Massachusetts Special Elections – Senate Race Poll

January 19, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

In a shortwhile, the electorate in the great state of Massachusetts will be heading to the polls to cast their vote for the United States Senate representative.

This is no ordinary Senate representation, as the winner would replace the late Senator Edward M. Kennedy, the son of the nation’s most admired Kennedy family. The Kennedy’s generational service to the country is well known and particularly in the State of Massachusetts.

Since the contested Senate seat was previously represented by the United States’ most renowned and respected President John F. Kennedy followed by his youngest sibling Senator Edward M. Kennedy, it’s significant in terms of the Massachusetts electorate passing the torch to the ideal candidate now.

The choices are simple between the democratic candidate Martha Coakley, the Massachusetts Attorney General and the republican candidate Scott Brown, MA State Senator with night and day distinction in their credentials, achievements, policies and future commitments.

When comparing the two candidates’ profile and their political agenda, the democratic candidate Martha Coakley is by far the intelligent choice based on the party representation, pragmatic disposition rather than ideological resignation and clarity on all national issues as opposed to delusional perception of the real challenges in the average citizens’ life.

Massachusetts being the seat of intellect in many respects need not be elaborated on the dire consequences of fortifying the Republican Party representation through the election of the State Senator Scott Brown to the United States Senate.

Despite being the minority, the Republican Congress members in both the House and the Senate have exhibited nothing but partisanship throughout the legislative process and prioritized politics over people with utter disregard for the national interest.

The majority of the Republican Congress members serve as proxies for the Wall Street that is predominantly responsible for the burgeoning financial, housing and the overall economic calamity.

To make matters worse, the candidate Scott Brown has sworn allegiance to that effect even prior to being elected to the national office.

It’s a dangerous precedence…the prevalent culture having brought the great country on its knees with the Republican Party rejecting progress for the people electing them to the public office.

Adding more members to such destructive force is oxymoron.

With respect to the policies that are critical to the Massachusetts electorate such as the economy, education, health care, energy, environment and international crisis, the Republican members’ consistent response has been grand standing instead of constructive thinking in resolving the monumental problems created by the Republican owned Bush-Cheney administration and the Republican Congress members.

Therefore, it’s incumbent on the democrat and independent including the disenchanted republican voters to cast their vote for substance and not style considering it’s a national senate race and not a “cosmopolitan,” fashion contest with millions of lives at stake in the Senate decision making process.

Democracy is a privilege in the contemporary world with an alarming population deprived of freedom that grants the voting right to elect a representative to the political office through free and fair election.

Squandering the rare yet cherished opportunity by electing a candidate like the State Senator Scott Brown whose voting decisions on national issues are lacking in diligence and vision would be a colossal failure in rationality.

Senator Scott Brown, not surprisingly has not offered any strategies desperately required for the expeditious economic recovery anticipated by the citizens in the state of Massachusetts and across the nation.

I stand by President Barack Obama, the Democratic Party including the Independent representatives in the Congress and urge the Massachusetts electorate to go to the polls in record numbers and cast their ballot in favor of the Attorney General Martha Coakley and grant the candidate a decisive victory appropriately fitting the departed long-term Senator Edward M. Kennedy’s political image.

Massachusetts is a blue state and cannot afford to become the red state signifying the danger zone.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

The Mighty Deception – Focus on Politics and Economy

January 9, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

January 19, 2010 marks the first anniversary for the Presidency of Barack Obama. The columnist from the leading national news organization chided the right and the left political factions in the article, the excerpts listed below.

“In a world of ideological sniping, Obama can’t win.”

By Richard Cohen, Washington Post, January 5, 2010

“Last month, no American soldiers were killed in Iraq. Last month, the unemployment rate dipped a bit, the stock market ended the year up, the financial system did not crater, Detroit’s Big Three began to get a pulse – and yet a consensus started to form that Barack Obama, who is either responsible for or merely presided over all this good stuff, is a failure.

On the left, the president is being pummeled for health care legislation that does not include a public option and has not dispatched insurance executives to Guantanamo. On the right, he is being pummeled for socializing the economy, establishing death panels and allowing maniacal Nigerians to load their Calvins with boom-boom and fly into peaceful Detroit. It’s a cartoon.

Any way you measure the polls, Obama did not have a good year.

In foreign policy, Obama has sorely disappointed his fans on the left for escalating the war in Afghanistan and on the right for not escalating it enough…

He has not brought peace to the Middle East.

Obama could be a great president. He has already achieved much – possibly saving the country from financial ruin, salvaging the auto industry, getting some sort of health care reform. Possibly, possibly.

Yet, his numbers sink as his achievements rise. He is the Johnny Appleseed of cognitive dissonance, so utterly detached that when he wins it seems to be only for himself. Pollsters measure him but poets have described him.

William Butler Yeats got it down years ago: “The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity.”

Perspective: By Padmini Arhant

The author’s hyperbolic characterization of the left position particularly with the dispatching of the insurance executives to Guantanamo and the article concluding with the quotation ‘the worst are full of passionate intensity,’ suggests the print media eternal love fest with any incumbent administration.

As such, democracy is under siege with the legislations merely passed and mostly stalled at the Corporations’ will, aided by their representatives’ inaction in the Senate and the House. It’s further exacerbated with the established print and mainstream media presenting the figures but not the facts thereby joining the elitists against the populists.

Therefore, it’s essential to place things in perspective for a fair analysis.

Iraq war without casualties in the past month is great news. However, the reason behind that is adopting the “left position” to scale down the troop level and make a firm commitment for troop withdrawal, a diametrically opposite decision by the administration on Afghanistan. Despite the reality, the pledge towards peace and non-violence is characterized as “ideological sniping” rather than pragmatic stance.

The dip in the unemployment rate and the rise in stock market are welcome. Nevertheless, the national unemployment and the states’ joblessness is still in double digit with the middle class dropping to the poorer category and the poor driven to being food stamps dependents.

Stock market performance is directly related to the real and projected industry earnings. Since, the health care reform unarguably in favor of the health care industry in the absence of robust competition such as the government insurance program, the health industry stocks skyrocketed at the confirmation of the public option eliminated from the debate.

In other areas, the defense stocks always thrive rain or shine with the U.S perpetual engagement in warfare. The exception to the genuine growth is the technology sector boosting the figures and again with the drastic employment cuts to survive global competition.

It’s indeed a relief that the financial sector did not crater with the infusion of trillion dollars that has surely benefited the Wall Street more than the main street still being defrauded with no aggressive financial regulations in sight including the oversight demanding accountability on the massive taxpayer bailouts.

Detroit’s big three began to get a pulse – yet the State of Michigan ranks the highest in unemployment rate with an average 15.8 percent described as the worst annual rate in “at least 40 years,” and disproportionately greater among the African American as well as other minority groups.

It’s true that the Obama presidency salvaged the financial and auto industry from ruin and currently involved in the health care reform. Although, the salvation of these sectors were carried out to protect jobs, stimulate the economy by unleashing the liquidity in the financial market while reining in on the foreclosures through affordable lending programs, the progress has been either too slow or in many instances absolutely non-existent due to the bailout beneficiaries’ usual business tactics.

Meanwhile, the financial institution such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac executives are back in action with the same modus operandi i.e. extravagant bonuses for extraordinary failures in the sub-prime mortgage debacle that initiated the free fall of the economy into the ditch.

In the health care reform as cited above, the proof of the pudding relies on the economic impact of the remaining uninsured millions other than the 30 millions predicted to be covered under the exclusively private proposal. Other issues, like raising taxes on health care plan opted by the work force in lieu of employment benefits are a matter that will weigh in on the cost factor determined by the supply and demand free market elements.

“Some things never changes,” regardless of the power in the White House or the Congress is evident in the past year evaluation.

The Wall Street traditions continue with the financial, health care, communications and energy industries dictating terms and conditions in defiance of the free market fundamentals.

Among them are:

Demanding bailouts and refusing to be subject to scrutiny,

Legislations drafted to promote obscene profits at the expense of exhausted taxpayers and exploited consumers eventually driving the economy to the cliff and,

Last but not the least the communications industry, Comcast resisting government intervention in the monopoly of the diverse media, such as the takeover of NBC and sister networks along with the national communications service and AT&T barring competition in the deal with Apple computers in the Smart Phone – iPhone subscription services and more.

With respect to green jobs creation, the notion is ideal and it would invigorate the battered economy, provided the energy giants do not railroad the budding entrepreneurs vital to expand the sector for community access and local job opportunities.

It’s clear that the ideological sniping from the left or the right is ineffective with the administrations in power succumbing to Wall Street pressure on all issues.

There is one thing to expect loyalty from the supporters through lavish praise and flattery that would simply qualify as cronyism in the backdrop of ‘business as usual’ environment. Another aspect where the actual situation in people’s life has not changed in terms of retaining jobs, homes and the health care proposal entirely entrusted under private care responsible for the status quo.

My silence is not necessarily my disappearance into the oblivion. Any suggestions and requests made thus far in both domestic and foreign policies have been slighted even though they are decisively in favor of the struggling populace at home and abroad. Perhaps, that might be the cause for the utter disregard of opinions and ideas offered upon several political figures’ insistence to participate in the legislative process.

For instance, my request towards transparency and accountability promised during the election campaign by the Obama candidacy has deviated to closed chamber discussion with lobbyists and party members notably in the health care legislation, financial regulations and climate bill negotiations.

I’ve been urging that the oversight committee (if it exists!) hold the financial sector accountable for the bailouts and demand they comply with their end of the bargain in facilitating the credit flow and lending practices crucial to energize the stagnant economy, is largely ignored.

Likewise, the stimulus packages passed under both Bush and Obama administrations viz. TARP money $700 billion in 2008 and $787 billion in 2009 respectively has substantial amounts in cash that has not been invested vigorously to protect or create jobs in the manufacturing sector and public projects i.e. infrastructure maintenance, green technology etc.

I’m still awaiting on the logical reasoning behind withholding the vast stimulus funds for purpose other than the economic recovery via housing market revival, job growth and tax credits to small businesses and medium corporations who are forced to minimize overheads through job cuts.

In addition, the Congress passed relief funds for meager $75 billion to deal with the housing market particularly to decelerate foreclosures, is reportedly served with an acute amount of approximately $2.3million and not billion. Further, it’s reported that the treasury secretary Timothy Geithner’s explanation was “the funds held in reserve to rescue financial institutions from the housing market downturns.”

I emphasized on the required urgent action during the Bush administration bailout activities in resurrecting the Glass-Steagall Act and the long overdue aggressive financial regulations to prevent the precipitous decline of the financial assets hurting the average citizens. Not surprisingly, it received no attention.

Now, it appears that the recently passed House bill on the financial reform has incorporated some of the rigorous policies instead of the comprehensive GS Act possibly anticipating the standard revolt from the Senate.

Not all is lost but there are serious grievances among the general public that are justified with the families facing economic difficulties and it’s appropriately revealed during the November 2009, gubernatorial and congressional elections.

Considering the facts, should one remain complicit to the prevalent camaraderie between Wall Street and Washington in spite of the culture corroding the systems and bankrupting small businesses and ordinary individuals in the society?

My specific role is to represent the people i.e. the humanity at the domestic and international fronts. The task is to work for the general mass and common good to restore democracy, peace and harmony, social justice and freedom, the basic right of all living beings.

Unfortunately, the guidance on foreign policy has been deliberately dismissed by selective entities with a cavalier approach to humanitarian crisis affecting millions of innocent lives. There will be in-depth discussion in this context to dispel the myths and misconceptions surrounding the international crises.

Washington functions on the dogma that “Those who try to please all, pleases none.” The irony in the legislators’ action is the public interest invariably marginalized over the personal and special interests in the appeasement trend.

Hope and Change is yet to be experienced and possible with a paradigm shift that recognizes alleviating people’s plight as the primary goal in public service.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Message to the President and Congress

December 25, 2009

From: Padmini Arhant

Hon. President Barack Obama

Dear Mr. President,

Congratulations! On the health care bill victory.

My compliments to the members in the United States Senate in passing the historic legislation, even though I have reservations about the main content, details presented in the earlier article.

I sincerely hope that the people of this great nation will not be let down in the final deal.

It’s a monumental feat and the people have every reason to expect the best outcome favoring the mass across the spectrum and not merely the industries that are primarily responsible for the status quo.

Moreover, the expectations among the people are fair considering the fact that many of them shared their pain and agony from the flawed system.

I trust the House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will merge their political ingenuity and power to deliver the long awaited meaningful “Health Care Reform” to benefit the republic in the present and the future.

Again, free market without real competition has led to the brink of disaster and conventional wisdom dictates that experimenting failed methods for new results lead to frustration and disappointment.

Since health care is a major component of the economic structure directly affecting the national GDP, it’s absolutely necessary to have a robust policy to curb the spiraling costs prevalent in the health care management. It’s not achievable without the government run insurance program, the public option.

Changing the old ways is never easy. As you know, it’s possible through hope and perseverance.

I reciprocate the season’s greetings and wish you and your family joy and happiness always.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Successful New Year to the members of the White House,
The Senate and the House of Representatives in Congress.

Thank you.


Padmini Arhant

The Mighty Deception – War and Politics

December 9, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

The West Point address delivered by President Barack Obama on the troops surge resonate the message from the former President George W. Bush then amassing support for troop expansion in Iraq. Therefore, it is no surprise and not hard to figure out the source providing the material.

Since invasion, Afghan war is presented as the war of ‘necessity’ against the Iraq war of ‘choice.’ Indisputably, on September 11, 2001 there were over three thousand lives mercilessly and willfully murdered through pre-meditated, callous act apparently by the terror organization Al-Qaida but seemingly masterminded by the alleged real terror, the Cabal wreaking havoc on the planet thus far.

What has not been acknowledged until date is the deliberate negligence of the forewarnings and intelligence reports raising red flag on the imminent threat in American soil prior to the September 11 attack with no one being brought to justice including Osama Bin Laden. Any trials that have been conducted up until now are focused on the terrorists carrying out the heinous crime without even considering probing the conspirators in the modus operandi signifying the entire show is nothing but a charade.

Let the world not forget that the White House under President George W. Bush personally ensured the safe departure of Osama Bin Laden’s immediate and extended family members upon the terror striking the WTC and other U.S. interests during 9/11. It’s well documented and available on the video.

Despite numerous testimonials and facts presented ‘in your face’ manner, the powerful entities reining in on democracy through mass media, columnists representing the ‘reputable’ news organizations and the legislative body continue to suppress the truth behind the worst atrocity ever to take place on this planet. Plainly spoken, the justice system hijacked presumably by the secret society, the illuminati.

In fact, what these spokespersons and the silent spectators do not realize is, masquerading sinister depicts complicity to the diabolicalness evidenced in the September 11 attack. Furthermore, the cynical majority against the concerned minority share the moral and ethical degradation of the criminal epicenter.

Regardless, justice will be served in the ‘Land of the Free, Home of the Brave,’ the United States, by bringing all the perpetrators responsible for the cold blooded murder of their own citizens and scores of other innocent lives in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

The predecessors of this nation, President Dwight Eisenhower and President John F. Kennedy have courageously exposed the secret society activities and alerted the American public to come forward and challenge the unconstitutional dominance in all affairs particularly the perpetual warfare. Both Presidents have expressed their serious concerns against the undemocratic events clichéd in the past eight years with simultaneous wars, economic and energy crises eventually contributing to the unsustainable environmental disaster.

The operators’ strategy explicitly detailed by the various reliable sources viz. “the insiders,” is indeed an artful masterpiece. It’s based on creating a monumental catastrophe such as September 11,2001 followed by a reaction in the form of ‘Islamaphobia’ and solutions derived through waging endless wars in regions unconquerable leading to random imprisonments at Guantanamo Bay, Bagram and Abu Ghraib prisons,

Notwithstanding the abhorrent techniques such as water boarding, torture, extraordinary renditions, kidnapping of targeted civilians exclusively of Muslim descent from foreign locations as potential suspects, denial of Habeas corpus cited in the case U.S. vs. Sami Al Arian…

The Virginia federal prosecutor along with the U.S. Justice department under Atty. General John Ashcroft relentlessly pursued the South Florida University Professor Sam Al Arian, the Islamophobia victim after being acquitted by the jury on all twenty accounts clawed back into the vicious dragnet during the dark ages of the notorious Bush–Cheney administration.

The American professor is still a political prisoner having been subject to the draconian policies and the family put through a horrendous ordeal from the blatant discriminatory practices against the Muslim population to conceal the organizational vile activities in the name of democracy.

If the United States judicial system is based upon the constitution protecting every citizen whether native or naturalized, then the Professor Sam Al Arian deemed not guilty by the jury in the first trial should be acquitted of all politically motivated false charges including the deportation order and released immediately for reunion with his family.

Other extremes such as hiring private contractors like the infamous ‘Blackwater,’aka Xe Services LLC not only abusing our own service members especially the female personnel but also the civilian population in the occupied regions as noted in Iraq, Afghanistan and other war zones around the world.

In terms of constitutional breach against the citizens of the United States, the hyperbolic color-coded security threat constantly surfaced throughout the Bush-Cheney era and helped the administration win the second term in the national elections to pursue extended global terror.

The ‘war on terror’ enabled the establishment of the Patriot Act that led to the unlawful apprehension, humiliation and harassment of South East Asians and Middle Eastern travelers at the U.S. airports and most notably FISA, the illegal wiretapping otherwise eavesdropping on private citizens’ personal communications under the pretext of national security which essentially is the ‘Cabals’ insecurity.

Under the Obama administration, the Bush-Cheney Patriot Act is followed through to confirm the legitimacy of the tactically implemented ‘war on terror,’ in spite of the imminent ‘change’ promised on the campaign trail.

Unfortunately, again similar policy embraced now to prolong the military occupation in Afghanistan with a possibility to strike Iran under the exaggerated nuclear threat from the Islamic Republic incapable of producing the nuclear weapons required to challenge the nuclear-armed Israel and the strongest ally, the United States.

Given the pre-existing propaganda about “Iran positioned to attack Israel resulting in a nuclear holocaust anytime now,” the alarming information circulated to substantiate the devious plans behind the World War III.

It’s vital for the American and the international community to realize that Afghanistan is the preferred location for the military industrial complex, even though they reaffirmed the terror networks convergence in Pakistan. The reason being, the MIC true intention for the massive troop buildup is to utilize Afghanistan as the strategic base to launch attack against Iran that would conclusively pre-empt the World War III. Another factor is the MIC denied access by Iraq, the initial location selected as the launching base against another Islamic, poignantly the Shiite dominant Iran.

More dangerously, the war counsel represented by the U.S. Secretary of State and the Defense Secretary visibly promoting Afghan troops increase will soon exert pressure on the Obama administration and the Congress into participating in the brewing grand worldwide conflict.

Since the unveiling of the military industrial complex and the oligarchs ‘dubious scheme likely to be scorned by the ‘veteran’ pundits and experts in the respective fields,

I would like to remind the world that, prior to the swearing in of the Obama Presidency, the Vice President Joe Biden dropped the ball during the political fund raising event in Seattle, WA,on October 2008:

Biden to Supporters: “Gird Your Loins”, For the Next President …

“20 Oct 2008 … “Mark my words,” the Democratic vice presidential nominee warned at the …
Watch, we’re gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the
mettle of this guy. …. Vice president Joe Biden asks can humans be microchipped
. …. They are just waiting for chaos to bring order, their NWO. … Test
Obama’s mettle?”

Interestingly, some columnists laud the President’s leadership mettle for standing up against the anti-war democratic base rather than the supreme force dictating the world with a cleverly camouflaged stagecraft that is designed for profitable war games at the expense of death and destruction of countless innocent lives, case in evidence being the September 11, 2001.

How difficult is it to comprehend that it ‘s politically astute to represent the ‘Powerful’ than the ‘Powerless?’

Afghanistan mission is sometimes portrayed as nation building and other times a specific task to eliminate Al-Qaida about 100 or less members against the combined U.S., NATO & Afghan forces estimated around 150,000 possessing modern artillery, aerial raids via drones and every conceivable intelligence resources at their disposal. With Afghan Taliban, re-negotiation is claimed to be considered by letting them join the foreign troops in fighting against the rebels opposed to the corrupt Karzai government reinstated by none other than the illicit foreign power through intrusion.

To gain domestic support for the bizarre yet calculated war expedition, some journalists and certain media are being used for verbal and visual hypnosis to brainwash the American taxpayers footing the military extravaganza.

Nuclear threat is the new wave fear mongering to orchestrate aggressions in the vulnerable regions like the Middle East, Central Asia and the Indian sub-continent clearly mindful of the dire consequences from the nuclear confrontation. Pakistan developed into a terror haven by the architects of the global terrorism that serves the interest of the conglomerate to maneuver political upheavals in the Islamic nation with an overwhelming population in abject poverty.

Widespread terrorism is beneficial to perennial military incursion in the Islamic countries, the nerve center of the geopolitics. The successful hate campaign against Islam as the religion and the systemic abuse of the Muslim population in the wake of ‘global terror’ cannot be underestimated.


Pope’s speech stirs Muslim anger

Muslim religious leaders have accused Pope Benedict XVI of quoting anti-Islamic remarks during a speech at a German university this week.

Questioning the concept of holy war, he quoted a 14th-Century Christian emperor who said Muhammad had brought the world only “evil and inhuman” things.”

Afghan War – Troop Surge in Comparison with Iraq War – Troop Increase

Another explanation provided in President Obama’s speech for the prolonged Afghan war was the distraction by the Iraq war in 2003 suggesting it diminished the progress made from 2001 to 2003. For the war proponents, the phenomenal casualties suffered by the Afghan civilians and the U.S./NATO combats deaths are a consequential warfare tragedy cowardly described by the former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld as a ‘collateral damage.’

Simultaneously, the Iraq adventure launched through immense manipulation and contrived theories while ignoring the worldwide dissent proclaimed as a victory. When in reality, the Iraq war is still in progress with bombings and explosions taking place at the present time and the Iraqi parliament struggling to gain support to hold national elections in January and reportedly postponed to March 2010.

The Iraq war conducted in a Machiavellian approach has produced the world’s largest war widows, orphans and significant number of combat veterans wounded with both physiological and psychological damage, not to mention the tarnished image of the United States from the Guantanamo Bay, Bagram prison and Abu Ghraib images flashed around the world.

According to recent reports, Taliban is the shadow government easily undermining the beleaguered Karzai administration riddled with corruption charges from the beginning leaving the only option for the Afghan people – ‘Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t know.’ Hence, they are more inclined to accept the Taliban as the lesser of the two evils.

The illuminati agenda for the NWO progresses while Afghanistan regresses to the stone age under Taliban.

At the end of the day, if corruption is synonymous to Karzai government,

What do we call Washington?

In light of the hard core facts and evidences, it’s clear the cataclysmic terror attack on September 11,2001 ought to be investigated and the criminals regardless of hierarchy and affiliations brought to justice in due respect for the 9/11 victims and the innocent lives lost in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan.

During the Presidential campaign in 2008, the candidates from both parties laid out their precise plan to capture the world’s most wanted ‘Osama Bin Laden.’ Senator John McCain stated that

“I will follow Osama bin Laden to the gates of hell” ….

Perhaps, that fallacy is now the prophecy for the cohort behind the September 11, 2001 horror and the despicable humanitarian crime ever to be committed in the modern civilization. It would be a matter for the Supreme Court as the highest order and legal authority in the land of justice to preside over the judicial process to honor and safeguard the United States Constitution grossly violated since the dawn of the twenty first century.

This would be the real test for the legal guardians obligatory to the great nation, the United States founded on the fundamentally sacred principles that guarantees freedom, civil liberties and justice for all.

Please remember that silence and abstinence embolden injustice and violence.

The topic discussion will continue with special attention on the political aspect.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

The Reality of the Afghan and Iraq War – Myth Behind the Troop Surge

December 4, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

I urge every reader of this article to view the contents of the preceding article published under the title ‘Global Terrorism – 9/11 and Osama Bin Laden Revelations,’ International Politics, on this website,

The adapted articles and segments substantiates the fact that 9/11 attack could have been prevented at all costs and the terror leader Osama Bin Laden apprehended during many opportunities presented time and again.

Further, the recent statement from the Senate Foreign Relations Committee confirming that the former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Gen. Tommy Franks failure to execute the order to capture Osama Bin Laden within the armed forces grasp is conveniently evaded by the authorities.

Even though many credible sources have come forward and testified before Congress to this effect, neither 9/11 commission nor the members of Congress pursued any investigation against those responsible for the neglect up until now.

Subsequent to 9/11, the Afghan war was waged with the unanimous support from all around. It’s been nine years since the incursion and the conservative death toll in this war alone as per:

List of civilian casualties of the War in Afghanistan (2001–present)

The War in Afghanistan (2001–present) has caused the deaths of thousands of Afghan civilians directly from insurgent and foreign military action, as well as the deaths of possibly tens of thousands of Afghan civilians indirectly as a consequence of displacement, starvation, disease, exposure, lack of medical treatment, crime and lawlessness resulting from the war.

The war, launched by the United States as “Operation Enduring Freedom” in 2001, began with an initial air campaign that almost immediately prompted concerns over the number of Afghan civilians being killed[1] as well as international protests.


2. Source:

About 251 times as many people have been killed in Afghanistan and Iraq than in the ghastly attacks of September 11, 2001. More than 108 times as many people have been killed in these wars and occupations than in all terrorist attacks in the world from 1993-2004. The 2004 report showed terrorism at an all-time high, and after numerous experts suggested that the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were fueling the increase, subsequent reports have remained classified.
3. Source:

Professor Marc W. Herold, Ph.D., M.B.A., B.Sc. Departments of Economics and Women’s Studies, McConnell Hall, Whittemore School of Business & Economics, University of New Hampshire.

A Dossier on Civilian Victims of United States’ Aerial Bombing of Afghanistan:

“What causes the documented high level of civilian casualties — 3,000 – 3,400 [October 7, 2001 thru March 2002] civilian deaths — in the U.S. air war upon Afghanistan? The explanation is the apparent willingness of U.S. military strategists to fire missiles into and drop bombs upon, heavily populated areas of Afghanistan.

But, the critical element remains the very low value put upon Afghan civilian lives by U.S. military planners and the political elite, as clearly revealed by U.S. willingness to bomb heavily populated regions. Current Afghan civilian lives must and will be sacrificed in order to [possibly] protect future American lives.”
Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

A Thanksgiving Message – A Sense of Gratitude

November 25, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

Message to President Barack Obama

Hon. President Barack Obama

Dear Mr. President,

After careful consideration, I would like to convey the withdrawal of my support to your administration based on your recent policy decisions on many issues.

I am not a politician. Although I’m privileged to have lived in different democratic countries and had many opportunities to participate in politics, I didn’t have any affinity for it mainly because:

The political environment is often dominant with “staying in power” that provides the means to fame and fortune rather than the sincere dedication to serve the people by taking political risks against the will of the establishments controlling the government in the systems disguised as democracy.

As stated earlier to you and the American public, I had a formal invitation from the former President George W. Bush and the office of the Vice President Dick Cheney to join their team to promote their agendas. Being guided by my strong principles and convictions with respect to peace, non-violence, fairness, freedom and equal opportunities for all human beings, I declined their offer as the past administration’s ideology was not only in contrast to my belief but also proved detrimental to any kind of progress.

Besides, as expected in politics, I cannot be a ‘Cheerleader’ of hawkish policies for political correctness and vehemently opposed to being an ‘attack dog’ for the powerful.

Your candidacy in the 2008 Presidential campaign with the ‘hope and change’ message indicated that hope could become a reality through positive change in Washington. Accordingly, I got involved voluntarily in the beginning and mandatorily later on to support your campaign, despite several requests and overtures from your democratic and republican opponents to rally behind them.

In response to the wild rumors and assertions about my ‘alleged’ financial gain then, during your political campaign, or, for that matter, now, I wish to set the record straight for the skeptics and the critics: I was never paid a dime in any form or method throughout the campaign up until now.

Conversely, as you well know that I have been contributing through donations to your campaign and the Democratic Party all along, while trying to maintain my livelihood on a modest income.

Meanwhile, there have been attacks, innuendoes and insinuations against me more so from the feminist “liberal” columnist representing the New England daily failing to meet the journalistic standard of remanding the elitist women with political clout and capital to tasks on important issues like foreign policy and health care reform in the public arena.

Unlike the various administrative appointments that have taken place through political bargaining and deal exchange; I continued my unconditional free service during the campaign and after the commencement of your administration until date regardless of the experience qualifying the expression being ‘thrown under the bus’ on many occasions not to mention the sleep deprivation with maximum three hours sleep in the past two years.

In terms of plain gratitude from the beneficiary of the historic Presidency, I had the honor of receiving DR. King’s sermon that could be perceived in many different ways depending on the deliverer’s intentions implied in the message.

“If you want to be important — wonderful. If you want to be recognized — wonderful. If you want to be great — wonderful. But, recognize that he who is greatest among you shall be your servant. That’s a new definition of greatness.”

In my view, DR. King is the inspirational force who compelled the disheartened spirits to submit themselves to achieving greatness through service to humanity and strive hard to transform the status quo. Alternatively, in a spiritual sense the interpretation of ‘the greatest among you’ leads to the only entity Almighty God and his love amply reflected in the creations, the indomitable service to mankind.

Nevertheless, I’ll continue to exercise my right guaranteed to me in the first amendment, and remain steadfast with my commitment to the highest commandment to promote peace, progress and prosperity for all.

Thank you.


Padmini Arhant

Response to Vice President Al Gore and DCCC Chairman Rep. Chris Van Hollen

November 19, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

Dear Mr. Vice President and Rep. Van Hollen,

Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding to your request. However, the required information sent on priority basis should be available prior to the deadline.

Enclosed please find the contribution and the survey completed with specific targets vital for immediate economic recovery and national progress.

I appreciate your kind remarks and the invitation to participate in the legislative affairs. I pledge my support to defend the policies benefiting the people of the United States of America as well as the global citizens.

Furthermore, I consider it’s really important for the incumbent and the prospective legislators to make a firm commitment to serve the people electing them to office and not become the proxies for the special interests. I reiterate the fact that despite millions of dollars in investments towards any political campaigns, the ultimate power lies with the electorate in a democracy.

I stand beside President Barack Obama and the Congress to serve the nation and humanity in urgent need of action on many fronts outlined in the 2009 Priority Issues Survey.

Constructive criticisms against strategies detrimental to national and global interest help the administration and legislators focus on delivering the promises to the American public and the international community at large. I urge the honorable members in public service to regard them as my deep concerns for our great nation undermined in the past eight years and the partisanship prevalent among the conservative factions in the Capitol Hill.

Rest assured my primary goal is to ensure the Obama Presidency is a phenomenal success in addition to the responsibility to promote international cause through freedom, democracy and peace for all.

Thank you.


Padmini Arhant

Vice President Al Gore – Communiqué

November 19, 2009

By Padmini Arhant


Gubernatorial and Congressional Race – 2009

November 5, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

Congratulations! To the winners in the recent election that has revitalized the Republican Party grabbing the gubernatorial race in Virginia and New Jersey, similarly reassured the Democratic side with the historic win in upstate New York and anticipated victory in California that anything is possible in general.

Since the election outcome, the Republican members’ rhetoric is directed towards the Democrats’ domestic policies particularly the health care reform and the ‘cap and trade’ bill. As usual, some pundits targeted the ruling majority’s agenda and concluded that the electorate’s verdict on Tuesday’s election was the quid pro quo to the Republican minority.

Politics is convenient. Naturally, the wind is not meant to blow in one direction and more so in a democratic environment. The Republican base and members have all the reasons to be jubilant considering the consecutive defeats in 2006 and 2008. However, interpreting the current two- states election results, as national representation is optimistic and often witnessed in the partisan political arena.

Synonymously, California would have enthusiastically bid farewell to the incumbent administration given the disastrous performance by the head of the state and the legislature.

Two common factors were prominent in the electoral results – poor voter turnout and the electorate dissatisfaction.

Like stated earlier in my letter – ‘2010 Elections – Response to President Bill Clinton’ published on this website, October 15, 2009, category – Politics – United States.

“The burden is on the elected officials to honor the pledge made on the campaign trails and not become habitual of post-election betrayal during their term in the office. The conventional political trend that maintains a campaign policy and then adapt to the elected term policy to appease all except the ‘average’ electorate has to change to energize the voter turnout.

Therefore, the voter frustration often leads to abstinence enabling the opposition gain majority by default. It’s typical of every democracy.”

It’s rather interesting to note the exuberance displayed subsequent to the electoral process, claiming that “conservative resurrection,” is a national warning to the ‘liberal’ or ‘far-left’ policies in Washington.

Amid confused celebratory moments, it’s essential for a reality check to enlighten the critics’ minds anchored on the ‘progressive’ movement dedicated to bring about the long overdue ‘change’ in Washington and shift focus on the issues demanding urgent action.

First, the Republican legislators in Washington until date have remarkably protested national progress in every step of the way in line with the conservative ideology to blockade economic opportunity and social equality to the American public regardless of political affiliations.

Sadly, the political ambition overrides the rationale that poverty, hunger, disease, joblessness…the economic woes are non-discriminatory and affects the people at large.

When the Republican lawmakers unconstitutionally vowed to derail legislations purely on partisanship, the political characteristics define the elected officials’ individual goal. The standard pretext to vote against public cause is “Big Government” and “Out-of-control” spending.

At the same time, the fiscal conservatives have absolutely no qualms voting for the disproportionate defense budget producing casualties at an alarming rate, while holding reservations for life saving legislations such as health care and environment.

Although, the noise is deafening in terms of vehement opposition to the economic stimulus, health care debate, environment etc., the conservatives’ crafty maneuvering of the political discourse without a viable and guaranteed solutions to any national issues confronting the country thus far signifies political ingenuity.

Having been responsible for the crises – economic, social and international, one would expect the driver driving the bus into the ditch to apply the necessary skills and save lives instead of planning further sabotage. Unfortunately, it’s an unacceptable strategy for the conservatives on both sides of the aisles determined to grandstand the people in a democracy.

American democracy is viewed as excessively tolerant to inaction in legislative matters that has emboldened the special interest to issue ultimatums through their paid representatives in the Senate and Congress on health care and other public concerns, rendering the government of the people, by the people and for the people a mere political formality.

Another extremely distressing social topic is –

‘The Maine voters’ repealing the Gay rights to ‘Same Sex Marriage.’

Ironically, nationwide the opposing majority classify them as ‘fervently religious’ and yet conveniently disregard the Universal Gospel that ‘All are created equal.’ The antipathy towards the civil and constitutional right seeking legalization of the marriage is regressive for a modern culture that takes enormous pride as an egalitarian society.

Reverting to the electoral success, it’s for the Republican governors in the states of Virginia and New Jersey to be the rainmakers with the political capital at their disposal now. Perhaps, they could share the secret formula or ‘mantra’ with their counterparts in other states like California and Capitol Hill to expedite the economic recovery.

I convey my best wishes to the Governors-elect Robert McDonnell of Virginia and Chris Christie of New Jersey and Congressmen Bill Owens, New York and Lt. Gov. John Garamendi of California in their new challenging roles serving the respective states and constituency.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

2010 Elections – Response to President Bill Clinton

October 15, 2009


Hon. President Bill Clinton.
New York

Dear Mr. President,

Thank you for your letter. It’s truly an honor to receive your request.

I share your thoughts and concerns about the 2010 elections outcome. Needless to say, that you have experience with the opposition majority during your presidency and the challenges you faced in the legislative process with the “Government Shut Down” led by the former speaker Newt Gingrich and the republican allies.

Although, I agree that the Senators competing for their first term or re-election require the grassroots/base support, the general public perception from the health care debate is – the conservative and the moderate democrats forget their promise to the electorate that initially support them to get where they are now.

Instead, they follow the special interests’ policy in the legislative matter evidenced in the ‘Senate Finance Committee’ health care reform bill rejecting the public option.

As a veteran political figure, I’m sure you acknowledge the voter frustration in this regard that often leads to abstinence enabling the opposition gain majority by default. It’s typical of every democracy.

It’s hard to rally the people even within the party when the promises are broken and ‘Special Interests’ agenda prioritized over the public interest. This is in reference to the ‘Blue Dogs’ and the moderate Democrats’ failure in their commitment to the health care reform, the environment policy and the energy bill.

Despite their claim that their unique position attributed to the demography i.e. the conservative Southern States and the relatively lower population in the remote country regions not adequately provided for through social programs might be legitimate. However, their sworn allegiance to the special interests against the constituents in key issues do not bode well during the election campaigns.

The burden is on the elected officials to honor the pledge made on the campaign trails and not become habitual of post-election betrayal during their term in the office. The conventional political trend that maintains a campaign policy and then adapt to the elected term policy to appease all except the ‘average’ electorate has to change to energize the voter turnout.

I couldn’t agree more with you on the mid-term election vulnerability. It’s possible to strengthen the political majority in the House and the Senate through solidarity among the democrats on all issues concerning every American. Unfortunately, in this respect, the Democrats are severely lagging behind their opposition that remains unified regardless of the ideology.

Therefore, the status quo with the sixty Democrats constituting an ‘absolute’ majority is still an uphill battle for the crucial bills to pass in the Senate without the Republican vote. Such gridlock is unnecessary and counterproductive.

Obviously, the present democrats have to reach a consensus to cooperate in the legislative matter affecting not only their constituents but also the entire nation in the rare opportunity to make progress.

Since, the sole purpose of my involvement in politics against the preferred spiritualism and humanitarian field is to ensure the national and global achievements in every aspect; I will do my best to help the nation reach the milestones by supporting the deserving i.e. the people’s candidates elected or re-elected to the office.

Again, I emphasize that the major responsibility for the positive electoral results, rests on the incumbent and the prospective Senators / Representatives in their role as the lawmakers making important decisions affecting the people and the nation, demanding a dynamic shift from the self interest funded by the ‘special interests.’

I take the opportunity to congratulate you on the ‘Clinton Global Initiatives’ success and immensely appreciate the significant contribution to humanity.

Thank you.


Padmini Arhant

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