United States – Boston Explosions Symptomatic of Violence Sponsorship

April 15, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

Heartfelt condolences to victims’ families and survivors of the horrendous terror act targeting participants at Boston Marathon and iconic late President John Fitzgerald Kennedy Presidential library as well as museum.

United States having been the first victim in the ‘war on terror’ agenda with 9/11 attacks on American soil carried out in massive collusion i.e. on political leaderships, military might and intelligence watch apparently continues to maintain the tradition to justify the unjustifiable strategy to terrorize American population.

Evidently, the trend established worldwide through drone strikes preying on young and vulnerable civilians alongside proxy wars hiring al-Qaeda and affiliates al-nusra terror networks in Syria, earlier in Libya and now in Mali conducted with impunity at American taxpayers expense.

Since the tragic shooting in Sandy Hook elementary school, Connecticut – the spate of violence that has claimed many American lives prompts independent investigation to end preventable criminal activities in succession.

Considering choreographed and coordinated September 11 successful onslaught facilitated false flag operations for foreign invasions and implementing domestic terror policy, the escalation in trend premised on national wealth divestments in warfare and promoting terrorism deserves scrutiny.

Furthermore, the specific assault on JFK centers ominously direct attention towards those the slain President exposed quoting “the secrecy and secret society is repugnant.”

In the absence of accountability on reprehensible indulgence causing massive deaths and destruction, the present authorities complicity offering ‘redemption’ over ‘retribution’ to perpetrators behind gross human rights violation perhaps based on legacy continuation showing no regard for civilian casualty or civil rights.

Meanwhile, the incumbent administration and congress declining to release hostages held in indefinite detention in Guantanamo Bay denying them habeas corpus reveals collaboration exemplified in ongoing practices exceeding the denounced Bush-Cheney torture doctrine.

United States citizens could no longer afford complacency to crimes committed with grand immunity and deception.

The republic demand for absolute transparency with public disclosure on information that are invariably classified to protect the guilty and punish the innocent is paramount not only to save lives but also in setting precedence prohibiting abuse of power.

United States solidarity in activism confined to peaceful and non-violence means is imperative to restore constitution, revive people power and reclaim sovereignty.

Wishing speedy recovery to the injured and solace to family members mourning the loss of loved ones victimized in inhumane conduct.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

World Crises – Peace Treaty Linked With U.S., Europe, Israel and Global Economy

January 3, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

Ending Syrian conflict with immediate ceasefire saving lives after 22 months bloodshed is directly linked with any hope for economic recovery in the U.S, Europe, Israel and conspirators country considering dire straits confronting western powers now and in the long run.

There cannot be procrastination in this regard and wanton belligerence means precipitating inevitable economic disaster already experienced with United States fiscal woes looming large amid euro zone and European Union imminent dissipation.

Unfortunately, the respective political leaderships prefer to ignore domestic reality and instead anchored on foreign state destabilization not barring illegal invasion and occupation of 35 nations in Africa underway exhibiting military might over and above 1000 permanent bases around the world.

Even with the last minute desperate performance to temporarily hold off the so-called fiscal cliff,

The current U.S. debt is at staggering $16.4trillion and expected to reach $20 trillion within a decade with status quo extension i.e. military extravagance and drone operations costing millions and killing thousands of innocent civilians in different parts of the world.

U.S. administration and Congressional misplaced priority neglecting national requirements for unaffordable international pursuits could adversely impact global economy with emerging economic partner like India seeking U.S. ventures sharing devastating outcome.

In globalized setting, United States and European Union doomed ambition to usurp power using NATO and Gulf cohesion in Middle East and,

AFRICOM in Africa including detrimental economic policies such as Free Trade Agreement (FTA) in Latin America and Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) in Asia respectively with primary goal to monopolize overseas markets leaving significant majority marginalized is widening the gap between rich and poor worldwide.

Alongside military aggression, the western antagonistic measures against nations especially Iran, Syria, Palestine, North Korea and Cuba…with draconian economic sanctions and Gaza blockade increasingly isolates United States and alliance in the otherwise congenial atmosphere for regional and transnational cooperation.

Similarly, United States military expansion in Asia Pacific to challenge major creditor China in return involved in territorial disputes with neighbors – Japan, Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos on oil exploration in international waters is preventable with diplomacy reconvening ASEAN summit.

United States and EU in collusion with gulf nations viz. Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and Jordan are directly responsible for the massive casualties (UN data – 60,000) in Syria semblance with Libya conforming to the established trend related to regime change agenda.

UN condemnation of Syrian government on escalating death toll based on UNHCR report is ill advised and regrettable given United States and coalition sponsored terrorism target Syrian population, national security personnel and government officials with bombings, explosives and,

Notwithstanding use of chemical weapons and primitive methods reflecting sponsors’ warfare techniques to medieval brutality.

In fact, United States, western power and Gulf atrocity in Syria replicating Libya is reprehensible qualifying for genocide and deserves sanctions against architects and agents behind heinous crime against humanity.

Syrian government as the legitimate authority and representative of sovereign state arguably obligatory to defend territorial integrity threatened by United States, western and gulf terror.

Besides, Syrian leadership’s commitment to protect society right to self-determination despite extreme adversity is commendable unlike deplorable foreign interference in sovereign internal affair.

UN role could be beneficial and effective as an international body upon UNGA unanimous decision to implement ceasefire with consequences for external operatives failure or sabotage in the execution of Geneva peace accord.

Simultaneously, NAM could be instrumental in adopting resolution introducing arms embargo against nations for their destruction of Syria and retrospectively apply to killings in Libya.

World tolerance to tyranny would spare none unless solidarity demonstrated in rejecting violence and violation of human rights orchestrated by state authoritarianism in the abuse of power with impunity.

Western civil society persistent protest in public square and cyberspace demanding their governments cease arms supply with withdrawal of terror groups from Syria and,

Further call for military missions abandonment across the globe are the only means to reverse rapidly deteriorating economic conditions in their domain endangering lives leading to citizens’ suicides on main street in Israel, Greece and Spain with United Kingdom and France sadly to follow suit.

United States in this context has an alarming suicide rate among armed forces comparable with Turkey and Israel’s mounting fatalities in the army perhaps disillusioned and disappointed in the political leaderships malfeasance against national interest.

Above all, the imperialistic and colonial aspirations having caused immense suffering to humanity on the tailspin with entities and every escort facilitating injustice unequivocally succumb to excruciating fate prolonged in cyclical transformation to the lowest form.

Any alleviation in this respect is possible on introspection and remorseful evaluation of self-conduct exemplified in humble service towards victims of individual and organized crime.

As for the privileged economic prosperity derived from remaining inhabitants austerity and poverty, the custom epitomizing travesty of justice balanced with inverse development in the long overdue process.

The contributor to human plight and agony has limited opportunity in this lifetime for reform and wasting the moment would be an endless ramification not necessarily pleasant in accordance with karmic actions i.e. karma or deeds.

In conclusion, the natural law prohibits unsustainable events with appropriate interjection of elements required for sanctity and serenity.

Wishing the oppressed, persecuted, harassed, vilified and subjugated liberation and glory with rekindled spirit in accomplishment of feat extraordinaire.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

http://www.youtu.be/STWEKfiqU_o http://youtu.be/7pluoAxG-cM http://youtu.be/jWyMwg9C0FU http://youtu.be/RjdlguZOGys http://youtu.be/WoylZVJREN8 http://youtu.be/wZRL0bsbb5k http://youtu.be/7ZbnSnBmOi8 http://youtu.be/G9X4xzqEcdM http://youtu.be/trul9prtPi4 http://youtu.be/vvelu6MA_9Q http://youtu.be/Zuo7Ln4CAF0

United States – Ending Violence And Terrorism For Sustainable Peace

December 16, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

The spate of shooting incidents in succession across the nation has sparked reaction from all factions demanding political action on the burgeoning issue.

United States dilemma is not merely confined to gun control laws that obviously in need of review and revision considering the incumbent administration relaxation of rules exceeding the second amendment in the Bill of Rights granting citizens the right to bear arms perhaps aimed at deterrence to state tyranny.

The administration reportedly waived ordinances allowing firearms possession in common areas such as national parks and during commute on trains and other public transportation.

Civil society is always at risk in the pervasively violent surroundings regardless of perpetrators profile.

The law enforcement personnel use of excess force and lethal tactics that are often associated with racial prejudice resulting in civilian deaths prior to being charged of any crimes cannot be ignored in this context.

Notwithstanding inherently flawed criminal justice system with outdated inhumane practices in juvenile detention as well as penitentiary promotes violence within and outside the premise.

Instead, the jail atmosphere conversion into correctional facility in humane conditions with greater emphasis on positive attributes encouraging inmates to utilize latent talent for economic productivity would change maintenance from liability to an asset.

The prison enterprise emulating military industrial complex together are responsible for the status quo.

Unfortunately, the police and judiciary as oversight for law and order are not necessarily in compliance with civil rights contributing to mistrust and mishandling of citizens complaint.

The political power responsible for judicial appointments exerts influence in selective circumvention and subversion of verdicts undermining efficacy of reliable judiciary increasingly evolved into fiduciary.

Although streamlining gun ownership eligibility criteria is paramount without infringement upon constitutional law in order to prevent unnecessary civil unrest,

The problem lies beyond the realm of citizens’ safety not precluding diversified means of attack endangering life and environment.

Latest report on evacuation following bomb threat at the church in the tragedy hit Newtown, Connecticut barely recovered from elementary school massacre and,

In early November 2012, an African American female citizen from the state of Louisiana reportedly set on fire by assailants clad in Ku Klux Klan (KKK) garb while she was working out in the park.

Overseas, the stabbing of twenty two primary school students in China on the same day of Sandy Hook elementary school shooting in the United States baffled many deploring the heinous crime against children and adults at the learning center.

Almost on all occasions, the crime suspects either claim their own life or described as mentally ill revealing state failure in providing proper medical attention through programs like free counseling, therapy and alternative care that could save lives in many respect.

Divestments from disproportionate military spending to the economy for these services is essential to rebuild a peaceful society.

Additionally, other elements viz. toxicity in environment – the air pollution, drinking water contamination, GMO, artificial additives, hormones and chemicals in food products and over prescription of drugs… taking toll on physical health and mental well being exacerbating daily existence in the current dire economy amid manufactured crises world over.

Aircrafts spraying hazardous air contaminants known as Chemtrail and harassment techniques using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) for 24/7 unlawful surveillance including frisking at the airport under the guise of national security constitutes state aggression elevating underlying stress among people coping with fast paced lifestyle.

The abuse of authority at the political helm misusing taxpayer funded institutions and agencies against citizens is all time high.

The political establishment reining control over intelligence agency, judiciary and taxation office maneuver rules favoring them to discredit legitimate voices of concern against corruption and dysfunctional governance.

Entertainment industry share fair responsibility in political appeasement – glorifying violence and purvey materials affecting impressionable minds on celluloid screen and retail medium like video games deploying mind control strategy.

Corporate media asserting proprietorship on government role dedicated to propaganda and distortion of events disregard journalistic standard on objectivity.

Negativity comprising fear mongering and intolerance at peak to push forward politically motivated doctrine.

Segregation disguised in condescending legislation and secession conforming to divide and conquer ideology reflected in foreign usurpation on indigenous matter.

The educational curriculum and teaching methods deviation from opinionated knowledge adopting original thinking and concepts would develop better understanding of issues relevant to individual and general interest.

Above all, mankind presently enduring violence in state sponsored terrorism by the powers exhibiting military might and innovative defense capability not barring intimidation with nuclear arsenal to prove formidability against nations perceived weak and vulnerable.

The concentration of power among few entities implementing policies to benefit the privileged at vast majority detriment is the fundamental cause of turmoil inflicting pain and suffering worldwide.

Any attempts to establish undemocratic rule i.e. martial law or new world order premised on subjugation already effective in Patriot Act, FISA, NDAA emanating from false flag 9/11 terror activity should be thwarted at the roots restoring liberty and pursuit of happiness – the inalienable right of all citizens in a sovereign state.

Mass consciousness exemplified in collective participation at national and global level is vital in alleviating human plight.

Solidarity committed to peace, diplomacy and dialogue is the solution to national and international disputes settlement.

Ending violence and terrorism is imperative for peace leading to a new beginning and promising future.

Wishing humanity unity, freedom, universal progress and prosperity.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

http://youtu.be/JZJ_s7UXEWg http://youtu.be/zf8bnYF-WxE http://youtu.be/6yMOzvmgVhc http://youtu.be/tCKhN_QbXpE http://youtu.be/fAsAo3RVWwQ http://youtu.be/ThL-nAOB3Qw

Middle East – Nuclear Conference Helsinki, December 2012

November 27, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

The Nuclear conference to be held in Helsinki, Finland in December 2012 is now cancelled with Israel declining to attend the important summit.

United States State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland announced on Friday, November 23, 2012 that United Sates would not support a conference in which any regional state would be subject to any pressure or isolation.

Common knowledge regarding U.S. statement is the circumvention that reserves endorsement for Israel’s defiance and contrarily economic sanctions on rivals characterized as ‘axis of evil.’

The U.S. position defending ally Israel’s refusal to participate in the meeting confirms the long withheld information on Israel’s nuclear status comprising anywhere between 200 to 400 nuclear warheads,

Notwithstanding the nuclear states – Israel and United States engagement in illegal invasion, occupation and military aggression in Middle East and around the world is a major concern for the rest of the world.

United States and Israel also being the non-signatories to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty have used depleted uranium during warfare in Iraq and Gaza.

Considering U.S. and Israel conventional stockpiles including WMD such as biological, chemical and nuclear arsenal all of which has been arbitrarily used by the United States in twentieth and Israel in twenty first century,

The dangers from these two nations along with western as well as Gulf coalition, effectively the nuclear stockholders on United States behalf under NATO umbrella cannot be ignored for they are the existential threat to humanity at large.

Furthermore, Israel with United States regular veto of UN resolutions invariably remains above the law showing no regard for international peace accord, humanitarian law and human rights thus far.

The western trajectory led by United States and Israel representing hegemony maintains horrific crimes against humanity escalated in recent months necessitating the nuclear nations participation at the meeting conforming to universal standard.

Nuclear conference called off at United States behest evidently to prevent Israel from being subjected to international organizations verification.

Besides, the action indicative of U.S. and Israel maneuver to thwart other members’ recommendations for United States and Israel compliance with signatory requirement on Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Poignantly, similar initiative from Iran or any other U.S. and Israel adversary would have been dealt with severe response from western leaderships viz. the U.S. EU and hegemon representatives elsewhere.

Nuclear free zone is the only hope for containing turmoil in the polarized world with western authorities being the aggressors and the remaining nations having become the targets of unilateral military assault.

The western powers extensive use of deadly nuclear and biochemical agents not excluding hydrogen bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki is precisely the reason to arrange nuclear consortiums to eliminate threat to mankind with surrender of nuclear inventory evaded in the so-called responsible and reckless classification.

The determination to prolong military operations through drone strikes in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia and West Africa killing thousands of unarmed civilians without forewarnings,

The proxy wars and arming terror networks witnessed in Libya and Syria,

Along side Israel experimenting defense capability with United States funded ammunitions on Palestinian or Sudanese population could no longer be tolerated with complacency when such interventions are responsible for immense suffering across the globe.

United States and Israel stance in the dismissal of collective responsibility towards nuclear disarmament promotes nuclear proliferation and conventional arms race claiming innocent lives by the hour.

As a result, western weapons industries flourish while people of all age groups perish in society – unfortunately the Islamic nations in particular pursued with genocidal motive.

United States unequivocal favoritism to Israel’s every unreasonable and unethical demands not only diminished Super Power syndrome but also seriously jeopardized credibility to be a reliable partner in resolving international crises.

Simultaneously, UN supposedly an international body has consistently defaulted in demonstrating fairness beginning with recognition of Palestinian statehood in semblance with UNGA vote in 1948 for establishment of the state of Israel.

UN abandoning humanitarian principles and guidelines rather than being a dependable neutral convener of international events with individual jurisdiction barring external negative influence for vested interests is a great hindrance to global security.

Likewise, UNSC a mere political tool for western powers to authorize economic and military warfare against nations declared dispensable regardless of dire consequences to vulnerable citizens in the respective domain enduring inhumane commercial, financial, technological and travel embargo.

The precedence set by Israel and United States is a continuous trend selectively protecting western nations and preferred members from isolationism that otherwise imposed on non-western states in the past and present.

Accordingly, the hypocritical decisions foment mistrust and frustration among genuine participants experiencing dilemma in the existing hierarchy.

The dysfunctional structure could be attributed to lack of accountability due to hegemony control over UN, UNSC, IAEA and ICC reflected in prejudiced indictments instead of fairness and equal treatment in international affairs.

Moreover, in the absence of pervasive application of international rule and adherence by all nations without exceptions the abuse of privileged statehood increasingly delegitimize UN, UNSC, IAEA and ICC role in dispute settlement.

UN organization and affiliates performance would be meaningful provided they are able to meet the marginalized and disenfranchised vast majority expectations challenging the unnecessary shadow powers interference exacerbating human plight.

UNGA function exceeding beyond membership formality linked with implementation of unanimous or overwhelming consensus like the vote on Cuba in lifting more than sixty years old economic restriction and,

Ending Israeli Palestinian conflict in acknowledgment of Palestine sovereignty and independence among several global issues would restore authenticity in international mediation.

Setting political partisanship aside, the nuclear and non-nuclear states consolidated efforts and sincere involvement would guarantee safety from nuclear and diverse weapons widely exchanged in the state sponsored terrorism and manufactured unrest on domestic and foreign soil.

The UN nuclear conference proceeding per schedule in Helsinki in December 2012 would prove the organization commitment to serve people across the spectrum transcending politics and ideology driven policies serving none, however adversely affecting all.

Observing international protocol in respect for other nations contributions would be honorable and professional other than utilizing opportunity to protect life and environment from precipitous extinction.

The revival of nuclear talks in December 2012 in Helsinki, Finland is a litmus test for the nuclear nations to come forward in solidarity to preserve the only habitat available for the current and future generation.

Wishing organizers success in resuming much anticipated nuclear discussion to sustain life on the planet.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Global Security – Dismantling Military Industrial Complex and Closing Permanent Base

September 16, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

The predominant threat to sovereignty and global security is the military industrial complex with permanent base around the world.

Offense under defense pretext in the so-called war on terror transcends borders, disregards life and cause immense suffering to humanity.

Military aggression rejecting peace and diplomacy provides impetus for MIC generated terrorism and nuclear arms race.

The pentagon budget by far the most extravagant with exemption from internal or external audit facilitates offshore adventures producing casualties considered collateral damages in nonchalant perpetual warfare.

Regardless of political affiliations, the administrations complicity in warfare and military action not only undermines United States sovereignty but also emboldens hegemony in encroaching foreign territory.

The darkest day in United States history being September 11, 2001 – the carefully planned, methodical and well coordinated heinous crime against humanity committed on American soil to promote diabolical agenda PNAC – Project for New American Century.

PNAC – a far-fetched ambition for global dominance knocking governments perceived as obstacles on the path to control resources especially oil and minerals or strategic interests conceived by neo-conservatives adhering to Zionist ideology along with imperialists and oligarchy cohesion launched September 11, 2001 attack in accordance with reference in PNAC

“Something big and catastrophic like Pearl Harbor required for project implementation.”

Not only the entire scheme systematically carried out with explosives planted in the building ahead of event but also ample warnings and conspicuous signs brought to previous administration attention by those unaware of the plot deliberately ignored aiding and abetting in the choreographed act.

Upon successful September 11, operation, PNAC architects with government authorization pursued wars in Afghanistan and Iraq extended over to Yemen, Sudan, and Somalia continued in Libya and ongoing in Syria.

With September 11 as the premise the so-called war on terror escalated against global citizens in series of organized terrorism in Europe and elsewhere to support relentless wars boosting defense industry stocks and maintaining imperialistic quest.

Meanwhile serious ramifications on domestic economy in United States and Europe neglected due to disproportionate military spending depriving citizens essential programs ands services alongside skyrocketing national debt funding these wars and severe austerity imposed on tax payers – the actual financiers of illegal invasions and occupations much against their vehement opposition.

The supposed war on terror under false pretense waged against nations subjecting people across the globe to deaths, destruction and tyranny through imprisonment of terror suspects held in indefinite detention in Guantanamo bay, Bagram base and Abu Ghraib…denying habeas corpus i.e. the right to legal representation, renditions such as abductions, kidnappings for dispatch to overseas secret prisons, torture viz. water boarding, sleep deprivation and intimidation tactics adopted in direct violation of Geneva convention and human rights.

Furthermore, the war on terror specifically targets Islam – the sacred religion and Islamic nations motivated by colonial prejudice triggering sectarianism per divide and conquer strategy.

The illegal invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq also led to squandering hard earned U.S. tax payer funds and national embezzlements with billions of dollars gone missing unaccounted for in pentagon budget not to mention the profiteering and fortune amassment by corporations like KBR (Kellogg, Brown and Root) and Halliburton headed by former Vice President Dick Cheney never brought under public scrutiny for wealth recovery.

The incessant war on victims in the war zone is well known with millions displaced as refuges and remain orphans, widows, and homeless enduring despair and life long misery.

Notwithstanding the chaos and mayhem from wars leaving a permanent scar on the young, vulnerable and impressionable minds having no option but fall prey to terror recruitments as desired by war mongering factions to justify unjust intrusions using lies and deception for eternity.

The fact barring own others’ life has no meaning or value proven time and time again by belligerence and authoritarianism under democratization guise and liberty oxymoron to them reflected in trajectory thus far.

Sparing none in the insatiable appetite for global conquest, the troops largely comprising economically disadvantaged young men and women across the spectrum joining armed forces and,

Simultaneously passionate youth expressing willingness to serve the nation are exploited with excruciating experiences resulting in alarmingly higher suicides among soldiers,

Besides nationally embarrassing conduct exhibited by them before in Vietnam followed by similar behavior or worse in Iraq, Afghanistan and every war torn nation.

War veterans’ account of army and economic sector – defense, finance and energy in particular collusion with political leaderships to promote violence in the name of national security often treated with indignation and,

Likewise peace activists’ messages distorted and every attempt made to discredit source via character defamation, caricature, and offensive indecent communication contradictory to propagandists self-image falsely projected as cultured, civil, educated, elite and sophisticated members in society.

Nonetheless, real heroes are not deterred by reactionary agents deluded practices bound to hurt origin than intended subject.

Yet another conundrum to military expansionism is permanent military settlements worldwide including island nations in the Pacific Rim.

The contentious military base again facing strong local resistance for various legitimate reasons ranging from crimes involving sexual assaults against minor residents in Okinawa, Japan,

Civilian dwelling transformed into army cantonment – for instance sprawling green zone in Iraq, paramilitary and private contractors deployment in urban areas in Iraq, Pakistan and Libya pose major impediments to community normal existence not excluding environmental pollution attributed to health hazards in the occupied state.

Hegemony convincing political leaderships of these nations given the alliance between them through privileged club membership rejects public opinion in this regard.

The state leaders slight actual problems confronting people in the wake of illegal occupation failing to recognize the inherent danger in surrendering national will and sovereignty to foreign power.

Ending permanent military presence essentially colonization imminent to restore independent status world over allowing peaceful co-existence otherwise blocked enforcing military dependency on United States and NATO.

Korean Peninsula and Persian Gulf are primary examples with United States and NATO incursions accompanied by constant military drills on Yellow and Arabian Sea respectively instigate nations to prop up military capability plus nuclear aspiration.

Recent development on South China Sea directed at China in preparation for unwanted skirmishes is an invitation for preventable crisis.

The speculations on adversaries’ defense formidability in return utilized by military industrial complex to increase investments in conventional and innovative stockpiles as well as short and long range ballistic missiles.

Replicating pattern on Baltic Sea with NATO surrounding eastern bloc states and U.S. forces in Central Asia aimed at Russia is needless provocation.

Spreading across to Africa – AFricom is a U.S. military organization set up for oligarchy access to rich natural endowments in that continent.

The organization acting on U.S. State Department directed by Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission focused on monopoly with a competitor China vying for solid economic ties in the region.

Despite material possessions in abundance, Africa economic disparity leading to abject poverty, hunger, disease and environmental issues linked to civil wars with huge arms and ammunition influx from major economic powers disrupting political stability and steady growth in the economy.

Africa emancipation from foreign economic and military interference would deliver anticipated outcome – better living conditions for all.

Latin America – The democratically elected governments non-compliance to hegemonic demands removed from office through coup d’état for U.S. and allies military takeover.

Colombia is a key location for United States military challenging nations in South America to curb Brazil influence with Venezuela viewed as adversary to gain authority over oil reserves in that nation.

United States military, State department and Department of Justice role in fighting drug wars in Colombia, Mexico and across Latin America exacerbated with programs like “Fast and Furious’ finding indirect means to arm drug warlords and avenues for drug supply reaching United States and other parts of the world.

The intensification of issues rather than resolving them confirms sinister motives and lack of respect for life.

U.S. ceasing artillery distribution to drug cartels in Latin America would significantly contain and perhaps eliminate narcotics war destroying lives everywhere.

Contemporarily NATO and United States joint or separate military firepower has decimated nations with bloodshed having become normal occurrence throughout the world witnessed in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Yemen, Bahrain, Libya and Syria.

Hence dismantling NATO and military industrial complex closing military base world over honoring life and people a priority intercepting hegemony goal – blood stained profits and unattainable geopolitical supremacy.

Currently, humanity plight stems from New World Order system gradually crept in replacing democracy.

Council 0n Foreign Relations (CFR) and Trilateral Commission comprising self-proclaimed elitists and affluent members with complete disconnect from the real world and Main Street formulate policies instructing U.S. State department and Defense department to execute perilous order.

The appointments to head these departments are also decided by CFR and NWO chief protagonists rendering executive branch and congress mere formality for approval.

Consolidated mass movement with voice from global village could terminate NWO and every organization supporting the formation of one world government, single currency and enslavement.

Military industrial complex and NWO is the terror at present mercilessly consuming life and now is the time for convoluted concept to desist freeing humanity from oppression and persecution.

Wishing righteous people power pledged to peace and non-violence glorious victory against declining presumptuous conglomerate.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

http://youtu.be/w5itoWe6fb4 http://youtu.be/Kzaj8Xb1M8Q http://youtu.be/NNuosBnlw5s http://youtu.be/GiPe1OiKQuk http://youtu.be/akm3nYN8aG8 http://youtu.be/hEZfMruLMSI http://youtu.be/PkFXdj1y3mE http://youtu.be/kdviu6ziGqM http://youtu.be/48iLJ8NCEF8

Global Straits – Hegemonic Terror, Greed and Corruption

July 26, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Humanity confronted with three major straits emanating from hegemonic manufactured terror, greed driven policies epitomizing corruption and pervasive abuse of power undermining sovereignty and basic rights worldwide.

The hegemony ulterior motive being global dominance – self-destructive agenda premised on military might, economic austerity combined with income distribution inequality and corruption heightened by absolute power in feudalist system justifying empowerment of few and enslavement of the rest.

In exerting authoritarianism with first amendment rights suppression demonstrated in law enforcement brutality towards peaceful protesters, civil rights encroachment online and daily life surveillance, experience at airports all carried out under the guise of national security in the United States and trend replicated in regions under globalists control,

The extreme power rejects constitutionality behind governance implementing counterproductive measures with inevitable failure.

Typically exemplified in Syrian conflict escalation with terrorism openly promoted to decimate a sovereign nation.

The trajectory in Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Bahrain and Egypt emboldened through generous military aid at average Americans expense continued in Syria.

Similarly nonchalant drone strikes in Pakistan and Afghanistan dismiss civilian casualties in the so-called war on terror.

Warfare is the mechanism for national and regional destabilization aimed at unlimited access to resources in that territory.

Militarization via permanent bases and controversial tactical weapons such as short and long range ballistic missiles ICBM with nuclear warheads perpetuate unwarranted tension necessitating disproportionate military spending at global population costs witnessed in Europe, United States, emerging and developing economies prioritizing massive defense budget instead of divestments in national economy and peace projects benefitting all.

Communication media in diverse form again exploited for propaganda and innuendoes against truth presenters and challengers standing up to status quo.

The varying degree from malaise aggressive attacks not excluding death threats,character defamation,discrediting authentic information with pseudo counteract creations to subtle and deceptive overtones supposedly angelic versions target individuals regarded arch nemesis for seeking productive peaceful solutions to problems attributed to those at the political,economic and societal helm.

Essentially the powerful forgetting the roots and background upon possession of clout pledge allegiance to global powers flawed policies depriving vast majority existence with dignity.

On the economic front,the widening gap between haves and have-nots exacerbated with strategies safeguarding selective interests from collective contribution denying meaningful remedies scope to alleviate if not avert crisis.

Bank bailouts in an effort to sustain private financial control over money supply and public assets adopted regardless of devastating ramifications on the people burdened with ultimate responsibility.

Not to mention national sovereignty compromise with facilitators viz. Central Banks, IMF, World Bank and prominent governments interference in economic and political decision making leading to subjugation.

Citizens as taxpayers bear the brunt absolving financial institutions accountability irrespective of them being actual recipients and defaulters in the deal.

Interestingly, regulations pertinent for checks and balances systematically removed from economic sector in the face of systemic violations on every account by corporations whether it is financial debacle or environment disasters – the erroneous actions directly affecting life and habitat.

Contrarily, corporations involvement in political process beginning with campaign finance and advance to drafting legislations favor corporate profiteering not necessarily shared among workforce evident in the stagnant unemployment data and,

Accordingly nor generating tax revenues to boost economy and reduce fiscal woes of the nation.

Corruption is a global epidemic crippling nations with strong opposition to civil society proposals for transparency and anti-graft laws to deter bribery in cash and kind inflicting immense misery.

Concurrently, tax evasions worth several trillion dollars in offshore havens by the affluent transcending denomination pose impediments in improving living standards especially hurting the middle class and lower income demography with large percentage in impoverished category forced to absorb bulk liability in the absence of effective means to contain and prevent imminent financial structure collapse.

Swiss banks, Singapore and many island destinations enabling money laundering and hoarding prohibit scrutiny under merchant-client privilege used as a barrier for nations to probe illegal transactions across international network.

Notwithstanding others like Indian political leaderships successfully barring investigation, impasse in passing bills on corruption and tax revenue recovery that could potentially save significant lives in India and elsewhere.

Social injustice is the culmination of abovementioned factors – Police State fortified with military prowess and excess force to curtail legitimate dissent on domestic and foreign policy endangering republic status.

Washington has been long broken and fixing scattered mirror pieces would not renew appearance or functionality.

The same scenario applicable to U.S. allies in Europe, Asia, Middle East and all around.

Hence starting afresh with members committed to serving electorate and nation at large reflected in track record for incumbents and new aspirants contesting election devoid of corporate and foreign funding along with comprehensive resolutions to all outstanding national and global issues would pave the way for desperately required change.

Political contenders are not pandering to relevant base as often projected in media hype during election year.

The tough stance on United States military interventions and easing pressure on corporations attracting Wall Street donations are appeasement of globalists plan to establish one world government in semblance with United Nations, European Union and crumbling euro zone as prototype for imperialistic quest.

These organizations i.e. UNSC, EU and Euro Zone represented by NATO have been instrumental in imposing economic sanctions and military operations with western powers as New World Order chief representatives consistently proliferate violence and quantify human suffering in Middle East, Europe and world over.

Supremacy has never prevailed in the past and hoping to triumph at present is chasing a dream that will never be a reality.

Wars waged under false pretext throughout history have resulted in cataclysmic repercussions and unilateral provocation or otherwise would be preemptive affecting the origin than rival.

Dismantling NATO and reorganizing UN General Assembly for inclusiveness extending membership to Palestinian state subsequent to granting statehood at the UN with full honor and alike decisively guarantee world peace.

Rationality overriding far-fetched ambition would restore credibility in sincere participation towards political stability and prosperity across the globe.

People power could no longer remain dormant in the ever-rising threat to freedom and democracy.

Solidarity at the national and global level against divide and conquer principle would foster resolve to overcome invasion in any respect.

Optimism and dedication to the cause would provide victory.

Peace to all

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

http://youtu.be/7UzXXngySdU http://youtu.be/hXH6wT9aMec http://youtu.be/_8pyshVZyOo http://youtu.be/B8gM51CNsck http://youtu.be/qpzIOfIoHPg http://youtu.be/WpiLARg87FU http://youtu.be/6sCioKnpHdY http://youtu.be/Ym4TTmOJ4I8 http://youtu.be/7UzXXngySdU http://youtu.be/hXH6wT9aMec http://youtu.be/_8pyshVZyOo http://youtu.be/B8gM51CNsck http://youtu.be/qpzIOfIoHPg http://youtu.be/WpiLARg87FU http://youtu.be/6sCioKnpHdY http://youtu.be/Ym4TTmOJ4I8

Moscow – Iran Nuclear Summit 2012

June 21, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Moscow hosted the summit on Iran’s civilian nuclear program.

UNSC permanent members plus Germany i.e. P5+1 and EU foreign secretary Catherine Ashton along with Iran held talks this week on Iran’s nuclear development maintained by the Islamic Republic as involvement for civil purpose such as isotopes in nuclear medicine and energy option.

Although there was no consensus arrived at this session, the agreement to attend next meeting scheduled in Istanbul, Turkey on July 2 – 3, 2012, providing technical details is significant.

Besides the host nation Russia’s initiative to encourage dialogue by creating an opportunity to share thoughts and grievances is praiseworthy.

Iran having complied with every western powers i.e. United States, England, Israel and key EU members’ demand justifiably seeking removal of economic sanctions and financial transaction SWIFT and other facility reactivation.

Oil embargo on Iran is affecting rest of the world especially developing nations and austerity imposed euro zone nations more than Iran despite Saudi Arabia increased crude oil output to exacerbate Iranian population suffering.

For amicable resolution the disputing parties cooperation would have enormous impact in alleviating tension alongside rewarding one another for incremental progress that could lead to mutually desirable outcome.

In this instance, Iran’s adherence to western sponsored IAEA and UN inspection and further willingness to allow additional verification in any controversial sites deserves recognition revoking crippling economic sanctions that are major impediments in eliminating undercurrents on nuclear discourse.

Additionally, Iran consent to uranium enrichment threshold of 20% – internationally acknowledged limit barring advancement to nuclear weapon status combined with request for neutral nuclear states shipment of remaining fissile material exclusively to enhance medical treatment saving lives is a step in the right direction and merits western powers reconciliation.

Iran with all of these proposals and exemplified actions has met western requirements including cohesive participation guaranteed in the coming weeks on nuclear components and proportion to be evaluated prior to moving ahead on the chartered civilian nuclear goals.

Similarly, Israel being the other side having put forth numerous conditions on Iran through strong ally United States and EU is also obligatory to honor international treaty by submitting to Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) and most importantly Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty (FMCT) for fairness and credibility.

Israel’s conciliatory response would then justify concerns on potential nuclear threat from Iran and,

Also address similar apprehension among Arab neighbors regarding Israel’s covert nuclear warheads posing imminent danger in the region.

Unlike Israel, Iran has no nuclear weapons in possession with nuclear capability not on the agenda considering Iran’s head of the political system Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s anti-nuclear stance following Islamic faith as religion of peace forbid weapons of mass destruction.

Poignantly United States and Israeli intelligence as well as military until now has confirmed Iran’s non-nuclear weapon status.

Hence, speculations on Iran’s nuclear ambition unnecessarily contribute to hostility with ramped up military incursions on the Persian Gulf.

Notwithstanding Israel’s existential preparation to attack Iran’s nuclear site sadly ignoring self-devastation and inevitable endangerment of U.S. troops across Middle East, Islamic nations in Central Asia and Indian sub-continent.

The cavalier approach in the face of evidences clarifying otherwise supported by western agencies monitoring Iran’s engagement together with series of multilateral exchange would be counterproductive.

Western powers reciprocation in lifting all sanctions against Iran would enable anticipated milestones on the contentious nuclear issue.

While the world patiently awaits peaceful settlement on nuclear matter between Israel and Iran,

Nuclear disarmament and nuclear energy abandonment is incumbent upon all nuclear and non-nuclear states to ensure global security.

The universal commitment in this regard is the only way forward for life existence and planet sustenance.

Good Luck! To Israel and Iran in succeeding on bilateral peace accord for the safety and prosperity of present and future generation not only in their domain but the world at large.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

United States – NATO Summit 2012

May 20, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Warm Greetings! To world leaders attending the NATO summit 2012 in Chicago, Illinois.

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) led by United States comprising the wings instrumental in the flight disproportionately represents the military might and accordingly responsible for massive casualties and destruction in the embattled zones around the world.

The alliance for formidability creating fear and concerns widely perceived as intimidation against sovereign nations justifiably deserves scrutiny behind the purpose of operations and extension contributing to conventional and nuclear arms race since formation.

NATO presence collectively poses major threat to peace and disarmament with proliferating nuclear arsenal and ammunitions,

Besides fomenting militancy and terror networks emerging from vulnerability and hopelessness generated in the cyclical violence costing lives and taxpayer dollars with no accountability.

The military missions involving NATO thus far has been controversial and counterproductive considering interventional means and magnitude often violating international law never investigated for fairness applying uniform standards and prevention in the ongoing engagement.

The tremendous turmoil and trepidation among nations bogged down by warfare exacerbating victims’ tragedy especially with NATO drone strikes in Pakistan and Afghanistan demonstrate the questionable motives in the prolonged military offense with decisive outcome being troop withdrawal and NATO assault termination.

Despite NATO intrusion in Afghanistan and Pakistan for over a decade,

The dismal prognosis according to the U.S. military claim on the ever-increasing terror networks perhaps different in nomenclature but otherwise portending risks greater than before presented in defense budget spending deprives nation and citizens the opportunity for economic recovery.

NATO maintenance in the backdrop of negative attributes evidently signifies enormous drain on taxpayers’ revenue in the austerity period defeating the objectives to contain terrorism particularly the organization epitomizing traits endangering life and environment witnessed in Libya.

The defense industry arguably thrives under sprawling military capacity with renewable demands at humanity’s detriment and the profits not necessarily reviving the economy.

NATO and U.S. widespread military base worldwide is a burden established in the status quo and American taxpayers specifically the youth population dealing with burgeoning debt crisis not only on the student loans but also the future at stake for them with elected leaderships inability and lack of political will to reverse the trend in population and national interest.

However, the ultimate power remaining with people – the change made possible through ballots rejecting fundamentally flawed policies reflected in candidates’ performance and campaign finance other than individual dual platform i.e. rhetoric on campaign trail to win elections and upon election serving the substantial donors agenda.

Yet another contentious issue surrounding NATO is the expansion in Eastern Europe and anti-missile defense (AMD) installations jeopardizing START (Strategic Arms Reduction
Treaty) with Russia necessitating resurgence in short and long range missiles such as ICBM – Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles that hinders contemporary reset in the relation between the two nations.

NATO summit this year focused on Afghanistan security force, army recruitment, training and sustenance post U.S. exit in 2014 alongside U.S. military permanent settlement plan beyond the timeframe estimated at $4.1 billion with U.K. Australia and Germany reportedly delivered the agreed interim amount followed by Canada apparently contemplating on the sum towards this requirement.

As mentioned earlier in this context, Afghanistan military dependency on the west equivalent to Egypt dilemma experienced by the people with never ending interference undermining sovereignty and quest for democracy violently suppressed long after U.S. and Israel’s ally former President Hosni Mubarak departure.

Afghanistan as U.S. and NATO proxy government entirely relying on western funding when western economies are in dire state drastically affecting the respective citizens,

The pledge to military component over Afghanistan’s economic development indicative of perpetual confrontation with Taliban resisting foreign occupation leaving the citizens with no alternative but to support the resistance.

Afghanistan utilizing country’s resources to build economy and address national defense, political and social reform would essentially be the cornerstone for war fatigued Afghans desperately seeking end to violence and moving forward with positive growth conforming to twenty first century progress.

Again turning away from poppy cultivation – the source destroying lives with funding for incessant warfare, systemic corruption and political instability would be a remarkable beginning guaranteed to improve overall situation.

Likewise in Pakistan, NATO concentration on north western border Waziristan tracking militants for several years with sophisticated technology and air raids having killed many tribal members in that area and repeat incidents elsewhere along the territory obviously backfire in the anti-western sentiments expressed across the nation.

United States military with new age weaponry and equipment nonetheless exhausted troops on revolving combat duty some demoralized in the perennial chase for Al Qaeda and Taliban lost credibility in strategy and reason provided in the so-called war on terror.

NATO confined to protecting own national frontiers instead of tagging along United States would be honorable and pragmatic reducing or even eliminating existential terror produced for commercial gains and geopolitical advantage.

Adopting peaceful negotiations, diplomacy and respect for nations’ independent status absolutely important to repair and restore tarnished image.

Promoting domestic and overseas economy through mutually beneficial trade agreements, educational programs and cultural exchange – the catalyst for universal peace and harmony.

Life is to be celebrated not violated in the journey to self-liberation from deeds or karma determining the destiny.

Best wishes for global peace and solidarity with actions always guided by compassion and rationality.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


Seoul – Nuclear Security Summit 2012

March 28, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Warm Greetings! To world leaders at the Nuclear Security Summit 2012 in Seoul, South Korea.

This is an important event providing an opportunity to share and discuss global security concerns from nuclear arsenal.

The lingering tensions between Israel and Iran on the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program is the bone of contention with United States as Israel’s strong ally having imposed crippling sanctions and disabled SWIFT freezing financial payments services on trade to exacerbate Iran’s economic conditions are pre-emptive measures in the long desired global confrontation.

Similarly closer to summit venue in the Korean peninsula – North Korea announcement to launch satellite into orbit and rocket positioning creating anxiety among neighbors and U.S. strategic partners South Korea and Japan.

Iran and North Korea participation rather than isolation in the summit would have been prudent in fostering constructive dialogue and meaningful solutions to impending nuclear issues.

Inclusion not exclusion transcending politics and ideology is crucial for global peace and harmony.

Within Asia, U.S promoted India’ s nuclear power project with enriched uranium supply from United States has prompted nuclear state Pakistan across the Indian border to pursue equivalent deal for formidability in Fissile Material Cut-Off Treaty (FMCT) vis-à-vis India as predicted escalating nuclear arms race in the region.

Not to mention the nuclear developments via nuclear energy in the Indian sub-continent extending further into China – another nuclear state adjusting potential to meet with changing nuclear weapons status emanating from U.S. initiative.

The situation also facilitates U.S. and NATO military operation premised on deterrence against Pakistan’s militant groups from gaining access to nuclear arsenal forming a never ending cycle in the indefinite mission for global dominance.

In the western front – United States presence through NATO expansion in Eastern Europe with missile defense system perceived as provocative stance by Russia considering the proximity and installation directed at Russia.

Accordingly Russia’s proactive defense shield strategy related to ICBM (Intercontinental Ballistic Missile) besides U.S. tactical weapons and short-range missiles continues to arouse skepticism on both sides sparking a comment from Russian President Dmitry Medvedev during recent Euro-Atlantic security conference in Moscow calling for Euro-Atlantic security community to evolve from myth into reality.

Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) comprising Russia and Central Asian countries membership to counteract NATO and U.S. aspirations in oil and natural gas rich territories along with U.S. declared plan at the Seoul summit to expand missile shield strategy in Asia and Middle East is yet another dimension to twenty first century global security challenge.

United States – the nuclear state with significant nuclear weapons in possession is non-signatory to NPT (Non-Proliferation Treaty),

Notwithstanding history depicting U.S. – the only nation to have used nuclear arsenal – Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan.

Lately, in Iraq war U.S. and coalition partner United Kingdom dropped bombs containing depleted uranium with devastating generational impact on health and environment.

United States, United Kingdom and France have repeatedly asserted all options against Iran.

Regardless, they claim themselves responsible nuclear nations while condemning those deemed adversaries nuclear technology for medical isotopes in cancer treatment or,

Subscribing to western catered nuclear energy program – the precedence set by existing nuclear powers in the world utilizing nuclear energy as the pretext for nuclear weapons advancement.

Middle East Israel’s nuclear status widely known but not acknowledged by the state and western allies in the absence of IAEA or UN inspection and verification.

Israel took enormous pride in the acquisition of Iron Dome – supposedly the marvel in intercepting missiles and experimented the effectiveness with extra-judicial execution of Palestinian leader Zuhair al-Qaisi, the Secretary General of the Popular Resistance Committees in the Gaza Strip late March 2012 expecting victims’ retaliation subsequent to casualties including civilians in total 24 killed from this mock attack.

In return the rockets hitting southern Israel from Gaza were reportedly intercepted in a timely manner by Iron Dome resulting in no loss of lives on Israeli side.

Israel exercise with Iron Dome at the expense of some innocent Palestinian lives apparently in preparation for unilateral strike against Iran and after ascertaining Iron Dome capability,

The jingoism for catastrophic action against Iran disregarding global ramifications is subversive and counterproductive.

Furthermore, Israeli intelligence agency Mossad and CIA have confirmed that Iran has no nuclear weapons and without any progress in enhancement.

The U.S. military high command and intelligence are stated to be in agreement with the status quo.

In light of these facts from Israel and United States intelligence sources, the fervor on warfare in the volatile Middle East amid U.S. troops lives at stake in all directions is an invitation to disaster.

International community deserves valid explanation for the unnecessary turmoil via sanctions against Iran with no evidence of nuclear upgrade and frivolous moratorium on Iranian oil exports hurting average citizens and businesses around the world.

The potent tools – trade embargo and military intervention against targets for global dominance is the existential terror endangering life and habitat.

Israel also condemned for using white phosphorous in densely populated areas during December 2008 bombing of Gaza. The findings in UN report by Justice Richard Goldstone were never honored by United States and Israel till date.

Contrarily United States warned nations importing Iranian crude oil with economic sanctions suggesting any violation would have serious repercussions and obtained ten European nations and Japan’s compliance to U.S. demand while others like India proportionately cut back oil imports from Iran and mulling over alternative sources and costs to meet with substantial domestic energy consumption.

The hierarchy among nuclear and non-nuclear states with distinction such as responsible vs. reckless raises credibility factor highlighting hypocrisy on those nations part responsible for arbitrary engagement in widespread nuclear material distribution to forge strategic alliance aimed at global showdown.

Nuclear security summit is a golden opportunity for unanimous consensus on unconditional nuclear disarmament by all nuclear states without exception and pledging in solidarity for immediate implementation of nuclear arsenal disposal not excluding fissile material in individual stockpiles stored under nuclear energy production.

Non-nuclear states reaffirmation as NPT signatories would be impetus for others to follow suit.

Independent international committee with nuclear experts, ethicists and legal professionals alongside IAEA could begin the process to establish central monitoring of nuclear sites for systematic and simultaneous surrender incorporating checks and balances to evaluate delivery efficiency.

Above all accountability to address obligatory failure irrespective of stature would serve common interest.

Nuclear power program camouflaged to accelerate nuclear ambition is the tradition best abandoned especially with viable alternatives like solar, wind, and hydroelectric energy available in abundance.

The schism in government mishandling of Fukushima nuclear melt down is exposure on non-disclosure – latest reports reveal deliberate act in withholding public safety information by deleting emails and other sources with a red flag on imminent humanitarian crisis.

In conclusion nuclear free zone is the only guaranteed security to humanity.

Wishing success to all nations activists in denuclearization of the world.

Perhaps Seoul Nuclear Security Summit 2012 could be the torchbearer of permanent peace eliminating nuclear weapons from the planet.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


Global Challenge – State Sponsored Terrorism

March 1, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

The greatest challenge facing humanity today is economic and military warfare waged for subjugation leading to global dominance.

National sovereignty undermined through military aggression and economic pressure with severe austerity imposed upon nations submerged in debt created by institutions such as World Bank, International Monetary Fund, Federal Reserve and Central Banks in Europe and around the world is a major threat to global society.

Wall Street investment bankers and equity management firms like Goldman Sachs hedge fund debacle drowned Greek, Spanish… economy with former having made a fortune while the latter battling for survival under tough economic penalty.

It is clear that concentrated wealth acquired deceitfully wielding power over global population directly responsible for the status quo.

The empire with selective members upon meeting the criteria i.e. characteristics paradoxical to anything good has been successful in causing impoverishment and misery.

Espousing values deviating in human ethos indiscriminately inflict atrocity judging from trajectory – the ruthless strategy is empowerment of few and enslavement of the rest.

Up until now the tentacles spread across the globe under economic policy – globalization with political motto – One World government setting the stage for New World Order.

Having founded organizations like United Nations particularly the United Nation Security Council barring contemporary geopolitical and economic regional representation is the tool to authorize embargo – the overt exertion of authority against targets of economic and strategic interest.

New World Order as suggestive in the name exercising hegemony seeks complete surrender of national resources and most importantly individual liberty.

Civil rights eroded under national security pretext with constant surveillance over citizens including racial profiling have become the norm in the land of the free and home of the brave.

Evidently blatant efforts to deny Internet – the viable medium for public awareness and global alert regarding incendiary assault on freedom by political leaders and federal agency directed to intervene in the first amendment bill of rights cannot be ignored.

The White House signatory to Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) along with EU counterpart is apparently set for yet another potent sabotage on mainstream communication.

Reportedly March 8, 2012 – FBI deadline for Internet shut down with Trojan viral bomb potentially malfunctioning computer is the latest cyber scourge to quell dissent against authoritarianism.

Citizens deserve appropriate clarifications from the government behind the looming unconstitutional censorship on freedom of speech.

Occupy movement across the globe in solidarity observing peaceful and non-violent means could efface shadow organization infringement on human existence.

The carefully planned and organized terror attack with federal complicity facilitated Patriot Act granting government and agencies unlimited power in human rights violation prohibiting 9/11 related serious investigations in the land of justice.

Despite compelling evidences comprising eyewitness accounts, expert analysis on controlled demolition contributing to twin towers and world trade center building # 7 collapse,

Not to mention the profiteers from the horrific crime and tragedy caught with foot in their mouth in the monumental insurance fraud and,

Several real perpetrators capitalizing on the opportunity to invade sovereign nations leaving thousands of service men and women killed, millions of lives lost, countless rendered homeless, destitute and refugees in their country – are ironically upheld in high esteem with impunity against prosecution.

The glaring indifferences raise questions in rational minds,

What is the purpose of legal system in the so-called democracy?

Why is the nation that galvanized to bomb Afghanistan based on propaganda chooses to remain silent upon revelations on September 11 attacks and events subsequent to state colluded biggest terror act in mankind history?

When law and justice claws outstretch to track down offenders in civil society and unabashedly pronounce guilty verdicts mounting up to capital punishment,

Why are the political establishment and privileged class exempt from similar scrutiny and never brought to justice for corruption, treason, mass murder and horrendous crimes committed in electorates name?

Besides not being held accountable for smearing national image and jeopardizing integrity of the country they are elected to serve in a democratic society.

Evil emboldened and thrives when goodness is dormant or complacent in the face of death and destruction.

Modern society conundrum is the lawmakers being the lawbreakers with license to subvert facts, intimidate witnesses not excluding mysterious disappearances and control investigative wings to personal advantage.

The practice extended into judicial branch noticeably executing judiciary power on expendable members,

Political helm as mastermind and windfall monetary gains actual beneficiaries on corruptions or racketeering yielding phenomenal profits stashed away in Swiss bank accounts and tax havens at national and international detriments are neither subjected to thorough unadulterated judicial inquiry nor subpoenaed to testify in public domain enabling presumptuous invincibility by default.

Furthermore conventional media and press corps owned by corporations and private entities in cohort with politics endanger democratic principles redefining freedom of press duly subservient to political machinery compromising journalistic standards to the lowest ebb.

The unflinching loyalty to political hierarchy by specific media and print press is abhorrent.

Notwithstanding peripheral affiliates relentless slander and character defamation against those standing up to power proves the coalescence favoring unscrupulousness and impropriety.

As a result conscientious members in civil society and independent investigative journalists admirably rise to the occasion risking life and reputation for national and humanitarian cause infusing rationality as well as objectivity in the otherwise propaganda ravaged discourse promoting narcissistic goals.

Again these diligent crusaders are not spared from political witch-hunt or feudalists and their support base indignation.

United States having been betrayed numerous times is at the crossroads to restore fundamental democratic axioms cognizance of republic governance made possible by severing ties with misleading forces exploiting American benevolence for ideology driven supremacy doomed to fail in the overzealous mission.

The U.S. military command  – Army, Marine, Air Force and National Coast Guards allegiance is pledged to the Star Spangled banner and the nation it represents not the insidious repetitive reconnaissance premised on grandeur seizure of global power.

Brief description of existential menace – All Seeing Eye emblematic of sea pirates notably pioneered the art of piracy with secrecy being the core element contradictory to unprecedented invasion of others privacy is entrenched in divide and conquer philosophy, fear mongering apart from eugenics and apartheid maintained to advance depopulation.

Arguably the network has no religion and is neither an atheist nor agnostic.

However worships GOD – in the denomination of Gold, Oil and Destructive Weapons viz. lethal stocks (Drugs, Arms and Ammunition even nuclear arsenal material such as enriched uranium, Chemical weapons for biowarfare) pursued with overwhelming greed and violence.

The desperation to expedite pre-meditated global conquest is unfolding in synchrony.

European economies are currently succumbing to stringent cuts viz. Greece, Spain…from unreasonable conditionality in ECB, IMF and EU aka Troika loans paving way for economic colonization.

Middle East – U.S. led NATO preparedness and eagerness to strike Syria early March in addition to using none other than another Islamic nation – Turkey troops deployment is consistent with polarization technique applied in usurping power against nations perceived weak and vulnerable.

The nexus organization heralded tearing the Berlin Wall in Germany, bringing down iron curtain in the former Soviet Union only to substitute with tyranny and state sponsored terrorism unveiled on September 11, 2001 and thereafter.

Global revolution is the effective remedy to reclaim sovereignty by rejecting privately owned central banks predominantly financing two-dimensional warfare in the economic and military front crippling societies for ultimate enforcement of NEW WORLD ORDER.

The immediate priority for citizens is to curb any attempts to disrupt or terminate Internet access.

Non-compliance of undemocratic laws designed to exacerbate human suffering.

It could be exemplified in taxpayers refusing to pay taxes spent on warfare,

Misplaced generosity – U.K. foreign aid to growing economy like India demonstrating condescension than compassion,

Worldwide protest against Swiss Banks and tax shelters is imperative.

The discreet holdings not only bankrupt developing and developed economies but also legitimize illicit financial transactions fostering corruption culture.

Likewise demanding black money recovery hoarded in Swiss banks and tax havens regardless of political, economic and social stature would assist in economic development.

Independent inquiry of public officials and leaderships implicated on corruption scandals, vote rigging, and legislation involving bribery, obstruction of justice and above all abuse of power during term in office would confirm functional democracy.

Calling for public trial on 9/11 terrorism and illegal invasions of Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya would categorically reaffirm the democratic stance  –

None are above the law.

Dismantling World Bank, IMF, UNSC used to justify prejudicial economic sanctions and military intervention against selective nations.

Invalidate Federal Reserve to reinstate republic control of money supply in every part of the world.

International Criminal Court of Justice in Hague re-structured to eliminate bias for indictments against war crimes,

Corporate activities harming life and environment,

Social injustices of all kind – ranging from gender inequality, sexual orientation and human trafficking to misuse of religion and neglect of indigenous population.

Vatican City – Christianity’s prosperous religious center assets distribution would substantially improve lives and adequately address poverty, hunger and disease in many regions.

Even perhaps rescue European economies from dire consequences conforming to Lord Jesus Christ teachings on the healing power of kindness through charity.

Wealth and knowledge proliferate upon sharing amongst the deprived and disenfranchised in the society.

Finally, regulations to safeguard global financial security and environment quintessentially alleviate prevalent adversity.

Please remember people possess power to bring about the change benefitting all reversing the trend in isolation, exclusiveness and superiority.

Transparency in political and economic decision-making process is paramount for nation building.

Citizens around the world are requested to come together in laying the foundation for a new beginning with universal peace and freedom.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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