UNSC resolution rather than misusing veto power to derail effective action.

The reliable peace mission would encompass broader application of peaceful solutions ending timeless wars in recognition of respective states independence, territorial integrity and citizens’ political rights. 

Diplomacy and peaceful resolutions to crises always the best choice to military aggression and sponsoring terrorism.

United States contemporary engagements are contradictory to stance on Iran nuclear accord.

Iran issue is relevant and similarly terminating Syrian warfare equally important relieving citizens in Syria from terror manifestation for five years now.

White House justification on Iran agreement with emphasis on peaceful dialogue and negotiations as the only alternative would be authentic upon similar policy on Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Ukraine and North Korea.

In the absence of fairness and equal treatment of citizens suffering from United States sponsored terror and aided struggles, the selective peace overtures create skepticism questioning real motive.

Syrian war spreading to Iraq and Lebanon could be brought to conclusion with United States ceasing support to terror networks through allies Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan and Israel.

Instead United States intensifying terror operation and full coordination with Turkey against Syria while claiming Iran agreement as historic confirms duplicity.

The genuine disposition on peace would be non-discriminatory and extended towards all in respect of life regardless of origin and geographical region.

Using any pretext to prolong war in Syria and neighboring states is victimizing citizens not only in war zones but also in proponent nations wasting taxpayer funds proliferating terror.

Simply killing scores of civilians using terror for strategic and ideological reasons is decadence dominating prudence.

The rational and practical approach is to accept peaceful settlement with withdrawal of current terror activities in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Libya that would lead to terror apparatus collapse.

Likewise implementing ceasefire and terminating Saudi invasion of Yemen absolutely necessary to demonstrate serious pledge to peace and recognition of sovereign rights analogous to Iran nuclear pact.

The failure in this regard would further establish aggressors’ persistence towards self-destruction for military might and prowess eventually succumbs to senseless violence.

No war can be fought for eternity and sooner than later the curtains must fall as the showdown cannot go on forever. Furthermore the adventure has serious political and economic ramifications experienced thus far.

The outcome is several thousands dead, millions made refugees and lives destroyed lasting generations leaving the guilty burdened with sins and accordingly face judgment upon departure from the world.

None can escape karmic effects that define destiny.

Peace is formidable prevailing over challenges with benefits realized in ratification.

Saving lives with refrainment from hateful and harmful indulgence would deliver desirable global progress and security.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant









United States – July 4th, Independence (?)

July 5, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

United States observed July 4th independence with fireworks and social meeting.

Is there real freedom today?

If so, at what cost is the freedom available?

The tradition on wealth accumulation, power struggle, territorial annexations for dominance and economic warfare through debt slavery continues similar to pre-twentieth century.

The imperialistic ambitions to acquire resources in foreign land persists up until now and crimes against humanity committed with political immunity.

The quest for regional and global conquest is the undying dogma in human race despite death a certainty in life.

Election with unlimited funding from diverse sources bidding on candidacy at the local to national level for exclusive rights and accordingly candidates’ loyalty remaining with campaign donors could not be a democratic process.

When external forces rein control over political system and exert authority steering the nation towards their goals and vested interests leaving the people in economic plight and use the national defense force as private army for delusional aspirations that country is not free.

As for the economy, the legislations predominantly favorable to the wealthiest becoming wealthier at the rest of the population expense widening economic and social inequality could not be claimed as progress.

The incentives and tax benefits to dominant players in the economic sector for creating, retaining and increasing jobs are not delivered due to offshore expansion and activities prioritizing shareholders interests and neglecting the workforce in the domestic front.

With respect to consumers in the United States – health care reform disproportionately adjusted to satisfy health insurance and health industry demands with additional subscribers under mandatory insurance law in the shadow of high premiums and limited options for quality care.

Retail businesses unable to compete and sustain losses in the high unemployment situation.

In the absence of effective tax reform with fair share of taxes, the mainstream population is burdened with the responsibility.

The national budget allocation diverted to preferred expenditure such as military and nuclear proliferation with no desire to lead the world towards ending conflicts in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen and the rest of the Middle East, Africa and Asia.

On the contrary sponsoring terrorism to continue endless violence in Syria, Iraq, Libya and Yemen besides further ammunition supply to dictatorial regimes in Bahrain and elsewhere continues unabated to justify enormous military spending depriving ordinary Americans economic opportunity.

Judiciary functioning on quid pro quo with political establishment is anything but constitutional.

Civil rights infringement with massive surveillance and body scan procedures at the airports on law-abiding citizens strengthened under the guise of national security alongside funding and arming terror networks worldwide.

False flag events shooting unarmed civilians – African Americans in particular combined with police brutality maintained to stir racial discord.

Guantanamo Bay and secret prisons overseas with gross human rights violation considered necessary to shield the real perpetrators behind 9/11 operation.

Environment abuse granting special privileges to leading oil and mining companies, defense, pharmaceutical and other industries are the regular practice.

Social issues and religion exploited to promote political ideology and illusive doctrine. The educational institutions are used as the platform for political propagation and confusion.

The academia prohibiting alternative views on contentious issues concerning the state of Israel and foreign policy ignore reality over fidelity to specific cause.

Communication media and outlets including entertainment industry reserved for misinformation with subversion of facts and history.

The prevalent conditions could not be declared as freedom.

United States independence is challenged due to broken promises and misplaced allegiance.

Liberty and sovereignty are inalienable rights and hence non-negotiable.

July 4th is a reminder to claim freedom from subjugation.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant











Incognito Rule Hypocrisy

June 29, 2015

By Padmini Arhant 

My opponents are essentially the opposition forces resisting peace, universal freedom and harmony.

They trade venom and expect honey in return.

Their violations of others rights and privacy are regarded their prerogative and entitlement.

They need to realize that imperial and colonial attitude and disposition has no place in the present and future cosmic oriented time.

The proxies and servile contingency are on board the sinking Titanic.  Hence death threats from them and their masters would have irreversible impact on them.

The immature posturing further exposes the prevalent insecurity and trepidation prompting saber rattling from them.

When they engage in smear campaigns and personal attacks they should also have the courage and integrity to receive appropriate response.

Is this not a fair expectation from those whom they target with propaganda for defamation and denigration?

When I respond to such unruly conduct by them, their reaction is to characterize my response as me being a reactionary.

The wind does not blow in one direction.

Incognito Rule desperation cannot be feigned any longer with the activities viz. pedophilia, philandering and promiscuity experimenting lewd desires in Bohemian Grove speak volume of the participants real identity.

Briefly, the opponents along with their proxies have no credibility to dictate me on propriety.

Moving along – I would like to focus on two important issues that deserve attention.

The United States Supreme Court ruling on two matters – Obama Care and Same Sex Marriage.

Obama Care – the health care legislation that was meant to be health care reform to correct the inherently flawed system was fortified with more opportunity for the health insurance and health care industry to exert control and exploit the imposition of mandatory health insurance subscription that became effective in January 2014.

In the absence of stipulations to meet their end of the bargain, the health insurance and health care industry position solidified while leaving 37 million new subscribers brought into health care ambit as a result of compulsory health insurance purchase to deal with health care industry policy.

There are many in the United States who cannot afford due to Affordable Care Act or Obama Care providing dominant status to health insurance and health care industry.

The exchange of favors in the process leading to health care legislation and mutual monetary benefits amongst negotiators cannot be ignored.

Furthermore, the quid pro quo between the administration and Supreme Court justices as the White House nominees is instrumental in upholding Obama Care for the second time.

I reiterate my statement from the past that lifetime appointment to Supreme Court in the United States is detrimental to democracy and the tradition maintained to protect the respective political parties interests much to the republic despair and disadvantage.

The cases are – 2000 Presidential Election favoring then republican candidate George W. Bush.

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission – allowing Corporations and Special interests in the domestic and foreign shores to own state and national election depriving people representation.

Rejecting citizens plea on war crimes committed during Iraq war and the lawsuit against former defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld and accomplice denied by the highest court on land.

Now Supreme Court decision on Obama Care is honoring the pact amongst the appointees and the administration.

With respect to United States Supreme Court recognition of Same Sex marriage – the issue is politically motivated rather than eliminating social prejudice and marginalization of demography and segments in society.

Regardless, I consider this a huge victory in humanitarian context.

The incognito rule and contingency spare none and nothing with inalienable trait of parasitic existence.

The incognito rule obsession with citizens’ life comprising massive and invasive surveillance notwithstanding police brutality on the street is overt transition into a police state.

Accordingly religion, social issues, politics, economy and environment are abused to masquerade declining status.

Incognito rule and their representatives in the legislative, executive and judiciary care less about the existing social inequality and crimes against citizens from different background based on race, religion, ethnicity and sexual orientation.

The shooting spree targeting African Americans in church and Main Street would not persist unabated and likewise detainees in Guantanamo Bay and secret prisons would not be held indefinitely without due process i.e. legal access to prove innocence.

Again the police brutality towards unarmed civilians – the African Americans in particular would not be slighted with occasional ceremonial gestures to display concern only confirming disingenuous act.

The juveniles and adults held in the prison industrial complex in the United States would not become commodities for profitability in the prison trade.

The taxpayers funded police force unleashed to threaten and harm the unarmed citizens on racial bias.

National army used as the incognito power personal army to militarize the planet.

The current trend is sponsoring terrorism and cannibalism in the quest for global conquest.

I will be back with my thoughts on election used by incognito power to prolong the unsustainable degenerative demonstrably destructive rule on the planet.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant







Incognito Rule Hypocrisy

June 29, 2015

Pipal TreeLord Buddha attained Nirvana under Pipal Tree


Pipal TreePalm Tree


By Padmini Arhant

Hello Everyone,

I present the topic Incognito rule hypocrisy.

Please click on the audio link for the content.

Although the pictures are worth a thousand words – some might need explanation.

The obsession with tall syndrome deserves clarification to dispel myths in this context.

The tall palm tree or the cypress tree in the pictures above do not provide shade for shelter during sunny or rainy day compared with banyan, pipal and other trees of medium heights in natural environment.

The coconuts from a palm tree are not easily accessible and require mechanism to climb the tree to collect the fruit unlike the medium height tree allowing anyone regardless of size to pick the hanging fruits from it. 

Poignantly the modest height Pipal tree in Bodh Gaya, India – is famously known as the seat of enlightenment with Avatar of Lord Vishnu as Lord Buddha attaining Nirvana – the liberation of soul for union with Supreme soul.  Please see illustration above.

To narrow minds anything better and greater would always appear smaller.  The disposition despite towering heights make the source diminutive in stature and character – the relevant attributes in life.

Another example – The dinosaur Tyrannosaurus Rex – T-Rex is also a tall carnivore that wreaked havoc on earth and eventually became extinct. Tyrannosaurus derived from Tyranny that this TALL creature exhibited during existence.

Let this not be forgotten – the body of any length and size must be discarded upon departure from earth.  Accordingly any pride and prejudice in this respect is a reflection of shallow mind.

Learning and knowledge is demonstrated in pure thoughts and deeds freeing the self from ignorance.

Ignorance could be a bliss or an abyss. 

Peace to all!

Thank you for your interest.

Padmini Arhant

United States – License to Kill At Will

June 21, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

In the past week, yet another incident involving African American citizens claimed nine lives while praying at the church in Charleston, South Carolina.

The person (s) responsible for the horrendous crime was armed and overwhelmed with hatred and prejudice that has led them to commit such act.

Certain media assertion that the shooter was suffering from mental illness and at the same time failure to recognize the inherent problem i.e. easier access for anyone regardless of mental health to obtain ammunition further exacerbate victims and future potential targets in the country.

Two reasons – Violence and contempt mar human mind leading to internal degradation. 

In December 2012, the mass murder of 28 citizens with 20 of them being children in Sandy Hook Elementary School, Newtown, Connecticut apparently has no impact and the tradition maintained with weapons flow within and outside United States pursuing goals premised on violent strategy.

The powerful forces ruling the world and those in position of authority in the United States sponsoring terrorism to kill innocent people in foreign land viz. Syria, Iraq and Libya…in addition to drone attacks in Pakistan, Afghanistan and East as well as West Africa, waging warfare against people seeking freedom and political rights in Palestine, Yemen and elsewhere set precedence for citizens in the country to follow their leaders and the prevalent system granting immunity to such crimes is a subscription to summary execution.

Unless the license to kill at will among the powerful, famous and those choosing to harm unarmed citizens is revoked bringing the responsible assailants to accountability, the profuse bleeding witnessed in war zones and national scene would continue without mercy and merit.

I convey my sincere condolences to victims’ families in the Charleston, South Carolina tragedy and every other event notwithstanding the horrific 9/11 terrorism on American soil opening the floodgates for terror worldwide by architects and catalysts with lofty ambitions i.e. global supremacy.

May God bless the souls of the deceased and provide solace and courage to survivors and next of kin in enduring the ordeal.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


United States Presidential Race 2016 – Full Feature

June 18, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

Dear Citizens,

The segment will focus on the United States Presidential race 2016.

I present my thoughts on two Presidential candidates – Hillary Clinton of the democratic party and Jeb Bush representing the republican party.

The other candidacies in the race will be discussed in the upcoming segment.

Your attention is critical for the world could no longer afford the status quo with the political systems worldwide under incognito power.

Furthermore, the participation and subsequent election more likely the selection of either the democratic contender Hillary Clinton or the republican challenger Jeb Bush would mean the continuation of Clinton or Bush dynasty in disguise as democracy besides perpetual warfare prolonging economic recession.

Thank you for your interest.

Padmini Arhant

United States Presidential Race 2016

June 17, 2015

Dear Citizens,

The segment will focus on the United States Presidential race 2016.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

United States – Domestic Issues Review 2015

June 5, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

United States is preparing for 2016 Presidential race.  The election season is accompanied with media frenzy.  The candidates initially exchange barbs within their own party and then turn against members of the other political party.

The election is a catharsis to legitimize illegitimate incognito power.  The United States Supreme court decision in the Citizens united vs. Federal Election Commission landmark trial favoring corporations to bid on candidacies with unlimited funding is a major setback for democracy.

Congressional intervention reversing the verdict in constitutional adherence and amendment to prevent future modification could protect electoral sanctity.

The representatives elected to Congress and the White House follow special interests instructions and diligently obey orders neglecting people with economic woes and various constraints that require congressional remedy via legislation.

United States congress and white house time and efforts are devoted to hegemony ambitions like U.S. invasion of foreign land and interference undermining sovereign statehood of that nation.

The latest strategy is sponsoring terrorism and using al Qaeda offshoots viz. al Nusra, ISIS, ISIL and Boko Haram…al shabaab – as pretext to preempt and prolong conflicts in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and throughout Africa.

The election is means for external forces to rule United States through proxy governance in the White House and Congress.  The Congressional bipartisanship on warfare and foreign policy combined with White House approval is pledging allegiance to hegemony.

United States and world politics is under siege with secret society exerting authority to suppress political rights and freedom.  The political system is not constitution based and citizens’ rights such as peaceful assembly, discourse and debates are intercepted with violent tactics witnessed against Occupy Wall Street and reaction to protests during NATO summit in the country.

The introduction of National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) in 2010 targeting United States citizens in and outside the country by government together with surveillance on people and continuous attempts to deny public access to information highway through SOPA, ACTA and other intrusive measures are in direct violation of constitutional and natural right. 

To make matters worse, the false flag events having successfully launched on September 11, 2001 are yet another way to induce fear and violence.  The warfare and foreign policy architects drain United States resources for hegemonic goals aimed at global supremacy.

United States civilians and military are used for hegemony aspirations leaving generational indebtedness among ordinary people and militarily imposing premature deaths on young men and women by sending them to war zone in Afghanistan and military bases in Africa as well as worldwide.

The domestic issues beginning with Obama care has been lucrative for health insurance industry due to mandatory subscriptions while the subscribers struggle to receive appropriate health care despite high premiums and copayments plus deductibles in the plan.

The seniors’ eligibility for Medicare and Medicaid to lower income group are contested with Congressional disagreement on this issue.   Similarly unemployment benefits and food stamps to citizens unable to find employment in the sluggish economy are also at Congressional mercy. 

Congressional gridlock is common on citizens related legislations sometimes ending in government shutdown although maintaining salary payments to Congress during this period.  The fiscal conservatives behind such activity do not have problems with losses to taxpayers in billions of dollars and continue with stalemate for unjustifiable reasons contributing to national debt.

The economy is far from recovery as many still remain jobless or underemployed and the statistics are greater among African Americans in the absence of corporate investments and government initiatives to boost economic growth in inner cities and states affected in the recession.

In the housing industry, the subprime mortgage crisis effects persists from foreclosures and home owners losing homes as a result with dire financial situation and damages to credit history impact economy at the retail level.

Inadequate educational funding starting at preschool to K-12 education pose challenges with dependency on humanitarian groups and charities to raise money for this purpose.

Moving forward, the families are barely able to afford college tuition.  Students from lower income groups face many hardships to earn University qualifications with no job guarantee upon graduation.

The government grants to students from poor economic backgrounds made easily available would perhaps alleviate students’ plight and motivate them to pursue higher education.

In terms of crime, the police brutality towards African American youths and frequent fatalities in police custody confirm the lack of concern to growing abuse of power in the law enforcement agency.

United States human rights record is irreparable  predominantly with resistance to shut down Guantanamo Bay prison and overseas prison camps in Afghanistan, Thailand and Eastern Europe.  Likewise renditions and torture of prisoners denying them habeas corpus is a routine affair.

In the domestic front, the prison industrial complex preying on vulnerable segments has no desire to part with profitability at the victims’ expense.

Environmentally, the climate talks never come to fruition as major polluters do not agree with binding treaty.  The commitment to provide technology and rescue operational knowhow to developing countries especially the island nations also missing in action allowing massive casualties from natural disasters.

Last but not the least, the shadow power influence and ownership on communication and mass media including press and internet outlets not barring entertainment and educational institutions is primarily used for mind control with propaganda, distortion and subversion of facts to deter independent thoughts and alternative views on national and global issues.

In a nutshell, the widening gap between the haves and have-nots exacerbated with taxation policy that exempts the wealthiest and multinational corporations from fair share of taxes along with assets stashed away in tax havens and overseas bank accounts shifting the burden on mainstream population.  The exponential national deficit is superficial and could be contained with tax reform and offshore holdings retrieval.

The electoral process prohibiting campaign donations from diverse sources and preserving credibility through transparent public financing is the preliminary step towards restoring democracy.  Until then participating in election is complicity to fraudulent occasion.

Citizens’ awareness and awakening with action is vital in rejecting unscrupulous enterprise responsible for human misery.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant













United States – The Unbridled Power

May 4, 2015


By Padmini Arhant

The incidents involving the law enforcement agency i.e. the police force and civilians deserve attention and appropriate actions for citizens’ protection.

In any civil society, the police are expected to provide safety and prevent intentional harm to members in community.

Unfortunately, the latest events are marred with police aggression towards unarmed citizens – the African American youths in particular continue to die during arrests and while in police custody.

The policy targeting specific demography and individuals of different ethnic background constitutes prejudice and such isolation is a serious setback for any nation poised as democracy. 

Mankind achievements in various fields are significant.

However, in human relations there is reverse trend with prevalent discriminatory practices based on race, religion, gender, social and economic status reflecting civilization decline. 

The civil rights are inalienable for all human beings regardless of perceptions and precedence in the country. 

Human character is defined by values demonstrated through respect, understanding and love promoting peaceful co-existence.

Social and economic disparity emanating from dysfunctional and unscrupulous political system leads to inequality and injustice.

Those in position of authority care less about the burgeoning issues concerning certain groups and ignore national ramifications from inaction.

The taxpayers funded public services including the police department misuse of power confirms political immunity to crimes against humanity.

Although unemployment resulting in poverty is a common woe, the African American families are confronted with higher joblessness and less opportunity. 

The civil rights movement generated affirmative action may have benefited many and enabled realization of the American dream.

Nonetheless the African American plight is far from over. 

There is no doubt that uplifting the marginalized segments is a collective task for the nation. National goals to extend fairness and equality to all without reservations would exemplify genuine progress.

Similarly those at the helm of successful empire in television, entertainment and sports industry besides the powerful entities in politics, judiciary and academia within African American race bear responsibility to redress African American struggles and could improve social and economic conditions for the African American people.

On the topic of unlawful detentions, frisking and racial profiling that are regular and aimed at category of people especially the African American younger generation could not be slighted in the face of deaths occurring in the encounter with police.

Notwithstanding tactics deployed to disperse non-violent protests like Occupy Wall Street or people assembly to express dissent at NATO summit is reprehensible. The hardline approach unleashing excess use of force against citizens not in possession of weapons or posing threat to the armed aggressor in uniform is authoritarianism in display.

The controversy surrounding the prison industrial complex could no longer be evaded with juvenile and adult prisoners paying the price and lives wasted away due to the strategy apprehending vulnerable individuals falling victims to predators complicit in the operation.

The concept presumed innocent until proven guilty is inversely applied on many instances in the contemporary judicial hearing contributing to incarceration of the innocent and facilitating perjury in the process. 

There is an urgent requirement for review and remedy in the judicial procedures to restore credibility.

The police brutality on the street and prison guard abuse of inmates in captivity is lawlessness dominant in the law enforcement environment. 

The irony is the lawmakers are the lawbreakers and remain undeterred in the absence of accountability.

Baltimore rallies in the wake of African American Freddie Gray death from police ill treatment and subsequent riots in the city and outskirts clarify violence begets violence and do not serve the purpose to end prerogative killing.

Likewise the unruly conduct destroying properties and business outlets of merchants at the mall and attacks on the police in the aftermath of Freddie Gray suffering and several before is regrettable and undermines the real cause.

The pursuit of justice premised on destructive means is counterproductive.

In contradiction, the privileged class granted impunity on criminality. They are never subject to investigation let alone prosecution prolonging the tradition. 

The human rights violation distinctive in the refusal to shut down Guantanamo Bay prison and indictments of citizens denied the rights to prove innocence conclusively attributed to unbridled power corrupting the gamut.

United States could be the land of justice upon transcending identity and stature.

National strength and prosperity is in harmony adopting the constructive course.

Life matters – Black, brown or white despite the commonality of the blood color being red.

All are created equal and none are exempt from final judgment.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant







United States – Martin Luther King Jr. Day 2015

January 18, 2015


By Padmini Arhant

Martin Luther King Jr.  – The human rights advocate sacrificed his life for racial harmony and social equality. The civil rights movement led to desegregation and voting rights allowing the disenfranchised to exercise electoral choice and participation in the political process.

As a result many amongst the marginalized were able to exponentially rise in various fields such as politics, military, economy, education and entertainment including television media gaining prominence and affluence.

The beneficiaries in this historic feat having realized their dreams and attained the pinnacle of success are unfortunately responsible for the brethren’s woes having ignored their persistent plight to the extent of slight despite the existing political and economic power within community.

Similarly certain members’ misplaced priority whether in providing false testimony to international body on Iraq war producing endless deaths and devastation until now or joining the ranks of those constantly engaged in counterproductive cause adopting deceptive concepts and means for self and vested interests exemplify the respective characteristics with little or no concern for their role undermining the civil rights leader’s dedication.

The milestones in history is a reminder to evaluate current situation to determine pervasive effects in society.

Any achievements burden the society to sustain progress.  The sustainability is critical for progressive trend in the inclusive rather than exclusive format evident in contemporary status.

Whenever civilization undergoes revolutionary changes, the incumbents bear responsibility to extend positive aspects and concurrently act in reversing negative or destructive course pertaining to denial of freedom, human values and social justice leading towards egalitarianism with respect for life transcending race, religion, gender and several classifications in society.

The civil rights being the inalienable rights of all citizens should be essentially free from preferential applications or jurisdiction contrary to the prevalent conditions targeting specific demography for racial profiling and incarcerations with indelible mark on intolerance from such involvement.

Upon reviewing status quo beginning with Guantanamo Bay detainees, torture chambers regardless of techniques, foreign prisons for renditions, legislation of National Defense Authorization Act, sponsoring terrorism not barring cannibalism to destabilize sovereign nations, authorizing predator drones killing defenseless children, women and men in occupied countries and toppling democratically elected governments maintained with pride and prejudice.

In the domestic front, the joblessness among African Americans soaring amid combating hate crimes against youths with police brutality and judicial verdict exacerbating the victims and the family suffering more than ever.

These incidents occurrence in the 1960’s emanated from ignorance and deep social divide for individual and collective satisfaction.

However, the revival in the present time is regrettable.

Accordingly the constitutional obligation and civil duty binding on entire Congress as lawmakers and elected representatives for impartial investigation alongside measures to prevent repeat events nationwide is imperative.

Furthermore the indifference to frequent fatal assaults involving African American citizens in recent memory is disturbing especially after the civil rights struggle enabling members of African American origin at the helm in the executive, legislative and judicial branch in possession of authority.

The unarmed victims – Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, Shooting of Trayvon Martin in the George Zimmerman case and Miriam Carey shot dead with the toddler son witnessing the horrific crime in the Capitol Police and Secret Service Agents pursuit near White House are few of many violations that merits valid explanation.

Since politics is granted immunity in the crimes against humanity, perhaps there is no political will to seek justice and restore fairness in civil society.

“The arc of the moral universe is long but it bends toward justice.”  – Martin Luther King Jr.

This is only possible when members of political class demonstrate the pledge to serve constituents and the nation in action.  The system is broken and beyond repair due to illegitimacy i.e. hegemony as shadow power reining control over governance and global activity.

Nonetheless, the darkness cannot prolong as eternal night with the break of dawn and the sun rise in the natural order.

The holistic approach would be for the successful and powerful to lend support in improving the lives of the less fortunate and disavow ties with elements contributing to economic and social disparity through polarization.

Advancing the work of Martin Luther King Jr. promoting equal opportunity and individual rights across the spectrum would be the best tribute.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


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