Western Imperialism – Promotes Violence in Islamic Nations Part 2
July 13, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
Palestine – Israel Colonization Commits Atrocities with Impunity
Zionism prominence through controversial declaration of the state of Israel in 1948 attributed to mankind misery.
Zionist ideology espousing violence, greed and prejudice endanger lives in the Middle East and worldwide.
Zionism pioneered terrorism in alliance with Takfiris manufactured by Saudi, Qatar and regional Sheikhdoms target nations near and far including Israel’s benefactor in treasure and blood – the United States of America. on September 11, 2001 and false flag events before and after.
The anti-democratic regimes subservience to Zionism goals is responsible for suffering throughout Middle East and elsewhere.
Since illegitimate inception, Israeli atrocities against Palestinians committed with impunity not barring United States threats warning Palestinian authorities against filing complaints at ICC even though the international criminal court is also under hegemony control.
Besides excruciating daily existence for Palestinians, Israeli Defense Forces arbitrary arrests of minors not even spare children as young as five years old held for stone throwing compared with United States and western powers like Germany supplied ammunitions liberally used against unarmed civilians in the occupied territory.
All things end in accordance with natural law. The process is applicable without exception especially tyranny and apartheid termination upon exhausting tactics absorbing the source behind injustice.
Wishing Palestinian victims freedom in every respect leading to rebirth of Palestine.
Syria – Western and Middle Eastern States Sponsor Self-Defeating Terrorism
United States, Israel, Britain, France, Germany, Saudi, Qatar, Turkey, Jordan, Kuwait, UAE along with other western and non-western states sponsor terrorism using chemical weapons, air strike with nuclear component and commit unspeakable crimes against citizens of a sovereign state, Syria.
The conflict into third year now is principally used as pawn to alter West Asian i.e. Middle Eastern geopolitical landscape never to come into fruition and instead bound to affecti every one of them involved in destruction of a free nation with rich culture, civilization and patriotism to defend territorial integrity.
Syria exposed to full frontal international aggression exemplifies courage and determination to protect lives and sovereignty as well as maintaining national spirit in good governance.
Syrian citizens and leaderships ability to transform grief into goodwill is admirably demonstrated in national service.
Meanwhile the western and Middle East coalition instigated killings now backfiring at them clarifying violence as degeneration dehumanizing the origin.
Wishing Syrian society and leaderships across the spectrum success in ending conflict moving forward with rebuilding nation collectively weaving the dreams for common realization.
Peace to Syria!
Libya – Invasion Under False Pretexts For Monopoly Over Economy
The North African nation decentralized with western proxy government in the capital Tripoli leaving the country in chaos and carnage under false pretext of humanitarian mission.
As a result lawlessness is the law of the land turning Libya into Saudi, Qatari and Western ammunition warehouse for supply to hegemony designated war zones across Africa and Middle East.
Again in consistent with adage – ‘What goes around comes around’ experienced by leading force of terror – the United States leaderships in Libyan eastern city Benghazi.
The incident that claimed former U.S. ambassador to Libya – Christopher Stevens and other embassy staff lives is reflective of U.S. political, military and intelligence concerted involvement in dispensing elements considered threat to pre-meditated agenda in the region following decimation of Libya.
These practices by United States represents a pattern given the earlier engagement in Abbottabad, Pakistan asserting the assassination of deceased Osama Bin Laden conveniently eliminating evidences and any possible testimony from Navy SEAL operatives also sacrificed aboard ill-fated Vietnam era Chinook Chopper CH-47D shot down by Taliban with allegedly U.S. leaked details to assassins in Afghanistan.
Even otherwise allowing the benefit of doubt to U.S. leaderships unjustifiable position, the fatality occurrence in U.S. and NATO presence in Afghan soil and failure to avert Taliban calculated and precision attack divulge necessary information on United States complicity.
Reverting to Libyan conundrum, the United States and western interference in any foreign country is ominously for destabilization and depletion of natural resources in continuation of imperialists signature trait and legacy.
Libya’s immediate priority is to oust foreign central bank being the imperial and globalists foundation to monopolize power over economy and subjugate population in semblance with United States, Britain and European status quo underway across the globe.
The establishment of National Bank with people initiated and elected committee as monetary affairs oversight barring foreign interception is the preliminary step towards financial freedom and country assets preservation.
Libya has potential like those colonized by imperial powers to reject external intrusion and start afresh in solidarity implementing Jamahiriya viz. people assembly in tribal, rural and parts of Libya accustomed to traditional political setting with national funding and provisions on security, emergency relief and vital services contributing to Libya’s stability and progress.
The urban Libya conforming to Jamahiriya style in all inclusive democracy accommodating concerns from cross-sections of society and elect government to address matter in citizens and national interest would guarantee pervasive peace and prosperity unlike the contemporary trend sworn allegiance to hegemony committing treason without inhibition based on grand immunity.
Wishing Libya unity for new beginning with promising future.
Peace to Libya!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
http://youtu.be/JaT7_i7JP04 http://youtu.be/ExFSxKRXOVMWestern Imperialism Promotes Violence in Islamic Nations – Part 1
July 11, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
Lebanon – South Beirut bomb explosion
Bomb blasts in residential neighborhood, Bir al-Abed, South Beirut, Hezbollah stronghold early this week reportedly left several injured with some of them being children.
The explosive detonated in civilian area is reprehensible usually affecting vulnerable citizens in the impact zone.
Wishing wounded members speedy recovery and Lebanese society unified resistance against sponsors of terror.
Pakistan – Karachi Bombing and United States Drone Strikes
The commercial port Karachi is constantly faced with bombing and explosions producing massive casualties aside routine civilian deaths from U.S. drone strikes in northwestern Pakistan.
The latest attack targeting senior security personnel of President Asif Ali Zardari in Karachi pose grave security concerns for all.
Karachi focus on restricting weapons flow with coalescence in crackdown on terror groups is the antidote for endless killings in the major city.
The central government, state and city police along with military as well as intelligence agencies could play a key role in foiling terror plots to save lives and deter destruction.
Furthermore, the Shiites regularly fall prey to sectarianism not only in Pakistan but also in most Islamic nations around the world.
Muslim unity is imperative to thwart neo colonial sedition agenda.
Sincere condolences to bereaved families on the loss of loved ones in bombings and drones having become the means for perpetual chaos and life disruption.
Afghanistan – United States and NATO Presence Including Drone Attacks Foment Violence
The nation is confronted with relentless shelling from people foes on all sides declining ordinary citizens rights to exist in the war torn country.
United States drone attacks legalized by President Barack Obama and Pentagon expansive policy to set up nine military bases in addition to western powers engineered narcotic trade deprive Afghans fair chance of survival and those living from making progress towards modern civilization.
The so-called troop withdrawal in 2014 accompanied by declaration to leave sizable forces behind to train Afghan army and police is outdated reason considering the explanation used to prolong western occupation since invasion in 2001.
Amid militarization of Afghanistan, Pakistan assisted United States negotiation with Afghani Taliban in Doha, Qatar to set up government in exile as Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is yet another imperial dogma enforcing dominion republic status on occupied sovereign nation.
Best Wishes to Afghan republic in reclaiming complete independence from internal and external dominance.
Iraq – Explosions rocks the country since U.S. and Coalition Invasion in 2003
Iraq is the bedrock for western instigated sectarianism aimed at fragmentation of the country in accordance with imperialists charter.
Having isolated northern Iraq as Kurdish region, the fledgling western empire continues to sow acrimony among various groups in society.
Unfortunately, the people in Iraq deal with incessant bombings confining them to mournful existence although Iraqis overcome obstacles with courage and optimism as they did during U.S. and Britain use of depleted uranium against them alongside illegal economic sanctions over decades that was lifted in the past month.
Iraq is a nation with enormous potential to rise like phoenix despite hegemony incredulousness reflected in disintegration plan based on religious sect and ethnicity.
Wishing citizens in Iraq peace and solidarity moving forward with nation building retaining Iraqi national identity.
Egypt – United States, Israel and Saudi Intervention behind Turmoil
The current unrest entirely attributed to imperialists and globalists viz. IMF and GCC intervention.
The foreign and regional influence exemplified in appointment of interim Prime Minister Hazem el-Beblawi slated as Liberal economist to maintain cataclysmic neo liberalism favoring plutocracy and stifling Egyptian economic growth.
Similarly, the appointment of interim Deputy President Mohamed El-Baradei is to protect imperialist Israel and United States goals undermining Egypt sovereignty.
Egypt freedom struggle has to begin with eliminating imperialism, fundamentalism and militarism constituting subjugation by U.S., Israel and Saudi regimes opposed to republic governed democracy.
Besides monetary institutions flawed neo liberal strategy, which is essentially socialist capitalism enable exploitation of national work force to bailout greed driven insolvent banks and corporations in control of western political establishment with de facto extension worldwide.
Wishing Egypt population dawn of peace and stability in recognition of strength remaining in national cooperation that was instrumental in western backed Mubarak rule overthrow albeit remnants from that era still in overt and covert operation requiring people power perseverance.
The topic will continue in Part II to shed light on other Islamic nations on imperialists radar for conquest.
Meanwhile, violence is the expression of intolerance to civility and rationality.
Those behind such heinous crimes reveal their disregard for life and slay innocent lives wherever possible much to self-detriment.
The unnecessary discord between various sect and religious or political factions only benefits the enemy of peace and humanity.
The consolidated action rejecting violence and foreign intrusion in sovereign internal affairs is best displayed via peaceful engagement in dialogue depicting national harmony.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
United States – NSA Surveillance Through Subliminal PRISM
June 17, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
National Surveillance Act (NSA) defended by the government even though the dragnet spying not only on U.S. citizens but also spreading across the globe is equivalent to searching for needle in a haystack under the blanket presumption of national and global population as potential terror suspects without probable cause or evidence.
In contrast, the political establishment arguably deserves public scrutiny for lack of transparency and accountability considering the authorities direct alliance with al-Qaeda and affiliates al-Nusra Front terror networks in Libya, Iraq, Mali and Syria producing massive deaths and destruction.
NSA infringement upon civil liberties meant to protect criminality by keeping citizens on radar to detect any anti-government plan followed by aggressive interception through unconstitutional measures such as Patriot Act, FISA, ACTA and NDAA leading to flagrant authoritarianism.
The pervasive espionage is not limited to accessibility to phone numbers and Internet communications as mentioned by the government representatives on this controversial matter.
In fact, the program involves private citizens financial, health and other personal records extrapolation by gaining unlawful entry ranging from hacking into the computers to eavesdropping on conversations especially those identified as whistleblowers sought with vengeance given the state intolerance and sensitivity to truth seekers and speakers for their commitment to reveal political leaderships crimes against humanity.
NSA sprawling activities is in accordance with Bilderberg group agenda that was the key issue in the recent conference held in Watford, England on June 6 – 9, 2013.
Bilderberg directing loyalists on big data or Meta data diligently exercised in United States, Canada, Australia, Britain…and Europe.
Western intelligence agencies like NSA, FBI, CIA, MI5, MI6 and Mossad in particular are the terror in creating terrorist organizations viz. al-Qaeda and splinter groups using them for false flag operations along with fundamentalist networks to ignite sectarian violence around the world.
Moreover the western intelligence serve hardliners in government crackdown on peaceful protest witnessed in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt and Yemen.
They provide assistance and guidelines to ruling authority in violent engagement with marginalized and disenfranchised demography for their genuine demand on equal opportunity seen in Mexico against indigenous Zapatistas and similarly elsewhere.
The western intelligence apparatus preoccupy in national and regional destabilization to promote hegemony goals with prolonged unrest via warfare accompanied by proliferation of arms race not barring WMD lately used by United States, Israel, Britain and France in Iraq, Gaza, Libya and Syria respectively.
NSA is the preliminary and comprehensive mind control strategy to curb uprising amid growing dissatisfaction and disappointment on continuous betrayal of people trust and political power failure to resolve national crises exemplified in gross neglect of economy.
The argument that NSA is on congressional oversight and independent courts jurisdiction to protect civil rights rather favorable to the political helm based on collusion within hierarchy and demonstrated in defending each other behind the veil of secrecy maintaining the smokescreen for en masse subjugation.
Justice department under executive branch influence decisions on cases handled in circuit courts, appellate divisions and supposedly autonomous body at the state and federal level weighted on judicial promotions swaying outcome per authority instruction.
Besides, in terms of the highest court on land as the last bastion for justice –
Supreme Court justices as incumbent administration nominees reciprocate in vindicating Presidency on Presidential disputes or return favors to political parties and corporations contributing to conflict of interest compromising ethics and constitutional law required to be upheld in real democracy.
In this instance, the Supreme Court life term appointment is hindrance to justice for the same reason attributed to judiciary function as fiduciary.
Meanwhile, the people are the victims without recourse in the inextricably flawed system.
NSA serves the purpose to justify unjustifiable actions denying citizens the fundamental right to share grievances on the state of affairs with consequences for honorable and courageous steps in exposing the systemic abuse of power.
United States freedom and democratic values are under siege with coalescence among the powerful in eliminating republic from governance.
National and international solidarity calling for NSA termination is critical to restore human dignity with privacy currently regarded as entitlement to the privileged class depriving the rest from inalienable natural right.
Inaction or complacency to this effect would be surrender to dominance endangering peaceful co-existence.
The pretexts of safeguarding security with unlimited and unwarranted intrusion is deflection from reality.
Recognition of common factor i.e. loss of individual liberty is the binding element to challenge with collective response in turning the tide against superficial power.
Wishing citizens in the United States and worldwide independence from surreptitious captivity enabled through subliminal PRISM.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Global Crises – Bilderberg Clandestine Meeting in Watford, U.K. on June 6 – 9, 2013
June 10, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
The architects of global crises and terrorism attended the infamous Bilderberg conference in Watford, U.K. this year.
Bilderberg originating from Netherlands with first conference among self-proclaimed privileged society having held at Hotel Bilderberg, Amsterdam became known as Bilderberg renowned for clandestine meetings ironically to discuss global affairs.
The annual gathering upon invitations only represents imperialists and globalists’ delusional aspirations vying for geopolitical dominance.
Western Imperial powers having abolished monarchy in the colonies – India and African nations…continue to dominate as members of Trilateral Commission set up for misappropriation of global wealth depriving the hard working ordinary citizens basic rights and economic opportunity contributing to ever widening gap between the super rich and impoverished around the world.
Imperialism and affluence invariably accompanied by cronyism epitomize hypocrisy and mass deception along with distortion – the standard practice to defend the indefensible position.
The comparison of dedication to humanitarian service without any taxpayer dollars from anywhere spent on selfless devotion to humanity with diametrically opposite monarchy continuing the legacy of parasitic existence is yet another convoluted analogy reflecting pride and prejudice not to mention the egregious version bringing intelligence diminution to surface.
Netherlands disguised as democracy could perhaps evolve into democratic rule upon royalty abdication to republic rather than heir to the throne – the bloodline succession prolonging national and international subjugation considering the Dutch imperialists influence beginning with Bilderberg concept to counterproductive strategy worsening lately and arguably responsible for global status quo.
Bilderberg agenda this year encompass US foreign policy with Africa and the Middle East in particular.
Cyber warfare that President Barack Obama diligently carrying out and discussed the necessity in correlation to the summit past week and,
Big data is metadata otherwise the massive intrusive and invasive surveillance program on U.S. citizens spreading world over that has also been meticulously conducted by the incumbent administration surpassing predecessor at an alarming speed and magnitude.
Bilderberg wish list consistently comprise diverse warfare ranging from conventional operations like in Afghanistan and Mali to,
Sponsoring terrorism against Libya, Syria and Iraq.
The drone strikes in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen and Somalia and,
Cyber attacks against Iran and North Korea are recent examples to trigger global confrontation not barring nuclear arsenal.
The political, economic and military leaderships in the United States, Britain, Israel and other parts of the world are complicit with their presence or in absentia at the anti-democratic and unconstitutional secretive conclave targeting innocent lives around the world.
The war machinery and economic austerity exclusively to serve criminal syndicate interests is the existential threat to humanity and could no longer be tolerated in silence.
Bilderberg group is no ordinary apparatus primarily engaged in the establishment of one world government with puppet regimes and political instruments installed in every region for direct support to this anti-republic unscrupulous system.
The conglomerate espouses predator instincts using violence, false flag events and propaganda as the means to enslave and depopulate the world relevantly based on eugenics – the hallmark of nefarious fraternity.
While practicing narcissism and despising altruism, the organization goals evidently antithetical to peace, unity, political stability and economic as well as social equality to favor the selective secluded club against pervasive progress.
Neo-imperialism and supremacy being the motto, the Machiavellian approach with end justifying the means is unrelenting to monumental issues such as nuclear disarmament and demilitarization eternally endangering life and planet sustenance.
Bilderberg and similar structures facilitating shadow power dragnet authoritarianism instruct proxy governments to quell public dissent with excess force and vehemently opposed to civil resistance – the major concern for fascism and currently involved in legitimizing police statehood in the United States and Britain for simultaneous global implementation.
The iron fist rule premised on New World Order is committed in denying the 99% of world society life with dignity and peace.
New World Order is paradoxical to the perception of leading global citizenry in positive direction.
Contrary to the projection, New World Order is on the reversal with feudalism and vassal states replacing republic governance, elitism substituting populism and federalism stifling individualism in terms of civil liberty and constitutional rights viz. peaceful assembly and free speech.
Global awakening is imperative creating awareness for unanimous rejection of shadow power promoting One World Government and New World Order – the anti-humanity and terror mastermind destroying civilizations and cultural heritage in the quest for global conquest.
Since entities of this network are protected from crimes against humanity, corruption and various unlawful activities with grand impunity,
The people especially the victims of atrocities are expected to accept criminality as the fact of life and surrender to dark forces embarked on self-defeating mission.
Collective action in the form of peaceful protest, consumer boycott, declining unfair tax laws, refusal to pay taxes squandered on wars killing civilians in foreign land and,
Most importantly demanding return of money control, distribution and monetary policy under republic jurisdiction is critical to eliminate fictitious debt burden on generations.
Finally, identifying every member in collusion with multidimensional cartel and holding them accountable is the gateway to freedom in all aspects at present only reserved for those pledged allegiance to apex authority in the one-eyed pyramid.
Wishing success to people power in reclaiming sovereignty, territorial integrity, self-determination rights and equanimity.
Peace to al!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Global Event – International Peace Conference on World Without Hegemony
May 30, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
There are recommendations for International Peace Conference titled Geneva 2 to discuss Syrian conflict in June.
The initiative is to resolve the nearly three years old western illegal invasion of a sovereign nation that has resulted in more than 80,000 deaths and several million refugees in homeland and across the border.
Meanwhile, EU as major contributor to violence in Syria has lifted arms embargo not that western ammunitions were not flowing into the war torn state before through their gulf allies Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Jordan and UAE to slaughter civilians in thousands alongside United States authorized Israeli airstrikes and Britain as well as France dispatched WMD against innocent children, women and men in that country.
Ironically, western sponsors and their terrorists in Syria being solely responsible for genocide from the beginning of turmoil in March 2011 are dictating terms and conditions to Syrian people and popular government in Damascus on type of political governance they prefer in the aftermath of ongoing decimation of Syria.
Otherwise, the perpetrators of worst crimes against humanity are preparing to plunge region and world into further chaos and catastrophe.
Western powers are unable to conceal their ulterior motives to continue destruction of nations as they did with Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Mali and Syria in the past and present decade.
The hegemony demonstrating that members propagating wars are not only AWOL but also Vietnam war personnel having participated in twentieth century brutal warfare now too eager to repeat offense this time against Syrian people.
U.S. Senator John McCain – the enthusiastic war advocate visiting Syria without observing foreign official protocol to assure abductors and cannibals on the ground that the Senator’s unsuccessful Presidential bid in 2008 committing United States to relentless warfare for one hundred or more years is being implemented in bipartisanship with supposedly democrat administration.
The republican Presidential candidate John McCain in 2008 was mocked for the statement by the democrat Presidential opponent Barack Obama who has become the chief proponent of militarism making the predecessor and relatives former President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney amateurs in the wild adventures of war games experimented with terrorists in proxy wars and drone operations across the globe.
United States led NATO operations are responsible for the status quo consuming millions of lives and billions robbed of their destiny with death sentence imposed on them either by economic sanctions or military intervention.
Furthermore, United States, European Union and western nations complicity to Israeli atrocities against Palestinians is conspicuous in non-approval of Palestinian state.
The inaction and non-cooperation especially by United States and western neighbor Canada exacerbates Palestinian plight with Israel more emboldened in flagrant violation of airspace in Lebanon, airstrikes in Syria and practically harming anyone anywhere around the world.
Israeli blockade against Gaza from 2007 until now with implications on poisonous gas being supplied to hospitals resulting in cardiac arrest of four patients in Gaza and drinking water contamination by Israeli settlers in the occupied land slighted with western preoccupation on annihilation of Syria.
Western intelligence agencies CIA, Mossad, MI5 and MI6 evolved into predators wreaking havoc on the planet.
Since inception they are behind coup d’état, massacres, assassination of world leaders for patriotism preserving national resources, destabilization of sovereign countries and prominently 9/11 attack on American soil at hegemony behest unleashing terror without exception.
In fact, CIA is al-Qaeda having created the organization in Afghanistan by hegemony leading member Zbigniew Brzezinski also foreign policy advisor to President Barack Obama defiantly terrorizing world by funding and arming al-Qaeda terrorists and affiliates al-Nusra and the likes earlier in Libya, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Algeria, Morocco and Mali.
Whereas FBI notably the domestic terror agency use intimidation, harassment and murder under the guise of investigation with cover ups as standard practice in the routine false flag operations nationwide.
Unfortunately, certain hegemony loyalists in United States Congress endorse FBI’s unconstitutional, undemocratic and unlawful tactics against American citizens.
In other humanitarian matter – President Barack Obama and Justice Department Attorney General Eric Holder defend drone operations in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia including other parts of Africa, South America and Middle East despite United States academic institutions conducted independent study revealing massive civilian casualties from these killer drones and protests to stop drone attacks against U.S. and foreign nationals having become fair targets in the nonchalant exercise.
However in response to shutting down the infamous Guantanamo Bay prison, President Barack Obama’s ambivalence bringing Congress into equation adds to evasion instead of long overdue clarification.
Guantanamo Bay (GITMO) camp is in Cuban Island and not United States territory. Hence Cuba holds sovereign right to close the controversial gulag that stigmatize human race in modern history.
Nonetheless the reason GITMO detainees are held indefinitely is to facilitate the fictitious war on terror that began in Afghanistan and prolonged after a decade with U.S and NATO recent declaration to set up permanent military bases beyond originally agreed withdrawal date in 2014 from that beleaguered nation ignoring Afghan dissent in this regard.
Moreover CIA operated GITMO releases prisoners on the condition that released detainees start al-Qaeda cells in the country of origin upon their return to enable U.S. attack like in Yemen and relevantly in Libya starting unrest that spread to Syria.
The reality is CIA, Mossad, MI5 and MI6 are the existential terror and cater terrorism for the military industrial complex.
Western main powers compete with one another to appease hegemony in perpetuating violence disregarding overwhelming public opposition to intrusion in foreign nation internal affairs let alone military intervention in Syria or anywhere.
United States, Britain, France and Germany… systemic abuse of power meddling in foreign nations for destructive purpose should not be tolerated to prevent cataclysmic events and actions self-detrimental to their nations and humanity at large.
The western leaderships have neglected the economy and myriad national issues demanding their attention and they have no intentions to solve any problems in their domain but seemingly can afford to waste respective taxpayer dollars to fund terrorism in Syria, Mali and world over.
Evidently the dismal performance in the domestic front does not even qualify them to lead their nations and they are in the forefront telling Syrian citizens to accept their choice aimed at civilization collapse in Syria and across the region.
In the international arena, the UN, UNSC, UNHCR, ICC, IMF, World Bank, EU, ECB, NATO, CFR and the privately owned U.S. Federal Reserve…to name a few among many sources are hegemony tools contributing to tremendous human suffering with no end in sight on distortion, extortion and discrimination to benefit criminal syndicate at the global population expense.
Interestingly British foreign secretary William Hague recent remark on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad that the President is not a legitimate leader to represent Syria is a reflection on Britain, western leaderships and their allies status given their allegiance to hegemony and the arms industry in particular confirming the fact in western democracy and subsidiaries elsewhere the vote is cast for the shadow power comprising imperialists and globalists espousing greed and violence to retain world dominance.
Contrary to the belief that European Royals are ceremonial heads is apparent in their involvement dictating foreign policy as members of Trilateral Commission other than behind the scenes control over national issues favoring them and their clan.
British monarchy dalliance with Middle East Sheikhdoms viz. Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Jordan…attributed to decadent rule in those nations with oppression and persecution of people not necessarily western powers concern.
Likewise in other parts of the world, constitutional monarchy and dynasty prevents governance from being truly democratic and representative of the people.
In the new millennium mankind having reached extraordinary milestones in many fields accepting Royalty as special members in society is subservience and signify regression.
Abolition of monarchy and nationalizing palaces as tourist attraction generating revenue for domestic investment with foreign aid to developing nations would be progressive considering exhibits and ornate objects in castles are from overseas illegally brought during colonization.
Notwithstanding castles were built with deprivation of global materials to 99% witnessed in the tradition prevalent until today.
Other aspect of hegemony is financial centers such as UBS, Credit Suisse Agency in Switzerland and replications in Singapore as well as many other locations in addition to island nations being the sought after destination for fraudulent transactions.
These tax havens promote money laundering, embezzlement, terrorism, narcotics trade and nefarious dealings posing impediments in economic development.
The facility affects countries where ruling class and upper echelons power quest combined with disproportionate wealth marginalize rest of the nation producing political, economic and social inequality.
Switzerland neutrality in warfare is compromised in foreign monetary deposits used by states for funneling funds and weapons to terrorists in Libya, Syria, Mali, Mexico and wherever feasible.
The world could no longer remain in sleep mode i.e. complacent to concentrated power violent strategy to deplete nations of their natural reserves and endowments.
Purging world from hegemony, the epicenter of organized crime fixated on wars and confrontations not excluding nuclear arsenal is primordial for global security leading to republic empowerment.
Republic governance simplified under constitutional based system barring undemocratic elements specifically feudalism with vassal states surrendering to shadow conglomerate would be a paradigm shift in political consciousness delivering life with dignity for all.
Global cognizance in recognition of common goals transcending selective and exclusive gains for collective prosperity is the way forward to universal independence, peace and progress.
International Peace Conference dedicated to protecting national sovereignty, individual freedom, self-determination rights and territorial integrity is absolute requirement to thwart hegemonic delusions endangering lives and habitat.
World summit on this premise would encompass Syrian crises saving valuable time, money and effort.
Wishing humanity unity, liberty and equanimity leaving behind none in achievements.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
http://youtu.be/Isndjxmx4oQUnited States – False Flag Operations with Civilian Casualties Deserve Independent Investigation
May 29, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
In the United States, series of false flag operations has intensified with civilian casualties treated as collateral damage in tradition with political establishment concept.
Using 9/11 as the premise the civil rights in the United States remains primary target for political power with 24/7 surveillance, warrantless wiretapping, federal access to personal records and harassment at airport…citing Patriot act and FISA to criminalize citizens under the pretext of national security.
Above all the current administration passed notorious NDAA spearheaded in Boston bombing case conveniently killing suspects not even sparing the two FBI agents Christopher Lorek and Stephen Shaw reportedly involved in the killing of Boston bombing suspect and part of the bureau’s Critical Incident Response Group investigating the matter.
The two well trained FBI agents reported to have died from bizarre fatal training program falling from a helicopter into water off the coast of Virginia Beach on May 17, 2013.
Sandy Hook elementary school massacre cannot be excluded in this regard as well given the horrific crime laid to rest as a suicide case.
Then there was Benghazi terror that led to U.S. ambassador Christopher Stevens assassination along with three other embassy staff deaths in Libya with truth being the preliminary victim in the stand down attack.
Similarly yet another incident urgently deserve scrutiny and thorough independent investigation in this context and that is the downing of helicopter with 17 members of SEAL Team Six in Afghanistan.
Reportedly the SEAL Team Six were on board Navy Chinook helicopter used during Vietnam War rather than Special Forces choppers that are normally used for military personnel travel.
Quoting Washington Times report on May 9, 2013 – the families of the deceased SEAL Team Six accuse the White House for the deaths of all 17 members commissioned to travel on the ill-fated helicopter on August 6, 2011 in Afghanistan and the administration subsequent cover up denying them opportunity to facts.
The highly deceptive and dubious Abbottabad mission in Pakistan in 2011 claiming to have killed the already dead Osama Bin Laden well known to have passed away in 2001 made complex asserting the individual dead body was tossed in North Arabian Sea again with no evidence to this effect while efforts to convince intelligent and reasonable minds has been futile.
As per families accounts – Three months later the SEAL Team Six after having been introduced as Osama Bin Laden killers by the administration dispatched to travel in the outdated chopper with U.S. government leaked information to Taliban militants on the landing details of the helicopter.
The demised soldiers families seek inquiry into this coordinated attack with precision in terms of location and timing weakening the carrier maneuverability that brought down CH-47 producing the expected outcome.
The families also pointed at the last minute substitution of seven Afghan commandos with SEAL Team Six just prior to helicopter departure.
In light of these alarming although not surprising events that involve government in the deaths of American and foreign citizens,
The civil society and investigative journalism active role is imperative to monitor and probe into these unlawful activities conducted as extra judicial executions to remove perceived obstacles on the path avoiding accountability.
They represent gross violation of trust, constitution, national and international law against fellow citizens regardless of them being members of armed forces, diplomats or ordinary civilians sacrificed at administration will.
The crimes are committed with impunity assuming the power granted by the people as carte blanche to use against them.
The pattern of eliminating traces leading to operatives indicating inside job following 9/11 precedence is the contemporary trend in the state complicit terror.
Ending the systemic abuse of power and escalation in murder of citizens is the immediate priority for United States to protect Americans from internal threat emanating from the authority pledged to safeguard national interest.
Failure to proceed with appropriate action would suggest relevant political institution, press corps and judiciary lack of concern and respect for life in general not to mention the void in checks and balances paving way for complete subjugation of society.
The affected families could no longer be ignored in their demand for justice.
Wishing success to citizens in their pursuit for truth and fairness consistently stifled with scapegoat and unjustifiable strategy.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
United States – Texas Fertilizer Plant Explosion and State Sponsored Terrorism
April 19, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
Sincere condolences and deep sympathy offered to victims dependents and survivors in the yet another explosion in United States.
This time in Southern State, Texas reportedly claimed at least 70 innocent lives and 100 or more hurt in the incident.
The blast follows earlier explosions less than a week ago in New England area – Boston, Massachusetts during Boston Marathon resulting in 3 casualties and many wounded including explosives rocking JFK Presidential library and museum.
The dawn of twenty first century was inaugurated with terrorism on American soil.
The pre-meditated and coordinated 9/11 attack determined in the Project for New American Century (PNAC) dossier calling for earth shattering event in semblance with “Pearl Harbor catastrophe’ to be used as premise to implement diabolical agenda listing many oil rich and strategically important Islamic nations in Middle East and elsewhere.
The terror act on September 11, 2001 is historic considering the heinous crime against humanity was carried out with political, military and intelligence apparatus massive collusion in the United States.
Not to mention their so-called allies self-proclaimed unparalleled sleuths viz. Mossad, MI5 and MI6 networking with post Soviet Union KGB…other than Pakistan’s ISI and military selective personnel on CIA payroll apparently could not avert disaster.
The irony is United States expansive military bases around the world approximately 1000 of them in major country to island nations are set up under the guise of providing top-notch security to the host country.
Meanwhile, citizens in the United States were subjected to horrific terrorism in the 9/11 assault on political power, military might not barring 5000 nuclear arsenals in possession, CIA and FBI watch allowing more than 3000 Americans and many foreign nationals tragic deaths on that single day.
The hegemony controlled media and press corps until today continues to insult human intelligence with the far-fetched and convoluted version of 9/11 asserting some cave dwelling militancy in remote terrain of Afghanistan headed by CIA created and paid former mujahidin Osama Bin Laden hired few Muslim operatives armed with box cutters and successfully hijacked United States commercial airliners razing the twin towers in the World Trade Capital, New York City.
Furthermore, the dramatized script subscribes to terrorists audacious move against United States military headquarters Pentagon simultaneously on September 11, 2011 rendering Superpower United States completely defenseless and vulnerable to fugitive Osama Bin Laden and al-Qaeda – U.S and Israel owned agency.
The distortion and subversion of 9/11 events in the face of substantiated facts and adequate evidences pointing in United States, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Britain’s direction as main protagonists although other members of cabal complicity displayed in being oblivious to pre-organized calculated massacre exacerbates humanity suffering world over.
Another interesting factor – United States invaded Afghanistan and not Saudi Arabia ignoring their claim that terrorists involved in 9/11 were of Saudi origin.
The allegation on Osama Bin Laden as 9/11 mastermind somehow did not necessitate the U.S. authority to apprehend the prime suspect during FBI visits post 9/11 to check on ailing al-Qaeda leader in Rawalpindi, Pakistan and soon after in Dubai, UAE.
On another occasion amid Afghanistan brutal war in 2001, U.S. armed forces request for executive order from ex-President George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to capture or kill Osama Bin Laden upon finding the alleged 9/11 terror chief in Tora Bora was declined generously sparing the value target freedom.
Subsequently capitalizing on 9/11 calamity in political and monetary terms the illegal invasions and occupation of Afghanistan is ongoing restricting progress in that nation.
The onslaught on Iraq in March 2003 using weapons of mass deception maximizing United States, Britain and coalition military potential unleashed actual weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in the form of depleted uranium on Iraqi population with generational impact.
United States, Israel, Britain and other western powers in alliance with Gulf States bankrolled macabre warfare prolonged in the second decade under supposedly democrat administration through al-Qaeda and affiliate al-nusra terror groups in proxy wars in Libya, Syria and Mali.
Notwithstanding drone strikes escalation in Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen in particular exhibit sense of entitlement to kill at will rejecting civilian death toll.
The connection between authorizing, sponsoring international terrorism and domestic terror is deep and entrenched with political power and geopolitical dominance.
Undoubtedly 9/11 laid the foundation for the forces – the war architects along with political i.e. the three branches of government and military establishment willful coordination behind horrific crime in United States mainland and later on every foreign nation earmarked towards regime change with none brought to justice.
The precedence facilitates carte blanche to those in power granting impunity from prosecution not even investigation of predecessors and incumbent alike on genocide, torture, rendition, and drone killings constituting gross human rights violation.
From 9/11 until now – the systematic obstruction of justice is vigorous eliminating information and witnesses to favor concocted tales on Osama Bin Laden existence to demise.
Not excluding in this context series of shooting as well as bombing incidents in United States and overseas covered up as classified information or invariably the crimes occur as suicide mission leaving no individual for interrogation or corroboration.
The navy seal engagement in Abbottabad, Pakistan in May 2011 stated as hunt for Bin Laden conveniently evaded with the statement on disposal of deceased body in North Arabian sea.
Within a month or so, the navy seals too were sacrificed in mid-air shooting reportedly by Taliban again on United States and NATO presence in the territory.
Fast forward to September 2012, the report on sexual assault and assassination of United States ambassador Christopher Stevens and three American embassy staff in Benghazi, Libya off the political and public radar with no convictions thus far.
However, any discussion on this issue was a deflection from burgeoning economic crises enacted in theatrics related to U.S. ambassador to UN Susan Rice fictitious nomination for Secretary of State wasting taxpayer dollars in the staged performance.
The spate of violence with assault weapons in high profile Sandy Hook elementary school to the latest trend – bombings in Boston Marathon and Texas fertilizer plant replicate 9/11 false flag operation.
The detainees in Guantanamo Bay held in indefinite detention are scapegoat to protect real perpetrators of September 11, crime.
Despite diverse perspectives on recurring shootings and bombings in the United States,
The national leaderships declaration to support terrorists in Libya, Iraq, Syria, Mali and Afghanistan in conjunction with ammunitions supply to dictatorships in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan, Turkey and Egypt…ominously mislead the nation in overwhelming endorsement of violence over peace.
A country is identified with policies reflected in action on domestic and international matter.
The flagrant abuse of power compounded with lack of transparency and plutocracy governed mass media and communication outlets truth suppression seriously undermine democracy.
Additionally, these violent episodes with no end in sight threaten national security endangering lives and normal existence.
United States mainstream awakening adopting peaceful and non-violent course to reclaim power is immediate priority to prevent loss of individual liberty and independent status.
Wishing peace to grieving families and the injured fast recovery from the ordeal.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
United States – Boston Explosions Symptomatic of Violence Sponsorship
April 15, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
Heartfelt condolences to victims’ families and survivors of the horrendous terror act targeting participants at Boston Marathon and iconic late President John Fitzgerald Kennedy Presidential library as well as museum.
United States having been the first victim in the ‘war on terror’ agenda with 9/11 attacks on American soil carried out in massive collusion i.e. on political leaderships, military might and intelligence watch apparently continues to maintain the tradition to justify the unjustifiable strategy to terrorize American population.
Evidently, the trend established worldwide through drone strikes preying on young and vulnerable civilians alongside proxy wars hiring al-Qaeda and affiliates al-nusra terror networks in Syria, earlier in Libya and now in Mali conducted with impunity at American taxpayers expense.
Since the tragic shooting in Sandy Hook elementary school, Connecticut – the spate of violence that has claimed many American lives prompts independent investigation to end preventable criminal activities in succession.
Considering choreographed and coordinated September 11 successful onslaught facilitated false flag operations for foreign invasions and implementing domestic terror policy, the escalation in trend premised on national wealth divestments in warfare and promoting terrorism deserves scrutiny.
Furthermore, the specific assault on JFK centers ominously direct attention towards those the slain President exposed quoting “the secrecy and secret society is repugnant.”
In the absence of accountability on reprehensible indulgence causing massive deaths and destruction, the present authorities complicity offering ‘redemption’ over ‘retribution’ to perpetrators behind gross human rights violation perhaps based on legacy continuation showing no regard for civilian casualty or civil rights.
Meanwhile, the incumbent administration and congress declining to release hostages held in indefinite detention in Guantanamo Bay denying them habeas corpus reveals collaboration exemplified in ongoing practices exceeding the denounced Bush-Cheney torture doctrine.
United States citizens could no longer afford complacency to crimes committed with grand immunity and deception.
The republic demand for absolute transparency with public disclosure on information that are invariably classified to protect the guilty and punish the innocent is paramount not only to save lives but also in setting precedence prohibiting abuse of power.
United States solidarity in activism confined to peaceful and non-violence means is imperative to restore constitution, revive people power and reclaim sovereignty.
Wishing speedy recovery to the injured and solace to family members mourning the loss of loved ones victimized in inhumane conduct.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
World Crises – Peace Treaty Linked With U.S., Europe, Israel and Global Economy
January 3, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
Ending Syrian conflict with immediate ceasefire saving lives after 22 months bloodshed is directly linked with any hope for economic recovery in the U.S, Europe, Israel and conspirators country considering dire straits confronting western powers now and in the long run.
There cannot be procrastination in this regard and wanton belligerence means precipitating inevitable economic disaster already experienced with United States fiscal woes looming large amid euro zone and European Union imminent dissipation.
Unfortunately, the respective political leaderships prefer to ignore domestic reality and instead anchored on foreign state destabilization not barring illegal invasion and occupation of 35 nations in Africa underway exhibiting military might over and above 1000 permanent bases around the world.
Even with the last minute desperate performance to temporarily hold off the so-called fiscal cliff,
The current U.S. debt is at staggering $16.4trillion and expected to reach $20 trillion within a decade with status quo extension i.e. military extravagance and drone operations costing millions and killing thousands of innocent civilians in different parts of the world.
U.S. administration and Congressional misplaced priority neglecting national requirements for unaffordable international pursuits could adversely impact global economy with emerging economic partner like India seeking U.S. ventures sharing devastating outcome.
In globalized setting, United States and European Union doomed ambition to usurp power using NATO and Gulf cohesion in Middle East and,
AFRICOM in Africa including detrimental economic policies such as Free Trade Agreement (FTA) in Latin America and Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) in Asia respectively with primary goal to monopolize overseas markets leaving significant majority marginalized is widening the gap between rich and poor worldwide.
Alongside military aggression, the western antagonistic measures against nations especially Iran, Syria, Palestine, North Korea and Cuba…with draconian economic sanctions and Gaza blockade increasingly isolates United States and alliance in the otherwise congenial atmosphere for regional and transnational cooperation.
Similarly, United States military expansion in Asia Pacific to challenge major creditor China in return involved in territorial disputes with neighbors – Japan, Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos on oil exploration in international waters is preventable with diplomacy reconvening ASEAN summit.
United States and EU in collusion with gulf nations viz. Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and Jordan are directly responsible for the massive casualties (UN data – 60,000) in Syria semblance with Libya conforming to the established trend related to regime change agenda.
UN condemnation of Syrian government on escalating death toll based on UNHCR report is ill advised and regrettable given United States and coalition sponsored terrorism target Syrian population, national security personnel and government officials with bombings, explosives and,
Notwithstanding use of chemical weapons and primitive methods reflecting sponsors’ warfare techniques to medieval brutality.
In fact, United States, western power and Gulf atrocity in Syria replicating Libya is reprehensible qualifying for genocide and deserves sanctions against architects and agents behind heinous crime against humanity.
Syrian government as the legitimate authority and representative of sovereign state arguably obligatory to defend territorial integrity threatened by United States, western and gulf terror.
Besides, Syrian leadership’s commitment to protect society right to self-determination despite extreme adversity is commendable unlike deplorable foreign interference in sovereign internal affair.
UN role could be beneficial and effective as an international body upon UNGA unanimous decision to implement ceasefire with consequences for external operatives failure or sabotage in the execution of Geneva peace accord.
Simultaneously, NAM could be instrumental in adopting resolution introducing arms embargo against nations for their destruction of Syria and retrospectively apply to killings in Libya.
World tolerance to tyranny would spare none unless solidarity demonstrated in rejecting violence and violation of human rights orchestrated by state authoritarianism in the abuse of power with impunity.
Western civil society persistent protest in public square and cyberspace demanding their governments cease arms supply with withdrawal of terror groups from Syria and,
Further call for military missions abandonment across the globe are the only means to reverse rapidly deteriorating economic conditions in their domain endangering lives leading to citizens’ suicides on main street in Israel, Greece and Spain with United Kingdom and France sadly to follow suit.
United States in this context has an alarming suicide rate among armed forces comparable with Turkey and Israel’s mounting fatalities in the army perhaps disillusioned and disappointed in the political leaderships malfeasance against national interest.
Above all, the imperialistic and colonial aspirations having caused immense suffering to humanity on the tailspin with entities and every escort facilitating injustice unequivocally succumb to excruciating fate prolonged in cyclical transformation to the lowest form.
Any alleviation in this respect is possible on introspection and remorseful evaluation of self-conduct exemplified in humble service towards victims of individual and organized crime.
As for the privileged economic prosperity derived from remaining inhabitants austerity and poverty, the custom epitomizing travesty of justice balanced with inverse development in the long overdue process.
The contributor to human plight and agony has limited opportunity in this lifetime for reform and wasting the moment would be an endless ramification not necessarily pleasant in accordance with karmic actions i.e. karma or deeds.
In conclusion, the natural law prohibits unsustainable events with appropriate interjection of elements required for sanctity and serenity.
Wishing the oppressed, persecuted, harassed, vilified and subjugated liberation and glory with rekindled spirit in accomplishment of feat extraordinaire.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
United States – Ending Violence And Terrorism For Sustainable Peace
December 16, 2012
By Padmini Arhant
The spate of shooting incidents in succession across the nation has sparked reaction from all factions demanding political action on the burgeoning issue.
United States dilemma is not merely confined to gun control laws that obviously in need of review and revision considering the incumbent administration relaxation of rules exceeding the second amendment in the Bill of Rights granting citizens the right to bear arms perhaps aimed at deterrence to state tyranny.
The administration reportedly waived ordinances allowing firearms possession in common areas such as national parks and during commute on trains and other public transportation.
Civil society is always at risk in the pervasively violent surroundings regardless of perpetrators profile.
The law enforcement personnel use of excess force and lethal tactics that are often associated with racial prejudice resulting in civilian deaths prior to being charged of any crimes cannot be ignored in this context.
Notwithstanding inherently flawed criminal justice system with outdated inhumane practices in juvenile detention as well as penitentiary promotes violence within and outside the premise.
Instead, the jail atmosphere conversion into correctional facility in humane conditions with greater emphasis on positive attributes encouraging inmates to utilize latent talent for economic productivity would change maintenance from liability to an asset.
The prison enterprise emulating military industrial complex together are responsible for the status quo.
Unfortunately, the police and judiciary as oversight for law and order are not necessarily in compliance with civil rights contributing to mistrust and mishandling of citizens complaint.
The political power responsible for judicial appointments exerts influence in selective circumvention and subversion of verdicts undermining efficacy of reliable judiciary increasingly evolved into fiduciary.
Although streamlining gun ownership eligibility criteria is paramount without infringement upon constitutional law in order to prevent unnecessary civil unrest,
The problem lies beyond the realm of citizens’ safety not precluding diversified means of attack endangering life and environment.
Latest report on evacuation following bomb threat at the church in the tragedy hit Newtown, Connecticut barely recovered from elementary school massacre and,
In early November 2012, an African American female citizen from the state of Louisiana reportedly set on fire by assailants clad in Ku Klux Klan (KKK) garb while she was working out in the park.
Overseas, the stabbing of twenty two primary school students in China on the same day of Sandy Hook elementary school shooting in the United States baffled many deploring the heinous crime against children and adults at the learning center.
Almost on all occasions, the crime suspects either claim their own life or described as mentally ill revealing state failure in providing proper medical attention through programs like free counseling, therapy and alternative care that could save lives in many respect.
Divestments from disproportionate military spending to the economy for these services is essential to rebuild a peaceful society.
Additionally, other elements viz. toxicity in environment – the air pollution, drinking water contamination, GMO, artificial additives, hormones and chemicals in food products and over prescription of drugs… taking toll on physical health and mental well being exacerbating daily existence in the current dire economy amid manufactured crises world over.
Aircrafts spraying hazardous air contaminants known as Chemtrail and harassment techniques using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) for 24/7 unlawful surveillance including frisking at the airport under the guise of national security constitutes state aggression elevating underlying stress among people coping with fast paced lifestyle.
The abuse of authority at the political helm misusing taxpayer funded institutions and agencies against citizens is all time high.
The political establishment reining control over intelligence agency, judiciary and taxation office maneuver rules favoring them to discredit legitimate voices of concern against corruption and dysfunctional governance.
Entertainment industry share fair responsibility in political appeasement – glorifying violence and purvey materials affecting impressionable minds on celluloid screen and retail medium like video games deploying mind control strategy.
Corporate media asserting proprietorship on government role dedicated to propaganda and distortion of events disregard journalistic standard on objectivity.
Negativity comprising fear mongering and intolerance at peak to push forward politically motivated doctrine.
Segregation disguised in condescending legislation and secession conforming to divide and conquer ideology reflected in foreign usurpation on indigenous matter.
The educational curriculum and teaching methods deviation from opinionated knowledge adopting original thinking and concepts would develop better understanding of issues relevant to individual and general interest.
Above all, mankind presently enduring violence in state sponsored terrorism by the powers exhibiting military might and innovative defense capability not barring intimidation with nuclear arsenal to prove formidability against nations perceived weak and vulnerable.
The concentration of power among few entities implementing policies to benefit the privileged at vast majority detriment is the fundamental cause of turmoil inflicting pain and suffering worldwide.
Any attempts to establish undemocratic rule i.e. martial law or new world order premised on subjugation already effective in Patriot Act, FISA, NDAA emanating from false flag 9/11 terror activity should be thwarted at the roots restoring liberty and pursuit of happiness – the inalienable right of all citizens in a sovereign state.
Mass consciousness exemplified in collective participation at national and global level is vital in alleviating human plight.
Solidarity committed to peace, diplomacy and dialogue is the solution to national and international disputes settlement.
Ending violence and terrorism is imperative for peace leading to a new beginning and promising future.
Wishing humanity unity, freedom, universal progress and prosperity.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant