Europe – Nazi Origin and Far Left Dichotomy

February 15, 2025

Europe – Nazi Origin

Far-Left and Political Diversity  Dichotomy

Padmini Arhant

Update: February 16, 2025.


THE SEIZURE OF POWER, territorial annexations, ethnic cleansing, amassment of illicit wealth by loot, plunder and pillage…all driven by gluttonous GREED and hegemonic goals are nothing new in this world.

However, the colonizers, looters, plunderers and pirates ultimately succumbed to their GREED and perished in their self-inflicted predicament.

Unable to maintain their existing power and materialism amid overloading the freeloads in a frenzy to gobble more than their stomach could hold make them sick and drop dead.

These events are perverted imperialism colonialism with monumental collapse writ large, the world continue to experience since time immemorial.

The sand dunes on the desert and coastline are never permanent regardless of the vast landscape changing in accordance with natural dynamics and environment factors.

Padmini Arhant 


Europe – the pioneer of colonialism and hegemonic authoritarianism worldwide is required to take stock on own history and lately far-left extremism gone wild.

Europe, protecting vile vindictive actions and viciousness unleashed ad hominem in rabid mob mafia orientation by incorrigibly corrupt, maniacal deranged polity is sticking dagger on own grave. 

Europe, maintaining silence, alternatively collusion and explicit complicity in abominable identity theft in desperation to disinherit own individual tainted embarrassing criminal DNA is classic moronic lunacy. 

The relentless violation of individual rights beginning with savage invasion of private property, personal life and all things and everything that are exclusive to one’s existence cherished by Europe’s classism and the major liability called Royalty ever fleecing over generations is a conflicting personality complex.

Juxtaposed, the violators arbitrary and violent attacks, assaults and seizures of valuable assets and possessions through hostile and barbaric intrusions, harming and hurting their target as the predominant agenda by criminal goon gutter politics, whom Europe defends is cultural decadence.

Europe rewarding and glorifying the far-left wreckage, ruinous policy such as the one experienced in the United States in 2009 – 2016 and resumed illicitly in 2021 – 2024 despite the violent, criminal, corrupt, murderous, homicidal, genocidal, terror, cannibalism sponsoring… individual and collective profile and legacy prevalent as incontrovertible evidence is indeed the pot calling the kettle black. 

Europe’s far-left is the flip side of Nazism providing fodder and sanctuary to devils in disguise wreaking havoc, destruction and carnage from the bully pulpit, the misconstrued power misused against taxpayers funding governments and public services from top to bottom.

Not to mention the parasites abusive and exploitative existence throughout halted and denied obviously demonstrated in the exploiters i.e. the devil’s distress. 

Europe’s far-left preferential empathy citing hate speech defending the indefensible black deeds while buttressing hatred personified by the same feigning racial prejudice, alongside incessant abject narcissism and contemptuous atrocities in the targeted racial ethnic misogynist alienation is an enlarged black spot further staining Europe’s mangled tapestry.

No surprise, in witnessing the similar kind coming to the aid of rotten dead politics to energize Europe’s trajectory in brutal provocations and carte blanche subjugation of whomsoever and wherever possible in colonial, primitive medieval feudalist exertion.

The power abused by any far-left, far-right, left-of-center, right-of-center diversity, at the end of the day joining forces at will as anti-republic, anti-Truth and anti-humanity in utter disregard of those taken for granted is a deranged demented demonic trait that has no place nor tolerance amongst the rare wise and rational.

The latter prioritizing human values, ethics and moral principles that are evidently oxymoron and insignificant to abusers hiding behind hate speech to muzzle Truth and facts is far-left Nazism in vogue.

Europe and the corrupt wayward polity from either of the political aisle, amassment of looted public wealth hoarded in Swiss Banks and various tax havens from far and wide including the British monarchy and Kingdom is the epitome of perilous politics on the brink of irreversible collapse. 

The deplorable unscrupulous secret society founded discreetly at Bilderberg Hotel, Netherlands, the economic policy crafted to embezzle ordinary lives en masse by the architects of the controversial World Economic Forum and hosts in Davos, Switzerland with founders origin in Germany are notoriously Europe’s continued destructive interjection denying human progress and the real free and fair society. 

Notwithstanding, the lack of character in the obsessive compulsive disorder to eternally extract and deplete the ones regarded the perfect subject of abuse and abhorrent animosity is invitation of individual and collective extinction.

Those eliciting deep care and concern for the devil and cohorts by all means could be the prey to ravenous predator(s) let loose with political impunity at the target’s monetary expense besides constant meddling and jeopardy in the individual right-to-peaceful existence.

Anything outdated and out-of-control is by design obsolete with inevitable disappearance to oblivion.

Padmini Arhant  

P.S. Warning to Indian and Tamil Nadu State Goon Gutter Politics – never indulge in wanton fabrication and false propaganda deploying your dime a dozen hoodlums and hooligans as fraudulent political analysts and whatever… while claiming to be sexologist and assortments in their useless worthless life.

The Indian politics ever starved for any publicity comprise principal thugs and looters of public wealth and taxpayers’ taxes misappropriated in personal wealth enrichment lasting several generations with their next of kin.

The perpetual excoriation of public money at local and national population’s generational misery and impoverishment in the massive Capital exodus to Europe’s Swiss Banks and tax havens predominantly by the ruling Dravida Karunanidhi dynasty in Tamil Nadu and the Parsi Baniya traitor Narendra Modi maligning Siva-Sakti-Vishnu religion with brazen Hindu fundamentalism and alike together with entire corrupt political factions are the real enemy of the republic.

Accordingly, they are in the most favored list of Europe’s anti-citizenry loot, cheat and deposit in Europe’s illegal Pirate Treasure Chest.

டேய் கழுசடை, சாக்கடை, அரசியல் கால்வாய் கிருமிகள், நீங்கள் எல்லாம் ஒரு அப்பனுக்கு பிறந்திருந்தால், உன் அப்பன் பெயர் போடுங்கடா.

பொறுக்கி கயவர்கள், களவாணிகளின் கூலி பட்டாளம். உன் அழிவைத் தேடி அலையாதே. அது ஒட்டு மொத்தமாக அனைவரின் முன் தற்சமயம்  தாண்டவம் ஆடுகிறது.

Padmini Arhant 

Originality and Reality

December 31, 2024




Padmini Arhant

Wearing different outfits at anytime never change the one wearing them in any aspect.

Claiming to be someone’s proxy is denial of own existence clarifying own disgust with all things personal in entirety.

Envy is not about the one who is envied rather it is about the one envying anyone over lack of anything not found within. Regardless envy is reflection of personal inadequacy and dissatisfaction.

Discontentment is the core element of desperation and internal disturbance prompting external negative indulgence.

Living other’s life rather than own for narcissist goals is life wasted in self-destruction burdening Soul with karmic debts amid exacerbating life in living and thereafter. 

Padmini Arhant 

Practicality and Quality

December 28, 2024




Padmini Arhant

Only the ignorant mind would ignore the benefactor evidenced in Natural Creations and Nature.

Whether recognized in tangible such as idol worship with ceremonial rituals or the abstract form – the formless as light, sound, resonance with Universe cosmic vibration emanating from Superconsciousness.

Accordingly, acknowledgment of the Supernatural Power, force and phenomenon – Almighty God. –  Almighty – meaning all powerful and strong to the extent of indomitable is fundamental in the journey to delve into inner consciousness.

Karma and Dharma – The Soul bound by duty and principles defines personal existence. It is entirely discretionary leading to accumulating or relieving the Soul from karmic debts.

There are several options in living – self-betterment or self-detriment.

Karma guided by Dharma would relate to the former.

On the other hand, the latter is primarily pre-occupation in all things negative and counterproductive living other’s life persistently to hurt and harm them and in the process becoming a casualty in the self-inflicted unnecessary vain obsession.

1. God helps those who help themselves. 

God’s creation – Human for example possess physical body with energy, mind with intelligence and heart with emotions are at the basic provided to all regardless of human manufactured race, religion, gender, socioeconomic inequality since time immemorial.

More so in the twenty first century with politics engendered divisiveness and polarization for personal and political interests besides Gene Superiority syndrome exploiting the status quo. 

The car equipped with key components such as an engine, accelerator or gas pedal, break pedal with hand and foot breaks, the fuel tank with fuel i.e. energy in physical body, the gears whether automatic or manual transmission cannot operate until the car is driven however by whatever mechanism. 

Similarly, the human life empowered with physical body, mind, spirit, and heart is provided to all barring impairments and disabilities in the course of birth and in living. 

It is incumbent upon those to utilize these fundamentals to get anywhere in life. 

God’s creation enable survival and even thriving functionality. It is dependent on the individual to utilize and enhance towards personal achievements in life.

Anything whatever it might be with self-initiative, hard labor and strong will, the output would reflect the quality and quantity of input in any endeavor.

The prevalent norm to scapegoat anyone not even sparing God blaming for one’s or collective failure except them further expose their deficiency in meeting the elements of success. Such reaction exemplify the inevitable i.e. them unqualified by default.

That’s why God helps those who help themselves.

2. Becoming God’s tool or human resource in any endeavor. 

In this instance, unless the tool used in any work, project or mission is good in quality and durability, the energy, efforts and economic investment such as finance etc. would be futile or in the least result in liability

The common practical experience is the sharp kitchen knife slices the items efficiently compared to a blunt knife that could often cause physical injury.

Alternatively, sharpening the blunt life also requires good sharpening product that could deliver the desired outcome.

The blunt knife even after sharpening remains blunt  becomes disposable to avoid injury and redundancy.

The crux of the matter lies in individual ability to optimize God given / natural basic capabilities as assets in personal improvement, inner and outer development as well as growth  rather than expecting God or any other external assistance to perform the task throughout in life. 

The caliber and properties of tools or resources used in anything is critical for any accomplishments. 

In the absence of neither nor both would be equivalent to a fancy model car accessorized with latest technology and gizmos exhibited in the elaborately decorated showroom. 

The driver clueless to operate the most sophisticated vehicle and paradoxically an experienced operative stuck with poor operational equipment in cars to airplanes and any other things conclusively are in a bind i.e. immobility in practicality. 

Padmini Arhant  

Imposition is Desperation

December 23, 2024

Imposition is Desperation

Padmini Arhant

Anything forced and imposed such as someone’s race on others against their will.

Alternatively, use cut and paste format stealing other’s life and identity and applied to self  and / or someone within own race.

These are symptoms and severe conditions of personality disorder wanting to be someone and not oneself in the short cut methodology.

Such characteristics are also prevalent among those running away from self and own racial identity as well as other factors they regard anything but positive.

Then there are those who obsessively engage in smear campaign of those whom they anchor as the prime target throughout life as the only goal while decaying within considering the misplaced priority.

Who else would know better than EVIL?

In plagiarizing connotations and captions such as triumph in the routine habitual piracy act to spew venom at the one from whom they pirate the positive notes.

Yet sadly utilize for all things negative and counterproductive further exposing own narcissism writ large.

The pride in one’s race, cultural identity, political or any other career and personal life begins with oneself and cultivated with own labor, skills, talent and tireless efforts unlike the machiavellian strategy – the end justifying the means by beg, borrow and steal in image and legacy management.

One who is dissatisfied with oneself is also the self-mortified with a wasted life.

One who is disheartened with oneself turning inward to improve oneself for the better not for the worst in relentless harassment and disparagement of those they profusely envy is the preliminary step towards self-respect. 

Imposing anything and anyone against those having no relation or connection not even remotely with whom it is linked is an act of desperation of those involved in futile wannabe trend.

Not to mention the utter violation of the individual right of the one used and abused for sadistic consolation.

Reiterating the obvious – the Sun, moon, sky…are by natural design remain as such despite the perceptive mind drawn into various unnatural imaginations to the extent of delusion to suit own whims and fancies as impression.

The attempt in alteration and subversion of natural design is distortion and convolution in epic proportion. 

Padmini Arhant

India – Indus Valley Civilization to Information Era

December 15, 2024

India – Indus Valley Civilization


Information Era Somethings Never Change


Padmini Arhant

India – the divinely rich religion, once proud civilization with cultural heritage and intellectually a treasure cove attracting both good and undesirable elements from all over the world adamantly remain the self-saboteur. 

India, by far remains the most invaded and colonized nation on earth until now.

How is it possible for a nation over centuries to be relentlessly invaded, colonized and enslaved by foreign rulers from the east and west?

More so relevantly, domestically by class and caste oriented society leaving a billion or more population among nearly 1.5 billion population competing with neighbor China in population race subjugated and marginalized over generations.

Indian Kingdoms and rulers with rare exceptions from ancient times until modern day policy is obsequiousness and appeasement of the brutal, ruthless, deceitful, medieval,  barbaric conniving poison ivy predominantly currying favors for exclusive mutual benefit.

In the process, the tradition from the dawn of the Indus valley civilization until date – the information era is to dispense the ones from whom they harvest the most, the gift that keeps on giving at its own depletion to the point of no return as the sacrificial cow slaughtered over and over again.

The caste and class conscious society till date with the former trend deeply entrenched due to political leadership and factions rooted in fundamentalist radical ideology exploiting religion and holy scriptures for personal and vested interests primarily serving foreign agenda with domestic complicity as catalysts and enthusiastic servile toxic agents ranging from politics to media, entertainment and assortments never spare any opportunity for anything proven negative and counterproductive.

Indian so-called upper echelons ever famished for pseudo fame, fortune and power hardly shy away from opportunistic wannabe moments at their target’s expense. They indulge in narcissistic self-adulation as an entitlement.

The crooked and wicked dangling the bait glazed in publicity, false fanfare and plethora of materialistic pleasures easily trap the glory starved presumptuous wasps ever buzzing around for more ignoring the source characteristics.

Furthermore, these hungry wasps adapt to the source environment and greedily embrace the norms for swift acceptance as one among them.

India, having been colonized and enslaved since time immemorial, the unquenchable quest for constant attention in flattery and compliments is expected amongst the undeserving specific circle in Indian politics, media, entertainment and the crony contingency in society ironically from the one reviled, ridiculed and incessantly abused as their prerogative.

Interestingly, the trait shared among those in collusion besides adept at blaming their target for their downfall and failure while hogging all credit to themselves in unimaginable achievement gained from the target and the family’s phenomenal contribution catapulting them from nobody to the pinnacle of success.

Do they even care to take a moment and personally convey their gratitude directly to the contributor rather than relaying to their proxy and pawns from their inventory further highlighting their pejorative attitude and treatment?

Upon winning, they regard themselves invincible. Simultaneously, when they lose they hound their target as inexcusable and unforgivable. At this time, they are clearly mindful and aware of their target’s existence.

The same somehow is erased from their selective memory when they are drowning in their victory lap again attained not without their target’s effective meaningful timely participation.

Indian so-called elitism and pseudo superiority syndrome is the fodder for foreign decadent supremacy in black and imperialist white to utilize the ever eager sycophants so to speak Venn diagrams – the intersection of sets with exploitation of their target as the common goal.

Despite the Hindu religion emphasis on female goddesses indomitable power in all aspects of natural endowments from intellect, knowledge, creativity, music, arts to courage, valor and beauty…worshipped and emulated in the celestial world.

Unlike in the earthly atmosphere, Indian societal behavior towards woman and womanhood is stark contrast and depicted in Indian epics Ramayana and Mahabharata.

In the Hindu epics as the preview or trailer on the upcoming dark age or Kaliyug in a manner like back to the future;

The female leads – Devi Sita in Ramayana was besmirched on adultery allegations rejecting her chastity testified in her purity upon immersing in inferno (Agni Pariksha).

Her emergence alive without any trace of burns and charred appearance that would have otherwise instantaneously burned anything into ashes, the result that would have been the case had they were to follow the same order.

Nonetheless, Devi Sita’s testimony was discarded by the accusers brimming in arrogance and ignorance. It was not limited to Sita being dragged into demonstrating her chastity.

The Indian society then did not hesitate to banish Lord Ram’s consort Sita to the forest whilst she being an expectant mother.

Devi Sita in return was taken in to her Mother Earth’s (Bhooma Devi) arms never to let her daughter be ill-treated by the society dissipated into immorality as the rudimentary on moral judgment of their targeted female figure.

Were any lessons learned by the society after the gruesome treatment of Sita in Ramayana?

One would think so.

But then, it only took even drastic turn against the female lead in the subsequent Indian epic Mahabharata where the Queen Draupati was subject to attempted worst sexual assault by all those lauding themselves as kings, statesmen, the wise, noblest of the noble and those regarding themselves the most privileged amongst them.

They were all individually and collectively proven the lowest and beneath of all in overall creations when it came to their ethical propriety on justice and civil conduct.

Lord Krishna averts the treacherous disdain against Queen Draupati as a lesson to the perpetrators that sinners and malignant syndicate misusing status and misinterpreting  authority in their indignant insolence to harm and hurt those they regard a fair target are dealt with appropriately in any given time and space by the all-knowing and all-seeing Supreme entity.

The incident marking the greatest sin did not go unpunished as every one of them complicit and complacent in the atrocity paid the price in accordance with their karmic debts in that particular lifetime.

Any progress in modern India?

Unfortunately, the women’s plight especially those not belonging or subscribing to ritualistic subversion, distortion, manipulation and assortment contradictions maintained and practiced by those exerting dominance in societal custom and evolutions not for the better in fact precipitous decline with politics and socio economic standards in society playing pivotal role in exacerbating the status quo experience their life ever controlled, defined and determined as to;

Who they are or aren’t?

Who they should be or should not be?

Why they should be indefinitely targeted ad hominem?

Meanwhile, all of whom willfully engaged in hideous wasteful life reaping cornucopia of unfathomable prosperity, fame and influence at the target’s expense without the beneficiaries risking anything in physical labor, reputation or financial hardships induced with vindictiveness and malice by them are endured by their target from whom they continue to benefit in their parasitic culture.

The Sati custom involving the compulsory immolation of only the women not men as the spouse upon her husband’s demise regardless of age might have been abolished in the distant period.

However, it has been replaced with dowry deaths where women doused in fire for material demands from the in-laws and her husband not completely eliminated in society with human greed in self-promotion institutionalized as birth right at other’s sacrifice and perpetual enslavement alongside crying foul on slavery.

Who is anyone to demand or seek anything from the one whom they envy and despise ad nauseam instead of any acknowledgment whatsoever of the one they rake their prolonged fortune and unworthy power as well as accolades?

Here is the paradoxical opportunism used by chronic abusers in their obsessive compulsive disorder i.e. OCD.

The black and brown obedience and acquiescence to white imperialistic diktat in anchored vilification, character assassination against their target is justified by them.

When it comes to gratitude and thankfulness for all positivities from the target apparently could not be attributed as such in alliance with credit where credit is due considering the direct approach for service on demand.

That too without paying a dime till date with all expenses to deliver the service  to be borne by the exploited target as none are providing free service to the one demanded to be at service by conscription.

The freeloading would always be persona non grata and never entertained by the freeloaders taking other’s valuable time and life for granted. 

Juxtaposed, the phenomenal gains from the target’s tireless actions and dedication has been and continue to be illicitly shared and distributed within or granted to whomever their prejudiced misogynistic character regards as the rightful recipient.

Shouldn’t both rewards and reprehensions be duly appropriated barring reservations?

When it comes to their endless hostility  spewing venom and viciousness at the identified target – apparently they are fairly certain and confident of the target’s precise identity. In this routine, their rule of thumb suggesting the lack of signature of the artist De Vinci on the Mona Lisa portrait is regarded irrelevant.

On the other hand, magnanimously allocating the fruits of the target’s intense labor to proxies, pawns and puppets from own stock is declared as fair and proper citing the convoluted version of their own designated unknown contributor.

The bizarre malpractice is maneuvered in the unprecedented immoral identity misappropriation by claiming – “We don’t see De Vinci’s autograph, hence it is subject to arbitrary assignment to suit our whims and fancies.”

Needless to say, seizing other’s rights and their generated substantial output by anyone invariably is outright criminal and ever remain a curse on those availing these undue privileges and anything associated with such disapproved inheritance.

It is nothing but blatant piracy and confiscation of personal attributes with significant karmic impact which many have already encountered in this life.

Politics downfall is due to those living in denial. The denial emanates from megalomania. Their feet on the ground rather than surf board trying to surf on the gravel path representing their mind and inner self guaranteed to make them trip and fall flat on their face. The situation confronting them right now to accompany them upon imminent deceased state.

Never to forget is who directly approached whom since 2008 and even in 2024?

Who came forward in 2016 when Donald  J Trump Presidency was written off with Hollywood Tape release and controversial sexual statement?

In essentially resuscitating the otherwise finished chapter of Trump Presidency in 2016 for which  – Never mind no expression of gratitude.

However, Barack Obama in particular together with Hillary Clinton hold enormous contempt as Barry Soetoro does in 2024 with the most shameless vitriolic attacks and harassment to no limit.

STOP, CEASE and DESIST ONCE AND FOR ALL – the abhorrent abominable Supremacist fascism taking my life and identity as your armament. You cannot shield your embarrassing legacy with it and contrarily only expose as to who is who in the desperate wannabe delirium.

Those treading on this trail only find themselves in the delusion vortex and naturally succumb to own folly and gross violation of my individual right.

You have any issues regarding the turn of events  – take it to Almighty God not your provocative supremacists and parasitic imperialist clique whose own combined presence is an eternal burden and liability fleecing of the so-called commoners and living life exemplifying own selfworthlessness.

A reminder to those wasting their life in living my life as their given right. 

I did not come into this world at any of their behest that I would exit or disappear at their beckoning.

It is important to realize the dalliance with devil as those minding and controlling other’s life impulsively engage, their destination is that of peril not a paradise.

The blessing of the Soul or the lack thereof is determined by KARMA and precisely on Judgment Day.

Upon respective departure, I leave with my KARMA and they do with theirs in the decisive incontrovertible cosmic ordinance presided by the Universal Galactic Celestial Force.

Welcome to the reality and true reflection of those unwilling to recognize their original self and own image.

Padmini Arhant 

Identity Politics is Personal Complex Disorder (PCD)

November 2, 2024

Identity Politics

Personal Complex Disorder 


Padmini Arhant

Identity Politics is Personal Complex Disorder – Rooted in Prejudicial Nomenclature

The Supremacists of any genre, Globalists and the so-called Commoners dependent Royalists in Britain and Europe besides politics variety obsession and manifestation in identity politics viz. the race – the black race in particular, gender again trans gender amongst all, sexual orientation fixated on gay and any further declassification of human race is the mirror reflection of own identity i.e. personal complex disorder.

The Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) in identity politics for these deeply disturbed minds evolved into PCD – Personal Complex Disorder.

The one who does not know oneself often indulge in attributing self-identity crisis to those they envy for their clarity in every respect. Nonetheless, the futile effort to disown individual contra personality syndrome is a wasted life.

The process delivering outcome in revealing them as to

Who they are?

Anything except for being human devoid of humane values and virtues to accept human race as humans barring explicit identification badge depicting isolation and denomination to suit their troubled tarred mind in the inescapable escapism of their identity dilemma.

It is time to bid FAREWELL to such narcissism under the guise of elitism ravenous in devouring anything and everything opposed to their paradoxical nature.

Unfortunately clarification is required on basic to general matter.  Let alone anything above average amongst the dull nitwit ignoramus pompous arrogant ignorant recalcitrant decadent sect and political cult behind identity politics mania.

Padmini Arhant 

Turn The Page Slogan 🙃 – Concession Speech

November 2, 2024

Turn the Page Concession Speech 

    Padmini Arhant  

Update: November 3, 2024.

The article is also published in the sub-domain for wider accessibility.

Please share the article with your family, friends and community at large especially with the nation and the world at the crossroads to bring about positive turning point away from the ongoing dismal gloomy environment in all aspects.

Your co-operation and enthusiasm is much appreciated.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 

DEI – The Obamas Agenda is anything but altruistic.

In giving the benefit of doubt, the Obamas would not have authorized the public summary execution of a young black mother Miriam Carey with Barack Obama’s child by the rape victim witness to the horrific crime.

The toddler strapped in the child seat in the back seat of the car mercilessly targeted by the Obamas authorized tax payer funded security personnel firing squad exhausting the magazine in the firing of the unarmed American citizen, the young black woman Mirian Carey gunned down in public square with twenty five or more bullets in 2014.

Talk about rage. The Obamas explicit anger overwhelmed emotion against own member of black race – a woman, mother and that too unarmed civilian exemplified in the Obamas’ hypocritical gun control campaign.

The incident raise a poignant concern among many normal citizens.

Is this is the reason, the Obamas and Kamala Harris are against United States second amendment bill of rights?

The disarming of the law abiding licensed gun owners in the country via media surrogates like Jon Stewart and other spokespersons in the media alley.

Similarly, the unelected democrat candidate VP Kamala Harris proudly claiming to be armed and loaded with Glock brand semi-automatic weapon in public statement during 60 minutes interview and their surrogate Oprah Winfrey show.

The Obamas ever craving for publicity and limelight would have also accepted Barack Obama’s child from the rape victim Miriam Carey instead of tossing the child in the arms of a white male stranger – the ex-CIA operative alongside screaming Black Lives Matter!

Never mind about the Obamas denial of child support to the child they both are responsible for – in rape of the mother by one partner followed by the brutal murder of the rape victim by the Obamas together.

In June 2023, the Obamas chef Tafri Campbell – the young black father was murdered at the doorstep of the Obamas lake front Martha’s Vineyard Estate.

Again Tafri Campbell’s wife and teenage twins not only deprived of their loved one as husband and father, they were also left to fend for themselves after losing a prime bread winner in the family.

This is the Obamas DEI policy when it comes to their personal life and legacy.

Politically – the Obamas DEI find ways to undercut or simply ram over the hard working, sincere lawful citizens whether students enrollment complying with educational institutions rigorous admission protocol or the Presidential race.

The article below aptly describes about the Obamas Presidential race nefarious practice to dump the democrat voters in the 2024 democrat primary by pushing forward their proxy candidate Kamala Harris for self-interests.

However, today’s article in the San Francisco Chronicle sheds light on the creation and implementation of the policy titled –

“The direct admission.”

Under this policy, according to the article with excerpts provided under.

The high profile colleges and the California State University and campuses funded by California tax payers and perhaps federal funding by American taxpayers are required to seek students with enrollment offer rather than the other way around.

It is not meant for all students of diverse background in direct contradiction to diversity equity inclusion – the Obamas conceptualized DEI.

It is largely race designed again to negate the recent United States Supreme Court decision on the Affirmative Action brought upon by Asian students turned down admission in Ivy league schools viz. Harvard and alike despite their stellar scholastic achievements.

The San Francisco Chronicle on –

The direct admission policy mandating tax payer funded educational institutions such as the California State Universities, Colleges and privately endowed colleges to comply with segregationist enrollment program is based on polarization of society anchored on youth generations to compete with those served with offer on platter from college education to Presidency in the United States.

There is no problem in extending opportunity to any and all. The approach to let certain members forego procedures that are otherwise clearly defined for the rest to observe is politics’ devised discrimination.

The trend is neither helpful to the beneficiaries made habitual of being served everything without any labor on their part.

Simultaneously, nor prospective to the economy and society at large in isolating and refusing equal participation to the majority seeking a future with fairness premised on merit, caliber and productivity.

The DEI to rob from one to provide for another – when the one who is robbed plays by the rule enduring hardships and phenomenal struggles besides meritocracy while the other granted privilege to flout the same rule.

It has become the norm with Presidency in that manner setting precedence under the Obamas DEI and their democrat party manifesto.

It is apparently – the New Way Forward by pushing the eligible, qualified and talented backward in the Obamas campaigned proxy Harris Presidency.

Padmini Arhant 

The San Francisco Chronicle article – November 3, 2024.


The TRUTH Deniers 

To TRUTH deniers walking on thin ice.

The democrat political party, democrat party vast array of media, tech partners and Hollywood – pretty much the Super wealthy rallying using ordinary taxpayer money in Harris campaign are obligatory to explain to American voters merely 48 hours left for 2024 election. 

If the 2020 election was sacrosanct and the presumed winner Joe Biden Presidency was legitimate, then

What made Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Kamala Harris and Nancy Pelosi…the chief protagonists aided by Hollywood’s George Clooney and alike on New York Times podium to aggressively sideline the incumbent President Joe Biden with mob-style ultimatum – the soft approach or the hard line strategy baiting Hunter Biden’s plea bargain in the coup d’é·tat against the democrat political establishment installed 2020 Presidency Joe Biden? 

The democrat political echelons move to prop up unelected candidacy of Kamala Harris predominantly to serve the Obamas agenda.

Otherwise, they could have easily adhered to the democratic primary and held open democratic election of the democrat voters’ choice for collective greater good.

Unlike the status quo premised on race / gender oriented divisive identity politics in their visibly anxious furious campaigning for themselves via the puppet Kamala Harris.

Who is the existential threat to democracy?

The truth deniers incarceration and imprisonment of American citizens seeking validity of their votes via democratic means.


The political authority abusing power via proxy administration in 2020 and now engaged in prolonging the anti-democratic system and illegal Presidency in 2024.


The pro-democratic large swath of American electorate pledged to restoring real democracy under the Republican contender Donald J. Trump? 

Actions invariably speak louder than rhetoric and false propaganda. 

This is for the democrat voters in the blue states – California, New York, and Upper East Coast, Midwest as well as the Swing states voters to understand and reject the current wayward policy of democrat so-called elites blatant rejection of their own democrat base and mass electorate in the Presidential final nomination of the candidacy in 2024 Presidential race.

Padmini Arhant 

MSM Role on Election Night  

American electorate taking the time and effort to reclaim their present and future foremost for better economic conditions remaining alert to secure their ballots is important in this election.

The economic decline in most Americans life impetus electing the Presidency Donald Trump with proven record on prosperity in 2017 – 2020.

The financial status of ordinary Americans that has significantly deteriorated since 2021 – 2024 under Biden – Harris administration run by the Obamas who are admonishing black, Latino and women voters for not obliging their marching orders to vote for their puppet nominee Kamala Harris to extend their illegitimate fourth term in office with indefinite being a possibility for further harrowing experience by overwhelming Americans struggling to get by in their daily life.

The voters need to be wary of one thing based on the trajectory in the election and that is MSM role – the media calling out the state to tip election long before the votes are counted in each county of every state in the country on election night i.e. November 5th, of the year.

This pattern is the ominous strategy to shift election and already a case study available in the previous election cycle notably the 2020 Presidential election where FOX news tipped the scale in Arizona way earlier despite the lead at that time favored then Republican contender Donald Trump in 2020.

The electorate votes in any election anywhere are far more valuable to be neutralized by the Corporate media presumptuously assuming as the ultimate authority to declare winner on either side even before the complete vote counting and tallying have taken place in a legitimate fashion.

The electoral process without any hanky-panky tricks or tactics deployed to scam voters in the election that have been experienced before like trashing ballots or deleting voter registrations, switching voter’s choice however and various underhanded short cuts practiced in desperation.

Accordingly, American voters reminding their respective MSM news media from CNN, CBS, to ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CNBC, FOX, PBS including digital news outlets…not to maintain that tradition rather abandon such illicit custom to enable their pre-determined nominee as the winner – witnessed in 2020 Presidential election is critical to protect the sanctity and validity of every vote cast by American voters from all walks of life transcending identity politics in this and every election – now and moving forward.

Foreign Interference in U.S. Election – The same is applicable to foreign news outlets online and television news networks viz. FOX News proprietor Rupert Murdoch owned and run Sky News Australia.


The Indian politics and foreign alliance set up under the banner WION, First Post, Vantage etc., notoriously featuring propaganda and vested interests politics in direct violation of journalistic ethics and standards…upon such conventions relevant in modern journalism in severe corrosion with departure from intellectual objective presentation of information and news article.

Never let your votes be discarded by media or pollsters gaming the game in collusion with those invested in personal and political interests exclusively to their sole benefit at the expense of the rest of the population.

Padmini Arhant 


One would turn the page from the current to go to the NEXT PAGE.

Intelligence is nonsense without common sense.  

The incumbent VP Kamala Harris is the current, contemporary page.

The unelected democrat Presidential nominee Kamala Harris plea to own audience and voters at the campaign rally to TURN THE PAGE from the present Biden – Harris administration – the United States is suffering from to the NEXT PAGE i.e. of the opponent Donald Trump is quite touching and comes across as the concession speech from the existing VP Kamala Harris.

It is rare for politics to acknowledge own failure and invite the opponent to replace them.

Nonetheless, the unelected democrat nominee Kamala Harris invoking American electorate to TURN THE PAGE from the persisting dismal economic status, negative job growth, crime infested border saga, bleeding wars in lives and American taxpayer treasure in Ukraine, Middle East and other unresolved global turmoil…are indeed burgeoning issues urgently requiring to TURN THE PAGE FROM the painful Present to positive Future bidding FAREWELL to the one and those behind the administration in the White House of which Kamala Harris is at the top of the hierarchy along with other dysfunctional representation in Congress and the Senate in the United States government. 

As for the VP calling for disqualification of the opponent Presidential candidate Donald Trump is yet another enigma and stigma directed at self.

The clarion call considering the democrat political party ditching own primary election in the 2024 Presidential nomination to prop up the incumbent VP Kamala Harris in what has to be – unburdening what has been – the grueling exhausting Biden-Harris governance of the country and their flawed policy on global affairs. 

The status quo is compelling for the American electorate in the blue states, red states and importantly the SWING STATES in this election 2024 to VOTE TRUMP 2024 and TURN THE PAGE from Kamala Harris administration and those behind the gamut with cheerful,

So Long, Farewell!


Padmini Arhant 

The Self-Destructive Ego

September 27, 2024

Self-Destructive Ego

Padmini Arhant

History is testament to destructive ego behind downfall of megalomania, hubris and blatant ignorance.

The former President Barack Obama having extended illegitimate terms in office since 2016 by not allowing the legitimately elected successor Donald Trump to govern the nation with tax payer funded illegal libel suits, far fetched indictments and impeachment proceedings is the incontrovertible fact.

To rub salt, the ex and existing President Barack Obama’s recent taunting of the former Republican President Donald Trump, who is the current Presidential nominee about it by posing the unnecessary question;

“How was the impeachment proceeding?” at the democrat national convention on August 19, this year.

The decorum was unpresidential for someone who expects others to kneel and bow to thee in a manner like in the tribal system to the tribal chief, while not believing in the concept of mutual respect is sadistic.

It is no surprise with Barack Obama. The Almighty God Shiva was deduced to being lesser than thee when negotiating a second term in office in 2012 with deal makers quoting –

“Remember I’m the only one between you (meaning Obama referenced Fat Cats) and the pitch fork i.e. God Shiva.”

The pitch fork (?)rather than Trident from someone who considers and touted as the lexicon rubicon ↔️Pun intended.

How about admittedly not being able to assemble a table lamp? Something even a toddler would do with lego.

Barack Obama Presidency presided over abhorrent violence, chaos, mayhem, warfare, bloodbath resumed in 2021 – 2024 – Ukraine and Gaza, terror sponsorship, cannibalism and,

Above all, the toppling of governments headed by female leaderships world over with joy and pride understandably with the omission of Africa.

The latest casualty being the Bangladesh former female Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina despite the long political tenure enabling Bangladesh towards rapidly developing nation status away from the western stigma of being the nation cradled in ‘international aid basket’ – quoted by the late Secretary of State – Henry Kissinger.

Barack Obama habitual of being newsworthy for all wrong reasons continued incognito power mongering by never leaving the nation’s Capital Washington D.C. well after the expiry of official term in office in 2016.

The unusual transition remaining in the vicinity of the premise at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., to be the thorn on the side of the successor Donald Trump and all those on the Obamas’ watch list is the trend until now.

The latest coup with Barack Obama instigating the Hollywood actor George Clooney with an op-ed in the New York Times and reviewing the text with the approval nod to eject the incumbent President Joe Biden.

Joe Biden was once referred to as the so-called older brother by Obama only to be replaced by an individual, whom the Obamas deployed as their pawn for their vast radical agendas such as wokism, transmania and corrupting educational system to indoctrinate impressionable minds on gender with personal hideous ideology most of that already implemented in Barack Obama’s illicit third term under the guise of Biden – Harris administration.

Why is Kamala Harris picked as the VP and now the Presidential nominee with the script handed by Barack Obama?

Simply to repeatedly hear the pseudo flattery from media and viewers on Barack Obama’s so-called oratory skills – undoubtedly from the teleprompter and the speech writers on payroll.  

With my content included without any credit or monetary compensation throughout up until now.

Not to mention Barack Obama not knowing the exact number of states in the nation as then President of the United States, miserably failing in the GK IQ. 

The rubric then compared to Kamala’s word salad and vocabulary soup as not palatable.

The petty pernicious routine is directed and portrayed as mePadmini Arhant. Someone who is able to effectively, efficiently, eloquently and fluently communicate in written, spoken and interpret in at least three or more languages beginning with;

The foreign language English.

The most difficult and mother of all languages on earth. None other than my native mother tongue Tamil.

The other relatively ancient Hindu Vedic language Sanskrit.


Indian language Hindi.

Additionally, ability to speak and understand the poetic Urdu and some Arabic etc.,

Although, she is not the only one. There were and are many lacking in english language proficiency and the idea of incompetence continued to be presented and ascribed to me by politics, deep state, groveling media and,

All those unable to digest the reality that competence, articulation, original not artificial intelligence and ingenuity etc., are not patented rights in natural creations.

Unfortunately, in the unprecedented prejudice and misogyny prevalent against me in contemporary politics, the true ownership is to be claimed based on tireless productivity creating limitless opportunity to countless from all over in active dedication and passivity let alone all of which non-monetized until now.

In this context, the chief beneficiaries especially those ever engaged in reaping the most from the golden eggs are never tired of unprovoked languishing and lambasting of me and my family till date through innuendoes and insinuations.

These events and developments are characteristic of the dark age with certain human behavior and mindset sinking well below the muddy filthy swamp beyond rescue.

The contentious hypocrisy amongst those considering themselves the be all and end all of everything. Someone who apparently possesses all yet remain nothing in value and meaningful purpose with persistent inadequacy and insecurity leaving them null and void.

The former President Barack Obama, who sought my extraordinary help together with my family to then rookie ( YES ROOKIE – the most inexperienced in politics and world affairs) senator from Illinois whose political prospects were doomed and abysmal when contesting against a woman Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in 2008 Presidential campaign.

The venom vitriol has never ceased towards me and my family. Not to mention the relentless trolling, tagging, perversions, spying, invasion of our home, space and privacy abusing our tax dollars against us.

Besides, prodding the alter ego from the so-called world’s largest democracy and eclectic proxy ranging from Indian origin to various assortment in the United States and overseas to induce rancor and harassment is the custom.

Not to mention the core abuse of the Office of Presidency of the United States since entry in the White House until now – courtesy and magnanimity from me and my family.

The others being the villains of humanity have sought me and my family depriving us of any income via unlawful (if at all there is any lawfulness left in the world) intervention to drain and liquidate us financially though they would never succeed in gaming against our SOUL for declining to kowtow to them to their egotistical self-interests and voicing against Gaza GENOCIDE.

The year long military aggression predominantly aided by the United States current Biden – Harris administration to Israeli leadership and politics not only murdered own Israeli hostages but also continue killing Palestinian babies, children, women, men, the young and the old mercilessly denied of drinking water, food, medicine and humanitarian aid for months in the heavily bombarded disproportionate war zone Gaza and now spread to Lebanon and other parts of the Middle East.

In other activities, the political Presidential opponent Donald Trump is criticized and in the latest Presidential debate, the Obamas fanned rhetoric through late night shows described the performance of the Republican nominee to that being mortified by a woman democrat nominee Kamala Harris.

Likewise, own former Vice President turned President Joe Biden, sidelined from re-election in the Obamas and key democrat party echelons’ initiated effortless coup.

Politics is dirty, ugly, downright ruthless and brutal from the days of Julius Caesar with Brutus. The brutality in betrayal and violation of trust. This even goes back further to biblical era with Lord Jesus betrayed by Judas for mere three pieces of silver.

A reminder to all those whoever and wherever they are, to all of whom, I’m deemed their incessant sworn enemy and arch nemesis.

My birth in this world did not occur at their behest and approval or the lack thereof.

Accordingly, my existence in this lifetime or in the future is not obligatory to their terms and conditions, whims and fancies and importantly their solicitation in the definition and determination of me from identity to intelligence and all things that are individual and personal to me and my life are wanton provocation and capricious interference.

Actions bear consequences and more so deliberate indulgence despite warnings have adverse repercussions.

I, Padmini Arhant, given the time period 2024, I’m currently living in impetus clarification to deter unsolicited misappropriation of my personal identity.

I, the female identified by X chromosome akin to all other female species in natural creations, with nature endowed organic authentic intelligence synonymous to all species unlike the same disputed by human critics, grudgers, misogynists, racists and alike inform the following message.

I, Padmini Arhant will debate extemporaneously as I have done in the last nearly two decades on wide range of topics in public using my platform.

Since, I am shunned to anonymity, denied any space in public domain, deprived of presenting my side of the truth and facts in self-defense or the issues I have discussed all along to those preoccupied in venomous envy, constant regurgitation of malice and vicious mischaracterization of me and my family.

Meanwhile, shamelessly plagiarizing my biography and content besides stealing mine and my family’s positive, impressive attributes and anything that are beneficial to narcissistic opportunists thus far.

All these are carried out by the notorious exploiters, abusers, narcissists and their crony minion contingency having in the past and continue in the present to harvest from my mere presence and tireless contributions.

In return for gratitude, their weakness and vulnerability to own negative vices within prompted caricature and demonization against me and my family are the norm much to own peril.

At the end of the day, it was not me and my family who begged them for anything.

It was the other way around. Only remarkable distinction is with the nuanced hype on dementia, the message then was clear on my wisdom, energy and experience unlike the reverse transformation now from the same type in self-contradiction via staged puppet – the democrat nominee Kamala Harris.

The irony is my enemies are using me and my life to defeat me irrespective of the explicit fait accompli.

I’m game to debate the ones’ claiming proprietorship on intelligence and communication prowess.

It is demeaning and self-humiliating for users and the used as volunteers in this bizarre charade. Them using own proxy and pawn to besmirch the bitter rival rather than in person direct interaction and exchange in public.

Reiterating the line stolen from me by the political establishment nominee Kamala Harris.

Whatever you have to say about me – say that to my face.

Finally, the demystified myth.

The black man / woman can’t swim.

The White man / woman can’t jump or play basketball.

The brown man / woman retaining the colonial tradition can only be the porter aka coolie to the White, Black and others in society and nothing else.

If the almond brown is proven otherwise, then the almond is supposedly required to promote only as BLACK – perhaps the statement – I’m Female, Fearless and BLACK not almond, pecan or even healthier walnut.🤣

This idea of color coding anything good or bad in the stereotype is common practice in human society.

However, the level this typecast culture exploited to the ultimate is epitomized by the Obamas viz. Barack and Michele ever hungry for limelight primarily at others’ expense in their desperate WOKE endeavor.

Intelligence of a woman from Asian Indian background speaking for myself measured analogous to beauty is in the eye of the beholder subjective to deeply insecure negativity as objectivity.

Intelligence is not all text book oriented and borrowed thoughts and ideas though they serve in economic gains and symbolic status.

As for me being the avid reader disclosed at the start and all along has nothing to do with text books, fiction and non-fiction or any other genre.

What were they precisely is detailed in my autobiography.

The intrusion in this regard already lined up via several proxies to counteract my own life.

Nonetheless, my life is entirely my own and exclusive similar to those anyone anywhere in the world.

No misrepresentation and misinformation about my life by anyone hired and recruited in the billionaire club, entertainment Hollywood or main street is ever going to make an iota of difference to me and my life now as well as moving forward.

The intelligence stemming from innate inherent ability to think, comprehend, analyze and rationalize those thoughts and understanding which is delving into philosophical acumen otherwise known as the naturally gifted and talented does not require academic qualifications and stellar scholastics as the criteria.

Then there is the nature endowed optimal capabilities evidenced in living creatures on land, air and sea bestowed to life in general are fundamental to the survival of the fittest to thriving in any conducive to toxic environment such as the one I an combating right now.

The *holistic approach to bring me and my family down as openly stated by Barack Obama and partner for mistakenly and regrettably heeding their SOS to enter the White House in 2008 is reciprocated by them in antagonistic retribution.

*Holistic – another terminology plagiarized by Barack Obama to aid the mock segment using crony nominee Kamala from my content exceeding over 3500 authored articles and multimedia materials in the combined private domains and 

The miscreants with inappropriate conduct and vile hostility ever since 2008 till date undeniably reveal the self-destructive ego of the predators and power mongers on the trail of imminent disappearance into oblivion.

Never too late to quit counterproductive indulgence to mitigate self-inflicted disaster.

Goodness, virtuous with immense faith and blessings from the one and only Supreme entity have nothing to fear the EVIL in any composition.

Padmini Arhant 

Tamil Civilization and Indian Casteism Origin

October 12, 2022

Tamil Civilization


Indian Casteism Origin 

Padmini Arhant

India remaining the most invaded nation on earth, the  foreign invasion subverted indian modern civilization in place during Sangam period (3rd centuryBCE – 3rd century CE) in Tamil Nadu long before foreign invaders arrival in India.

The system prevalent at that time was not classified under caste. The casteism imposed in the last millennium until today in India is from overseas.

However, the religion Hinduism worshipping God as a particular deity was a custom in Indian ancient culture including the Tamil Sangam age in accordance with the deity representation correlating with nature.

Where and how the caste system originated in India?

The Persian Kings Cyrus and Darius were the first to invade India in 535 BCE and 518 BCE respectively. The Persian King Darius (522- 486 BCE) declaration of his origin as Aryan with Aryan lineage is verified and noted in rock inscription Naqsh-i Rustam.

The western Europe findings –  Germany and France in particular clarify Aryan is the ancient name of the people of Iran. In the 18th century Persian ancestry as the connection for western Europe is also widely acknowledged with western explorers fascination for Persia at that time.

The trend followed in the current false projection amongst those claiming to be the one that is appealing and interesting with desperate efforts in mimicking and adapting appearance, style, hairdo and manners…anything and everything as opportunists and wannabes is weird classic duplicity.

The practice  running away from them, their legacy and persona is the tradition. Obviously, their real identity is too embarrassing for them to accept prompting illicit engagement. Little they realize leopard changing spots to stripes do not become a tiger and neither a hyena feigning a fawn become as such.

Germany’s Adolf Hitler proudly claimed Aryan heritage in public speech and Nazi political rhetoric also echoed Aryan superiority premised on presumed superior physiological appearance and characteristics of own description.

Furthermore, the western Europe race theorists also classified themselves non-Semites in acceptance of Aryan descent. On the other hand Jews referring to themselves as Semites often cite remarks considered not favorable to them as anti-Semitic.

Upon configuration of the Aryan race origin in Persia now known as Iran and migration from Persia to Europe regarded Aryan extension in western Europe and Nordic region, Persian as German ancestry is more prominent.

At the same time – Germany’s Adolph Hitler and Nazi emphasis on Aryan identity with aversion for Jews demonstrated in the twentieth century is one aspect.

Moving forward, in the 20th and 21st century, the Jewish State of Israel in constant confrontation with Iran, the supposedly Persian ancestor of Germans is another dimension.

Iran, Germany and Israel triangle is evidenced in events in the previous and present century.

As for Indian Aryan patronage – the direct source is first former Persian invader Darius as stated above in 518 BCE.

The Persian religion Zoroastrian or Parsi religious text Avesta quoting Aryan and Arya along with the form of worship performing yagnas or  yagya – offerings in the fire in service to God adapted by Hindu Arya Samaj is a long held norm in all Hindu religious and cultural rituals.

The Indian specifically North Indian custom, tradition and cultural activities is conducted in adherence to Arya Samaj conventions. Indian weddings in North India are solemnized by Arya Samaj with fire in the pit known as Agni ( Tamil and Sanskrit term for fire) held witness to the event.

There are also corroborations on zoroastrian influence on Judaism and Christianity that are not limited to monotheistic belief.

Aryan and Arya in India as a race is not organic i.e. the source is foreign considering the Persian invasion nearly two thousand five hundred years ago with King Darius territorial expansive rule. There is affirmation that the Persian King Darius never enforced religion or cultural traits on other inhabitants of the captured or occupied territory. This feature explains the diminished phase of Zoroastrianism over a period of time.

The casteism in India is the invention of other settlers, explorers and intruders in India from the west contrary to current false paid propaganda suggesting Indian caste endorsement and ordinance originated from Srimad Bhagwat Gita by Lord Krishna who was not a brahmin and never favored hierarchy at any point in time. 

Lord Krishna opposed the idea of prejudice and discrimination based on creed, color and social or economic criteria. This characteristic of Lord Krishna is adequately elaborated in Mahabharata and in the previous epic Ramayana with Lord Vishnu incarnate Lord Ram during interaction with the so-called low caste or untouchable woman Sabari.

Then 7000 years ago Lord Ram abundantly clarified on the importance of character and not creed relevant in the assessment of human value. 

The 3rd century BCE and 3rd century CE – Sangam period in Tamil Nadu, South India was represented by Cheras, Cholas and Pandiyan dynasty known as Muchchangam. In Sangam age, there were no caste divisions or denominations as prevalent in the current modern India – the irony of all. 

There were four sects in society and were familiar as follows in Tamil language. 

Arasar – King, Anthanars – Scholars and Professionals in specific art and economic field. Vanigars as traders and merchants and Vellalars – the farming community. 

Arasar – King – The ruler of demarcated kingdoms in the region.

Anthanars – Skilled artisans and professionals in diverse fields and occupation.

Anthanars are mistakenly referred to as brahmins though the former were not part of caste orientation at the onset of this category. These individuals were from general society with skills and expertise in specific trade and accordingly earned respect and maintained professional status that were subject to identity theft in semblance with ongoing custom. 

The case in point as explained on this site earlier in this context – Anthanars – the male professionals wore a flower garland on their upper bare body with a white sarong like clothing that later adapted as veshti in Tamil and dhoti in Hindi that are common in India today synonymous to Indian women wearing a sari as the tradition.

Anthanars as skilled members in Tamil society during that time wearing a flower garland especially jasmine flowers on a white cotton thread was cultural trend.

There were many Anthanars as sculptors, goldsmiths, blacksmiths dealing with iron ore, precious metals etc, carpenters, architects and others worked with the garland on them. The Indian hot weather made the flowers wither by noon leaving only the white cotton thread on them. This white cotton  thread appropriately called in Tamil –  Punool  meaning flower threaded on the cotton thread.

The foreigners upon arrival in India – Tamil Nadu in particular observed the culture and owned Anthanars’ practice of wearing white thread on their torso and retained Tamil name Punool till today and reserved it only for brahmins – the newly created sect in the overt cultural invasion.

The foreigners subsequently designated real Anthanars of that time as inferior, unqualified and ineligible eventually branded as sub-castes, backward caste and unworthy of respect. Again consistent with convention in the past decade until now. The déjà vu scenario today.

Vanigars – Traders and merchants in commerce and economic activity. 

Vellalars – the agriculturists in farming and cattle raising community as chief contributors for survival of mankind. There were no sub-divisions and deeper classifications like the present time.

Women held equal merit and honor as the opposite male counterparts in society and not discarded as intelligence deficient and intellectually inept as practiced today at the so-called elite ruling class behest conforming to latter lacking in ethical standards and virtues. Above all intellect deficit disorder.

Tholkoppiam – the oldest Tamil literature preceding at least 3,000 years and before has rock inscriptions on Tamil civilization as pre-cursor for mankind development divided into the following categories.

Kurinji – Life began at the mountain top as hunters and gatherers.  The population worshipped Lord Murugan aka Tamil God. 

Lord Murugan denoted by the Star with six triangles is also associated with Lord Murugan’s six domains in Tamil Nadu as Aaru padai or Arupadai Veedu (house in six locations viz. Thirupparam Kundram in Madurai district, Thiruchendur, Pazhani, Thiruthani, Swami Malai and Pazha Mudir Czholai respectively.

The lord Murugan is also known as Arumugam (six-faces) which typically relates to the heavenly six angels as Krithikas raising the child Murugan – the son of God Shiva and Goddess Parvati.

The emulation of the star of Lord Murugan is noted in modern judaism using the star as the symbol cited as the Star of King David in Israel.

Mullai – Cattle raising on the valleys and green pasture of the hills – the deity worshipped in this instance was Mayon now known as Lord Vishnu. 

Marudam – The dense Forests were transformed into agriculture land – The deity worshipped here was Lord Indra. 

Neydal – The seas and oceans were explored with fishing and trade via sea voyage facilitating survival and prosperity – The deity worshipped was Varuna or Rain God – part of nature. 

Pallai – The life on desert was yet another human inhabitation. 

The Sangam age lauds female poets of that era. 

Women poets like Avvaiyar, Nachchellaiyar and Kakkaipadiniyar flourished in this period and contributed to Tamil literature.

The courage of women were also appreciated in many poems again unlike the present objectification, politicization, monetization and exploitation…of women normalized unfortunately with so-called women participation to denigrate womanhood for fake fame, fortune and publicity. 

Anytime history and events are subverted by politics, cinema, religion…tor economic and social engineering redefining and misinterpreting facts and originality, such indulgence emphasize impropriety and fraudulence amongst those behind misrepresentation. 

Indian casteism is not native to India rather imported and manifested much to social, economic and ethical violations. 

The Chola dynasty distorted depiction specifically the venerable brave Karikaalan Cholan in today Tamil cinema is a travesty and least surprising given Indian cinema decadence and desperation to rake fortune at the expense of their targets reflected in the precipitous death of Indian film industry.

The Famous Karikaalan Cholan – the older brother of the great King Raja Raja Cholan set precedence in valor, vigor and victory in battles is an icon.

The verifiable legacy of Karikaalan Cholan is praiseworthy.

The Chola King Karikaalan indelible mark in victorious battles, successful economic policy and public affairs management speaks volume as a remarkable ruler in his short lifespan.

“Pattinappalai written by Kadiyalur Uruttirangannanar depicts his life as well as military achievements.

Various Sangam poems mention the Battle of Venni where he defeated an alliance of the Cheras, Pandyas and 11 smaller chieftains.

Vahaipparandalai was another important battle fought by Karikala.

Trade and commerce prospered during his rule.

He also constructed irrigation tanks near river Kaveri to make available water for reclaimed land from the forest for farming.”

The Tamil Chola King Karikaalan’s baby brother due to vast age difference – King Raja Raja Cholan’s presence and prominence was widespread extending beyond South Asia into South East Asia – Singapore, Indonesia (Bali, Jakarta etc), Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, South Korea…familiarized with Tamil language, culture, religion etc.

The son of the King Raja Raja Cholan – Rajendra Cholan was also a renowned Tamil king of Chola dynasty – – the one who discovered and named the island nation Singapore – Tamil word meaning the Lion City expanding empire far and wide.

The UNESCO world heritage temple in Cambodia – Angkor Wat was built by the Chola  dynasty.

Similar to imposition of casteism on India and Indian society, the dravidian connotation on indigenous Tamils and Tamil population with Tamil lineage is a major political drive and a cultural deprivation on Tamilians in the past and present generation.

Tamil Nadu is fraudulently claimed as Dravida desam (state) by dravida political factions confronted with exposure on Dravida having no roots or connection with Tamil identity. None whatsoever.

However the dravidian politics inculcated by Periyar aka E.V. Ramasamy represented by dravida political dynasty DMK, ADMK and alike together with politics controlled film industry struggling to prolong the narrative in vain in Tamil Nadu.

Casteism in India as enunciated above is a wedge created to exert dominance of one segment over others leading to perpetual discord and communal divide in society. The strategy vastly benefitted the protagonists of hierarchy then proclaiming themselves as the chosen ones which was deceitfully established by displacing the original Anthanars at that time also called Parpannar – Tamil word meaning the one who oversee work involving goods and services – the modern lexicon being manager and senior management position in trade, arts and science.

Consequentially, the foreigners classified themselves as Anthanars who in original system were in second place following the ruler or King above at that time. Upon swift seizure of Anthanar category, the foreigners placed Anthanars as brahmins to draw close proximity with creator Brahman or the Supreme God which is not brahmin.

The foreigner then invented the term Shatriyas – meaning warrior – the one who fights the enemyShatru in Tamil, Sanskrit and Hindi language. They assigned the King and rulers under this category and called them the warrior class.

Basically the nomad foreigners in India assigned the title brahmins and certified themselves as the chosen ones by God and chose the occupation as priests being the easiest and least stressful with little or no physical labor requirement.

In placing priesthood with them as brahmins above the rest not barring the King and rulers in society, the status symbol alluded prestige and privilege. 

They also introduced a very shrewd calculated move adding whoever kills a brahmin i.e. anyone of them knowing there will be revolt against foreign subjugation and oppression of a once organized civilized society living in harmony until their intervention, the assassin or those attempting to hurt a brahmin will be dealt with severe consequences not only on earth but also in the Kingdom of God.

The foreigners stating themselves as brahmins equated themselves to Supreme entity Brahman and issued a decree that harming a brahmin is equivalent to assailing God and termed that as Brahm Hatya meaning kill or murder God. 

They also propagated that those engaged in Brahm Hatya or murder of any brahmin regardless of the latter crimes and various unlawful activities, the action is irredeemable sin and denied God’s mercy and forgiveness for ever. The presumptuousness in this regard is appalling at best. 

The bizarre rule from foreigners as brahmins was established then onwards and even observed in the assassination trial of the Chola King Karikaalan Cholan who was murdered by brahmins with evidence detailed in rock inscriptions in Sangam period with public awareness and knowledge long before the last century.

In reference to the 3rd category Vanigars (Tamil word) viz. Traders and merchants – the foreigners retained that as such in 3rd place and modified the name as Vaisya which in itself is a bit twisted terminology for the word Vaisya or Vaishya also refers to prostitution in Indian parlance.

In this category the foreigners as brahmins induced landowners typically the feudals that was excluded in the original Tamil civilized system for landownership was inalienable rights of all members in society prior to foreign induction. 

The foreigner’s caste system of 3rd category Vaisya had traders, merchants and feudals or landowners depriving others placed below them from land ownership. 

The 4th category – Vellalars comprising farmers, cattle raisers and multitude occupations providing essential goods and services as manufacturers, producers and technical fields were now grouped under foreigners’ new caste system as Sutras.

Sutras – the new classification specifying particular tasks defined by them as menial jobs and other areas of work like sanitary workers, sewage cleaners, cobblers i.e. in modern day shoe repairers, barbers likewise present day hairdressers, meat products sellers, textile weavers…anything and everything regarded beneath class 1 (brahmins), 2(King and rulers as Shatriyas) and 3 (Traders, Merchants and landowners, the feudals) were assigned to class 4 Sutras in society. 

The foreigners declared as brahmins and the chosen ones on tier 1 in hierarchy scheduled the once well respected and native population in society as backward caste, other backward caste, scheduled caste, scheduled tribes and the least of all the untouchables – Dalits in society. 

The so-called Dalits deemed untouchables till today in the supposedly independent modern progressing India face enormous discrimination, violence, exclusion and entry in public premise like temples the common place of worship and several places despite India boasting Adi Vasi (indigenous / aborigine) and Dalit President,  the latter who in turn was declined entry into a temple citing his Dalithood while ignoring his formal official designation as President of India.

The entire caste system in India having become more fanatical than ever is a foreign manufactured societal indignation in the treatment of human beings as lesser than each other.

Notwithstanding the abhorrent prejudice and parochial culture as entitlement of one against another ignorantly justified in status quo. 

The political harvesting behind destructive social, economic and civilization regression is never ruled out and remain instrumental in fomenting and fostering polarization via caste, class, racial and religious tumult.

The topic will further unravel brahmins’ clan determination projected as Gotras or Gotram alienating themselves from the rest of society as exclusive with ancestry descended from sage and saints in possession of divine power. 

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 

Etiquette in Orthodox Tradition

August 25, 2022

Etiquette in Orthodox Tradition

Padmini Arhant 

Politics defining culture for others to follow often vary between political speech and action. In other words, politics invariably never practice what it preaches society. Politics introduce and impose laws on society while hold themselves above law on everything in adherence to political hypocrisy.

Politics deploy all means and resources to humiliate tarnish and incarcerate their targets. At the same time facts based positive and constructive criticism on political decisions and actions affecting millions of lives are never tolerated by politics.

The presumptuousness misinterpreting electoral mandate as authority and entitlement to authoritarianism besides extension of power in extra judicial execution are exercised as political prerogative.

The political diktat is not limited to governance involving tax payers money and service via policy and planning which are by and large abysmal reflected in status quo.

The orthodox conservative political stance lecturing on women issues such as attire and social moral behavior citing own historical epic like Mahabharata’s female lead protagonist Draupati despite the latter driven into such situation by force not by choice in terms of marital status highlighting Indian Aryan culture adapted by then and current descendants.

The present RSS run BJP government and leadership at the helm assertion on Hindu religion and cultural traditions are anachronistic to say the least exposing the otherwise flamboyant unorthodox mannerism in public engagement.

Either one is orthodox and traditional as propagated to be and expected of others who is not even remotely connected to the league or anyone joining the chorus in any shape or form.

Or they are beatniks rejecting the norms of conventional society.

What is witnessed from Indian politics and leadership contrast that of yet another conservative tradition from foreign leadership as seen in the following images when dealing with opposite gender. 

The supposedly Hindu orthodox in name only never miss the opportunity to mock and ridicule their obsessed targets is an irony by definition and reality.

Ax always actions matter than words and rhetoric.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter 

Courtesy : Public domain – Thank you. 

UAE President meets Emirati Students and Doctors in France 

Juxtaposed the contradictory manner from the much touted so-called culturally oriented traditional representative is self-explanatory.

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