Democracy Revival – Saving Grace

May 11, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

Truth is the first casualty in politics and war.

Since the Presidential declaration of Osama Bin Laden allegedly killed by the American Special Forces on May 1, 2011, the controversies surrounding the event has raised legitimate doubts about Operation Geranimo and,

The bizarre developments leading to more questions for the members refuting reality.

Prior to proceeding with the specific requests for clarifications in this matter, it is important to focus on two issues relevant to the mysterious operation.

First, the CIA creation of Osama Bin Laden as Mujahidin and Al-Qaeda  – vehemently denied by the authorities despite proof via documentary and several national and international reports.

The visual content is available in the website’s featured video.

Source – TheSottReport  – Thank you.

News articles:

BBC News – 20 July, 2004 UK

“Al-Qaeda’s origins and links  – During the anti-Soviet jihad Bin Laden and his fighter received American and Saudi funding.  Some analysts believe Bin Laden himself had security training from the CIA.”

Germany – Spiegel International

“The United States also supplied Afghan freedom fighters in the 1980’s with money and arms for their struggle against occupying Soviet troops.  One of the best customers for the CIA back then was Saudi millionaire Osama Bin Laden.”

Former UK Foreign Secretary and Leader of the House of Commons – Robin Cook:

“Throughout the 80s Osama Bin Laden was armed by the CIA and funded by the Saudis to wage jihad against the Russian occupation of Afghanistan.

Former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds – Reportedly stated –

“The U.S. was on intimate terms with Al Qaeda and Taliban and used them to further certain goals in Central Asia.”

Guardian U.K. – Anthony Sampson, Thursday 1 November 2001,

“CIA agent alleged to have met Bin Laden in July – French report claims terrorist leader stayed in Dubai hospital.

Two months before September 11 Osama bin Laden flew to Dubai for 10 days for treatment at the American hospital, where he was visited by the local CIA agent, according to the French newspaper Le Figaro.”

Osama Bin Laden’s death in Dec 2001 reported and acknowledged by several leading news papers, Pakistan Presidents, U.S. government and intelligence agencies – references cited in the preceding blog post titled – ‘Democracy under Siege.’

Most importantly the Bush administration had knowledge about Osama Bin Laden’s demise for it was published by – – Wednesday December 26, 2001:

Report – “Bin Laden Already Dead”

Subsequently the Bush-Cheney administration dismissal of Osama Bin Laden video with strong affirmation that Al Qaeda leader was dead per –

The Telegraph,

By Toby Harnden in Washington, 12.01AM GMT 28 Dec, 2001

US casts doubt on Bin Laden’s latest message –

The recording was dismissed by the Bush administration yesterday –

“As sick propaganda possibly designed to mask the fact the al-Qa’eda leader was already dead.”

“Hunting for Osama Bin Laden.’

Not barring the specific instruction to the U.S. armed personnel by the then commander-in-chief and former President George W. Bush, the former Vice President Dick Cheney and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld not to capture Osama Bin Laden in Tora Bora considering their claim that Osama Bin Laden was behind the 9/11attack.

Similarly former Iraqi PSiresident Saddam Hussein was also linked to 9/11 for invasion of Iraq.

The recent revelations on Osama Bin Laden not charged by FBI for 9/11 and the former Vice President Dick Cheney in concurrence with that position during an interview in 2006 (included in the Featured Video – alqaeda doesn’t exist – documentary Part 1) stated that,

‘There has never been forthcoming evidences against Osama Bin Laden in the 9/11 attack. So we decided not to press charges.”

Simultaneously the previous administration solemnly proclaimed Osama Bin Laden as the terror mastermind behind 9/11. The inconsistencies and evasions call for in-depth independent inquiry in the 9/11 horrific homeland terrorism.

The escalation of warfare up until now in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Yemen… on false pretexts with thousands of brave men and women in the U.S and coalition forces sacrificed,

Not to mention the millions of innocent lives lost and several millions displaced as refugees alongside economic liabilities contributing to burgeoning national debt predominantly from illegal wars deserves objective and impartial hearing in public view.

Failure to uphold the principle – “none are above the law” upon which the great nation was founded has set dangerous precedence granting unlimited executive power rendering democracy irrelevant.

When ordinary citizens commit a crime, the law enforcement agencies, media and the political voices demonstrate the individual capability to bring the perpetrators to justice.

At the same time such clamor is ominously missing against political establishment with abstinence or extreme collusion having become the trend in contemporary society.

The prevalent norm that punishes the innocent denying due process with fabricated convictions while the guilty favored permanent impunity for political or economic advantages conclusively define double standards in the apparent distinction between the privileged and the average class.

Justice department and intelligence agencies held under the executive branch have been politically convenient to remove whistle blowers and retain conciliators with public information ‘classified’ for an indefinite period.

With respect to relentless wars in Islamic nations and oil rich Middle East –

The legislative branch with the exception of lawmakers, albeit a minority holding strong reservations for disproportionate defense expenditure largely attributed to the alarming national debt invariably cast their votes to prolong foreign occupation and invasion in the so-called war on terror.

Paradoxically, the same legislators threaten to shut down the government, filibuster legislation related to improving American lives, environment or social equality.

The misplaced priorities continually result in Washington gridlock eventually benefitting the segments with influential lobbyists reining control over all three branches of the government as witnessed in the –

U.S. Chamber of Commerce Chief admitting the role in the Supreme Court decision on Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission blocking ban on corporate political spending.

The era dominant by the powerful conglomerate comprising royalty, governments, corporations, media moguls, and military institutions along with intelligence agencies as the New World Order conducting secretive meetings on global matter and discreet policies proved detrimental to the environment and humanity at large is nearing end.

The entities are directly or indirectly pledged to the undemocratic system providing immunity on crimes against humanity.

Hence, restoring democracy by rejecting secrecy is quintessential to validate republic rule.

Additionally application of law across the society and thorough investigation with appropriate findings would exemplify real democracy in the land of justice.

Breaking hierarchy set up to proliferate rather than prevent systemic abuse of power is required more than ever to safeguard freedom and sovereignty.

Perhaps the saving grace in democracy revival.

It is incumbent upon Congress, Judiciary and civil society members to probe the dealings of the earlier and current administration about Osama Bin Laden, the justification of war based on falsehood and deception bearing serious ramifications on human lives and the planet.

In the latest operation Geronimo – the White House, the State Department and Defense Secretary are obliged and not slight the plea for the release of evidences methodically eliminated with refusal to share them.

Besides ignoring the national and international disbelief in the global issue.

Why was the operation carried out during blackout?

What was the factor behind the alleged dead body of Osama Bin Laden disposed in the sea contradictory to the treatment towards Saddam Hussein and his sons targeted and killed by the U.S. mission?

The unilateral decision to strike a potential suspect arguably a CIA asset in a sovereign nation depicting extrajudicial execution followed by systematic removal of evidences at Presidential discretion is stretching the executive power as the ultimate rule of law.

There are entities in the United States and other parts of the world wanted for various crimes associated with political, tax fraud and economic activities…causing immense suffering to the population.

Should they follow suit with extradition treaty either selectively exercised or being ineffective?

United States epitomizing leadership is honorable in adherence to international law and not displaying dominance and superiority.

In light of non-cooperation and the entire operation severely lacking in credibility,

The White House and the key cabinet colleagues – the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Defense Secretary Robert Gates are to be subjected to transparency and the law of the land that would otherwise be enforced on mainstream population in similar conditions.

Any favoritism or reluctance to pursue the truth conspicuously subverted in the narration and operation would represent complicity on the part of the responsible authorities and members in the society.

Democracy is increasingly threatened with the majority marginalized on national issues defying accountability.

People have the power to reverse the rapidly deteriorating moral and ethical efficacy in the political, economic and social apparatus.

Only then democracy could prevail as the government of the people, for the people and by the people.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

















Democracy under Siege

May 9, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

President Barack Obama declared the alleged killing of Osama Bin Laden during the U.S. raid in Abbottabad, Pakistan a week ago with Presidential speech, statements and CIA director interviews raising more doubts due to incongruences pronouncing the inherent contradictory presentations thus far.

In the absence of evidence prior to and after the alleged shooting of Osama Bin Laden – an established CIA asset ‘died’ December 13, 2001 acknowledged by Pakistan Presidents and United States government as well as central intelligence forces,

Notwithstanding news articles confirming on Dec 26, 2001 that Osama Bin Laden is deceased.

Pakistan Observer reporting the death at the same time.

Prominent Egyptian newspaper Al-Wafd reported Osama Bin Laden’s death and the funeral rites. – Wednesday December 26, 2001:

Report – “Bin Laden Already Dead” and

Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf  – ‘He died of Kidney failure.’

Israeli Intelligence in 2002 reiterated “Osama Bin Laden dead and all new videos are faked.”

Further, Osama Bin Laden kidney ailment and dialysis treatment were published and broadcast by U.S. New Channel – CBS news (presented in the blog post Featured Video).

Then the article By Anthony Simpson – The Guardian, Thursday 1 November 2001

“Two months before September 11 Osama Bin Laden flew to Dubai for 10 days for treatment at the American hospital, where he was visited by the local CIA agent, according to the French newspaper Le Figaro.”

In 2001 – the French newspaper Le Figaro is reported to have claimed per intelligence sources close to Osama Bin Laden that ‘Osama Bin Laden ordered kidney dialysis machine in 2000.”

Most relevantly  – According to The Telegraph,

By Toby Harnden in Washington, 12.01AM GMT 28 Dec, 2001

US casts doubt on Bin Laden’s latest message –

The recording was dismissed by the Bush administration yesterday –

“As sick propaganda possibly designed to mask the fact the al-Qa’eda leader was already dead.”

Osama Bin Laden death in 2001 was obviously well known among the intelligence, army, political and media circle – the conglomerate in control of the world affairs.

Now the question arises about the artful manipulation of facts, truth subversion to prolong foreign occupation and warfare not to mention the resurrection of Osama Bin Laden to life through fake videos and subsequent alleged death in the recently asserted American operation.

Most importantly, the Presidential discretion along with the key cabinet colleagues viz. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Defense Secretary Robert Gates recommendation defying the request to produce evidence in public matter is a dismissal of democracy.

As for the press and media commentary – ‘Osama Bin Laden Killed in U.S. raid’ is acceptance of the purported action made complex with operation conducted in deliberate blackout eliminating every possible image and statements lacking in credibility is suggestive of the privilege granted to the powerful political establishment regardless,

While such benefit of the doubt not extended to mainstream population in a democratic society.

Ref; The Thursday, May 05, 2011

Osama Bin Laden dead: Black out during raid on Bin Laden compound

“The head of the CIA admitted yesterday that there was no live video footage of the raid on Osama Bin Laden’s compound as further doubts emerged about the US version of events.

Leon Panetta director of the CIA revealed that there was a 25 minute blackout during which the live feed from cameras mounted on the helmets of the US Special Forces was cut off.

A photograph released by the White House appeared to show the President and his aides in the situation room watching the action as it unfolded.  In fact they had little knowledge of what was happening in the compound.

In the interview with PBS, Mr. Panetta said “Once those teams went into the compound I can tell you that there was a time period of almost 20-25 minutes where they really didn’t know just exactly what was going on. And there were some very tense moments as we were waiting for information.”

Complacency and complicity are the major threats to democracy promoting abuse of power at the helm expected to epitomize transparency rather than refuting reality especially in the purely circumstantial based operation as revealed by the CIA director Leon Panetta resulting in loss of lives.

More details in this context will be presented shortly.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Planned Parenthood, Medicare and Medicaid – The Average Americans’ Life Support

April 17, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

The 2012 budget disagreement in the Hill continues with the Republican majority in the House having passed the proposal to cut $4.4 trillion deficits over the next decade.

Medicare and Medicaid along with funding for the Title X program that provides millions of vulnerable women with family planning, cancer screening and other vital preventative services is currently targeted in the attempt to display fiscal responsibility.

The intention to reduce deficit by $4.4 trillion is praiseworthy but again not at the ordinary citizens’ plight as they are already marginalized in the political system run by the empire representing the tax evading corporations and,

The military industrial complex determined to prolong occupations in Afghanistan and Iraq…with the recent report on Iraq revealing the plan for permanent U.S and coalition troops deployment in the oil rich nation.

Likewise the White House position on raising the debt limit ceiling to accommodate disproportionate military spending through expansive operations in Islamic countries for strategic and economic interests alongside complicity with corporations exporting American taxpayers funded jobs exemplified in the appointment of such corporation to lead the White House Council on Jobs and competitiveness is contradictory to the stated objective.

If the House Speaker John Boehner and the White House were to slash the alarming defense expenditure with troops withdrawal from the nations in the process of being declared indefinite battle zones and,

Pledge towards tax reform evidently favoring corporations like General Electric with the removal of the CEO Jeffrey Immelt from the controversial post in acknowledgment of public petition seeking the GE CEO resignation,

Then the legislative and the executive branches’ crusade could perhaps benefit the mainstream rather than the corporate donors with the base covered in all three government branches.

The cooperation between the Republican members and the White House last year during the Bush tax cuts extension legislation contributing to rising deficit and,

Now the similarities in the debt escalation by the Republican House representatives’ action depriving women, children, veterans and seniors from health care with Medicare and Medicaid elimination,

While the White House calling for higher debt caps inevitably burden the lower and middle income families considering their mutual allegiance to special interests reflected in the generous tax exemptions to the super rich and corporate financiers.

Congressional members opposed to women’s health particularly in their determination to defund Planned Parenthood are alienating the women electorate for ideological reasons and precisely not the change desired by the demography at the lower economic strata.

Reiterating the fact that such polarization within society undermines sovereignty with serious political repercussions for the women’s health opponents and the party.

The real commitment from the White House and the Republican lawmakers would come to light upon prioritizing people over the conglomerate controlling the economic management, foreign policy and warfare.

Thus far the status quo confirms the Bush-Cheney legacy continuation in honoring Bush tax cuts extension, Osama Bin Laden mystery unresolved for perpetual warfare, foreign policy enabling dictatorships to prevail through behind the scenes negotiations with their descendants allowing stalemate against revolutions victory in the people led political uprising in Middle East and North Africa –

Such developments epitomize the corporate and military industrial complex governance overriding democracy.

Therefore the funding restraint on the citizens’ life support – Planned Parenthood, Medicare and Medicaid proves the individual members and leaderships’ misplaced efforts on debt reduction.

Instead the legislative and executive branch consensus on tax revenues successfully circumvented by the corporations and substantial military spending in the sprawling operations around the world should be the bone of contention to signify functional democracy.

With tax payments from corporations obviously not received due to inherent loopholes and deficiencies besides winding up military presence in Afghanistan and Iraq alone would resolve the burgeoning deficit crisis.

Unfortunately the solidarity between the executive and legislative branch in this regard is successfully secured by the corporate sponsors – the perennial winners in the declining democratic system.

Public dissent against Congressional and White House ties with Wall Street at main street peril is necessary to bring about the hope and change reviving republic rule in a democracy.

Failure to heed to citizens’ plea to alleviate and not exacerbate their suffering would be termination of their term in office – as witnessed in 2008 and 2010 elections.

It would be unwise to under estimate electorates’ disappointment in the ‘more of the same’ iimplemented as the promised change.

Hence the incumbent administration and legislative members’ campaign promise delivery to the people without deflecting from the required course is paramount for national progress.

Power is effective in the empowerment of powerless and not aiding the established powerful forces in the shadow government.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Wisconsin State Budget Resolution and Preserving Workers’ Rights

February 27, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

In the State of Wisconsin thousands of protesters are defending the collective bargaining rights staved off in an attempt to deprive workers across the economy from any benefits viewed as liability by the Republican majority.

Budget crisis is widespread within United States and around the world.

As a result the governments at all levels have been adopting severe austerity targeting the worst affected demography through spending cuts on essential programs further exacerbating the vulnerable population plight.

Although the cuts are necessary – the focus is on the vast majority dependent vital services rather than eliminating redundant costs and trimming discretionary investments that are untimely and unaffordable.

Similarly balancing the budget without any revenue from increased productivity or tax hikes on the wealthiest including products and services that are detrimental to health as well as general environment contributes to the growing anti-austerity measures viz. Greece, Ireland and United Kingdom.

Wisconsin for instance could review the areas to generate revenue from manufacturing – being one of the economic strengths in addition to,

The tax rates on personal income especially the top bracket and sales tax that is comparatively lower than other states in the nation.

There appears to be no inheritance tax with the large estate taxes again arbitrarily collected.

Highway and road construction along with maintenance is currently funded by motor fuel tax only. Exploring other avenues like toll roads could provide for any shortfall in the budget.

Similarly the alcohol beverage tax appears to have been contentious emanating from the political influence by the Wisconsin Tavern League behind the state’s reluctance to lower the DUI offense from BAC 0.10 to 0.08 until recently.

The State reliance on full market value based property tax in the sluggish housing trend for income to manage the entire operating costs is a limited pursuit when there are many options available to offset the budget deficit that could ease the burden on any particular segment in the society.

In terms of denying the workers’ rights on collective negotiations – the State assembly approval confirms the misplaced priority and disconnect with the society at large.

The common experience among employees and workers is the difficulty in making inroads with the employers on any legitimate concerns about working conditions and economic opportunity.

It is even harder during the tough economic times deterring individuals to bring the matter to management’s attention due to the fear of losing their job.

The political ideology combined with corporate financing in the election campaign is evidently unleashing power on the electorate typically ignored after the electoral victories.

Republican Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin is reportedly determined to ‘bust the State worker unions and eliminate their collective bargaining rights.’

Political establishment that has no respect for labor force – the human capital and the fundamental resource in the economic activities would categorically lead the free market to a free fall upon any sabotage to the engine of the economy.

Without workers and consumers the private and public sector cannot exist and the politically motivated steps against worker representation is analogous to hurting the hands that feeds them.

The demonstrators’ persistence gaining momentum thus far against Republican rejection is indicative of the inevitable political backlash in 2012 for Wisconsin incumbents and others following suit.

Furthermore, the worker unions are vital for checks and balances in the corporate dominant politics, economics and social domain.

Republican members’ strategy in this regard would be equivalent to opposition dismissal effectively voiding democracy.

It is a dangerous precedence and pervasive as seen in France implemented aggressive pension reform vigorously pushed forward in the U.S. Congress extending retirement age and privatizing social security for corporate direct control over public assets.

Now the bill passed in the Wisconsin State assembly is yet another goal to diminish worker unions involvement to discuss corporate policy if found detrimental to work force and ultimately the overall productivity.

It would again lead to kamikaze outcome benefitting none but certainly ruining all.

Governor Walker’s order to track down the State Senate democrats having left the capital city, Madison in disagreement of the shortsighted approach to a sensitive humanitarian issue is regrettable and does not reflect the Republican rule in the world’s modern democracy.

Hence Governor Scott Walker and the Republican Senate in Wisconsin is urged to abandon the ill-conceived notion to deprive workers their voice in a capitalist economy poised to thrive in a democratic setting.

Honoring the workers rights is the only respectable act and guarantees a better employer-employee relationship crucial for corporate and national progress.

Meanwhile the citizens from all walks of life against the proposal in Wisconsin, Indiana, Nevada…are requested to remain committed in securing their rights in the rapidly deteriorating ethical efficacy.

Best Wishes and Good Luck! To all parties for a peaceful resolution favoring the workers requirement.

Besides they are also the consumers, taxpayers and most importantly the electorates holding the key to office.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

The State of the Union Address to the 112th Congress

January 25, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

President Barack Obama is scheduled to address the 112th Congress later today on the administration’s achievements and lay out the future national and international goals.

The economy is the central focus for the main street considering the high unemployment, struggling housing market with alarming foreclosures, credit crunch experienced by small businesses and average Americans despite the bank bailouts to facilitate lending to qualified entrepreneurs as well as retailers in the credit market.

Manufacturing sector other than auto industry deserves fair attention in the globalized economy. The blue collar jobs lost over the decades since adopting the overwhelming globalization policy has triggered trade wars, currency disputes and contributed to disproportionate trade surpluses and deficits among economic powers.

Even though protectionism is overtly rejected by G-20 members, the current economic situation beckons national investments to stimulate domestic growth and purchasing power required to import goods in the world trade exchange.

Contrary to the conviction, protectionist measures to promote local manufacturing and subsequently consumerism will offset the existing trade imbalance and uplift the economically disadvantaged groups in the society.

Most nations like China have diverted to internal demand and supply partly from the currency controversy that provided enormous leverage to the world’s leading manufacturer at the poorer and rich nations’ detriment evident in the importers’ job status notwithstanding the rising national debt.

The MFN status renewal by the United States is another factor attributed to the trade anomaly.

United States is adapting to the changing trend with investments in infrastructure and green technology but yet to gain momentum across the industrial spectrum given the job statistics.

Corporate America responsible for the industrial growth is attracted to offshore dealings predominantly due to economic advantages such as subsidized labor and weak environment standards including tax evasion incentives offered in some parts of the world.

Although legislations passed until now from health care, financial reform, Bush Tax cuts extension to impending energy bill favor corporate agenda through lobbyists influence in Capitol Hill, the prevalent defection confirms the exceedingly high profit expectations at the ordinary citizens’ expense.

National deficit reduction is a relevant debate right now. Regrettably, the strategies are aimed at the demography worst hit in the economic recession.

Spending cuts is exclusively targeted at essential services rather than trimming the discretionary defense budget and the military expenditures in the ongoing wars especially when acknowledged to have no implications on national security.

Revenue is not part of the equation with tax exemptions granted to the top 1% wealthiest against the remaining population contributing to the economic revival through vital retail consumption.

Austerity is necessary to contain national debt.

However, the proposals protecting the affluent elitist with a direct impact on the vast majority – the real victims in the economic downturn reflects the promise delivered to the campaign donors and not the electorate casting the ballots to alleviate their plight.

In other legislative matter – the successful passage of ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Repeal’ is a precedence to honor the constitutional and basic human rights of all citizens regardless of individual identity.

Education is the fundamental tool for economic progress in any society. The Congressional provisions in this regard are poignant nonetheless the effects seemingly compromised with the State budget crisis at the historic peak.

Again slashing public education funds considered under the current House bill would constitute misplaced priorities depriving the economy from productive workforce and future taxpayers.

Environment laws initiated in 2009 marginalized and reversed in 2010 with decisions like offshore drilling resumption, EPA regulations delayed…emanating from energy industry pressure.

Foreign Policy – Continuation of the previous administration legacy intensified with consistent pattern established in coup d’état and destabilize foreign governments – viz. Honduras, Ecuador, Lebanon…

Appointment of inefficient and unpopular governments in Iraq, Afghanistan…demonstrating power politics.

North Korea peace talks offer in July 2010 through former President Jimmy Carter ignored.

Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process – jeopardized with conflicting interests.

Maintaining double standards in conventional arms supply and nuclear programs undermines the crucial START treaty.

The reality being Wall Street rules Washington in economic matter meanwhile the military industrial complex reigns control over warfare and foreign policy.

Change is possible when the republic governance is restored in a democracy.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

P.S. Please click on the hyperlinks for Featyred Videos related to this blogpost. Thank you.

The 112th Congress begins on January 5, 2011

January 5, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

Welcome! To the 112thCongress with the Republican House and Democratic Senate.

The power shift in the new Congress is prepared to make some significant changes to the House rules, previous legislation and the Senate procedure.

Initiatives to implement proposals on Congressional transparency and accountability through on-line presentation of legislation as outlined in the blog post ‘Defining the Humanitarian Responsibility’ – 04/16/2010 on this website is deeply appreciated.

Yet another strategy as stated earlier on omnibus spending delineating earmarks from the Congressional budget would enable legislators to clarify the expenditure.

The recommendation for bill funding to be raised from cutting costs and not through revenues might lead to essential program termination with an adverse economic effect.

If the Republican House pursues permanent spending slashes while increasing liabilities in prolonged wars and tax cuts for the billionaires – the formula used during their earlier majority rule that led to the status quo, it would be the same experiment seeking different results.

Fiscal responsibility is a constant requirement. Nonetheless avoiding brazen measures would confirm pragmatism over ideology.

Further, the majority seizing budget control with the incoming chairman of the House Budget Committee having unilateral authority in domestic spending until budget resolution passage defies checks and balances per the constitution pledged to be upheld in the ‘send-a-message’ category on January 6, 2011.

While it is necessary to trim the legislation volume for better understanding within the allowed time frame, it is equally important to include relevant issues concerning the people and national interest.

In similar context permitting additional amendments and open debate on the bill for proper scrutiny is sensible provided it is not political but carried out to ensure prudence.

Some issues have been presented on the floor over the decade like START treaty eventually ratified in December 2010 and the unsuccessful DREAM ACT rejected on ‘short notice’ basis even though the records reveal otherwise.

On the contentious health care repeal and tax cuts legislation making exception to the impending Republican rule by denying amendments or evading costs in new bills introduction affecting national deficit – a Republican campaign priority reflects double standards and political dominance rather than balance of power.

Amendments to the health care legislation instead of repeal might be the appropriate action in order to protect any crucial components benefitting the sick, the poor and the tax payers now and in the long run.

It’s imperative for the ruling and the opposition members in Congress to transcend partisanship through mutual exchange of ideas and policies in achieving legislative victories guaranteed to move the nation forward.

Reiterating the earlier expectation that the events in 112th Congress would comprise less conflicts and more cooperation for national good.

Best Wishes! To the newly elected and incumbent members in Congress for a successful and harmonious beginning prevailing until the end.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Political Irony in Republican Congress Victory

November 18, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Bush Tax cuts Expiration and Preserving Social Security – The Republican members’ opposition to this issue is no surprise considering the campaign financing received during the November 2010 election.

However, should the consequences be the struggling majority bear the burden of the privilege to the top 1% in the society?

The earlier proposal offering permanent tax reduction to middle income families earning $250,000 or less and subjecting those earning more to the progressive tax structure on the residual income adequately meets the requirements in income distribution and deriving national revenue that could perhaps be applied to deficit reduction.

In fact, by passing the above prudent measure the Congressional members would be relieving the tax payers across the board from excess taxation and allow voluntary economic stimulus through consumer spending.

The Republican members’ gridlock in this legislation would derail the needful tax breaks to all deserving taxpayers in the tough economic times.

Regarding Social Security – The Social Security Administration Act introduced during Great Depression by the former President Franklin Roosevelt is a formidable economic policy that withstood turbulence and provided the safety net for millions of hard working American families in the retirement years until now.

Any attempts to jeopardize the only reliable income source would be catastrophic for the business and the government dependent upon the consumers and taxpayers to revive the economy.

Social Security is the fundamental protection for the vulnerable population in the increasingly volatile financial market resisting regulations and submitting to failures – the preferred short term strategy that led the global markets to a near free fall.

Citizens across the political spectrum are against legislation proved to be detrimental to their retirement savings through Social Security.

The legislators ignoring the republic request for personal and special interest might be dealing with repeat political outcome in the next election.

Therefore, pursuing economic policies that could endanger citizens’ survival is best abandoned for political reasons as well.

Similarly in Medicare and Medicaid intervention – the alternative course exacerbates the sick, the seniors and the poor people’s plight with the private health insurance costs exceeding the anticipated savings by eliminating the federal program.

When citizens are deprived of basic living standards, decent income and easily accessible health care, it directly impacts the entire society. The mid-term Republican victory pledged to improve American life cannot be achieved with business-as-usual practice in Washington and State Capitals conforming to the political irony.

The citizens’ active participation to block the counterproductive legislation on Bush tax cuts, Social Security and Medicare, Medicaid services are extremely important in a representative democracy.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Midterm Elections 2010

November 4, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Congratulations! To the Congressional members from both political parties on their victory in the 2010 midterm elections.

The Republican members experience on November 2, 2010 is similar to the Democrats 2006 election results.

Regardless, all contenders deserve praise and recognition for their tireless campaigning in the political race.

The Democrats dedicated their valuable time and resources to improve American lives.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi, The House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Franks and other honorable Congressional representatives worked diligently and demonstrated commitment.

Likewise, the isolated Republican members’ contribution is equally valid in the legislative matter.

Welcome to the New House Speaker – The Hon. Rep. John Boehner.

Rep. John Boehner’s remarkable life journey to attain the American dream is admirable.

The Republican majority in the House beginning January 2011 have an opportunity to resolve the national crises.

Any solutions to the contentious problems are meaningless if they fail to address the average citizens’ plight and protect national interest over special interests.

Hopefully both sides will set the differences aside and work together in alleviating the main street struggles. Washington gridlock is the reason for the alternation in the Capitol Hill.

If the political parties cannot arrive at a consensus on legislative affairs, it defeats the purpose of winning elections.

There were many surprises and setbacks in the electoral outcome. Democracy being undermined in contemporary politics is not unusual and conspicuous during elections with corporate cash drowning the republic voice.

In other instances, candidacies unfairly targeted to settle political scores contributed to the elimination of veteran political figures with exemplary record.

Politics ignoring merits and rewarding misrepresentation is a travesty and a national loss.

The mandate is clear underscoring the republic rule – Washington is required to deliver the campaign promises and not a political rhetoric.

Unfortunately the tradition continues with any administration in the absence of real change causing public frustration and disappointment reflected in the electoral backlash.

Among many national issues, the economy is a primary concern with stagnant growth in the job market. Foreclosures, liquidity freeze… and other economic hurdles in the Housing and Financial sector are far from over.

There are many challenges ahead and now it depends on the Republican majority to coordinate with the Democratic minority in the House to prevail in all fronts.

Transparency and accountability is realistic when it is applicable to all – given Washington clout and Wall Street influence on the political parties.

The key industries monopoly on the legislation is the deterrent factor producing watered down reforms directly affecting the economic conditions and the national deficit.

In the environmental matter the California ballot measure – Prop. 23 successfully prevented the oil companies’ dominance and their polluting strategies. The action saved the rapidly growing clean energy sector currently providing 500,000 jobs.

The environmental organizations such as Earthjustice and several prominent groups along with committed supporters were responsible for the phenomenal intervention.

Synonymous steps by other states on public issues yielded the desirable change.

People power can never be underestimated in any form of government. Throughout history, political transformations, social and economic progress have been made possible by people movement exemplifying that ordinary citizens are capable of extraordinary achievements.

Therefore, if legislations are controlled by affluent sources empowered with the lack of political will in Washington then the citizens’ response – ‘change course’ is inevitable and effectively conveyed through ballots.

It is imperative for all factions to come together and consolidate efforts in leading the great nation forward. Nation thrives with prosperity accessible to all and not just the privileged members in the society.

Good Luck! To the newly elected Congress in reaching the anticipated milestones.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Dr. Jill Stein – Green-Rainbow Party Candidate for Governor of Massachusetts

October 22, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Massachusetts status quo is no different from other states in the nation.

Massachusetts residents are dealing with similar problems on the economy, health care, education and environment.

With respect to solutions – policies that conforms to Washington tradition are pursued with the misguided hope of delivering change.

It’s not political parties related anymore. It depends upon the candidacy and their record that confirms the policy failure in applying the same strategies for different results.

Washington is a perfect example in this instance.

Although the legislative gridlock is mostly contributed by the Republican members, the corporate democrats in the Senate and the conservative blue dogs in the House are equally defiant in their opposition to bills favoring the mainstream America.

Despite the democrat majority in the House and the Senate until January 2010, the legislation thus far favor the special interests than the average citizen in every national issue predominantly due to their representatives’ staunch support to safeguard the corporate interests at national cost.

In this particular gubernatorial race, the Green-Rainbow Party candidate Jill Stein stands apart unequivocally from other contenders including the incumbents representing the major political party.

Dr.Jill Stein is the alumna of the distinguished Harvard Medical School. Dr. Stein is an environmental activist. As the Co-Chair of the Green-Rainbow Party, the avant-garde on many political-social issues ranging from Fair elections to spreading public awareness on life matter, Dr. Stein is a board member on health oriented community programs involving medical professionals.

Dr.Jill Stein is the candidate for the Governor of Massachusetts in the 2010 election.

Dr.Jill Stein’s exemplary background as a physician with extensive knowledge in health care eminently qualifies the candidacy as the appropriate advocate for universal health care, the only remedy to the escalating health care expenses contributing to the state and national deficits.

Dr.Stein is also a stalwart on social issues such as same-sex marriage, addressing poverty and fixing educational system as a top priority besides an array of environmental causes.

During the debate, the other candidates were unanimously endorsing the casino set up in Massachusetts claiming that will create jobs while ignoring the proven social risks and the lack of guaranteed income in this trade.

Whereas, Dr.Stein emphasized the above outlined reasons behind her rejection to the casinos and instead committed to green jobs as the ideal alternative apart from improving and expanding the transportation facilities in the state of Massachusetts.

Dr.Jill Stein is an outsider with pragmatic approach to the burgeoning crises confronting the people of Massachusetts. Dr.Stein is the PEOPLE candidate and accordingly funded by the electorate desiring real change in their deteriorating economic conditions.

Dr.Stein’s campaign is exclusively built on public contributions to implement the Change in the electoral mandate.

Contrarily, the other contenders have the political party backing with corporate funding conspicuous in the special interests prepared state and national legislation leaving the ordinary citizens marginalized in the process.

Massachusetts has unique opportunity to elect the third party candidate genuinely dedicated to alleviate their plight in all aspects through diligence and practical measures epitomizing the authentic Change.

As stated above, it is not the party that matters but the policies and the candidates’ zeal to produce the anticipated outcome benefiting all rather than just the privileged groups in the society.

By electing the Green-Rainbow party candidate to the public office the Massachusetts voters would send a strong message to the special interests monopoly on the two political parties and potentially break the oligarchy influence in political campaigns.

Perhaps it could motivate the respective parties’ incumbents and new challengers to renounce the contemporary political practice and fulfill their obligation to the people electing them as their representatives to the office.

Hopefully, the Massachusetts electorate deserving strong leadership would set precedence by electing the Green-Rainbow candidate Dr.Jill Stein, the visionary with extraordinary credentials and impressive public service record fortified by the enormous passion to serve the people in the state regarded as the seat of intellect.

Best Wishes to Dr.Jill Stein for a glorious victory as the Governor of the State of Massachusetts in the November 2, 2010 election.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Democrat U.S. Senator Russ Feingold – the Ideal Representative for the State of Wisconsin and USA

October 3, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The United States Senator Russ Feingold began his political career in 1982 representing the 27th District in the great State of Wisconsin. The Senator was then re-elected to the Wisconsin State Senate in 1986 and 1990.

Subsequently, Senator Russ Feingold expanded the horizon to the United States Senate and served three terms in office since 1992. The Senator is now seeking fourth term to serve the Wisconsin electorate preparing to elect their representative in November 2010.

Prior to moving forward with Senator Russ Feingold’s exemplary record throughout his public service, it’s important to shed light on the Wisconsin electorate.

The people of the great State of Wisconsin have led the nation in many social and political fronts earning the progressive status from the early twentieth century.

In 1921, the Wisconsin State Legislature passed the first equal rights bill in the nation, granting women full equality with men under civil law.

Then created the nation’s first comprehensive statewide primary election apparatus,

Implemented the first effective workplace injury compensation law,

Structuring the first state income tax comprising taxation proportionate to actual earnings,

Institutionalized educational access through the University of Wisconsin Extension – UW-Extension,

Set up the first unemployment compensation program in the United States in 1932.

It’s clear the Wisconsin milestones were crucial in transforming the social and political landscape at the state and national level.

As the elected official, Senator Russ Feingold’s contributions are aptly comparable to the Wisconsin State historic achievements.

The Senator’s background and credentials speak volume in the human character context – humble and honorable.

Senator Russ Feingold is a Rhode Scholar and J.D. with honors (Juris Doctor) – a first professional graduate degree and professional doctorate in law from the eminent Harvard Law School.

Despite the phenomenal academic feat, the Senator dedicated his lifetime to public service rather than pursuing economic prospects in the private sector.

Senator Russ Feingold – Current U.S. Senate Committee Assignments:

Committee on the Budget
Committee on the Judiciary
Subcommittee on Administrative Oversight and the Courts
Subcommittee on the Constitution (Chairman)
Subcommittee on Crime and Drugs

Committee on Foreign Relations
Subcommittee on Near Eastern and South and Central Asian Affairs
Subcommittee on African Affairs (Chairman)
Subcommittee on East Asian and Pacific Affairs
Subcommittee on International Operations and Organizations, Democracy and Human Rights

Select Committee on Intelligence

Senator Russ Feingold legislative record upon examination portrays the rare and admirable quality conspicuously missing in contemporary politics.

In every respect, the Senator has prioritized the people and national interest over personal benefits and consistently exemplified his verbal commitments through verifiable actions to the electorate.

Otherwise, Senator Feingold had delivered his campaign promise to his constituents, the democratic base and the nation in all matter from political, economic and social to environment issues.

Senator Russ Feingold has diligently and effectively addressed the electorates’ needs across the political spectrum as a true ‘Maverick,’ in many legislative affairs.

The prominent legislative actions are – campaign finance reform, fair trade policies, conservation and environmental protection, a multilateral foreign policy, Social Security, civil liberties, and wasteful spending.

Senator Russ Feingold emerged the ‘Veteran,’ in legislative measures concerning the veterans serving in Iraq, Afghanistan and the U.S. base around the world.

Having voted against Iraq war, Senator Feingold was the first U.S. Senator to call for troop withdrawal back in August 2005 and proposed complete withdrawal timeline by December 31, 2006.

Yet, the Senator ever remained in the forefront to assist veterans and their families at every opportunity.

Senator Feingold co-sponsored “The Veterans Health Care Budget Reform and Transparency Act,” enacted in October 2009.

Accordingly, Senator Russ Feingold was named “Legislator of the Year” by the National Association of County Veterans Service Officers.

Campaign Finance Reform – The hallmark legislative act presented as a “Bi-partisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002,” with Senator John McCain from across the aisle.

It is recognized as the “McCain-Feingold Act,” and in spotlight pending Senate approval.

Senator Russ Feingold introduced the bill in the Senate on July 14, 2005 primarily restricting special interests funds in political campaign, an epidemic invalidating democracy in the electoral process.

“The bill would ban lobbyists from giving gifts to senators and,

Impose a $50,000 fine for violating the ban,

Force lawmakers to sign statements saying that lobbyists did not pay their travel expenses,

Forbid lawmakers from traveling on corporate jets,

Bar congressmen, staffers, and executive branch officials from serving as lobbyists for two years after leaving office, and,

Last but not the least – require that lobbying reports be disclosed on a quarterly, rather than semi-annual, basis.”

Finance Reform Act 2010 – Senator Feingold was the only Democrat to oppose the bill based on the loopholes and Wall Street concessions benefiting the bailout recipients in particular with a potential for history repeating itself in the future.

Oddly, the Senate majority sought the Republican Senator Scott Brown’s vote after $19 billion tax exemption to Wall Street instead of meeting the Democrat Senator Feingold’s legitimate request to protect the financial sector from reckless speculations and tax evasions on executive bonus.

Fair Trade Practices – Senator Feingold again demonstrated prudence by extending support to –

“Fair Trade Act,” and not “Free Trade Agreement,” such as NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement).

These practices proved to hurt the American and overseas workers.

A good example being China and the controversial currency adjustment whereby the Yuan or Renminbi is maintained lower than the market determination undermining the trade balance between U.S. and China besides affecting the global economy.

Senator Feingold has been deeply involved in protecting American jobs and continually strived for the poor, the middle class and the disadvantaged workers by introducing and/or participating in legislations to improve American life.

Government Spending – Senator Feingold is also a well-known advocate for reductions in pork barrel spending or earmarks and corporate welfare. Citizens Against Government Waste, the Concord Coalition, and Taxpayers for Common Sense, three nonpartisan organizations dedicated to those causes, have repeatedly commended him.

National deficit has been a major consideration for the Senator and made wise recommendations to contract the alarmingly disproportionate defense budget and other discretionary spending.

Moral and Ethics: Senator Feingold was elected to Congress on a promise not to accept pay increase while in office.

The Senator has so far returned over $50,000 in such raises to the U.S. Treasury.

Further, the Senator is famously frugal in his office spending, and sends back the money that he does not use.

In one six-month period in 1999, for example, his office received $1.787 million in appropriations and returned $145,000, a higher percentage than any other senator.

The Senator made a contract with Wisconsin constituents and kept his word by accepting predominantly grassroots contributions.

Senator Feingold campaign style is parallel to yet another highly respected Democrat Senator the (deceased) Paul Wellstone from Minnesota.

With respect to human rights and civil liberties – Senator Russ Feingold has been a champion in securing the individual liberty and American justice for all.

Senator Feingold voted against the Patriot Act prevalent and vigorously misused until now – The Senator raised strong objection to the provisions in the bill that enabled State infringement upon innocent citizens’ civil liberties.

Similarly, the Senator had profound misgivings on FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) used as a pretext again until now by the federal authorities for illegal wiretapping and spying on American civilians.

Same-Sex Marriage: The Senator has gone to great lengths for the gay community in defending the constitutional right that guarantees equal rights for all. Senator Feingold is on the right side of justice and vehemently favored the position with a public statement –

“Gay and lesbian couples should be able to marry and have access to the same rights, privileges and benefits that straight couples currently enjoy…”

On May 18, 2006, Senator Feingold again made news with his stance on marriage when he walked out of the Senate Judiciary Committee meeting under Chairman Arlen Specter (R-PA at the time) shortly before a vote on a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage.

Evidently, the above facts confirm the remarkable journey by the extraordinary and distinguished statesman with three successful terms in office from the foresighted State of Wisconsin,

The Honorable. Senator Russ Feingold

With merely four weeks for the midterm election, the electorates in the State of Wisconsin have an awesome responsibility to choose their Senator to represent them in Washington D.C.

Given the Wisconsin progressiveness in all issues, the Republican candidate Ron Johnson is an irony due to the candidate’s bizarre and the diametrically opposite stance on –

The economy, health, environment and social issues.

Republican candidate Ron Johnson is a corporate executive, multi-millionaire with no economic or health care plan except for joining the Republican Congress members to strengthen the ‘Nay’ votes on all issues regardless and pronouncing the Washington political gridlock elevating the American electorates’ frustration and disappointment.

The Corporate CEO has thus far invested a staggering $4.3million from personal wealth and received $1.6 million in other contributions – essentially purchasing the Senate Seat with money power realizing that it could be easily recovered by voting for the ‘special interests’ and violating the Wisconsin constituents trust upon being elected to the Senate.

The Corporate CEO Ron Johnson sided with Catholic Church leaders in opposing a proposed Child Victims Act in testimony before a state Senate committee.

Republican candidate Ron Johnson stands by his January 2010 testimony on the Child Victims Act, which would eliminate the statute of limitations for child abuse victims.

Candidate Johnson said he opposed the Child Victims Act because it could have financially hurt groups like the Scouts.

This testimony is an affirmation to the Republican candidate Ron Johnson’ misplaced priority.

Is the Corporate CEO Ron Johnson ignoring the child victims’ welfare for financial reasons?

When asked about allowing offshore drilling for oil in the Great Lakes,

The Corporate CEO Ron Johnson responded, “We have to get the oil where it is.”

Republican candidate and the Corporate CEO Ron Johnson defended BP in the economic and environmentally catastrophic oil spill.

The Republican candidate Ron Johnson criticized those holding BP responsible for cleaning up the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

Republican candidate Ron Johnson disclosed that he owns more than $100,000 worth of stock in BP.

Republican candidate Ron Johnson has described scientists who attribute global warming (the current climate change) to man-made causes as “crazy” and the theory as “lunacy.”

As to his opinion on the source of climate change,

The Republican candidate Ron Johnson said, “It’s far more likely that it’s just sunspot activity or just something in the geologic eons of time.”

He gave no response when asked to give evidence supporting the sun-spot theory.

Perhaps, the Wisconsin electorates could see the stark contrast between the Democrat Senator Russ Feingold and the Republican candidate, the Corporate CEO Ron Johnson.

There is no comparison between the two candidates’ policies. Senator Feingold’s policy is for the people and Republican CEO Ron Johnson’s campaign is pledged to the corporate agenda.

Senator Russ Feingold is a populist relentlessly fighting for the average citizens – reflecting the democracy’s real choice.


Republican candidate, the Corporate CEO Ron Johnson is focused on advancing his own and corporate interests that would inevitably harm the Wisconsin voters leaving them betrayed with a broken promise – a common experience in politics easily thwarted with the progressive Democrat like Senator Russ Feingold.

Can the Wisconsin constituents rely on the Republican Ron Johnson’s candidacy that is unequivocally tied to monetary pursuits?

It’s much better for the Wisconsin electorate to continue the tradition and re-elect the genuinely committed leader with result-oriented outstanding record – Hon. Senator Russ Feingold.

Therefore, it is incumbent upon the Wisconsin electorates to exercise caution when being falsely driven towards a corporate candidate Ron Johnson with public statements revealing the real purpose.

Senator Russ Feingold is a valuable asset to the State of Wisconsin, United States, the Democratic Party and the international community.

The Republican candidate Ron Johnson’s victory would be tragic and an irretrievable loss for the Wisconsin voters.

When the Wisconsin electorates weigh the pros and cons between the two candidacies, the overwhelming pro response would lead to Senator Russ Feingold.

Please visit and contribute to Senator Feingold’s campaign at the time being outspent by his corporate candidate Ron Johnson.

Also Wisconsin electorates from the political and socio-economic strata –

Please cast your ballot earlier if possible for Senator Russ Feingold and grant the Senator a landslide victory in the midterm election.

A splendid future is guaranteed for the Wisconsin electorate through honest and hardworking Senator Russ Feingold in the United States Senate.

C’mon Wisconsin you can do it.

Please reverse the poll trend and place your most trusted Senator Russ Feingold on the top for a fabulous win on November 2, 2010.

Your generosity, cooperation and voter mobilization is urgently required to help Senator Russ Feingold win the November 2010 election.

In fact, you can declare Senator Feingold’s re-election by mailing in your ballots if the voter is an armed personnel or a senior citizen including others – please check with your local authorities in this regard.

Please donate any amount to the campaign and vote for Senator Russ Feingold.

Voting is a privilege for many across the globe deprived of the fundamental right.

Good Luck! Senator Russ Feingold for a deserving triumph in November 2010 elections.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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