Separation of Church and State

October 12, 2008

This is a hot button topic leading to the polarization of views.

Not long ago, the former Speaker of the House, Hon. Newt Gingrich approached me for my viewpoint and support on the above topic.

The original transcript from the former Speaker of the House —

To: Padmini Arhant

Hon. Newt Gingrich
Speaker of the House (1995-1999)

Dear Friend,

I’m sending you this invitation today because I’ve been told that you are an American who agrees
with me that God should not be driven from the public square.

The Founding Fathers wanted it that way, too.

Yet for the last 50 years, ACLU lawyers and left-wing judges have been outlawing God in our

They insist that “separation of church and state” means that “under God” must be removed from
the Pledge of Allegiance… “In God We Trust” taken off U.S. currency… and all references to God erased from American history textbooks.

Any they’ll get away with this scheme unless people of faith like you and me stop them.

That’s why I need your help to make a vital documentary film called Rediscovering God in America.

This full-length film takes you on a walking tour through our Nation’s Capital — where evidence of God’s role in America’s history can be found on nearly every monument, memorial, and building.

In a moment I will tell you how you can receive a FREE copy of Rediscovering God in America.

But first, let me quickly explain why it’s so crucial that you and I get this movie made, into theaters, and into the hands of citizens across the country.

Over the last 50 years, radical secularist judges have slowly and steadily outlawed references to
God, religious symbols, and public prayer.

For instance, public prayer at high school graduations is no longer allowed.

And the Ten Commandments can’t be displayed in a public school.

These radical secularists don’t want our children to know that the Founding Fathers built this nation on a faith in God.

Worst of all, they’ve just about convinced an entire generation of Americans that even mentioning
God in public is against the law.

But they’ve got it backwards.

The U.S. Constitution guarantees our right to worship God at home… at work… and even at school.

It’s exactly what our Founding Fathers intended.

In fact, Benjamin Franklin proposed that the Constitutional Convention of 1787 begin each day with
a prayer.

George Washington hoped that all nations would “acknowledge the providence of Almighty God and
obey His will.”

And Thomas Jefferson himself warned the new United States to never forget that their “liberties are
the gift of God.”

These words of our Founding Fathers are a testimony to the role of God in America’s history.

But even more evidence can be found on the buildings right here in our Nation’s Capital.

Did you know that “Praise be to God” is inscribed in the capstone of the Washington Monument?

Or that “In God We Trust” is written over the southern entrance of the U.S. Capitol?

Or that an image of the Ten Commandments is engraved in bronze on the floor of the National Archives, where the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution are displayed?

It’s true. But the ACLU doesn’t want you to know.

They don’t want Americans to see just how much evidence of God’s role in our history is written
in stone here in the buildings of our Nation’s Capital.

When I was Speaker of the House, I saw these monuments and memorials every day on the way
to my office.

But not every American can make a trip to Washington to see these truths for themselves.

Meanwhile, atheists like Michael Newdow — who filed the lawsuit to strip “under God” from the
Pledge of Allegiance — are winning battles in court rooms across the nation.

Clearly, more Americans need to know what’s at stake here.

We can either sit back and let Michael Newdow and the radical secularists remove God from the
public square.

Or we can get Rediscovering God in America into the hands of citizens across the country and prove
once and for all that our Founding Fathers intended for God to be the backbone of our nation.

This documentary is our best defense against the attacks on God in our culture.

But I don’t have the financial resources myself to make such an important film.

And you can bet that liberal Hollywood doesn’t want anything to do with a movie that pays
tribute to God’s role in America’s history.

That’s why I’ve teamed up with the patriots at Citizens United Foundation (CUF) to produce
Rediscovering God in America and get it distributed across the nation.

Now we need your help to get this movie made and ensure that millions of Americans see it.

Only then will we expose and stop the radical secularists’ scheme to erase God from our history.

Will you make your very best contribution to Citizens United Foundation today to support this
vital movie?

We simply can’t do it without you.

Consider the fact that 91% of Americans think that the words “under God” should stay in the
Pledge of Allegiance.

Unfortunately, not enough of those 91% are doing anything to protect the Pledge.

Meanwhile, atheist Michael Newdow is working on more lawsuits, including one to erase “In God We
Trust” from U.S. currency.

I can’t sit idly by and let Michael Newdow, the ACLU, and liberal judges outlaw God from our nation.

And from what I’ve been told, you care too much about America to let this happen either.

That’s why I’m hoping you will make the most generous gift you can to Citizens United Foundation
today for their Rediscovering God in America movie campaign.

If you’ve heard of Citizens United Foundation, then you know this patriotic group has made many
other important documentaries, including:

** Border War — which exposed the war raging on our nation’s border as illegal immigrants and drug
smugglers swarm unchecked into America.

** ACLU: At War with America — an eye-opening look at the ACLU’s war on religion, patriotism, and
old-fashioned family values.

** And Broken Promises — which chronicles how the U.S. has been forced to finance 60 years
of scandal, waste and greed in the United Nations.

Now will you help me and Citizens United Foundation keep God in the public square — where the
Founding Fathers clearly wanted Him — by sending an urgent gift today to help produce and
distribute Rediscovering God in America?

CUF can’t get this important movie out without the help of you and other patriotic Americans.

I’m specifically asking you for a gift of $35, $50, $75, $100, $250, $500, or even $1,000.

If you can give as much as $35, you will receive a copy of Rediscovering God in America in DVD
format free for you and your family.

Not only will you enjoy this walking tour of our Nation’s Capital (hosted by me and my wife, Callista),
it will give you a chance to share the truth about God’s role in America with your children and

Citizens United Foundation is run by my good friend David Bossie, who I’m proud to say is making
documentaries that the Hollywood elites refuse to.

Citizens United Foundation is funded wholly by American patriots like you and me. They don’t receive
one dime of federal funding.

Are you willing to give at least $25 or $35 to help make this important film — before the liberals erase
God completely from our public square?

You can understand why I am so committed to getting this movie made and into the hands of folks
across the country.

So won’t you please accept my invitation to be a part of this special movie — and refute the liberals?

I need to know right away. Production is already underway and we need to know if we have the
budget necessary to finish.

I’ll be watching for your reply in the next few days.l

Thank you for helping keep America a nation under God!

Your friend,

Newt Gingrich
Speaker of the House

P.S. Remember, if you can send a generous gift of at least $35, you’ll receive your very own copy of
Rediscovering God in America in DVD format.

And the next time someone tells you that God doesn’t belong in the public square, you can show them
a copy of this movie and proudly say, “Yes He does! ”

Thank you again for your prompt reply and for sending whatever amount you can today.


My response to the above request.

Hon. Newt Gingrich
Speaker of the House
Citizens United Foundation
P.O. Box 96408
Washington, DC 20090-6408

Dear Mr. Speaker,

Subject: “Separation of Church and State”

It is an honor to receive your invitation to discuss on the above subject.

There are different views and claims regarding the “Separation of Church and State”.

I think the diverse opinion is important to reflect “democracy.”

My understanding of “The Founding Fathers” approach to every issue in the “Constitution” is to emphasize the role of democracy then, and in the future.

Strong principles, values and ethics form the foundation of this great nation, “The United States of America.”

Having pioneered “Democracy”, the democratic values such as the “freedom of speech” is one of the fundamental rights of every citizen.

It is common for any democratic society to represent views from religious groups, atheists and agnostics alike. Therefore, it is not surprising to witness the political discourse about religion.

However, it appears that “The Founding Fathers” had a purpose behind the references to God in the Pledge of Allegiance and “In God We Trust” on U.S. currency and similar evidence in public focus.

The great minds and visionaries were thoughtful in preserving the rights of both believers and non-believers while drafting the Constitution.

The elimination of the references to God deprives the believers of the “individual right” to practice faith any time.

Thus, granting non-believers exclusive right to their belief, typically in direct contradiction to the definition of democracy in the U.S. Constitution.

The “Separation of Church and State” is vital to curb the strong imposition of religious views and traditions against others will.

Such provision, effectively protects the non-believers’ rights.

At the same time, the prohibition of the reference to God in the public square is an infringement upon individuals of faith since,

The non-believers have a choice to ignore the reference both in the Pledge of Allegiance as well as on the U.S. currency.

Choices signify core democratic value.

In this particular instance, the absence of it does not serve any logic.

Even when applying the mathematical concept to this issue, the desirable solution for value is to have a variable rather than a constant especially if the constant is “Zero” or “nothing”.

Hence, adherence to the “status quo”, provides probability and flexibility in the most sensitive matter.

In conclusion, as a secular spiritualist and a patriotic American, I support the democratic cause to protect the believers’ right of all faith and denomination.

I appreciate the opportunity to present my views in this regard.

Thank you.


Padmini Arhant

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