Democrat Candidate U.S. Senator Russ Feingold – State of Wisconsin

September 30, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Democrat Senator Russ Feingold from the great State of Wisconsin needs no introduction.

Senator Feingold is a true democrat with a distinguished record in the United States Senate.

Senator Feingold has always been in the forefront to serve not only the Wisconsin constituents but also the entire nation.

The Senator’s record will be elaborated on this website shortly.

Meanwhile, please visit and,

Kindly help the campaign in reaching the $300,000 fund in the next hour.

Today is the deadline and the campaign needs your assistance by midnight EST.

The campaign is just $2,679 away from reaching the $300,000 goal.

With 270 supporters donating as much as $10 or more would easily assist the Senator’s campaign in achieving the target.

Please cast your vote for Senator Russ Feingold earlier if possible and secure your future.

Senator Russ Feingold has never hesitated to stand up for the American electorate throughout his outstanding service to the State of Wisconsin and the people across the nation.

Your passion, enthusiasm and cooperation are much appreciated.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Senator Barbara Boxer Campaign Goal by September 30, 2010

September 28, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Please help Senator Barbara Boxer in the $500,000 goal by September 30, 2010 – midnight. i.e. tonight.

Your pledge is crucial for effective representation in Washington D.C.

More about Senator Barbara Boxer could be found on this website under “Politics – United States,”

Titled – Democrat Candidate U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer – State of California published on 08/13/2010.

Please donate

Your much needed passion, enthusiasm and cooperation is appreciated.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Secure Your Future by Electing Progressives in the Fall Election 2010

September 16, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Democrats, Independents and disappointed Republicans – Please extend your support and contribute to the following candidates’ campaigns.

Please remember your future and the national interest is dependent upon your representation in Washington D.C.

Please ensure your economic prosperity and civil liberty by casting your votes earlier for the Progressive Democrats and restore Washington.

Voting is a constitutional right and gateway to your personal progress. Please begin voting now for the following candidates dedicated to improve your life and spread the word around by visiting Democracy for America or DFA at the address provided below.

Your cooperation and enthusiasm is much appreciated.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

The Progressives’ national service is detailed in the DFA endorsement section.

Please help them win a landslide victory in their respective states.

You are invited to contribute and volunteer for their campaign.

Senator Barbara Boxer – (D) California –

Further please donate and vote for the Democrats listed in DFA website.

Courtesy: – Thank you.
Home » Current Endorsements

Democracy for America | PO Box 1717 | Burlington, VT 05402
Phone: 802-651-3200 | Fax: 802-651-3299

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Congressional Elections 2010 – Prognosis

September 15, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The recent primaries indicate a strong surge among the Republican base compared to the Democrats and the independent voters.

There is urgency for the Democrats and the independents to get back into action similar to the tidal wave witnessed in 2008 to accomplish their goals.

Grievances on some issues among both groups are justified. However, they cannot be addressed without effective representation in the House and the Senate. Abstinence or the eleventh hour effort could only lead to more frustration allowing the conservative blockade to continue.

Both democrats and independents need candidates with high quality performance reflecting solid commitment to the people and environment. Candidates willing to stand up to the entities against public and national interest from corporate affair to military warfare, the two predominant factors contributing to the alarming national deficit and myriad of social-economic disparities deserve voter approval.

The Republican members are not the choice whether they are tea party candidate or establishment nominee for they represent the big industries and not the average citizens. It is confirmed in the ‘Nay’ votes on legislation concerning the economy and host of other issues since January 2009.

Likewise, the democratic establishment instrumental in opposing single payer system or public option in health care reform, closing loopholes in finance legislation and swaying to the energy behemoths’ call to adhere to fossil fuel, nuclear energy despite the misgivings and horrific mining accidents in the United States and around the world,

Last but not the least against troop withdrawal from Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere – owe valid explanation to the democratic base and independents for rejecting their voices in all these issues.

Democrats have struggled with legislative process in both Houses of Congress, more in the Senate than the House, even while being a majority in 2009 as seen during the contentious health care bill and economic issues.

It’s paramount for the industry, union or any special interest backed candidates to be transparent and clarify their true representations on all things related to the American electorate in addition to providing legitimate reasons for not demonstrating them in action.

The voters have an obligation to identify their requirements and choose the candidate with proven record or having demonstrated the will to challenge the forces undermining democracy on all issues.

Essentially pragmatism over ideology enhanced by inclusive rather than divisive positions would yield bipartisan solutions to the problems confronting the nation.

Republican legislators have absolved themselves from constitutional duty to work with the Democrat majority in legislative matter throughout Obama Presidency letting partisanship prevail in life threatening issues such as jobless benefit extension, small business lending and 9/11 rescue workers health care assistance.

Unfortunately, the persisting Republican opposition on legislation to benefit average Americans fails to recognize the social and economic cost ultimately affecting all in the interdependent society with the irony being the national deficit used as a pretext in this context.

Democrats, independents and disenchanted republicans have a great opportunity to come together this election in electing the officials pledging allegiance to the American people and not the oligarchy responsible for the Washington status quo.

The electability criteria in consistent with the constitutional oath is the real test for the new contenders and the incumbents alike.

They could precisely be the following:

Disavow partisanship, declining special interests influence and,

Above all maintain ethical standards through accountability with corruption in politics being a worldwide epidemic denying progress to a substantial population living in abject poverty and lifelong miseries.

Honesty and integrity determines human character, yet it’s not an integral element in the quest for public office.

In fact, the systemic abuse of power is the fundamental cause of the contemporary social and economic inequality.

American electorates hold the power to implement these changes in Washington through the electoral process that could restore the broken system and renew the tarnished image.

Voting is no longer an option but an absolute necessity to rescue the nation from the repeat catastrophe experienced at the dawn of twenty first century under President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney.

Besides, voting is a constitutional right granted to citizens in a democracy to protect their civil liberties and freedom from internal or external threats.

American electorates have awesome responsibility to elect the hard working, diligent and trustworthy officials not only to represent them in the United States but also the fellow citizens across the globe.

Congressional decisions made in Washington impact the approximate 6.5 billion people destiny.

Therefore, it is imperative to ensure the massive voter turnout in November 2010 or earlier in states like Ohio facilitating mail-in ballots.

First time voters may register in their local districts and join the other electorates to cast their votes on or before the election date provided it is permissible.

Democrats, independents and disillusioned republicans – please contribute to
Democracy for America (DFA) dedicated to the positive change in Washington and across the United States at:

Also, Please help Senator Barbara Boxer in raising $200,000 by September 18, 2010 for media fund. It’s a daunting task. Nonetheless, the Senator’s campaign is grassroots funded unlike her opponent Carly Fiorina – financed by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce apart from the contestant’s personal campaign investment.

Please visit for your affordable and generous donations.

Most importantly, please secure your future and the dependents prospects by casting your vote as early as possible.

Please rally America via email, texting or visiting DFA to energize voters.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Midterm Election 2010 – An Opportunity to Rebuild the Great Nation

September 13, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Midterm Election 2010 is an opportunity to rebuild the great nation – the United States of America.

From the latest developments it’s clear that Washington is broken and desperately requires citizens’ involvement in governance to restore the renowned American values that remains the basis in attracting many across the globe.

United States is resilient, resourceful and admirably courageous in dealing with any crisis.

It is evident in this great nation’s history for it has weathered the fierce storms and survived even the “Great Depression.”

The people representing the stars and stripes have come forward as one nation and contributed their unique skills in building the United States as the economic engine and a model democracy.

United States is the beacon of light for the entire world and the leadership will continue to provide the necessary guidance to those seeking political, economic and social progress in their domain.

The fall election is crucial to implement the changes that Washington has been deprived due to partisanship and special interests dominance in the legislation.

The political majority and the minority that prioritizes public interest and delivers the campaign promise are worth re-electing.

It predominantly rests with the American electorate in their choice of candidates as their representatives in Washington.

The combined forces such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce influencing the Supreme Court decision allowing unlimited cash flow in the election campaign together with the political architects determined to distract the electorate through distortion and negative attacks render the democratic elections irrelevant.

Whenever a candidate with no established record or substantive policies to move the nation forward is dependent upon the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and smear campaign, that candidate is unequivocally pledged to the sources behind them and not their constituents.

Their name might be on the ballot but only in theory for the real candidates are the big industries devising the policy and the strategists with the political ideology.

Voter discernment in electing the candidates with proven record and service against those without solutions to any problems could make the desirable change possible.

Congressional Democrats in the House and the Senate have worked extremely hard and are committed to improve the American lives. The selective few Republican members share the credit for their bipartisanship that enabled the recent reforms.

The policies related to ongoing wars contributing to the brave armed forces’ death toll and, the national deficit from the disproportionate defense expenditure with no accountability and transparency have been largely accepted without subjecting the claims to due process.

Public concern and views are disregarded and democracy undermined through propaganda subverting facts to promote the specific agenda.

The abuse of power with little or no respect for the constitutional law and democracy, reckless decisions that led to a bankrupt economy, chaos, death and destruction are minor details as compared to the serious ramifications on the office of Presidency – setting a dangerous precedence for history to repeat itself citing the predecessor’s exemption from law in the land of justice.

Ignoring the warnings on 9/11 attacks and conspicuously neglecting the constitutional duty to protect American lives is a colossal Presidential failure.

Above all, granting immunity to the status is rejecting the constitution set up to safeguard the national interest and the democratic principles that guarantees equal justice.

Accordingly, the nation particularly the United States Congress is obligatory to the 9/11 victims and their families in initiating a thorough investigation in public view with appropriate findings against all those implicated regardless of stature.

Democracy is threatened when the lawmakers become the lawbreakers and decline action against unethical conduct exemplifying discriminatory practice with law being applicable only to the law abiding ordinary citizens but not the powerful absconding the law.

These are truly the trying times for democracy and their representatives in presenting unwavering justice to preserve national security and the rule of law reflecting the fact that no one is above the law.

Massive voter turnout exceeding the 2008 statistics is paramount to overhaul Washington.

Please vote for the democrats so that they can cast their vote in return on legislation addressing the average citizens’ plight.

At the same time, the Republican members have invariably cast ‘Nay’ votes on ‘regular citizens’ issues while some of their colleagues choose abstinence to facilitate special interests victory.

Voting is the basic right denied to a significant population in some parts of the world and the citizens in a democratic society have tremendous chance to reshape the political landscape.

Hence ‘rally America’ to the midterm elections is an important call for all citizens.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

The Mystery behind Osama Bin Laden and MIC (Military Industrial Complex) Mission

September 11, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Today the nation and the world remembers the victims of the earth shattering attack on American soil nine years ago.

September 11 created fears, mistrust and global anxiety followed by terrorism in other parts of the world.

Besides death and destruction in the United States and worldwide, it also became the premise to launch an illegal invasion in Iraq, prolong the war in Afghanistan and Pakistan with expansion in other Islamic countries like Yemen, Sudan and Somalia.

The persisting warfare in Islamic nations foment fundamentalism enabling recruits for the
terror networks. It’s a vicious cycle with no end in sight.

Further it deprives the impoverished population from the economic and social development due to corrupt inefficient governments placed by the powerful democracies such as the United States as seen in Afghanistan and now pursued in Iraq through ill recommendations made against the democratic will.

Where the political solutions are achievable, procrastination and undemocratic choices are
preferred leading to chaos and perpetual political turmoil facilitating smooth operation for Al-Qaeda and splinter terror networks thereby promoting continuous warfare.

As a result, the warring factions are forced to commit to enormous defense expenditure that is currently advocated by the high profile cabinet appointees in the U.S. State and Defense departments.

There are lot of questions that are being asked by the mainstream public and media only to be ignored or misled on various issues.

Where is Osama Bin Laden?

Will the U.S. and NATO ever find the terror mastermind having been groomed as a Mujahideen by the CIA against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan ?

Why did the then Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld along with President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney make an unconscionable decision against capturing Osama Bin Laden in Tora Bora on December 14, 2001 upon the U.S. armed personnel order request?

The details confirmed by the Senate Foreign Relations committee in 2009 through the media without any appetite for investigation.

While the spiritual leaders of different religions are placed in spotlight with visuals from 2001 replayed to refresh the audience memory stirring anti-racial and religious sentiments, the architects behind the massive relentless warfare claiming millions of civilian lives and thousands of young men and women in uniform until now – are granted permanent immunity with no accountability or transparency in the decade old military operation.

The increasing public interest arising from war fatigue and economic downturn deserves truthful response on the continuation of Bush-Cheney administration policy in the Afghan war,

Iraq political choice resembling Afghanistan in 2009 i.e. allowing the unpopular polarizing incumbent Prime Minister Nouri-Al-Maliki to remain in power despite existing insurgency on the ground leaning towards sectarian violence and most disturbingly the leader’s strong ties with Iran – a position that is detrimental to U.S. strong ally Israel and the economic partner Saudi Arabia.

Notwithstanding the strategic threats in the Middle East region from such proposals.

Similarly, in matter related to torture, renditions, Guantanamo Bay prisoners – the highly criticized Bush doctrine is yet to be phased out. It was reflected in the Justice department reluctance to probe the Bush-Cheney legal counsel on torture techniques or the federal prosecutors firing implicating the former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.

Reverting to Afghanistan war, according to the latest CIA report there are meager 100 Al-Qaeda members left in the Pakistan territory. The Afghan war was initially presented as retaliation to September 11 attacks in addition to involving Osama Bin Laden, Al-Zawahiri and the Taliban leader Mullah Omar apprehension.

It is past nine years for the Afghan war with several thousand U.S. and NATO casualties at a staggering economic cost and yet the reasons for the ongoing conflict has not changed.

Even now the hunt for Osama Bin Laden is claimed to be in progress.

In fact, Osama Bin Laden will never be found because the terror mastermind has been long dead as per the statement from the Pakistan’s former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto during her exclusive interview with the renowned and reputable British Television Host Sir David Frost.

Pictures are worth a thousand words. The interview is presented below in the website’s featured video.

The controversy surrounding the Lower Manhattan Interfaith center demanding the funding source for the construction is contentious.

Perhaps, those individuals seeking funding details from Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf who has volunteered to share the entire information with the American public, could shed light on the visual content included in the featured video about the ex-President George W. Bush family ties with Osama Bin Laden family and the administration handing over the oval office to the Saudi Ambassador to the United States, Prince Bandar.

All of which leads to the missed opportunity and conscientious negligence on 9/11 attack warnings.

Poignantly raising the questions about 9/11.

Business is conducted as usual. Life goes on with death toll rising in the killing fields as warfare is declared no longer a public affair.

Power is powerless when the defenseless are left to fend for themselves with truth becoming inconvenient in contemporary politics.

Democracy is meaningful when the government of the people is run by the people and for the people.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

2010 Elections – The Balance of Power

September 6, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

With less than eight weeks for the mid-term elections, the speculations are the GOP will claim the House and the House majority leader will be John Boehner. Similarly, the speculators believe the GOP has a slim chance of taking over the U.S. Senate.

In view of the optimistic Republican forecast as potential majority House members it’s essential to review the GOP plans for the nation.

Currently, the GOP mantra is the economy they successfully transformed into near ‘Great Depression,’ during their majority rule in the House and Senate under the Republican administration of the former President George W. Bush and the Vice President Dick Cheney.

The Republicans might fervently argue that the Democrats controlled the House and the Senate since 2006.

Although it’s a valid argument, the Republican members always gain control over legislation regardless of them being the majority or the minority due to their allegiance to the special interests devising the bills in Capitol Hill.

Moreover, the former President George W. Bush vowed to veto the bills passed by the Congressional Democrats on every issue and the veto record exemplifies the oath.

Per the leading conservative talk show host complimenting on the previous Republican administration – “President George W. Bush was not the lame duck for the agendas were pushed against the Democrats will.”

The comment is accurate in that respect – prominently the Iraq war, financial deregulation, blank check to Wall Street and tax exemptions to the wealthy by letting the middle class America disappear with the lower income families in poverty were all the Republican achievements that drove the surplus economy into skyrocketing deficit mostly blown away in the illegal warfare.

The GOP economic plan is none and their winning strategy in the coming elections,

According to Wall Street Journal, September 2, 2010 – By David Wessel – Thank you.

“Republican rhetoric offers little help. To the quiet discomfort of a few GOP politicians and several who advise Republicans on economics, this year’s campaign, so far, has little of the substance that accompanied the 1994 Republican renaissance with then-House leader Newt Gingrich’s “Contract with America.

The only sure thing is that if President Barack Obama is for it, Republicans are against it.

Comments by Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell a few weeks ago are typical:

If a bill doesn’t kill jobs or make it harder to create them, they’re not interested. It’s time for a different approach.”

This may be smart politics. Why be specific and give the other side a target, when you’re winning by riding a wave of voter frustration: Don’t like the Obama economy? Vote for us.

The closest Republicans come to a public economic agenda are speeches by their House leader, John Boehner, who promises more detail later this month to blunt Democratic efforts to paint Republicans as the “Party of No.”

For now, a few themes are evident.

One is that the spending-heavy Obama is a failure, often extrapolated into arguing that government spending is inherently bad.

“The common logic among Washington Democrats is that government spending creates jobs when that money is used to build a hiking trail or a playground,” Mr. Boehner said, disapprovingly, during an Aug. 24 speech in Cleveland.

Adds GOP Rep. Paul Ryan: “We are not Keynesians. We don’t believe in demand-side stimulus. We’re going to stop the spending spree.”

That’s easier to promise than do. Even spending foes, once in office, tend to spend.

“Prior to the Democrats’ takeover of the Congress and the White House in 2008, the Republicans ushered in the largest expansion of federal spending since the heydays of Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society in the 1960s,” says Alaska’s Joe Miller, who beat incumbent Sen. Lisa Murkowski in the Republican primary.

“You’re going to have a whole bunch of people coming here who aren’t going to want to vote for any spending bill—maybe defense? Maybe not?—to fund the government,” predicts Vin Weber, a former Republican congressman. That could force GOP leaders to rely on Democratic votes for spending bills to keep the government running, hardly a recipe for curbing spending.

The leadership’s avowed interest in promoting free-trade pacts, for instance, may not be shared by the populist Republicans who are winning primaries.

The absence of a coherent Republican agenda reflects more than the usual lack of consensus. The gap between current congressional leaders and tea-party activists is huge.”

GOP Economic Plan Overview – By Padmini Arhant

There is no economic plan upon Rep. John Boehner assuming House leadership and likewise in the Senate.

Except for extending the 2000 – 2008 President Bush and Vice President Cheney’s failed economic policy.

1. Renewing all the Bush tax cuts is a top GOP priority.

2. Business friendly tax cuts enabling massive Wall Street CEO Bonuses.

3. A big corporate tax overhaul that cuts rates now – Inevitably depriving revenue for the nation, besides widening the national deficit to an alarming proportion – precedence set by the Republican administration with unique expertise in this regard.

Ironically, it’s also the GOP’s main criticism against President Barack Obama even though the President has diligently set up bipartisan committee on deficit control.

4. Promoting free trade pacts – outsourcing 90% American jobs overseas enlarging the unemployment indefinitely and facilitating,

5. Small businesses, Retail and Wholesale industry collapse from the lack of consumer spending.

On the contrary, the Congressional House Democrats under the efficient and result oriented Speaker Nancy Pelosi passed the following legislation – swiftly and favorably to all Americans including the Small Businesses and Corporations to promote job growth.


1. H.R.1: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 – keeping 750,000 and more Americans employed with a significant rise in the immediate future upon complete investment.

2. H.R.2 : Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009

3. H.R.11: Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 – Guarantees equal pay for women that were denied by the Conservative Supreme Court votes followed by the Republican Senate coherence to the equal rights denial to women. The bill was passed through Democrats votes.

4. H.R.12: Paycheck Fairness Act – Subsequent to Republican Senate ‘Nay’ votes for equal pay to women, the matter was introduced through a new bill and passed with the Democrats votes.

5. H.R.13: TEACH for Our Future Act of 2009 – Focused on Higher Education, Lifelong Learning, and Competitiveness. Referred to the Subcommittee related to Higher Education…

6. H.R.14: Federal Ocean Acidification Research And Monitoring Act of 2009 – Referred to the House Committee on Science and Technology.

7. H.R.78: Stop Mortgage Fraud Act – Latest Major Action: 4/1/2009 House committee/subcommittee actions. Status: Committee Hearings Held.

8. H.R.83: Homeowners Insurance Protection Act of 2009 – Latest Major Action: 1/6/2009 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Financial Services.

9. H.R.84: Veterans Timely Access to Health Care Act – Latest Major Action: 3/25/2010 House committee/subcommittee actions. Status: Subcommittee Hearings Held.

10. H.R.74: Financial Oversight Commission Act of 2009 – Latest Major Action: 1/6/2009 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Financial Services.

11. H.R.58: Green Schools Act – Latest Major Action: 3/16/2009 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education.

12. . H.R.52: Tropical Forest and Coral Conservation Act – Latest Major Action: 1/6/2009 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.

13. H.R.49: American Energy Independence and Price Reduction Act – Latest Major Action: 2/4/2009 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources.

14. H.R.47: Expand and Preserve Home Ownership through Counseling Act – Latest Major Action: 1/6/2009 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Financial Services.

15. H.R.46: Family Self-Sufficiency Act of 2009 – Latest Major Action: 4/30/2009 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Received in the Senate and Read twice and referred to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.

16. H.R.43: Medicare Access to Rehabilitation Services Act of 2009 – Latest Major Action: 1/6/2009 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in addition to the Committee on Ways and Means, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.

17. H.R.21: Ocean Conservation, Education, and National Strategy for the 21st Century Act – Latest Major Action: 6/18/2009 House committee/subcommittee actions. Status: Subcommittee Hearings Held.

18. H.R.16: To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to make permanent the deduction of State and local general sales taxes – Latest Major Action: 1/6/2009 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means.

19. H.R.15: National Health Insurance Act – Latest Major Action: 1/6/2009 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in addition to the Committee on Ways and Means, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.

20. Economic bills to stimulate job growth, Financial Reform, Health Care law, Unemployment Benefits extension and energy bill are the hallmark of Speaker Nancy Pelosi leadership.

Together with the extremely hardworking Democrat legislators alongside selective few Republican members votes made the historic legislation possible.

The choices are clear. American jobs, economy, education, health care, environment and energy independence are the Democrats priority.

Whereas the Republican leadership under John Boehner is clueless evidenced in the Wall Street Journal report and the minority leader’s interviews.

Why would the American electorate reject a bright future with Democrats under the leaderships of Speaker Nancy Pelosi in the House, Senate Democrats majority and President Barack Obama?

When they are all constantly engaged in improving American lives.

Quoting from the cited Wall Street Journal report –

“Many Republicans are running on “anger.” That may win the election; it’s hard to turn into a legislative agenda.”

Further, the Republican election winning strategy is to create a wedge between the solid Democrats working towards economic recovery and social progress. Usually it’s premised on distortion, false propaganda and negative attacks considering there is no specific economic or other proposals from them to move the nation forward.

GOP might have won in the past on divide and rule, polarization tactics. However, disregarding the reality on their track record that will be clarified and presented loud and clear to protect the American electorate from being misled in the coming weeks nearing election – is underestimating voter decision power.

After all, actions speak louder than rhetoric.

American voters’ prospects are assured under Democrats rule in the House, Senate and the White House.

The Republican action thus far has been protesting every legislation – particularly the jobs bill, economic revival such as unemployment extension, tax credits for consumer spending, payroll tax exemption to small businesses and corporations, $30 billion to community banks for small business lending…and,

Importantly they were against Wall Street reform and everything to do with national interest.

Republican candidates are hopeful in November 2010 to win the elections through their relentless support to Wall Street and the special interests’ campaign financing.

Unlike the Democrats accomplishments and future commitments towards American families and businesses that confirm their candidacy.

Please safeguard and secure your own, your family and the next generation’s prosperity by granting the Democrats a super majority status in the House and the Senate.

It’s well known that the Republican balance of power consistently produce “Washington gridlock,” – rewarding the special interests at the average American plight.

Allowing that to happen would be devastating for the national and global economy with slow and steady growth.

Notwithstanding history repeating itself reminiscent to 2000 – 2008 – President Bush and Vice President Cheney era.

Please visit the websites –, and with your generous and affordable donations to help all Democratic contenders win the congressional election in November 2010.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Democrat Candidate U.S.Senator Barbara Boxer – State of California

August 13, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The California Senator is due for re-election in November 2010 after having diligently performed the constitutional duties in the best interests of the State of California, the United States and the international community at large.

Since 1992, Senator Barbara Boxer has served the Golden State and the great nation of the United States.

The Senator’s stellar record speaks volume about her dedication, ingenuity and above all conscientious decisions in matter related to the national and international interest.

Please refer to Senator Barbara Boxer’s extensive Public Service Record on;

Senator Barbara Boxer is the incumbent –

Chairwoman of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works,

In addition to serving as;

The Chairwoman of the Senate Select Committee on Ethics.

Both Committees are highly significant and Senator Barbara Boxer has impressively demonstrated her commitment to the environment as well as the ethics committee.

Senator Barbara Boxer is a distinguished Congress member and has consistently delivered for the average Americans who are often neglected in the special interests dominant legislative matter.

The Senator’s pragmatism has not only benefited her constituents in the State of California but also the entire nation.

Senator Barbara Boxer is a true representative of the democratic electorate having been the human rights stalwart aptly reflected in the various legislations.

Senator Barbara Boxer has risen to the occasion throughout her Congressional career to defend and promote the socio-economic status of all Americans especially the disenfranchised segments in the society.

While, the Senator has extended bipartisan support and worked across the aisle on important legislations,

She has not hesitated to challenge the fierce opposition against democrats’ policies aimed at improving American lives or national image.

Senator Barbara Boxer is a valuable asset to the Democratic Party, the esteemed Congress, the State of California and the United States.

People in the democratic base, the independents and others across the political spectrum are best served by the energetic, thoughtful and the doer democrat from California –

The Hon. Senator Barbara Boxer.

Senator Barbara Boxer’s opponent, the Republican candidate and a former Corporate Chief Executive Carly Fiorina is disproportionately funded by the special interests over and above the contestants’ personal campaign investment.

Considering the Republican members’ failure to prioritize American people over politics in all legislation,

The democrats have been forced to make huge concessions to win the odd Republican votes on major issues concerning the American electorate and the economy.

Prominently, the finance reform bill was recently passed with a $19 billion tax exemption to Wall Street for the Republican Senator Scott Brown’s vote in the Senate.

Campaign finance reform is compromised rendering the bill a mere formality and still without any
hope of being passed.

Evidently, it’s a battle to secure Republican members’ votes in the House and the Senate due to their solemn pledge to the special interests.

Your participation in the electoral process beginning now is extremely crucial for economic revival and to move the nation forward.

Please send any affordable or generous donations to re-elect the democrats like Senator Barbara Boxer, Governor Jerry Brown, and Congressional democratic contenders across the nation.

An overwhelming majority in the House and the Senate would enable the Democrat Congress members
succeed in effective representation.

Besides, better future for the American electorate.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

P.S.: Please send your contributions to the following address or visit their websites.

Barbara Boxer
United States Senator
P.O.Box 93969
Los Angeles, CA 90093

DCCC – Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

Attn: Speaker Nancy Pelosi
430 South Capitol Street S.E.
Washington, D.C., 20003

DSCC – Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
Attn: State Senator (?)
120 Maryland Ave., N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20002.

DGA – Democratic Governors Association –
1401 K Street, NW
Suite 200
Washington, DC 20005

Campaign Finance Reform Bill

August 8, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Further to the United States Senate Actions Chronicle, there were more relevant bills proposed by the Senate Democrats in the past month – July 2010.

Campaign Finance Reform: The bill aimed at the election campaign’s fundamental problem – the special interests influence undermining democracy.

Evidently, it did not survive the Republican members opposition.

Although, the House passed the legislation, it failed in the Senate by three votes short of 60 votes required to eliminate Republican filibuster against the Disclose Act and various important components protecting the democratic sanctity.

The Democrats introduced the bill primarily to offset the negative effects from the Supreme Court’s decision granting unlimited access to the corporations, unions and other interests through campaign contributions, political ads and advocacy for or against any political candidate ahead of the election.

However, there was an exception to the Supreme Court’s rule that permitted Congress to legislate the interest groups’ political rhetoric via disclaimer and disclosure requirements.

Democrats precisely drafted the legislation to prohibit overseas corporations, federal contractors and tax payer bailed out businesses from the sponsorship.

At the same time, the bill enforced the disclaimer and disclosure requirement on the rest with the respective organizations’ chief executive or union leader’s personal appearance and endorsement message in the political ad.

Similar criteria apply to the nexus group representing the corporations, trade unions…to identify the top donors in the political ad.

Additionally, the corporations and advocacy groups are expected to provide campaign contribution details exceeding $1,000 in their political expenditure accounts.

The purpose behind this legislation is to enable transparency for free and fair elections by limiting the powerful organizations from depriving the electorates’ voice being heard in a democracy.

Not surprisingly, the business groups had expressed their grievances claiming the legislative act violated the free speech right and reportedly highlighted on the unions not being subject to the same conditions.

This issue could be addressed with a clear emphasis on the bill to affect all participants in the political campaign including the non-profit organizations with a political agenda regardless of stature.

Up until now, the legislation passage is entirely dependent on the democrats and isolated Republican member votes viz. Senators Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe, in all major issues.

The Republican opposition has been driven by the special interests controlling the electoral and legislative process.

Now, the Republican members voting against the campaign finance reform prove their priority to the business groups over their constituents and the American electorate in the nation.

In return, the business groups have pledged extraordinary support and financial backing to the Republican candidates thwarting the democrats’ effort to represent the American people and the nation at large.

Therefore, the public demand across the political spectrum is imperative to revive the bill and restore democracy upon the Congress members’ return from August recess.

Any resistance to the bill will indicate the political party and the member’s self-interest against national interest.

Rest assured, the Democrats bill on the campaign finance reform is a phenomenal step towards fixing the broken political system in Washington.

People have the power to bring about the long overdue change in the political sphere.

It’s possible by electing the legislators demonstrating their commitment to work for the people and the democrats are diligently performing their constitutional duties in improving American lives.

Please send your affordable / generous contributions to DCCC, DSCC, DNC and DGA in getting the doers i.e. the democrats elected overwhelmingly to the House, the Senate and State Governors in November 2010.

It might be a great challenge to compete with the corporations, but the will of the people cannot be deterred by the forces against them as established in 2008 elections.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

P.S.: Please send your contributions to the following address or visit their websites.

DNC – Democratic National Committee –
Attn: Governor Tim Kaine
430 South Capitol Street SE,
Washington, D.C., 20003

DCCC – Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

Attn: Speaker Nancy Pelosi
430 South Capitol Street S.E.
Washington, D.C., 20003

DSCC – Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
Attn: State Senator (?)
120 Maryland Ave., N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20002.

DGA – Democratic Governors Association –
1401 K Street, NW
Suite 200
Washington, DC 20005

United States Senate Actions Chronicle

August 8, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The United States Senate in the past week (August 2nd – August 6th 2010) made inroads through following actions.

1. Senate Confirmation of the Supreme Court Nominee.

Senate confirmed the Supreme Court Justice nominee, Elena Kagan and further enhanced the intellectual as well as the judicial acumen in the United States Supreme Court.

Congratulations! To the Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan for the highest honor and a lifetime opportunity to serve the people of the United States with objectivity, diligence in the interpretation of the constitutional law and decisions evaluated on the pervasive impact.

As stated earlier, Justice Elena Kagan would be a valuable asset to the present distinguished Supreme Court representation in all aspects.

Best Wishes to Justice Elena Kagan in the new judicial responsibility.

President Barack Obama and Congress members deserve credit in efficiently addressing the nomination process.


2. Senate Confirmation of the National Intelligence Director

Senate also confirmed the National Intelligence Director – James R. Clapper to lead the nation’s 16 intelligence agencies.

Recently, there were concerns regarding the fragmented intelligence apparatus and the revolving complexity compromising the efficiency required to serve national security.

The newly appointed Director is claimed to possess the credentials and experience in the intelligence field with glowing references from the defense and intelligence departments.

Director Clapper is expected to integrate the national intelligence efforts and provide the management crucial for national security.

It appears that Director Clapper successfully demonstrated his ability in this respect and convinced the Senate Committee for a unanimous vote during the confirmation hearing.

Congratulations and Best Wishes! To the National Intelligence Director – James R. Clapper in the important designation to safeguard national interests.


3. Senate Approval of $26 Billion for States and Schools

Earlier in the week, the Senate passed the bill to fund the States and School districts in an effort to protect the teachers and the several government workers’ jobs.

Teachers, law enforcement and emergency department employees were facing layoffs due to the states’ severe deficit crisis.

The federal aid is a saving grace for it would provide the school districts with timely financial supplement in maintaining the proper academic environment.

With respect to the states, the furloughs hurt the employees and deep spending cuts were targeted against the essential programs.

But, now the funding could help in those areas and prevent job losses that otherwise would have exacerbated the state and national unemployment.

The $26 billion is a stopgap measure to allow the states in continuing the necessary educational and social services including the border security provision by deploying 1000 patrol agents as a strike force in the sensitive areas.

The benefits are also extended to the department of Justice in handling the excess case overload.

It’s noteworthy that the bill is entirely funded by the revenue from closing the business tax loophole and making spending cuts.

Therefore, it does not add to the national deficit.

The $600 million appropriated towards border security is also paid for. The 10 percent increase in spending is adjusted against the visa application fee hikes on the few companies sponsoring foreign workers.

Senate action is praiseworthy and reflects the authors such as the New York Senator Charles E. Schumer as well as others’ true commitment in defending the nation from economic woes and security foes.

House of Representatives are returning to vote on this bill next week. It’s indicative of their dedication to rescue the vulnerable members in the society. Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the House members’ action are attention worthy.

The public gratitude in this regard would be inevitably conveyed through ballots in November 2010.

Republican Senators Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe share the appreciation for their bipartisan support in the recent legislations.

Perhaps, other Republican members would join their two esteemed colleagues in the near future.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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