United States – 9/11 Reinvestigation Critical to Reinstate Constitution, Restore Democracy and Redeem United States

February 5, 2014

By Padmini Arhant

On September 11, 2001 terror struck the world’s super power  – United States well known for military prowess, intelligence apparatus, state of the art technology and above all at least 5000 nuclear warheads not counting the unofficial quantity in possession.

The World Trade Center in the global commercial capital New York City crumbled in a manner demolition operated with detonators incinerating all materials upon contact. 

The rescue team from fire fighters, paramedics, security personnel to those desperate to save loved ones reported explosives in the premise and verifiably in WTC building 7 collapse the timing and coordination was in tune with pre-programmed method.

Prior to 9/11 catastrophe on United States, National Security Agency (NSA) surveillance was implemented apparently with watchful eye to deter monumental to miniscule activity suspected of harming U.S. interests in mainland or abroad.

Yet adequate warnings from credible sources on imminent terror attack in September 2001 admitted in public disclosure by key administration officials who served in that period discarded despite grave consequences on the nation and rest of the world.

The political, military and intelligence authorities including members privy to classified information as chairman of intelligence committee inaction and failure to avert the preventable terror act claimed three thousand and more American as well as foreign nationals lives on that fateful day alone.

Not to mention further losses among various groups in relief efforts succumbed to tragedies leaving victims’ dependents and survivors in prolonged dismay and despair.

When the nation and entire world was mournful and some in severe state of shock, the administration led by President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney declared war against Afghanistan in October 2001 with overwhelming bipartisan congressional approval. 

Even though prominent mainstream media and designated surrogates attribute horrific 9/11 terror to skillful demonstration of al-Qaeda and then leader Osama Bin Laden,

The official version until today do not provide valid explanations on many legitimate questions related to 9/11 considering al-Qaeda and chief Osama Bin Laden were CIA creations following United States involvement in Afghanistan against former Soviet Union.

1. The official position on 9/11 is terror mastermind Osama Bin Laden and al-Qaeda terrorists identified as Saudi nationals from Saudi Arabia were behind 9/11.

Furthermore, the hijackers of commercial airliners received pilot training in Florida with payments channeled though Pakistan from Saudi Arabia.

Q. Why did United States target Afghanistan instead of Saudi Arabia in context with terrorists’ origin and funding for 9/11?  

2. Soon after horrendous terror on 9/11, United States grounded inbound and outbound flights per aviation alert.   However, then Saudi Ambassador to United States and current Saudi Intelligence Chief Bandar Bin Sultan was allowed to organize safe departure of Saudi Royal family from United States with Osama Bin Laden blood relatives on board. 

Q.  What was the reason behind special privilege granted to Saudi Ambassador Bandar Bin Sultan for prompt evacuation of Saudi Royals and purported terror commander Osama Bin Laden close family when aviation rule restricting all flights from leaving or arrival was in effect?

3.  The official statement on NSA – the spy network was set up preceding 9/11.

Q. Why was the agency ineffective in tracking and apprehending 9/11 terrorists when they were in Florida, Boston and New York? 

4. The revelations on Project for New American Century (PNAC) lay facts on terror manufacture leading to 9/11 plot in semblance with Pearl Harbor incident for elaborated mission in the Middle East and Africa while introducing the NEW WORLD ORDER to United States and rest of the world. 

Besides the intended cataclysmic event essentially paralyzing United States economy notwithstanding global impact aimed at bringing United States democracy under siege to justify infringement on civil rights denying normal existence. 

The chief architects of PNAC – Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Perle among other cohorts espousing neo-conservative ideology forging ties with Israeli lobby AIPAC and alike sharing aspirations for  Greater Israel in the Middle East and beyond found partners in the previous administration represented by former Vice President Dick Cheney, Ex-President George W. Bush and former defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld to initiate plan and legitimize illegal invasion and occupation of sovereign nations under national security pretext.

Q.  Why United States citizens through Congress have not declined the project goals and means responsible for status quo i.e. immense human suffering world over?

PNAC has resulted in United States insolvency with national debt arising from wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and more on the horizon wasting American treasure and blood in the imperial quest at foreign entities behest to promote flawed strategies and self-defeating doctrine.

Most importantly innocent people in victim nations – Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen, Somalia, Central African Republic, Mali, Democratic Republic of Congo and South Sudan…continue to pay price while United States citizens forced to bear economic burden on endless wars in addition to US reputation as enemy of humanity. 

5. United States constitution made irrelevant with excess powers in parallel system holding republic hostage through false flag terrorism launched on September 11, 2001 and subsequently maintaining trend to promulgate PNAC induction.

Q. Whom incumbent Congress and administration represent in the contemporary challenge viz.  PNAC and New World Disorder imposed on United Sates and world population albeit not without political, judiciary and military complicity that otherwise would have summoned real sources behind 9/11 terror?

Israel attacked United States USS liberty that killed 34 American servicemen in 1967 in an attempt to engage United States in Israel’s war against Arab neighbors contributing to permanent volatility in the region.  

Once again United States citizens were sacrificed on September 11, 2001 and scores died since then within armed forces not excluding civilian casualties in foreign destinations for ill-conceived ambitions derived from Zionism and Wahhabism concept of fanaticism sparing none in counterproductive course.

United States leaderships in 2001 President George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, CIA Director George Tenet and military high command along with leaders in Congress other than PNAC authors and agents are liable for insurmountable pain and misery experienced in the U.S. and worldwide in masquerading 9/11 terror.

Israel and Saudi Arabia sponsored terror network originating from 9/11 diversified al-Qaeda with Takfiri elements deployed in proxy war against Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt, Yemen and wherever destabilization desired for economic gains and strategic dominance.

United States redemption from crimes against humanity possible with reinvestigation of 9/11 and aftermath genocides in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere via public hearing to establish checks and balances that would reinstate constitution and restore democracy.

Application of law demonstrating fairness and equality barring exceptions regardless of political, economic and social stature would revive ethics and integrity in the prevalent selective process that protects those in violation with immunity.

United States rising to the occasion on 9/11 truth resurrection would be the defining moment for the nation proclaimed as the land of justice.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


























Germany – Munich Security Conference 2014

February 1, 2014

By Padmini Arhant

Global security is threatened with concentration of power in parallel system.

The contemporary challenge facing civil society  is neo-imperial aspirations promoting agenda embarked on extremism,  military aggression and economic sanctions.

The prominent nations attending the meeting in Munich, Germany and the host as leading EU member share responsibility for violence and political unrest in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America. 

In fact, the major powers i.e. P5+1 combined nuclear status and military capability pose imminent danger to humanity considering their legacy and current engagement pursuing hegemonic goals in the respective region and worldwide.

The entities in control of EU, UN and most governments especially the United States, Britain and France are responsible for human suffering across the globe.

Neo-colonialism having exhausted means to destroy nations, culture, religious sanctity and human dignity ultimately resulting in self-inflicted economic crises, the urge to maintain status quo defies logic and rationality.

The disproportionate defense spending and investments in nuclear weapons enhancement programs together with massive expenditure in terror manufacture and sprawling intelligence apparatus under national security pretext has drained treasury and diminished economic prospects in the west and similar experience among their allies elsewhere.

Since geopolitical dominance for strategic and economic gains remains the central focus, the shadow power behind governments and organizations have lost capability to minimze volatility confronting them in every frontier.

Accordingly their action adopting desperate measures further debilitate structure on the brink of collapse.

The solution to burgeoning problems is to abandon counterproductive ambitions and end conflicts in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, North Korea and most parts of Africa and Latin America.

Illegal invasion and occupation of Palestine, Golan Heights and territorial annexation in the Middle East, Asia and worldover contribute  to oppression and gross human rights violation.

Besides the military incursions and reconnaissance cause unnecessary tensions and undermine sovereignty.

Notwithstanding crimes against humanity involving drone attacks targeting civilians in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia and Yemen…and refusal to shut down prison camps such as Guantanamo Bay in Cuba and several foreign locations exacerbate victims plight facilitating militancy and opportunity for terror recruitment.

The narcotic trade with poppy cultivation in Afghanistan, cocoa production in Colombia and alike in Latin America boost arms sales and distribution to terror networks, drug cartels in Mexico and rebels representing hegemony to destabilize nations and region. 

Similarly instigating unrest in Ukraine, Thailand, Egypt and other domains potentially harm global economy.

Hence refraining from self-detrimental activities and instead diverting attention towards domestic issues would be constructive in many respects and restore credibility.

Nuclear disarmament beginning with P5+1 is the preliminary step towards establishment of peace and nuclear free world.

In conclusion, the recognition among global powers as the origin of deteriorating conditions affecting mankind and acknowledgment with commitment towards peaceful endeavors would guarantee individual progress.

Sincere pledge to peace, democracy, social justice and environment protection exemplified in result-oriented policies is key to universal peace and prosperity. 

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant





World Peace And Security – Western Democracy and United States Army under Siege By Imperialism

January 9, 2014

By Padmini Arhant

The ongoing crises in the following nations and latest developments on major issues confirm western democracy and United States army under siege by imperialism.

Afghanistan – United States declaring intentions to stay beyond 2014.

Iran – United States Senators proposal on anti-Iran sanctions despite Geneva nuclear deal between P5+1 and Iran in progress.

Syria – Foreign Sponsors not interested in ceasefire regardless of burgeoning humanitarian problems and rising death toll in the war torn country.

South Sudan – Rebels instigated to continue with clashes rather than ending confrontation.

Central African Republic – France illegal invasion along with UN plus regional intervention under false pretext to restore peace create disorder and exacerbate victims suffering.

Palestine – Israeli authorities defiance demonstrated in more settlement activities,, intensifying blockade on Gaza and imprisonment of Palestinian youth and children.

Bahrain – Tear gas supply from South Korea stifled through global activism.  However weapons delivery from United States, Britain and Saudi Arabia maintained to curb political uprising.

United States – Senate approves Federal Reserve nominee Janet Yellen but delays American citizens unemployment benefits.

Congress approves trillion dollar warfare in Afghanistan and military aid to Israel contributing to human rights violation and countless casualties including members of the United States armed forces thus far.

On national matter, Congress votes on $ 9 billion direct cuts denying struggling American families food stamps claiming the action as fiscal responsibility.

More on all of the above issues and related topics will be discussed in presentation in approximately 60 mins to your local time.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant





Israel and United States – WMD Stockpiles And Non-Compliance

September 14, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

According to the U.S. CIA document revealed on September 9, 2013 in Foreign Policy magazine, the CIA has decisive evidence on Israel’s extensive chemical and biological weapons dated back to 1980’s in addition to at least three hundred or more nuclear arsenals in the inventory.

The unedited version of the CIA report originally found at the Ronald Reagan Library in California then apparently released to National Archives not without censorship.

As per the findings on this report – the 1983 dossier highlights on US spy satellite having identified Israel’s nerve agent (CW) production and storage facility at the Dimona Sensitive Storage Area in the Negev Desert.  Other CW manufacturing believed to exist in the well-developed Israeli chemical industry.

There is also confirmation in this context that Israel is in possession of persistent and non-persistent nerve gas, mustard agent, and several not-control agents matched with suitable delivery systems.

Besides Israel is non-signatory to Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and any consent on the Convention to Ban Chemical Weapons stands ineffective considering Israeli Knesset has not yet ratified the Treaty!

Most importantly Israel along with United States as NPT non-signatories and their non-compliance on WMD in the absence of UN inspections and international verifications thus far continue to remain existential threat to humanity at large despite the legacy using chemical weapons and nuclear bomb against defenseless civilians of sovereign states in different parts of the world.

Furthermore, United States, Israel, Britain, France, Germany, Saudi Arabia and Turkey together as western, NATO and Middle Eastern alliance contributing to relentless violence in the region through constant supply of deadly ammunitions not barring chemical weapons claiming innocent lives by the hour in Iraq, Palestine, Syria, Bahrain, Egypt and throughout the world.

Unless international accord binding all nations without exception regardless of volume and variety on WMD is enforced with mandatory requirement for disarmament,

The crimes against citizens in nations perceived weak and vulnerable would be carried out with impunity.

The major powers especially the five permanent members at UNSC viz. United States, Britain, France, China and Russia leading the rest of the world in complete destruction of WMD including nuclear warheads abandonment is the only option to secure global peace and security. 

Otherwise the predator instincts prevalent in imperialistic quest incessantly endanger lives on earth.

The integral aspect of real education is  – ‘One should practice what one preaches in life.’

Renouncing violence demonstrating respect for all creations further exemplify knowledge as a valuable asset and failure to pursue truth, fairness and justice renders all qualifications worthless synonymous to dissipating material and symbolic status.

World free of nuclear and diverse WMD is the absolute resolution to crises threatening peaceful existence.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant















United States – 9/11 Anniversary in 2013

September 11, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

United States and the rest of the world paralyzed with historic false flag terror attack on September 11, 2001.

The event was a direct assault on humanity at large justifying  terrorism and militarism under false premise that continues with no end in sight.

Notwithstanding the manufactured crises setting precedence for tradition followed over a decade with infringement on civil rights and  individual liberty besides violation of innocent lives and national sovereignty worldwide.

The architects, sponsors and operatives with political establishment complicity behind the horrific crime against defenseless civilivans remain engaged in their mission targeting nations for economic interest and strategic dominance.

In fact, 9/11 created opportunity for abuse of power with enactment of laws viz. the Patriot Act,  Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) evolving into the most controversial and intrusive National Surveillance Act (NSA) under the current administration.

The recent unconstitutional rule among many others is the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) allowing the state to pursue American citizens as potential terror suspects denying due process and leaving them entirely at military tribunal mercy.

Internationally, 9/11 facilitated arbitrary invasions and military intervention including the war on religions with connotation such as extremism provoking communal unrest and sectarianism to destabilize nations for hegemonic goals.

The proxy representation of hegemony subverts democracy and subjugate population depriving them real freedom and progress.

The forces responsible for 9/11 ironically setting rules that they are in constant violation since inception and their non-compliance on universal standards pronounce unsavory characteristics disqualifying them as moral authority in humanitarian affairs.

Unless the members and states involved in 9/11 terror beginning with Project for New American Century (PNAC) masterminds and the rest that are persistently implementing the agenda in the Middle East and elsewhere until today brought to justice,

The organized crime and state terrorism would be euphemistically established as the viable system under the guise of national security.

United States citizens galvanizing grass roots movement transcending differences need to reclaim sovereignty and restore democracy with republic governance ending foreign and special interests control attributed to dismal status quo.

Similarly, the people in other parts of the world especially the nations with leaderships compromising national integrity and self-determination rights for hegemony indoctrinated concepts like neo-liberalism in economic issues and ne0-conservatism espousing belligerence designed to promote neo-imperialism required to rise to the occasion for necessary political reform.

Republic is the legitimate powerhouse to shift the tide and liberate the country from authoritarianism and unilateralism increasingly disregarding constitutional and democratic values on all matter concerning humankind and environment.

Preventing pseudo operations conducted to prolong the so-called war on terror having launched al-Qaeda through 9/11 and using them as allies in Syria and adversary in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia to benefit drone industry and defense sector broadly is critical and possible with independent committee probing the veracity of such indulgence.

In conclusion, the public participation and activism institutionalizing checks and balances for transparency and accountability  without exception is the way forward to avert yet another 9/11 –  the incontrovertible deception and fraudulent activity that not only claimed millions of lives and livelihoods but also redefined the meaning of true liberty and justice.

The best tribute to victims of 9/11 and subsequent illegal wars is to purge violence adopting peaceful and non-violent effective strategies that could be demonstrated with unanimous call for ceasefire and terror network withdrawal from Syria and other war zones across the globe alongside immediate closure of the infamous Guantanamo Bay. 

The secret to success in dispute settlements is commitment and sincerity towards diplomacy leading to reciprocal actions on mutually binding agreement.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant







Global Security – Nuclear Disarmament Without Exception

August 6, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

The White House issued statement prior to G-8 summit in Northern Ireland on June 17, 2013 that President Barack Obama is scheduled to address U.S. nuclear weapons reduction by third and negotiate with counterpart Russia for similar contraction.

President Barack Obama in his Berlin speech on June 19, 2013 expressed desire to downsize nuclear arsenals and minimize tactical weapons in Europe held on United States behalf through NATO alliance.

Furthermore, United States and Russia signed Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) calls for limiting nuclear warheads to 1550 by the year 2018.

Meanwhile, Washington continues to strengthen strategic nuclear weapons capability ranging from interception to various offensive interventions.

The Obama administration 2014 budget proposal targeting nuclear non-proliferation programs with drastic cuts at 20 percent i.e. $460 million below the existing $2.45 billion and,

In juxtapose reallocating the fund towards nuclear surge by 7 percent or $500 million above the prevalent $7.227 billion to be expended in weapons modernization and uranium enrichment for nuclear warheads in a new facility contributes to nuclear arms race increasing volatility in the war fatigued surrounding.

Notwithstanding White House misplaced priorities during gloomy economic climate exacerbating American families plight.

Washington’s paradoxical paradigm detouring from defusing nuclear proliferation to profuse production necessitates Russia and other nuclear states to consider comparable preparation.

The subcritical nuclear test on plutonium shock absorbency to chemical explosives titled Pollux conducted in Nevada desert in December 2012 is direct contradiction to United States and western policy on nuclear testing traditionally used as premise to impose economic sanctions against nations like North Korea and earlier on India and Pakistan accused of enhancing nuclear status.

In fact, United States generous funding towards nuclear warheads development and advancement has spiked recently in the last four years while demanding other nuclear states to refrain from such accumulation and expansion.

United States incumbent administration pivot to Asia doctrine aimed at provocation demonstrated in Korean peninsula with redeployment of 23rd Chemical battalion used in biological warfare amid flying B-52 and B-2 nuclear capable bombers during military drill with South Korea represent aggressive tactics displaying weapons of mass destruction in possession.

The Pentagon report on United States nuclear strategy stated to maintain nuclear capable bombers, ballistic missile submarines and intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) in addition to ongoing annual investments estimated at $31 billion in sustaining nuclear stockpile and infrastructure.

Above all the grim reality on nuclear arms attributed to five major nuclear nations – United States, Britain, France, Russia and China.

These countries as United Nations Security Council (UNSC) permanent members with veto power evidently accelerate nuclear weapons program rather than deterrence.

Their decision to upgrade nuclear inventory quality and quantity in the absence of accountability for violation of international standards and protocol that otherwise apply to several nuclear and non-nuclear members in the nuclear non-proliferation treaty (NPT) serve as the reason for nuclear states India, Pakistan and North Korea non-participation in NPT.

According to Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) assessment on contemporary nuclear status published in June 2013,

The five prominent nuclear states – United States, Britain, France, Russia and China are engaged in improving nuclear weapons delivery systems and techniques with arrangement to own nuclear arsenals indefinitely.

SIPRI data claims that United States, Britain, France, Russia, China, India, Pakistan and Israel approximately have 4,400 operational nuclear weapons and the combined total of these nations nuclear warheads is a staggering 17, 300 in early 2013.

In specific reference to Israel – The non signatory to NPT having declined inspections remain in non-compliance of existing rules and regulations despite holding 200 to 400 nuclear warheads with 80 intact nuclear weapons comprising 50 Jericho II medium-range ballistic missiles and 30 gravity bombs at disposal.

Israel also positioned in non-strategic weapons, not excluding artillery shells and atomic demolition munitions per SIPRI.

United States nuclear stock held in safekeeping with NATO allies viz. Germany, Belgium, Netherlands and Turkey to name a few and simultaneously in Asia Pacific the nuclear consignment in South Korea and Japan essentially qualifies these nations as nuclear states as well.

Yet another dimension to nuclear dilemma is nuclear energy pursued as alternative source to fossil fuel that creates controversy regarding uranium enrichment and classifications to prevent weapons manufacturing due to precedence in the course considered routine in elevation from preliminary process to productivity.

Not to mention the contentious nuclear waste management and radioactive material leaks endangering environment as well as citizens lives with catastrophic impact experienced in Chernobyl and subsequently in Fukushima and lately in Hanford Site located on Columbia River in the state of Washington.

The hierarchy in nuclear empowerment asserting responsible vs. reckless category when those aligned in the former group notably behind humanitarian disaster in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Korean War, Vietnam, Iraq and now Syria evade responsibility.

These nuclear powers in their quest for geopolitical dominance escalate risks involved in potential nuclear attacks against any nation worldwide.

The solution to burgeoning nuclear crises is Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) in conjunction with Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty (FMCT) enforcement as the initial step towards universal commitment to nuclear disarmament.

Collective action along with independent monitoring committee on mandatory denuclearization without exception is a necessity for global peace and security.

History is testimony to foregone conclusion that nuclear armament benefits none and reliance on deadly dynamite would blind the world in entirety.

Wishing humanity success in the establishment of nuclear free planet.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Western Imperialism – Promotes Violence in Islamic Nations Part 6

July 20, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

U.A.E., Kuwait and Oman – Emirates Existence For Self And Hegemony Benefit

The emirates existence is primarily to proliferate arms race and host United States military base in subservience to imperialism.

The dynasty rule over decades rejects the concept of people empowerment regarded major threat to self-proclaimed privileged status in the respective state.

Iraq invasion of Kuwait in 1991 was a bait to wage war in the region and the former President of Iraq Saddam Hussein response was hook line and sinker to United States ploy.

Meanwhile, the unnecessary warfare was a windfall to defense industry with warring nations exhausting weapons inventory for replenishment.

The practice conforming to pattern on military aggression or terrorism boost arms sales and distribution to assortment of aggressors predominantly western sponsored nefarious groups and hegemony proxy states engaged in violent crackdown of unarmed civilians in their country.

Considering Kingdoms and fiefdoms fragility introduced and supported by diminishing western empire combined with efforts to revive medieval feudalism in the new age, the structural collapse is imminent in accordance with natural course.

Furthermore, anything designed to disrupt fundamental aspects of life created to perform in harmony would not survive the effects from counterproductive measures precipitating self-degeneration and dissipation.

The citizens of these nations having demonstrated extraordinary patience in the hope for freedom and opportunity would succeed upon consolidated action pledged to non-violence for smooth transition to republic governed democracy purging hegemony influence on national affairs.

Good Luck! To citizens of U.A.E, Kuwait and Oman as well as counterparts in the region in achieving liberation from archaic political system.


Yemen – Saudi Arabia and United States Dominance Deny Freedom And Dignity

The nation that was partitioned as north and south regions later reunited but never allowed to experience peace due to regional and western interference against democracy is not unique to Yemen.

Yemen governed with iron fist rule over four decades by western and Saudi Arabia ally former President Ali Abdullah Saleh was removed from office following political uprising that sadly resulted in pro-democracy activists and demonstrators deaths and imprisonment.

The nation also confronted with United States predator drones producing massive civilian casualties and investigative journalist Abd al-ilah Haydar exposure in this respect incarcerated reporter at United States behest.

The journalist Abd al-ilah Haydar reportedly is still in detention despite clearance from Yemen President Abd-Rebo Mansour Hadi for immediate release.

United States justifying drone strikes in Yemen in the so-called war on terror refuse to acknowledge ground reality on civilian massacre.

United States and Israel pioneered al-Qaeda is western powers convenient ally given the flexibility to use the terror organization and splinter networks as enemy in Afghanistan and Yemen while able to hire them to fight in Syria, Libya, Iraq and Mali.

United States organized Yemen election amid chaos and confusion similar to Egypt in 2011 was exceptional with one candidacy for Presidential post and the candidate was none other than Vice President from ousted ex-President Saleh regime.

United States hailed the election as historic expecting Yemeni electorate to approve status quo.

Yemeni voters denounced the election and the organizer for making a mockery of much anticipated electoral process that was made possible with innocent bloodshed.

The predecessor President Ali Abdullah Saleh overt participation in governance is prevalent with ever remaining quest for power surfacing in the absence of accountability.

The situation in Yemen is parallel to the rest sharing political dilemma in the Middle East with despotism and imperialists stratagems restricting civilization progress.

Yemeni citizenry has great potential to reverse the trend and decline western and regional intrusion responsible for totalitarianism against national dissent.

Wishing Yemeni populace breakthrough in dispelling darkness with brilliance in the form of collective energy and enthusiasm for a bright future to all.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Western Imperialism – Promotes Violence in Islamic Nations Part 5

July 20, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

Qatar – Western Vassal State Spreading Violence to Destabilize Middle East

The small Kingdom modeled on Saudi Arabia is the petro station for United States military base.

U.S. occupation is not for citizens protection against regional or overseas threats instead to safeguard United States appointed Emirs from public uprising similar to Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Jordan, Oman and Yemen in the region.

Qatar rulers known to be western puppet regime linked with destruction of Libya, Iraq and Syria although the government involvement also prominent in Gaza, Yemen and other oppressed nations in the Middle East and North Africa.

The kingdom servile complaisance to western feudalism facilitates terrorism and fundamentalism spreading violence and instability in western designated domains.

Qatar resources including state run media expended towards western hegemonic pursuits targeting nations for regime change.

Western choice of nations in this context is an irony when Qatar in desperate requirement of such transition per popular demand.

The countries defending territorial integrity and sovereignty are attacked causing mayhem and misery over generations for their resistance to foreign invasion.

Qatar has been instrumental in Syrian crises unleashing terror on defenseless children, women and vulnerable residents with more than 100,000 lives lost and nearly 6 million people displaced in the illegal war.

Qatar former head of state Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani identified a key ammunition supplier to terror networks operating as death squads in Syria.

Qatar is yet another source manufacturing Takfiris deployed in Syria, Libya, and Iraq extending to North Africa.

United States directed transfer of power from Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani to heir Sheikh Tamim bin Khalifa Al Thani serve western interests in continuation of legacy alongside maintaining oppression and persecution of citizens in the state.

Qatar repressive rule depriving people political rights and simultaneously Qatari leadership involvement in Syria for democratization and even hosting Arab League summits in capital Doha clarifies western and coalition false pretexts in Syrian conflict.

Qatar and Israel alliance conspiring against other nations in the Middle East is evidently detrimental to Arabs and non-Arabs not to mention the activities inevitably affecting sources in irreversible manner.

The leaders and political parties surrendering sovereignty to foreign power have no legitimacy and subjugate citizens without their knowledge or consent.

Qatar leadership human rights violation and crimes against humanity in Libya, Syria, Palestine and Iraq merits the call for removal from power and authorities brought to justice.

Qatar citizens deserve political freedom and democratic rights they are denied up until now.

Abolition of Kingdoms paving way for republic governance with functional and meaningful democracy is the immediate priority in dynasty or constitutional monarchy represented states.

Wishing Qatar citizens dawn of liberty to reclaim sovereignty and individual rights.


Jordan – United States Training Camp with Military base and Patriot Missile

Jordan is United States training camp to train terror networks for deployment in Syria.

The ties between Jordan and United States is to expand western aspirations especially Israel’s goals against adversaries in the territory.

United States aid to Jordan in billions exponentially risen in the last few years is essentially insurance premium on Israel’s behalf to use Jordan for western warfare against Israel’s contemporary rivals Syria, Lebanon and Iran besides promoting al-Qaeda operations in Iraq.

Jordan receiving U.S. funding for Syrian refugee relief programs not necessarily utilized for that purpose.

The misuse of finance is apparent in Syrian victims plight in Jordan prompting return of thousands of Syrian families to Syria.

Jordanians desire for real democracy eliminating kingdom and Royalty sworn allegiance to hegemony could come into fruition with people power in governance exercising self -determination rights barring foreign interference in sovereign internal affairs.

Jordan election to impress electorate proved to be a mere formality due to lack of fair political representation from all cross-sections of society.

Jordan King Abdullah 2 appointment of four Prime Ministers in four months confirms the government anti-democratic stance in cohort with hegemony policy to derail viable stable democracy anywhere.

History is testimony to the fact that authoritarianism is unsustainable and cannot prevail over republic will.

Jordanians referendum on transformation to people represented democracy is the pragmatic solution to problems that would effectively end regalia in modern age.

Best Wishes to Jordan society in the establishment of Jordanian republic rule.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Western Imperialism – Promotes Violence in Islamic Nations Part 4

July 16, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

Saudi Arabia – Western Imperialism Dispensable Ally To Subvert Islam

The British Colonial power established dynasties in the Middle East for political maneuver having abolished kingdoms in other colonies prominently in India.

Saudi monarchy with fiefdoms is a classic example of vassal state pledged allegiance to western feudalism.

The de facto relation with west reciprocated through Saudi oil for western weapons enable petro dollar to support fraudulent monetary cartel behind world economic misery and represents hegemony coined phrase – the axis of evil.

Saud Kingdom is the fulcrum in sacrilege of Holy Islam and western imperialism promoted violence in Islamic nations worldwide.

Muslims suffering as Arabs and various other denominations throughout Middle East, North Africa and across the globe attributed to Saudi instigated and funded radicalism as well as extremism.

Saudi terror cultivation facilitates western imperialists so-called war on terror.

Saudi financing fundamentalism provides western imperialism reason to invade and occupy Islamic nations benefitting finance and arms industry to cash in on calamity and simultaneously energy corporations gaining unlimited access to oil and natural gas reserves in the region as witnessed in Libya.

Beginning with Afghanistan, Saudi funding transformed then mujahidin into contemporary Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Similarly, Saudi investments in Pakistan madrassas – the religious schools is a deviation from spiritual aspects of Islam and Holy Quran that espouses human values and virtues in leading a peaceful life unlike the former fomenting sectarianism and violence as the essence of existence.

The incessant bombings and explosions in Pakistan emanating from different terror networks operating with Saudi financial aid also extended to intelligence plus military as bribes on United States and western powers behalf again to drone and weapons manufacturers profitability.

Meanwhile, Washington pretext to wipe militancy with drone strikes from Pakistani soil disproportionately prey on innocent civilians considering the increase in predator drones in defiance of international condemnation.

Saudi money spreading fundamentalism in Central Asia combined with United States military bases makes democracy a mere fantasy for the people in this part of the world.

From Middle East expanding to South Asia – Saudi influenced unrest cause death and destruction in Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt, Pakistan and Malaysia.

Saudi masterminded Takfiris are existential threat to Islam and Muslim population world over.

Saudi leaderships are in the forefront organizing terrorists to fight against popular government in Syria.

The self-defeating Saudi strategy releasing death row convicts as a tradeoff to kill thousands of Syrians in the past two and half years conflict proved counterproductive.

Saudi rulers are demonstrably the most repressive regime in the Middle East with oppression and persecution remaining the hallmark of dictatorship.

The western powers staunch ally – Saudi dynasty is also known for innovative torture techniques, decapitation and primitive practices showcased in Syria and in other war zones.

Women are not considered part of human race let alone attempt to seek gender equality in the state.

Women are forbidden from driving and entering musical instruments store among many common activities that are normal in the rest of the world.

Those caught in violation of these bizarre rules face jail term and in some instances public flogging per recent reports on Saudi regime human rights violation.

Saudi arms are behind bloodshed in Bahrain, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Pakistan, Yemen, Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco to name a few not to mention the ousted leaders from Tunisia, Yemen and alike granted sanctuary in the Kingdom.

Saudi government complicity in 9/11 false flag event was a significant role that set precedence in the western powers onslaught on Islam and followers of Islamic faith opening the floodgates to abuse Muslims as terror suspects that continues in Guantanamo Bay, Bagram in Afghanistan and many secret prisons in U.S. designated territories across the globe.

Having instructed and guided terrorists to desecrate mosques and religious centers in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Pakistan targeting Shia visitors and pilgrims,

Saudi political decision to demolish historic monuments and tombs in Islam’s holiest site Mecca is the last straw in the anti-Islamic action.

The synopsis confirms Saudi family crimes against Muslims and other members of global society that deserves resistance to outlaw despotism subservient to Zionism aspired neo-globalism.

Besides, the greed driven western imperialists agenda has no desire to spare nations with oil resources ignoring the depletion factor and Saudi Kingdom is an inevitable target.

The internal feud in Saudi dynasty with power struggle, mistrust, treason and violent motives dominant, the dysfunctional rule aboard declining western imperialism expedite dissipation.

Wishing the citizens in Saudi Arabia vigor and vision to rise to the occasion in attaining freedom on the horizon.

Peace to all

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Western Imperialism – Promotes Violence in Islamic Nations Part 3

July 13, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

Bahrain – Western Imperialism Facilitate Violent Crackdown on Pro-Democracy Uprising

Bahrain citizens uprising against western and Saudi backed Hamad bin isa Al Khalifa dictatorship valiantly persist in the inevitable ouster of authoritarian rule.

United States, Britain and Saudi aided violent crackdown on peaceful pro-democracy movement escapes world attention with western misled preoccupation in Syria.

Bahrain authorities unleashing terror and persecution of citizens seeking removal of Kingdoms to usher in people governed democratic rule apparently not an issue of human rights violation for western powers preaching democratization via terrorism in Syria.

United States fifth naval fleet and Britain monarchy directed administration along with Saudi passion for anti-Shia sectarianism plays dominant role in brutality against Bahrain civilians that has resulted in thousands of casualties thus far.

Notwithstanding torture ranging from electrocution, sexual assaults, solitary confinement of political prisoners to wounded and dying denied medical treatment exacerbated by imprisonment of medical professionals for rescue attempts and much more rampant in the western vassal state.

The shaky Sheikhdoms throughout Middle East together with fallacious western empire crimes against humanity having reached a crescendo doomed for imminent collapse.

Wishing citizens in Bahrain triumph over totalitarianism delivering republic governed democracy.


Turkey – Western Ploy To Subvert Democracy For Destabilization

Stable and viable democracy is certainly not hegemony’ preference anywhere let alone Turkey.

Turkey progressive measures in all aspects posed impediments to anti-republic conglomerate comprising plutocracy, fundamentalism discrediting religions and neo colonialism premised on economic and military warfare vying for global dominance.

The Prime Minister of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan supposedly heading Justice and Development Party (AKP) disingenuously enticed with EU membership paving way for western powers abuse of Turkey as the front line facilitator in the war against neighbor Syria and simultaneously invading Turkey with western troops under the guise of Patriot missile deployment.

Western expectations were met with Turkish ruling power collusion ignoring Turkish dissent on interference in Syria that returned to Turkish base when terror rocked Reyhanli town in Hatay province conflating provincial opposition into national protest.

The brewing storm on AKP national and foreign policies surfaced across the country emanating from Gezi park demolition to Turkish leadership servile complaisance to western manufactured crises.

Turkish demonstrations still ongoing while German Chancellor Angela Merkel brazenly dismissed Turkey Prime Minister Erdogan’s aspiration for EU membership quoting Turkish government reaction to internal unrest as unacceptable although Germany in the same breath defended weapons sales to flagrant human rights abusers – Saudi Arabia and gifted Israel with nuclear capable Dolphin submarine.

Turkey popular demand for Prime Minister Erdogan and AKP to step down from power increasingly confronted with state authorized excess force and mechanisms legitimizing public frustration and disappointment.

Whenever leaderships and elected representatives fail to resolve electorate problems and make proposals contradictory to national benefits not excluding indulgence in unprovoked warfare compromising citizens safety,

The erroneous decisions arising from misplaced loyalty conclusively expedite those entities and political factions exit from power.

Turkish liberty has to begin with changing course regarding Syria i.e. pledging peace not war and terrorism against Syrians terminating senseless violence.

Reconciliation and recognition of natives, Kurdish and other minorities rights extending mainstream status to all in Turkey would be constructive rather than shifting burden on Iraq and Syria in adherence to western ill-conceived strategy constantly creating regional tension.

Last but not the least, redress actions in the domestic front starting with relinquishing NATO membership and vacating foreign military personnel plus hardware viz. Patriot missiles and other artillery installed for provocation against western adversary.

These commitments translated into concrete outcome would be prudent in safeguarding national sovereignty and regional security.

Wishing citizens in Turkey political victory in restoring people choice governance dedicated to national growth and development.

Peace to Turkey!


Western imperialism and globalism striving to resurrect feudalism is evidently counterproductive.

Global awareness and unanimity in thwarting hegemonic delusions prevalent in widespread violence is key to individual liberty and pursuit of happiness.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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