United States – Jobs, Economy and Deficit Reduction

September 18, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

United States unemployment at 9.2% and disproportionately higher among African Americans about 16.2% is national concern deserving attention from lawmakers, corporate America and institutions in the advisory role on job creation.

Economic stimulus through banking industry and automobile sector bailouts including various tax credits to middle class as well as tax breaks to companies,

Not barring Bush tax cuts extension to the wealthiest in the growth revival expectation is yet to produce anticipated jobs across the nation.

Beginning with credit crunch affecting small business and medium enterprise along with housing market decline despite historic lower interest rate,

In addition to stagnant job market restrains consumer spending relevant to energize industrial output.

Incentivizing small and medium entrepreneurships with required capital via business loans at special rates for established business and those struggling to retain or hire workers,

While minimizing health care costs and tax burden might provide relief to small businesses in turn easing the unemployment situation.

Corporations holding cash reserves could boost consumer confidence through jobs with domestic investments in manufacturing and service industry besides promoting research and development.

Tax breaks to corporations when utilized in job retention would promote economy and revenue prospects to address deficit reduction.

Simultaneously tracking tax evasions by corporations and wealthiest in the society could potentially deduce contributors to existing economic woes and growing national debt.

Regulations in the legislated financial reform is redundant with the lack of initiative and political will to appoint dedicated consumer advocate including crucial checks and balances on Wall Street irregularities having become standard business practice in the era of hedge fund type mismanagement.

Housing market is still under enormous pressure due to inadequate programs to help homeowners salvage foreclosures and short sales – promoting unscrupulous methods among trade representatives and lenders focused on immediate gains precipitating decline in home value.

As a result home investments is less attractive driving long term investors away from real estate to other investment opportunity with precious metals and commodities comparatively yielding better returns even against the increasingly volatile bond securities.

Stabilizing housing market with pervasive assistance largely from financial institutions having benefitted in the taxpayer bailouts could now reciprocate by offering relevant discounts or considerations to all i.e. first time buyers and significant population facing hardships to keep their homes in the deepening recession.

Such comprehensive measures would then generate rebound in home prices and construction industry not excluding occupations associated with commercial and residential real estate resetting employment for labor segment.

The current threshold in home rescue plan viz. ‘Make Home Affordable’  (MHA) is restrictive barely accommodating the needs of vast majority entirely at lenders’ mercy and discretion in interest rates modification or present market value adjustment for viable affordability given the available parameters favor lenders more than borrowers in the prevalent economy.

Monopoly in the national or global market share redefines capitalism endangering consumer rights and market economy dynamics.

J P Morgan Chase heading a group of five banks in control of 95% world derivatives market could inevitably threaten competition with corporate policies overriding consumer protective regulations and other necessary market interventions.

Similarly in the telecommunication sector – AT&T recent acquisitions are T-Mobile, Verizon, Cingular, Xanboo…are just a few with more on the horizon.

Nations confronted with rising debt and austerity to survive credit rating and budget crisis pose lingering uncertainty in the global financial market and general economy.

The constant speculation on possible default foment trepidation in the otherwise willful overseas economic partners investment proposals to alleviate challenges in the higher debt economies struggling between rigorous spending cuts and political opposition to tax hikes against wealthiest reaping benefits at the poor and middle income groups cost.

Tax code reform and streamlining tax structure closing loopholes is centralized discussion missing in action.

Another vital revenue source is holding domestic black money hoarders in foreign bank accounts especially Swiss bank deposits and several tax havens under disguised operations accountable with no bars in the application of law against culprits.

National bankruptcy is attributed to erroneous economic policies and indefinite military engagements offshore,

Notwithstanding unlawful activities in tax avoidance striking the hard working demography – the lower and middle class burdened with bulk tax payments as active consumers and taxpayers without substantial privileges unlike the wealthiest corporations and individuals deriving maximum income on minimum tax liability.

The pending job legislation seeking $447 billion stimulus from the Super Committee $1.5 trillion savings with compromises on social security and Medicare is contentious for it would directly impact the core consumer percentage forced to withdraw or constrain retail expenditure on common household goods and services for expensive private health care within limited disposable income.

The ramifications would be severe on retail and small businesses in the slowing consumerism with main street struggling to make ends meets in the dire economy.

With respect to infrastructure jobs in the package – the stimulus bill $787 billion passed in February 2009 consisted allocation for infrastructure repair and restoration.

Perhaps review in this context would shed light on productivity and precise job delivery in the past two years from this particular source prompting access to any residual funds for remaining job oriented national projects.

Funds interjection into the economy requires monitoring and periodic evaluation to determine performance followed by remedial course n the absence of desirable outcome.

If the bill comprises new techniques different from the earlier stimulants with guaranteed job surge, it might be worth pursuing the targeted goals.

However, reallocating nearly one half trillion funds calls for due diligence forsaking repeat experiments and,

Instead shifting resource deployment across the economic spectrum facilitating progress in farming, manufacturing, small business and medium enterprise, education, preserving essential services and programs via technology based outlets but cutting back on excess administration and bureaucracy in public and private sectors,

Green energy & technology supply without government sponsorships from the executive or legislative branch to safeguard taxpayers dollars.

In terms of corporate role with surplus cash in improving job conditions,

The reservations appear to emanate from looming deficit and Washington handling of the economy contrary to political perception premised on additional tax bonuses to entice corporate America on the 98% population backs enduring economic pain.

Free market economy is endowed with financial and human capital.  The player in the wide-open competitive field wasting time and resources on underlying risks is unfortunate –

The myopic view failing to recognize macroeconomic benefits tied to job investments.

In a nutshell, corporations having been responsible for economic meltdown in the heavily deregulated environment with no transparency to deter reckless activities involving public funds and holdings arguably bear prime responsibility in the status quo reversal.

Again, the political leaderships’ complacency and complicity exacerbated downslide with widespread implications on jobs, housing market, skyrocketing deficit, currency disputes, trade imbalances – revealed in Q2 US GDP 2011 at 1.3%, credit downgrading and overall grim economic report.

US Small Business Optimism index falls to 13 month low.

US August import prices excluding Fuel rise 5.3% from last year.

US Census:  Median Household income in 2010 fell 2.3% to $49,445.

US Census: US Poverty rate rose to 15.1% from 2009 – the highest now since 1983.

US Posts $134.2 billion budget deficit for August 2011.

US YTD (Year-To-Date) budget gap compares with $1.26T in 2010.

United States is not deficient in ideas, innovation and ingenuity.

The diverse skills in the American work force combined with exemplary business acumen and corporate successes are testimonies to U.S. economy being instrumental in the global economic feat.

United States economic stability and sustenance is paramount for worldwide development.

U.S. currency as international monetary unit in conjunction with developed and developing economies dependability on U.S imports reinforces United States position – the global Super turbocharger.

Corporate and political leaderships in the respective domain pledging commitment to economy and the country could expedite economic recovery uplifting citizens’ living standards with secure jobs, affordable housing and health care, Green energy and last but not the least  –

Safe and clean habitat – the legacy for future generation.

United States has triumphed the trials and tribulations throughout history and unified efforts around this time is pertinent to resolve daunting issues on the economic, political, social and environmental fronts.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant






http://youtu.be/PDyhq00nvcY http://youtu.be/oHDiUvWh_JY

United States – 9/11 Tenth Anniversary and Terror Attacks

September 11, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

On the tenth anniversary of September 11, the United States commemorates the victims and the survivors for their ordeal from terrorism on home soil.

September 11 2001 was a horrendous experience to the citizens in the United States and across the globe.

A well-organized terror on a massive scale was carried out inside the nation i.e.

The world’s superpower equipped with the most sophisticated intelligence resources and military might along with the political clout to demand other nations to share information on national security threats suddenly found itself vulnerable and an easy target of those with comparatively inferior and dilapidated infrastructure.

Not to mention the network under U.S. and allies constant surveillance for possible strikes including international laws on money trail to fund terrorism or other unlawful activities,

Somehow succeed in masterminding the terror attacks deploying United States domestic aircrafts is weak and unconvincing with no political will to establish the truth.

The notion that the administration under President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney as well as U.S. intelligence, the State and Defense department were caught off guard in the terror assault of such magnitude does not fit the profile considering the blatant warnings and terror alerts pouring in from credible sources within and outside the United States –

Only to be ignored on multiple occasions constituting dereliction of duty in protecting the citizens, the primary responsibility of the government or any ruling authority.

Investigations regarding gross negligence by all those directly or indirectly involved has been conducted only up to a certain hierarchy as a mere formality,

While others holding the power mantle at that time now granted impunity even after the term in office despite hard evidences – suggesting the preventable terror act was never a serious concern among high profile leaderships on the top trickling down to the bottom in the security chain link that resulted in the loss of many innocent lives.


According to the bipartisan 9/11 commission report:

General Findings:

What we can say with confidence is that none of the measures adopted by the U.S. government from 1998 to 2001 disturbed or even delayed the progress of the al Qaeda plot.  Across the government, there were failures of imagination, policy, capabilities, and management.

The terrorist danger from Bin Ladin and al Qaeda was not a major topic for policy debate among the public, the media, or in the Congress.  Indeed, it barely came up during the 2000 presidential campaign.

As late as September 4, 2001, Richard Clarke, the White House staffer long responsible for counterterrorism policy coordination, asserted that the government had not yet made up its mind how to answer the question:“Is al Qida a big deal?”


The mutual agreement between the outgoing and incoming administrations not to bring legal or investigative actions on a monumental security violation against the then authorities regardless of stature not only undermines democracy but also set bad precedence for the future.

Constitution imposed checks and balances on the executive and legislative branch by Judiciary is subverted to serve political interests diminishing the constitutionality of the democratic system.

Justice department under administration’s direct control facilitate obstruction of Justice and hindrance in the fair and thorough scrutiny of government officials, corporate access and institutions in the advisory role to the executive branch eliminating the constitution upheld law exempting none from accountability especially in relation to national protection on all fronts.

The predecessors given a free pass on the 9/11 debacles based on the selective application in seeking redemption over retribution.

Meanwhile the alleged terror suspects are denied habeas corpus and held indefinitely in Guantanamo bay – the contentious practice and location is yet to be shut down in fulfillment of the 2008 campaign promise.

Additionally in the so-called war on terror, the former administration’s trend continues on renditions, mistreatment of unsubstantiated terror detainees…with little or no discussion on ending the undemocratic human rights violation in modern history.

Following 9/11, the military invasion and occupation of nations flurried with no due consideration for public dissent or serious ramifications on human factor, economy and regional stability.

The policy on aerial and ground military aggression via unmanned operations such as drones and robots still dominate the combat zones with civilian casualties proportionately exceeding the targets.

Terror attacks worldwide with the latest in New Delhi, India on September 7, 2011 is the contemporary challenge for ordinary citizens – the usual prey in the cyclical violence made possible by arms and ammunitions supply,

Notwithstanding the government repeat failures to ensure public safety.

Lack of preparation and conspicuously missing terror deterrents in the technological era contributes to security loopholes.

Identifying the terror operatives’ motive and apprehending the sources aiding the continuous weapons flow would dismantle the terror apparatus,

Besides monitoring and restricting materials procurement used in suicide bombings or abandoned vehicles with explosives.

Terrorism can be addressed effectively provided there is global consensus among industrialized, developed and developing nations to divest from disproportionate military expenditure to economic development alongside peaceful and diplomatic solutions to impending crises around the world.

Leaderships’ genuine commitment to universal freedom promoting economic and social progress would channel the youth from terror recruitment to university enrolment taking ownership of the respective national goals.

Most importantly the privileged status to the powerful in politics, economics and social domain has created a culture accepting corruption and abuse of power to prevail shielding the implicated members from judicial proceedings for willful negligence and wrongdoings resulting in national devastation.

Social polarization is distinctive in political establishment and elitists’ defiance to legal consequences on unethical conduct ordinarily enforced upon mainstream population.

Democracy is meaningful when equality concept transforms into reality.

The pain and suffering endured from 9/11 has many dimensions a decade later with ground zero memorialized honoring the deceased and the brave rescuers pledging their life to save others during the critical hour of need.

Also extending heartfelt condolences to mournful residents in the recent Delhi blast with prayers for renewed hope and strength leading to peaceful existence.

Those volunteering in terror act must understand that taking life in return for political or ideological reason is counterproductive and exacerbates human relations.

Life is a gift to be cherished and not violated.

Non-violent means deliver outcome without compromising credibility in a pragmatic approach to life.

Peace to all

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant









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United States – Debt Ceiling Deal

August 2, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

Leaderships in Washington confirmed consensus on debt ceiling deal passed in the House and Senate in order to avert the manufactured crisis from policies targeting the core consumer base while promoting no revenue in the deficit reduction plan.

The present agreement authorizing government to pay the bills and meet other financial obligations is premised on spending cuts equal to or exceeding the borrowing sum with an immediate increase of $400 billion followed by another $500 billion not barring Congressional blockade,

Alongside more than $900 billion in savings over ten years from downsizing operating expenses within cabinet as well as federal agencies.

Overall debt limit $2.1 trillion considered allowing Treasury to address various payments through 2012 elections and simultaneously minimizing federal spending equivalent to or above the debt amount spanning a decade with no tax increases otherwise income.

Federal budget due in Oct 1, 2011 is set to reduce spending by $7 billion below the existing level to achieve the desirable debt deceleration.

The proposal on bipartisan 12 members House-Senate committee expected to recommend more federal deficit trimmings up to $1.5trillion for legislation by Congress adhering to the requirements.

Upon committee’s failure to generate at least $1.2trillion debt containment, mandatory spending cuts across the federal budget is in place against Pentagon, domestic discretionary appropriations not excluding farm subsidies and Medicare reimbursements to health care providers.

Accordingly the debt limit to be raised anywhere between $1.2trillioin – $1.5trillion based on the funds availability in the budget.

The reassurance in the deal per reports is the exemption on Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid benefits in addition to veteran programs not affected in the process.

Also the legislation seeks Congressional approval for constitutional amendment on balanced budget.

The approach to avert default is mainly focused on spending constraints again ignoring the revenue factor equally important for deficit reduction and economic revival.

Restricting spending in areas without oversight on the out-of-control expenditures are necessary such as Pentagon disproportionate allocations reportedly unaudited up until now due to operations regarded too big to monitor.

Commitments to overhaul tax structure closing loopholes on tax evasions might improve systems efficiency besides contributing to savings for job creation.

As for broadening taxpayer base – the tax burden is already on the middle class and lower income when legislation on Bush tax cuts extended to the wealthy and non-tax paying corporations viz. General Electric…resulting in zero or minimal tax payments combined with job exports and investments overseas.

Lowering tax rates for the top 1% with substantial disposable income not always invested in domestic growth is reflected in poor GDP and national unemployment.

Capitalism thriving under maximum capital infusion would apply if the private sector and individuals benefiting from huge tax breaks and subsidies restored manufacturing by increasing productivity and fair income distribution from upward trend in job market.

Unfortunately the debate on the Senate floor favoring tax policy proved detrimental for the economy is pushed forward even though the decisions have adversarial impact on the average Americans – representing the work force and consumers crucial for any economic model to survive and succeed in the competitive global environment.

The deal is sensible in terms of relevant spending cuts and preserving Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and veterans benefits provided the provisions are implemented with no possibility for maneuver.

However, neglecting the income aspect via taxes and other avenues is not pragmatic given the latest outcome on Bush tax cuts extension exacerbating economic status by widening the gap between the haves and have-nots,

Notwithstanding the middle class bearing the bulk of economic woes attributed to higher joblessness and housing market decline.

Constitutional amendment for balanced budget imposes fiscal discipline paramount in reversing deficit spending to surplus reserves for investments in infra-structure, education, health, secure retirement, research and development leading to sustainable progress.

In this context, the deal providing $17 billion additional funding towards Pell Grants over the next two years for low income college students is noteworthy.

In general, the deal struck in an effort to prevent default has chartered the course to curb spending and,

Hopefully, the bipartisan House-Senate committee would strongly recommend robust tax reform and meaningful income sources to achieve balanced budget in the immediate future.

Getting the fiscal house in order is the shared aspiration in Congress and the phenomenal costs from perpetual warfare adding to national deficit barely addressed by fiscal conservatives in the slash spending political discourse.

In fact the outgoing Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen statement reinforced the mission in Afghanistan in spite of deteriorating monetary conditions.

National priorities deviating from destructive course would strengthen economy and guarantee better living standards for all with prosperity promising more taxpayers to overcome challenges ahead.

Fiscal responsibility is no longer an option but a necessity to regain economic power and consistent rational means recognizing the pros and cons of austerity together with extravagant wasteful spending on wars at several trillion dollars would perhaps expedite anticipated economic recovery.

United States has the ability to rise to the occasion in saving grace.

Political differences aside, displaying solidarity in national interest is a democratic value and the United States Congress could continue to forge bipartisanship with a permanent departure from Washington gridlock on all issues.

That would be the American electorate dream come true.!

Peace to all!

Thank you.


Padmini Arhant













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United States – Fourth of July (Independence Day) 2011

July 4, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

United States celebrates declaration of independence from Great Britain on July 4, 1776.

Independence day marks the value of freedom, the inalienable human right conforming to natural law that all are born to be free.

Nations across the world have fought for sovereignty since civilization and the battle continues now in the modern age.

Previously the countries were seeking emancipation from foreign invaders on their soil and presently the struggle remains the same but made complex with the people fighting against the respective heads of state or governments appointed by external powers for political and economic dominance.

Land invasions are prevalent at extreme human suffering in the relevant domain denying them an opportunity to survive without violence.

Exerting authority by use of force through armed personnel traditionally recruited for national defense and public security is exclusively used for advancing personal agenda.

Freedom oppression is not restricted to political rights although the representation would grant equal access to the marginalized segments in the society drawing attention with funding for various problems related to social, economic and environment cause.

Economic freedom is increasingly deprived with governments under corporate control in the globalization era focused on remaining in power while special interests draft legislation to suit their immediate and long-term goals leaving the main street vulnerable to fiscal woes stemming from various industries assertive role in policy matter.

From taxation to toxic assets, the decisions favor the wealthiest and corporate interests with financial burden on the average citizens escalating beyond realistic means exacerbating national debt settlement.

The deficit contributed by unsubstantiated expansive warfare, corporate indulgence in activities producing unmitigated losses and inherent corruption within political class are addressed imposing severe austerities to the detriment of mainstream population despite them being the victims in the willful economic mismanagement.

Instead the quasi functionality sharing the public and private sector attributes directed at job oriented economic growth, environmental protection and social development in bridging the gap between the haves and have-nots could be nationally beneficial accelerating productivity and required efficiency at all levels.

In the contemporary period, freedom is determined by influential political powers discretionary actions executed under national security pretext defying international law on human rights and warfare.

Meanwhile political representatives elected to office in a democracy to curb misuse of power at the executive and legislative branch seemingly positioned at defending or objecting similar policies based on party affiliations rather than implications on humanity at large allowing individual sentiments override rationality.

The Superpower syndrome is exhibited in maintaining large military presence via combat forces and/or utilizing sophisticated technology to circumvent the contentious ‘boots on the ground’ factor,

Besides holding the so-called terror suspects in detention indefinitely without due process showing little or no concern for others rights and their freedom aspirations.

Patriot Act targeting citizens for political reasons is an affirmation of discriminatory law fostering isolation and polarization within diverse society.

United States freedom is rejoiced every year with fanfare and justified in commemorating hard fought independence.

Simultaneously being instrumental, as honest brokers barring preferential treatment in the establishment of independent states would further signify the prominent image as the land of the free and home of the brave.

For instance in the Middle East peace process – according to the latest reports on June 29, 2011:

“Military cooperation with Israel is at an all-time high;

President Barack Obama has supplied Israel with a key missile defense system;

The U.S. boycotted an anti-racism conference seen as anti-Israel; and

America is set to spend valuable international political capital beating back a Palestinian independence declaration at the United Nations in September.”

U.S. involvement behind the scenes with respect to Libya, Egypt, and constantly against Palestine favoring the strongest ally Israel has been counterproductive derailing the six decades old conflict resolution.

Whether it is Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and poignantly Palestine among Islamic nations or North Korea, Tibet, Burma…in Asia,

Likewise in Africa and Latin America in the absence of vested interests,

United States and U.N. permanent Security Council members’ procrastination in extending unequivocal support and solidarity to the persecuted citizens’ liberation movement has consistently disrupted long overdue political liberty and republic rule free of foreign influence.

U.N. Security Council permanent membership reconfiguration request with members representing the economic and geopolitical status reflecting twenty first century progress and constraints is rejected excepting false promises to certain aspirants in order to secure trade agreements – confirms the lack of commitment for genuine world peace.

United States is at the helm to be the wind beneath the wings for the nations in rising like a phoenix.

Freedom cherished at home is dedicated to those who sacrificed their precious life,

Notwithstanding the courageous patriots for their ingenuity and thoughtful framework to guide the nation on the path to glory upholding democratic principles, national sovereignty through republic governance and honoring civil rights.

Happy Fourth of July!

Peace on earth.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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Congressional Members For Re-Election

June 28, 2011

From: Padmini Arhant

To: Honorable. United States Congress Members Seeking Re-Election

When you are truly committed to serving the people in your constituency and across the nation without submitting to any pressure or incentives from forces against average citizens, then you have maintained an exemplary record.

Your opponents may target you with smear campaigns and distort information about you.

However, your actions will always speak louder than their words.

If you pledge to keep the lobbyists and federal contractors at bay by coordinating efforts with your congressional colleagues in legislation,

Then half the battle won for your electorate whom you represent in Congress.

The election campaign may not become contentious and hard to win if you do everything in your power as people’s representative to improve lives and move the nation forward.

The esteemed congressional members are reminded that the people hold the key to power in a democracy.

Even though the recent developments favoring the wealthiest contributors through Supreme Court decisions and legislative actions has undermined democratic system, citizens vote ultimately declares the result in a legitimate electoral process.

If victory is claimed undemocratically with the official selected rather than being elected to promote campaign financiers specific agendas the moral bearing squarely lies on the donors and recipients in their betrayal of the nation they are expected to serve with honesty and integrity.

The respective constituents on their part are kindly requested to exercise diligence and discernment when casting their ballots during election.

Please rally behind dedicated representatives with proven record on issues concerning all and national interest.

It is important to understand the incredible power people have in a democracy to determine the validity of their votes granting power to candidates as their democratically elected representatives to elevate living standards at home and alleviate human suffering around the world.

Besides protecting the environment – the only habitat for life that is constantly threatened with greed driven policies promoted by the relevant industry.

Please remember that grassroots support is a formidable challenger to the power at any time.

The latest congressional outcome has confirmed their effectiveness against monetary assistance flowing to the contenders during election campaign.

Citizens fight for their constitutional rights and any other issues ranging from economic, social, political and environment begins on the campaign trail and proceeds to the Capitol Hill where legislation is passed to become the law.

I urge you to stand up for democratic values especially eliminating special interests influence in any format in Capitol Hill that has eroded moral and ethical principles primarily to benefit the powerful at the vast majority’s despair and disadvantage.

Good Luck to Congress members for successful re-election to the United States Senate and the House of Representatives.

Thank you for your service to our great nation.

Best Wishes

Padmini Arhant

IDEA – Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

June 1, 2011


U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein responding to your message

From: United States Senator Dianne Feinstein

To:        Padmini Arhant

Dear  Ms. Arhant,

I received your letter expressing your support for fully funding the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). I appreciate the time you took to write and welcome the opportunity to respond.

As you know, when Congress enacted IDEA in 1975, it authorized the Federal Government to contribute up to 40 percent of the cost associated with educating students with disabilities.

This commitment was to ensure that the nearly six million students with special needs receive the same quality of education as their peers without overburdening local school districts.

To date, this commitment has never been fully funded. During fiscal year 2010, $11.5 billion was provided to states for special education, roughly 17 percent of the total cost.

In fiscal year 2009, the Federal Government provided 34 percent of the cost of special education with additional funding provided by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

This was the closest the government has ever come to matching the 40 percent commitment. As states cut back on education budgets, local school districts have been forced to cut some of their services or raise taxes to pay for the special education services they are mandated to provide.

I share your concern that school districts may be overburdened by the costs of special education.

During the 111th Congress, Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) introduced the “IDEA Full Funding Act,” which would have fulfilled the commitment to fully fund IDEA over an eight-year period.

That bill did not get passed before Congress adjourned, so it will need to be reintroduced to be considered in the 112th Congress. Ensuring that all students receive a quality education is a priority of mine, and it is helpful for me to hear your views on this issue.

As Congress considers the reauthorization of IDEA, please be assured that I will work with my colleagues to find responsible and cost-effective ways to provide school districts with adequate special education funding.

Once again, thank you for writing. If you have any further questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact my Washington, D.C. office.

Best regards.

Sincerely yours,

Dianne Feinstein
United States Senator

Further information about my position on issues of concern to California and the Nation are available at my website, Feinstein.senate.gov.  You can also receive electronic e-mail updates by subscribing to my e-mail list. Click here to sign up. Feel free to checkout my YouTube Page


From:  Padmini Arhant

To:  U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein

Honorable. Senator Dianne Feinstein

Dear Senator Feinstein,

Your update in response to my petition on IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) funding is much appreciated.

There is no doubt that fiscal budgets’ priorities are misplaced with education, health and essential services marginalized over wasteful spending.

As stated in your letter, I concur with you in entirety on this issue that –

IDEA Full Funding Act introduced by Senator Tom Harkin requires reintroduction in the 112th Congress.

Again I would go further on this matter to request Congressional members on both sides of the aisle to not only reconsider but also stamp their approval without any procrastination to prove their commitment to American families.

Federal funding towards vital programs such as IDEA providing equal opportunity to significant population with special needs is prudent investment that guarantees quality education resulting in brighter future for all.

It is reassuring to learn about congressional initiative to reauthorize IDEA and your dedication along with other esteemed members cooperation would expedite the passage of this important Act.

School districts are faced with a dilemma in the mandatory compliance not backed with adequate federal or state funding forcing them to streamline overheads, which means credentialed and skilled educators are no longer affordable.

Other undesirable alternatives are eliminating core services that could potentially transform life for talented students qualifying under IDEA including others seeking basic to advanced assistance.

Investments in education and health for citizens across the social, economic and political spectrum are monumental for national progress.

It can no longer be categorized as discretionary spending especially with definitive returns on these crucial programs directly benefiting the economy and the general society.

I extend my support to issues related to enhancing American lives and humanity at large.

Thank you for your solidarity and look forward to successful IDEA enactment.

With Best Wishes,

Padmini Arhant

Patriot Act Repeal

May 27, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

Following the 9/11 homeland terrorism, the Patriot Act was introduced under the guise of curbing terror and,

Simultaneously Guantanamo bay, renditions, denial of habeas corpus, diverse torture techniques prominently waterboarding…accepted without any moral concerns exemplified in disregarding Geneva Convention and international law on human rights.

Not to mention fear mongering using color codes as security alert advising residents to duct tape their homes dominated mainstream media.

Since then terror adopted under national security pretext violating civil liberty that constricts freedom as a strategy for mass mind control.

The status quo remains with Patriot Act extended today fomenting targeted prejudice against specific segments in the society ranging from warrantless search, NSA wiretapping, access to citizens’ communication, profiling and biometrics with not only finger printing but also retina scan for exclusive identification.

Patriot Act unleashes aggressive infiltration in the nationals’ private life.

The policy makers legislating as well as executing the unlawful and unethical government intrusion in citizenry personal matter are sworn to secret society pledged to world dominance signifying the hypocritical stance and diabolical double standards.

Meanwhile the architects and authorities abusing the executive power with Congressional complacency and complicity on a large scale granted impunity in a manner replicating the fascist era.

Patriot Act is anything but patriotic.  It is undemocratic, illegal and defies constitutionality of a sovereign nation that has been long governed by unscrupulous hegemonic power escalating totalitarianism through blatant suppression of republic rule.

Ironically, the real terror pervasive in the contemporary world with truth subversion, false propaganda and distortion is upheld by the so-called democratic society and,

The legislators overwhelming approval of authoritarianism reflected in the Patriot Act confirms the democracy demise.

The executive branch is exempt from transparency and accountability with privilege availed for extra-judicial execution in foreign land and declining public request for any evidence in the self-proclaimed mock human sacrifice.

A dangerous trend with the looming apocalypse slighted by the presumptuous powers refuting inevitable downfall despite history serving as testimony.

The Pseudo Empire operating behind the scenes claiming to be illumined minds and proudly admitting treason against own country,

Notwithstanding egregious collusion with forces responsible for genocide in the pre-world war II subsequently defending the victims’ descendants is disingenuous in semblance with consistent betrayal of humanity.

The dubious empirical monopoly has been successfully established in the global resources exploitation made possible through territorial invasion and annexation –

In turn achieved at the obedient troops’ deaths and innocent civilian massacre across the globe.

Treachery, deceit and brutality being the tyrannical conglomerate’s philosophy, the crumbling citadel epitomizes the return on the investments chronically lacking in human characteristics.

The mighty and powerful have succumbed to the sinister activities thereby the end justifying the means.

Cabal exposure revealing explicit universal dictate with corruptive tactics is a wake up call for global revolution to peacefully and non-violently reject the surreptitious coup d’état in motion.

Patriot Act is politically convenient to deny citizens the individual rights in every aspect with the federal agency and telecommunication industry unprecedented access to private affairs of the general public.

The open violation carried out to masquerade the tailored or manufactured events by the real perpetrators – those holding the mantle of power.

Preserving extraordinary powers to deprive the rest peaceful existence is state sponsored terrorism designed to promote polarization in achieving the ultimate goal – political empowerment to enslave the vulnerable world population.

The quest to rein in free and open society is a sign of weakness exhibiting loss of control over personal will power to contain excess greed and contempt for moralistic guidelines.

United States is a nation founded on leaderships sacrificing their life for emancipation proclamation, civil rights with liberty and pursuit of happiness guaranteed to all regardless of social, religious, economic or political background.

Sadly down the line as the society progressed in many frontiers, the political leaderships under the economic powers’ influence have systematically steered the nation in reverse course on human rights, democratic values and core principles tarnishing national image and integrity they falsely represent codifying status according to the apex power will.

Mankind failure and civilization collapse has been triggered by a few wielding enormous power revolving around the ‘Me, Myself and I’ concept to the self-righteousness peril.

Hence refusal to reconcile terms with reality is entry towards cataclysmic destination chosen at personal discretion.

Repealing not re-enactment of laws such as Patriot Act is the honorable action for any society eliminating fear rather than engendering phobia in the rapidly deteriorating ruling class governed by instinctive desire to propitiate the axis in disguise.

There is an urgent need to resurrect people power and mobilize civil participation to restore democracy truly representing utilitarianism against prevalent system based on global productivity for selective income distribution.

Otherwise embracing globalization to generate profits, however enforcing protectionism in wealth amassment.

“One voice can make a difference and one million or more could change the world – a better place for all.”

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

United States – Congressional and State Elections 2011

May 21, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

Special election scheduled on May 24, 2011 in New York 26th Congressional district is on spotlight with the race between the Republican candidate Jane Corwin and the Democrat Kathy Hochul reportedly in dead heat predominantly due to GOP plan to overhaul Medicare and Rep. Paul Ryan’s controversial budget.

Democrat contender Kathy Hochul is presumably neither self nor special interests-funded and projected to be a fierce fighter for working class given her impressive track record as the Erie County Clerk and having previously worked for Congressional members John LaFalce and the late US Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan distinctively confirming Washington experience compared with her opponents in the election.

In semblance with the dilemma experienced by mainstream representatives against lobbyists’ funded political opponents in any election,

The disproportionate money factor is a major challenge for the determined and dedicated political aspirant, Kathy Hochul.

Unless the tradition is broken with massive voter interjection rejecting such candidacies, it would be extremely difficult for any genuine leadership to emerge at the local and national level.

As stated earlier on numerous occasions, politics run by corporate power and multinational influence is formidable with the political mandate easily swayed through smear campaigns distracting public from electorate-concerned issues.

Reiterating the previous statement in this regard, people have the power to enforce the change necessary beginning with invalidating the money power right from the campaign trail to the Congressional halls and chambers that has successfully undermined democracy rendering the electoral process a mere formality.

Democrat nominee Kathy Hochul is favored to counteract the multi-faceted representation in Congress on various issues and apparently committed to her constituents in NY-26 district including the people across the state and the nation.

The voters in New York 26 Congressional district are requested and urged to pay attention to the prevalent trend with campaign promises made to the people remaining a political rhetoric,

While the pledge to campaign contributors fulfilled in legislation prepared and drafted by none other than the relevant industry and foreign interests.

Please come forward and contribute to Democrat Kathy Hochul campaign for meaningful democratic voice in Congress conspicuously missing among the majority responsible for the status quo.

The democrat Kathy Hochul’s triumph in the red district could make history given the election in the constituency won by republican candidates with the exception of three democrats’ success in the past century.

Democrats, Republicans and Independents alike have a unique opportunity to elect the democrat Kathy Hochul in promoting the average American cause.

Please extend your generous support with affordable donations to democrat Kathy Hochul’s campaign for a landslide victory on May 24, 2011.

Similarly the state of Wisconsin is set for recall elections in July 2011 with six Republican members failure to address the state problems and,

Instead launched attacks on workers and middle class families – the contemporary political scapegoat for lawmakers sworn allegiance to campaign financiers.

Wisconsin Republican candidates against ordinary citizens are endowed with political cash machine operated by veteran election maneuverers like former political adviser to Bush-Cheney administration, Karl Rove and Koch Brothers in addition to corporate money supply.

Their agenda has been to eliminate middle class and push the lower income families to the lowest economic strata.

Sadly, they have achieved their goals widening the gap between the haves and have-nots.

Republic rule has been systematically replaced with corporate and finance sector dominance buying elections through investment in political campaigns ensuring phenomenal returns on specific industry oriented matter much to the population detriment.

The question is directed to the victims – the people in the state of Wisconsin, Ohio, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey…and across the nation.

The top 1 percent deriving economic prospects at the remaining population expense having become the norm,

What would it require to energize the voters with real power in restoring the government of the people, for the people and by the people?

Indeed there is greater urgency to reverse the process – only possible through active voter participation to reclaim fair income distribution and equality in many aspects.

Electorates can no longer be complacent to the systemic abuse of democratic system increasingly exploited by various business and political factions focused on self-interest than citizens’ or national interest.

Therefore, the electorates in New York 26th Congressional district could potentially alter the course in a positive direction by casting their vote for democrat Kathy Hochul and,

Likewise electing Progressives against Republican lawmakers recognized for their crusade to protect the wealthiest and disenfranchise the rest is paramount to revive economic and political viability.

Please exercise diligence in the democratic right by electing leadership loyal to voters and not sponsors of the individual political career with vested interests.

Best Wishes and Good Luck to Democrat Kathy Hochul of New York 26th Congressional district, Progressives in Wisconsin, Ohio, Michigan, New Hampshire and other parts of the nation for a glorious electoral outcome.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant
























Democracy Revival – Saving Grace

May 11, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

Truth is the first casualty in politics and war.

Since the Presidential declaration of Osama Bin Laden allegedly killed by the American Special Forces on May 1, 2011, the controversies surrounding the event has raised legitimate doubts about Operation Geranimo and,

The bizarre developments leading to more questions for the members refuting reality.

Prior to proceeding with the specific requests for clarifications in this matter, it is important to focus on two issues relevant to the mysterious operation.

First, the CIA creation of Osama Bin Laden as Mujahidin and Al-Qaeda  – vehemently denied by the authorities despite proof via documentary and several national and international reports.

The visual content is available in the website’s featured video.

Source – TheSottReport  – Thank you.

News articles:

BBC News – 20 July, 2004 UK

“Al-Qaeda’s origins and links  – During the anti-Soviet jihad Bin Laden and his fighter received American and Saudi funding.  Some analysts believe Bin Laden himself had security training from the CIA.”

Germany – Spiegel International

“The United States also supplied Afghan freedom fighters in the 1980’s with money and arms for their struggle against occupying Soviet troops.  One of the best customers for the CIA back then was Saudi millionaire Osama Bin Laden.”

Former UK Foreign Secretary and Leader of the House of Commons – Robin Cook:

“Throughout the 80s Osama Bin Laden was armed by the CIA and funded by the Saudis to wage jihad against the Russian occupation of Afghanistan.

Former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds – Reportedly stated –

“The U.S. was on intimate terms with Al Qaeda and Taliban and used them to further certain goals in Central Asia.”

Guardian U.K. – Anthony Sampson, Thursday 1 November 2001,

“CIA agent alleged to have met Bin Laden in July – French report claims terrorist leader stayed in Dubai hospital.

Two months before September 11 Osama bin Laden flew to Dubai for 10 days for treatment at the American hospital, where he was visited by the local CIA agent, according to the French newspaper Le Figaro.”

Osama Bin Laden’s death in Dec 2001 reported and acknowledged by several leading news papers, Pakistan Presidents, U.S. government and intelligence agencies – references cited in the preceding blog post titled – ‘Democracy under Siege.’

Most importantly the Bush administration had knowledge about Osama Bin Laden’s demise for it was published by –

Foxnews.com – Wednesday December 26, 2001:

Report – “Bin Laden Already Dead”

Subsequently the Bush-Cheney administration dismissal of Osama Bin Laden video with strong affirmation that Al Qaeda leader was dead per –

The Telegraph,

By Toby Harnden in Washington, 12.01AM GMT 28 Dec, 2001

US casts doubt on Bin Laden’s latest message –

The recording was dismissed by the Bush administration yesterday –

“As sick propaganda possibly designed to mask the fact the al-Qa’eda leader was already dead.”

“Hunting for Osama Bin Laden.’

Not barring the specific instruction to the U.S. armed personnel by the then commander-in-chief and former President George W. Bush, the former Vice President Dick Cheney and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld not to capture Osama Bin Laden in Tora Bora considering their claim that Osama Bin Laden was behind the 9/11attack.

Similarly former Iraqi PSiresident Saddam Hussein was also linked to 9/11 for invasion of Iraq.

The recent revelations on Osama Bin Laden not charged by FBI for 9/11 and the former Vice President Dick Cheney in concurrence with that position during an interview in 2006 (included in the Featured Video – alqaeda doesn’t exist – documentary Part 1) stated that,

‘There has never been forthcoming evidences against Osama Bin Laden in the 9/11 attack. So we decided not to press charges.”

Simultaneously the previous administration solemnly proclaimed Osama Bin Laden as the terror mastermind behind 9/11. The inconsistencies and evasions call for in-depth independent inquiry in the 9/11 horrific homeland terrorism.

The escalation of warfare up until now in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Yemen… on false pretexts with thousands of brave men and women in the U.S and coalition forces sacrificed,

Not to mention the millions of innocent lives lost and several millions displaced as refugees alongside economic liabilities contributing to burgeoning national debt predominantly from illegal wars deserves objective and impartial hearing in public view.

Failure to uphold the principle – “none are above the law” upon which the great nation was founded has set dangerous precedence granting unlimited executive power rendering democracy irrelevant.

When ordinary citizens commit a crime, the law enforcement agencies, media and the political voices demonstrate the individual capability to bring the perpetrators to justice.

At the same time such clamor is ominously missing against political establishment with abstinence or extreme collusion having become the trend in contemporary society.

The prevalent norm that punishes the innocent denying due process with fabricated convictions while the guilty favored permanent impunity for political or economic advantages conclusively define double standards in the apparent distinction between the privileged and the average class.

Justice department and intelligence agencies held under the executive branch have been politically convenient to remove whistle blowers and retain conciliators with public information ‘classified’ for an indefinite period.

With respect to relentless wars in Islamic nations and oil rich Middle East –

The legislative branch with the exception of lawmakers, albeit a minority holding strong reservations for disproportionate defense expenditure largely attributed to the alarming national debt invariably cast their votes to prolong foreign occupation and invasion in the so-called war on terror.

Paradoxically, the same legislators threaten to shut down the government, filibuster legislation related to improving American lives, environment or social equality.

The misplaced priorities continually result in Washington gridlock eventually benefitting the segments with influential lobbyists reining control over all three branches of the government as witnessed in the –

U.S. Chamber of Commerce Chief admitting the role in the Supreme Court decision on Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission blocking ban on corporate political spending.

The era dominant by the powerful conglomerate comprising royalty, governments, corporations, media moguls, and military institutions along with intelligence agencies as the New World Order conducting secretive meetings on global matter and discreet policies proved detrimental to the environment and humanity at large is nearing end.

The entities are directly or indirectly pledged to the undemocratic system providing immunity on crimes against humanity.

Hence, restoring democracy by rejecting secrecy is quintessential to validate republic rule.

Additionally application of law across the society and thorough investigation with appropriate findings would exemplify real democracy in the land of justice.

Breaking hierarchy set up to proliferate rather than prevent systemic abuse of power is required more than ever to safeguard freedom and sovereignty.

Perhaps the saving grace in democracy revival.

It is incumbent upon Congress, Judiciary and civil society members to probe the dealings of the earlier and current administration about Osama Bin Laden, the justification of war based on falsehood and deception bearing serious ramifications on human lives and the planet.

In the latest operation Geronimo – the White House, the State Department and Defense Secretary are obliged and not slight the plea for the release of evidences methodically eliminated with refusal to share them.

Besides ignoring the national and international disbelief in the global issue.

Why was the operation carried out during blackout?

What was the factor behind the alleged dead body of Osama Bin Laden disposed in the sea contradictory to the treatment towards Saddam Hussein and his sons targeted and killed by the U.S. mission?

The unilateral decision to strike a potential suspect arguably a CIA asset in a sovereign nation depicting extrajudicial execution followed by systematic removal of evidences at Presidential discretion is stretching the executive power as the ultimate rule of law.

There are entities in the United States and other parts of the world wanted for various crimes associated with political, tax fraud and economic activities…causing immense suffering to the population.

Should they follow suit with extradition treaty either selectively exercised or being ineffective?

United States epitomizing leadership is honorable in adherence to international law and not displaying dominance and superiority.

In light of non-cooperation and the entire operation severely lacking in credibility,

The White House and the key cabinet colleagues – the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Defense Secretary Robert Gates are to be subjected to transparency and the law of the land that would otherwise be enforced on mainstream population in similar conditions.

Any favoritism or reluctance to pursue the truth conspicuously subverted in the narration and operation would represent complicity on the part of the responsible authorities and members in the society.

Democracy is increasingly threatened with the majority marginalized on national issues defying accountability.

People have the power to reverse the rapidly deteriorating moral and ethical efficacy in the political, economic and social apparatus.

Only then democracy could prevail as the government of the people, for the people and by the people.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant




















http://youtu.be/K6C24GpgQTQ http://youtu.be/M8vFSqYXJ8U http://youtu.be/08TV7MabJw0 http://youtu.be/Ct9xzXUQLuY http://youtu.be/FrQYP-lbuFM http://youtu.be/ip3BGa5tAQA http://youtu.be/JQ5jnBOvNbo http://youtu.be/pBq8CGwDuxM http://youtu.be/kR_Q1KxSx8o http://youtu.be/jz5IWZRwIml

Democracy under Siege

May 9, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

President Barack Obama declared the alleged killing of Osama Bin Laden during the U.S. raid in Abbottabad, Pakistan a week ago with Presidential speech, statements and CIA director interviews raising more doubts due to incongruences pronouncing the inherent contradictory presentations thus far.

In the absence of evidence prior to and after the alleged shooting of Osama Bin Laden – an established CIA asset ‘died’ December 13, 2001 acknowledged by Pakistan Presidents and United States government as well as central intelligence forces,

Notwithstanding news articles confirming on Dec 26, 2001 that Osama Bin Laden is deceased.

Pakistan Observer reporting the death at the same time.

Prominent Egyptian newspaper Al-Wafd reported Osama Bin Laden’s death and the funeral rites.

Foxnews.com – Wednesday December 26, 2001:

Report – “Bin Laden Already Dead” and

Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf  – ‘He died of Kidney failure.’

Israeli Intelligence in 2002 reiterated “Osama Bin Laden dead and all new videos are faked.”

Further, Osama Bin Laden kidney ailment and dialysis treatment were published and broadcast by U.S. New Channel – CBS news (presented in the blog post Featured Video).

Then the article By Anthony Simpson – The Guardian, Thursday 1 November 2001

“Two months before September 11 Osama Bin Laden flew to Dubai for 10 days for treatment at the American hospital, where he was visited by the local CIA agent, according to the French newspaper Le Figaro.”

In 2001 – the French newspaper Le Figaro is reported to have claimed per intelligence sources close to Osama Bin Laden that ‘Osama Bin Laden ordered kidney dialysis machine in 2000.”

Most relevantly  – According to The Telegraph,

By Toby Harnden in Washington, 12.01AM GMT 28 Dec, 2001

US casts doubt on Bin Laden’s latest message –

The recording was dismissed by the Bush administration yesterday –

“As sick propaganda possibly designed to mask the fact the al-Qa’eda leader was already dead.”

Osama Bin Laden death in 2001 was obviously well known among the intelligence, army, political and media circle – the conglomerate in control of the world affairs.

Now the question arises about the artful manipulation of facts, truth subversion to prolong foreign occupation and warfare not to mention the resurrection of Osama Bin Laden to life through fake videos and subsequent alleged death in the recently asserted American operation.

Most importantly, the Presidential discretion along with the key cabinet colleagues viz. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Defense Secretary Robert Gates recommendation defying the request to produce evidence in public matter is a dismissal of democracy.

As for the press and media commentary – ‘Osama Bin Laden Killed in U.S. raid’ is acceptance of the purported action made complex with operation conducted in deliberate blackout eliminating every possible image and statements lacking in credibility is suggestive of the privilege granted to the powerful political establishment regardless,

While such benefit of the doubt not extended to mainstream population in a democratic society.

Ref; The Telepgraph.co.uk Thursday, May 05, 2011

Osama Bin Laden dead: Black out during raid on Bin Laden compound

“The head of the CIA admitted yesterday that there was no live video footage of the raid on Osama Bin Laden’s compound as further doubts emerged about the US version of events.

Leon Panetta director of the CIA revealed that there was a 25 minute blackout during which the live feed from cameras mounted on the helmets of the US Special Forces was cut off.

A photograph released by the White House appeared to show the President and his aides in the situation room watching the action as it unfolded.  In fact they had little knowledge of what was happening in the compound.

In the interview with PBS, Mr. Panetta said “Once those teams went into the compound I can tell you that there was a time period of almost 20-25 minutes where they really didn’t know just exactly what was going on. And there were some very tense moments as we were waiting for information.”

Complacency and complicity are the major threats to democracy promoting abuse of power at the helm expected to epitomize transparency rather than refuting reality especially in the purely circumstantial based operation as revealed by the CIA director Leon Panetta resulting in loss of lives.

More details in this context will be presented shortly.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

http://youtu.be/qmsIR9BxOwo http://youtu.be/yKRJ2elpOJ8 http://youtu.be/w-JqyiYVYlw http://youtu.be/W64oq1nqLJI http://youtu.be/2ZGaDyo8rNk http://youtu.be/DIwfp6YDXTM http://youtu.be/HrHZb1mYV6M

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