Russia – Ukraine Peace Agreement

February 2, 2022

Russia – Ukraine 

Peace Agreement 


Padmini Arhant

This article highlighting the sensibility and sensitivity to address the Ukraine crisis has received positive response and overwhelming majority believe in the peaceful resolution with a permanent peace deal between Russia and Ukraine like elaborated in this publication.

However, a small minority as always on any issue unwilling to acknowledge factual information and reality.

Certain U.S. lawmakers in the Senate along with usual critics in the media and those with guilty conscience resigned to dismissal citing none other than them have the authority or say on any matter emphasizing their power as decision makers is least surprising.

The minority members also hopefully realize that power comes with responsibility.

The decision-making especially related to military or economic warfare via sanctions, the consequences are also on them in terms of humanitarian, regional and global security crises in the aftermath of such authorization.

The comments on Russia’s annexation of Crimea, occupation of Syria and now troops deployment around Ukraine emanate from western and allies intrusions in Ukraine, Syria and worldwide.

This is not about pro-Russian or anti-Russian stance. It’s all about cause and effect reflecting reason and reality in the international affairs.

The western involvement in insurrection against then democratic Ukraine resulted in the Crimean territorial union with the Russian Federation in 2014.

Similarly, the western and middle eastern alliance against Syria led to Russian forces arrival later in Syria. The Syrian situation was already in shambles from western and middle eastern coalition behind the controversial Arab Spring falsely created to finish the unfinished tasks on the pre-meditated Project for New American century.

Again the exclusive views among few members in the United States politics asserting the United States right to meddle not only in Europe but in any part of the world is presumptuous and ill-conceived disposition.

Such positions exemplify carte blanche authority in the United States political ranks having little or no respect for other nations’ sovereignty, those nations’ citizens right to self-determination and independent status of those countries around the world.

Often the lack of respect for other nations and citizens sovereign right promotes such opinions on warfare and aggression including economic sanctions.

Here is the legitimate question.

It is well established and widely proven that Iraq war in 2003 was waged on false premise on the never founded alleged chemical weapons in Iraq.

Are there any Senators and United States members of Congress in the House who voted for Iraq war in 2003 prepared to come forward and accept responsibility for the decimation of a foreign nation leaving millions of Iraqis dead, many displaced and overwhelming population made to flee the deadly war zone besides the middle east region experiencing the quagmire of Iraq war until now?

What about the Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans from the United States defense force returned home with missing body parts, physically, mentally and emotionally traumatized and significant members as homeless left to fend for themselves in American cities nationwide?

Any lawmakers earlier exercising their power as sole decision makers and authorized the illegal invasion and occupation of foreign land prepared to pledge financial support to the victims of warfare?

The power primarily represented as authority and discretion mostly used as privilege is misinterpreted and misused in the absence of discernment.

War is not the answer to any or all political disagreements. The peace and diplomacy pursued sincerely could guarantee success benefitting all.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter


Russia – Ukraine

Peace Agreement

Padmini Arhant

The latest development between Ukraine government and pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine reaching an agreement to preserve ceasefire is a welcoming gesture for all citizens in eastern and western Ukraine as one nation. The ceasefire also provides relief to neighboring Russia as well as eastern Europe.

As for the standoff between Russia and the western counterparts i.e. the European Union and the United States in particular, the NATO expansion near and around Russia is obviously the bone of contention for the Russian federation. No nation in the modern age should either pose any threat or be threatened by any other nation individually or collectively near or far.

Russia’s concerns with NATO presence at the doorstep as a direct security problem is not unreasonable.

The revival of cold war tensions prompting all sides on eternal alert with military readiness not barring nuclear alarm is not the choice in the contemporary era or in the future. There is an urgency to reverse situation to normal. The major nuclear powers i.e. the United States and allies together with Russia’s unanimous acknowledgment to shift from military position to active fruitful diplomacy is the need of the hour from several dimensions viz. the regional and global security standpoint, preventing unnecessary loss of civilian and defense personnel precious lives and averting serious economic liability in the prolonged standoff.

The western maneuver to surround Russia with NATO forces impetus Russian defense mechanism and other military strategy to protect territorial integrity as sovereign right. Simultaneously Russia’s troop deployment and military assets across Ukraine and Russia border including the northern side on Belarus sends a wrong message contradictory to Russia’s public statement on the political decision to de-escalate situation.

Russia’s military troops distribution around Ukraine in the aftermath of Russia and western representatives unsuccessful meeting on NATO withdrawal from Russian boundary and eastern bloc creates undesirable predicament for the citizens in Ukraine and Russia. The civilians and armed forces on both sides are forced into the conflation adding complexity to the otherwise containable crisis. There is a requirement on all sides to pull back from the current military position and engage in peaceful negotiations.

Why Russia’s current military plan is inimical to Russia in many facets?

The western thought on Russia’s earlier invasion and annexation of Crimea from Ukraine’s eastern peninsula in 2014 is the result of NATO further expansion in the region.

However, Russia’s explanation on Crimea is arguably otherwise. Russia citing Russian speaking citizens in Crimea fleeing their home town due to unrest erupting from western authorized violence in maidan square and subsequent government removal in Kiev in 2014 led to the pro-Russian separatists movement that are still prevalent in the eastern Donbas region in Ukraine.

The majority Russian speaking Crimean population then seeking the territory union with Russian Federation in the local referendum at that time led to the annexation.

In fact, “On 11 April 2014, the parliament of Crimea approved a new constitution, with 88 out of 100 lawmakers voting in favor of its adoption. The new constitution confirms the Republic of Crimea as a democratic state within the Russian Federation and declares both territories united and inseparable.”

Regardless, the western stance is Russia’s aggressive takeover of Crimea is unacceptable and accordingly Crimea not recognized as Russia’s territory by the west until now.

The truth lies somewhere in between on both sides of the argument. There is no doubt that NATO buildup in eastern Europe reaching Russia’s nearest territorial border i.e. Ukraine becoming the western target in 2014 and thereafter is the fundamental cause of the present crisis.

The western involved insurrection in 2014 continued with hostile overthrow of democratically elected then incumbent government of President Viktor Yanukovych fleeing for life and sought political refuge in Russia. The anti-democratic event held on global watch in 2014.

The intensive western influence and installation of Ukrainian governments not barring neo-nazi representation post western insurrection launched in Kiev in 2014 fomented internal economic and political strife for Ukrainians paying the price till date.

The ground reality in Ukraine in 2014 paved the way for Russia to seize opportunity to annex Crimea, undeniably the key strategic location for Russian naval base in the Black sea.

The Crimean republic joining the Russian federation might have been a major windfall for Russian defense strategy. Nevertheless, the territorial gain has not been without consequences for Russia. The western perspective on Crimea remains the compelling factor to increase NATO alliance against Russia with Ukraine as the rolling dice to perform to western demand on the other hand proved counterproductive so far.

Additionally, the western NATO extension also largely connected to the past with former nuclear Soviet Union sprawling authority over entire eastern Europe including the Balkan states and central Asia. Not to mention the liberation of east Germany with the removal of Berlin wall that separated the German territory from then west Germany not in a distant memory serve as the reminder in preventing history from repeating itself again.

The exSoviet Union quest for territorial conquest was not limited to central and eastern Europe. The desire to acquire more power and landmass misled the former Soviet Union to invade and occupy Afghanistan having centralized power in that part of the world i.e. Central Asia comprising Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan were annexed as the independent republics under Soviet central command and economy. The Soviet adventure in Afghanistan was catastrophic for the occupied Afghans as well as the occupier Soviet Union i.e. USSR with United States and Afghan mujahideen led battle resulting in Soviet withdrawal from Afghan soil.

Anything too big to control and manage eventually disintegrates with severe impact on the origin and in this instance Russia and Russians suffered significant economic, political and military setbacks that were inevitable. Once Soviet Union was debilitated in Afghan war, the house of cards crumbling on the Soviet empire followed sequentially with no option but to accept the reality i.e. Russia returning to home base to get the house in order that was in disarray in semblance with contemporary situation. There is a serious and important lesson to learn for Russian political leaderships from Russian history in the twentieth and twenty first century.

The equivalent of present dynamics in western and Russian stalemate regarding Ukraine is 1991 Kuwait invasion by then Iraq President Saddam Hussein. The miscalculated error from then Iraqi President Saddam Hussein failed to recognize the Kuwait trail was nothing more than a bait or decoy that trapped the once United States ally Iraqi President Saddam Hussein into  wanton invasion of Kuwait. Little knowing that Iraqi President Saddam Hussein’s grave mistake set the track for the United States neo-conservatives and zionists as hawkish strategists to utilize that Iraqi invasion of Kuwait against Iraq later in 2003. Though the hawkish strategists used chemical weapons against Iraq as the convincing narrative in the United Nations to win general consensus on the illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003.

The United States and NATO attack on Iraq in 2003 implementing the pre-meditated and long anticipated Project for New American Century (PNAC) with Iraq among several crucial middle eastern, north African and central Asian nations such as Afghanistan on the card for the US and NATO brutal aggression witnessed worldwide. The United States and NATO warfare in these regions are yet to cease with direct and indirect weapons supply and logistic support delivered to nations in perpetual conflict such as to Saudi Arabia against Yemen and other factions in Libya, Syria, Lebanon and other groups engaged in perpetual confrontation.

The history is testament in this regard.

All said and done, the irrefutable fact is Russia’s contribution in the world stage in maintaining the balance of power in twentieth century in World War 1 and World War 2 is praiseworthy. Russia is a powerful nation with tremendous experience in glory and upheavals throughout history.

The Russian power is best enhanced in establishing democracy at home alongside peace and unity with neighbors like Ukraine and the rest of eastern Europe as well as central Asia. Russia’s commitment to sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity in the region and outside exemplified in permanent peace deal with Ukraine would preempt solidarity and renew normal ties with the neighbor across the border.

The idea of invasion and conquering nations near and far In the hope of revival of former empire status is obsolete and critically excruciating failure known up until now. The imperial and colonial quest drain the domestic economy with skyrocketing sovereign debt burdened on every man, woman and child including the ones yet to be born in the world.

The United States is classic example in this context. The invasion and occupation of foreign land in Afghanistan, Iraq and other parts of the world costing American taxpayers in trillions and the war veterans ending as homeless dwelling under the bridge and downtown areas in major American cities is heart wrenching sight.

Similarly, the nations under attack and occupied by major powers exhibiting military might and exhausting defense stockpiles are rendered refugees in their homeland. The population in these war torn nations are denied access to basic survival at home and neither accepted as political refugees in the aggressors’ land. The world has seen these events far too many times and still ongoing in many regions predominantly due to the misguided Superpower glamor equipped with nuclear status rejecting the adverse ramifications of such indulgence.

Russia’s current position as publicly clarified by the political leadership President Vladimir Putin  ruling out invasion of Ukraine is welcome. The statement delivered in action by pulling the Russian troops back from Ukrainian boundary all around would be credible. The Russian positive steps in this respect would build reliable trust among citizens in Ukraine and international community.

Instead, the Russian political decision to surround Ukraine militarily as negotiation tool with the west on NATO incursion against Russia is basically aggravating the problem rather than resolving the issue. The actions always verify the intent than words in all matter.

Now the United States, European Union, the European Commission combined as the western front are in requirement to tone down the rhetoric on anti-Russian information fueling the dilemma. The western conditions and rules of engagement with a nuclear Russia seated at the UNSC as a permanent member with veto power deserve careful approach and respectful exchange synonymous to vice versa expectations from the west with Russia. The western policy using NATO to leverage against Russia upon being replicated by the latter through military armament against Ukraine is interestingly not appreciated.

The nation right at the center and primary victim in the entire western power versus Russian disagreement is Ukraine. The western and Russian equation comprising Ukraine as the constant factor would invariably yield negative result to both sides that are obviously beneficial to none especially Ukraine held hostage in the crisis.

The European Commission. public offer on economic package to Ukraine to the tune of 2 billion euros in three installments with a first one in the amount 1.2 billion euro followed by 600 million in the second and 200 million as the third installment payment could be very enticing for any economically struggling nation.

Unfortunately, the economic bargain on sovereignty of a nation in the present time appears to have been reduced to mere two billion or so in price tag. The economic incentive from European Commission upon being extended to Ukraine as unconditional monetary aid i.e. no obligation on Ukraine’s part to join NATO considering that is one of the issue for Russia in the national security concern, the economic deal would be more appropriate.

Alternatively, the European Commission or European Union returning the illegal funds held in tax shelters in Europe, the money transferred from corruption deals in Ukraine among oligarchy and other members within and outside Ukraine depriving Ukraine citizens the economic development in the country would be equitable.

Either way, the EU through EC providing economic assistance without any pressure or coercion on Ukraine to compromise national sovereignty by not having to be a NATO ally or submit to western geopolitical goals would be honorable.

Ukraine spared from traditional divide and conquer strategy familiar in the imperial past and present would be a new chapter in the era. The financial relief to the battered Ukrainian economy primarily due to foreign intrusions and corruption in domestic system is imperative more than anything else.

Russia and Ukraine working together in reconciling differences to mitigate the military interventions from all sides beginning with Russian forces retreat and NATO confinement away from Russian and neighboring territory is the path to peaceful settlement in the current stalemate in eastern Europe.

The peaceful resolution of Ukraine crisis is in the best interest of all parties and above all the regional stability anywhere in the world is tied to global peace and security.

The overzealous and capricious policy on international affairs has been unfavorable and perpetuated the impasse.

Hence all parties are urged to prioritize human lives, economic costs, sovereignty, self-determination of nations and territorial integrity in mutual respect and recognition of individual nations, regional and world peace.

Your attention and interest is much appreciated.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

United States – Texas Border Crisis

March 19, 2021

United States – Texas Border Crisis

Padmini Arhant

Texas border crisis is a serious national security and major health threat to entire nation. Texas SOS in this regard deserves urgent attention and resolution.

The Biden administration’s open border policy is egregious and dangerous evidenced in the ongoing avalanche of problems in every respect surfacing thus far. The border patrol vaccination as mentioned by Texas governor Greg Abbott is critical to protect national servicemen and women risking lives in the pandemic situation. The burgeoning tsunami across the border in Texas is national emergency directly resting on the federal government to address effectively. Any casual treatment of border influx would lead to enormous security, health and humanitarian disaster.

The Biden administration closing the border with necessary lawful arrangements seeking border security and other organization involvements that were previously engaged in monitoring and checking arrival of members is immediate priority.

Any negligence in controlling border activities would only exacerbate heath, economic and security matter nationwide.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant




United States – Alleged Cyberattack on Government Infrastructure

December 18, 2020

United States – Alleged Cyberattack on Government Infrastructure – Fake News (?) 

Padmini Arhant

According to Fox News / Fake News (?), the United States government infrastructure inclusively not barring national nuclear security administration and Los Alamos National Laboratory daringly under cyber attack.

The Fox News suggesting Russian espionage activities since March 2020 interestingly at the height of first lockdown in the wake of COVID19 pandemic from Wuhan China is double downing on nations forced to combat the deadly virus unleashed on humanity by those funding the bizarre experiment to test the corona virus virulence upon transmission among human species. The Wuhan lab in Hubei province, China set up with funding from Europe and United States billionaires viz. Microsoft’s Bill Gates and Melinda Gates foundation investments in corona virus experiments on Beijing’s oversight said little or nothing on COVID-19 global pandemic despite the ravaging effects world over.

Similarly, on the other side of the globe, India was under military attack by China in the Himalayan region deploying troops and military installations along north and north eastern border of India. The military aggression from Beijing launched and escalated in March 2020 while Indian population was dealing with the pandemic and lockdown crippling health and economy like in the rest of the world.

The mainstream media Fox News report on purported cyber attack against United States listing host of government departments which is almost the entire federal government and three states in the pool as detailed below.

Department of the Treasury, Department of Commerce, National Institutes of Health, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, Department of State, Department of Defense, Executive Office of the President i.e. The White House, NASA, United States Postal Service, National Nuclear Security Administration, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Department of Energy, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of Secure Transportation and at least 3 states in the Union supposedly hacked in the process. The Fox news also lists Microsoft and at least 40 customers of the tech giant accounts along with Fortune 500 companies and Wall Street as victims of the alleged cyber operation in Fox News – Lou Dobbs Tonight on date.

The Fox News described the alleged cyber aggression as biggest ever in geopolitical history. The report emphasis on Russian infiltration and downplaying China’s dominance on Biden family and democratic party is characteristic of mainstream media raising an alarm on one adversary and accepting the other as lesser of the two evils in their narrative beckon attention.

The report detailing alleged cyber warfare presented as gargantuan in magnitude and calling out the current administration under President Donald J. Trump for response to media and deep state representatives reverts the situation on MSM to explain the contradictory stance to their viewers as captive audience in the indefinite lockdown to stymie COVID-19 from Wuhan, China.

Have Fox News and rest of communication networks experienced coup d’etat considering their position being anything but fair, objective and neutral throughout election year and post election?

The media clamor on alleged cyber invasion citing Trump administration compared to media muted reaction to explosive revelations on election corruption, voter fraud, Dominion debacle and Biden family scandals confirm radical change in media reporting undermining journalistic ethics.

The deep state members from either side of the political aisle who voted in favor of President Donald Trump impeachment proceeding voicing their concerns on the alleged cyber perpetration further validate the coup scenario. The deep state prominent members’ alacrity in the proposal on National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) originally introduced and executed by ex-President Barack Obama against United States citizens without due process arouse suspicions on such recommendation in the absence of any verifiable evidence on the reported cyber incursion.

Furthermore, the media in this instance i.e. Fox news failure to share the fact on Trump administration’s immediate action against China CCP espionage activities in Houston, Texas shutting down the consulate and expedited expulsions of those behind national security threat unlike the democratic party and media remaining oblivious to democrat rank and file Eric Swalwell, the member of intelligence committee exposure in China spy gate compromising intelligence and national safety until now is reprehensible.

Not to mention the Biden family deep connection with diverse foreign adversaries debilitating United States status in every respect hardly regarded an issue brushing aside the existential and imminent jeopardy confronting the nation at large.

The media role in dissemination of any information and deep state concerted efforts to subvert truth and reality contributing to mass awakening more than ever. The responsibility lies with every citizen to urge their elected representatives in Congress and Senate to act diligently setting aside political differences and partisanship in serving national interests against China’s sprawling engagement at every level. The status quo aptly apply to other foreign governments such as Russia, Ukraine and any other states intrusion in the United States affairs and involvement with unelected Presidential team and family in quid pro quo directly affecting United States on all matter.

Meanwhile, the relevant federal and state authorities utilizing resources and power to determine veracity on alleged cyber attacks with appropriate measures is critical to contain and thwart any form of foreign or internal security threats against Unites States and the republic.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter





New Year Speech 2020 – Global Economy & Nuclear Status

January 26, 2020

New Year Speech 2020 –
Global Economy & Nuclear Status 
Padmini Arhant

Dear Citizens of the world,

Happy New Year!

The relevant topics are global economy and nuclear status.

I begin with a reminder that the actions and decisions in the past have led to the present and upon no acknowledgment to this effect or efforts to remedy the erroneous and egregious indulgence would continue to be the future that is neither desirable nor feasible.

I share my thoughts and concerns over current events and developments along with status quo maintained over a century that has long been affecting humanity in the emerging and developing economies in the world. The idea of supremacy prompting dominance over population in the nations forced to remain weak and vulnerable allowing major powers having gained such status from illegal invasion and colonization exploiting those nations natural resources and human capital prolonged until today through military interventions and direct economic control via free market and free trade agreements disproportionately benefitting the multinational corporations of the western world.

When free market economy was floated under globalization luring developing nations to facilitate foreign investments, the governments of the emerging and developing nations accommodating and implementing the foreign direct investments (FDI) fail to protect the domestic environment having impact in formal and informal sectors largely comprising retail industry, small and medium enterprise (SME) together with other sectors in the economy. The emerging and developing nations’ agricultural,  farming, cattle raising, animal husbandry increasingly compromised for industrialization in addition to foreign corporation like Monsanto exerting aggressive influence over governments not barring displacements upon those states farming community resistance to any harmful products yielding massive losses in harvest and crop reduction. These issues largely ignored thus far despite validity in farmers’ suggestions for appropriate measure suitable to those nation’s climate and economic conditions. The foreign direct investment upon meeting relevant employment, environment and necessary arrangements on safety and security of local work force as well as impart training in the respective industry would be viable to boost economic growth. However, the emerging and developing nations invitation to FDI should only be in areas of economy lacking in that technology, industrial know-how and engineering to preserve the generic aspects of the domestic economy.

Unfortunately, the globalization has enabled Multinational Corporations (MNC) monopoly of international markets against the idea and essence of free market economy aiding fair competition and consumer options in pricing, quality and other determining factors contributing to profitability.  There is no doubt that market economy is the way for constructive and steady growth provided equal opportunity and healthy environment for all businesses to compete effectively without having to submerge or submit to bigger enterprise and conglomerate’s vigorous mergers and acquisitions prevalent in proportion to financial and market capitalization. The contemporary trend endangers free flow of economic activities and innovations subject to major corporate discretionary and privileged status. Notwithstanding the macro management of the economy under few multinationals in different sectors of the economy whether energy, finance, banking, defense, aviation, health care, technology…among the prominent players holding the key to economic prospects not necessarily shared across the spectrum or letting mega profits to trickle down to the bottom.

As a result, the major corporate i.e. bigwigs’ clout over politics through campaign financing, bidding on candidacy and outright oligarchy governance undermining democracy and electoral process besides stymieing judiciary, environment rules and regulations and labor laws are customary practice. Capitalism left to benefit all competing in the domestic and global market would lead to desperately required universal growth and development.

In contrast, Capitalist socialism granting financial bailouts at ordinary taxpayers expense, financial scandals and frauds committed in some economies with offenders absconding from their country of origin never to return due to severe banking and financial mismanagement exacerbating economic woes and gross negligence in the misuse of public funds in the banking industry.

The worst is multibillion dollars mega corporations enjoying special status from political lobbying for tax breaks end up paying zero taxes and often subsidies meant for boosting job growth and productivity are utilized in enhancing top 1% personal wealth while the rest are bereft of any benefits within corporate structure and in the economy. The anti trust laws curbing too big to control in the economic sector are necessary for systematic capital flow, goods and services that would be precursor in all fronts and inflation in particular without having to artificially adjust prime rate on lending and borrowing to control inflation or stagflation experienced by some emerging and developing economies in the fading positive growth affecting aggregate output and current account deficit.

Though market economy is a better system in creating and generating new independent concepts and methods in different areas of the economy, the public funding and national revenues from taxes and  consumer spending must be invested back in citizens lives such as universal health care, free education, retirement savings, social security benefits and unemployment benefits to alleviate poverty and preventable disease. Additionally, small business loans for marginalized segments, women, army veterans and physically challenged citizens to live a life with dignity deserves government attention and action. The public funds should also cater for infrastructure starting with proper roads, highways, bridges, railways etc. in the wide angle. At the municipal level in the developing nations and emerging economies, the sewage system eliminating manual cleaning designated to the so-called lower caste demography eg. in India under archaic caste hierarchy is long overdue. The modern techniques providing the operatives proper gear safeguarding them from health hazards and other environment pollutions is the least expected from local governments and authorities responsible for safety and healthy working conditions in society.

The other aspects in the economy are fair trade over free trade long been debated without any movement in that direction. The latest initial agreement reached between United States and China might be welcome among businesses with manufacturing and assembly base in China like consumer goods and electronics laying prolonged uncertainties to minimal effect. China’s currency (yuan) management either in devaluation or futures market and foreign currency options trading…are a trade advantage for the nation positioned as manufacturing hub in the global economy. The most favored nation (MFN) status with United States and World Trade Organization (WTO) membership are undeniably advantageous to China in clinching trade deals with nations near and far. This has been the major factor among other favorable means for China’s exponential rise as economic power in the past two to three decades.

China is also one of major creditors of United States and Eu together with Africa, the Far East and other developing nations like Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Nepal…in the Indian sub-continent. The policy continues to undermine economic conditions especially for the developing nations unable to match China’s voracity in gaining market share with diverse techniques and strategies not always conforming to global trend.

There is an immediate requirement for balanced trade opportunities among all nations to maintain economic stability and sustainability in the global economy alleviating the debt burden on economies expected to succumb to extraordinary financial constraints and debt servicing denying them prospects for economic improvement. The economic packages and financial deals to bail out economies in EU and China’s debtors are far from invigorating growth with less or no focus on stimulus instead centered on privatization of state owned companies and public assets like telecommunication and utilities, national ports takeover for example the Hambantota maritime port in Sri Lanka and draining national reserves towards debt payments in the current economic setting. These are some of the anomalies behind growing economic disparity and stagnancy in the developing nations’ situation.

Furthermore, the financial assistance from IMF and World Bank bind developing nations’ economy in debt cycle burdening the present and future taxpayers in enormous sovereign debt with no hope of revival reflected in the economic health of nations in Africa, South and South East Asia, Latin America and the Middle East. Again, EU and European Central Bank (ECB) funded economies yet to recover from 2007 global economic recession primarily due to austerity tied to funding without any incentives for simultaneous growth requiring investments to create and retain jobs, industrial expansion and trade facilities in the macroeconomic scale.

Monetary aid from international financial authorities subject economies to stringent criteria to reduce fiscal deficit targeting loan repayments and financial commitments invariably stunting economic growth and productivity. The developing nations fall victims to such financial deals leaving the population in poverty and vast majority struggling to make ends meet with no structural planning and programs to jumpstart economy.

While the lending process aggravate debt accumulation on developing nations in particular, the other dimension drowning economies is illegal economic sanctions aimed at only non-western nations to oblige major western powers stipulations having never experienced the slow painful death inflicted on people of these states depriving them of food, medicines, vital goods and services for survival.

Western powers together with UN Security Council P5+1 imposed economic sanctions is by far brutal warfare waged against the citizens of any country under the pretext of punishing governments, leaderships or military wing declining western terms and conditions favoring western prospects and influence transforming the state sovereignty to vassal statehood. No western nation subject to economic sanctions or their leaderships authorizing illegal warfare, drone strikes and terror sponsoring that have been carried out throughout history and more so in the past decade up until now ever investigated for gross human rights violations and war crimes that has been tried on non-western heads of the state and their representatives from Eastern Europe, Africa, Latin America and Asia.

UNSC economic sanctions premised on human rights violations, political rights and especially nuclear activities are loosely and arbitrarily justified against non-western nations including military actions to further enhance P5+1 economic opportunities and strategic dominance in those regions conforming to P5+1 legacy on invasion, occupation and territorial annexation continuing unabated until today.

In view of the past and present conspicuous bias and partisanship against non-western nations, UNSC P5+1 or unilateral economic sanctions from United States, Israel and any other western and allies enforced sanctions on economic trade and monetary transactions related to commerce is null and void. Reiterating above statement that economic sanctions is a direct warfare against people of those states without providing them a chance to defend or present their position to resolve any issues amicably through diplomacy and direct dialogue at the highest level.

In the absence of similar actions against western nations on persistent numerous violations since economic sanctions became the pattern against non-western nations, the population in these parts of the world unfairly pay the price with their lives, livelihood and future. The economic sanctions freezing trade activities and bank accounts of sovereign nations is illegal and could no longer bind on the basis of selective few members’ discretion to serve their exclusive interests.

In a nutshell, Capitalism could thrive with pertinent oversight on banking and finance together with compliance on environment, employment laws without flouting ethics, stymieing judiciary, general code, ordinance and legal requirements in domestic and foreign domain. Capitalism without corruption and cronyism to dominate politics could lead to stable economic growth and viability.8

On Nuclear matter – Nuclear threats and options unequivocally endanger humanity and the world at large experienced in the past and present century viz. Hiroshima and Nagasaki, toxic agents like napalm used during Vietnam war, nuclear components such as depleted uranium against Iraq, nuclear laden missiles on Syrian Skies in the eight years of war beginning in 2011, US and NATO carpet bombing in Libya on March 19, 2011, deadly chemical and biological warfare continued through terror outfits in the Middle East until now, white phosphorous used against densely populated residential targets in Gaza, Palestine are some of many activities by United States, NATO and Israel with and without UNSC authorization producing scores of casualties and still counting in the war zones in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya and Africa.

Then there are short range and Inter Continental Ballistic Missiles (ICBM) that are in possession   of nuclear powers besides nuclear submarines, instruments and projectiles with earth shattering capabilities at momentary notice. United States nuclear proliferation and modernization is the impetus for other nuclear powers to follow suit for nuclear readiness. The poignant factor behind nuclear arms race escalation is republican and democrat administrations in the White House routinely reserve the rights to All options are on the table i.e. not barring the use of nuclear force when dealing with nations deemed adversary that cannot be dismissed as slip of the tongue from the US Highest Office. The targeted nations in this instance are compelled to adopt appropriate measures considering United States trajectory on the use of deadly weapons including nuclear arsenal as enunciated above.

Upon careful objective evaluation of nuclear status in the twenty first century, the nuclear powers with unaccounted stockpiles varying in degree and proportions in addition to huge technological vantage are the existential threat to global peace and security. The lack of transparency among major nuclear powers and their counterparts contributes to further complexity in nuclear armament.

The  (strategic arms reduction treaty) START treaty for example between United States and Russia signed in 2010 and ratified in 2011 bringing the agreement to effect on 5th February 2011. The treaty aimed at Measures for the Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms was a positive step though compliance on both sides to this effect is not verifiable given the lingering mistrust and ongoing reservations against Russia on the purported meddling in United States Presidential election in 2016.

The current administration proposing trilateral nuclear arms control between United States, Russia and China is valid. Nonetheless, the present administration extending the existing 2011 START treaty between United States and Russia due to expire in 2021 following the ten years timeframe with an option to renew for another five years subject to mutual agreement is critical to contain nuclear arms on all sides until the proposed trilateral treaty materialize and comes into effect.

As for the classification on responsible vs. reckless over nuclear status and nuclear ambitions, those who claim themselves to be responsible proved to be otherwise in the history of mankind and in the use of nuclear materials and arsenals so far. Britain’s trident nuclear programme invested in ballistic missiles and submarines alongside France as a known nuclear power in Europe other than NATO allies maintaining nuclear stock piles as de facto nuclear states are significant in terms of consolidated nuclear might.

In the Middle East, Israel’s operational nuclear weapons achieved as early as 1967 and evidently in possession of active nuclear warheads anywhere from 80 to 400 even exceeding the figure released for Britain around 215 with 120 active war heads is a guarded secret. With no acknowledgment of Israel’s nuclear status or International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspections on Israel’s Dimona reactor, the nuclear installation near Negev dessert apparently fall under western explanation on nuclear status in national interest.

At the same time, the western and UNSC economic sanctions against India and Pakistan upon their entry in the nuclear club for similar reasons given the adversarial relations fostered between the two neighbors since India’s partition together with the objection to North Korea’s nuclear capability demonstrated in prolonged economic sanctions and clashes in the Korean Peninsula divide the nuclear issue among western and non-western nuclear states granting the former nuclear rights despite colonial legacy and invasions retained well into the twenty first century. The latter on the other hand are characterized as radical for their nuclear status. Perhaps, the same mindset prevailed when the nuclear South Africa under European rule upon gaining independence from western occupation were forced into denuclearization.

With respect to Iran, the nation as described earlier experimented by western policy in displacing the democratically elected government of Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh with monarchy represented by then crown Prince Shah Reza Pahlavi prompting Iranian revolution shortly after enabling theocratic governance since then up until now. Iran’s status quo once again is the western and Mideast allies reason for the quest on regime change.

Iran’s authorities emphasized on any nuclear ambition as nuclear deterrence and not nuclear defiance. Iran has been placed under rigorous western demands and nuclear constraints to abandon nuclear program in the backdrop of drastic economic sanctions costing innocent lives with babies and children deprived of food and essentials in semblance to western sanctions against Iraq. Iran’s nuclear activities has been nowhere near the threshold deserving any actions let alone economic sanctions and constant harassment involving recent murder of the Iranian top General Qassem Soleimani to justify western and allies contempt for Iran’s resolve to stay on course.

Unlike Israel and all other nuclear states combined having had no IAEA inspection or monitoring, Iran has been isolated despite Iran remaining committed to non-nuclear status and non-nuclear proliferation, a path that is a tall order for all those nations in the nuclear club carrying out nuclear activities conducting nuclear subterranean tests, overland, under water and wherever possible as their entitlement.

Iran signing Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) ironically with P5+1 and EU, the compulsive  nuclear offenders in their own rights proved in the default not by Iran, but chief signatory, the United States withdrawal from the accord. EU members – Germany, Britain and France recent move to place Iran on notice alongside Germany and Russia agreement to maintain pressure on Iran during German Chancellor Angela Merkel latest visit to Russia clearly defines the nuclear status as P5+1 exclusive rights while denying  the nations whom they target incessantly the right to national defense. The reason, the nuclear powers use to justify unjustifiable nuclear armament by them.

Iran is nothing more than a scapegoat for those unable to sustain their illegal economic sanctions and continuous armed skirmishes against the Shia nation.

On North Korea – The Korean affair is a convenient situation for United States permanent military base in South Korea, Japan and Philippines archipelago creating the scenario for North Korea to test missiles in the face of United States troops presence and ongoing contentious military exercise as well as Naval drills on the Yellow Sea. Notwithstanding the usual economic sanctions against North Korea forcing population into starvation for decades in the non-existing changes from the United States position in terms of troop withdrawal or minimizing military intrusion in the Korean Peninsula that led to North Korea’s nuclear status. Above all, the concerted effort to bereave Korean citizens on both sides from long desired Korea reunification is viewed as threat to United States military activities and hegemonic goals.

Additionally, the de facto nuclear states are Germany and other NATO allies in Europe. In the Middle East besides Israel, Saudi Arabia’s nuclear partners are United States and Pakistan positioned to serve Saudi Kingdom’s nuclear offense against foes in the region.

In the Indian sub-continent, nuclear rivals India and Pakistan’s hawkish elements using nuclear threats cannot be discounted. In fact both nations were brought under the brink of nuclear meltdown during western favored Pakistan’s ex-President General Parvez Musharraf in Kargil war in 1999.  

India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi having external forces backing i.e. the western, corporate and UNSC support against India’s interest fomenting fundamentalism and polarization to strip India’s secular status, PM Narendra Modi’s frivolous use of nuclear threat during campaign rallies stating India’s nuclear arsenal are not for keepsake or meant to be Diwali festival crackers and that his government under his leadership would not hesitate to exhibit nuclear potency against Pakistan is emulation of his western counterparts favorite rhetoric – All options are on the table against specific adversaries viz. Iran and North Korea.

In light of global nuclear configuration with all nuclear states engaged in relentless nuclear pursuits and augmentation under the guise of containment, they individually and collectively imperil humanity and environment. Some nuclear nations viz. Israel, India, Pakistan…declined to commit to nuclear non-proliferation arguably citing prominent nuclear powers as the trend setters juxtaposed many non-nuclear states including Iran are committed members of nuclear non-proliferation is noteworthy.

The nuclear powers beginning with United States, Britain, France, Russia, China, India, Israel, Pakistan and North Korea together with all other de facto and passive members moving towards nuclear disarmament is no longer an option but a necessity and serious responsibility making this world and environment safe and secure for all species now and in the future.

There could be no preferences or prejudice for one against another in this regard. The nuclear policy designed and retained thus far contributing to unfettered unaccounted nuclear arms race is the norm against sensible logical requirement for nuclear free world.

Furthermore, nuclear site containing nuclear stockpiles prone to nuclear accidents like Chernobyl disaster in 1986 under then Soviet Union controlled Ukraine. Similar incidents related to nuclear arms transportation and submarines operation costing lives in the United States and Russia are barely reported in the era of secrecy and opaqueness. Not to mention the nuclear reactor malfunction triggering Fukushima nuclear chaos in Japan in 2011 in the aftermath of tsunami continues to haunt the citizens in Fukushima Prefecture forming the basis for peaceful protests dispersed with violence near Kudankulam nuclear power plant in Tamil Nadu, India in 2012.

Importantly, nuclear arms possession, maintenance and refurbishment aided in technology and other modern techniques cost a fortune consuming the bulk of national budget even for economically affluent nations let alone the developing and emerging economies viz. Pakistan, North Korea and India dealing with severe economic crisis unnecessarily caught in the predicament to prioritize nuclear defense or offense over economic growth and development. As a matter of fact, the citizens dyeing from hunger, poverty and disease at an alarming rate in all these years in these nations neglected in strengthening unaffordable nuclear capability at the expense of vast majority.

Accordingly, the nuclear powers without exception rising to the occasion in denuclearization program comprising environmentally safe and diligent disposal as well as destruction of nuclear arsenal of all kinds is imperative for global peace and security. The process must be transparent and comprehensive not exclusive utilizing elite and privileged status to evade responsibility and accountability by any nuclear power and their partners having slighted the urgent termination of nuclear activity on all fronts by all again exempting none whosoever.

Expecting Iran and North Korea to renounce nuclear path with other nuclear powers intimidating them with nuclear options against these two nations is a strategy smothered in hypocrisy. Any civilized world and society would recognize the inherent flaws and exemplify such demands through their renunciation of nuclear status for others’ adherence in genuine care for humanity and earth protection.

Finally, the western policy on economic sanctions inflicting pain and death on ordinary lives to provoke the people against the government they target for regime change constitutes a war crime. The economic sanctions and obstruction in trade and commerce to suppress non-western economies from due progress is a serious violation reeking contempt and bias in the otherwise global economy paradigm inhibiting protectionism upon governments focus on improving domestic economy within through tariffs and import duty.

I will be back to discuss other topics such as the role of United Nations as an international organization in contemporary politics, democracy meaning and purpose and environment connected to climate change and treaty.

I appreciate your patience.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter


Global Nuclear Status

January 14, 2020

Global Nuclear Status 

Padmini Arhant

This topic will be covered in entirety in the upcoming New Year Speech, in the process.

Meanwhile, western powers introspection on legacy and own nuclear status leading to global status quo is the hour of need prior to any proposals or actions inevitably adverse and counterproductive.

The topic will continue in the New Year Speech delivery.

Thank you. 

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter 



Pakistan – JeM Masood Azhar

March 13, 2019

Pakistan – JeM Masood Azhar

Padmini Arhant

Why is China protecting Pakistan based Jaish-e-Mohammed terror commander Masood Azhar? 

Masood Azhar is a self-admitted terror mastermind with direct links not only to JeM but also al-Qaeda, IS and Taliban.

Masood Azhar is a known terrorist fostered by Pakistan Army and intelligence agency ISI among other terror networks chief such as Hafez Saeed of Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and Taliban operating in neighboring Afghanistan.

China justifying crackdown as terror measure against Uyghur Muslim population holding large number in detention camps that Chinese official refer to as boarding schools in Xinjiang autonomous region in NorthEast China while defending Pakistan resident Masood Azhar’s terror activities estrange China in the war on terror.

Whatever may be China’s formal and informal position on terror, shielding Pakistan’s Masood Azhar from international ban is a dangerous cause with enormous liability for both China and Pakistan.

China and Pakistan providing impunity to terrorist Masood Azhar, Hafez Saeed, al-Qaeda and Taliban clarify the respective states lack of concern for violence through terrorism consuming innocent lives not only across Pakistan borders viz. India, Afghanistan, Iran, Bangladesh but also within Pakistan.

Any nation claiming to be emerging economic power and stakeholder in Asia i.e. China backing terrorists in Pakistan is unfortunate and beckons reasoning confined to ethical and humanitarian values imperative in evaluating strategic ambitions threatening peace and stability in the nuclear age.

China as a mature and ancient civilization rising to the occasion and meeting global expectations in curbing and eliminating terror rather than inverse strategy exemplified in action against Masood Azhar would earn regional and international trust as well as respect.

Furthermore, China’s economic goals especially targeting neighboring India and other partners in trade relations, investments and export market could be facilitated at ease upon China’s cooperation and unequivocal stance against terror and terrorists like Masood Azhar, Hafez Saeed and more harboring terror from Pakistan against nations sharing border with the Islamic state.

Above all, nuclear Pakistan enabling terror sanctuary with armed shelter for terrorists is self-inflicting catastrophe that demands rationale and wisdom to reverse course and engage in dismantling terror infrastructure wreaking havoc in the interior and exterior of economically struggling Pakistan.

China as a major creditor to Pakistan besides Saudi Arabia playing pivotal role in terminating terrorism from Pakistan soil would guarantee positive returns in economic, financial and political exchange.

Meanwhile, the global community enlisting all terror networks without exception and imposing sanctions against them by denying arms, funding and logistic support beginning with terror factions, their founders and operatives in Pakistan and worldwide is fundamental in wiping terror that remains the contentious challenge in the world.

Importantly terror manifestation prevalent in Pakistan and elsewhere already endanger life world over and immunity to terrorists exacerbate conditions for victims and potential vulnerable targets near and far.

The global consensus to act effectively against terrorism would convey a strong message to terror sponsors and recruiters on the noose tightening against them with the only option for them to renounce terror and terror related agenda as well as ideology.

The patience and tolerance have been exhausted among those forced to deal with cross border terrorism from Pakistan in Kashmir and other territory.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter 


United States – 9/11 Anniversary

September 11, 2018

United States – 9/11 Anniversary

Padmini Arhant

The terror attack on September 11, 2001 provided ammunition for misuse of power and authority in United States and other nations declared as the so-called democracy. 

Under the guise of national security, the laws enacted in the United States and followed elsewhere set precedence for gross human rights violations with immunity.

Furthermore, the harassment of minorities and targeted individuals with no criminal record or threats of any kind persists with TSA’s unapologetic mistreatment of men and women in racial and ethnic profiling exceeding the norms and civility of public scrutiny.

Since those who legislate such violations into law are exempt from the criminalizing ordeal in the name of security given the self-assigned VIP and VVIP status, they remain oblivious to innocent citizens trial and humiliations at the airport.

The State and administrations assumed unconstitutional and undemocratic extra judicial power to crack down on civil rights, curbing dissent witnessed in many incidents like in Chicago during NATO summit in May 2012 was the tip of the iceberg.

Similarly in September 2011, the Occupy Wall Street emerging from economic woes with ripple effects across many parts of the world was shut down with brute force deploying tasers, water cannons and arrests demonstrating zero tolerance to peaceful assembly and public protest on relevant issues confronting citizens and humanity at large.

The administrations in power exercised carte blanche authority apprehending foreign nationals especially Islamic descent holding them in Guantanamo Bay denying them habeas corpus i.e. legal rights in addition to subjecting them to renditions, torture, dispatching them to foreign prison camps and undisclosed locations for indefinite period with many still held in these detention centers. The U.S. administrations after 9/11 conducted arbitrary abductions at ease without any accountability.

The United States administration since 2001 and subsequently launched drone attacks in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya and Yemen in North Africa, West African nation Mali, Djibouti and  Somalia in the horn of Africa and Columbia in South America were few among many spots relentlessly pursued with predator drone operations. Thousands of civilians in these regions were casualties to these drone attacks with utter disregard for life in general.

The 9/11 terror was New World Order agenda with agreement among global syndicate colluding in secret location barring public and citizens press as well as media entry to carry out Pearl Harbor kind of aggression in the United States to catapult the Project for New American Century aka PNAC.

The pre-meditated and pre-conceived plan was then enthusiastically executed by the neoconservative and hawkish elements represented in the former President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney administration to materialize the project for New American Century (PNAC).   The chartered course involved illegal invasion and occupation of foreign lands with regime change in countries listed in the master plan.

Having deceptively achieved public empathy and support on the fateful day of September 11, 2001, the authorities then onwards abused citizens’ consent against people worldwide.

Notwithstanding, the decimation and annihilation of nations and inhabitants in Africa, Middle East, Afghanistan in particular that continues unabated until today.

The government, intelligence apparatus and national security teams have systematically expanded dragnet surveillance in every possible way spying, tracking and trolling citizens’ activities depriving all a normal life.

The government introducing measures like biometric and optic (retina) impressions of all citizens, monitoring public communication in cyber space via social media such as Facebook, Twitter and other mediums is the standard practice. Then the corporate media and press having become propaganda machinery, the task to mislead and misinform viewers is the primary purpose. The entertainment industry is also complicit in this regard.

In the so-called democratic nation like India, 9/11 laws in the United States is loosely cited to arrest human rights activists, civil rights attorneys, journalists, trade unionists and intellectuals in society viewed as enemies of the state.

The United States administration under then President Barack Obama in May 2011, misled the Americans and the world at large in falsely claiming the capture and assassination of the long deceased Osama Bin Laden who actually died in 2001. He was quoted as the mastermind behind 9/11 though he was the CIA asset and had visits from FBI in Rawalpindi, Pakistan and Dubai to check on his well being while he was undergoing dialysis treatment for his chronic kidney disease.

President Barack Obama authorized Abbottabad raid produced no evidence stating the body was disposed in Arabian Sea and the NAVY SEALS deployed in Pakistan were also eliminated sparing none soon after the fake Abbottabad mission.

In a nutshell, the architects in Secret Society successfully transformed United States into a police state – the main goal of New World Order to suppress public voice and alternative views in society. The model was then to be replicated world over. Many nations follow suit despite maintaining the deceptive perception and image as a democracy like in India and elsewhere.

There is no doubt with elections marred in corruption found in voting irregularities, vote rigging and massive campaign funds influx from unverified diverse sources, those usurped to power diligently serve personal and vested interests in compliance with the established trend in the past and present.  The individual ambitions to rise and retain power find the subversion of constitution and democracy convenient that were lawfully implemented in the wake of 9/11.

The Gestapo rule has been overtly instituted with a free run for those at the helm of power to exploit electorate mandate, violate citizens trust and subjugate nation with impunity.

Interestingly, al Qaeda blamed for 9/11 became the terror operatives representing United States and allies in the war against Libya, Syria and Iraq in 2011.

However, there is hope to restore democracy and civil rights that has been seriously infringed under the pretext of 9/11. The forces behind the strategy having exhausted the illegitimate means, the system is on the brink of collapse together with public awareness and mass consciousness challenging the status quo.

Nonetheless, 9/11 will ever remain a memorable event in American and World history to remind the present and future generation on terrorism and state sponsored terror facilitating abuse of power.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter



The Art of Peace and Diplomacy

July 30, 2018

The Art of Peace and Diplomacy 

Padmini Arhant

The latest offer from President Donald Trump to meet with Iran on fresh nuclear agreement is a positive step towards reconciliation of differences and misunderstandings that would benefit all, the Middle East in particular.

Iran accepting the opportunity for direct communication with United States would enable both sides to improve relations that are imperative in terms of global economy and energy sector.

President Donald Trump personal meeting with the leaderships from North Korea, Russia and now the overture to Iran are necessary to renew relations opening the channels for constructive peace and diplomacy. The peaceful dialogue is the only way that guarantees permanent resolution to long standing confrontations and adversarial positions maintained thus far.

India and Pakistan adopting similar policy with the incoming Pakistan government by setting aside political and strategic rhetoric is vital to defuse tensions between two nuclear states.  Indo-Pak involvement in building trust and reliable partnerships in trade, social and cultural exchanges as well as addressing common problems like water supply and environment conditions are critical for bilateral progress. 

Likewise, Taliban in Afghanistan recent ad hoc meeting with United States diplomat in Doha, Qatar for peaceful negotiations related to nearly two decades warfare in that nation is yet another promising start for the people of Afghanistan deserving respite and end to violence experienced thus far. 

However, the word of caution in this regard is unlike the previous event in 2013  with Taliban representation of Afghanistan in Doha, Qatar under separate flag proclaimed as The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan could not be simply taken as symbolic without strategic goals from behind the scenes operatives viz. the forces in Pakistan. 

Taliban commitment to peace in Afghanistan must be subject to renouncing violence which means disavow ties with architects and catalysts of terror including the purveyor of arms and ammunitions.

In doing so and upon verifiable and incontrovertible evidence of this requirement would then qualify them as Mujahids or liberators of their nation from foreign occupation and neighbor control such as Pakistan ISI and army. 

United States deploying peaceful means to conclude the Syrian conflict is paramount for Middle East peace and stability.

The adaptation of peaceful outreach and persistent diplomacy to end crises in every part of the world is the absolute measure to achieve global peace and security.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter 

Memorial Day – Troop Withdrawal from Afghanistan

May 28, 2018

Memorial Day – Troop withdrawal from Afghanistan

Padmini Arhant

Memorial Day memorializing war veterans is the tradition.

The tribute to those sacrificing their lives for any just cause is always honorable and more so with the soldiers and defense personnel laying their lives to defend their country and fellow citizens from any potential danger.

However, the trend in the past and present century forging wars for reasons other than national defense costing young blood and nation’s treasure proved counterproductive and futile. Whatever explanations accompany prolonged occupation of foreign land with massive troops deployment and troop surge along with increase in defense budget predominantly expended in military bases maintenance worldwide, the outcome of such maneuvers evidently not favorable.

United States assuming the role to patrol and police global frontiers has escalated tensions, promoted nuclear options in self-defense and deterrence besides imposing mandatory defense spending on all nations at the expense of economic growth and development.

In other words, United States military presence worldwide has left nations with only one option and that is to beef up military capability boosting the military industrial complex represented defense sector to thrive rain or shine regardless of market conditions benefitting selective members in the hierarchy.

United States and NATO waged wars and subsequent occupation in different regions of the world on false premise has produced chaos and catastrophe creating permanent war zones and leaving those nations bereft of recovery otherwise possible in restive and peaceful environment.

The wars aimed at profitability with no concern for loss of innocent lives and defense force especially the misinformed young men and women led in harms way could no longer continue business as usual. The propaganda based wars, military interventions and terror sponsoring targeting nations and regions for hegemonic goals squandering ordinary citizens lives and their tax dollars are enormous liability in economic, political, social and humanitarian terms ruining nations and destiny of millions forced into refugee status.

The contemporary situation demands fair assessment to end illegal occupation of foreign land and territory allowing the population of those nations normal existence and self-determination rights barring foreign intrusion.

The case in point is Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Korea to name a few.

Considering the extended timeframe and purpose not serving the local and regional inhabitants interests and furthermore the military and aggressive involvement fomenting violence and security violations, the complete withdrawal of forces and ceasing violent engagement are necessary to establish peace and stability in these parts of the world.

Afghanistan is primarily used as United States and NATO military base to exert dominance in Central Asia denying Afghanistan the sovereign status and Afghans the fundamental right to political freedom and social progress critical for economic prosperity.

Above all, the economic costs since invasion of Afghanistan in October 2001 until today including protracted warfare in Iraq and Pakistan has cost U.S. taxpayers $4.8 trillion per Congressional Budget Office report and still counting with the warfare carried out on borrowed money inflating United States budget deficit and subsequent impact on national debt leading to sharp hikes in consumer interest rates reflecting macroeconomic effects.

The current allocation of $45 billion this year for Afghanistan alone is again repeating predecessors pattern without subjecting pentagon to accountability and independent audit given the trajectory on disproportionate spending and trillions of taxpayers dollars admittedly missing as confirmed by former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on $2.3 Trillion and the same acknowledged in previous Congressional hearings with no actions from any administration or Congress thus far.

The article from Project Censored under – The News That Didn’t Make The News .

Title – The Pentagon Money Pit: $6.5 Trillion In Unaccountable Army Spending And No DOD Audit

“According to a July 2016 Department of Defense Inspector General (DODIG) report, $6.5 trillion of Army Spending allocated to the Pentagon have no paper trail and no audit has been made by the Department of Defense (DOD) for the past two decades to resolve this issue. In other words, David Lindorff reported that “the Department of Defense has not been tracking or recording or auditing all of the taxpayer money allocated by Congress — what it was spent on, how well it was spent, or where the money actually ended up. There are enough opportunities here for corruption, bribery, secret funding of ‘black ops’ and illegal activities, and or course for simple waste to march a very large army, navy and air force through. And by the way, things aren’t any better at the Navy, Air Force and Marines.”

The referenced excerpt of the article and earlier incident on $2.3 Trillion vaporized is just the tip of the iceberg with successive administrations and Congress obliging pentagon demand for billions of taxpayer money exempting the tax payer funded military headquarter Pentagon and federal defense agencies from checks and balances that are applicable to ordinary citizens in society.

These events decisively and conclusively determine the need for immediate withdrawal and winding up of operations in Afghanistan and other destinations having no relevance to national interests except undermining United States credibility and wasting taxpayers money that deserves to be invested in domestic economy such as job creation, health care, public education, scientific research and innovations and infrastructure.

On U.S. taxpayers behalf, the Congressional authorization of independent oversight to probe corruption and financial irregularities in taxpayer funded defense department viz. pentagon and other federal agencies dealing with defense activities is paramount for transparency and economic viability.

Finally, national defense force is meant to safeguard nation’s security and not misused for some entities and certain groups’ hegemonic ambitions and exclusive gains.

Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter

United States – Violence and False Flag Events

February 15, 2018

United States – Violence and False Flag Events

Padmini Arhant

United States citizens were introduced to major false flag event on September 11, 2001 that is being covered up until today in a manner burying the sand castle inside the silt by the sea shore. Following 9/11 there were series of false fag incidents in the United States and the rest of the world to justify war on terror by terror sponsors in the position of authority falling in the category of State sponsored terrorism.

Subsequently the monumental lie about the terror group leader who served as the intelligence agency valuable asset, the deceased Osama Bin Laden despite being dead in 2001 was resurrected and claimed to have been killed in Abbottabad mission in Pakistan in 2012.  Interestingly, the administration under ex-President Barack Obama then responsible for this event somehow could not produce any evidence such as the target’s body that was stated to have been conveniently disposed in the Arabian sea without considering the need to show the 9/11 terror victims families, the American public and the world at large. Additionally, the NAVY SEAL TEAM SIX  deployed in the capture and kill the dead Osama Bin Laden were also eliminated all at once in Afghanistan soon after the Abbottabad anecdote. So much for transparency.  

Adding insult to human intelligence, the recent statement particularly from the former President Barack Obama on Abbottabad operation that Pakistan was unaware of Osama Bin Laden’s presence in Abbottabad, the city close to Pakistan’s military headquarter in Rawalpindi surely does not reflect well on Pakistan or that nation’s military as well as Pakistan’s intelligence agency, the ISI.

Back in the United States, there were number of shooting incidents reported in the past decade with many of them only becoming the unsolved murder mysteries  whether the Sandy Hook Elementary School or the Boston Marathon bombing and San Bernadine marking the previous administration’s legacy.

Now the Miami High School shooting reporting in semblance with Sandy Hook Elementary School style leads to the following question.

In the latest story on Florida High School shooting, the freshman confirming a meeting at the school prior to the shooting occurrence draws attention.

The school had recently held a meeting to discuss what to do in such an attack, Ryan Gott, a 15-year-old freshman told CNN.

Did the school authorities have premonition about the incident prompting such meeting ahead of the incident?

Was the meeting held knowing such attack is imminent and accordingly alerted the school in advance yet doing nothing to prevent the crime from happening?

Usually schools have fire drill which is reported to have taken place in this school earlier in the day before any shooting rampage.

The audience are getting tired of propaganda based news items and insidious insinuations by those run out of steam and substance in the relentless pursuit of violent means to maintain status quo. The terror manufacturers and purveyors obviously are responsible for perpetual violence demonstrated in prolonged conflicts in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Lebanon, Palestine, Afghanistan, Ukraine and Africa inspiring and orchestrating episodes in the domestic front.

The pattern conclusively defines the source and agents modus operandi much to self-detriment. 

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter








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