Israel and United States against Iran – World War III

January 20, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

The covert war against Iran through crippling economic sanctions and nuclear scientists killings is an invitation for cataclysmic consequences in the pre-emptive mission.

Israel and United States provocation against Iran under nuclear program pretext is a premise to engage the world in confrontation possibly evolving into nuclear meltdown.

The masterminds behind potential global involvement refuse to recognize the magnitude of disaster in the fundamentally flawed strategy to attack Iran inciting international conflict.

Despite several warnings in opposition to belligerence in the volatile Middle East, the recent isolation of Iran is intimidation exacerbating population frustration and anxiety on looming warfare.

The taunting with various trade restrictions and financial flow disruptions towards Iran constitutes persecution of Iranian citizens in the misguided regime change agenda.

Obsession with Iran is fatal attraction for the provocateurs underestimating the irreversible outcome.

The nuclear states – Israel and United States intrusion in Iran via intelligence agencies CIA and Mossad to deter alleged Iranian advanced nuclear status based on speculations is counterproductive especially,

When IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) – western powers trusted organization has verified and reiterated Iran’s non-proliferation record in accordance with the accused NPT membership as non-nuclear state.

On the contrary both Israel and United States being nuclear nations are neither NPT (Non Proliferation Treaty) signatories nor maintained restraints in nuclear development.

Besides, the strike against Iran in any proportion directly endangers U.S. troop deployment in the Persian Gulf notwithstanding Hormuz strait shut down leading to energy crisis.

Unites States volunteering troop sacrifice for Israel’s misconception on Iran’s nuclear situation,

In addition to burdening U.S. taxpayers with war expenditure confirms misplaced preferences particularly in the backdrop of skyrocketing U.S. debt at  $15.3 trillion accompanied by escalated war spending juxtaposed severe austerity proposals on citizens life dependent programs.

Not to mention absence of revenue due to forbidden tax hikes on 1% wealthiest in the society and U.S. monetary aid continuation to affluent nations like Israel increases national deficit.

Ideology driven policy and protecting pentagon budget on protracted warfare is dominant in Washington.

Otherwise taxpayers funded Congress would not have tried prohibiting free speech with controversial SOPA and PIPA bills targeting truth and facts in public domain.

Electorate granted authority is used against them at their expense.

In a real democracy elected representatives would heed and not drown republic voice -prevalent in contemporary politics.

Expecting wars to stimulate economy and boost political rating is a misnomer considering Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan debacle.

Humility is revealed in learning from past and present mistakes unlike the status quo defiance in preventing imminent catastrophes from military and economic aggression against Iran.

United States imposed ban on EU crude oil imports from Iran would be devastating for fragile European economy amid euro zone crisis.

European and United States economic recovery with viable solutions is entirely dependent on checks and balances in foreign policy determining political and economic conditions from global perspective.

There are remedies to the political and military standoff between Israel and Iran.

First and foremost, lifting economic sanctions against Iran and retracting military position in Persian Gulf is imperative in easing tensions for multilateral meeting initiating constructive dialogue agreed to by Iran.

Upon creating conducive environment with mutual hospitality rather than hostility,

The prospects for peaceful negotiations could emerge with necessary trust and credibility in moving forward on many contentious issues concerning Israel and Iran.

Most importantly such exchange would categorically win public empathy on both sides alleviating legitimate trepidation from existing scenario – i.e. strike against Iran resulting in regional retaliation with Israel Mideast policy regarded more adversarial than perceived threats from Iran.

For any positive results – the negotiating partners and participants genuine commitment towards peace and diplomacy is required to defuse stalemate.

Mass movement engineered political transformations are authentic and democratic in nature contrasting foreign powers intervention with vested interests serving as spoilers evident in Egypt, Libya, Syria, Bahrain, Yemen…and now in Iran.

Egypt military is allowed to remain in power with substantial U.S. military aid prolonging iron fist rule and elections proving to be farcical facilitating fundamentalists victory inevitably dissolved reinstating foreign power appointed dictatorial government.

Similarly in Libya – the peaceful and non-violent revolution converted into civil war with foreign powers candid endorsement of Gaddafi rule extended through hegemonic choice Saif Al Islam Gaddafi – still remaining the preferred candidate in reserve for possible return signified in the call for fair trial on war crimes against Saif Al Islam in spite of the heir apparent authorization and engagement in civilian massacre.

Meanwhile the U.S. State department primary contacts – non- revolutionary Libyan expatriates from western shores arrival in Libya enabled them in gaining power in the new government and ironically introduced Sharia Law – depriving meaningful democracy espousing political rights, economic progress and poignantly social equality.

The foreign power policy – Control over Middle East resources with proxy authoritarianism is intact.

Local revolutions without foreign powers clandestine complicity with autocratic regimes could be far more successful in achieving democracy.

Further more they would be a formidable challenge to hegemony nominated authorities in any political system.

Shifting focus on the brewing storm in Persian Gulf – The clear distinction between Iran and Iraq could perhaps motivate leaderships in refraining from military action and,

Instead pursue harmony in resolving the burgeoning security matter.

Abandoning untenable ambitions from all sides would save life and provide an opportunity for peaceful reconciliation in the embattled zone.

The immediate priority is improving the global economy and political freedom for the oppressed around the world with equal attention towards environment goals.

Conforming to democratic values and principles in policies would enunciate peace.

Wishing Israel, United States and Iran peaceful settlement on all issues.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Norway – Memorial Service for Victims of Twin Terror Violence

July 27, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

Norway is mourning the loss of innocent lives in the twin terror that shocked the capital Oslo and Utoya island in the city proximity on July 22, 2011.

The bomb blast in the government headquarters in Oslo followed by the shooting spree at the Labor youth camp on the island has claimed 76 lives and left many injured.

Norwegians have shown extraordinary courage and reacted to the horrific event with calm and solidarity.

The peace loving Nordic nation’s dignified response to an individual act is a fine example of demonstrating humanitarian quality that truly represents the innate human nature.

Despite the fear and tragedy in the unexpected violence caused by the single entity’s misguided belief,

The government and people decision to reject acrimony in favor of harmony is remarkable upholding democratic values and principles,

But not compromising on security and proactive measures to deter recurring incidents in the future.

Honorable Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg message promoting peace and unity alongside distinguished Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Stoere and esteemed dignitaries of the monarchy, Crown Prince Haakon attending memorial service in the World Islamic Mission Mosque in Oslo on Tuesday, July 26, 2011 provides exemplary guidance to society in their commitment to non-violence and diversity – the essence of natural creation enriching the beauty of life.

Notions deflecting from reality often misleads human mind triggering deeply regrettable actions with irreversible outcome when it involves fatalities and painful consequences for those engaged in such crimes.

Contemporary world is confused and embroiled in detecting differences rather than recognizing commonalities and uniqueness in human race that brings forth the concept of oneness while maintaining personal attributes for greater good.

The arrest of Anders Behring Breivik for the combined assault on fellow citizens is a necessary judicial process in lawful society,

However spreading knowledge about reconciliation prospects outweighing confrontational practices would immensely help human relations evolve to benefit self and others in the increasingly violent environment.

Every step towards social progress begins with mutual understanding and regard for one another,

Notwithstanding acknowledgment of consolidated strengths – the important factor in any achievements by society.

Human accomplishments thus far is a testimony to the fact that nation thrives in staying united and not divided for polarization through ignorance serve none including the source of origin.

Collective contributions in human talent and labor enable the world productive challenging impossibility on milestones in every frontier.

Synthesizing the best features in eastern and western cultures for a new dimension in development could be promising for the equally significant civilizations in ancient and modern context.

Hence all efforts to sustain racial, religious and gender equality would be the impetus to alleviate economic disparity and prevalent political instability across the globe.

Norway citizens and political leaderships deserve praise for handling the domestic crisis with poise in addition to their consistent role in peaceful negotiations on international conflicts.

No words can offer solace to the bereaved members bearing the burden of sorrow from the senseless violence.

Nonetheless time is a great healer and trust in a better tomorrow filled with hope, love and respect for life guarantees tranquility and happiness in daily existence.

With sincere condolences to the victims’ families, thoughts and prayers conveyed for the departed souls to rest in peace and the wounded for speedy recovery.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant






















Afghanistan – Troop Withdrawal for Redeployment

May 22, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

The legislation on troop withdrawal from Afghanistan for redeployment per the White House proposal requires clarification with specific details.

Bill sponsored by the Honorable Democrat Senators Barbara Boxer, Kirsten Gillibrand, Richard Durbin and Sherrod Brown seeks the following actions:

The legislation is defined as:

The Safe and Responsible Redeployment of

United States Combat Forces from

Afghanistan Act of 2011


1. States that is U.S. policy to begin the phased redeployment of U.S. combat forces from                     Afghanistan by July 1, 2011.

2.  Requires the President’s administration submit a plan to Congress by July 31, 2011,                           for the phased redeployment of U.S. combat forces from Afghanistan

3.  Requires the plan include a date certain for completion of redeployment.

Reiterating the response provided to Senators Barbara Boxer and Kirsten Gillibrand,

Adopting peace over protracted war is productive in many aspects.  Peace is powerful and constructive from the economic, political and humanitarian standpoint.

It is time to bring our troops home from Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen and around the world.

The legislation layout for redeployment rather than return back home is a grave concern particularly with the immediate and long term military plan to redeploy the exhausted armed forces elsewhere.

Again as mentioned in earlier submission to the request for support – Troop withdrawal is pragmatic and paramount.

However, not for redeployment in other targeted locations.

Troop withdrawal for redeployment is expecting different outcome from same experiments proved detrimental to life and national economy.

Further the strategy has adversely affected the political future for the occupied nations like Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq… escalating violence through suicide attacks or sectarian conflicts thereby facilitating prolonged troops presence, may not necessarily in combat position,

Nonetheless remaining in reserve on foreign land leaning towards establishing permanent base as revealed for Iraq with synonymous policy.

Additionally, the unpopular governments appointed in Afghanistan and Iraq against electoral mandate by U.S and NATO has exacerbated national security, non-viable governance emanating from rampant corruption and leaderships perceived as puppet representation of foreign power.

Afghanistan like Iraq is saddled with more than a decade war, government without a clear roadmap for economic growth or political stability in a fragmented society.

U.S. and NATO troop withdrawal in entirety would unequivocally reinstate sovereignty in all occupied territories enabling civilian rule under leaderships pledged to solidarity and secular society.

Unlike the U.S. departure subsequent to former Soviet retraction from Afghanistan abandoning the domestic needs of the population,

It is important this time around to reverse the trend and maximize assistance in nation building beginning with infrastructure, education, health and economic opportunity through trade relationships with the people choice of government committed to promoting agriculture, industrial and robust environment for rapid progress.

United States faced with fiscal crisis and sluggish economy, staggering unemployment and rising inflation simply cannot afford extravagant military missions under the pretext of the so-called war on terror.

Evidently such engagement over a decade in different parts of the world has resulted in bankrupt economy with upcoming debate on raising the debt ceiling alongside spending cuts primarily aimed at the consumer based segments -restraining business sector development.

Transparency on all matter exemplified though action is quintessential to move the nation forward.

Hence the legislation on troop withdrawal from Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan and the U.S. base across the globe for domestic return and not redeployment to another region is highly recommended mindful of the fact that,

The long overdue defense expenditure divestment would save and protect life at home and abroad.

With profound gratitude to the armed forces for their invaluable service and sacrifice to this great nation,

The esteemed Congress is requested to stand united and overwhelmingly approve the monumental legislation to end wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen…and around the world expediting the troop arrival in the United States.

Hopefully the lesson is learned from erroneous decisions leading to harsh reality.

Mistake made once is an error and repeated twice or more – an inevitable failure.

There is an urgent requirement for domestic investments in the United States and the war zones ultimately delivering the desired regional and global peace.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant









New World Order Defiance

May 16, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

The shadow government in control of world affairs remains defiant in defending the actions thus far despite causing immense suffering to humanity.

While upholding self-righteousness and assertions to privacy on public matter, the members defending the U.S. raid in the alleged killing of Osama Bin Laden and the Bush-Cheney administrations’ policies confirm their loyalty to secret society.

The insinuations and attacks enacted in the recent U.S. operation in Abbottabad, Pakistan aimed at the truth seeker is beneath human character exhibiting belligerence thereby expediting the pseudo empire’s inevitable downfall – witnessed in history since time immemorial.

Further denigrating ancient religion on the U.S. Senate floor is an affirmation of the member’s allegiance to New World Order germinating intolerance to other religions, race or ethnicity.

Simultaneously expecting collusion to the catastrophic agenda is anything but democratic.

New World Order derived from imperialistic feudalism has successfully reined control over the global resources and territories through illegal invasion and colonization with the continuous trend in polarization and truth subversion to benefit the privileged few at the rest of the global population plight.

The current demand for cooperation towards status quo to advance human and planet annihilation is declined beckoning civility rather than hostility on airwaves and other medium at disposal.

Moreover the bizarre caricaturing and typecasting is mirroring the sponsors’ personal image as well as characteristics depicting desperate times seeking desperate measures.

Besides bankrupting the U.S. economy with adverse impact on the world economy,

New World Order roadmap has only led to Death Valley with relentless wars without justification and at worst false premise resulting in horrendous loss of lives, carnage and destruction.

The latest circumvention on the mock CIA interrogation in the alleged U.S. elimination of Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan is a formality refuting reality especially with CIA investigating CIA involvement.

Similarly the officials from Bush-Cheney administration currently deluding 9/11 facts in the corroboration are yet another attempts to deflect from the masqueraded truth behind the horrific homeland terrorism.

Across the Atlantic, the International Court of Justice issuing arrest warrant to Gaddafi is welcome and a refreshing course in dealing with the Libyan regime atrocity towards civilian population leading to mass graves.

However, concurrently declaring the Libyan dictatorship dismissal of ICC Warrant raises credibility factor in the development debilitating ICC power as the international judiciary against leadership demonstrably irresolute nonetheless portrayed otherwise.

Indeed a litmus test for the International Court of Justice used at NWO will – whether toppling Lebanon’s democratically elected government or rejecting the UN appointed Goldstone report on Israeli and Hamas war crimes following 2008 Israeli attack on Gaza.

Likewise in Egypt, the army rule under Supreme Council operating with substantial U.S. military aid is NWO direct implementation arguably reinstating authoritarian rule in the post Mubarak crackdown on peaceful civilian protesters.

The tradition to diminish republic empowerment is visibly vigorous threatening the functioning and emergence of democracy worldwide.

Reiterating the earlier call for universal dissent against New World Order – responsible for systemic abuse of power, wealth amassment, military aggression evolving into nuclear threats and above all,

Impunity to political establishment in the License to kill discretionary power without any moral or legal implications.

Notwithstanding gross human rights violation via torture, renditions, waterboarding, detainees without due process and,

Targeting certain ethnic minority in the civilian society with wiretapping, surveillance, harassment at the airport…under the guise of national security and Patriot Act.

Ironically the reverse surveillance and acute monitoring of these entities and their activities is pertinent for it would unequivocally save lives and protect humanity from potential disasters given the trajectory and refusal to submit evidences for public scrutiny.

The revelations could perhaps unveil real identity behind the unpatriotic decisions.

Whenever there are double standards exempting the explicit crimes from any investigation or accountability and,

Contrarily subjugating the transparent and honest demeanor,

It exemplifies the contemporary society’s regress to medieval period.

Persistence in this regard would be futile for all things must end in order to adapt to the evolutionary process.

Life and freedom suppressed in the so-called democracy governed by forces sworn to secrecy and discreet policies is hegemonic with serious ramifications in semblance to pre-World War II.

It’s time to renounce the parallel government – an overcast hindering bright sunshine effectively endangering life on the planet.

Hence it is incumbent upon the voices for democracy world over to galvanize in restoring liberty, opportunity and social equality for all.

People possess the power to promote progress in every aspect.  The dormant society is an easy access for dominance.

Please act now to end the pervasive violence, economic disparity, political upheavals and social injustice once and for all attributed to ‘classified’ and clandestine activities under New World Order.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Democracy under Siege – Dismantling New World Order

May 14, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

When the political establishment in the so-called democracy is protected with impunity and exempted from any accountability, the political system could no longer be identified as the republic rule.

The mainstream press and media as well as certain networks in cohort with political power decision to defy public demand in bringing the culprits behind 9/11 to justice,

Illegal invasion of Iraq under false pretext that has claimed thousands of U.S and coalition troops’ lives not to mention the millions of innocent civilian deaths and displacement.

Similarly Osama Bin Laden died a decade ago and the recent alleged elimination through extrajudicial execution in a unilateral decision without any evidences,

Hence severely lacking in credibility is slighted making a mockery of democracy.

New World Order sworn to secrecy convene meetings in secret locations barring journalists and press corps from the public domain with the NWO media personnel to cover the event and,

The members representing the powerful wings of political, economic, mass media, military, intelligence, royalty…formulate policies on global matter without the world population knowledge or consent.

The premium membership provides exclusive privileges like high profile and key positions in the international organizations such as IMF, World Bank and United Nations.

Notwithstanding government leaderships regardless of the political system represented in the United States, EU, Middle East, Africa and Asia.

Most importantly the value added benefit from NWO membership is derived from –

Authorization to illegal invasion and occupation of foreign land,

Reserve the right to kill in a underworld style,

Toppling democratically elected governments for political and strategic advantage with IMMUNITY as these actions are never even recognized a crime.

NWO is a conglomerate comprising powerful forces thus far responsible for the status quo.

Obviously the objectives being dominate the world as a shadow government undermining and depriving citizens meaningful democracy across the globe.

NWO aim evidenced in the surreptitious and blatant attacks to amass world resources for distribution among the few amid causing death, chaos and carnage is tolerated by those complacent and apathetic to the vast majority plight.

It is poignant to highlight the United States and allies’ role in the systematic military aggression and use of force in various parts of the world under NWO chartered course to establish one world controlled by the nexus group having successfully derailed economic prospects, political stability and suppressing social equality through unpopular governments appointed against electoral mandate and virtue of royalty viz.

Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Jordan …to name a few.

New World Order economic pursuit is diversified and reflected in energy, finance, agriculture, health, education etc.

Health insurance and health care industry reining control over the health care legislation in the IUnited States unfolded during the health care deal between the industry and the White House that guarantees 30 million mandatory subscribers to the health insurers facilitating exploitative incentives with no premium caps on the subscription.

Social Security privatization as seen in France Pension plan with extended retirement age much against public revolt is already making its way through in the U.S. Congress.

Energy policy designed and developed by the energy behemoths in the oil, mining and nuclear industry much to the environment disaster are granted unlimited access to conduct offshore deep and shallow water drilling including hydrofracking, mountaintop removal for mining, nuclear power plants without safe disposal of nuclear waste – despite catastrophic impact on life and the habitat.

In the United States, the energy industry especially the oil companies, coal and nuclear sectors are currently in the process of receiving tax subsidies per the latest Congressional hearing.

Elsewhere the energy minister is erroneously the environment minister strongly defending the coal, oil and nuclear industry.

Challenging the energy industry against planet destruction has been a daunting task for the environmental groups.

In fact the environment organizations coming together as a single indomitable force is necessary to save the planet from ruin.

The fragmented environment organizations unified measures would be formidable in achieving the desired goals than otherwise.

With respect to foreign policy – The U.S. State department has conspicuously moved away from the real purpose of restoring peace, diplomacy and democracy.

On the contrary the track record exemplified in espionage, coup d’état, illegal wiretapping and advice to conceal evidences in national and international issue viz. Osama Bin Laden alleged killing in Abbottabad, Pakistan.

The Defense department and Intelligence agencies maintaining synonymous trajectory worldwide in the supposed war on terror and violation of civil liberties with utter disregard for life and international law exhibited in the prolonged detentions without due process in Guantanamo bay, torture, renditions, mercenary operatives in occupied territories overseas resulting in the local population calamity and embarrassment for the nation.

Congressional lawmakers and judiciary alike until now have not taken any initiative to inquire, investigate and indict anyone with the justice department under White House concerted declaration to extend ‘classified’ information indefinitely claiming redemption and not retribution in the matter to absolve them on prevalent wrongdoings.

The pattern continues with the political class particularly the executive branch systemic abuse of power on national and global issues refuting ground reality and rejecting the request for transparency.

Former President George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, White House political adviser and Confidante Karl Rove, Former CIA Director George Tenet, Former U.S. Secretaries of State Gen. Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, Attorney Generals John Ashcroft and Alberto Gonsalez…

Not excluding the Military Commanders and Intelligence officials serving at that time are –

Required to stand trial for 9/11 truth behind horrific attacks.

Prolonging Afghanistan war under the pretext “Hunt for Osama Bin Laden” after knowing and admitting that CIA aided leader Osama Bin Laden was dead in Dec 2001.

Illegal invasion of Iraq under false premise.

Vice President Dick Cheney for Halliburton related various corporate and war crimes.

Bankrupting the U.S. economy generating global economic depression.

Ex-Prime Minister Tony Blair – a staunch advocate for Iraq war promoting the agenda that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction proved not to be true.

Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo bay, torture, renditions – the torture authors Professor John Yoo, Judge Jay Bybee for their contribution in the treatment of combat and non-combat prisoners held in different detention cells in the United States and foreign soil.

NSA wiretapping, surveillance and private citizens personal data infiltration through Patriot Act.

Ironically, the crimes have been consistently committed by authorities at the helm posing a major security threat to citizens world over.

International Court of Justice is selectively utilized at NWO will.  If not, justice would have been served to the millions victimized in the absolute authoritarianism disguised in myriad format.

In the present administration – Beginning with the Office of Presidency,

President Barack Obama for Health Care Scandal and dismissal of the public plea to clarify on the pact with Health Insurance industry – 30 million mandatory subscribers with penalty imposed on Health Care law non-compliance to become effective partially in 2012 and entirely in 2014.  At the same time no restrictions on premium hikes against health insurance industry.

Expanding wars and troops deployment in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Yemen and now Libya on unsubstantiated grounds.

Refusal to ban landmines and unwilling to ratify the international treaty.

Collusion with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for permanent troops presence in the Palestinian State of West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem thereby halting the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

Bush-Cheney doctrine confirming NWO motto continued on economy, environment, foreign policy and warfare.

Skyrocketing national debt at $14.3 trillion burdened on middle class and lower income America.

Yet unwillingness to contain extravagant defense expenditure and coherence with opposition to Bush tax cuts extension for the wealthy.

Corporations exporting jobs overseas rewarded with consul positions at the White House.

Coup d’état against democratic governments – Honduras, Ecuador, Lebanon…

North Korea peace talks conveyed through former U.S. President Jimmy Carter ignored and instead approved provocative military exercise with South Korea on the Yellow Sea escalating tension with the nuclear nation.

Turkey threatened with possible coup during the Flotilla crisis involving Palestine.

Iraq – Permanent military base contemplated with the appointment of pro-Iranian government headed by Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki leading the nation to bloodbath and sectarian violence.

Iran facing potential nuclear attack in the emphatic Presidential statement underscoring all options considered to desist Iran’s nuclear ambition rather than addressing nuclear proliferation predominantly emanating from the hierarchical nuclear proliferation treaty affecting the nuclear and non-nuclear states.

Proposal on U.N. Security Council reconfiguration with memberships from Brazil, Japan, India, South Africa, Norway, Germany, United Arab Emirates and Turkey in addition to the existing five-member panel abandoned.

Enabling military rule as opposed to civilian government in the post Mubarak Egypt.

Bahrain, Yemen and Saudi Arabia – Reservations on political uprisings compared with overwhelming anticipation in Syria fostering rumors on CIA intrusion rather than upholding a uniform policy in the region.

Libya – deliberation and procrastination to recognize citizens represented Transition Council in Benghazi emboldened Libyan dictatorship with the situation evolving into NWO long time aspiration – military invasion of Libya to sustain direct ownership on oil fields.

Osama Bin Laden resurrection to life and the purported killing in the no-evidence necessary entitlement proclaiming Presidential discretion as the rule of law.

Vice President Joe Biden – alliance with White House on Health Care, Foreign Policy and environment issues.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton – The U.S State Department prominently engaged as the espionage epicenter and,

Incidentally availing Wikileaks as the tool to create drifts and confusion in foreign government rule per covert arrangement in the extradition charges repeal against the founder Julian Assange.

Orchestrating coup d’état in Honduras, Ecuador and Lebanon, launching NWO preferred leaderships in the regions regarded economically and politically vital for dominance.

Defense Secretary Robert Gates – in the implementation of NWO warfare across the Middle East and Islamic nations.

Attorney General Eric Holder – Diligently administering the White House policy on reprieving Bush-Cheney administration litany of evidence supported charges.

Intervention and influencing judgments in civil matter at the White House behest.

Military Commander Gen. David Petraeus for protracted wars in the absence of reasonable justification.

Unless these entities actions and decisions attributed to pervasive humanitarian crises are investigated in a judicial and Congressional impartial hearing in public view with appropriate findings typical to the application of law against ordinary citizens,

The judiciary and Congress are rendered ineffective for failing to exercise the checks and balances in reinstating republic rule.

Their complacency and to a great extent complicity in the reluctance to restitute democratic values by allowing extraordinary executive power until now is expediting democracy’s decline.

The seemingly democratic representation at the executive and other branches effectively serving as the NWO leaderships for global monopoly through parallel government set up to function as single indomitable force to reckon with.

If the twentieth century witnessed the fall of iron curtain in the former Soviet Union and the Berlin wall in the then Communist East Germany,

It’s time to peacefully and non-violently demolish undemocratic proxy empire New World Order and the Council on foreign relations (CFR), the counterparts in Europe and elsewhere in the twenty first century with worldwide protest to cease clandestine activities and insist the members – the governments and the rest to disavow allegiance to secret society.

Hesitation in honoring the legitimate terms would categorically reveal the facade.

The conglomerate having successfully revived pre-World War II repressive era through violence, oppression, persecution and most relevantly endangering civil rights and political freedom in the perceived democratic but realistically non-democratic governance.

Since the call to dismantle New World Order largely discarded and possibly smirked,

It is incumbent upon the citizens in civil society to rise against double standards delineating the privileged political class with special protection from interrogation or prosecution while the average mainstream population subject to the maximum culpability.

Global revolution is paramount to abolish the paradox system favoring the perpetrators of crimes against humanity and punishing the innocent as ‘collateral damage,’ causing widespread poverty, hunger, disease and,

Economic despair triggering political upheavals heightened by social injustice.

New World Order existence is conclusively harmful to peace and harmony due to the discreet society’s pledge to wage wars and maintain universal discord for individual gains.

The international community cannot afford to remain dormant with the mushroom cloud about to permeate across the sky.

Therefore bringing down the New World Order responsible for global misery is a priority and preliminary step towards democracy revival.

It is incumbent upon every citizen to safeguard democracy with liberty and justice for all.

Please remember the planet survival is dependent upon the inhabitants’ dedication and commitment to steer the respective nations’ future in a positive direction contradictory to the present time – diminishing to the point of no return.

Citizens’ active participation in policy-making is quintessential much to the governments’ dissent.

Considering significant percentage of policy makers as elected representatives trend periodically demonstrated in their misplaced loyalty to special interests, unscrupulous internal and external sources for assorted reasons excepting national and republic interest.

Please act now and preserve your rights – born to be free and not in bondage by deterring the forces against humanitarian and environmental cause.

Silence and inaction are the worst foes to democracy.

Solidarity movement around the world for common good is vital to realize political independence that would eventually deliver economic prosperity, social equality and global peace.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

White House Decision Not to Release Photos on the Alleged Killing of Osama Bin Laden

May 5, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

The President of the United States delivered a speech on May 1, 2011 Sunday night that he authorized the U.S operation Geronimo to kill the most wanted terrorist Osama Bin Laden and proclaimed the mission successful i.e.

Osama Bin Laden was killed in action and the target’s corpse swiftly disposed in the sea after performing Islamic burial ritual by the U.S Navy seal.

During the Presidential address to the nation and the international community at large, the operation details were briefed confirming that Osama Bin Laden finally eliminated from the world.

Then the statements at different intervals through national security spokesperson and the White House Press Secretary followed the White House declaration of Osama Bin Laden’s death.

Subsequent interviews with the CIA director Leon Panetta further added to the operation narration.

Since Osama Bin Laden’s alleged death was declared with Presidential speech, statements and the CIA director interview without producing any evidence whatsoever,

The White House was requested to substantiate the monumental claim on the alleged killing of the terror mastermind through pictures of Osama Bin Laden as well as the entire operation in real time visual content claimed to have been viewed by the President and the selective national security cabinet members.

A video clipping asserting the real time operation viewing by the President of the United States, the Vice President, the Secretary of State, Defense Secretary and other national security members was submitted to defend the position.

However no pictures of Osama Bin Laden either alive or dead have been produced until now.

President Barack Obama response to the legitimate requirement –  he has decided not to the release the photos per his cabinet colleagues advice and claimed the pictures too gruesome for public view.

While it is highly appreciative that certain cabinet members and the President of the United States are concerned about the possible impact on the citizens in viewing the so-called gruesome pictures of the crucial operation and the developments even though such images are regularly seen in the news from different corners of the world,

The nation including the global society deserves credible evidence considering the subject’s profile and the world wide terror endured by the victims.

Notwithstanding the contradictory versions and bizarre operational method from beginning to end ensuring no trace of proof is left behind for public scrutiny.

The initial statement asserted Osama Bin Laden to have been killed in a firefight and later affirmed as being unarmed upon the armed U.S. commandos’ air descent into the building with the commander-in-chief specific authorization to kill rather than apprehend the target and brought to public domain.

Furthermore the documentary revealing the modus operandi confirming the alleged death of Osama Bin Laden in a non-combat residential setting and the purported burial in a sea instead of land is primordial to justify the major proclamation on global security matter.

Declining to share Osama Bin Laden’s images before and after the alleged killing under weak pretext only conforms to secrecy arousing valid suspicions surrounding the event jeopardizing the integrity of the highest office on land.

The incumbent administration was sworn in to office with a commitment towards ‘Hope and Change,’ premised on transparency and accountability that has unfortunately proved to be political rhetoric due to the failure to confront the facts in public on monumental national issues such as ‘Health Care Scandal’ and now the American tax payers expended military operation for reasons evidently lacking credibility.

In a meaningful democracy it is not for the cabinet colleagues to advise the President or the Presidential discretion suggestive of political maneuver to conceal information directly involving the people – the victims in the terror attacks sponsored by Osama Bin Laden in the United States and across the globe.

As for the honorable U.S. lawmakers move to block military aid, apply pressure and condemn Pakistan for providing shelter to terror mastermind and networks is a reactionary and not remedial measure.

Besides the impetus generates a perception among the Pakistan population to scapegoat the military aid recipient by ignoring the origin and the flawed policies largely favored for protracted warfare contributing to the terror networks proliferation becoming the cause to occupy foreign land.

Given the U.S. administration and Pentagon strategy to maintain the status quo demonstrated in the President’s $9 billion pledge to Pakistan Army Chief General Ashfaq Kayani in October 2010,

The cycle continues with no end in sight rejecting the viable options available viz.

Military assistance replaced with humanitarian aid directly benefiting the people of Pakistan through investment in education, health care and infrastructure.

With respect to Osama Bin Laden refuge – despite U.S. and NATO presence in the region for over a decade, the intelligence lapse and procrastination in delivering the truth about Osama Bin Laden until now is a serious violation of public trust.

The systemic abuse of executive power and the consistent evasion for public disclosure not to mention the truth subversion is tolerated in a democratic system with no consequences effectively rendering the U.S. democracy weak and irrelevant.

Democratic power is undermined when the elected officials are granted impunity in light of strong ethical misconduct and politically motivated erroneous decisions with no regard for the implications on human lives and national image as witnessed in –

President Ronald Reagan administration with President George H.W.Bush as the then Vice President in Iran-Contra Scandal and the cover up beyond exposure.

Latin American coup d’état. Middle East – Iran contra enabling the theocratic leader Ayatollah Khomeini rise to power in Iran.

President George H.W.Bush and family close business relationship with Osama Bin Laden immediate family.

President Bill Clinton lying under oath on personal affair.  Administration also held responsible for the Haitian economic decline allowing U.S, Corporations to benefit at the local population plight.

Delayed intervention in Bosnia and Rwanda genocide.

The extended warfare in Burundi and Congo that facilitated massive arms supply into the continent.

President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney  – Illegal invasion of Iraq under false pretext,

Vice President Dick Cheney holding vested interests in Halliburton – implicated on several corporate crimes and the executive branch disregard for human rights, environment, economy, false terror alerts…. epitomizing the gross misuse of power.

U.S and coalition forces along with many lives in Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan sacrificed in the lies and deception behind the justification for war.

U.S. military command not being forthright on troops casualty viz. the brave Pat Tillman shooting incident and similar accounts in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Toppling governments – Democratic Haiti destabilized and the then democratically elected President Jean Bertrand Aristide exiled until today.

Other Issues – Negligence and mismanagement of Katrina, Abu Ghraib, Torture, rendition and denial of Habeas Corpus, Guantanamo bay…are just the few among the litany of charges against the Bush-Cheney administration.

President Barack Obama – Health Care Scandal pledging 30 million mandatory subscribers to Health Insurance industry.

Presidential decision not to investigate Bush-Cheney administration crimes.

Pursuing Bush-Cheney policy on Guantanamo bay, warfare, economy and environment.

Bush tax cuts extension to the wealthy.

Appointment of tax evading GE Corporation CEO Jeffrey Immelt as the White House Consul Chair for Jobs creativity and competitiveness irrespective of public dissent emanating from GE CEO held responsible for exporting over 20,000 jobs overseas.

White House mishandling of BP oil spill in the gulf coast with permits issued in October 2010 and more drilling scheduled in July 2011 against residents and environmentalists’ concern.

Additionally reports on permits contemplated for drilling in the Arctic.

Honduran Successful coup d’état, Ecuador failed coup, Lebanon government toppled – NB.  All three governments were democratically elected.

Currently Osama Bin Laden alleged killing not backed by evidence.

The tradition in Presidential power abuse continues in the absence of checks and balances.

U.S. Congress as elected representatives in a republic abstained from safeguarding democracy and upholding the law of the land exempting none regardless of stature, political affiliations and economic or social factors not barring the constitution limiting executive power for the precise rationale.

The office of Presidency is obliged to honor the constitutional oath as the Congressional members are in protecting democratic values conspicuously missing from the political system governed by special interests.

Reluctance to do the needful would be deemed complicity in treason of the highest order.

Democracy is threatened in the refusal to meet general expectations perhaps leading to decisive actions.

Therefore releasing evidence is necessary for public review and verification.

“The Arc of the moral universe is long but it bends towards justice.” – Dr. Martin Luther King. Jr.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

US Raid Operation and the Alleged Burial of Osama Bin Laden

May 3, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

Since the declaration of Osama Bin Laden death, the real issues at stake are yet to be addressed by the White House.

It is extremely important to release the raid operation images revealing the alleged fatality of the terror mastermind Osama Bin Laden claimed to have been witnessed in real time by the United States President and privileged audience i.e. Secretary of State and Defense Secretary along with selective members.

Further, presenting the unedited real time documentary on the raid operation with the terror leader Osama Bin Laden in action and the subsequent alleged death should be a no brainer considering the target’s significance and the worldwide anticipation to view the most wanted terrorist live picture.

Additionally real time visual content on burial of Osama Bin Laden reportedly  6′ 4″ in Height purported to have taken place in a sea rather than the land in violation of ethical and environment protocol also required in order to substantiate the bizarre stated ritual supposedly performed prior to presenting the evidence to the world at large.

Meanwhile assertions on the intelligence diligence despite Pakistan’s complicity to the terror leader residency is yet another debate lacking in credibility due to the CIA operatives deployed in Pakistan under previous and current administration as paramilitary forces and,

The procrastination in tracking down the terror leader’s whereabouts suddenly unfolding in a neighborhood not far from the Capital Islamabad leading to the controversies deserves valid explanation.

Besides United States and NATO presence in Afghanistan and Pakistan over a decade notwithstanding the status as the most sophisticated intelligence as well as the formidable military force on earth –

Inabilities to either locate or apprehend the terror leader reportedly a resident of  ABBOTTABAD, Pakistan (1 hour away from Islamabad) for five years is suggestive of serious intelligence failure and the reluctance to act earlier than the chosen moment in time.

Hence transparency in disclosure with the video footage of the entire activity primarily consisting Osama Bin Laden is essential for public scrutiny.

Not only the American citizens but also the international community would benefit from the candid presentation given the profile of the terror leader Osama Bin Laden and the suffering endured by millions across the globe.

Democracy thrives with accountability enforced from the top bottom in a society.

Thank you.

Psadmini Arhant

Osama Bin Laden Declared Dead

May 2, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

Better late than never that Osama Bin Laden is now declared dead.

The 9/11 victims and thousands around the world have waited patiently for the truth,

Not to mention the U.S and coalition forces’ sacrifices along with millions of Afghan lives lost in the more than a decade old war yet to be brought to conclusion.

There can be no more procrastination in troop withdrawal.  The withdrawal scheduled for 2014 obviously requires review and meaningful justification.

Perhaps it is time to bring troops home and divest the exorbitant defense expenditure to address domestic issues such as creating jobs, universal health care through single payer system, infrastructure and green technology.

Iraq war was waged on false premises.

It was vehemently claimed – the then Iraqi President Saddam Hussein was involved in 9/11 attacks in addition to possessing weapons of mass destruction proved otherwise in the yet another warfare seeing no end in sight.

Furthermore the latest revelation on Iraq according to the report from the Associated Press on April 10, 2011 is suggestive of the fact to examine the truth behind every major declaration.

Pentagon’s second thoughts on Iraq withdrawal –

“The U.S. wants to keep perhaps several thousand troops in Iraq, not to engage in combat but to guard against an unraveling of a still-fragile peace.

This was made clear during Defense Secretary Robert Gates’ visit Thursday and Friday in which he and the top U.S. commander in Iraq talked up the prospect of an extended U.S. stay.

How big a military commitment might the U.S. be willing to make beyond 2011?

“It just depends on what the Iraqis want and what we’re able to provide and afford,” Gates said Thursday at a U.S. base in the northern city of Mosul where U.S. soldiers advise and mentor Iraqi forces.

He said the U.S. would consider a range of possibilities, from staying an extra couple of years to remaining in Iraq as permanent partners.”

Despite eliminating the Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein executed on December 30, 2006 the troop deployment perpetually extended with contemplation for permanent base as revealed in the cited report.

Afghanistan is not any different in that scenario considering the possibility of any troop withdrawal scheduled not until 2014.

With Osama Bin Laden existence laid to rest realizing the resurrection to life only possible by the divine power as known to the global society in the return of Christ, a joyous celebration on Easter Sunday,

The protracted war strategy in Afghanistan deserves public disclosure and the means to provide for the prolonged commitment especially in light of opposition towards Medicare funding and several key issues related to improving average Americans’ lives.

Notwithstanding the lingering government shut down threats from budget disagreements based on disproportionate spending alongside generous tax cuts to the wealthy and specific tax evading corporations exporting American jobs overseas,

While their CEO retained as the White House Counsel Chair on Jobs Creativity and Competitiveness in the backdrop of sluggish economy, rising inflation and higher unemployment.

Transparency and accountability in governance would serve in national interest besides enhancing the respective political decisions credibility.

Evidently truth will continue to prevail regardless of the challenges in establishing peace and justice.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant








United States Senate Ratifies New START Treaty between U.S. and Russia

December 22, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The New START Treaty – The New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty that was signed by President Barack Obama and President Dmitry Medvedev on April 8, 2010 was approved with 71-26 votes by the United States Senate.

New START Treaty between the two largest nuclear states – United States and Russia ratification replaces the original START Treaty signed in 1991 that expired on December 5, 2009.

The importance of containing the nuclear proliferation and strategic offensive arms is no longer an option but an immediate requirement in the highly volatile global environment increasingly posing greater risks without checks and balances in the critical nuclear and conventional arsenal stockpiles.

It was elaborated on this website when the related article titled – “U.S. and Russia Nuclear Arms Reduction Treaty” was published on March 27, 2010 under National and Global Security in the Politics category.

Accordingly the measures adopted in the New START Treaty is a preliminary step to curtail the discretionary expansion of the strategic offensive arms comprising the ICBM ( Intercontinental Ballistic Missile), SLBM (Submarine launched Ballistic Missiles) and nuclear warheads constituting major threat to national and international security.

As per the official declaration of this important agreement:

“New START limits the number of strategic offensive arms of the US and Russia (within seven years of the Treaty’s entry into force) to:

• 1,550 warheads on deployed ICBMs, warheads on deployed SLBMs, and
nuclear warheads counted for deployed heavy bombers.

• 800 deployed and non-deployed ICBM launchers, deployed and non-deployed
SLBM launchers, and deployed and non-deployed heavy bombers.

• 700 deployed ICBMs, deployed SLBMs, and deployed heavy bombers.”

The arms race that began during cold war through clandestine operations by the Superpowers – United States and the former Soviet Union then precipitated the translucent arms trade up until now.

New START Treaty facilitates nuclear arsenal verification on both sides particularly for the United States to perform inspection of the Russian site since the earlier START Treaty ended on December 5, 2009.

From the National Security standpoint – The Senate and White House claims on the New START Treaty are:

• Preserves a strong US nuclear arsenal as an effective strategic deterrent.

• Provides stability, predictability and transparency between the two largest
nuclear powers.

• Strengthens critical non-proliferation efforts around the world.

• Increases US ability to work with other countries to confront the nuclear
ambitions of countries like Iran and North Korea.

It also emphasized that New START Treaty ‘will not constrain U.S. missile defense capabilities’ – a position that was vigorously contested by some Republican members in the Senate.

Additionally, the treaty consists of the administration plan to invest $85 billion over ten year period in the U.S. nuclear facilities’ maintenance and upgrade.

The directors of the three nuclear laboratories viz. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and Sandia National Laboratory are stated to have appreciated the provision.

Any action to restrain nuclear and non-strategic armament is significant considering the prevalent loss of lives from the widespread violence emanating from inconspicuous arms trade and lack of oversight on uranium enrichment.

However, the peaceful existence of all relies on complete nuclear disarmament that was criticized during the contentious Senate debate from the conservative perspective.

What is not being realized in the denuclearization dismissal?

South Africa and the previous Soviet bloc nations like Kazakhstan, Ukraine, and Belarus have voluntarily surrendered their nuclear weapons and submitted to IAEA certification setting precedence for others to follow suit.

These nations are part of the same world and continue to exist with their non-nuclear status challenging the political dogma against nuclear disarmament.

Nuclear power is falsely embraced as the formidable deterrent even though the inevitable retaliation could result in mutual annihilation proving the fact –

Reference – the pioneer of peace Mahatma Gandhi.

“An eye for an eye will make the world go blind.”

Hence, accelerating the course for nuclear-free planet is the viable solution to real peace in the long run.

Civilian nuclear program is presently popular with a dangerous potential for further enhancements to nuclear warheads.

The U.S. default on the controversial Iranian nuclear program jeopardize the disarmament and non-proliferation objectives in the sensitive zone – the Middle East.
As per New York Times article – published by DAVID E. SANGER on October 27,2010

Thank you.

Obama Set to Offer Stricter Nuclear Deal to Iran –

“The Obama administration and its European allies are preparing a new offer for negotiations with Iran on its nuclear program, senior administration officials say…

Gary Samore, Mr. Obama’s coordinator for countering unconventional weapons, told an audience at the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Washington last week that if Iran acquired a weapon, it “would have an utterly catastrophic effect” in the region.

If successful, Iran could drive other states in the Persian Gulf to seek their own nuclear weapons. An attack by Israel on Iran’s facilities, he added, could set off a regional war. Mr. Samore described stopping Iran’s program as his “No. 1 job.”

Several European officials have discouraged that approach. But they also worry that negotiating about the fate of uranium that Iran has enriched in violation of Security Council commands could have the effect of convincing the Iranians they could retain some of their enrichment capability at the end of any negotiation.

Mr. Obama’s campaign in 2008 said that would be unacceptable; as president, he has not addressed the question clearly.”
By Padmini Arhant

There is an urgent need for the nuclear and non-nuclear states regardless of NPT and CTBT membership to conform to rigid international rule imposing restrictions on advanced nuclear ambitions.

The double standards in nuclear technology deals create opportunity for violation and defeat the purpose behind treaty establishment.

Therefore the competition among developed nations on nuclear exchange for alternative energy in Asia and Middle East could inadvertently promote unwanted deviation from the intended engagement i.e. exclusive use for energy production.

Regrettably the nuclear energy is the dominant and highly desirable source in the bilateral trade and commerce with little or no attention towards safe natural elements such as wind, solar…for energy supply.

Only the paradigm shift in the nuclear concept could enable the effective containment eventually resulting in the elimination of nuclear weapons.

Again, the New START Treaty serving as the prototype for regional consensus could perhaps contribute to the ultimate goal.

Congratulations! To the honorable members in the United States Senate –

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman, Senator John Kerry and Senator Richard Lugar for the determination to succeed in this matter along with participation from the,

Chairwoman of the United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Senator Dianne Feinstein


Chairman of the Senate Committee on Armed Services, Senator Carl Levin,

The Republican Senators for bipartisan cooperation,

United States Defense Force High Command for the valuable input


President Barack Obama and the White House officials for the commitment in the crucial New START treaty ratification.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Veterans Day – Remembering the War Victims and the Armed Forces Sacrifice

November 11, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

On this important day we remember the brave hearts who volunteered to sacrifice their precious life for their nation and humanity at large.

The cherished freedom would not be possible without the selfless dedication of the young men and women in uniform who willfully offer their service for national and global security.

However, war should never be an option against peace and diplomacy. The simultaneous wars in different parts of the world today have claimed many innocent lives including casualties suffered by the duty bound armed forces in the battle grounds.

It has resulted in enormous pain, grief and agony for the victims’ families all around.

Besides, the economic liability from the relentless wars is exacerbating the national deficit for the U.S and the global economy.

Only if the funds were instead invested in social and economic development the terror recruitment would substantially decline allowing peace to dawn on the war torn regions.

Although many are reminiscent of the past victories and argue about the necessity to go to war for territorial conquest or eliminating authoritarian rule,

They also forget that independence, civil rights and many humanitarian goals were achieved through peace and non-violence by the venerable leaders.

The lesson from history is to pursue peaceful means i.e. constructive dialogue and meaningful strategies as preventive measures than adopting military options.

Violence begets violence and is not the ideal response to belligerence. The incredible loss of life during war cannot be resurrected and nothing can possibly compensate the human tragedies from the horrendous war crimes.

It’s important for the world leaders to pause and deviate from the decisions to engage in war. There are no winners in war considering the inevitable bloodshed, carnage and destruction shared by all warring factions.

There is an urgent requirement for denuclearization and strategic arms reduction to ensure global security. Universal policy is imperative for the nuclear disarmament and conventional stockpile containment.

In other areas of warfare, the veterans and their families are often neglected despite their patriotic duty to the country.

Not all human beings can pledge their life to serve the nation in a combat environment and those who come forward to do so are uniquely honorable. Every one of these individuals deserves national appreciation for their tremendous contribution towards security, freedom and humanitarian deeds.

It’s important to maintain the federal run VA health care and rehabilitation programs for all service members and their families.

Further, the government assistance to the veterans’ families with housing, education and other social services are equally essential to help them cope with the economic hardships while their family members are engaged in active duty or otherwise. It’s the least any nation can do for the armed personnel deployed in various parts of the world.

Since the contemporary wars are conducted for reasons beyond national defense, the exorbitant military spending has taken precedence over critical life dependent programs for the vulnerable population in the society.

Sadly, in the materialistic world life is easily dispensable. The present is dictated in monetary terms and,

Profit is regarded as the Prophet.

Nevertheless, the world is still intact as there are great many humanitarians, unsung activists in every corner tirelessly devoted to improve life on earth.

On this day when the parents, young widows, widowers and orphaned children experience sorrow and pride in loving memory of their dear ones,

The nation acknowledges the armed forces and national guards’ significant sacrifices for others.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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