Welcome to a New Era!

April 12, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Dear Fellow Americans and Citizens of the World,

This morning a major decision was made to allow the smooth transition of Executive Power in the Oval Office.

It was done in order to move forward in achieving the domestic and international goals.

There are far too many challenges to deal with, here at home and abroad.

Beginning with politics, economics, health care, education, social issues, energy, environment, national and global security are the main issues.

In the United States, the economy and the health care legislation require fixing. There is an urgent need to expedite the job recovery and simultaneously revive the slow housing market.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the March unemployment rate remained at 9.7 percent with the number of unemployed persons at 15.0 million.

Of this data, the long term unemployed appears to have increased by 414,000 over to 6.5 million. Further, in March alone 44.1 percent have been unemployed for 27 weeks or more.

This is a difficult situation for the American families and the economy.

Extending the unemployment benefits along with resurrecting the manufacturing base, energize the small business and retail outlets including tax incentives to corporations should provide a reasonable relief to the job market.

The housing market experiencing foreclosures and credit crunch require immediate attention with credit flow and effective strategies to reverse the trend.

Therefore, the American families can retain their home values and for most of them, it would be the loan adjustment programs allowing them to make affordable payments in order to stay in their homes.

Both job and housing markets are dependent on credit supply.

The financial sector is due for a financial reform with the re-enactment of Glass Steagall Act along with an independent consumer rights agency to monitor the home loans, credit card and other retail transactions.

Reducing national deficit and fiscal responsibility will be a primary objective.

A thorough review of the financial market is essential to implement the regulations to protect the consumer, investor and the taxpayer from any future bailouts.

Health care legislation will be amended to conform with the ‘Medicare for all,’ Single Payer System and the necessary reform for the private industry to coexist as detailed in the ‘Universal Health Care’ article recently.

Education will be reviewed to address the funding status in terms of salaries to attract highly qualified teaching staff, school supplies and better facilities, curriculum to assist K-12 students in becoming more competitive at the local and international level.

Focus on Science, Math, Arts, languages, sports will be a priority including programs for students with special needs.

College education fees revised for the students from low-income families and federal grants for research and development to the state run institutions with an investment value return.

Social issues would involve immigration, gay rights; focus on improving poorer neighborhoods and community services, early child centers and senior citizens services to be renewed with an identifiable revenue source to fund the programs.

Energy Policy – Clean renewable energy will be pursued – Solar, wind, hydro thermal notwithstanding bio fuel to supplement the varying demand.

Environment – The Mexico summit in 2010 is crucial for the global nations to accomplish the COP15 agenda and other environmental issues.

National and Global Security – Troop withdrawals from Iraq and Afghanistan along with military budget divestments to Peace Corps and diplomacy will precede the extraordinary military budget consumption.

The national and global security issues – A departure from the activities since 2000-2010 on torture, overseas rendition, Guantanamo bay etc. in compliance with the humanitarian law.

High value terror related sources would be verified and structured accordingly to meet with the national as well as international security.

Socio-economic investments in the regions susceptible to terror recruitment will replace the military expenditure.

Economic aid to Africa, Middle East, Latin America, Asia and Island nations will be promoted.

Foreign Policy:

Israeli-Palestinian Peace Treaty – Independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine. Palestine and Arab nations’ agreement on recognition of Israeli sovereignty and security. Freezing settlements and return of land to Palestine in the Palestinian territory.

Iran and North Korea – Strategic dialogues initiated with the governments. Efforts in outreaching the population of these countries by exchanging cultural, educational and travel activities would vastly improve the political situation.

Cuba – Dialogue and diplomacy with the Cuban government. Extending round trip travel for U.S. residents and the families in Cuba. Eliminate the trade embargo as it hurts the population more than the power.

Latin America – Democracy will always be favored over military regimes and repressive governments. Military base in these regions is to be withdrawn to ease tensions within borders.

Brazil – It’s an emerging economic power and a regional force in Latin America. There is hope and optimism in the relationship between the United States and Brazil.

Mexico – The drug related violence would be addressed by prohibiting the arms supply from the United States.

United Kingdom – The partner in the Afghan and Iraq war. The U.K and the U.S share a vision on many issues. Exchange intelligence information to safeguard global security and maintain the formidable unity between the two nations.

Russia – It is promising. U.S and Russia along with other nuclear powers should arrive at a consensus on complete nuclear disarmament.

Europe – Healthy relationship will continue and work together on economy, environment and energy policies.

Japan – Strong economic ties and strategic partnership to resolve the North Korean nuclear and political standoff in the Korean peninsula.

South Korea – Warm friendly relations reflected in economic trade, political and cultural exchange.

China – Beijing has been conciliatory on the currency value adjustment. It’s enormously encouraging.

However, fair trade practices towards foreign corporations could enhance the bilateral economic prospects.

Human rights issues in China and Independence for Tibet will commence shortly as part of the planetary preparation to form free nations on earth. I look forward to Beijing leaders’ positive reaction.

India – Many opportunities are on the horizon. Economic, environment, nuclear disarmament, energy and educational ties could mutually benefit the two popular democracies. Regional security in the Indian sub-continent and the Indo-China border would be a dominant issue.

Nepal – The nation at the Himalayan foothill should form a democratic government and not desire a communist system even in a coalition as it had experienced the political unrest from it. Nepal is a tourist attraction for the American tourists.

Pakistan – Similar relationship with that of India. Transform warfare into peace through investments in economic, social and educational projects. Collaborate on eradicating terrorism and share resources for common security.

Afghanistan – President Hamid Karzai’s administration has to disavow corruption and make the government more transparent. Peace with Taliban fighters willing to disarm is a good approach. It has to be a long-term commitment. Afghan government must start working on the economy and the infrastructure.

It’s understandable that it cannot make progress with the war on the Afghan soil. That’s why the troop withdrawal will be a priority beginning this year.

President Karzai should repeal the non-consensual consummation law against women and allocate funding for social advancement to uplift the women’s status. Nation building with international aid is the fundamental step towards progress.

Central Asia – Trade and economic cooperation in the region would be mutually beneficial.

Sri Lanka – The ethnic Tamil population and other minority groups deserve equal economic, educational and social rights particularly the political representation in the Sri Lankan Parliament.

Burma – Democracy is the preferred system by the Burmese population and the military junta should release the pro-democracy leader Ang Sang Suu Kyi for her participation in the national election. Burmese people have suffered long enough. It’s time for them to be free and lead the nation to the twenty first century.

Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam – The U.S relationship with all of these nations is solid and has a great potential to grow in many areas.

South Africa – An economic, cultural, environment and a peace partner with the United States. South Africa is the regional leader in Africa. There are lots to look forward to with the young democratic nation.

Rest of Africa – Renunciation of civil wars, military regimes and corruption is earmarked for the African nations. No more political instability and investments in conventional arms. Instead, African countries will be assisted to become the self-sufficient and economically vibrant region.

Middle East:
Saudi Arabia – Will continue to remain a strong ally of the United States.

The coalition government in Iraq with Sunni representation is important for the region. The United States and Saudi Arabia need to collaborate in helping Yemen economically that would alleviate the Yemeni plight and perhaps end the internal political turmoil. Moreover, the terror networks might find it hard to hire young recruits in a better economy.

Jordan – A great friend and an ally of the United States. The mutual aspiration to see a Palestinian state is imminent. Jordan’s economic and political partnership with the United States is poised for a continuous success.

Egypt – Is another vital representative and a key player in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.
United States and Egypt go back a long way in the political remaking of the Middle East.

Like other nations, the people in Egypt yearn for freedom of expression and a free and fair election. Egypt could probably transcend the current system to enable the people rejoice their newfound liberty in the next election.

Iraq – Is unique like a phoenix. The latest general election dispute should be settled without any violence and the secular coalition government is the ideal political solution to bring peace to Iraq. United States troop withdrawal in 2010 would normalize the people’s existence in Iraq.

Syria and Lebanon – U.S. could have fresh diplomatic ties with both nations. At the same time, it’s best for Israel, Syria and Lebanon to reconcile the differences and aim for a peaceful beginning.
Peace is attainable with peace seekers perseverance.

UAE & Bahrain, Qatar and the Rest of the Middle East:
Economic ties and military cooperation with all of these nations are good. Much to anticipate in the long run.

Australia – The land of OZ is a beautiful country with common democratic principles. Environment, nuclear disarmament, renewable energy, trade and commerce create tremendous outcome for both U.S and Australia.

New Zealand – United States and New Zealand could become leading partners in green technology and explore other trade partnerships.

All other island nations across the globe – Each one of you are equally important and the United States will work with you to resolve the environmental threats you face in the rapidly changing climate. We should strive to reach an agreement during the Mexico summit in 2010. In addition, the U.S. will coordinate efforts in the economic, energy and all other fronts.

I welcome you all to a new era. I request that we put our differences aside and work together in harmony for a peaceful, brighter and prosperous world.

We must reject war for peace. Let there be freedom for all with none held against their will.

As the earth’s inhabitants, we have individual responsibility to preserve the habitat for eternal life.

We can make it possible collectively in appreciation of nature’s gift to humanity.

May God bless all and the Planet Earth.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant
President of the United States

Oath of office of the President of the United States

April 12, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

45th President of the United States

I, Padmini Achintya Arhant do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

An Invitation to Experience the Dilemma

March 25, 2010

By Padmini Arhant,

Dear America and the Rest of the World,

I stated my desire to be ‘A-Political’ by not being affiliated to any political party and continue to pursue the peace and environmental goals. Subsequently, there has been flurry of attacks and disparaging remarks mounted by those whom I have supported up until now.

I can understand such position from the quarters dedicated to unsubstantiated allegations.

However, the political power and the ‘public funded’ networks using my donations to attack my decision with the former being fully aware of their doing and the latter without any facts beckons scrutiny.

It’s in human nature to jump into conclusions on matters with false information. They usually target individuals challenging the power to prioritize people over personal and special interest.

The victims become a ‘fair game’ for the authorities and sadly the “public funded” networks searching for scapegoats.

Unfortunately, the trend thus far has been – glorify privately but vilify publicly.

Alternatively, use them when it’s convenient and trash them upon finding their position a nuisance to the power and others following the norm.

I had always maintained that my contribution is focused towards humanitarian and environmental issues, in the United States and around the world.

In fact, it was suggested in their nuance. It was published recently in the local newspaper and I present that segment again.

“A potential source of his problems is the conflict presented by Campbell’s two chosen career paths.

He has spent his career advocating for civil liberties and academic freedom as a law professor while also trying to get ahead in the cutthroat arena of politics. But defending the rights of unpopular individuals is turning out to be poor politics.”

At another instance, it was advocated through their newly found hired networks that Church and State should remain separate and I concur with that philosophy, and repeatedly reinforced the message on my life purpose to fulfill obligations towards humanity without hindering or endangering anyone’s political or personal status.

Hence, the authorities ought to explain the inconsistency and indecisiveness on their part going back to the political campaign in 2008.

Further, I expressed my intention to exercise the first amendment right granted to every individual in a ‘free society.’ in the material presentation based on evidence and not a concocted theory.

Again, I’m not interested in the popularity contest, even though it’s been misconstrued in the manner that deemed fit among the faultfinders.

There was an accusation about my attachment to ‘polls’ during the reference to a ‘friendly advice,’ and it would aptly apply to political figures concerned about their term in office and the re-election prospects, not the peace activists.

On the one hand, I’m being characterized as ‘delusional, a pervert, an underground media prankster, egotistical, self-important with contradictory lifestyle, a bitter and angry mobster’… to say the least.

Interestingly, while on the other, the assailants know where to contact me for donations, in spite of the falsely accused ‘underground’ branding.

Yet, they relentlessly insist that I promote their agenda as predicted during the Presidential campaign –

“Empower some and enslave the targeted ones.”

Somehow, one tends to forget that while finger pointing, it’s essential to pay attention to the remaining fingers directed towards them, especially in the presence of suppressed public evidence.

Seeking flaws in others will eventually lead to none other than them upon soul searching.

That why, it’s important to look within and they’ll find themselves.

Besides, as stated earlier negative emotions hurt the ones harboring more than the ones it’s aimed at.

Their targets are not allowed to have principles and must work according to the state’s preference – i.e. embellish or exaggerate policies and records sometimes to the detriment of democratic values.

When I discuss the real life experience, it’s attributed to ‘presumptuousness.’ On the contrary, the similar citation by them and the authorities in power is admired as ‘family values.’

The irony being, the same ‘public funded’ cable networks considering themselves above the fray from the mainstream counterpart have adapted to the malpractice for unexplained reasons and preoccupied in mudslinging literally at my expense rather than engaging the political power by asking the tough questions on the approved and pending legislations.

Notwithstanding, the highlighted hypocrisy in the obsession against their target.

For instance, the health insurance reform was passed with political wrangling and arm twisting tactics. It was well known from the beginning that the Republican opposition would not yield to any concessions.

More poignantly, the last minute appeasement to attract the ‘anti-abortionist’ votes within the Democratic Party was done with the ‘Executive Order’ explicitly denying the federal funding for the women’s health rights.

There was none including the networks claiming to be the ‘voice for democracy’ dare to ask the authorities –

Why couldn’t they use the same ‘executive order,’ granting ‘Universal Medicare for all’ or include a robust ‘Public Option’ to make the reform truly meaningful?

Not surprisingly, upon signing the legislation, the insurance stocks skyrocketed in the absence of neither.

When there has been precedence set before with the former President Lyndon B. Johnson legislating “Medicare” for senior citizens reportedly analogous to ‘as simple as turning on the light switch’ by declaring, “Medicare begins tomorrow,”

Why didn’t the democrats move forward with a bold action, when the event concluded without a single republican vote?

Why is the law completely effective only in 2014, two years after the ‘possible’ second term of the incumbent administration?

Why not in the year 2010 or even 2011? –

To this, The White House responded that it would take four years to implement the massive overhaul.

Then in that case,

Why didn’t the authorities pursue the easier option by mandating the existing and established Medicare for all?

Regardless of the political ideology, contemporary politics revolves around personal political security on legislative and international matter.

From health insurance reform, 9/11 terrorists trials to the Israel-Palestinian conflicts, policies are carefully weighed in terms of electoral consequences and politically ‘safe’ strategy against,

‘Taking the political risk or laying down the reputation by doing what is right for the nation and humanity.’

As for the alleged ‘delusional’ predicament, I was approached and asked to be a volunteer since January 2008, Presidential election and up until now.

Although there were assumptions that, I was on the White House payroll and receiving payments from the Democratic Party, the truth of the matter being it was a ‘full time’ volunteer service all along.

It was truly an honor to be able to participate in the historic election and work alongside millions of volunteers in the political process.

Meanwhile, I also share the common plight of any average citizen trying to raise a family, generate an income to survive and provide for my children’s future, particularly their educational expenses.

The last three days while the incendiary attacks were carried out against me, I was attending to my sick child and busy meeting with family commitments, since I do not have an extended family support.

Therefore, I apologize for not updating on the developments leading to the unnecessary confusion.

I remain committed in my service to the nation and the people struggling to find a voice in the privatized political system without compromising on ethics and personal values.

Finally, I extend an invitation to experience the dilemma prior to passing judgments against anyone sincerely devoted to seeing the world, a better place for all.

Your understanding and cooperation is deeply appreciated.

I sign off with love and peace to all.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Presidential Communiqué

March 19, 2010

President's Letter

Response to Hon. Governor Tim Kaine’s Letter

March 18, 2010

Dear Governor Kaine,

I acknowledge receipt of your inspirational letter and the kind remarks.

I’m truly honored to receive the ‘unique’ gift from our Hon. President Barack Obama.

My response to the letter from the President and the current developments particularly on the Health Care will be presented shortly.

Your patience in this regard is immensely appreciated.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Hon. Governor Tim Kaine, Chairman, DNC – Thank you.

March 18, 2010

DNC Letter
DNC - Letter Page 2

Subliminal Attacks – A new wave Politics

March 8, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

I would like to thank the visitors to the website www.padminiarhant.com in the United States, India and around the world.

Your love and support makes the effort worthwhile.

As stated in the profile, the website objective is to promote peace, progress and prosperity for all with a major focus on protecting the environment, the only ideal habitat for living species in the universe, thus far.

It is depicted in the logo – Save the Planet,and Peace on Earth.

That being the goal, I express my gratitude and deep appreciation to the readers of my articles for taking the time to read and reflect on the topic.

In coherence with the paradoxical universe,

Success is greeted with genuine affection and enthusiasm for its representation – obviously from the supporters.

Likewise, it’s also subject to hostility, propaganda and rejection – by the opposition.

The purpose of the material on the website is to engage the like and the unlike minds in a serious thinking process beyond surface review in order to understand the self-created complexity largely responsible for the global status quo.

Criticisms are directed in many different ways. Constructive criticisms enhance quality.

Targeted criticisms often subvert facts with fiction and personal convictions.

Earlier on the element of truth was explained in a manner to allow rational thinking to prevail over confusion and distortion.

When viewed with an open mind, the articles on the website have invariably defended the weak, the oppressed, the disadvantaged and the victims of mass deception –

Dissenting authoritarianism against innocent population.

In many featured visual content, the protesters represented by the unarmed civilians and the monks were waving a white flag and a peace sign during their peaceful demonstrations for freedom and justice only to be mercilessly hurt and killed in response.

The individualism – “Me, Myself and I” restraints outreach to the less fortunate.

Saving humanity from a myriad of defiant forces is a horrendous task especially when the violators are powerful and immunized against reconciliation for common good.

Synopsis of requests made thus far:

Campaign Finance Reform – Public funded elections poignantly after the Supreme Court decision in Corporations’ favor.

Preserving American jobs by resurrecting the manufacturing sector and small businesses.

Universal Health Care for all – Single Payer System.

Tough Financial Reform – to protect average citizens from predatory and fraudulent practices, providing a safety net for the domestic economy and the global financial market.

Strong Environment Policies – fossil fuel and nuclear energy abandonment.

Public Education – Free higher education for students from average income families.

Economic and Social Justice – Gay rights and legalization of the undocumented workers in the country. Bridging the gap between the rich and the poor. Reviving the middle class in the society.

Nuclear Weapons – eliminating hierarchy prevalent under the pretext of the responsible factor and truthful disclosure on complete nuclear disarmament worldwide.

War and Military Base – Troop withdrawal, the prolonged military operations termination and defense budget divestment in the domestic economy including economic and social development in the war zones.

Being a reliable peace partner in international conflicts particularly Israel and Palestine,

Freedom for Tibet, Burma, North Korea, and Iran and curtail military coups like in Honduras, Haiti, vulnerable nations in Africa and Latin America on the United States watch.

Closure of Guantanamo bay and relinquish torture of terror suspects that’s in violation of the Geneva Convention.

Investigation of illegal invasion of Iraq war and judicial trial against the torture memo author Professor Yoo and others to prevent history repeating itself in the future.

Finally, the ordinary and the extraordinary have to leave this planet sometime in their lifetime in accordance with natural process.

Hence peace and empathy would make the world a better place for all.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


February 16, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The nation bid farewell to the two honorable members of Congress recognized as the veterans in national defense and politics.

Rep. John Murtha (June 17, 1932 – February 8, 2010)

John Murtha, a former Vietnam War veteran and then a Democrat in the United States House of Representatives from the 12th Congressional District, Pennsylvania, turned into a strong critic of the Iraq war.

Initially, Rep. Murtha joined the majority of the Democrats and voted for the Iraq war.

However, the Congressman reportedly remained confused about the premise surrounding the Iraqi invasion. Later, Rep. Murtha called for the troop withdrawal from Iraq.

Legislatively, the democrat representative served his constituents until the last moment and earned the reputation as the longest serving member in Congress for the state of Pennsylvania.

Like most public figures, Rep. John Murtha was criticized on ethics related to earmarks spending and receiving campaign contributions from the special interests.

Militarily, Colonel John Murtha appeared to have gained distinction for his service having won many Medals of Honor.

Appropriately, the Congress acknowledged Rep. John Murtha’s invaluable service to the nation.

The veteran Congressman will be missed in the strong dissent against the military presence in Iraq.
Charles Wilson (June 1, 1933 – February 10, 2010)

Charles Wilson – Previously, a United States naval officer and subsequently a 12 term Democrat Representative in the U.S House of Congress from the 2nd congressional district in Texas is remembered in the U.S operation against the Soviet Army in Afghanistan.

Rep. Wilson was apparently a true celebrity in many aspects with positive and negative connotations.

Nevertheless, the Congressman’s contribution towards the U.S expulsion of the Soviet Union from Afghanistan is memorable.

Similarly, Rep. Charles Wilson as the naval officer deserves credit for his service in the United States Navy and later at the Pentagon in the intelligence unit.

We hope and pray for their soul to rest in peace.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Congressional Conservatives’ Legislation Blockade

February 10, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

In the preceding article “Progressive Policy for National Progress and Prosperity,” I emphasized on the need to intercept the Congress gridlock by electing the ‘Progressives,’ in the Democratic Party.

Following news articles reaffirm such recommendation.

1. Congress trying to have it both ways on spending

Lawmakers lament rising deficits but fight for pet projects

By Carl Hulse – New York Times – February 7, 2010 – Thank you.

Washington – While Sen. Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga., said he was all for slowing federal spending , he has no appetite for the substantial cuts in farm programs proposed in President Barack Obama’s new budget.

Rep. Todd Akin, R-Mo, issued a news release simultaneously lamenting the deficit spending outlined in the new budget and protesting cuts in Pentagon projects important to his state.

And Sen. Jeff Sessions, R- Ala., a fiscal conservative and a senior Republican on the Budget Committee, vowed to resist reductions in space program spending that would flow back home.

The positions of these Republicans – and similar stances by dozens of other lawmakers of both parties – are a telling illustration of why it is so hard to control federal spending.

Every federal program has a constituency, and even lawmakers who profess to be alarmed by rising deficits will go to the mat to preserve money that provides jobs and benefits to their constituents.

“I am not a hypocrite,” Sessions said in reconciling his fiscally conservative credentials with his outrage over the administration’s proposal to essentially end the human space flight program and allow private enterprise to take on some of the load – an approach that Republicans typically favor.

Sessions said money taken from NASA would not be saved but would instead be directed to other Obama administration priorities that he did not support.

Others said that the annual tableau in which members of Congress criticize the spread of red ink even as they reassure voters back home of protection for popular subsidies and Pentagon projects exposed the high degree of cynicism and lack of conviction that colors the fight over congressional spending.

“It shows that in Washington, you can be firm on your opinions; it is your principles you can be flexible on,” said Rahm Emanuel, the White House chief of staff.

The Republican juggling act on spending comes after a legislative proposal for an independent commission to study ways to cut the deficit stalled in the Senate, partly because some Republicans who had originally backed the idea balked.

“There are not enough statesmen who will stand up and say, “Cut it even when it is in my district,” said Rep. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., who has crusaded against spending by both parties on pet projects known as earmarks.

It is not only Republicans who are trying to have it both ways.

Conservative and moderate Democrats who have pushed against deficit spending also quickly protested the cuts in NASA, military and farm spending.

2. GOP hammers Obama over jobs

Republicans oppose giving leftover bailout money to small banks

By Phillip Elliott – Associated Press, February 7, 2010 – Thank you.

Republicans sparred with President Barack Obama in their Saturday media addresses over proposals to create jobs, further evidence of the difficulty of bipartisan solutions to the nation’s pressing problems.

Obama pushed Congress to use $30 billion that had been set aside to bail out Wall Street to start a new program that provides loans to small businesses, which the White House calls the engine for job growth.

Republicans, meanwhile, taunted Obama with a familiar refrain:

Where are the jobs the president promised in exchange for the billions of dollars already spent?

The barb came a day after the government reported an unexpected decline in the unemployment rate, from 10 percent to 9.7 percent.

It was the first drop in seven months but offered little consolation for the 8.4 million jobs that have vanished since the recessions began.

“Even though our economy is growing again, these are still tough times for America,” Obama said.

“Too many businesses are still shuttered. Too many families can’t make ends meet.

And while yesterday, we learned that the unemployment rate has dropped below 10 percent for the first time since summer, it is still unacceptably high – and too many Americans still can’t find work.”

To help the recovery, Obama asked Congress to use leftover money from the Troubled Asset Relief Program, or TARP, to provide to small banks so they can make more loans to small businesses.

Republicans have criticized the move, arguing any money left over from the bailout should be used to reduce the budget deficit.

In the weekly GOP address, Rep. Jeb Hensarling of Texas chided Obama for proposing a 2011 budget last week that would increase spending, taxes and the national debt.

“Americans are still asking, ‘Where are the jobs?’ but all they are getting from Washington is more spending, more taxes, more debt and more bailouts,” Hensarling said.

The Republicans attack came even as key Democrats and Republicans in the Senate are working on a bipartisan jobs bill.

The senators hope to unveil legislation as early as Monday.”


3. Obama seeks boost in business lending

Proposals draw fire from Democratic leader in House

By Christine Simmons and Marcy Gordon – Associated Press – February 6, 2010

Seeking to create more jobs, President Barack Obama on Friday asked Congress to temporarily expand two lending programs for the owners of small businesses.

But a Democratic House leader slammed the president’s proposals, saying they’re the wrong approach to creating jobs.

Obama said Friday he wants to bolster the impact of the businesses that are the chief creators of new jobs in a struggling economy.

Just hours before he spoke, the nation’s jobless rate finally dipped below 10 percent – to a stubborn high 9.7 percent – in the latest government figures.

The president said he wants businesses to be able to refinance their commercial real estate loans under the Small Business Administration and he wants that government agency to increase loans used for lines of credit and capital.

The truth is, the economy can be growing like gangbusters for years on end and it’s still not easy to run a small business,” Obama said as he visited a heating and air conditioning company in a Maryland suburb of the capital.

The White House said Obama’s plan would temporarily raise the cap on Small Business Administration Express loans from the current maximum of $350,000 to $1 million.

Obama’s plan would also expand the SBA’s program to support refinancing for owner-occupied commercial real-estate loans.

But even the Democratic head of a House committee wasn’t pleased about the plan to expand SBA lending.

Rep. Nydia M. Velazquez, D-N.Y., chair of the House Small Business Committee, said the SBA Express program has been criticized for underwriting loans that banks would have made without government backing and for carrying the highest default rate of any SBA program.

“With loan defaults on the rise, we should not base our strategy on increasing the size of the least stable SBA lending program,” Velazquez said.

The initiative to refinance commercial real estate debt may dilute it and draw away too many resources, she said.

Food for Thought – By Padmini Arhant Feburary 10, 2010

It’s clear from the listed articles that, the priorities for the congressional conservatives’ on both sides are not the people i.e. the working class, the middle class and the small businesses.

If they were, they would not try to have it both ways as suggested in the article.

Evidently, the national interest is not the primary concern for the Congressional conservatives and moderates in both parties.

They are preoccupied in their faultfinding against President Barack Obama, instead of cooperating with the rest of the Congress in passing legislations especially,

The health care and health insurance reform where a staggering 46 million Americans are reportedly dying due to these lawmakers’ unwillingness to pass the much-required legislations to heal every American.

Notwithstanding, the credit crunch experienced by the small businesses from the ‘bailed out’ banks’ reluctance to facilitate lending.

Again the finance sector’s default in containing the worsening real estate crisis in both residential and commercial markets calls for immediate action through finance reform – conveniently rejected by the conservatives’ and moderates on both sides.

These legislators positioning them to be ‘fiscal conservatives’ and rebuking President Obama on the rising national debt that, they are contributing with their ambitious pet projects over the ‘average’ American plight, speaks volume on their lack of commitment to the people electing them to the office.

With respect to President Obama’s strategy on SBA lending to the small businesses, the Democrat House Committee response is irrational and confirms the legislator’s ‘out-of-touch’ with reality.

The President’s justification on this issue is right on target.

Since the bailed out finance sector is back in the game with “business as usual,” motto and focused on self-promotion with multi-million dollar bonuses culminated by their Washington representatives’ successful blocking of the finance reform,

The President’s proposal is the only viable option to stimulate the job growth in the most desperate segment of the economy – the small business.

Besides, in the absence of the banking industry long overdue lending activity, the investment risks in the small business is blown out of proportion compared to the risk exposure in the multi-trillion dollar bailouts to the banks still withholding credit to their creditors-cum-taxpayers and consequently restraining the economic recovery.

Time is running out for the conservatives on both sides in correlation with patience among the suffering millions in the economy.

If the Republican members are counting on their rebellious attitude towards the democrat President and the Congress to win elections in November 2010,

They are in for a serious disappointment for the American electorate would not reward the party with a victory in the face of their deteriorating economic conditions resulting from the Republican members’ blockade.

Somehow, if this were to happen, then it would be at the democracy’s peril.

Perhaps, it’s something, the American electorate ought to think about because they are responsible for the stalemate in Washington.

Having elected the ideological representatives for whom the people seem irrelevant – transparent in their obstinacy on legislative matter, the people are the ones who can undo the wrongdoing by voting the redundant representations out of power this November or even sooner.

Democracy is held hostage by the recalcitrant congress members defying the constitutional responsibility to serve the people and the nation as an elected official.

Washington hue shines through in these issues.

How can any President possibly achieve anything in such a hostile environment?

You decide.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Progressive Policy for National Progress and Prosperity

February 9, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The guidance is for all nations to review the status quo and not restricted to the United States.

People who are frustrated with ‘business as usual’ atmosphere – where necessary tax increases, reforms are voted against to the detriment of their loved ones’ health, economic and social well being, should speak their mind fearlessly to their representatives and make informed decisions on whether to retain or reject the official in office.

The country cannot afford to function on the idiosyncrasies exhibited by the ‘Nay’ Sayers for ideological purpose and win elections by pledging to strengthen the destructive element -the ‘filibuster,’ a weapon used by the anti-populist legislators.

Conservative and moderate democrats have their own style in blocking legislations and not surprisingly, it’s carried out at the industry lobbyists’ behest.

Only in the Democratic Party, there is diversity creating mayhem in legislations during their majority rule -– the conservatives, the moderates, the Dixie Democrats, the Reagan Democrats and then the progressives or the liberals who are constantly under attack from within and outside.

In fact, it’s the progressives or the liberals bound by the true democratic values constantly extend their support in passing legislations for the common good.

Even more reason to bring ‘progressives,’ into the democratic party to advance the national agenda.

People are interested in the Progressives’ platform and it’s as follows:

As a proud progressive, I define my principles and they are:

Prioritize the people and the national interest above everything viz. the corporation, unions, religious organizations…and any other external sources.

Speaking for myself, I’m fiscally conservative and socially Progressive.

I envision the progressive nature as follows:

Fiscal conservatism – Emphasis on valuable investments with lifetime returns as listed below:

*Economy that produces and sustains job growth,

*National Treasury geared towards National Surplus – By Presenting Balanced Federal
and State Budgets with prudent investments.

The focal point being the elimination of ‘earmarks’ spending, extravagant military expenditure,
exorbitant tax cuts for wealthy corporations and individuals, while expanding the revenue

*Education – both young and old for a ‘bright’ future.

Allocate adequate funding for K-12 and beyond. A policy already implemented by
President Barack Obama.

Continuous Investment in Math and Science, Technology, Research and
Development and Engineering Studies.

Space Exploration for human knowledge and planetary interface in communication

Equal promotion of Arts, Music, Cultural Appreciation, Sports and Language skills.

Imperative to inculcate civic duty and educate students on local, state, national
and international politics to be an informed electorate and an eligible candidate
for the public office.

*Health Care – Universal Health Care that provides for all citizens.

Healthy people means Wealthy nation.

*Energy – Clean energy – Going natural all the way with wind, solar, and thermal
sources to power American homes and free mother earth from pollution generated by
fossil fuel through carbon emissions – oil and coal.

Nuclear technology is not only an environmental hazard due to the ambivalent
nuclear waste disposal, but also a contentious political nightmare – witnessed in the
Iranian nuclear program and,

Likewise in the Indian nuclear deal prompting Pakistan to increase its potential in the
Indian sub-continent.

Besides, civil nuclear proliferation hinder the ultimate goal – nuclear disarmament
from the planet.

*Environment – Be mindful of the fact that conservation, preservation of natural
resources ensures clean and safe habitat, a necessity for the survival and
sustenance of all living species.

With respect to democracy, freedom, peace and social justice:

The controversial presenters in the media and the political circle often distort socially liberal values by associating it with the ‘psychedelic’ era and denigrate the progressives as “Eugenics” or the liberals as “loony liberals” and down to ‘expletive “R” a connotation to the mental functionality.’

Socially Progressive policy is the one that regards every individual as a human being and nothing else matter like race, religion, sexual orientation, economic status etc.,…

Progressive policy embraces peace over pre-emptive wars.

Also, the policy underscores freedom for all human beings.

Progressive policy is committed towards liberty and an independent state for those who are oppressed by the neo-imperialists, theocrats and dynasty.

Progressives are not necessarily weak in national security, for they are a force to reckon with when the nation is in imminent danger.

Security threats and warfare against the nation will be dealt with appropriately,

However, such situations would be drastically mitigated through the resilient “Peace and Diplomacy,” process by divestments from prolonged wars to the civilian economic and social development in the regions vulnerable to terrorism.

Social Progressives believe in freedom for all – people, corporations, religious institutions and the government.

People – All are created equal.

Hence, everyone deserves equal rights in all matter. Unlike the Gay community and women harassed by the conservatives and religious groups and.

Notwithstanding, racial bias and discriminatory practices against the indigenous groups, African Americans, Hispanics, Islamic followers, the people of color and last but not the least, the en masse poor targeted in the justice system across the nation.

Corporations – Endorsement of a “Free market system” allowing the Corporations to focus exclusively and act responsibly in promoting the national economic growth.

Further, expect corporations to respect and follow the government regulations as a precautionary measure to protect the consumer and the shareholders interest. Abide by the taxation laws and lead in the environmental front.

Reward corporations for national job growth and international expansion upon reciprocation from the recipient economies. It cannot be a one-way street with a dead end as seen in the contemporary globalization.

Since corporations resist government interference in the management,

Synonymously, the Corporations should be barred from running the government by investing in politics.

In fact, the latter is common in the domestic and international governance.

Corporations have become increasingly dominant in influencing governments in the national and international affairs, thereby undermining democracy to the point of irrelevance.

Religious Institutions – Freedom to practice religion in private and public as well as hold discussions but not solicitations in public square.

Religion should preoccupy in spreading peace and harmony as opposed to confusion and acrimony.

Although, the religious centers work towards humanitarian causes in alleviating poverty, illiteracy and social issues, oddly some groups are engaged in inciting hatred and hegemony.

Church and State should not collide with one another.

Instead, lend support to each other in the humanitarian crisis during natural disasters and human orchestrated violence.

At other times, the religious institutions should adhere to the specific institutional role – advocate religious tolerance and refrain from defamation.

Religious organizations can also play an important role in cultivating better human understanding and cultural relationships in the society.

The Judicial Branch – The Supreme Court is honorable with its abstinence from political activism. Displaying empathy alongside observing constitutional rule of law would be highly beneficial to humanity and fulfill the fairness act when delivering justice.

Government – The elected officials must honor the constitutional oath to serve the public and strive for national welfare at all times.

Individuals running for public office should be evaluated on their actions and commitment to the people against personal or special interest.

Campaign finance reform is the only hope to eliminate special interest dominance in a democracy.

Public representatives should be elected on public finance entirely to legitimize transparency and accountability in the democratic system.

Public funded elections could be simplified and made economically affordable. In addition, the electoral process would force the candidates to focus on policies affecting the people and the nation rather than politics indulging in personal attacks.

Government Function involves national defense and safeguarding public interest.

Adjacent to providing an array of public services, the Government role includes facilitating, monitoring and maintenance of law and order and fair trade practices in the economy.

Passing legislations to address public related issues is the government’s fundamental responsibility.

National economic progress and prosperity is measured by the national GDP and the per capita income.

That being the case, the Corporations’ greed motivated strategies and speculative trading aka gambling have effectively demolished the middle class and driven the working class, the farmers…to poverty.

It’s poignant in the recent debacles across the economic spectrum with the finance, health care and energy sectors’ operating on the motto –

All for us (the shareholders and the CEOs) and none for you (the employees and the workers).

Evidently, the dire consequences prompted Government intervention to stabilize the economy and the social structure. More importantly, it beckons to establish economic equality and social justice.

Much to the false propaganda on the “government take over,” of the economy, the lack of government action would have been apocalyptic for the nation and the global economy.

Despite the status quo, the conservatives, ironically the legislators on the government payroll decry the “government” and demand that government stay out of public and private enterprise.

Perhaps making the job easier for them to deal with nothing but political scandals.

Simultaneously, the same dissenters overwhelmingly approve the government invasion of privacy in matter concerning –

Women’s reproductive rights –

Gay rights – Prohibiting the repeal of “Don’t ask Don’t tell,’ policy in the military.

FISA – Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act granting the government unprecedented rights to spy on American citizens’ personal communication regardless of its implications on civil liberties – the foundation of American democracy.

For those raising objection to the government existence, yet being the proponents of obtuse government intrusion – the bizarre stance leads to the characterization that;

If FISA is the delicious confectionary for them, then in the wake of the 2009 Christmas day bomb attempt, the bare body scanning of the citizens could be the icing on the cake.

To summarize the societal role, each institution in their respective identity has a clearly demarcated activity and democracy thrives when the organizations remain confined to their boundaries.

You can carve your own destiny by accepting the solution providers and rejecting the problem creators in Congress – the democracy epicenter.

Your affordable donations to the Democratic Party in getting the “Progressives” elected is the only viable path to move the nation forward. Please urge the Democratic Party to invest your donations on the best, the brightest and the populist candidate.

Public Financing begins now with your contributions in any amount to:

Hon. President Barack Obama
Democratic National Committee (DNC)
430 South Capitol Street, SE
Washington, DC 20003

Hon. Speaker Nancy Pelosi
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC)
P.O.Box 96039
Washington, DC 20077 – 7243

Hon. President Bill Clinton
Democratic Senate Congressional Committee (DSCC)
P.O.Box 96047
Washington, DC 20077-7245

Congress has far too many on both sides to represent the Wall Street and very few to speak for the Main Street – the reason for the lobbyists to frequent the Capitol Hill Chambers and the Hallways.

Interception via Progressives is the remedy to the anomaly.

Unequivocally, Progressives policy is the beacon to a bright future.

Global Peace and Security guarantee Progress and Prosperity, attainable at the helm of humanitarian goals.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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