United States – State of the Union Address 2014
January 29, 2014
By Padmini Arhant
Warm Greetings to honorable members representing the House and the Senate of the United States Congress, esteemed judiciary members, distinguished United States Military High Command, fellow Americans and citizens around the world.
United States citizens face many challenges with little or no effective solutions from leaderships and entities in control of the political system. Unfortunately the policies are designed to benefit the selective privileged class and special interests at the vast majority expense.
United States economy confronted with unnecessary and unsubstantiated debt due to lack of republic authority over money supply and monetary policy.
In the absence of checks and balances i.e. independent investigation and congressional inquiry on transactions involving secret loan deals qualifying as bailouts worth twenty trillion dollars and previously nine trillion dollars or more reported unaccounted in the Federal Reserve audit,
The contentious debate on raising debt ceiling has no basis and deserves clarifications from relevant sources responsible for the staggering debt burden on average citizens with generational impact.
Furthermore, the military expansions through illegal warfare draining national treasury with pentagon sharing abovementioned accounting irregularities in several trillion dollars continues to receive disproportionate budget allocations while the lawmakers slash food stamps, stall unemployment benefits and spar over increasing minimum wage from $7 to $10 in the dire economy.
Substantial financial and military aid to Israel, Egypt, Jordan and alike as insurance for nuclear state Israel with drastic strategies against people in the United States and occupied territories in the Middle East defies logic and constitutionality.
The fiscal policy premised on austerity with spending cuts directed at consumer base contributes to stagnancy in economic growth not to mention the incentives to corporations in tax breaks, subsidies and government contracts is yet to deliver results in job creation and retention especially in manufacturing and service sector.
Similarly trade policy favoring multinational companies target developing nations for excess profit margins, tax evasions and non-compliance in labor and environment laws affecting domestic and overseas work force with deprivation of jobs and exploitation respectively.
The trend since implementation last century has widened the gap between haves and have-nots with dissipating middle-income category and segment in lower economic strata struggling to make ends meet in the United States largely ignored despite repercussions on retail industry, housing market and overall economy.
Additionally artificial maneuver of US dollar and China’s renminbi trigger volatility and trade imbalance reflective in United States current account and currency reserves in global market.
United States Congress and administration prioritizing American citizens desperate economic situation with robust measures including recovery of missing tax dollars and troop withdrawals could rescue the nation from default and precipitous decline.
Fixing healthcare inadequacies and removing penalties in mandatory subscription imposed in Obama Care would ease problems and allow flexibility for patients exploring suitable plans or awaiting approval.
National attention towards educational funding for K-12 program and alleviating college students plight in the loan scams in semblance with sub-prime mortgage offers is paramount to safeguard youth empowerment that determines country’s future.
The home foreclosures carried out without proper applications of rule leaving many American owners in dispossession of assets together with savings facilitating foreign investors bids and high turnover in real estate superficially inflating home values in the sensitive industry.
On citizens privacy, the controversial NSA and NDAA besides being unconstitutional and undemocratic with civil rights infringement in NSA activity and denial of legal course in the latter indicative of subjugation redefining democracy.
United States prison population on the rise with police violent crackdown and anomalies in judicial process necessitate review and reform.
Unites States legislation on gun violence and curbing state aggression witnessed in stop and frisk ordinance in New York City important for citizens’ safety in a modern civil society.
Similarly, releasing Guantanamo Bay detainees for safe return to country of origin and closing the prison camp in Cuba and elsewhere would confirm United States departure from human rights violation.
United States foreign policy abandoning terrorism, invasion and occupation, provocation with military drills and nuclear capable flights and submarines, stirring political unrest notwithstanding false flag events in the domestic and foreign locations, drone attacks killing civilians with immunity, economic sanctions constituting mass persecution, and peace talks derailment by arming mercenaries in Syria…would foster better relations and restore credibility worldwide.
In nuclear disarmament, United States and major powers enhancement pursuits with ICBM and short-range missiles testing conducted regularly rejecting international laws binding all nations on earth.
United States refusal to sign nuclear non-proliferation treaty amid pervasive militarization of regions to establish dominance endangers global security and provides impetus for nuclear proliferation among non-nuclear states unwillingly contemplating nuclear option in self-defense.
United States, Israel, Britain, France and other western allies backed dictatorial regimes in the Middle East like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Yemen, Jordan and Turkey specialize in oppression and terror manufacture viz. Takfiri elements and assortment of al-Qaeda offshoots deployed to destroy lives, livelihoods and infrastructure of sovereign nations perceived adversaries for defending territorial integrity and citizens self-determination rights against imperial aspirations embarked on extremism and militancy.
In the environment front, United States experiencing severe weather conditions from hurricane to snowstorms with casualties and natural disasters in other parts of the world causing extensive damages arguably generates the requirement for global commitment to maintain the critical standard to protect and sustain life.
The developed or industrialized nations concerted action for 45% emission contraction against the present norm – 11-19% of which various credits adjustments against insufficient undertaking further degrades the emission percentage to bare minimum diminishing the prospects for the safe upper limit in CO2 release – 1.5°C or 350 ppm (Parts Per Million).
United States political and economic freedom is imperative for universal liberty, peace and progress.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
United States – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 20, 2014
By Padmini Arhant
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. envisioned social equality leading to economic and political progress for the marginalized and disenfranchised demography in the country.
United States commemorating the civil rights leader’s sacrifice every year is more symbolic than realistic considering the status quo on human rights and many issues related to U.S. domestic and foreign policy aimed at denying the inalienable rights that led to freedom movement earlier and in the past century.
The nation having evolved into police state notwithstanding misuse of power justified in authorizing illegal, unconstitutional and undemocratic activities even though none bear resemblance to the dream for recognition of human values that defines character and determines destiny.
Politics prioritizing anti-republic interests is the norm and systematic violation of democratic principles evident in national and international matter.
United States intelligence, military, judiciary, legislative and executive branch of the political system failure to represent people and nation at large due to allegiance to forces reining control over money management, economy and national defense undermines sovereignty.
The nation predominantly run by private enterprise and foreign sources discard constitution and suppress peaceful challenges to legitimize subjugation and deviation from functioning democracy.
As a result, the population immense suffering ignored to push forward strategies detrimental to national future.
United States liberty is possible with mass awakening and action to reclaim power from elements of declining empire defiant in pursuing counterproductive course.
Upon emancipation, the citizens would have opportunity to elect government with sincere commitment to national service unlike the present foreign infiltrated structure designed to favor the few members in the self-proclaimed privileged class.
United States superpower complex mostly used for exerting dominance is best abandoned since those behind the erroneous disposition having caused substantial damages to national credibility evade responsibility and yet continue to indoctrinate ideas proved catastrophic thus far.
The honorable act to memorialize historic events contributing to positive change is to practice and maintain paradigm with any modifications for enhancement rather than deterioration as default.
Dr. King dedication to humanitarian cause yielded necessary political flexibility to outlaw blatant discriminatory tradition.
However, the struggle persists with prejudice and hatred institutionalized for political and economic gains at the expense of human degradation.
National focus in human relations premised on tolerance and acceptance would exemplify development with greater importance on unity.
Ignorance is bliss in subjects of no relevance. Nonetheless ignorance is abyss in topics of significance.
Human enlightenment could begin with earnest quest for truth and purposeful existence.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
United States – Government Shut Down And Political Catharsis
October 16, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
The so-called government shut down in the United States with leaderships in the executive and legislative branch in irreconcilable position merit fair evaluation considering the impressive congressional bipartisanship without Presidential veto threat on issues related to Wall Street, AIPAC and warfare funding including sponsoring terrorism up until now delivered to the respective proponents satisfaction.
However, the prevalent choreographed standoff attributed to Tea Party – a political faction in public perception and otherwise a smokescreen for subversion and deflection from actuality allowing real contributors and participants behind manufactured crises to advance the agenda.
Post 9/11 – In the false flag event the United States mainstream was initially targeted producing massive casualties and subsequently the unprecedented terror act used as premise for civil rights infringement introducing Patriot Act, FISA, NSA, ACTA and NDAA for subjugation en masse.
The paradigm shift in the transfer of power from congress to the executive branch also transpired following 9/11 facilitating excess Presidential authority that led to institutionalizing unlawful detentions in Guantanamo Bay, legitimized renditions with secret prison camps overseas accompanied by torture not barring water boarding and the unabated drone attacks exponentially risen under the current administration.
United States constitution irrelevance is evident in the privately owned Federal Reserve control of money supply and monetary policy with immunity from congressional or independent audit and accountability despite implications regarding unaccounted multi-trillion dollars of tax payer funds from national treasury.
Accordingly the constitutional law increasingly discarded in all three branches of the government.
Having rendered the constitution redundant, the forces espousing global dominance are in the process of eliminating people from governance and since congress members are elected to represent the electorate – the congressional dismal performance with approval rating at 5% provides opportunity to further empower Presidency under special and foreign interests management alienating citizens in national legislation.
The political system departure from democracy exemplified in the incumbent administration war against whistle blowers,
The NSA surveillance legalized by state appointed court shrouded in secrecy defying transparency,
The office of Presidency exercising extra judicial executions in recent years,
The congressional subpoenas disregarded in Benghazi investigation,
The distortion of facts and falsifying reports for congress authorization on military intervention and,
Last but not the least, the NDAA enactment enabling government predisposition against United States citizens as potential terror suspects without probable cause for trial under military tribunal denying them due legal course alludes to martial law with commander-in-chief as the supreme authority.
The prolonged stalemate generating the impression that all sides agree to disagree indefinitely when the same establishment function in perfect harmony to appease specific sources clarifies the existing gridlock as political catharsis declining republic will and significance in the expeditious transformation from civilian representation to exclusive loyalty to anti-democratic plutocracy.
Whenever checks and balances to curtail abuse of power rejected, such responses endanger national identity and independent status.
The solution to the crises is for citizens across the spectrum to proclaim sovereignty in restoring constitution guided government emphasizing the right to withhold federal tax payments upon the executive and legislative leaderships failure to reach amicable settlement obligatory on them to mitigate losses in the economic sector and national credibility.
Finally, United States political, economic and social recovery perhaps possible with renouncing NSA activity and disenfranchisement of the Federal Reserve as the Central Bank leading to moral renaissance.
Best Wishes to United States citizenry in the successful revival of the government of the people, by the people and for the people reflecting meaningful and genuine democracy.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
United States – Amicable Settlement is the Saving Grace on Government Shut Down
October 8, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
The ongoing government shut down deserves clarifications from lawmakers unwilling to resume work considering they are all being paid with taxpayer funds transforming the closure into a paid holiday.
When legislators in both political parties and White House could arrive at majority if not overwhelming consensus on issues related to special interests and AIPAC proposal exceeding Wall Street and foreign entities expectations on legislations,
The current stalemate rejecting direct communication let alone agreement on any mater through congressional session is suggestive of misplaced priority and lack of commitment to national service – the reason to elect representatives and leaderships to public office.
According to the main news reports – the House passed the bill to pay furloughed employees on October 5, 2013.
Despite the measure, the decision to prolong the political standoff amid expressing concern over debt crises only confirms the governance not taken seriously and instead utilized for agenda not necessarily in national benefit.
The disingenuous display is counterproductive in political and economic standpoint emphasizing the need for elected officials to transcend selective partisanship and actions exacerbating economic conditions that would eventually impact the contributors and participants in this destructive course.
Since the legislative and executive branch not affected with the loss of personal income, the urgency to end impasse perhaps not the preference ignoring the economic ramifications in the domestic and global market.
The deliberate choices to extend political discord further exemplify abuse of power and exploitation of taxpayers especially the ordinary citizens expected to maintain tax payments regardless of government operation.
Any more procrastination would evidently define the political goals not aimed at economic recovery and inversely facilitating the preventable disaster.
American constituents could seek the respective congressmen and women for valid explanation behind the unreasonable catharsis at whomsoever behest and urge them to bring the standoff to conclusion without any delay.
Based on the lawmakers response to republic will, democracy would be tested for viability.
The meaningless strategy to disrupt government functionality only hurts United States financial status and political parties credibility to preside over national affairs.
The government that is truly representative of the people, by the people and for the people would not adopt means to stall economic progress.
On the contrary every member in recognition of constitutional duty to serve the nation would spare no opportunity to find common ground for reconciliation.
Failure to reopen government and address impending bills would transfer the burden of responsibility entirely on the factions posing impediment to fundamental function i.e. diligently perform national tasks to avoid detrimental economic outcome linked with political survivability during electoral process.
Hence the leaderships along with party members in the House of Congress, Senate and White House directing the focus on the reversal of economic decline with result oriented policies is the preliminary step towards building investor and consumer confidence desperately required in the fragile economy.
Allowing delinquency on government bills and subsequent downgrading of credit rating may not be prudent in the effort to contain sovereign debt.
Setting aside political differences and convergence on expediting fiscal year budget for government activities is the only option to rescue the nation from default.
The leaders on all sides in acknowledgment of national obligations rising to the occasion for amicable settlement would be the saving grace.
Hopefully reason and logic would prevail over political expediency.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
United States – The Art of Political Expediency
October 6, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
The political system that is controlled maneuvered and specializes in manufacturing crises through false flags and other means to establish criminality as the rule of law evident in –
NSA surveillance,
NDAA denying own citizens due process,
Unlawful detentions in Guantanamo Bay and domestic prison complex,
That holds republic to ransom with government shut down and,
Complicit in siphoning trillions of dollars from national treasury at ordinary citizens expense bear no resemblance to democracy in simplistic or pragmatic terms with reliance on subversion in pursuit of dominance.
Besides sponsoring terror, conducting drone attacks to kill innocent civilians around the world and above all providing military and monetary aid to belligerent states with track record of gross human rights violation regarded the supreme privilege in the era of changing geopolitical dynamics rejecting supremacy concept.
The arms supply to drug cartels under the Fast and Furious program run by the administration Justice Department having claimed more than 50,000 lives and still counting in the neighboring Mexico while the population from that state fleeing the violence riddled situation characterized illegals remain the bone of contention in the immigration debate.
The foreign policy that considers unlawful invasion and occupation of foreign land as the prerogative ironically holds thousands arriving on the United States shores due to U.S. created economic and political mayhem in the respective country of origin a burden on the economy calling for stringent immigration rules and building the highest possible fence to prevent the influx of victims from counterproductive neo-liberal economic strategy and neo-conservative militarism.
Furthermore the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and Trilateral Commission run State Department, the Department of Defense and Intelligence Agencies embark on missions destabilizing sovereign nations, toppling democratic and popular governments and institutionalizing state terrorism for pervasive subjugation.
The investigation on the State Department involved incident in Benghazi, Libya related to United States ambassador Christopher Stevens assassination and three other embassy staff deaths stifled with evidence disposal.
Additionally the appointment of the so-called independent committee known as Accountability Review Board (ARB) comprising the state department officials posing conflict of interest disregarding congressional subpoenas by threatening members pursuing the matter speaks volume on the resistance to transparency concerning American safety.
Similarly, the U.S. raid in Abbottabad, Pakistan supposedly to capture or kill Osama Bin laden conveniently denying the public any proof to that effect was followed with the elimination of Navy Seal deployed in that operation.
Again the forces behind 9//11 onslaught leading to global status quo share imperialistic quest unleashing terror via al-Qaeda – the network founded by them.
Notwithstanding aggression against developing nations facilitate recruitment for relentless warfare.
The U.S. administration latest form of intimidation against perceived adversaries is airspace refusal to foreign governments heads of state like Bolivian President Evo Morales and Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro with no regrets on the reckless intrusions endangering life and diplomatic row not to mention the action in breach of international aviation standard.
Owing to these circumstances and many other events where state lawlessness upheld as the law with imposition of hardline tactics to quell dissent and peaceful assembly in disdain for non-violent civil disobedience clarify systemic abuse of power reflecting authoritarianism to suppress accountability.
The important factor is corruption apparently potent than nuclear arsenal in expanding proxy governance worldwide – prominently in the domain misconstrued as democracy.
On nuclear and assorted WMD disarmament – the selective criteria exempting violators in possession of substantial stockpiles from any inspection, verification and compliances juxtapose mandatory enforcement on abiding nations reveal the inherently flawed denuclearization stratagem.
UN and UNSC along with EU maintaining the parallel government role and exclusivity exercised in arbitrary economic sanctions and ammunition delivery to terrorists in Syria or approval to invade minerals rich nation like Mali slight fairness and objectivity thereby confirming the organizational purpose to sustain hierarchy.
However, the process having exhausted methods on parasitic existence depleting the source and earth’s resources is at the crossroads to renounce destructive course or proceed to the precipice for inevitable outcome not necessarily favorable to them.
The remedial measure to current challenges is to address the cause rather than responding to symptoms alone commencing with mass consciousness and resolve to invalidate prevalent conditions designed to protect the illusive self-proclaimed aristocracy.
United States breakthrough on impasse is possible with open communication and recognition of mutual responsibility in expediting reconciliation.
The real independence is primarily linked with adherence to constitutional requirement on all issues especially the transfer of authority from privately owned Federal Reserve to national ownership on money supply, distribution and implementation of monetary policy.
Nonetheless the art of political expediency overrides rationality and courage to confront elements contributing to precipitous decline of morality, human values and ethical efficacy.
Human evolution enriched with intelligence and reasoning invoking compassion for universal empowerment is instrumental in attaining liberation and prosperity.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
United States – Government Shut Down And Republic Action
October 5, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
Recently President Barack Obama had direct assurance from House Speaker John Boehner regarding House Representatives votes on Syria.
However, the transformation with the impasse on government shut down is paradoxical where the two leaderships apparently unable to reconcile differences despite the consequences on the average citizens as federal employees and the public at large.
Reiterating the fact that unlawful warfare, unnecessary military and monetary aid to nuclear state Israel and Egypt, Jordan…on Israel’s behalf, sponsoring terrorism and Wall Street bailout almost never has any impediments with the legislative and executive branch working together in perfect harmony to deliver the special interest and AIPAC demands on United States Congress.
The current stalemate involving suspension of government services using health care and raising the debt ceiling as bargaining chips is evidently counterproductive considering the negative impact on economy and employment situation.
The political showdown is unnecessary and elected officials committed to national service as required by the constitutional oath would not block government functions as mechanism to impose their agenda.
Neither the health care nor debt ceiling could be implemented in prolonging the government closure. These two issues merit transparency and discussions to allay legitimate concerns among citizens as financiers of the entire national budget.
The fiscal conservatism on spending cuts targeting lifeline programs and services such as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, education and environment could be shifted to wasteful expenditure and redundant activities such as the government shut down arguably increasing economic liabilities and exacerbating citizens suffering.
Again, the government fiscal policy aimed at stifling essential consumer oriented growth combined with the Federal Reserve monetary policy on partial to total withdrawal of quantitative easing i.e. interjection of cash flow into the economy @ interest rates between 0 – ¼ percent with impending debt elevation deserves congressional debate and national review.
Besides, the Federal Reserve is yet to account on previously missing $9 trillions and the latest $16 trillion in secret bailout of foreign banks using United States tax dollars while the urgency on extending borrowing limit via debt ceiling lingering as the national crises.
None of this would be possible with the ongoing political standoff.
American citizens rising to the occasion exercising republic power by calling on the representatives to resume work is the preliminary step towards restoring democracy and economic recovery.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
United States – HCR – 107 Congressional Proceeding against Illegal Warfare
August 27, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
Nations built army primarily for two reasons – safeguarding borders and protecting citizens from potential attacks apart from deployment during emergency relief efforts to save lives and involve in peace mission without artillery.
The honorable and courageous service requires personal sacrifice, discipline and discernment at critical hour to engage diligently mindful of serious ramifications often irreversible due to fatality on all sides with civilians being the most vulnerable.
However, in the contemporary era wars are waged exclusively for economic reasons and territorial conquest with troops not necessarily serving the nation nor nationals they pledged to defend instead laying their precious lives in compliance to foreign diktat.
The greed driven strategy focused on individual gains at vast majority peril has no boundary with wars fought without borders unheeding constitutional law, congressional dissent and international rule such as Geneva Convention not excluding military code during combat and POW or prevalently so-called terror suspects treatment while in custody.
Besides, extemporaneous foreign policy invariably leading to military interventions again at external powers behest in the absence of comprehensive structure viz. exit plan, economic costs and above all transparency and accountability with executive branch exercising excess authority from top to bottom.
Notwithstanding the overwhelming rejection of any U.S.involvement in Syria amongst United States citizens as the electorate, taxpayers and consumers representing the republic producing severe electoral backlash in 2014 mid-term election and beyond.
It is noteworthy that executive branch in the latest configuration beginning with office of Presidency, Secretary of State, Defense Secretary, Director of Intelligence Services CIA, FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation). Homeland Security, NSA (National Security Advisers) and last but not the least Justice Department are granted impunity despite,
Hard core evidences suggestive of abuse of power notwithstanding treason against nation they are either elected or appointed to serve with honesty and integrity.
Accordingly in precluding consequences congressional investigations rendered redundant and a mere formality.
As a result public opinion and legislative authorization no longer considered relevant in decision-making process concerning national interest for they are predominantly directed and influenced by shadow governance like Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission among key organizations and institutions in control of national as well as international affairs entirely benefitting them.
Major General Smedley Butler – decorated war veteran and author of ‘War is a Racket’ detailed the reality on profiteering from war disregarding losses in death and destruction lasting over generations only perpetuated in modern warfare with innovative technology such as drones, short and long range missiles supposedly facilitating remote operations eliminating necessity for troops on the ground alongside discounting disproportionate civilian casualty endured by victims’ families thus far.
The arbitrary shelling fomenting terror recruitments in retaliation is also affecting troop morale demonstrated in regrettable conduct in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
War is not only accompanied by loss of lives but also premised on distortion and deception given the executive privilege and unilateralism in vogue defying constitutional requirement for congressional approval in the declaration of war against sovereign nations in Middle East or anywhere in the world.
Corporate media and news organization both local and foreign used as propaganda tools are equally culpable in misleading people and nation at large.
Congressional action against reckless, irresponsible and biased broadcast and journalism advocating military interference favoring elite groups would deter erroneous consensus among elected officials and electorate on crucial national matter.
In pursuit of ill-fated agenda risking young servicemen and women in harms way along with skyrocketing national debt passed on to American taxpayers denied many essential programs at home for funding wars are against United States democratic values and constitutional framework.
The existing unnecessary tension with Iran and Syria posing no threat to United States or citizens yet U.S. incursions in the Persian Gulf, economic sanctions on Iran and weapons supply to militias in Syria replicating Libya ignoring implications on the respective population is counterproductive and contradictory to human rights demand placed upon them.
Iran cooperation with international body and adherence to IAEA plus UN mandate deserves recognition allowing peace and diplomacy to produce desirable outcome.
Similarly, Syrian leadership consistent measures in political reform with constitutional amendment and multiparty elections held most recently envisaging more on the way amid defending besieged nation aided by U.S. and allies ammunitions are significant and violence escalation attributed to western and Arab allies hired mercenaries to disrupt peace prospects in the war torn nation.
Not to mention Geneva Agreement enforcing disarmament declined by Syrian rebels echoing U.S. Secretary of State insistence on regime change and destabilization.
Syrian mainstream and real opposition reject overseas meddling and denounce western aggression exacerbating ordinary citizens safety and plight.
Ceasefire prevented at all costs with controversial rhetoric and flagrant stance adopted at ad hoc meeting called ‘Friends of Syria’ in Paris headed by U.S. Secretary of State on Syria.
Washington arms assistance promoting Saudi invasion in Bahraini crackdown and likewise disrupting Arab Spring in Yemen, Egypt and Libya reflect memory lapse in U.S. Secretary of State criticism of nations on Syria epitomizing double standards that jeopardize United States credibility as a trustworthy partner in peaceful resolution.
U.S. administrations regardless of political party affiliations indulgence in wars based on doctrines detrimental to American and global future set precedence for successors with each legacy devoid of moral and ethics declining qualitatively invalidating republic status with self-righteous ideology.
Investigations into 9/11 terrorism with army, intelligence and government synchronized defunct otherwise averted catastrophe that went beyond domestic turbulence over to offshore multilateral expansion enabling belligerence dominant role discarding peace and constructive dialogue in dispute settlements.
War crimes related to 9/11, Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen by previous administration and,
The incumbent power for Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen, Libya, Egypt, Bahrain and Syria that are publicly known with numerous allegations on activities conducted incognito in secret prisons through renditions and extra judicial executions having become executive prerogative in the present tine,
Unless terminated with charges and appropriate sentencing barring exceptions would dangerously legitimize power misuse removing congress from political system.
The bill to stop illegal warfare House of Congress Resolution 107 sponsored by U.S. House of Representative – Hon. Congressman Walter Jones (R-NC) is a fundamental step towards American democracy resurrecting lost American image.
Congressman Walter Jones apparently approached former President George W. Bush seeking explanations behind Iraq war and subsequently reported to have introduced –
Constitutional War Powers Resolution in 2007 co-sponsored by Rep. William Delahunt (D-MA) – prohibiting the president from ordering military action without congressional approval, except when the United States or U.S. troops were attacked or when U.S. citizens needed to be evacuated.
Congressman Ron Paul, Rep. Dennis Kucinich and many members of Congress stated to have come forward to co-sponsor HCR – 107.
The pivotal bill to stop wars at citizens and troops expense through vigorous campaigning
on Internet and other medium would expedite legislation.
Then remaining lawmakers obligatory to fulfill constitutional oath to work for the people and country unlike the reverse trend.
Abstinence or failure to do so would delineate legislators in their allegiance to political party and globalists wielding power overriding constituents will.
This act is monumental in upholding constitution and congressional ruling correlating main street position in military options dealing with citizens’ life and death in the national and international domain.
With appreciation for Rep. Hon. Walter Jones and colleagues initiatives to change course from devastating military adventures by executive authority in the past and present time,
Urging United States citizens to participate in HCR 107 legislation for a new chapter in congressional history restoring republic power.
Wishing success to peaceful and political resolutions – HCR 107 in curtailing global confrontation.
Please review the brief HCR 107 text and have your representatives cast their vote to conclude incessant wars across the globe divesting investments in national economy.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
H. CON. RES. 107
Expressing the sense of Congress that the use of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, section 4 of the Constitution.
MARCH 7, 2012
Mr. JONES submitted the following concurrent resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Expressing the sense of Congress that the use of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, section 4 of the Constitution.
Whereas the cornerstone of the Republic is honoring Congress’s exclusive power to declare war under article I, section 8, and clause 11 of the Constitution: Now, therefore, is it
Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring),
That it is the sense of Congress that, except 3 in response to an actual or imminent attack against the 4 territory of the United States,
The use of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress violates Congress’s exclusive power
to declare war under article I, section 8, clause 11 of the Constitution and,
Therefore constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, section 4 of the Constitution.
Courtesy: www.stuartbramhall.com – Thank you.
The full text of the Resolution of Impeachment:
The contact details for the members of the House Judiciary Committee:
In a Republican District, please contact your congressional representative and ask them to sign on as a cosponsor.
Please contact your Congressmen and ask them to co-sponsoring HCR107
David Schweikert: Washington, DC Office 1205 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-2190 – Fax: (202) 225-0096
Ben Quayle: Washington DC Office 1419 Longworth HOB Washington, DC 20515
Phone: 202-225-3361 – Fax: 202-225-3462.
United States – HCR – 107 Congressional Proceeding against Illegal Warfare
August 27, 2013
Nations built army primarily for two reasons – safeguarding borders and protecting citizens from potential attacks apart from deployment during emergency relief efforts to save lives and involve in peace mission without artillery.
The honorable and courageous service requires personal sacrifice, discipline and discernment at critical hour to engage diligently mindful of serious ramifications often irreversible due to fatality on all sides with civilians being the most vulnerable.
However, in the contemporary era wars are waged exclusively for economic reasons and territorial conquest with troops not necessarily serving the nation nor nationals they pledged to defend instead laying their precious lives in compliance to foreign diktat.
The greed driven strategy focused on individual gains at vast majority peril has no boundary with wars fought without borders unheeding constitutional law, congressional dissent and international rule such as Geneva Convention not excluding military code during combat and POW or prevalently so-called terror suspects treatment while in custody.
Besides, extemporaneous foreign policy invariably leading to military interventions again at external powers behest in the absence of comprehensive structure viz. exit plan, economic costs and above all transparency and accountability with executive branch exercising excess authority from top to bottom.
Notwithstanding the overwhelming rejection of any U.S.involvement in Syria amongst United States citizens as the electorate, taxpayers and consumers representing the republic producing severe electoral backlash in 2014 mid-term election and beyond.
It is noteworthy that executive branch in the latest configuration beginning with office of Presidency, Secretary of State, Defense Secretary, Director of Intelligence Services CIA, FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation). Homeland Security, NSA (National Security Advisers) and last but not the least Justice Department are granted impunity despite,
Hard core evidences suggestive of abuse of power notwithstanding treason against nation they are either elected or appointed to serve with honesty and integrity.
Accordingly in precluding consequences congressional investigations rendered redundant and a mere formality.
As a result public opinion and legislative authorization no longer considered relevant in decision-making process concerning national interest for they are predominantly directed and influenced by shadow governance like Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission among key organizations and institutions in control of national as well as international affairs entirely benefitting them.
Major General Smedley Butler – decorated war veteran and author of ‘War is a Racket’ detailed the reality on profiteering from war disregarding losses in death and destruction lasting over generations only perpetuated in modern warfare with innovative technology such as drones, short and long range missiles supposedly facilitating remote operations eliminating necessity for troops on the ground alongside discounting disproportionate civilian casualty endured by victims’ families thus far.
The arbitrary shelling fomenting terror recruitments in retaliation is also affecting troop morale demonstrated in regrettable conduct in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
War is not only accompanied by loss of lives but also premised on distortion and deception given the executive privilege and unilateralism in vogue defying constitutional requirement for congressional approval in the declaration of war against sovereign nations in Middle East or anywhere in the world.
Corporate media and news organization both local and foreign used as propaganda tools are equally culpable in misleading people and nation at large.
Congressional action against reckless, irresponsible and biased broadcast and journalism advocating military interference favoring elite groups would deter erroneous consensus among elected officials and electorate on crucial national matter.
In pursuit of ill-fated agenda risking young servicemen and women in harms way along with skyrocketing national debt passed on to American taxpayers denied many essential programs at home for funding wars are against United States democratic values and constitutional framework.
The existing unnecessary tension with Iran and Syria posing no threat to United States or citizens yet U.S. incursions in the Persian Gulf, economic sanctions on Iran and weapons supply to militias in Syria replicating Libya ignoring implications on the respective population is counterproductive and contradictory to human rights demand placed upon them.
Iran cooperation with international body and adherence to IAEA plus UN mandate deserves recognition allowing peace and diplomacy to produce desirable outcome.
Similarly, Syrian leadership consistent measures in political reform with constitutional amendment and multiparty elections held most recently envisaging more on the way amid defending besieged nation aided by U.S. and allies ammunitions are significant and violence escalation attributed to western and Arab allies hired mercenaries to disrupt peace prospects in the war torn nation.
Not to mention Geneva Agreement enforcing disarmament declined by Syrian rebels echoing U.S. Secretary of State insistence on regime change and destabilization.
Syrian mainstream and real opposition reject overseas meddling and denounce western aggression exacerbating ordinary citizens safety and plight.
Ceasefire prevented at all costs with controversial rhetoric and flagrant stance adopted at ad hoc meeting called ‘Friends of Syria’ in Paris headed by U.S. Secretary of State on Syria.
Washington arms assistance promoting Saudi invasion in Bahraini crackdown and likewise disrupting Arab Spring in Yemen, Egypt and Libya reflect memory lapse in U.S. Secretary of State criticism of nations on Syria epitomizing double standards that jeopardize United States credibility as a trustworthy partner in peaceful resolution.
U.S. administrations regardless of political party affiliations indulgence in wars based on doctrines detrimental to American and global future set precedence for successors with each legacy devoid of moral and ethics declining qualitatively invalidating republic status with self-righteous ideology.
Investigations into 9/11 terrorism with army, intelligence and government synchronized defunct otherwise averted catastrophe that went beyond domestic turbulence over to offshore multilateral expansion enabling belligerence dominant role discarding peace and constructive dialogue in dispute settlements.
War crimes related to 9/11, Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen by previous administration and,
The incumbent power for Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen, Libya, Egypt, Bahrain and Syria that are publicly known with numerous allegations on activities conducted incognito in secret prisons through renditions and extra judicial executions having become executive prerogative in the present tine,
Unless terminated with charges and appropriate sentencing barring exceptions would dangerously legitimize power misuse removing congress from political system.
The bill to stop illegal warfare House of Congress Resolution 107 sponsored by U.S. House of Representative – Hon. Congressman Walter Jones (R-NC) is a fundamental step towards American democracy resurrecting lost American image.
Congressman Walter Jones apparently approached former President George W. Bush seeking explanations behind Iraq war and subsequently reported to have introduced –
Constitutional War Powers Resolution in 2007 co-sponsored by Rep. William Delahunt (D-MA) – prohibiting the president from ordering military action without congressional approval, except when the United States or U.S. troops were attacked or when U.S. citizens needed to be evacuated.
Congressman Ron Paul, Rep. Dennis Kucinich and many members of Congress stated to have come forward to co-sponsor HCR – 107.
The pivotal bill to stop wars at citizens and troops expense through vigorous campaigning
on Internet and other medium would expedite legislation.
Then remaining lawmakers obligatory to fulfill constitutional oath to work for the people and country unlike the reverse trend.
Abstinence or failure to do so would delineate legislators in their allegiance to political party and globalists wielding power overriding constituents will.
This act is monumental in upholding constitution and congressional ruling correlating main street position in military options dealing with citizens’ life and death in the national and international domain.
With appreciation for Rep. Hon. Walter Jones and colleagues initiatives to change course from devastating military adventures by executive authority in the past and present time,
Urging United States citizens to participate in HCR 107 legislation for a new chapter in congressional history restoring republic power.
Wishing success to peaceful and political resolutions – HCR 107 in curtailing global confrontation.
Please review the brief HCR 107 text and have your representatives cast their vote to conclude incessant wars across the globe divesting investments in national economy.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
H. CON. RES. 107
Expressing the sense of Congress that the use of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, section 4 of the Constitution.
MARCH 7, 2012
Mr. JONES submitted the following concurrent resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Expressing the sense of Congress that the use of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, section 4 of the Constitution.
Whereas the cornerstone of the Republic is honoring Congress’s exclusive power to declare war under article I, section 8, and clause 11 of the Constitution: Now, therefore, is it
Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring),
That it is the sense of Congress that, except 3 in response to an actual or imminent attack against the 4 territory of the United States,
The use of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress violates Congress’s exclusive power
to declare war under article I, section 8, clause 11 of the Constitution and,
Therefore constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, section 4 of the Constitution.
Courtesy: www.stuartbramhall.com – Thank you.
The full text of the Resolution of Impeachment:
The contact details for the members of the House Judiciary Committee:
In a Republican District, please contact your congressional representative and ask them to sign on as a cosponsor.
Please contact your Congressmen and ask them to co-sponsoring HCR107
David Schweikert: Washington, DC Office 1205 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-2190 – Fax: (202) 225-0096
Ben Quayle: Washington DC Office 1419 Longworth HOB Washington, DC 20515
Phone: 202-225-3361 – Fax: 202-225-3462.
United States – National Legislation Failure to Protect Republic Interest
April 20, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
The recent legislations prompting sequestration – automatic spending cuts on national budget affecting essential programs due to congress and White House disagreement juxtaposed bipartisanship in perfect harmony on United States $3 billion donation over and above billions in military aid to Israel clarifies misplaced priority slighting public needs and national interest.
In the wake of several shootings in the United States, the legislation on requirement for background verification prior to issuing gun license struck down in the democrats dominated Senate.
The legislation apparently short of six votes in the 54 – 46 approval slated as NRA victory and major disappointment for Americans falling prey to daily violent victimization.
This outcome is not surprising and in fact a repeat scenario of Health Care Reform.
In 2009 millions of Americans across the spectrum came forward sharing painful experiences from astronomical health care expenses and pleaded with then democrats majority in the House, Senate and White House i.e. 2009 – 2010 to pass Single Payer or Public option plan only to be denied and,
Instead the legislators passed Obama Care imposing on citizens Health Care Industry desired insurance costs without premium cap and necessary stipulations in mandatory subscription to be effective in January 2014.
While Republican members outright rejection to public cause is well established,
The democrats’ position barring rare exceptions, the rest of them follow suit with opponents delivering legislation victory to campaign financiers and oligarchy.
Whether strict gun laws or bills to improve economic and social conditions,
The executive and legislative branches lack of commitment to serve constituents and national electorate electing them to office contribute to status quo.
NRA portrayed as second amendment right defender also represents arms manufacturers and defense industry that in turn fund congressional and Presidential candidates of both political parties conforming to Washington lobby.
For instance Honeywell Corporation from defense sector is one of many exerting influences over political apparatus.
The notion that prominent groups AIPAC, NRA, Goldman Sachs and Big Pharma …are powerful is a myth with reality revealing lawmakers and political leaderships weakness to resist financial incentives or alternatively submission to threats from these organizations on national legislation voiding democracy and electoral mandate.
When free will is exercised in drone strikes killing thousands of children, women and men abroad including funding of terrorists in Syria,
The executive order from White House in closing Guantanamo Bay need not be a predicament.
Congress and White House obliging Israeli and Wall Street lobby could certainly explore options for mutual consent on issues confronting the nation and most importantly significant population in dire economic situation.
The truth of the matter is political system sworn allegiance to special interests and foreign nation Israel’s Zionist ideology evades responsibility ignoring citizens plight.
Paradoxically the opposition essential in reversing trend like ending wars and multi-billion dollars annual gift to Israel estimated at $123 billion through various means to terrorize and oppress Palestinians as well as neighbors in Middle East gets cleared in congress and White House – the allocation taking precedence in fiscal discretion.
However, congressional bills related to American workers, families and taxpayers constantly involves gridlock, White House veto or worse viz. government shut down proving the relevance or the lack thereof applied to public concern on economy, social and political status.
People elect representatives to resolve crises and find solutions to problems affecting the community, province, state and nation at large.
Instead the elected officials engagement predominantly for personal gains defeats the purpose behind running for public office.
The concept of working together transcending differences for common goal and greater good could ease unnecessary tensions leading to effective governance.
Again using taxpayer funded resources and time efficiently to benefit citizens and economic growth builds confidence and trust saving political incumbents from organizing campaign financing to stay in power.
As for new contenders with political ambitions, pledges and promises on the campaign trail exemplified in action would be meaningful and guarantee better prospects for them even though politics attracts highest bidder traded with exclusive loyalty at national expense.
American awareness with respect to sharp decline in freedom is critical to prevent absolute subjugation upon them right now considering 24/7 surveillance with predator drones in the United States,
Use of Chemtrails – air assault on civilians spraying hazardous chemicals in residential neighborhood with schools, hospitals and many civic institutions in the area. The government hostility squandering millions of dollars in austerity era increase burden on American taxpayers other than health risks from exposure to dangerous substance in the environment.
NDAA – the authority self-entitlement to apprehend American citizens in the United States for GITMO treatment under military tribunal denying due legal process is a giant leap from Patriot Act.
Cyberspace patrol – The latest development is CISPA passed in the Republican House of Congress for complete access to citizens’ private communication and much more in that regard.
Besides all of the above, harassment in airports with full body scanner, biometrics and other invasive tactics following 9/11 false flag operation defies reason and civil rights in the nation once heralded as the ‘land of the free home of the brave.’
United States domestic and foreign policy is governed by sources espousing terrorism to maintain power with grand impunity for crimes against humanity.
The republic reclaiming power from Shadow Empire restoring constitution and democratic rule of law with checks and balances comprising recourse such as recall for poor performance and,
Transparent investigation and prosecution on abuse of power, treason and corruption depriving national income and progress is paramount for survival and real independence.
Wishing United States citizens liberty from plutocracy and perpetual warfare ever threatening global peace, security and stability.
Peace to all
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
United States – State of the Union Address 2013
February 12, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
Warm Greetings to honorable members representing the House and the Senate of the United States Congress, esteemed judiciary members, distinguished United States Military High Command, fellow Americans and citizens around the world.
United States is confronted with great many challenges in all frontiers predominantly due to erroneous decisions and misled policies evidently detrimental to economic growth, national progress and global security.
The domestic economy revival is faced with lack of responsibility sharing amongst key sectors in Wall Street viz. finance and banking institutions imposed liquidity freeze restricting cash flow to small and medium sized businesses as well as qualified home buyers despite them meeting rigid criteria.
These shortcomings arguably impact jobs, consumer spending and housing market respectively while other industries subdued participation or abstinence with capital flight towards overseas investments benefitting major shareholders and top management at American workers expense contribute to status quo.
Corporations utilizing subsidies and tax incentives are yet to demonstrate commitment on job retention and creation that could resurrect manufacturing industry, research and development in conjunction with economic stimulus through investments that are critical for recovery.
Regarding contentious fiscal crisis, deficit spending and sovereign debt – the solution remains with republic reclaiming rights over money supply and monetary policy via congress contrary to existing system under private entities control i.e. the Federal Reserve management in the absence of oversight and accountability.
Wall Street compliance to regulations made effective with consequences for violation pertinent to avert past and present problems posing impediments to necessary economic surge.
Tax reforms with prudent measures alongside austerity directed at extravagant military expenditure instead of targeting essential programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, education, infrastructure repair and environment…could ease current disproportionate burden on mainstream population.
Furthermore, divestments from military expeditions especially drone strikes notwithstanding illegal invasions and occupations being enormous liability in terms of economic costs and casualties imperative in every respect.
United States departure from violence and military aggression in pursuit of peace and diplomacy beginning with ending Syrian conflict, complete troops withdrawal instead of fractional retreat from Afghanistan and worldwide is paramount for credibility as a reliable negotiator and mediator on international matter.
Similarly, United States serious engagement honoring agreements like Geneva Accord on Syria with ceasefire, refraining from sponsoring terrorism and arms supply against a sovereign state, being honest peace broker in Palestinian issue, respecting national sovereignty exemplified in non-interference on foreign internal governance are urgently required for restoring trust and respect in global arena.
Checks and balances in all aspects is the fundamental requirement for functional and meaningful democracy unfortunately undermined with abuse of power, misguidance and external authority.
United States changing course by adopting productive strategies is the only viable option for positive trends in economy.
Besides abandoning destructive goals on global affairs with adaptation to contemporary geopolitical dynamics monumental for survival and world sustenance.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant