Global Status Quo – Crimes Against Humanity

September 15, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

Marking 9/11 anniversary, I published the article on terrorism – the global issue haunting humanity.

The militarily superior and nuclear armed America was attacked on political, intelligence and military establishment watch.

The world was led to believe that dilapidated terror network al Qaeda suddenly incapacitated the nation poised as Superpower.

The terror attack on American soil became the premise for protagonists, catalysts and colluders to invade nations and implement pre-conceptualized Project for New American Century.

They proceeded towards their mission and even declared accomplished in the face of counterproductive adventure.

They launched military intervention in Afghanistan in October 2001. The fourteen years old Afghanistan war continues until now and become the permanent military base to dominate Central Asia.  Pakistan remains terror haven with military aid at U.S. taxpayers expense.

Meanwhile the extravagant imperial goals in Afghanistan and across the globe costing United States taxpayers trillions of dollars leaving over 50 million families on food stamps, war veterans homeless and significant number unemployed in the country.

The architects and administration were barely involved bombing Afghanistan, yet another nation on the target – Iraq was invaded under false pretext claiming that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction only to be proved otherwise. 

The WMD in reality was weapons of mass deception.

In 2009 and 2010 – the U.S. troops were increased in Afghanistan.  Although the troop withdrawal from Iraq was stated as conclusion of occupation, the ground situation confirmed troops presence with military activity.

Furthermore, the troops withdrawn from Iraq were redeployed in Afghanistan and beefed up in the Middle East rather than returning home.

In 2011 – the Arab Spring that began in Tunisia spread to Egypt resulting in the overthrow of western and Saudi Arabia backed dictatorial regimes generating hope for the oppressed population in the Middle East.

These events were capitalized to expedite PNAC objectives and spearheaded in Libya and Syria.

The world was once again misled with deceptive authorization of no fly zone in Libya for western air raids and subsequently Libya was destabilized to serve as weapons warehouse channeling delivery to western sponsored terror networks in Syria.

Syrian war with terror infiltration – funded, trained and provided logistic and military hardware until now.

United States, EU and middle east allies rejected successive peace accord on Syria to end four years old conflict.

Currently, Yemen is under relentless shelling by Saudi Arabia on United States and Israel’s purview not barring U.S. supplied cluster munitions to Saudi Arabia in onslaught on Yemen.

In Eastern Europe, EU and United States organized anti-government right wing political unrest produced massive chaos with hardline government installed leaving the nation in turmoil in eastern region and Crimea union with Russian Federation.

South East Asia – The democratically elected government in Thailand was forcibly removed from power on baseless allegations and substituted with military junta reviving political repression.

Latin America –  Democratically elected governments were toppled in Honduras, Paraguay with ongoing efforts against Argentina, Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia to name a few in the region. 

The Caribbean nation Haiti denied request to reinstate exiled popular leader Jean Bertrand Aristide to power.

Africa – The continent militarized with West and Central Africa recolonized under the guise of security against western and ally’s armed rebel factions in Mali, Central Africa and South Sudan.  The strategy promotes perpetual disasters.

Asia Pacific – United States and South Korea military drills escalate tensions alongside building coalition in the staged confrontation with China driving exponential increase in defense budget among ASEAN nations essentially boosting defense industry interests in the military industrial complex.

The outcome from these events is millions of lives killed and several millions displaced with generational impact notwithstanding refugees upsurge creating humanitarian catastrophe for Europe. 

The deliberate destruction and damages inflicted on scores of inhabitants not to mention the economic setbacks from political crises brought upon in sabotage of democracy declining hegemony control witnessed in above mentioned territories worldwide.

Accordingly, in the article published on this site titled – United States – 9/11 Anniversary 2015, those actually responsible for 9/11 and wars waged against selected nations in PNAC including protracted aggression in the above cited regions deemed guilty for crimes against humanity.

Considering subversion of justice and institutionalized criminality with political impunity, the entities behind heinous crimes evade accountability.

However, I reiterate that final judgment with consequences are indisputable and cannot be challenged delivering justice to victims to restore dharma (principles in adherence of fairness and righteousness).  The segment will be elaborated in the upcoming topic.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant









United States – 9/11 Anniversary 2015

September 11, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

The terror attack in the United States on September 11, 2001 is an unforgettable event that claimed many lives and subsequently used as the premise to invade and occupy nations until now.

The premeditated plan Project for New American Century (PNAC) implemented with assault on United States to move forward on agenda targeting nations for economic and strategic interests besides global dominance is a heinous crime notwithstanding treason in collusion.

United States citizens and foreign nationals were victims of calibrated strikes on that fateful day and since then U.S. taxpayers are funding never ending wars until today.

The catastrophe on 9/11/2001 inflicted tremendous damage with heavy death toll on innocent population in the United States and nations that were earmarked for prolonged occupation.

Afghanistan and Iraq are still paying the price and transformed into terror havens to justify U.S. and NATO permanent military base.

Libya and Syria were pursued in 2011 with no end in sight on the conflict.  United States and western allies together with Middle East coalition continue aggression in Syria.

The western air raids in 2011 facilitated weapons warehouse in Libya. The prevalent strategy prevents Libya from containing violence for unfettered access to oil and other resources in North African nation.

Similarly, in Syria – United States, Britain and France terror sponsorship with Mideast partners Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, Jordan, UAE and Kuwait created al Qaeda splinter groups – al Nusra Front, ISIl and now ISIS enlarged into global terror operation.

ISIL evolved into ISIS is funded, trained and strengthened with United States and allies direct support including arms supply to them.

Yet another war in North Africa with United States and Israel providing required ammunitions to aggressor Saudi Arabia against Yemen. 

United States distribution of cluster munitions with explosives substitutes banned land mines and as a result many children, women and elderly citizens have been killed considering Saudi shelling in densely populated areas and public premise.

In the past few years i.e. from 2009 until now – United States predator drones in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen and West Africa has consumed thousands of lives predominantly children, youth and women.

In terms of personal cost – United States and NATO suffered many casualties among defense personnel deployed in Afghanistan and Iraq from 2001 and until now.

The young men and women in the army having served in Afghanistan and Iraq war zones experience physical, mental, emotional and economic hardships with many become homeless in the United States.

The human tragedy originating from 9/11 terrorism spreading across the world is substantial alongside economic liabilities leading to severe recession far from recovery.

Above all, the real perpetrators of 9/11 established as internal complicity with PNAC protagonists, catalysts and beneficiaries including then administration headed by former Vice President Dick Cheney and former President George W. Bush in the United States and counterpart Britain’s ex-Prime Minister Tony Blair together share responsibility for war crimes against humanity.

These entities evade justice due to impunity.  However, the final judgment with consequences is indisputable.

Terrorism having replaced conventional warfare, the repercussions in blowback ignored by those behind terror operation. 

Global dissent on terrorism and terror incidents is critical although sponsors are instrumental in terror manufacture, recruitment, training and funding.

United States ending Syrian conflict and ceasing arms delivery to Saudi Arabia terminating destruction of Yemen would prove sincere commitment to peaceful resolution.

Citizens affected from terrorism in thoughts and prayers,

May 9/11 anniversary be a reminder to free the world from terror.

The world deserves peace only possible upon collective response against terrorism and the source.  Always addressing the cause would resolve the matter in entirety.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant






Iran – JCPOA Pros and Cons

August 3, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action reached between P5+1 and the Islamic State of Iran is promoted with vigor alongside conflicting statements from both sides about the agreement.

Iran is claiming to have achieved key objectives:

  1. All sanctions imposed on Iran thus far would be lifted upon respective legislative branches approval of JCPOA releasing the nation from economic embargo.
  1. Iran retains nuclear rights intended for nuclear energy programs with no intention towards nuclear weapons status.

United States adopting Russia drafted JCPOA plan confirmed by U.S. President Barack Obama contradict Iran’s position with clauses in JCPOA passed by UNSC resolution.

       Iran’s sanctions will technically remain with snap back alternative in place upon Iran’s default on nuclear enhancement.

P5+1 has offered to lift sanctions while leaving reversal option intact in the deal with UNSC singular veto creating mistrust against Iran instead of unconditional and irreversible action on embargo removal.

       Additionally, P5+1 has implicitly declared Iran a nuclear state in recognition of Iran’s nuclear rights for civilian purpose and used the platform to justify lingering sanctions for ten years with extension by another five years nearing the ten-year term expiry.

Evidently Iran and P5+1 share mutual concerns over members not honoring the pact and accordingly maintain buffer zone in response to breach of contract from either side.

Iran could accelerate nuclear activity resulting from P5+1 non-adherence to sanctions elimination.

Simultaneously, United States and Russia led P5+1 reverting to trade and financial restrictions on any suspicion of Iran’s nuclear ambition explicitly included in UNSC endorsed JCPOA.

The executive branch division – the defense secretary rhetoric warning Iran on military action and similar reaction from the U.S. President Barack Obama in recent interview add confusion to JCPOA bid.

JCPOA would be credible in the absence of prolonged sanctions against Iran that was illegal to begin with considering there were no plausible developments in Iran’s nuclear engagement.

In case, the imposition is to restrain Iran from achieving nuclear goals the current disposition creates such opportunity in response to western incorrigible strategy.

Not barring P5+1 and ally Israel’s continuous nuclear proliferation and threats endangering life and planet survival.

Again P5+1 despite significant nuclear stockpiles in possession unrelenting to denuclearization and abusing veto power at UNSC exclusive club using sanctions and military intervention as means to target nations for economic gains and strategic dominance need to qualify as a reasonable and trustworthy partner in any negotiations with rest of the world.

Upon self-disarmament, P5+1 could be regarded fair and reasonable with demand on others to renounce nuclear aspirations for a nuclear free world.

The unipolar system comprising P5+1 and EU are primarily responsible for global economic, political, social and environmental problems with nuclear and military might exacerbating human suffering.

The acknowledgment to this effect amongst P5+1 and EU is necessary and could be the precursor for global peace, progress and security.

Syria under international attack with P5+1 and EU leading members together with allies sponsoring terrorism is experiencing worst genocide with no end in sight.

The terror sponsors having utilized various tactics ranging from deploying nuclear components to chemical weapons in five years long battle forced Syria to surrender biological inventory and now preparing to enforce no fly zone aimed at stripping the embattled nation of any defense mechanism.

United States and allies involvement in Syria and elsewhere verifies track record that heavily weighs down on JCPOA.

When determining pros and cons of JCPOA, diplomacy is arguably better than confrontational pursuit and concurrently genuine outcome with terms applicable to all offenders on nuclear treaty rather than isolation method would be convincing and acceptable.

Until then, JCPOA serve as an experimental phase on diplomacy maintaining status quo with respect to sanctions and nuclear rights.

P5+1 and allies disinheritance of nuclear arms could no longer be evaded and required to free the world from nuclear menace.

Strong political will and commitment would guarantee success saving humanity from imminent peril with persisting nuclear arms race amongst P5+1 and EU besides aggressive policy.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant















World – The Real Nuclear Deal Upon P5+1 Disarmament

July 14, 2015

From: Padmini Arhant

The nuclear deal with P5+1 disarmament relieving the world from nuclear threats and use of nuclear components in the relentless warfare would be significant and relevant. 

The varying statements from the White House and Iran on the nuclear agreement leads to skepticism due to inconsistency in substance.

In the Iran nuclear deal – the facts do not correlate with the position maintained through New World Order (NWO) controlled press and communication media.

United Sates endorsement of Iran’s nuclear rights and uranium enrichment program for nuclear energy despite Iran’s declaration on oil and natural gas reserves lasting over hundred years raise credibility factor.  The situation would then open floodgates for other nations to become nuclear. 

Alternatively, the containment of Iran’s nuclear proliferation being favorable to the nuclear armed Israel – the United States and western powers ally, the objection from Israeli Prime Minister in this context is misrepresentation.  

Additionally the White House need not be warning Israel’s U.S. Congress about exercising veto upon rejection of the deal.  The charade reflects intentional misinformation.

Nonetheless, the consistent efforts to vilify the authentic divine mission and glorify negative forces continually experience debacles in the venture.

The irrefutable truth is the fake and falsehood can never be the original in identity, trait and principle.

The genuine mission engaged in peaceful and positive endeavors to relieve humanity from the rule of duplicity and deceit is a solid commitment unrelenting to deceptive demagoguery.

Regardless, the P5+1 zero nuclear status with disposal of nuclear arsenal is critical for global security yielding a nuclear free world.

The constructive aspect in the Iran nuclear matter would be lifting all sanctions effective immediately provided there is element of truth in this regard.

Similarly P5+1 extending decision to remove sanctions on all other states viz. North Korea, Cuba, Syria and any other targets would be wise and demonstrate fairness towards the people of the world.

UNSC i.e. P5+1 using veto power and arbitrarily imposing sanctions on nations branded adversary essentially wage economic warfare against the citizens of those states and deprive them from normal existence.

The P5+1 leaders having abandoned their nations on economic and social issues engaged in nuclearization of the Middle East evidently seek recognition on the accomplishment that has set precedence for more nuclear aspirations in the volatile region irrespective of the actual content in the Iran nuclear deal.

Saudi Arabia acquiring nuclear arsenal from Pakistan – the state funded by Saudi Kingdom for vested interests cannot be ruled out in the near term.

The NWO architects and catalysts are adept in creating threats evolving into tyranny worldwide and the Middle East in particular.

They started al Qaeda in Afghanistan that is widespread under diverse names al Nusra Front, ISIS,and ISIL…and perhaps more to emerge later to meet their requirement on war agenda.

Up until now, the NWO direct support to Saudi Arabia in unleashing terror prolonged in Syria, Iraq and Yemen.

In Palestine, the NWO military aid to ally Israel facilitate constant attacks on Gaza combined with United States veto promoting aggressive settlement activity in the remaining occupied territory.

The Islamic Republic – Iran’s partnership and participation with New World Order regime apparently no longer in disguise.

The unveiling of cooperation between NWO and Islamic Republic Iran reveals surprising developments in the offing.

NWO expansive relationships not without infidelity is a red alert for the allies serving hegemonic goals with fate turning against them sooner than later.

NWO backed Iraq’s former President Saddam Hussein to confront Iran subsequently to become an adversary to invade the nation.

Likewise, Libya was relieved from sanctions to benefit NWO oligarchy clinching lucrative deals in quid pro quo upon renouncing nuclear ambition during Colonel Muammar Gaddafi’s rule.  The Colonel was then assassinated in public square.

Libyan leader’s friendly ties with NWO not only cost his life but also allowed easy access to destroy the oil rich north African state.

Any peaceful nation would not pursue nuclear status given the burden of management and liability in safeguarding nuclear site notwithstanding the unknown circumstances when none of the guarantors on the nuclear pact would be around leaving the world more dangerous for the next generations.

Again P5+1 leading the world adopting non-nuclear strategy with surrender of nuclear stockpiles in their possession in transparency would earn them respect and trust now and in the future.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant










Iran – Nuclear Deal Exacerbate Global Security

July 14, 2015

From Padmini Arhant

Any peaceful nation would be determined to lead the region towards denuclearization.

However, the religious leadership claiming to be against nuclear weaponry somehow enthusiastic about becoming a nuclear state is a paradoxical paradigm.

Not to mention the stance defy logic and  God’s will endangering self-existence and that of the region.

Nobel Peace Prize winner’s commitment to nuclear armament rather than disarmament is contradictory and presents a convoluted meaning of peace.

In contrast, Syria was attacked and still remains so with United States and allies sponsoring of terror operation in that country.  The reason behind persistent violence justified as stripping Syria of chemical and biological weapons in possession.  

Syria honored the unilateral disposal of biological stockpiles under UNSC appointed agency supervision.

Now enabling Iran to nuclear status and commending the action exemplify the passion for destruction and perpetual volatility in the Middle East.

Perhaps more nobel peace prize to those for exacerbating global security!

More on this topic in due course.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

World – Nuclear Armament 2015

June 25, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

Hello Everyone!

I present the topic with emphasis on nuclear armament exacerbating global security.

In my previous segment, I talked about the implications of nuclear proliferation currently invigorated amongst major nuclear powers as well as other nuclear states worldwide.

Being a nuclear power is a burden than formidability. The misconception about nuclear empowerment deserves discussion and debate.

I reiterate my statement that nuclear status is meaningless. The reason I say this is because a nuclear state deploying nuclear arsenal or nuclear components against non-nuclear state as it happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the 20th century and subsequently in Vietnam, Iraq, and recently in Syria demonstrates weakness not strength and further highlights belligerence.

The nuclear nation air strikes laden with nuclear substance against non-nuclear state is a routine affair.

The reckless indulgence is in direct violation of the rules of engagement in warfare.

There is no deliberation prior to the use of depleted uranium or white phosphorous causing tremendous suffering to victims evident in citizens of Iraq and Gaza.

During Iraq war, the aggressors and allies used uranium on civilians in Fallujah and as a result the babies are born with congenital birth defects leading to generational impact.

This is one dimension of nuclear showdown.

The frivolous statements during presidential election in the United States warning non-nuclear adversary on the possible use of nuclear arsenal against them and euphemistically quoting all options on the table are maintained as acceptable norm of speech.

The other scenario is – nuclear nation threatening another nuclear state. The dangerous precedence ignores the preemptive nuclear exchange besides creating tensions in the region. The example is Cuban missile crisis in the 20th century that brought two nuclear powers – United States and the former Soviet Union on the brink of nuclear confrontation.

Likewise the two nuclear states in the Indian sub-confinent, South Asia – India and Pakistan Kargil war in May 1999 almost led to nuclear meltdown. 

In the 21st century, the provocation persists in the Korean peninsula with regular military drills showcasing nuclear capable fighter jets and submarines contributing to North Korea missile testing and investment in nuclear enhancement. The P5+1 usual response to North Korea’s nuclear activities is economic sanctions lasting over decades forcing population in that country into starvation.

The incumbent administration in the United States – pivot Asia policy in Asia pacific and counterpart China’s territorial annexations is another development for the world to contend with in the ongoing skirmishes in the region.

Similarly in the Baltic Sea – NATO involvement and continuous military exercise prompts Russia towards missile defense system preparedness amid disagreements between Russia and western powers on Ukraine instability.

Middle East – volatility from violence and pervasive terrorism is the choice amongst terror networks sponsors unyielding to peace prospects in ending Syrian conflict.

The intention in the Middle East is to prolong status quo having changed that part of the world into hot bed for terror operation.

Central Asia – Afghanistan designated as war zone under the pretext of combating Taliban and al Qaeda operatives in the nation.

United States military presence in central Asia substituting former Soviet Union projects the nuclear triangle with Russia and China 

Pakistan – another nuclear state with extensive terror infiltration should be a matter of great concern for the world. United States arms supply to Pakistan while extending cordial relations with ally India is a paradoxical paradigm.

Latin America – Imperial aspirations pursued with territorial disputes alongside military and naval occupation of the region.

Africa – the militarization of the continent claiming to safeguard African borders underestimates human intelligence on the real reason behind massive military incursion.

The risks that accompany nuclear status are attention worthy.

The safekeeping of nuclear weapons demand vigilance, prudence and effective management taking both human and technological errors into account.

The nuclear arsenal maintenance is no ordinary task and requires constant monitoring to avert any disorder.

The safe disposal of outdated and obsolete inventory alone costs a fortune.

In the event of mobilization of nuclear stockpiles carried out from time to time, the lapse during transportation and transit is alarming based on past incident in the United States with missing arsenal upon arrival in the destination.

Then there are nuclear sites wear and tear triggering leakage and contamination of rivers are issues that affects residents in the area.

In the aftermath of Soviet Union disintegration – the former nuclear states like Ukraine, Georgia and other nations under Soviet bloc are yet to confirm complete nuclear disarmament with remnants stock misplaced following rapid fragmentation and Soviet withdrawal.

Nuclear status is a menace costing taxpayers in billions and accordingly an economic liability to the nuclear state.

Nuclear powers military interventions and imperial ambitions through invasion and occupation has depleted national treasury in quest for regional and global conquest.

There is no guarantee that there would be no extemporaneous and impulsive actions using nuclear weapons as there are entities promoting such concept as a casual experiment much to global detriment.

Nuclear power is redundant and best renounced with a commitment to preserve life and habitat i.e. the planet for present and future existence.

The world becoming nuclear free zone is global responsibility and could no longer be evaded for that would mean denying peace, stability, security and most importantly life on earth.

The next segment will be on economic woes and miscalculation in the illegal invasion and occupation of foreign land.

I will be back with my thoughts on that subject.

Thank you for your interest.

Peace to all!

Padmini Arhant











Global Security – Nuclear Proliferation

June 23, 2015

Dear Citizens,

I present a short segment on Nuclear Status with details to follow shortly on this issue and global matter.

Please click on the audio link for the content.

Thank you for your interest.

Padmini Arhant

Global Terrorism – Interview with Al-Qaeda Chief in the PIT

December 12, 2014

Interview with Al-Qaeda Chief Dr. Ayman Al Zawahiri (Arabic Language with English Translation)

Padmini Arhant

Dear Global Citizens,

Please click on the audio link for interview with Hegemony Proxy al-Qaeda Chief Dr. Ayman Al Zawahiri.

This is Padmini Arhant. Author and Performer of various acts presented in the public domain –

I welcome you all to meet yet another individual – in the PIT – Parody on Identity Theft.

By no means a stranger to the world,

On the contrary the name is well known and associated with messages often causing apprehensions, concerns and grievance.

Ladies and Gentlemen –

I present Hegemony Proxy and Key Representative – Al-Qaeda Chief Dr. Ayman Al Zawahiri

Parody on Identity Theft –  Hegemony Proxy and Key Representative


Peace to you.


Peace be upon you.

Welcome to the public domain!  – www.

As courtesy to international audience, I will do Arabic to English translation in this interview.

Do you have any objection?

Not at all.

Let me begin with your introduction even though your name is well known.

Could you please say your name and specify any other identity?


I am Ayman Al Zawahiri. I am also hegemony proxy.

Ques. 1. Am I right in saying that you were a doctor by profession?

Ans.       Yes. I was a surgeon.

Ques. 2. What brought this transformation in your life?

Ans.       My Masters –  hegemony are the reason.

Ques.    3. Could you please elaborate on your response?

Ans.       Definitely.

Hegemony created Al-Qaeda.

They made Osama Bin Laden the leader.

They used him even after he was dead in December 2001.

When they realized they could no longer continue with the act, they made me al-Qaeda leader.

Ques. 4. How do you feel about you – a doctor in the past is a terror organization chief at present?

Ans.       When world leaders representing hegemony are terror sponsors – why would I feel any different from them?

Ques.    5. Is it not paradoxical for a doctor to turn into a terrorist?

Especially When Doctors are expected to heal not hurt others.

Similarly they are supposed to save lives and not endanger them.

How do you reconcile with this choice and paradigm shift in your life?

Ans.       In the same manner as the rest of them representing hegemony.

Remember Osama Bin Laden was an engineer.

As I mentioned those who represent hegemony are very proud of their credentials and many claim to have their education from elite institutions.

There is no problem for them to be terror sponsors and they are the ones directing al-Qaeda to different nations and kill people at will.

Terrorism is a new outfit for imperialism.  Hegemony leads me and many leaderships heading government worldwide.

You are an Arab from Egypt.  In the Arab world, the impression about al-Qaeda is you are their enemy.

Obviously this notion emanates from al-Qaeda involvement in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya and throughout North Africa.

There is this belief among Arab population and perhaps across the globe that you are not an Arab due to your terrorism in the Middle East and elsewhere.

Ques. 6. What is your relation with Israeli authorities, Mossad and America’s CIA in particular?

Ans. Very close. They provide training and also give medical assistance to terror operatives deployed in Syria, Lebanon and Iraq.

In fact, al-Qaeda, ISIS, ISIL, al-Nusra, etc. cannot survive without Israel and America’s CIA.  That’s why there has been no terror attacks against Israel.

On the other hand, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan, UAE, Kuwait, Turkey and other allies are funding al-Qaeda and other terror networks in the region.

Ques. 7. Hegemony is terror.  Global supremacy is imposed through terrorism.  Conventional warfare is now replaced by terror operation. Does this mean that ISIS and alike are hegemony army to invade nations?

Ans.  Yes. Terrorism is the means for Hegemony to maintain control and suppress democracy.

Ques. 8. What do you gain from serving hegemony when you know that their interests are to topple nations beginning with the Middle East for global dominance?

Ans. I follow orders from hegemony. Yesterday al-Qaeda is ISIS today and could be something else tomorrow for them. I serve them because I am on their payroll.  In doing so I know that I share with them the crimes against humanity.

Ques. 9.  Do you realize killing innocent people worldwide would ultimately lead to evil force destruction?

Ans.  Once you engage in evil act, nothing really matters. Knowing well such indulgence is to self-detriment.

Ques. 10. Lastly, Do you fear Almighty God’s Judgment?

Ans. . Yes. I do. I know it is fair and final.

Hegemony Proxy and Key Representative – Al-Qaeda Chief  Dr. Ayman Al Zawahiri thank you.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant



United States – Memorial Day 2014

May 26, 2014

By Padmini Arhant

On Memorial Day, the martyrs are memorialized for their sacrifice and patriotism worldwide.

However, in the contemporary era imperial goals premised on violence as means care less about loss of lives among civilians and the armed forces alike.

Sadly all casualties are treated as collateral damage.

Hegemony pursuits for global dominance deploy United States defense force in the manner as private army to access natural resources in foreign land.

Since the false flag event on September 11, 2001, the illegal invasion and occupation of foreign nations accelerated for regime change leaving behind death and destruction lasting generations with no sign of recovery due to colonization revival witnessed in Africa and Middle East.

The policy is aimed at sovereign states destabilization and regional volatility.

Again the agenda predominantly favor hegemonic aspirations spreading chaos and carnage with population forced to flee their homeland as a result of humanitarian disaster.

Upon arrival across the border, the refugees are often confronted with rejection and human rights violation.

The militarization of continents combined with nuclear threats escalates tension promoting nuclear proliferation and arms supply in the absence of accountability especially among UNSC permanent members misusing privileged status to impose economic sanctions in addition to military intervention.

Across the Atlantic, NATO represented European Union along with United States engaged in balkanization of democratic nations having experimented in former Yugoslavia and now involved in extending stratagem in other parts of Eastern Europe.

The military might and nuclear arsenal at hegemony disposal arguably remains imminent danger to humanity.

Notwithstanding the creation and sponsoring of various terror networks in proxy war responsible for systemic abuse and elimination of civilizations, culture and human values in the targeted destinations and world over.

The architects, masterminds, agents and facilitators orchestrating warfare ranging from conventional to cyber, economic, environment and agricultural infiltration seek the ultimate nuclear confrontation despite catastrophic consequences with pervasive impact sparing none – the sources in particular.

In the past and present century, the disillusionment on the military and terror operations has led to anti-war protests and sentiments demanding troop withdrawal and closure of military bases across the globe.

The citizens in the occupied nations unlike their government are vehemently opposed to foreign rule and,

Elsewhere the growing resistance to any form of foreign presence such as defense contractors, intelligence operatives, non-governmental agencies, consulate and embassies espionage activities and the so-called think tanks not barring some organizations disguised as human rights groups continuous attempts to sabotage stable functioning governance cannot be ignored.

In a nutshell, the world is in lockdown with hegemony ambitions to prolong supremacy regardless of the trend proved counterproductive and accordingly will end the unsustainable political paradigm.

The global society declining subjugation and surrender of statehood is the only alternative to protect individual freedom and life on earth.

With sincere condolences to families, survivors and victims of warfare – may the memory of the departed souls provide solace and inspire the living members to strive for global peace over turmoil and turbulence.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant







World Events – Mystery and Magic Defy Logic

May 5, 2014

By Padmini Arhant

Hegemony decline and dissipation is prompting them to adopt desperate measures creating chaos and confusion worldwide.

The orchestrated unrest in Ukraine, CAR, Mali, South Sudan, Libya, Syria, Venezuela and Thailand is aimed at destabilization for economic and strategic dominance.

The sudden disappearance of Malaysian commercial airliner MH370 with approximately 320 passengers including crew is still not traceable.

Similarly, the incessant violence in oil rich Nigeria and lately the alleged abduction of over 200 schoolgirls in northeastern city attributed to international criminal syndicate involvement.

The organized crime central is renowned for human trafficking, narcotic trade in Afghanistan and Columbia among other Latin American nations besides arms sales to militias, terror groups and dictatorial regimes facilitating human rights violation.

Underneath the façade as democratic rulers, the criminal enterprise engagement in nefarious activities as chief sponsors of terrorism, massacres through instigated clashes, genocide in promoting armed conflicts constitutes destructive accomplishments thus far.

In the economic front – corruption is the main source in undermining sovereignty for easier access to natural resources and human capital.

The money laundering with black money held in Swiss banks and various tax havens is yet another strategy to deplete nations treasury leaving respective population in abject poverty and the economy in deficit and debt.

Not to mention the means available in sports and entertainment industry in conjunction with numerous economic possibilities paving way for illegal transactions and funds transfer from national domain.

Financial loans are usually offered to subjugate nations with negative returns transforming the economy into banana republic. 

Politically, the policy is to install proxy governance pledged allegiance to criminality ranging from fraudulent elections to kickbacks on government projects with domestic and foreign investments.

Any nation with real functioning democracy is targeted for removal from power like in Ukraine under previous leadership and likewise in Venezuela as well as Thailand.

Social issues – stirring sectarianism, ethnic and communal confrontations is hegemony forte premised on divide and conquer doctrine.

Civil Rights Infringement – dragnet surveillance, snooping and obsession with political opponents life, propaganda, misinformation, distortion, perversion, extortion, defamation, caricature, demonization and misogynistic culture regarded as the establishment prerogative.

Furthermore, hegemony human rights abuse is evident in prison camps viz. Guantanamo Bay, Baghram base and secret detention centers practicing torture, water boarding and many inhumane tactics qualifying as criminal conduct.

The imperialists’ depopulation agenda in developing nations is pursued with military intervention and predator drones killing innocent civilians and unarmed citizens world over.

Notwithstanding economic sanctions denying people essential food and medical supplies alongside starvation from famine and drought caused by environment pollution, contamination and degradation are few examples in hegemony goals to revive eugenics.

Additionally agriculture poisoning in the form of genetically modified organisms (GMO) and growth hormone injected meat production cannot be ignored in this context.

In depriving nations from economic development, political stability as well as law and order the countries are forced to accept the foreign imposed ideology i.e. One World government – New World Order represented and run by core committee in defiance of democratic principles or values, transparency and accountability. 

The global victims rejecting the shadow power existence and exertion of authority could be demonstrated in dismissal of their representatives in disguise in national political system.

Humanity safety, security and progress are largely dependent on resilience and resolve emerging as formidable challenger to status quo that would effectively stifle external source engineered feudalism and vassal statehood.

Republic empowerment with people choice representation that is inclusive unlike the present exclusive configuration imperative for fundamental change in society.

A free nation is one without hegemony influence or interference.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant








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