Indian Casteism Origin Part 2

October 22, 2022

Indian Casteism Origin
Part 2

Padmini Arhant

The indian caste system is referred to as Varna (skin color) ashram which further intensify discrimination.

As explained earlier in the previous segment, there were four categories in Tamil Sangam period. They were as follows.

Arasar (King) as the ruler ranked above all.

Anthanar also known as parpannar or parthannar – Skilled professionals in diverse trades and occupations. Some areas of craftsmanship and artisan work were on their oversight earning them the reference parpannar or parthannar – Tamil words meaning the one who oversee, supervise or manage operations and activity.

Vanigars – Tamil word for business or entrepreneurship dealing with trade and commerce.

Vellalars  – Tamil word for agriculturists, cattle raisers, fishermen, textile weavers and other areas of essential and variety of services.

As explained earlier the foreigners newly created caste structure placed brahmins as highest in the hierarchy and fraudulently adopted lifestyle and status of Anthanars aka parpannar / parthannar, the second category following Arasar or King in the original system.

The stealing of status mimicking lifestyle and identity abduction of the most targeted prevalent today is déjà vu.

Now under the new caste system, the King was demoted as Shatriya or warrior and fake Anthanars calling themselves brahmins placed themselves above shatriya.

Interestingly, these fraudsters further divided the last category they called Sutras according to skin color. Earlier in the original system, there was no skin color differentiation and they were all able to buy land and provide services to suit one’s ability, financial capability and choice.

The individuals and community that were involved in physical labor worked outside under direct sunlight that drastically affected the melanin pigmentation compared to those members who worked indoors or in covered areas away from sunlight.

The darker the skin color the lower the denomination was the rubric in Sutra category under new system.

Accordingly, these groups with darker skin color were assigned the jobs that were regarded menial by foreigners and their preferred categories in the new system. Those jobs like sewage cleaners, human waste disposal, street cleaners and tasks along that line  were delineated for dark skin color in newly created Sutras category.

Among Sutras there were sub-classifications once again determined by foreigners as the so-called brahmins in the new system.  They arbitrarily isolated sections among Sutras and referred to them as the untouchable or Dalits.

Having set up the most discriminatory divisive social system, the foreigners as the so-called brahmins amassed immense power and influence over Kings i.e. shatriyas who appointed them as chief advisers and confidantes in Royal courts synonymous to present day politics.

The so-called brahmins also had enormous clout over traders the third category whom they named as Vashiyas which in itself is odd considering the meaning alluding to promiscuity.

As self-proclaimed brahmins, they assigned themselves the easiest and effortless job viz. priesthood and declared selves as the chosen ones by God. In the process they also barred the last category Sutras from entering temples for worship in accordance with their crafty untouchability scheme.

Who are these brahmins – the nomad foreigners with a firm footing in a foreign land India?

The brahmins in contemporary India identify themselves as Aryans.

Aryan race is native to Iran. Europe especially Germany and France claimed ancestry merely for the appeal and prominence Aryan in Iran had in the 18th century.

The brahmins are descendants of migrants from Central Asia, middle east and northern Egypt. They also draw close connections with Ashkenazi Jews in that region.

Jewish presence in southern indian state Kerala is available via synagogue in the state with some Keralites conversion to judaism accounting for yet another addition in religion expansion in India.

The nomadic jews from Europe, Egypt and middle east arrival transformed into namboodri brahmins in Kerala setting rigid standards on exclusivity and the chosen ones concept.

The brahmins’ gotram or gotra that is considered highly significant for them on one hand is stated an exogamous unit. The exogamous are those marrying outside their group as opposed to endogamy marrying amongst own genome.

In reality, south indian brahmins like tamil, telugu, kannada and namboodri (the most discriminatory sect in casteism) marry within their clan.

The brahmins marrying first cousins and even maternal uncles are not uncommon in South India. I personally know them in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada etc.

The North Indian brahmins also have inter-marriage custom until today in India.

The culture is fraternal to European, British so-called Royal family and the wealthiest trillionaire like jewish Rothschild and alike. Inter-marriage otherwise autogamous and endogamous heritage.

Where do the brahmins typically foreign descendants draw lineage from denoted as gotram or gotras?

Amusingly, the brahmin gotra names or paternal lineage per own definition are specified as follows

“The eight sages are called gotrakarins, from whom all 108 gotras (especially of the Brahmins) have evolved.

Who are those eight sages, the so-called brahmins derive their fictitious lineage from?

They are (1) Atri, (2) Bharadvaja, (3) Gautama Maharishi, (4) Jamadagni, (5) Kashyapa, (6) Vasishta and (7) Vishvamitra. Lately Tamil sage Agastya.

Agastyar noted as father of tamil literature along with expertise in medicine, alchemy  (chemistry), yoga and spirituality is also added to this list as brahmins’ ancestor.

These sages are linked to historic events in their individual pursuits as ascetics and albeit not without own shortcomings, weaknesses and failures…typical human qualities in their life time.

They were certainly not the direct or indirect parental lineage to foreigners calling themselves brahmins from Central Asia, Middle East and North Africa like Egypt.

Upon arrival in India they displaced the original system like in Tamil Nadu with self-designed social structure exerting influence and dominance as brahmins continued until today via caste oriented RSS and Arya Samajvadi organizations.

Since the so-called brahmins certifying themselves as the chosen ones replaced general society members in priesthood and service in non-brahmin Tamil Kings built temples, they adorned all male deity idols and paintings with cotton thread called punool across their torso.

The cotton thread referred to as punool until now is  explained in part 1 of this topic in this site. This practice as detailed in earlier segment of this topic on this site was lifted from Anthanars in the original system in Tamil Sangam age and before.

The Anthanars then wore cotton thread as identification of their special skill and workmanship in arts, science and other occupation.

Nothing has changed since then and now in terms of identity misappropriation and theft by those for personal gains and privilege. 

The explanation on devious Indian caste system is presented on this site to highlight the inherent duplicity and deceit prolonged to justify discrimination and prejudice by those against the indigenous society like in Tamil Nadu permanently enduring foreign dominance in politics, entertainment not barring religion in temple service and worship among other fields of common interest. 

The topic will resume on the infamous and decadent Manu Smriti aka manu dharma (principles?) defining women as sub-humans unworthy of any respect and others like Sutras deposed as untouchables for generations. 

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter

Prejudice – Dispelling Myths and Ignorance

October 15, 2022


Dispelling Myths and Ignorance

Padmini Arhant

The habitual sleaziness of some especially in the highest designation in politics appropriately earning the title creepy crawly and supremacists’ inferiority complex smothered in insecurity prompting racism and misogyny in particular demand the need to dispel ignorance and arrogance. 

First of all religion based propaganda is the tool to exert superiority since time immemorial. The misuse of religion in this context from then until today is an unbridled indulgence.

The preposterous justification of core discrimination in Indian caste system is attributed to Lord Krishna and Srimad Bhagwat Gita which like many religious scriptures has been distorted and distracted to suit the minds of those having own convoluted crafty agenda.

Lord Vishnu none other than Lord Krishna has demonstrated on many occasions during the avatar or incarnation in human form teaching ignorant minds to renounce hatred and prejudice.

As mentioned earlier in this site and sub-domain, Lord Vishnu as Lord Ram in the epic Ramayana categorically explained the character of a human being relevant over creed, class and other criteria during his interaction with Sabri the so-called untouchable woman aka Dalit. Lord Vishnu as Lord Ram immensely appreciated her devotion and sincerity in her worship.

The other important event again related to Lord Vishnu teaching brahmin priest Saranga a harsh lesson when the priest denies entry to then so-called untouchable human who was an ardent devotee of Lord Vishnu.

The event took place in Sri Ranganatha temple in Sri Rangam near Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India. 

The so-called untouchable devotee of Lord Vishnu was Thiruppan Alwar. The unconditional love and devotion of Thiruppan Alwar towards Lord Vishnu was not tolerated by the brahmin priests claiming proprietorship and patent rights on worship and service to God exclusive to them.

The so-called upper caste viz. brahmins untouchability practice against the so-called lower caste or Sudras included barring the sight and presence of Sudras in front of a brahmin.

A Sudra and so-called Dalit facing a brahmin or other so-called upper caste was deemed unholy followed by a dip in the nearby river or quick rinse by pouring water over the head to apparently wash away the sins of coming across a Sudra or the untouchable in public domain. 

Lord Vishnu’s devotee Thiruppan praying by the riverside was seen by the brahmin priest Saranga. The brahmin priest demanded Thiruppan to leave the river banks showering insults and insolence. Before Thiruppan could move away, the priest hurt him by hurling rocks at Thiruppan leaving him bleeding by the riverside. 

The priest Saranga returned to Lord Vishnu’s temple to perform the religious service in the morning. The priest as usual tried to unlock the doors of the sanctum sanctorum with the matching keys on that day. Much to his surprise and bewilderment, the doors did not open despite the right keys used to unlock the door. 

The priest then gathered help from others to open the doors of the holy shrine. Again, the men with collective muscle power could not open the door even when they attempted to knock it down in desperation. 

Subsequently, they heard the divine command from the sanctum sanctorum ordering the priest Saranga to visit Thiruppan’s village and carry Thiruppan on the priest shoulders with utter respect in public view and present the true devotee at Lord Vishnu’s holy shrine. 

The brahmin priest Saranga had no choice but to oblige the Lord’s command and brought Thiruppan on his shoulders with the so-called untouchables in the village and brahmins witnessing the entire event in dismay. 

Upon Thiruppan being brought in the manner as decried by Lord Vishnu, the doors of the sanctum sanctorum flared open. The Lord Vishnu or Sri Ranganatha idol in the shrine was bleeding signifying the rocks cast at Thiruppan actually hurt the Lord exemplified in the stone idol bleeding as a result. 

Lord Vishnu then urged Thiruppan to perform the service while ordering the priest and the rest gathered at the temple to accept the service from his true devotee.

The incident was meant to be an eye-opener to shed ignorance and arrogance. Above all to renounce bigotry, racism, misogyny and all form of inhumane negative vices prevalent in human nature. 

With these real events in human history,

How on earth is it possible for Lord Krishna to ordain indignation of humans who worship the Lord to be mistreated via discriminatory caste system established by narrow-minded crooked malevolent segment in society?

Unfortunately, those bound by mindless meaningless misinterpreted belief in human hierarchy and superiority premised on creed, color, class and caste orientation etc. continue to retain the tradition sowing the seeds of rejection and intolerance against those they regard not equal. 

The topic will continue further shedding light on the controversial manusmriti paradoxically referred to as manu dharma (principles) in denigration of women and the so-called lower caste Sudras and untouchables in Indian society and much more. 

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 

Tamil Civilization and Indian Casteism Origin

October 12, 2022

Tamil Civilization


Indian Casteism Origin 

Padmini Arhant

India remaining the most invaded nation on earth, the  foreign invasion subverted indian modern civilization in place during Sangam period (3rd centuryBCE – 3rd century CE) in Tamil Nadu long before foreign invaders arrival in India.

The system prevalent at that time was not classified under caste. The casteism imposed in the last millennium until today in India is from overseas.

However, the religion Hinduism worshipping God as a particular deity was a custom in Indian ancient culture including the Tamil Sangam age in accordance with the deity representation correlating with nature.

Where and how the caste system originated in India?

The Persian Kings Cyrus and Darius were the first to invade India in 535 BCE and 518 BCE respectively. The Persian King Darius (522- 486 BCE) declaration of his origin as Aryan with Aryan lineage is verified and noted in rock inscription Naqsh-i Rustam.

The western Europe findings –  Germany and France in particular clarify Aryan is the ancient name of the people of Iran. In the 18th century Persian ancestry as the connection for western Europe is also widely acknowledged with western explorers fascination for Persia at that time.

The trend followed in the current false projection amongst those claiming to be the one that is appealing and interesting with desperate efforts in mimicking and adapting appearance, style, hairdo and manners…anything and everything as opportunists and wannabes is weird classic duplicity.

The practice  running away from them, their legacy and persona is the tradition. Obviously, their real identity is too embarrassing for them to accept prompting illicit engagement. Little they realize leopard changing spots to stripes do not become a tiger and neither a hyena feigning a fawn become as such.

Germany’s Adolf Hitler proudly claimed Aryan heritage in public speech and Nazi political rhetoric also echoed Aryan superiority premised on presumed superior physiological appearance and characteristics of own description.

Furthermore, the western Europe race theorists also classified themselves non-Semites in acceptance of Aryan descent. On the other hand Jews referring to themselves as Semites often cite remarks considered not favorable to them as anti-Semitic.

Upon configuration of the Aryan race origin in Persia now known as Iran and migration from Persia to Europe regarded Aryan extension in western Europe and Nordic region, Persian as German ancestry is more prominent.

At the same time – Germany’s Adolph Hitler and Nazi emphasis on Aryan identity with aversion for Jews demonstrated in the twentieth century is one aspect.

Moving forward, in the 20th and 21st century, the Jewish State of Israel in constant confrontation with Iran, the supposedly Persian ancestor of Germans is another dimension.

Iran, Germany and Israel triangle is evidenced in events in the previous and present century.

As for Indian Aryan patronage – the direct source is first former Persian invader Darius as stated above in 518 BCE.

The Persian religion Zoroastrian or Parsi religious text Avesta quoting Aryan and Arya along with the form of worship performing yagnas or  yagya – offerings in the fire in service to God adapted by Hindu Arya Samaj is a long held norm in all Hindu religious and cultural rituals.

The Indian specifically North Indian custom, tradition and cultural activities is conducted in adherence to Arya Samaj conventions. Indian weddings in North India are solemnized by Arya Samaj with fire in the pit known as Agni ( Tamil and Sanskrit term for fire) held witness to the event.

There are also corroborations on zoroastrian influence on Judaism and Christianity that are not limited to monotheistic belief.

Aryan and Arya in India as a race is not organic i.e. the source is foreign considering the Persian invasion nearly two thousand five hundred years ago with King Darius territorial expansive rule. There is affirmation that the Persian King Darius never enforced religion or cultural traits on other inhabitants of the captured or occupied territory. This feature explains the diminished phase of Zoroastrianism over a period of time.

The casteism in India is the invention of other settlers, explorers and intruders in India from the west contrary to current false paid propaganda suggesting Indian caste endorsement and ordinance originated from Srimad Bhagwat Gita by Lord Krishna who was not a brahmin and never favored hierarchy at any point in time. 

Lord Krishna opposed the idea of prejudice and discrimination based on creed, color and social or economic criteria. This characteristic of Lord Krishna is adequately elaborated in Mahabharata and in the previous epic Ramayana with Lord Vishnu incarnate Lord Ram during interaction with the so-called low caste or untouchable woman Sabari.

Then 7000 years ago Lord Ram abundantly clarified on the importance of character and not creed relevant in the assessment of human value. 

The 3rd century BCE and 3rd century CE – Sangam period in Tamil Nadu, South India was represented by Cheras, Cholas and Pandiyan dynasty known as Muchchangam. In Sangam age, there were no caste divisions or denominations as prevalent in the current modern India – the irony of all. 

There were four sects in society and were familiar as follows in Tamil language. 

Arasar – King, Anthanars – Scholars and Professionals in specific art and economic field. Vanigars as traders and merchants and Vellalars – the farming community. 

Arasar – King – The ruler of demarcated kingdoms in the region.

Anthanars – Skilled artisans and professionals in diverse fields and occupation.

Anthanars are mistakenly referred to as brahmins though the former were not part of caste orientation at the onset of this category. These individuals were from general society with skills and expertise in specific trade and accordingly earned respect and maintained professional status that were subject to identity theft in semblance with ongoing custom. 

The case in point as explained on this site earlier in this context – Anthanars – the male professionals wore a flower garland on their upper bare body with a white sarong like clothing that later adapted as veshti in Tamil and dhoti in Hindi that are common in India today synonymous to Indian women wearing a sari as the tradition.

Anthanars as skilled members in Tamil society during that time wearing a flower garland especially jasmine flowers on a white cotton thread was cultural trend.

There were many Anthanars as sculptors, goldsmiths, blacksmiths dealing with iron ore, precious metals etc, carpenters, architects and others worked with the garland on them. The Indian hot weather made the flowers wither by noon leaving only the white cotton thread on them. This white cotton  thread appropriately called in Tamil –  Punool  meaning flower threaded on the cotton thread.

The foreigners upon arrival in India – Tamil Nadu in particular observed the culture and owned Anthanars’ practice of wearing white thread on their torso and retained Tamil name Punool till today and reserved it only for brahmins – the newly created sect in the overt cultural invasion.

The foreigners subsequently designated real Anthanars of that time as inferior, unqualified and ineligible eventually branded as sub-castes, backward caste and unworthy of respect. Again consistent with convention in the past decade until now. The déjà vu scenario today.

Vanigars – Traders and merchants in commerce and economic activity. 

Vellalars – the agriculturists in farming and cattle raising community as chief contributors for survival of mankind. There were no sub-divisions and deeper classifications like the present time.

Women held equal merit and honor as the opposite male counterparts in society and not discarded as intelligence deficient and intellectually inept as practiced today at the so-called elite ruling class behest conforming to latter lacking in ethical standards and virtues. Above all intellect deficit disorder.

Tholkoppiam – the oldest Tamil literature preceding at least 3,000 years and before has rock inscriptions on Tamil civilization as pre-cursor for mankind development divided into the following categories.

Kurinji – Life began at the mountain top as hunters and gatherers.  The population worshipped Lord Murugan aka Tamil God. 

Lord Murugan denoted by the Star with six triangles is also associated with Lord Murugan’s six domains in Tamil Nadu as Aaru padai or Arupadai Veedu (house in six locations viz. Thirupparam Kundram in Madurai district, Thiruchendur, Pazhani, Thiruthani, Swami Malai and Pazha Mudir Czholai respectively.

The lord Murugan is also known as Arumugam (six-faces) which typically relates to the heavenly six angels as Krithikas raising the child Murugan – the son of God Shiva and Goddess Parvati.

The emulation of the star of Lord Murugan is noted in modern judaism using the star as the symbol cited as the Star of King David in Israel.

Mullai – Cattle raising on the valleys and green pasture of the hills – the deity worshipped in this instance was Mayon now known as Lord Vishnu. 

Marudam – The dense Forests were transformed into agriculture land – The deity worshipped here was Lord Indra. 

Neydal – The seas and oceans were explored with fishing and trade via sea voyage facilitating survival and prosperity – The deity worshipped was Varuna or Rain God – part of nature. 

Pallai – The life on desert was yet another human inhabitation. 

The Sangam age lauds female poets of that era. 

Women poets like Avvaiyar, Nachchellaiyar and Kakkaipadiniyar flourished in this period and contributed to Tamil literature.

The courage of women were also appreciated in many poems again unlike the present objectification, politicization, monetization and exploitation…of women normalized unfortunately with so-called women participation to denigrate womanhood for fake fame, fortune and publicity. 

Anytime history and events are subverted by politics, cinema, religion…tor economic and social engineering redefining and misinterpreting facts and originality, such indulgence emphasize impropriety and fraudulence amongst those behind misrepresentation. 

Indian casteism is not native to India rather imported and manifested much to social, economic and ethical violations. 

The Chola dynasty distorted depiction specifically the venerable brave Karikaalan Cholan in today Tamil cinema is a travesty and least surprising given Indian cinema decadence and desperation to rake fortune at the expense of their targets reflected in the precipitous death of Indian film industry.

The Famous Karikaalan Cholan – the older brother of the great King Raja Raja Cholan set precedence in valor, vigor and victory in battles is an icon.

The verifiable legacy of Karikaalan Cholan is praiseworthy.

The Chola King Karikaalan indelible mark in victorious battles, successful economic policy and public affairs management speaks volume as a remarkable ruler in his short lifespan.

“Pattinappalai written by Kadiyalur Uruttirangannanar depicts his life as well as military achievements.

Various Sangam poems mention the Battle of Venni where he defeated an alliance of the Cheras, Pandyas and 11 smaller chieftains.

Vahaipparandalai was another important battle fought by Karikala.

Trade and commerce prospered during his rule.

He also constructed irrigation tanks near river Kaveri to make available water for reclaimed land from the forest for farming.”

The Tamil Chola King Karikaalan’s baby brother due to vast age difference – King Raja Raja Cholan’s presence and prominence was widespread extending beyond South Asia into South East Asia – Singapore, Indonesia (Bali, Jakarta etc), Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, South Korea…familiarized with Tamil language, culture, religion etc.

The son of the King Raja Raja Cholan – Rajendra Cholan was also a renowned Tamil king of Chola dynasty – – the one who discovered and named the island nation Singapore – Tamil word meaning the Lion City expanding empire far and wide.

The UNESCO world heritage temple in Cambodia – Angkor Wat was built by the Chola  dynasty.

Similar to imposition of casteism on India and Indian society, the dravidian connotation on indigenous Tamils and Tamil population with Tamil lineage is a major political drive and a cultural deprivation on Tamilians in the past and present generation.

Tamil Nadu is fraudulently claimed as Dravida desam (state) by dravida political factions confronted with exposure on Dravida having no roots or connection with Tamil identity. None whatsoever.

However the dravidian politics inculcated by Periyar aka E.V. Ramasamy represented by dravida political dynasty DMK, ADMK and alike together with politics controlled film industry struggling to prolong the narrative in vain in Tamil Nadu.

Casteism in India as enunciated above is a wedge created to exert dominance of one segment over others leading to perpetual discord and communal divide in society. The strategy vastly benefitted the protagonists of hierarchy then proclaiming themselves as the chosen ones which was deceitfully established by displacing the original Anthanars at that time also called Parpannar – Tamil word meaning the one who oversee work involving goods and services – the modern lexicon being manager and senior management position in trade, arts and science.

Consequentially, the foreigners classified themselves as Anthanars who in original system were in second place following the ruler or King above at that time. Upon swift seizure of Anthanar category, the foreigners placed Anthanars as brahmins to draw close proximity with creator Brahman or the Supreme God which is not brahmin.

The foreigner then invented the term Shatriyas – meaning warrior – the one who fights the enemyShatru in Tamil, Sanskrit and Hindi language. They assigned the King and rulers under this category and called them the warrior class.

Basically the nomad foreigners in India assigned the title brahmins and certified themselves as the chosen ones by God and chose the occupation as priests being the easiest and least stressful with little or no physical labor requirement.

In placing priesthood with them as brahmins above the rest not barring the King and rulers in society, the status symbol alluded prestige and privilege. 

They also introduced a very shrewd calculated move adding whoever kills a brahmin i.e. anyone of them knowing there will be revolt against foreign subjugation and oppression of a once organized civilized society living in harmony until their intervention, the assassin or those attempting to hurt a brahmin will be dealt with severe consequences not only on earth but also in the Kingdom of God.

The foreigners stating themselves as brahmins equated themselves to Supreme entity Brahman and issued a decree that harming a brahmin is equivalent to assailing God and termed that as Brahm Hatya meaning kill or murder God. 

They also propagated that those engaged in Brahm Hatya or murder of any brahmin regardless of the latter crimes and various unlawful activities, the action is irredeemable sin and denied God’s mercy and forgiveness for ever. The presumptuousness in this regard is appalling at best. 

The bizarre rule from foreigners as brahmins was established then onwards and even observed in the assassination trial of the Chola King Karikaalan Cholan who was murdered by brahmins with evidence detailed in rock inscriptions in Sangam period with public awareness and knowledge long before the last century.

In reference to the 3rd category Vanigars (Tamil word) viz. Traders and merchants – the foreigners retained that as such in 3rd place and modified the name as Vaisya which in itself is a bit twisted terminology for the word Vaisya or Vaishya also refers to prostitution in Indian parlance.

In this category the foreigners as brahmins induced landowners typically the feudals that was excluded in the original Tamil civilized system for landownership was inalienable rights of all members in society prior to foreign induction. 

The foreigner’s caste system of 3rd category Vaisya had traders, merchants and feudals or landowners depriving others placed below them from land ownership. 

The 4th category – Vellalars comprising farmers, cattle raisers and multitude occupations providing essential goods and services as manufacturers, producers and technical fields were now grouped under foreigners’ new caste system as Sutras.

Sutras – the new classification specifying particular tasks defined by them as menial jobs and other areas of work like sanitary workers, sewage cleaners, cobblers i.e. in modern day shoe repairers, barbers likewise present day hairdressers, meat products sellers, textile weavers…anything and everything regarded beneath class 1 (brahmins), 2(King and rulers as Shatriyas) and 3 (Traders, Merchants and landowners, the feudals) were assigned to class 4 Sutras in society. 

The foreigners declared as brahmins and the chosen ones on tier 1 in hierarchy scheduled the once well respected and native population in society as backward caste, other backward caste, scheduled caste, scheduled tribes and the least of all the untouchables – Dalits in society. 

The so-called Dalits deemed untouchables till today in the supposedly independent modern progressing India face enormous discrimination, violence, exclusion and entry in public premise like temples the common place of worship and several places despite India boasting Adi Vasi (indigenous / aborigine) and Dalit President,  the latter who in turn was declined entry into a temple citing his Dalithood while ignoring his formal official designation as President of India.

The entire caste system in India having become more fanatical than ever is a foreign manufactured societal indignation in the treatment of human beings as lesser than each other.

Notwithstanding the abhorrent prejudice and parochial culture as entitlement of one against another ignorantly justified in status quo. 

The political harvesting behind destructive social, economic and civilization regression is never ruled out and remain instrumental in fomenting and fostering polarization via caste, class, racial and religious tumult.

The topic will further unravel brahmins’ clan determination projected as Gotras or Gotram alienating themselves from the rest of society as exclusive with ancestry descended from sage and saints in possession of divine power. 

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 

Etiquette in Orthodox Tradition

August 25, 2022

Etiquette in Orthodox Tradition

Padmini Arhant 

Politics defining culture for others to follow often vary between political speech and action. In other words, politics invariably never practice what it preaches society. Politics introduce and impose laws on society while hold themselves above law on everything in adherence to political hypocrisy.

Politics deploy all means and resources to humiliate tarnish and incarcerate their targets. At the same time facts based positive and constructive criticism on political decisions and actions affecting millions of lives are never tolerated by politics.

The presumptuousness misinterpreting electoral mandate as authority and entitlement to authoritarianism besides extension of power in extra judicial execution are exercised as political prerogative.

The political diktat is not limited to governance involving tax payers money and service via policy and planning which are by and large abysmal reflected in status quo.

The orthodox conservative political stance lecturing on women issues such as attire and social moral behavior citing own historical epic like Mahabharata’s female lead protagonist Draupati despite the latter driven into such situation by force not by choice in terms of marital status highlighting Indian Aryan culture adapted by then and current descendants.

The present RSS run BJP government and leadership at the helm assertion on Hindu religion and cultural traditions are anachronistic to say the least exposing the otherwise flamboyant unorthodox mannerism in public engagement.

Either one is orthodox and traditional as propagated to be and expected of others who is not even remotely connected to the league or anyone joining the chorus in any shape or form.

Or they are beatniks rejecting the norms of conventional society.

What is witnessed from Indian politics and leadership contrast that of yet another conservative tradition from foreign leadership as seen in the following images when dealing with opposite gender. 

The supposedly Hindu orthodox in name only never miss the opportunity to mock and ridicule their obsessed targets is an irony by definition and reality.

Ax always actions matter than words and rhetoric.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter 

Courtesy : Public domain – Thank you. 

UAE President meets Emirati Students and Doctors in France 

Juxtaposed the contradictory manner from the much touted so-called culturally oriented traditional representative is self-explanatory.

India – Cultural Heritage

May 11, 2022

India – Cultural Heritage

Padmini Arhant

India’s cultural religious diversity and dynamism sparks controversy and interest in abundance.

The religion drawn into political angle is the real problem. The society represented by multi-dimensional aspects considering India’s ancient civilization neither understood well nor interpreted properly especially in terms of India’s rich advanced and far sighted contributions in human modern development in math, science, medicine, language, literature, arts, humanities studies, urban civilization, with well structured town planning… going back to at least 5000 years and even earlier.

These are the reasons that attracted positive and negative causes towards Indus valley civilization. India as the birth place of many religions is also the land of spiritual inspiration for many genuine enlightened souls like Lord Gautama Buddha, Saint Guru Nanak, Saint Guru Gobind Singh, Saint Tirthankar of Jainism followed by Mahavira and more in the positive trend unlike the fake and fraudulent Godmen, Godwomen and the so-called Sat Gurus staged and paraded with domestic and massive foreign publicity promoting unscrupulous agenda discarding the entities consistent human rights and environment violations. 

Negative aspect is related to relentless invasion, occupation and colonization of the country since time immemorial prevalent until now.

No invasion of a country worldwide is possible without internal collusion, complicity, capitulation and treason from insiders aiding and abetting invaders for personal and fiduciary interests. India is no exception in this regard.

The invasion and occupation by external forces from anywhere facilitated and tolerated by those in position of power and authority often lead to subjugation of nation and hegemony. India is experienced in colonization by foreign power near and far and continues to face challenges in the modern time.

In the national front, the nation witnessed and encountered religious melt down over Babri Masjid ( Mosque) dispute in Ayodhya acknowledged as Hindu religion Lord Ram’s nativity. The contentious issue might have been settled with Indian Supreme Court decision though not necessarily to all sides’ satisfaction which is an expected situation.

Similar dissension has risen with world renowned Taj Mahal raising a question on the mausoleum though suspected to be a cenotaph (possibly without the remains of the deceased) from Mughal King Shah Jahan for his queen Mumtaz.

Taj Mahal cited as world heritage site by UNESCO and noted as one of the seven human made wonders of the world is confronted with Ayodhya like contention.

The locals in Agra, Uttar Pradesh and many Hindus nationwide as well as overseas reportedly believe that Taj Mahal is a refurbished palace housing a Hindu God Shiva Temple known as Tejo Mahalya on the premise dating at least 250 years back prior to the construction of official date of Taj Mahal in 1653 i.e. 17th century.

The reference Taj Mahal is claimed to have been derived from the God Shiva temple Tejo (Taj) and Mahalaya (Mahal) meaning palace notably built and owned by then Indian Hindu Maharaja and later Hindu King Man Singh and grandson King Jai Singh referenced in inheritance. The leading argument is the 22 rooms at seven story Taj Mahal remain closed for decades barring public view or maintenance of the integral part of the prominent architectural edifice. The 22 rooms apparently hold Hindu idols and artifacts. 

On a personal level unbeknown to me, I had to deal with a very awkward moment during my latest visit to Taj Mahal with my sons in 2016.

Although I have been to Taj Mahal many times before at least five times having grown up in New Delhi, India, I wanted to share the pleasure of seeing the extraordinary architecture marvel with my sons in 2016. In all those years I visited Taj Mahal since teen years with my parents and early adulthood with relatives and family friends, there were never any hassles or obstacles in entry to Taj Mahal until 2016. The time with BJP government in New Delhi and Uttar Pradesh proudly embarked as Hindu religion stalwarts and authority. 

In 2016, despite our early arrival at 5.30 a.m. to capture the glimpse of Taj Mahal at sunrise, the crowd gathering was least surprising. The security protocol had to be complied with which in India like elsewhere was intense. Not to mention the body search exceeded into groping by female security guards was yet another dilemma. The male and female security in police uniform at Taj Mahal entry rummaged my hand bag and having found nothing of any concern were about to hand over my purse to me. Then suddenly an over enthusiast female security personnel grabbed my hand bag from the colleague and then pulled a Shiva image that is part of me.

The female security guard authoritatively confiscated the holy figurine and my bag stating my personal belongings had to be left in their custody. Then as usual the security team comprising male and female staff  gathered and told me that I could not have the Shiva image in my bag and took the item away from me. They also withheld my hand bag regardless of security clearance. They categorically stated that Shiva image and any symbols in semblance with Shiva is prohibited in the Taj Mahal periphery and premise.

I patiently tried to explain to them that the image is placed deep inside the hand bag with no exposure of any kind whatsoever and there wasn’t going to be any issue with a personal guarantee in that regard.

What baffled me the most was the Supreme entity behind creation of all beings including the Mughal King Shah Jahan and Queen Mumtaz is barred from entry to Taj Mahal. I conveyed the message to the deniers to this effect. Obviously, politics is the fundamental reason behind the restriction.

Since I was completely unaware of the Taj controversy at that time and having visited the monument several times in my lifetime earlier with no such fuss or farcical, I was taken aback at the startling restraint on the most revered God Shiva. Our tour guide then briefed me on the brewing Taj Mahal and God Shiva Temple claims with media hosted heated debates and discussions on the matter.

On my part, I let the security team know that I understand their obligation to perform the duty in accordance with official guidelines that are never without political motives and social discord.  I also expressed my disappointment in religious freedom and spiritualism held hostage in the otherwise peaceful resolutions available on any issue.

I decided not to enter Taj Mahal without Shiva’s image being allowed in my personal belonging and requested them to return my personal item.  I relayed the uninhibited message to them that God in mage or thoughts refused access in the world created by the Supernatural force is the ultimate straw in the dark age – Kaliyug.  More so for a nation declared the world’s largest democracy.

Then there was a change of heart and mind among senior decision makers involved in the rather prolonged entry approval process. They let me have the image and returned by bag. I was able to visit the Taj Mahal or Tejo  Mahalaya in God Shiva’s esteemed company.

Interestingly, yet another architecture symbol and historic wonder Qutab Minar in the capital Delhi has surfaced with contradictory facts and findings from many different sources in the social media.

God, religion and spiritualism persist in the politically charged social discourse that are best spared with exclusive relevance to archeology, architecture and historic timeline premised on logic and verifiable document evidence.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter


Greetings from Asia

April 30, 2022

Greetings from Asia

Padmini Arhant

The social greetings in Asia connects the people and nations with love and humility. The commonality is expressed in the culture.

Here are few examples of Hello in similar manner. The nations represented here are Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines, Nepal and Tibet in cultural variety. 

Myanmar (Burma) – Min-ga-la-ba shin (Greeting)

Singapore  – Tamil Greeting – Vanakkam – வணக்கம் !

Thailand – sawadee kah

Malaysia Tamil – Vanakkam – வணக்கம் !

Malaysia – Malay – ucapan itu

Cambodia Greetings and Etiquettes – Choum reap sor

Indonesia – Javanese – Greeting

Vietnam – lời chào

Laos – Saibaidee –  ສະບາຍດີ

Philippines – Kumusta ka

Tibet – Tashi deleg (བཀྲ་ཤིས་བདེ་ལེགས)

Nepal, Kathmandu – Namaste / Namaskar – नमस्ते / नमस्कार 

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Human Nature

February 14, 2022

Human Nature

Padmini Arhant

Hate, prejudice, misogyny, body shaming (the latest trend in misogyny), questioning natural intelligence and all form of discrimination is unfortunately human nature. The difference being those harboring ill-feelings, jealousy and other negative traits express and exercise hatred excessively towards those whom they target and even obsessed with much to self-detriment.

When human life is wasted in such engagement, the result harm the source and origin drastically and sometimes to the point of no return.

Reiterating the fact, life is a learning center. The lessons throughout life journey is a reminder to change course accordingly. The negativities in human qualities are carcinogenic and virulent with adverse impact on the minds affecting the body and soul.

The human characteristics are drawn into likes and dislikes in many variations with the latter often transformed into extreme reaction prompting provocative and sometimes violent behavior.

These attributes emanate from ignorance and disinformation with propaganda serving the objectives to satisfy destructive thoughts and false perception.

The submission to hate, isolation and marginalization of others also stem from acute self-esteem evolving into deep insecurity raising impulsive assumptions about anyone or anything as threat in the absence of reason and rationale.

Individuals and collective forces abuse as entitlement is the tradition. The reversal educating and refining own belief and convictions with proper understanding of anyone or anything could dispel misconceptions and erroneous judgments. The process could also liberate own mindset from unnecessary inward turmoil leading to inner peace permeating outside.

The sense of powerful status while having no control over inner violations promoting harm and injury not necessarily restricted to physical attacks rather extended into denying fundamental rights and inalienable human liberty is self-contradictory.

Human form is an opportunity to rise and elevate internally developing ability to understand issues from perspective other than own that shape better relations overall. In doing so, the innate human consciousness allow positive values replacing dominant negative ones releasing the mind from captivity.

The counterproductive human nature is acquired and inherited from influence and indoctrination. The power and superiority complex intoxicate human mind driving the mental energy into spreading toxins in the environment.

In a nutshell, the power is best demonstrated not in external status as authority, affluence and prominence.  The power is well defined in maintaining the balance within averting deterioration of goodness and distinguishing right and wrong.

The biggest challenge for the stray mind is abandoning the lost cause and exploitative purpose.

The human nature adaptation to tolerance, acceptance and appreciation could make life a blessing for self and all around.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 

Definition of Beauty

December 16, 2021

Definition of Beauty

Padmini Arhant

Complexion Complex – Skin Politics

The above article shed light on misplaced priorities and directed focus on inner-self representing the entire profile. The contemporary era is more driven towards pseudo life. The normal life is invalidated and replaced with unrealistic standards and impractical lifestyle.

The superficial norms and fake existence are imposed by those having tasked themselves to approve or disapprove anyone they deem inconvenient to them.

Not to mention the identity politics infused identity crises for impostors and fake personalities in particular absorbed in falsehood shunning originality. Life is indeed rather difficult for them in imitation and impropriety.

The identity complex could be related to lack of courage and integrity to own personal legacy and values regardless with responsibility and modesty submitting to introspection.

The control mindset among the  presumptuous powerful exerting authority and extending parameters in invasion of individual life, rights, home, privacy slighting civility evidently diminish their self-respect with vulnerabilities reflecting self-indignation.

The worship of deception and fraudulence glorifying the negative and counterproductive exacerbate individual well being promoting scandalous indulgence.

In the present time, personal health, finance, communication, education, religion or non-religion and critically individual peace and liberty are not tolerated with snoop gate surveillance via controversial Pegasus spyware and other technological means deployed to pry on citizens near and far under the guise of national security by those abusing the political privilege in perversions.

Unfortunately, these forces engaged in misguided espionage by default are existential threat to society, nation and humanity at large.

Amidst these exciting times, the beauty pageant is held each year to showcase precisely the above enunciated characteristics i.e. false persona, rehearsed choreographed performance and relevantly beforehand scripted answers highlighting disingenuousness by the apparent winner.

The beauty pageant aimed at objectifying women as objects of voyeuristic pleasure in nuanced and blatant portrayal is misogyny reeking chauvinism with egotistical tone especially in recent times denigrating womanhood as entitlement laden with pride and prejudice despite emergence into the world from a mother’s (woman) womb by either gender.  

Ironically for these members and participants in the charade, their mindless pursuits with fixation on body over mind and heart quintessentially place them in spotlight for wasting precious time on earth and squandering life in self-deprecation.

The beauty pageant is a sham and farcical.

Many young lives such as girls are lured into the misty metamorphosis of glamor subjecting them to starvation in the name of diet and/or artificial temporary make-believe beauty concepts including medical treatments ranging from Botox injections to facelift procedures, augmentation of prominent parts and mechanical adjustments in the anatomy. The transformation from practical looks to plastic orientation is presented as ideal attraction.

Needless to say, these extreme makeovers disproportionately proved harmful leading to serious health issues and long term repercussions not barring physical, mental and emotional agony for many drawn into the vortex of appearance appealing to others matters more than individual acceptance of natural beauty within shining outside. 

The organized event like beauty pageant is a mere component in the intrusion and intervention of human psyche in evaluation of real beauty declining due credit to far more important aspects viz. mind, heart, spirit and the ultimate SOUL

The politics running deep everywhere deeper than the blood in the vein, the cultural decay is integral in the edifice of human civilization destruction.

The beauty pageant is monetization in degrading women. The gala perpetuate dogma in denial of human intelligence and powerful attributes among women.

The tradition of condescendence, patronization towards female gender projecting strength and tenacity in self-defense as masculinity is a travesty. The practice discard the pertinent fact i.e. the infant male and female from conception to birth and until the age to feed on general food gains preliminary health, stamina, vigor and vitality lasting the rest of lifetime from the mother.

The patriarchal parochial view ignores women’s genuine position as smart, diligent committed primary caregiver of life and stalwart in nurturing sharing personal talent and potential to continue the proud heritage.

Notwithstanding the woman in her own rights is individually ingenious, intelligent and accomplished role model independent of societal authentication determining the present and future of society.

Accordingly, the politically motivated disposition and isolated opinion about anyone targeted incessantly in the prevalent cancel custom is outdated and old fashioned in the modern age. Inversely requiring  those trapped in the decadence rubble to rise and develop human values defining inner and outer beauty.

The trend inarguably cast those behind the manifestation in irreversible deterioration affecting the source and catalysts to the point of no return.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter 

India – Untouchability Atrocities Impetus Proselytism

October 26, 2021

India – Untouchability Atrocities Impetus Proselytism

Padmini Arhant

The man made hierarchy in the social structure falsely attributing the abhorrent untouchability custom in Indian society as God’s will is primitive and pejorative.

The tradition initially conceptualized and imposed  by brahmins – the foreign invaders’ descendants displacing the native population in Tamil Nadu, India – the origin of life and cultural bastion having established civilization long before the emergence of other continents on earth.

The brahmins declaring themselves the chosen ones to serve God adopted the title priesthood and placed their identity on the top tier in the hierarchy fraudulently citing the caste orientation as Vedic inscription. They conveniently placed the rest in the lower tiers of the hierarchy and exerted control over the religion they adopted upon arrival in India following the conclusion of Indus Valley Civilization.  The word Hindu and accordingly Hinduism is a foreign named identity.

It has nothing to do with the ancient sacred spirituality presided by God Shiva – the Supreme Soul epitomizing the light, energy and sound encompassed as audible, visual and sensed energy within. The sacred symbol and syllable OM originating at the dawn and creation of the universe epitomize the interconnectivity of light, sound and energy experienced in five sensory organs of sight, hearing, breathing, taste and touch.

The mantra OM is related in other religions as AUM and Amen in acknowledgment of the Soul within in connection with the Supreme Natural Phenomenon. Similarly, the greeting salaam or As-salamu alaykum in Islam ending in OM sound and in Judaism the greeting Shalom has OM meaning Peace.

The hideous casteism in Indian society was sowed by foreigners as Aryans and Kazhar Ashkanazi Jews claimed as such by the brahmins in Indian society. The duality of Aryan and Jewish traits maintained by them to sync in with contemporary International syndicate and win favors from all sides known as the Chanakya tactic.  Chanakya – a controversial brahmin advisor in Chandra Gupta Maurya period in history.

The dravidian concept is yet another political spin from the notorious factions like Periyar and Dravida Kazhagam in Tamil Nadu posing as atheists, typically the alter ego fomenting and fostering brahminic ideology in exploiting religion and society for personal, political and vested interests.

The insidious prejudice practicing untouchability and outcasts until today were further promoted and institutionalized by the corrupt criminal and scandalous political class in India post-independence as they lack legitimacy in governance and usurp to power via rigged election as foreign puppets and proxy.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

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