Practicality and Quality
December 28, 2024
Padmini Arhant
Only the ignorant mind would ignore the benefactor evidenced in Natural Creations and Nature.
Whether recognized in tangible such as idol worship with ceremonial rituals or the abstract form – the formless as light, sound, resonance with Universe cosmic vibration emanating from Superconsciousness.
Accordingly, acknowledgment of the Supernatural Power, force and phenomenon – Almighty God. – Almighty – meaning all powerful and strong to the extent of indomitable is fundamental in the journey to delve into inner consciousness.
Karma and Dharma – The Soul bound by duty and principles defines personal existence. It is entirely discretionary leading to accumulating or relieving the Soul from karmic debts.
There are several options in living – self-betterment or self-detriment.
Karma guided by Dharma would relate to the former.
On the other hand, the latter is primarily pre-occupation in all things negative and counterproductive living other’s life persistently to hurt and harm them and in the process becoming a casualty in the self-inflicted unnecessary vain obsession.
1. God helps those who help themselves.
God’s creation – Human for example possess physical body with energy, mind with intelligence and heart with emotions are at the basic provided to all regardless of human manufactured race, religion, gender, socioeconomic inequality since time immemorial.
More so in the twenty first century with politics engendered divisiveness and polarization for personal and political interests besides Gene Superiority syndrome exploiting the status quo.
The car equipped with key components such as an engine, accelerator or gas pedal, break pedal with hand and foot breaks, the fuel tank with fuel i.e. energy in physical body, the gears whether automatic or manual transmission cannot operate until the car is driven however by whatever mechanism.
Similarly, the human life empowered with physical body, mind, spirit, and heart is provided to all barring impairments and disabilities in the course of birth and in living.
It is incumbent upon those to utilize these fundamentals to get anywhere in life.
God’s creation enable survival and even thriving functionality. It is dependent on the individual to utilize and enhance towards personal achievements in life.
Anything whatever it might be with self-initiative, hard labor and strong will, the output would reflect the quality and quantity of input in any endeavor.
The prevalent norm to scapegoat anyone not even sparing God blaming for one’s or collective failure except them further expose their deficiency in meeting the elements of success. Such reaction exemplify the inevitable i.e. them unqualified by default.
That’s why God helps those who help themselves.
2. Becoming God’s tool or human resource in any endeavor.
In this instance, unless the tool used in any work, project or mission is good in quality and durability, the energy, efforts and economic investment such as finance etc. would be futile or in the least result in liability.
The common practical experience is the sharp kitchen knife slices the items efficiently compared to a blunt knife that could often cause physical injury.
Alternatively, sharpening the blunt life also requires good sharpening product that could deliver the desired outcome.
The blunt knife even after sharpening remains blunt becomes disposable to avoid injury and redundancy.
The crux of the matter lies in individual ability to optimize God given / natural basic capabilities as assets in personal improvement, inner and outer development as well as growth rather than expecting God or any other external assistance to perform the task throughout in life.
The caliber and properties of tools or resources used in anything is critical for any accomplishments.
In the absence of neither nor both would be equivalent to a fancy model car accessorized with latest technology and gizmos exhibited in the elaborately decorated showroom.
The driver clueless to operate the most sophisticated vehicle and paradoxically an experienced operative stuck with poor operational equipment in cars to airplanes and any other things conclusively are in a bind i.e. immobility in practicality.
Padmini Arhant
Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays!
December 25, 2024

Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays!
Padmini Arhant
On the joyous occasion of Christmas eve and Christmas celebration,
Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays!
Best Wishes
Padmini Arhant
India – Indus Valley Civilization to Information Era
December 15, 2024
India – Indus Valley Civilization
Information Era Somethings Never Change
Padmini Arhant
India – the divinely rich religion, once proud civilization with cultural heritage and intellectually a treasure cove attracting both good and undesirable elements from all over the world adamantly remain the self-saboteur.
India, by far remains the most invaded and colonized nation on earth until now.
How is it possible for a nation over centuries to be relentlessly invaded, colonized and enslaved by foreign rulers from the east and west?
More so relevantly, domestically by class and caste oriented society leaving a billion or more population among nearly 1.5 billion population competing with neighbor China in population race subjugated and marginalized over generations.
Indian Kingdoms and rulers with rare exceptions from ancient times until modern day policy is obsequiousness and appeasement of the brutal, ruthless, deceitful, medieval, barbaric conniving poison ivy predominantly currying favors for exclusive mutual benefit.
In the process, the tradition from the dawn of the Indus valley civilization until date – the information era is to dispense the ones from whom they harvest the most, the gift that keeps on giving at its own depletion to the point of no return as the sacrificial cow slaughtered over and over again.
The caste and class conscious society till date with the former trend deeply entrenched due to political leadership and factions rooted in fundamentalist radical ideology exploiting religion and holy scriptures for personal and vested interests primarily serving foreign agenda with domestic complicity as catalysts and enthusiastic servile toxic agents ranging from politics to media, entertainment and assortments never spare any opportunity for anything proven negative and counterproductive.
Indian so-called upper echelons ever famished for pseudo fame, fortune and power hardly shy away from opportunistic wannabe moments at their target’s expense. They indulge in narcissistic self-adulation as an entitlement.
The crooked and wicked dangling the bait glazed in publicity, false fanfare and plethora of materialistic pleasures easily trap the glory starved presumptuous wasps ever buzzing around for more ignoring the source characteristics.
Furthermore, these hungry wasps adapt to the source environment and greedily embrace the norms for swift acceptance as one among them.
India, having been colonized and enslaved since time immemorial, the unquenchable quest for constant attention in flattery and compliments is expected amongst the undeserving specific circle in Indian politics, media, entertainment and the crony contingency in society ironically from the one reviled, ridiculed and incessantly abused as their prerogative.
Interestingly, the trait shared among those in collusion besides adept at blaming their target for their downfall and failure while hogging all credit to themselves in unimaginable achievement gained from the target and the family’s phenomenal contribution catapulting them from nobody to the pinnacle of success.
Do they even care to take a moment and personally convey their gratitude directly to the contributor rather than relaying to their proxy and pawns from their inventory further highlighting their pejorative attitude and treatment?
Upon winning, they regard themselves invincible. Simultaneously, when they lose they hound their target as inexcusable and unforgivable. At this time, they are clearly mindful and aware of their target’s existence.
The same somehow is erased from their selective memory when they are drowning in their victory lap again attained not without their target’s effective meaningful timely participation.
Indian so-called elitism and pseudo superiority syndrome is the fodder for foreign decadent supremacy in black and imperialist white to utilize the ever eager sycophants so to speak Venn diagrams – the intersection of sets with exploitation of their target as the common goal.
Despite the Hindu religion emphasis on female goddesses indomitable power in all aspects of natural endowments from intellect, knowledge, creativity, music, arts to courage, valor and beauty…worshipped and emulated in the celestial world.
Unlike in the earthly atmosphere, Indian societal behavior towards woman and womanhood is stark contrast and depicted in Indian epics Ramayana and Mahabharata.
In the Hindu epics as the preview or trailer on the upcoming dark age or Kaliyug in a manner like back to the future;
The female leads – Devi Sita in Ramayana was besmirched on adultery allegations rejecting her chastity testified in her purity upon immersing in inferno (Agni Pariksha).
Her emergence alive without any trace of burns and charred appearance that would have otherwise instantaneously burned anything into ashes, the result that would have been the case had they were to follow the same order.
Nonetheless, Devi Sita’s testimony was discarded by the accusers brimming in arrogance and ignorance. It was not limited to Sita being dragged into demonstrating her chastity.
The Indian society then did not hesitate to banish Lord Ram’s consort Sita to the forest whilst she being an expectant mother.
Devi Sita in return was taken in to her Mother Earth’s (Bhooma Devi) arms never to let her daughter be ill-treated by the society dissipated into immorality as the rudimentary on moral judgment of their targeted female figure.
Were any lessons learned by the society after the gruesome treatment of Sita in Ramayana?
One would think so.
But then, it only took even drastic turn against the female lead in the subsequent Indian epic Mahabharata where the Queen Draupati was subject to attempted worst sexual assault by all those lauding themselves as kings, statesmen, the wise, noblest of the noble and those regarding themselves the most privileged amongst them.
They were all individually and collectively proven the lowest and beneath of all in overall creations when it came to their ethical propriety on justice and civil conduct.
Lord Krishna averts the treacherous disdain against Queen Draupati as a lesson to the perpetrators that sinners and malignant syndicate misusing status and misinterpreting authority in their indignant insolence to harm and hurt those they regard a fair target are dealt with appropriately in any given time and space by the all-knowing and all-seeing Supreme entity.
The incident marking the greatest sin did not go unpunished as every one of them complicit and complacent in the atrocity paid the price in accordance with their karmic debts in that particular lifetime.
Any progress in modern India?
Unfortunately, the women’s plight especially those not belonging or subscribing to ritualistic subversion, distortion, manipulation and assortment contradictions maintained and practiced by those exerting dominance in societal custom and evolutions not for the better in fact precipitous decline with politics and socio economic standards in society playing pivotal role in exacerbating the status quo experience their life ever controlled, defined and determined as to;
Who they are or aren’t?
Who they should be or should not be?
Why they should be indefinitely targeted ad hominem?
Meanwhile, all of whom willfully engaged in hideous wasteful life reaping cornucopia of unfathomable prosperity, fame and influence at the target’s expense without the beneficiaries risking anything in physical labor, reputation or financial hardships induced with vindictiveness and malice by them are endured by their target from whom they continue to benefit in their parasitic culture.
The Sati custom involving the compulsory immolation of only the women not men as the spouse upon her husband’s demise regardless of age might have been abolished in the distant period.
However, it has been replaced with dowry deaths where women doused in fire for material demands from the in-laws and her husband not completely eliminated in society with human greed in self-promotion institutionalized as birth right at other’s sacrifice and perpetual enslavement alongside crying foul on slavery.
Who is anyone to demand or seek anything from the one whom they envy and despise ad nauseam instead of any acknowledgment whatsoever of the one they rake their prolonged fortune and unworthy power as well as accolades?
Here is the paradoxical opportunism used by chronic abusers in their obsessive compulsive disorder i.e. OCD.
The black and brown obedience and acquiescence to white imperialistic diktat in anchored vilification, character assassination against their target is justified by them.
When it comes to gratitude and thankfulness for all positivities from the target apparently could not be attributed as such in alliance with credit where credit is due considering the direct approach for service on demand.
That too without paying a dime till date with all expenses to deliver the service to be borne by the exploited target as none are providing free service to the one demanded to be at service by conscription.
The freeloading would always be persona non grata and never entertained by the freeloaders taking other’s valuable time and life for granted.
Juxtaposed, the phenomenal gains from the target’s tireless actions and dedication has been and continue to be illicitly shared and distributed within or granted to whomever their prejudiced misogynistic character regards as the rightful recipient.
Shouldn’t both rewards and reprehensions be duly appropriated barring reservations?
When it comes to their endless hostility spewing venom and viciousness at the identified target – apparently they are fairly certain and confident of the target’s precise identity. In this routine, their rule of thumb suggesting the lack of signature of the artist De Vinci on the Mona Lisa portrait is regarded irrelevant.
On the other hand, magnanimously allocating the fruits of the target’s intense labor to proxies, pawns and puppets from own stock is declared as fair and proper citing the convoluted version of their own designated unknown contributor.
The bizarre malpractice is maneuvered in the unprecedented immoral identity misappropriation by claiming – “We don’t see De Vinci’s autograph, hence it is subject to arbitrary assignment to suit our whims and fancies.”
Needless to say, seizing other’s rights and their generated substantial output by anyone invariably is outright criminal and ever remain a curse on those availing these undue privileges and anything associated with such disapproved inheritance.
It is nothing but blatant piracy and confiscation of personal attributes with significant karmic impact which many have already encountered in this life.
Politics downfall is due to those living in denial. The denial emanates from megalomania. Their feet on the ground rather than surf board trying to surf on the gravel path representing their mind and inner self guaranteed to make them trip and fall flat on their face. The situation confronting them right now to accompany them upon imminent deceased state.
Never to forget is who directly approached whom since 2008 and even in 2024?
Who came forward in 2016 when Donald J Trump Presidency was written off with Hollywood Tape release and controversial sexual statement?
In essentially resuscitating the otherwise finished chapter of Trump Presidency in 2016 for which – Never mind no expression of gratitude.
However, Barack Obama in particular together with Hillary Clinton hold enormous contempt as Barry Soetoro does in 2024 with the most shameless vitriolic attacks and harassment to no limit.
STOP, CEASE and DESIST ONCE AND FOR ALL – the abhorrent abominable Supremacist fascism taking my life and identity as your armament. You cannot shield your embarrassing legacy with it and contrarily only expose as to who is who in the desperate wannabe delirium.
Those treading on this trail only find themselves in the delusion vortex and naturally succumb to own folly and gross violation of my individual right.
You have any issues regarding the turn of events – take it to Almighty God not your provocative supremacists and parasitic imperialist clique whose own combined presence is an eternal burden and liability fleecing of the so-called commoners and living life exemplifying own self–worthlessness.
A reminder to those wasting their life in living my life as their given right.
I did not come into this world at any of their behest that I would exit or disappear at their beckoning.
It is important to realize the dalliance with devil as those minding and controlling other’s life impulsively engage, their destination is that of peril not a paradise.
The blessing of the Soul or the lack thereof is determined by KARMA and precisely on Judgment Day.
Upon respective departure, I leave with my KARMA and they do with theirs in the decisive incontrovertible cosmic ordinance presided by the Universal Galactic Celestial Force.
Welcome to the reality and true reflection of those unwilling to recognize their original self and own image.
Padmini Arhant
Unburdened By What Has Been?
September 22, 2024
Unburdened By What Has Been?
Padmini Arhant
What does this mean ask curious minds in the society?
The question is legitimate without any doubt considering it is a reflex regurgitation by the current VP and unelected democrat Presidential nominee Kamala Harris during campaign rallies and cozy interviews with selective media and the so-called media celebrity.
The latter in particular notwithstanding burdened with own far too many controversial scams in the island of Maui, Hawaii and alleged sex trafficking involving young black South African female teenage school students in the far away South Africa.
Besides, intimacy with members indicted on sexual crimes viz. Harvey Weinstein in Hollywood brought to spotlight amid leading the #Me Too Movement.
Unburdened by what has been – being relieved from own past. It could not be anything pleasant and positive. Such experience in life are cherished lifelong and not desired to be erased in living memory.
The name Kamala plagiarized from my introduction and meaning of my name Padmini – another name of Goddess Lakshmi seated on the sacred lotus flower profoundly significant in Hinduism and Buddhism.
Unlike my personal identity i.e. both Indian parents and ancestry with roots in the Southern state of India, Tamil Nadu.
The individual Kamala Harris with semi Indian origin sharing the other half with father of Caribbean descent related to African lineage is paradoxical to my personal identity in every respect.
The VP Kamala Harris is hired to portray herself as me. However, with a twist in the script as someone inarticulate, incoherent, and all things related to ineligibility to perform any task in the prejudiced, misogynist eyes and minds of presumptuous wicked crooked politics ever engaged in misappropriation and mischaracterization of me as their prerogative.
The deplorable politics exposing them in direct contradiction having exploited my kindness and intellect with the plea like the one below is nothing new.
Such characteristics could only be defined as either an unashamedly pathological liar(s) or an uncouth ungrateful brute alternatively both evident in relentless perversions. Then crossing the line to make other’s life difficult and in return accumulating unbearable burden.
Kamala Harris’ mother touted a brahmin – the caste hierarchy adapting Supremacy syndrome in Indian society.
Yet the VP Kamala at her guide and recruiter Barack Obama’s behest claim to be the so-called underdog in the political game. The strategy to diminish status is linked to con the gullible audience for their sympathy.
Meanwhile, other than the slimy politics’ and diverse cohorts’ branding of me as artificial intelligence, their favorite in disparagement to satisfy sadistic self-consolation.
Unbeknown to me, I have been designated an outcast aka Dalit – the demography treated as untouchables or the lowest caste in Indian society even today.
Those flaunting superficial status as the so-called upper class, superior caste, stardom, power, fame and fortune seeking to be me, someone whom they regard beneath them in everything is the glaring irony.
Kamala – Indian name. Mother brahmin caste from South India.
Kamala Harris Father – Caribbean native and African lineage in semblance with Barry Soetoro aka the former President Barack Hussein Obama with father from Africa’s Kenya.
Kamala Harris stated to have sibling – her sister Maya Harris.
Barack Obama also claim to have other than half-brothers in Kenya, one sibling in the U.S. – the sister with the name Maya as Kamala’s sister.
The father’s absence and lack of contribution in the former President’s childhood into adulthood is verifiably prominent.
Accordingly, the script handed to Kamala Harris in the recent Presidential debate was having brought up by single mother without any mention of her father even though the current VP’s father mentioned to be well and alive till date apparently from an academic background. Yet no mention of father sharing any financial or parental responsibility per Kamala’s version in the debate.
The former President Barack Obama having already established half of connection with pseudo character Kamala Harris on the paternal parent version together with one sibling having the same name.
Now to make the enactment more dynamic, the ex-President Barack Obama and those behind the eclectic charade to con and fool the world induce another character with half Indian origin identity and Indian name Tulsi – one of several names of Indian female deity in Hindu religion.
Tulsi Gabbard – presented as the former Congress woman from the democrat party supposedly left the party albeit for audience regarded “believe anything from politics” in the social media and regularly hosted by mainstream media in collusion with incognito and overt politics.
Tulsi Gabbard has something to offer to the character molding of Barack Obama.
It is not only the political party i.e. the democrat party that Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard is very much associated with up until now behind the scenes and upfront in delivery of the script performed for the democrat party viz. Barack Obama’s playbook.
Tulsi Gabbard commonality with Barack Obama is the Aloha State of Hawaii. Barack Obama makes connection with Tulsi in state domain.
Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton never accepted the turn of events in 2016 – the Republican candidate Donald Trump winning the election.
The interjection of Kamala Harris and Tulsi Gabbard from the same democrat political party bearing Indian name with both women candidates having 50% Indian genealogy and the one with African parent i.e. Kamala and the other from the State of Hawaii viz. Tulsi makes Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama’s profile in own perception complete to conform with contemporary divine mission knowing it could not be done without Indian concoction in the cocktail.
Although the divine mission or the cosmic ordained activities are not partially in fact comprehensively related to spiritual force commandment. The event could neither be manipulated nor adulterated to suit the whims and fancies of the capricious autocracy.
Simultaneously, the former President Barack Obama setting up the quad aka the squad in the House of Congress with members like AOC of latino origin, Ilhan Omar of Islamic faith as the native of Somalia, East Africa who in turn presented as having wedded own brother ignorantly provoking that as Hindu religion culture implying Lord Krishna purported wedlock with own sibling – the bizarre nonsensical dissemination ever in modern age.
The other member being Rashida Tlaib from the state of Michigan…are designated by Barack Obama as the so-called progressives demonstrably aimed at the deliberate sabotage of the real meaning and purpose of progressiveness displaced with radical neoliberalism to the farthest extreme.
Anything not original and authentic is bound to be messed up lacking in blue print and clueless to begin with. As a result misinterpret the mirage as an oasis in the barren desert.
Kamala, Tulsi, AOC, Ilhan, Rashida and alike are performers for political establishment ultimately paid for by taxpayers in the economy. Additionally, recruiting women to caricature their prime target / woman is neither pretty nor masculine.💪
Kamala Harris is not running for Kamala Harris. She is the proxy to Barack Obama’s illegitimate fourth term in office.
All the more reason to ban biological male playing women sports vying for undue and undeserving advantage.
Unburdened by what has been aptly fit those running away from selves seizing other’s rights, positive profile and identity to unburden lifetime burden in the Machiavellian end justifying the means.
They serve none not even them with nothing except debt burden in bad deeds that cannot be unburdened at any time in life. Instead it is the only thing that accompany them when they leave the world.
Unburdened by what has been is false assumption lacking in logical reasoning.
Padmini Arhant
God Shiva – The Supreme Light
August 24, 2023
God Shiva
The Supreme Light
Padmini Arhant
The color of God Shiva as seen in this image is actually white (not the human race skin color pink white etc.), in fact ash white. When life matter, tangible and other materials expire and ultimately burned, it turns into ash. The fine ash in its refined state is white color.
In Hindu religion, the devotees of God Shiva regardless of gender apply the white ash known as vibuthi in Tamil and Tilak in Hindi on their forehead at the temple and home in the Supreme force’s reverence.
God Shiva representing the Trinity as the creator, protector and destroyer of all things obstructive and counterproductive for a new beginning adorns the ash in symbolic and physical significance of life emanating from the particle of matter and its dissolution to dust.
God Shiva – the Supreme force and entity is the bright white light that dispel darkness. The illumination from the light leading to salvation and enlightenment is the ultimate Soul liberation.
On a personal note – the metal idol of God Shiva featured in the images held personally is misconstrued as black when in reality is oxidation of the original ash white metal.
The white metal exposed to oxygen and the atmospheric moisture i.e. the electrolyte oxidize the original metallic state darkening the outer surface. The solid metal original color is not black.
The clarification is provided to defuse misappropriation of the item like everything else associated with me and my individual artifacts.
Padmini Arhant
Indian Casteism Origin Grand Finale
October 23, 2022
Indian Casteism Origin Grand Finale
Padmini Arhant
Understandably the topics presented here are rather indigestible for those in particular the offenders, abusers, wannabes, opportunists and exploiters unable to stomach truth, facts and reality.Needless to say the mirror reflection of them is too embarrassing to glance leading to insolence and venom spewing in response.
In God’s created world, any individual from anywhere possess the inalienable right to express thoughts and discuss matter in their own domain. Any objection from those habitual of exerting dominance on anyone as prerogative and entitlement are required to accept others rights equally important as theirs in the changing world. Even otherwise, the truthful information and questions will continue regardless.
On the topic of Indian casteism origin, the brahmin priest interpretation on sanatana hinduism is eternity. Furthermore, the emphasis on Soul using the body as vehicle in each life cycle unravels illegitimacy on ancestral lineage even in the present lifetime.
Soul or the spec of light within every living being subject to cyclical birth and death based on karma essentially assumes numerous variations that are not necessarily human form. Again human form not always guaranteed in the karmic related life.
That being the case, the paternal lineage with sage and saints going back thousands of years as exclusively brahmins’ ancestors is voided in Soul’s rebirth representing past, present and future life.
For example, the grandfather of person A in A’s lifetime after the former demise could be anything in next life depending on his karma. At the same time A’s grandfather might have been anything or anyone from a different race, religion etc. assuming the grandfather was a human in his past life.
What does this mean in terms of family tree?
The present life provides information about ancestry in that particular lifetime. The ancestry known in the current life is also forgotten upon death. None remember their previous life ancestry or physical form and whereabouts for they are erased from memory upon death each time.
The deceased in this instance might return to earth in a different form other than human or born into a completely different family in a different place. Alternatively in rare occasions born into the same family or distant relatives as grandson or great granddaughter to himself or herself. Here the Soul upon retuning to the same lineage as past life would be an ancestor and progeny in this particular lifetime.
A duck sitting in the midstream lake could have been someone’s father, mother, husband, wife, son, daughter, brother, sister, son-in-law or daughter-in law or even boss…in that duck’s past life or even earlier.
As strange it is, the birth and death cycle in perpetuity for a Soul bound by karmic effects is exhausting and that’s the reason the liberation of Soul from eternal suffering is aimed by an ascetic or the one seeking self-realization as;
I am that or naan param porul in Tamil and Aham Brahmasmi in Sanskrit,
I’m that
நான் பரம் பொருள் – Tamil
अहम् ब्रह्मास्मि । Sanskrit
I’m that is philosophical that requires deep understanding. The immediate misconception here is to claim oneself God which unfortunately is trending more than ever in the present time.
‘That’ is a reference to the Supreme Soul represented as the spec of light to dispel darkness.
The light is knowledge and darkness is ignorance.
Knowledge is power which again misconstrued as invincible and infallible that are not true.
Semi-baked knowledge and / or assertion on extreme possession of knowledge – either and both are hazardous to mind for the one imparting such knowledge as well as the one receiving from such being in that condition.
With proper appropriate knowledge, the Soul in human form gifted with discriminatory ability to distinguish right from wrong, good and bad deeds, virtues and sins has the power to eliminate ignorance.
The human struggles with hatred, prejudice, envy, greed, anger, violence and all form of negativities are the result of ignorance.
The ignorant mind is the worst enemy to an individual at anytime in life.
Once ignorance is resolved, there is clarity which brings about necessary adjustments in thoughts, rationale and expression in human behavior.
The Soul attaining wisdom to recognize the light within that removes darkness achieves the status of union with Supreme Soul which is perceived as God.
As for life incarnations in endless birth and death episodes – they are due to karmic debts accumulated each life time.
Karmic debts are rather serious and inescapable in synchrony with science on actions or inaction with consequences that are inevitable.
For instance – Illegal income from any source is illicit wealth that imprison such wealthy with greed, guilt and grief in the form of fear. Similarly sins committed without any care or regard for ethics strangle the Soul thereafter.
Inaction example – being a mere spectator when there is fire instead of putting it out obviously detrimental.
Likewise not attempting to salvage one’s soul from the burden of sins is a missed opportunity and eventual entrapment in the indefinite life death cycle.
Karmic debts are directly associated with one’s actions towards another however and whatever engagement. The deliberate indulgence to hurt harm and inflict mental, physical and emotional injury has severe repercussions that chase the doer over many lives until repentance with sincere apology accompanied by reversal in deed to the affected soul is settled in the same lifetime.
In hinduism as understood by majority as such, the protector of life or the savior Lord Vishnu’s avatars or incarnations in different period on earth and the other world was to depict the reality of life after death undergoing many diverse transformations to explain life evolution.
In Christianity, Lord Jesus resurrection to life following crucifixion i.e. death is commonly understood as divine connotation to Jesus life.
Nonetheless, additionally the important message in Lord Jesus return to life upon death was to convey life after death and yet another chance to the Soul to redeem sins and become a free spirit – liberty from the bondage of life and death.
In Islam, the fear of judgment from almighty god is a reminder for the Soul to avail the moment in the present lifetime and avert actions or involvement contributing pain and sorrows for the Soul.
In Judaism, the forgiveness sought from the Supreme force for actions in a lifetime emanates from Soul’s unknown destination upon death.
Why seek forgiveness or redemption in the concept of one life and nothing thereafter?
Why even fear death and pursue ways and means to extend lifespan?
Soul is bound by one’s actions in becoming free from repeat experience through life and death or remain confined to indefinite uncertainty in life transitions.
Buddhism, Lord Gautam Buddha has abundantly exemplified via Nirvana – the Soul enlightenment and emancipation from transitory pleasantness and painful situations.
Life after death has been clarified in many religions in different ways with the confluence on redemption via recognition, realization, responsibility, remorse and reform in self-initiated atonement.
Manu smriti or Manu Dharma is a text comprising rule of law introduced and executed by Manu regarded by the followers of Manu Dharma or Sastra viz. guidance and principles as the first ruler of law once again citing Vedas as the source akin to discriminatory caste system falsely attributed to Lord Krishna.
It is critical to understand the distinction between Veda and Siddha.
Veda is verbatim anything delivered in words which is hear say alluding to skepticism and speculations on the veracity and credibility of the content.
Siddha on the other hand is practicality. Siddh means to demonstrate in action and actions always matter more than words.
Manu Smriti or Manu dharma / sastra is entirely based on insular perspective about humans in terms of gender, creed, class and caste orientation.
Manava-dharma-shastra. The received text dates from circa 100 ce.
The 2000 years old text followed until the twenty first century speak volume on the social progress or the lack thereof.
What manu smriti / manava (human) so-called dharmasastra (principles and rule of law) propose?
Regarding women:
“The Manusmriti limits women’s goals in life when it states: ‘women are made for bearing children. ‘ Having children is not a choice but a duty for women. Since lineage and generation are continued only through children, women are forced to bear children even if they are not ready for it.
The Manusmriti lays down the law that a woman who makes love to a man of a higher caste incurs no punishment; a woman who makes love to a man of a “lower” caste than hers must be isolated and kept in confinement. If a man from a subordinate caste makes love to a woman of the highest caste, he must be put to death.“
On the caste system.
The Lord Brahma as the creator among trinity is used for illustration in the anatomical designation of the caste structure.
The manu dharma practitioners assessment of Hindu caste system assignment is enunciated below.
Courtesy – public image
According to manu-dharma-sastra
Brahmins apparently originated from Lord Brahma’s head.
Kshatriya (warriors) – From arms of the creator.
Vaishyas (Traders and entrepreneurs) – Pelvis
Sudras including the so-called untouchables aka Dalits – the feet of the Lord Brahma.
The interesting aspect is the head of the Lord Brahma assigned to brahmins in the caste structure has one too many intrinsic hygiene issues in physical health stance and ethical problem on morality.
The wholesome head comprising the skull with the scalp and hair is susceptible to commonly known dandruff and lice.
The ears with ear wax. The nose with mucous and boogers, eyes with salty tears from tear ducts and mouth not only produce various mouth and dental ailments, the critical of all is lies coming from the mouth is the ultimate foundation of human character.
The head and the torso are supported by the lower part of the physical anatomy with the entire body mobility enabled by the feet at the bottom.
Is it possible for a head to travel around without the rest of the physical body structure and relevantly feet whether natural or prosthetic?
Indian culture nationwide has social greetings and blessings from parents, grandparents and elders in family, relatives and family friends by touching the feet as mark of respect. It is not done by touching the head.
Any wrongdoing by anyone anywhere in any culture and society makes the person kneel and reach for the feet of the potential forgiver for his or her forgiveness. Again prostration is done at the feet and not above.
When requesting pardon the person bows his or her head at the feet of the one from whom the pardon is requested in human mannerism.
Contrarily, often head is wounded in minor and major physical assault and in accidents causing trauma and bruise.
As for the significance of feet in hinduism or saivam, vainavam, saktam etc. i.e. followers of God Shiva, Lord Vishnu or Sakti / Shakti in Goddess Durga respectively,
The worshippers and devotees only touch the feet of deities, idols and images and pay reverence to the feet of God and never reach out for the head of the deity or statue in temples and holy shrines in hindu or sanatana or Shiva, Vishnu or Shakti worship tradition.
In the epic Ramayana, Lord Ram’s younger brother Bharat worshipped Lord Ram’s foot wear in reverence to the Lord’s feet and did not use Lord Ram’s head gear or crown to show respect and affection for his brother.
Last but not the least – Lord Vishnu’s consort Goddess Lakshmi is ever seated at the Lord’s feet in absolute devotion, love and respect for her spouse and the protector of the universe.
Pictures are worth thousand words.
Lord Balaji aka Lord Sri Venkateshwar – Lord Vishnu’s feet worship
Soul is light that dispels darkness. Light is knowledge with darkness being ignorance.
The purpose in life is to overcome ignorance with better understanding and application of appropriate knowledge.
Signing off for now.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Disinformation about woman and Buddhism
October 21, 2022
Disinformation about woman
Padmini Arhant
In the present era of disinformation and misogyny, the propaganda on Buddhism aversion for women is gross exaggeration and falsehood.
Lord Gautam Buddha preaching love and respect for all beings never appropriated misogyny and defamation of womanhood practiced today as culture.
The ordinary woman who led Prince Siddartha towards enlightenment with basic knowledge on survival, thereafter the Prince Siddartha attaining jnana (wisdom on liberating Soul) and becoming Buddha was Sujata. She was a farmer’s wife. The compassionate woman offered rice pudding made with cow’s milk to then Prince Siddarth meditating under the tree.
The Prince Siddarth having renounced his Royal life, worldly desires and material bonding was fasting and decided to relinquish food as well.
That’s when the farmer’s wife Sujata not knowing about the stranger as Prince Siddarth having become a hermit approached and offered him rice pudding in kindness. When the hermit declined food stating that he has relinquished food along with other aspects in life, the ordinary woman gently asked the hermit how could he possibly prevail in his spiritual journey without body nourishment?
Sujata further said that Soul searching also require physical strength and stamina. The natural hunger and thirst all living beings including plants and animals experience cannot be endured for too long which could then in his situation might be an obstacle in achieving the goal of nirvana – liberation of soul from cyclical birth and death.
Gautam Buddha realized the truth and wisdom in the ordinary woman’s simple words and ended his fasting. That’s when the tradition of buddhist monks seeking food for survival began as opposed to starvation until spiritual fulfillment.
Likewise in Islamic faith, the wise successful female entrepreneur Khadijah, the wife of the prophet Muhammad (may peace be upon him MPBUH) and first follower of Islam contributed towards the religion origin by being the perfect spouse and source of inspiration to the prophet.
The birth of christianity again not possible without the jewish woman named Mary subject to indignation on conception questioned till date laden with sarcasm on immaculate conception prior to her wedding with human partner Joseph.
Mary had to bear immense insult from her community upon conception of baby Jesus necessitating the birth of a child in a stable. It did not end there for Mary. She was forced to witness the gruesome crucifixion of her son Jesus by the same community over religious disagreement.
Mary Magdalene on her part, the true follower of Lord Jesus, the first one to whom the Lord revealed the truth upon resurrection to life following crucifixion.
Mary Magdalene in today’s misogynist interpretation is a woman of no chastity and honor. Ironically she is being projected as such by those to whom morality and dignity are oxymoron.
What these hate mongers and human defamers critiquing one’s chasteness, virtue, appearance and intellect…do not realize is such indulgence only unveil and expose their mind set, ignorance and insecurity.
Behind a successful man is a successful woman cannot be denied since time immemorial. In contrast, the contemporary hatred and prejudice against women is proudly upheld like never before through objectification and exploitation by presumptuous so-called elitism premised on narcissism.
Intelligence is not the patent right for any individual, gender, race, religion, creed, caste and class as misconceived in present society.
All living beings are created with intelligence for survival and success in life. It entirely depends on the individual’s efforts, determination and opportunity or the lack thereof to utilize that intelligence.
Buddhism mistreatment of women is yet another concoction of fake information similar to indoctrination on Lord Krishna allegedly establishing the discriminatory human created caste system in accordance with controversial and primitive manu dharma in Indian society.
None possess the right to impose validation and misappropriation of another practiced in the present so-called modern age.
Deployment of women targeting woman is in vogue much to sponsors and participants’ illegitimacy and indecency.
The promotion of wannabes and opportunists in Indian society and wherever applicable for that matter is the deterioration of ethics and depletion of human value.
The decadent Indian cinema in particular as the coolies (porter) of Indian and foreign political diktat trash desperately engaged in this trend for undeserving fame and fortune is a stigma for arts and civilization.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
March 28, 2022
Padmini Arhant
The Blessed Soul – The free spirit not shackled in ignorance, prejudice or slavery.
The Blessed Souls – Buddhist Baby Monk. The Blessed Pious Humble Souls. The Blessed in Bliss
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Critical Race Theory (CRT)
Spiritualism – மஹாசிவராத்ரி, महाशिवरात्रि, MahaShivratri 2020
February 21, 2020
Spiritualism – மஹாசிவராத்ரி, महाशिवरात्रि, MahaShivratri 2020
Padmini Arhant
பத்மினி அர்ஹந்த்
மஹாசிவராத்ரி சுபதினத்தையொற்றி சகல சிவ பக்தர்களுக்கும் மற்றும் சிவ அடியார்களுக்கும் என் மனமார்ந்த நல் வாழ்த்துக்கள் !
ஓம் நம சிவாய. ஓம் நம சிவாய. ஓம் நம சிவாய. சிவாய நம ஓம்.
பத்மினி அர்ஹந்த்
पद्मिनी अरहंत
महाशिवरात्रि के शुभ अवसर पर सभी शिव गन और भक्तों को मेरी हार्दिक शुभकामनाएँ |
हर हर महादेव | जय शिव शम्बो | जय शिव शंकर
ॐ नम: शिवाय | ॐ नम: शिवाय | ॐ नम: शिवाय | शिवाय नम: ॐ |
पद्मिनी अरहंत
Greetings and best wishes to devotees and followers of God Shiva on the auspicious occasion of MahaShivratri!
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Spiritual Journey – My Holy Pilgrimage to Mt.Kailash and Lake Manasarovar
September 26, 2019
Spiritual Journey – My Holy Pilgrimage to Mt.Kailash and Lake Manasarovar
Padmini Arhant
Padmini Arhant on Parikrama or Circumambulation of Mt. Kailash
Padmini Arhant interaction with God Shiva during Parikrama of Mt.Kailash
Holy Union with my beloved God Shiva in his heavenly abode Mt.Kailash and a Holy Purification in Sacred Lake Manasarovar fulfilled my life time spiritual aspiration.
My spiritual journey to Mt.Kailash involving circumambulation of Mt.Kailash entirely by foot for three days without hiring any pony or helicopter ride provided me unique opportunity to demonstrate will power and Spiritual commitment.
The trek popularly referred to as Parikrama in Hindu Religion and KORA in Buddhism.
Mt.Kailash situated more than 5900 meters or nearly 20,000 feet above sea level.
Mt.Kailash and Lake Manasarovar pilgrimage is indeed the toughest spiritual pilgrimage in the world.
I remain ever grateful to the one and only God Shiva for his grace and blessings showered during this magnificent pilgrimage with perfect weather critical for trekking the treacherous and tortuous terrains of the Himalayas, the majestic Mt.Everest on the way to Mt.Kailash is a feast to pilgrims and trek enthusiasts on expeditions.
The highlights and interesting experience to beautiful Mt.Kailash and Lake Manasarovar -the true paradise on earth will feature shortly on this site.
Thank you Amazing Almighty God Shiva for everything!
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter