Change we can believe in – The ideal Secretary of State

November 24, 2008

Let us see what the American electorate and some courageous journalists/reporters thoughts are in this respect.

The authors in the capacity as responsible journalists and citizens have raised some relevant questions of the most important aspect of new presidency i.e. recruiting staff members for key positions and administrative tasks.

The author, Mr. Pinsker has highlighted the ironies between the Lincoln Presidency and the scenario with the future Obama Presidency.

Obama shouldn’t copy Lincoln’s Cabinet style – Matthew Pinsker, author of “Lincoln’s Sanctuary: Abraham Lincoln and the Soldiers’ Home,” wrote the article for the Los Angeles Times.

Consider this inconvenient truth: Out of the four leading vote-getters for the 1860 Republican presidential nomination whom Lincoln placed on his original team, three left during his first term – one in disgrace, one in defiance and one in disgust.

Chase was the defiant rival.

As Goodwin acknowledges, the Treasury chief never reconciled himself to Lincoln’s victory, continuously angling to replace him.

Lincoln put up with this aggravation until he secured renomination and then dumped his brilliant but arrogant subordinate because, in his words their “mutual embarrassment” was no longer sustainable.

The significance of Seward’s contributions as Lincoln’s secretary of state have been challenged by many historians, and his repeated fights with other party leaders were always distracting.

Lincoln was a political genius, but his model for Cabinet-building should stand more as a cautionary tale than as a leadership manual.”

One of my favorite and esteemed journalists, Mr. Friedman poses a potent issue…

Cabinet post for Clinton presents special concerns – Thomas L. Friedman is a New York Times columnist.

“So President-elect Barack Obama is considering Hillary Clinton as secretary of state,

How should we feel about that?

My question is whether a President Obama and a Secretary of State Clinton,

Given all that has gone down between them and their staffs, can have that kind of relationship,

Particularly with Clinton always thinking four to eight years ahead, and the possibility that she may run again for the presidency.

I just don’t know.

When it comes to appointing a secretary of state, you do not want a team of rivals.”


Hillary Clinton a better fit for Senate than secretary of state – David S. Broder, Washington Post columnist.

As per the article…

What President-elect Barack Obama wants and needs in the person running the State Department is a diplomat who will carry out his foreign policy.

He does not need someone who will tell him how to approach the world or be his mentor in international relations.

The last thing he needs is a secretary of state carving out an independently based foreign policy.”


Obama staff: friends, others – Administration a mix of loyal advisers, Clinton Veterans – Charles Babington and Liz Sidoti, Associated Press

A particular segment of the article is noteworthy:

“Obama raised eyebrows this month when he tapped some of Clinton’s closest allies for important jobs.

John Podesta, Clinton’s former White House chief of staff, is heading the transition effort. Illinois Rep. Rahm Emanuel, a former top Clinton adviser, is Obama’s chief of staff.

Former Clinton appointees Eric Holder and Janet Napolitano appear in line for Cabinet posts.

Even more, startling to many, Obama has signaled plans to name former first lady Hillary Clinton as secretary of state.

Some Obama supporters have praised him for reaching out to his toughest primary opponent.

But others question why they worked so hard to defeat Clinton only to see her, and many close to her, grab prizes in the new administration.

They note that Obama repeatedly campaigned against “the politics of the past” and Washington “dramas,” thinly veiled jabs at the Clinton presidency as well as President George W. Bush’s tenure.”

Letter to the editor of mercury news on various dates: Thank you.

Voice of the Electorate…

Business as usual despite change vows –

Barack Obama sucked people into believing he is all about change, which they want more than anything else.

Then once we elect him, he surrounds himself with all the very same people who have absolutely no reason, or desire to change anything. All that has changed here is the name of the guy on top who’s getting his pockets lined.

Good luck, America…it’s business as usual.

David Harbert

After election, all we can do is hope –

“It hasn’t taken very long for the media to turn pessimistic on Barack Obama’s ability to deliver on his sweeping promises for change and reform.

Instead there are predictions of smaller incremental improvements, like “Obama can make quick, modest gains on health care”.

This could be the test Joe Biden predicted would come during the early months of the Obama administration, but rather than some external foreign crisis, this will be a test of his internal mettle – a crisis of conscience.

Will Obama have the courage to stand up to the powerful interests in Washington and do what he thinks is right, or will he back down and give up on his promises?

We’ve already voted, now all we can do is hope.”

Rob Morgan

Don’t see much change so far –

I did not vote for either Barack Obama or John McCain, but as Obama won the election, he is now my president and I am anxious to see how he will move our country forward.

But throughout the campaign, I kept hearing about “change” and now I see that Obama and his selections are not much “change” at all.

Where are the new faces?

Where is the “change”?

Unfortunately, at least now it seems we’ll all have to wait another four years for “change.”

Brian Chang

Where are the fresh faces in Cabinet?

I didn’t vote for Barack Obama, but I’m hoping that he will be a great president because the country needs one.

But I look at some of his nominations for Cabinet and staff positions and wonder where the “change” is going to come from since, as I read online today more than half of the people named to Obama’s transition or staff posts have ties to President Clinton’s administration.

And people like Hillary Clinton as possible secretary of state and Tom Daschle as health and human services secretary seem like “more of the same.”

I was hoping for some fresh faces, but maybe that is still to come.

Randy Breunling


From: "David Plouffe,"

To: Padmini Arhant

Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2008 1:47:54 PM

Subject: Where we go from here

Padmini –

Please take a few minutes and help shape the future of this movement.

Share your campaign experience and your thoughts on the best way to keep supporting our agenda for change.

The inauguration is just 63 days away, and as President-elect Obama and Vice President-elect Biden prepare to take office, they’ll need your support more than ever.

You’ve built an organization in your community and across the country that will continue to work for change — whether it’s by building grassroots support for legislation, backing state and local candidates, or sharing organizing techniques to effect change in your neighborhood.

Your hard work built this movement. Now it’s up to you to decide how we move forward.

Take this short survey and share your ideas:

Thanks to you, this country has an historic opportunity. Electing Barack was the first big step, but there’s a lot of challenging and important work ahead.

Together, we can keep making history,


David Plouffe
Campaign Manager

Obama for America


Re: Where we go from here

Padmini Arhant

Dear David,

The past week has been hectic for me.

Therefore, could not reply to your request.

However, please view my feedback in the blog post on the relevant topic.

Thanks and Best Regards



It is evident from the above articles and comments that the American electorate as well as the nationally acclaimed journalists and authors have spoken regarding the appointees to various posts and nominees for key positions.

I concur with all of them against leaning back to the Clinton era for most important administrative posts and cabinet positions.

The Obama movement for “change” is unique and it should reflect that message starting with the appointment of staff members all around.

It is fair to admit that the former President Bill Clinton had a successful two terms from the economic standpoint.

However, it is worth remembering that foreign policy matter suffered a great deal in many respects, including a terror attack on the World Trade Center.

We are in a new millennium and a dynamic Presidency ahead of us, there is talent galore to fill in cabinet and other administrative positions.

They do not have to be Clinton associates and advisers.

Further, the movement to transform Washington was a pledge to the American electorate with a commitment to have Obama administration represented by outsiders and not insiders of past power and establishment.

Many aspiring and deserving individuals without any ties to political interests in Washington will enthusiastically serve the Obama-Biden administration in utter loyalty and competence unlike seen before.

It is also important to consider many qualified volunteers and campaign staff across the nation for administrative posts who generously offered their time, resources and support for the success of the Obama-Biden candidacy.

The present recruitment or nomination is suggestive of nepotism and favoritism that is typical of Washington all along.

Naturally, the electorate is frustrated not seeing any identifiable change that is desperately required for national interest.

Secretary of State – The most sensitive cabinet position given the present volatile world environment.

Unfortunately, from the track record of the incumbent administration in international affairs, there is an urgent requirement for mending process with peace and diplomacy.

Senator Hillary Clinton is a hard working public official and aptly qualified as a Senator to represent the people of the Great State of New York.

Nevertheless, the reason Senator Clinton lost the primary election was her gaffes regarding foreign policy experience…

Bosnia sniper attack,

Her vows “To Obliterate Iran with Nuclear Weapons”

Failing to acknowledge until the end of the Primary season that her vote for Iraq War was indeed a mistake.

Notwithstanding other facts detailed during Democratic Primary election about her foreign policy resembling the present administration rather than the future Obama administration.

There will be many awkward moments with great conflict of interest if the voting record and political platform of the Secretary of State is drastically different from the President they are serving.

Not excluding the lack of respect and unnecessary diplomatic tension it would create among the international circle.

In a nutshell, Senator Clinton’s experience and leadership is suitable for fulfilling the commitments towards the people of the great state of New York considering the recent political turmoil experienced by them.

Some might argue that disagreement is healthy and perhaps adds a new dimension to the Obama-Biden administration.

Their argument is valid provided, the disagreement is not to undermine the elected President, the highest authority.

Usually, there are two possibilities for individuals to disagree with one another.

First, when the ulterior motive is to promote personal agenda.

Alternatively, when the individual in disagreement genuinely cares about the issue and offers an objective viewpoint to guide the stray party.

Therefore, the ideal candidate for Secretary of State symbolizing the real change,

The promise by Obama-Biden administration…

Is an entity — with a consistent and proven voting record, personal philosophy and firm commitment towards peace and diplomacy in national and international legislations.

Even though, there are quite a few choices available,

The candidate with the following credentials is best suited for the Secretary of State position –

Legitimate concern for civil rights and ethics

Voting against unjustified wars

Voting against unlawful tapping of private communication among citizens of the United States

Reaching across the aisle to work with opponents in a maverick style – a valuable asset in resolving many international conflicts,

That candidate is none other than the elected official from the Great State of Wisconsin, Senator Russ Feingold.

Senator Feingold will demonstrate leadership, experience, patience, confidence and intellect in resolving many pending international conflicts especially the Middle East between the States of Israel and Palestine and other global matter.

It is evident that Senator Feingold by voting against Iraq war displayed courage and judgment like the President-elect Barack Obama.

The similarity between them is uncanny in terms of many issues and policy matter.

At the same time, Senator Feingold has respectfully disagreed with President-elect Barack Obama on issues like Public Financing and FISA.

Senator Feingold has the right balance — maturity and experience in handling any international crisis with poise and diligence to the satisfaction of the American electorate and international community.

Inconclusively, Senator Feingold’s appointment will create an opportunity to expedite the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the best interests of the people of the two nations entitled to independence, peace, security and sovereignty.

Also, curb global terrorism the premise of unresolved Middle east conflict.

Finally, I’m confident that President-elect Barack Obama and Vice President-elect Joe Biden will deliver the “authentic Change we can believe in” all matter.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Presidential Communiqué

November 20, 2008

Thus far, the campaign events were about the developments leading to the victory of the Democratic candidate in a historic manner.

It is time to conclude the interesting, dramatic, challenging and the most exciting Presidential race with the honorable acknowledgements.

As stated in the earlier blog posts, my contribution to the Obama candidacy privately acknowledged throughout the campaign by President-elect Barack Obama.

President-elect Barack Obama never failed to express gratitude and deep appreciation of the hard work since my involvement in the campaign.

I received the genuine acknowledgment promptly after every primary race and the general election.

Here are the excerpts of some communication held following important moments of the campaign:

Prior to the acceptance of Democratic Nomination:

Obama for America

Invitation to join the election night:

From: Barack Obama

To: Padmini Arhant

Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 8:22:21 AM

Subject: Will you join me on Election Night?

Join Barack on Election Night
Padmini –

I want you to be there with me on Election Night when the results come in.

We’re planning a big event that will include tens of thousands of supporters in Grant Park in downtown Chicago.

We’re saving some of the best seats in the house for 5 people who have given to the campaign before — and who decide to make a donation one last time before Sunday at midnight.

You can bring a guest, and we’ll fly you in and put you up in a hotel for the night.

You’ll go backstage at the big event and — no matter what happens — you’ll have a front row seat to history as we celebrate the supporters who got us over the finish line.

Any donation counts — whatever you can afford. Show your support at this crucial time with a donation of $250 or more, and you could join me on Election Night:

This movement for change has been a testament to the power of ordinary Americans coming together to achieve extraordinary things.

I look forward to having you there on Election Night.

Thank you,



My response to the invitation:

Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 3:40:21 PM PST

Dear Senator Obama,

I am honored and delighted to attend the historic night on November 4, 2008.

I predicted this night in my letter to Amy Goodman of in mid-January 2008.

Some might say audacious while others, probably presumptuous!

I have absolutely no qualms about your victory on November 4, night.

Hope, you remember that I posted the blog "The Winner" on February 2, 2008 and took lot of heat from the critics during the Primary election.

However, this time I do not wish to spoil the surprise for many feeling nervous about the outcome.

Let me be the first one to congratulate you on your victory as the 44th President of the United States.

My heartfelt Congratulations to you ahead of time!

Best Wishes,

Padmini Arhant

Private and Intended for Addressee only please:

I could not attend the election night for reasons explained in the blog post – Transparency – Broken Promise.


On the Historic Night, November 4, 2008 – As the results poured in, I received the following email from our President-elect Barack Obama:

From: Barack Obama

To: Padmini Arhant

Sent: Tuesday, November 4, 2008 8:17:45 PM

Subject: How this happened

Padmini –

I’m about to head to Grant Park to talk to everyone gathered there, but I wanted to write to you first.

We just made history.

And I don’t want you to forget how we did it.

You made history every single day during this campaign — every day you knocked on doors, made a donation, or talked to your family, friends, and neighbors about why you believe it’s time for change.

I want to thank all of you who gave your time, talent, and passion to this campaign.

We have a lot of work to do to get our country back on track, and I’ll be in touch soon about what comes next.

But I want to be very clear about one thing…

All of this happened because of you.

Thank you,



Finally, I am profoundly thankful to President-elect Barack Obama for his kindness, understanding and greatness demonstrated throughout his communication with me.

It is just unfortunate that he could not express his true sentiments in public as stated in earlier blog posts.

It is truly an honor to be part of history.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Transparency – Broken Promise

November 12, 2008

A promise is a promise!

I do not wish to make anyone standby for too long on issues that concerns this nation and the people.

The electorate granting power to elected officials have the right to know the truth about the real authority.

We are about to write a new chapter in history.

The new administration is elected on a popular and unique theme “Change.”

Therefore, it is important to identify the “Change” that is about to transpire in the offing.

Our nation made history by electing an able and spectacular candidacy represented by President elect Barack Obama and Vice President elect Joe Biden.

I am absolutely certain that a positive change will occur through this administration provided,

The Power remains with the elected Presidential candidate and not infiltrated by entities with ulterior motives that is detrimental to national interest.

It is hard to prophesize precisely without accommodating risks and dangers in the horizon.

However, one can recount the personal experience and issue forewarnings about similar events in the near future.

If memory serves from our experience with the current administration, individuals with unsavory track record are usually susceptible to abuse of power.

After all, old habits die hard.

My entire experience as a mandatory volunteer right from the beginning, i.e. way back in January 2008 up until now for Obama campaign is historic despite the dramatic developments behind the scenes which is about to unfold in this blog post.

There was a flurry of requests and continuous flow of communication via email and snail mail to get involved in the election campaign from both Democratic and Republican Parties.


The original transcripts of communication held with President-elect Barack Obama during the crucial moment of the election campaign.

Appreciation Note


The original transcript of the letter, I sent to Senator Barack Obama during the Presidential election.


October 1st, 2008.

Senator Barack Obama                  Private and Confidential
Presidential Nominee                  Intended for Addressee Only
Democratic Party

Dear Senator Obama,

Thank you for your letters and kind remarks.

I have been dealing with some emergencies at the home front and therefore could not respond to your requests.  Please accept my apologies.

I am going to be candid and forthright in my communication with you.

I believe in honesty, integrity and sincerity in my commitment to people.

Senator John McCain has been seeking my support since the Presidential elections and more so now.

Several other high profile members of the Republican Party including Mr. Karl Rove follow the requests.

I responded to Senator McCain’s numerous requests to support his campaign.

Senator McCain is persistent and firmly believes that I should join him on board and help him win this highly contested election.

America knows my passion, genuine concern and sincere commitment to see the nation restore economic and social progress, democratic values, free and fair elections, equality, international peace and justice, prosperity and last but not the least environment protection.

I understand that sometimes the conflict between ideologies and pragmatism surges in “Politics”.

Hence, the path of shadow is the choice over light.

It is not a simple decision yet, proven to weaken the fundamental principles of a human being.

It is no secret that the stakes are high not only for the country but also for both political parties.

I share the millions of Americans’ anxiety, frustration and disappointment with the government failure and corporate mismanagement.

Therefore, my decision to represent the choice of candidates is strictly based on the individual and collective policy of each candidate that would benefit the people, business, economy and humanity overall.

I know how important it is to have Washington represented by effective leadership.

If I were to resume my support for your candidacy, I need the following terms and conditions met:

I can no longer work for the campaign as a “volunteer” like I did during the Democratic Primary election.

I need respect, recognition and acknowledgement of my significant contribution not privately,

However, in public with monetary compensation, i.e. salary for my hard work guaranteed to yield results as it did during the Primary election.

I expect nothing less than five star treatment and protection as your representative or surrogate.

I pledge my support to your candidacy  if it will represent the people and not the Special Interests/lobbyists.

As well as forces sworn allegiance to policies that has led this great nation to chaos and catastrophe.

Simply stated, the policies must reflect the true democratic values and principles that I stand for and you deeply believe in as revealed by you in your earlier communication with me.

The movement for change will speak loud and clear with our firm commitment to serve the people of the United States.

I look forward to your favorable response as there is very little time left and we all know that time is of the essence in everything especially during election.


Padmini Arhant


I tried sending six copies of this letter via priority and certified mail with delivery confirmation twice to the President Elect Barack Obama, to maximize receipt by him.

It was successfully intercepted and confiscated by Michelle Obama each time, thereby forcing me to agree to her terms of “My way or High way”, which was no pay, no recognition and in return, donation to the campaign on false pretences.

Meanwhile, Michelle Obama persistently demanded via email and regular mail that I get involved in the campaign immediately up until the election day.

The original transcript of Michelle Obama’s demand on election day, Nov 4, 2008.

This was by and large the communication style of Michelle Obama with me.


Vote Today… Tuesday, November 4, 2008 1:00:28 AM

Michelle Obama<>

To: Padmini Arhant

Padmini —

Today is Election Day.

The opportunity to set our country on a new path has never felt more real than it does right now.

The polls are open in most places, and people are already making their voices heard for change.

There’s just one thing left to do — vote and make sure everyone you know votes, too.

You can find or verify your polling location by looking up your most recent registration address at

Go vote today, and make sure you take your friends and family with you.

This is the day when we have to commit to doing everything we can. We can’t afford not to — for our families, our communities, and our future.

Once you vote, you can do more than just wait as the returns come in.

You can help get every last vote for Barack by volunteering in your community or making calls from home. Help put us over the top today:

It’s not too late to knock on doors, make calls, and make sure that every one of our supporters gets to the polls today.

Change is within our reach. We’re counting on you to get us there today.


Reality Check:

As usual, Michelle Obama never bothered to email or mail a “Thank you” note up until now in return for my free labor energizing and inspiring the entire nation to grant Obama/Biden candidacy a landslide victory to create history.

Preferential Treatment:

Contrarily, Patti Solis Doyle who managed Senator Hillary Clinton’s campaign successfully negotiated the position as Obama’s Chief of Staff to VP Candidate well before the candidate Senator Barack Obama’s nomination in return for Hispanic votes..

Confirmed by Google Search : Patti Solis Doyle is Obama’s Chief of Staff to VP Candidate. ….. Patti Solis Doyle, who managed Hillary Clinton’s campaign for the first …

Further Abuse of Power:

Source:’s Politics Blog, June 16, 2008, 12.31ET

Original Post: The Fix by Chris Cillizza – Thank you.

Four years removed from running the communications department for John Kerry’s presidential campaign, Stephanie Cutter is joining Barack Obama’s national bid as chief of staff to the candidate’s wife.

Cutter will not only run Michelle Obama’s political world but will also serve as a senior adviser to the campaign.

It’s a critical role given the focus already on Michelle Obama on the campaign.

The potential future first lady drew unwanted attention earlier in the race when she declared that her husband’s candidacy was "the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country."

Focal Point:

This appointment took place in advance — June 2008, prior to the party nomination of the President-elect Barack Obama.

The Democratic Party nomination took place between August 22nd – August 27th 2008.

The million dollar questions are:

1. Since, when is the speculative “First Lady” prior to the candidate’s party nomination is entitled to her own Chief of Staff in the history of White House appointees?

Notwithstanding the fact, the payroll of such unethical appointment was presumptuously bankrolled with the taxpayers funds through donations to the Obama Campaign.

Please visit Presidential Scam – Who is Michelle Obama, on this website for further confirmation of facts.

2. America, Can our nation really sustain yet another dominant abuse of power?

3. When is it democratic to regard the exploitation of a citizen or citizens, the privilege and prerogative of another for their narcissistic goals?

4. Is it the kind of dream Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. had for this nation, where the dominance of one individual over others will be accepted graciously by the pioneer of democracy in the world?

We have already witnessed the tragic outcomes on Prop 8 and Disabled voters – Please refer to my article “The Irony of Equal Rights” on this website.

It is only a matter of time, when the majority will soon be subject to the will of the doctrine that dictates… “Empower Oneself  and Enslave the rest."

5. The grave concern is “Does democracy stand a chance under such disguise?”

6. What will happen to the credibility in restoring or establishing democracy elsewhere, when our house is in disarray?

The entire theme of Change was embraced by the American electorate on the premise of Transparency and Accountability.

When there is gross abuse of power by an entity in a manner resembling the conduct of the present administration, prior to being sworn into the White House,

What might ensue upon assuming authority is the legitimate concern in spotlight?

Well, I never received any response for my request to be paid for the workload allocated to me by Michelle Obama.

However, I received a personal request from the President-elect Barack Obama via email and regular mail.

The original transcript is presented below:



Eventually, I got involved with none of the terms agreed to or obliged by Michelle Obama, for the sake of the country’s future and in honor of the above request from the President-elect Barack Obama.

The only problem being, President-elect Barack Obama was never allowed to acknowledge my contribution in public as stated in the blog post Presidential Scam – Who is Michelle Obama? featured under Politics on this website.

As emphasized, all of the statements in the blog post are testaments and not allegations.

Further evidence is provided in the latest blog post – Presidential Communiqué.

Ironically, Michelle Obama firmly believed in "divine intervention" with winning the election.

Hence, relentlessly pursued me to achieve that goal.

Interestingly, she does not validate the "truth" spoken with great conviction by divinity about her misconduct in general and throughout the election campaign for personal gains.

Indeed, even "Almighty God" is a fair game for those seeking power in politics.

Power and Politics is a dangerous cocktail that intoxicates the human mind with an illusion of "Supremacy" leading to defiance and denial of the actual "Supreme force."

Illusion is confusion, confusion is no sense of direction, no sense of direction is ultimate self-destruction.

Thus proving that end justifies the means. Otherwise known as Karma.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Request from Senator John Kerry

November 8, 2008

From: John Kerry <>

To: Padmini Arhant

Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 4:10:23 PM

Subject: Swiftboating

Obama for America

Dear Padmini,

Stand Up and Take Action

I support Barack Obama because he doesn’t seek to perfect the politics of Swiftboating — he seeks to end it.

This is personal for me, and for a whole lot of Americans who lived through the 2004 election.

As a veteran, it disgusts me that the Swift Boats we loved while we were in uniform on the Mekong Delta have been rendered, in Karl Rove’s twisted politics, an ugly verb meaning to lie about someone’s character just to win an election. But as someone who cares about winning this election and changing the country I love, I know it’s not enough to complain about a past we can’t change when our challenge is to win the future — which is why we must stop the Swiftboating, stop the push-polling, stop the front groups, and stop the email chain smears.

The truth matters, but how you fight the lies matters even more. We must be determined never again to lose any election to a lie.

This year, the attacks are already starting. Some of you may have heard about the disgusting lies about Barack Obama that are being circulated by email. These attacks smear Barack’s Christian faith and deep patriotism, and they distort his record of more than two decades of public service. They are nothing short of "Swiftboat" style anonymous attacks.

These are the same tactics the right has used again and again, and as we’ve learned, these attacks, no matter how bogus, can spread and take root if they go unchecked.

But not this time — we’re fighting back.

And when I say "we," I mean that literally. I know Barack is committed to fighting every smear every time. He’ll fight hard and stand up for the truth. But he can’t do it alone.

We need you to email the truth to your address books. Print it out and post it at work. Talk to your neighbors. Call your local radio station. Write a letter to the editor. If lies can be spread virally, let’s prove to the cynics that the truth can be every bit as persuasive as it is powerful.

The Obama campaign has created a place where you can find the truth you’ll need to push back on these smears and a way to spread the truth to all of your address book.

Take action here:

So when your inbox fills up with trash and the emails of smear and fear, find the facts, and help defeat the lies.

Barack Obama is committed to bringing our country together to meet the challenges we face, but he knows that power gives up nothing without a struggle — and to win the chance to change America, we must first defeat the hateful tactics that have been used to tear us apart for too long.

With your help, we can turn the page on an era of small, divisive politics — but only if next time you hear these attacks on Barack, you take action immediately:

The fight is just heating up — we won’t let them steal this election with lies and distortions.

Thank you,

John Kerry


Paid for by Obama for America

To unsubscribe, go to:

My brief response to Senator Kerry, since it was sent from the iPhone.

From: Padmini Arhant

To: "" <>

Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 9:41:47 PM

Subject: Re: Swiftboating

Senator Kerry,

Thanks for the information.

I am familiar with the ‘Swiftboating’ in 2004.
I was devastated when we lost the elections in the year 2000 and 2004 with ‘outstanding’ candidates like yourself and the Vice President Al Gore.

I will do everything to stop this negative attack.

We must win this time.


Padmini Arhant

Sent from my iPhone


Then I posted this blog on

Post from Padmini Arhant’s Blog:

Swiftboating – “Democracy under Siege”

By "Voice behind the movement" – Jan 24th, 2008 at 1:52 am EST

Comments |  Mail to a Friend  |  Report Objectionable Content

Sounds familiar!

The virus is back to attack again not only our database but also our psyche.

Somehow, this vicious and nasty virus attacks every four years i.e. around the “general election”.

Is it a menace, pest or home grown terrorism?

The virus spreads deadly and malicious rumors about the democratic candidate with an inevitable victory.

It is a fear mongering tactic to undermine democracy and steal the general election.

The only way it knows to participate in the electoral process.

It was very effective in the year 2004 against the successful Presidential candidate Senator John Kerry and now it is launching attacks against Senator Obama.

The despicable practice and harmful message filled with hatred, bigotry and venom is widespread and corrupts the mind frame of the electorate from making the right choice.

Please combat this deadly virus finally collectively as spam mail.

It destroys our effort to get back on our feet and begin our life with hope, promise and bright future by electing the candidate Senator Obama for the Presidency of the United States.

Please read my blog “Reality Check” that would explain the urgency and effective action required to eradicate the deceitful, deceptive, terrorist motive against its fellow citizens.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant – Copyrights reserved


Obama Campaign Development – Behind the Scenes, Communication with Senator Ted Kennedy

November 8, 2008

The long and hard fought battle is over.

Undeniably, it takes a nation to elect a leader.

That is why it is important to reflect on the development of the entire process.

As stated earlier in the previous blog post, Presidential Scam – Who is Michelle Obama, under Politics, United States,,

Please refer to the original transcript of the communication that transpired over the mysterious withdrawal of Senator John Edwards:

Soon after the withdrawal of Senator John Edwards from the Presidential race 2008 on January 30, 2008, following the publishing of my blog post Default Nominee, January 29th, 2008, 11.48p.m EST,

I received the following identical messages under two different titles within an hour from Senator Ted Kennedy on that date to my two different email addresses.

—– Original Message —-

From: Sen. Ted Kennedy

To: Padmini Arhant

Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2008 10:35:49 AM

Subject: I’m Fired Up
—– Original Message —-

From: Sen. Ted Kennedy

To: Padmini Arhant

Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2008 11:34:50 AM

Subject: I’m with Obama

Obama for America

Dear Padmini,

When I endorsed Barack Obama on Monday, I was also endorsing a candidate with the power to transform America.

As President Kennedy said in 1960, "It is time for a new generation of leadership."

This campaign is about a new generation of leadership today.

A generation ready to be part of something bigger than themselves.

A generation ready to change the country, and a generation ready to change the world.

I’m doing everything I can to elect Barack Obama.

With less than a week before my state and 21 others make their voices heard, there is no time to lose.

Please join me by making a $50 donation now:

Like my son Patrick and my niece Caroline, I have found a new generation of leadership for America in Barack Obama — and

I hope you have too!


Senator Edward M. Kennedy

P.S. — You may have already seen clips of my speech or parts of it on Monday. But take a look here. The energy in that room was amazing, and it’s spreading across America:

Video: Kennedy Rally


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I realized the urgency of the messages from Senator Ted Kennedy and I responded on the same date.

—– Original Message —-

From: Padmini Arhant


Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2008 5:11:45 PM

Subject: Re: I’m Fired Up

January 30th, 2008 .

Hon. Senator Edward M. Kennedy
United States of America

Dear Senator Kennedy,

It is truly an honor to be communicating with you.

As a child, I grew up admiring the portrait of handsome, charismatic and a dynamic world leader, the favorite son of America and one of my great heroes, former President John F.Kennedy.

The former President portrait replaced our family picture in the living room.

I am a life long Democrat and have always admired the principles of the Democratic Party.

I have been following the Presidential race in the United States since my teen hood.

I have strongly supported the Democratic Party candidates all along.

The Democratic Party field has never been lack luster.

The extraordinary talent, intellect and leadership of the former democratic contenders and the Presidents elected to the highest office on our land are unique in Presidential history.

The 2008 Presidential race has been very exciting and challenging for all of us.

The Democratic Party contenders…

All of whom are outstanding and distinguished candidates in their own right and merit have posed a great dilemma for the democratic supporters.

With too many great choices,

It is a difficult decision to elect the ideal candidate as the nominee to lead the Democratic Party to victory in November 2008.

In fact, it is a horrendous task requiring rationality and judgment.

This is a historic event with an inevitable change…

That is desperately needed to restore the magnificent image,

As well as the reputation of this great nation as the icon of democracy and leader of the new world.

My decision to extend relentless support to the candidacy of Senator Barack Obama was not influenced by race, gender or otherwise.

After the Iowa caucus, the outstanding speech by Senator Obama was reminiscent of the former President JFK.

I saw a leader and not a politician at that moment.

I also felt that he is strongly committed towards serving this great country,

And bring about the real changes in the lives of every human being across the nation and the international community.

He embraced everyone from all walks of  life.

The fact, that he was opposed to the Iraq war was the issue that encouraged me to support his campaign.

I posted a simple message on his website during my pledge explaining why I was supporting his campaign.

I didn’t realize that there were thousands of supporters out there,

Who shared my views and felt an urgent need to bring the nation,

And the world towards the path of peace, progress and prosperity for all.

Your endorsement as the distinguished Senator,

And validation by the other former First family members Caroline Kennedy and Patrick Kennedy is an enormous prestige and support for this movement.

There are millions of supporters inspired and invigorated by Senator Obama’s candidacy.

The country is all ‘Fired Up’ indeed to be part of making history in November 2008.

You have my continuous support and commitment towards Senator Obama’s campaign and the Democratic Party to victory in November 2008.

Thank you.


Padmini Arhant

Response to Request from Speaker Nancy Pelosi

November 6, 2008

Response to request from Speaker Nancy Pelosi
Response to Request from Speaker Nancy Pelosi:

September 13th, 2008.

From: Padmini Arhant

Honorable Speaker Nancy Pelosi
House of Congress
United States

Dear Madam Speaker,

Congratulations! on your historic achievement in breaking the “hard glass ceiling” as the “First Female Speaker of the House”, as well as being third in line for the “Office of Presidency of the United States”.

I am honored by your request to assist the “Democratic Party” and the “Presidential Candidate”, Senator Barack Obama in the highly contested “Presidential race 2008”.

Please accept my apologies for the delay in my response.

I am currently dealing with some personal emergency at the home front,

Therefore, unable to make any financial contributions to “DNC” or the “Presidential Campaign” of Senator Barack Obama.

Once the situation is under control, I will do my best to oblige your request in any manner I can.

However, I would like to emphasize that I pledged my support to the people and I remain committed to the democratic values that appears to be dissipating in the current electoral process.

Meanwhile, I wish the Democratic Party represented by you and the “Presidential Candidate”, Senator Barack Obama success in November 2008.

Thank you.


Padmini Arhant

Response to Vice President Al Gore

November 5, 2008

How you can help Barack

Al Gore <>


To: Padmini Arhant

Sunday, November 2, 2008 1:06:00 PM

Obama ’08

Obama for America
Padmini —

Volunteer near you In 2000, the entire election came down to a small number of votes in one county in Florida.

Four years later, we came up short by an average of nine voters per precinct in Ohio .

A small change in voter turnout would have made all the difference. Take it from me, elections matter. And this time, supporters like you can make it happen.

I know this might not be possible for everyone, but I’m asking you to consider volunteering anytime between now and Election Day — Tuesday, November 4th.

With so much at stake this year, we can’t miss any opportunity to get more voters to the polls — and make sure their votes are counted.

You have an important role to play in this election. Please sign up to volunteer.

We all watched in the last two presidential elections as the course of our nation was determined by a few thousand votes in key battleground states .

After eight years of failed policies and divisive politics, we can take back the White House and set our nation on the right path.

It’s up to each of us to make sure we turn this movement for change into millions of more votes on Election Day.

Find out how you can make a difference in these last two days, and help support Barack Obama and Joe Biden :

With your help, we can make history — and bring the change we need to our country.

Thank you,

Al Gore

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Response to Vice President Al Gore:

Hon. Former Vice President Al Gore
The United States of America

Dear Mr. Vice President Al Gore,

I am honored to receive your request via above email.

Since, all of my communication with Obama campaign is controlled by "default server" managed by Michelle Obama, I am responding to your email through the blog post.

I hope, you have the opportunity to view this message!

Due to the mandatory role as a "volunteer" all along assigned by Michelle Obama, I was busy promoting the message of equality and fairness and the America that Dr. King had in his dream for our President Elect Barack Obama.

Therefore, I could not reply to your email immediately.

Please accept my apologies and am delighted that all of our efforts and hard work has yielded the desired results for our great nation and the entire world.

As a nation, we have made history and come together in realizing the dream of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Congratulations to yourself, the Democratic Party and once again the President Elect Barack Obama and the Vice President Elect Joe Biden.

Thank you.

Best Regards

Padmini Arhant

Historic Victory

November 4, 2008

President Elect Barack Obama and Vice President Elect Joe Biden,

Please accept my heartfelt Congratulations! On your historic victory tonight.

Our great nation, The United States of America has once again prevailed as the pioneer in transcending race and making political history.

Senator Barack Obama, you have indeed made everyone proud with your impressive performance tonight.

The dream of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is realized with great affirmation and blessing from the American electorate.

You not only won the “Blue States” but also many “Red States” and that is what is great about our
United States, the nation we all love so much!

Best Wishes

Padmini Arhant

Presidential Race 2008 – Grand Finale

November 4, 2008

The Presidential race is finally nearing end with the nation in the process of electing their 44th President of this great country, The United States of America.

The representation of all party candidates is on the ballot and they have all presented their election manifestos to the electorate.

The decision lies in the hands of the voters to make the right choice.

While the entire world’s eyes set on this election due to its significance and the historic nature, the weight of the world indeed, rests on the American electorate.

Therefore, my plea to every citizen fortunate enough to exercise the fundamental right in a democracy is to cast his or her ballot on this Election Day and be part of history.

As stated earlier in my previous blog postings, like all elections, there are relevant differences between the candidacies for the senate, congressional and Presidential race.

It is equally important to pay attention to various “Propositions” presented in lieu of “Referendum” in democratic elections.

Our nation has suffered enormously in the past eight years.

The wound is fresh and requires time for the healing process.

The only way to expedite recovery is by making the right choices in all of the above races.

As much as I would like to remain bipartisan on this day in terms of encouraging all citizens to vote for their respective candidates and issues, I am also obligated to guide the nation in the right direction of peace, progress and prosperity for all.

It is my honorable duty and specific purpose of this life to fulfill the responsibilities towards not only the citizens of the United States but the entire world.

With all due respect, to the Republican Party candidates Senator John McCain and Gov. Sarah Palin and all other third party candidates listed in the, I appreciate their interests and patriotism to serve this great nation.

However, when compared to the specifics of the policies,

And the real possibility of achieving the goals to uplift our nation from all of the crises,

The Democratic candidacy represented by Senator Barack Obama and Senator Joe Biden seems far more realistic and attainable.

Therefore, I urge the electorate to cast their ballot for Obama/Biden candidacy that is not only hopeful but also seriously committed to this country and the entire world in great many respects.

I take this opportunity and wish all the candidates in the Republican and the third party my very best wishes on this Election Day.

It is important for the voters to realize that our nation has to climb a steep hill with enormous burden of debt and many crises on our back.

There is no time to rest and pause but only to reflect on the failures of the current administration and restrain from re-election of the choice resembling and representing the present government.

The electoral process should not be wasted or gambled away for trial and error as in the past i.e. 2000 and 2004.

Unfortunately, the stakes are too high and there is no time or space to maneuver once decided on this date, with another opportunity becoming available only in four years time.

The Obama/Biden candidacy focused on resolving issues with clear solutions and sincere commitment is the right choice for the country experiencing the most difficult economic times, social, political, environmental problems in the national and international fronts.

Both Senator Barack Obama and Senator Joe Biden offer dynamic leadership brimming with confidence, determination, zeal, enthusiasm, honesty, integrity and above all sound strategies for the present national and international situations.

The term “change” has been the theme of the Presidential race.

In all fairness and propriety, the actual agent who initiated and overwhelmingly enforced this message of “Change” is none other than, the Senator from the State of Illinois, Senator Barack Obama.

In fact, Senator Barack Obama truly believed in his heart that the country desperately needed to change its course and felt the urgency to implement the method in this election.

Undoubtedly, all candidates worked hard tirelessly in this campaign and dealt with compliments and criticisms alike from all sides.

Senator Barack Obama introduced new mechanism and demeanor in this political campaign.

For most part, Senator Obama had to fight tenacious battles to reach the finish line during the Democratic Primary election and then in the general election as well.

Senator Barack Obama displayed a decorum seen unlike before.

Throughout the decision making process in this election, Senator Barack Obama has come across as a leader with an ability to sail through rough seas with a calm composure and reliable in reaching the shore safely.

Despite several negative attacks, innuendoes, divisive politics, Senator Barack Obama maintained an impressive personality to accept not only his own mistakes but also others as part of human nature.

As stated earlier, being infallible is not in human condition.

Senator Obama and Senator Biden, despite the unfortunate Gaffes proved their ability to rise to the occasion and demonstrate leadership qualities essential to lead the nation in the right direction.

The reason behind our current national status is due to the lack of strong leadership in dealing with any challenges and crisis.

Placing emphasis on these characteristics is all-important when choosing a leader of a powerful nation that has the responsibility to lead the entire world.

The United States of America is on its knees with insurmountable debt, tarnished image and severe credibility crisis.

The current administration’s reckless policies and lack of chivalry in the governance of the democratic nation is responsible for the present status.

None of us can afford to let the nation sink in the treacherous sea of debt and destruction through on-going wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

It takes a nation to elect a leader, the President of the United States, the “Superpower” now and in the future.

I urge every citizen from all the great states of The United States:

Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming.

Please come forward,

Rescue our great country from the current turmoil and distress,

By electing the candidate Senator Barack Obama and Senator Joe Biden to the office of the President and Vice President of the United States,

Grant them a landslide victory in the 2008 Presidential race, and create history.

If you are tired of being bogged down in poverty,


Living paycheck-to-paycheck and simply struggling to meet ends as well as,

All those tired of the greatness of this great nation diminished to rock bottom in the past eight years, the opportunity is for you to act now and change the direction towards peace, progress and prosperity for all.

The Obama/Biden candidacy is the only ideal choice to lead the nation and restore everything lost in the past eight years under the most incompetent and immoral administration.

It is our responsibility as citizens to come together as one nation and elect the leader and the future President and Vice President of the United States, Senator Barack Obama and Senator Joe Biden on this Election Day, November 4, 2008.

Future President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden represent the hope and change for millions in this nation and around the world.

The United States of America is the beacon of bright light now and in the future and the Barack Obama Presidency will surely keep this promise.

Let us all come together in realizing the dream of our great national hero, civil right leader and icon of peace the honorable, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Finally, Senator Barack Obama and Senator Joe Biden, I wish you all the best and success with the outcome of the Presidential election on this date, November 4, 2008.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Voting Right

October 29, 2008

The election is around the corner.

Our nation’s electoral process is nearing conclusion.

Both party candidates are working very hard along with thousands of campaign workers to set a better example of a credible election in the world’s first and modern democracy.

Of course, the debates, discussions and campaign speeches will continue until the eve of the election.

What is important for the electorate to understand is their role in this historic and democratic process?

The candidates have done their part in delivering their speeches and presenting the policies for various challenges confronting our nation.

It is now entirely in the hands of the electorate to make the right choice.

We all know the consequences of making wrong decisions based on personal background, rhetoric and election gimmicks that often come into play at the last minute of the event.

Unfortunately, the rhetoric from Senator McCain and Gov. Sarah Palin’s campaign against Senator Barack Obama is fundamentally immoral and resonating the usual tactics of the political game… Do or say anything to win election .

Anyone residing in this nation in the past eight years should know where that kind of politics has brought us both in the national and international scene —

The nation dragged on its knees with the economic disaster, relentless and reckless wars, education, health care, energy and environmental crises and last but not the least the decline in morality with the cavalier approach to every problem and situation.

It is time for the electorate to rise to the occasion and save the country every one of us love.

Moreover, invite the best opportunities that are lost in the past eight years of failed policies by casting your vote for Senator Barack Obama and Senator Joe Biden’s candidacy.

As stated earlier on numerous occasions, Senator Barack Obama’s candidacy is historic in many aspects.

Most importantly, it has the right antidote for the ailing economy, health care, education, energy, foreign policy and environmental crises.

Gov. Sarah Palin’s environmental record is no secret.

Anyone in need of enlightenment in this respect please read the article Save the Planet on under environment and ethics category.

Further, Gov. Palin’s position in denying the women’s right to choose in Roe vs. Wade is yet another matter of concern in a democratic society.

Senator John McCain on his part is all over the place on all issues.

The reason being;

The Senator has focused more on vilification of his opponent Senator Barack Obama with unethical personal attacks and unsavory remarks rather than specifying the solutions for the nation’s problems.

Senator John McCain, who won the Republican Primary election as a maverick lost his persona in the general election.

The era of winning elections on personal attacks and rhetoric is outdated unlike 2000 and 2004 proclamations.

In this election 2008, a new trend has been set and the electorate, media and news organizations must insist that candidates and all other participants maintain the decorum.

Nothing else matters other than the sanctity of democratic values in this election or in the future.

All that the voters care about and deserve is the clear strategy and solutions for the problems created by the legislators mostly representatives of the Corporations.

The voters in all battleground states – Nevada, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Virginia, Florida and Missouri must make a clear choice:

If they want to see their children and the future generation relieved from the burden of multi- trillion dollar debts and the planet they could live safely and peacefully.

That choice cannot be anything other than the Obama/Biden candidacy.

Please stop guessing and swaying on the baseless and false allegations about Senator Barack Obama from the McCain/Palin campaign.

It should be obvious to any discerning voter that any candidacy that evades the real issues and invest the entire resources in character assassination of a candidate like Senator Barack Obama will be a disaster for the citizens and the country.

The time is now to claim the mantle of peace, progress and prosperity for all from those responsible for chaos, catastrophe and crises.

It is achievable only through Obama/Biden candidacy.

Your vote will count and matter only with the Obama/Biden candidacy.

Please do it for yourself, your children and all the other loved ones by voting early for the candidacy of Senator Barack Obama and Senator Joe Biden.

Finally, please standby for clarification on distortion of facts such as,

Redistribution of Wealth and other personal issues raised by McCain/Palin campaign against Senator Barack Obama.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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