2024 Presidential Race Politics – Economy and Border Security

September 17, 2024


Presidential Race Politics

Economy and Border Security

Padmini Arhant

Latest Incident: The second assassination attempt on the Republican Presidential nominee and the former President Donald Trump in the Presidential race 2024 within two months from the last incident is indicative of the Presidential race politics conspicuously abstinent on the real relevant issues viz. the economy and border crises under the incumbent Biden – Harris administration and entirely concentrated on rhetoric and constant mischaracterization.

Violence begets violence. Nothing ever serve violence and endless malice except self-destruction.

Nonetheless, the potential threat and serious consequences thwarted away protecting the life of the target, the current Presidential nominee Donald Trump to safety is a positive outcome.

The urgent requirement to beef up security with close monitoring near, around and away from the Presidential nominee Trump is yet another reminder from this incident.

The swing states aka the battleground states such as Pennsylvania electorate regardless of racial gender identity and other denomination that are unfortunately weaponized in the current weaponization era doing a simple reality check on their present economic condition with Americans brought to deep economic decline triggered by soaring inflation, exorbitant interest and higher taxes and compare that to the time in 2017 – 2020 under then Trump Presidency should be an eye opener.

Reiterating the contrasting status of the two Presidential nominees on the economy and crime in terms of safety and security due to unresolved border crisis.

The Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump as the former President in 2017 – 2020 has proven record on stable viable economy with lower interest rates and taxes as well as controlled inflation providing all Americans a better life at that time.

On the other hand, the democrat unelected Presidential nominee Kamala Harris is the responsible member as the currently serving Vice President in the Biden – Harris administration with broken record for all negative reasons especially the economy, border scenario and ensuing crimes, global turmoil with Ukraine and Gaza war…besides other matter exacerbating peace and prosperity.

Pennsylvania and other battleground states electorate including the nation at large deserve to know the full economic policy, solutions to Harris involved administration generated economic misery depleting ordinary Americans savings and income growth along with peace proposals to end Ukraine and Gaza war.

What is the economic road map now and moving forward in 2025? 

It is the critical question to which the incumbent VP and democrat Presidential nominee Kamala Harris owes meaningful precise explanation that is ominously missing until now with deflection maintained as the campaign strategy.

Nothing is more crucial for ordinary Americans than fixing the severely damaged, mismanaged and neglected economy as well as abandoned borders under the incumbent VP Kamala Harris administration and her personal dereliction of duty.

Voters decision on economy as the focal point is monumental along with securing borders – both miserably failed under Harris administration as the Vice President in 2021 – 2024 are unmitigated odds confronting the incumbent VP and democrat Presidential nominee Kamala Harris regardless of the superficial unsubstantiated hype in the polls.

Padmini Arhant 

United States Presidential Election 2024

September 12, 2024

United States Presidential Election 2024

Padmini Arhant

Vote for your path to economic recovery which is Donald Trump and not for further debt slavery and that is emphatically Kamala Harris in 2024 Presidential election.

The American electorate Gen Z – 18 – 24-years- of age, the extraordinary work force across the economic spectrum of America struggling in severe economic decline under Harris – Biden administration.

The United States Defense personnel at home and around the world as well as their great families making the sacrifice for the sake of the great nation United States and the republic.

The seniors and elderly suffering due to the retirement savings and Social security dwindled next to nothing under Kamala Harris proudly touted Bidenomics, a phenomenal failure.

The United States population living along, around and in the border states of the country are severely affected with their safety and security endangered due to border crisis personally created by Kamala Harris, the incumbent VP and unelected democrat Presidential nominee with a track record on do-nothing, no-solutions, no-policy and plenty of empty rhetoric in attack dog suit on behalf of coup mastermind and operatives is a proven disaster.

The unauthentic nominee Kamala Harris with plagiarized content, stolen positive identity and overall fake personality is heavy lifted by crony media, corrupt politics and cabal influenced so-called entertainers to further deplete the American economy, destroy the already ripped social fabric of the United States beyond recognition with Kamala Harris favorite wokism, DEI and identity politics dominating to replace the sane, normal and genuine tapestry of the American society.

There is no comparison whatsoever when it comes to choice in the Presidential election 2024.

The Republican elected Presidential nominee Donald J. Trump pledged and exemplified in 2017 – 2020 Making America Great Again.

The Trump Presidency economic, border security, immigration, national crime, social issues besides national and global peace and security were significantly better with majority Americans from different cross sections of society reminiscing Trump Presidency on the most important economic prosperity they had in 2017 – 2020.

The status came crashing down upon the Biden- Harris administration landing as the manufacturers of doom and gloom on the economy to the point of no return, chaos and catastrophe along the borders, mayhem and calamity in international scene orchestrating, funding, fueling and firing the Ukraine – Russia war and Gaza Genocide with Israeli hostage casualties in the unresolved global carnage.

The Trump Presidency economic record and other achievements elaborated above were experienced by American people despite Trump Presidency being bogged down by the politically motivated several impeachment proceedings commencing on the eve of 2016 Presidential outcome that is challenged and denied up until now by democrat political machinery and media.

Notwithstanding the endless litigations continued till date and to top it all the deadly global pandemic COVID19 – pre-arranged deal during the Barack Obama Presidency in December 2015 was mercilessly unleashed on the Americans and entire humanity at large in the U.S. Presidential election year 2020.

Once again deceitfully claiming victory with the now jettisoned incumbent President Joe Biden then hidden away from the electorate under the pretext of COVID19 and the massive corruption scandals of then democrat nominee Joe Biden and family clearly swept under the rug and even buried by corrupt media adept in protecting politics submerged in unethical, unlawful, mendacious avalanche aka the Deep state and dysfunctional apparatus.

Juxtaposed, the democrat unelected Presidential nominee Kamala Harris having wasted three and a half years of hard working taxpayer funded Vice President position mostly as unparalleled winner in laughter contest and the rest of the time in word salad moments in the futile effort to defend the indefensible debacles and fiascos of the Biden – Harris administration of which,

She – as the Vice President, the second-in-line to the office of Presidency demonstrated nothing except dereliction of duty on border crisis that she exacerbated with initial open invitation stating – ‘Come’ on camera to immigrants from all over the world without legal documents generating a huge influx of illegal immigration into the country in the unprecedented border security problem.

The open invitation from VP Kamala Harris to illegal immigrants globally was retracted with the statement – “Don’t Come” having had millions of illegal arrivals already in the country with the democrat party establishment chartered course to make legal naturalized and native born American taxpayers pay for democrat party and Biden – Harris administration in particular authorized and facilitated illegal immigrants.

Among whom, criminal gangs, drug dealers and peddlers, sex offenders and those with violent criminal records from the country of origin are now provided all care and economic comforts at legal and native born American taxpayer expense.

The unelected democrat Presidential nominee Kamala Harris ironies were one too many in the Presidential debate.

The VP Kamala Harris mocked the opponent as having been rejected by 81.000,000 voters in 2020 election typically invalidating the majority Republican electorate who voted for Trump Presidency re-election in 2020 in a manner from the playbook in 2012. 

Above all, the VP Kamala Harris has conveniently forgotten that her Presidential bid in 2019 was an embarrassment unable to prolong in the democrat Presidential primary and swiftly ejected at the onset of the race in 2019 by own democrat base.

The debilitating past in 2019 now serving as the reminder in 2024 perhaps impetus the coup mastermind and operatives to discard the democratic process of the democrat primary to install proxy Harris administration exclusively for personal and vested political interests.  

The current VP Kamala Harris slur against the opponent Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump as the alleged convicted felon though the court hearings outcome has vindicated those politically premised convictions.

Meanwhile, the VP Kamala Harris on own volition as the border czar allowing the actual convicts and criminal gangs in the massive illegal entry across the country to roam free and being cared for with health, housing and financial aid at American taxpayer costs is not recognized as the Harris administration’s major felony.

The Biden – Harris administration illegal immigration policy is designed to transform the status to democrat vote base as confirmed by both VP Kamala Harris and the former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

On the economy – the unelected Presidential nominee Kamala Harris has no policy.

If there are any, it is aimed at economy derailment with lethal exorbitant Capital gains tax over 40% and more besides taxes on unrealized capital gains that were already applied on targeted basis in 2021 – 2024 under Harris administration. The exercise to become pervasive on all small, medium and large investors in the economy post election under Harris administration.

The imprudent taxations on capital investments serving as the sustainable financial interjection in the stock market has preemptive adverse impact chasing many small to modest investors from the domestic stock market in search of better investment options elsewhere.

The exorbitant taxation under the current Harris administration has already deprived many young and old investors the financial nest they had under Trump Presidency in 2017 – 2020.

The current Harris administration taxation policy is not tax cuts for the middle class and other business investors as falsely propagated. Instead it is the divestment policy for political socialism seizing the prime investors and retirees’ financial security maintained under Trump Presidency 2017 – 2020.

Now under Harris administration, due to soaring inflation, skyrocketing interest rates and arbitrary taxes it is draining their interim and retirement savings.  

The more of the same Harris administration extended beyond 2025 for another four to eight years or indefinitely considering the latest coup against own incumbent Presidency would be toxic leading to banana republic.

The other economic policy sprinkled rather than comprehensive details are more election gimmicks and teaser tips like child credit $6,000, first home buyer given $25,000, small business $50,000 etc., that are only to be returned to the government when filing tax return as the debt owed to the government.

The policy is similar to the hoax Obamacare on the federal credit to mandatory health subscribers’ unaffordable premium to be duly returned to the government as the debt at the end of the year.

The scenario is no different on the student loans as well.

There is no such thing as the free lunch for ordinary lives.

However, politics exempting from the status in the inexplicable – all for us and none for you status quo ever bulging into multi-millionaire and billionaire political exclusive club of which the democrat political class, chief operatives and the current democrat Presidential nominee Kamala Harris is the harvester and catalyst to others in the league to reap substantial economic and political gains on the backs of the ordinary average Americans lasting generations.

Finally, the Republican elected Presidential nominee Donald Trump is pledged to resume the already established Make America Great Again trajectory under his Presidency.

To the contrary, the Democrat unelected Presidential nominee Kamala Harris is determined and vowed to the coup master mind and operatives to Take America Worst Again in continuation of the current Biden – Harris administration with VP Kamala Harris playing pivotal role to drive the economy, national border and security, global peace and all things relevant and important into oblivion evidenced in the mangled mismanaged meandering performance.

Vote for your path to economic recovery which is Donald Trump and not for further debt slavery and that is emphatically Kamala Harris in 2024 Presidential election.

Padmini Arhant 

United States – Democrat Party Farewell to Democracy

September 9, 2024

United States

Democrat Party Farewell to Democracy 

Padmini Arhant

The political party establishment having bid farewell to democracy in blatant coup against own incumbent are by no way going to spare any sane peaceful dissent against status quo upon election to office.

The latest development is only the hallmark of the incumbent trajectory (2009 – 2016) resumed in 2021 – 2024 and pushing the nation not forward rather backward upon usurping to power via DEI politics.

The political class of the democrat party maintaining disdain for constitution, the national covenant remaining the last lifeline for the republic referring to the constitution and the Bill of Rights as nothing more than a piece of parchment is a serious threat to the foundation of democracy.

The latest coup from the democrat power grab machinery within political party is testament to the demise of democracy.

This is the second time in a row in the democrat Presidential nomination after 2016 and now in 2024 rejecting own voter base in the democrat primary with imposition of selective political will to prevail at democracy peril.

The warnings are already in place from the democrat political apparatus via proxy Presidential nominee Kamala Harris branding all those Americans EXTREMISTS regardless of party affiliation or A-political in disagreement of the recent assault on democracy with the unelected Presidential nominee for illegitimate extended terms in office by coup mastermind and operatives invalidating own incumbent Presidency Joe Biden.

According to the incumbent VP and unelected democrat Presidential nominee Kamala Harris conveying the stern message on behalf of the behind the scenes political authority that the so-called extremists determined by the power would be pursued relentlessly and subject to their own method.

This is the writing on the wall for FASCISM to spearhead post election.

Let there be no mistake, the targeted members speaking from personal endurance in this respect is by no measure a mere rhetoric from abusive invasive unlawful interventional authority.

Notwithstanding, the treatment of their opponent former Republican President Donald Trump and anyone associated with Trump administration hit with series of litigations including some placed behind bars in the political indictments.

Even amongst them, the coup against democrat incumbency by party echelons citing incumbent President Joe Biden’s long known cognitive impairment and inability to lead and head the government as the Chief Executive is belated declaration that was shared by many in civil society during and post 2020 election.

The response to then fair assessment from critical thinkers and well wishers of the nation were dealt with severe political retributions, incarceration and many even subject to imprisonment.

The status, now aired by democrat media MSNBC, CNN etc., as Donald Trump’s authoritarian style without acknowledgment of the democrat party prominent controllers setting precedence as the trail blazers in this regard.

The democrat political class entrenched in identity politics with the machinery greased by multi-millionaires and billionaires like George Soros known worldwide as the chief saboteur of democracy and people choice leadership as well as government is not the second or third coming rather the routine pattern to displace democracy and discard free and fair election.

The process witnessed and encountered in 2012 Presidential race with election negotiated with more than 50% of Republican electorate voted made null and void in behind the closed doors deal.

The scenario repeated in 2020 election with republican voters in the controversy surrounding cancellation and destruction of republican votes in key battleground states that led to further political situation.

The democrat party chieftains having done away with democracy and democratic primary election entirely in 2024, it is inappropriate for the political party to be identified as the democrat party.

The reality being the democrat party long transcended into plutocrat party since emergence to power in 2009 revealing true colors immediately after assuming power and thereafter.

As for my comments in sharing personal thoughts and concerns – is me exercising my inalienable fundamental right not only as an American citizen but also taxpayer until now.

Importantly my existence, profile and identity and that of my family being unnecessarily abused and exploited for personal and political gains as the norm more so since 2009 onwards till date is a predominant objectionable factor that is against the law and my civil liberties in any law abiding free society.

The status is unfortunately compromised for the sake of the prolonged power quest amongst few translated into treason with the nation and republic driven into the ditch to the point of no return.

Hence, I reserve the right even otherwise in recognition of the first amendment right on free speech especially when the concept of individual rights, fair opportunity, unfettered access to public domain…any and all representing freedom are in jeopardy and loosely exploited in political ridicule and mockery.

Reiterating my peaceful participation as a citizen and taxpayer contributing free positive ideas and constructive criticism is by any definition not Russian or foreign collusion.

When in fact, the real election interference evidenced throughout the 2024 Republican Presidential primary with interjection of candidacy from nowhere as the self-made billionaire in the thirties millennial category not to win election but merely to induce identity politics on the right with investment from the left. 

Subsequently this candidacy relegated as the spokesperson for the hirers on the left considering the support from certain democrat  party members not necessarily the democrat voters could not be ignored.

The individual persistent attack at the left political party and foreign government as the world’s largest democracy and media behest against their obsessed target viz. me continue till date. The so-called former Republican Presidential candidate’s contrived performance was not a mere coincidence.

Then the left party and media had other members lined up as well to conform to more the merrier status.

The other specific GOP female candidate from the right to fit the female gender criteria sharing ethnic origin with me was essentially performing to the script provided by the league until last minute to extend anti-Trump sentiment in the Republican primary. The nuance from the script suggested desperation from the backers and the recruit more than anything else.

These gimmicks aimed at inducing identity politics on the right could only be summed up as political theatrics to mislead electorate on the right, left and all around.

The election intervention in collusion among foreign, domestic and assortment players were on display in full swing in the 2024 Republican primary without a shadow of doubt with Republican electorate delivering relevant outcome as the preferred nominee. 

American democracy is endangered with one side of political party i.e. the democrat party nuclear option to eliminate democrat primary election only preparing to execute as national agenda in 2024 Presidential election.

The voters focus besides economy and domestic security is to encompass saving democracy and restoring republic rule of law governed by Constitution and non-partisanship on citizens affairs.

Padmini Arhant

Fairness and Justice

August 28, 2024

Fairness in Justice

Padmini Arhant

Update: August 29, 2024.

To: All those groveling to criminality and terror mongers, spare the BROWN connotation for authentication in the defense of the indefensible.

Given the incontrovertible evidence in serial killing throughout their lives carried out in public view and knowledge without them being tried in the court of law and,

Instead held above law in the overwhelming preferential presiding in political exploitation of power, the crimes only shackle them in the confines of guilty conscience that will ever prick their mind depriving them of inner peace. 

Notwithstanding the dark deeds further eclipse the Soul shunning the light that dispels darkness within and around. 

Padmini Arhant 


In a real democracy with fairness in justice, those committing horrendous crimes such as murder of their people belonging to their race i.e. the black community would not be orchestrating coup d’état and deliver speech on democracy.

The criminal offenses in murder of members from own race viz. black race or for that matter anyone in society or outside by abusing long expired political status viz. Presidency nonetheless unlawfully extended till date on ordinary taxpayer money would be dealt with the fullest extent of law.

The long list of murder victims in the homicidal legacy besides political genocidal track record during the gory most violent Presidential two terms in office would not be granted political immunity either.

In personal life, the black female rape victim, black gay partners at the United Church in Chicago, Illinois or white gay victim (Larry Sinclair on wheel chair) and,

The latest in July 2023, the personal chef again a young black father of black twin teenagers becoming the prey to the predators at one of their several lavish real estate holdings and among that,

The $20 million lake front mansion Martha’s Vineyard Estate serving as the perfect crime setting in serial killing of black members and any others they regard a fair game in the process of elimination would not be written off as American Exceptionalism.

The serial killers sloganeering on Black Lives Matter having been and continue to remain directly responsible for murdering their people in black race literally getting away with gruesome murders is only possible in domains under corrupt criminal control.

In a balanced unlike prevalent biased justice system, the serial killers would be facing trial on all these irrefutable criminal charges involving several murders in world view.

The sentencing appropriately would be serving in Guantanamo Bay for unleashing terror and committing heinous crimes against the people of their own community viz. the black race along with against those they regard obstacle to their criminal life.

Regardless, these criminals have no hope and chance of escaping their crimes and sinful existence as prisoners of guilt in living and upon departure from the world with the heavenly judgment denying their Soul redemption and salvation.

Only condemnation from Almighty God is already upon them.

Padmini Arhant 

Politics – War Against Truth aka Holy War

January 31, 2024


War Against Truth aka

Holy War

Padmini Arhant

Update 01/31/2024:

Word of Caution: Do not plagiarize even color code from your arch nemesis for your misogynist attack. It only demonstrates utter stupidity and desperation.

Importantly, it is about time politics stop weaponizing taxpayer funded agencies like the Income Tax, State Franchise Tax Board (FTB) and alike to bully and flex fractured muscles of the corrupt politics only to be disappointed with failure in such harassment strategy.

Unlike the crooked wicked politics that evades due taxes and defraud the ones they prey on for their survival to success in their otherwise dismal political career, their shenanigans in this regard is self-defeating for the source and crony catalysts. Not to mention major embarrassment confirming goon gutter politics.

Relevantly, their scandalous corrupt shady dealings misusing $$$ billions of taxpayers funds to hamstring domestic and offshore corrupt wheeler dealers to advance personal and family fortune are the types bankrupting ordinary lives and depriving national treasury from legitimate revenue.

Politics need to realize they are hired by the people on public tax funded positions from top to bottom. The politics misusing power deploying scare tactics and aggressive ambush behind the scenes lead to own inevitable ejection and expedited exit from office.

Politics is also obligatory to respect other’s will upon latter rejecting indefinite abuse and exploitation in the increasingly oppressive fascist environment.

The life mantra now and forever – wisdom is the appropriate guide when choosing one’s enemy.

Padmini Arhant 


What is contemporary politics paranoid of and vitriolic to in the Information Age?

Truth, factual presentation and incontrovertible data on politics’ flagrant violations, corruption, criminality and absolute abuse of power, treason…among other serious repulsive indulgence making a mockery of democracy, rejecting constitutional basic civil rights in curbing free speech, imposing gag order, arbitrary censorship and above all incessant targeting with personal identity theft and distortion not barring designating target to anonymity in nuanced attacks as political entitlement.

Those in control of politics – albeit the unelected oligarchy, special interests and variety of incognito influencers pumping money for destructive politics through diverse channels – none of the sources and means made public and carried out discreetly entirely for personal and vested interests as the norm.

Meanwhile, the innocent civilians and ordinary lives are subject to slaughter, economic bankruptcy, social subjugation, discrimination and dehumanization in politics’ secretive behind the scenes operatives driven blood and treasure squandering for ruinous catastrophic purpose.

Notwithstanding, those pledged to the  so-called “Holy War” innuendo against their one and only female target are the kind hell bent in protecting and prolonging the deep state status quo.

The philandering and criminal involvements with license to kill civilians and defense personnel at home and abroad are signature traits for the prominent ones in the egocentric undeserving glory hogging megalomaniacal persona.

The tradition includes politics defiantly committing crimes at every opportunity in colluding with enemies of humanity at large with their surrender in repugnant secret society meetings that prohibits public presence and knowledge on global affairs evidently harming human lives and existence.

The anti-humanity annual meeting in secret locations invariably plot, conspire and engage in devious activities proven malicious and life devouring whether unleashing deadly corona virus on human population or waging terrorism and relentless wars in the game plan on depopulation agenda.

Such politics upending democracy world over, installing propping rogue subservient regimes promoting corruption culture intensely via banking institutions in the Swiss Alps or exotic oceanic tax havens receiving unholy unscrupulous nefarious financial and economic transactions depleting ordinary lives’ hard earned lifelong savings and retirement benefits…are merely the tip of the iceberg.

All of it unequivocally held in political members’ personal wealth accumulation and additionally gambled away by politics in funding and fueling wars in the most oppressed and occupied territories offshore killing babies in incubators and entire unarmed innocent civilian population in the bloodthirsty carnage continued with no end in sight.

The politics notorious for secrecy, complicity and duplicity on all public and political matter that are supposed to be transparent with utmost accountability holding none above law barring selective incarceration and criminalization through interventions in foreign land witnessed and experienced until now are renowned for paradoxical paradigm.

The pathological impulsive politics unabashedly and shamelessly invade others’ life, home, space, privacy even claiming to peak under one’s sheets, rest room and shower etc., in sleazy intimidation harassment tactics declare themselves the ultimate perverts abusing taxpayer money against taxpayer that are continued with criminal pride and uber hubris.

Notwithstanding race, religion misappropriation along with obsessive narcissistic nastiness against female in the constant she-bashing having benefited and continue to harvest from the target’s free unpaid productive service in achieving unthinkable power, fame and fortune are gross political and otherwise parasitic trend.

The prevalent misogyny is further exemplified in intelligence and propriety attributed to male orientation casting the female as robotic artificial intelligence genre in the prejudiced gender profiling that are exclusive in crass chauvinistic politics.

If at all anyone has to apologize, compensate to the abused and renounce once and for all, all of the above enunciated disdainful practice,

It is none other than politics and crony contingency exposed and established as incompetent, unfit, carcinogenic besides intrusively offensive abusive and exploitative in nature and by design.

The bi-partisan rhetoric to ban TRUTH in the country is the epitome of underworld mob rule politics perturbed agitated in the unveiling of self-indignant abuse of authority.

In the process, the politics presumptuously taking the Supreme entity for granted assuming the phenomenal force to remain a silent spectator, in the foolishly referenced “Pitch Fork”description of the divine entity while elevating the incorrigibly corrupt criminal self as indomitable is incurable delusion.

Such decadent politics is the existential threat to humanity, environment, peace and meaningful progress and accordingly facing imminent peril and termination.

Who can and will banish whom from where or for that matter the planet is not even debatable.

The Supreme power as the creator, protector and upon necessary destroyer of anything instrumental behind cataclysmic outcome regarded dispensable demanding exile in itself is an invitation to individual and those in collusion collective apocalyptic end.

Hence, wanton provocation is best abandoned and avert undesirable ramifications.

Padmini Arhant 



Human Inhumane Conduct

December 27, 2023

Human Inhumane Conduct

Padmini Arhant

Face the Reality – No matter who is on whomsoever side in warfare, when civilians in the targeted zone and the aggressors’ own defense personnel loss of lives have been mounting in alarming proportion, the deaths and devastation inflicted do not represent victory for those with such objective.

Israel and United States together with other active and passive partners have long lost the war on Gaza.

Having murdered several thousand children in air strikes, missiles and bombs not barring the use of white phosphorous, thousands orphaned, displaced and denied basic survival needs…all of which carried out by the belligerent forces i.e. Israel and United States plus coalition, there is only one absolute certainty i.e. imminent judgment on all of these gross violations with excruciating journey and prolonged suffering awaiting the guilty.

The unforgivable punishable to the fullest extent crime against unarmed innocent civilians and children appropriate to those behind the brutal military intervention lasting over two months since October 7, 2023 is the incontrovertible outcome.

In the cosmic sphere, justice might be delayed however never denied to victims of genocide and evil actions thus far.

The birth of Free and Peaceful Palestine  is inevitable and martyrs sacrifice would not be in vain.

Padmini Arhant 

The root of all evil in London since time immemorial need to understand if there is such capability within, the wickedness, callousness and connivance behind the strategy dumping complete strangers’ and anyone for that matter – their biography, history and identity from anywhere and wherever possible to malign me – has been called out several times and the nuance, innuendos and insinuations proven ludicrous and insane.

The desperate identity swap / theft is hideous hack in the hijacking of indisputable non-transferable DNA unique to every individual even among family of any and all species around since world creation, now and in the future. The irrevocable immutable feature is pertinent to one’s KARMA as well.

The malicious doctrine to indoctrinate against me is futile and plain idiocy. The unprecedented criminality further expose the guilty politics and complicity from those bribed and incentivized expediting collective jeopardy. 

Reminder to criminality bearing standard to excess baggage – your KARMA is entirely and exclusively yours and don’t exacerbate your sins by evading responsibility on all things that are related and associated to you and your life.

Running away from oneself to scapegoat other is open declaration of guilt laden with deceit and self-humiliation.

Human inhumane conduct is human behavioral legacy and inherent trait among those who indulge in such practice.

The long held tradition since human population origin until now ironically worsened in modern era. Unfortunately, social progress is inverse to other developments by mankind.

The ill-treatment of other humans by human race largely emanate from ignorance, poor or lack of understanding linked to zero to minimal emotional intelligence.

The other aspect is superiority complex which is typically inferiority syndrome instilled in deep insecurity, self-hatred and no self-esteem…these characteristics impetus anger and frustration reflected in an array of discrimination against their targets affecting the source with self-inflicted wound and guilt ridden existence sustained beyond life.

Their life is fraught with revenge and vendetta driven violence with no end in sight. The purpose in life with such mindset often leads to self-destruction in the end justifying the means unheeding humane choices and settling for reckless ruthless engagement.

None are absolved of their burden of sins especially the ones committed with hostility and harmful intentions ranging from belittling to dehumanization and diverse severe violations ignoring inevitable serious ramifications without exception.

No immunity can possibly provide exemptions on the imminent judgment against acrimonious abusive track record upon departure from the world.

Living with no regrets for all the wrongdoings and crimes throughout life is inescapable prison confronted with own conscience key witness to unconscionable actions in lifetime.

The defiance to treat others as they expect to be treated by them is clarification on incorrigible disposition much to self and collective degradation within similar social framework contrasting civilized culture.

Not to mention the pejorative attitude and approach amongst those exemplify the absence of human value, the essence of human character evidently irrelevant in the self-detrimental course delivering indignation and incrimination.

The phenomenal failure to be human is the recognizable tragedy in the dilemma to be or not to be HUMANE despite the undeniable reality applicable to entire human species as follows.

Except for karma / ones’ deeds nothing else accompany the soul in birth and death that determine the destination in the solo journey.

Padmini Arhant

Small Minds Interpretation of Matter

August 7, 2023

Small Minds Interpretation of Matter

Padmini Arhant

The interpretation of anything as small, average, little, dwarfism etc. is small minds’ diminutive status – uncomfortable and unable to deal with own reflection and reality.

The abuse of members from own inventory deployed as proxy and pawn to mock and vilify opponent is self-incrimination among manipulators, orchestrators, propagandists and puppets in the obsolete lifeless lame game. The mudslingers have their face covered in dirty swamp unveiling originality in the process.

Let’s examine history on animal and humans of towering height and the fateful outcome.

Tyrannosaurus rex aka T—Rex – 12 feet in height – twice the size of 6’ human, also known as the fierce carnivore devouring prey upon contact finally became extinct.

The T-Rex left behind tyranny derived from Tyranno-saurus nomenclature and traits for comparable humans in height and behavior.

Among humans – The Ugandan former President Idi Amin 6’4” spared none in violent atrocities and barbarism not barring self-admitted cannibalism against own people and outsiders. The imposing height brimming with hubris and antagonism blinded mindset targeting anyone to seek revenge involving gruesome strategy. The tall African leader’s tallness diminished in proportion with monstrosity against own citizens and others made to flee for life.

The internationally known terror organization Al-Qaida leader Osama Bin Laden branded the terror mastermind was also 6’4” and engaged in activities 12 feet under detonating explosives that eventually led to the bottom hole in life.

The former Iraqi President -Saddam Hussein 6’ dwelling in different palaces ultimately sought refuge literally in a rat hole.

There are more examples in this regard. The world continue to witness and endure such characters’ abnormal sinister indulgence producing the drastic curvature or decline whilst living and legacy.

Suffice to say tallness is not greatness and not all tall people and species possess qualities and characteristics matching or exceeding their physical height.

On the contrary, the above members and alike are the proof as to how tallness stooping to the lowest of the low in deeds and thoughts hurting and harming others can contract their size into nothingness and many forced into oblivion.

The actions guided by the mind and intellect in rationalizing right from wrong, goodness from evil, kindness from violence etc.define the greatness or littleness of human identity.

Additionally, remarks such as little people and other connotations are the result of envy emanating from self-inadequacy, deep insecurity, extreme inferiority complex lacking in self-esteem.

Padmini Arhant 

Criminal Syndicate Politics’ True Colors

May 19, 2023

Criminal Syndicate Politics’

True Colors

Padmini Arhant 

My message to my adversaries and their representatives from wherever is;

I am extremely happy and content with who I am and what I am in every respect. I believe and rely on my ability to shine. It is my strong principle.

Simultaneously, I strive to improve my strengths and triumph any weakness or shortcomings with humility and grace alongside deep understanding that none are perfect.

However, life offers opportunity to aim for inner development and enhancement.

I, like many before me in this world never shy away from that moment.

With me in charge and control of my own life, I do not need to borrow any face from beauty pageantry, entertainment, politics or history that you have been preoccupied with to impose on me. As I am, you are all well aware your bizarre obsession and motive is overtly supercilious and derisive in actual context.

As far as I am concerned, identity, cultural and profile misappropriation of me, my life and origin is unlawful, unethical and downright criminal offense by any definition in any society. The invasion and infringement is direct violation of my individual right, personal status and integrity.

Accordingly, such violation is persona non grata – unwelcome from anywhere without exception. 

Even otherwise, naturally I say to you all and your proxies presented as me – Thanks but no Thanks. 

Padmini Arhant 

————————————————————————————The power, wealth and fame seized and / or  acquired is distinct from earnestly earned that requires natural talent, skills, hard work and importantly courage and integrity…oxymoron and a tall order for the former.

Hence the preceding order opting short cuts discard ethics and propriety otherwise negotiated with a high price tag. The slight in decorum invariably promotes arrogance interpreted in corrupt human mind and behavior.

As a result, actions in reference to exploitation, abuse, demonization, extortion, distortion, subversion, perversion and relevantly identity and cultural misappropriation extended into ambiguity and anonymity on race and religion despite crystal clear facts and reality about subject viz. me – Padmini Arhant.

The unruly dismissal to suit abusers’ characterization of me as their privilege and entitlement entirely biased laden with prejudice and misogyny amongst diverse narcissistic imposition justified as such;

Whoever can do whatever to whomsoever wherever whenever and however they choose with none other than obedience as the only choice for the whomsoever subject.

The problem is, the treatment and conduct against me and my family reserved as the mighty right of the dominant power though that position is on expeditious downslide hitting rock bottom, yet heed no norms either natural or societal rule of law.

I’m on the other hand, expected to ignore their violations and atrocities towards me and my family, and comply with their egregious and pompous demands to be at their eternal FREE service having availed and profiteered in every respect at mine and my family’s expense in the past 15 years until now.

In contrast, they rake a fortune even if they would spend 15 minutes of their time in anything not without exclusive economic, political and personal gains and interests.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. In other words, if you want to be treated with kindness, be kind to others.

There is no inkling nor slightest effort to treat others the way one wants to be treated by them. The concept of mutual respect and acknowledgment of basic principles is persona non grata and non-existent.

The tradition is satanic alien to virtues premised on  candor, righteousness, reason and rationality.

Satans rely on lies and voodooism that are currently prevalent in proxies, pawns and puppets employed in various roles to meet satanic objectives backfiring at the source and catalysts in the operation.

Upon defiance to narcissistic exertions and enslavement, the bellicose reaction is apprehension to individual and collective decomposition and degeneration.

The road to hostility highway is a recipe for disaster for all those guilty and shackled taking marching orders from the crime syndicate.

Here is the glaring hypocrisy.

Crying foul on slavery seeking reparations amid enforcing and retaining slave driver convention for prolonged undue advantage not barring perversions of my personal identity is archetype excluding fairness and emancipation – the inalienable birth right of all creations and beings that none possess the right or authority to deny another in living and beyond.

I, Padmini Arhant unequivocally condemn the abominable violations and reprehensible vile invasion of my life and rights.

I also call on death to politics that unjustly weaponize race, religion, gender and social status like LGBTQ and LGBTQ+, Trans gender and homosexuality…all of which are nothing more than political arsenal for crime syndicate run politics to attack me expressing your inhibited suppressed gender variation and poly sexuality like all other affairs of yours closeted and cloaked in secrecy.

For the record,I am neither LGBTQ, LGBTQ+, Transgender nor homosexual.

Nonetheless, I’m vehemently opposed to any form of discrimination against them and anybody.

Furthermore denial of human rights to all these people and others belonging to human society is cardinal sin in recognition of all creations as equal in receiving kindness, compassion and non-politicized genuine empathy.

The criminal syndicate politics simply abuse these members in society for nothing more than cheap callous polity that is despicable to say the least.

Relevantly, I am a woman by birth and in living with biological, anatomical and physiological attributes of a female gender having had two normal child births born in and not out of wedlock in my life. I am a proud mother having raised my children with values emphasizing on respect, care and goodness towards self and others in life.

By the way, like birds, bees and all other species including humans, I have my own brain that is authentic organic original intelligence that has enabled me to effectively and successfully survive as well as thrive braving storms and sailing rough seas throughout my life more now than ever.

Any perception of masculinityactually the reference is made at Michelle Obama. I am not her and she is not me by any stretch of imagination.

NB: It has nothing to do with physical appearance. I consider beauty is skin deep and have said so explicitly on this site.

It has everything to do with inner-self reflected in deeds and approach in life. Hubris and false pride serve none except expose true personality.

Having personally met Michelle Obama in California at her invitation only to be obnoxiously snubbed on the day, the path cleared for her entry to the White House and her spouse Presidential prospects that was abysmal at that time which will be detailed later with evidence, such attitude from someone was not just the first impression is the last impression.

Michelle Obama during the height of 2008 Presidential campaign asserted via email that me and my family should go knocking door to door and in her words beg for votes was the command which I brought to her attention at that time.

Never mind the fact they got away not paying a dime ever for all the service by me and my family.

The indulgence that tops the chart till date in violation of my rights is identity appropriation of me replacing selves and who ever they choose as me in identity theft in a manner it should never matter to me or my family. 

In comparison, the private citizen Barack Obama post official term in public office publicly known price tag is not less than $500,000 (half a million dollars) on speech anywhere not excluding the former President criticized Wall Street fat cats with whom the former President had close ties then and later is regarded an entitlement.

Michelle Obama singing deals with fashion magazines and endless contracts on advertisements, entertainment field and the list goes on whilst in the White House between 2009 – 2016 and after exit runs into $$$millions. That being the reality, free service when it comes to receiving from others precisely confirm parasitic existence.

Michelle Obama’s note to me brimming with sarcasm on my hard earned investment properties held since long before at that time is another thing that prompt a question about their possessions exiting the White House – Martha’s Vineyard estate, Hawaii seaside castle besides native Chicago citadel certainly are subject to;

How did it happen on maxed out credit cards and 30-year-old delinquent student loans claimed on the campaign trail in 2008?

Contrarily, they never missed any opportunity to make our lives difficult including losing our financial assets and more.

Notwithstanding harassment via various means and recruits that continues till date.

That’s how the Obamas (Barack and Michelle  – the Ivy league alumni riding on our back to get on the high horse at political helm) expressed gratitude to me and my family for our tireless contributions towards their personal political dreams that was impossible if not unimaginable. 

Then onwards the air of arrogance towards me and my family further clarified the newly acquired status corrupting human mind.

Barack Obama – the former President wanted me to obey order and march like a soldier having not had the time or taken the trouble to say the courteous words – Thank You the least of all subsequent to their ascend to the ivory tower.

Both Barack and Michelle Obama begged me and my family for our assistance during the Presidential campaign in 2008 and thereafter and not the other way around. 

In hindsight, it is regretted entirely based on the Presidential track record.

It is crucial for the world to know when nobody become somebody using and abusing others, they have many hired surrogates especially from the subservient media ever deployed to defend whatever about them irrespective of what is underneath the veneer. 

I say to the late night show host Jimmy Fallon;

I have seen politics up close and personal and that goes for the undeserving stardom of certain ones in the entertainment industry and beauty pageantry.

I will hug the monkey with a cool hat and shades your guest Paris Hilton indicated as me any day than the rude uncouth personalities mentioned above or those whom the criminal syndicate politics dispose on me.

Monkeys at the top most branch of the tree too have manners unlike those who upon reaching certain place in politics or the so-called celebrity in entertainment choose to abandon in life thereby losing the real human value.

The same apply to anyone the criminal syndicate politics superimpose on me on the montage. 

In fact, Indian politics go beyond against me and my family to charm their masters in criminal syndicate politics. The Bollywood remnants caught in drug and substance abuse are paraded with politics run crony media and IT sleeper cells in social media serving running commentary corruptly claim them as me.

The Indian politics notoriously ascribe political events to me – then a teenager not even eligible to cast a vote dating back to the former Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi’s anti-democratic leaning to authoritarian emergency rule during her political tenure to absolve the current regime’s ruthless overt authoritarianism under the guise of democracy.

The present regime in New Delhi also links me to their own political member Pragya Thakur having served prison time for terrorist activity in bomb blast in the caste related violence.

The irony here is, Pragya Thakur, a sitting member in Indian Parliament representing the ruling BJP party is a Brahmin, the caste arbitrarily declared highest and holiest in the Indian politics and large segments in Indian society fixated caste hierarchy.

The same Indian politics has been constantly slandering me as Dalit – the people discriminated and marginalized as sub-humans and untouchables placing them below in the caste system. Again such denomination of me is one of many characterizations from those offended by well substantiated facts and absolute TRUTH about politics, policy, plan and actions ruining lives at the national and international level.

Here is the twist – the Brahmin Pragya Thakur belonging to supposedly the highest caste convicted as terrorist for terrorism is now referred to as me – the one designated as Dalit in the caste B.S.

In this instance, the Brahmin Pragya Thakur, a terrorist has identity swap with me, the Indian politics described Dalit.

There are several examples like these that make the Indian politics desperation and hostility towards me obvious. The other one is also about one of their political party member who was the former Chief Minister of Indian state Rajasthan – Vasundhara Raje, belonging to Indian Royal family. The former Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje reputation is well known in corruption scandals and terrible performance resulting in the Chief Minister removal from power by the electorate.

Again here the former CM Vasundhara Raje Royal pedigree and higher caste is slighted in the identity swap with me – the presumably Dalit. The caste hierarchy vanish taking into account their scandals and smears slammed on me.

The incumbent Prime Minister uses own political party member Vasundhara Raje depicting her as me and projecting himself as exemplar of honesty, integrity and statesmanship making a mockery of self and the so-called Indian democracy. Not to mention insulting the IQ of anyone with basic to higher understanding of events.

The campaign slogan is coined in New Delhi language Hindi – मोदी तुझसे बैर नहीं, वसुंधरा तेरी ख़ैर नहीं ।

The slogan is deceitfully phrased as : Modi we have no enmity with you. However, Vasundhara (despite from same BJP political party as Modi) you will not be spared implying it is directed at me.

For the record: I have no affiliation or association with any political party in India or anywhere. It is their figment of imagination in involving me as the member of the political party to use and abuse me.

This is the kind of stupidity and numb skull politics baited at me in futile.

Basically, Indian politics attitude is dump anything  on her and make her the dumpster.

Notwithstanding, India barring the vast ordinary mainstream population, the politics, media, entertainment industry, beauty pageantry and those chosen to head  in economic sector are the biggest beneficiary amongst all in every aspect since my appearance in public domain and by far the worst in collusion, complicity and complacency on abuse, slander, exploitation and vilification of me and my family continued in the typical contemptuous caste hierarchy no different from White or the present day Black Supremacy. 

All the more reason, them toeing the line in India and overseas in this regard are rewarded by criminal syndicate politics for their treason against me.

The next in line in paradoxical gratitude are the ones in the United States politics winning Presidential election in 2008.

The ones lifting my statement on this site – Life Matter encompassing all lives on earth and staged as violent Black Lives Matter rioting and scorching private and public property in major cities on camera.

The other ludicrous idiocy is baldness. I shun their behavior dragging family members sons or daughters regardless of age.

In their provocative savagery against me and my family they don’t seem to hesitate to utilize Hollywood academy award occasion like in 2022 to draw public focus on flamboyant mockery boomeranged there and then at them. 

The moronic display only pronounce their ugliness of who actually they are? They continue their crass dirty politics against me and my family having benefited phenomenally from us that will be reminded sooner than later by their Karma. 

Similarly they use many others within politics and entertainment field as well as from wherever. Their controversies and scandals are dumped on me as I am them and they are me to provide more content for negative publicity in the nuanced politics nonsense. 

In the past 15 years, it has been like this with crime syndicate politics.

We can’t find anything to talk about you. No problem.

We will dig anywhere and find other women amongst our own inventory such as politics, British family Markle (?) and recruits from entertainment (Hollywood, Bollywood, Tollywood, Kollywood) and even mainstream.

We will use all that are negative about them from their physical to other characteristics including corruption scandals, sexual insinuations leading to jury trial, the scripted contentious slander of other religion viz. Islam instructing the recruit in the act to use peace gesture, waving and other greetings illegally indicating that performance was from you.

Anything and everything about women from anywhere with excess baggage and gaslighting (that’s right baggage claim!)  in a complete identity swap with you is the criminal syndicate politics’ devious scheme against me and my family.

All failing, make a movie with dilapidated script and vilify you in the name of entertainment in Hollywood and sycophant Indian cinema like Tamil film industry with so-called veteran film director promoting  propaganda as Tamil historic movie in their eagerness  to appease us against you.

The topics are then gossiped and propagated as me. That has been the criminal politics’ corrupt strategy to scandalize me so far. All in vain.

What goes around comes around as they are forced to contend with their shenanigans they have deceitfully lumped on me.

In reality, the parochial judgment in the world isolate womanhood as weak, fragile and vulnerable. Therefore any form of strength and fortitude against patriarch dominance exerted in chauvinism and misogyny I continue to endure as I speak right now is ridiculed and branded masculine demeanor.

What else is new?

Let me enlighten on the patriarchal mast presumably charter the vast ocean called life suggesting no input from female member in the family.

Since world creation, the women’s role has been anything but a cake walk for at least overwhelming majority of women in the world.

Personally speaking, I’m a fourth generation woman in my line of family having had to raise children tolerating family and societal challenges demanding enormous sacrifice and tireless contributions till date.

As for other women from many different cultures and society in different parts of the world, I have personally witnessed and been aware of them having shouldered the entire family and society burden with no male or the significant other sharing responsibility even when it was incumbent upon them.

Even among animals, the motherly instinct naturally impetus the mother to be protective of her young ones including gathering food for her entire family with the male counterpart comfortably resting and snoozing  most of the time.

I would like to specify here, this situation is generally common although the roles are reversed with male members in many families dominated by women in their life.

All said and done, any woman demonstrating grit, strong will and dedication need not possess 9 or 10 inches male genitalia to prove her ability in multi-tasking and handling myriad activities at a time and especially in dealing with patriarchal oppression in life. Society and history is testament to this fact since time immemorial and critically right now.

The women power to face struggles and overcome suffering largely uplifting her family has been instrumental in any society and ultimately nation building in the consolidated human efforts and network.

Unfortunately, the perspective about women’s ability to perform major undertakings is regarded masculinity with disproportionate anatomy as stated by the guest in the British talk show host Pierce Morgan’s program which explains the obsolete narrow minded impression of woman tenacity.

Again, these thoughts require intellectual and emotional balance in evaluating and appreciating conditions that are natural and definitively not artificial intelligence as purported time and time against me by those yet to prove their kind to qualify for judgmental view.

I also insist those who have effortlessly let their tongue loose and questioned my character and credibility to come forward and lead me in proving theirs as unparalleled chaste, pure, sacrosanct and above all –

Holier than thou.

The questioner integrity begins with own exemplified deeds serving as the paradigm to those they besmirch and belittle in the relentless she-bashing targeting me without pause.  Meanwhile, they never fail to assert  their opinion on my intelligence as artificial and designating me as a machine and not a living breathing person.

They realize they can’t have it both ways but they want to maintain incessant she-assault for sadistic pleasure.

If I’m nothing and nobody then why pursue me as the target wasting money in propaganda and film-making. The money down the drain could easily be afforded towards reparation and stabilizing lives in desperate neighborhoods renewing hope and change for the better.

Apparently, that’s not all.

In the eyes of those for whom I’m arch rival, all positive traits and exemplary expertise, adroitness, language proficiency and anything that is appealing and complimentary not barring philanthropy are all explicitly credited as male exclusivity. 

Juxtaposed, all negativities, drawbacks, deficiencies, bad, terrible, horrible, mindless, clueless…mind blowing cynical descriptions and titles are volleyed at me as a female with my identity, culture and origin publicly auctioned smothered in patronization and condescendence in the American so-called documentary on one side and Indian historic movie concoction on the other side anchored on caricature of me in gross deception and misrepresentation.

The crime syndicate politics’ trajectory speak volume on how much they really care about people let alone classifications and sub-classifications in society.

The deadly corona virus unleashed on humanity at large consuming millions of lives and livelihoods due to the political collusion funded and helped manufacture bio-engineered virus from Wuhan lab, China.

Now the massive monumental health catastrophe cannot possibly be a subject of interest for criminal syndicate politics, Hollywood charlatans as the producer of some donkey-mentary manipulating present and past facts, trampling on individual rights, culture etc. as prerogative or for that matter the major stake holder Netflix focused on profiteering regardless of the avalanche of flops and cancellations experienced thus far.

On these grounds, the legitimate question is when there are so many events and crises like corona virus not long ago, Russian invasion of Ukraine and ongoing warfare, global economic forecast, unrest in Sudan, political and security turbulence in Pakistan, environment woes like El Niño predicted by environmental scientists in 2023 – 2024,

What is the real intention behind the so-called political need for falsification of foreign culture, mis-portrayal of historic figure categorically a betrayal of audience in the supposedly docu-drama hoax taking precedence over all of the above highlighted global matter?

A valid sound explanation rather than mimicry response would add credence preventing further controversy and image damage.

Padmini Arhant 



Stardom and Parasitic Culture

May 9, 2023



Parasitic Culture

Padmini Arhant

The requests on topic – parasitic culture among those who flaunt stardom, celebrity status, wealth, power etc. is addressed.

The references were made with politics and the other was regarding Indian women from Indian film industry consecutively flopping in Hollywood and American TV shows…


In order to understand the issue, it is important to know that parasitic culture is rampant in this category famished for fame, fortune and power.

To begin with, those from Indian film industry cast in Hollywood productions and entertainment TV shows that are successively declared a disaster in rating and revenue, the so-called stardom comes from piggy back existence which in itself is parasitic by definition and in decorum.

Original delivers natural performance unlike fake or impostor faltering with inevitable failure.

The other question in the related topic was;

What’s up with Indian celebrity trend to rent-a-womb?

Response : surrogacy or rent-a-uterus i.e. human incubator is a privilege widely availed by those like you have referenced in your question.

It is also another form of flamboyance in these instances that rich and so-called famous can buy anything including a womb ignoring options such as adoption.

The rent-a-womb prevalent in the Indian celebrity-hood rather than adoption of a child especially in a nation like India with overwhelming population living in extreme poverty and amongst them significant percentage of children in shelter besides many enduring hunger, disease and societal abuse is an unfortunate tragedy.

United Nations latest report presenting population data for India as the most populous nation on earth leaving China behind in this contest only exacerbate  the situation for the impoverished in the country.

Furthermore, adopting a child as opposed to surrogacy viz. renting human incubator is a tall order for those typically exploitative by nature, living life throughout as beneficiary evolving into career at other’s contributions and labor.

Such character assuming benefactor role adopting a child from India or elsewhere would be detrimental to a child raised in an environment not conducive and relevantly deprived of genuine love and care.

Parasitic culture is inherent heritage with the end justifying the means for those in the pseudo hall of fame, sham and scam.

Padmini Arhant



Lessons from Life – Tamil Video

April 30, 2023

வாழ்க்கை என்ற சிறந்த பள்ளி

பத்மினி அர்ஹந்த்


வாழ்க்கை என்ற சிறந்த பள்ளி

பத்மினி அர்ஹந்த்

யார் எந்த உபதேசம் கொடுத்தாலும் அது எத்தகைய ஆகினும், வாழ்க்கையின் கல்வியே அவரவர் நிலமையை துல்லியமாக எடுத்துக் காட்டும்.

வாழ்க்கை மூலம் ஒருவர்  கற்க தவறினால், அது எப்படி நாம் பிரயாணம் செய்யும்பொழுது நாம் எங்கு செல்ல வேண்டுமோ அந்த இடத்திற்கு போகும் சரியான வாகனம் அதாவது விமானம், ரயிலோ அல்லது பேருந்து வண்டியில் அமராவிட்டால் அது பிரயாணியை தான் செல்லும் இடத்திற்கு கொண்டுபோய் சேர்த்து விடுவது போல் ஆகும். அது எப்படியும் மாறலாம். ஆனால் தன் வாழ்க்கை வகுக்கும் நூறு சதவீதம்சரியான உண்டு இல்லையென்ற விடையோ வழி போல் இணை ஆகாது.

வாழ்க்கை ஒரு அருமையான ஆசி. அதிலும் எதுவும் எதிர் பாராத பார பட்சமின்றி உண்மையை தெளிவாகவிளக்கும் உன்னதமான கல்வி அருவி. எந்த நேரம் காலம் என்றில்லாமல் எத்தனை தடவை வேண்டுமானாலும் வாழ்க்கையின் அனுபவத்தை சிந்தித்து நிகழ் காலத்தையும் சரி எதிர் காலத்தையும் சீர் திருத்த எப்பொழுதும்வாய்ப்பு தரும் நிரந்திர பாட சாலை பல்கலை கழகமாகும். அவரவர் வாழ்க்கை கற்பிக்கும் பாடங்களில்முக்கியமாக யார் எப்படி பட்டவர்கள், எந்த வழி சிறந்தது எது நல்லது அல்லது எது நல்லதல்ல என்பதை அனுபவம் ரீதியாக உணர வைக்கும் அற்புதமே அவரவரின் வாழ்க்கை.

தன் சுய வாழ்க்கையிடமிருந்து கற்றுக் கொள்ளும் பாடம் அது நல்லதோ கெட்டதோ அதுவே வாழ்க்கையின் இருளை அகற்றும் வெள்ளிச்சமாகும். சிலர் பிறரை பார்த்து கற்றுக் கொள்வர். மற்ற சிலர் தன் செயல்களின் விளைவின் படி புரிந்து அதன் படி மறு அடி எடுத்து வைப்பர். தான் போகும் வழியில் கவனம் செலுத்துவர். செய்ததவறுகளை மீண்டும் செய்ய தயங்குவர். இது வாழ்க்கையின் தேர்வில் அவர்களின் வெற்றியாகும்.

அதே போல் வாழ்க்கை அனுபவம் என்ற புத்தகத்தை பிரட்டி அதே பிழையை செய்பவர்களுக்கு அதாவது மறுபடியும் திருந்தாதவர்களை அவர்கலின் வாழ்க்கை அவர்களை விழ்த்துவதிலும் சந்தேகமில்லை. இதுவாழ்க்கைத் தேர்வில் தவறை உணராதவர்களின் தோல்வியாகும்.

ஆகா மொத்தம் வாழ்க்கை கற்பிக்கும் மகத்தான பாடங்கள் இவைகளாகும்.

நம்பிக்கைபிறர் மேல் அதிக நம்பிக்கை வைத்து நம்பிக்கை துரோகம் பெறுவது இந்த கலியுகத்தின் பலபேரின் அனுபவமாகும்.

குறுக்கு பாதையை தவிர்த்து, பிறர் காலை வாரி விட்டு, பிறருக்கு தீங்கு விதைத்து தான் எதையும் அடையலாம் என்ற நோக்கத்தையும் நடை முறையும் பின் பற்றாமல், இதை விட்டால் பிறரை பயன்படுத்தி அவரைகளை துர் உபயோகப் படுத்தி தன் வாழ்க்கை சுகத்தை தேடாமல் செயல் படுவதற்கு பெயர் சாமர்த்தியமாகும்.

இதற்க்கெல்லாம் மாறாக தன் மேல் நம்பிக்கை வைத்து நேர்மை நாணயம் போன்ற நல் வழியை கடைபிடுத்து, யார் காலிலும் விழாமல், யார் வாசல்படியில் கையேந்தி நிற்காமல், பிறர் தயவில் தஞ்சம் அடையாமல், தன்மானம் சம்மானம் என்ற சுய கௌரவத்தைக் காப்பாற்றி, தன் கடுமையான உழைப்பு மற்றும் சுய அறிவினால் முன்னுக்கு வருவதை நன்னெறியாக வாழ்க்கை மனிதர்க்கு சமர்பிக்கிறது.

தன் மேல் நம்பிக்கை இல்லாதவர்கள் வாழ்க்கை எப்படி இருக்குமென்றால் அது புயலில் அகப்பட்டு கடலில் அல்லாடும் படகை போல் அக்கறையுமில்லாமல் இக்கறையுமின்றி தத்தளிக்கும்.

அதை தவறினால் ஆன்மீக வழி இருக்கின்றதை ஏற்று, கடவுள் என்ற பரம் பொருளிடம் உண்மையான பக்தியுடன் அதுவும் இறை நம்பிக்கையோடு தனக்கு சரியான பாதயை காட்டி தனது வழிகாட்டியாக அருள்புரியும் படி கேட்டால், அதுவும் சாத்தியமாகும்.

அதை விட்டிட்டு போலி உலகத்தில் போலி வேடம் போடும் நபர்களை நம்பி தன் சீர் ஆகிற வாழ்க்கைக்கு முற்றுபுள்ளி வைப்பது சில பேரின் கொள்கையாகும்.

மேற் கொண்ட தகவல் யாவும் உதவி கேட்க்கும் நிலமையை குறித்தது.

அதே சமயம் பிறருக்கு உதவி செய்து நம்பிக்கை மோசம் போவதும் இக்கலியுகத்தில் சர்வ சாதாரணம். இத்தருணத்தில் வாழ்க்கை கூறும் வெளிப்படையான உண்மை என்னவென்றால் இதுவாகும்.

பாத்திரம் பார்த்து பிச்சை போடு. தானம், தர்மம் பிறருக்கு உதவி செய்யும் பொழுது அவர்கள் ஏமாற்றத்திற்கு இரை ஆகாதே என்பது தான் வாழ்க்கையின் எச்சரிக்கை.

ஒரு தடவையோ அல்லது மறு தடவையோ உதவி செய்பவர்களை ஏமாற்றுபவர்கள் திருந்தும் வகைறாக்கல் இல்லை. அதற்க்கு பதிலாக உதவி செய்பவரை உபயோகித்து அவர்களுக்கே ஆப்பையும் வைப்பவர்கள் ஆவர். அதனால் தான், வாழ்க்கை இவ்வாறு பேர்வழிகளிக்கு உதவுவது தன் பொருளாதாரத்தை மறுபடியும் வீண் ஆக்கும்  முட்டாள்தனமென்று அடித்துச் சுட்டிக் காட்டும்.

அப்படியும் வாழ்க்கை அனுபவத்தை மறந்து இப்படி பட்டவர்களுக்கு உதவுவது முல்லை மெண்மையான மலரென்று கருதி தன் பாதத்திற்க்கே சேதம் செய்யும் செயலாகும். அதோடு இத்தகைய வரலாறு துரோகத்திற்கு அவகாசம் கொடுப்பது அதே துரோகத்தின் பரிகாசத்திற்கு ஆளாவதாகும்.

அதே சமயம் பல நாள் திருடன் ஒரு நாள் அகப்படுவது போல் பிறருக்கு மோசம் நம்பிக்கை துரோகம் செய்பவர்களை அவர்களின் கர்மா அவர்களை கண்டிப்பாக துரத்தும் என்பதில் மாறு கருத்துமில்லை.

வினை விதைப்பவன் வினையை அறுப்பான் என்பதும் உறுதி.

இன்னொரு விஷயம் இதையொற்றி என்னவென்றால்அது தான் நன்றி.

நன்றி கடன் கர்மத்தின் மிக பெரிய பாகம். இதில் எவ்வகை குறை இருப்பினும், நாடகமே உலகமாக இருக்கும் உலகம் இதை எப்படி கருதினாலும், காலமும் கர்மமும் நன்றி இல்லாதவர்களை குற்றவாளியாகக் காண்பதுதான் இயற்கையின் நீதி, ரீதியாகும்.

நாய் ஒரு நன்றியுள்ள பிராணி. இதை பற்றி எவ்வித கருத்துக்கள் இருந்தாலும், பொதுவாகவே நாய் தன்னை வளர்க்கும் வீட்டாரை தனது உயிரை பனை வைத்து கூட காவல் காக்கும் என்பது எத்தனையோ சம்பங்களில் உறுதியாகியுள்ளது. கால பைரவரின் செல்ல பிராணியை நன்றிக்கு உதாரணமாக குறிப்பிடுவது இக்காரணத்திற்காகத்தான்.

நன்றி மனிதரை பொறுத்த வரைபெரும்பாலும் எத்தனை விலை என்பதே ஆகும். அதை விட நன்றிக்கு பதில் என்ன கைமாறாக தருவது என்றால் யாரோட உதவியானால் முக்கியமாக உதவி செய்பவரின் பொருளாதார நிலை இவர்களுக்கு உதவி செய்ததனால் குழைந்து சிதைந்து போன பட்சத்திலும் உதவி பெற்றுக்கொண்டவரோ அல்லது அவர்கள் மேல் போலி அக்கறை செலுத்துவரின் சப்பை கட்டு மிகவும் சுவாரசியமானது.

இவர்களின் தர்க்கம் என்னவென்றால்உன்னுடைய உதவியினால் இவர்களின் கஷ்டமோ கடுமையான நிலவரம் சரியானதில்லை. கஷ்ட பட்டவர் உயிரோ அல்லது பதவிக்காக போட்டியில் கலந்த பிறகு இவர்களின் வெற்றிக்கான சந்தர்ப்பம் சூன்யமாகயிருந்தும், மேலும் இவர்களின் மனைவி, பிள்ளைகள், உடன் பிறப்பு, உற்றார் உறவினர் நண்பர்கள் தெரிந்தவர் தெரியாதவர்கள் ஏன் உலகமே இவர்களை கை விட்ட பொழுது நீ தக்க சமயத்தில் உதவி செய்ததினால் இவர்களின் சங்கடம் தீர வில்லை. இவர்களோட முயற்சி கர்மா ஆகியவைதான் இதற்க்கு காரணம் என்று ஏளனம் செய்வது தான் மிச்சம்.

அப்படியென்றால் எதற்க்காக எந்த ஏமாந்த சோணகிரியை எத்தனை தூரமிருந்தும் தேடி அலைய வேண்டும்?

இவர்களின் நிகரற்ற திறமை மற்றும் தூய கர்மாவினாலும் தனது சரிந்து மடிந்து போன நிலயை சமாளித்து வெற்றி கொடி நட்டிருக்கலாமே? அப்ப ஏன் இவர்களுக்குள் இருந்த மகிமையை இவர்கள் மறந்து பிறரை சிரமத்திருக்கும் இவர்களின் செருக்கிற்கும் ஆளாக்க வேண்டும் என்பது இவர்களுக்கு ஞாபகம் வருவதில்லை.

இதில் தான் ஆறு அறிவுள்ளவரென்று பெருமை படும் மனிதனுக்கும் நன்றியுள்ள நாய் என்ற பிராணிக்கும் உள்ளபெரிய வித்தியாசம்.

இவ்விதமான நன்றி விஸ்வாசமற்ற விளக்கத்தின் பொழுது வாழ்க்கை கற்பிக்கும் பாடம்நன்றி இல்லாதவர்களிடம் உன் நேரத்தையும் கருணையையும் வீணாக்காதே.

இதற்குத்தான் பாத்திரம் பார்த்து பிச்சை போடு. அல்லி கொடுத்தாலும் அளந்து கொடு என்று வாழ்க்கை தலையில் அடித்து சொல்கிற அறிவுரையாகும்.

முக்கியமாக வாழ்க்கை கற்பிக்கும் பாடம்.

பிறரை ஏமாற்றுவது தன்னையே ஏமாற்றுவதாகும்.

அதே போல் வழியே போய் பிறருக்கு இடைஞ்சல் தருவது. 

அவர்கள் வழி மறுத்து அவர்களுடன் வீண் விவகாரம் வம்பு புரிவது.

அவர்களின் சுய வாழ்க்கையில் தலையிடுவது. 

அவர்கள் வீட்டில் புகுந்து தகாத வகையில் ஈடு படுவது.

அவர்களை வேண்டுமென்றே சீண்டுவது.

தூண்டி பார்ப்போம் எப்படி நடந்து கொள்கிறார்கள் என்று சோதனை செய்வது.

இவ்வாறு இம்சைக்கு என்ன மாதிரி உணர்ச்சி இருக்கிறது என்ற ஆவல் இவர்களே இவர்களின் இம்சைக்கு தீனியாவது ஒரு வினோதமான வேண்டா விவகாரம் என்பதையும் இவர்கள் ஏற்றுக் கொள்வதில்லை.

இதற்க்கு நேர் முறையில் இம்சைக்கு குறியானவர் தன் உரிமையை பாதுகாத்து தொல்லை செய்யும் தீயவர்களுக்கு அதற்கான பதில் அளித்தால் அதை கோபம் சினம் கொண்டவர் என்ற பழியை சுமத்துவது.

அதுதவறினால் குறியானவரின் மௌனத்தையும், தீயவர்கள் கலாட்டா பண்ணும் அகராதி தனத்தை பொருட்படுத்தாமல் தான் உண்டு தன் வேலை உண்டு என்று இருக்கும் பட்சத்தில் அதையும் கேலி கிண்டல் நையாண்டி செய்து அந்த செயல் பாட்டிற்கும் மழுமட்டை உதிர்த்த கட்டை என்ற பெயர் சூட்டி மகிழ்வது இவர்களின் பொழுது போக்காகி தன் நாசீசத்தை ஆயுதமாக்கி பல் வேறு தீமை கெடுதல் செய்வது.

இந்த தீயவைகள் யாவும் இவர்கள் தனக்கே தான் வைக்கிற உலையாகும்.   

கர்மம் காலத்தின் தண்டனையை நிராகரிக்கவோ தவிர்க்கவோ இயலாது.

ஏன்னென்றால் கால கர்ம சக்கரம் விதிக்கும் ஜென்ம மரணம் அல்லல் துன்பமென்ற வினையில் மாட்டிக்கொண்டு தன் ஆன்மாவிற்கு விமோச்சன ப்ராப்தமின்றி ஆவதுதான் நெடு காலம் நீடிக்கும் விதியாகும்.

ஆதலால் ஓவருவரின் வாழ்க்கை அவரவரிடம் கூறுவதுமனிதா உன் வாழ்க்கை பயணத்தில் கவனம் செலுத்து. பிறரை துன்புறுத்துவது மோசடி செயவதே உன் வாழ்க்கையாக வாழாதே.

இல்லா விட்டால் நீ போகும் இடம் உனக்கும் உன்னை சுற்றி இருப்பவர்களுக்கும் சாதகமாக இருக்காது என்பது தான் நிச்சயம்.

வாழ்க்கை பயணம் உரையாடல் தொடரும்.


பத்மினி அர்ஹந்த்

எழுத்தாளர் தொகுப்பாளர்



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