National and International Issues Overview
July 30, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
1. National economic situation: The stimulus package passed in early 2009 undoubtedly salvaged the economy from the brink of collapse.
However, need to work on policies to produce quick results in job growth and economic recovery. The legislative actions are encouraging and the public satisfaction is dependent upon their experience in job search and security as well as the overall economy.
The Democrats’ determination and diligence in passing several life- saving legislations deserve attention and re-election in November 2010.
Congratulations! To President Barack Obama, the Democratic Congress and the three Republican members on the financial regulations. Continuous monitoring to improve the housing market and the credit crunch would expedite the economic revival.
2. National Health care reform: Health care reform is historic and will be beneficial to the millions uninsured upon the legislative measures being effective in 2014 and 2019 respectively.
Meanwhile, the average Americans are still hurting especially the patients with pre-existing illnesses are currently denied medical access.
The year 2014 might appear around the corner but not to the people battling with life and death as they desperately seek immediate health care.
Interim health care assistance through legislative enhancements and pressuring health insurers to refrain from health coverage denial including the premium hikes in particular is quintessential to gain public acknowledgment.
The nomination of “Health Care Director,” to oversee Medicare and other federal health care programs is a sound approach to the status quo anomalies.
3. Energy Policy: The legislation in motion for review and debate is a monumental challenge considering the energy industry lobbying power.
As highlighted earlier, the offshore drilling is a proven disaster. Focus on clean renewable energy sources away from fossil fuel and nuclear energy to avoid not only environmental catastrophes but also restraining the nuclear proliferation is the only viable option for energy independence and environmental protection.
4. Immigration: Passing the immigration bill with amnesty for the estimated 12 million immigrants in the country besides strict border patrol to curb drug and arms trade is no longer an option but a necessity.
5. Education: Federal Grants and state funding are impressive in promoting quality education to prepare the American workforce for the competitive global economy. Again, the reality is not reflective of the generous provisions as the school districts struggle to maintain the regular academic standard. Therefore, oversight in the appropriate use of federal funds is vital.
6. Improving Race Relations: The recent legislation by Congress against the discriminatory rule in drugs and substance abuse among different racial groups is a progressive change.
Similarly, it should be extended to the abuses in the court rooms towards the ethnic groups that are simply not a matter of discussion or concern, since racial prejudice is presumed to affect only the prominent minorities.
The inherently flawed legal decisions due to judicial authorities’ predisposition against the ethnic members suggest the lack of diversity in the judiciary to serve the overwhelming immigrant population with fairness at the state and national level.
Contrarily, dispute resolutions and Ombuds Programs by the county are highly recommended as the first choice because of its excellent merits such as the individuals’ objectivity, patience and listening skills.
The free service is offered by professionals who volunteer to help the community on a range of issues. The mediators offering their valuable time to help society in itself speaks volume about their commitment and dedication to serve in the best interests of both parties. They are reasonable and result oriented apart from saving costs for everyone involved.
7. Foreign Policy: Tremendous input through peaceful negotiations and diplomacy is a priority in resolving disputes. The President’s efforts in the beginning following the inauguration raised international hope. Then understandably the administration time is largely devoted towards national issues.
Nevertheless, the major international on-going conflicts require momentum viz. Israeli Palestinian peace process not barring freedom for Tibet, Burma, Iran, North Korea…enduring oppression and persecution.
A. United Nations Security Council expansion is paramount in dealing with global crisis. As suggested earlier, the present U.N. Security Council permanent membership is inadequate and do not reflect the twenty first century economic, political and social environment.
B. Allowing neutral global partners like Japan, Brazil, India, Germany, South Africa, Turkey and United Arab Emirates with veto power would fairly represent the multidimensional world in solving the deepening regional problems.
8. Afghanistan: Preparation for troop withdrawal and deploying forces to improve Afghan lives in addition to empowering them to form an efficient government is urgently desirable at the national and international front.
9. Iraq Responsibility: Adhering to the U.S and Iraq time line withdrawal would ease the economic burden on the U.S. taxpayers.
At the same time, pressuring the Iraqi government led by Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki to honor the democratic mandate in the March 2010 elections by allowing the secular political power with the Shiite leader Ayad Allawi is critical in addressing the political stalemate. It’s a serious national security crisis for Iraq while the U.S and allies are faced with an economic liability from it.
Political stability and not U.S. military presence is the response to the Iraqi quagmire.
Unequivocally, U.S. withdrawals from Afghanistan and Iraq would contribute to national deficit reduction.
10. Job creation, housing market and the economy are imperative for most Americans.
Finally, despite vigorous opposition the legislative achievements by the Democratic Congress members in the House and the Senate and President Barack Obama’s administration are phenomenal.
Evidently, the law makers instrumental in the successful legislation have earned re-election opportunity in November 2010 to lead the nation towards prosperity.
Good Luck! to President Barack Obama and the Congress members in their future endeavors.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Response to Governor Tim Kaine
July 27, 2010
Hon. Gov. Tim Kaine
DNC Chairman
Washington D.C.
Dear Governor Kaine,
Thank you for your letter.
The responses to the requests were promptly sent by priority mail with return receipts and I’ve the delivery confirmation for all of them.
Perhaps, the delay could be at the mail distribution within the headquarters or at the White House and advising them to forward the urgent deliveries to the concerned parties without any delay would be helpful.
However, I’m sending you the information again for the President’s personal attention.
Hopefully, there will be no confusion this time.
Padmini Arhant
Celebrating Fourth of July – Independence Day
July 4, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
July 4th is a glorious occasion for all Americans. On this day, the native and the naturalized citizens come together to cherish the individual freedom that still remains a far-fetched dream for many around the world.
Independence Day is an opportunity to commemorate the nation’s birthday. It honors the founding fathers’ wisdom, resolve and vision for the country they pledged to serve not only during their lifetime, but also beyond the foreseeable future.
“All are created equal and born to be free,” – the natural law has been discarded by human race since evolution and the dominance of some over others is exercised as an “entitlement.”
Liberty is an inalienable right of every life on earth. Yet, freedom is seized from the weak and forced to pay a price through sacrifice and prolonged struggle to regain the fundamental right.
For the unfortunate, the oppression continues without a ray of hope in the lifelong battle that spans over generations.
The minority that controls the majority justify their actions through various interpretations, despite the evidence proving otherwise.
The complacency to the territorial annexation, occupying lands for economic benefits and denying equality to fellow human beings has promoted injustice against the vulnerable population resigned to the reality as the destiny.
Throughout history, human behavior is consistent in the invasion, occupation, persecution and annihilation in the extreme events. From Stone Age to Digital Era, the pattern is maintained with the variation in imperialism evolved into totalitarianism.
United States and other nations’ contribution in restoring sovereignty during the twentieth century world wars is significant and saved humanity from tyranny.
Subsequently, such involvements have yielded unsavory results due to the mission lacking in clarity and purpose.
The courageous troops in harm’s way diligently serve the nation to protect the freedom rejoiced by the people on this Independence Day. They are always in our thoughts and prayers.
Human suffering is brought upon by excess greed for wealth and power. It has led to perpetual warfare with serious economic and political ramifications.
Regardless of the tremendous human progress, peace is not an overwhelming choice in resolving disputes.
Aggression and violence precedes diplomacy and peaceful measures indicating the lack of patience.
Defense spending consuming the major proportion of the budget is given priority and the society’s economic needs rejected on the ‘national debt’ criteria.
United States was envied for being the model democracy and lately the civil liberties has been compromised under “FISA and Patriot Act,” with wiretapping, monitoring private communication, NSA warrantless surveillance…rendering freedom a privilege at the authority’s discretion.
Global security is threatened by terror. Terrorism is a revenge for the bad elements.
Sadly, the groups are emboldened by the failed policies of the corrupt political powers depriving the local population from the economic and political freedom to live and thrive in their domain.
Terror recruitments would decline sharply, if the people in the impoverished regions have access to necessities such as clean drinking water, health and education, agriculture and industrial growth at the least.
Instead, the economic and political powers have maximized military intervention with minimal or zero investments in the social and economic development, transforming the environment into a war zone for a decade and longer from Vietnam to Iraq and Afghanistan.
Freedom is the natural gift for the living.
History is testimony to the fact that none shall ever remain in eternal foreign rule.
The declaration of independence by the United States on July 4, 1776 followed by several other nations exemplifies the inevitable success to the oppressed.
Happy Fourth of July!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Supreme Court Nominee – Solicitor General Elena Kagan
July 1, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
The Senate Judiciary Committee hearing to confirm the Supreme Court Nominee – Solicitor General Elena Kagan is in process.
Solicitor General Elena Kagan upon confirmation would succeed the retired Supreme Court Justice, John Paul Stevens to the United States Supreme Court.
Notably, the appointment would strengthen the female representation to one-third on the current bench.
While it still remains a minority. it’s a significant social progress made in recent years to the highest court on land.
President Barack Obama’s commitment in this respect is praiseworthy.
Since the hearing commencement, the Solicitor General Elena Kagan has responded patiently and diligently to most if not all of the issues raised by the distinguished panel.
The Solicitor General’s disposition conforms to the previous appointees for similar position.
Therefore, it’s not unprecedented in the Senate confirmation hearing.
Although, departure from such tradition would benefit public confidence in the potential lifetime appointee entrusted with judicial duty on life and death matter.
The Senate members posed many important issues to ascertain the nominee’s position. Some were politically motivated and the majority relevant to the cause.
Solicitor General Elena Kagan’s background and credentials has been under scrutiny from the early introduction to until now.
The Supreme Court nominee is profiled for better understanding and in some instances caricatured to place the aspirant in spotlight depending on the critics’ “ethical” standard.
Solicitor General Elena Kagan stellar academic and career achievements have rightfully earned the recognition leading up to the Supreme Court nomination.
The buzz about the nominee from the beginning was her lack of experience in the capacity as a ‘Judge,’ despite the precedence set by the Supreme Court predecessors, the latest being the former Justice William Rehnquist nominated by the Republican President Ronald Reagan.
During the Senate hearing, the nominee, Elena Kagan had to address diverse issues ranging from:
The executive power, Congressional deference, corporate influence, political activism – a common attribute towards the democratic nominee by the opposition, past incidents linked to,
The military recruitment on college campus including clarification on personal statements and memos to determine adaptability to the existing judicial view.
Solicitor General Elena Kagan maintained throughout the session that she would strictly adhere to the Constitutional law and not attempt to interpret it differently for political or any other reason.
Further, the Solicitor General elaborated on personal humility and pledged to respect the precedential settings on historic hearings notwithstanding the Supreme Court recent ruling safeguarding the second amendment.
In addition, some Senate members sought assurance from the nominee on the denial of Habeas Corpus to detained terror suspects apprehended from civil or combat environment.
The nominee in agreement with “battlefield law, including indefinite detention without a trial, could apply outside of traditional battlefields.”
International law was extensively discussed against the Constitutional law to establish the nominee’s priority pertaining to the academic period as the “Dean at Harvard Law School.”
In other controversial social issues such as abortion, gay military personnel and the “Don’t ask, don’t tell,” policy, the Solicitor General confirmed the published views.
Protecting women’s health and highlighting the drawbacks from depriving the gay members to serve the nation on equal basis.
However, in the related subjects the nominee Elena Kagan reportedly stated the following:
Source: – Elena Kagan
“ 1. From 1995 to 1999, Kagan served as President Bill Clinton’s Associate White House Counsel and Deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy and Deputy Director of the Domestic Policy Council.
While serving in that position, Kagan co-authored a May 13, 1997 memo to the President urging him to support a ban on late-term abortions stating that, “We recommend that you endorse the Daschle amendment in order to sustain your credibility on HR 1122 and prevent Congress from overriding your veto.”
2. In 1996, she wrote an article in the University of Chicago Law Review entitled, “Private Speech, Public Purpose:
The Role of Governmental Motive in First Amendment Doctrine.” Kagan argued that government has the right, even considering the First Amendment, to restrict free speech, when the government believes the speech is “harmful”, as long as the restriction is done with good intentions.
3. During her solicitor general confirmation hearing, she said that “there is no federal constitutional right to same-sex marriage.”
Also during her solicitor general confirmation, Kagan was asked about the Defense of Marriage Act, under which states don’t have to recognize same-sex marriages from other states. She said she would defend the act.”
In due fairness to the nominee’s statements, the approach to defend the constitution is a primary judicial responsibility.
At the same time, if exercising empathy in the decision-making is characterized as ‘social activism,’ then similar considerations to the authorities in the executive and legislative branches not barring the corporations exceed the judicial power granted within the confines of the law.
Unfortunately, it’s a growing trend hindering justice particularly on ethical misconduct in the democratic system.
Again, the Solicitor General perceptions on the basic human rights – women’s health, freedom of expression superseding the second amendment in the Bill of Rights, and gay rights is lacking in candor consequentially the clarity on the fundamental law that –
“All are created equal and hence qualify for the equal application of law.”
Social injustice based on race, religion, sexual orientation, gender discrimination, economic status…are explicitly prevalent given the human progress in other tangible fields.
The political, economic and religious institutions intrusion in justice has the ‘average’ human life hanging in balance with the hope that justice is served by taking into account,
Obedience to the law as well as the facts and evidences authenticated by the conscionable action to be impartial.
Solicitor General Elena Kagan is regarded for her intellect, consensus building, hard work and thoughtfulness, the valuable assets that would not only contribute to the enriched Supreme Court representation, but also empower the nation’s highest court with additional perspective.
If confirmed, Solicitor General Elena Kagan would have the opportunity to be a superb Supreme Court Justice.
Best Wishes to the Solicitor General Elena Kagan in all her endeavors.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Remembering Senator Robert Byrd – Democrat Senator, West Virginia
June 28, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
Today, the United States Senate and the nation lost a longest serving Senator and the member in congressional history.
Senator Robert Carlyle Byrd, a Democrat from the state of West Virginia, political career span from January 2, 1959 – June 28, 2010.
Reflecting on the record, the Senator had previously struggled to keep pace with the social developments in the society.
Nevertheless, towards the end there appears to be some reconciliation with the erroneous decisions the Senator had made during his term in office.
No human being is infallible. Those who recognize the missed opportunities to contribute to positive changes and later do it right are honorable.
For the recent contributions benefiting all forms of life represents the core value, a confirmation of the fact that it’s never too late to act for greater good.
Senator Byrd has served the West Virginia constituents well. Otherwise it would have not been possible to hold the historic position in the Senate.
The democrats and other Congress members reminisced their time with the Senator from West Virginia.
Senator Robert Byrd’s unprecedented public service to the citizens in West Virginia and across the nation remembered with respect and gratitude.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Shades of Contemporary Politics
May 24, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
The last week Primary and Special elections in the United States delivered bittersweet outcome for both political parties.
Pennsylvania election results were particularly unique with the Democratic Primary nomination for the U.S. Senate seat won by a less known candidate, Joe Sestak against the long time Senator Arlen Specter and Democrat Mark Critz victory over Republican contender, Tim Burns to retain the deceased Rep. John Murtha’s seat in the House for the blue team.
Likewise, Kentucky picked the tea party favored candidate Rand Paul, while Arkansas led the incumbent to a run off in the respective primaries.
Although, there were insinuations attributed to political endorsements or the lack thereof for the losses in the elections, conventional wisdom beckons optimistic perspective and accept the mandate as a blessing in disguise for the electorates’ decision is based on their evaluation of the candidates’ profile in the race.
External intervention by embellishing the contenders’ or exaggerating the opponents’ performance seen during elections is an insult to the electorates’ intelligence with an inevitable backlash.
It’s always convenient to scapegoat others for failures by ignoring the fact that the candidates contesting on their own merit combined with a track record pledged to serve the people and not the special interests or political factions emerged winners.
Regardless of the establishment backing and high power recommendation, the electorates cast their ballots to fresh ideas and a serious commitment to resolve issues concerning them.
Despite the relentless propaganda and spinning in the communication media – airwaves, television and print press, the electorates are increasingly aware of the broken political system, due to its impact in their daily life.
In fact, contemporary politics is gradually leading the mass towards self-governance through discernment in their choice of representatives as a stark reminder to the elected officials to live up to their campaign promise or deal with the consequences.
At the same time, revealing to the special interests that ultimately the people are the authentic authority in a democracy.
It’s the beginning of the end of era where voters’ voice is unheard in the persistent negative attacks and swift boating financed by the special interests and largely some news media including the press to launch their designee from either political party.
The political process is being redefined by the smart electorates determined to take the power back where it belongs in a democracy – the government of the people, by the people and for the people.
Congratulations! To the winners and Good Luck! To the other participants in all their endeavors.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
The Political Game
May 8, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
Politics is universally known for facts subversion.
Any fair perspective on national issues and campaign promise reminders are perceived as unconventional and thwarted with false accusations.
There were assaults regarding the concerns raised on the past and pending legislation.
It’s important to dispel the myths surrounding the open communication to the authorities in power through this website.
Since the 2008 Presidential campaign and up until now, the communication channel allows the authorities in power to submit their various demands to me but prohibits my response to them.
My communication to them is possible only via the website.
I’ve never had direct communication access during the election campaign and it continues to date.
Information sent earlier has been either rejected or redirected to ‘Auto response.’
As such, every communication sent and received by me has been published on this website periodically.
Upon being approached by the authority in power on several occasions lately with the routine message:
‘Stand up to Fear and Hate,’ against the Republican opponents and donate minimum $450 towards the election campaign,
The position was clarified in the blogpost titled ‘Reconciliation for a new beginning’
Not surprisingly, it was retorted by the authority through the talking heads.
The remarks varied ranging from the alleged pitch, uneven playing field, intimidation, improper delegation and ill preparation of the staff…
Never mind the ordeal endured by me in the recent ‘character assassination, serious death threats, 24/7 surveillance enabling attacks via the national and international outlets,’ –
The irony of ‘Fear and Hate,’ in this context cannot be ignored.
Computer and telephones are vulnerable to illegal spying aided by on-line sources in addition to the agencies.
Moreover, the unconstitutional monitoring by the notorious organization implicated for turning in the pro-democracy dissidents’ personal emails to the Beijing authorities is the tip of the iceberg.
Their profit-oriented action had rendered the courageous political activists’ life imprisoned, not to mention the billions deprived of freedom.
One would think this would be the random conduct of this particular corporation, but it doesn’t appear to be so as their activity is widespread in democratic systems as well.
Privacy is a misnomer for those standing up to the power and exposing the truth to revive democracy.
Truth finders are not entitled to the first amendment or the right to defend themselves against power abuse.
The victim is barred from sharing the experiences, otherwise characterized as ‘rants, wailing and even inflammatory by the extreme sources.
In case the authority and their ardent supporters/attackers were unaware of it, then they ought to be in a parallel universe.
Democracy is best served with the critics’ investing their talent and resources to investigate the closed chamber deals carried out prior to legislation rather than targeting the unprecedented transparency displayed on this website thus far.
With respect to the level playing field – it’s forgotten by the authority’s defenders that –
In order to publish the articles on this website for national and global service to humanity –
There are no speechwriters, Teleprompters, news briefing, consultants, confidantes, czars, any aide or a task force dedicated to feed the selective news media the rebuttal in the form of distorted information.
Further, the service is not for profit and purely a humanitarian deed without costing the taxpayers or the federal and state authorities.
On the so-called “ill preparation of the staff leading to legislative failures,’ – poignantly,
Politics chooses one to be the authority when convenient and regards the same entity irrelevant in all circumstances.
Prominently scapegoating the individual engaged in the selfless crusade is the trend.
Political expediency is the norm and begins on the campaign trail to infinity.
Unlike the distracting voluminous bills, the details admittedly escaping the lawmakers’ attention and more often used by the Republican members as the contentious factor,
Every topic on this website – from finance reform, stimulus package, unemployment, environment, foreign policy…are elaborated and categorically stated to benefit the public, national and international interest.
Despite the numerous articles on Health care legislation clearly defining the requirements with visual presentations emphasizing the need for federal run program – Single Payer system or the Public option at the least – published on this website and in the congressional survey delivered via priority mail to the authorities,
The baseless allegation is the proof of the integrity crisis in the broken system.
It requires rationality to view that the instructions were always clear but the intentions among the executors were not there.
The “bipartisan” health care summit conspicuously excluded the elected officials seeking ‘Public Option,’ or ‘Single Payer System,’ while unsuccessful attempts were made to appease the conservatives on both sides.
Issuing the executive order to win the ‘anti-abortion’ Senate votes and,
Contrarily weakening the Medicare program in the absence of Single Payer or Public option for effective competition reveals the misplaced priority.
On the eve of the final health care vote, the leading authorities proudly declaring to the press that,
“The liberals and progressives quest for public option or medicare expansion has been muted.”
Evidently, the claim that the health care law is serving the deserving population under the private for profit health care to a tune of $35 trillion dollars over a decade with 34 million remaining uninsured until 2020 fit the political dogma prevailing over pragmatism.
Similarly, in the face of the reality on the oil spill in the gulf coast, maintaining the offshore drilling decision instead of its reversal confirms defiance.
Power comes with many privileges and in politics governed by profits, the truth is the regular casualty.
The only hope for democracy’s survival is the people’s discernment in electing the candidacy pledged to serve the nation and not the special interests agenda.
It’s essential to verify the incumbents’ voting record and the actual beneficiaries from it in the assessment.
Campaign finance reform could be achieved by merely rejecting the corporate representatives and electing the public financed candidates vowed to national and environmental protection.
Democracy has been privatized by seeking public votes and the consequences are voting abstinence balanced with pro-special interest votes during legislation.
At present, the special interests controlled political system is configured to favor the respective industry resisting regulations and recommendations for a viable economy, besides planet sustenance.
History is testimony to ‘Change’ brought upon by ordinary citizens’ with extraordinary commitment to the long cherished democracy that guarantees economic opportunities, equal rights, safe environment and eternal peace.
People have the ultimate power as consumers, taxpayers and voters in a democracy.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Reconciliation for a New Beginning
May 5, 2010
Honorable. President Barack Obama
Dear Mr. President,
Thank you for the opportunity to clarify the position for a new beginning.
With deep appreciation for democracy, free speech and ethics, I reiterate the facts presented on this website.
I remain steadfast in my commitment to work for the people and serve our great country as well as the citizens across the globe.
Since my responsibilities are towards humanitarian peace and progress, besides environmental protection, I pledge unequivocal support to promote the daunting, yet noble cause in every aspect.
I do not have any doubts in reaching the milestones by working together with a common goal in the domestic and international matter.
However, I’m disappointed with the special interests’ control over the hard fought legislation against the democratic principles and consequently,
The electorate deprived of immediate and long lasting benefits.
Although, the trend is no revelation, there were tremendous expectations from the ‘Hope and Change’ promise made by your candidacy on the campaign trail.
Again, some argue that campaign promises are not always deliverable and, they define the default as the political norm.
That being the case, the voter frustration with any political party or candidate for the trust violation is justified.
Notwithstanding, the challenges originating from the misrepresentations during elections.
The consistent voting abstinence from the Republican members in Congress is visibly the sworn allegiance to various interests guiding the legislative process.
It is true that the health care legislation was a courageous step in Presidential history.
Nevertheless, the reform needs to be meaningful and,
I understand that you are in agreement with the health care bill lacking in serious competition without the federal programs for the vast majority.
Not surprisingly, the health care and insurance companies like their counterparts in other sectors welcome the federal funding and bailouts to facilitate their prosperity,
But, they are resilient to federal regulations and recommendations such as the Single Payer system.
It’s an uphill battle with every legislation because of the special interests’ investments in lobbying.
It could be easily overcome, if the candidates running for office decline the corporate financing and instead rely upon their ability in winning the public confidence by honoring the constitutional oath to serve the nation.
Now is the time to reverse the corporate dominance in legislation to favor the public interest.
The long held tradition has bankrupted the economy with multitrillion-dollar deficits and betrayed consumer rights.
Free market resistance to regulations through overindulgence in a democratic political system has backfired leading the economy to an abyss.
It cannot possibly continue forever. It’s unsustainable and evidenced in the domestic and global economy.
That’s why there was enormous faith in your Presidency to ‘Change’ the course and liberate the government from privatized status.
It’s never too late to act for better results and sometimes one has to strive hard to achieve the targets.
I believe that ‘Change,’ is necessary and extend my relentless cooperation to your administration and the elected officials on both sides of the political aisle provided the policies be implemented to protect the Main Street interest and the environment.
They are:
Campaign finance reform – barring corporate donations and eliminating loopholes towards campaign contributions,
Adherence to transparency and accountability in national and international affairs,
Medicare expansion via Single Payer system to contain costs and save life either through amendment or annexure by reallocating federal funding from the private health care.
Tough financial measures to prevent economic meltdown,
Job creation by reviving the manufacturing sector and boosting the small business/Retail industry –
The tax credits to the corporations and small businesses for hiring and retaining employees is praiseworthy.
Fiscal responsibility – National deficit reduction by enforcing the– “Waste not and Want not” ethic – beginning with defense budget spending is paramount.
Nuclear weapons eradication – Your efforts to gain international consensus is progressive and perhaps, persistence will yield the desirable outcome.
Environment by adopting clean renewable energy, which means abandoning offshore drilling, uranium and coal mining,
Maintaining K-12 and higher education funding as a prudent investment for a bright future – Federal funding has been impressive unlike certain states’ with misplaced priorities.
Social justice such as gay rights and fair immigration laws,
Similar approach in resolving international conflicts, establishment of peace and freedom for oppressed population –
Comprise the basic requirements.
Power is powerful when used to empower the powerless in the society and that being –
Secure jobs, 24/7 health care access, good education, safe environment and eternal peace.
I am optimistic that together we can accomplish the highlighted goals and proceed in a positive direction.
I look forward to working with you in all these issues and dedicate my service to humanity.
Padmini Arhant
Defining the Humanitarian Responsibility
April 16, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
I wish to define the specific purpose of my presence in the political debate that has caused immense anxiety and unnecessary turmoil in the political circle.
As stated earlier, I’ve been assigned a divine mission that I cannot possibly evade or decline in any format.
I am the protector of humanity. My goal is to help achieve freedom, economic and social equality for all in the world.
The commandment is straightforward and that being – the establishment of peace, progress and prosperity.
I’m not here to serve any particular political entity, party or the organization they might represent.
My political position is ‘Independent’ with the commitment towards public needs.
The primary tasks are:
Protect the people’s interest in the United States and across the globe.
Preserve the environment.
My role is to safeguard the people’s rights in a democracy, defend the truth and deliver justice regardless.
The major responsibility is to prepare the planet for a new era in coherence with the cosmic settings.
In terms of the legislative matter, the members of Congress and the Executive branch will be provided with the legislative content and reform details in public to benefit the people and the nation.
In fact, the practice to be continued since my involvement in politics, except the requests were ignored earlier and instead,
The legislations were prepared by the relevant industry and the Executive branch sponsors to suit their agenda.
I was then approached to rally the mass without any bill details.
As the voice for the weak and the vulnerable, my contribution is to enable people govern the nation rather than the special interests directing the legislation.
It would apply to the domestic and global policy.
Notwithstanding the legislative measures to amend the bills found inadequate or is against national interest.
In addition, it includes the call for investigation of the administrations’ policies responsible for deaths and destruction of lives in the United States and around the world.
If the legislation is flawed and potentially harmful to the citizens’ of the United States in domestic policy and likewise in the foreign policy, it’s incumbent upon the head of the Executive branch as the bill’s signatory and final authority to provide valid reasons for such measures.
Barring the ‘special interest’ dominance in the legislative process and the political campaigns is a priority.
It’s a monumental feat even with the divine intervention.
Therefore, the cooperation of the people, the press and the news media is instrumental to make the government run by the people and for the people.
Another effective democratic action would be to implement the ‘campaign finance reform.’
Public participation is crucial through relentless communication with their local representatives to vote for the fundamental changes in the electoral process.
Those who fail to heed to their constituents’ call would be replaced with the obliging candidates.
Citizens should bring them to public focus and seek a legitimate response for their inaction.
The Supreme Court rule has exacerbated the strong political-corporate partnership that has long undermined democracy.
The communication to the political figures from my end has been via on-line for public view.
Accordingly, I request the political authorities to submit their requirements in public to create the foundation for transparency and accountability.
The legislators on either side of the political factions willing to cast their votes to improve people’s lives, advance national and international cause will be guaranteed support for election or re-election.
Washington is broken. It is common knowledge.
However, when the administration, irrespective of the political party is defiant in their claim on legislations and decisions pushed forward against the will of democracy, it is essential to break the chain link.
The previous administration’s unspeakable crimes are forced to become a distant memory and the trend continues with the incumbent administration, refusing to recognize the public disappointment on the national health care legislation scandal.
Further, it’s deeply disturbing to insist that the people accept the issue as a done deal.
Mortgaging the health and lives of millions of people to a health insurance industry to secure the “Political Power” is regrettable especially with the mandatory insurance purchase introduced in the bill.
Exerting pressure on the dissent to fade away is undemocratic and leads the nation towards a wrong direction.
Constantly repeating that “Health care reform is passed” and time to move ahead by disregarding the voice of democracy – the press, media and the people’s concern is indicative of ‘organizations’ controlled political system.
During the 2008 Presidential campaign, the political slogan was – the nation would experience “More of the same” with the Republican Presidency in power, implying that it would be the continuation of Bush-Cheney legacy.
Having been in office for fifteen months, the Obama administration’s record in dealing with the special interests, wars and foreign policy exemplify the adherence to the predecessor’s principles that was vehemently criticized but not abandoned.
There are legislators in the system willing to transcend the culture in Washington. Some of them have admirably spoken against it and shared their grievance with the public.
When the majority is in contract with the “lobbyists” from the various industries,
Perhaps, the minority feels threatened with the possibility of being swift boated in the Congressional race through negative campaign ads.
Unfortunately, they succumb to the ‘special interests’ subversion or their allies in the political hierarchy.
Here are the problems and the solutions for it.
The political system needs reform due to the inherent ‘special interests’ influence in every legislation.
Remedy: Legislation will be conceptualized and presented for public review on-line.
Public prior approval will be sought with queries addressed diligently for clarity.
Queries may be submitted on the Congressional websites.
The legislation material will be precise to dissuade the opposition from rejecting the bill under the pretext of ‘volume.’
Lawmakers will be given sufficient time to study and evaluate the content.
Their input is to be presented in public via on-line on the new webpage –, in extension of the existing Congressional website for the House and the Senate.
Legislators will be encouraged to debate and discuss the issue with their constituents and the media to conform to transparency.
I will work on the people’s side to ensure that the policies and legislations benefit the citizens at home and overseas.
The analysis and review will be published prior to the legislation approval, i.e. after receiving the legislators’ views and their exact position on the issue.
Legislation will have a deadline and the legislators would be required to meet the objectives within the given time frame so that the bills are passed with public consent.
Legislators’ voting record on every bill will be displayed on the Congressional web page.
Lawmakers’ brief comment for voting in favor or against it, would be enormously useful to the public.
Legislation is to begin with the Political reform:
Campaign finance reform restricting the sources – corporations, union, religious institution, foreign organization…except for the U.S. citizens, is to become the law.
Election expenses are to be limited and held accountable to the non-partisan election commission, preferably set up by the Public Policy Institute or an independent group non-affiliated to the private sector.
Any lawmakers receiving special interests funds are to be exposed and challenged with a candidate vowed to the public interest.
The news organizations and the media along with the public could play a major role in the political reform by restricting ‘special interests’ access in national legislation.
Health care legislation is to be amended with the guidelines detailed in the article “Universal Health Care.”
I look forward to working with the members of Congress, the news media and the public in reaching the political milestones.
We could consolidate our talent and resources as a nation and work in harmony to restore the magnificent image of the United States of America and bring peace to the world.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Approval of Impeachment Proceedings for Abuse of Presidential Power
April 13, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
Recently, the former President Bill Clinton admitted that imposing the ‘Free Trade’ policy against Haiti was a mistake before the Senate Foreign Relations committee.
The apology was honorable. Only if this were realized during his Presidency, thousands of Haitians would have been spared from tremendous suffering and loss of lives.
President Bill Clinton is a Rhodes Scholar and recognized for making calculated decisions as he stated in one of his letters to me that he is no novice. He is a veteran politician.
I say – no arguments there.
In 2003, the Bush-Cheney administration decided to wage war against a nation that had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11 attack.
Yet, they managed to convince a minority while ignoring a dissenting majority and proceeded using the ‘Executive Power’ as carte blanche in their oil for profit schemes, torture…financial market deregulations that was set in motion by the former President Ronald Reagan and continued until now.
The war in Iraq is still not over ‘according to them’ and the troop withdrawal indefinitely delayed in Afghanistan and the U.S. military bases elsewhere.
Then a dramatic Presidential event was staged with ‘Hope and Change’ as the mantra to magnetize the depressed and desolate mass tired of lies, deceptions and corrupt political system embedded with Corporate power and military industrial complex.
However, there are some earnest political figures in the system. Perhaps, they feel helpless for they are stonewalled by the superior force.
Somehow, the Presidential candidates as witnessed in the year 2000 and 2004, maneuver the democratic electoral process and gain entry to the Ivory Tower, from where they can diligently perform their duties set in ‘code’ by the organization sponsoring them.
Let us examine the significant events since the dawn of the twenty first century.
The previous administration under President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney arrived with a prototype for Iraq war even prior to 9/11. This was confirmed by the administration’s defectors some of whom testified before Congress.
Then the devastating 9/11 attack happens, despite the ‘in your face’ warnings that,
‘Osama Bin Laden is staging an attack in the American soil,’ in a memo to the National Security Adviser and the former Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice who, in her testimony to Congress was unable to provide a legitimate response to this effect.
The extensive analysis supported by visual content of ‘Rice Testimony,’ was presented on this website for public knowledge.
The Bush-Cheney administration took over the White House in 2001, followed by a series of calamities with no end in sight.
They are:
9/11 attack in September ensued by Afghan war in Oct 2001.
Meanwhile, the preparation for the Iraq war in 2003 was well underway to allow the public to digest the 9/11 horror and the expected casualties from Afghan war that has become a way of life in the continuing nine-year battle.
Afghan war began in Oct 2001, followed by Iraq war in 2003, while fueling civil wars in Africa and military coups in Latin America, the Middle East always reserved as the tipping point due to convenience.
What happened to the economy with the Bush-Cheney administration’s focus on the wars?
Just like when you try to cook too many dishes on high temperature and fail in your juggling act, the dish meant to satisfy the hunger is burnt, leaving the weaker ones famished.
In fact, during the Bush-Cheney rule, the economy was on autopilot granting the free market a free pass that predictably headed for a free fall.
Similarly, in 2009, the new administration under a Democratic President with lots of hope and commitment to ‘Change’ the way Washington and the rest of the world behaved was sworn in.
The wars and the related activities like closing of Guantanamo, 9/11 terrorist trials, overseas rendition…was declared as the ‘National Security,’ issues and justified with the refusal to prosecute the masterminds (Professor John Yoo and the likes ascending to the top of the previous administration)) behind torture techniques that conspicuously violated the Geneva Convention and other international laws.
A much more palatable topic, health care legislation was adopted to distract public outrage from the perpetual wars that have bankrupted the economies with irreplaceable loss of lives.
The nation and the Congress were absorbed in the bitter health care battle, and the administration got involved in a third war in Yemen. Although, the operation is disguised as a proxy war, it’s costing the American taxpayers notwithstanding the U.S. and Yemeni lives.
Further, the administration declined to ratify the ban on land mine treaty signed by many countries around the world to protect children from deaths and life-long physical disabilities forcing many to survive on prosthetic legs.
This was yet another cooperative action by the Obama administration embracing the Bush doctrine, written and authorized by the military industrial complex.
When the top military Commander General Stanley McChrystal placed the order for an overwhelming 108,000 troops to serve in Afghanistan, it was cleverly broken down in three phases.
This is in addition to the 20,000 troops that were dispatched soon after the Obama Presidency took the oval office.
Therefore, the initial 40,000 troops were reduced to 30,000 due to my strong protest with the administration evidenced in the blogposts on this website.
I was against any troops presence leave alone the troops increase for they knew from the beginning that my demand to them was troop withdrawal from all fronts and not just in Afghanistan.
In the health care legislation, the Obama candidacy onset disguised their preference with ‘Single Payer System.’
Upon securing the Democratic primary victories, the Senator rapidly moved over to private for profit system – the intended policy all along, again per the ‘Corporate Power’ agenda.
After assuming power, the Obama administration rejected the public request for ‘single payer’ system or the ‘public option’ in the least.
The legislators in the House and the Senate favoring either of the two options were slighted by the administration, notably the non-legislator and ex-DNC Chairman, Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, describing his position as:
“We are not concerned about Howard Dean or others interested in these two options.”
Health care legislation was meant to be buried during summer 2009 with the ‘Tea Party’ express gaining momentum and the public’s diminishing faith on the issue.
The administration even declared that it was going to move along to other domestic and international matter.
When I questioned their lack of enthusiasm and insisted on persevering until it’s approved via the blogpost:
Why Public Option is not an option in the Historic Health Care Reform? – December 29, 2009
I saw in the news report that if the health care bill is revived,
It would be without a public option.
The Senate bill was prepared and sure enough, it shored up anger and disgust in many corners of the country.
They blamed it on the lack of legislative votes.
Subsequently, I confirmed my grievance through these articles:
Public Opposition to Senate Health Care Bill – December 24, 2009
The Senate Health Care Bill – Defrauding Democracy – December 16, 2009.
It’s clear that the health care legislation was decided by the industry through their representatives in the Senate and the oval office.
Senator Rockefeller was advocating for public option until certain period.
In 2010, the Senator shifted gears. When confronted by the media reporter, he said in passing that he was opposed to public option.
Public needs are no longer a consideration in legislative matter.
Legislation is passed to promote the corporate welfare against the people’s choice.
Soon after the election, the Executive branch is altered into a subsidiary by the puppeteers.
If you view the pattern from the Reagan Presidency until now, regardless of political party, the financial deregulations, wars, health care, energy, environment and foreign policy are enigmatic.
The attempt is a temporary fix or band-aid treatment to silence the courageous dissenters and then the policy restores the original setting.
It appears there is enormous strife in achieving the legislative goals and then eventually the winners are the Corporate Power and the military industrial complex with the ‘President’ of the United States proudly declaring it as the ‘people’s victory.’
When ‘Hope and Change’ was marketed, it raptured millions not only at home but also overseas.
There were promises made towards transparency and accountability.
What happened to those ideals?
Evidently, they were campaign slogans not to be believed as the solemn oath carved on stones.
The Bush-Cheney administration ignores the 9/11 warning drags the nation to Iraq war on false pretext, tortures and holds the ‘terror suspects’ indefinitely by denying Habeas Corpus, bankrupts the economy and ruins the national image.
In spite of the administration’s tarnished record, the Obama Presidency upon swearing in, decides to ‘move forward,’ and not cling on to ‘the past.’
It’s one administration covering another. Perhaps, it’s also related to the ‘oath’ at the secret meeting attended by the Presidential candidates with the press corps, media and the public duped in a bizarre circus scenario.
Presidential ‘oath’ in public to serve the nation is violated in the issue of national health care legislation and abjudication of Presidential duty to investigate and prosecute the former administration led by the President George W. Bush and the Vice President Dick Cheney for their constitutional breach from 2000 to 2008.
The former President Barack Obama has failed to honor the constitutional oath to serve the nation and safeguard the interests of the people of the United States.
His resignation was due on April 12, 2010, which has been discarded, in an utter disrespect for the office of Presidency.
Hence, I approve the impeachment proceedings against the default President Barack H. Obama by the members of Congress effective immediately.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
President of the United States of America